What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–1
The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 requires
all employers to report information about newly hired or rehired employees to a designated
state agency shortly after the date of hire. New hire reports are matched against child sup-
port records at the state and national level to locate parents who owe child support.
Under the federal law, a copy of each new hire’s W-4 form is sufcient to satisfy all re-
porting requirements. States are permitted to impose more stringent requirements and may
allow other or equivalent reporting forms, including magnetic media. Reports by magnetic
media are made by two monthly transmissions, which are not less than 12 days but no more
than 16 days apart. Employers may also be permitted to report new hire information via
fax, Internet, or e-mail (check with your state for details). States also have the option of
imposing civil monetary nes for noncompliance. The Administration for Children and
Families, which is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, summarizes
the law.
The terms “employer” and “employee” as used in state new hire reporting laws generally
have the same meaning as under the federal income tax withholding laws. In some states,
independent contractors are also required to be reported.
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
AL Employers must report each new hire, rehire, or recall within seven days of hiring.
The following information must be reported: name, address, social security number,
and date of hire of each employee and the name, address, and state and federal
identification numbers of the employer. Employers may transmit reports magnetically
or electronically twice a month, not less than 12 days nor more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Ala. Code § 25-11-5, 25-11-17.
Violations are punish-
able by an administrative
penalty of not more than
Department of Industrial
Relations New-Hire Unit
649 Monroe St., Room 3203
Montgomery, AL 36131-0378
334-353-0408 (phone)
334-242-8956 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
AK Employers must report new hires or rehires within 20 days of hire or rehire. The
following information must be reported: name, address, and social security number
of each employee and the employer’s name, address, and federal tax identification
number. If reports are made electronically or magnetically, they must be made in two
transmissions per month not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart. If not made
electronically or magnetically, then report must be made by first class mail no later
than 20 days after date of hiring, re-hiring, or return to work of the employee on an
IRS W-4 Form or an equivalent form.
n Citation: AS 25.27.075.
Employers may be as-
sessed a civil penalty
of not more than $10
for each employee not
reported or $100 if the
failure to report is a
result of a conspiracy
between the employer
and employee.
Child Support
Enforcement Agency
Department of Revenue
550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 310
Anchorage, AK 99501-6699
877-269-6685 (phone)
907-787-3197 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
AZ Employers must report new hires or rehires within 20 days of hire or rehire. The
following information must be reported: name, address, social security number, and
date of first performing services for pay of each employee and the employer’s name,
address, and federal tax identification number. The information may be submitted
magnetically, electronically, by first-class mail, fax, or any other means authorized
to the Department of Economic Security. If sent electronically or magnetically, the
employer must send transmissions twice a month, no more than 16 days apart. The
purpose of the reporting is to collect child support, prevent benefit fraud, and admin-
ister unemployment and worker compensation programs.
n Citation: A.R.S. § 23-722.01.
The law does not allow
penalties for failing to
Arizona New Hire
Reporting Center
P.O. Box 402
Holbrook, MA 02343
888-282-2064, extension 250
888-282-0502 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–2 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
AR Employers must report the names, addresses, date of hire, and social security
numbers of new hires or rehires (rehire means previously employed by the employer
but separated from the previous employment for at least 60 consecutive days)
and the employer’s name, address, and federal taxpayer identification number. The
report must be received no more than 20 days after the hire date or, in the case of
employers transmitting magnetically or electronically, by two monthly transmissions, if
necessary, not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Ark. Code Ann. § 11-10-902.
No state penalties. Arkansas New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 2540
Little Rock, AR 72203
800-259-2095 (phone)
800-259-3562 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
CA Employers are required to report the following on new hires: (1) the employee’s
name, address, and social security number; (2) the employer’s name, address, state
employer identification number, if any, and federal taxpayer identification number;
and (3) the first date the employee worked. The report must be made within 20 days
of hire or if the employer transmits its reports magnetically or electronically, by two
monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart. Effective July 1,
2016, AB 477 requires a foreign labor contractor to register with the Labor Commis-
sioner and imposes certain conditions for registration, including payment of specified
n Citation: Cal. Unemp. Ins. Code § 1088.5; AB 477 (2014).
The Employment Devel-
opment Department may
assess a fine for each
failure to timely report
the hiring of any em-
ployee unless the failure
is a result of good cause.
Employment Development
P.O. Box 997016, MIC 23
West Sacramento, CA 95799-7016
916-657-0529 (phone)
916-319-4400 (fax)
All employers. All employees
and independent
contractors who
are paid $600 or
CO Employers are required, for child support enforcement purposes, to submit a copy
of the W-4 form or, at the employer’s option, an equivalent form for each newly hired
employee to provide the following information: employee’s name, address, social
security number and the date of hire and the employer’s name, address, and federal
identification number. Reports aren’t required for employees hired for fewer than 30
days. Reports must be made within 20 calendar days after hire or at the time of the
first scheduled payroll. Reports may be transmitted by first-class mail, fax, magneti-
cally, electronically, or through the Colorado State Directory of New Hires website.
Reports submitted magnetically or electronically are to be made by two monthly
transmissions, when necessary, and in all instances, must be transmitted no more
than 20 calendar days after the date of hire or, at the election of the employer, at the
time of the first regularly scheduled payroll following the date of hire. Employer must
also make an affirmation that it has checked the legal work state of each new employ-
ee, has not altered or falsified the new employeeís identification documents, and has
not knowingly hired an unauthorized alien. The affirmation must be completed within
20 days of hiring the new employee, and the employer must keep a written or elec-
tronic copy of the affirmation during the course of employment for each employee.
n Citation: General new hire requirements: C.R.S. § 26-13-125.
Affirmation: C.R.S. § 8-2-122(2). Record retention: C.R.S. § 8-2-122(2).
No penalty for failing
to report.
Colorado State Directory of
New Hires
P.O. Box 2920
Denver, CO 80201-2920
303-297-2849 (phone
303-297-2595 (fax)
All employers. A newly hired em-
ployee is defined
as an employee
who has not
previously been
employed by the
employer or who
was previously
employed by the
employer and was
separated for at
least 60 consecu-
tive days.
n Citation: C.R.S.
§ 26-13-125(1)
CT Employers must report within 20 days after date of employment the name, address,
and social security number of each new hire and the name, address, and state and
federal tax registration or identification number of the employer. Employers reporting
magnetically or electronically must report at least twice per month by transmissions
not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Conn. Gen. Stat. § 31-254.
No penalty for failing
to report.
CT Department of Labor
Office of Research, ATTN: CT-W4
200 Folly Brook Blvd.
Wethersfield, CT 06109
800-816-1108 (fax)
All employers. All employees
and independent
contractors who
are paid $5,000
or more.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–3
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
DE All employers who are required to deduct or withhold state income taxes must report
all new hires within 20 days after the date of hire. The required reports must be made
on a W-4 form or its equivalent and must contain the new employee’s name, ad-
dress, and social security number as well as the employer’s name, address, and tax
identification number. Reports may be submitted via first-class mail or electronically
or magnetically. Employers who submit reports electronically or magnetically must
make the reports via two monthly transmissions not less than 12 and no more than
16 days apart.
n Citation: 30 Del. C. § 1156A.
Employers who fail or
refuse to report are sub-
ject to a $25 penalty for
each violation. Employ-
ers and/or employees
who conspire either not
to submit a report or to
supply a false or incom-
plete report are subject
to a $500 fine for each
Division of Child Support En-
84A Christiana Road
New Castle, DE 19720
302-577-7171 (phone)
302-395-6729 (fax)
Only those
employers who
are required
to deduct and
withhold taxes
under Chapter 11
are required to
comply. Withhold-
ing obligations
are addressed
under 30 Del. C.
All employees.
DC Within 20 days of the date an employee begins employment in D.C. or is rehired,
employers must provide the following information to the D.C. Director of New Hires:
name, address, social security number, name of employer, address of employer, em-
ployer ID number, and date of hire of the employee (defined as the first day on which
the employee performs services for compensation). Additional information, including
whether medical insurance coverage is available, date of birth of the employee, and
compensation is optional. The Code calls for the employer to be punished each
calendar month until the employer complies.
n Citation: D.C. Code § 46-226.06.
Employers are subject to
civil penalties of $25 per
employee the employer
has failed to report or
$500 for each employee
if the failure to comply is
a conspiracy between
the employer and em-
District of Columbia New Hire
P.O. Box 366
Holbrook, MA 02343
877-846-9523 (phone)
877-892-6388 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
FL Covered employers are to report the name, address, social security number, and date
of hire of new hires and the employer’s name, address, and unemployment compen-
sation identification number within 20 days of hire or if reporting electronically by two
monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: FSA § 409.2576.
The penalties for
violations are $25 per
incident/employee. If
a pattern of violations
emerges, employers
can be fined $500 per
Florida New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 6500
Tallahassee, FL 33214-6500
888-854-4791 (phone)
888-854-4762 (fax)
Employers as
defined under
§ 3401(d) of
the Internal
Revenue Code
of 1980 — broad
enough to cover
all employers (any
person for whom
an individual
performs services
as an employee
unless the indi-
vidual receiving
the services does
not have control
over the payment
of wages for
those services).
All employees.
Revised 0215
29–4 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
GA Employers must report the names, addresses, social security numbers, and dates
of birth of new hires or rehires and the employer’s name, address, and employment
security number or unified business identifier within 10 days.
n Citation: O.C.G.A. § 19-11-9.2.
Employers failing to
report are given a written
GA New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 90728
East Point, GA 30364-0728
888-541-0469 (phone)
888-541-0521 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
HI Employers must report new hires’ names, addresses, social security numbers, and
the date services for renumeration were first performed, as well as the employer’s
name, address, and federal identification number, within 20 days of hiring. But em-
ployers reporting magnetically or electronically must make reports twice monthly not
less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: HRS § 576D-16.
Employers failing to re-
port are subject to a civil
penalty of $25 or, if the
failure is the result of a
conspiracy between the
employee and employer,
the penalty is a $500
Child Support Enforcement
Kakuhihewa Building
601 Kamokila Blvd., Ste. 251
Kapolei, HI 96707
808-692-7029 (phone)
808-692-7001 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
ID Employers must report new hires’ or rehires’ names, addresses, social security num-
bers, and dates of hire or rehire as well as the employer’s name, address, the federal
identification number, and the Idaho unemployment insurance account number, if
any. The information must be reported within 20 days of the date of hire. Employers
reporting electronically must report at least twice per month by transmissions not
less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Idaho Code § 72-1601 et seq.
No penalty for failing to
Idaho Department of Labor
New Hire Reporting
317 West Main St.
Boise, ID 83735-0610
800-627-3880 (phone)
208-332-7411 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
IL Under the Illinois Unemployment Insurance Act, employers, except departments or
agencies of the United States, must report new hires within 20 days of hiring or, in
the case of employers transmitting electronically, by two monthly transmissions not
less than 12 nor more than 16 days apart. Reports must include the employee’s
name, address, and social security number and the employer’s name, address,
federal identification number, and other information that may be required by federal
law or regulation.
n Citation: 820 ILCS 405/1801.1.
Employers who know-
ingly fail to comply are
subject to a civil penalty
of $15 per individual.
Employers knowingly
conspiring with a new
hire to fail to report or
file a false report may be
found guilty of a Class B
misdemeanor with a fine
not to exceed $500.
Illinois New Hire Directory
P.O. Box 19473
Springfield, IL 62794-9473
800-327-4473 (phone)
217-557-1947 (fax)
All employers ex-
cept departments
or agencies of the
United States.
All employees.
IN Employers must report within 20 business days of the employee’s date of hire the
name, address, date of hire, and social security number of each new hire and the
name, address, and state and federal identification number of the employer. Employ-
ers filing magnetically or electronically must report twice a month not less than 12 or
more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: I.C. § 22-4.1-4-2.
Noncompliance can
result in civil monetary
penalties for each newly
hired employee who isn’t
timely reported as well
as nonmonetary civil
Indiana New Hire
Reporting Center
P.O. Box 55097
Indianapolis, IN 46205-5097
866-879-0198 (phone)
800-408-1388 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–5
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
IA New hire registry: Employers hiring or rehiring an employee shall report the hiring
or rehiring of the employee to the centralized employee registry in accordance with
one of the following timeframes: (a) within 15 days of the hiring or rehiring; (b) if the
employer is transmitting reports magnetically, the employer may report through trans-
missions not less than 12 nor more than 16 days apart. Reports also must include
information regarding whether the employer offers dependent health care coverage
and the date the new employee may qualify for the coverage. Reports also must
include the address to which income withholding orders or the notices of orders and
garnishments should be sent.
Workforce Development: Employers must submit reports required by the
Department of Workforce Development. The state forms include the (1) E-Z Form
- for Occupational Employment Survey, the short form for collecting confidential
occupational employment and occupational wages, sent once a year to a sample of
employers, voluntary, forms differ by industry; (2) Fringe Benefit Survey, sent once a
year to a sample of employers, voluntary, used to collect confidential information on
employee fringe benefits; and (3) Prevailing Wage Request Form, used by employers
to request prevailing wages determinations from the department.
n Citation: New hire registry: Iowa Code § 252G.3.
Workforce Development: Iowa Admin. Code r. 871-12.1(96) and 871-12.1(2).
New hire registry:
State agencies may
bring an action against
employers who fail to
report, and a willful
failure to provide the
information is punishable
as contempt.
n Citation: Iowa Code
§ 252G.3(5).
Iowa Centralized Employee
PO Box 10322
Des Moines, IA 50306-0322
877-274-2580 (phone)
800-759-5881 (fax)
New hire
registry: All
Private employers.
(See Iowa Code
§ 96.19.) Gener-
ally, the threshold
to qualify as an
employer is low,
the various excep-
tions. The statute
broadly provides
that employers
paying more than
$1,500 in em-
ployment wages,
excluding certain
domestic service
wages, will qualify
as an “employer.
All employees,
contractors, and
(special rules
KS Within 20 business days of hire, rehire, return to work, or payment of first compensa-
tion, employers must report to the secretary of labor an employee’s name, address,
and social security number and the employer’s name, address, and federal tax identi-
fication number and any other information required by the federal social security act.
n Citation: Kan. Stat. Ann. § 75-5743.
No penalty. New Hire Directory
P.O. Box 3510
Topeka, KS 66601-3510
888-219-7801 (phone)
785-296-5000 Ext. 7700 (Topeka
888-219-7798 (fax)
www.KansasEmployer.gov (website)
All employers. All employees.
KY The following information must be reported within 20 days unless the reporting
could endanger the safety of the employee or compromise an ongoing investigation
or intelligence mission as determined by the secretary of health and family services:
new and rehired employees’ names, addresses, and social security numbers, and the
employer’s name, address, and federal and state employer identification numbers if
they’ve been assigned. The requirements don’t apply to employees paid less than
$300 per month or who are younger than 18.
n Citation: KRS § 405.435.
Failure to comply carries
a $250 fine per month
per employee for any
violation after the second
notice has been given.
n Citation: KRS
§ 405.435.
Kentucky New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 2818
Dublin, OH 43016
800-817-2262 (phone)
800-817-0099 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–6 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
LA Within 20 days after hiring or rehiring an employee, an employer must report the
following: the employee’s name, address, social security number, and occupation as
well as the employer’s name, address, and employer identification number.
n Citation: La. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 46:236.14.
Employers failing to
report may be fined up
to $25.
Louisiana Directory of
New Hires
P.O. Box 142513
Austin, TX 78714-2513
888-223-1461 (phone)
888-223-1462 (fax)
All employers,
labor organiza-
tions, and any
entity except for
any department,
agency, or instru-
mentality of the
United States.
All employees.
ME Employers must report the hiring of a newly hired employee to the Maine Department
of Human Services. The employer must provide a report within seven days of the em-
ployee’s hire, return to work, or rehire. Employers are to report the new hire’s name,
address, social security number, and date of birth as well as the employer’s name,
address, and employment security reference number or unified business number. The
department must give employers who knowingly fail to comply a written warning.
n Citation: 19-A M.R.S.A. § 2154.
Employers who fail to
comply after receiving
a written warning from
the Maine Department
of Human Services may
be fined up to $200 per
month for each violation.
All violations that occur
in one month are consid-
ered one violation.
Division of Support
Enforcement and Recovery
New Hire Reporting Program
11 State House Station
Augusta, ME 04333-0011
207-624-7880 (phone)
800-437-9611 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
contractors if
the employer
contracts with the
MD Employers must file new hire reports including the employee’s name, address, social
security number, and date of employment, as well as the employer’s name, address,
federal employer identification number, state unemployment insurance account
number, availability of medical benefits, salary, and rate of pay. Reports must be filed
within 20 days or, if the employer reports electronically or magnetically at a rate of
twice per month, the reports must be made no less than 12 or more than 16 days
n Citation: Md. Code Ann., Lab. & Empl. § 8-626.1.
Failure to report is
punishable by a warning
letter for the first offense
and by a civil penalty of
$20 per month for each
month in which a subse-
quent violation occurs.
If the failure results from
a conspiracy between
employer and employee,
the fine is $500.
Maryland New Hire Registry
P.O. Box 1316
Baltimore, MD 21203-1316
888-634-4737 (phone)
888-657-3534 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
MA Within 14 days of an employee’s effective date of employment or reinstatement,
the employer shall submit to the Massachusetts Department of Revenue, in a form
prescribed by it, a report containing the employee’s address, social security number,
effective date of employment or reinstatement, and the name, address, and federal
tax identification number of the employer.
n Citation: Mass. Gen. Laws ch. 62E, § 2; 830 C.M.R. § 62E.2.1.
Failure to comply results
in interest and penalty
Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 55141
Boston, MA 02205-5141
800-332-2733 (phone)
617-376-3262 (fax)
www.mass.gov/ (click on Business,
Employer and Workplace Informa-
tion, Finding and Hiring Employees,
New Hire Reporting)
All employers. All employees.
All newly hired
independent con-
tractors who will
be paid $600 or
more annually.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–7
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
MI Employers must report new hire information required by federal law. No state penalties. Michigan New Hire Operations
P.O. Box 85010
Lansing MI 48908-5010
800-524-9846 (phone)
877-318-1659 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
MN Employers must report the employee’s name, address, social security number, and
date of birth when available and the employer’s name, address, and federal identifica-
tion number. Employers must submit reports within 20 calendar days of the date of
n Citation: Minn. Stat. § 256.998.
Employers who have
received a notice of
noncompliance and later
incur a second violation
are subject to a civil
penalty of $25 for each
intentionally unreported
employee. Employers
who have received a
notice of noncompliance
are subject to a civil
penalty of $500 for each
intentionally unreported
employee if noncompli-
ance is the result of a
conspiracy between the
employer and employee.
Minnesota New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 64212
St. Paul, MN 55164-0212
800-672-4473 (phone)
800-692-4473 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
MS Each employer paying wage, salary, or commission and doing business in the State
of Mississippi must report the new hire’s or rehire’s name, address, social security
number, and date of birth and the employer’s name, address, and federal and state
withholding tax identification numbers as well as the date the employee began or
resumed employment or is scheduled to begin or resume employment to the Direc-
tory of New Hires within the Mississippi Department of Human Services. The report
must be submitted within
15 days of the hiring or rehiring.
n Citation: Miss. Code Ann. § 43-19-46.
The penalty for failure to
report is a civil penalty
not to exceed $500 if
the failure to file is the
result of a conspiracy
between the employee
and employer not to
report or to submit false
information. If there is no
conspiracy, the penalty
shall not exceed $25.
Mississippi State Directory of
New Hires
P.O. Box 900008
Raleigh, NC 27675-9008
800-241-1330 (phone)
800-937-8668 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
MO Employers report new hires by including their names on the quarterly list of employ-
ees submitted with the unemployment compensation tax payment.
n Citation: 8 CSR 10-4.030 and 10-4.060.
Missouri Department of
P.O. Box 3340
Jefferson City, MO 65105-3340
800-585-9234 (phone)
573-526-8079 (fax)
All employees.
Revised 0215
29–8 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
MT The following information is to be reported on every employee hired: employee’s
name, address, social security number, and date of hire and the employer’s name,
address, and federal identification number. The following optional information is re-
quested: employee’s home phone number, employee’s date of birth, employer’s work
phone number, fax number, and availability of health insurance. Information must be
submitted within 20 days of the date the employee is hired or rehired. Reports filed
electronically or magnetically may be made by two monthly transmissions not less
than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Mont. Code Ann. § 40-5-922.
No penalty for failing to
Montana New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 8013
Helena, MT 59604-8013
888-866-0327 or 406-444-9290
(Helena area and outside Montana)
888-272-1990 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
NE Employers must report the names, addresses, and social security numbers of newly
hired or rehired employees and the employer’s name, address, and federal tax identi-
fication number within 20 days of hiring or rehiring. If filing magnetically or electroni-
cally, the reports may be made in two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more
than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 48-2301 through 2308.
The Department of
Health and Human
Services may levy a fine
of not more than $25
for each employee not
Nebraska State Directory of
New Hires
P.O. Box 144013
Austin, TX 78714-4013
888-256-0293 (phone)
866-808-2007 (fax)
All employers. All employees
and independent
NV Employers must report the names, addresses, and social security numbers of new
hires not later than 20 days after the date of hire or for those employers electronically
transmitting two monthly reports, not less than 12 days or more than 16 days apart.
Submissions also must include the employer’s name, address, and federal identifica-
tion number.
n Citation: NRS 606.120.
The state may adopt a
civil penalty of less than
$25 for employers failing
to comply. Any penalty
must be imposed after
notice and an opportu-
nity for hearing.
Nevada Department of
Employment, Training and
Employment Security Division
New Hire Unit
500 East Third Street
Carson City, NV 89713-0033
888-639-7241 (phone)
775-684-6379 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–9
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
NH Employees are required to report the hiring of all new hires, rehired employees, and
any individuals with whom employers contract for services, other than casual labor,
when the cost of such services is expected to exceed $2,500. Reports must be sub-
mitted within 20 days of the date of hire or, if the employer is reporting magnetically
or electronically, by two monthly transmissions not less than 12 days nor more than
16 days apart. Reports must contain the employee’s name, address, social security
number and first day of work and the employer’s name, address, and federal and
state ID number, and first day of work. A multistate employer may designate another
state as its reporting state.
n Citation: N.H. Rev. Stat. Ann. 282-A:117-a; N.H. Admin. Rules Emp. 308.
Failure to comply results
in civil or criminal
NH Employment Security
P.O. Box 2092
Concord, NH 03302-2092
Attn: New Hire Program
603-229-4371 or 800-803-4485
603-229-4324 or 888-783-3598
All employers,
except a federal
or state agency
intelligence or
gence functions, if
the head of such
agency has deter-
mined that report-
ing pursuant to
this section with
respect to the
employee could
endanger the
employee’s safety
or compromise an
ongoing investiga-
tion or intelligence
All employees. All
independent con-
tractors who will
be paid $2,500 or
more annually for
NJ Employers must report the hiring or rehiring of, or the contracting with, any person
in the state. Each report must contain the employee’s name, address, date of birth,
and social security number as well as the employer’s name, address, and federal tax
identification number. The reports must be made within 20 days unless the employer
transmits electronically, in which case they must report every 15 days.
n Citation: N.J.S.A. 2A:17-56.61.
Employers who fail to
report are given a writ-
ten warning for the first
violation and are subject
to a $25 civil fine per
violation. If the failure to
report is a conspiracy
between the employer
and employee, the
employer is subject to a
$500 fine.
n Citation: N.J.S.A.
New Jersey New Hire
Operations Directory
P.O. Box 4654
Trenton, NJ 08650-4654
877-654-4737 (phone)
800-304-4901 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
All independent
contractors trans-
acting business in
the state.
NM Employers must report newly hired employees within 20 days of hire. Each report
must contain the employee’s name, address, and social security number and the em-
ployer’s name, address, and federal identification number. Employers filing electroni-
cally or magnetically must report in two monthly transmissions not less than
12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: NMSA 1978, § 50-13-1 through 50-13-4 (1997).
A $20 fine is imposed
for each failure to report.
A $500 fine is imposed
for each failure to report
that is a result of a
conspiracy between
employer and employee
to conceal the required
New Mexico New Hires
P.O. Box 29480
Santa Fe, NM 87592-9480
888-878-1607 (phone)
888-878-1614 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–10 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
NY Employers must report the name, address, and social security number of new hires or
rehires and the name, address, and employer identification number of the employer
within 20 days of the date of hire. Employers filing electronically or magnetically must
report in two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart. Ad-
ditionally, all employers must give newly-hired workers written notice of their status as
exempt or non-exempt employees and, if exempt, what exemption(s) they fall under,
rate of pay, overtime pay rate (if they qualify for overtime), and the company’s regular
paydays. Employers must obtain a written acknowledgement of receipt of such no-
tice from each new employee, and the notice must be given at the time of hiring.
Under the New York Wage Theft Prevention Act, on the preemployment notice of
wages provided to new hires, employers must also state the intent to claim allow-
ances (such as tip or meal allowances) as part of the minimum wage, list the basis
of the wage payment (i.e., whether paying by hour, shift, day, week, piece, etc.), and
provide additional information about the organization, including any “doing business
as” names. The Act extends other requirements to employers, including provision
of this wage notice upon hire and by February 1 of each following year, provision of
the notice in both English and the employee’s primary language, and notification to
employees of any change in the notice at least seven days before the change takes
effect (unless the change is noted on the employee’s pay stub.)
Employers should also be aware of special requirements regarding commission
salespersons. Section 191(c) of the New York Labor Law requires employers to
reduce to a signed writing the agreed terms of employment, including a description
of how wages, salary, draws against commissions, and all their monies earned and
payable are calculated.
n Citation: N.Y. Tax §§ 171-h and 685(w); N.Y. Lab. L § 195(1). Lab. L. § 191(c);
New York Wage Theft Prevention Act.
The penalty for failure to
timely report is $20 mul-
tiplied by the number of
employees not reported
or the number of false or
incomplete reports filed.
If failure is a result of a
conspiracy between the
employer and employee,
the penalty is $450 mul-
tiplied by the number of
employees not reported
or the number of false
or incomplete reports
filed. Effective April 12,
2011, the Wage Theft
Prevention Act extends
penalties to employers
that fail to provide the
preemployment notice of
wages within 10 days of
the first day of employ-
ment. The Act provides
for damages in the
amount of $50 for each
workweek the violation
occurs or continues to
occur (not to exceed
$2,500), costs and
reasonable attorneys’
fees, and a private right
of action.
Department of Taxation
and Finance
New Hire Notification
P.O. Box 15119
Albany, NY 12212-5119
877-698-2910 (phone)
518-320-1080 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
NC Employers must report the name, address, and social security number of new em-
ployees and the name, address, and federal tax identifying number of the employer
within 20 days of the date of hire. Employers filing electronically or magnetically must
report in two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: N.C. Gen. Stat. § 110-129.2.
Civil penalties of up to
$25 per violation may be
North Carolina State Directory
of New Hires
P.O. Box 90369
East Point, GA 30364-0369
888-514-4568 (phone)
866-257-7005 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–11
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
ND Employers must report the following information for each new hire: employee’s date
of hire, name, address, social security number, and whether the employer offers
health insurance to the employee and the employer’s name, address, and federal
tax identification number. Reports must be made no later than 20 days after the hire
date. An employer with more than 24 employees at any time must report new hires
electronically, through an Internet-based method provided by the department. An
employer that does not comply with this requirement is deemed to have failed to
report new hires. If the employer transmits the report electronically, a report may be
made by two monthly transmissions, if necessary, not less than 12 nor more than 16
days apart. A new hire is an employee who has not previously been employed by the
employer or was previously employed by that employer but has been separated from
such prior employment for at least 60 days.
n Citation: N.D.C.C. §§ 34-15-01(4); 34-15-03; and 34-15-05.
The Department of
Human Services may
issue a written warning
to employers who fail to
file timely, complete, and
correct reports. Contin-
ued noncompliance may
result in a penalty of $20
for each failure to report.
If there is a conspiracy
between the employer
and employee, the pen-
alty may be increased to
$250 for each failure to
P.O. Box 7369
Bismarck, ND 58507-7369
701-328-3582 or 800-231-4255
701-328-5497 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
OH Employers must make new hire reports to the Department of Job and Family Services
regarding the hiring, rehiring, or return to work including the employee’s name, ad-
dress, date of birth, social security number, and the date of hire, rehire, or return to
work and for each contractor, the contractor’s name, address, social security or tax
identification number, the date payments begin, and the length of time the contrac-
tor will be performing services for the employer, and the employer’s name, address,
and identification number. An employer may make a new hire report by submitting a
copy of the U.S. IRS Form W-4 (Employee’s Withholding Allowance Certificate) for
the employee, a form provided by the Department of Job and Family Services, or any
other hiring document or data storage device or mechanism the department autho-
rizes. The Department of Job and Family Services may by rule require that additional
information, specified in the rule, be included in each new hire report. This provision
applies to both employees and contractors.
This requirement applies to all employers, except the federal government, for which
an individual performs any service, as the employee or contractor, except that: (1) If
the employer does not have control of the compensation for the services, “employer”
means the person having control of the compensation; (2) In the case of a person
paying compensation on behalf of a nonresident alien individual, foreign partnership,
or foreign corporation, “employer” means the person paying the compensation; and
(3) In the case of compensation paid to a contractor, “employer” does not include
any person or entity that lacks a federal employer identification number.
n Citation: Ohio Rev. Code § 3121.89 et seq.
An employer that fails to
make a new-hire report
shall be liable to the
Department of Job and
Family Services for a civil
penalty of $25 for each
failure to make a report.
If the failure to make a
report is the result of
a conspiracy between
the employer and the
employee not to supply
the report or to supply
a false or incomplete
report, the employer
shall be liable for a civil
penalty of $500 for each
such failure.
n Citation: Ohio Rev.
Code § 3121.8919.
Ohio New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 15309
Columbus, OH 43215-0309
614-221-5330 (phone)
888-872-1490 Ext. 300 (toll-free
in-state only)
614-221-7088 or 888-872-1611
All employers,
except the federal
government. (See
category for ad-
ditional details.)
“Employer” is
defined in Ohio
Rev. Code
§ 3121.89(C).
Ohio Rev. Code
§§ 3121.89
et seq.
All employees. All
independent con-
tractors who will
be paid $2,500 or
more annually for
services (does not
include a profes-
sionally licensed
contractor provid-
ing services under
the license).
n Citation: Ohio
Rev. Code §
OK Employers must report all newly hired employees’ names, addresses, social security
numbers, date of employment, state of employment along with the employer’s name,
address, and federal identification number within 20 days of hiring. If reporting
electronically or magnetically, employers must report twice monthly not less than 12
or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Okla. Stat. Title 40 § 2-802.
No penalties for failing
to report.
Oklahoma New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 52003
Oklahoma City, OK 73152-2004
866-553-2368 (phone)
800-317-3786 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–12 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
OR Employers must submit a report for each hire or rehire that includes the employee’s
name, address, and social security number and the employer’s name, address, and
federal tax identification number. Reports must be made no later than 20 days after
the date of hire or rehire or if the employer transmits magnetically or electronically,
the transmissions must be made each month not less than 12 days or more than 16
days apart.
n Citation: ORS 25.790.
None. Department of Justice
Division of Child Support
Employer New Hire Reporting
4600 25th Ave NE, Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301
800-850-0228 or 503-378-2868
877-877-7415 or 877-877-7416 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
PA Employers must report a newly hired employee’s name, home address, social secu-
rity number, and date of hire as well as the employer’s name, address, federal identi-
fying number, and the name and telephone number of an employer contact within 20
days of the date of hire. If filing electronically or magnetically, employers must report
by two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: 23 Pa. C.S. § 4392.
Failure to report results
in a written warning for
the first violation and
a $25 fine for each
subsequent violation. If
the failure to report is the
result of a conspiracy
between the employer
and employee, the em-
ployer is subject to a fine
of up to $500.
n Citation: 23 Pa. C.S.
§ 4396.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
New Hire Reporting Program
P.O. Box 69400
Harrisburg, PA 17106-9400
888-724-4737 (phone)
717-657-4473 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
RI Employers must report hiring or rehiring of employees no later than 14 days after hire
or rehire if reporting on a W-4 or its equivalent or twice a month if reporting electroni-
cally or magnetically. The report must contain the employee’s name, address, and
social security number and the employer’s name, address, and federal identification
number. The report also must include information regarding whether an employee
has employee dependent health coverage available and the appropriate date on
which the employee may qualify for coverage.
n Citation: R.I.Gen.Laws §§ 15-24-1 et seq.
Employers failing to
comply may be liable for
a civil penalty of $20 for
each violation. If the fail-
ure to comply is a result
of a conspiracy between
employer and employee,
the fine is $500.
Rhode Island New Hire
Reporting Directory
55 North Franklin Street
P.O. Box 335
Holbrook, MA 02343
888-870-6461 (phone)
888-430-6907 (fax)
All employers
withholding fed-
eral or state tax
All employees.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–13
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
SC Employers must report the names, addresses, social security numbers, dates of birth,
and salary information of new hires and rehires as well as the employer’s name, ad-
dress, and federal identification number monthly.
n Citation: S.C. Code Ann. §§ 20-7-1315 and 43-5-598.
Employers failing to
comply are subject to
a civil penalty of no
more than $25 for the
second offense and
every offense thereafter
unless the employer
can demonstrate good
cause for not reporting.
If the failure is a result
of conspiracy between
the employer and the
employee, the fine is
$500 for each and every
South Carolina Department of
Social Services
New Hire Reporting Program
P.O. Box 1469
Columbia, SC 29202-1469
888-454-5294 (toll-free in-state
803-898-9100 (fax)
All employers. All employees and
SD Employers must submit a report of any newly hired employee that includes the name,
address, and social security number of the employee and the employer’s name, ad-
dress, and federal tax identification number. The report must be transmitted no later
than 20 days after the date of hire or if the employer transmits the report magnetically
or electronically, by two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than
16 days apart.
n Citation: SDCL § 25-7A-3.3.
Employers failing to
comply commit a petty
n Citation: SDCL
§ 25-7A-3.3
S.D. Department of Labor
New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 4700
Aberdeen, SD 57402-4700
888-827-6078 (phone)
888-835-8659 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
TN Employers must report the names, addresses, hire dates, and social security num-
bers of new hires and the employers’ name, address, and federal tax number within
20 days after hire date or, if reported electronically or magnetically, by two monthly
transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Tenn. Code Ann. §§ 36-5-1101 through 1108. See also Question 21
regarding immigration and employee eligibility.
Employers are subject
to civil penalties of
either $20 for each
employee or $400 if the
failure is a result of an
agreement between the
employer and employee
to withhold the required
information or to supply
false or incomplete
Tennessee New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 17367
Nashville, TN 37217
888-715-2280 (toll-free phone)
877-505-4761 (toll-free fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–14 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
TX Employer must report to the State Directory of New Hires a report of all new hires
that contains the following: (1) the employee name, (2) the employee address, (3) the
employee social security number, (4) the employee’s date of hire, (5) the employer
name, (6) the employer address, and (7) the Federal Employer Identification Number
(FEIN). Employers, at their option, may also provide the following additional informa-
tion in the report: (1) the employee’s date of birth, (2) the employee’s expected salary
or wages, and (3) employer payroll addresses for mailing of notice to withhold child
support. Reports must be made within 20 calendar days after the date of hire or in
the case of an employer transmitting reports magnetically or electronically, by two
monthly transmissions (if necessary) not more than 16 days apart.
n Citation: Tex. Family Code § 234.101 et seq. and 1 Tex. Admin. Code § 55.303,
An employer who
knowingly violates the
procedure for reporting
employee information
may be liable for a civil
penalty, which may not
exceed $25 for each
occurrence in which the
employer fails to report
the employees or $500
for each occurrence
in which the failure to
report the employee
information is the result
of a conspiracy between
the employer and the
Texas Employer New Hire
Reporting Operations Center
P.O. Box 149224
Austin, TX 78714-9224
800-850-6442 or 888-839-4473
800-732-5015 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
UT Utah’s Centralized New Hire Registry Act requires employers to report new hires’
or rehires’ names, addresses, social security numbers, and dates of hire or rehire
as well as the employer’s name, address, and federal tax identification number. The
information must be sent no later than 20 days after the hire or rehire or, if approved
by the department, on a semimonthly basis of not less than 12 days nor more than
16 days apart.
n Citation: Utah Code §§ 35A-7-101 et seq.
Employers are subject
to civil penalties of either
$25 for each failure to
report or $500 if the fail-
ure is intentional and the
result of an agreement
between the employer
and employee to not
supply the required
information or to supply
false or incomplete
Utah New Hire Registry
140 E. 300 S.
P.O. Box 45247
Salt Lake City, UT 84145-0247
801-526-9235 (phone)
800-222-2857 (toll-free phone)
801-526-4391 (fax)
In general, all
employers. The
reporting require-
ments, however,
do not apply to an
employer who has
employees in two
or more states
and sends the in-
formation required
by the reporting
section to a state
other than Utah
if in compliance
with the Social
Security Act.
All employees.
VT Employers must report each hired or rehired employee for whom a W-4 is complet-
ed. Reports must include the employee’s name, address, social security number, and
first date of employment, plus the employer’s name, address, and federal identifica-
tion number. The reports must be made within 10 days of hire.
n Citation: 33 V.S.A. § 4110(b).
If the failure to report is
the result of collusion
between employer and
employee, the employer
shall be liable to the
obligee in the amount of
the wages required to
be withheld but not more
than $500.
Vermont Department of Labor
New Hire Reporting
5 Green Mountain Drive
P.O. Box 488
Montpelier, VT 05601-0488
800-786-3214 (phone)
802-828-4286 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
© BLR—Business & Legal Resources NEW-HIRE REPORTING n 29–15
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
VA Employers are required to report to the Virginia New Hire Reporting Center new hires
within 20 days of hiring. They are to report new hires’ names, addresses, and social
security numbers and the employer’s name, address, and identification number. If
filing electronically or magnetically, reports must be made in two monthly transmis-
sions not less than 12 or more than 16 days apart. The required information may be
provided by mailing a copy of the new employee’s W-4 form.
n Citation: VA Code § 63.2-1946.
No penalties identified
for enforcement.
VA New Hire Reporting Center
P.O. Box 3757
Dublin, OH 43016
800-979-9014 (phone)
800-688-2680 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
WA Employers must report new hires, rehires, or the return of any employee from unpaid
leave within 20 days of the date of hire, rehire, or return to work. The employer must
provide (1) the employee’s name, address, social security number, and date of birth,
and (2) the date of rehire for employees who previously worked for the employer but
had not done so in more than 60 days due to layoff, furlough, separation, or leave
without pay, and (3) the employer’s name, address, and IRS employer identification
n Citation: Wash. Rev. Code § 26.23.040.
Failure to report results
in a fine of $25 per
month per employee or
$500 per month if the
failure to report is the
result of a conspiracy
between the employer
and the employee not
to supply the required re-
port or to supply a false
Wash. Rev. Code
§ 26.23.040.
New Hire Program
P.O. Box 9023
Olympia, WA 98507-9162
800-562-0479 (phone)
800-782-0624 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
WV Employers must report new hires within 14 days of hiring, rehiring, or returning to
work an employee or independent contractor. However, if the employer transmits
the reports magnetically or electronically by two monthly submissions, the reports
shall be submitted not less than 12 days nor more than 16 days apart. Employers
must also report contracting for services in the state with an independent contractor
when payment for services is $2,500 or more in any year. Payment for the services
must be reported within 14 days of the earlier of first making payments or contracts
providing for payments. An employer must report by mailing the required information
to the Bureau for Child Support Enforcement, or may transmit the information by
other means if approved in writing by the Bureau prior to transmittal. Reports must
include the following information: the employee’s or independent contractor’s name,
address, social security number, and start date; and the employer’s name, address,
and federal identification number, as well as any different address for the employer’s
payroll office.
n Citation: W. Va. Code § 48-18-125.
Employers are assessed
a civil penalty of no more
than $25 per failure, but
if the failure to report is a
result of conspiracy be-
tween the employer and
employee, the penalty is
no more than $500.
West Virginia New Hire Report-
ing Center
P.O. Box 640098
Atlanta, GA 30364
877-625-4669 (phone)
877-625-4675 (fax)
All employers. Employees and
WI Employers must report new hires within 20 days of the employee’s first day of work.
Each report must include the name, address, date of birth, social security number,
and date of hire of the employee and the employer’s name, address, and federal em-
ployer identification number. Multistate employers may elect to file new-hire reports in
only one state if they comply with the requirements.
n Citation: Wis. Stat. § 103.05.
Wisconsin New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 14431
Madison, WI 53708-0431
888-300-HIRE (4473) (phone)
800-277-8075 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Revised 0215
29–16 n NEW-HIRE REPORTING © BLR—Business & Legal Resources
What is required of employers regarding new-hire reporting?
State Requirements and deadlines Penalties Reporting agency/
For more information
WY Employers and labor organizations must report, within 20 days of the commence-
ment of employment, the following information on all new hires, rehires, and tempo-
rary hires: employee name, address, and social security number, and the employer’s
name, address, and federal tax ID number. If filing electronically or magnetically,
reports must be made in two monthly transmissions not less than 12 or more than 16
days apart.
n Citation: Wyo. Stat. § 27-1-115.
Employers may be fined
up to $25 for each em-
ployee not reported.
Wyoming New Hire Reporting
P.O. Box 1408
Cheyenne, WY 82003
800-970-9258 (phone)
800-921-9651 (fax)
All employers. All employees.
Canada There are no specific new hire reporting requirements. Employers have registration,
reporting, deduction, and/or remittance obligations for all employees under statutes
that include the federal Income Tax Act, the federal Canada Pension Plan Act (in
Quebec, the Quebec Pension Plan Act), the federal Employment Insurance Act,
provincial health tax legislation, and provincial workers’ compensation legislation.
n Citation: Income Tax Act, Canada Pension Plan Act (in Quebec, the Quebec Pen-
sion Plan Act), the Employment Insurance Act, plus provincial health tax legislation
and provincial workers’ compensation legislation.
Penalties exist for failure
to deduct and/or remit
required withholdings
and premiums, but there
are no penalties for fail-
ing to report new hires.
All employers.
Revised 0215