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Stormwater Best Management Practice
Conservation Easements
Minimum Measure: Post Construction Stormwater Management in New Development and
Subcategory: Innovative Practices for Site Plans
Conservation easements are voluntary agreements that
allow individuals or groups to limit the type or amount of
development on their property to achieve certain
conservation purposes. A conservation easement can
cover all or just part of a property and can be either
permanent or temporary. Easements typically focus on
specific land uses, such as agriculture, forest, historic
properties and open space.
Easements can relieve property owners of the burden of
managing these areas. They shift responsibility to a
private organization (land trust) or government agency
that may be in a better position to take responsibility for
management and compliance issues associated with the
property. In some cases, property owners might realize
tax benefits by placing conservation easements on some
or all of their property.
Conservation easements may indirectly help protect
water quality. Land that property owners set aside in a
permanent conservation easement has a prescribed set
of uses or activities that generally restrict future
development. Often, this limits impervious surface
development and preserves an area’s natural hydrology.
Owners can evaluate the location of their land held in a
conservation easement to determine its relative ability to
provide water quality benefits. Property along stream
corridors and shorelines can act as a vegetated buffer
that filters out pollutants from stormwater discharge. The
ability of a conservation easement to function as a
stream buffer depends on the width of the easement and
type and condition of the vegetation within the easement
(see the “Riparian Forested Bufferfact sheet).
Conservation easements typically aim to preserve
agricultural lands and natural areas that development
threatens. For rapidly urbanizing areas, conservation
easements may provide a way to preserve open space
before land prices make it impractical for government
Conservation easements allow property owners to
conserve natural areas that may otherwise be developed.
agencies with limited budgets to buy land with important
cultural and natural features. Urban areas typically have
fewer conservation easements than other areas due to
the lack of available open space for purchase and the
high cost of undeveloped land. In addition, private land
trusts may limit the size and type of land that they are
willing to manage as conservation easements.
Conservation easements ensure that land remains in its
current state long after the original owners no longer
control it. By agreeing to restrict the development rights
for a parcel of land, landowners guarantee that it will
remain in a prescribed state for a fixed period of time
(e.g., 30 years, permanent) while receiving tax benefits.
Often, state agencies and private land trusts have
specific qualifications for a property before they enter
into an easement agreement with landowners. Table 1
contains examples of criteria that private land trusts use
to determine if a property is worth managing in a
conservation easement.
December 2021
NPDES: Stormwater Best Management PracticeConservation Easements
Table 1. Typical criteria that land trusts use
to determine feasibility of entering into
conservation easement agreements.
Criteria Details
Natural resource
Does the property provide a
critical habitat or important
environmental aspects worth
Uniqueness of the
Does the property have unique
traits worth preserving?
Size of land
Is the land large enough to have
a natural resource or
conservation value?
Are funds available to meet all
financial obligations?
Is the conservation agreement a
perpetual one?
Land trust’s
Does the property align with the
land trust’s mission and the
organization’s specific criteria?
Conservation easements are applicable in all parts of the
country; many private groups, both national and local,
exist to preserve natural lands and manage conservation
easements. States also use conservation easements
and land purchase programs to protect significant
environmental features and open space. The U.S. Land
and Water Conservation Fund, a federally funded
program, provides 50/50 matching grants to state and
local governments to acquire land for public outdoor
recreational use.
Maryland has received national recognition for its
programs that provide funding for state and local parks
and conservation areas. The state is one of the first to
use real estate transfer taxes to pay for land
conservation programs. Funding for several programs
comes from this tax of one-half of one percent ($5 per
thousand) of the purchase price of a home or land, or
other state funding programs (MDNR, 2019). To date,
Maryland has preserved more than 1.75 million acres of
land, tracked through its interactive Protected Lands
Dashboard. Maryland’s conservation programs include:
Program Open Space. This program, which has both
a s
tate and a local version, has acquired near
000 acres of open space for state parks, loc
ks and natural resource areas. Every five years
tate, federal and local organizations develop
Land P
reservation and Recreation Plan that out
acquisition and development goals in order to
aintain eligibility to receive Land and Wat
ervation Fund grants and guide the long ter
ision of Program Open Space
Maryland Environmental Trust. This state-funded
agency helps local citizen groups form and operate
al land trusts. It offers the land trusts technic
sistance, training, grants for land protect
ojects and administrative expenses,
ticipation in the Maryland Land Trust Alliance
Rural Legacy Program. This smart growth initiative
edirects existing state funds into a focused
ated land preservation program that specific
s to limit the adverse effects of spr
awl on
icultural lands and natural resources. T
ogram purchases conservation easements f
large contiguous tracts of agricultural, forest and
ural areas subject to development pressure,
it pur
chases fee interests in open space wher
access and use are necessary
ther examples where communities have strategically
used conservation easements for water quality purposes
can be found on EPA’s Green Infrastructure Web site.
The holder of a conservation easementwhether a
government agency or a private land trusthas certain
management responsibilities. Some examples:
Ensure that the easements language is clear and
Develop maps, descriptions and baseline
umentation of the propertys characteristics
Regularly monitor the use of the land.
Provide information on the easement to new or
ospective property owners
Establish a review and approval process for land
tivities that the easement stipulates
Enforce the easements restrictions through the legal
em, if necessa
Keep property/easement-related records.
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NPDES: Stormwater Best Management PracticeConservation Easements
Conservation easements have limits as a stormwater
management tool. For example, there are significant
impediments to using these measures in heavily
urbanized areas, where the size, quality and cost of land
limits the viability and feasibility of such easements.
Depending on the specific type of easement, another
limiting factor can be its durationif the easement does
not hold the land in perpetuity, long term water quality
protection may not be possible. In addition, easements
may not be able to address concentrated stormwater
impacts from developed areas, because property owners
use them more frequently outside of developed areas.
Maintenance Considerations
The responsibility for maintenance of property held in a
conservation easement depends on the terms of the
individual agreement. While many organizations assume
the responsibility for managing the easement property
and for meeting the terms of the easement, some land
trusts leave maintenance responsibilities to the
A conservation area’s effectiveness in protecting water
quality depends on how much land the property owner
conserves, conservation techniques, the land’s location
in relation to a waterbody, and the specific nature of the
easement. Generally, maximum effectiveness occurs
when those responsible for the site keep it relatively
undisturbed and ensure the retention of a site’s natural
hydrology. Any alteration of natural conditions, such as
partial development or limited agricultural use by
landowners, may reduce water quality benefits. The
downstream effects of these management actions
whether positive or negativetend to be enhanced the
closer the easement property is to the downstream
These benefits are difficult to measure directly, as the
purpose of conservation easements is to prevent
environmental impacts, not to remediate existing
impacts. Still, studies have explored the benefit of
conserving natural lands (or the impact of developing
natural lands), showing direct links between the level of
development and the health of benthic organisms in
local streams, which is an indicator of water quality (May
and Horner, 2002; Schueler et al., 2009; Walsh, 2004).
Over time, these observations have caused stormwater
practitioners to revise the broad goals of stormwater
management, adding a focus on restoration or
conservation of natural hydrologic processes to the
traditional focus on flood control and pollution mitigation
(Clark et al., 2010; Walsh et al., 2016).
Cost Considerations
The costs associated with conservation easements
include administrative costs and land management
costs. Generally, tax or fee programs fund these costs,
though specific arrangements depend on local
circumstances. For example, Virginia Beach’s Open
Space Special Revenue Fund receives partial funding
through a $0.44 dedication of restaurant meal taxes (City
of Virginia Beach, 2018), while organizations like
Alachua Conservation Trust rely on donations and
various grants to support the conservation of more than
53,000 acres of Florida land.
Additional Resources
Additional resources detailing design, implementation
and funding of conservation easement programs include:
The Land Trust Alliancea national leader in policy,
tandards, education and tr
The Conservation Easement Handbooka resource
or land conservation professionals dev
onservation easement programs, by the Land Trus
lliance and the Trust for Public
Better Site Design: A Handbook for Changing
elopment Rules in Your Community (Part 1)
by the Center for Watershed Protect
The Pennsylvania Land Trust Association’s
ervation Tools Web pagea resource f
odel easements, tax rules and helpful articles fr
onservation professionals
Managing Growth and Development in Virginia: A
Review of the Tools Available to Localities—a report
the Virginia Chapter of the American P
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Additional Information
Additional information on related practices and the Phase II MS4 program can be found at
EPA’s National Menu of Best Management Practices (BMPs) for Stormwater website
City of Virginia Beach. (2018). Adopted operating budget: Resource management plan FY 20172018.
Clark, S. E., Baker, K. H., Treese, D. P., Mikula, J. B., Siu, C. Y., & Burkardt, C. S. (2010). Sustainable stormwater
management: Infiltration vs. surface treatment strategies. Water Environment Research Foundation.
Maryland Department of Natural Resources (MDNR). (2019). Land acquisition and planning. Maryland Department of
Natural Resources.
May, C. W., & Horner, R. R. (2002). The limitations of mitigation-based stormwater management in the Pacific Northwest
and the potential of a conservation strategy based on low-impact development principles. In Global solutions for urban
drainage (pp. 116).
Schueler, T. R., Fraley-McNeal, L., & Cappiella, K. (2009). Is impervious cover still important? Review of recent research.
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 14(4), 309315.
Walsh, C. J. (2004). Protection of in-stream biota from urban impacts: Minimise catchment imperviousness or improve
drainage design? Marine and Freshwater Research, 55(3), 317326.
Walsh, C. J., Booth, D. B., Burns, M. J., Fletcher, T. D., Hale, R. L., Hoang, L. N., Livingston, G., et al. (2016). Principles
for urban stormwater management to protect stream ecosystems. Freshwater Science, 35(1), 398411.
This fact sheet is intended to be used for informational purposes only. These examples and references are not intended to be
comprehensive and do not preclude the use of other technically sound practices. State or local requirements may apply.
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