Snow Medical FAQs 2020 Application Round (FINAL)
1. Eligibility .............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 What are the requirements for eligibility? ...................................................................................... 2
1.2 Do I need to be affiliated with a host university / institution? ........................................................ 2
1.3 Can two or more researchers apply jointly for the Fellowship? ...................................................... 2
1.4 How many applications can I submit and how do I submit? ............................................................ 2
2. Research supported ............................................................................................................................. 2
2.1 What type of research is supported by the Fellowship? ................................................................. 2
2.2 Are clinical trials supported? .......................................................................................................... 3
3. Funding for Snow Fellows .................................................................................................................... 3
3.1 How many Snow Fellowships will be awarded? .............................................................................. 3
3.2 How much funding is available? ..................................................................................................... 3
3.3 What is the duration of the Snow Fellowship? ............................................................................... 3
3.4 Will the individual researcher be paid the entire amount? ............................................................. 3
3.5 Can the Fellowship be transferred to another research institution if the recipient moves?............. 3
3.6 What will the Fellowship funds support?........................................................................................ 3
4. Application and review process ........................................................................................................... 4
4.1 What must my application include? ............................................................................................... 4
4.2 How does the review process work? .............................................................................................. 4
4.3 Who is part of the Research Peer Review Panel? ............................................................................ 4
4.4 How will my application be assessed? ............................................................................................ 5
4.5 May I obtain a list of the Research Peer Review Panel members and can I suggest that my
application is not reviewed by a specific individual? ............................................................................ 5
4.6 Will I receive written feedback about my application? ................................................................... 5
4.7 Who do I contact if I have any questions? ...................................................................................... 5
Snow Medical FAQs 2020 Application Round (FINAL)
1. Eligibility
1.1 What are the requirements for eligibility?
To be eligible for the Snow Foundation Medical Fellowship, the following eligibility criteria must be met:
Applications will only be accepted from an approved host university/ medical research
institution (Host Organisation)
Applicants must have a minimum tertiary qualification of a PhD from an Australian or
international university
At the EOI closing date, Applicants must have a minimum of 5 years and maximum of 10 years
post-doctoral work experience OR minimum 5 years to maximum of 12 years for an MD/PhD
with allowances for Career Disruptions^
International applicants are encouraged. Applicants must be an Australian citizen, permanent
resident or hold a relevant work visa at the time of commencement of the Fellowship
Upon commencement of the Fellowship, the Applicant must have an employment agreement
with the Host Organisation for the duration of the Fellowship
^ ‘Career Disruption’ involves a prolonged interruption to an applicant’s capacity to work, due to pregnancy, major
illness/injury, parental or carer responsibilities. Interruptions must involve either a continuous absence from work for periods
of 28 calendar days or more and/or a long-term partial return to work that has been formalised with the applicant’s employer.
1.2 Do I need to be affiliated with a host university / institution?
Yes, this is an essential component of the Fellowship. At commencement of the Fellowship, you must
have an employment contract with the Host Organisation for the term of the Fellowship.
1.3 Can two or more researchers apply jointly for the Fellowship?
No, applications will be accepted only from individual independent researchers.
1.4 How many applications can I submit and how do I submit?
Each Host Organisation can submit a maximum 2 candidate proposals, unless otherwise indicated by
invitation from Snow Medical. Only one application per candidate will be accepted. Applications are to
be submitted by your Host Organisation’s research office via email to
2. Research supported
2.1 What type of research is supported by the Fellowship?
Applications are encouraged from researchers working in any areas of medicine, biology and biomedical
disciplines including chemistry, physics, engineering and computing that are directly related to medicine.
Research must be innovative, novel and have the potential to improve health.
Snow Medical FAQs 2020 Application Round (FINAL)
2.2 Are clinical trials supported?
No, research must have a focus on basic biological processes, disease mechanisms, diagnosis and new
therapeutics or devices.
3. Funding for Snow Fellows
3.1 How many Snow Fellowships will be awarded?
Up to two Snow Fellowships will be granted per application round.
3.2 How much funding is available?
Snow Fellows may receive up to a maximum of $1,000,000 per year in funding based on the assumption
that the level of funding in the initial years of the grant will be lower than that required for years in
which the research program has become established.
3.3 What is the duration of the Snow Fellowship?
The duration of the Snow Fellowship is up to 8 years subject to a review conducted in the fourth/fifth
year of funding.
3.4 Will the individual researcher be paid the entire amount?
No, all awards are paid to the Host Organisation where the researcher holds their primary appointment.
Host Organisations must enter into a formal legal agreement with Snow Medical governing the grant
award prior to award activation.
3.5 Can the Fellowship be transferred to another research institution if the recipient
Transfers will be considered on a case-by-case basis and are subject to the approval of Snow Medical at
its absolute discretion. As a minimum, the eligibility requirements must continue to be met at the new
Host Organisation and the new Host Organisation must enter into a formal legal agreement with Snow
Medical governing the grant.
3.6 What will the Fellowship funds support?
Fellowship funds are available for the annual salary of the fellow and the research team, research
project costs, a research technician or laboratory manager, equipment, consumables, travel for
conferences and open access research publication costs. Snow Medical will allow you flexibility to spend
research funds to best benefit your research. However, we will assess your budget to make sure it is
appropriate. Please refer to the Funding Rules for budget items not supported.
Snow Medical FAQs 2020 Application Round (FINAL)
4. Application and review process
4.1 What must my application include?
The Expression of Interest (EOI) application form can be obtained by contacting your Host Organisations
research office or from our website. Your Host Organisations research office should email the
completed EOI application form along with the Support Letter to a[email protected].au by 5 pm
AEST on the date specified in Key Dates in the Funding Rules as the date EOI applications close. Late
applications will not be accepted.
4.2 How does the review process work?
The Snow Medical Fellowship Program assessment consists of a three-stage process: Stage 1 (EOI), Stage
2 (Full Applications) and Stage 3 (Interviews of candidates and institutions).
EOI applications will be triaged by the Snow Medical team and assessed by the Snow Medical Scientific
Review and Assessment Committee who will shortlist applicants. All successful and unsuccessful
applicants will be notified in December 2020. Full Applications are by invitation only.
At the full application stage, the applicants track record, scientific merit of their research program and
vision and impact will be assessed by a panel of scientific experts in the relevant field and the Snow
Medical Scientific Review and Assessment Committee will be informed of certain aspects of the
applications by an international peer review process. The Snow Medical Scientific Review and
Assessment Committee will shortlist applications for interview.
At the interview stage, the Snow Medical team will assess the Host Organisation environment. The
Scientific Review and Assessment Committee will interview shortlisted candidates and recommend
application(s) for funding to the Snow family and the Snow Medical board.
Refer to Key Dates outlined in the Funding Rules for more information.
4.3 Who is part of the Research Peer Review Panel?
The Research Peer Review Panel members include distinguished scientists and researchers selected by
the Snow Medical team.
Snow Medical FAQs 2020 Application Round (FINAL)
4.4 How will my application be assessed?
4.5 May I obtain a list of the Research Peer Review Panel members and can I suggest
that my application is not reviewed by a specific individual?
We will not publicise the Research Peer Review panel members and will ensure that there are no
conflicts of interest for reviewers assessing applications.
4.6 Will I receive written feedback about my application?
Due to the high number of applications, we will not provide any written comments or feedback.
4.7 Who do I contact if I have any questions?
The Snow Medical welcomes questions from potential applicants to ensure research proposals meet the
aims and criteria for the Fellowship Program.
Any specific questions should be referred to your Host Organisation who will liaise with our offices.