Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Monroe County School District
Administrators’ Guide of
Human Resource Policies,
Procedures, Practices &
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Table of Contents
Web Site Addresses ...................................................................................................................................... 8
Guide Overview for Hiring Authorities ......................................................................................................... 9
Personnel, Positions, and Policy ................................................................................................................... 9
Advertising of Positions .............................................................................................................................. 10
Budget ..................................................................................................................................................... 10
Exit Form ................................................................................................................................................. 10
Opening Positions to Create Ad .............................................................................................................. 11
Job Posting .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Required posting time ......................................................................................................................... 12
Review by HR ....................................................................................................................................... 12
System Requirements for Applicants ...................................................................................................... 13
Employment History and Verifications ................................................................................................ 13
Transcripts ........................................................................................................................................... 13
Transfer requests .................................................................................................................................... 14
Instructional ........................................................................................................................................ 14
Support ................................................................................................................................................ 14
Non-union Positions ............................................................................................................................ 14
Providing References (Administrators) ................................................................................................... 14
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
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Interviewing ................................................................................................................................................ 15
First Consideration .................................................................................................................................. 15
Reviewing Applicants/Determining Interview Candidates ..................................................................... 15
Interview Do’s and Don’ts ....................................................................................................................... 16
Interview Formative Committee Calibration and Talking Points ............................................................ 16
The Interview Guide: ............................................................................................................................... 18
Behavioral Analysis Instrument (BAT) - Interview Template .............................................................. 18
The Question Formatting .................................................................................................................... 20
Team Selection .................................................................................................................................... 20
Scoring ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Using an Candidate’s Interview Ranking for More Than One Position ............................................... 21
Veteran’s Preference ........................................................................................................................... 21
Verification with Human Resources .................................................................................................... 22
Talent Selection........................................................................................................................................... 22
Human Resources Personnel Files .......................................................................................................... 22
Processing Candidates in the Applicant Tracking System ....................................................................... 23
Completion of Personnel Information Form (PIF) ............................................................................... 24
Placement on Salary Schedule ................................................................................................................ 24
Verification of Former Employment ....................................................................................................... 26
New Hire Processing ................................................................................................................................... 27
Reference & Criminal Background Checks .............................................................................................. 27
Fingerprinting .......................................................................................................................................... 27
Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................................... 28
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ID Badge .................................................................................................................................................. 28
Training ................................................................................................................................................... 29
Bloodborne Pathogens ........................................................................................................................ 29
FRS ....................................................................................................................................................... 29
Ethics Training ..................................................................................................................................... 29
New Employee Paperwork ...................................................................................................................... 30
Certification............................................................................................................................................. 30
Substitute Teacher Training .................................................................................................................... 30
Absence Management ............................................................................................................................ 31
Employees ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Substitutes ........................................................................................................................................... 31
Board Appointment ................................................................................................................................ 32
Expectations and Requirements ............................................................................................................. 32
Probationary Period ................................................................................................................................ 32
Departmental Absence (Temporary/Short Term) ...................................................................................... 33
Leave ........................................................................................................................................................... 34
Types of Leave - PAID .............................................................................................................................. 34
Annual (vacation) ................................................................................................................................ 34
Injury or Illness in Line-of-Duty (ILOD) ................................................................................................ 35
Jury Duty ............................................................................................................................................. 35
Military Leave ...................................................................................................................................... 35
Personal Leave Chargeable to Sick Leave ........................................................................................... 36
Sick Leave ............................................................................................................................................ 36
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Temporary Duty Elsewhere (TDE) ....................................................................................................... 36
Types of Leave - UNPAID ......................................................................................................................... 36
Extended Illness Leave......................................................................................................................... 36
Family Medical Leave Authorization (FMLA) ...................................................................................... 37
Maternity Leave .................................................................................................................................. 37
Personal Leave without Pay ................................................................................................................ 37
Certification................................................................................................................................................. 38
Initial Certification................................................................................................................................... 38
Renewal Certification .............................................................................................................................. 38
Adding Subject Area(s) to a Certificate ................................................................................................... 40
Highly Qualified (HQ) .............................................................................................................................. 40
Educator Out of Field Reporting ............................................................................................................. 41
Annual Evaluation ....................................................................................................................................... 41
Verification of Annual Evaluations .......................................................................................................... 42
Recording of Instructional Evaluations ................................................................................................... 42
Overall Unsatisfactory Evaluation ........................................................................................................... 42
Annual Appointment ................................................................................................................................... 43
Administrators ........................................................................................................................................ 43
Instructional ............................................................................................................................................ 43
Intent to Remain ..................................................................................................................................... 43
Reduction in Force .................................................................................................................................. 44
Discipline ..................................................................................................................................................... 44
Due Process ............................................................................................................................................. 44
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
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Discipline of an Employee ....................................................................................................................... 44
Education Practices ................................................................................................................................. 44
Reasonable Suspicion.............................................................................................................................. 45
Delivery of Summons, Subpoenas or Service-of Process ........................................................................ 45
Separation ................................................................................................................................................... 45
Exit Form ................................................................................................................................................. 45
Upon Termination of an Employee ......................................................................................................... 47
Recommendation for Termination ......................................................................................................... 47
Unemployment Claims ................................................................................................................................ 48
Determination Notice for Unemployment Eligibility .............................................................................. 48
Notice of Determination ......................................................................................................................... 48
Notice of Telephone Hearing (Appeals) .................................................................................................. 49
Quarterly Invoice .................................................................................................................................... 49
Vendors and Contractors ............................................................................................................................ 49
Confidentiality ......................................................................................................................................... 50
Site Users/Administrators ....................................................................................................................... 50
Procedures for Contracted Vendors ....................................................................................................... 51
Serious Offenses ..................................................................................................................................... 51
Review by Human Resources .................................................................................................................. 52
Vendor/Contractor Right to Challenge Accuracy .................................................................................... 52
Obligation to Inform District of Arrests .................................................................................................. 52
ID Badge .................................................................................................................................................. 53
Sharing Information with Other School Districts .................................................................................... 53
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Maintenance of Records ......................................................................................................................... 53
Non-Contractual Vendors ....................................................................................................................... 53
College and Military Recruiters ........................................................................................................... 53
Delivery Persons .................................................................................................................................. 53
Referees and Sports Officials............................................................................................................... 53
Utility Workers .................................................................................................................................... 54
Exceptions to Background Checks for Contractors ................................................................................. 54
Visitors/Volunteers ..................................................................................................................................... 55
Visitors .................................................................................................................................................... 55
Visitors (Officials) .................................................................................................................................... 55
Visitors FL Department of Education Professional Practice Services................................................... 55
Volunteers ............................................................................................................................................... 56
Volunteer Procedures ............................................................................................................................. 57
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Web Site Addresses
Certification Application
Focus ESS
Employee Self Service
Frontline Insights
Absence Management
Time & Attendance
Professional Growth
Recruiting & Hiring
Administrative Site
Volunteer and Vendor Application
Sexual Offender/Predator
DOE Staff Terminations
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Guide Overview for Hiring Authorities
Thank you for your contribution towards our districts efforts to recruit, retain, professionally
develop and invest in a high performing workforce. Your energies have resulted in the diverse
array of highly qualified professionals we currently employ and that support student learning in
the Monroe County School District (MCSD). To further assist you, we have developed this
human resources management guide. In it you’ll find everything from creating jobs to
interviewing, on-boarding and orientations for the new employee. We hope you will utilize it as
your personal lighthouse beacon as you manage your HR workflow. And as always, if you have
questions along the way you may contact the Monroe County School District Human Resources
Department for assistance.
Personnel, Positions, and Policy
We seek to recruit, retain, professionally develop and invest in a high performing workforce.
Essentially, HR is in the people business. From the creation of positions to the policies that
govern employee interactions the department strives to support professional development
through engagement with and improvement of human capital issues that enhance
organizational development and effectiveness. To achieve this, the HR department utilizes a
system of reflection through ongoing progress monitoring that increases awareness. This
process identifies employee needs to which solutions are attached with a goal of increasing
human capital output. Ultimately, this leads to greater job satisfaction, higher employee
morale, retention rates, substantial returns on investment (ROI) and improved student learning
gains. Research affirms that sound HR practices are the lighthouse beacons in the department’s
mission to lead organizational pursuits of excellence through performance improvement. This
guide engages best practice by aligning the best efforts of all administrative and support
stakeholders in unison. The results of these efforts facilitate how we work as a team to build,
become and be the best demonstration of our fullest potential.
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Advertising of Positions
All positions within MCSD are controlled through the budgeting process. When creating or
modifying positions, the current department or school budget is reviewed to determine if the
change met prior approval(s) or whether the request was budgeted for the upcoming fiscal
year. If the position currently exists, it can be modified upon written request using the HR
Request Form in the Focus system. Existing position changes generally involve a change to one
or more working conditions. If the position is not funded, the site or department administrator
should initiate an HR Request Form workflow to establish the new position.
Ideally new positions are approved during the initial budget meeting held with departments
and schools by the MCSD Finance department. Beyond this, additional requests from schools or
departments to advertise positions are sent to the HR department using the HR Request Form.
Prior to any position being opened for advertisement, the requesting site should complete the
form and submit it to HR through the Focus software Position Control Changes tab. Once
received the requesting site/department’s budget will be reviewed. This affirms that the
position has been budgeted through (1) one of three (3) venues. The first includes positions
that are new and for which a budget amendment is required. The second involves those
positions for which working conditions are modified (i.e. increased hours or extended day
opportunities). This category also requires a budget amendment. The third category includes
positions that have been vacated. These are considered replacement positions for which no
budget amendment is required. Currently budgeted, they merely require verification of budget
and unit allocations prior to approval and execution of the request to open the position for
hire. Verifications are performed by submission of an Exit Form (formerly Exhibit A) by the
employee or administration indicating that the budgeted position has officially been vacated. In
all instances budget verification is mandatory.
Exit Form
The Employee Exit Form (formerly Exhibit A) Employees should create and submit an Exit
Formwith a date effective as of the date they leave their current position within the District,
either through transfer, resignation or retirement. The Exit Form is available to every
employee through use of their individual sign-on and password in the Focus system.
The Administrative Exit Form should be created in the Focus system, under the “Forms” tab
by the administrator when:
1) employment has been terminated during a probationary period;
2) in lieu of exigent circumstance, which requires a notation of “with prejudice in the
comment section of the “Exit Form”;
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
3) termination of an employee by board action;
4) contract non-renewal; or
5) in lieu of an internal roster move.
Paper forms are available for use by temporary employees who end employment either at the
end of a fiscal year and prior to working in the next school year or at the conclusion of other job
duties (i.e. six-month temporary employees). Examples of this are: substitutes, athletic coaches
and student workers. The paper version of the form can be found on
under Resources For Staff Forms Human Resources Department Forms.
Opening Positions to Create Ad
Prior to opening a position that is already budgeted, check to verify that the Exit Form has been
completed. Secondly, verify that the position is in fact in the budget. Once confirmed, the
position is opened/availed and prepared for use by the requesting site. These preparations
include confirming/entering data into the Frontline Recruiting and Hiring system Job Posting
1. The assignment of a position control number
2. Job Title
3. Organizational Unit
4. FTE hours & hours worked /day
5. Job Status (Full Time or Part Time)
6. Allocated number of units
7. Funding Source and percent of allocation source (1 100%)
Job Posting
The site administrator or office manager has the authority to create job postings for available
positions at their site only. The Hiring Authority (HA) is reminded that all replacement position
requests must follow appropriate hiring procedures and a completed “Exit Form” must be
submitted to HR to avail the position both in the budget, and on the applicant tracking system.
Jobs are unique to their job titles and position control numbers. All job postings require a
unique 9-digit “position control number” (i.e. 0131I9153) and 5-digit job title” (i.e. 51051). The
9-digit position control number also indicates working conditions (i.e. part time, summer
employment, etc.) for the posting as well as other job requirements each of which appear on
the job posting.
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
It is the responsibility of the school/department submitting the advertisement to monitor the
posting for applicants and their rates of completion of qualifying criteria. Additional assistance
will be offered/provided by HR in helping to determine eligibility.
Required posting time
All jobs posted for employment with the MCSD are required to be posted for a minimum of five
(5) calendar days.
Charter schools and other agencies may also utilize MCSD’s applicant tracking system when
posting jobs. However, they may not always be subject to MCSD time restrictions. While
charter schools are public agencies, they have individual governing bodies that are empowered
with regulatory control over this process.
Review by HR
All job postings are reviewed at time of submission for posting time, certification requirements
(if applicable), part-time or full-time classification and appropriate/legal questions of applicants.
After review they are approved for posting and will appear on the applicant tracking system.
Applicants will not appear to the Hiring Authority until they have fully completed the
employment application and have been through the HR vetting process as applicable if they
answered “yes” to a legal or work performance question.
When looking at an applicant for educator or athletic coaching consideration in the “Recruiting
& Hiring” system, you may Request a Certification Status check by going to:
Refer to the Applicant Notes section in Recruit & Hire to review Certificate Eligibility
status indicated to see if certification or eligibility has already been indicated. If the
necessary certification has been indicated, move forward with Recommendation for
If not, move the applicant to the Pipeline: “Request Certification Status”.
Then go to “Forms”, Send a Form” and select the Certification Form “Request
Certification Status”. The request goes directly to the District Certification Office
email. Once known information is selected and/or indicated, an email will come back to
you with an answer.
The certification information selected and/or indicated may be viewed by all hiring
authorities looking at the applicant for consideration.
Hiring authorities may only tell candidates that they are recommended for hire, but it’s
contingent on certification, background screening, School Board approval, etc.
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
System Requirements for Applicants
Employment History and Verifications
All applicants must provide their employment history for the last five (5) years or since the
age of 18, whichever is less. This history should be submitted chronologically with no gaps.
Periods of unemployment must be entered with a brief explanation (unemployed, going to
school, etc.).
The hiring agent should review this with the new employees to ensure all information has been
provided correctly. Upon hire, HR will send “Supervisor Reference” surveys to the new
employee’s former employers.
Transcript requirements are as noted below (diplomas are not accepted):
Administrative a copy of official transcripts for all degrees obtained. Some
positions do not require postsecondary education.
After School Tutoring a copy of official high school transcripts or GED (HQ not
Clerical high school graduation as a minimum; official college transcripts if
Instructional a copy of all official college transcripts.
Paraprofessionals official college transcripts showing a minimum of 60
semester hours or an associate’s degree. High School transcripts are acceptable
if they have taken and passed the ETS Paraprofessional exam with a score of 464
or higher in lieu of college credits.
Support Staff (bus driver, bus aide, cafeteria, day care) - a copy of official high
school transcripts or GED requested, but not required for positions.
Other forms that may be submitted and considered during
posting/interviewing/hiring process:
o Florida Statement of Eligibility
o Florida Teaching Certificate
o Examination Score Reports
o Instructional Experience
o Out-of-State Certificate
o Certificates of Successful Completion in Vocational Areas
o Resume
Instructional positions must have a bachelor’s degree as a minimum and be eligible for
certification as required on the posting (i.e. Florida Statement of Eligibility). Certification
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
requirements are based on the selection of the specific instructional position grade and/or
subject area.
Instructional based administrators must have a minimum of a master’s degree and be eligible
for certification as required on the posting. Certification requirements are based on the
selection of the specific administrative position.
Transfer requests
Transfer requests are processed as per union contract for both the instructional staff (Article
XIV, Section 1(A)) and school related personnel (Article VIII, Section 2 (A)).
Applications for transfer will be submitted using the applicant tracking system by April 1 (expire
July 31), prior to the beginning of the school year in which the transfer is to take effect.
Employees wishing to activate a transfer application are not subject to prior approval by their
An employee shall have the right to apply for a transfer to another work location within the
same job classification. The request shall be completed on the applicant tracking system.
Employees requesting a transfer shall be considered in accordance with the union contract.
Requests for transfer are active for a one year period from the date of request and are renewed
Non-union Positions
All employees are encouraged to apply for positions of interest to them. However, there is no
guarantee or first consideration for non-union positions.
Providing References (Administrators)
Administrators who choose to provide a letter of reference or recommendation, upon request,
for a current or former employee of the District is free to do so with the following stipulations:
References should be addressed to a specific person/company and mailed directly to
them. A copy can be given to the individual requesting the reference.
References should only contain statements that are truthful and factual based on first-
hand knowledge.
Position employee held, period of time referenced, duties assigned and performance of
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
A copy must be sent to the HR department for placement in the employee’s personnel file.
If a phone reference is given at any time, documentation of the date, time, company, person’s
title are to be completed and sent to HR with a notation to have it scanned into the employee’s
personnel file. This is done as a matter of record. Employees should be notified that the
reference was provided and will be placed on file.
Frontline “Recruiting and Hiring” is the MCSD’s internet based Applicant Tracking System
available to applicants 24 hours a day and 7 days each week. Job vacancies are posted as they
occur and move in real time. All job postings are to be advertised for five (5) days minimally.
The applicant tracking system allows the HR department to assist in qualifying applicants for
positions based on minimum requirements and completion of job applications. It remains the
applicants responsibility to affirm all necessary documents are recorded/uploaded as required
by the position for which one applies.
First Consideration
First consideration is given to existing employees as per union contract. For the instructional
contract, the language is located in Article 15, Section 5. For the school related personnel
contract it is located in Article 8, Section 1B. In general, first consideration gives current
employees the opportunity to fill new or vacant positions within the District. The areas that are
evaluated when giving first consideration are: qualifications, training, experience, annual
evaluations and time in the District.
Reviewing Applicants/Determining Interview Candidates
Following the 5-day posting period (minimal requirement) and after the posting has closed
(unless advertised as “Until Filled), the site administrator should review all applicant materials
and determine how well an applicant qualifies as it pertains to that specific position. Applicants
should be processed using standardized criteria and as according to Florida Statutes: Chapter
447 Employee Rights, and the UTM contract. A “score card” for applicant portfolio review can
be requested from the MCSD-HR Department to assist you in standardizing the portfolio review
The Human Resources Department may not qualify applicants that do not meet the minimum
requirements of the position and as according to Florida statutes.
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
The hiring authority should then review the remaining applicant submissions and select a
minimum of three (3) qualified applicants to interview based on a match of applicant
qualifications and what preferred qualifications were listed on the posting as necessary to meet
specific job expectations. In instances where the applicant pool is particularly shallow, contact
HR for guidance. NOTE OF CAUTION: Please make sure that any individual claiming Veteran’s
Preference is included in your interview pool if they meet the minimum guidelines. There is no
maximum number that hiring authorities are allowed to interview.
Interview Do’s and Don’ts
You can ask: current or previous address; if they are 18 or older; if they are lawfully authorized
to work in the US; if they have served in the armed forces, including branch, rank, job related
experience; education/schools attended; languages spoken/fluency; work references;
willingness to perform job functions; or willingness to work required schedule and conditions.
You cannot ask about: race, religion, color, ethnicity, gender, weight/height, physical or mental
characteristics, immigration status, marital status or children; how other language skills were
acquired; or military obligations.
Before the interview session begin, take a moment to review the list of items below with the
interview formative committee. Remember this committee informs the hiring decision. They do
not make the decision. Only the hiring authority can make a recommendation for hire. The final
decision to hire comes after the successful candidate is recommended to the school board by
the Superintendent. Only after school board approval is received can the candidate be
considered a new employee.
Interview Formative Committee Calibration and Talking Points
1. Formative committee members will greet the candidate, sharing your name, title and
faction represented on the focus panel (if any).
2. Ask the committee members if any of them knows of a reason why he or she may not be
able to participate in the process in an impartial manner. If there are
reason/thoughts/concerns/interests that need to be shared, the facilitator will do so
privately with the affected panel member
3. Remind the committee that all candidates are advised that no decisions are final until
School Board approval is received and they should conduct themselves accordingly.
While it is up to the candidate to inform their current employer of their desire to
transition to a new workplace setting, in most instances the candidate should not
inform current employers of intent to resign, retire, etc. until after this approval is
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
4. Facilitator: Explain interview purpose/process to the committee:
A. Explain all candidate information gathering protocols and the initial inventory
scaffolding procedure performed by HR Specialists to determine who will be a
part of this level of the conversation.
B. Goal of the interview formative committee: To inform the decision in such a way
as it informs and supports our district’s efforts to best inform talent selection
C. Explain the S T A R (Situation, Task, Action, Results) thinking model and rubric as
a guide to support how we process the information being shared. Share how the
progression continuum unfolds and well as how we capture the individual
1) Relatedness is the candidate’s response related to the question that was
asked? Was the question thoughtfully and thoroughly answered?
2) Relevance did the details of the applicant’s response demonstrate
knowledge of the working environment/department of which the
candidate would like to be a part?
D. Explain the “acumen” component of the process.
1) Culture as defined by what the individual brings to the process
(background, heritage, up-bringing) and;
2) Climate as the mix of all individual cultures within a social unit. This
creates the organization’s interpersonal climatic temperature.
5. Describe the information gathering plan:
A. Questions are designed to get specific information about a candidate’s
professional history. Listen attentively and develop a tally system that allows you
to work comfortably while focusing on and digesting the information shared. As
facilitator, be prepared to share helpful hints using the graphics prepared by the
MCSD Department of Human Resources.
B. Committee members may interrupt facilitators or interviewees from time to
time in order to ensure all dimensions of a question are covered in a manner
that suites their understanding.
C. Interviewers are allowed to take notes on a separate sheet of paper. Only
ranking values may be placed on the ranking sheets. Do not copy the questions,
as these are the property of MCSD.
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
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D. All interview question sheets MUST be returned and may not be copied or
otherwise distributed.
E. Interview formative committee findings are used to inform the hiring decision.
They do not render a final choice of who is hired. This authority lies elsewhere in
our organization.
6. At conclusion of interview, thank the candidate for the interview
The Interview Guide:
Behavioral Analysis Instrument (BAT) - Interview Template
The MCSD has implemented Targeted Selection as the standard for interview proceedings. This
requires that all applicants for a position be interviewed by the same selection team, MCSD
interview guide, question series and timing variables to the fullest extent possible.
Targeted Selection is a standardized behavioral approach used to inform hiring decisions in a
consistently valid and reliable manner. The goal of a targeted selection interview is to collect
data regarding job-related behaviors from conversations focused around an applicant's former
work related experiences. Interviews are structured and target content delivery, response
relatedness to the target position, cognitive processing, goal accomplishment, and impact.
During the conversation interviewers listen for key components in the form of situations, tasks,
actions and results (STAR). Data captures are then ranked numerically based on completeness
of response, degrees of relatedness to the job for which one is interviewing, and depth of
knowledge and experience.
During the talent selection conversation, preparedness on the part of interview formative
committee members is expected. Keep the following in mind as you calibrate them:
1. Reliability: Use past behavior to predict future behavior: Behavior in one
situation usually predicts behavior in a similar situation at a later time. There
is a strong overlap between the past performance situation and the
performance situation being predicted.
2. Validity: Interview for critical job requirements. The interview should be
guided by a list of skills, special qualities, knowledge or behaviors as relative
to the position for which one is interviewing. This list is developed by
identifying those aspects of on-the-job performance that are most critical to
getting the job done (i.e. job description).
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3. Orient, calibrate and organize your teams for the experience: Hiring
decisions are based on interview committee interpretations of candidate
sharing of professional experiences from a variety of sources. Orientations
should be planned and provided ahead of time. During orientations, share
the purpose of the interview and describe the interview process. Then,
inform each member how to record qualitative information in a quantitative
format using the STAR tallying model. Plan to spend 20-30 minutes before
the interviews to calibrate the formative committee. Calibration involves
review of the job descriptions, review of the hiring authority’s expectations, a
review of the scoring process and committee member Q&A’s. You may even
invite other district leaders to share their perspectives of the “perfect
candidate”. All committee members should be provided time to review the
resumes and think about the relevance of the backgrounds under study to
the job for which the candidates have applied. Local hiring authorities should
also have used this information to prepare behavioral questions. Once the
candidates are present and before beginning the talent selection
conversation, facilitators are allowed to share information about the district
during a brief exchange period that leads into the talent selection
conversation. This exchange allows candidates time to relax and warm-up for
the interview. At the conclusion of the interview, remember to thank the
4. Begin the interview process using: a) The Facilitator’s Processing Guide and
b) The Behavioral Analysis Tool (BAT).
5. Remember to verify whether or not the candidate is claiming Veteran’s
Preference. This should be done just before you close the talent selection
6. Apply effective questioning skills and techniques: An interview is only as
good as the questions asked. Use your guide as a resource when developing
your question bank. During the conversations, read each question
thoughtfully and place emphasis on important phrases/key terms. It’s okay
to allow committee members to practice reading prior the engaging
candidates. Committee members should read the same question during each
interview session as was read during the position’s first interview session.
The final question is typically, “Is there anything regarding this application for
employment that you would like to share about which we have not asked”. It
is important to remember to always try to maintain the candidate’s positive
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
self-esteem. And, it is the interview facilitator’s responsibility to control the
pace of the interview. Remember to adjust the numbers on the self-
calculating worksheet of your BAT to reflect the number of committee
members and the number of questions.
7. Close the experience by asking whether or not the candidate has any
additional questions or would like to share anything that has not been
touched upon during the questioning and sharing period.
8. Exchange and discussion of information obtained with the other managers
involved in the interviewing process should only occur after all interviews
have concluded. The names of individual candidates should never be used.
Let the numbers speak for themselves. And, numerical rankings should never
be compared nor used as if in a consensus building setting. These are
individual data points, relevant to the understandings held by individual
committee members and they should be confidentially kept.
The Question Formatting
The STAR behavioral response tracking model informs interviewers and offers a means to
quantify behavioral responses. For the interviewee, it offers a concise means to demonstrate
experience in the job for which one is being considered. Questions may also target intangible
domains. These include initiative, motivation, stress tolerance, leadership, decision making,
acumen and persuasiveness.
Team Selection
An interview team should always have a minimum of three (3) members. Selection of the ideal
team includes the hiring agent, an outside individual (outside the organization) and an
employee that may or may not be a subordinate. It is noted that the ideal team is not always a
reality during summers as a result of individual work calendars. Still, every effort should be
made to meet this goal. Teams selected for administrative positions are encouraged to include
parents, students, community members, support personnel, instructional personnel, and
district or local agency administrators as appropriate.
All committee members should be contacted in advance and provided a copy of the job
description for the position under study.
Rankings should be assigned using the following 5-point rubric:
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5 points Candidates response as given provided the required STAR elements with
no vague areas. Answer was demonstrative of high performance or exemplary
behavior in the targeted area. This rating is the most difficult to achieve. The
frequency of awarding this score is low.
4 points Candidates response as given provided the required STAR elements with
one vague area. And, while the answer as provided demonstrated the basics of the
required performance, it included no high performance or exemplary behavior. This
ranking is the difficult to achieve. The frequency of awarding this score is moderately
3 points Candidates response as given provided the required STAR elements and
may have included two or more somewhat vague areas. These responses are
considered average. This ranking is the somewhat to fairly difficult to achieve. The
frequency of awarding this score is average. An average well-prepared candidate
should expect to receive this ranking.
2 points Answer included some STAR elements but there were incomplete or
missing components. These are below average responses. Candidates with this
ranking will generally need professional development, on-the-job training and other
supports to meet with success. The true learning curve better be engaged once these
applicants have gained prerequisite skills.
1 point STAR elements were missing, answer was vague and incomplete or was
unrelated to the question. These responses are generally less than what may be
otherwise expected from a qualified candidate.
0 points No response given. These rankings will not yield sufficient data to secure a
recommendation for hire.
Using an Candidate’s Interview Ranking for More Than One Position
You may use an interviewee’s instrument for more than one position IF you first ask the
interviewee if that is acceptable to them and they agree AND all of the following conditions are
met: you are using the same interview team (or configuration thereof where the same
membership is unavailable); you are using the same interview questioning instrument; and
their interview is dated within the last month preceding its re-use.
Veteran’s Preference
As according to Florida Statute F.S. 110.2135, Preference in employment, reemployment,
promotion, and retention, and School Board Policy 1121C, 3121C and 4121C - Preference for
Veterans in Employment, preference in employment, reemployment, promotion and retention
shall be given to an eligible veteran, as long as the veteran meets the minimum eligibility
requirements and has the knowledge, skills, and abilities required for the particular position.
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Verification with Human Resources
It is highly recommended that prior to making an offer of employment for any position, the
hiring agent check the Certificate Entries in the Applicant Notes or confer with HR on the
minimum qualifications of the candidate of their choice for the position certification, HQ,
experience, etc. The Focus database should also be checked. In Focus, prospective hiring agents
will identify whether or not prior employment experiences exist within our school District.
Talent Selection
MCSD believes that hiring qualified individuals to fill positions contributes to the overall
strategic success. Each employee is hired to make significant contributions to the District. Hiring
authorities make selections to positions on the basis of an individual’s qualifications, job
duties/responsibilities and other stated qualifiers for the position as posted.
The District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, gender,
sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, or age.
Human Resources Personnel Files
Personnel files are maintained in the department of Human Resources. All files are maintained
in an electronic filing system. Individuals wishing to view personnel files may do so by
contacting the HR department to make a request. The Human Resources department requires
that all requests be met by appointment. The length of preparation required for processing is
dependent upon the nature of the requested information. A fee may be assessed for the
clerical time and cost for copies.
Paper submissions or electronic PDF documents received are scanned or uploaded into the
system according to specific categories. These are as follows:
Employee Records
o Records pertaining to employee documents completed at the time of
o Notices/Memorandum of Termination
o Exit Forms
Personnel Information File (PIF)
o All PIF documents
Leave Papers
o All leave papers
o Family Medical Leave documents (FMLA)
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o All certificates
o Training documentation
o Information from Recruitment
o Documents from the Department of Education
o Binders
o Transcripts
o Educational Institution documents
o All evaluation related materials
o Observation materials
o All verifications
o Employee Statement of Salary and Wages
o Loan Forgiveness
o Fingerprinting Documentation
o Work activity
o Employment Verifications
o All fingerprint related materials
o Sexual predator information
Non-Public Records
o Related materials
o Disciplinary letters
o All miscellaneous communications
Medical Information
o All medically related materials
o Insurance contracts
Processing Candidates in the Applicant Tracking System
Once all interviews for a position have been completed and a selection made, the site
administrator or their designee will inform the selected candidate and complete a
Recommendation for Hire form in Recruiting & Hiring. The hiring agent must provide an
accurate start date and electronically sign the form.
HR will then send the candidate an offer letter/binder. If the candidate accepts the position
through electronically signing the binder, new hire paperwork will be sent to the candidates
from the applicant tracking system. After the selected individual has been hired through the
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applicant tracking system, the system will prompt the new employee to complete the New Hire
Forms prior to scheduling their appointment with HR for processing. It is imperative that these
forms be completed first to expedite and ensure accurate information is provided to the new
hire during their intake experience.
Additionally, candidates are advised that they will be required to pay a fingerprinting fee of
subject to current State rates. Only credit cards or money orders will be acceptable forms of
payment. They will also be advised that the use of the District’s direct deposit process is
mandatory. A voided check can be used as bank documentation for direct deposit. All visits to
the Human Resources Department must be arranged in advance.
*Verification of possession of a valid social security card is required during the clearing
procedure. This document will be used to meet guidelines to pay employees based on their
legal name as is identified on the face of the social security card. Other documentation may be
provided to meet the I-9 requirement.
Completion of Personnel Information Form (PIF)
HR will initiate a PIF in the applicant tracking system for all new hires.
If current employees have a change in their base/supplement position, if an internal roster
move is needed or if the position funding has changed, a PIF should be initiated by the Office
Manager in Focus.
Placement on Salary Schedule
Salary and step placements in the School District are administered in accordance with Florida
statute along with School Board policy and School Board administrative procedures (1410, 3410
and 4410). All newly hired staff will typically be placed on Step 0/Level A1 at the time of hire.
Credit for years of experience will be adjusted by the HR/Payroll departments upon receipt of
the Experience Verification Form(s). The responsibility to provide this documentation remains
with the employee. The deadline to provide this information is within 90 days of employment.
Verifications submitted for consideration after 90 days of employment would not be calculated
retroactive. The allowance for salary based on years of experience is up to the hiring manager.
The Experience Verification Forms will be sent to the new employees through the Frontline
Recruiting and Hiring system.
The new hire should fill out the form and ensure that the e-mail address is correct for the
former employer(s). Once the new hire submits the form, it will be sent electronically to the
past employers for applicable work experience credit. The form workflow may be tracked in
the applicant’s Frontline Recruiting and Hiring profile under Forms.
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The former employers should complete the form indicating Private or Public School and/or
industry credentialing as follows:
Former Employee’s Job Title
Start Date MM/DD/YY and End Date MM/DD/YY as appropriate for the worked/school
year for which the data is being entered.
Answer “Yes” or “No” to: Full time will be defined as working more than 50% of the
number of hours for the normal contractual period of service for the position held. Did
this employee work Position 1 full time?
Answer “Yes” or “No” to: “Satisfactory Evaluation(s)?
Answer “Yes” or “No” to: “Was a valid industry certificate or license by a State or
national credentialing agency in a specific area required for the assignment?
Provide the number of years of service defined as more than 50% of the number of days
or more than 50% of the number of hours for the normal contractual period of service
for the position held.
Upload a job description
Digitally sign
List employer’s company job title, telephone, address and website.
Upon verification of the forms, Human Resources will recommend the appropriate change to
the Payroll Department. The Superintendent shall recommend personnel to the Board using the
consent agenda and providing the name, position, calendar, contract status, pay grade, step
placement, and number of calendar days worked. The Board may approve or reject personnel
recommendation(s) for placement on Board approved salary schedule as recommended by the
Pursuant to State law the Board shall consider for adoption salary schedules and calendars
appropriate for job descriptions established within the District; in accordance with F.S. 1012.22
Public School Personnel and Board Policy 1120 -Employment of Administrators the Board shall
annually approve salary schedules and calendars for all positions in the District; job descriptions
shall be aligned to job titles and job codes received from the Florida Department of Education;
evaluation of job requirements and commensurate development of and/or attachment to a job
description based on State coding, and alignment with appropriate salary schedule and initial
step placement as aligns with performance expectation(s) will be a responsibility of the
Superintendent or Superintendent’s designee; the Superintendent shall execute adopted salary
schedules, descriptions, and calendars accordingly within the District based on identified
human resource capital needs; Board review and/or approval of a salary schedule onto which
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an employee is placed shall be upon receipt of prerequisite recommendation by the
Further, the immediate supervisor will conduct reviews and vetting of personnel qualifying
criteria as appropriate for the targeted position as a designee of the Superintendent;
consideration and qualification of years of experience and educational attainment as a job
related talent enhancement may be considered as a variable impacting initial step placement
onto the salary schedule;
Initial placement will occur in the following manner:
Initial step placement will occur as according to the administrative procedure. Hiring authorities
should consult the district’s website, policies and procedures for guidance during this stage of
the talent acquisition process. The related procedures are 1410 Administrative Staff, 3410
Instructional Staff and 4410 Support Staff. The salary of the new hires will be changed on the
regular pay date following verification of the work experience. Critical needs exceptions for
higher placement on the schedule shall be reviewed and approved by the Superintendent using
the HR Request Form in Focus.
Verification of Former Employment
Verification of former employment must be conducted on all new hires before they report on
site to work. This verification will be conducted through the Frontline Recruiting & Hiring
system. However, it is strongly suggested hiring administrators confirm the candidate’s
employment history before an offer is made.
The candidate must provide verifiable information for all previous employers and all private or
public institutions/organizations where the candidate was previously employed. We are
required to perform employment history checks for each of the candidate’s previous employers
per FL Statute 1012.27 (6).
1. HR will verify the employment history in the applicant tracking system with the
individual that will be offered the position being sure to check for completeness and
accuracy. Candidates must have entered dates as months and years. They may not
enter year ranges only. Some candidates may have periods of unemployment.
Request these candidates provide a written statement regarding any periods of
unemployment. The hiring administrator should also affirm that there are no gaps in
the dates reported. In confirming dates of unemployment the candidate should
provide information - why the gaps existed, for example: student, stay at home mom,
or could not find a position. The documents will become a part of the employee’s
hiring history.
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2. To verify employment history, supervisor reference surveys will be sent electronically
through the Recruiting and Hiring system. The request will include the name and title
of the individual providing the reference, the name of the business or school,
telephone number, business/school address or website, applicant’s dates of
employment along with questions about the applicant’s interpersonal skills,
attendance, evaluations and eligibility for rehire.
If the individual is currently employed by MCSD as a regular employee
If you are exercising use of an exception, state the reason for the exception and
forward this information to the Human Resources Department.
New Hire Processing
Reference & Criminal Background Checks
After a decision has been made to hire a particular candidate, an offer will be made to that
individual contingent on their having met all qualifying criteria, satisfactory completion of
reference check criteria and criminal background checks as according to the Jessica Lunsford
Act. Candidates with Professional Practices Services cases will not be considered for hire until
after the cases are resolved. All hiring is contingent upon satisfactory completion of this inquiry.
All newly hired staff must review ethics policies, sign to verify their understanding of the F.S.
6A-10.081 Principles of Professional Conduct for the Education Profession in Florida, remain in
good moral character and be in compliance with performance standards and requirements.
All new employees are required to have a Level 2 fingerprint submission and clearance as per
Florida Statute 1012. The notice of this requirement is given at the time of application on the
applicant tracking system as well as notice that certain criminal convictions can deem you
ineligible for employment by a public school system. All fingerprints are processed by the
Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) and instructional fingerprints are also processed by the
Florida Department of Education (FDOE). This action is required by law and all accounts will be
maintained in their databases.
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The cost of fingerprinting is the responsibility of the new hire. Rates are subject to State
requirements and can vary from year to year. Candidates should be encouraged to verify the
current rate with the HR Specialist while confirming their appointment for clearance.
Fingerprints and their associated annual retention costs are absorbed by the District. When an
employee severs their employment, the District will not continue to retain their prints on
record. Notification of discontinued employment will be provided to the Florida Department of
Law Enforcement.
The determination of their Level 2 background screen requirements continue to be in effect as
satisfied by the Criminal History Policy/Guidelines of the Monroe County School District
throughout continued employment. Upon the 5-year anniversary of the fingerprinting for
current employees, the HR department resubmits the prints electronically at a reduced cost.
This cost is currently absorbed by the District.
When reports of fingerprint screenings are returned, the HR department reviews the
information for compliance with eligibility requirements. In the event that issues of
noncompliance surface during the background check, the HR department will make a
determination regarding the candidate's suitability for employment based on Florida statute.
Depending on what is reported, a candidate may be rejected, or the Executive Director of
Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership may make a recommendation to the
Superintendent regarding whether the candidate should be considered based upon mitigating
circumstances. The latter circumstance often requires additional documentation from the
Any employee provided access to criminal history records shall be cautioned as to the
confidentiality of the information contained in the records, and shall not discuss such
information other than with those legally permitted access to such records. The District may
only share the background screening results and details of the record with the individual that is
being screened, or with his/her attorney of record.
ID Badge
All new employees will have an ID badge made at the time of processing that lists their name
and site of employment. Regular employees have a blue coloring and temporary employees
have a yellow background. Charter schools have a green background and some have their own
logo. Each ID badge comes with in a plastic sleeve and the employee has the option of a clip or
cord. There is a cost of $5 to replace lost ID Badges. All employees should wear their ID Badge
when on school sites for security reasons.
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Bloodborne Pathogens
New employees will be required to watch a Bloodborne Pathogens video as part of their new
hire requirements. The District seeks to provide a safe educational environment for students
and staff by assuring that all persons within the school community understand the method of
transmission and prevention of diseases that are not contracted through air-borne pathogens,
but rather, through direct contact with body fluids and excretions, especially blood, vomit,
feces, or urine.
High risk employees are afforded the opportunity to receive the Hepatitis B shot series at the
District’s expense upon hire or at any time during their employment. This high risk category
includes: nurses, custodians, ESE teachers or aides, vocational/technical education teachers,
coaches, PE teachers, PreK and Kindergarten teachers, bus driver or aides, plumbers or
cafeteria workers.
Other individuals may request consideration from Human Resources. The shot series is valid for
20 years in most cases. Nurses should consider inoculation every 10 years.
The Division of Retirement administers the Florida Retirement System (FRS) Pension Plan and
provides retirement, disability or death benefits to retirees or their designated beneficiaries.
An informational video can be found online at:
There are two (2) plan types: Pension Plan and Investment Plan. The video discusses each
option and the plan selection should be made by the individual to best meet their needs and
goals. Vesting for the pension plan is 8 years; vesting for the investment plan is 1 year. If no
plan is selected you will automatically be enrolled in the pension plan. You are allowed to
change plans only one (1) time.
An employee is required to contribute 3% of the earnings to this retirement fund.
Ethics Training
All new instructional and administrative personnel, regardless of regular or temporary status,
must take and successfully complete the Ethics for Educators course. HR will send these new
hires the information on how to take the online course.
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The training is intended to educate school staff on their ethical obligations to the public, to the
students they serve and to their profession.
A copy of the employee’s certificate of completion should be printed and provided to the
Human Resources Department. This information will be scanned into their personnel file under
New Employee Paperwork
Employee paperwork is processed on the Frontline Recruiting & Hiring system. All forms have
designated workflows based on department needs/requirements and ultimately are imaged to
the individual employee’s personnel file in various files as directed. The forms load based on
the position the individual was hired for not all forms load for all new hires, but most do.
There is a link on each form that allows them to print a paper version of the document.
Many of these documents are required to be re-acknowledged annually at the beginning of the
school year.
All new instructional hires should talk with the Certification Specialist during the hiring process
to review their new teacher requirements, process their FL certification and to document any
needed actions to remain certified and/or to acquire additional certifications that may be
required, needed or desirable for the position they were hired.
All new administrative hires requiring certification should contact the Certification Specialist at
the time of processing to review their requirements, process their FL certification and to
document any needed actions to remain certified and/or to acquire additional certifications
that may be required, needed or desirable for the position for which they were hired.
Additional information is provided under CERTIFICATION.
Substitute Teacher Training
All candidates that do not have a bachelor’s degree (or higher) in education or hold a Florida
professional teaching certificate are required to complete a five (5) course Introductory Teacher
Training for Substitute Teacher. There is an online opportunity to meet this requirement at the
EdTraining Center ( This is a five (5) course, 20 hours model that
provides a solid foundation for the new educator. The cost is $20 if candidates register as MCSD
employees. The cost of this training is the responsibility of the candidate.
The five (5) required courses are:
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Advanced Classroom Management
Exceptional Student Education
Instructional Strategies
Substitute Teaching 101
Working with At-Risk Youth
Absence Management
Absence Management is the automated system used to connect instructional personnel that
are unable to report to work on a specific day with the individuals in the approved substitute
teacher pool. The substitute pool is hired, processed and maintained by the HR department. In
order for a substitute to remain in the pool, they must accept work during each fiscal year.
All instructional personnel are automatically entered into the Absence Management system to
report absences and request a substitute if required. Some categories of instructional
personnel may have access to the system, but will not be able to request a substitute. Examples
are guidance counselors, media specialists, academic coaches, etc.
Upon request of the office manager, individual paraprofessionals and day care employees will
be included in this system for substitute usage.
Each employee is issued an individual user name and password for this system. An email is sent
from Absence Management providing this information along with the website address.
All substitute teacher personnel are automatically entered into the Absence Management
system to accept requests for a substitute. The job availability is limited based on their selection
of sites they requested to substitute teach for. Their lists can be updated by an HR Specialist
upon request.
Upon request of the principal, individual substitutes will be removed from the pool with
appropriate documentation provided. Human Resources should be notified for affirmation as to
whether or not additional action is warranted.
Each substitute teacher will be able to access Absence Management using the District’s single
sign-on credentials.
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Board Appointment
All new hires are presented to the School Board for approval at the next regular meeting
following the employee’s acceptance of a position. The board can only reject a new hire for
Expectations and Requirements
The following are expected and required of all employees of the District:
To abide by this policy, as well as the other policies herein, making the well-being
of the students and the honest performance of professional duties core guiding
To obey local, State, and Federal laws, codes and regulations.
To support the principles of due process to protect the civil and human rights of all
To treat all persons with respect and strive to be fair in all matters.
To take responsibility and be accountable for one’s actions.
To avoid conflicts of interest or any appearance of impropriety.
To cooperate with others to protect and advance the District and its students.
To be efficient and effective in the performance of job duties.
Probationary Period
There is a probationary period for all new hires. If released under the probationary period then
it is without cause and no reason is to be given to the employee. A letter is given to the
employee stating that the right under SBP 1120, 3120 or 4120 and/or FL Statute 1012.335 is
being exercised to release them under his or her probationary period. This is to be shared with
the employee at the time of release. The ID Badge and other School Board property should be
collected at this time.
All new instructional staff are on probation for their first school year. The probationary period
for union support staff is set forth in the applicable collective bargaining agreement. Non-union
support staff shall serve a six (6) month probationary period where the employee serves at the
will of the Board and can be terminated without cause.
Support staff employees who have not completed the six (6) calendar months probationary
period may be discharged without recourse and shall not be subject to the provisions of the
grievance procedure.
When a support staff employee resigns or is released during his or her probationary period, the
hiring authority may review the interview findings for the position that is vacated. If the
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interviews were held within the six (6) calendar months prior to the support employee’s
termination date, the hiring authority may make an employment offer to one of the candidates
interviewed for the same position without needing to re-advertise the position. Prior to making
an employment offer, please contact the Department of Human Resources to confirm that all of
these conditional requirements have been met.
Departmental Absence (Temporary/Short Term)
In an effort to bring consistency to how we manage individual short-term absences throughout
the District, the following standards are recommended:
Medical Appointments
You can arrange with your Supervisor to come in early, stay later to make up the time, use your
lunch hour or submission of a leave request is required to account for the time missed. So not
to disrupt the work day please try to schedule appointments either first thing in the morning or
late in the afternoon when possible.
Time & Attendance
All hourly employees are required to log in and out using the Time & Attendance automated
system. This includes morning arrivals, lunch breaks, out in the afternoon, and end of day
check-outs. The log-in is manageable for your desktop computers.
Working from home
Unless your job duties require you to travel to other sites in the District or specific
arrangements have been made otherwise, you are required to be at your work site during the
scheduled work week. It is not considered a work day if you are working from home without
approval and/or appropriate leave requests have not been completed.
It may be earned by any exempt or non-exempt employee with prior approval of their
immediate supervisor and/or the Superintendent. All flex-time records need to be maintained
time earned/date/reason as well as date used supervisor/Superintendent signature should
be obtained when earning/using. Comp/Flex-time should be used within 30 days of accrual.
Comp/Flex-time may not be used to extend leaves.
Vacation Time
All full-time employees appointed to a twelve-month position earn annual vacation leave. Total
accrued vacation leave may not exceed forty-two (42) days as of July 1
of any year. Unused
days are considered remitted and will not be availed for subsequent use.
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A leave of absence is permission granted by the School Board or allowed under its adopted
policies for an employee to be absent from duty for a specified period of time with the right to
return to employment upon the expiration of leave. Any absence of a member of the staff from
duty shall be covered by leave duly authorized and granted. Leave shall be officially granted in
advance and shall be used for the purposes set forth in the leave application. Leave for sickness
or other emergencies may be deemed to be granted in advance if prompt report is made to the
proper authority.
Except in cases of emergency, the request for leave shall be submitted to the site administrator
and/or Superintendent or designee at least five (5) days before the date on which the proposed
leave is to become effective except accrued vacation which may be approved by the immediate
supervisor with reasonable notice. All leave requests should be entered into the Absence
Management software program. Where the employee is predisposed, a family member should
be contacted and asked to submit the appropriate paperwork to the leave originator.
When a leave has occurred where the affected employee is inaccessible, the originator will note
such on the form and submit as usual to properly alert all impacted department. All attempts
should continue to be made by the originator to gain signatures on as timely as basis as
Generally, no leave, except military leave or illness in line of duty leave, will be granted for a
period in excess of one (1) year.
It is important that all information in the Request for Leave of Absence requests be accurate.
The request must be submitted with all appropriate documentation as applicable.
If it is found that the employee will be absent for an indeterminable amount of time, the leave
originator should project the greatest amount of time it is believed the employee will require
leave and submit the paperwork once requesting that amount of time. This will allow the
necessary board reports and departmental updates to occur. The leave can always be adjusted
should an employee return sooner than expected. All leave, with the exception of annual leave,
for 10 consecutive days or more must go to the board for formal approval.
Types of Leave - PAID
Annual (vacation)
Certain employees shall earn vacation leave and shall be paid their regular straight time hourly
rate, times the number of hours in their normal work day. For purposes of determining years of
continuous service, the anniversary date of regular employment in a vacation earning position
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shall be used to compute full years of service. The chart below applies to continuous and
creditable service in a twelve (12) month vacation earning position.
Continuous and
Creditable Service
Leave Earned During
Each Calendar Month
1 through 5 years
1 day per month-12 workdays per year
6 through 10 years
1 1/4 days per month-15 workdays per year
More than 10 years
1 1/2 days per month-18 workdays per year
Injury or Illness in Line-of-Duty (ILOD)
ILOD may be up to a maximum of ten (10) days within any fiscal year. A doctor’s statement with
specific dates and a copy of the First Report of Injury must be attached to the request for leave.
The ten (10) days of ILOD leave are applicable only to the fiscal year in which the illness or
injury occurs. The term "injury" is defined as the result of an event which causes an employee
to suffer an initial injury or a re-injury or an aggravation of an injury for which the employee
had previously been granted injury in line-of-duty leave.
Jury Duty
Jury duty/court service leave is granted to employees if summoned to court for jury duty or
subpoenaed as a witness before a court or regulatory agency, except in any action in which the
employee is a party. A copy of the subpoena or jury duty summons as well as a certification of
service from the court must be attached to the request for leave. Employees should submit the
request for leave after jury duty or court service ends. If court service involves a dependent
minor, the employee must state the familial relationship with the child (e.g. son, daughter,
stepson) on the completed leave of absence form. The date of birth of the child is also required.
These information requirements do not apply to an action in which the employee is a party in
the legal action. Employees may request personal leave or vacation for legal action in which
they are personally involved.
Military Leave
Military leave is granted for up to a maximum of seventeen (17) days within any fiscal year
without loss of time, pay, or efficiency rating to employees who are required to serve in the
Armed Forces of the United States or the State of Florida in fulfillment of training obligations
incurred under selective service laws or because of membership in reserves of the Armed
Forces or National Guard. Service members in the National Guard or a reserve component of
the Armed Forces of the United States who are called up for active duty for other than training
purposes, shall be granted, a paid leave of absence for the first thirty (30) days of such leave
without loss of time, pay, or efficiency rating. In the case of national emergency, employees
who are required to serve in the Armed Forces of the United States or of this State shall be
granted military leave and shall be paid the difference in pay, if the military pay is less than the
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employee’s normal rate of pay, for a period not to exceed one (1) calendar year. A copy of the
employee’s official orders must be attached to the request for leave.
Personal Leave Chargeable to Sick Leave
Personal leave charged to sick leave may be used each fiscal year as allowed by law for personal
reasons as defined herein. The number of personal days available differs depending on the
type of position. Personal leave is not cumulative. Except in an emergency, the application for
leave shall be submitted to the principal or supervisor at least five (5) days in advance of the
beginning date of the leave.
Sick Leave
Sick leave is credited to employees beginning with four (4) days of sick leave on the first day of
employment each fiscal year. During any fiscal year, employees may not earn more than a total
of one (1) day of sick leave for each complete month of employment including the four (4) days
initially credited. Sick leave may be used for personal illness (including illness or disablement
related to pregnancy, illness, or disablement due to an abortion, and illness or disablement due
to the birth of a child provided the matters prescribed in these parenthesis shall not be
applicable to an employee on maternity leave) or illness or death of a child, spouse, parent,
brother, sister, grandparent, grandchild, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew, child’s spouse, father-in-
law, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, step-parents, step-children, or a person then
residing in the same household as the employee. The unused portion of allotted sick leave
benefits shall accumulate without limit.
To continue to remain on leave with a sick or disabled family member when sick leave balance
has been exhausted, the employee shall request personal leave without pay.
Temporary Duty Elsewhere (TDE)
TDE may be granted for an employee to be absent from their worksite on District business. TDE
shall be approved in advance and may require board action.
Types of Leave - UNPAID
Extended Illness Leave
An employee who exhausts all accumulated sick leave, but who continues to be sick or disabled
and unable to return to employment, may be granted leave upon submitting a request for a
leave of absence for a maximum of one (1) calendar year. Request shall be submitted to the
approving authority no later than ten (10) working days prior to exhaustion of sick leave, if
possible. All requests for this type of leave shall be supported by a statement from a Florida-
licensed medical doctor indicating the inability of the employee to perform normal work duties
for the period of requested leave.
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An employee who is granted an unpaid leave of absence shall accrue no benefits during the
period of Extended Leave Illness and may continue employee benefits by paying all of the
required costs in a timely basis as prescribed by the District and in compliance with Section 125
Family Medical Leave Authorization (FMLA)
Employees are "eligible" if they have worked for the School Board for at least twelve (12)
months and for at least 1,250 hours over the twelve (12) months prior to the leave request.
The leave request form can be found in Focus Employee Self Service.
Eligible employees who apply for FMLA leave for any of the approved reasons must complete
and submit to the HR Department a leave form with appropriate documentation. Any leave
time accrued on the books must be utilized during this leave.
Employees who take leave for their own serious health condition, prior to returning to work,
must submit to the HR Department a "fitness for duty attestation" form from a physician
licensed in the area of illness (i.e. orthopedics, cardiovascular, etc.). This form must be fully
processed and approved-for-return by HR/Risk Management prior to the submitting employee
being allowed to return to work.
Maternity Leave
An employee shall be granted maternity leave under FMLA and will be required to utilize any
leave time accrued on the books.
Personal Leave without Pay
Personal leave without pay may be granted to employees. Except under extenuating
circumstances, the request for unpaid personal leave shall be submitted five (5) days in
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All administrative, instructional and coaching certifications should be processed through the
Certification Specialist in the HR Department to ensure accuracy of District documentation and
Initial Certification
All new hires should meet with the Certification Specialist to determine their certification
requirements and status. Educators are required to qualify with proper Florida eligibility for
certification prior to employment by applying online to the Bureau of Educator Certification at However, if the educator does not currently hold a valid teaching
certificate in the State of Florida in the subjects necessary, they will be required to apply for
certification and pay the fee for the subjects required. The cost is $75 for each certification
Florida Department of Education Educator Certification Application
Renewal Certification
Each individual should complete the FDOE’s online application to renew the five year
professional certificate before validity expiration. To renew all subjects on the FL professional
educator certificate, 120 points are required, which must include at least one (1) semester hour
of college credit or the equivalent 20 inservice points of training in Methods of Teaching
Students With Disabilities (SWD) within the validity dates of your current certificate. The fee is
$75 according to State rule and must be sent to the Certification Specialist to process the
educator certificate renewal. District educators may complete the form MCSD_HR032 to
request payroll deduction for the fee or send a check or money order made payable to the
Monroe County School District.
Florida Department of Education Educator Certification Application
For renewals, the Certification Specialist will print the list of professional development activities
completed during the certification validity period from Professional Growth in Frontline, User
History section by printing the portfolio. The points will be totaled from the years of the
certificate validity period.
Teaching or taking a college course within your current validity dates where three semester
hours are awarded to students will provide 60 points to be used toward renewal. Three
semester hours of college credit is worth 60 points. An educator may earn six (6) semester
hours of college credit or the equivalent 120 in-service points for retention of coverages on the
professional certificate and meet the 1 semester hour or 20-point SWD requirement.
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To use college credit toward renewal of a professional FL educator certificate, indicate the
college coursework as the method of renewal request on the application to renew providing a
copy for the Certification Specialist. If using a transcript for renewal credit, the transcript must
be an original, official transcript reflecting the coursework completed within the validity dates
of the current FL educator certificate and should be sent to:
Florida Department of Education
Bureau of Educator Certification
Suite 201, Turlington Building
325 W. Gaines Street
Tallahassee, FL 32399-0400
In addition to college credit or in-service points, a passing score (taken within the current
validity dates) on a subject area exam for a subject on the valid professional certificate may be
used to satisfy renewal credit. The Certification Specialist will also look for subject area exams
completed during the validity period that can be used toward renewal (this may free up more
points to be banked). Subject area exams would be listed under score reports in the Candidate
Info section of the BEC website. If using a transcript for renewal credit, the transcript must be
an original, official transcript reflecting the course and should be sent to the DOE. The date
sent should be written on the scanned copy of the transcript. A copy of the score report should
be included with the renewal application.
A teacher who passes the Exceptional Student Education subject area exam during the validity
period of their professional certificate AND already has ESE K-12 on the professional certificate
or applies to add that subject to their certificate before applying for renewal can use that exam
to clear the students with disabilities requirement for renewal. The exam is equal to 3 semester
hours of college credit and an exam cannot be banked. If an educator has an Exceptional
Student Education subject on their professional certificate such as Specific Learning Disabilities
or Emotionally Handicapped then that person can take the Exceptional Student Education
subject area exam and use the exam for 3 semester hours of renewal credit and the students
with disabilities requirement without applying separately to add Exceptional Student Education
to their professional certificate.
The Certification Specialist will review all points gained and bank any excess ESOL, Reading or
SWD professional development points earned within the current validity dates, making sure
there are still enough points for renewal. If 120 points are not available, previously banked
points may need to be used (on the certificate management screen), where banked totals are
adjusted and recorded. Please note that ESOL, Reading or SWD points earned under a
temporary certificate can only be used for the first renewal.
Banked points can either be used for renewal or remain banked in Professional Growth in
Frontline until the educator requests the points be officially transferred to another Florida
district. If they were previously banked, the points are recorded on the application as
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previously banked and added to the newly banked points for recording in the certificate
management section of Professional Growth in Frontline.
The method of renewal and in-service credit sections should be completed on the application
showing points were earned during the validity period. Documentation is uploaded to
Miscellaneous Documentation and labeled “Renewal verification” on the FDOE website when
processing the FL certificate renewal.
The disclosure sections of the application should be checked and the application with
disclosures will require Professional Practice Services request for issuance approval prior to
processing the renewal. The Certification Specialist will process the professional certificate
renewal electronically on the Bureau of Educator Certification website and process the payroll
deduction or check/money order payment.
Employee records may be updated in Professional Growth in Frontline by going to the User Info
and Certification sections. To get to the certification section, click on Configuration Summary
and then Certificate Management. Then, choose the teacher’s name from the drop down
menu. Update the validity period for each subject and record any changes in banked points in
the certification section.
Once Professional Growth in Frontline is updated, certification information in the operating
system employee database and the Teacher certification file in Focus.
Adding Subject Area(s) to a Certificate
Educators who wish to add a certification subject to their certificate must meet the
requirements to do so. In most cases, an individual can do this by passing the subject area
exam or completing a District Add-On Program. Check with the Certification Specialist for
determination to either apply with the FDOE with “Addition of Subject Via District Application”
with a $75.00 fee with payroll deduction or check/money order payable to MCSD sent to the
Certification Specialist OR “Addition of Subject to Educator Professional Certificate” and pay the
$75 fee online for the Bureau of Educator Certification to process. For example: adding a
subject based on transcripts or an out of state certificate should be done online and paid for
with a credit card to Florida Department of Education.
Highly Qualified (HQ)
If a teacher needs to obtain or maintain their HQ status for a core subject they are currently
teaching or will be teaching (verified by Principal), they can submit the Title II Reimbursement
Agreement for approval prior to registration for the subject area exam. Approval of the
agreement by the District is subject to funding.
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Forms should be submitted to the Certification Specialist in HR and submitted to the Title II
Administrator for final approval. The individual will be notified if the request is approved so that
they may register for the test. Reimbursement will only occur if the test is passed, the subject is
added, required documentation is provided in the time agreed and funding remains available.
Educator Out of Field Reporting
The Certification Specialist has access to and can work on the corrections and verifications prior
to IT generation of the initial FDOE report to be sent to Certification for correction and
verification of IT generated reports. Afterwards the reports are returned to IT. Certification
generates reporting to send recommendations for educators to teach ‘Out of Field’ subject
areas to the School Board that must match the reports sent to FLDOE. School Board approval is
required prior to FLDOE reporting. IT also makes corrections on the student side of the
operating system.
Board approval must occur before October and February Survey reporting for educators
indicated Out of Field for English Speakers of Other Languages (“ESOL”) and subject areas. The
Certification Specialist will send reports to Principals and Office Managers for review and
immediate correction or a plan for correction. Certification also provides sample parent
notification letters in three languages to copy and paste onto school letterhead for Principal
signature to be sent home to parents of students whose teacher is out of field for a subject area
and to parents of English Language Learner (“ELL”) students whose teacher is out of field for
ESOL. This notification must be dated the day after Board approval will be obtained and may be
sent in the mail, sent home in backpacks or printed on the school newsletter to be sent home
with students. If a teacher out of field for ESOL has no ELL students assigned, notification is not
required. Certification also provides Out of Field Status letters for voluntary/involuntary
indication (ESOL would be voluntary). After teacher and Principal signature/date, schools are to
return Out of Field Status Letters for recordation in educator personnel files.
IT then makes any additional corrections and makes the final submission of reports available to
FLDOE for Survey completion.
Annual Evaluation
The purpose of annual evaluations is to monitor the effectiveness and competence of support
staff members and to assist them in the improvement of their professional performance. All
employees must receive an annual evaluation by their immediate supervisor. The evaluation
forms can be found at under Resources For Staff Forms - Human
Resources Department Forms. The deadlines are as follows:
New and Beginning Teachers 1st Observation Within 90 days of the first duty day
New and Beginning Teachers 2nd Observation April 15
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Teacher Evaluations 5 days prior to end of SY
School Related Personnel April 15
Clerical and Paraprofessional Personnel End of the School Year
Substitute Teachers Once per year at each site worked
District Level Leadership June 30
Employees should not be given a mark less than satisfactory/acceptable on any item that was
not brought to their attention during the evaluation period as being less than this minimum
(attire, attendance, performance, quantity/quality, etc.) Please consult with the HR Generalist
if assistance is needed.
Verification of Annual Evaluations
The HR Department uses the Focus software to track evaluation ratings as they are submitted
to the HR office. Then they are scanned to the individual’s electronic employee personnel files.
Every current employee should have a document submitted with the exception of probationary
employees. Any probationary employee who misses the deadlines above should have an
evaluation completed after their probationary period ends. If the employee is released during
probation, then an evaluation is not to be completed. Probationary employees are released
without cause.
Reminder emails are sent to administrators prior to due dates by the HR Department.
Administrations will be advised on individuals that did not have evaluation submissions by the
due date. It is the goal of the HR department to have all evaluations in before the start of the
next school year.
Recording of Instructional Evaluations
All instructional personnel will have their performance evaluation rating documented
individually in Focus with the elements as required by statute: highly effective, effective, needs
improvement/developing and unsatisfactory.
Overall Unsatisfactory Evaluation
Notation of an overall unsatisfactory evaluation will be transmitted to the FL DOE. The
Superintendent and appropriate Executive Directors are also notified of this overall rating.
An overall unsatisfactory evaluation triggers an improvement plan with the site administrator
and periodic reviews during the next year. The bargaining agreement should be observed and
consulted as necessary. Should a second annual evaluation result in an overall unsatisfactory
for a PSC teacher, the District will pursue their rights under Florida Statute to terminate
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Annual Appointment
The Superintendent, Executive Directors and Principals are sent a list of administrators under
their direct supervision each year for review and decision for reappointment or non-renewal.
These recommendations are provided to the Superintendent for School Board action during the
month of May. Any non-renewals must be given to the employee in writing.
It is the Superintendent’s/designee’s responsibility to discuss his/her recommendation for
reappointment and/or non-renewal with each staff member under his/her direct supervision
prior to the agenda item being linked to the board agenda.
Members of the administrative staff shall receive and sign an employment contract for a
specific position which will specify the term of service and salary.
The principals are sent a list of instructional staff under their direct supervision each year for
review and decision for reappointment or non-renewal. These lists are sent by the Certification
Specialist with instructions that include the date they are due back to the HR department in the
month of April. Also included are Contingency Agreements for educators with requirements
It is the Principal’s responsibility to discuss their recommendation for reappointment and/or
non-renewal with each staff member by the deadline set by union contract. Any non-renewals
must be given to the employee in writing by this date.
Annual recommendations for re-appointment of instructional personnel will be made by the
Superintendent and taken to the School Board at the first meeting in May of each year for the
following fiscal year.
All instructional staff shall be entitled to and shall enter into a written contract with the School
Board. All contracts shall be on the approved District instructional contract form as appropriate.
Each member of the instructional staff shall receive an annual (AC) or professional services
(PSC) contract as appropriate. The contract shall be in accordance with the duly adopted salary
schedule of the Board and shall be for a definite term of service. A signed copy shall be retained
by the Board in the office of Human Resources.
Intent to Remain
Each year in mid-January, HR will request submission of each employee’s intent to remain for
the following school year in regards to employment. This submission will take place through
Focus Employee Self Service.
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Reduction in Force
If a reduction is required, the District will follow the language in the bargaining agreements. For
instructional personnel, this is located in Article 29. For the school related personnel this is
located in Article 13, Section 1. For positions that fall outside of the contracts, the
Superintendent will confer with the Executive Director of Personnel Support and Instructional
Leadership on proper procedure, depending on the position(s) in question.
Due Process
The purpose of the district’s due process protocol is two-fold. First to protect the interest of the
complainant. Secondly and equally as importantly to protect the interest(s) of the respondent.
The district will make every effort to conduct the process in a fair and expeditious fashion that
is sensitive to all parties. It is important to note no anonymous complaints will not be heard or
processed. The annual evaluation may be used as documentation during employee disciplinary
due process if it is applicable to the issue at hand.
Due process is outlined in the union contracts and is followed for all personnel. In the
Instructional Contract the language is found in Article 20. In the School Related Personnel
Contract the language is found in Article 5.
Discipline of an Employee
Should it become necessary to discipline an employee, it is the District’s intent to do so
consistent with the concept of progressive discipline. This process includes as many as five (5)
steps. Employees covered by this agreement may be disciplined for just cause in the following
1. Verbal warning/conversation regarding behavior (site record)
2. Written directive (district record)
3. Written reprimand (personnel file)
4. Suspension with or without pay
5. Demotion or termination
The concept of progressive discipline does not keep the omission of one or more of the steps if
immediate and/or stronger action is necessary.
Education Practices
Upon hire, HR will check the Florida Department of Education Discipline against Educator
Licenses and Staff Terminations sites to ensure that there are no disqualifying circumstances.
When the Florida Department of Education e-mails HR the pending cases list, HR staff will check
the list for the presence of MCSD employees.
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Reasonable Suspicion
Reasonable suspicion allows the site administrator to determine the need for a drug and/or
alcohol screening test for an employee who is unfit for duty and/or if probable cause
(reasonable suspicion) exists to test, or for an employee who has been involved in an
accident/incident subject to drug/alcohol testing. If you suspect an employee may be under
the influence, please reach out immediately to Human Resources.
Delivery of Summons, Subpoenas or Service-of Process
Schools should not interrupt the instructional process for the delivery of a summons,
subpoenas or service-of process to any school board employee except criminal witness
subpoenas and criminal summonses served by law enforcement officers. All such documents
should be recommended for delivery after school hours. Should there an extenuating matter
related to the delivery, the individual should be directed to contact the Department of Human
Exit Form
The Exit Form is used for all separations regardless of the reason (relocation, retirement,
resignation, termination, transfer). With few exceptions, the Exit Form is to be completed by
the employee in the Focus ESS system and submitted for processing.
Exit Forms that are allowed to be submitted administratively (office manager or administrator)
in the Focus system are for those employees that are non-renewed/released at the end of the
school year, probationary releases during the year and at the request of family members for an
incapacitated or deceased employee.
The only Exit Forms that are allowed to be submitted in paper format are: substitutes (teacher,
cafeteria) and OPS employees (athletic coaches, student workers, 6-months temporary
Workflows are predefined in the Focus system by the system administrator and will appear for
processing in this order to acknowledge and complete tasks:
Site Office Manager:
Ensures that the last date worked is correct; collects all electronic equipment; notifies building
technician to disable access to computer technology as appropriate; collects ID badge and
returns it to HR; collects keys; inventory of classroom, if appropriate.
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Site Administrator (Principal, Director, Department Head):
Conducts their final evaluation (do not do for probationary release); notifies IT to inactivate
access to technology programs, if appropriate.
Meet with the employee to complete paperwork if retirement is selected; update the employee
database with last day of employment for salary purposes; transfer leave time to another
position within MCSD, if applicable; adjust leave time manually, if applicable.
Insurance 1:
Make note of changes in insurance coverage and/or premiums; determination if sent to
Insurance 2 or HR2 based on separation reason.
Mail COBRA letter and information.
Remove the employee from the Medicaid billing system, if applicable.
Certification Specialist:
Update the certification database; inactivate their account in Professional Growth in Frontline.
HR Specialist:
Update the employee database with the forwarding address, if applicable; inactivate in Absence
Management. Record exit interview information into the employee database; open position
with position control if budgeted; list on board recommendations for the next meeting;
inactivate from driver’s license screening/spreadsheet, if applicable; update the W2 column in
the employee database if they are ending all employment; remove active fingerprints from DOE
retained file; remove fingerprint dates/codes in employee database; inactivate access as an
administrator or site manager in Frontline and Raptor software if applicable; verify final
evaluation was completed and received, if applicable.
Monitors Focus site daily for new Exit Form submissions. The IT Department will receive
automated alerts of the impending separation and the reason for the action (i.e. separation,
transfer). As appropriate the HR Specialist will record Exit Form movement onto the School
Board Rationale Form for presentation to the HR Executive Director. Upon approval the
Executive Director, Human Resources will submit the board rationale to the Superintendent for
his recommendation to the School Board.
When an Exit Form is submitted, review the position and make the determination if the
position can be reopened for advertisement and posting. This determination is made based on
approved annual budget and consideration of any hiring freezes that may occur. Confirm that
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the reason for the submission of the Exit Form is evident in the comments section of the Exit
After all processing, the Exit Form and any attachments are imaged to the employee’s
electronic personnel file.
Upon Termination of an Employee
Once the separation date of the employee has occurred they will not have access to the Focus
ESS system, be removed from Absence Management and have their email account and access
removed. If they were terminated by board action, it will be noted in the applicant tracking
system for future employment. If an employee is a site user/ administrator for Frontline,
Raptor, Focus, etc., administrative rights will be canceled.
All employees that have submitted an Exit Form, or an Exit Form has been submitted
administratively, will have their fingerprints removed from the state retained database. Any
future employment will require they be fingerprinted again at that time at their own cost.
Voluntary separations are taken to the Board monthly under Recommendations for
Administrators/Instructional/Support Personnel Employed & Terminated for the 20xx-20xx
School Year with the date of separation and reason.
Involuntary separations due to termination can only occur by Board Action. The Superintendent
has the authority to suspend with or without pay for ten (10) days or the next Board meeting.
Recommendation for Termination
Any employee that is to be recommended for termination of employment must be given a
letter and petition noticing them of the recommended action and the reason for the action.
The employee is allowed 15 days to avail themselves of their right to a Department of
Administrative Hearings (DOAH) under Florida Statute. Notification of their request is made to
the HR Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership and can be accepted in any written form
from the individual, their union representative or their legal counsel. If an individual asserts
their right the recommendation to the Board typically will be changed by the Superintendent at
the Board meeting to either suspension with pay or suspension without pay pending the
outcome of their DOAH hearing.
If an employee who holds state certification is terminated for cause by the Board, a copy of
their documents leading to termination, along with a cover letter, is sent to Professional
Practices as required by law and reported on the State’s termination database. The documents
that may be found include: initial complaint/allegation, notice of investigation, meeting for the
record, investigative file with statements and document submission, opportunity for informal
hearing, hearing officers recommendation to Superintendent, and letter and petition for
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termination recommendation to board. Once terminated, they will also be placed on the state’s
database of such action.
Unemployment Claims
All former employees are entitled to file for unemployment benefits if they feel they are eligible
and choose to do so. Administrators and staff should not comment or give their opinion as to
eligibility. All determinations of eligibility are handled by the Florida Department of Economic
Opportunity Reemployment Assistance Program (DEO).
All unemployment claim forms from the DEO are to be processed and responded to by the
Human Resources (HR) Department. *Any school/department receiving such a notice directly
should immediately fax to the HR Department at 305-293-1429.
Determination Notice for Unemployment Eligibility
When HR receives the Determination Notice for Unemployment Eligibility from DEO they are
given to the HR Generalist for response.
a. All notices are to be responded to by the deadline provided.
i. Reviewing the Exit Form and the individual’s personnel file is the primary
resource for response. The Executive Director of Personnel Support and
Instructional Leadership may be consulted during incidents of high
and/or unusual abnormality during the separation.
b. For convenience, time efficiency and cost savings, the responses can be made at: A printed copy is always scanned to
the employee’s personnel file with the original Notice for Unemployment
c. Re-employment forms will be completed by the HR Generalist.
Notice of Determination
When HR receives the Notice of Determination there should be 1 of 2 actions taken:
1. If it was determined that the individual was NOT eligible for benefits, a printed copy is
scanned into the employee’s personnel file with the original Notice for Unemployment
Eligibility under Personnel/Employee Records without further action.
2. If the determination was that the person WAS eligible for benefits, it is given to the
Executive Director of Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership for review. The
Executive Director will make the determination to:
a. File an appeal
i. The appeal will be filed electronically either by the Executive Director or
designee under the Executive Director’s direction.
b. The Executive Director or designee, after filing, should initial and then scan all
documentation into the individual’s electronic personnel file under
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Notice of Telephone Hearing (Appeals)
When the HR Department receives a notice for Unemployment Compensation Appeal they
respond with an RSVP and the date of the telephone hearing is confirmed and documented on
the face of the original notice. These appeals are handled by the Executive Director of
Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership, and in his/her absence, by the HR Generalist
with direction from the Executive Director.
Administrators, the MCSD attorney and/or witnesses may be called to give testimony during
the hearing at the discretion of the Executive Director. While every effort is made to schedule
conveniently, the district remains at the avail of the office of Unemployment Compensation
[typically as the lead] when scheduling these matters. For more information you can visit the
website at
Quarterly Invoice
The quarterly invoice is reviewed by the Executive Director of Personnel Support and
Instructional Leadership to ensure all names that appear were employees of the District and
separated during the benefit payment time period. Once reviewed, signed and dated
acknowledging receipt, the invoice is sent to the Finance Department for payment.
Vendors and Contractors
All contractual personnel who are permitted access on school grounds when students are
present, or who have direct contact with students, even if the performance of the contract with
the school or Board is not anticipated to result in direct contact with students, and for whom
any unanticipated contact would be infrequent must meet Level 2 screening requirements as
described in F.S. 435.04, 1012.32, 1012.465, 1012.467 and 1012.468 along with School Board
Policy 8475. Contractual personnel shall include any vendor, individual or entity under contract
with the District and/or any individual school. All contractual personnel who may be assigned to
a District work site as described above shall be directed by the contractors and/or
subcontractors to proceed to the District’s HR department to be fingerprinted.
The only caveat to this procedure exists for those vendors in possession of the State issued
vendor’s badge. Vendors in possession of this badge are required to present evidence of
authenticity of possession of their State issued blue vendor’s badge with the State specified
format to the Human Resource Department/school administrator/designee for verification.
The HR Department will pull the fingerprints from the shared database for review.
A Level 2 background check includes fingerprinting which includes an FBI and FDLE background
check. Criminal history checks must be performed at least once every five (5) years. A
contractor who is subject to a criminal history check under this section shall inform a school
District if s/he has completed a criminal history check in another school District within the last
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five (5) years. The School District shall verify the results of the contractor's criminal history
check. The School District may not charge the contractor a fee for verifying the results of
his/her criminal history check. Clearance of a vendor is limited to the recipient District’s
willingness to share information regarding vendor criminal history checks. Where previous
District background checks are unverifiable, charges for necessary clearances may apply
Vendors and other contractual personnel working under the direct supervision of staff at all
times and/or in areas where there are no students present may not be required to undergo a
Level 1 screening. However, a sexual predator check is required along with a Level 1
background check.
Any employee provided access to criminal history records shall be cautioned as to the
confidentiality of the information contained in the records, and shall not discuss such
information other than with those legally permitted access to such records. NOTE: These
individuals are printed under an ORI and OCA coding that places the record on a shared state
database and will be accessible by other school Districts. There are generally two kinds of
coding that allow employers and security company service providers to manage the fingerprint
delivery process. These are:
1. ORI Code: This is the Department Originating Agency Identifier Number, which tells the
Florida Department of Law Enforcement the purpose of the background check. An ORI
number is generally a 9-digit code consisting of 2 state/agency identifying characters
and 6-7 additional characters.
2. OCA Code: This is the Department Live Scan or Electronic Originating Agency Case
Number, which tells the governing agency who (company) is requesting the screening.
The District may only share the background screening results and details of the record with the
individual that is being screened, or with his/her attorney of record. The results of the criminal
history check shall not be released to the individual's employer or contractor.
Site Users/Administrators
The Human Resources Department employees will verify clearance of vendors/contractors
through the Raptor software. Access can be given to other individuals, as deemed necessary,
by the site administrator, Executive Director of Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership
or the Superintendent.
Each site is responsible for verifying that the vendor is still active and cleared in the system
prior to permitting a vendor’s presence on their site(s).
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Procedures for Contracted Vendors
1. Each company needs to be set-up in the Focus software through the contract originator
using the vendor set-up form in Focus.
2. Each company (1 per company) needs to complete and submit the Sworn Statement
form which can be found at under Community Vendors.
3. Each individual contracted employee needs to visit the Raptor application site found on
the Vendors webpage to submit an application online. Applications must be completed
online and in full.
4. The vendor applicant will be required to bring their social security card or passport
along with an official government identification with their photo when they visit the HR
Department for processing.
5. All vendor applicants must provide verification to MCSD of their work eligibility. Each
contracting company can do this for employees by enrolling in the free E-Verify service
provided by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services at their website: The employer enrollment and
verification process is quick and easy. Once the verifications for each employee is
received that have applied, please send us the “Employment Authorized” forms.
6. In an effort to provide courteous and timely service to all of our clients, fingerprinting in
Key West or Tavernier is done by appointment. The approximate processing time for
each person is 10-15 minutes.
7. The cost of processing for each applicant and must be paid at the time of fingerprinting.
This may be paid in the form money order or credit card. A receipt will be presented.
The district does not provide billing services.
8. The renewal cycle is 5 years. If an applicant is arrested during this time they will be
reviewed again and may lose access privileges to the district facilities/grounds.
9. Pictures for ID Badges will be taken when the applicant is fingerprinted. Applicants
cannot be approved/cleared and ID Badges released until all documents have been
received and reviewed by staff (sworn statement, DL, SS, fingerprint report).
ID Badges can be picked up, mailed, given to a specific school/department. The
fingerprint results are usually returned between 24 48 hours, HOWEVER, it can take
longer and we have no control of this timeframe. ID Badges must be worn when on
district premises and all applicants still need to check in through the front office at each
school when on campus. Replacement cost for an ID Badge and/or lanyards is $5.00. It is
the vendor’s responsibility to return badges to the Monroe County School Board when
an applicant terminates employment with their agency or upon request of the Monroe
County School Board.
Serious Offenses
Contractual personnel, or personnel employed by subcontractors, who have been convicted of
serious offenses shall not be permitted to provide contractual services to the District. For more
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
information, please review the letter to Contractors and Vendors and the information regarding
the Jessica Lunsford Act at
Review by Human Resources
When the fingerprint checks are received, the HR department reviews the reports. If it is found
that an individual has any disqualifying offenses, the individual may not be permitted on school
grounds unless the contractor has received a full pardon. In addition, an individual who is
identified as a sexual predator or sexual offender may not be permitted on school grounds.
Upon determining that an individual may not be permitted on school grounds pursuant to this
subsection, the HR Generalist shall notify the vendor without disclosing any specific information
immediately. The individual has the right to meet with the Executive Director of Personnel
Support and Instructional Leadership and to appeal the decision to the Superintendent. It is the
responsibility of the affected individual to contest his/her denial.
An individual who is present on school grounds in violation of this subsection commits a felony
of the third degree, punishable as provided in F.S. 775.082 or 775.083.
Vendor/Contractor Right to Challenge Accuracy
Contractual personnel who have been denied access to District property and facilities because
of their criminal record shall receive written notice of the denial. Upon request, the individual is
entitled to receive a copy of the relevant information for the purposes of challenge and
correction. The only basis for contesting the denial is proof of mistaken identity or that an
offense from another jurisdiction is not disqualifying under the list of offenses listed above. An
individual seeking to dispute the accuracy of the results of a criminal history record should
contact FDLE Quality Control Section (850-410-7898), if the concern is with the Florida record.
If the concern is with the out-of-state record, the contact should be with the FBI (754-703-
Obligation to Inform District of Arrests
Each contractor who is subject to the requirements of this section shall agree to inform his/her
employer or the party to whom s/he is under contract and the School District within forty-eight
(48) hours if s/he is arrested for any of the disqualifying offenses. A contractor who willfully fails
to comply with this subsection commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in
F.S. 775.082 or 775.083. If the employer of a contractor or the party to whom the contractor is
under contract knows the contractor has been arrested for any of the disqualifying offenses
listed above and authorizes the contractor to be present on school grounds, the employer or
such party commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in F.S. 775.802 or
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
ID Badge
The District shall issue a picture ID with a red background to all contractual personnel who have
passed the Level 2 screening. The picture ID will be visibly worn by contractual personnel at all
times. The District may also issue a blue statewide vendor badge. An up-to-date list of all
cleared companies and their employees is maintained in the Raptor site.
Sharing Information with Other School Districts
The District shares background screening results with other school Districts via the state’s
shared database. Such persons may include:
Human Resource Department Officials
Government Officials
Law Enforcement Agency Representatives
Maintenance of Records
After receiving the initial background check results from the FDLE, the District will thereafter be
electronically notified by the FDLE, via email, of any new arrests.
Contractual personnel, individuals, and entities under contract with the Board shall inform the
District of any changes in affiliation, employment, or contractual status of an individual
previously fingerprinted.
Non-Contractual Vendors
College and Military Recruiters
College and military recruiters and recruiters working with school guidance staff shall be signed
in as volunteers and supervised while on site. If the individual's name is not already on the
District's volunteer list, a sexual predator check (Level 1 Screening) is required before the
individual is given access to students. The sexual predator check shall be performed
automatically when the recruiter checks into the Raptor system. THESE INDIVIDUALS ARE NOT
Delivery Persons
Delivery persons in commercial vehicles may bring items to the front office or food service
areas of a school site. At no time shall these individuals be permitted access to student areas.
Individuals servicing vending machines, and other contract delivery persons who have access to
school sites when students are present, must have a Level 2 screening. Delivery persons should
immediately report to the school or site office, sign in, then proceed to the reception area or
loading area.
Referees and Sports Officials
Only officials sanctioned by the Florida High School Athletic Association (FHSAA) may be used to
officiate school sporting events. These individuals must undergo Level 2 screening. The cost of
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
the screening may be paid for by the District or sponsoring site. A District clearance card and
picture ID must be presented to the home school athletic director, and shall be visibly worn at
all times while on site. The Office of Student Activities may maintain a list of officials cleared by
the official's organization.
Utility Workers
Meter readers and utility repair persons must carry a picture ID and may enter the property
with notice to the site administrator. Agreements shall be entered into with agencies and
companies regarding background checks. Level 2 screenings may be required. Unless a
background check has been conducted, these individuals may not enter areas where students
are present without being accompanied by a staff member.
Exceptions to Background Checks for Contractors
The Board shall exempt from the screening requirements set forth above for the following non-
instructional contractors:
A. Contractors who are under the direct supervision of a School District employee
or contractor who has had a criminal history check and meets the screening
requirements under F.S. 1012.32, 1012.465, 1012.467, or 1012.56. The term
"direct supervision" means that a school District employee or contractor is
physically present with a contractor at all times when the contractor has access
to students and the contractor with such access remains in the school District
employee's or the contractor's line of sight. If a contractor who is exempt under
this subsection is no longer under direct supervision as specified herein, the
contractor may not be permitted on school grounds when students are present
until the contractor meets the screening requirements in F.S. 1012.465 or
B. Contractors who are required by law to undergo a Level 2 background screening
pursuant to F.S. 435.04 for licensure, certification, employment, or other
purposes and who submit evidence of meeting the following criteria:
1. The contractor meets the screening standards in F.S. 435.04;
2. the contractor's license or certificate is active and in good standing, if the
contractor is a licensee or certificate holder;
3. the contractor completed the criminal history check within five (5) years
prior to seeking access to school grounds when students are present;
4. a law enforcement officer, as defined in F.S. 943.10, who is assigned or
dispatched to school grounds by his/her employer;
5. an employee or medical director of an ambulance provider, licensed
pursuant to Chapter 401, who is providing services within the scope of Part III
of Chapter 401 on behalf of such ambulance provider;
6. a contractor who provides pick-up or delivery services and those services
involve brief visits on school grounds when students are present.
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
A contractor who is exempt under this section from the screening requirements is subject to a
search of his/her name or other identifying information against the registration information
regarding sexual predators and sexual offenders.
Visitors must sign in, receive a visitor's badge and be accompanied to the appropriate location
by a staff member. Visitors should not be left alone with students at any time.
Visitors (Officials)
Occasionally, schools or departments may have visitors of an official capacity on site. Examples
include the Department of Children and Family Services, Key West Police Department or the
Monroe County Sheriff’s Department. When this happens the following should occur.
1. Request to see proper identification
2. Record contact information using the school visitor sign-in process including phone
3. Inquire as to the nature of the visit.
4. Where prior notice is provided to the District, affected sites will be noticed in advance
Visitors FL Department of Education Professional Practice Services
Preparing for a visit from PPS staff
Before the site visit, a PPS investigator will contact the site administrator directly and advise
him or her of when the visit is planned. During this discussion, the administrator should
immediately inform the investigator of any issues or facts that may complicate the visit. During
this initial contact, PPS staff will typically request information from the administrator. This is a
good time to clearly establish the primary contact person at the site. Often PPS staff will work
through the principal’s confidential assistant or an assistant principal. Additionally, the school
should contact the District office (HR, Teaching and Learning and where applicable ESE)
announcing the visit and any subsequent requests for information. Keep in mind subsequent
calls may be generated as additional information is requested.
Site administrators and designees are expected to support and maintain the integrity and
confidentially of an investigation. School staff, including administration, may not participate or
join in PPS interviews and should not discuss the site visit with the educator under
Property of Monroe County School District Department of Human Resources
Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
PPS is legally entitled to view and obtain records and documents to further investigations and
may request items such as:
- class rosters
- personnel files
- disciplinary records/actions
- performance evaluations
- drug screenings/medical records
- computer files or records
- other pertinent information
Information to share before the visit:
- Victim or witnesses no longer at the site
- Special events, exams or field trips
- Significant schedule changes
Expectations before and during the visit:
- At least one private meeting room to conduct the interviews
- Assigned person to facilitate the visit and coordinate interviewees
- Ensure separation between PPS staff and the educator under investigation
After the visit:
- Advise the Executive Director of Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership when the
investigation by PPS is complete and share any extenuating circumstances of which you
were made aware
- Human Resources will request the findings from the Florida DOE
A school volunteer is any non-paid individual who gives his or her time to a school or school
staff member while performing requested duties. The school principal and each staff member
who is assigned a school volunteer shall be responsible for assigning duties. The site
administrator has the right to decline the services of any approved volunteer at their discretion.
Volunteers are screened at a Level 1 or Level 2 depending on the kind of activity with which one
is involved. The general rule of thumb is “If there exists the slightest chance the individual will
be alone with a child whether passing them in the halls or while sitting waiting for a ride home,
the volunteer must be screened at a Level 2 clearance.
All School volunteers shall be recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Board.
Any volunteer candidate that is denied approval as a volunteer will NOT be denied participation
with their child in school events or activities.
Volunteers must be on the District's volunteer list and show their picture ID at sign-in.
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Harry Russell, Executive Director Personnel Support and Instructional Leadership | REV September 2020
Volunteer Procedures
For detailed volunteer information, please review the Monroe County School District Volunteer
Handbook located at under Community Volunteer.