Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
Copyright 2013 Utah Native Plant Society. All Rights Reserved.
March 2013
(volume 36 number 2)
In this issue:
Chapter News . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Bulletin Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Holmgrens Honored by American
Society of Plant Taxonomists . . . 4
Unidentified Flowering Object . . 4
Hanging Gardens of Utah . . . . . . . . 5
Agropyron by any Other Name is
Still Wheatgrass . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Grow This: Short Shrubs . . . . . . . . 10
Funny Pages: Black-eyed Susan . 11
Cave primrose (Primula specuicola) is one of our earliest flowering plants in the spring, earning it
the alternative name of Easter-flower. This species is found primarily in hanging gardens and is re-
stricted to the Colorado River and its main tributaries in southeastern Utah and northern Arizona. Cave
primrose can be recognized by its erect, toothed leaves that are green above but covered by white mealy
(“farinose”) hairs on the margins and undersides. Sylvia Kelso has suggested that P. specuicola evolved
from populations of the wide-ranging boreal species P. mistassinica that became isolated on the Colo-
rado Plateau following the Pleistocene. Photo by Bill Gray.
Utah Native Plant Society
Sego Lily Editor: Walter Fertig
( The deadline for the
May 2013 Sego Lily is 15 April 2013.
Copyright 2012 Utah Native Plant Soci-
ety. All Rights Reserved
The Sego Lily is a publication of the Utah
Native Plant Society, a 501(c)(3) not-
for-profit organization dedicated to
conserving and promoting stewardship
of our native plants.
Important Plant Areas: Mindy Wheeler
Invasive Weeds: Susan Fitts
Publications: Larry Meyer & W. Fertig
Rare Plants: Walter Fertig
Scholarship/Grants: Therese Meyer
Chapters and Chapter Presidents
Cache: Michael Piep
Cedar City:
Escalante: Toni Wassenberg
Fremont: Marianne Breeze Orton
Manzanita: Walter Fertig
Mountain: Mindy Wheeler
Salt Lake: Bill Gray
Southwestern/Bearclaw Poppy: Mar-
garet Malm
Utah Valley: Jason Alexander & Robert
Website: For late-breaking news, the
UNPS store, the Sego Lily archives,
Chapter events, sources of native plants,
the digital Utah Rare Plant Field Guide,
and more, go to Many thanks
to Xmission for sponsoring our web-
For more information on UNPS:
Contact Bill King (801-582-0432) or
Susan Fitts (801-756-6177), or write to
UNPS, PO Box 520041, Salt Lake City,
UT, 84152-0041 or email
President: Kipp Lee (Salt Lake Co)
Vice President: Jason Alexander (Utah
Treasurer: Charlene Homan (Salt Lake
Secretary: Mindy Wheeler (Summit Co)
Board Chair: Robert Fitts (Utah Co)
UNPS Board: Walter Fertig (Kane Co),
Susan Fitts (Utah Co), Ty Harrison (Salt
Lake Co), Celeste Kennard (Utah Co),
Bill King (Salt Lake Co), Margaret Malm
(Washington Co), Larry Meyer (Salt
Lake Co), Therese Meyer (Salt Lake Co),
Leila Shultz (Cache Co), Dave Wallace
(Cache Co), Blake Wellard (Davis Co),
Maggie Wolf (Salt Lake Co).
Conservation: Bill King & Tony Frates
Education: Ty Harrison
Horticulture: Maggie Wolf
Chapter News
Cache: Plant Propagation Workshop,
Thursday, March 14 @ 6 PM and Sat-
urday, March 16 @ 9 AM. USU Teach-
ing Greenhouse (1390 North 800 East
Logan). Registration: $20 for UNPS
members of Cache Master Gardeners
(must state at time of registration);
$25 for all others. Cost includes
growing materials and selected seeds.
Other seeds or cuttings available for
additional purchase to cover cost. $5
for printed workbook (must be re-
quested at time of registration, other-
wise all printed materials will be
available online). To register, please
call 435- 752- 6263 or email taun. For more informa-
tion, please contact Michael Piep at Co-sponsored
by the Cache Chapter and the Cache
Master Gardeners - Michael Piep.
Salt Lake: March 6, 7 PM at REI
(3300 S and 3300 E): Walter Fertig,
past president of UNPS and Sego Lily
Above: What is this funny thing? If you
have to ask, you probably are like me
and don’t have a smart phone and so
won’t be able to upload content from
this issue. So just enjoy the abstract
patterns. If you are tech-savvy, give
thanks to Bill Gray for making this QR
(“ Quick Response”) code for us.
Utah Valley: For anyone interested
in a morning hiking group in Utah
Valley contact me at 801-377-5918 or
celest[email protected] for directions
and more details. First outing will be
Tuesday, April 9th at 9:30 AM,
weather permitting. Meet at the Rock
Canyon trailhead in Provo near the
restrooms. The next week (April
16th) will be a Shoreline Trail hike
starting at Slade Canyon in Provo.
This is not the Plants and Preschool-
ers Group, as we will be hiking fur-
ther and rougher terrain, but every-
one is welcome. We will try to make
this a regular event every Tuesday
morning. - Celeste Kennard
editor, will give a program on
“Wildflowers of Zion National Park”.
Southwestern: In response to par-
ticipants in our pruning workshop,
Rick Heflebower is planning a graft-
ing workshop for Saturday, March 2,
at 10 AM at the Canyon Community
Center in Springdale. Rick will also
talk briefly about fruits brought to
the area by early pioneers. - Marga-
ret Malm
Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
Bulletin Board
2013 Utah Rare Plant Meeting: The annual rare plant meeting sponsored by the Utah Native Plant Society and Red
Butte Garden is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2013 from 9 AM to 4 PM in the conference room at Red Butte Garden.
The meeting will include more than a dozen 15-20 minute presentations by a variety of speakers studying plant conser-
vation biology in Utah. Some of the speakers and topics for this year’s meeting include: Jena Lewinsohn, USFWS
(Autumn buttercup); Tony Frates, UNPS (Wasatch fitweed pollination), Hope Hornbeck, SWCA (Demographic monitoring
of rare Uinta Basin cacti); Rita Reisor, Red Butte Garden (Gierisch’s globemallow and Uinta Basin hookless cactus); Blake
Wellard, University of Utah (Petalonyx parryi); Robert Fitts, UT Conservation Data Center (update on rare plant studies);
Juliette Baker, Utah State University (Shrubby reed-mustard); Jason Alexander, Utah Valley University (UVU projects);
Dorde Woodruff, cactophile (Sclerocactus blainei); Michael Piep, Utah State University (Utah fungi); Leigh Johnson, Brig-
ham Young University (Mussentuchit gilia); Loreen Allphin Rapier, Brigham Young University (Conservation of rare
Boechera); Jim Harris, Utah Valley University (Deep River Range Drabas); Mitch Power, University of Utah (role of muse-
ums and herbaria in global change research), Ron Bolander, UT BLM (BLM update), and Wayne Padgett, UT BLM (Rare
plant considerations in use of native plants for restoration in the Colorado Plateau).
Participants can register online at the Red Butte Garden website ( or by call-
ing the Red Butte front desk (801-585-0556), A boxed lunch will be provided as part of the $15 registration fee, but only
for those who register before March 1. W. Fertig
UNPS Scholarship: Students are encouraged to apply for the annual UNPS student research scholarship. The Society
will award $500-1000 for research proposals that address native plant taxonomy, ecology, or biology within the state of
Utah. See the UNPS website for more details and the application form. Applications are due by 1 April 2013.
Help Wanted: The Utah Conservation Data Center (natural heritage program) needs help with general office work,
mapping plant occurrences, and field work. This is a great opportunity to lean GIS. Please contact Robert Fitts in the bot-
any program for more information (801-538-4742).
Photos Needed: Bruce Barnes of Flora ID Northwest is revising his Interactive Plant Key for the flora of Utah and is in
need of a few photos. Of the 3418 species of flowering plants, gymnosperms, ferns, and lycophytes in his guide, he is
missing just the following 12 species! If you have a photograph of one of these plants and are willing to share it, Bruce
will include your name in the lower corner of the image, add you to the acknowledgements in the User’s Guide, and send
you a complimentary copy of the key (all while you retain copyright). The missing species (including their range in pa-
rentheses) are: Aquilegia desolaticola (NE Utah), Boechera pendulina (statewide), Eremogone loisiae (N Utah and Wasatch
Range), Erigeron higginsii (Washington Co.), Erigeron huberi (NE Utah), Eriogonum domitum (House Range in Millard
Co.), Lepidium moabense (SC and SE Utah), Navarretia furnissii (N Utah), Navarretia saximontana (Garfield Co.), Phacelia
argylensis (NE Utah), Potentilla holmgrenii (Juab Co.), and Suaeda linifolia (N Utah). Send images or questions to Bruce at
Herbarium Days at Utah Valley University (Saturdays March 30, April 27, and May 25): The UVU Her-
barium is sponsoring another series of workshops to train volunteers how to use our digital imaging system and how to
mount plant specimens. Volunteers at these workshops greatly accelerate the herbarium's progress in processing our
backlog and will learn more about the plants in our region in the process. We will be going back to holding the event on
Saturdays and will now be located in the new UVU herbarium facilities. The herbarium, will also be hosting a Utah Valley
Chapter meeting toward the end of the volunteer session. Plant mounting will take place in SB 277 in the new Science
Building and run from 1 PM until 5 PM. The meeting will start around 4 PM. For the meeting I will be continuing my
seminar series titles “Pictorial Introduction to the Morphology of Utah’s Beardtongues”. Parking is not currently avail-
able in the Sorenson Visitor Lot due to construction, but is available at the Lakeside Visitor Lot (at the south entrance
past the traffic circle off University Avenue) and the student lots between the UCCU events center and the library. For
further information, contact me (801-863-6806; - Jason Alexander
New Life Member: Claire Crow of Tucson, AZ (formerly wildlife biologist for Zion NP) is our newest life member.
Thanks Claire. This just proves you can like that “other kingdom”, but still appreciate native plants!
Pocket Sagebrush Guide Available for Free Download: UNPS board member Leila Shultz has a new publication
on identifying the woody sagebrush species of western North America. This non-technical and fully illustrated field guide
is available to download from
Utah Native Plant Society
Unidentified Flowering Object: This month’s UFO is provided
by Bill Gray of the Salt Lake City Chapter. While perhaps not as
challenging as some of our recent UFOs, study the photo carefully
to notice the differences between each flower. Why does the flower
at lower left have an enlarged white 4-lobed stigma, but the others
do not? Why are the stamens full and pink in some flowers, but
withered and even greenish-blue in others?
The January UFO was Evolvulus nuttallianus, a member of the
morning-glory family (Convolvulaceae).
Have a UFO to share? Send it in! - W. Fertig
Above: Noel
(kneeling) and Pat
Holmgren in their
natural habitat,
pressing a collection
of Silene petersonii
var. petersonii (left)
for the New York
Botanical Garden
herbarium outside
of Cedar Breaks
National Monu-
ment, Utah, in 2009.
Photos by W. Fertig.
Holmgrens Honored by
American Society of Plant
Citing their many contributions to
botany, the American Society of Plant
Taxonomists conferred the 2012 Asa
Gray Award to Drs. Patricia and Noel
Holmgren of the New York Botanical
Garden. The award honors Asa Gray
(1810-1888), the most prominent
American plant taxonomist of the
second half of the 19th Century.
Among their many accomplishments,
the Holmgrens recently completed
the 8 volume Intermountain Flora
series (1972-2012) and edited the
Index Herbariorum and Illustrated
Companion to Gleason and Cronquist’s
Manual of Vascular Plants. Pat was
Director of the New York Botanical
Garden from 1981-1990 and a past
president of the American Society of
Plant Taxonomists and the Botanical
Society of America. Noel was for-
merly editor-in-chief of the New Tork
Botanical Garden’s journal Brittonia.
Although both Holmgrens are now
retired to Logan, Utah (where Noel’s
father, Arthur was a curator of the
Intermountain Herbarium at Utah
State University), they remain active
in western botany. Noel is currently
working on the treatment of his be-
loved genus Penstemon for the Flora
of Oregon project.
In Quotes: “If you want to walk fast, walk alone. If you want to walk far,
walk with others. Unless you are on a plant walk, in which case you will be
lucky to get 100 feet from the cars in two hours- modified African
Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
Hanging Gardens of Utah
By Walter Fertig
Although best known for his explo-
ration of the Grand Canyon and con-
tributions to geology and linguistics,
Major John Wesley Powell was also
an astute ecologist. In late July 1869,
Powell’s small fleet of wooden boats
paused in the deep canyon of the
Colorado River near modern-day
Page, Arizona, for a brief side trip to
explore an unusual vegetation fea-
ture. Sometimes the rocks are over-
hanging” Powell noted in his book
Canyons of the Colorado, in other
curves curious narrow glens are
found. Through these we climb, by a
narrow stairway, perhaps several
hundred feet, to where a spring
bursts out from under an overhang-
ing cliff and where cottonwoods and
willows stand, while along the curves
of the brooklet oaks grow, and other
rich vegetation is seen, in marked
contrast to the general appearance of
naked rock”. Powell named these
features oak glens, and the canyon in
which they occurred Glen Canyon.
Powell was the first scientist to
recognize what we now call “hanging
gardens”. Not unlike their namesake
from ancient Babylon, hanging gar-
dens consist of plants clinging to
steep cliffs, rubble fields, or alcoves
associated with small seeps in other-
wise barren settings. Hanging gar-
dens are only found in the Colorado
Plateau area of Utah, Arizona, and
Colorado along the main stem of the
Colorado River and its tributaries.
Although small in size, hanging gar-
dens are important oases of cool
shade, water, and cover in a sea of
aridity and thus attract dispropor-
tionate attention from wildlife and
Three ingredients are necessary
for a hanging garden: a reliable water
source, the proper geology, and
plants. Water is the most limiting
ingredient in the desert, and the main
reason that hanging gardens are nei-
ther larger nor occur more widely.
Certain sandstone formations on the
summer rainstorm. Plants may grow
on the back wall of the alcove along
the seep or dripline, on the overhang-
ing roof of the alcove (such plants
truly are “hanging on”), or among the
colluvial debris at the base of the gar-
Hanging gardens form in a variety
of geologic layers. Most often, gar-
dens occur in thick, cross-bedded
sandstones derived from ancient
sand dunes, such as the Navajo and
Entrada formations. One notable ex-
ception, however, is the Wingate For-
mation. This massive sandstone is
not underlain by impervious clays,
Colorado Plateau have sufficient
pore space between the sand grains
or cracks and faults to act as giant
rocky sponges that can accumulate
and transport water from rain or
melting snow. Water moves slowly
through the sandstone (sometimes
taking many years) until it hits an
impervious layer of shale or heavy
clay. When blocked by such an
“aquitard” water flows laterally un-
til it either bypasses the barrier or
reaches the surface to emerge as a
seep. Often the seep is long and
linear, forming a dripline. If the
seep is sufficiently shaded within a
deep canyon or by an overhanging
ledge the wall will remain moist
enough to allow plants to become
established. These first plants must
literally cling for their lives on the
slickrock walls.
Over time, erosion caused by
dripping water and the plants them-
selves helps sculpt the shape of the
hanging garden. Saturated rock at
the seep face becomes weak and
Above: A complex hanging garden in Zion National Park consisting of a series of driplines
wetting a shady back wall and a set of terraces. The vegetation consists of common riparian
species such as Calamagrostis scopulorum and Rhus trilobata interspersed with hanging
garden endemics like Viola clauseniana, Dodecathenon pulchellum var. zionense, Aquilegia
fosteri, and A. chrysantha. Photo by W. Fertig.
sloughs off, creating a colluvial slope
below and excising an alcove into the
cliff face. Plant roots secrete mild
acids that help weather the soft sand-
stone walls, further enhancing ero-
sion. Rock spalled off the cliff face
creates a steep talus slope of broken
sandstone below. Some gardens may
also have a deep plunge pool at their
base formed by water pouring off
smooth cliff faces after a torrential
Utah Native Plant Society
and thus allows water to flow right
through, rather than emerging in
seeps. Hanging gardens have been
documented in other formations,
ranging from the Pennsylvanian age
Hermosa Formation in Cataract Can-
yon to the Cretaceous Wahweap and
Straight Cliffs formations in the Kai-
parowits Plateau. Most of these for-
mations are thinner or have less wa-
ter-holding capacity than the Navajo
or Entrada sandstones and tend to
produce smaller seeps and less com-
plex gardens.
Not all hanging gardens have the
classic alcove-like morphology. In
Zion National Park, many gardens
occur on weeping walls, in which an
entire cliff face may be wet from a
parallel series of seeps, rather than a
single seep or dripline. Also known
as a window blind garden, this type
often lacks a deeply eroded alcove
roof. Sometimes they are associated
with chimney-like deposits of dried
carbonates called tufa. A less com-
mon hanging garden type consists of
a series of terraces or stair steps.
These form where the bedrock does
not erode to form an alcove, but in-
stead water flows over short ledges
representing different sandstone or
shale bands (Welsh and Toft 1981).
Many variations occur, and some
complex gardens may combine ele-
ments of two or more geomorphic
Until recently, hanging garden
vegetation was often treated as a sin-
gle, homogeneous ecological commu-
nity. Studies by George Malanson
(1980) in the Zion Narrows demon-
strated that the species composition
Below: Southern maidenhair fern (Adian-
tum capillus-veneris), a common hanging
garden species in Utah. Photo by Al Schnei-
der (
Other hanging gardens, such as many
from Zion National Park, don’t easily
fit into Fowler’s categories and may
be dominated by Zion shooting-star
(Dodecatheon pulchellum var. zi-
onense), Welsh’s aster (Aster welshii),
or Blueleaf aster (Aster glaucodes).
Due to its isolation, the Virgin
River has a suite of hanging garden
species that are not found on the
main stem of the Colorado River.
Even more interesting, is the pres-
ence of “congener pairs” (closely re-
lated members of the same genus) in
which one species is in the Virgin
drainage and the other in the Colo-
rado. Perhaps the most notable such
pair is Cardinal monkey-flower
(Mimulus cardinalis) and Eastwood’s
monkey-flower (M. eastwoodiae).
Both species have large, two-lipped,
reddish-orange corollas and sharply
toothed, opposite leaves. Cardinal
monkey-flower ranges widely across
western North America, though it
only occurs in Zion National Park in
Utah. Eastwood’s monkey-flower is
endemic to the canyons of the Colo-
rado River in the Four Corners Re-
gion, but is absent from Zion. Mimu-
lus eastwoodiae probably evolved
from populations of M. cardinalis that
became isolated in relatively recent
In other cases, the less common
member of a congener pair is re-
stricted to the Virgin River, while
Above and left: Golden columbine
(Aquilegia chrysantha) is a common
hanging garden species in Zion Na-
tional Park. It can hybridize with the
red-flowered A. fosteri to form orang-
ish-yellow hybrids, which often co-
occur with one or both parents. Else-
where on the Colorado Plateau, this
species is replaced by another yellow
flowered species, A. micrantha. Photos
by Steve Hegji.
of hanging gardens is actually quite
diverse. Malanson found that gar-
dens varied widely in species rich-
ness (ranging from 2 to 20 species)
and representation of both common
riparian species and hanging garden
specialists. No single species oc-
curred in all 29 gardens that he ex-
Fowler et al. (2007) reported
similar results in a study of 73 gar-
dens across the Colorado and Virgin
River watersheds. The authors
used cluster analysis to organize the
hanging gardens into four main as-
sociations and a fifth, garbage-can
group for sites that were sufficiently
unique to defy classification. Each
association was named for its most
abundant species.
In Fowler’s system, Southern
maidenhair fern (Adi-antum cap-
illus-veneris) tends to be the domi-
nant species in relatively simple
gardens with a single dripline in
Navajo or Entrada Sandstone. Al-
cove columbine (Aquilegia micran-
tha) is often the most abundant
species in gardens on Cedar Mesa or
Weber Sandstone with moist collu-
vial slopes (such as those at Natural
Bridges and Dinosaur National
Monuments). Larger, wetter, or
more complex gardens tend to be
dominated by Jones’ reedgrass
(Calamagrostis scopulorum) or Ryd-
bergs’s thistle (Cirsium rydbergii).
Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
mediates between A. chrysantha
and A. fosteri, recognized by their
orangish flowers, are common at
the Weeping Rock hanging garden
in Zion National Park.
In all, more than 200 plant spe-
cies have been documented from
hanging gardens in Utah. These
species fall into four main catego-
ries: hanging garden endemics,
widespread wetland species, upland
species, and disjuncts. Only about a
dozen species are strict hanging
garden endemics (occurring no-
where else) and another dozen or
so can also be found along stream-
sides or in upland habitats. Besides
the endemics mentioned previously
are such species as Kachina daisy
(Erigeron kachinensis), Alcove prim-
rose (Primula specuicola), Zion
jamesia (Jamesia americana var.
zionis), Toft’s yucca (Yucca toftiae),
Alcove bog orchid (Platanthera
zothecina), Alcove rock-daisy
(Perityle specuicola), and Alcove
death camas (Zigadenus or Anticlea
Disjuncts found in hanging gar-
dens are often species more typical
of cool, northerly climates that be-
came isolated in the canyon country
after the Pleistocene, or have ar-
rived more recently via long-
distance dispersal. A number of
Great Plains grasses also re-occur in
hanging gardens, including Bushy
bluestem (Andropogon glomeratus),
Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans),
Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) and
Little bluestem (Schizachyrium sco-
Many of the largest and most inter-
esting hanging gardens in Utah are
found in National Parks and Monu-
ments. Despite their legal protection,
these gardens are still vulnerable to a
number of threats. Hanging garden
soils are fragile and easily disturbed
by visitors or livestock going off trail.
Invasive weeds are becoming a prob-
lem in many parks, particularly tama-
risk. In Zion, introduced Tall fescue
(Festuca arundinacea) is becoming
increasingly common in some hang-
ing garden sites and may be crowding
out rare species, such as Clausen’s
violet at Weeping Rock.
Perhaps the greatest threat comes
from drought and water develop-
ment. The potential effects of climate
change on hanging gardens are
poorly understood, as models predict
both hotter temperatures and wetter
conditions in the southwest. Diver-
sion of water from seeps for stock
tanks or human use has dewatered
many hanging gardens. Dam con-
struction and reservoirs in the Colo-
rado River have flooded some sites. It
is sadly ironic that formation of Lake
Powell destroyed many of the “oak
glens” that were originally discovered
by John Wesley Powell.
Fowler, J.F., N.L. Stanton, and R.L. Hart-
man. 2007. Distribution of hanging gar-
den vegetation associations on the Colo-
rado Plateau, USA. Journal Botanical
Research Institute Texas 1:585-607.
Malanson, G.P. 1980. Habitat and plant
distributions in hanging gardens of the
Narrows, Zion National Park. Great Ba-
sin Naturalist 40:178-182.
May, C.L. 1997. Geoecology of the hanging
gardens: Endemic resources in the
GSENM. Learning from the Land, Grand
Staircase-Escalante National Monument
Science Symposium Proceedings, Pp.
Welsh, S. L. 1989. On the distribution of
Utah’s hanging gardens. Great Basin
Naturalist 49(1):1-30.
Welsh, S.L. and C.A. Toft. 1981. Biotic
communities of hanging gardens in
southeastern Utah. National Geographic
Society Research Reports 13:663-681.
the more widespread species occu-
pies the main stem of the Colorado.
Hays’ sedge (Carex haysii) of Zion
National Park closely resembles Can-
yonlands sedge (C. curatorum) of the
Colorado River, but has larger and
more narrowly lance-shaped perigy-
nia. Clausen’s violet (Viola clausen-
iana) is a blue-flowered Zion endemic
replaced by Northern bog violet (V.
nephrophylla) in Colorado River gar-
dens. The recently discovered Jo-
anna’s thistle (Cirsium joannae) is
restricted to Zion, while the compara-
ble Rydberg’s thistle is more wide-
spread. Both are remarkable in hav-
ing stems up to 6 feet tall and basal
leaves over a foot long.
Nearly half a dozen species and
varieties of columbine are found in
hanging garden sites across Utah.
These can be divided into two groups
depending on flower color (whitish/
yellow vs. red/orange). White or
cream-flowered Alcove columbine (A.
micrantha) is replaced by Golden col-
umbine (A. chrysantha) in Zion and A.
desolaticola in Desolation Canyon on
the Green River. Among reddish
flowered species, A. formosa is wide-
ranging but gives way to A. fosteri in
Zion NP, A. micrantha var. loriae in
the Grand Staircase area, and bicol-
ored A. micrantha var. grahamii near
Dinosaur National Monument. Hy-
brids may occur wherever yellow and
red species come in contact. Inter-
Above: Eastwood’s monkey-flower (Mimulus eastwoodiae), a Colorado River endemic
named for pioneer botanist Alice Eastwood, who was one of the first collectors of the
hanging garden flora of southeastern Utah, especially in the Bluff area. Photo by Al
Schneider (
Utah Native Plant Society
It seems that every few months
now we are confronted with the un-
wanted news that members of our
flora have “new” scientific names.
“Which of the several scientific names
should I be using” is a refrain often
heard. Actually, it is often the case
that many of these new names were
proposed decades ago. Regardless, it
wasn’t easy learning all those Lin-
naean binomials, and few appreciate
having to repeat the effort. In our
first plant taxonomy courses we were
told that scientific names were essen-
tial because they were stable and uni-
versal, while common names varied
depending on region and generation.
These days it seems that the common
names are more stable; Elymus spica-
tus, Agropyron spicatum, and Pseu-
doroegneria spicata are all currently
used scientific names for bluebunch
wheatgrass. So why are we burdened
with all this nomenclatural instabil-
To explore this question we must
recall the history of biological nam-
ing. Our modern system was devel-
oped by Carl Linnaeus, a Swedish bi-
ologist in the middle 18th Century.
He proposed the binomial system in
which each species is identified by a
unique Latinized epithet and a ge-
neric epithet shared by other similar
species. Linnaeus primarily used sta-
men characters to assign degree of
similarity. He developed this system
before Darwin and Wallace intro-
duced the ideas of natural selection
and the evolution of species. Once it
was accepted that newer species
evolved from older species, taxono-
mists strove to construct classifica-
tions based on principles of Darwin-
ian evolution. Thus, taxonomic no-
menclature came to serve two func-
tions: (1) providing standardized
names to facilitate communication
and (2) reflecting evolutionary rela-
tionships. Unfortunately, serving two
functions often causes conflict.
Above: Quackgrass, a.k.a. Agropyron repens, Elymus repens, or Elytrigia repens is a use-
ful forage grass but tends to spread aggressively by subterranean stems (rhizomes) and
infest fields of cultivated crops and wildlands. The species was originally named by Lin-
naeus as Triticum repens in Species Plantarum (1753) but transferred to Agropyron by
Beauvois in 1812, Elytrigia by Desvaux (1895), and Elymus by Gould in 1947. Each name
change was prompted by a revision of the generic concepts of the Triticeae, one of the
more complex tribes of Poaceae. Adapting to new names is not a burden unique to the
current generation of botanists. Illustration from Hitchcock and Chase (1950).
Agropyron by any Other Name is Still a Wheatgrass
By Peter Lesica and Matt Lavin
(adapted from Kelseya, the newsletter of the Montana Native Plant Society, Winter 2004)
Reasons for the current round of
scientific name changes relate to
one of the other of taxonomy’s func-
tions. A perennial cause of nomen-
clatural instability centers around
the debate over what delineates a
species. In plant taxonomy the is-
sue has turned as much on opinion
as data. “Splitters” believe there is
merit in recognizing small but consis-
tent variation at the species level,
while “lumpers” prefer to empha-
size the close relationship among
variants. In the first half of the last
century Kenneth Mackenzie and oth-
ers recognized many different species
Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
Indeed, hybrids between meadow
fescue and other ryegrasses are of-
ten used in lawn seed mixes. So
these former fescue grasses have
been transferred to Lolium.* There
is good evidence that some mem-
bers of the goldenweed genus
(Haplopappus) are more closely
related to goldenrods (Solidago),
while others are closer to rabbit-
brush (Chrysothamnus).
Some of these insights come from
new analytical methods made possi-
ble by computers. Others can be
traced to recent advances in mo-
lecular biology. Up until 50 years
ago, plant taxonomy relied entirely
on morphological characters such
as fruit shape, number of stamens,
type of hairs, etc. Shared traits can
be an unreliable indication of close
relationship because they can also
evolve in unrelated groups as a re-
sult of convergent natural selection.
For example, many species of cush-
ion plants occur on windswept al-
pine ridges. They superficially re-
semble each other because they
suffer the same harsh conditions,
but they come from many different
and unrelated plant families. Mod-
ern plant systematists are using
portions of DNA and computers that
can analyze lots of data to uncover
past misunderstandings in evolu-
tionary relationships made using
earlier morphological methods.
Although molecular characters and
analytical methods have advanced
the field of biological taxonomy,
these approaches may not always
yield a definitive answer. Analyzing
two different regions of DNA some-
times fails to give congruent classifi-
cations, and phylogenetic analysis
yields only the most likely classifi-
cation. Nonetheless, plant systema-
tists are constructing classifications
that better reflect the course of past
evolution, and they are changing the
nomenclature to reflect their new
Unfortunately for users of scien-
tific names, many recently proposed
name changes are based more on
* But since transferred to their own
genus, Schedonorus, in Volume 24 of
Flora of North America (2007)
of similar-appearing sedges. Then
Arthur Cronquist, who authored flo-
ras for much of North America in the
latter part of the century, lumped
many of these sedge species together.
Now sedge experts are more inclined
to be splitters, and many of the spe-
cies recognized during Mackenzie’s
time have been resurrected in the
Flora of North America treatment.
What’s old is new again, and those of
us who cut our teeth on Cronquist’s
treatments will be learning a lot of
new old names. This seems like the
most arbitrary reason for nomencla-
tural instability, but it will probably
continue as long as taxonomists re-
main human.
The most understandable reason
for nomenclatural revisions has to do
with standardization. A great many
botanical names were generated dur-
ing the latter part of the 19th and
early part of the 20th centuries.
These names were published in jour-
nals and books that had limited geo-
graphic distribution at the time. Presl
described Poa secunda as new to sci-
ence in an obscure European publica-
tion in 1830 based on a collection
from Chile. More than 60 years later
Vasey described the same species as
Poa sandbergii in the Contributions
from the U.S. National Herbarium, ap-
parently unaware of Presl’s descrip-
tion. All this began to change when
communication and travel increased
dramatically following World War II.
Museum specimens and literature
were exchanged freely, and Elizabeth
Kellogg, working at Harvard, realized
that these two bluegrass species were
the same. International rules of nom-
enclature specify that the earliest
published name takes precedence, so
the correct scientific name for
Sandberg bluegrass became Poa
secunda, both in South America and
here. It’s the globalization of botany.
Many recent name changes at the
level of genus and family are due to
new insights on evolutionary rela-
tionships, For example, there is now
unequivocal evidence that tall fescue
(Festuca arundinacea) and meadow
fescue (F. pratensis), two tame hay
meadow grasses, are more closely
related to species of ryegrass (Lolium
spp.) than they are to other fescues.
opinion than sound scientific evi-
dence. There may be preliminary
evidence suggesting that the tradi-
tional scientific names don’t accu-
rately reflect evolutionary relation-
ships. However, there is often not
enough genetic or morphological evi-
dence yet available to determine how
the names should be changed to rem-
edy the problem. New Linnaean bi-
nomials derived from inadequate,
preliminary evidence will often prove
no better than the names in current
use. In many cases it would be a good
idea to continue using traditional
names until enough solid evidence
compels us to change.
There are often several synonyms
for a particular species, but few of us
have the time or skill to evaluate all
the evidence buried in the scientific
literature. How should we choose the
name to use? There are several good
websites that provide synonyms for
scientific names. These include
Tropicos at the Missouri Botanical
Garden website (
W3T/Search/vast.html) and the In-
ternational Plant Names Index
( The US
Department of Agriculture PLANTS
website (
index.html) even suggests which
names to accept. However, there is
no such thing as a botanical nomen-
clature arbitration committee to de-
cide which name should be in use.
We agree with Wayne Ferren and
Robert Haller, former editors for the
California Botanical Society. Confu-
sion can be minimized by adopting
the nomenclature presented on a
credible regional or local flora and
reporting that source when you use
scientific names.
Most plant systematists are stu-
dents of evolution, and having classi-
fications that reflect evolutionary
processes is, in the long run, a valu-
able goal. Unfortunately, in the short
term this goal is at odds with the
other function of taxonomic nomen-
claturestability and standardiza-
tion. Like it or not, we’re in for a pe-
riod of nomenclatural revolution, but
we hope to know more about the
workings of nature in the process.
We just wish our memories were as
good as when we were twenty.
Utah Native Plant Society
Short shrubs are used mostly
for cover, but some have attrac-
tive foliage, flowers, or fruits. A
sampling follows:
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, Bear-
berry, is a slow growing, ever-
green, mat forming shrub which
can reach about 1 foot high but is
usually only a few inches tall. The
leaves are dark green and shiny
and often turn bronze or occasion-
ally reddish in fall and winter.
The inconspicuous white to pink-
ish flowers are only about 1/4
inch long. The fruits are berry-
like and bright red and remain on
the plant until the birds get them.
The plant occurs naturally in
moist woods and thickets in the
mountains and foothills. It prefers
moist but well-drained soil and is
tolerant of heat, wind, and salt. It
does best in shade or part shade.
Small plants are easy to transplant
and it is easy to propagate from 6
inch stem cuttings in late summer.
Trim the leaves from the lower
third, dip ends in rooting hor-
mone, and plant the ends 2 inches
deep in peat moss and sand in
equal parts. Mist regularly. Keep-
ing them in a mostly closed clear
plastic container or covering will
varnished. The white flowers are
tiny but are aggregated into large,
showy clusters at the ends of the
branches. It occurs naturally in
moist to dry open woods or open
areas in the mountains. It re-
quires good drainage in full sun
and does not tolerate overwater-
ing nor highly alkaline soils. It can
be propagated from 2 or 3 inch
branch tip cuttings in late summer
dipped in rooting hormone. Pro-
vide bottom heat to the pots or
flats (70-80° F). Growing from
seed is a little tricky. Collect the
seed just before the capsules
open. Put the capsules into a pa-
per bag immediately. The seeds
fly out when the capsule splits.
Bring some water to a near boil,
turn off the heat, put in the seeds,
and leave until the water cools.
Then cold stratify for 60 days or
more and surface sow. It may
take 100 days or more for germi-
help retain humidity. Once
rooted (generally 6-8 weeks),
put in pots of equal parts sand
and loamy soil, mulch heavily,
and store in a cold area for the
winter. Plant out in the spring
minimizing disturbance to the
roots. It is also available in the
nursery trade.
Ceanothus velutinus, Big buck-
brush, is an evergreen shrub to 3
feet (rarely 6 feet) high and of-
ten forms large dense colonies.
The leaves are fragrant and the
upper surface appears like it is
Grow This:
Short Shrubs
By Robert Dorn (adapted from Castilleja, the publication of the Wyoming Native Plant Society)
Above: Ceanothus velutinus from Carbon County, Wyoming. Below: Arctostaphylos uva-
ursi, from Albany County, Wyoming. Photos by Robert Dorn.
Sego Lily March 2013 36 (2)
The Funny Pages:
Black-eyed Susan by Anne Garde [for best results, read out loud]
I rose early, at four o'clock, the morning glory still iris
away. I was worried. Anemone of mine, Johnny Jump Up,
was looking for me, and I'd heard he was carrying a pistil,
a 357 magnolia. I ironed a periwinkled blouse, got
dressed, and took a sprig of a dusty Miller's beer. Johnny
Jump Up. He was one of several rhizomes who'd gone to
seed in Forsythia, Montana. He was convicted of graft in
1984, arrested again in '85 for digging up coreopsis. Then
he drifted on the wind up to my neighborhood, the corner
of Hollyhock and Vine. He was a petal pusher in a phlox-
house nearby.
I knew he was trouble when he rhododendron to my
house and said, "Hey, little Black-eyed Susan, wanna come
over to my place and take a look at my vetches?" I didn't
want to te1l him that in all the cosmos, there was no one
for me but Sweet William, so I said no, I was taking care of
a pet dogwood that'd had a litter of poppies, which was
weird cause she'd just been spaded. But Johnny had no
sense of humus. He stamped his foot with impatiens.
"You'll rue the day you turned me down" he snapped.
Then he spit a wad of salvia into the petunia on my portu-
laca and stalked away. “Forget me not, Sue, cause I'll be
Ever since then, he'd cultivated a relationship with Lily
of the Valley, a self-sowing biennial. One day, I aster what
she seed in him. "Mum's the word on this" she said, "He's
got a trillium dollars in the bank. "
"A trillium?" I snorted. "He's lime to you. Besides, what
about love?”
"Alyssum" she said. "You bleeding hearts are all alike.
Kid, you can go for a guy who'll azalea with affection. Or-
chid, you can be like me and try to marigold. Now bego-
nia. "
Now I was in my kitchen, mullein over these past
events. But it was thyme to quit dilly-dahlia-ing. The ca-
lendula read August 3rd, and Johnny had sworn to propa-
gate vengeance before the snowdrop.
I hopped into my auto-lobelia and drove over to Daisy's
for help. Daisy was a pretty little transplant from Florida,
who'd wilted in the humidity there, but was rooted in the
well-drained soil of Bloom County. She mostly took care
of her babies breath, but lately she'd branched out and
was columbining work with home life. "We're all sick to-
day, I think it's gaillardia" she said. "Even the cat’s got
harebells. If we could take a knapweed be OK." Her face
was a bright yellow. She'd be no help.
I beetled feet over to Sweet William's. "Will, am I
gladiolus to see you." "And Blackeyed Sue. I been praying-
mantis see you. Let's lilac in the snow on the mountain
before it all melts down the geranium. Let's ride a sage to
Tansy-nia. It's only a chamomile away. "
"Don't be fritillary, honeysuckle " I said, clinging to him.
"Look. Here comes the clematis of the story."
Uh oh. Johnny had hired Pete Moss, a bearded iris-man
to do me in. He was wearing a blue nectar and larkspurs.
He had a larva men with him. The pests. They began to
charge. In all the con-fuschia, I said to Will , "Stem still and
give me some ground cover." I ran down the primrose
path in my ladyslippers, right towards Pete. "Don't gimme
any flax, bud or I’ll slug ya," I said. "You'11 look dandelion
in the alley." "Don't gimme any flax bud, "--Pete quoted
me verbena. It nettled me. I clovered him with a 2x4.
"Sound the tim-pansy" we sang. "We won. Curses, "
moaned Pete, "foliaged again. "
"I noticed Johnny Jump Up planted on the border. "I've
sunk pretty loam, Sue, but now I'm turning over a new
"Bouquet, " I said. And he did. And Will and I lived
pearly everlasting.
Above: Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is native to the Great
Plains and eastern North America, but is introduced in Utah.
Three native species occur in the state. Cutleaf coneflower (R.
laciniata) has showy yellow ray flowers and deeply lobed leaves
and is known from the La Sals. Western coneflower (R. occiden-
talis) and Mountain coneflower (R. montana) lack ray flowers but
are characterized by raised cones of black disk flowers. These
two species differ in leaf shape, pubescence, and distribution, with
Western coneflower being common throughout the mountains of
Utah but Mountain coneflower only found in SW Utah. Illustra-
tion from Britton and Brown (1913) An Illustrated Flora of the
Northern United States, Canada, and the British Possessions.
Utah Native Plant Society
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