E17036 Related CR N/A
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New Search Features Added to Fiscal Intermediary
Shared System (FISS)/Direct Data Entry (DDE)
MLN Matters Number: SE18028
Article Release Date: December 21, 2018
Related CR Transmittal Number: N/A
Related Change Request (CR) Number: 10542
Effective Date: N/A
Implementation Date: N/A
This MLN Matters Article is intended for providers who may want to use the improved claim
search capability in the Fiscal Intermediary Shared System (FISS)/Direct Data Entry (DDE)
processes to conduct claims inquiries with Medicare Administrative Contractors (MACs).
Two new features are being added to the FISS/DDE inquiries menu options in January 2019.
These features include a translator tool and an option to search for a claim using the FISS
Document Control Number (DCN). The new features are described below.
The translator tool is designed to display either a FISS DCN or an invoice number from an
overpayment demand letter. An overpayment demand letter is issued anytime a claim
adjustment creates an overpayment, known as a Medicare Accounts Receivable (AR). The
invoice number looks similar to the actual FISS claim DCN.
There are times when a provider may need additional information regarding the claim, such as
the patient information, which is not provided in the overpayment demand letter. To get that
information, the provider must view the claim that was adjusted. For the provider to view the
claim to obtain needed information, the provider must use the translator tool to obtain the FISS
In addition, there are times when a provider has the FISS claim DCN but may need to obtain the
invoice number and they do not have a copy of the demand letter. To obtain the invoice number,
the provider will also have to use the translator tool.
The translator tool is now available in FISS/DDE under the inquiries menu. Select the Inquiries
Menu option (01) from the Main menu in DDE.
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From the Inquiries Menu, select the INVOICE NO/DCN Translator option (88).
To obtain the FISS DCN, enter the invoice number in the invoice number column.
Note: Multiple invoice numbers can be entered if more than one FISS DCN is needed.
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To obtain the invoice number, enter the FISS DCN in the FISS DCN column.
Note: Multiple FISS DCNs can be entered if more than one invoice number is needed.
Press the F9 key to view the FISS DCN(s) or invoice number(s).
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The DDE system now has a search feature that allows the provider to search for a specific claim
using the FISS DCN. This feature may be used to view a claim with the FISS DCN obtained
from the translator tool, remittance advice, or any source from which the provider has obtained
To use the FISS DCN search feature, select the Inquiries Menu option (01) from the DDE Main
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From the Inquiries Menu, select the Claim Summary option (12). The Claim Summary Screen
will be displayed.
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From the Claim Summary Inquiry screen (Map1741) you will need to enter the National Provider
Identifier (NPI) and DCN you are searching for and press enter. Security is controlled through
the initial logon to DDE.
Press Enter and the DCN matching criteria entered will be displayed.
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To view the claim, place the cursor in the SEL field next to the claim displayed and press enter.
The official instruction, CR10542, issued to your MAC regarding these new search features is
available at https://www.cms.gov/Regulations-and-
If you have questions, your MACs may have more information. Find their website at
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Date of Change Description
December 21, 2018 Initial article released.
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The American Hospital Association (the “AHA”) has not reviewed, and is not responsible for, the completeness or accuracy of any
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