Financial Statement Analysis (ACCT-UB.0003) Spring 2022
KMC 4-80(11:00 MW), TISC UC-04 (2:00 MW), TISC LC-25 (3:30MW)
Syllabus for Textbook Edition 6
Professor: Christine Cuny
Office: KMC 10-91
Teaching Assistants: Diya Goel ([email protected]); Kayla Han (;
Elton Zhu ([email protected])
Zoom Office Hours:* Mondays 12:45pm-1:45pm and Wednesdays 12:45pm-1:45pm and by appointment
Zoom TA Office Hours:* 5:00-6:30pm the night before assignment due dates and by appointment
*Note: If you plan to attend office hours with the professor, please reserve a time slot in advance. You will find a link
to reserve an appointment within each office hour posted in the schedule on Brightspace.
Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to understand how to read, interpret, and analyze financial statements. Throughout the
course, we will use the financial statements of several real companies to illustrate concepts. Specifically, we will:
Study the interrelationships between financial statement line items
Use ratio analysis to understand and compare firms
Understand accounting disclosures
Use accounting disclosures to adjust financial statements
Forecast future earnings using accounting disclosures
Value a firm using forecasts
The course assumes you have a solid grasp of general accounting concepts and principles
Course Materials:
Throughout the course, you will receive three course packets containing lecture slides, in-class exercises,
assignments, and practice exam questions. You will receive four supplements containing select pages from
financial statements for illustrative purposes. All of these materials are available through Brightspace.
You will need access to Microsoft Excel.
You will find a financial calculator helpful in the second half of the course. If you plan to go into accounting or
finance, this is a worthwhile investment. The Texas Instruments BA II Plus Financial Calculator sells for roughly
$30 on Amazon: Link.
The optional textbook for the course is “Financial Statement Analysis & Valuation, by Easton, McAnally, Som-
mers, and Zhang. The book is currently in its sixth edition, but feel free to use an earlier version. You will
need the textbook to complete the optional practice problems, which are helpful for solidifying concepts and
preparing for exams.
Your grade in the course will be determined according to this tentative point distribution:
Exam I 33%
Exam II 33%
Assignments 33%
Exams (66.67%)
There are two exams that are aimed at assessing your grasp of the learning objectives for the course. Exams will be
taken in person during each class meeting time (11am, 2pm, and 3:30pm). Before the exam, I will hold an in-class
review session and a Zoom Q&A session. I do not offer make-up exams.
Assignments (33.33%)
There are six assignments throughout the semester that are aimed at solidifying your understanding of the concepts
covered in class by applying them to the financial statements of Target Corporation. Your five highest scores will be
included in your course grade (I will drop your lowest assignment score). You will have a minimum of a week after we
cover each topic in class to complete the associated assignment. You can work on these assignments individually or
in groups of up to five people (you may hand in one copy per group). To receive credit for the assignments, they need
to be submitted electronically via Brightspace before 5pm New York time on the due date. The solution is posted
at 5pm on the due date of the assignment, therefore I cannot accept late submissions. The assignment due date
schedule is as follows:
Assignment Topic Due Date
1 Common size & percentage change analysis 2/16
2 Dupont & Penman Profitability Analysis 3/2
3 Risk Analysis 3/23
4 Accounting Analysis 4/13
5 Parsimonious Forecast 4/27
6 Valuation 5/4
Note: The TAs will hold additional office hours the Tuesday before each assignment is due (on Zoom).
Re-Grade Policy:
Grading mistakes happen occasionally. Therefore, you are permitted to submit re-grade requests on exams and as-
signments within one calendar week of the posting of the grades. To have an exam re-graded, you must submit a
short written description of your argument that explains the grading mistake and why you believe you deserve addi-
tional credit. Upon receipt of your written description, I will review the entire exam/assignment for grading accuracy;
therefore your grade may go up or down as a result of the re-grade request.
Additional Information:
Policy on Class Attendance:
I do not take attendance. However, past semesters have shown a strong correlation between class attendance and
overall course performance. The exams are based on our in-class discussions, so participating in class will naturally
correlate with your exam performance. I understand that over the course of 28 sessions, personal, health, and
religious conflicts come up and you may need to miss class. You are welcome to attend an alternative section as long
as there is space in the room. All classes are recorded, so if you cannot attend any of the three sections, I will make
the recording available to you upon request because I want you to have the opportunity to make up the material you
missed on your own. Exercise solutions will also be posted on Brightspace. In the event that the course needs to be
offered entirely online for a particular class meeting, we will meet synchronously at our regularly scheduled class time
using Zoom. Additional details will be emailed to you in the event of a shift to online instruction.
Academic Integrity, General Conduct & Behavior:
The Stern Student Code of Conduct applies to all students enrolled in Stern courses and can be found here. Students
are also expected to maintain and abide by Stern’s Policy in Regard to In-Class Behavior & Expectations (link) and
the NYU Student Conduct Policy (link).
Student Accessibility
If you will require academic accommodation of any kind during this course, you must notify me at the beginning of
the course (or as soon as your need arises) and provide a letter from the Moses Center for Student Accessibility
(212-998-4980, [email protected]) verifying your registration and outlining the accommodations they recommend.
For more information, visit the CSA website.
Student Wellness
These are stressful times. I encourage you to reach out if you need help. The NYU Wellness Exchange offers mental
health support. You can reach them 24/7 at 212-443-9999, or via the “NYU Wellness Exchange” app. There are also
drop in hours and appointments. Find out more here.
Name Pronunciation and Pronouns
NYU Stern students now have the ability to include their pronouns and name pronunciation in Albert. I encourage you
to share your name pronunciation and pronouns this way. Please utilize this link for additional information.
Inclusion Statement
This course strives to support and cultivate diversity of thought, perspectives, and experiences. The intent is to
present materials and activities that will challenge your current perspectives with a goal of understanding how others
might see situations differently. By participating in this course, it is the expectation that everyone commits to making
this an inclusive learning environment for all.
Course Framework:
Specific content and dates are subject to change. The general progression of the course is divided into three sections,
as follows:
1. In this section of the course, you will develop the tools to understand and compare firms. We
Review basic financial accounting concepts
Become familiar with the information available to investors and analysts
Learn where to find information in real 10-Ks
Learn how to compute various financial ratios
Understand the value of common-size financial statements in understanding the nature of a firm’s business
Learn how ratios can be used to identify trends within a company over time and across firms within an industry
Learn how to use financial ratios to assess a firm’s profitability and risk
Learn how to interpret financial statement ratios
Learn how operating and financing activities affect inferences of financial statement ratios
Learn how to adjust the financial statements to allow for cross-sectional comparison
Understand the discretion management has in classifying revenues, expenses, gains, and losses on the income
statement and the implications of this discretion
Learn how to recast financial statements to undo distortions
Learn the difference between temporary and permanent income
Bring to Class
Before Class After Class Course Assignment
Date Topic Readings 6e Practice Problems 6e Pack Supplement Due
1/24 (Mon) Course Introduction 1-12 to 1-19 1
1/26 (Wed) Accounting Refresh
Skim 2-1 to 2-21 Q1-7, M1-25; E1-35
1 1
Target MD&A Q2-17, M2-23, 28
1/31 (Mon)
Intro to
E2-34, P2-50 1 1
financial statements
2/2 (Wed)
Intro to
1 1
financial statements
2/7 (Mon) Common-size analysis Pepsi MD&A E2-42, 43, 44 1 2
2/9 (Wed) Common-size analysis 1 2
2/14 (Mon) Profitability analysis
1-24 to 1-27 E1-38, 39, 41
1 2
8-26 to 8-27 P1-43, 44, P2-49; M8-31
2/15 (Tue) Assignment 1 TA Office Hours
2/16 (Wed) Profitability analysis
Appendix 3B Q1-19, P1-49, 50, 51, 52, 53
1 2 1
Skim Module 9 M9-20, E9-28, 32, 36
2/21 (Mon) No Class (President’s Day)
2/23 (Wed)
Module 3
Q3-2, 3, 5, 6, M3-23
1 2Profitability analysis Q3-10, 14, M3-21,E3-37
P3-44, 46, 48, 52
2/28 (Mon) Pro-forma Adjustments
2-12 to 2-15; Q5-9,
1 26-25 to 6-29 Q6-12,
& 5-34 to 5-38 E5-32, P5-39, P5-40
3/1 (Tue) Assignment 2 TA Office Hours
3/2 (Wed) Risk analysis I Module 4 Q4-3, 10, 12, 13, M4-16, 17, 21 1 2 2
3/7 (Mon) Risk analysis II 7-18 to 7-23 E4-22, 26, 28, P4-32 1 2
2. In this section of the course, you will learn how to understand and analyze accounting disclo-
sures. We will:
Understand how accounting choices affect cross-sectional and time-series variation in financial ratios
Learn how to identify and evaluate critical accounting policies contained in the footnotes to the financial state-
Understand the effects of these choices on the historical and future financial statements
Learn how to adjust the financial statements to allow for cross-sectional comparison
Learn how changes in the asset and liability valuations on the balance sheet impact the measurement of net
income on the income statement
Bring to Class
Before Class After Class Course Assignment
Date Topic Readings 6e Practice Problems 6e Pack Supplement Due
3/7 (Mon) Accounts Receivable I 5-21 to 5-27 Q5-2, M5-18, 19, 20, 21 2 3
3/9 (Wed) Accounts Receivable II HP 10K (Item 1) E5-44, P5-58 2 3
3/14 & 3/16 Spring Break
3/21 (Mon) Fixed Assets I 6-20 to 6-24; 6-31 to 6-33 Q6-7, 8, M6-17, 19 2 3
3/22 (Tue) Assignment 3 TA Office Hours 3
3/23 (Wed) Exam I Review 1 & 2
3/27 (Sun) Optional Q&A Session
3/28 (Mon) Exam I
3/30 (Wed) Fixed Assets II United Tech. 10K (Item 1) E6-32, 36, 37, P6-43, 44 2 3
4/4 (Mon) Present Value Appendix 7A 2 3
4/4 (Mon)
10-3 to 10-12 Q10-1, 2, 3, M10-14 15
2 3
4/6 (Wed) American 10K (Item 1) E10-28, 30, P10-40
3. In this section of the course, you will learn how to use company disclosures to forecast financial
statements and value a firm. We will:
Learn how the various financial statement ratios combine to provide a structured framework from which you
can forecast future performance and calibrate its reasonableness
Understand the importance of sales to forecasting future financial statements
Learn how to identify the critical forecasting assumptions
Understand the difference between income flows and cash flows
Understand equity value is a simple summation of the discounted expected future net distributions of cash to
equity holders
Understand the assumptions of the discounted cash flow (DCF) valuation method
Understand the principles behind estimating a terminal value and choosing a discount rate
Learn some valuation heuristics, or shortcuts, to estimate a company’s value or to compare it to a peer (e.g.,
Price-Earnings ratio, Market-to-Book ratio, and PEG ratio)
Understand the assumptions behind some common valuation heuristics and how to leverage these heuristics
when performing macro-level analysis of firms
Learn how to convert analyst forecasts into a simple valuation heuristic
Understand the intuition supporting the use of the P/E ratio
Learn how to “anchor” valuation on current earnings
Bring to Class
Before Class After Class Course Assignment
Date Topic Readings 6e Practice Problems 6e Pack Supplement Due
4/11 (Mon) Conference Call
Starbucks Press Release
3 4
Starbucks MD&A
4/12 (Tue) Assignment 4 TA Office Hours
4/13 (Wed) Forecasting Revenues Mod. 11 3 4 4
4/18 (Mon) Forecasting Financial Stmts Appendix 11C Q11-7, M11-11, E11-30 3 4
4/20 (Wed) Forecast Reasonableness 3 4
4/25 (Mon) Cost of Capital
12-10 to 12-17 Q12-3, 6, 7, M12-15, 20,
21, E12-30, 31, 3 4
P12-39, 40
4/24 (Tue) Assignment 5 TA Office Hours
4/27 (Wed)
Discounted Cash Flow
13-4 to 14-14 Q13-3, M13-8, E13-10, 13,
3 4 5
Residual Income Model
14-6 to 14-9 Q14-5, M14-10, E14-18, 21,
& Appendix 13B P14-26
5/2 (Mon) Market-Based Valuation
15-3 to 15-11 Q15-1, 2, M15-8, 10, 12, 16,
3 4
E15-23, 24, 27, 33, P15-37
5/3 (Tue) Assignment 6 TA Office Hours
5/4 (Wed) Exam II Review 2 & 3 6
5/9 (Mon) In-class Q&A Session 2 & 3
TBD Exam II @ TBD (11:00 Section)
TBD Exam II @ TBD (2:00 Section)
TBD Exam II @ TBD (3:30 Section)