Effective July 1, 2020
Electronic Case Filing
Policies and Procedures Manual
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 3
1. AUTHORIZATION FOR ELECTRONIC FILING .................................................................................. 3
2. DEFINITIONS AND INSTRUCTIONS ................................................................................................ 3
3. APPLICATION OF RULES AND ORDERS ......................................................................................... 4
4. CASES SUBJECT TO ELECTRONIC CASE FILING ............................................................................ 4
5. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................. 5
6. FILING CASE INITIATING DOCUMENTS ........................................................................................ 6
7. FILING DOCUMENTS ELECTRONICALLY ....................................................................................... 6
8. CASE DOCKET ............................................................................................................................. 7
9. SYSTEM AVAILABILITY ............................................................................................................... 7
10. REGISTRATION .......................................................................................................................... 7
11. SERVICE OF ELECTRONICALLY FILED DOCUMENTS ................................................................... 8
12. APPEARANCES ........................................................................................................................... 8
13. FORMAT FOR ELECTRONIC FILINGS ........................................................................................... 9
14. SIGNATURE BLOCK ................................................................................................................. 11
15. MANUAL FILINGS .................................................................................................................... 12
16. TECHNICAL DIFFICULTIES ....................................................................................................... 12
17. RETENTION OF ORIGINALS OF DOCUMENTS REQUIRING SCANNING ........................................ 13
18. SEALED FILINGS ...................................................................................................................... 13
20. EX PARTE DOCUMENTS ............................................................................................................ 17
21. CONTACT INFORMATION .......................................................................................................... 18
APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................................... 19
APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................................... 22
APPENDIX C ................................................................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX D ................................................................................................................................... 24
The Court's Case Management/Electronic Case Filing system, CM/ECF, permits attorneys
appearing in all pending civil and criminal cases to file documents with the Court via the Internet
using the Electronic Case Filing (ECF) portion of the system. This ECF Policies and Procedures
Manual governs electronic filing in all civil and criminal cases within the Southern District of
Indiana. Attorneys, parties, and pro se litigants may view civil and criminal dockets as well as
electronically filed documents via the Internet using the PACER (Public Access to Court
Electronic Records) portion of the system.
1. Authorization for Electronic Filing
FED.R.CIV.P. 5(d)(3) and FED.R.CRIM.P. 49(b)(3) require electronic filing. The following
policies and procedures govern electronic filing in this district unless, due to circumstances in
a particular case, a judicial officer determines that these policies and procedures should be
2. Definitions and Instructions
The following definitions and instructions shall apply to these Electronic Case Filing Policies
and Procedures:
2.1 The term "document" shall include a pleading, motion, exhibit, declaration,
affidavit, memoranda, paper, order, notice, and any other filing by or to the Court.
2.2 The term "attorney" shall include counsel of record.
2.3 All hours stated shall be the local time of the division to which the case has been
assigned (Local Rule 5-4).
2.4 The term "Notice of Electronic Filing" is used to refer to the email notice that is
automatically generated by the Electronic Case Filing System at the time a
document is filed by an attorney, or an order is entered by the Court. The Notice of
Electronic Filing (NEF) will set forth the time of filing or issuance, the type of
document, the text of the docket entry, the name of the attorney(s) receiving the
notice, and an electronic link (hyperlink) to the document, which allows recipients
to retrieve the document electronically.
2.5 The term "PDF" is used to refer to a document that exists in Portable Document
Format. A document file created with a word processor or a paper document that
has been scanned must first be converted to portable document format before the
document can be electronically filed with the Court. Converted files contain the
extension ".pdf".
2.6 The term "ECF" is used to refer to the Electronic Case Filing portion of the Court's
CM/ECF System, which must be accessed by attorneys for the purpose of filing
documents electronically in civil and criminal cases pending before the Court.
Attorneys of record in pending cases must submit an ECF Registration Form in
order to obtain an ECF login and password with which to file documents
electronically. (See Appendix A).
2.7 The term "PACER" (Public Access to Court Electronic Records) is used to refer to
the Public Access portion of the Court’s CM/ECF System. PACER may be
accessed by members of the public and attorneys for the purpose of viewing case
dockets and electronically filed documents in cases pending before the Court.
Individuals may obtain a PACER login and password at https://pacer.uscourts.gov
or (800) 676-6856.
3. Application of Rules and Orders
Unless modified by order of the Court, all Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and
Local Rules shall continue to apply to cases maintained in the Court's Case
Management/Electronic Case Filing System (CM/ECF).
4. Cases Subject to Electronic Case Filing
Electronic filing by attorneys is required for eligible documents filed in civil and criminal cases
pending with the Court, unless specifically exempted by Local Rule or Court Order. Attorneys
may register for an ECF login and password with which to file documents electronically by
visiting the Court's website at www.insd.uscourts.gov or by contacting the Clerk's Office.
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana
Attn: Office of the Clerk
Address: 46 East Ohio Street, Room 105
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Phone: (317) 229-3700
Attorneys, parties, and pro se litigants may view dockets and electronically filed documents
via the Internet through the use of the Court's PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic
Records) system. A login and password may be obtained by visiting the PACER website at
https://pacer.uscourts.gov or contacting the PACER Service Center at (800) 676-6856.
5. System Requirements
The following hardware and software are needed to electronically file documents and receive
electronic notice of case activity via the Electronic Case Filing system:
a. A computer running a Windows or a Macintosh operating system;
b. Software used to create PDF documents from a word processing application, such as
Adobe Acrobat Professional® (links to free PDF creators can be found on the Court’s
website at www.insd.uscourts.gov);
c. A PDF viewer, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader® (free download available at
d. A PDF-compatible word processor like Macintosh or Windows-based versions of
Microsoft Word®;
e. An Internet browser, such as Internet Explorer® or Firefox® (128-bit encryption is
strongly recommended);
f. Internet access and an email address;
g. Access to a scanner may be necessary for paper exhibits which must be scanned into
PDF pursuant to Local Rule 5-1(c); and
h. The filing attorney must have an ECF login and password assigned by the Clerk with
which to access the Court's Electronic Case Filing system. (See Appendix A).
NOTE: To view dockets and electronically filed documents through the Court's PACER
system, users must access the system through a PACER login and password. Attorneys and
parties may register for a PACER account at https://pacer.uscourts.gov or (800) 676-6856.
6. Filing Case Initiating Documents
A Civil Complaint or Notice of Removal may be filed, fee paid, and summons issued
electronically through the CM/ECF system. Case initiating papers, including a civil cover
sheet, must be served in the traditional manner on paper, rather than electronically. All
subsequent papers must be filed electronically except as provided by Local Rule or Court
Order. (Local Rule 5-2).
A Criminal Complaint, Information, or Indictment shall be filed and served in the traditional
manner on paper, rather than electronically.
7. Filing Documents Electronically
Electronic transmission of a document consistent with the procedures adopted by the Court
shall, upon the complete receipt of the same by the Clerk of Court, constitute filing of the
document for all purposes of the Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and the Local
Rules of this Court, and shall constitute entry of that document onto the docket maintained by
the Clerk pursuant to FED.R.CIV.P. 58 and 79.
A Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) acknowledging that the document has been filed will
immediately appear on the filer's screen after the document has been submitted. Attorneys are
strongly encouraged to print or electronically save a copy of the NEF. Attorneys can also verify
the filing of documents by inspecting the Court's electronic docket sheet through the use of a
PACER login. The Court may, upon the motion of a party or upon its own motion, strike any
inappropriately filed document.
Documents filed electronically must be submitted in PDF (Portable Document Format). Filing
documents electronically does not alter filing deadlines. All electronic transmissions of
documents must be completed (i.e. received completely by the Clerk's Office) prior to midnight
of the local time of the division in which the case is pending in order to be considered timely
filed that day (NOTE: time will be noted in Eastern Time on the Court's docket. If you have
filed a document prior to midnight local time of the division in which the case is pending and
the document is due that date, but the electronic receipt and docket reflect the following
calendar day, please contact the Court). Although attorneys may file documents electronically
24 hours a day, 7 days a week, attorneys are encouraged to file all documents during the normal
working hours of the Clerk's Office (Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.) when
technical support is available.
8. Case Docket
Upon the electronic filing of a document, a docket entry will be automatically created by the
CM/ECF System, using the information provided by the filing party. The Clerk of Court, where
necessary and appropriate, will modify the docket entry description to comply with quality
control standards.
9. System Availability
The Court's system is designed to provide service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Occasionally
the CM/ECF system may be unavailable for brief scheduled maintenance. Notice of scheduled
maintenance will be posted on the Court's website in advance. Attorneys are encouraged to file
documents in advance of filing deadlines and during normal business hours. Questions
regarding the electronic filing system and the registration process should be referred to the
Clerk's Office, at (317) 229-3700. Technical difficulties should be referred to the Court's Help
Desk, at (317) 229-3737. The Help Desk is staffed on business days from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30
10. Registration
Attorneys seeking to file electronically must be admitted to practice in the U.S. District Court
for the Southern District of Indiana, either via standard or pro hac vice admission, and must
be in good standing. Each attorney seeking to file documents electronically must also submit
a completed Electronic Case Filing Attorney Registration Form (Appendix A). Regardless
of the division in which the attorney most frequently practices, the form may be submitted
in .pdf format, via e-mail to the following address: [email protected] . Please
include "ECF Registration" and the attorney’s name in the subject line.
Alternatively, a hard copy may be mailed to:
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana
Attn: ECF Registration Processing
46 East Ohio Street, Room 105
Indianapolis, IN 46204
A registering attorney will receive an e-mail message indicating that his/her login and
password have been assigned; this is to ensure that the attorney's e-mail address has been
entered correctly in the ECF System. Use of the login and password when filing documents
will serve in part as that attorney's signature for purposes of FED.R.CIV.P.11. Attorneys agree
to protect the security of their passwords and immediately notify the Clerk of Court if they
learn that their password has been compromised.
11. Service of Electronically Filed Documents
By participating in the Electronic Case Filing Program, attorneys consent to the electronic
service of documents, and shall make available electronic mail addresses for service. Upon
the filing of a document by a party, an e-mail message will be automatically generated by
the electronic filing system and sent via electronic mail to the e-mail addresses of all
registered attorneys who have appeared in the case. The Notice of Electronic Filing will
contain a document hyperlink which will provide recipients with one "free look" at the
electronically filed document. Recipients are encouraged to print and/or save a copy of the
document during the "free look" to avoid incurring PACER charges for future viewings of
the document. It is the responsibility of the filing attorney to conventionally serve all parties
who do not receive electronic service (the identity of these parties will be indicated on the
filing receipt generated by the ECF system). In addition to receiving e-mail notifications of
filing activity, the parties are strongly encouraged to sign on to the PACER system at regular
intervals to check the docket in their case.
Filing electronically effectuates service on all registered attorneys. If all attorneys in a case
are registered, no separate certificate of service should be included. A certificate of service
must be included when electronically filed documents require service by other means,
including documents served on unrepresented litigants. See FED.R.CIV.P. 5(d)(1)(B).
A service statement and/or list must be included on each proposed order, as required by Local
Rule 5-5(d). Pursuant to Local Rule 5-5(b)(2), if a party is represented by multiple attorneys
from the same law firm, and one or more is ECF-registered, notice of entry of an order or
judgment in a case assigned to the Electronic Case Filing System will be transmitted only to
the ECF-registered user(s).
A current distribution/service list for a case, may be obtained through the "Mailings" feature
located under the "Utilities" menu in the Electronic Case Filing System.
12. Appearances
The filing of a Notice of Appearance shall act to establish the filing attorney as an attorney
of record representing a designated party or parties in a particular cause of action. As a result,
it is necessary for each attorney to file a separate Notice of Appearance when entering an
appearance in a case. A joint appearance on behalf of multiple attorneys may be filed
electronically only if it is filed separately for each attorney, using his/her ECF login.
A Notice of Appearance filed in a case which is maintained under seal must be filed in the
traditional paper manner in order to establish the filing attorney as an attorney of record
before access may be granted to the sealed case.
13. Format for Electronic Filings
Electronically filed documents must meet the requirements of FED.R.CIV.P. 10 (Form of
Pleadings), Local Rule 5-1 (Format of Papers Presented for Filing), and FED.R.CIV.P. 5.2
and FED.R.CRIM.P. 49.1 (Privacy Protection for Filings Made with the Court), as if they had
been submitted on paper. Documents filed electronically are also subject to any page
limitations set forth by Court Order, by Local Rule 7-1 (Motion Practice), or Local Rule 56-
1 (Summary Judgment Practice), as applicable. Documents in cases removed from state court
are subject to very specific filing requirements that are detailed in Local Rule 81-2.
A key objective of the electronic filing system is to ensure that as much of the case as possible
is managed electronically. To facilitate electronic filing and retrieval, documents to be filed
electronically are to be reasonably broken into their separate component parts. By way of
example, most filings include a foundation document (e.g., motion) and other supporting
items (e.g., exhibits, proposed orders, proposed amended pleadings). The foundation
document, as well as the supporting items, are each separate components of the filing;
supporting items must be filed as attachments to the foundation document. These exhibits or
attachments should include only those excerpts of the referenced documents that are directly
germane to the matter under consideration.
Except as otherwise specified in Local Rule 81-2, when uploading attachments during the
electronic filing process, exhibits must be uploaded in a logical sequence and a brief
description must be entered for each individual PDF file. The description must include not
only the exhibit number or letter, but also a brief description of the document. This
information may be entered in CM/ECF using a combination of the Category drop-down
menu, the Description text box, or both (See Figure 1 below). The information that is
provided in each box will be combined to create a description of the document as it appears
on the case docket (See Figure 2 below).
EXAMPLE: A Motion for Continuance is filed with the following three attachments:
Exhibit A Affidavit of John Brown
Exhibit B - Letter from Bob Smith
Proposed Order
Figure 1
Figure 2
To facilitate document retrieval for users who are accessing the system, components may not
exceed an electronic file size of 35 megabytes. (Local Rule 5-1). To electronically file a
document or attachment that exceeds 35 MB, the document must first be broken down into
two or more smaller files. For example, if Exhibit A is a 40 MB PDF file, it should be divided
into 2 equal parts prior to electronic filing. Each component part of the exhibit would be filed
as an attachment to the main document and described appropriately as "Exhibit A (part 1 of
2)" and "Exhibit A (part 2 of 2)."
The supporting items mentioned above should not be confused with memorandums or briefs
in support of motions as outlined in Local Rule 7-1 or 56-1. These memorandums or briefs
in support are to be filed as entirely separate documents pursuant to the appropriate rule.
Additionally, no motion shall be embodied in the text of a response or reply
brief/memorandum unless otherwise ordered by the Court.
All pleadings and other filings, including motions, briefs, and proposed orders must be
converted to PDF format directly from a word processing program (e.g. Microsoft® Word),
rather than created from the scanned image of a paper document. An exhibit may be scanned
into PDF format, at a recommended 300 dpi resolution or higher, only if it does not already
exist in electronic format. The filing attorney is responsible for reviewing all PDF documents
for legibility before submitting them through the Court's Electronic Case Filing system. For
technical guidance in creating PDF documents, please contact the Clerk’s Office at (317)
Where an individual component cannot be included in an electronic filing (e.g. the
component cannot be converted to electronic format), the filer shall electronically file the
prescribed Notice of Manual Filing in place of that component. A model form is provided as
Appendix C.
Note: Sealed documents must be filed electronically as required by Local Rule 5-11 and
Local Criminal Rule 49.1-2. See Section 18 of this Policies and Procedures Manual.
The following example illustrates the application of this section:
An attorney seeks to file a motion with three exhibits (A, B, and C), and a proposed order.
The motion is a text document that was created with a word processing application and after
conversion to PDF has a file size of 45kb. Exhibit A is a scanned image of a one-page
document that after conversion to PDF has a size of 200kb. Exhibit B is a 100-page
deposition transcript that exists on CD and after conversion to PDF it has a size of 5 MB.
Exhibit C is an object that cannot be converted to digital format, such as a videotape. The
proposed order is a text document that after conversion to PDF has a file size of 5kb.
To facilitate easy retrieval of any individual component, each document must be kept as a
separate component (PDF file) rather than being merged together as one file. Each of the
components should be filed electronically through the Electronic Case Filing System in one
submission by filing the motion as the main document and attaching the exhibits and
proposed order to the motion.
Exhibit C is a videotape and exists in a format that cannot be filed electronically. During the
electronic submission, when Exhibit C would normally be attached to the motion, it should
instead be replaced by a Notice of Manual Filing (Appendix C) clearly stating what the
exhibit is and why it cannot be filed electronically. Exhibit C should then be filed and served
as it would if a traditional paper filing system were being used. When Exhibit C is presented
to the Clerk for manual filing, it should be accompanied by a paper copy of the Notice of
Manual Filing that was electronically filed in its place.
14. Signature Block
Use of the attorney's login and password when filing documents electronically serves in part
as the attorney's signature for purposes of FED.R.CIV.P. 11, the Local Rules of this Court,
and any other purpose for which a signature is required in connection with proceedings
before the Court. Consistent with Local Rule 5-7, all documents filed electronically under a
filing attorney's ECF login shall include the filing attorney's name on a signature block where
the attorney's handwritten signature would otherwise appear, and shall include the filing
attorney's typewritten name, address, telephone number, facsimile number and e-mail
address, as shown below. Documents signed by an attorney must be filed using that attorney's
ECF log-in and password and may not be filed using a log-in and password belonging to
another attorney.
[Name of Filing Attorney]
Name of Filing Attorney
Law Firm Name
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Documents requiring signatures of more than one attorney shall be filed either by: (a)
obtaining consent from the other attorney, then typing the "[Name]" signature of the other
attorney on the signature line where the other attorney's signature would otherwise appear;
(b) identifying in the signature section the name of the other attorney whose signature is
required and by the submission of a Notice of Endorsement (See Appendix B) by the other
attorney no later than three business days after filing; (c) submitting a scanned document
containing all handwritten signatures; or (d) in any other manner approved by the Court.
Documents requiring a signature other than that of an attorney must bear an original
handwritten signature and must be scanned into PDF for electronic filing.
15. Manual Filings
Parties otherwise participating in the electronic filing system may be excused from filing a
particular component electronically under certain limited circumstances, such as when the
component cannot be reduced to an electronic format. Such components shall not be filed
electronically, but instead shall be manually filed with the Clerk of Court and served upon
the parties in accordance with the applicable Federal Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure
and the Local Rules for filing and service of non-electronic documents.
Before making a manual filing of a component, the filing party shall first electronically file
a Notice of Manual Filing (See Appendix C). The filer shall initiate the electronic filing
process as if filing the actual component but shall instead attach to the filing the Notice of
Manual Filing setting forth the reason(s) why the component cannot be filed electronically.
The manual filing should be accompanied by a copy of the previously filed Notice of Manual
Filing. A party may seek to have a component excluded from electronic filing pursuant to
applicable Federal and Local Rules (e.g. FED.R.CIV.P. 26(c)).
16. Technical Difficulties
Parties are encouraged to file documents electronically during normal business hours in case
a problem is encountered. In the event of a technical failure that prevents a document from
being filed electronically despite the best efforts of the filing party, the party should print (if
possible) a copy of the error message received. In addition, as soon as practically possible,
the party should file a "Declaration that Party was Unable to File in a Timely Manner Due to
Technical Difficulties." A model form is provided as Appendix D.
If a party is unable to file electronically and, as a result, may miss a filing deadline, the party
must contact the Clerk's Office at (317) 229-3700, or by sending an email to
[email protected] to inform the court's staff of the difficulty. If a party misses
a filing deadline due to an inability to file electronically, the party may submit the untimely
filed document, accompanied by a declaration stating the reason(s) for missing the deadline.
Unless the Court orders otherwise, the document and declaration must be filed no later than
12:00 noon of the first day on which the Court is open for business following the original
filing deadline.
17. Retention of Originals of Documents Requiring Scanning
Originals of documents filed electronically which require scanning (e.g. documents that
contain signatures such as affidavits) must be retained for a period of two years following
the expiration of all time periods for appeals (Local Rule 5-9) by the filing party and made
available, upon request, to the Court and other parties.
18. Sealed Filings
Criminal Matters
In criminal matters, which may include criminal, magistrate, or petty offense case types,
documents may be filed under seal without motion or further order of the court pursuant to
Local Criminal Rule 49.1-2(c), provided counsel has a good faith belief that sealing is
required to ensure the safety, privacy or cooperation of a person or entity, or to otherwise
protect a substantial public interest.
A document filed under seal in a criminal matter must be accompanied by a "Sealed Cover
Sheet." The contents of the Sealed Cover Sheet are set forth in Local Criminal Rule 49.1-
Civil Matters
In civil matters, which may include civil or miscellaneous case types, a document may be
filed under seal only if the document is subject to sealing by a prior order of the court,
accompanied by a motion as required by Local Rule 5-11 (Filing Under SealCivil Cases)
or Local Rule 5-10 (Names of PartiesPseudonym Litigant), or filed under seal pursuant to
FED.R.CIV.P. 5.2.
Service of Sealed Filings
Documents filed electronically under seal are served upon opposing counsel through the
court's CM/ECF system. However, paper service of documents is still required for all pro se
Sealed Filing Procedure
A sealed document must be filed electronically via the court's CM/ECF system, unless listed
as an exception to the electronic filing requirement under Local Rule 5-2(a) or Local
Criminal Rule 49-1(a). As with any electronically filed document, sealed filings must be
submitted by an attorney of record in the case for which the document is being filed and must
be filed on behalf of a party or parties for whom the filing attorney has previously appeared.
a) Filing a Document in a CASE that is under Seal (applies to civil and criminal
Sealed cases, as well as associated docket entries and documents, are not available for
public viewing via the court's PACER system. Therefore, documents filed electronically
in a sealed case may be filed using any event from the CM/ECF civil or criminal events
menu. It is not necessary to use one of the sealed filing events listed under subsection (b)
when filing document in a sealed case. Before counsel may electronically file a
document in a sealed case, the attorney must first file a Notice of Appearance in the
traditional paper manner to obtain access to the sealed case via CM/ECF.
When a document is electronically filed in a sealed case, a redacted Notice of Electronic
Filing (NEF) is distributed via email to counsel of record in the case, including the filing
attorney. For that reason, filers should print the Notice of Electronic Filing confirmation
screen that appears at the conclusion of the filing as proof of the transmission to the court.
NOTE: If a sealed case is later unsealed by order of the court, any or all of the documents
previously filed in the case may also be unsealed. Prior to the unsealing of a case, counsel
should bring to the court’s attention any documents in the record which should remain
under seal.
b) Filing a Sealed Document in a Case that is NOT under Seal
Sealed documents filed electronically in a case that is not under seal must be submitted
using one of the sealed civil or criminal filing events listed below.
Civil Matters
Sealed Civil Filing Events
SEALED Motion (Motion filed under Seal) (Sealed doc)
SEALED Response to Motion (Sealed doc)
SEALED Reply in Support of Motion (Sealed doc)
SEALED Document (Sealed doc)
Redaction Index (Sealed doc)
PDF documents filed electronically using a sealed civil event are not accessible to the
public via the court's PACER system. Docket text/entries generated by the CM/ECF
system or entered by the filer during the electronic filing process are displayed on the
court's docket and available for public viewing via PACER.
Each of the sealed civil events generates and distributes a Notice of Electronic Filing to
ECF-registered counsel of record. The Notice of Electronic Filing provides recipients
with the docket text, a description of the document(s) filed, and U permits recipients to
view any PDF document(s) filed under seal.
Criminal Matters
Sealed Criminal Filing Events
* Events that offer the filer the option to seal are designated as "optional Sealed"
Plea Agreement (optional Sealed entry)
Petition to Enter a Plea of Guilty (optional Sealed entry)
Combined Petition to Enter Plea/Plea Agreement/Stipulation of Facts (optional
Sealed entry)
Addendum to Plea Agreement (optional Sealed entry)
Stipulated Factual Basis (optional Sealed entry)
SEALED Motion Motion filed under Seal (Sealed entry)
Motion for Temporary Custody (optional Sealed entry)
Motion for Writ of Garnishment (optional Sealed entry)
Response to Motion (Sealed - entry)
Reply in Support of Motion (Sealed entry)
OBJECTION to Presentence Investigation Report (optional Sealed entry)
SEALED Document (Sealed entry)
Submission of Signature Requirement (optional Sealed entry)
Docket text/entries and associated PDF documents filed electronically using a sealed
criminal event are not displayed on the court's docket for public viewing via the court's
PACER System.
Sealed criminal events do generate and distribute a redacted Notice of Electronic Filing
to ECF-registered counsel of record. The redacted Notice of Electronic Filing provides
recipients with a link to the docket text, a description of the document(s) filed, and
permits recipients to view any PDF document(s) filed under seal.
c) Split Filings; filings in which at least one, but not all documents are sealed
Sealed exhibits or attachments filed in conjunction with a non-sealed foundation
document (e.g., motion, brief, response, reply) must be submitted in a separate
transaction using the appropriate sealed event. For example, a non-sealed response might
be filed with 10 exhibits, only 3 of which are sealed. In this situation, the foundation
document (response) and any non-sealed exhibits must first be filed using the appropriate
non-sealed filing event. Then, in a separate filing, using the SEALED Document event,
the filer should submit the Sealed Cover Sheet as the main document and each of the 3
sealed exhibits as attachments.
RESPONSE in Opposition re 14 MOTION for Summary Judgment filed by
ROBERT SMITH. (Attachments: #1 Exhibit 1 #2 Exhibit 2 #3 Exhibit 5 #4
Exhibit 6 #5 Exhibit 7 #6 Exhibit 9 #7 Exhibit 10) (Jones, Michael)
SEALED Exhibits in Support re 26 Response in Opposition to Motion filed
by ROBERT SMITH. (Attachments: #1 Sealed Exhibit 3 #2 Sealed Exhibit 4
#3 Sealed Exhibit 8) (Jones, Michael)
d) Motions to Seal
A motion to seal is not filed under seal unless sealing is warranted because the content
and the existence of the document to be sealed should not be revealed on the court’s
public docket. Whether filed under seal or not, a motion to seal is filed electronically and
must be accompanied by a proposed order, which is required by Local Rule 7-1(d) and
is filed as an attachment to the motion.
When filing a motion to seal a document, the document that is the object of the motion
to seal must first be filed electronically using the appropriate sealed event listed under
subsection (b). After filing under seal the document that is the object of the motion to
seal, the motion may be filed and should be linked to the sealed filing.
If the motion to seal is granted, the object of the motion shall remain under seal. If the
motion to seal is denied, the object of the motion will be unsealed upon issuance of the
19. Restricted Access Filings Submission of Sentencing Letters
Under appropriate circumstances, counsel may file documents and restrict access to only
case parties and the court. This filing restriction can only be used under specific
circumstances and for specific documents, and only when authorized by the court.
Counsel for each criminal defendant is encouraged to be the recipient of all letters in support
of the defendant, and counsel for the government is encouraged to be the recipient of all
victim impact letters. Counsel must file all defendant support and victim impact letters
received, via CM/ECF, using the event listed below, which restricts access to these
documents to case participants and the court. Submission of these letters via CM/ECF will
allow the content of letters to become quickly accessible to the assigned Probation Officer,
the Judge, and opposing counsel. Because access to the letters is restricted to case participants
only, redaction under FED.R.CRIM.P. 49.1 is not required.
To restrict access to case participants, counsel will submit victim impact letters and letters in
support of defendants through the court's CM/ECF system, using the following event, which
is located under "Other Documents":
Sentencing Letter (Case participants entry)
20. Ex Parte Documents
Ex parte documents must be filed electronically, as required by Local Rule 5-1. All ex parte
filings must be submitted using an appropriate "EX PARTE" filing event.
Ex Parte Civil and Criminal Filing Events
EX PARTE Filing (ex parte entry)
EX PARTE Motion (ex parte-entry)
Docket text and PDF documents associated with an electronic filing created using an "EX
PARTE" filing event are not posted on the Court's public docket and cannot be accessed via
the Court's Counsel PACER System.
When a filing is submitted electronically using an "EX PARTE" filing event, a Notice of
Electronic Filing is distributed via email only to counsel for the filing party. If the Motion
remains ex parte at the time of the Court's ruling, any Order issued referencing the "EX
PARTE" Motion will generate and distribute a NEF only to counsel for the applicable party.
21. Contact Information
Additional information about electronic filing may be obtained by visiting the court's website
at www.insd.uscourts.gov, contacting the Clerk's Office during regular business hours at
(317) 229-3700, or sending an email to [email protected].
Appendix A
Attorney Registration Form
This form is used to register for an account on the Court's Electronic Case Filing (ECF) system.
Attorneys in the Southern District of Indiana are required to file documents using the ECF
system and will receive electronic notice of documents issued by the Court or filed by other
registered attorneys.
The following information is required for ECF registration:
First/Middle/Last Name:
Attorney Bar ID #: State:
Firm Name:
Firm Address:
Voice Phone Number:
FAX Phone Number:
Primary E-Mail Address:
Secondary E-Mail Address(es): ___________________________________________________
Basis for attorney's request to access the Court's Electronic Case Filing system (check one):
 Admitted in INSD  Pro Hac Vice  Government Attorney  MDL Case
 Appointed by Seventh Circuit
If "Pro Hac Vice," "Government Attorney," "MDL Case," or "Appointed by Seventh Circuit,"
please indicate the cause number for which admission is pending or has been granted:
Cause Number:
The information below will be used to generate a unique login for use in accessing the ECF system.
Please provide a four-digit number that is easy to remember.
First Initial of Full Last Name 4 Digit Number
First Name
By submitting this registration form, the undersigned agrees to abide by all Court rules, orders,
and policies and procedures governing the use of the electronic filing system, including
electronic civil case opening. The undersigned also consents to receiving service of filings via
the Court's electronic filing system.
1. This system is for cases in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Indiana.
Admitted attorneys must use the system to file documents electronically for all pending
civil and criminal cases in the Southern District of Indiana.
2. Every motion and other paper being filed (except exhibits, lists, statements or
amendments thereto) must be signed by at least one attorney of record or, if the party is
not represented by an attorney, all papers must be signed by the party. An attorney's ECF
login and password serves in part as the filing attorney's signature, per Fed. R. Civ. P.
5(d)(3)(c) and Fed. R. Cr. P. 49(b)(2)(A). Therefore, an attorney must protect and secure
the password issued by the court. If there is any reason to suspect the password has been
compromised in any way, it is the duty and responsibility of the attorney to immediately
notify the court. The court will immediately delete that password from the electronic
filing system and issue a new password.
3. An attorney's registration does not waive conventional service of paper filings, submit the
attorney's client(s) to the jurisdiction of the Court, or operate as a consent to accept
service of documents and orders in actions in which the attorney has not entered an
appearance. An attorney's registration constitutes a waiver in law only of conventional
service of electronically filed documents and orders. The attorney agrees to accept, on
behalf of the client, service of notice of the electronic filing by hand, facsimile or
authorized e-mail.
4. Attorneys must be active members of the bar of this Court or admitted pro hac vice to file
documents electronically.
Please return this form with original signature to the Clerk's Office of the U.S. District
Court for the Southern District of Indiana. The form may be submitted in .pdf format, via
e-mail to the following address: [email protected]. Please include "ECF
Registration" and the attorney's name in the subject line.
or a hard-copy may be mailed to:
U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana
Attn: ECF Registration Processing
46 East Ohio Street, Room 105
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Forms WILL NOT be accepted by facsimile unless it is an emergency, approved by the
Clerk or Chief Deputy Clerk.
Attorney's Signature
Appendix B
, )
Plaintiff(s), )
vs. ) Case No.
, )
Defendant(s) )
Notice of Endorsement
Please take notice that [Plaintiff/Defendant, Name of Party] electronically filed the following
document on [Date of Filing]: [Title of Document]
[Plaintiff's/Defendant's] counsel now notifies the Court that [Plaintiff/Defendant, Name of Party]
endorses the [Title of Document] filed by [Filing Party's Name] and would join in submitting said
document for the Court's review.
[Name of Filing Attorney]
Name of Filing Attorney
Law Firm Name
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Appendix C
, )
Plaintiff(s), )
vs. ) Case No.
, )
Defendant(s) )
Notice of Manual Filing
Please take notice that [Plaintiff/Defendant, Name of Party] has manually filed the
following: [Title of Document or Object]
This exhibit has not been filed electronically because [it is an object and cannot be
converted to an electronic format/the document exists only in paper form and is illegible
when scanned to PDF].
The document or object has been manually served on all parties.
[Name of Filing Attorney]
Name of Filing Attorney
Law Firm Name
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Appendix D
, )
Plaintiff(s), )
vs. ) Case No.
, )
Defendant(s) )
Declaration that Party was Unable to File in a Timely Manner
Due to Technical Difficulties
Please take notice that [Plaintiff/Defendant, Name of Party] was unable to file his/her
[Title of Document] in a timely manner due to technical difficulties. The deadline for filing
the [Title of Document] was [Filing Deadline Date]. The reason(s) that I was unable to file
the [Title of Document] in a timely manner and the good faith efforts I made prior to the
filing deadline to both file in a timely manner and to inform the Court and the other parties
that I could not do so are set forth below.
[Statement of reasons and good faith efforts to file and to inform (including dates and
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
[Name of Filing Attorney]
Name of Filing Attorney
Law Firm Name
City, State, ZIP Code
Phone: (xxx) xxx-xxxx
Fax: (xxx) xxx-xxxx