For Chronic Kidney Disease:
Evaluation, Classification
and Stratification
For Chronic Kidney Disease
ISBN 1-931472-10-6
NKF Order No. K/DOQI-156
Amgen Part No. P35181
K/DOQI Learning System (KLS)™
30 East 33rd Street
New York, NY 10016
Phone 800 622-9010
Made possible through an educational grant from Amgen,
Founding and Principal Sponsor of NKF-K/DOQI.™
Additional implementation support was received from Ortho Biotech
Products, L.P. and Bayer Diagnostics.
Clinical Practice
For Chronic
Kidney Disease:
Classification and
K/DOQI Disclaimer
These guidelines are based upon the best information available at the time of publica-
tion. They are designed to provide information and assist decision making. They are
not intended to define a standard of care, and should not be construed as doing so.
Neither should they be interpreted as prescribing an exclusive course of management.
Variations in practice will inevitably and appropriately occur when clinicians take
into account the needs of individual patients, available resources, and limitations
unique to an institution or type of practice. Every healthcare professional making use
of these guidelines is responsible for evaluating the appropriateness of applying them
in the setting of any particular clinical situation.
The recommendations for research contained within this document are general
and not meant to imply a specific protocol.
The NKF gratefully acknowledges the support of Amgen, Inc., Founding and Principal
Sponsor of K/DOQI.
We also thank Bayer Diagnostics and Ortho Biotech Products, L.P., K/DOQI Imple-
mentation Partners.
NKF-DOQI and K/DOQI are trademarks of the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
In citing this document, please refer to the original source as follows:
National Kidney Foundation. K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Chronic Kid-
ney Disease: Evaluation, Classification and Stratification. Am J Kidney Dis 39:S1-S266,
2002 (suppl 1)
These Guidelines, as well as all other K/DOQI guidelines, can be accessed on the
Internet at:
2002 National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
ISBN 1-931472-10-6
All Rights Reserved.
No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any
information storage retrieval system, without permission in writing from the National
Kidney Foundation, Inc.
National Kidney Foundation, Inc.
30 E. 33
New York, NY 10016
ii National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Chronic Kidney Disease
Work Group and Evidence Review Team Membership
Andrew S. Levey, MD, Chair
New England Medical Center
Boston, MA
Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, Vice Chair
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Baltimore, MD
Adult Work Group Members
Kline Bolton, MD, FACP John Kusek, PhD
University of Virginia Hospital National Institutes of Diabetes and
Charlotesville, VA Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Bethesda, MD
Bruce Culleton, MD
Foothills Hospital, University of Adeera Levin, MD, FRCP
Calgary St. Paul’s Hospital
Calgary, Alberta Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada Canada
Kathy Schiro Harvey, MS, RD, CSR Kenneth L. Minaker, MD
Puget Sound Kidney Center Massachusetts General Hospital
Mountlake Terrace, WA Boston, MA
T. Alp Ikizler, MD Robert Nelson, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University Medical Center National Institutes of Diabetes and
Nashville, TN Digestive and Kidney Diseases
Phoenix, AZ
Cynda Ann Johnson, MD, MBA
University of Iowa Helmut Rennke, MD
Iowa City, IA Brigham & Women’s Hospital
Boston, MA
Annamaria Kausz, MD, MS
New England Medical Center Michael Steffes, MD, PhD
Boston, MA University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN
Paul L. Kimmel, MD
National Institutes of Diabetes and Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW
Digestive and Kidney Diseases Witten and Associates, LLC
Bethesda, MD Overland Park, KS
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation iii
Pediatric Work Group Members
Ronald J. Hogg, MD, Chair
Medical City Hospital
Dallas, TX
Susan Furth, MD, PhD Ronald J. Portman, MD
Johns Hopkins University University of Texas Health Sciences
Baltimore, MD CenterHouston
Houston, TX
Kevin V. Lemley, MD, PhD
Stanford University School of Medicine George Schwartz, MD
Stanford, CT University of Rochester School of Medicine
Rochester, NY
Evidence Review Team
Joseph Lau, MD, Director
New England Medical Center
Boston, MA
Ethan Balk, MD, MPH, Assistant Director
New England Medical Center
Boston, MA
Ronald D. Perrone, MD Priscilla Chew, MPH
Tauqeer Karim, MD Brad C. Astor, PhD, MPH
Lara Rayan, MD Deirdre DeVine, MLitt
Inas Al-Massry, MD
K/DOQI Support Group
Garabed Eknoyan, MD, Co-Chair
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Nathan Levin, MD, FACP, Co-Chair
Renal Research Institute
New York, NY
Sally Burrows-Hudson, RN Donna Mapes, DNSc, RN
William Keane, MD Edith Oberley, MA
Alan Kliger, MD Kerry Willis, PhD
Derrick Latos, MD, FACP
iv National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI Advisory Board Members
Garabed Eknoyan, MD, Co-Chair
Baylor College of Medicine
Houston, TX
Nathan Levin, MD, FACP, Co-Chair
Renal Research Institute
New York, NY
George Bailie, PharmD, PhD Sally McCulloch, MSN, RN, CNN
Gavin Becker, MD, MBBS Maureen Michael, BSN, MBA
Jerrilynn Burrowes, MS, RD, CDN Joseph V. Nally, MD
David Churchill, MD, FACP John M. Newmann, PhD, MPH
Allan Collins, MD, FACP Allen Nissenson, MD
William Couser, MD Keith Norris, MD
Dick DeZeeuw, MD, PhD William Owen, Jr., MD
Alan Garber, MD, PhD Thakor G. Patel, MD, MACP
Thomas Golper, MD Glenda Payne, MS, RN, CNN
Frank Gotch, MD Rosa A. Rivera-Mizzoni, MSW,
Antonio Gotto, MD LCSW
Joel W. Greer, PhD David Smith
Richard Grimm, Jr., MD Robert Star, MD
Ramon G. Hannah, MD, MS Michael Steffes, MD, PhD
Jaime Herrera Acosta, MD Theodore Steinman, MD
Ronald Hogg, MD Fernando Valderrabano, MD, PhD
Lawrence Hunsicker, MD John Walls, MB, FRCP
Cynda Ann Johnson, MD, MBA Jean-Pierre Wauters, MD
Michael Klag, MD, MPH Nanette Wenger, MD
Saulo Klahr, MD
Caya Lewis, MPH
Josephine Briggs, MD
Edmund Lowrie, MD
Arthur Matas, MD
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation v
Table of Contents
Tables ...........................................................................................................................viii
Figures ......................................................................................................................... xiii
Acronyms and Abbreviations .................................................................................xvii
Foreword .................................................................................................................. xxiii
Part 1. Executive Summary ........................................................................................ 1
Part 2. Background .................................................................................................... 23
Part 3. Chronic Kidney Disease as a Public Health Problem ............................ 29
Part 4. Definition and Classification of Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
Guideline 1. Definition and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease ............................... 43
Guideline 2. Evaluation and Treatment .................................................................... 66
Guideline 3. Individuals at Increased Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease ................... 75
Part 5. Evaluation of Laboratory Measurements for Clinical
Assessment of Kidney Disease
Guideline 4. Estimation of GFR ................................................................................ 81
Guideline 5. Assessment of Proteinuria .................................................................. 100
Guideline 6. Markers of Chronic Kidney Disease Other Than Proteinuria ........... 112
Part 6. Association of Level of GFR With Complications in Adults
Guideline 7. Association of Level of GFR With Hypertension ............................... 124
Guideline 8. Association of Level of GFR With Anemia ........................................ 136
Guideline 9. Association of Level of GFR With Nutritional Status ........................ 145
Guideline 10. Association of Level of GFR With Bone Disease and
Disorders of Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism ............................................ 163
Guideline 11. Association of Level of GFR With Neuropathy ............................... 180
Guideline 12. Association of Level of GFR With Indices of Functioning
and Well-Being ..................................................................................................... 186
Part 7. Stratification of Risk for Progression of Kidney Disease and Development
of Cardiovascular Disease
Guideline 13. Factors Associated With Loss of Kidney Function in Chronic
Kidney Disease .................................................................................................... 197
Guideline 14. Association of Chronic Kidney Disease With Diabetic
Complications ...................................................................................................... 230
Guideline 15. Association of Chronic Kidney Disease With Cardiovascular
Disease ................................................................................................................. 238
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation vii
Part 8. Recommendations for Clinical Performance Measures ...................... 251
Part 9. Approach to Chronic Kidney Disease Using These Guidelines ......... 255
Part 10. Appendices
Appendix 1. Methods for Review of Articles ......................................................... 265
Appendix 2. Kidney Function and Associated Conditions in the
United States: Methods and Findings From the Third National Health and
Nutrition Examination Survey (1988 to 1994) ................................................... 279
Appendix 3. Methodological Aspects of Evaluating Equations to Predict
GFR and Calculations Using 24-Hour Urine Samples ......................................... 283
Part 11. Work Group Members ............................................................................. 287
Part 12. Acknowledgements ................................................................................... 295
Bibliography ............................................................................................................ 299
Table 1 Goals of the CKD Work Group ............................................................2
Table 2 Definition of Chronic Kidney Disease .................................................3
Table 3 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Clinical Action Plan ..................4
Table 4 Stages and Prevalence of Chronic Kidney Disease (Age 20) ...........5
Table 5 Potentially Modifiable Risk Factors for Development
and Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease According to Stage ........7
Table 6 Approach to the Evidence Review ......................................................7
Table 7 Published Guidelines and Recommendation for Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................27
Table 8 Questions and Methods ........................................................................30
Table 9 Types of Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes of Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................32
Table 10 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease ........................................................44
Table 11 Definition of Chronic Kidney Disease .................................................44
Table 12 Definition and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease ...............................45
Table 13 Prevalence of GFR Categories: NHANES III 19881994
US Adults Age 20 ...............................................................................47
Table 14 Prevalence of Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease and Levels
of Kidney Function in the US ..............................................................47
Table 15 Definitions of Proteinuria and Albuminuria .........................................49
Table 16 Albumin Excretion Rate: Normal Range in Children ...........................50
Table 17 Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio: Normal Range in Children ..........51
Table 18 Prevalence of Albuminuria in Adults: NHANES III ..............................52
Table 19 Prevalence of Albuminuria by Age Group: NHANES III ......................52
Table 20 Prevalence of Albuminuria Among Individuals With a History of
Diabetes: NHANES III ...........................................................................53
Table 21 Prevalence of Albuminuria Among Individuals Without a
History of Diabetes: NHANES III ..........................................................53
viii National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Table 22 Proteinuria: Prevalence in Nondiabetic Children ................................54
Table 23 Albuminuria: Prevalence in Nondiabetic Children ..............................54
Table 24 Normal GFR in Children and Young Adults ........................................55
Table 25 Normal GFR in Adults Extrapolated From Data in 72 Healthy Men ...56
Table 26 Prevalence of GFR Categories in Adults ..............................................57
Table 27 Description of MDRD Study Participants Who Developed Kidney
Failure: Kidney Function ......................................................................61
Table 28 Description of MDRD Study Participants Who Developed Kidney
Failure: Dietary Intake and Nutritional Status ......................................62
Table 29 Comparison of Kidney Function Measurements in MDRD Study
Participants Who Developed Kidney Failure .......................................62
Table 30 GFR at Start of Hemodialysis ................................................................63
Table 31 Creatinine Clearance at Start of Hemodialysis .....................................64
Table 32 Serum Creatinine at Start of Hemodialysis ...........................................64
Table 33 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: A Clinical Action Plan ..................67
Table 34 Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease by Pathology, Etiology
and Prevalence in Patients With End-Stage Renal Disease ..................69
Table 35 Classification and Management of Comorbid Conditions in
Chronic Kidney Disease .......................................................................70
Table 36 Association of Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease With
Complications .......................................................................................72
Table 37 Factors Linked With Noncompliance in Chronic Kidney Disease ......73
Table 38 Classification of Risk Factors ................................................................76
Table 39 Types and Examples of Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease ......76
Table 40 Potential Risk Factors for Susceptibility to and Initiation
of Chronic Kidney Disease ....................................................................77
Table 41 Relationship Between Types of Kidney Disease and Risk
Factors for Initiation and Susceptibility to Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................77
Table 42 Prevalence of Individuals at Increased Risk for Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................78
Table 43 Factors Affecting Serum Creatinine Concentration .............................87
Table 44 Equations Developed to Predict GFR in Adults Based on
Serum Creatinine ..................................................................................89
Table 45 Equations Developed to Predict GFR in Children Based on
Serum Creatinine ..................................................................................90
Table 46 Estimating GFR in Adults Using the Cockcroft-Gault Equation:
Accuracy and Bias .................................................................................91
Table 47 Estimating GFR in Adults Using the MDRD Study Equation:
Accuracy and Bias .................................................................................92
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation ix
Table 48 Abbreviated MDRD Study Equation .....................................................92
Table 49 Serum Creatinine Corresponding to an Estimated GFR of 60 mL/min/
1.73 m
by the Abbreviated MDRD Study and Cockcroft-Gault
Equations ...............................................................................................93
Table 50 Estimating GFR in Children Using the Schwartz Equation:
Accuracy and Bias .................................................................................94
Table 51 Estimating GFR in Children Using the Counahan-Barratt or
Modified Counahan-Barratt Equations: Accuracy and Bias ..................95
Table 52 Clinical Situations in Which Clearance Measures May Be Necessary
to Estimate GFR ....................................................................................98
Table 53 Spot Urine Protein vs. Timed Urine Protein in Adults ........................104
Table 54 Spot Urine Albumin vs. Timed Urine Albumin in Adults ....................104
Table 55 Spot Urine Dipstick Albumin vs. Timed Urine Albumin in Adults .....105
Table 56 Spot Urine Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio vs. Timed Urine Protein
in Adults ................................................................................................105
Table 57 Spot Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio vs. Timed Urine Albumin
in Adults ................................................................................................106
Table 58 Spot Urine Protein-to-Creatinine Ratio vs. Timed Urine Protein in
Nondiabetic Children ...........................................................................106
Table 59 Spot Urine Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio vs. Timed Urine Albumin
in Children ............................................................................................107
Table 60 Comparison of Methods for Urine Collection for Assessment of
Proteinuria ............................................................................................107
Table 61 Common Causes of False Results in Routine Measurements of Urinary
Albumin or Total Protein .....................................................................108
Table 62 Interpretation of Proteinuria and Urine Sediment Abnormalities
as Markers of Chronic Kidney Disease ................................................114
Table 63 Interpretation of Abnormalities on Imaging Studies as Markers of
Kidney Damage .....................................................................................115
Table 64 Clinical Presentations of Kidney Disease .............................................116
Table 65 Relationship Between Types of Kidney Disease and Clinical
Presentations .........................................................................................117
Table 66 Retinol Binding Protein (RBP): Association With
Various Outcomes ................................................................................119
Table 67 N-Acetyl-
-D-Glucosaminidase (NAG): Association With
Various Outcomes ................................................................................119
Table 68
-2-Microglobulin (
-2-MG): Association With Various Outcomes .....119
Table 69 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate-Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE): Association With Various Outcomes ...............................119
Table 70 Urinary Cell Excretion: Association With Various Outcomes .............120
Table 71 Classification of Blood Pressure for Adults 18 Years (JNC-VI) .........126
x National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Table 72 Pathogenetic Mechanisms of High Blood Pressure in Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................127
Table 73 Association of Mean Arterial Pressure and Cardiovascular
Disease Events in Incident Dialysis Patients ........................................129
Table 74 Recommended Research on High Blood Pressure in Chronic
Kidney Disease: Observational Studies ................................................135
Table 75 Recommended Research on High Blood Pressure in Chronic
Kidney Disease: Clinical Trials .............................................................135
Table 76 Hemoglobin and Kidney Function .......................................................139
Table 77 Hematocrit and Kidney Function .........................................................140
Table 78 Erythropoietin Level and Kidney Function ..........................................142
Table 79 Ferritin and Kidney Function ...............................................................143
Table 80 Miscellaneous Hematological Measures and Kidney Function ............143
Table 81 Daily Calorie Intake and Kidney Function ...........................................150
Table 82 Daily Protein Intake and Kidney Function ...........................................150
Table 83 Serum Albumin and Kidney Function ..................................................153
Table 84 Serum Protein and Prealbumin and Kidney Function .........................154
Table 85 Transferrin and Kidney Function .........................................................155
Table 86 Serum Bicarbonate and Kidney Function ............................................156
Table 87 Lipids and Kidney Function .................................................................157
Table 88 Body Mass Index and Kidney Function ...............................................159
Table 89 Ideal or Standard Body Weight and Kidney Function .........................159
Table 90 Body Tissue Composition (Muscle) and Kidney Function ..................160
Table 91 Body Tissue Composition (Fat) and Kidney Function .........................160
Table 92 Histologic Classification of Bone Lesions Associated With Kidney
Disease ..................................................................................................165
Table 93 Parathyroid Hormone and Kidney Function ........................................168
Table 94 Fractional Excretion of Phosphorus and Kidney Function .................169
Table 95 Serum Calcium and Kidney Function ..................................................171
Table 96 Serum Phosphate and Kidney Function ...............................................174
Table 97 Vitamin D
and Kidney Function .........................................................177
Table 98 Bone Disease and Kidney Function .....................................................178
Table 99 Nerve Conduction Velocity and Kidney Function ...............................182
Table 100 Miscellaneous Neurological Measurements and Kidney Function ......183
Table 101 Autonomic Function and Kidney Function .........................................184
Table 102 Domains of Functioning and Well-Being Measured by Specific
Instruments ...........................................................................................187
Table 103 Symptoms and Health Perception and Kidney Function ....................189
Table 104 Physical Functioning and Kidney Function .........................................190
Table 105 Mental Health, Depression, and Well-Being and Kidney Function .....192
Table 106 Employment, Home Management, Recreation, and Pastimes and
Kidney Function ...................................................................................193
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xi
Table 107 Social Functioning and Kidney Function .............................................193
Table 108 Functioning and Well-Being Measures .................................................196
Table 109 Mean Rate of Decline of GFR for Various Causes of Kidney Disease .....200
Table 110 Years Until Kidney Failure (GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
) Based on Level
of GFR and Rate of GFR Decline .........................................................202
Table 111 Kidney Disease Type as Predictor of Progression ...............................205
Table 112 Black Race as a Predictor of Progression .............................................206
Table 113 Low Baseline Kidney Function as a Predictor of Progression .............207
Table 114 Male Gender as a Predictor of Progression .........................................208
Table 115 Older Age as a Predictor of Progression ..............................................209
Table 116 Proteinuria or Albuminuria as Predictors of Progression ....................210
Table 117 Low Serum Albumin as a Predictor of Progression .............................211
Table 118 Blood Pressure as a Predictor of Progression ......................................212
Table 119 Elevated HgbA
as a Predictor of Progression ....................................215
Table 120 Tobacco Use as a Predictor of Progression .........................................216
Table 121 Dyslipidemia as Predictors of Progression ...........................................217
Table 122 Anemia as a Predictor of Progression ..................................................219
Table 123 Recommendations for Glycemic Control for People With Diabetes ..220
Table 124 Risk Stratification and Indication for Antihypertensive Treatment .....221
Table 125 Blood Pressure, Goals, Nonpharmacologic, and Pharmacologic
Therapy Recommended by the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular
Disease in Chronic Renal Disease ........................................................222
Table 126 Research Classification of Diabetic Polyneuropathy ...........................233
Table 127 Prevalence of Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease According
to the Stage of Kidney Disease in Various Racial/Ethnic Groups With
Type 2 Diabetes ....................................................................................234
Table 128 Prevalence of Retinopathy According to the Stage of Kidney
Disease in Various Racial/Ethnic Groups With Type 2 Diabetes ........236
Table 129 Guidelines and Position Statements on Care of Diabetic
Complications .......................................................................................237
Table 130 Traditional vs. Chronic Kidney Disease-Related Factors
Potentially Related to an Increased Risk for Cardiovascular Disease ..240
Table 131 Lipoprotein Abnormalities in the General Population and in
Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease ................................................242
Table 132 Decreased GFR as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease ...................242
Table 133 Decreased GFR as a Predictor of Mortality ..........................................243
Table 134 Proteinuria as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease ..........................245
Table 135 Proteinuria as a Predictor of Cardiovascular Mortality ........................245
Table 136 Proteinuria as a Predictor of Total Mortality .......................................246
Table 137 K/DOQI CKD Clinical Practice Guidelines and Performance
Measures ...............................................................................................252
xii National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Table 138 Clinical Evaluation of Patients at Increased Risk of Chronic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................256
Table 139 Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease: Clinical Presentations ...................257
Table 140 Simplified Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease by Diagnosis .....257
Table 141 Clues to the Diagnosis of Chronic Kidney Disease From the
Patient’s History ....................................................................................258
Table 142 Laboratory Evaluation of Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease .......259
Table 143 Stages and Clinical Features of Diabetic Kidney Disease ....................259
Table 144 Stages and Clinical Features of Nondiabetic Kidney Disease ..............260
Table 145 Stages and Clinical Features of Diseases in the Kidney Transplant ....260
Table 146 Treatments to Slow the Progression of Chronic Kidney Disease
in Adults ................................................................................................261
Table 147 ‘‘Traditional’’ Risk Factors for Chronic Kidney Disease and Associated
Interventions .........................................................................................262
Table 148 Additional Clinical Interventions for Adults With GFR
60 mL/min/1.73 m
Table 149 Clinical Evaluation of Elderly Individuals With GFR of
6089 mL/min/1.73 m
Table 150 Evaluation of Studies of Prevalence .....................................................268
Table 151 Diagnostic Test Evaluation ...................................................................269
Table 152 Evaluation of Clinical Associations .......................................................270
Table 153 Evaluation of Studies of Prognosis .......................................................271
Table 154 Literature Search and Review by Topic ...............................................273
Table 155 Format for Guidelines ...........................................................................277
Figure 1 Evidence Model for Stages in the Initiation and Progression of
Chronic Kidney Disease and Therapeutic Interventions .....................6
Figure 2 Incidence and Prevalence of End-Stage Renal Disease in the US ........24
Figure 3 Evidence Model for Stages in the Initiation and Progression of
Cardiovascular Disease and Therapeutic Interventions .......................26
Figure 4 Kidney Function Decline in Chronic Kidney Disease .........................32
Figure 5 Creatinine Distribution: US Population Age 20 by Sex ....................36
Figure 6 Cardiovascular Mortality in the General Population (NCHS) and
in ESRD Treated by Dialysis (USRDS) ..................................................39
Figure 7 Prevalence of Albuminuria and High Blood Pressure (%) in US
Adults Age 20 Years, NHANES III, 19881994 ................................46
Figure 8 Distribution of Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio in US Men and
Women, Age 20 Years: NHANES III, 1988-1994 ..............................49
Figure 9 GFR vs. Age ..........................................................................................56
Figure 10 Percentiles of GFR Regressed on Age (NHANES III) ...........................57
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xiii
Figure 11 Level of GFR at Initiation of Replacement Therapy (USRDS) .............63
Figure 12 Relationship of Creatinine Clearance and Serum Creatinine With
GFR (Inulin Clearance) in Patients With Glomerular Disease .............85
Figure 13 Estimates of GFR vs. Measured GFR Among MDRD Study Baseline
Cohort ...................................................................................................87
Figure 14 Accuracy of Different Estimates of GFR in Adults ...............................88
Figure 15 Prevalence of Patients by Number of Abnormalities by Level of
GFR (NHANES III) ................................................................................123
Figure 16 Proportion of Patients by Number of Abnormalities by Level of
GFR (NHANES III) ................................................................................124
Figure 17 Relationship Between Blood Pressure and Progression of Diabetic
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................128
Figure 18 Relationship Between Mean Arterial Blood Pressure and
GFR Decline ..........................................................................................128
Figure 19 Relationship Between Systolic Blood Pressure and Graft Survival ......129
Figure 20 Mortality vs. Systolic Blood Pressure in Hemodialysis Patients ...........130
Figure 21 Prevalence of High Blood Pressure by Level of GFR in the
MDRD Study .........................................................................................131
Figure 22 Prevalence of High Blood Pressure by Level of GFR, Adjusted to
Age 60 Years (NHANES III) ..................................................................132
Figure 23 Prevalence of Elevated Serum Creatinine by JNCVI Blood
Pressure Category and Self-Reported Treatment With
Anti-Hypertensive Medications (NHANES III) ......................................132
Figure 24 Estimated Number of Individuals With Elevated Serum Creatinine
by JNCnVI Blood Pressure Category and Self-Reported Treatment
With Anti-Hypertensive Medications (NHANES III) .............................133
Figure 25 Anemia Work-Up for Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease .............136
Figure 26 Blood Hemoglobin Percentiles by GFR Adjusted to Age 60
(NHANES III) .........................................................................................140
Figure 27 Adjusted Prevalence in Adults of Low Hemoglobin by GFR
(NHANES III) .........................................................................................141
Figure 28 Hemoglobin Percentiles by GFR ..........................................................141
Figure 29 Prevalence of Low Hemoglobin by GFR Category ..............................142
Figure 30 Association of Dietary Intake and GFR ................................................151
Figure 31 Serum Albumin Percentiles by GFR Adjusted to Age ..........................154
Figure 32 Association of Serum Albumin and GFR ..............................................155
Figure 33 Association of Serum Transferrin and GFR ..........................................156
Figure 34 Association of Serum Cholesterol and GFR .........................................158
Figure 35 Association of Body Composition and GFR .........................................161
Figure 36 Scatterplot of iPTH vs. GFR ..................................................................169
Figure 37 iPTH Percentiles by GFR ......................................................................170
Figure 38 Prevalence of High iPTH by GFR Category .........................................170
xiv National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Figure 39 Serum Calcium Levels (Adjusted for Albumin) vs. GFR ......................172
Figure 40 Prevalence of Hypocalcemia (Adjusted for Albumin) vs. GFR ............172
Figure 41 Serum Phosphorus Levels vs. GFR (NHANES III) ................................175
Figure 42 Prevalence of Low Calcium and High Phosphate by GFR Category ...175
Figure 43 Calcium-Phosphorus Product Percentiles by GFR (NHANES III) ........176
Figure 44 Kidney Function (GFR) and Odds of Having Symptoms Affecting
Quality of Life and Well-Being .............................................................190
Figure 45 Adjusted Prevalence of Physical Inability to Walk by GFR
Category (NHANES III) .........................................................................191
Figure 46 Adjusted Prevalence of Physical Inability to Lift by GFR
Category (NHANES III) .........................................................................191
Figure 47 GFR Slopes in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study .........199
Figure 48 Composite Plot of Reciprocal Serum Creatinine vs. Time in Six
Patients With Chronic Kidney Disease ................................................201
Figure 49 Plot of Reciprocal of Plasma Creatinine (1/P
) in a Patient ...............203
Figure 50 Comparison of GFR Decline Between Diet Groups in the
Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study ........................................204
Figure 51 Cardiovascular Mortality With Diabetes ...............................................234
Figure 52 Microalbuminuria and Cardiovascular Morbidity With Type
2 Diabetes .............................................................................................235
Figure 53 GFR and Relative Risk for Death ..........................................................244
Figure 54 Proteinuria and Relative Risk for Cardiovascular Disease ...................246
Figure 55 Proteinuria and Relative Risk for CVD Death ......................................247
Figure 56 Proteinuria and Relative Risk for Death ...............................................247
Figure 57 Evaluation of Proteinuria in Patients Not Known to Have
Kidney Disease ......................................................................................256
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xv
AASK African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension
ABPM Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
ACE-inhibitor Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
ADA American Diabetes Association
AFT Autonomic function testing
Alb Albumin
ASCVD Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
ASN American Society of Nephrology
AST American Society of Transplantation
ASTP American Society of Transplant Physicians
AV Arterio-venous
BAP Bone alkaline phosphatase
BDI Beck Depression Inventory
BEE Basal energy expenditure
BMI Body mass index
BP Blood pressure
BPI Blood pressure index
BSA Body surface area
BUN Blood urea nitrogen
CAD Coronary artery disease
CCD Clinical cardiovascular disease
Creatinine clearance
CDI Cognitive Depression Index
CES-D Center for Epidemiological Studies-Depression
CG equation Cockcroft-Gault equation
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xvii
CHD Coronary heart disease
CHF Congestive heart failure
Inulin clearance
CKD Chronic kidney disease
COOP Dartmouth COOP Clinical Improvement System
COX 2 Cyclo-oxygenase type 2
CPG Clinical practice guideline
CPM Clinical performance measure
CQI Continuous quality improvement programs
Cr Creatinine
CRF Chronic renal failure
CT Computed tomography
Clearance of creatinine due to tubular secretion
Urea clearance
CVD Cardiovascular disease
D Day(s)
DBP Diastolic blood pressure
DCCT Diabetes Control and Complications Trial
DEI Dietary energy intake
DEXA Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (bone densitometry)
DM Diabetes mellitus
DM I Type 1 diabetes mellitus
DM II Type 2 diabetes mellitus
DMMS Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality Study
DMSA Dimercaptosuccinic acid
DOQI Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative
DPI Dietary protein intake
DTPA Diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid
DUKE Duke Health Profile
DUSOI Duke Severity of Illness
Extra-renal creatinine elimination rate
EDTA Ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid
EDX Electrodiagnosis
EEG Electroencephalogram
EMG Electromyography
ESRD End-stage renal disease
Exp Exponent
FSGS Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis
Creatinine generation rate
GFR Glomerular filtration rate
GN Glomerulonephritis
HBP High blood pressure
xviii National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration (currently Centers for
Medicare and Medicaid Services, CMS)
HD Hemodialysis
HDFP Hypertension Detection and Follow-Up Program
HDL High density lipoprotein
Hgb Hemoglobin
HI Health Index
HIV Human immunodeficiency virus
HLA Human leukocyte antigen
HOPE Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation
HOT Hypertension Optimal Trial
Hr Hour(s)
HR Heart rate
HTN Hypertension
ICD-9 International Classification of Diseases, 9th revision
ICTP Type I collagen cross linked telopeptides
IDDM Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IDNT Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy Trial
IEQ Illness Effects Questionnaire
IHD Ischemic heart disease
IN Interstitial nephritis
IOM Institute of Medicine
IPTH Intact parathyroid hormone
IRMA Intraretinal microvascular abnormalities
IVP Intravenous pyelography
JNC-VI Sixth report of the Joint National Committee for the Prevention,
Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure
K/DOQI Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative
KDQOL Kidney Disease Quality of Life
KPS Karnofsky Performance Scale
Renal urea clearance divided by volume of distribution
Urea clearance divided by volume of distribution
LDL Low density lipoprotein
LMW Low molecular weight
LV Left ventricle
LVH Left ventricular hypertrophy
MAG3 Mercaptoacetyltriglycine
MAP Mean arterial pressure
Max Maximum
MCD Medullary cystic disease
MCS SF-36 Mental Component Summary
MDRD Study Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xix
MI Myocardial infarction
Min Minute(s)
Min Minimum
MNT Medical nutrition therapy
Mo Month(s)
MR Magnetic resonance
MRI Magnetic resonance imaging
MSP Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support
N Number of subjects in subgroup
N Number of subjects in sample or population
NA Not applicable
NAE Normal urinary albumin excretion
NAG N-acetyl--D-glucosaminidase
NCEP National Cholesterol Education Program
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NCV Nerve conduction velocity
ND No data
NHANES III Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
NIDDM Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NIH National Institutes of Health
NK Natural killer
NKF National Kidney Foundation
No. Number
NPNA Normalized protein nitrogen appearance
NS Non-significant
NSAID Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug
PARADE Proteinuria, Albuminuria, Risk Assessment, Detection, and
Plasma or serum creatinine concentration
PCS SF-36 Physical Component Summary
PD Peritoneal dialysis
PEM Protein-energy malnutrition
PICP Procollagen type I carboxy-terminal propeptides
Plasma inulin
PKD Polycystic kidney disease
PN Pyelonephritis
PNA Protein equivalent of total nitrogen appearance
PTH Parathyroid hormone
PVD Peripheral vascular disease
QST Quantitative sensory testing
QWB Quality of Well-being Scale
xx National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
RBC Red blood cell
RBP Retinol binding protein
RDA Recommended dietary allowance
RENAAL Reduction of Endpoints in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Mellitus with the Angiotensin II Antagonist Losartan
RHIE Rand Health Insurance Experiment
RPA Renal Physicians Association
RR Relative risk
SAS-SR Social Adjustment Scale Self-Report
SBP Systolic blood pressure
SBW Standard body weight
SCL 90R Symptom Checklist-90R
Serum creatinine concentration
SD Standard deviation
SDS-PAGE Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
SE Standard error
SF-36 RAND Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Health Survey
SGA Subjective global assessment
SIP Sickness Impact Profile
SLE Systemic lupus erythematosus
SLS Satisfaction with Life Scale
SMBG Self-monitoring of blood glucose
Sn Sensitivity
Sp Specificity
STAI State Trait Anxiety Inventory
SUN Serum urea nitrogen
TOD Target organ damage
Tubular creatinine secretion rate
UAC Urine albumin concentration
Urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio
Urine creatinine concentration
Urine inulin concentration
UKPDS United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study
UNA Urea nitrogen appearance
US United States
USRDS United States Renal Data System
UUN Urine urea nitrogen
V Urine flow rate
Volume of distribution of urea
WBC White blood cell
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation xxi
WHO World Health Organization
Wk Week(s)
Yr Year(s)
xxii National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
From its rudimentary beginnings in the 1960s, through its widespread and increasing
availability to the present, dialysis has provided lifesaving replacement therapy for mil-
lions of individuals with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Parallel advances in understand-
ing the course of progressive kidney disease and its complications have resulted in the
development of interventions that can slow the progression and ameliorate the complica-
tions of chronic kidney disease. Thus, while dialysis has made it possible to prolong the
lives of patients with ESRD, today it is also possible to retard the course of progression
of kidney disease, to treat accompanying comorbidity earlier, and to improve the out-
comes and quality of life of all individuals afflicted with kidney disease, well before
replacement therapy becomes necessary. Yet, the application of these advances remains
inconsistent, resulting in variations in clinical practice and, sadly, in avoidable differences
in patient outcomes.
In keeping with its longstanding commitment to improving the quality of care deliv-
ered to all patients with kidney disease and the firm conviction that substantial improve-
ments in the quality and outcomes of their care are achievable, the National Kidney
Foundation (NKF) launched in 1995 the Dialysis Outcomes Quality Initiative (DOQI),
supported by an educational grant from Amgen, Inc., to develop clinical practice guide-
lines for dialysis patients and health care providers. Since their publication in 1997, the
DOQI guidelines have had a significant and measurable impact on the care and outcomes
of dialysis patients. The frequency with which they continue to be cited in the literature
and serve as the focus of national and international symposia is but a partial measure of
their impact. The DOQI guidelines have also been translated into more than a dozen
languages; selected components of the guidelines have been adopted in various countries
across the world; and they have provided the basis for clinical performance measures
developed and put into effect by the Health Care Financing Administration (recently
renamed the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services) in the United States.
In the course of development of DOQI it became evident that in order to further
improve dialysis outcomes, it is necessary to improve the health status of those who
reach ESRD and that therein exists an even greater opportunity to improve outcomes
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation FOREWORD xxiii
for all individuals with kidney disease, from earliest kidney damage through the various
stages of progression to kidney failure, when replacement therapy becomes necessary.
It was on this basis that in the Fall of 1999, the Board of Directors of the NKF approved
a proposal to move the clinical practice guideline initiative into a new phase, in which
its scope would be enlarged to encompass the entire spectrum of kidney disease, when
early intervention and appropriate measures can prevent the loss of kidney function in
some, slow the progression of the disease in many others, and ameliorate organ dysfunc-
tion and comorbid conditions in those who progress to kidney failure and ESRD. This
enlarged scope increases the potential impact of improving outcomes of care from the
hundreds of thousands on dialysis to the millions of individuals with kidney disease who
may never require dialysis. To reflect these expanded goals, the reference to ‘‘dialysis’’
in DOQI was changed to ‘‘disease,’’ and the new initiative was termed Kidney Disease
Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI
The objectives of K/DOQI are ambitious and the challenges are considerable. As a
first and essential step it was decided to adhere to the guiding principles that were
instrumental in the success of DOQI. The first of these principles was that the develop-
ment of guidelines would be scientifically rigorous and based on a critical appraisal
of the available evidence. The second principle was that the participants involved in
developing the guidelines would be multidisciplinary. This was especially crucial because
the broader nature of the new guidelines will require their adoption across several special-
ties and disciplines. The third principle was that the Work Groups charged with develop-
ing the guidelines would be the final authority on their content, subject to the require-
ments that they be evidence-based whenever possible, and that the rationale and
evidentiary basis of each guideline would be explicit. By vesting decision-making author-
ity in highly regarded experts from multiple disciplines, the likelihood of developing
clinically applicable and sound guidelines is increased. Finally, the guideline development
process would be open to general review, in order to allow the chain of reasoning
underlying each guideline to undergo peer review and debate prior to publishing. It was
believed that such a broad-based review process would promote a wide consensus and
support of the guidelines among health care professionals, providers, managers, organiza-
tions, and recipients.
To provide a unifying focus to K/DOQI it was decided that its centerpiece would be
a set of clinical practice guidelines on the evaluation, classification, and stratification of
chronic kidney disease (CKD). This initial set of guidelines will provide a standardized
terminology for the evaluation and classification of kidney disease; the proper monitoring
of kidney function from initial injury to end stage; a logical approach to stratification of
kidney disease by risk factors and comorbid conditions; and consequently a basis for
continuous care and therapy throughout the course of chronic kidney disease. Eventually,
K/DOQI will include interventional guidelines. Some of these are currently under devel-
opment, based on the staging and classification developed by these initial CKD guidelines.
We are proud to present this first set and centerpiece of K/DOQI guidelines. The
Work Group appointed to develop the guidelines screened over 18,000 potentially rele-
xxiv FOREWORD National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
vant articles; over 1,100 were subjected to preliminary review and over 350 were then
selected for formal structured review of content and methodology. While considerable
effort has gone into the development of the guidelines during the past 24 months, and
great attention has been paid to detail and scientific rigor, it is only their incorporation
into clinical practice that will assure their applicability and practical utility.
We ask for your support in the implementation of these guidelines. It is hoped that
implementation plans developed by the Advisory Board will assure the same acceptance
of K/DOQI by the broader spectrum of professionals who provide primary care for
kidney disease as that which DOQI received from those who provide dialysis care.
On behalf of the NKF, we would like to acknowledge the immense effort and contribu-
tions of those who have made these guidelines possible. In particular, we wish to ac-
knowledge the following: the members of the Work Group and Evidence Review Team
charged with developing the guidelines, without whose tireless effort and commitment
this first set of K/DOQI guidelines would not have been possible; the members of the
Support Group, whose input at monthly conference calls was instrumental in resolving
the problems encountered over the 24 months it has taken to reach this stage; the
members of the K/DOQI Advisory Board, whose insights and guidance were essential
in broadening the applicability of the guidelines; Amgen, Inc., which had the vision and
foresight to appreciate the merits of this initiative and provide the funds necessary for
its development; and the NKF staff assigned to K/DOQI, who worked so diligently in
attending to the innumerable details that needed attention at every stage of guideline
development and in meeting our near impossible deadlines.
A special debt of gratitude goes to Andrew S. Levey, MD, Chair of the Work Group,
for his leadership, intellectual rigor, innumerable hours of dedication, and invaluable
expertise in synthesizing the guidelines; and to Joseph Lau, MD, Director of the Evidence
Review Team, for providing crucial methodological rigor and staff support in developing
the evidentiary basis of the guidelines.
In a voluntary and multidisciplinary undertaking of such magnitude, numerous others
have made valuable contributions to these guidelines but cannot be individually acknowl-
edged here. To each and every one of them we extend our sincerest appreciation.
Garabed Eknoyan, MD
K/DOQI Co-Chair
Nathan W. Levin, MD
K/DOQI Co-Chair
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation FOREWORD xxv
1. E
Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide public health problem. In the United States, there
is a rising incidence and prevalence of kidney failure, with poor outcomes and high cost.
There is an even higher prevalence of earlier stages of chronic kidney disease.
Increasing evidence, accrued in the past decades, indicates that the adverse outcomes
of chronic kidney disease, such as kidney failure, cardiovascular disease, and premature
death, can be prevented or delayed. Earlier stages of chronic kidney disease can be
detected through laboratory testing. Treatment of earlier stages of chronic kidney disease
is effective in slowing the progression toward kidney failure. Initiation of treatment for
cardiovascular risk factors at earlier stages of chronic kidney disease should be effective
in reducing cardiovascular disease events both before and after the onset of kidney
Unfortunately, chronic kidney disease is ‘‘under-diagnosed’’ and ‘‘under-treated’’ in
the United States, resulting in lost opportunities for prevention. One reason is the lack
of agreement on a definition and classification of stages in the progression of chronic
kidney disease. A clinically applicable classification would be based on laboratory evalua-
tion of the severity of kidney disease, association of level of kidney function with compli-
cations, and stratification of risks for loss of kidney function and development of cardio-
vascular disease.
In 2000, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Kidney Disease Outcome Quality Initia-
tive (K/DOQI) Advisory Board approved development of clinical practice guidelines to
define chronic kidney disease and to classify stages in the progression of chronic kidney
disease. The Work Group charged with developing the guidelines consisted of experts
in nephrology, pediatric nephrology, epidemiology, laboratory medicine, nutrition, social
work, gerontology, and family medicine. An Evidence Review Team, consisting of ne-
phrologists and methodologists, was responsible for assembling the evidence. The goals
adopted by the Work Group are listed in Table 1.
Defining chronic kidney disease and classifying the stages of severity would provide
a common language for communication among providers, patients and their families,
investigators, and policy-makers and a framework for developing a public health ap-
proach to affect care and improve outcomes of chronic kidney disease. A uniform termi-
nology would permit:
1. More reliable estimates of the prevalence of earlier stages of disease and of the
population at increased risk for development of chronic kidney disease
2. Recommendations for laboratory testing to detect earlier stages and progression
to later stages
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 1
3. Associations of stages with clinical manifestations of disease
4. Evaluation of factors associated with a high risk of progression from one stage to
the next or of development of other adverse outcomes
5. Evaluation of treatments to slow progression or prevent other adverse outcomes.
Clinical practice guidelines, clinical performance measures, and continuous quality
improvement efforts could then be directed to stages of chronic kidney disease.
The Work Group did not specifically address evaluation and treatment for chronic
kidney disease. However, this guideline contains brief reference to diagnosis and clinical
interventions and can serve as a ‘‘road map,’’ linking other clinical practice guidelines
and pointing out where other guidelines need to be developed. Eventually, K/DOQI will
include interventional guidelines. The first three of these, on bone disease, dyslipidemia,
and blood pressure management are currently under development. Other guidelines on
cardiovascular disease in dialysis patients and kidney biopsy will be initiated in the Winter
of 2001.
This report contains a summary of background information available at the time the
Work Group began its deliberations, the 15 guidelines and the accompanying rationale,
suggestions for clinical performance measures, a clinical approach to chronic kidney
disease using these guidelines, and appendices to describe methods for the review of
evidence. The guidelines are based on a systematic review of the literature and the
consensus of the Work Group. The guidelines have been reviewed by the K/DOQI Advi-
sory Board, a large number of professional organizations and societies, selected experts,
and interested members of the public and have been approved by the Board of Directors
of the NKF.
The Work Group defined ‘‘chronic kidney disease’’ to include conditions that affect
the kidney, with the potential to cause either progressive loss of kidney function or
complications resulting from decreased kidney function. Chronic kidney disease was
2 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
thus defined as the presence of kidney damage or decreased level of kidney function
for three months or more, irrespective of diagnosis.
The target population includes individuals with chronic kidney disease or at increased
risk of developing chronic kidney disease. The majority of topics focus on adults (age
18 years). Many of the same principles apply to children as well. In particular, the
classification of stages of disease and principles of diagnostic testing are similar. A sub-
committee of the Work Group examined issues related to children and participated in
development of the first six guidelines of the present document. However, there are
sufficient differences between adults and children in the association of GFR with signs
and symptoms of uremia and in stratification of risk for adverse outcomes that these
latter issues are addressed only for adults. A separate set of guidelines for children will
have to be developed by a later Work Group.
The target audience includes a wide range of individuals: those who have or are at
increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease (the target population) and their
families; health care professionals caring for the target population; manufacturers of
instruments and diagnostic laboratories performing measurements of kidney function;
agencies and institutions planning, providing or paying for the health care needs of the
target population; and investigators studying chronic kidney disease.
There will be only brief reference to clinical interventions, sufficient to provide a
basis for other clinical practice guidelines relevant to the evaluation and management
of chronic kidney disease. Subsequent K/DOQI clinical practice guidelines will be based
on the framework developed here.
The Work Group developed the following operational definition of chronic kidney dis-
ease (Table 2).
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 3
Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease
Table 3 shows the classification of stages of chronic kidney disease, including the popula-
tion at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease, and actions to prevent the
development of chronic kidney disease and to improve outcomes in each stage.
Why ‘‘Kidney’’?
The word ‘‘kidney’’ is of Middle English origin and is immediately understood by patients,
their families, providers, health care professionals, and the lay public of native English
speakers. On the other hand, ‘‘renal’’ and ‘‘nephrology,’’ derived from Latin and Greek
roots, respectively, commonly require interpretation and explanation. The Work Group
and the NKF are committed to communicating in language that can be widely understood,
hence the preferential use of ‘‘kidney’’ throughout these guidelines. The term ‘‘End-
Stage Renal Disease’’ (ESRD) has been retained because of its administrative usage in
the United States referring to patients treated by dialysis or transplantation, irrespective
of their level of kidney function.
Why Develop a New Classification?
Currently, there is no uniform classification of the stages of chronic kidney disease. A
review of textbooks and journal articles clearly demonstrates ambiguity and overlap in
the meaning of current terms. The Work Group concluded that uniform definitions of
terms and stages would improve communication between patients and providers, en-
hance public education, and promote dissemination of research results. In addition, it
was believed that uniform definitions would enhance conduct of clinical research.
Why Base a New Classification System on Severity of Disease?
Adverse outcomes of kidney disease are based on the level of kidney function and risk
of loss of function in the future. Chronic kidney disease tends to worsen over time.
4 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Therefore, the risk of adverse outcomes increases over time with disease severity. Many
disciplines in medicine, including related specialties of hypertension, cardiovascular dis-
ease, diabetes, and transplantation, have adopted classification systems based on severity
to guide clinical interventions, research, and professional and public education. Such a
model is essential for any public health approach to disease.
Why Classify Severity as the Level of GFR?
The level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is widely accepted as the best overall measure
of kidney function in health and disease. Providers and patients are familiar with the
concept that ‘‘the kidney is like a filter.’’ GFR is the best measure of the kidneys’ ability
to filter blood. In addition, expressing the level of kidney function on a continuous scale
allows development of patient and public education programs that encourage individuals
to ‘‘Know your number!’’
The term ‘‘GFR’’ is not intuitively evident to anyone. Rather, it is a learned term,
which allows the ultimate expression of the complex functions of the kidneyinone
single numerical expression. Conversely, numbers are an intuitive concept and easily
understandable by everyone. It is fortunate then that once the term ‘‘GFR’’ is learned,
the expression ‘‘Know your number!’’ becomes intuitive and easily understood.
Why Include an ‘‘Action Plan’’?
Action is necessary to improve outcomes, which is the ultimate goal of the NKF. No
clinical practice guideline, irrespective of the rigor of its development, can accomplish
its intended improvement in outcome without an implementation plan. This has been
the charge of the Advisory Board. The process has been set in motion in parallel with
that of development of the guidelines.
Using the definition and stages of chronic kidney disease, the Work Group was able to
provide rough estimates of the prevalence of each stage in adults from the Third National
Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) (Table 4). Methods for estimating
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 5
Fig 1. Evidence model for stages in the initiation and progression of chronic kidney
disease, and therapeutic interventions. Shaded ellipses represent stages of chronic kid-
ney disease; unshaded ellipses represent potential antecedents or consequences of CKD.
Thick arrows between ellipses represent factors associated with initiation and progres-
sion of disease that can be affected or detected by interventions: susceptibility factors
(black); initiation factors (dark gray); progression factors (light gray); and end-stage
factors (white). Interventions for each stage are given beneath the stage. Individuals
who appear normal should be screened fo CKD risk factors. Individuals knowntobe
at increased risk for CKD should be screened for CKD. Modified and reprinted with
prevalence are detailed in Part 10, Appendix 2. The prevalence of chronic kidney disease
in children is too low to provide accurate estimates of prevalence of each stage based
on data from NHANES III.
The framework that has been adopted can be used to develop an evidence model of
the course of chronic kidney disease (Fig 1). It is anticipated that clinical practice guide-
lines for interventions to reduce adverse outcomes in patients with chronic kidney dis-
ease can be based on this model.
This line of logic allows for the ultimate construction of a list of modifiable risk factors
at each stage of chronic kidney disease, as shown in Table 5.
The guidelines developed by the Work Group are based on a systematic review of the
literature using an approach based on the procedure outlined by the Agency for
Healthcare Research and Quality (formerly the Agency for Health Care Policy and Re-
search) with modifications appropriate to the goals. An Evidence Review Team was
appointed by the NKF to collaborate with the Work Group to conduct a systematic
review of the literature on which to base the guidelines. A detailed explanation of these
methods is provided in Part 10, Appendices 1 and 2; Table 6 provides a brief listing of
the steps involved in this approach.
6 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 7
8 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
A uniform format for summarizing the strength of evidence has been developed using
four dimensions: study size, applicability, results, and methodological quality. An exam-
ple of an evidence table is shown in the above table. Within each table, studies are
ordered first by methodological quality (best to worst), then by applicability (most to
least), and then by study size (largest to smallest). Detailed evidence tables are on file
at the National Kidney Foundation.
Applicability (also known as generalizability or external validity) addresses the issue of
whether the study population is sufficiently broad so that the results can be generalized
to the population of interest at large. The study population is typically defined by the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The target population was defined to include patients
with chronic kidney disease and those at increased risk of chronic kidney disease, except
where noted. A designation for applicability was assigned to each article, according to
a three-level scale. In making this assessment, sociodemographic characteristics were
considered, as were the stated causes of chronic kidney disease and prior treatments.
GFR Range
For all studies, the range of GFR (or creatinine clearance [C
]) is represented graphically
when available (see table above). The mean or median GFR is represented by a vertical
line, with a horizontal bar showing a range that includes approximately 95% of study
participants. Studies without a vertical or horizontal line did not provide data on the
mean/median or range, respectively. When GFR or C
measurements are not available,
serum creatinine levels are listed as text.
Results are represented by prevalence levels, proportions (percents) for categorical vari-
ables, mean levels for continuous variables, and associations between study measures.
Symbols indicate the type and significance of associations between study measures:
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 9
The specific meanings of these symbols are explained in the footnotes of tables where
they appear. Some informative studies reported only single point estimates of study
measures (eg, mean data) rather than associations. Where data on associations were
limited, evidence tables provide these point estimates. Studies that provide data on associ-
ations and studies that provide only point estimates are listed and ranked separately,
with shading used to distinguish them (as in the table, Example of Format for Evidence
Methodological quality (or internal validity) refers to the design, conduct, and reporting
of the clinical study. Because studies with a variety of types of design were evaluated,
a three-level classification of study quality was devised:
Strength of Evidence
Each rationale statement has been graded according the level of evidence on which it
is based.
10 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Guideline statements are grouped into four parts, corresponding to the four goals of the
CKD Work Group. Guideline statements are reproduced in the Executive Summary. The
reader is referred to specific pages for rationale, evidence tables and references.
Chronic kidney disease is a major public health problem. Improving outcomes for people
with chronic kidney disease requires a coordinated worldwide approach to prevention
of adverse outcomes through defining the disease and its outcomes, estimating disease
prevalence, identifying earlier stages of disease and antecedent risk factors, and detection
and treatment for populations at increased risk for adverse outcomes. The goal of Part
4 is to create an operational definition and classification of stages of chronic kidney
disease and provide estimates of disease prevalence by stage, to develop a broad overview
of a ‘‘clinical action plan’’ for evaluation and management of each stage of chronic kidney
disease, and to define individuals at increased risk for developing chronic kidney disease.
Studies of disease prevalence were evaluated as described in Appendix 1, Table 147.
Data from NHANES III were used to develop estimates of disease prevalence in adults
as described in Appendix 2.
GUIDELINE 1. Definition and Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease
(p. 43)
Adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease can often be prevented or delayed through early
detection and treatment. Earlier stages of chronic kidney disease can be detected through
routine laboratory measurements.
The presence of chronic kidney disease should be established, based on presence of
kidney damage and level of kidney function (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]), irrespective
of diagnosis.
Among patients with chronic kidney disease, the stage of disease should be assigned
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 11
based on the level of kidney function, irrespective of diagnosis, according to the
K/DOQI CKD classification:
GUIDELINE 2. Evaluation and Treatment (p. 66)
The evaluation and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease requires understanding
of separate but related concepts of diagnosis, comorbid conditions, severity of disease, compli-
cations of disease, and risks for loss of kidney function and cardiovascular disease.
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be evaluated to determine:
Diagnosis (type of kidney disease);
Comorbid conditions;
Severity, assessed by level of kidney function;
Complications, related to level of kidney function;
Risk for loss of kidney function;
Risk for cardiovascular disease.
Treatment of chronic kidney disease should include:
Specific therapy, based on diagnosis;
Evaluation and management of comorbid conditions;
Slowing the loss of kidney function;
Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease;
Prevention and treatment of complications of decreased kidney function;
Preparation for kidney failure and kidney replacement therapy;
Replacement of kidney function by dialysis and transplantation, if signs and symptoms
of uremia are present.
A clinical action plan should be developed for each patient, based on the stage of
disease as defined by the K/DOQI CKD classification (see table on page 13).
12 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Review of medications should be performed at all visits for the following:
Dosage adjustment based on level of kidney function;
Detection of potentially adverse effects on kidney function or complications of chronic
kidney disease;
Detection of drug interactions; and
Therapeutic drug monitoring, if possible.
Self-management behaviors should be incorporated into the treatment plan at all stages
of chronic kidney disease.
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be referred to a specialist for consultation
and co-management if the clinical action plan cannot be prepared, the prescribed evalu-
ation of the patient cannot be carried out, or the recommended treatment cannot be
carried out. In general, patients with GFR 30 mL/min/1.73 m
should be referred to
a nephrologist.
GUIDELINE 3. Individuals at Increased Risk of Chronic Kidney
Disease (p. 75)
Some individuals without kidney damage and with normal or elevated GFR are at in-
creased risk for development of chronic kidney disease.
All individuals should be assessed, as part of routine health encounters, to determine
whether they are at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease, based on
clinical and sociodemographic factors.
Individuals at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease should undergo
testing for markers of kidney damage and to estimate the level of GFR.
Individuals found to have chronic kidney disease should be evaluated and treated
as specified in Guideline 2.
Individuals at increased risk, but found not to have chronic kidney disease, should
be advised to follow a program of risk factor reduction, if appropriate, and undergo
repeat periodic evaluation.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 13
The definition and staging of chronic kidney disease depends on the assessment of GFR,
proteinuria, and other markers of kidney disease. The goals of Part 5 are to evaluate the
accuracy of prediction equations to estimate the level of GFR from serum creatinine,
the accuracy of ratios of protein-to-creatinine concentration in untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine
samples to assess protein excretion rate, and the utility of markers of kidney damage
other than proteinuria. As described in Appendix 1, Table 151, the Work Group evaluated
studies according to accepted methods for evaluation of diagnostic tests. To provide a
more comprehensive review, the Work Group attempted to integrate the systematic
review of specific questions with existing guidelines and recommendations.
GUIDELINE 4. Estimation of GFR (p. 81)
Estimates of GFR are the best overall indices of the level of kidney function.
The level of GFR should be estimated from prediction equations that take into account
the serum creatinine concentration and some or all of the following variables: age,
gender, race and body size. The following equations provide useful estimates of GFR:
In adults, the MDRD Study and Cockcroft-Gault equations;
In children, the Schwartz and Couna han-Barratt equations.
The serum creatinine concentration alone should not be used to assess the level of kidney
Clinical laboratories should report an estimate of GFR using a prediction equation, in
addition to reporting the serum creatinine measurement.
Autoanalyzer manufacturers and clinical laboratories should calibrate serum creatinine
assays using an international standard.
Measurement of creatinine clearance using timed (for example, 24-hour) urine collec-
tions does not improve the estimate of GFR over that provided by prediction equations.
A 24-hour urine sample provides useful information for:
Estimation of GFR in individuals with exceptional dietary intake (vegetarian diet,
creatine supplements) or muscle mass (amputation, malnutrition, muscle wasting);
Assessment of diet and nutritional status;
Need to start dialysis.
GUIDELINE 5. Assessment of Proteinuria (p. 100)
Normal individuals usually excrete very small amounts of protein in the urine. Persistently
increased protein excretion is usually a marker of kidney damage. The excretion of specific
types of protein, such as albumin or low molecular weight globulins, depends on the type of
kidney disease that is present. Increased excretion of albumin is a sensitive marker for chronic
kidney disease due to diabetes, glomerular disease, and hypertension. Increased excretion
of low molecular weight globulins is a sensitive marker for some types of tubulointerstitial
disease. In this guideline, the term ‘‘proteinuria’’ refers to increased urinary excretion of albu-
min, other specific proteins, or total protein; ‘‘albuminuria’’ refers specifically to increased
urinary excretion of albumin. ‘‘Microalbuminuria’’ refers to albumin excretion above the nor-
mal range but below the level of detection by tests for total protein. Guidelines for detection
14 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
and monitoring of proteinuria in adults and children differ because of differences in the preva-
lence and type of chronic kidney disease.
Guidelines for Adults and Children:
Under most circumstances, untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine samples should be used to detect and
monitor proteinuria in children and adults.
It is usually not necessary to obtain a timed urine collection (overnight or 24-hour) for
these evaluations in either children or adults.
First morning specimens are preferred, but random specimens are acceptable if first
morning specimens are not available.
In most cases, screening with urine dipsticks is acceptable for detecting proteinuria:
Standard urine dipsticks are acceptable for detecting increased total urine protein.
Albumin-specific dipsticks are acceptable for detecting albuminuria.
Patients with a positive dipstick test (1 or greater) should undergo confirmation of
proteinuria by a quantitative measurement (protein-to-creatinine ratio or albumin-to-creat-
inine ratio) within 3 months.
Patients with two or more positive quantitative tests temporally spaced by 1 to 2 weeks
should be diagnosed as having persistent proteinuria and undergo further evaluation
and management for chronic kidney disease as stated in Guideline 2.
Monitoring proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease should be performed
using quantitative measurements.
Specific Guidelines for Adults:
When screening adults at increased risk for chronic kidney disease, albumin should be
measured in a spot urine sample using either:
Albumin-specific dipstick;
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio.
When monitoring proteinuria in adults with chronic kidney disease, the protein-to-creati-
nine ratio in spot urine samples should be measured using:
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio;
Total protein-to-creatinine ratio is acceptable if albumin-to-creatinine ratio is high
(500 to 1,000 mg/g).
Specific Guidelines for Children Without Diabetes:
When screening children for chronic kidney disease, total urine protein should be mea-
sured in a spot urine sample using either:
Standard urine dipstick;
Total protein-to-creatinine ratio.
Orthostatic proteinuria must be excluded by repeat measurement on a first morning
specimen if the initial finding of proteinuria was obtained on a random specimen.
When monitoring proteinuria in children with chronic kidney disease, the total protein-
to-creatinine ratio should be measured in spot urine specimens.
Specific Guidelines for Children With Diabetes:
Screening and monitoring of post-pubertal children with diabetes of 5 or more years
of duration should follow the guidelines for adults.
Screening and monitoring other children with diabetes should follow the guidelines for
children without diabetes.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 15
GUIDELINE 6. Markers of Chronic Kidney Disease Other Than
Proteinuria (p. 112)
Markers of kidney damage in addition to proteinuria include abnormalities in the urine sedi-
ment and abnormalities on imaging studies. Constellations of markers define clinical presenta-
tions for some types of chronic kidney disease. New markers are needed to detect kidney
damage that occurs prior to a reduction in GFR in other types of chronic kidney diseases.
Urine sediment examination or dipstick for red blood cells and white blood cells should
be performed in patients with chronic kidney disease and in individuals at increased
risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
Imaging studies of the kidneys should be performed in patients with chronic kidney
disease and in selected individuals at increased risk of developing chronic kidney dis-
Although several novel urinary markers (such as tubular or low-molecular weight proteins
and specific mononuclear cells) show promise of future utility, they should not be used
for clinical decision-making at present.
ADULTS (PART 6, p. 123)
Many of the complications of chronic kidney disease can be prevented or delayed by
early detection and treatment. The goal of Part 6 is to review the association of the level
of GFR with complications of chronic kidney disease to determine the stage of chronic
Estimated prevalence of selected complications, by category of estimated GFR, among
participants age 20 years in NHANES III, 1988 through 1994. These estimates are
not adjusted for age, the mean of which is 33 years higher at an estimated GFR of 15
to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
than that at an estimated GFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m
16 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Estimated distribution of the number of complications shown in figure by category of
estimated GFR among participants age 20 years in NHANES III, 1988 through 1994.
These estimates are not adjusted for age, the mean of which is 33 years higheratan
estimated GFR of 15 to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
than that at an estimated GFR of 90 mL/
min/1.73 m
kidney disease when complications appear. As described in Appendix 1, Table 152, the
Work Group searched for cross-sectional studies that related manifestations of complica-
tions and the level of kidney function. Data from NHANES III were also analyzed, as
described in Appendix 2.
Because of different manifestations of complications of chronic kidney disease in
children, especially in growth and development, the Work Group limited the scope of
the review of evidence to adults. A separate Work Group will need to address this issue
in children.
The Work Group did not attempt to review the evidence on the evaluation and
management of complications of chronic kidney disease. This is the subject of past and
forthcoming clinical practice guidelines by the National Kidney Foundation and other
groups, which are referenced in the text.
Representative findings are shown by stage of chronic kidney disease in the figures
above and below, showing a higher prevalence of each complication at lower GFR, and
a larger mean number of complications per person and higher prevalence of multiple
complications at lower GFR. These and other findings support the classification of stages
of chronic kidney disease and are discussed in detail in Guidelines 7 through 12.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 17
GUIDELINE 7. Association of Level of GFR With Hypertension
(p. 124)
High blood pressure is both a cause and a complication of chronic kidney disease. As a
complication, high blood pressure may develop early during the course of chronic kidney
disease and is associated with adverse outcomesin particular, faster loss of kidney function
and development of cardiovascular disease.
Blood pressure should be closely monitored in all patients with chronic kidney disease.
Treatment of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease should include specification
of target blood pressure levels, nonpharmacologic therapy, and specific antihyperten-
sive agents for the prevention of progression of kidney disease (Guideline 13) and
development of cardiovascular disease (Guideline 15).
GUIDELINE 8. Association of Level of GFR With Anemia (p. 136)
Anemia usually develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and may be associated
with adverse outcomes.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should be evaluated for anemia. The evaluation
should include measurement of hemoglobin level.
Anemia in chronic kidney disease should be evaluated and treated (see K/DOQI Clinical
Practice Guidelines for Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease, Guidelines 14).
GUIDELINE 9. Association of Level of GFR With Nutritional Status
(p. 145)
Protein energy malnutrition develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and is associ-
ated with adverse outcomes. Low protein and calorie intake is an important cause of malnutri-
tion in chronic kidney disease.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should undergo assessment of dietary protein
and energy intake and nutritional status (see K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for
Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure, Guidelines 23 and 26).
Patients with decreased dietary intake or malnutrition should undergo dietary modifica-
tion, counseling and education, or specialized nutrition therapy (see K/DOQI Clinical
Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure, Guidelines 24 and 25).
GUIDELINE 10. Bone Disease and Disorders of Calcium and
Phosphorus Metabolism (p. 163)
Bone disease and disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism develop during the course
of chronic kidney disease and are associated with adverse outcomes.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should be evaluated for bone disease and
disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Patients with bone disease and disorders of bone metabolism should be evaluated and
treated (see forthcoming K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Bone Metabolism and
Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease).
GUIDELINE 11. Neuropathy (p. 180)
Neuropathy develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and may become symptom-
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be periodically assessed for central and
18 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
peripheral neurologic involvement by eliciting symptoms and signs during routine office
visits or exams.
Specialized laboratory testing for neuropathy in patients with chronic kidney disease
is indicated only in the presence of symptoms.
GUIDELINE 12. Association of Level of GFR With Indices of
Functioning and Well-Being (p. 186)
Impairments in domains of functioning and well-being develop during the course of chronic
kidney disease and are associated with adverse outcomes. Impaired functioning and well-
being may be related to sociodemographic factors, conditions causing chronic kidney disease,
complications of kidney disease, or possibly directly due to reduced GFR.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should undergo regular assessment for impair-
ment of functioning and well-being:
To establish a baseline and monitor changes in functioning and well-being over time;
To assess the effect of interventions on functioning and well-being.
(PART 7, p. 197)
The major outcomes of chronic kidney disease are loss of kidney function, leading to
complications and kidney failure, and development of cardiovascular disease. The goals
of Part 7 are to define risk factors for progression of chronic kidney disease and to
determine whether chronic kidney disease is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Because of the well-known association of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the Work
Group considered patients with chronic kidney disease due to diabetes separately from
patients with chronic kidney disease due to other causes. As described in Appendix 1,
Table 153, the Work Group searched primarily for longitudinal studies that related risk
factors to loss of kidney function (Guideline 13) and that related proteinuria and de-
creased GFR to cardiovascular disease (Guidelines 14 and 15). It was beyond the scope
of the Work Group to undertake a systematic review of studies of treatment. However,
existing guidelines and recommendations were reviewed, as were selected studies, to
provide further evidence of efficacy of treatment.
GUIDELINE 13. Factors Associated With Loss of Kidney Function in
Chronic Kidney Disease (p. 197)
The level of kidney function tends to decline progressively over time in most patients with
chronic kidney diseases.
The rate of GFR decline should be assessed in patients with chronic kidney disease to:
Predict the interval until the onset of kidney failure;
Assess the effect of interventions to slow the GFR decline.
Among patients with chronic kidney disease, the rate of GFR decline should be estimated
Computing the GFR decline from past and ongoing measurements of serum creatinine;
Ascertaining risk factors for faster versus slower GFR decline, including type (diagno-
sis) of kidney disease and nonmodifiable and modifiable factors.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 19
Interventions to slow the progression of kidney disease should be considered in all
patients with chronic kidney disease.
Interventions that have been proven to be effective include:
(1) Strict glucose control in diabetes;
(2) Strict blood pressure control;
(3) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin-2 receptor blockade.
Interventions that have been studied, but the results of which are inconclusive, include:
(1) Dietary protein restriction;
(2) Lipid-lowering therapy;
(3) Partial correction of anemia.
Attempts should be made to prevent and correct acute decline in GFR. Frequent causes
of acute decline in GFR include:
Volume depletion;
Intravenous radiographic contrast;
Selected antimicrobial agents (for example, aminoglycosides and amphotericin B);
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents; including cyclo-oxygenase type 2 inhibitors;
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers;
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus;
Obstruction of the urinary tract.
Measurements of serum creatinine for estimation of GFR should be obtained at least
yearly in patients with chronic kidney disease and more often in patients with:
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Fast GFR decline in the past (4 mL/min/1.73 m
per year);
Risk factors for faster progression;
Ongoing treatment to slow progression;
Exposure to risk factors for acute GFR decline.
GUIDELINE 14. Association of Chronic Kidney Disease With Diabetic
Complications (p. 230)
The risk of cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and other diabetic complications is higher in
patients with diabetic kidney disease than in diabetic patients without kidney disease.
Prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of diabetic complications in patients
with chronic kidney disease should follow published guidelines and position statements.
Guidelines regarding angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor
blockers and strict blood pressure control are particularly important since these agents
may prevent or delay some of the adverse outcomes of both kidney and cardiovascular
Application of published guidelines to diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease
should take into account their ‘‘higher-risk’’ status for diabetic complications.
GUIDELINE 15. Association of Chronic Kidney Disease With
Cardiovascular Disease (p. 238)
Patients with chronic kidney disease, irrespective of diagnosis, are at increased risk of cardio-
vascular disease (CVD), including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, periph-
eral vascular disease, and heart failure. Both ‘‘traditional’’ and ‘‘chronic kidney disease-
related (nontraditional)’’ CVD risk factors may contribute to this increased risk.
20 Part 1. Executive Summary National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
All patients with chronic kidney disease should be considered in the ‘‘highest risk’’ group
for cardiovascular disease, irrespective of levels of traditional CVD risk factors.
All patients with chronic kidney disease should undergo assessment of CVD risk factors,
Measurement of ‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors in all patients;
Individual decision-making regarding measurement of selected ‘‘CKD-related’’ CVD
risk factors in some patients.
Recommendations for CVD risk factor reduction should take into account the ‘‘highest-
risk’’ status of patients with chronic kidney disease.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 1. Executive Summary 21
2. B
Since their publication in the Fall of 1997, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) Dialysis
Outcome Quality Initiative (DOQI) Guidelines have become an integral part of nephrol-
ogy practice throughout this country and in many parts of the world. It is widely acknowl-
edged that the DOQI Guidelines have had an impact in improving quality of care and
outcomes of patients treated by dialysis. In the Fall of 1999, the NKF decided to focus
its attention on the millions of people with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease, who
through early diagnosis and treatment, could possibly avoid the progression of their
disease to development of kidney failure and other adverse outcomes. The goal of this
new initiative, the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI), is to improve
the quality of care and outcomes of all individuals with kidney disease by developing
clinical practice guidelines for the management of patients in earlier stages of kidney
disease. This guideline, Chronic Kidney Disease: Evaluation, Classification and Stratifi-
cation, will serve as the foundation for future guidelines by standardizing the definition
and classification of stages of chronic kidney disease, laboratory evaluation of kidney
disease, association of the level of kidney function with complications, and stratification
of risk for adverse outcomes of kidney disease. Future guidelines will focus on diagnosis
and treatment of complications of earlier stages of kidney disease, ameliorating its compli-
cations, retarding the progression of the disease, reducing the morbidity and mortality
of cardiovascular disease, and reducing the morbidity and mortality of kidney failure.
The ultimate objectives are to improve the quality of care and outcomes of all individuals
with kidney disease and to reduce the risk of developing kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease is a worldwide public health problem. In the United States, there
is a rising incidence and prevalence of kidney failure, with poor outcomes and high cost.
The incidence and prevalence of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) have doubled in the
past 10 years and are expected to continue to rise steadily in the future (Fig 2). Data
from the 2000 Annual Data Report of the US Renal Data System (USRDS) documents the
incidence of ESRD in 1998 of more than 85,000, or 308 per million individuals per year
at risk. The point prevalence of ESRD on December 31, 1998 was more than 320,000,
or 1,160 per million population, of whom 72% were treated by dialysis and 28% had
functioning kidney transplants.
Despite advances in dialysis and transplantation, the prognosis of kidney failure re-
mains bleak. The USRDS reports more than 63,000 deaths of patients with ESRD in 1998,
and an annual mortality rate of dialysis patients in excess of 20%. Expected remaining
lifetimes of patients treated by dialysis were far shorter than the age-matched general
population, varying (depending on gender and race) from 7.1 to 11.5 years for patients
aged 40 to 44 years, and from 2.7 to 3.9 years for patients aged 60 to 64 years. Morbidity
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 2. Background 23
Fig 2. Incidence and prevalence of end-stage renal disease in the United States. Incident
patients refers to new cases during the year. Point prevalent patients refers to patients
alive on December 31st of the year. Solid vertical lines represent complete data for 1998
and expected data for 2000. Projections for future years are based on extrapolation
of regression equations. R
for regression equations is given. Data from USRDS 2000
Annual Data Report.
of kidney failure is also high. The mean number of comorbid conditions in dialysis patients
is approximately 4 per patient, the mean number of hospital days per year is approxi-
mately 15, and self-reported quality of life is far lower than the general population. Total
Medicare and non-Medicare costs for ESRD treatment in 1998 were $12.0 billion and
$4.7 billion, respectively. There is an even higher prevalence of earlier stages of chronic
kidney disease. Mortality, morbidity, hospitalizations, quality of life, and costs for caring
for patients with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease have not been systematically
Historically, the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease has focused
on diagnosis and treatment of specific kidney diseases, and dialysis or transplantation
for kidney failure. Increasing evidence, accrued in the past decades, indicates that the
adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease can be prevented or delayed through inter-
ventions during earlier stages of chronic kidney disease, irrespective of the cause. Unfor-
tunately, chronic kidney disease is ‘‘under-diagnosed’’ and ‘‘under-treated’’ in the United
States. This leads to lost opportunities for prevention of complications and worse out-
comes for patients with chronic kidney disease.
Earlier stages of kidney disease can be detected through laboratory testing. Measurement
of serum creatinine and estimation of GFR can identify patients with reduced kidney
function. Measurement of urinary albumin excretion can identify some, but not all, pa-
tients with kidney damage. Screening asymptomatic individuals at increased risk could
allow earlier detection of chronic kidney disease.
Currently, the US Preventive Health Services Task Force does not recommend urinaly-
24 Part 2. Background National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
sis or measurement of serum creatinine in otherwise healthy adults. Until recently, recom-
mendations for screening for chronic kidney disease in adults were largely focused on
patients with hypertension. A recent analysis of the NHANES III database indicated that
only 70% of individuals in the United States with elevated serum creatinine had hyperten-
More recent guidelines by the NKFProteinuria, Albuminuria, Risk Assessment,
Detection, and Elimination (PARADE)
and the American Diabetes Association
mend periodic evaluation of all individuals at increased risk for kidney disease and those
with diabetes for albuminuria. Appropriate measurement and interpretation of urine
albumin and serum creatinine in all individuals with hypertension and diabetes could
identify a large number of patients with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease. However,
it is likely that evaluation programs targeting only individuals with hypertension and
diabetes will miss a large number of individuals with other causes of chronic kidney
disease. Testing criteria could be expanded beyond just diabetes or hypertension, as
recommended in the NKF-PARADE position paper.
Therapeutic interventions at earlier stages of chronic kidney disease are effective in
slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease. The major therapeutic strategies that
have been tested include strict blood glucose control in diabetes, strict blood pressure
control, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor block-
ers, and dietary protein restriction. The study of kidney diseases in the transplant popula-
tion has long focused on prevention and treatment of allograft rejection. Thus far, no
large-scale clinical trials of kidney transplant recipients have evaluated therapies that are
effective in slowing progression of diseases in native kidneys. However, within the past
few years, observational studies have demonstrated that non-immunological factors, such
as proteinuria and higher blood pressure, appear to be risk factors in diseases of trans-
planted as well as native kidneys.
Conceivably, treatment of CVD risk factors in earlier stages of chronic kidney disease
could reduce adverse outcomes of cardiovascular disease before and after development
of kidney failure. However, few patients with chronic kidney disease have been included
in population-based epidemiological studies of cardiovascular disease or long-term, ran-
domized clinical trials. Therefore, the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease devel-
oped an evidence model for cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease (Fig 3) and
developed criteria for extrapolation of evidence on the efficacy of risk-factor reduction
therapies from the general population to patients with chronic kidney disease. In general,
the Task Force concluded that most interventions that are effective in the general popula-
tion should also be applied to patients with chronic kidney disease. The NKF has initiated
two other K/DOQI Work Groups that are developing clinical practice guidelines for the
evaluation and management of specific cardiovascular disease risk factors in defined
target populations with chronic kidney disease. These will be available in the near future.
In addition, other professional organizations are focusing on other risk factors or other
target populations.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 2. Background 25
Fig 3. Evidence model for stages in the initiation and progression of cardiovascular
disease, and therapeutic interventions. Shaded ellipses represent stages of cardiovascu-
lar disease; unshaded ellipses represent potential antecedents or consequences of CVD.
Thick arrows between ellipses represent factors associated with initiation and progres-
sion of disease that can be affected or detected by interventions: susceptibility factors
(black); initiation factors (dark gray); progression factors (light gray); and end-stage
factors (white). Interventions for each stage are given beneath the stage. Individuals
who appear normal should be screened for CVD risk factors. Individuals known to be
at increased risk for CVD should be screened for CVD. Modified and reprinted with
It is difficult to evaluate the current status of treatment for chronic kidney disease. A
systematic search yielded few guidelines for diagnosis and management of earlier stages
of chronic kidney disease (Table 7). While the USRDS is charged with compiling and
reporting data on incidence, prevalence, outcomes, and cost of dialysis and transplanta-
tion, patients with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease are not systematically tracked
by any public health agency in the United States. In addition, standards of care have not
been defined in a universally accepted format. Therefore, there is no ongoing effort to
ascertain adherence to standards for care or outcomes for patients with earlier stages
of chronic kidney disease. The National Institute for Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney
Disease is beginning a prospective cohort study of patients with decreased GFR to deter-
mine factors that are associated with adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease. How-
ever, even in the absence of such studies, there is substantial evidence of ‘‘under-diagno-
sis’’ and ‘‘under-treatment.’’
Analysis of data from NHANES III on the adequacy of drug treatment of hypertension
in patients with elevated serum creatinine revealed that only 75% of patients with hyper-
tension and elevated serum creatinine had received treatment.
However, only 11% had
their blood pressure reduced to 130/85 mmHg, the level recommended by the Sixth
Report of the Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC VI), and the NKF to slow the progression of
26 Part 2. Background National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
chronic kidney disease. Only 27% had their blood pressure reduced to 140/90 mm
Hg, the level recommended by JNC-VI to prevent cardiovascular disease in individuals
without pre-existing target organ damage.
In another study, hospital records from Medicare beneficiaries in Georgia were ana-
lyzed for adequacy of diagnosis and ACE inhibitor treatment of diabetic and hypertensive
kidney disease.
Among patients with diabetes, urine protein was measured in only
63%. Among those with proteinuria, ACE-inhibitors were prescribed in only 33% and
the finding was recorded in the discharge summary in only 8%. Serum creatinine was
measured in 97% of diabetic patients. Among those with elevated serum creatinine, ACE-
inhibitors were prescribed in only 32% and the finding was reported in the discharge
summary in only 10%. Among nondiabetic patients with hypertension, tests for urine
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 2. Background 27
protein were performed in only 59%. Among those with proteinuria, ACE-inhibitors were
prescribed in only 13% and the finding was recorded in the discharge summary in only
13%. Serum creatinine was measured in 91% of nondiabetic hypertensive patients. Among
those with elevated serum creatinine, ACE-inhibitors were prescribed in only 26% and
the finding was recorded in the discharge summary in only 11%. Thus, neither elderly
diabetic nor hypertensive patients, who are at increased risk for chronic kidney disease,
were adequately evaluated or treated with proven agents.
Data from the second phase of USRDS Dialysis Morbidity and Mortality Study (DMMS
Wave 2) was analyzed for adequacy of preparation for initiation of dialysis.
patients beginning hemodialysis, 52% of patients had severe anemia (hematocrit 28%),
54% did not have a permanent vascular access (temporary catheter for 60 days of initiation
of dialysis), 39% were referred to a nephrologist late (less than 3 months prior to initiation
of dialysis), and 24% initiated dialysis at very low levels of kidney function (estimated
GFR 5 mL/min/1.73 m
). Among patients beginning peritoneal dialysis, 42% had severe
anemia, 27% were referred to a nephrologist late, and 19% initiated dialysis with very
low levels of kidney function.
These are but a few examples from a literature replete with evidence of inadequate
diagnosis and treatment of earlier stages of chronic kidney disease, even though appropri-
ate interventions have been shown to improve outcomes. Overall, these findings suggest
that diagnosis and treatment in the community fall far short of the few recommended
guidelines that have been developed.
28 Part 2. Background National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
3. C
The purpose of this section is to review the general state of knowledge at the start of
the Work Group. This review will provide a detailed framework for the questions the
Work Group chose to ask (Table 8).
Solutions to public health problems require strategies for prevention of adverse outcomes
of disease. Prevention requires a clear understanding of prevalence and outcomes of
disease, earlier stages of disease, antecedent risk factors, and appropriate treatments for
populations at risk. There is a spectrum of risk for adverse outcomes, ranging from ‘‘very
high risk’’ in those with the disease, to ‘‘high risk’’ in those with risk factors for developing
the disease, to ‘‘low risk’’ for those without the disease or its risk factors. The population
as a whole includes many more individuals at low risk than at high risk. Public health
measures addressing chronic diseases include strategies to prevent adverse outcomes in
individuals at very high risk and high risk, as well as widespread adoption of life-style
modifications to reduce the average risk profile of the population.
With regard to risk stratification for adverse outcomes from chronic kidney disease,
patients with chronic kidney disease would be included in the ‘‘very high risk’’ group.
Individuals without chronic kidney disease, but with risk factors for chronic kidney
disease (‘‘CKD risk factors’’), would constitute the ‘‘high risk’’ group. Individuals without
chronic kidney disease or CKD risk factors would constitute the ‘‘low risk’’ group.
Most chronic kidney diseases tend to progress and worsen over time. The riskof
adverse outcomes in chronic kidney disease can be further stratified by the severity of
disease and rate of progression. Therefore, for most patients, the risk of adverse outcomes
tends to increase over time.
The major task of the Work Group was to develop ‘‘A Clinical Action Plan’’an
approach to chronic kidney disease that relates stages of severity of chronic kidney
disease to strategies for prevention and treatment of adverse outcomes.
To accomplish this task it was first necessary to outline the conceptual approach,
including operational definitions of chronic kidney disease and the stages of severity of
chronic kidney disease; determination of the prevalence of chronic kidney disease; issues
in the evaluation and management of various types of chronic kidney disease; definition
of individuals at increased risk of chronic kidney disease; definition of outcomes of
chronic kidney disease; association of complications of chronic kidney disease with de-
creased kidney function; modalities of kidney replacement therapy; and an approach to
chronic kidney disease using the guidelines.
The USRDS provides reliable nationwide data regarding the incidence, prevalence, treat-
ment patterns, outcomes, and cost of the end-stage renal disease, the most severe stage
of chronic kidney disease. There are no uniform definitions of earlier stages of kidney
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 29
disease, nor is there reliable information on the prevalence, treatment patterns, out-
comes, and cost of these earlier stages, nor information on how many people choose
to forego dialysis and transplantation despite kidney failure. Risk factors for the develop-
ment of chronic kidney disease have not been well described, and there is no reliable
estimate of the size of the population at risk. This section introduces the rationale for
developing a definition of chronic kidney disease and classification of stages of severity;
risk factors for adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease; the relationship between
disease severity and rate of progression as risks for adverse outcomes; the definitions
and stages defined by the Work Group; and laboratory tests for the detection of each
30 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Rationale for Developing a Definition of Chronic Kidney Disease and
Classification of Stages of Severity
Defining chronic kidney disease and classifying the stages of severity would provide
a common language for communication among providers, patients and their families,
investigators, and policy-makers, and a framework for developing a public health ap-
proach to affect care and improve outcomes of chronic kidney disease. A uniform termi-
nology would permit:
1. More reliable estimates of the prevalence of earlier stages of disease and of the
population at increased risk for development of chronic kidney disease;
2. Recommendations for laboratory testing to detect earlier stages and progression
to later stages;
3. Associations of stages with clinical manifestations of disease;
4. Evaluation of factors associated with a high risk of progression from one stage to
the next or of development of other adverse outcomes;
5. Evaluation of treatments to slow progression or prevent other adverse outcomes.
Clinical practice guidelines, clinical performance measures, and continuous quality
improvement efforts could then be directed to stages of chronic kidney disease.
Defining chronic kidney disease and stages of severity requires ‘‘categorization’’ of
continuous measures of markers of kidney damage and level of kidney function. Identify-
ing the stage of chronic kidney disease in an individual is not a substitute for diagnosis
of the type of kidney disease or the accurate assessment of the level of kidney function
in that individual. However, recognition of the stage of chronic kidney disease would
facilitate application of guidelines, performance measures, and quality improvement ef-
In other fields of medicine, classifications of stages of severity of illness have been
adopted with apparent success, such as the New York Heart Association classification
of heart disease. Within nephrology and related disciplines, classifications of disease
severity have been developed that are based on ‘‘categorization’’ of continuous measures
of disease severity. For example, the Joint National Committee for the Prevention, Detec-
tion, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure has defined stages of hypertension
based on blood pressure level. The National Cholesterol Education Program has defined
stages of hypercholesterolemia based on serum cholesterol level. Diabetic kidney disease
is classified according to the magnitude of albuminuria. Criteria for enrollment into the
Medicare ESRD Program and ‘‘listing’’ for cadaveric kidney transplantation are based, in
part, on the level of serum creatinine. These classifications have facilitated epidemiologi-
cal studies, clinical trials, and application of clinical practice guidelines.
Risk Factors for Adverse Outcomes of Chronic Kidney Disease
A risk factor is defined as an attribute that is associated with increased risk of an outcome.
In principle, there are four kinds of risk factors for adverse outcomes of chronic kidney
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 31
disease which were defined by the Work Group as ‘‘CKD risk factors’’ (Table 9). This
guideline concerns itself primarily with identifying susceptibility and initiation factors to
define individuals at high risk of developing chronic kidney disease, and with progression
factors, to define individuals at high risk of worsening kidney damage and subsequent
loss of kidney function.
Relationship Between Disease Severity and Rate of Progression as
Risks for Adverse Outcomes
In principle, one may distinguish between the severity of disease and the risk for adverse
outcomes of disease. The severity of disease can be determined from measurements of
level of organ function, complications in other organ systems, morbidity (symptoms and
clinical findings), and impairment in overall function and well-being. In general, the risk
for adverse outcomes is related to the severity of disease. In addition, the risk for adverse
outcomes is also dependent on the rate of progression to a more severe stage or the
rate of regression to a less severe stage.
For the case of chronic kidney disease, these concepts can be illustrated by Fig 4.
Fig 4. Kidney function decline in chronic kidney disease. See text.
32 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
The vertical axis shows the level of kidney function. The horizontal axis shows time
over an interval of several years. The horizontal dotted line corresponds to the level of
kidney function at the onset of kidney failure. The declines in kidney function in 4
individual patients (A through D) are illustrated as diagonal lines. At the discovery of
chronic kidney disease (t
), patients A and B share identical levels of kidney function,
as do patients C and D, but the level of function is lower in patients C and D than for
patients A and B. Patients A and C have identical rates of decline in kidney function, as
do patients B and D, but the rate of decline is faster in patients B and D than in patients
A and C. Patient D, with the lower initial level of kidney function and the faster rate of
decline in kidney function, reaches kidney failure first (t
). Patient B, with the higher
initial level of kidney function but faster rate of decline, and patient C, with the lower
initial level of kidney function and slower rate of decline, reach kidney failure at the
same time (t
). Patient A, with the higher initial level of kidney function and the slower
rate of decline in kidney function, has not reached kidney failure by the end of follow-
up (t
). Figure 4 illustrates that the risk of developing kidney failure depends both on
the level of kidney function at the discovery of chronic kidney disease and the rate of
decline in kidney function. The object of therapy for chronic kidney disease would be
to detect kidney disease at a higher level of kidney function (open arrow) and to reduce
the rate of decline in kidney function thereafter (filled arrows), thereby reducing adverse
outcomes of chronic kidney disease.
Operational Definition of Chronic Kidney Disease and Stages
One of the first tasks of the Work Group was to define chronic kidney disease, irrespec-
tive of the specific pathological features of the disease. For this definition, the Work
Group used a combination of the presence of kidney damage and level of kidney function.
Definition and Detection of Kidney Damage
Chronic kidney damage is defined as structural abnormalities of the kidney that can lead
to decreased kidney function. The level of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) is accepted
as the best measure of overall kidney function in health and disease. Pathologic studies
show that substantial kidney damage can be sustained without decreased GFR. Micro-
puncture studies in animal models of chronic kidney disease show that the maintenance
of normal GFR despite kidney damage is due to an adaptive increase in glomerular capil-
lary blood flow and pressure in response to decreased ultrafiltration coefficient and
reduced number of nephrons.
Markers of kidney damage vary depending on the type of kidney disease and may
include abnormalities in the composition of the blood or urine or abnormalities in imaging
tests, with or without decreased GFR. For example, albuminuria is widely accepted as
a marker of glomerular damage, and the excretion of even small amounts of albumin
(microalbuminuria) is the earliest manifestation of diabetic kidney disease. In large
amounts, albumin excretion can readily be detected by tests of total urine protein,
whereas detection of minimal amounts requires specific, sensitive assays.
One of the major obstacles to detection of kidney damage using measurementsof
urine albumin or total protein is the necessity for collection of a timed urine sample.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 33
Recently, many investigators have provided evidence that the ratio of concentrations of
albumin-to-creatinine or total protein-to-creatinine in a spot urine sample accurately re-
flects the excretion rates of albumin or total protein in timed urine samples. One of the
questions posed by the Work Group was: Do spot urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio
and total protein-to-creatinine ratio provide accurate measures of urine albumin and
protein excretion rates, respectively?
In addition to its importance as a marker of kidney damage, albuminuria is also an
important prognostic factor for the progression of kidney disease and development of
cardiovascular disease. The NKF issued a position paper in 1999 on the evaluation and
management of adults with albuminuria. The initiative, known as ‘‘Proteinuria, Albumin-
uria, Risk Assessment, Detection, and Elimination (PARADE),’’ emphasizes findings re-
lated to proteinuria as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, proteinuria as a mediator
and marker of progressive kidney disease, and persistent massive proteinuria as the incit-
ing factor that leads to the nephrotic syndrome.
An accompanying report on the evalua-
tion and management of proteinuria and nephrotic syndrome in children was issued in
The CKD Work Group has used the recommendations of PARADE in developing
its recommendations for laboratory testing and evaluation of proteinuria and albuminuria.
Other examples of markers of damage in chronic kidney disease include abnormalities
in the urine sediment and abnormalities on imaging studies of the kidney. One of the
questions posed by the Work Group was: Are other urinary markers of kidney damage
applicable for clinical practice?
High blood pressure was not defined as a marker of kidney damage because high
blood pressure has other causes. The relationship between high blood pressure and
kidney disease is complex, as high blood pressure is both a cause and a consequence
of kidney disease. Throughout the guideline, the Work Group has provided information
on high blood pressure, including the prevalence of high blood pressure at stages of
chronic kidney disease, and the role of high blood pressure as a risk factor for loss of
kidney function.
Definition and Detection of Decreased GFR and Relationship With Age
As a rule, kidney failure due to chronic kidney disease is preceded by a stage of variable
length during which GFR is decreased. GFR is affected by a number of factors in addition
to kidney disease, and not all individuals with decreased GFR have chronic kidney disease.
Mild reduction in GFR was defined as chronic kidney disease only in the presence of
kidney damage (Stage 2). However, because of the risk of complications, moderate (Stage
3) to severe (Stage 4) reduction in GFR and kidney failure (Stage 5) were defined as
chronic kidney disease, irrespective of the presence of kidney damage. Other than kidney
disease, the most important factor affecting GFR is age. GFR rises during infancy and
declines during aging. Therefore, mild reduction in GFR may be ‘‘normal’’ at the extremes
of age and, in the absence of kidney damage, is not considered to be chronic kidney
disease. A clinical action plan based on the level of GFR requires knowledge of age-
associated normal values. One of the questions posed by the Work Group was: What
are normal values of GFR during growth and aging?
34 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Unfortunately, measurement of GFR is inconvenient, and in most studies, as in clinical
practice, the level of kidney function is estimated from the serum creatinine concentra-
tion. This is difficult because a variety of factors other than GFR, including age, gender,
race, and body size, affect the serum creatinine concentration. To circumvent these
limitations, most clinical texts recommend measuring creatinine clearance to estimate
the level of GFR. However, as indicated previously, collection of a timed urine specimen
can be difficult. One of the questions posed by the Work Group was: Are estimates of
GFR based on prediction equations incorporating serum creatinine as well as these
other factors more accurate than estimates of GFR based on serum creatinine alone
or measurement of creatinine clearance?
Definition and Detection of Kidney Failure
Most texts define kidney failure as severe reduction in kidney function that is not compati-
ble with life, because its attendant complications become increasing risks for mortality.
Individuals at this stage have been said to have ‘‘end-stage renal disease’’ (ESRD) because
they require dialysis or transplantation to sustain life. Since 1972, the Medicare ESRD
Program has borne 80% of the costs of dialysis and transplantation for approximately
93% of patients in the United States, allowing near universal access to treatment for
kidney failure. Indeed, treatment with dialysis or transplantation has become almost
synonymous with the diagnosis of chronic kidney failure. Such a definition of kidney
failure has obvious operational and administrative advantages. However, it lacks preci-
sion. First, patients who have kidney failure may survive for variable periods of time
without treatment by dialysis or transplantation. Second, some signs and symptoms of
kidney failure appear at higher levels of kidney function that are compatible with long
survival. Third, some have advocated ‘‘early initiation of dialysis’’ or ‘‘pre-emptive’’ kid-
ney transplantation prior to the onset of kidney failure. Fourth, many patients living with
dialysis or a kidney transplant find the phrase ‘‘end-stage’’ threatening and misleading.
Thus, it would be preferable to define kidney failure as a combination of signs and
symptoms of uremia and a specific level of kidney function. One of the questions posed
by the Work Group was: Is it possible to identify the level of kidney function correspond-
ing to the stage of kidney failure?
As described earlier, the USRDS tracks the prevalence of kidney failure in the United
States. One of the questions posed by the Work Group was: What is the prevalence of
earlier stages of chronic kidney disease, based on the definitions and methods for
measurement discussed above?
Prevalence of Kidney Damage
Guidelines by the American Academy of Pediatricians recommend screening school-age
children for proteinuria using the urine dipstick. Therefore, a large number of studies
have been conducted to estimate the prevalence of proteinuria in children. One of the
questions posed by the Work Group was: What is the prevalence of dipstick-positive
proteinuria in children? On the other hand, fewer studies have determined the normal
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 35
range of proteinuria in children. Another question asked by the Work Group was: What
is the normal value for proteinuria in children?
In contrast, current guidelines by the US Preventive Health Services Task Force do
not suggest routine screening of adults for proteinuria. Data from two community-based
screening programs, the Framingham Study
and the Okinawa Study,
demonstrate an
approximately 10% prevalence of dipstick-positive proteinuria in adults. The prevalence
was higher in older than younger individuals and higher in women than men. However,
there are serious limitations to these studies. First, the urine dipstick is not sensitive to
small amounts of albumin, and thus these studies would not have detected most patients
with microalbuminuria. Second, neither timed urine collections nor protein-to-creatinine
ratios were measured, and thus the dipstick test result was affected by the state of diuresis
in addition to the magnitude of proteinuria. Furthermore, at least some of the individuals
in these studies with proteinuria also had reduced kidney function. Thus, they provide
only a rough guide to the likely prevalence of individuals with kidney damage due to
chronic kidney disease. Another question posed by the Work Group was: What is the
prevalence of elevated urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio in adults; and in subgroups
defined by age and level of GFR?
Prevalence of Decreased GFR
A 1998 report from the third cycle of the National Health and Nutrition Examination
Survey (NHANES III), conducted from 1988 to 1994, estimated that 6.2 million individuals
over age 12 years had reduced kidney function, defined as a serum creatinine concentra-
tion 1.5 mg/dL
(Fig 5). This represents an almost 30-fold higher prevalence of reduced
kidney function compared to the prevalence of ESRD during the same interval. This same
report estimated that there were 2.5 million individuals with serum creatinine 1.7 mg/
dL and 800,000 individuals with serum creatinine 2.0 mg/dL. Because of differences
Fig 5. Creatinine distribution: US population age 20 by sex, NHANES III, 19881994,
N 15,600.
36 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
in creatinine generation, the prevalence of elevated serum creatinine varied by age,
gender, and ethnicity, with a higher prevalence in older compared to younger individuals,
in men compared to women, and in non-Hispanic blacks compared to non-Hispanic
whites or Mexican-Americans. As discussed later in this report, these apparently minor
elevations in serum creatinine may well reflect substantial decreases in GFR, especially
in the elderly. This suggests that the number of individuals with reduced kidney function,
defined as reduced GFR, may be much higher than these estimates based on increased
serum creatinine levels. One of the questions posed by the Work Group was: What is
the prevalence of decreased GFR in the general population and in subgroups defined
by age?
Diagnosis of chronic kidney disease is based primarily on etiologic and pathologic classifi-
cation. Refinements in serologic tests and introduction of percutaneous biopsy technique
have led to increasingly sophisticated classifications. Unfortunately, nomenclature has
not been standardized, which hampers the development of strategies for prevention and
It is anticipated that a future Work Group will address the role of kidney
biopsy. One of the tasks of the Work Group was to recommend a classification of the
types of kidney disease for application of these guidelines.
Another task was to describe the actions necessary for evaluation and management
of chronic kidney disease, irrespective of diagnosis. The Work Group recommended that
these tasks be grouped as follows: treatment of comorbid conditions, prevention or
slowing the loss of kidney function, prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease,
prevention and treatment of complications of decreased kidney function, preparation
for kidney failure, and replacement of kidney function (if necessary and desired) by
dialysis and kidney transplantation.
Data from the USRDS indicates the incidence of ESRD is disproportionately high among
older individuals, certain ethnic minorities, and individuals with hypertension, diabetes,
and autoimmune diseases. This suggests that demographic and clinical factors may be
risk factors for the development or progression of chronic kidney disease. In addition,
individuals with a family history of kidney disease appear to be at higher risk of developing
kidney disease. This appears to be true for most types of kidney diseases, suggesting the
presence of genes coding for susceptibility factors for the development or progression
of kidney disease in general, as well as genes coding for specific kidney diseases, such
as autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease or Alport’s syndrome. Finally, patients
who have recovered from an episode of acute kidney failure, whether due to acute
tubular necrosis or other parenchymal diseases, may also be at risk of developing chronic
kidney disease.
The prevalence of individuals at increased risk for development of chronic kidney
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 37
disease has not been studied systematically. One of the tasks of the Work Group was
to assemble a list of potential CKD risk factors and the prevalence of individuals with
these risk factors.
The Work Group considered two major outcomes of chronic kidney disease: loss of
kidney function leading to kidney failure and development of cardiovascular disease. Of
course, kidney failure is the most visible outcome of chronic kidney disease, and loss
of kidney function is associated with complications in virtually every organ system. Cardi-
ovascular disease was considered separately because: (1) cardiovascular disease events
are more common than kidney failure in patients with chronic kidney disease; (2) cardio-
vascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease is treatable and potentially pre-
ventable; and (3) chronic kidney disease appears to be a risk factor for cardiovascular
Loss of Kidney Function
A number of studies have examined factors associated with more rapid loss of kidney
function in chronic kidney disease. Some diseases are associated with a faster loss of
kidney function than others, while some patient factors are known to predict a faster
loss of function, irrespective of the underlying disease. Identification of risk factors for
progression can provide insight into the mechanisms of progressive loss of kidney func-
tion as well as identification of patients at higher risk for adverse outcomes. One of the
questions posed by the Work Group was: What are the risk factors associated with a
more rapid loss of kidney function?
Cardiovascular Disease
The 1998 Report of the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Renal
Disease drew attention to cardiovascular disease as an outcome of chronic kidney dis-
The Task Force recommended that patients with chronic kidney disease be consid-
ered in the ‘‘highest risk group’’ for subsequent cardiovascular disease (CVD) events.
The excess risk of cardiovascular disease is due, in part, to a higher prevalence of condi-
tions that are recognized as risk factors for cardiovascular disease in the general popula-
tion (‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors) and to hemodynamic and metabolic factors charac-
teristic of chronic kidney disease (‘‘CKD-related’’ CVD risk factors).
In addition, the Task Force emphasized the high mortality from cardiovascular disease.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in patients with kidney failure. After
adjusting for age, gender, race, and diagnosis of diabetes, mortality from cardiovascular
disease is far higher in patients with kidney failure compared to the general population.
Among patients treated by dialysis, the risk ranges from 500-fold higher in individuals
aged 2535 to 5-fold higher in individuals aged 85 years (Fig 6). Excess mortality also
appeared higher in kidney transplant recipients, despite the preferential selection of
patients without cardiovascular disease for transplantation.
One of the questions posed by the Work Group was: Is chronic kidney disease a
38 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 6. Cardiovascular mortality in the general population (NCHS) and in ESRD treated
by dialysis (USRDS). CVD mortality defined by death due to arrhythmias, cardiomyopa-
thy, cardiac arrest, myocardial infarction, atherosclerotic heart disease, and pulmonary
edema in the general population (data from NCHS multiple cause mortality data files,
ICD-9 codes 402, 404, 410414, and 425429, 1993) compared to ESRD treated by
dialysis (data from USRDS special data request HCFA form 2746, field numbers 23,
2629, and 31, 19941996). Reprinted with permission.
risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease? Because of the well-known
association of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, it seemed reasonable that the analysis
should distinguish patients with diabetes from other causes of chronic kidney disease.
Among patients with diabetes, the Work Group summarized information related to the
association of chronic kidney disease and diabetic complications. Among patients with
other causes of kidney disease, the Work Group summarized information related to the
association of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease.
Decreased GFR is associated with complications in virtually all organ systems. These
complications are manifested first by high blood pressure and abnormalities in laboratory
tests and then by symptoms and abnormalities in physical examination. In general, the
severity of complications worsens as level of GFR declines, although the actual levels
of GFR where the complications first appear and then worsen vary depending on the
complication. Among the most important complications are high blood pressure, anemia,
malnutrition, bone disease, neuropathy, and decreased overall functioning and well-
being. At very low levels of GFR, these complications are common and collectively
known as ‘‘uremia’’ or the ‘‘uremic syndrome.’’ The pathogenesis of these complications
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 39
varies among organ systems and is often complex. In many cases, early treatment can
prevent or ameliorate complications.
Since signs and symptoms of kidney failure appear and increase in severity as GFR
declines, it should be possible to identify levels of GFR that are associated with the
appearance of particular signs and symptoms. One of the questions posed by the Work
Group was: What is the level of GFR at the onset of high blood pressure, anemia,
malnutrition, bone disease, neuropathy, and decreased overall functioning and well-
Dialysis and transplantation are effective, although not optimal, therapies for kidney
failure. The aging of the population and the rising prevalence of diseases causing chronic
kidney disease, such as hypertension and diabetes, suggest that kidney failure will be a
growing public health problem in the future and that dialysis and transplantation will
become more widely used in the United States and around the world. These therapies
require intensive resources; therefore, measures to increase the efficiency of these treat-
ments will be necessary. It will be necessary to improve the preparation of patients for
kidney replacement therapy, as well as to improve the efficacy of dialysis and transplanta-
Preparation for Kidney Replacement Therapy
Much of the morbidity of kidney failure is due to complications that arise during the
stage of decreased GFR. Many studies have shown a relationship between severity of
complications before kidney replacement therapy and outcomes.
Possibly, improved
treatment during the stage of decreased GFR would lead to improved outcomes of kidney
replacement therapy.
In addition, the onset of kidney failure is usually associated with severe psychosocial
stress. Stress derives from the fear of complications, from treatment, from limitations of
functioning and well being, and from reduced life expectancy. A team approach to the
management of patients is usually required, including physicians, nurses, dietitians, social
workers, pharmacists, and physical, occupational, and vocational rehabilitation profes-
sionals as well as patients’ families. Patient education must begin far in advance in order
to prepare patients to cope with their illness and the demands of their treatment as well
as possible. Clinical practice guidelines are being developed by the Renal Physicians
Association to address preparation for kidney replacement therapy.
Dialysis and Transplantation
The past decade has seen dramatic improvements in dialysis and transplantation. Ad-
vances in basic science and technology are needed to pave the way for continuing
improvement. Each advance will require careful clinical study to assess its efficacy, effec-
tiveness, and efficiency. As discussed earlier, NKF-DOQI clinical practice guidelines were
restricted primarily to the care of patients with kidney failure treated by dialysis. The
40 Part 3. Public Health Problem National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
original DOQI guidelines have now been updated and published under the K/DOQI
New guidelines are under development by the NKF and other organizations
to address other aspects of dialysis care and the care of patients treated by kidney trans-
Finally, the Work Group attempted to integrate the classifications of stages, types (diagno-
sis), and clinical presentations of chronic kidney disease presented in this guideline. The
results provide a simplified approach to common clinical problems in chronic kidney
disease, including screening, differential diagnosis, utility of proteinuria in diagnosis and
treatment, estimating and slowing progression, cardiovascular disease risk assessment
and reduction, clinical evaluation of adults with decreased GFR, and decreased GFR and
chronic kidney disease in the elderly.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 3. Public Health Problem 41
4. D
Chronic kidney disease is a major public health problem. Improving outcomes for people
with chronic kidney disease requires a coordinated worldwide approach to prevention
of adverse outcomes through defining the disease and its outcomes, estimating disease
prevalence, identifying earlier stages of disease and antecedent risk factors, and detection
and treatment for populations at increased risk for adverse outcomes. The goal of Part
4 is to create an operational definition and classification of stages of chronic kidney
disease and provide estimates of disease prevalence by stage, to develop a broad overview
of a ‘‘clinical action plan’’ for evaluation and management of each stage of chronic kidney
disease, and to define individuals at increased risk for developing chronic kidney disease.
Studies of disease prevalence were evaluated as described in Appendix 1, Table 150.
Data from NHANES III were used to develop estimates of disease prevalence in adults
as described in Appendix 2.
Adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease can often be prevented or delayed
through early detection and treatment. Earlier stages of chronic kidney disease can be
detected through routine laboratory measurements.
The presence of chronic kidney disease should be established, based on presence
of kidney damage and level of kidney function (glomerular filtration rate [GFR]),
irrespective of diagnosis.
Among patients with chronic kidney disease, the stage of disease should be as-
signed based on the level of kidney function, irrespective of diagnosis, according
to the K/DOQI CKD classification (Table 10).
Chronic kidney disease is a major public health problem. Adverse outcomes of chronic
kidney disease can be prevented through early detection and treatment. Earlier stages
of chronic kidney disease can be detected through routine laboratory measurements.
The USRDS provides reliable nationwide data regarding the incidence, prevalence,
treatment patterns, outcomes, and cost of kidney failure treated by dialysis and transplan-
tation, the most severe stage of chronic kidney disease. This guideline provides a defini-
tion of chronic kidney disease as well as definitions and estimates of prevalence of earlier
stages of kidney disease.
Chronic kidney disease is defined according to the presence or absence of kidney
damage and level of kidney functionirrespective of the type of kidney disease (diagno-
sis). Among individuals with chronic kidney disease, the stages are defined based on the
level of kidney function. Identifying the presence and stage of chronic kidney disease
in an individual is not a substitute for accurate assessment of the cause of kidney disease,
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 43
extent of kidney damage, level of kidney function, comorbid conditions, complications
of decreased kidney function, or risks for loss of kidney function or cardiovascular disease
in that patient. Defining stages of chronic kidney disease requires ‘‘categorization’’ of
continuous measures of kidney function, and the ‘‘cut-off levels’’ between stages are
inherently arbitrary. Nonetheless, staging of chronic kidney disease will facilitate applica-
tion of clinical practice guidelines, clinical performance measures and quality improve-
ment efforts to the evaluation, and management of chronic kidney disease.
Definition and Classification
Definition of chronic kidney disease (O). Chronic kidney disease has been de-
fined according to the criteria listed in Table 11.
44 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Stages of chronic kidney disease (R, O). Among individuals with chronic kidney
disease, the stage is defined by the level of GFR, with higher stages representing lower
GFR levels. Table 12 illustrates the classification of individuals based on the presence
or absence of markers of kidney disease and level of GFR, according to definition and
staging of chronic kidney disease proposed by this guideline. In addition, it includes
columns for the presence or absence of high blood pressure, because of the complex
relationship of high blood pressure and chronic kidney disease.
All individuals with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
for 3 months are classified as having
chronic kidney disease, irrespective of the presence or absence of kidney damage. The
rationale for including these individuals is that reduction in kidney function to this level
or lower represents loss of half or more of the adult level of normal kidney function,
which may be associated with a number of complications (Part 6).
All individuals with kidney damage are classified as having chronic kidney disease,
irrespective of the level of GFR. The rationale for including individuals with GFR 60
mL/min/1.73 m
is that GFR may be sustained at normal or increased levels despite
substantial kidney damage and that patients with kidney damage are at increased risk of
the two major outcomes of chronic kidney disease: loss of kidney function and develop-
ment of cardiovascular disease (Part 7).
The methods to estimate GFR and assess markers of kidney damage are not completely
sensitive or specific in detecting decreased GFR and kidney damage, respectively. Thus,
misclassification is possible, and clinicians should carefully consider all aspects of the
patient’s clinical presentation in interpreting test results and determining evaluation and
management. For the definition of chronic kidney disease, the Work Group selected cut-
off levels for GFR and markers of kidney damage that maximize specificity, acknowledg-
ing potential loss of sensitivity. Clinicians should be especially careful in the evaluation
of individuals with borderline abnormal results for markers of kidney disease, mild de-
crease in GFR (60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
), high blood pressure, and of other individuals
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 45
at increased risk of chronic kidney disease. Risk factors for chronic kidney disease are
discussed in Guideline 3.
Decreased GFR without kidney damage (R, O). Individuals with GFR 60 to 89
mL/min/1.73 m
without kidney damage are classified as ‘‘decreased GFR.’’ Decreased
GFR without recognized markers of kidney damage is very frequent in infants and older
adults, and is usually considered to be ‘‘normal for age.’’ The age-related decline in GFR
in adults is accompanied by pathological findings of global glomerular sclerosis and
cortical atrophy. The consequences of declining GFR with age have not been carefully
studied. It is interesting to speculate whether the increasing incidence of end-stage renal
disease in the elderly could be due, in part, to age-associated decline in GFR.
Other causes of chronically decreased GFR without kidney damage in adults include
vegetarian diets, unilateral nephrectomy, extracellular fluid volume depletion, and sys-
temic illnesses associated with reduced kidney perfusion, such as heart failure and cirrho-
sis. It is not certain whether individuals with chronically decreased GFR in the range of
60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
without kidney damage are at increased risk for adverse out-
comes, such as toxicity from drugs excreted by the kidney or acute kidney failure. After
much discussion and input from expert reviewers, the Work Group concluded that there
is insufficient evidence to label individuals with GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73m
, but
without markers of kidney damage, as having chronic kidney disease. In clinical practice,
it may be difficult to determine whether individuals with decreased GFR have chronic
Fig 7. Prevalence of albuminuria and high blood pressure (%) in US adults
age 20 years, NHANES III, 19881994. Based on one-time assessment
of albuminuria, blood pressure, and estimated GFR.
46 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
kidney disease. Recommendations for a clinical approach to elderly individuals with
decreased GFR is given in Part 9.
High blood pressure in chronic kidney disease and in individuals with de-
creased GFR without kidney disease (R). High blood pressure is not included in
the definition of chronic kidney disease or its stages. However, high blood pressure is
a common cause and consequence of chronic kidney disease, and as reviewed later,
patients with chronic kidney disease and high blood pressure are at higher risk of loss
of kidney function and development of cardiovascular disease. High blood pressure is
also common in older individuals without chronic kidney disease and is associated with
accelerated GFR decline with age and more marked pathological abnormalities in the
kidneys. Individuals with high blood pressure should be carefully evaluated for the pres-
ence of chronic kidney disease, especially those with decreased GFR.
Prevalence of chronic kidney disease and level of kidney function in the
general population (S). The prevalence of chronic kidney disease, based on the defini-
tion above, was estimated using data from NHANES III and USRDS (Fig 7 and Tables 13
and 14). For the analysis of NHANES III data, GFR was estimated from serum creatinine
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 47
concentration using a prediction equation derived from the Modification of Diet in Renal
Disease (MDRD) Study,
elevated urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio was taken as a
marker of chronic kidney disease, and high blood pressure was defined as blood pressure
140/90 mm Hg or taking medications for high blood pressure. These parameters were
ascertained on a single occasion. A subgroup of NHANES III participants underwent
repeat measurement of albuminuria. Elevated albumin-to-creatinine excretion was persis-
tent in 61% of the subjects with albuminuria (n 163). Therefore, these estimates of
prevalence should be considered as rough approximations of the true prevalence. The
rationales for these assumptions and cut-off levels are discussed in more detail below.
Definition (O)
Kidney damage is defined as structural or functional abnormalities of the kidney, initially
without decreased GFR, which over time can lead to decreased GFR. As described earlier,
markers of kidney damage include abnormalities in the composition of the blood or
urine or abnormalities in imaging tests. This section will emphasize proteinuria as a
marker of kidney damage because it has been studied most thoroughly, including in
Proteinuria as a marker of kidney damage (R). Proteinuria is an early and
sensitive marker of kidney damage in many types of chronic kidney disease. Albumin
(molecular weight [MW] 68,000 daltons) is the most abundant urine protein in most
types of chronic kidney disease. Low molecular weight (LMW) globulins are the most
abundant urine proteins in some types of chronic kidney disease. In this and later guide-
lines, the term proteinuria includes albuminuria, increased urinary excretion of other
specific proteins, and increased excretion of total urine protein. On the other hand,
the term albuminuria has been used only when referring to increased urinary albumin
excretion. Older laboratory methods, such as the urine dipstick or acid precipitation,
detect most urine proteins. Microalbuminuria refers to excretion of small but abnormal
amounts of albumin, which requires recently developed, more sensitive laboratory meth-
ods that are now widely available.
Normal protein excretion (S, R). Normal mean value for urine albumin excretion
in adults is approximately 10 mg/d. Albumin excretion is increased by physiological
variables, such as upright posture, exercise, pregnancy, and fever. Normal mean value
for urine total protein is approximately 50 mg/d. Major constituents of normal urine
protein are albumin, LMW proteins filtered from the blood, and proteins derived from
the urinary tract.
In practice, it is difficult to collect a timed urine specimen. As described in Guideline
5, the urinary excretion rate for albumin and total protein can be estimated from the
ratio of albumin or total protein to creatinine concentration in an untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine
specimen. Because protein excretion varies throughout the day, the normal ratio varies
throughout the day. The ratio in a first morning specimen correlates most closely with
overnight protein excretion rate, whereas the ratio in mid-morning specimens correlates
48 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 8. Distribution of albumin-to-creatinine ratio in US men and women, NHANES III
(19881994), age 20. N 14,836.
most closely with 24-hour protein excretion rate. Creatinine excretion is higher in normal
men than women; therefore, the values in the general population (Fig 8) and cut-off
values for abnormalities in urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio are lower for men than
women (Table 15).
Definition of proteinuria and albuminuria in adults (R). Table 15 shows defini-
tions for proteinuria and albuminuria, including gender specific cut-off values for microal-
buminuria and albuminuria. Cut-points for definition of abnormal urine total protein and
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 49
albumin are set to maximize specificity (avoid false positives), thus, the upper limit of
‘‘normal’’ typically extends far above the normal mean value, resulting in low sensitivity
(many false negatives).
Normal albumin excretion in children (C). Normal values for albumin excretion
in children are not well established. Although increased urine albumin excretion reflects
glomerular injury better than other urinary proteins in both adults and children, many
pediatric nephrologists continue to monitor levels of total protein rather than albumin
in patients with proteinuria. Hence, reports of normal albumin rates in children are
50 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
relatively few in number, and most have been published in the past 15 years. However,
a literature search of articles describing albumin excretion in children revealed one study
in 1970. This original paper
considered the best measurement of glomerular integrity
to be albumin clearance factored by creatinine clearance. It concluded that the ratio of
the concentration of albumin to creatinine in spot urine samples is the most accurate
method for estimating albumin clearance and provides a better marker of glomerular
permeability to albumin than the 24-hour albumin excretion rate. The results were ex-
pressed as mg albumin per mg creatinine, but subsequent papers have used a variety of
methods to express albumin excretion, making comparisons between studies very diffi-
cult. Tables 16 and 17 give mean values and ranges for albumin excretion rate and
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 51
albumin-to-creatinine ratio in children (neonates through age 20 years), and also empha-
size some of the ways in which published reports have differed. Overall, the values
appear similar to the values observed for adults.
Prevalence of proteinuria in adults (S). Table 18 shows the prevalence of albu-
minuria estimated from the albumin-to-creatinine ratio in a single spot urine collection
in 14,836 adults studied in NHANES III. Based on these results, it is estimated that approxi-
mately 20.2 million adults (11.7%) have abnormal urine albumin excretion.
Albuminuria was persistent on repeat evaluation in only 61% of individuals; hence,
these prevalence estimates based on a single spot urine are likely overestimates, especially
for microalbuminuria. (Appendix 2 discusses the reproducibility of data on albuminuria
and microalbuminuria.)
Among adults, the prevalence of albuminuria varies by age (Table 19) and presence
(Table 20) or absence (Table 21) of diabetes. The prevalence is approximately 30% in
adults with age 70 years: 26.6% with microalbuminuria and 3.7% with albuminuria. At
all ages, the prevalence is higher among individuals with diabetes. Among individuals
with a history of diabetes, the prevalence of microalbuminuria and albuminuria is 43.2%
and 8.4%, respectively, at age 70 years. Among individuals without a history of diabetes
the prevalence of microalbuminuria and albuminuria is 24.2% and 3.0%, respectively, at
age 70 years.
52 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Prevalence of proteinuria in children (C). Prevalence of proteinuria is lower in
children. A compilation of studies shows that 1% to 10% of children may have proteinuria
on initial screening using the urine dipstick, but that 1% have persistent proteinuria,
as defined by positive results on repeated testing (Table 22). Similarly, the prevalence
of increased urine albumin excretion on initial screening varies from 1% to 10% (Table
Prevalence of Stage 1 and Stage 2 chronic kidney disease (S). The proportion
of adults with GFR 90 and 6089 mL/min/1.73 m
with albuminuria is shown in Fig
7. Among US adults with a GFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m
, 9.2% had an elevated albumin-
to-creatinine ratio (including 3.3% without hypertension and 5.9% with hypertension).
As shown in Table 14, this group corresponds to approximately 5.9% of all US adults,
or 10.5 million people in the years 1988 to 1994. On repeat examination, 54% (n
102) of a subsample with albuminuria had a persistently positive result. Therefore, the
prevalence of persistent albuminuria would be 3.3% of US adults with GFR 90 mL/
min/1.73 m
, or 5.9 million. This is the estimated prevalence of Stage 1 chronic kidney
Among adults with GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
, the prevalence of albuminuria
was 12.9%, corresponding to 4.0% of all US adults, or 7.1 million people. On repeat
examination, 73% of a subsample with albuminuria (n 44) had a persistently positive
test. Therefore, the prevalence of persistent albuminuria would be 3.0% of US adults
with GFR 6084 mL/min/1.73 m
, or 5.3 million. This is the estimated prevalence of
Stage 2 chronic kidney disease.
Note that persistent albuminuria is not the only marker of kidney damage. NHANES
III did not ascertain other markers of kidney damage, such as abnormalities of the urine
sediment and abnormal imaging tests; thus, any estimate based on NHANES III data is
likely to underestimate the true prevalence of chronic kidney damage.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 53
54 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Decreased GFR
GFR as an index of kidney function (R). The level of GFR is accepted as the best
measure of overall kidney function in health and disease. In principle, the level of GFR
is the product of the number of nephrons and the single nephron GFR. Therefore, GFR
can be affected by chronic kidney disease, which reduces the number of nephrons, or
by hemodynamic factors that affect single nephron GFR. In chronic kidney disease, as
in normal individuals, GFR is modulated by hemodynamic factors.
Normal range and variability of GFR (S, R). The normal level of GFR varies
according to age, gender, and body size. It is conventional to adjust GFR to ‘‘standard’’
body size (surface area of 1.73 m
). Among normal adults, the inter-individual coefficient
of variation (standard deviation divided by the mean) of GFR (adjusted for body surface
area) within the normal population is approximately 15% to 20%.
The normal mean
(standard devation) GFR in young adults is approximately 120 to 130 (20 to 25) mL/
min/1.73 m
. Children reach adult values for mean GFR by approximately age 2 years
(Table 24).
Figure 9 and Table 25 show the range of GFR in adults according to age, derived
from normal men using inulin clearance.
Normal values in women are assumed to be
8% lower at all ages.
After approximately age 20 to 30 years, the normal mean value for
GFR declines with age in both men and women, with a mean decrease of approximately 1
mL/min/1.73 m
per year. Thus, by age 70, the normal mean value is approximately 70
mL/min/1.73 m
. At all ages, the range of normal GFR is wide.
Data from NHANES III are shown in Figs 9 and 10; these include men and women
in the general population, including those with chronic kidney disease. In part, the
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 55
Fig 9. GFR versus age. Estimated GFR percentiles for the US population using NHANES
III serum creatinine, age, sex, and race data (see Part 10, Appendix 2) by age compared
to a regression of inulin clearance measurement of GFR on age among 70 healthy male
participants. (Data abstracted from Davies and Shock.
inclusion of women and individuals with chronic kidney disease may account for the
slightly lower mean values observed in the NHANES III compared to the data from normal
men in Fig 9.
Factors other than age also affect GFR. As shown in Table 24, GFR is slightly lower
in young women than in young men. This difference appears to persist at older ages.
Pregnancy has a major effect on GFR, with GFR reaching values of 140% of normal during
the end of the second trimester.
Additional factors that may affect GFR to a lesser degree include: transient increases
56 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 10. Percentiles of estimated GFR regressed on age (NHANES III). GFR estimated
from serum creatinine using MDRD Study equation based on age, gender, and race (see
Part 10, Appendix 3). Age 20, N 15,600.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 57
in GFR after a high protein meal, a lower GFR in individuals following a habitually low
protein diet, and antihypertensive agents (effect on GFR varies by class of agent), espe-
cially in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Definition of decreased GFR (R, O). The Work Group defined decreased GFR as
90 mL/min/1.73 m
. The interpretation of decreased GFR varies depending on age,
duration, and the presence or absence of markers of kidney damage.
The lower limit of normal GFR varies with age. For example, as shown in Table 25,
GFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m
would be abnormal in a young adult. On the other hand, a
GFR of 6089 mL/min/1.73 m
could be normal from approximately 8 weeks to 1 year
of age and in older individuals. It is possible that GFR 30 to 59 mL/min/1.73 m
also be normal in individuals at the extremes of age, in vegetarians, after unilateral ne-
phrectomy or in an older individual. It is likely that a GFR 30 mL/min/1.73 m
abnormal at all ages other than neonates. For these reasons, the Work Group based the
definition of chronic kidney disease solely on the level of GFR only in individuals with
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, whereas individuals with GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
considered to have chronic kidney disease only if they also had a marker of kidney
damage (see Table 12, p. 45).
Decreased GFR may be acute or chronic. An acute decrease in GFR does not necessar-
ily indicate the presence of kidney damage. For example, it is well known that a brief
period of mildly decreased blood flow to the kidneys or transient partial obstruction of
the urinary tract may cause decreased GFR without kidney damage. However, a sustained
decrease in blood flow or prolonged obstruction is often associated with kidney damage.
Chronically decreased GFR is more often associated with kidney damage. The Work
Group arbitrarily chose a cut-off value of greater than 3 months for the definition of
chronic kidney disease.
As discussed earlier, individuals with decreased GFR should be evaluated for markers
of kidney damage to determine whether they have chronic kidney disease and to deter-
mine the cause of reduced kidney function. Even if there is no evidence of kidney damage,
individuals with chronically decreased GFR may be at increased risk for adverse outcomes
(for example, toxicity from drugs excreted by the kidney, and acute kidney failure in a
wide variety of circumstances).
Association of level of GFR with complications (S, R, C, O). Decreased GFR is
associated with a wide range of complications in other organ systems, manifested by
high blood pressure, laboratory abnormalities, and symptoms. Severity of complications
worsens as level of GFR declines (Part 6, Guidelines 7 through 12). The Work Group
defined categories of decreased GFR as mild (Stage 2, 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
), moder-
ate (Stage 3, 30 to 59 mL/min/1.73 m
), and severe (Stage 4, 15 to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
Although these definitions are arbitrary, evidence compiled in later guidelines supports
these broad categories and cut-off levels.
Prevalence of decreased GFR by age (S). The prevalence of decreased GFR is
higher in the elderly (Table 26). Approximately 14.9 million individuals 70 years
58 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
(74.5%) of age have decreased GFR. As already stated, not all individuals with decreased
GFR have kidney disease. The prevalence of persistent albuminuria by GFR level and
age group have not been determined, preventing an accurate estimate of the prevalence
of chronic kidney disease among the elderly.
The prevalence of decreased GFR is lower in children. The Schwartz formula was
used to estimate GFR in children aged 12 to 19 years in the NHANES III database. The
lowest 1% of children had GFR below approximately 100 mL/min/1.73 m
. Reliable
estimates of prevalence of categories of decreased GFR (mild, moderate, or severe) in
children are not available from NHANES III.
Kidney Failure
Definition of kidney failure (R, O). Kidney failure is defined as either (1) a level
of GFR to 15 mL/min/1.73 m
, which is accompanied in most cases by signs and
symptoms of uremia, or (2) a need for initiation of kidney replacement therapy (dialysis
or transplantation) for treatment for complications of decreased GFR, which would other-
wise increase the risk of mortality and morbidity. Some patients may need dialysis or
transplantation at GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
because of symptoms of uremia. The Work
Group acknowledges that the level of GFR selected for this definition is arbitrary and
may need to be modified based on advances in kidney replacement therapy.
End-stage renal disease (R). End-stage renal disease (ESRD) is an administrative
term in the United States, based on the conditions for payment for health care by the
Medicare ESRD Program, specifically the level of GFR and the occurrence of signs and
symptoms of kidney failure necessitating initiation of treatment by replacement therapy.
ESRD includes patients treated by dialysis or transplantation, irrespective of the level of
The K/DOQI definition of kidney failure differs in two important ways from the
definition of ESRD. First, not all individuals with GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
or with signs
and symptoms of kidney failure are treated by dialysis and transplantation. Nonetheless,
such individuals should be considered as having kidney failure. Second, among treated
patients, kidney transplant recipients have a higher mean level of GFR (usually 30 to
60 mL/min/1.73 m
) and better average health outcomes than dialysis patients. Kidney
transplant recipients should not be included in the definition of kidney failure, unless
they have GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
or have resumed dialysis.
The Work Group anticipated that most kidney transplant recipients would be consid-
ered to have chronic kidney disease according to the proposed classification. First, GFR
is lower in patients with a solitary kidney and is even lower in kidney transplant recipients
because of toxicity from immunosuppressive agents used to prevent and treat rejection,
such as cyclosporine and tacrolimus. Second, biopsy studies demonstrate pathologic
damage due to acute and chronic rejection in virtually all transplant recipients, even if
serum creatinine is normal. However, because markers of kidney damage are not sensitive
to tubulointerstitial or vascular damage, it is likely that some kidney transplant patients
will have GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
without markers of kidney damage. Such patients
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 59
would not be classified as having chronic kidney disease by the proposed classification.
The Work Group would consider them to be at increased risk of chronic kidney disease.
Thus, all patients with a kidney transplant would be considered either to have chronic
kidney disease or to be at increased risk of chronic kidney disease.
Relationship of GFR to other measures of kidney function in kidney failure
(S). A number of measurements, including GFR, have been used to quantify the level
of kidney function among patients with kidney failure. The K/DOQI Nutrition in Chronic
Renal Failure Guidelines
and Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Guidelines Update 2000
recommend the decision to initiate dialysis in adults be based on a combination of mea-
surements of kidney function, as well as nutritional status. These guidelines are repro-
duced here:
Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Guideline 1: When to Initiate DialysisKt/V
Criterion (Opinion)
‘‘Unless certain conditions are met, patients should be advised to initiate some
form of dialysis when the weekly renal Kt/V
) falls below 2.0. The condi-
tions that may indicate dialysis is not yet necessary even though the weekly Krt/V
is less than 2.0 are:
1. Stable or increased edema-free body weight. Supportive objective parameters for
adequate nutrition include a lean body mass
63%, subjective global assessment
score indicative of adequate nutrition, and a serum albumin concentration in excess
of the lower limit for the lab, and stable or rising; and;
2. Nutritional indications for the initiation of renal replacement therapy are de-
tailed in Guideline 27 of the K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Nutrition in
Chronic Renal Failure, part of which is reproduced as Guideline 2 of the PD Adequacy
3. Complete absence of clinical signs or symptoms attributable to uremia.
A weekly Krt/V
of 2.0 approximates a kidney urea clearance of 7 mL/min and
a kidney creatinine clearance that varies between 9 to 14 mL/min/1.73 m
. Urea
clearance should be normalized to total body water (V) and creatinine clearance
should be expressed per 1.73 m
of body surface area. The GFR, which is estimated
by the arithmetic mean of the urea and creatinine clearance, will be approximately
10.5 mL/min/1.73 m
when the Krt/V
is about 2.0.’’
Peritoneal Dialysis Adequacy Guideline 2 and Nutrition in Chronic Renal
Failure Guideline 27: Indications for Renal Replacement Therapy (Opinion)
‘‘In patients with chronic kidney failure (e.g., GFR
1520 mL/min) who are not
undergoing maintenance dialysis, if protein-energy malnutrition (PEM) develops or
persists despite vigorous attempts to optimize protein and energy intake and there
is no apparent cause for malnutrition other than low nutrient intake, initiation of
maintenance dialysis or a renal transplant is recommended.’’
The CKD Work Group searched for studies of measures of kidney function, dietary
60 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
intake, and nutritional status at the onset of kidney replacement therapy. The largest
and most comprehensive study is the one reported in abstract by the MDRD Study
This study included 88 patients who were referred to their physicians by the
MDRD Study investigators for initiation of dialysis because of symptoms or findings of
uremia prior to the end of the study. Prescribed protein intake during the study was 0.6
g/kg/d, either as food or from food and a mixture of essential amino acids and ketoacids.
The median interval from final GFR to initiation of dialysis in the study group was 89
days. Because these patients were participating in a clinical trial, the mean level of kidney
function and nutritional status may be higher than in patients beginning dialysis in the
general population. Tables 27 and 28 show measures of kidney function and nutritional
status in these patients with kidney failure just prior to initiation of dialysis. The compari-
son of measured GFR to other kidney function measurements is shown in Table 29.
These data show that estimated GFR provides only a rough approximation of other
measures of kidney function. This provides additional justification for performing other
measures of kidney function to assess the need for kidney replacement therapy, as recom-
mended in the K/DOQI Peritoneal Dialysis Guidelines.
It was the opinion of the Work
Group that these measurements should be obtained in patients with estimated GFR 15
mL/min/1.73 m
, since, as described below, few patients begin dialysis at higher levels
of GFR.
Level of GFR at initiation of replacement therapy (S, C). Clinicians initiate
replacement therapy based on the level of kidney function, presence of signs and symp-
toms of uremia, the availability of therapy, and patient or surrogate preferences. There
is variability among individuals in the relationship of level of kidney function to signs
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 61
62 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 11. Level of GFR at initiation of replacement therapy (USRDS). Data from Obrador
et al.
and symptoms of uremia. Notably, there is variability within and among health care
systems in the availability of therapy.
The level of GFR at the beginning of dialysis has been estimated in more than 90,000
patients in the United States between 1995 and 1997, using data collected on the Medical
Evidence Report (HCFA Form 2728) and the MDRD Study prediction equation (Fig 11).
The mean (SD) level of serum creatinine was 8.5 (3.8) mg/dL. The mean (SD) level of
GFR at initiation of treatment was 7.1 (3.1) mL/min/1.73 m
. The proportion of patients
initiating dialysis with a predicted GFR of 10 to 15, 5 to 10, and 5 mL/min/1.73 m
was 11%, 63%, and 24%, respectively; 98% of patients began dialysis with predicted GFR
15 mL/min/1.73 m
Tables 30, 31, and 32 summarize other studies of the level of kidney functionat
initiation of dialysis. Overall, the results of these studies are consistent with the data
from the MDRD Study (Table 27) and the large study shown in Fig 11.
Factors associated with level of kidney function at initiation of dialysis (R).
Timing of initiation of replacement therapy varies by modality, clinical characteristics,
and sociodemographic characteristics. Patients who receive a pre-emptive transplant or
who are started on peritoneal dialysis begin replacement therapy at higher mean levels
of GFR than patients starting hemodialysis. Dialysis is initiated at higher mean levels of
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 63
GFR among patients who are older, or who have diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and
other comorbid conditions.
Prevalence of kidney failure (S). The incidence and the prevalence of reported
ESRD have doubled in the past 10 years in the United States (Fig 2). Data from the 2000
Annual Data Report of the USRDS documents the incidence of ESRD in 1998 of more
than 85,000, or 308 per million individuals per year at risk. The point prevalence of
ESRD on December 31, 1998 was more than 320,000, or 1,160 per million population,
of whom 72% were treated by dialysis (230,000 patients, or 835 per million population)
and 28% had functioning kidney transplants (90,000 patients, or 325 per 100,000). The
number of individuals with GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
not on dialysis has not been
estimated reliably.
The prevalence of kidney failure treated by dialysis varies by age. On December 31,
1998, there were approximately 75,000 adults over 70 years of age (97 per million) with
kidney failure treated by dialysis, compared to approximately 1,800 children (2.1 per
There are a number of limitations to the proposed definition and classification of chronic
kidney disease. The Work Group believes that these limitations should be identified, but
does not think that they invalidate the proposal. Instead, these limitations should serve
to stimulate further research to refine the definition and classification.
First, as described later in Guideline 6, the known markers of kidney damage are not
sensitive, especially for tubulointersitial and vascular disease and for diseases in the kid-
ney transplant. Thus, the prevalence of chronic kidney disease may be substantially
higher than the Work Group has estimated, and recognition of patients with chronic
kidney disease may be limited due to misclassification. Second, as described in Guideline
4, the MDRD Study prediction equation has not been validated extensively at levels of
GFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m
; thus, it is difficult to estimate the level of GFR above 90 mL/
min/1.73 m
, and it may be difficult to distinguish between Stage 1 and Stage 2 of chronic
64 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
kidney disease. Third, as described earlier, the cause of age-related decline in GFR and
high blood pressure is not known. Possibly, it may be due to chronic kidney disease. If
so, it would be more appropriate to classify individuals with GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73
without apparent markers of kidney damage as having chronic kidney disease rather
than ‘‘decreased GFR.’’ Fourth, the GFR cut-off values for Stages 3 to 5 have been selected
based on limited data with respect to the relationship between complications and level
of GFR. Further studies may permit refinement of these cut-off values. Fifth, the associa-
tion of level of GFR with complications of chronic kidney disease does not prove a causal
relationship between the two. Nonetheless, in many cases there is adequate evidence
of a causal relationship, and even if there is not, the associations accurately describe the
burden of illness associated with the severity of chronic kidney disease. Sixth, prevalence
estimates for stages of chronic kidney disease and the associations of level of GFR with
complications are based largely on an analysis of data from NHANES III that has not
yet been peer-reviewed. However, the Work Group believes that Appendix 2 provides
sufficient detail to evaluate the methods.
There are a large number of clinical applications of the proposed definition and stages
of chronic kidney disease. An overall approach to evaluation and treatment of patients
with chronic kidney disease is given in Guideline 2, and recommendations for individuals
at increased risk of chronic kidney disease are given in Guideline 3. Clinical applications
are also given at the conclusion of each subsequent guideline. Finally, additional recom-
mendations for evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of chronic kidney disease are given
in Part 9.
Implementation of a new approach to the patient, classification of severity, and assess-
ment of risk for chronic kidney disease will require appropriate professional, patient,
and public education effort, as well as administrative and regulatory changes.
Professional, Patient, and Public Education
Components of the implementation plan, which determined the success of K/DOQI,
are under development and will be applied to these guidelines. They include: widespread
dissemination and easy access to the guidelines; educational interactive programs aimed
at health professionals, patients, providers, administrators, manufacturers, and policy
makers; information tools and systems to facilitate adherence; development of clinical
performance measures; incorporation of guidelines into continuous quality improvement
programs; development of quality assessment instruments; and update and review of
the pertinent literature on an ongoing basis.
Administrative and Regulatory Changes
Revision of Medicare forms and HCFA billing codes will be necessary. For example,
classification of kidney disease by the International Classification of Disease (9th Edition)
(ICD-9) is based on duration (acute versus chronic), diagnosis, clinical presentation,
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 65
markers of damage, and kidney function impairment. The K/DOQI classification proposes
that both diagnosis and stage (severity) should be included in the classification of chronic
kidney disease. This would facilitate using administrative databases for epidemiological
and outcomes surveys.
The Workgroup acknowledges that the proposed definition and classification chronic
kidney disease and stages is arbitrary and can be refined by further research.
The normal range for GFR was defined using a relatively small number of individuals.
It would be useful to conduct a large cross-sectional study of GFR in general population,
across the full range of age, gender, race, ethnicity, protein intake, with adjustment for
other factors, including high blood pressure, diabetes, and other conditions that affect
GFR. This study would permit validation of prediction equations based on serum creati-
nine or other filtration markers within the normal range of GFR.
The outcomes of individuals with various stages of chronic kidney disease are not
defined. A cohort study of patients with chronic kidney disease would enable definition
of the relationship between factors and outcomes of stages of chronic kidney disease.
This would be particularly useful in defining the relationships among stages of chronic
kidney disease, progression of chronic kidney disease, initiation and progression of cardi-
ovascular disease, health service utilization, and barriers to care.
Age-related rise in blood pressure and decline in GFR may be responsible for a large
number of individuals in Stage 3 (GFR 30 to 59 mL/min/1.73 m
). There are even more
individuals with high blood pressure and decreased GFR (GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73
), who have not been classified as having chronic kidney disease. It would be useful
to conduct cross-sectional and cohort studies of elderly individuals with normal and
abnormal blood pressure and GFR to assess the effect of high blood pressure and de-
creased GFR in this population.
The evaluation and treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease requires under-
standing of separate but related concepts of diagnosis, comorbid conditions, severity
of disease, complications of disease, and risks for loss of kidney function and cardiovas-
cular disease.
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be evaluated to determine:
Diagnosis (type of kidney disease);
Comorbid conditions;
Severity, assessed by level of kidney function;
Complications, related to level of kidney function;
Risk for loss of kidney function;
Risk for cardiovascular disease.
Treatment of chronic kidney disease should include:
Specific therapy, based on diagnosis;
66 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Evaluation and management of comorbid conditions;
Slowing the loss of kidney function;
Prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease;
Prevention and treatment of complications of decreased kidney function;
Preparation for kidney failure and kidney replacement therapy;
Replacement of kidney function by dialysis and transplantation, if signs and
symptoms of uremia are present.
A clinical action plan should be developed for each patient, based on the stage
of disease as defined by the K/DOQI CKD classification (see Table 33).
Review of medications should be performed at all visits for the following:
Dosage adjustment based on level of kidney function;
Detection of potentially adverse effects on kidney function or complications of
chronic kidney disease;
Detection of drug interactions;
Therapeutic drug monitoring, if possible.
Self-management behaviors should be incorporated into the treatment plan at all
stages of chronic kidney disease.
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be referred to a specialist for consulta-
tion and co-management if the clinical action plan cannot be prepared, the pre-
scribed evaluation of the patient cannot be carried out, or the recommended treat-
ment cannot be carried out. In general, patients with GFR 30 mL/min/1.73 m
should be referred to a nephrologist.
Historically, the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease has focused on
diagnosis and treatment of specific kidney diseases and dialysis or transplantation for
kidney failure. An action plan for patients with chronic kidney disease also requires
interventions during the earlier stages of kidney disease, irrespective of the cause of
kidney disease. This includes evaluation and management of comorbid conditions, slow-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 67
ing progression of kidney disease, cardiovascular disease risk reduction, preventing and
treating complications of chronic kidney disease, and preparation for kidney replacement
Diagnosis (R, O). Classification of the type of kidney disease is based on pathology
and etiology. A simplified classification, and the distribution of types of kidney disease
leading to ESRD are given in Table 34. The definitive diagnosis of the type of kidney
disease is based on biopsy or imaging studies. Biopsy and invasive imaging procedures
are associated with a risk, albeit usually small, of serious complications. Therefore, these
procedures are often avoided unless a definitive diagnosis would change either the treat-
ment or prognosis. In most patients, well-defined clinical presentations and causal factors
provide a sufficient basis to assign a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. An approach
to diagnosis, based on concepts elaborated on in this report, is given in Part 9.
Diabetic kidney disease is a type of glomerular disease, but it is singled out here
because it is the largest single cause of kidney failure. Both type 1 and type 2 diabetes
cause chronic kidney disease. Because of the higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes, it is
the more common cause of diabetic kidney disease. The clinical features, natural history
and treatment for diabetic kidney disease are well known because it has been the subject
of numerous epidemiological studies and clinical trials. Diabetic kidney disease usually
follows a characteristic clinical course after the onset of diabetes, first manifested by
microalbuminuria, then clinical proteinuria, hypertension, and declining GFR. Clinical
trials have established a number of effective treatments to slow the development and
progression of diabetic kidney disease, including strict glycemic control, angiotensin-
converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor blockers, blood pressure control,
and perhaps dietary protein restriction.
A variety of diseases, including other glomerular diseases, vascular diseases, tubuloint-
erstitial diseases, and cystic diseases, are often grouped together under the label ‘‘nondia-
betic kidney diseases’’ for the purpose of epidemiological studies and clinical trials.
Amongst these, hypertensive nephrosclerosis and glomerular diseases are the second
and third most common causes of kidney failure. The various diseases in this group differ
widely based on history, clinical presentation, risk for progression, and response to
treatment. Differentiation among the diseases can be difficult, often requiring kidney
biopsy or invasive imaging studies. An approach to diagnosis, based on the history, and
a review of clinical presentations of chronic kidney disease, are given in Part 9. Specific
therapies are available to reverse abnormalities in structure and function for some types
of chronic kidney disease: for example, immunosuppressive medications for autoimmune
glomerular diseases, antibiotics for urinary tract infections, removal of urinary stones,
relief of obstruction, and cessation of toxic drugs. A thorough search for ‘‘reversible
causes’’ of decreased kidney function should be carried out in each patient with chronic
kidney disease.
Kidney disease in the transplant is probably the fourth largest cause of kidney failure.
68 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 69
Both immunologic and non-immunologic factors appear to play an important role. The
most common causes are chronic rejection, toxicity due to cyclosporine or tacrolimus,
recurrent disease, and transplant glomerulopathy. In addition, differential diagnosis in-
cludes all the diseases that can occur in the native kidney. For a variety of reasons,
especially the ease and safety of kidney biopsy, there is generally a much lower threshold
for performing invasive procedures to establish a definitive diagnosis in kidney transplant
Comorbid conditions (R, O). Patients with chronic kidney disease have a large
number of comorbid conditions. Comorbidity is defined as conditions other than the
primary disease (in this case, chronic kidney disease). Complications of chronic kidney
disease, such as hypertension, anemia, malnutrition, bone disease and neuropathy, are
not considered as comorbid conditions. It is useful to consider three types of comorbid
conditions (Table 35).
Diseases which cause chronic kidney disease. Evaluation and management of
these diseases is important for patients’ well being and may improve the course of chronic
kidney disease. This is particularly important for patients with diabetes and high blood
pressure, the leading causes of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease in the
United States.
Unrelated diseases, which may lead to impairments of functioning and well-being
but do not affect the course of chronic kidney disease. Evaluation and management is
important for patients’ health and well-being.
Cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is singled out from among the possi-
ble comorbid conditions to emphasize its complex relationship with chronic kidney
disease, and its importance as a preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in patients
with chronic kidney disease.
In all cases, management of comorbid conditions must be integrated into the overall
care of patients with chronic kidney disease. Examples include adjustment of drug dos-
70 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
ages, interpretation of symptoms, and minimizing treatment complications, including
acute decline in kidney function. In patients with normal or mildly decreased GFR (CKD
Stages 12), integration of care for chronic kidney disease and these comorbid conditions
may be relatively simple. However, in patients with moderate to severe reduction in
GFR (CKD Stages 34) and in patients with kidney failure (CKD Stage 5), integration of
care is complex and requires careful coordination among all providers.
Risk of loss of GFR (R, O). Risk of kidney failure depends on the level of GFR
(severity) at detection of kidney disease and the rate of loss of GFR thereafter. Level of
GFR can be improved by specific treatment in some chronic kidney diseases, but not
in most others.
Rate of loss of GFR (progression of kidney disease) is affected by diagnosis and by
modifiable and nonmodifiable patient factors. These factors can be assessed even before
the decline in GFR, thereby allowing implementation of interventions to slow progression
while GFR is still normal. Some therapies to prevent or slow the loss of GFR are specific
for the diagnosis, while others are non-specific. Factors associated with progression of
kidney disease are discussed in Guideline 13.
It is difficult to estimate the rate of progression until there has been a decline in GFR.
In diseases characterized by a quantifiable marker of damage—for example, albuminuria
in diabetic kidney diseaseprogression, stability, or regression can be estimated by
change in the marker. For most diseases, however, quantitative relationships between
changes in markers and progression have not been established.
Severity of disease and complications (R, O). Decreased GFR is associated with
a wide range of complications due to disorders in other organ systems, which are mani-
fested by hypertension, laboratory abnormalities, and symptoms. Complications due to
disorders in other organ systems are associated with worse outcomes. Early detection
and treatment of complications can improve outcomes. The prevalence of complications
of chronic kidney disease is mainly related to the level of GFR. Interpretation of signs
and symptoms in patients with chronic kidney disease should be guided by the level of
Kidney functions other than GFR may be altered by chronic kidney disease. These
include maintenance of the filtration barrier for plasma proteins (abnormalities include
albuminuria and proteinuria), reabsorption or secretion of water or specific solutes (ab-
normalities include tubular syndromes), and various endocrine functions (erythropoietin
deficiency causes anemia, parathyroid hormone excess causes bone disease, and vitamin
D deficiency causes bone disease). For most chronic kidney diseases, severity in other
abnormalities of function parallels the severity of decreased GFR. Prevention and treat-
ment of complications of chronic kidney disease includes specific therapies related to
the pathogenesis of complicationsfor example, erythropoietin for anemia and vitamin
D for bone disease.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 71
Table 36 shows the association of levels of GFR with complications of chronic kidney
disease. Patients with GFR 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
usually have hypertension and may
have laboratory abnormalities indicative of dysfunction in other organ systems, but usu-
ally no symptoms. Patients with GFR 30 to 59 mL/min/1.73 m
have laboratory abnormali-
ties in several other organ systems, but few symptoms. Patients with GFR 15 to 29 mL/
min/1.73 m
usually have laboratory abnormalities in many organ systems and have mild
symptoms. Patients with GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
usually have many symptoms and
laboratory abnormalities in several organ systems, collectively known as the ‘‘uremic
syndrome.’’ The association of complications of chronic kidney disease with the level
of GFR is discussed in Part 6, Guidelines 7 through 12.
Risk of cardiovascular disease (R, O). Cardiovascular disease may be a cause
and complication of chronic kidney disease. Irrespective of diagnosis, the increased risk
of cardiovascular disease in individuals with chronic kidney disease can be attributed
to: (1) a higher prevalence of ‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors; and (2) risk factors related
to the hemodynamic and metabolic complications of chronic kidney disease (‘‘CKD-
related’’ or ‘‘nontraditional’’ CVD risk factors). Treatment and prevention of cardiovascu-
lar disease in chronic kidney disease includes risk factor reduction as well as specific
therapies for cardiovascular disease and should begin as early as possible. CVD risk factors
may become more prevalent or more severe as GFR declines; therefore, as GFR declines,
treatment must intensify. Cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease is discussed
in Guideline 15.
Kidney replacement therapy for uremia (R, O). Signs and symptoms of severe
decrease in GFR, collectively, are known as ‘‘uremia’’ or the ‘‘uremic syndrome.’’ Re-
placement therapy (dialysis and transplantation) is effective in improving the most serious
features of uremia, irrespective of the type of chronic kidney disease. Patients require
education and advance preparation to cope with the stresses of kidney failure, to choose
72 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
a modality of kidney replacement therapy, and to undergo evaluation for that modality.
It is recommended that preparation for kidney replacement therapy begin when GFR
declines below 30 mL/min/1.73 m
. All patients should probably be instructed to pre-
serve suitable veins for possible future vascular access construction. The indications for
initiation of kidney replacement therapy are based on the level of kidney function and
presence of signs and symptoms of uremia. Most individuals begin dialysis or receive a
kidney transplant when GFR is less than 15 mL/min/1.73 m
Drug prescribing in chronic kidney disease (R). Patients with chronic kidney
disease are prescribed a large number of medications. In addition, patients may take
other medications, such as over-the-counter medications, ‘‘non-traditional’’ medications,
vitamins and supplements, herbs, and drugs of abuse. A thorough review of the medica-
tion list and all other medications should be conducted at each visit. Drug dosage should
be adjusted for the level of estimated GFR. Drugs with potentially adverse effects on
kidney function or complications of decreased kidney function should be discontinued
if possible. Drug-drug interactions should be considered. Because of possible alterations
in volume of distribution, protein binding, drug elimination, and drug-drug interactions
in chronic kidney disease, therapeutic drug monitoring should be performed, if possible.
A large amount of information is available to providers in texts, manuals, and databases
for handheld computers. Interpretation may be facilitated by the similarity between the
classification of levels of kidney function proposed in this guideline and the recommenda-
tions for pharmacokinetic studies of drugs in patients with decreased kidney function
made by the Food and Drug Administration
(on the Internet,
Barriers to adherence in chronic kidney disease (R, O). Healthy people make
choices that could ultimately shorten their lives, such as smoking, drinking or eating too
much, not exercising, missing prescribed medications, and failing to get an annual physi-
cal. Those with chronic health conditions requiring lifestyle changes and clinician-initi-
ated visits are more likely to be noncompliant.
Patients with chronic kidney disease
live day-to-day with such a chronic condition. Other factors linked with noncompliance
are shown in Table 37.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 73
Because the terminology ‘‘noncompliance’’ or ‘‘nonadherence’’ often leads to preju-
dice and negative stereotyping, it is recommended that ‘‘self-management behaviors’’
be substituted.
The Work Group recommends assessment of barriers to adherence in
all patients with chronic kidney disease and incorporation of self-management behaviors
into the treatment plan at all stages.
Referral to specialists (O). Frequently the primary care provider will make the
diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. Referral to a nephrologist or other specialist for
consultation or co-management should be made after diagnosis under the following cir-
cumstances: a clinical action plan cannot be prepared based on the stage of the disease,
the prescribed evaluation of the patient cannot be carried out, or the recommended
treatment cannot be carried out. These activities may not be possible either because the
appropriate tools are not available or because the primary care physician does not have
the time or information needed to do so. In general, patients with GFR 30 mL/min/
1.73 m
(CKD Stages 45) should be referred to a nephrologist.
This guideline provides a conceptual framework to the evaluation and management of
chronic kidney disease, but does not provide sufficient details to guide health care provid-
ers in the management of individual patients with chronic kidney disease or the design
of public policy to improve outcomes for the target population. Subsequent guidelines
will elaborate on the concepts in this guideline, but it is beyond the scope of these
guidelines to provide specific instructions for evaluation and management. This will be
the topic of forthcoming K/DOQI guidelines and guidelines by other organizations. The
ultimate goal is to develop specific guidelines for each action at each stage of disease.
Almost all aspects of the evaluation and management of chronic kidney disease in text-
books of nephrology could be re-written to incorporate the stages of chronic kidney
disease proposed in this guideline. Part 9 provides an approach to selected topics using
this classification.
Development of a clinical action plan for all patients with chronic kidney disease is an
enormous undertaking that will require coordinate effort of many government and non-
governmental organizations. The National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney
Disease (NIDDK) has established a National Kidney Disease Education Program. The NKF
is committed to developing an implementation plan for the K/DOQI CKD guidelines
and to working with the NIDDK and other organizations to develop a national program.
Much research is needed to define diagnostic and therapeutic strategies to reduce adverse
outcomes of chronic kidney disease at each stage of disease. It will also be important
74 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
to assess the effect of implementing these guidelines on the outcomes of chronic kidney
Some individuals without kidney damage and with normal or elevated GFR are at
increased risk for development of chronic kidney disease.
All individuals should be assessed, as part of routine health encounters, to deter-
mine whether they are at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease,
based on clinical and sociodemographic factors.
Individuals at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease should undergo
testing for markers of kidney damage, and to estimate the level of GFR.
Individuals found to have chronic kidney disease should be evaluated and treated
as specified in Guideline 2.
Individuals at increased risk, but found not to have chronic kidney disease, should
be advised to follow a program of risk factor reduction, if appropriate, and undergo
repeat periodic evaluation.
Epidemiological studies show an increased risk for chronic kidney disease, especially
kidney failure, among individuals with certain clinical and sociodemographic characteris-
tics. This suggests that there are risk factors for chronic kidney disease. In principle,
prevention of adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease could be facilitated by evaluat-
ing individuals with risk factors, to enable earlier detection, and by risk factor reduction
in individuals without chronic kidney disease, to prevent or slow the development of
chronic kidney disease.
Definition of Risk Factors (R)
A risk factor is defined as an attribute that is associated with increased risk of an outcome.
In principle, the relationship between the risk factor and the outcome may be either
causal or non-causal. Causal risk factors are determinants of the outcome, and successful
intervention to reduce exposure to them would improve outcomes. Non-causal risk
factors may be associated with the outcome through confounding or reverse causation.
Interventions to reduce exposure to non-causal risk factors would not necessarily im-
prove outcomes.
Classification of risk factors (R). A useful classification of risk factors has been
used in cardiovascular disease epidemiology
and is shown in Table 38.
Risk factors for chronic kidney disease (R, O). In principle, risk factors for
development of chronic kidney disease would include susceptibility factors and initiation
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 75
factors. In addition, because it can be difficult to detect the onset of chronic kidney
disease, some risk factors for faster progression may appear to be to susceptibility or
initiation factors (Table 39). Note that progression factors may be associated with progres-
sion either because initial damage cannot be resolved or because damage is ongoing.
In addition, numerous factors have been shown to be associated with worse outcomes
in patients with kidney failure, (such as inadequate dialysis dose, temporary vascular
access, anemia, and low serum albumin concentration). These ‘‘end-stage’’ factors have
been discussed in previous K/DOQI guidelines and are not relevant for this discussion.
Textbooks and reviews list a large number of potential risk factors for chronic kidney
disease. The difficulty of detecting the early stages of chronic kidney disease makes it
difficult to determine whether the risk factors so far identified relate more to susceptibil-
ity, initiation, or progression. Table 40 contains a partial list of clinical and sociodemo-
graphic factors that have been implicated as susceptibility or initiation factors. Progres-
sion factors are discussed in more detail in Guideline 13.
Table 41 shows relationships between types of chronic kidney disease and CKD
risk factors. For some of these factors (for example, diabetes), interventions (like strict
glycemic control) have been proven to lower the risk of developing chronic kidney
disease (Category I, Table 38). For other factors (for example, hypertension), interven-
tions (like antihypertensive therapy) are likely to lower the risk of chronic kidney disease
(Category II, Table 38). For other factors (for example, autoimmune diseases), modifica-
76 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
tion of immune responses might lower the risk chronic kidney disease (Category III,
Table 38). A number of these factors (for example, family history, age, race and ethnicity)
are not modifiable (Category IV, Table 38).
Prevalence of individuals with risk factors for chronic kidney disease (R).
The prevalence of individuals at increased risk for development of chronic kidney disease
has not been studied systematically. However, some idea of the magnitude of the problem
can be obtained by reviewing data from recent publications (Table 42).
This guideline provides a conceptual framework to the definition, detection, and evalua-
tion of individuals at increased risk of chronic kidney disease, but does not provide
sufficient details to guide health care providers in screening individuals or developing
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 77
screening programs. It is beyond the scope of these guidelines to provide specific instruc-
tions for screening.
Universal screening for chronic kidney disease is recommended for children in the United
States, but not for adults. However, the list of individuals at increased risk for chronic
kidney disease includes a large fraction of the adult population (Table 42). Thus, it is
important to carefully consider the definition of individuals at increased risk and methods
for testing them. Suggestions (based on opinion) for evaluation of individuals at increased
risk for chronic kidney disease are provided in Part 9.
Implementation of these guidelines will require education of all health care providers
about risk factors for chronic kidney disease and methods of testing. The Sixth Report
of the Joint National Committee for the Prevention, Evaluation, Detection and Treatment
of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI) and the American Diabetes Association have issued
recommendations for the evaluation of patients with high blood pressure and diabetes,
respectively, for chronic kidney disease. However, as indicated in Table 42, a large num-
ber of individuals without high blood pressure and diabetes may also be at increased
risk. Thus, it will be important to test a larger population than currently targeted, which
would increase the cost of health care.
The increased health care costs that would follow implementation of a screening
program for chronic kidney disease may well require a more solid base of evidence than
is currently available. The Work Group recommends development of a clinical practice
guideline focused on this issue in order to develop specific recommendations for evaluat-
78 Part 4. Definition and Classification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
ing adults for chronic kidney disease. In the past, universal screening was not recom-
mended because of the low prevalence of chronic kidney disease and the lack of treat-
ments to improve outcomes. Data provided in these guidelines suggests that the
prevalence of earlier stages of chronic kidney disease is higher than previously known
and that earlier detection and treatment to prevent or delay the loss of kidney function
and development of cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease. If sufficient infor-
mation is not available to assess the value of testing individuals at increased risk, or of
universal screening, the Work Group suggests that research on evaluation programs
should be conducted.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 4. Definition and Classification 79
5. E
The definition and staging of chronic kidney disease depends on the assessment of GFR,
proteinuria, and other markers of kidney disease. The goals of Part 5 are to evaluate the
accuracy of prediction equations to estimate the level of GFR from serum creatinine
concentration, the accuracy of ratios of protein-to-creatinine in untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine
samples to assess protein excretion rate, and the utility of markers of kidney damage
other than proteinuria. As described in Appendix 1, Table 151, the Work Group evaluated
studies according to accepted methods for evaluation of diagnostic tests. To provide a
more comprehensive review, the Work Group attempted to integrate the systematic
review of specific questions with existing guidelines and recommendations.
Estimates of GFR are the best overall indices of the level of kidney function.
The level of GFR should be estimated from prediction equations that take into
account the serum creatinine concentration and some or all of the following vari-
ables: age, gender, race, and body size. The following equations provide useful
estimates of GFR:
In adults, the MDRD Study and Cockcroft-Gault equations
In children, the Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt equations.
The serum creatinine concentration alone should not be used to assess the level
of kidney function.
Clinical laboratories should report an estimate of GFR using a prediction equation,
in addition to reporting the serum creatinine measurement.
Autoanalyzer manufacturers and clinical laboratories should calibrate serum creati-
nine assays using an international standard.
Measurement of creatinine clearance using timed (for example, 24-hour) urine
collections does not improve the estimate of GFR over that provided by prediction
equations. A 24-hour urine sample provides useful information for:
Estimation of GFR in individuals with exceptional dietary intake (vegetarian
diet, creatine supplements) or muscle mass (amputation, malnutrition, muscle
Assessment of diet and nutritional status;
Need to start dialysis.
Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) provides an excellent measure of the filtering capacity
of the kidneys. A low or decreasing GFR is a good index of chronic kidney disease. Since
the total kidney GFR is equal to the sum of the filtration rates in each of the functioning
nephrons, the total GFR can be used as an index of functioning renal mass.
A decrease
in GFR precedes kidney failure in all forms of progressive kidney disease. Monitoring
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 81
changes in GFR can delineate progression of kidney disease. The level of GFR is a strong
predictor of the time to onset of kidney failure as well as the risk of complications of
chronic kidney disease. Additionally, estimation of GFR in clinical practice allows proper
dosing of drugs excreted by glomerular filtration to avoid potential drug toxicity.
Glomerular filtration rate cannot be measured directly. If a substance in stable concen-
tration in the plasma is physiologically inert, freely filtered at the glomerulus, and neither
secreted, reabsorbed, synthesized, nor metabolized by the kidney, the amount of that
substance filtered at the glomerulus is equal to the amount excreted in the urine. The
fructose polysaccharide inulin has each of the above properties and has long been consid-
ered an ideal substance to estimate GFR. The amount of inulin filtered at the glomerulus
equals the GFR multiplied by the plasma inulin concentration: GFR P
. The amount
of excreted inulin equals the urine inulin concentration (U
) multiplied by the urine
flow rate (V, volume excreted per unit time).
Since filtered inulin excreted inulin:
(1) GFRP
(2) GFR
The term (U
is defined as the clearance of inulin and is an accurate estimate
of GFR. The inulin clearance, in mL/min, refers to that volume of plasma per unit time
that is cleared of inulin by renal excretion.
Criterion Standard
Inulin clearance is widely regarded as the gold standard for measuring glomerular filtra-
tion rate. Inulin clearance measurements in healthy, hydrated young adults (adjusted to
a standard body surface area of 1.73 m
) have mean values of 127 mL/min/1.73 m
men and 118 mL/min/1.73 m
in women with a standard deviation of approximately 20
mL/min/1.73 m
Among adults, numerous studies suggest that glomerular filtration
rate is lower at older ages. After age 20 to 30 years, GFR decreases by approximately
1.0 mL/min/1.73 m
per year with substantial inter-individual variation even among
‘‘healthy’’ individuals.
Whether this average decline with aging is optimal in terms
of predicting the risk of complications of decreased kidney function and mortality is
Glomerular filtration rate in the infant differs quantitatively from that in older children
and adults. During infancy and through the first 12 to 18 months of life, GFR increases
with maturation
(see Table 23, Guideline 1). Inulin clearance is also the gold standard
to measure GFR in children, but is particularly difficult in the neonate because of the
lower GFR of neonates and their relatively larger extracellular fluid compartment. These
factors extend the study time necessary for techniques relying on equilibration of the
marker substance and monitoring of its plasma disappearance rate. Additionally, accurate
82 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
assessment of the urine flow rate requires bladder catheterization in infants and young
Rationale for Alternative Measures
The classic method of inulin clearance requires an intravenous infusion and timed urine
collections over a period of several hours making it costly and cumbersome. As a result
a number of alternative measures for estimating GFR have been devised. The urinary
clearance of exogenous radioactive markers (
I-iothalamate and
Tc-DTPA) provide
excellent measures of GFR
but are not readily available. Plasma clearance of exogenous
substances including iohexol and
Cr-EDTA has been used as well but require estimates
of body size, which decreases their precision. Capillary electrophoresis allows for mea-
surement of non-radiolabeled iothalamate in blood and urine with promising results.
Serum cystatin C has been used to estimate GFR but data are conflicting as to whether
it provides a sufficient improvement to warrant widespread clinical use.
The most
widely used measures of GFR in clinical practice are based on the 24-hour creatinine
clearance or serum creatinine concentration. As discussed below, each of these measure-
ments is associated with serious limitations.
Equations to predict GFR and creatinine clearance from serum creatinine have been
tested in a large number of studies whose results are reviewed. Use of relevant equations
in children and adults has been shown to give more valid estimates of GFR than serum
creatinine alone. Additionally, for the health care provider, it may be easier to recognize
clinically important changes in kidney function when dealing with large numbers estimat-
ing a physiologically relevant parameter (GFR) rather than small numbers (serum creati-
nine) which are inversely related to the relevant parameter.
Accuracy of an Equation in Estimating GFR Combines Its Bias and
In choosing a prediction equation to estimate GFR, one should consider both the bias
and precision of the equation-generated estimates. Bias expresses the systematic devia-
tion from the gold standard measure of GFR. A prediction equation that consistently
overestimates or underestimates the gold standard measure of GFR yields a biased esti-
An equally important measure of the usefulness of a prediction equation is a measure
of its precision. Precision expresses the variability (or dispersion) of prediction equation
estimates around the gold standard GFR measure.
Accuracy combines precision and bias. A useful measure of accuracy is a description
of percentiles of the distribution of the differences between estimated and measured
GFR. In other words, if 99% of the time a prediction equation yields an estimate within
10% of the measured GFR, it would be a very accurate and useful clinical tool. Achieving
a high level of accuracy requires both low bias and high precision. Description of the
percent of estimates falling within 30% and 50% above or below the measured GFR is
a useful measure of accuracy.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 83
Importance of Sample Size
Many of the studies reviewed were small. Since estimates of accuracy from smaller studies
can be unreliable, studies presented have at least 100 adults or 50 children. Several large
validation studies evaluating the newly developed MDRD Study equation were conducted
recently and were only available in abstract form. In order to capture these valuable data
the authors were contacted and asked to analyze their data and provide estimates of
accuracy for this review. Additional details regarding the evaluation of prediction equa-
tions to estimate GFR are reviewed in Part 10, Appendix 3.
Strength of Evidence
Serum creatinine alone is not an accurate index of the level of GFR (R). The
use of the serum level of creatinine as an index of GFR rests on three important assump-
tions: (1) creatinine is an ideal filtration marker whose clearance approximates GFR; (2)
creatinine excretion rate is constant among individuals and over time; and (3) measure-
ment of serum creatinine is accurate and reproducible across clinical laboratories. Al-
though the serum creatinine concentration can provide a rough index of the level of
GFR, none of these assumptions is strictly true, and numerous factors can lead to errors
in estimation of the level of GFR from the serum creatinine concentration alone.
Creatinine excretion by the kidney. Creatinine is freely filtered by the glomerulus,
but is also secreted by the proximal tubule. Hence, the amount of creatinine excreted
in the urine is the composite of both the filtered and secreted creatinine and can be
represented by the following equation:
(3) U
where TS
is the rate of tubular creatinine secretion. Dividing by P
(4) C
where C
is the clearance of creatinine due to tubular secretion. Thus, creatinine
clearance systematically overestimates GFR. This overestimation is approximately 10%
to 40% in normal individuals, but is greater and more unpredictable in patients with
chronic kidney disease (Fig 12A). Factors other than the level of GFR can also influence
creatinine secretion. Creatinine secretion is inhibited by some common medications, for
example, cimetidine and trimethoprim.
In addition, measurement of creatinine clearance is not easy. Urinary clearance mea-
surements require timed urine collections, which are difficult to obtain and often involve
errors in collection. Furthermore, day-to-day variation in creatinine excretion exists, mak-
ing estimation of GFR, even from a valid 24-hour urine collection, imprecise.
Creatinine metabolism. The urinary creatinine excretion represents the difference
between creatinine generation in the body (G
) and extra-renal creatinine elimination
(5) U
84 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 12. Relationship of creatinine clearance and serum creatinine with GFR (inulin clear-
ance) in patients with glomerular disease. Vertical dashed lines correspond to the lower
limit of normal for inulin clearance in the authors’ laboratory (82 mL/min/1.73 m
The horizontal dashed line in the left panel (A) corresponds to the lower limit for creatinine
clearance (77 mL/min/1.73 m
); and the horizontal dashed line in the right panel (B)
corresponds to the upper limit for the serum creatinine concentration (1.4 mg/dL) in the
authors’ laboratory. The shaded areas included values for patients in whom GFR is
reduced, but creatinine clearance and serum creatinine concentration remain normal.
Data from Shemesh et al.
Reprinted with permission.
Substituting into equation 3 and re-arranging for P
yields the following:
(6) P
It can therefore be inferred that the relationship between serum creatinine and GFR
is affected by the generation and extra-renal excretion of creatinine, as well as the filtra-
tion and secretion of creatinine by the kidney.
Creatinine is mainly derived from the metabolism of creatine in muscle, and its genera-
tion is proportional to the total muscle mass. As a result, mean creatinine generation is
higher in men than in women, in younger than in older individuals, and in blacks than
in whites. This leads to differences in serum creatinine concentration according to age,
gender, and race, even after adjusting for GFR. Muscle wasting is also associated with
reduced creatinine generation resulting in lower serum creatinine concentration than
expected for the level of GFR in malnourished patients with chronic kidney disease.
Creatinine generation is also affected by meat intake to a certain extent, because the
process of cooking meat converts a variable portion of creatine to creatinine. Therefore,
serum creatinine is lower than expected for the level of GFR in patients following a low
protein diet.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 85
Though extra-renal creatinine excretion is minimal in people with normal kidney
function, it is increased in patients with chronic kidney disease due to the degradation
of creatinine by bacterial overgrowth in the small bowel. As much as two-thirds of total
daily creatinine excretion can occur by extra-renal creatinine elimination in patients with
severely reduced kidney function.
As a consequence of all these factors, urinary creatinine excretion is lower in chronic
kidney disease, leading to systematic overestimation of GFR from serum creatinine. Figure
12B shows that serum creatinine can remain less than 2.0 mg/dL despite reduction in
GFR to as low as 15 to 20 mL/min/1.73 m
. Thus, an elevated serum creatinine is an
insensitive index of decreased GFR. Only 60% of patients with decreased GFR had in-
creased serum creatinine. Stated otherwise, 40% of individuals with decreased GFR had
a serum creatinine level within the normal range for the laboratory.
Creatinine measurement. In young adults, the normal level for serum creatinine
concentration is approximately 1.0 mg/dL. The traditional assay for measurement of
creatinine is the alkaline picrate method, which detects non-creatinine chromogens in
serum (approximately 0.2 mg/dL), as well as creatinine. Urine does not contain non-
creatinine chromogens, nor are these compounds retained in chronic kidney disease.
Thus, historically, measured creatinine clearance has systematically underestimated true
creatinine clearance. By coincidence, the difference between measured and true creati-
nine clearance is similar in magnitude to the clearance of creatinine due to tubular
secretion. Hence, measured creatinine clearance has historically approximated the level
of GFR.
Modern autoanalyzers use serum creatinine assays with less interference by non-
creatinine chromogens (for example, kinetic alkaline picrate or enzymatic methods, such
as the imidohydrolase method). Consequently, normal levels of serum creatinine are now
lower, resulting in higher values for measured creatinine clearance and overestimation of
GFR. In order to minimize this overestimation of GFR, autoanalyzer manufacturers and
clinical laboratories may calibrate the instruments to report higher serum creatinine
values. This calibration is not standardized, leading to variation within and across laborato-
ries. Variation is proportionately greater at low serum creatinine values than at high
In addition to non-creatinine chromogens, other substances may also interfere with
serum creatinine assays. These substances include ketones and some medications, which
may lead to spurious elevation in serum creatinine concentration and underestimation
of GFR.
In summary, serum creatinine is affected by the level of GFR and by factors indepen-
dent of GFR, including age, gender, race, body size, diet, certain drugs, and laboratory
analytical methods (Table 43). Therefore, serum creatinine is not an accurate index of
the level of kidney function, and the level of serum creatinine alone should not be used
to assess the stage of chronic kidney disease.
86 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Equations estimating GFR based on serum creatinine are more accurate and
precise than estimates of GFR from measurement of serum creatinine alone
(R, C). Many studies have documented that creatinine production varies substantially
across sex, age, and ethnicity.
Equations have the advantage of providing an estimate
of GFR which empirically combines all of these average effects while allowing for the
marked differences in creatinine production between individuals. Figures 13 and 14
show that equation-based estimates perform better than serum creatinine alone.
A number of equations have been developed to predict GFR directly in adult patients
(Table 44) and children (Table 45). In addition to equations which directly predict GFR,
the most frequently used equation for estimating GFR in adults is the Cockcroft-Gault
equation which was developed for estimating creatinine clearance but has been tested
Fig 13. Estimates of GFR versus measured GFR among MDRD Study baseline cohort.
GFR measured as urinary clearance of
I-iothalamate and adjusted for body surface
area in 1,628 patients. Estimates include (A) 100/S
80.4%), (B) Cockcroft-Gault
equation standardized for body surface area (R
84.2%), and (C) MDRD Study equa-
tion 7 (R
90.3%). R
values indicate the percentage of variance of log GFR accounted
for in the validation sample (n 558) by equations derived from the development
sample (n 1,070). Reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 87
Fig 14. Accuracy of different estimates of GFR in adults, expressed as the percent of
estimates within 30% and 50% of the measured GFR in the MDRD Study validation
sample (n 558). Estimates denoted with [C] include a calibration correction of 0.69
for 100/serum creatinine, 0.84 for Cockcroft-Gault equation, and 0.81 for 24-hour
creatinine clearance to show performance after bias is eliminated using a multiplicative
correction factor. Analysis of MDRD Study
data prepared by Tom Greene, PhD.
widely in its prediction of GFR.
Another equation developed in 1971 for estimation
of creatinine clearance by Jelliffe has been used extensively.
Several formulas for estimating GFR in children have been developed as well. The
most widely studied of these are the Schwartz
and Counahan-Barratt formu-
Both provide an estimate of GFR based on a constant multiplied by the child’s
height divided by serum creatinine.
Many studies evaluate GFR prediction equations but several methodological
aspects limit the ability to compare results across studies (C). A systematic review
of the literature reveals that the number of references evaluating GFR prediction methods
is vast (100 references). Studies evaluating GFR prediction equations are listed in Table
46 (Cockcroft-Gault equation) and Table 47 (MDRD Study equation). The presentation
of validity data here is limited to four equations: the most widely used equations for
estimating GFR in the adult (Cockcroft-Gault) and children (Schwartz and Counahan-
Barratt) as well as the newly developed MDRD Study equations.
Techniques to measure creatinine, reference standards for GFR and the statistics used
to estimate accuracy, bias, and precision vary widely in published reports. The most
frequently used statistic is the correlation coefficient, which has little applicability and
cannot be pooled across studies. While most reports specify the methods used to measure
88 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 89
serum creatinine, only rarely is it known how closely the serum creatinine assay reflects
the true creatinine level. This severely limits the ability to compare or combine reported
results. (For details, see Part 10, Appendix 3.)
Among adults, the MDRD Study equation provides a clinically useful estimate
of GFR (up to approximately 90 mL/min/1.73 m
) (S). The MDRD Study equation
(Table 47) has the advantages of having been derived based on:
GFR measured directly by urinary clearance of
A large sample of 500 individuals with a wide range of kidney diseases;
Inclusion of both European-American and African-American participants;
Validated in a large (n 500) separate group of individuals as part of its develop-
This equation provides estimates of GFR standardized for body surface area. The
abbreviated version is easy to implement since it requires only serum creatinine, age,
sex, and race. The calculations can be made using available web-based and downloadable
medical calculators. The abbreviated MDRD Study equation has two equivalent forms
(Table 48).
The results of studies reporting equations for estimating a standard measure of GFR
90 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
with at least 100 adult participants and a plot of predicted versus measured GFR are
summarized in Table 46 (Cockroft-Gault equation) and Table 47 (MDRD Study equation).
The bias in estimating GFR using the Cockcroft-Gault equation varied markedly across
studies (from 14% to 25%). The accuracy measures indicated the majority (median
of 75%) of estimated GFRs were within 30% of the measured GFR, an accuracy considered
sufficient for good clinical decision-making. The Cockroft-Gault equation does not in-
clude body size. Some studies have standardized the results for body surface area. Other
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 91
studies have suggested using lean body mass rather than total weight, especially for
obese individuals.
Table 47 shows similar data for several forms of the MDRD Study equation. Within
the validation sample of the MDRD Study, the equation developed on an independent
sample of 1,070 participants performed better than the Cockcroft-Gault equation (Fig
14). Over 90% of the estimates were within 30% of the measured GFR, with only 2%
having an error of greater than 50%. The four different variants of the MDRD Study
equation performed similarly using these criteria for accuracy in all of the available data.
Thus, the abbreviated MDRD Study equation provides a rigorously developed equation
92 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
for estimating GFR, which may allow for improved prediction of GFR. (See Part 10,
Appendix 3.)
Table 49 shows serum creatinine values which can be used to identify individuals
with an estimated GFR of 60 mL/min/1.73 m
or less for adults of different ages, genders
and ethnicities. All of the values are well below 2.0 mg/dL, which corresponds to an
estimated GFR in the range of 2551 mL/min/1.73 m
, depending on age, gender, and
ethnicity. This equation may be superior to previous equations but the data at this point
are quite limited. (See Part 10, Appendix 3.) While this equation is difficult to memorize,
it is available on the Internet ( and can be readily programmed or im-
ported into calculators and laboratory systems.
Among children, the Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt formulae provide clini-
cally useful estimates of GFR (C). Several formulae for estimating GFR in children
have been developed. Two of these, the Schwartz formula, and the Counahan-Barratt
formulas utilize the proportionality between GFR and height/serum creatinine
(Table 44). The difference between the constants cited in the Counahan-Barratt and the
Schwartz formula has been attributed to the use of different assays to measure creatinine.
The Counahan-Barratt formula was developed using a measure of ‘‘true’’ creatinine and
GFR by
Cr-EDTA plasma clearance, while the original Schwartz formula was developed
using inulin clearance and creatinine measured by a modified Jaffe reaction, which may
have overestimated true creatinine. Tables 49 and 50 show the results of studies reporting
a standard GFR measure, at least 50 pediatric participants, and presenting a plot of
predicted versus measured GFR, allowing assessment of the accuracy of the prediction
equation in estimating GFR as outlined above.
While a systematic review of the literature yielded over 40 references examining
prediction equations to estimate GFR, only a handful used a gold standard measure of
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 93
GFR and included more than 50 children (Tables 50 and 51). For the Schwartz formula,
most studies reported mean differences between estimated and measured GFR. These
ranged from 0.4 to 10 mL/min/1.73 m
with SD ranging from 2 to 20 mL/min/1.73
. The data suggest that the bias of the estimate of the Schwartz formula increases with
decreasing GFR.
Studies describing the accuracy of the estimate show that approximately 75% of
Schwartz formula estimates of GFR are within 30% of the measured GFR by inulin clear-
Comparable studies of the Counahan-Barratt formula show 70% to
86% of Counahan-Barratt estimates fall within 30% of GFR measured by
Although imprecise, the Schwartz and Counahan-Barratt formulae for estimating GFR
in children are convenient and practical. Both use height in the estimate, as height is
proportional to muscle mass. The constants used in the equations differ, likely related
to the different assays to measure creatinine. For a 5-year-old child who is at median
(50th percentile) height for age, the serum creatinine corresponding to a GFR of 60 mL/
min/1.73 m
is 1.0 mg/dL using the Schwartz formula and 0.8 mg/dL using the Counahan-
94 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Barratt formula. This example illustrates that use of both formulas can allow for estimation
of kidney function, and even serum creatinine levels 1.0 mg/dL can be associated with
substantially impaired kidney function in small children and adults who have low muscle
mass or malnutrition.
Creatinine clearance over-estimates GFR; therefore, equations that accu-
rately estimate creatinine clearance overestimate GFR when true creatinine is
measured (R, S). The Cockcroft-Gault equation was developed to predict creatinine
clearance rather than GFR. The equation was developed in a sample of men and a correc-
tion factor for women was proposed.
The equation’s accuracy in predicting creatinine
clearance from 24-hour urine has been evaluated in many publications (Table 46). Evalua-
tion of these data is limited by the use of different assays and variable calibration within
creatinine assays across laboratories and over time. Analogous statements apply to studies
of the Schwartz formula in children.
The largest study that evaluated the Cockcroft-Gault equation in a single laboratory
was the MDRD Study. The serum creatinine assay in this study was calibrated to approxi-
mate true creatinine. As a result, the Cockcroft-Gault equation over-estimated GFR by
Many of the studies evaluating the Schwartz formula in children have substituted
creatinine clearance for GFR in assessing it bias and precision in different populations.
The bias of Schwartz formula estimates compared to creatinine clearances is relatively
small; however, the Schwartz formula has been shown to overestimate inulin clearance,
particularly in children with low GFR.
Although formulas that estimate creati-
nine clearance overestimate GFR, they provide an estimate that is accurate enough for
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 95
most clinical purposes and represent a better alternative to assessing kidney function
than serum creatinine alone.
Measuring 24-hour creatinine clearance to assess GFR is not more reliable
than estimating GFR from a prediction equation (R). A 24-hour urine collection is
useful for measurement of total excretion of nitrogen, electrolytes, and other substances.
However, the use of 24-hour urine collection for the estimation of GFR has consistently
been shown to be no more, and often less, reliable than serum creatinine based equations.
A 1998 review
found five of six studies that found serum creatinine based estimates
of GFR to have a lower error than measured creatinine clearance in patients with kidney
disease. In addition to collection errors, this is attributed to diurnal variation in GFR and
day-to-day variation in creatinine excretion.
In children, several studies have compared the accuracy of prediction equations in
estimating GFR with 24 hour or timed creatinine clearance studies.
None of
these studies demonstrated substantial improvement in estimating creatinine clearance
using a 24-hour or timed urine collection over the use of either the Schwartz or Counahan-
Barratt prediction equations. One relatively small study
demonstrated a mean differ-
ence of 7.0 17.8 mL/min/1.73 m
between 24-hour creatinine clearance compared
to GFR as measured by inulin clearance. Another documented 30% of 24-hour creatinine
clearance studies yielded estimates of GFR more than 30% above or below GFR measured
with iothalamate clearance.
Important exceptions may be the estimation of GFR in individuals with variation
in dietary intake (vegetarian diet, creatine supplements) or muscle mass (amputation,
malnutrition, muscle wasting), since these factors are not specifically taken into account
in prediction equations. In these situations, collection of a 24-hour urine sample for
measurement of creatinine clearance, or measurement of clearance of an exogenous
filtration marker, may provide better estimates of GFR than prediction equations.
Clinical laboratories should provide an estimate of GFR with the results
of serum creatinine concentration (O). Laboratories that measure serum creatinine
concentration should calculate GFR using an equation. Among adults, the MDRD Study
equation may perform better than the Cockroft-Gault equation but the data are very
limited. Among children, the Schwartz formula provides a clinically useful estimate of
GFR. All four formulas reviewed provide a marked improvement over serum creatinine
alone. Calculations by the laboratory, requiring only minimal clinical information, will
facilitate the clinical interpretation of kidney function. The utilization of equations, some
of which are complex, is much more efficient in the context of a centralized laboratory
computer system than performed by individual physicians. Clinical laboratories will need
to work with physicians and hospital or health center information system adminstrators
to determine a number of practical issues: which prediction equation(s) to use; how to
obtain the additional information required for the prediction equation; when to report
estimated GFR (only when requested, or each time serum creatinine is measured); what
additional information to include on the report (eg, normal values for age and gender,
96 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
GFR levels for K/DOQI CKD Stages). The laboratories should mind the importance of
calibrating their serum creatinine to the same level as the laboratory in which the equa-
tion was developed. In this regard, development of international standards for calibration
of serum creatinine assays will be important in allowing for the accurate diagnosis of
Stage 2 chronic kidney disease.
Estimation of GFR or creatinine clearance from serum creatinine is critically
dependent on calibration of the serum creatinine assay (R). There is substantial
variation across laboratories in the calibration of serum creatinine, with systematic differ-
ences as large as 0.2 to 0.4 mg/dL not being uncommon. Such differences reflect a very
large percentage of the serum creatinine in patients with a serum creatinine of 2.0 mg/
dL or less. A 1987 review
detailed 8 different existing methods to measure creatinine
concentration. For patients with low muscle mass and serum creatinine 1.0 mg/dL,
the more commonly used Jaffe and modified Jaffe reaction methods systematically overes-
timated creatinine by 20% to 80% compared to high performance liquid chromatography
and dilution mass spectrometry measures which should approximate ‘‘true’’ creatinine.
An analysis of College of American Pathologists survey data indicates that systematic
differences in calibration of serum creatinine assays accounts for 85% of the difference
between laboratories in serum creatinine. Much of the variation was within a method not
just between methods. The laboratories surveyed averaged 13% bias in measurement of
creatinine, larger than any other analyte examined, as well as substantial variation be-
tween laboratories in the bias. In comparison, reproducibility of the serum creatinine
measures within a laboratory was much better (average coefficient of variation 8%).
Standardization of the assay across laboratories is critical to the ability to diagnose and
stage chronic kidney disease. Laboratories should inform clinicians which creatinine
assay is used in their laboratory and how it compares to measures of ‘‘true’’ creatinine.
One reason for variation in the calibration of serum creatinine may have been a desire
to provide a calculated 24-hour creatinine clearance that is closer to GFR. It is preferable
to report estimates of appropriately calibrated true creatinine. The over-estimate of GFR
by creatinine clearance can then be corrected explicitly using a correction factor. In the
MDRD Study, this correction required multiplying the creatinine clearance by 0.81.
A 24-hour urine sample should be collected to aid in the assessment of nutri-
tional status and the need for kidney replacement therapy (O). The statements
about the limited utility of 24-hour urine samples in estimating GFR do not apply to
other uses of this urine collection. A 24 hour urine collection can be used to assess urea
clearance, weekly Kt/V
, creatinine clearance, and dietary intake of protein, sodium,
potassium, and phosphorus. For details on calculations of urea clearance, weekly Kt/
, and dietary protein intake from 24 hour urine, see Part 10, Appendix 3. Guideline
1 reviews recommendations from DOQI guidelines regarding initiation of kidney replace-
ment therapy. Guideline 9 reviews K/DOQI guidelines on assessment of nutritional status.
In principle, accurate measurement of creatinine excretion in a timed urine collection
at a single point in time could be used to improve the estimate of 24-hour excretion
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 97
rates of various solutes from the ratio of solute-to-creatinine concentrations in untimed
(‘‘spot’’) urine samples at later times. Alternatively, estimation of creatinine excretion
from factors related to physiologic variables related to creatinine generation and extra-
renal elimination (such as age, gender, race, body size, and GFR) could also be used
to facilitate estimation of solute excretion rates from the ratio of solute-to-creatinine
concentration in spot urine samples. Thus far, the accuracy of prediction equations for
creatinine excretion have not been widely studied. Both methods may be limited, how-
ever, by variation in solute excretion rates during the day (as occurs with urea nitrogen
in individuals with normal kidney function).
Steady State and Average Body Composition
Use of serum creatinine to estimate GFR relies on the individual being in steady state
and the ability to estimate the average rate of production of creatinine. Therefore, esti-
mates will be unreliable if the level of GFR is changing (such as acute kidney failure),
if muscle mass is unusually high or low (such as athletes or malnourished individuals,
respectively), or if dietary creatine intake is unusually high or low (such as individuals
consuming creatine supplements or vegetarians, respectively). Methods proposed for
estimating GFR in acute kidney failure
were outside the scope of this review. Selected
patients may require clearance procedures to measure (rather than estimate) the level
of GFR (Table 52).
Mild Decrease in GFR
Using prediction equations to estimate GFR is much less precise at the higher range of
GFR, such as CKD Stages 12. Early glomerular injury may lead to compensatory hypertro-
phy and hyperfiltration in less affected nephrons, thereby maintaining or increasing GFR.
At the upper range of kidney function, the role of the kidney in determining serum
creatinine is of comparable magnitude to variation in other factors such as the metabolism
of creatine in skeletal muscle and ingested meat in the diet. The degree of creatinine
secretion can vary with time, by as much as 10% even within healthy individuals.
Additionally, with a mild decrease in kidney function, only a slight increase in the serum
creatinine may be seen because of an increase in tubular secretion. Therefore, other
markers of early kidney damage are needed to identify early decline in kidney function.
98 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Progression of Kidney Disease
Measurement of progression of kidney disease is substantially more difficult than diagno-
sis of the presence of kidney disease since progression of many forms of kidney disease
is slow. Estimates of GFR based on serum creatinine will allow for reliable detection of
substantial progression (25% to 50% decline). However, substantial changes in secre-
tion, generation, and extra-renal metabolism of creatinine can occur and will lead to
false measures of lower degrees of progression. It is particularly difficult to use serum
creatinine alone to assess progression of kidney disease in children, in whom growth
and maturation lead to substantial changes in muscle mass.
Serum creatinine-based estimates of GFR using prediction formulas in adults and children
provide a basis for classification of chronic kidney disease and detection of substantial
progression. For teenagers and young adults, use of both formulas (Schwartz and MDRD
Study) may give the clinician a dependable range of estimates of GFR. In certain clinical
situations, clearance measures may be necessary to estimate GFR (Table 52).
All individuals should be informed about their estimated level of GFR. Individuals
with an estimated GFR below 60 mL/min/1.73 m
are classified as having chronic kidney
disease and should be educated about their diagnosis and the implications of decreased
kidney function.
Individuals with a serum creatinine of 2.0 mg/dL have moderate to severe decrease
in GFR, regardless of the equation used to estimate GFR. However, these individuals
constitute only a minority of individuals with chronic kidney disease.
Review of the literature showed a paucity of data on the lower limit of a normal GFR
in elderly populations. Therefore, older individuals with low GFR should be assessed for
other markers of chronic kidney disease including hypertension and proteinuria.
When precise measures of GFR are necessary, or when muscle mass may deviate
substantially from values predicted by age, race, sex in adults or height in children (eg, in
malnourished patients
), clearance measures using exogenous filtration markers
may be necessary. In patients with mild or moderate decreased GFR, post-cimetidine
creatinine clearance may more closely approximate GFR, as cimetidine blocks tubular
secretion of creatinine.
There is a growing literature on using serum cystatin C to
estimate GFR. However, limited sample size, statistical methodology, lack of information
on cystatin C assay calibration, and conflicting results make the available data inadequate
for recommending cystatin C measurement for widespread clinical application.
radiolabeled iothalamate can be used to decrease the cost and inconvenience of measur-
ing GFR.
Development and implementation of international standardization and calibration of
serum creatinine assays will be important in allowing for the accurate diagnosis of mild
and moderate kidney disease. The importance of accurate measurement of serum creati-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 99
nine needs to be recognized by clinical chemistry laboratories and equipment manufac-
Estimating GFR
Although existing equations based on serum creatinine provide an excellent cost-effec-
tive method for estimating GFR, their precision is limited. New methods are needed,
particularly for detecting mild and moderate kidney disease, but their value in terms of
bias, precision, and practicality should be well tested in large samples of subjects with
and without kidney disease. In adults, new measures will have to perform substantially
better than the 12.1% median difference (90% of estimates within 30%) from GFR
obtained with serum creatinine, age, sex, and race using the MDRD Study equation. In
children, standardization of creatinine measurement across studies, use of gold standard
GFR measures for reference, and inclusion of larger samples of children of different ages
and ethnicities will allow refinement of the constants which should be used in estimating
GFR in future modifications of the Counahan-Barratt or Schwartz formula.
While the MDRD Study equation has many advantages, it needs further validation.
In particular, further studies should focus on individuals with diabetes, mild decreases
in kidney function or normal GFR, Mexican-Americans (whose average serum creatinine
is lower than Caucasians), and non-US populations. The extent to which averaging multi-
ple estimates improves precision needs further study. Including a direct measure of body
composition by bioelectric impedance or dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry scanning
may provide promising directions for improving on the prediction of GFR using serum
Definition of ‘‘Normal’’ GFR Across Ages and Ethnicities
The definition of decreased GFR relies on an understanding of the ‘‘normal’’ GFR range.
The amount of data in healthy individuals of different ethnicities and children is limited.
GFR may differ across ethnic groups but data are very sparse. It is also unknown to what
extent a mild decrease in GFR among individuals without hypertension is indicative or
kidney disease or ‘‘normal’’ aging.
Prediction Equations for Creatinine Excretion
It would be useful in clinical practice to be able to estimate creatinine excretion from
physiologic variables related to creatinine generation and extra-renal elimination, such
as age, gender, race, body size, and GFR. This might be done in cross-sectional studies
that measured these physiologic variables as well as 24-hour urine creatinine excretion.
This would allow improved estimates of daily excretion of some urine solutes from
measurements of solute-to-creatinine ratio in spot urine samples.
Normal individuals usually excrete very small amounts of protein in the urine. Persis-
tently increased protein excretion is usually a marker of kidney damage. The excretion
100 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
of specific types of protein, such as albumin or low molecular weight globulins, depends
on the type of kidney disease that is present. Increased excretion of albumin is a sensitive
marker for chronic kidney disease due to diabetes, glomerular disease, and hyperten-
sion. Increased excretion of low molecular weight globulins is a sensitive marker for
some types of tubulointerstitial disease. In this guideline, the term ‘‘proteinuria’’ refers
to increased urinary excretion of albumin, other specific proteins, or total protein; ‘‘albu-
minuria’’ refers specifically to increased urinary excretion of albumin. ‘‘Microalbumin-
uria’’ refers to albumin excretion above the normal range but below the level of detection
by tests for total protein. Guidelines for detection and monitoring of proteinuria in adults
and children differ because of differences in the prevalence and type of chronic kidney
Guidelines for Adults and Children
Under most circumstances, untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine samples should be used to detect
and monitor proteinuria in children and adults.
It is usually not necessary to obtain a timed urine collection (overnight or 24-hour)
for these evaluations in either children or adults.
First morning specimens are preferred, but random specimens are acceptable if
first morning specimens are not available.
In most cases, screening with urine dipsticks is acceptable for detecting proteinuria:
Standard urine dipsticks are acceptable for detecting increased total urine pro-
Albumin-specific dipsticks are acceptable for detecting albuminuria.
Patients with a positive dipstick test (1 or greater) should undergo confirmation
of proteinuria by a quantitative measurement (protein-to-creatinine ratio or albumin-
to-creatinine ratio) within 3 months.
Patients with two or more positive quantitative tests temporally spaced by1to2
weeks should be diagnosed as having persistent proteinuria and undergo further
evaluation and management for chronic kidney disease as stated in Guideline 2.
Monitoring proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease should be performed
using quantitative measurements.
Specific Guidelines for Adults
When screening adults at increased risk for chronic kidney disease, albumin should
be measured in a spot urine sample using either:
Albumin-specific dipstick;
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio.
When monitoring proteinuria in adults with chronic kidney disease, the protein-
to-creatinine ratio in spot urine samples should be measured using:
Albumin-to-creatinine ratio;
Total protein-to-creatinine ratio is acceptable if albumin-to-creatinine ratio is high
(500 to 1,000 mg/g).
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 101
Specific Guidelines for Children Without Diabetes
When screening children for chronic kidney disease, total urine protein should be
measured in a spot urine sample using either:
Standard urine dipstick;
Total protein-to-creatine ratio.
Orthostatic proteinuria must be excluded by repeat measurement on a first morning
specimen if the initial finding of proteinuria was obtained on a random specimen.
When monitoring proteinuria in children with chronic kidney disease, the total
protein-to-creatinine ratio should be measured in spot urine specimens.
Specific Guidelines for Children With Diabetes
Screening and monitoring of post-pubertal children with diabetes of 5 or more
years of duration should follow the guidelines for adults.
Screening and monitoring other children with diabetes should follow the guidelines
for children without diabetes.
The measurement of urinary protein excretion provides a sensitive marker of many types
of kidney disease from early to advanced stages. The most pertinent question with respect
to screening for proteinuria is whether early detection of kidney disease associated with
this abnormality will result in a more timely introduction of therapy that may slow the
course of disease? The answer is ‘‘yes’’at least for some chronic kidney diseases. For
example, in diabetic kidney disease, early detection of albuminuria appears to permit
effective therapy early in the course of disease.
The American Diabetes Association
and the NKF-PARADE
have recommended
assessment of proteinuria to detect chronic kidney disease. These recommendations
largely agree in the methods for assessment of proteinuria. The purpose of this guideline
is to review the rationale for methods of assessment of proteinuria and to determine
whether detection and monitoring of proteinuria using untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine samples
is as accurate as using timed (overnight or 24-hour) urine specimens. Algorithms for
screening and evaluation of proteinuria in asymptomatic, healthy individuals and in pa-
tients at increased risk for chronic kidney disease recommended by NKF-PARADE are
given in Part 9.
Criterion Standard
It is important to consider the timing of urine specimens and the methods for detection
of urine proteins. Although the basic concepts of measuring and interpreting urinary
protein excretion have changed little over several decades, clinicians must now decide
whether simple qualitative or more cumbersome quantitative tests are necessary and
whether albumin or total protein should be measured. In clinical practice, most screening
(qualitative) methods use a commercial dipstick, which measures total protein or albu-
min. These dipsticks, which are of course simple to use, usually afford high specificity;
ie, they have relatively few false positive results, thereby creating a practical advantage
102 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
for the clinician. However, they afford low sensitivity; ie, they may fail to detect some
forms of kidney disease during the early stages, when the level of proteinuria is below
the sensitivity of the test strip used.
Timed urine collections versus untimed (‘‘spot’’) urine samples. When screen-
ing tests are positive, measurement of protein excretion in a 24-hour collection has
been the longstanding ‘‘gold standard’’ for the quantitative evaluation of proteinuria.
However, in recent years some studies have advocated that the measurement of protein
excretion should be done on an overnight specimen. The rationale for measuring protein-
uria in timed overnight urine collections rather than 24-hour specimens relates to the lack
of consistency when hourly protein excretion rates are examined in the same individual at
different times during the day. This inconsistency results from varying levels of activity
and possibly other factors that are not well documented. The high intra-individual variabil-
ity that ensues makes serial comparisons in individual patients very difficult unless multi-
ple measurements are taken. This problem is particularly troublesome for individuals
with orthostatic proteinuriawho may excrete more than1gofprotein during waking
hours, but less than 100 mg during sleep. Indeed, evaluation for postural (orthostatic)
proteinuria requires comparison of a measurement of protein excretion in an overnight
(‘‘recumbent’’) collection to a daytime (‘‘upright’’) collection.
An alternative method for quantitative evaluation of proteinuria is measurement of
the ratio of protein or albumin to creatinine in an untimed ‘‘spot’’ urine specimen. These
ratios correct for variations in urinary concentration due to hydration and provide a more
convenient method of assessing protein and albumin excretion than that involved with
timed urine collections. The issue to be explored in this section is whether this increased
level of convenience can be achieved without a reduced level of precision. Based on
the review of evidence accumulated over three decades, the Work Group proposes that
the time has come to forego the traditional ‘‘timed urine collections’’ and adopt the
use of ‘‘spot’’ urine measurements that compare the concentration of protein to the
concentration of creatinine.
Total protein versus albumin. The assessment of protein excretion in the urine
can be accomplished by several different techniques. In addition to standard methods
of measuring total protein, there are now multiple versions of immunoassays capable of
detecting albumin levels at concentrations present in the majority of normal people. In
general, the literature does not provide substantial information concerning the relative
merits of measuring total protein versus albumin to detect and monitor kidney damage.
Different guidelines for children and adults reflect differences in the prevalence of spe-
cific types of chronic kidney disease.
Strength of Evidence
Rationale for ADULTS and CHILDREN
This section will describe the rationale for using ‘‘spot’’ urine samples to estimate
protein excretion individuals of all ages, timing of urine samples, and dipstick for quantita-
tive assessment. The two subsequent sections will review data for adults and children
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 103
Rationale for Using ‘‘Spot’’ Urine Samples
Collection of a timed urine sample is inconvenient and may be associated
with errors (R, O). Twenty-four-hour urine collections may be associated with signifi-
cant collection errors, largely due to improper timing and missed samples, leading to over-
collections and under-collections. Timed overnight collections or shorter timed daytime
collections may reduce the inconvenience of a 24-hour collection, but are still associated
with collection errors. In addition, errors due to incomplete bladder emptying are rela-
tively more important in shorter collection intervals.
Concentration of protein in a spot urine sample provides a rough index of
the protein excretion rate, but is also affected by hydration (R, C). The concentra-
tion of protein in the urine is affected by urine volume as well as protein excretion rate.
Urine volume is dependent primarily on the state of hydration. For example, in a patient
with urine protein excretion of 500 mg per day the protein concentration may vary from
100 mg/dL (2 on the dipstick) in a patient with urine volume of 500 mL/d to 20 mg/
dL (trace on the dipstick) in a patient with urine volume of 2500 mL/day. Despite this,
there is a rough correlation between protein concentration in a spot urine sample and
protein excretion rate (Tables 53, 54, and 55).
104 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Urine protein-to-creatinine and albumin-to-creatinine ratios provide accu-
rate estimates of the urinary protein and albumin excretion rate, and are not
affected by hydration (R, C). Several studies have addressed the relationships between
total excretion of protein or albumin and the ratio of either to creatinine in patients of
all ages (Tables 56, 57, 58, and 59). Since urine proteins and creatinine are highly soluble
in water, they will undergo similar, if not identical, dilution in urine. In principle, if the
excretion of creatinine is relatively constant throughout the day, and similar among
individuals, then the ratio of protein-to-creatinine in an untimed sample would reflect the
excretion of protein. Although creatinine excretion varies among individuals according to
age, gender, race, and body size, the results from these studies in adults and children
demonstrate a strong correlation between these measures.
Rationale for Timing of Sample Collection
A first morning urine specimen is preferred, but random urine specimens
are acceptable if first morning urine specimens are not available (R, O). A first
morning urine specimen is preferred because it correlates best with 24-hour protein
excretion and is required for the diagnosis of orthostatic proteinuria. In children, ortho-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 105
static proteinuria must be excluded by a first morning urine protein measurement if the
initial finding of proteinuria was obtained on a random specimen during the day. Other-
wise, for ease and consistency of collection, a random urine specimen for protein or
albumin to creatinine ratio is acceptable if a first-morning urine specimen is not available.
This recommendation is consistent with the recommendations by the American Diabetes
and by the NKF PARADE,
which recommend a first-morning sample, but
accept a random sample if a first-morning specimen is not available.
Table 60 compares the advantages and disadvantages of the various modalities of
collecting urine for evaluating kidney function. For all procedures, identical methods
106 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
are utilized in the laboratory. The differences among these protocols balance ease of
collection of samples with the need to collect urine to reflect kidney function over the
course of the day or overnight.
Rationale for Measurement Methods
Screening for proteinuria with urine dipsticks is acceptable. Confirmation
of proteinuria should be performed using quantitative measurements (R, O).
Standard urine dipsticks detect total protein above a concentration of 10 to 20 mg/dL.
The reagent pad contains a colorimetric pH indicator dye which changes color when
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 107
bound by negatively charged serum proteins, including albumin and most globulins. The
standard urine dipstick is insensitive for low concentrations of albumin that may occur
in patients with microalbuminuria. In addition, the standard dipstick is also insensitive
to positively charged serum proteins, such as some immunoglobulin light chains.
Albumin-specific dipsticks detect albumin above a concentration of 3 to 4 mg/dL and
are useful for detection of microalbuminuria.
Consistent with recommendations by ADA and NKF-PARADE, the Work Group recom-
mended screening using either standard or albumin-specific dipsticks, or protein-to-creat-
inine or albumin-to-creatinine ratio. Screening with a dipstick for proteinuria or albumin-
uria is often a satisfactory first approach to evaluation of kidney disease; however,
clinicians need to be cognizant of causes of false positive and more importantly false
negative results (Table 61), and in both instances repeat analyses of urine with quantita-
tive total protein or albumin and creatinine analyses are strongly advised when a result
may be inconsistent with the clinical evaluation. Special care should be taken to avoid
false negative results which may delay implementation of treatment early in the course
of kidney disease.
Monitoring proteinuria in patients with chronic kidney disease should be
performed using quantitative measurements (O). Changes in proteinuria provide
important prognostic information. Increasing proteinuria is associated with a higher risk
of loss of kidney function. Decreasing proteinuria, either spontaneously or after treat-
ment, is associated with a lower risk of loss of kidney function. Quantitative measure-
ments provide a more accurate assessment of changes in proteinuria.
Rationale for Type of Protein: ADULTS
In adults, it is preferable to assess proteinuria as albumin, because:
Albuminuria is a more sensitive marker than total protein for chronic
kidney disease due to diabetes, hypertension, and glomerular diseases
108 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
In adults, the most common types of chronic kidney disease are due to diabetes, hyperten-
sion, and glomerular diseases. In patients with diabetes mellitus, there has been nearly
a uniform adoption of albumin as the ‘‘criterion standard’’ in evaluating kidney damage.
Thus, for this disease the same standards have been adopted for adults and children.
Preliminary data suggest that elevated albumin excretion is also a marker of kidney dam-
age in adults with hypertension. Proteinuria in glomerular diseases is primarily due to
increased albumin excretion. Therefore, the Work Group concluded that albumin should
be measured to detect and monitor kidney damage in adults.
The interpretation of albuminuria in kidney transplant recipients is more complicated
than in other patients with chronic kidney disease. First, depending on the interval since
transplantation, the patients’ native kidneys may still excrete small amounts of protein,
which may be sufficient to cause a positive test for albumin. Second, the main causes
of damage in kidney transplant, rejection or toxicity from immunosuppressive drugs,
are not characterized by proteinuria. However, diabetic kidney disease is the underlying
cause for a large fraction of kidney transplant patients, which may recur in the transplant.
Moreover, hypertension is very common after transplantation and is strongly associated
with a more rapid loss of kidney function in transplant patients. Finally, recurrent glomer-
ular disease may occur after transplantation and is associated with a greater risk of graft
loss. Albuminuria is a better marker than total urine protein of kidney damage due to
diabetes, hypertension, and glomerular disease. For these reasons, the Work Group rec-
ommends testing and monitoring for albuminuria, rather than total protein, in kidney
transplant recipients, as well as in patients with other causes of chronic kidney disease.
The cost or technical difficulty of measuring albumin may exceed that for measuring
total protein. It is acceptable to measure total protein-to-creatinine ratio as an index of
proteinuria in adults when albumin-to-creatinine ratio is substantially elevated (eg, 500
to 1,000 mg/g). However, there is no reliable method to convert ratios of albumin-to-
creatinine to total protein-to-creatinine or vice versa.
Rationale for Type of Protein: CHILDREN WITHOUT DIABETES
In children without diabetes, it is preferable to assess proteinuria as total
protein, because:
Total protein detects albumin, which usually is present in large quantities
in glomerular diseases of childhood (R).
Total protein detects low molecular weight proteins which are present in
other types of chronic kidney disease (non-glomerular diseases) in child-
hood (R).
The prevalence of chronic kidney damage due to diabetes and hypertension is far
lower in children than in adults. In contrast, the prevalence of kidney disease due to
urinary tract abnormalities and congenital tubular disorders is far more common in chil-
dren than in adults.
These latter diseases may be characterized by low molecular
weight proteinuria, which would be detected by tests for total urine protein, but not
by tests for albumin. Therefore, the Work Group recommends that total urine protein
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 109
should be measured to detect and monitor kidney damage in most children, one excep-
tion being children with diabetes mellitus.
Rationale for Type of Protein: CHILDREN WITH DIABETES
In post-pubertal children with duration of diabetes greater than 5 years, it
is preferable to assess proteinuria as albumin because:
Albuminuria is a more sensitive marker than total protein for chronic
kidney disease due to diabetes (R).
In other children with diabetes, it is preferable to assess proteinuria as
total protein because:
Total protein detects albumin, which usually is present in large quantities
in glomerular diseases of childhood (R).
Total protein detects low molecular weight proteins which are present in
other types of chronic kidney disease (non-glomerular diseases) in child-
hood (R).
The risk of diabetic kidney disease in children is higher in post-pubertal children with
duration of diabetes greater than 5 years than in other diabetic children. For these reasons,
the American Diabetes Association recommends screening these children for chronic
kidney disease, using the same algorithm as for adults. Other diabetic children are
screened using the same algorithms as for other children.
The main limitations of assessment of proteinuria as a marker of chronic kidney disease
is potential misclassification of individuals due variability of levels of total protein or
albumin in an individual over time and the extent to which conditions at the time of
testing may obscure the true level. Excretion of total protein or albumin in the urine
are highly variable in individuals with or without kidney disease. Most studies suggest
that the standard deviation is about 40% to 50% of the mean. Examples of conditions
that affect protein excretion other than kidney disease include activity, urinary tract
infection, diet, and menstruation. Attempts to avoid these pitfalls include careful defini-
tion of events that should preclude the interpretation of abnormal results and considera-
tion of repeat studies when abnormal results are obtained. Some authors have advocated
that multiple (up to 5) specimens be obtained in order to obtain a reliable result.
Work Group does not believe that such an approach is feasible in most instances. How-
ever, the Work Group acknowledges the need to repeat abnormal tests, especially low
levels of total protein or albumin and the necessity to carefully consider the clinical
setting in interpretation of urine protein measurements.
A limitation of this guideline is the use of correlation coefficients, rather than more
detailed assessments of precision and bias, to assess the accuracy of spot urine measure-
ments of protein-to-creatinine ratios as a measure of protein excretion rates. In most
cases, data were not available to characterize the precision and bias. In addition, other
than distinguishing normal from abnormal, the exact level of proteinuria is not usually
required for clinical decision-making. In most circumstances, a ‘‘rough’’ approximation
110 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
of the level of proteinuria or changes over time are sufficient. Thus, the Work Group
concludes that the uniformly high correlation coefficients are sufficiently strong evidence
to warrant the conclusions presented here.
General considerations for adults and children
The identification of persistent proteinuria or albuminuria in patients of all ages has
importance when considering diagnosis, prognosis, and therapeutic options. The relative
ease with which proteinuria can be assessed and monitored allows clinicians to identify
individuals with completely asymptomatic forms of progressive kidney disease during
the early stages of their disease. Such patients may benefit from subsequent changes in
management that forestall or prevent additional kidney problems.
Proteinuria is a key finding in the differential diagnosis of chronic kidney disease.
The relationship between the level of proteinuria and the type (diagnosis) of chronic
kidney disease is reviewed in Guideline 6 and in Part 9.
Proteinuria is a key prognostic finding in chronic kidney disease. The prognosis of
patients with a variety of kidney disorders often correlates with their level of and persis-
tence of proteinuria over timeeven when other variables are controlled. This is impor-
tant because of the obvious therapeutic implications for patients who are in the high
risk category that is characterized by persistent, heavy proteinuria. The relationship be-
tween the level of proteinuria and risk for loss of kidney function is considered further
in Guideline 13.
Finally, the most important clinical application of defining patients with proteinuria
is potentially beneficial therapy. Many lines of evidence now indicate that medications
that reduce proteinuria may provide significant long term benefits for patients with
chronic kidney disease.
Specific considerations for children
The optimal frequency and timing of urine screening for proteinuria in children have
not been well established. At one end of the spectrum, the governments of some coun-
tries have mandated that such screening be done on all school children every year. In
Japan, for example, this has been in place for over 25 years.
In contrast, the American
Academy of Pediatrics recommends that such screening be done on two occasions during
childhoodonce before starting school and then again during adolescence.
authors even consider this to be excessive and have proposed that urinalysis screening
be limited to a single first morning dipstick done at school entry age in all asymptomatic
The recommendations described in this section for children are consistent with other
recent publications from the National Kidney Foundation PARADE
and the American
Diabetes Association.
It should be noted, however, that the ADA position statement
draws attention to the fact that microvascular disease may occur in prepubertal children
and that ‘‘clinical judgment should be exercised when individualizing these recommenda-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 111
The implementation of the guidelines in this section will encounter at least two potential
obstacles. The first is the widely held belief that 24-hour urine collections provide ‘‘the
only accurate method’’ of measuring protein or albumin excretion. This even applies to
some pediatricians who continue to request 24-hour urine studies in small children de-
spite the high degree of difficulty involved.
The second potential problem involves the adoption of urine protein measurements
factored by urine creatinine. This approach has been developed to some extent for urine
calcium-to-creatinine measurements, but many physicians are not aware of the accuracy
and validity of protein-to-creatinine ratios. Many clinical laboratories may not report
ratios of analytes to creatinine. A significant amount of education will be necessary to
implement this approach.
A less obvious implementation issue relates to measuring albumin rather than total
protein in the urine specimens. Assays for albumin may not be as available as those for
total protein in some smaller communities. In such instances, the use of a spot urine
and expression of the urine protein-to-creatinine ratio is still preferable to the 24-hour
Evaluate novel approaches to measuring urine and blood abnormalities which may pre-
date and possibly predict proteinuria/albuminuria. Examples include elevated levels of
-microglobulin and other tubular proteins in the urine of diabetic patients. Additional
efforts should be instituted to identify constituents present in blood and/or urine that
indicate normal kidney function with high specificity.
It would be useful to conduct prospective trials of the long-term efficacy of antihyper-
tensive medications that reduce albumin/protein excretion in kidney disease. These stud-
ies should incorporate better procedures to examine the efficacy of sustaining kidney
function in advanced kidney disease and in reducing the incidence of cardiovascular
disease in patients with kidney disease.
It would also be useful to determine the relationships between factors that may affect
albumin/protein excretion and also increase the risk of macrovascular disease (eg, glu-
cose intolerance/diabetes mellitus, rising blood pressure, elevated lipid levels, and obe-
sity) and progressive kidney failure.
Markers of kidney damage in addition to proteinuria include abnormalitiesinthe
urine sediment and abnormalities on imaging studies. Constellations of markers define
clinical presentations for some types of chronic kidney disease. New markers are needed
to detect kidney damage that occurs prior to a reduction in GFR in other types of chronic
kidney diseases.
Urine sediment examination or dipstick for red blood cells and white blood cells
112 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
should be performed in patients with chronic kidney disease and in individuals at
increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease.
Imaging studies of the kidneys should be performed in patients with chronic kidney
disease and in selected individuals at increased risk of developing chronic kidney
Although several novel urinary markers (such as tubular or low-molecular weight
proteins and specific mononuclear cells) show promise of future utility, they should
not be used for clinical decision-making at present.
Abnormal urinary excretion of albumin and total protein (Guideline 5) is a highly sensitive
indicator of glomerular disease. The results of urine sediment examination and of imaging
studies of the kidney, however, can also suggest other types of chronic kidney diseases,
including vascular, tubulointerstitial, and cystic diseases of the kidney. In addition, pro-
teins other than albumin in the urine may indicate tubulointerstitial injury. At present,
there are no clinically proven markers specific for tubulointerstitial or vascular diseases
of the kidney. The purpose of this guideline is to review: abnormalities of urine sediment
and abnormalities of imaging studies associated with kidney damage; the relationships
of these abnormalities to clinical presentations of kidney disease; and possible new mark-
ers of kidney damage.
In some specific types of chronic kidney disease, abnormalities other than proteinuria
are present prior to reduction in GFR. In general, urinalysis and ultrasound of the kidneys
are helpful non-invasive tests to detect kidney damage. In addition, these assessments
provide clues to the type (diagnosis) of chronic kidney disease.
Abnormalities of the Urinary Sediment
Examination of the urinary sediment, especially in conjunction with assessment of pro-
teinuria, is useful in the detection of chronic kidney disease and in the identification of
the type of kidney disease. Urinary sediment examination is recommended in patients
with chronic kidney disease and should be considered in individuals at increased risk
of developing chronic kidney disease.
Cells may originate from the kidneys or from elsewhere in the urinary tract, including
the external genitalia. Casts form only in the kidneys and result from gelation within the
tubules of Tamm-Horsfall protein, a high molecular weight glycoprotein derived from
the epithelial surface of the distal nephron. Casts entrap material contained within the
tubular lumen at the time of cast formation, including cells, cellular debris, crystals, fat,
and filtered proteins. Gelation of Tamm-Horsfall glycoprotein is enhanced in concen-
trated urine and at acidic pH levels. Examination of the urinary sediment for casts requires
careful preparation. A ‘‘fresh’’ first morning specimen is optimal, and repeated examina-
tion may be necessary.
The presence of formed elements in the urinary sediment may indicate glomerular,
tubulointerstitial, or vascular kidney disease. Significant numbers of erythrocytes, leuko-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 113
cytes, or cellular casts in urinary sediment suggest the presence of acute or chronic kidney
disease requiring further work-up. The differential diagnosis for persistent hematuria,
for example, is quite broad, including glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis,
vascular diseases, and urologic disorders. Therefore, as with proteinuria, specific diagno-
sis requires correlation of urinalysis findings with other clinical markers. The presence
of red blood cell casts strongly suggests glomerulonephritis as the source of hematuria.
Dysmorphic red blood cells may also indicate a glomerular disease. Pyuria (leukocytu-
ria)especially in the context of leukocyte castsmay be seen in tubulointerstitial
nephritis, or along with hematuria in various forms of glomerulonephritis. Urinary eosino-
phils have been specifically associated with allergic tubulointerstitial nephritis. Examina-
tion of a single urinary sediment may be adequate in most cases. However, the finding
of a negative urinary sediment in patients considered to be at high risk for chronic kidney
disease should lead to a repeat examination of the sediment. Table 62 provides a brief
guide to the interpretation of proteinuria and abnormalities in urine sediment.
Urine dipsticks include reagent pads that are sensitive for the detection of red blood
cells (hemoglobin), neutrophils and eosinophils (leukocyte esterase), and bacteria (ni-
trites). Thus, urine sediment examination is generally not necessary for detection of these
114 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
formed elements. However, dipsticks cannot detect tubular epithelial cells, fat, or casts
in the urine. In addition, urine dipsticks cannot detect crystals, fungi, or parasites. Urine
sediment examination is necessary for detection of these abnormalities. The choice of
urine sediment examination versus dipstick depends on the type of kidney disease that
is being considered.
Imaging Studies
Abnormal results on imaging studies suggest either urologic or intrinsic kidney diseases.
Imaging studies are recommended in patients with chronic kidney disease and in patients
at increased risk of developing chronic kidney disease due to urinary tract stones, infec-
tions, obstruction, vesico-ureteral reflux, or polycystic kidney disease.
Hydronephrosis on ultrasound examination may be found in patients with urinary
tract obstruction or with vesico-ureteral reflux. The presence of cystsmanifested either
as multiple discrete macroscopic cysts or as bilaterally enlarged echogenic kidneyssug-
gests autosomal dominant or recessive polycystic kidney disease. Increased cortical
echoes are a nonspecific but sensitive indicator of glomerular, interstitial, or vascular
diseases. Imaging studies employing iodinated contrast agents can cause acute kidney
damage and may present significant risks to some patients with decreased kidney func-
tion. The benefits of such studies must be weighed against potential risks. Baseline imag-
ing studies will be appropriate in many patients. The appropriateness and frequency of
follow-up studies will vary from case to case. Table 63 provides a brief overview of
possible interpretations of abnormalities on imaging studies of the kidney.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 115
Clinical Presentations of Kidney Disease
Some constellations of abnormalities in blood and urine tests or imaging studies comprise
specific clinical presentations of kidney disease. These presentations are often not de-
fined precisely in textbooks and review articles. The major features are described below.
Table 64 defines these presentations according to level of GFR, markers of kidney disease
(urine protein excretion, urine sediment examination, imaging studies), and other clinical
features. Decreased GFR and kidney failure are markers of more severe kidney disease
(CKD Stages 2 through 5). The other presentations can occur without decreased GFR
(CKD Stage 1) and can therefore serve as markers of kidney disease. Table 65 describes
the most frequent presentations for each type of chronic kidney disease.
Decreased GFR and kidney failure. Either can be acute or chronic depending on
duration, and due to any type (diagnosis) of kidney disease.
Nephritic and nephrotic syndromes. Nephritic syndrome (formerly ‘‘nephritis,’’
also termed ‘‘acute glomerulonephritis’’) is an outdated term, characterized by hematuria
with red blood cell casts, hypertension, and edema, with or without decreased GFR.
Nephrotic syndrome (formerly ‘‘nephrosis’’) is defined as total urine protein excretion
in excess of 3,500 mg/d (equivalent to a total protein-to-creatinine ratio greater than
116 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
approximately 3,000 mg/g), reduced serum albumin concentration, and edema, with or
without decreased GFR. Both syndromes indicate the presence of a glomerular disease.
Tubular Syndromes. There are disorders resulting from abnormal tubule handling
of water or solutes, without decreased GFR. They include diverse disorders such as renal
tubular acidosis, nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism and
other potassium secretory defects, renal glycosuria, renal phosphaturia, renal aminoacid-
uria, and many others. These syndromes often indicate a tubular interstitial disease.
Kidney disease with urinary tract symptoms. Most kidney diseases are asymptom-
atic, but in some tubulointerstitial diseases symptoms are associated with the kidneys
or lower urinary tract. The most common causes include urinary tract infections, obstruc-
tion, and stones.
Asymptomatic urinalysis abnormalities. Abnormalities in urinary protein excre-
tion or in urinary sediment without decreased GFR or urinary tract symptoms. Principal
abnormalities include hematuria with red blood cell casts (due to glomerular diseases),
pyuria with white blood cell casts, renal tubular cells, coarse granular casts, or non-
nephrotic proteinuria.
Asymptomatic radiologic abnormalities. These include structural abnormalities
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 117
of the kidney observed on imaging studies, without decreased GFR, urinary tract symp-
toms, or abnormal urinalysis.
High blood pressure due to kidney disease. Sustained elevation of arterial blood
pressure as the result of disease of the parenchyma or major vessels of the kidney, with
or without decreased GFR, but usually with either urinary abnormalities or radiologic
abnormalities. Large vessel diseases (unilateral or bilateral) are included as chronic kidney
Strength of Evidence: New Urinary Markers
Increased urinary excretion of some low molecular weight (LMW) proteins
and N-acetyl-
-D-glucosaminidase (NAG) are key diagnostic indicators in a
number of specific tubular diseases and may identify patients at higher risk
of GFR decline in other kidney diseases (Tables 66, 67, 68, and 69) (C). Low
molecular weight proteinuria is a defining feature in several uncommon diseases of the
kidney (Dent’s disease, autosomal dominant and cystinotic Fanconi syndrome, Lowe
syndrome, Chinese herbs nephropathy).
The urinary excretion of retinol-binding pro-
tein (RBP), but not albumin, increases with the presence of kidney scarring in reflux
nephropathy in children.
Increased urinary excretion rates of the LMW protein RBP
and the tubular injury marker NAG are found in many patients with type I diabetes, even
in the absence of albuminuria.
Excretion of these markers appears to correlate with
the degree of glycemic control in some studies,
but not in others.
In children
with type I diabetes and normal albumin excretion, the presence of abnormal urinary
NAG excretion at baseline indicates increased risk of developing microalbuminuria
within 5 years (19.5% versus 0%, P 0.05).
In elderly patients with type 2 diabetes,
individuals who developed macrovascular disease after 7 years of follow-up tended to
have higher baseline NAG urinary excretion rates (P 0.07).
Elevated urinary excre-
tion of
-2-microglobulin (500 ng/min) at baseline predicted deterioration of kidney
function over a mean follow-up period of more than 4 years in adult patients with mem-
branous nephropathy.
In adult and pediatric patients with a variety of kidney diseases
(focal segmental glomerular sclerosis, membranous nephropathy, membranoproliferative
glomerulonephritis), a pattern of ‘‘very low’’ molecular weight proteinuria by sodium
dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) was associated with a
higher rate of development of decreased kidney function at follow-up than was a pattern
of ‘‘low’’ molecular weight proteinuria (50% versus 12.5%; P 0.0001).
In adult and
pediatric patients with IgA nephropathy and normal kidney function at baseline, the
presence of a low molecular weight pattern of proteinuria by SDS-PAGE at presentation
was associated with an approximately 4-fold increase in their risk of developing a de-
creased GFR after 6 years of follow-up.
Urinary excretion of mononuclear cells may reflect the presence and/or de-
gree of glomerular injury in some glomerular diseases, including diabetic ne-
phropathy and IgA nephropathy (Table 70) (C). In children with various kidney
diseases, semiquantitative evaluation of urinary podocyte excretion correlated with the
severity of mesangial proliferation, extracapillary proliferation, tubulointerstitial changes,
118 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 119
and proteinuria.
In pediatric patients with Henoch-Scho
nlein nephritis or IgA nephrop-
athy followed for 12 months, the patients with resolution of podocyturia had the greatest
resolution of acute inflammatory changes in their biopsies.
In adult patients with
biopsy-proven IgA nephropathy, the extent of active crescents correlated strongly with
the number of CD14
cells (macrophages) and CD56
cells (NK cells) in urinary sedi-
In adult patients with either clinically stable systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) ne-
phritis (WHO classes IIIa, b, IVb, c) or clinically active SLE nephritis (WHO classes IVb,
c), only the patients with active disease showed evidence of podocyturia.
In adult
patients with type 2 diabetes, podocytes were present in the urine of 53% of microalbu-
minuric subjects and 80% of macroalbuminuric subjects, but in none of the normoalbumi-
nuric subjects. Treatment with an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor (ACE-inhibi-
tor) reduced both urinary albumin excretion and podocyturia.
The findings of hematuria, pyuria, and casts on urinalysis, or of cystic or echogenic
kidneys on ultrasound, are well established as indicators of various chronic kidney dis-
eases. In the proper setting, these findings are sensitive markers for the presence of
chronic kidney disease, although they may not suggest a specific diagnosis. Since the
novel markers described above (eg, low molecular weight proteinuria, mononuclear
cyturia) have only been correlated with various chronic kidney diseases in a few studies
to date, their application in clinical practice has not been established. In particular,
inasmuch as these markers may correlate strongly with proteinuria, it is not certain that
they can yet be considered independent indicators of disease or predictors of risk of
disease progression.
In patients known to have chronic kidney disease on the basis of a decreased GFR,
urinalysis and imaging studies may yield important diagnostic information. For example,
the finding of red blood cell casts in the urine indicates a high likelihood of a proliferative
120 Part 5. Evaluation National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
glomerulonephritis. This finding would lead to a serological work-up and probably a
kidney biopsy. The finding of diffuse nephrocalcinosis and nephrolithiasis on ultrasound
in a patient with decreased GFR could suggest the possible diagnosis of hyperoxaluria,
leading to specific blood tests.
In patients not previously known to have chronic kidney disease but presenting with
symptoms suggestive of kidney disease (eg, edema, hematuria, or flank pain), examina-
tion of the urinary sediment may confirm the presence of kidney disease. Abnormalities
in the sediment will be present in a large proportion of patients with chronic kidney
disease. On ultrasound examination, the presence of a kidney stone and findings of
obstruction may help to explain acute flank pain. Radiologic assessment may help to
clarify other aspects of the nature of the kidney involvement. For example, bilateral small
echogenic kidneys in a patient presenting with newly detected decreased kidney function
can suggest a chronic rather than an acute process.
Examination of the urinary sediment may lead to the detection of kidney disease
in patients presenting for evaluation of symptoms related to other organ systems. The
evaluation of the urine in patients with signs of vasculitis or with carcinomas may result
in detection of associated kidney disease. Findings suggestive of kidney disease may be
expected to occur frequently in the evaluation of individuals presenting with hyperten-
sion, especially younger individuals.
In selected individuals with a normal GFR, but known to be at risk of chronic kidney
disease, markers may serve as screening tests. For example, a patient at risk on the basis
of a positive family history of polycystic kidney disease should undergo a screening
kidney ultrasound one or more times before adulthoood. See Guideline 3.
Application of the newer urinary markers (mononuclear cells and specific proteins
such as NAG) described herein must await their validation in more extensive clinical
Novel and expanded uses of established methodologies (such as Doppler or functional
MRI) should be pursued in clinical research studies. Several novel urinary markers show
promise of noninvasive demonstration of kidney damage or prediction of disease progres-
sion. None appears to be ready at this time for widespread application in clinical practice.
Longitudinal and follow-up studies are necessary to verify whether abnormal NAG and
possibly retinol-binding protein excretion in normoalbuminuric diabetic patients reliably
predict later development of microalbuminuria and diabetic nephropathy. Similar studies
are needed to confirm whether increased
-2-microglobulin excretion predicts develop-
ment of kidney failure in patients with idiopathic membranous nephropathy. Longitudi-
nal studies of urinary excretion of specific cell types (macrophages, NK cells, podocytes)
in diabetic nephropathy, Henoch-Scho
nlein nephropathy, and IgA nephropathy are also
necessary in order to confirm preliminary findings that cyturia is strongly associated with
activity in these diseases. Preliminary work on the urinary excretion of podocyte-specific
marker proteins such as podocalyxin and nephrin should be validated by further studies.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 5. Evaluation 121
6. A
Many of the complications of chronic kidney disease can be prevented or delayed by
early detection and treatment. The goal of Part 6 is to review the association of the level
of GFR with complications of chronic kidney disease to determine the stage of chronic
kidney disease when complications appear. As described in Appendix 1, Table 153, the
Work Group searched for cross-sectional studies that related manifestations of complica-
tions and the level of kidney function. Data from NHANES III were also analyzed, as
described in Appendix 2.
Because of different manifestations of complications of chronic kidney disease in
children, especially in growth and development, the Work Group limited the scope of
the review of evidence to adults. A separate Work Group will need to address this issue
in children.
The Work Group did not attempt to review the evidence on the evaluation and
management of complications of chronic kidney disease. This is the subject of past and
forthcoming clinical practice guidelines by the National Kidney Foundation and other
groups, which are referenced in the text.
Representative findings are shown by stage of chronic kidney disease in Figs 15 and
16. Figure 15 shows a higher prevalence of each complication at lower GFR. Figure 16
Fig 15. Estimated prevalence of selected complications, by category of estimated
GFR, among participants age 20 years in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. These estimates
are not adjusted for age, the mean of which is 33 years higher at an estimated GFR of
15 to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
than at an estimated GFR of 90 mL/min/1.73 m
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 123
Fig 16. Estimated distribution of the number of complications, by category of estimated
GFR among participants age 20 years in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. These estimates
are not adjusted for age, the mean of which is 33 years higher at an estimated GFR of
15 to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
than at an estimated GFR of 90 mL/min/1.73 m
shows a larger mean number of complications per person and higher prevalence of
multiple complications at lower GFR. These and other findings support the classification
of stages of chronic kidney disease and are discussed in detail in Guidelines 7 through
High blood pressure is both a cause and a complication of chronic kidney disease.
As a complication, high blood pressure may develop early during the course of chronic
kidney disease and is associated with adverse outcomesin particular, faster loss of
kidney function and development of cardiovascular disease.
Blood pressure should be closely monitored in all patients with chronic kidney
Treatment of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease should include specifi-
cation of target blood pressure levels, nonpharmacologic therapy, and specific
antihypertensive agents for the prevention of progression of kidney disease (Guide-
line 13) and development of cardiovascular disease (Guideline 15).
124 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
High blood pressure can be either a cause or a consequence of chronic kidney disease.
Adverse outcomes of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease include faster decline
in kidney function and cardiovascular disease. The appropriate evaluation and manage-
ment of high blood pressure remains a major component of the care of patients with
chronic kidney disease.
High blood pressure is a well-recognized public health problem in the United States.
Based on epidemiological data from the National High Blood Pressure Education Program
and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys, the rates of detection, treat-
ment, and control of high blood pressure have improved dramatically over the past five
decades. Concomitantly, the rates of stroke, myocardial infarction, and heart failure have
decreased by approximately 15% to 40%.
However, during the same time, high blood
pressure as a cause of ESRD has increased at an annualized rate of 10% for the last several
years, and cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in ESRD.
In part
this may be due to inadequate control of high blood pressure in patients with chronic
kidney disease.
In 1998, the NKF published the Report of the Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease
in Chronic Renal Disease.
One of the major goals of the Task Force was to assess current
knowledge about the association of high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease in
chronic kidney disease. Portions of the Task Force Report are reproduced in this guideline
with permission of the authors.
More recently, the NKF published a Report on
Management of Hypertension in Adults with Renal Diseases and Diabetes from the Execu-
tive Committees of the Councils on Hypertension and Diabetic Kidney Disease.
In July of 2001, the NKF initiated a K/DOQI Work Group specifically to conduct a
detailed review of evidence and to develop clinical practice guidelines for the manage-
ment of blood pressure in chronic kidney disease to prevent progression of kidney disease
and development and progression of cardiovascular disease in chronic kidney disease.
The goal of this guideline is to provide a selected review of the literature relating high
blood pressure to adverse outcomes of chronic kidney disease and to describe the associa-
tion of the level of GFR with high blood pressure, as reported in NHANES III. Guideline
13 describes the relationship of high blood pressure to progression of kidney disease.
Consensus panels in the United States and other countries have defined hypertension
in adults as systolic blood pressure greater than 140 mm Hg and/or diastolic blood pres-
sure greater than 90 mm Hg. The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee for the
Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI) classi-
fies categories of blood pressure levels as shown in Table 71.
JNC-VI recommends a goal blood pressure of 140/90 mm Hg for individuals with
high blood pressure without diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or chronic kidney disease.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 125
For individuals with high blood pressure and decreased kidney function, the recom-
mended goal is 130/85 mm Hg.
Strength of Evidence
High blood pressure develops during the course of chronic kidney disease
(R). High blood pressure is a well-described complication of chronic kidney disease.
The prevalence of high blood pressure is approximately 80% in hemodialysis patients
and 50% in peritoneal dialysis patients.
In patients with earlier stages of kidney
disease, high blood pressure is also highly prevalent, varying with patient characteristics
such as the cause of kidney disease and level of kidney function.
There are many
causes of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease. The clinically more important
pathogenetic mechanisms of high blood pressure are listed in Table 72.
High blood pressure is associated with worse outcomes in chronic kidney
disease (R). In the general population, there is a strong, graded relationship between
the level of blood pressure and all-cause mortality and fatal and nonfatal cardiovascular
disease. Optimal levels of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are defined as less than
120 and 80 mm Hg, respectively. Among patients with chronic kidney disease, there is
also substantial evidence of a relationship between elevated levels of blood pressure and
cardiovascular risk. In addition, high blood pressure is associated with a greater rate of
decline in kidney function and risk of development of kidney failure. However, the
optimal level of blood pressure to minimize adverse outcomes for cardiovascular and
kidney disease has not been established.
Progression of kidney disease. This subject is reviewed in more detail in Guideline
13. The following represent a few of the many studies that demonstrate these relation-
126 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Diabetic kidney disease. Numerous epidemiological studies and clinical trials have
shown a relationship between the level of blood pressure and faster progression of
diabetic kidney disease. Figure 17 shows the relationship in one of the earliest random-
ized trials.
Nondiabetic kidney diseases. The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study showed
a significant relationship between the rate of decline in GFR and level of blood pressure
among patients with predominantly nondiabetic kidney disease. This relationship was
affected by the baseline level of urine protein (Fig 18).
Diseases in the kidney transplant. A relationship between level of blood pressure
and progression of kidney disease has now been shown among kidney transplant recipi-
ents. The Collaborative Transplant Group documented that higher blood pressure after
kidney transplantation is associated with more rapid development of graft failure
(Fig 19).
Cardiovascular disease and mortality. The prevalence of cardiovascular disease
and related outcomes in patients with decreased GFR has not been evaluated in large-
scale epidemiological studies, and little is known about CVD mortality and morbidity in
these patients. Several studies have shown a high prevalence of left ventricular hypertro-
phy (LVH) in patients with decreased GFR and patients beginning dialysis. In one study,
a higher level of systolic blood pressure, lower level of kidney function, more severe
anemia, and older age were independently associated with higher left ventricular mass
A few studies have shown a relationship between higher systolic blood pressure
and clinical cardiovascular disease events.
Among dialysis patients, higher blood
pressure is clearly associated with development of cardiovascular disease. Table 73 shows
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 127
Fig 17. Relationship between blood pressure and progression of diabetic kidney dis-
ease. Mean arterial blood pressure, albumin excretion rate, and GFR in patients with
type 1 diabetes randomly assigned to a reduction in mean arterial pressure of 10 mm Hg
using metoprolol at 100 to 400 mg/d, hydralazine at 50 to 200 mg/d, and furosemide at
80 to 500 mg/d versus no antihypertensive therapy. Solid circles represent the treated
group. Open circles represent the control group. Vertical lines represent standard error.
Study was stopped earlier in the control group because of faster decline in GFR. Reprinted
with permission.
Fig 18. Relationship between mean arterial blood pressure and GFR decline. Mean
GFR decline and achieved follow-up blood pressure in MDRD Study A (patients with
baseline GFR 25 to 55 mL/min/1.73 m
). Regression lines relating the estimated mean
GFR decline over 3 years to mean follow-up MAP for groups of patients defined according
to baseline proteinuria. Within each group, a 3-slope model was used with break points
at 92 and 98 mm Hg. Reprinted with permission.
128 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 19. Relationship between systolic blood pressure and graft survival. Association of
systolic blood pressure at 1 year with subsequent graft survival in recipients of cadaveric
kidney transplants. Ranges of systolic blood pressure value in mm Hg and number of
patients studied in the subgroups are indicated. The association of systolic blood pressure
with graft survival at seven years was statistically significant (P 0.0001). Reproduced
with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 129
Fig 20. Mortality versus systolic blood pressure in hemodialysis patients. Dialysis Clinic,
Inc. prevalent cohort (1992 to 1996, n 5433).
Cox regression analysis including
age, race, gender, and diagnosis as baseline covariates, and predialysis or postdialysis
systolic blood pressure, albumin, and Kt/V as time-dependent covariates. Reprinted with
the relationship between mean arterial pressure and various cardiovascular disease out-
comes in a prospective cohort of incident dialysis patients.
Left ventricular hypertro-
phy and congestive heart failure were both strongly associated with subsequent mortality.
However, lower rather than higher blood pressure was associated with a higher risk of
The association between level of blood pressure and mortality does not appear to
be consistent, with a number of studies reporting either positive or negative associa-
One recent study showed a bimodal distribution (‘‘U-shaped’’ relationship) with
excess risk in hemodialysis patients with normal or low blood pressure, as well as in
patients with very high blood pressure
(Fig 20). It is likely that excess risk in patients
with low blood pressure reflects confounding effects of underlying or pre-existing cardio-
vascular disease on mortality, while the true relationship of blood pressure to mortality
is reflected in the excess risk in patients with very high blood pressure as in the general
Overall, these studies demonstrate that high blood pressure is associated with faster
progression of chronic kidney disease, development of cardiovascular disease, and, likely,
higher mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Prevalence of high blood pressure is related to the level of GFR. Patients
with chronic kidney disease have a high prevalence of high blood pressure,
even when GFR is only mildly reduced (S). Figure 21 shows the relationship between
GFR and prevalence of hypertension among 1,795 patients in the baseline cohort of the
130 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 21. Prevalence of high blood pressure by level of GFR in the MDRD Study. High
blood pressure was defined as classification by study investigators based on patient
history (including the use of antihypertensive drugs) and review of medical records. GFR
was measured by urinary clearance of
I-iothalamate. Patients were ranked by GFR
into 10 groups, each containing 179 or 180 patients. Data are presented as mean values
standard errors.
MDRD Study.
At GFR levels of 60 to 90 mL/min/1.73 m
, the prevalence of high blood
pressure was approximately 65% to 75%. In this study, high blood pressure was defined by
patient history (including the use of antihypertensive medications) and medical records,
rather than the level of blood pressure. In addition to GFR level, the prevalence of high
blood pressure was significantly greater among men and individuals with higher body
mass index, black race, and older age.
Figure 22 shows the prevalence of high blood pressure by level of GFR among 15,600
patients participating in the NHANES III. Two levels of high blood pressure are depicted:
JNC Stage 1 or greater (systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure
90 mm Hg, or taking medications for high blood pressure); and JNC Stage 2 or greater
(systolic blood pressure 160 mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure 100 mm Hg).
In NHANES III, the approximately 40% prevalence of high blood pressure among
individuals with GFR of approximately 90 mL/min/1.73 m
was lower than in the MDRD
Study, presumably because not all patients with GFR in this range in NHANES III had
chronic kidney disease. Among patients with lower GFR, the prevalence of high blood
pressure is similar to that observed in the MDRD Study. Notably, the prevalence of JNC
Stage 2 high blood pressure is approximately 20% among individuals with GFR 15 to
30 mL/min/1.73 m
, which is approximately 2-fold greater than among patients with
higher GFR.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 131
Fig 22. Prevalence of high blood pressure by level of GFR, adjusted to age 60 years
(NHANES III). Predicted prevalence of high blood pressure among adult participants age
20 years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years
using a polynomial regression. 95% confidence intervals are shown at selected levels
of estimated GFR.
High blood pressure is not optimally controlled in patients with chronic
kidney disease (S). A recent analysis of the NHANES III database assesses the level of
blood pressure control among individuals with decreased kidney function.
kidney function was defined as elevated serum creatinine (1.6 mg/dL in men or 1.4
mg/dL in women).
An estimated 3% (5.6 million) of the US population had elevated serum creatinine
according to this definition, and of these 70% had high blood pressure. Among individuals
with decreased kidney function and high blood pressure, 75% received treatment. How-
ever, only 11% of individuals with high blood pressure and elevated serum creatinine
had blood pressure 130/85 mm Hg, and 27% had blood pressure 140/90. Treated
Fig 23. Prevalence of elevated serum creatinine by JNC-VI blood pressure category and
self-reported treatment with anti-hypertensive medications (NHANES III). Bars indicate
standard errors. Reprinted with permission.
132 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 24. Estimated number of individuals with elevated serum creatinine by JNC-VI
blood pressure category and self-reported treatment with anti-hypertensive medications
(NHANES III). Bars indicate standard errors. Reprinted with permission.
individuals had a mean blood pressure of 147/77 mm Hg, with 48% prescribed only one
antihypertensive medication. Thus, it appears that additional efforts will be necessary
to lower systolic blood pressure. Multi-drug therapy may be necessary in the majority
of patients.
Figures 23 and 24 show the prevalence and number of individuals with elevated
serum creatinine among patients receiving and not receiving antihypertensive therapy,
according to blood pressure category. The largest number of treated and untreated indi-
viduals have JNC Stage 1 high blood pressure (140 to 159/90 to 99 mm Hg).
Treatment of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease should include
specification of target blood pressure levels, nonpharmacologic therapy, and
specific antihypertensive agents for the prevention of progression of kidney
disease (Guideline 13) and development of cardiovascular disease in patients
with chronic kidney disease (Guideline 15) (R). Specific recommendations for
evaluation and management of high blood pressure in chronic kidney disease are beyond
the scope of this guideline. The investigation of antihypertensive agents to prevent or
delay the progression of chronic kidney disease and development of cardiovascular dis-
ease is a rapidly evolving. A number of guidelines and recommendations have been
developed. In addition, the role of non-pharmacologic therapy for the treatment of high
blood pressure, and as adjuncts in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease,
are also under investigation. Recommendations by other groups and recent studies are
reviewed in Guidelines 13 and 15.
Unlike other guidelines in Part 6, this guideline is not based on a systematic review of
the literature. Another limitation is the lack of large-scale cohort studies and clinical trials
correlating blood pressure levels to subsequent loss of GFR and cardiovascular disease
events. Since both chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease are chronic ill-
nesses, observational studies are subject to confounding by ‘‘survival bias,’’ whereby
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 133
patients with more severe risk factors may not have survived to be entered into the
study, thereby minimizing the apparent association between risk factors and outcomes.
Thus, clinical trials may be required to determine the optimal level of blood pressure
to prevent or slow progression of chronic kidney and development of cardiovascular
A major limitation of cross-sectional studies has been the absence of a clear definition
of chronic kidney disease. Since many patients with chronic kidney disease are not
detected until late in the course, studies that rely on clinical diagnosis are subject to
misclassification. The strong relationship between prevalence of high blood pressure
and GFR level observed in NHANES III, irrespective of diagnosis of chronic kidney disease,
is especially important in confirming the link between decreased GFR and high blood
pressure. However, cross-sectional studies do not permit determination of the causal
relationship between these variables. Thus, they cannot determine whether high blood
pressure is a cause or a complication of chronic kidney disease, or whether both high
blood pressure and decreased GFR are caused by a third factor, such as aging. Nonethe-
less, the data from both the MDRD Study and NHANES III show a high prevalence of
high blood pressure among persons with decreased GFR, justifying the emphasis on
monitoring and treatment of high blood pressure in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Detection, evaluation and management of high blood pressure should be the goal for
all health care providers for patients with chronic kidney disease. Providers must be
aware of lower recommended target levels for blood pressure for patients with chronic
kidney disease, specific recommendations for classes of antihypertensive agents, and the
role of nonpharmacologic therapy.
Measuring blood pressure at routine health encounters is widely recommended and
practiced. The large number of individuals with blood pressure above the target goal
suggests a number of possible obstacles to implementation, such as:
Limited access to or utilization of health care for many patients with chronic kidney
Inadequate recognition of chronic kidney disease in patients with high blood pres-
Inadequate education of patients and providers regarding lower blood pressure
goals, specific classes of antihypertensive agents, and appropriate nonpharmaco-
logic therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease
Difficulty in attaining blood pressure control in patients with chronic kidney dis-
The high prevalence of earlier stages of chronic kidney disease requires a coordinated
national effort by governmental agencies and nongovernmental organizations to address
these issues.
134 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
A broad set of recommendations for research on high blood pressure in chronic kidney
disease was developed by the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic
Renal Disease.
Recommendations for observational studies are reproduced in Table
74 and for clinical trials in Table 75.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 135
Anemia usually develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and maybe
associated with adverse outcomes.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should be evaluated for anemia. The
evaluation should include measurement of hemoglobin level.
Anemia in chronic kidney disease should be evaluated and treatedsee K/DOQI
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease, Guidelines 1
through 4, as shown in Fig 25.
It is well established that anemia develops in the course of chronic kidney disease and
is nearly universal in patients with kidney failure.
The development of effective thera-
peutic options, such as erythropoietin therapy, has provided for the effective treatment
Fig 25. Anemia work-up for patients with chronic kidney disease. Modified and repro-
duced with permission.
136 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
of anemia. An earlier K/DOQI clinical practice guideline is devoted to this topic
however, that guideline focused primarily on patients treated by dialysis. This guideline
addresses anemia in the earlier stages of chronic kidney disease.
Importantly, past guidelines have relied on serum creatinine levels 2 mg/dL as the
criterion to test for the presence of anemia. The Work Group recommends that the K/
DOQI Anemia guideline be updated to in corporate estimated GFR 60 mL/min/1.73
to trigger the ascertainment of anemia, rather than the previously cited serum creati-
nine levels (Fig 25).
Definition of Anemia
Measures used to assess anemia and its causes include hemoglobin, hematocrit, and iron
stores (as measured directly by bone marrow biopsy, or indirectly as measured by serum
ferritin, transferrin saturation levels, and percentage of hypochromic red blood cells or
reticulocytes). Erythropoietin levels are less useful as a measure of anemia in chronic
kidney disease, since it is now well established that they are often not appropriately
elevated despite low hemoglobin levels.
Measurement of hemoglobin, rather than hematocrit, is the preferred method for
assessing anemia. Unfortunately, this issue has been confused due to the use of hematocrit
in a number of studies. Hematocrit is a derived value, affected by plasma water, and
thus subject to imprecision as a direct measure of erythropoiesis. Measurement of hemo-
globin gives an absolute value and, unlike hematocrit, is not affected greatly by shifts in
plasma water, as may occur with diuretics or with dialysis therapy. Hemoglobin levels
are directly affected by lack of erythropoietin production from the kidney and thus serve
as a more precise measurement of erythropoiesis.
While decreased hemoglobin often accompanies chronic kidney disease, there is no
quantitative definition of anemia in chronic kidney disease, since ‘‘acceptable’’ (normal)
hemoglobin levels have not been defined for patients with kidney disease. Instead, anemia
is defined according to physiological norms. All patients with chronic kidney disease
who have hemoglobin levels lower than physiological norms are considered anemic.
The definition of anemia in chronic kidney disease is further complicated by gender
differences in hemoglobin levels. In the normal population, hemoglobin levels vary be-
tween genders and also as a function of menopausal status. The World Health Organiza-
tion defines anemia to be that level of hemoglobin and gender-determined normal ranges
without reference to age or menopausal status.
Thus, for males, anemia is defined as
hemoglobin level 13.0 g/dL, while in women, anemia is defined as hemoglobin level
12.0 g/dL. The WHO is in the process of updating these definitions to expand and
refine them with specific levels in pregnant women and children of different ages. In
most studies of anemia related to the level of kidney function, these issues have not
been taken into account.
The operational definition of anemia in patients with kidney disease has also been
influenced by health policy. In the past, national reimbursements (such as Medicare and
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 137
Medicaid in the United States) have required the attainment of specific levels of hemoglo-
bin or hematocrit, leading investigators and clinicians to define anemia relative to those
regulatory levels. As stated in the European Best Practice Guidelines for the Management
of Anaemia,
it is important to define anemia relative to physiological norms rather
than payment rules.
Some studies have arbitrarily defined the ‘‘anemia’’ of kidney disease as a hemoglobin
level below some discretionary level (eg, 10 g/dL) that is well below the normative values
in the general population. The low hemoglobin level that is often seen in chronic kidney
disease should not lead to the acceptance of lower than normal hemoglobin levels as
appropriate in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Strength of Evidence
Anemia develops during the course of chronic kidney disease (R). Lower
hemoglobin may result from the loss of erythropoietin synthesis in the kidneys and/or
the presence of inhibitors of erythropoiesis. Numerous articles document the association
of anemia with kidney failure and describe its various causes.
The severity
of anemia in chronic kidney disease is related to the duration and extent of kidney failure.
The lowest hemoglobin levels are found in anephric patients and those who commence
dialysis at very severely decreased levels of kidney function.
Anemia is associated with worse outcomes in chronic kidney disease (R).
As yet it is undetermined whether the presence of anemia in chronic kidney disease
directly worsens prognosis or whether it is a marker for the severity of other illnesses.
Definitive studies have not been concluded. The available evidence, consisting of large
database analysis and population studies, clearly show that low hemoglobin levels are
associated with higher rates of hospitalizations, cardiovascular disease, cognitive impair-
ment, and other adverse patient outcomes, including mortality.
Erythropoietin deficiency is the primary cause of anemia in chronic kidney
disease (R). Anemia in patients with chronic kidney disease is due to a number of
factors, the most common of which is abnormally low erythropoietin levels. Other causes
include: functional or absolute iron deficiency, blood loss (either occult or overt), the
presence of uremic inhibitors (eg, parathyroid hormone, spermine, etc), reduced half
life of circulating blood cells, deficiencies of folate or Vitamin B
, or some combination
of these with a deficiency of erythropoietin.
Patients with kidney disease
may have concurrent underlying hematological problems such as thalassemia minor,
sickle cell disease, or acquired diseases such as myelofibrosis or aplastic anemia.
The causative role of erythropoietin deficiency in anemia of chronic kidney disease
includes: (1) anemia is responsive to treatment with erythropoietin in all stages of chronic
kidney disease; and (2) in patients with chronic kidney disease, circulating levels of
erythropoietin are not sufficient to maintain hemoglobin within the normal range. North
American (United States and Canada) and European studies have demonstrated these
138 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Onset and severity of anemia are related to the level of GFR; below a GFR
of approximately 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, there is a higher prevalence of anemia
(Tables 76 and 77 and Figs 26, 27, 28, and 29) (C, S). Studies reviewed for the
purposes of this guideline include those of patients with chronic kidney disease prior
to dialysis, those with kidney transplants, and those on dialysis.
The reviewed literature spans almost 30 years of investigation and describes the clini-
cal findings of researchers as they explore the relationships between hemoglobin and
kidney function (Tables 76 and 77). The majority of available data have been derived
from studies of small sample size, most of which are cross-sectional studies or baseline
data from clinical trials of variable size and robustness. These studies are predominantly
of only moderate or modest quality from a methodological standpoint. The consistency of
the information they provided does, however, indicate a trend toward lower hemoglobin
levels at lower levels of GFR and a variability in hemoglobin levels across GFR levels.
In 12 of the 22 studies reviewed, there was an association between the level of
hemoglobin or hematocrit and the selected measure of kidney function. Data obtained
from the NHANES III analysis (Fig 26) demonstrates an association between hemoglobin
and level of GFR at GFR levels 90 mL/min/1.73 m
. While the increase in prevalence
of anemia is most notable in the population studied at GFR levels 60 mL/min/1.73 m
anemia can be present in patients with higher GFR levels. Due to the sparcity of data
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 139
Fig 26. Blood hemoglobin percentiles by GFR adjusted to age 60 (NHANES III). Median
and 5th and 95th percentiles of hemoglobin among adult participants age 20 years and
older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years using a polynom-
ial quantile regression. The estimated GFR for each individual data point is shown with
a plus sign () near the abscissa. 95% confidence intervals at selected levels of estimated
GFR are demarcated with triangles, squares, and circles.
140 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 27. Adjusted prevalence in adults of low hemoglobin by GFR (NHANES III). Pre-
dicted prevalence of hemoglobin 11 and 13 g/dL among adult participants age 20
years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years
using a polynomial regression. 95% confidence intervals are shown at selected levels
of estimated GFR.
points at values 30 mL/min/1.73 m
in the NHANES III database, the Canadian Multi-
centre Study
was utilized to demonstrate trends in a large cohort of patients prior to
dialysis (Fig 28). Note in Fig 29 the increase in prevalence of anemia at lower levels of
GFR, but the existence of up to 20% of patients with anemia at higher, though still
abnormal levels of GFR (30 to 44 mL/min/1.73 m
). Thus, the NHANES III data are
consistent with data derived from populations with kidney disease and lower GFR
(Figs 28 and 29).
Published studies cited in Tables 76 and 77 demonstrate a variability in the levels of
Fig 28. Hemoglobin percentiles by GFR. These data are based on the results of 446
patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal Cohort study of patients with
chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to nephrologists between 1994 and
1997. No patient was receiving erythropoietin therapy at the time of enrollment, and
no patient had an AV fistula. Adapted and reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 141
Fig 29. Prevalence of low hemoglobin by GFR category. These data are based on the
results of 446 patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal Cohort study of
patients with chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to nephrologists between
1994 and 1997. No patient was receiving erythropoiten therapy at the time of enroll-
ment, and no patient had an AV fistula. Adapted and reprinted with permission.
hemoglobin or hematocrit at each level of kidney function, whether assessed by serum
creatinine concentration, creatinine clearance, or GFR. These observations underscore
the need to measure hemoglobin levels in every individual with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73
and to individualize the assessment of anemia. The population-based trend toward
lower hemoglobin levels as GFR falls does not yield a predictable progression that can
be applied to individual patients. Thus, anemia should be considered in some patients
with chronic kidney disease and GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Erythropoietin levels are not consistently associated with the level of GFR
(Table 78) (C). Erythropoietin levels in patients with chronic kidney disease have not
been well characterized in studies to date and do not appear to be directly related to
level of kidney function. The majority of studies have been performed in patients already
receiving dialysis, though some studies describe the relationship of erythropoietin levels
to GFR in diabetics and in patients not on di!-!alysis.
The consistent finding apparent from these studies is that, for any given level of
kidney function and anemia, the erythropoietin levels are lower in individuals with kidney
disease than in those with anemia but normal kidney function.
The interpretation of these findings is that patients with kidney disease, as compared
to normal individuals, do not have an appropriate rise in the levels of erythropoieten in
the presence of anemia; while levels may be higher than non-anemic chronic kidney
disease patients, the rise in erythropoietin levels is not commensurate with that seen in
142 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
patients with the same degree of anemia but without kidney disease. Table 77 shows
the paucity of data in this area and the weakness of the association demonstrated by
published studies between erythropoiten levels and level of kidney function.
Measures of iron stores, including ferritin and transferrin saturation, are
not consistently associated with the level of GFR (Tables 79 and 80) (C). Several
measures of iron stores have been studied in patients with kidney disease. Most of these
measures, unlike bone marrow biopsy, do not directly quantify the amount of iron avail-
able for use in erythrocyte synthesis, relying instead on indirect or surrogate measures.
Ferritin levels in patients with reduced GFR may represent total body iron status, or they
may simply be markers of inflammation. Given the ‘‘chronic inflammatory state’’ that
may characterize chronic kidney disease, ferritin levels are not useful in measuring iron
stores, nor in predicting the relation of hemoglobin to kidney function.
Transferrin saturation, in combination with serum iron and ferritin levels, may be
helpful in diagnosing functional iron deficiencyjust as low serum ferritin levels are
helpful in diagnosing iron deficiency anemia.
However, there is little correlation
of iron measurements with stages of kidney disease.
This analysis is limited by a lack of data about the relationship of levels of hemoglobin
and kidney function in a truly representative sample of patients with chronic kidney
disease. Many of the published studies describe patients entered into clinical trials or
seen by nephrologists. The reasons for these differences are incompletely studied but
noted in conventional texts and review articles.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 143
Interestingly, specific subgroups of patients (such as those with polycystic kidney
disease) may have erythropoietin synthesis that is better preserved than other subgroups
(such as diabetics). In the subgroup of patients who have kidney transplants, there are
multiple causes for anemia in addition to decreased kidney function. The use of immuno-
suppressive agents or other medications, or chronic inflammation due to transplant rejec-
tion, may further confound the assessment of the etiology of declining hemoglobin.
However, it is clear that at given levels of compromised GFR, kidney transplant patients
do demonstrate reduced levels of hemoglobin, consistent with findings in patients with
native diseased kidneys, and with those who have impaired kidney function.
Another limitation of the current analysis is the variety (and lack of precision) of
methods by which kidney function was measured in studies that assessed hemoglobin
in patients with chronic kidney disease. Methods used included: measured GFR (iothala-
mate or other methods), calculated GFR (using different equations), measured or calcu-
lated creatinine clearance (using different equations). It is therefore difficult to determine
whether the variability in hemoglobin at levels of kidney function is due to variability
in measurements of kidney function or to variability associated with chronic kidney
disease itself. While true variability between patients is the more likely possibility, the
magnitude of variability is unknown.
Available data permit the description of mean levels of hemoglobin (with wide standard
deviations) at different levels of GFR and support the following recommendations. Physi-
cians treating patients with chronic kidney disease should:
Follow hemoglobin levels over time in all individuals with chronic kidney disease
and expect some degree of decline over time as kidney function worsens
Evaluate anemia in all patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Assess the relationship of anemia to the patient’s symptoms and findings and the
impact of anemia on the patient’s comorbid conditions and other complications
of decreased kidney function
As in anemia from any cause, treatments appropriate to the etiology of the anemia
(iron or other supplement deficiency) should be implemented. The issues of timing
of intervention and specific target of hemoglobin are beyond the scope of this
These recommendations are consistent with published K/DOQI Clinical Practice
Guidelines on Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease.
While there are no ‘‘normal’’/ex-
pected values of hemoglobin at any specific level of GFR, available data suggest that
individual patients do trend toward a fall in hemoglobin as kidney function declines.
The characterization of severity of anemia for any individual with chronic kidney disease
should be made in light of changes in hemoglobin from previous levels. The decline in
hemoglobin is most likely associated with a reduction in erythropoietin effectiveness or
production, which accompanies the decline in GFR.
Treatment and assessment recommendations are beyond the scope of this guideline
144 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
but are provided in the K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Anemia of Chronic
Kidney Disease
and the European Best Practice Guidelines for the Management of
Anaemia in Patients with Chronic Renal Failure.
Clearly, more information is needed on hemoglobin levels in chronic kidney diseasees-
pecially in patients in the early stages of kidney disease and as kidney function declines.
Future studies should include:
Evaluation of the relationships between erythropoietin levels, hemoglobin and iron
stores in patients with chronic kidney disease at each stage of the disease
Description of changes in these hematological parameters in specific subgroups,
such as diabetics and patients with failing transplant grafts
Evaluation of the impact of treatment of anemia in stages of kidney disease prior
to dialysis (CKD Stages 14) on kidney function decline, cardiac function, and
general well-being
Economic evaluations of therapeutic strategies which include maintenance of he-
moglobin versus correction from low levels at different stages of chronic kidney
Protein energy malnutrition develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and
is associated with adverse outcomes. Low protein and calorie intake is an important
cause of malnutrition in chronic kidney disease.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should undergo assessment of dietary
protein and energy intake and nutritional statussee K/DOQI Clinical Practice
Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure (CRF), Guidelines 23 and 26:
Guideline 23. Panels of Nutritional Measures for Nondialyzed Patients: ‘‘For indi-
viduals with CRF (GFR
20 mL/min) protein-energy nutritional status should be evalu-
ated by serial measurements of a panel of markers including at least one value from
each of the following clusters:
(1) Serum albumin;
(2) Edema-free actual body weight, percent standard (NHANES II) body weight,
or subjective global assessment (SGA); and
(3) Normalized protein nitrogen appearance (nPNA) or dietary interviews and
diaries. (Evidence and Opinion)’’
Guideline 26. Intensive Nutritional Counseling for Chronic Renal Failure: ‘‘The
nutritional status of individuals with CRF should be monitored at regular intervals.’’
Patients with decreased dietary intake or malnutrition should undergo dietary modi-
fication, counseling, and education or specialized nutrition therapysee K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 145
Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure (CRF), Guidelines
24 and 25:
Guideline 24. Dietary Protein Intake for Nondialyzed Patients: ‘‘For individuals
with chronic renal failure (GFR
25 mL/min) who are not undergoing maintenance
dialysis, the institution of a planned low-protein diet providing 0.60 g protein/kg/d
should be considered. For individuals who will not accept such a diet or who are
unable to maintain adequate dietary energy intake with such a diet, an intake of up
to 0.75 g protein/kg/d may be prescribed. (Evidence and Opinion).’’
Guideline 25. Dietary Energy Intake (DEI) for Nondialyzed Patients: ‘‘The recom-
mended DEI for individuals with chronic renal failure (GFR
25 mL/min) who are
not undergoing maintenance dialysis is 35 kcal/kg/d for those who are younger
than 60 years old and 3035 kcal/kg/d for individuals who are 60 years of age
or older. (Evidence and Opinion).’’
Anorexia is evidenced by decreased dietary protein intake (DPI) and decreased dietary
energy intake (DEI), which are hallmarks of kidney failure (K/DOQI Clinical Practice
Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure,
Guideline 6). As limitation of protein
intake reduces the accumulation of toxic substances derived from the metabolism of
protein, decreased DPI may be viewed as adaptive in patients with kidney failure. How-
ever, decreased DPI is also associated with worsening of indices of nutritional status.
Thus, the overall outcome of this adaptive process may be the increased prevalence of
protein energy malnutrition (PEM) in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The stage of chronic kidney disease at which decreased dietary nutrient intake and
associated PEM become prevalent has not been adequately documented, due in part to
the fact that no single measure provides a complete overview of nutritional status. The
optimal monitoring of protein-energy nutritional status requires the collective evaluation
of multiple parameters (ie, assessment of visceral protein, muscle mass or somatic pro-
tein, body composition). As a result, data for appropriate assessment of nutritional status
in patients with chronic kidney disease have not been adequately collected and often
the onset and progression of malnutrition is obscured by the progressive loss of kidney
function. This guideline provides evidence on the association of the level of GFR with
dietary intake and nutritional status and provides recommendations on how to approach
this specific complication of chronic kidney disease.
Markers of Protein-Energy Malnutrition
PEM is characterized by the insidious loss of body fat and somatic protein stores, dimin-
ished serum protein concentrations, and poor performance status and function. Serum
albumin, serum pre-albumin, and serum transferrin levels are used to measure visceral
protein. Anthropometry and dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry assess somatic protein and
146 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
fat stores. In addition, edema-free weight, body mass index (BMI), and subjective global
assessment (SGA) are valid and clinically useful tools for overall nutritional assessment.
Serum albumin concentration, even when only slightly less than 4.0 g/dL, is one of
the most important markers of PEM in patients with chronic kidney disease. It is a very
reliable indicator of visceral protein, although its concentration is also affected by its
rate of synthesis and catabolism (half-life 20 days), which is altered negatively in the
presence of inflammation.
The distribution of albumin between extra-cellular and
intravascular spaces may be variable depending on the etiology of kidney disease, magni-
tude of proteinuria, and the state of extra-cellular fluid volume. In chronically malnour-
ished patients, albumin tends to shift out of the intravascular compartment.
Several markers of visceral protein, other than albumin, have a shorter half-life and
may be useful markers of early malnutrition. Among these are serum transferrin (half-
life 8 days) and serum pre-albumin (half-life 2 days).
Iron stores affect serum transferrin,
while pre-albumin is excreted by the kidneys and its concentration can be falsely elevated
in patients with advanced kidney disease. All these markers are also affected by the
presence of inflammation.
Anthropometry (edema-free weight, BMI, assessment of arm fat and muscle) has been
used to estimate body composition and nutritional adequacy. Reproducibility of anthro-
pometry measurements is poor and is dependent upon the skill of the observer. SGA
has been proposed as an easy, useful, and clinically valid method for nutritional assess-
ment. SGA includes subjective data (disease state, weight changes), indicators of poor
nutritional status (appetite, food intake, gastrointestinal symptoms), and the clinical judg-
ment of the clinician. The limitation of SGA is its reliance on subjective data. There are
no studies which correlate anthropometric measurements or SGA with clinical outcome
in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Serum bicarbonate concentration (also measured as total carbon dioxide content or
), as a measure of acid-base balance, has been used to assess malnutrition in chronic
kidney disease. Studies show that uremic acidosis causes an increase in protein degrada-
tion. Correction of acidosis is accompanied by a decrease in protein tissue breakdown.
Assessment of nutrient intake can be useful in identifying PEM and several measures
of dietary intake have been utilized in patients with chronic kidney disease. These include
measurement of protein equivalent of total nitrogen appearance (PNA) as a marker of
dietary protein intake, measurement of basal energy expenditure (BEE) as a measure
of dietary energy needs, and dietary interviews or diaries as markers of overall intake.
Additionally, total serum cholesterol can be a useful marker for energy intake, but not
for protein intake.
The challenge for the clinician is to appropriately monitor the nutritional indices in
patients with chronic kidney disease. While each marker has its own advantage in terms
of precision and predictability, it is recommended that these markers be used in a comple-
mentary fashion to optimize assessment of patients with chronic kidney disease and to
tailor specific interventions.
It is also important for the clinician to educate patients about a proper diet, since
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 147
hyperphosphatemia, hyperkalemia, and metabolic acidosis may develop during chronic
kidney disease.
Medical Nutrition Therapy and Nutrition Counseling
As of January 2002, Medicare will provide payment for medical nutrition therapy (MNT)
for patients with chronic kidney disease.
‘‘Medical nutrition therapy involves the assessment of the nutritional status of
patients with a condition, illness, or injury that puts them at risk. This includes review
and analysis of medical and diet history, laboratory values, and anthropometric mea-
surements. Based on the assessment, nutrition modalities most appropriate to manage
the condition or treat the illness or injury are chosen and include the following:
Diet modification, counseling, and education leading to the development of a
personal diet plan to achieve nutritional goals and desired health outcomes.
Specialized nutrition therapies including supplementation with medical foods
for those unable to obtain adequate nutrients through food intake only; enteral
nutrition delivered via tube feeding into the gastrointestinal tract for those una-
ble to ingest or digest food; and parenteral nutrition delivered via intravenous
infusion for those unable to absorb nutrients.’’
Presently, it is proposed that patients will be eligible to receive reimbursement for
medical nutrition therapy if they have GFR 15 to 50 mL/min/1.73 m
, or if they have
received a kidney transplant within the previous 6 months. These criteria are roughly
equivalent to patients with CKD Stages 34 and Stage 5 who do not yet require dialysis.
Most patients with CKD Stage 5 who are treated by dialysis are eligible for medical
nutrition therapy from their dialysis providers.
Strength of Evidence
PEM develops during the course of chronic kidney disease (R). When com-
pared to the demographically adjusted general population, dialysis patients experience
greater signs and symptoms of wasting, malnutrition, morbidity, and mortality. It is esti-
mated that 50% to 70% of dialysis patients suffer from PEM.
Abnormalities in nutritional
markers are common and include decreased serum proteins, lower body mass as assessed
by anthropometric measurements and SGA, and decreased nutrient intake. Reasons for
PEM include disturbances in protein and energy metabolism, hormonal derangements,
anorexia, and nausea and vomiting related to uremic toxicity. Comorbid conditions such
as diabetes, vascular disease, and superimposed infections and inflammation are contribu-
Malnutrition is associated with worse outcomes in chronic kidney disease
(R). Among maintenance dialysis patients, PEM has been recognized as one of the most
significant predictors of adverse outcomes. Risk of hospitalizations and mortality is in-
versely correlated to nutritional markers.
Recently, attention has focused on the char-
acteristics of patients with chronic kidney disease at the time they begin maintenance
dialysis. Studies have suggested that apart from the severity of uremic symptoms as well
148 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
as the biochemical findings related to the extent of metabolic and hormonal abnormali-
ties, the nutritional status of the patient at the initiation of dialysis is a clinically significant
risk factor for subsequent clinical outcomes (morbidity and mortality) on dialysis.
The association between nutrition intake or status and clinical outcome does not prove
a causal relationship. It is possible that comorbid conditions independently impair both
nutritional intake or status and increase morbidity and mortality. In addition studies
suggest that a combined state of poor nutritional status and inflammation predispose
patients with chronic kidney disease to poor clinical outcomes.
Low protein and calorie intake is an important cause of malnutrition in
chronic kidney disease (R). While there are possibly multiple factors that contribute
to the development of PEM in chronic kidney disease, low protein and calorie intake
(decreased from usual intake) are certainly important contributors in this catabolic pro-
cess. This relationship is evident from multiple studies, which show a strong relationship
between the amount of dietary intake of nutrients, especially protein intake, and the
stage of malnutrition in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Concentrations of
serum albumin and transferrin, edema free weight, and percent lean body mass have all
been directly related to dietary protein intake in patients with chronic kidney disease.
The mechanism by which chronic kidney disease leads to this decline in nutrient
intake has not been defined. Accumulation of uremic toxins due to loss of kidney function
is a potential explanation. Metabolic and hormonal derangements predispose patients
with chronic kidney disease to decreased appetite and dietary nutrient intake.
Specific comorbid conditions, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease, and
depression, can facilitate the worsening of decreased nutrient intake in patients with
chronic kidney disease. The mechanisms associated with these conditions are multiple
and include gastrointestinal abnormalities, decreased appetite, effects of concomitant
medication use, and role of inflammation.
Other causes of malnutrition in chronic kidney disease (R). Several factors
other than low protein and calorie intake can also predispose chronic kidney disease
patients to malnutrition. These include several hormonal and metabolic derangements
related to loss of kidney function. Metabolic acidosis is commonly seen in chronic kidney
disease patients and shown to be associated with increased protein catabolism in these
patients. Specifically, the degradation of the essential, branched-chain amino acids and
muscle protein is stimulated during metabolic acidosis. Further, metabolic acidosis sup-
presses albumin synthesis.
Worsening kidney function is also associated with resis-
tance to insulin, growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor 1, all of which are known
to be anabolic hormones. Of note, these abnormalities are most prominent in pediatric
chronic kidney disease patients with apparent growth failure.
Recent studies point to the increased concentrations of proinflammatory cytokines
and acute phase reactants in chronic kidney disease patients.
Analysis of the data
from NHANES III demonstrates increasing C-reactive protein concentrations as GFR de-
Thus, available evidence suggests a chronic inflammatory state in chronic
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 149
kidney disease patients, especially for patients in Stages 3 to 5. The metabolic and nutri-
tional effects of chronic inflammation are many and include anorexia, increased skeletal
muscle protein breakdown, increased whole body protein catabolism, cytokine-mediated
hypermetabolism, and disruption of the growth hormone and IGF-1 axis leading to de-
creased anabolism.
These findings suggest that chronic inflammation observed in
chronic kidney disease patients is an important causative factor for poor nutritional status
observed in these patients.
The level of dietary intake of protein and energy intake is related to the level
of GFR; below a GFR of approximately 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, there is a higher
prevalence of reduced dietary protein and energy intake (Tables 81 and 82 and
150 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 30. Association of dietary intake and GFR in the MDRD Study. Mean levels of
protein and energy intake as a function of GFR based on 24-hour urine collections and
diet diaries (males, solid lines; females, dashed lines). Data depict MDRD Study enrollees
not on restricted diets. Abbreviation: UNA, urea nitrogen appearance. Reprinted with
Fig 30) (C, S). One of the most significant clinical indicators of kidney failure is an
apparent decrease in appetite. Spontaneous decrease in dietary protein and energy intake
can be regarded as an early index of uremia. This begins to occur when GFR falls below
60 mL/min/1.73 m
. As protein and calorie intake decline, markers of nutrition health
indicate worsening nutritional status.
K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 24 recommends consideration of a protein intake of
0.60 g/kg/d for individuals with GFR 25 mL/min (corresponding approximately to CKD
Stages 45), but does not address recommendations for patients with higher GFR. The
recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of protein for normal adults is 0.75 g/kg/d. The
MDRD Study was inconclusive regarding the benefits of protein restriction on kidney
disease progression (see CKD Guideline 13), but there was no evidence of a beneficial
effect from DPI higher than the RDA. A DPI of 0.75 g/kg/d therefore appears reasonable
for patients with CKD Stages 13 (in the absence of evidence of malnutrition), but data
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 151
are inconclusive, and individualized decision-making is advised. Patients with DPI less
than approximately 0.75 g/kg/d should have more close monitoring of nutritional status.
K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 25 recommends age-dependent DEI intakes of 30 to 35
kcal/kg/d for individuals with GFR 25 mL/min (corresponding approximately to CKD
Stages 45), but does not address recommendations for patients with higher GFR. The
RDA for energy intake in normal adults depends on energy expenditure. Average energy
intake in adults in the United States is less than that recommended in the K/DOQI
Nutrition Guideline. The rationale for higher DEI in patients with GFR 25 mL/min is
based on studies demonstrating more efficient nitrogen utilization at higher energy in-
takes. For patients with CKD Stages 13, it would be reasonable to recommend higher
energy intakes only if they have abnormally low body weight or show other signs of
Patients with DPI less than the RDA (0.75 g/kg/d) should be targeted for frequent
follow-up to monitor nutritional status more closely. Some studies indicate that intensive
nutrition counseling may help maintain calorie intake and to preserve markers of good
nutrition as GFR declines.
The onset and severity of PEM is related to the level of GFR; below a GFR
of approximately 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, there is a higher prevalence of impaired
nutritional status (C, S). K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 23 states that protein-energy
nutritional status should be evaluated by serial measurements for individuals with GFR
20 mL/min.
An updated literature review supports the recommendation that evalua-
tions of nutritional status should begin when GFR falls below approximately 60 mL/min/
1.73 m
. Population studies show that albumin begins to decline once GFR reaches this
Other markers of nutritional status at this level of kidney function have not been
as well studied.
K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 23 recommends a panel of nutrition measures for evalua-
tion of nutrition status in nondialyzed patients which includes serum albumin, body
weight, subjective global assessment and assessment of protein intake through nPNA or
dietary interviews. Other markers of nutritional status (eg, serum total proteins, serum
prealbumin, serum transferrin, serum total bicarbonate, serum total cholesterol, and
serum lipids) appear to be related to the level of GFR.
The calculation of standard body weight (SBW) requires a formula that uses elbow
breadth to determine the patient’s frame size. For many clinicians, this measurement is
not feasible. The calculation of healthy weight range can be made with the simpler Body
Mass Index (BMI) formula:
Weight (kg)
Height (m)
It is recommended that the BMI of maintenance dialysis patients be maintained in
the upper 50th percentile for normal individuals, which would mean a BMI for men and
women no lower than approximately 23.6 to 24.0 kg/m
. This recommendation also
appears appropriate for chronic kidney disease patients with significant GFR reductions
(Stages 35)see K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline, Appendix VII.
152 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI Nutrition Guideline 26 recommends monitoring of nutritional status at 1-
to 3-month intervals in patients with GFR 20 mL/min. It is the opinion of the CKD
Work Group that this recommendation is appropriate for patients with GFR less than
30 ml/min/1.73 m
(CKD Stages 45) and less frequent monitoring (eg, every 6 to 12
months) may be acceptable for patients with GFR 30 to 60 mL/min/1.73m
(CKD Stage
3) if there is no evidence of malnutrition.
The high prevalence of malnutrition in chronic kidney disease, the association be-
tween malnutrition and clinical outcomes, and new evidence that nutrient intake begins
to decline at GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
support the recommendation that nutritional
status should be assessed and monitored earlier in the course of chronic kidney disease.
Serum albumin level is lower in patients with decreased GFR (Tables 83 and
84 and Figs 31 and 32) (C, S). Serum albumin is lower at levels of GFR below 60 mL/
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 153
min/1.73 m
, indicating a decline in circulating protein levels or serum protein concentra-
tions, protein losses or inflammation.
An acceptable goal level for
albumin is 4.0 g/dL (bromcresol green method).
Similar findings have been reported for serum total proteins and pre-albumin.
Serum transferrin level is lower in patients with decreased GFR (Table 85
and Fig 33) (C, S). Serum transferrin is lower at lower GFR levels. This is evidenced
Fig 31. Serum albumin percentiles by GFR adjusted to age. Median and 5th and 95th
percentiles of serum albumin among adult participants age 20 years and older in
NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years using a polynomial
quantile regression. The estimated GFR for each individual data point is shown with a
plus near the abscissa. 95% confidence intervals at selected levels of estimated GFR are
demarcated with triangles, squares, and circles.
154 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 32. Association of serum albumin and GFR in the MDRD Study. Mean levels of
serum albumin and the probability of serum albumin concentrations 3.8 g/dL as a
function of GFR (males, solid lines; females, dashed lines). Reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 155
Fig 33. Association of serum transferrin and GFR in the MDRD Study. Mean levels of
serum transferrin and the probability of serum transferrin concentrations 250 mg/dL
as a function of GFR (males, solid lines; females, dashed lines). Reprinted with permis-
in patients with chronic kidney disease, with no sign of inflammation, infection, and
with stable iron status.
Serum bicarbonate concentration is lower in patients with decreased GFR
(Table 86) (C). As GFR falls to 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, serum bicarbonate decreases.
Low serum bicarbonate is an indicator of acidemia and associated with protein degrada-
tion. Low serum bicarbonate has been correlated to low serum albumin.
See K/
DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure, Guideline 14,
Treatment of Low Serum Bicarbonate:
156 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
‘‘Predialysis or stabilized serum bicarbonate levels should be maintained at or
above 22
Serum cholesterol concentration is lower in patients with decreased GFR
(Table 87 and Fig 34) (C, S). As GFR decreases to 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, serum choles-
terol falls, even when controlling for inflammation and comorbid conditions.
Body weight, body mass index, percentage body fat, and skin fold thickness
are lower in patients with decreased GFR (Tables 88, 89, 90, and 91 and Fig
35) (C, S). As GFR falls to 50 mL/min/1.73 m
, measurements of body mass show
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 157
Fig 34. Association of serum cholesterol and GFR in the MDRD Study. Mean levels of
serum cholesterol and the probability of serum cholesterol concentrations 160 mg/dL
as a function of GFR (males, solid lines; females, dashed lines). Reprinted with permis-
158 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
declines in total mass, fat, and muscle. The correlations may be stronger in men than
women. Assessment of body composition, especially with serial measurements can pro-
vide valuable information concerning long term adequacy of protein energy nutrition.
Changes in body weight, BMI, and body fat in patients with chronic kidney disease and
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
have not been assessed.
There are certain limitations to the information presented herein. The design of most
studies measuring nutrition markers in chronic kidney disease is based on data derived
from cross-sectional studies. There are very few longitudinal studies available. In addition,
there is a lack of uniform collective evaluation of the multiple markers of nutritional
status in patients with chronic kidney disease. Although it is known that dietary nutrient
intake decreases with GFR, there is only limited evidence that decreased dietary protein
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 159
160 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 35. Association of body composition and GFR in the MDRD Study. Mean levels of
anthropometric measures of nutritional status as a function of GFR (males, solid lines;
females, dashed lines). Reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 161
intake per se causes poor nutritional status. However, research indicates that when
patients receive intensive nutrition therapy and monitoring while the GFR is declining,
nutrition status can be maintained.
Dietary protein prescription in chronic kidney disease is complicated by potential
conflict between goals to slow the progression of kidney disease and preserve
protein nutritional status. There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or
against routine prescription of dietary protein restriction to slow progression (see
Guideline 13). Thus, the RDA for protein of 0.75 g/kg/d appears reasonable in
patients with GFR 30 mL/min/1.73 m
(CKD Stages 13). A lower protein intake
of 0.6 g/kg/d can be considered for patients with lower GFR (Stages 4 and 5) to
slow progression and minimize accumulation of uremic toxins. Individual decision-
making is recommended after discussion of risks and benefits.
Maintaining adequate energy intake is essential at all stages of chronic kidney dis-
Assessment of nutritional status in chronic kidney disease requires multiple markers
to assess protein status, fat stores, body composition, and dietary protein and energy
The nutritional status of patients with chronic kidney disease should be monitored
at regular intervals: every 1 to 3 months for patients with GFR 30 mL/min/1.73
(CKD Stages 4 and 5) and every 6 to 12 months for patients with GFR 30 to
59 mL/min/1.73 m
(CKD Stage 3).
The extent of PEM can be considered as an indication for the initiation of kidney
replacement therapy. If PEM develops or persists despite vigorous attempts to
optimize protein and energy intake, and there is no apparent cause for malnutrition
other than low nutrient intake, initiation of maintenance dialysis or kidney trans-
plant is recommended. See CKD Guideline 1, p. 43. In general, this guideline applies
to patients with GFR 15 mL/min/1.73 m
(CKD Stage 5) but may apply to some
patients with higher GFR levels.
In the United States, implementation of the medical nutrition therapy law for reimburse-
ment through Medicare will allow for the provision of nutrition monitoring as described
in these guidelines. Studies show that the most effective nutrition interventions in pa-
tients with chronic kidney disease involve patient training in self management skills and
frequent, ongoing feedback, and interventions with the nutrition team.
nutrition therapy for patients with chronic kidney disease must therefore include ade-
quate time for nutrition assessment and education and regular, scheduled nutrition ap-
Although occasionally a care provider, or other individual, may possess the expertise
and time to conduct nutritional assessment, use dietary interviews and records to assess
162 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
protein energy intake, assess body muscle and fat stores, interpret biochemical markers
of nutrition status and relate to dietary intake, and provide nutritional therapy (develop
a plan for nutritional management, counsel the patient and family on appropriate dietary
protein energy intake, monitor nutrition intake, and provide encouragement to maximize
dietary adherence)a registered dietitian, trained and experienced in CKD nutrition, is
best qualified to carry out these tasks. Such an individual not only has undergone all of
the training required to become a registered dietitian, including in many instances a
dietetic internship, but has also received formal or informal training in CKD nutrition.
Such a person is particularly experienced in working with patients with chronic kidney
disease and the nephrology team (see K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines for Nutrition
in Chronic Renal Failure, Appendix IV, Role of the Renal Dietitian
Research Recommendations
Although the data presented herein is compelling, more research, especially prospective
studies evaluating the impact of kidney disease on nutritional parameters, is needed.
Importantly, studies to define the optimal methods to evaluate nutritional status in
chronic kidney disease patients are critical. Prospective studies evaluating the impact of
different levels of nutritional status on subsequent outcome in chronic kidney disease
patients should also be performed. Finally, prospective studies evaluating the impact of
intensive nutritional counseling on nutritional status and possibly clinical outcome in
chronic kidney disease patients should be carried out.
Bone disease and disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism develop during
the course of chronic kidney disease and are associated with adverse outcomes.
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should be evaluated for bone disease
and disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism.
Patients with bone disease and disorders of bone metabolism should be evaluated
and treatedsee forthcoming K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Bone Me-
tabolism and Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease.
Chronic kidney disease is associated with a variety of bone disorders and disorders of
calcium and phosphorus metabolism. The major disorders of bone can be classified into
those associated with high parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels (osteitis fibrosa cystica)
and those with low or normal PTH levels (adynamic bone disease). The hallmark lesion
of chronic kidney disease is osteitis fibrosa, due to secondary hyperparathyroidism. How-
ever, with the advent of intensive treatments for secondary hyperparathyroidism, the
prevalence of disorders associated with low or normal PTH levels has increased.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 163
Irrespective of the cause, bone disease can lead to pain and an increased incidence
of fractures. Abnormal calcium-phosphorus metabolism and hyperparathyroidism can
also lead to calcification of blood vessels and potentially an increased risk of cardiovascu-
lar events.
The stage of chronic kidney disease at which bone disease begins to develop has not
been well documented, nor has a consensus been developed regarding the best screening
measures for detecting early abnormalities of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and bone
disease. The aim of this guideline is to provide evidence on the association of level of
GFR with disorders of calcium-phosphorus metabolism and bone disease and to provide
recommendations on how to approach this complication of chronic kidney disease.
Bone Disease in Chronic Kidney Disease
Bone disease associated with chronic kidney disease is composed of a number of abnor-
malities of bone mineralization. The major disorders can be classified into those associ-
ated with high bone turnover and high PTH levels (including osteitis fibrosa, the hallmark
lesion of secondary hyperparathyroidism, and mixed lesion) and low bone turnover and
low or normal PTH levels (osteomalacia and adynamic bone disease).
may be related to vitamin D deficiency, excess aluminum, or metabolic acidosis; whereas
adynamic bone disease may be related to over-suppression of PTH with calcitriol.
The pathophysiology of bone disease due to secondary hyperparathyroidism is related
to abnormal mineral metabolism: (1) decreased kidney function leads to reduced phos-
phorus excretion and consequent phosphorus retention; (2) elevated serum phosphorus
can directly suppress calcitriol (dihydroxyvitamin D
) production; (3) reduced kidney
mass leads to decreased calcitriol production; (4) decreased calcitriol production with
consequent reduced calcium absorption from the gastrointestinal tract contributes to
hypocalcemia, as does abnormal calcium-phosphorus balance leading to an elevated cal-
cium-phosphorus product.
Hypocalcemia, reduced calcitriol synthesis, and ele-
vated serum phosphorus levels stimulate the production of PTH and the proliferation
of parathyroid cells,
resulting in secondary hyperparathyroidism. High PTH levels
stimulate osteoblasts and result in high bone turnover. The hallmark lesion of secondary
hyperparathyroidism is osteitis fibrosa cystica. High bone turnover leads to irregularly
woven abnormal osteoid, fibrosis, and cyst formation, which result in decreased cortical
bone and bone strength and an increased risk of fracture.
Low turnover bone disease has two subgroups, osteomalacia and adynamic bone
disease. Both lesions are characterized by a decrease in bone turnover or remodeling,
with a reduced number of osteoclasts and osteoblasts, and decreased osteoblastic activity.
In osteomalacia there is an accumulation of unmineralized bone matrix, or increased
osteoid volume, which may be caused by vitamin D deficiency or excess aluminum.
Adynamic bone disease is characterized by reduced bone volume and mineralization and
may be due to excess aluminum or oversuppression of PTH production with calcitriol.
164 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Other Complications of Abnormal Calcium-Phosphorus
In addition to abnormalities in bone metabolism, abnormal calcium-phosphorus metabo-
lism may lead to calciphylaxis or extraosseous calcification of soft tissue and vascular
tissue. This complication in its full manifestation has been reported to affect approxi-
mately 1% of dialysis patients.
However, in studies of coronary artery calcification
using electron beam computed tomography, dialysis patients had coronary calcification
scores that were several-fold higher than those of patients with known coronary artery
The pathogenesis remains unclear, but hyperphosphatemia, hypercalcemia,
elevated calcium-phosphorus product, and increased PTH levels are probable contribu-
Markers of Bone Disease and Abnormal Calcium-Phosphorus
Metabolism in Chronic Kidney Disease
Bone biopsy following double-tetracycline labeling is the gold standard for the diagnosis
of bone disease in chronic kidney disease and is the only means of definitively differentiat-
ing them. Five bone lesions associated with chronic kidney disease have been classified
based on bone formation rate, osteoid area, and fibrosis on bone biopsy of patients with
kidney failure
(Table 92).
Bone biopsy is not easy, nor necessary in routine clinical practice. Classically, bone
resorption can be seen on plain radiographs in cases of advanced osteitis fibrosa, but
radiological studies, including densitometry, have not been conclusively shown to differ-
entiate the various types of bone disease associated with kidney failure. Bone biopsy is
currently recommended only for patients with symptomatic disease in whom interven-
tions are being contemplated (such as parathyroidectomy or desferoxamine treatment
for elevated aluminum levels)
or for research of the effectiveness of therapies or
alternative diagnostic tests.
In the absence of direct pathologic studies, clinicians have
relied on biochemical data to determine the probable presence of, or assess the risk for,
bone abnormalities. Low calcitriol (dihydroxyvitamin D
) and calcium levels, and high
phosphorus and PTH levels, are the classic abnormalities which develop with decreased
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 165
The biochemical studies in common use are serum phosphorus, calcium, and
PTH levels. Calcitriol levels can also be measured, but this is not commonly done in
clinical practice. Serum phosphorus and calcium levels are used in screening for abnor-
malities of mineral metabolism that may lead to PTH excess; however, PTH levels may
begin to rise even before there is appreciable hyperphosphatemia.
Hence, the recom-
mendation to obtain PTH levels in the assessment of bone disease in chronic kidney
An ideal serologic marker would be unique to bone and would be well correlated
to histologic findings on biopsy. Two markers studied more extensively include PTH
and bone alkaline phosphatase (bAP). PTH secretion is directly correlated with bone
turnover, but PTH levels are not reliably correlated with bone turnover among dialysis
patients, especially in the middle ranges.
PTH levels 65 pg/mL were found to be
predictive of normal bone or low turnover lesions, and PTH levels 450 pg/mL were
predictive of high turnover lesions, but levels in between did not have good predictive
value. Overall bone turnover could not be predicted in 30% of HD and 50% of PD pa-
In another study, low turnover lesions were noted in the majority of patients
with PTH levels 100 pg/mL and high turnover lesions in the majority of patients with
PTH levels 200 to 300 pg/mL.
High bAP levels have been associated with high bone
turnover and low levels with adynamic bone disease in dialysis patients. In one study,
the combination of high bone alkaline phosphatase levels with high PTH levels increased
the sensitivity of diagnosis of high turnover lesions; conversely, low levels of both of
these markers result in increased sensitivity for diagnosis of low turnover lesions. How-
ever, specific cut-off levels for bAP have varied in the few studies examining the relation-
ship to bone histology.
Other markers of bone disease not yet fully investigated nor in widespread clinical use
include osteocalcin,
2 microglobulin, procollagen type I carboxy-terminal propeptides
(PICP), and type I collagen cross linked telopeptides (ICTP), among others. PICP has
been correlated with bone formation, and ICTP and osteocalcin been correlated with
bone resorption. However, levels of many of these markers are affected by age, diet,
liver function, and kidney function; thus, interpretation of levels is difficult.
Thus, abnormalities of bone mineral metabolism are present if there is an elevated
serum phosphorus or PTH level or reduced serum calcium or calcitriol level. Given the
possibility of an elevated PTH level in the face of normal serum calcium and phosphorus
levels, the diagnosis of early abnormality of mineral metabolism requires measurement
of PTH levels. Extreme elevations of serum PTH levels are more convincingly associated
with high turnover lesions than low levels with low turnover lesions. Definitive diagnosis
of type of bone disease requires bone biopsy.
Strength of Evidence
Bone disease and disorders of calcium and phosphorus metabolism develop
during the course of chronic kidney disease (R). Radiologic and histologic changes
of bone disease can be demonstrated in about 40% and nearly 100%, respectively, of
166 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
patients with severely decreased kidney function and kidney failure.
However, the
abnormalities that lead to bone disease begin to occur at earlier stages of chronic kidney
disease. Elevated levels of PTH and phosphorus, reduced levels of calcium, and reduced
urinary phosphate excretion have been described among patients with GFR 70 mL/
min or lower.
Histologic changes have also been shown to occur at earlier
stages of chronic kidney disease. In a study of 176 patients with creatinine clearances
of 15 to 50 mL/min, 75% had ‘‘important histological abnormalities, with the majority
having osteitis fibrosa with or without osteomalacia.’’
In another study of patients
with creatinine clearances of 20 to 59 mL/min, 87% of patients had abnormal bone
histology, and the majority had lesions of high bone formation rate associated with
Bone disease and disorders of bone metabolism are associated with worse
outcomes in chronic kidney disease (R). The consequences of abnormal bone min-
eral metabolism have been studied primarily in patients without kidney disease and in
patients with kidney failure.
Hyperparathyroidism has been associated with abnor-
mal bone histology, bone pain, and fractures among patients with either primary and
secondary hyperparathyroidism,
and low PTH levels have been more recently
recognized to result in an increased risk of vertebral and pelvic fractures.
Calcification of cardiac muscle and coronary vasculature may lead to arrhythmia,
left ventricular dysfunction, ischemia, congestive heart failure, and death. Calciphylaxis
results in skin lesions that may become infected or gangrenous, leading to significant
morbidity and mortality among patients on dialysis.
Elevated phosphorus and
calcium-phosphorus product has also been linked to increased mortality among patients
on dialysis.
It has been hypothesized that elevated phosphorus levels may hasten
the loss of kidney function, possibly via calcium-phosphorus precipitation.
In addition, there is some experimental evidence that elevated PTH levels may be
associated with myocardial dysfunction, and impaired skeletal muscle, neurological, and
hematopoietic function.
The impact of PTH levels on mortality appears conflicting.
One study of dialysis patients reported an increased risk of death among dialysis patients
with low serum PTH levels,
while another study of patients in an emergency room
reported an increased risk of death among patients with high PTH levels.
Onset and severity of bone disease and abnormalities of bone mineral metab-
olism are related to the level of GFR; below a GFR of approximately 60 mL/
min/1.73 m
, there is a higher prevalence of abnormalities of bone metabolism
(C, S).
PTH levels are elevated in patients with decreased GFR and likely are the
earliest marker of abnormal bone mineral metabolism (Tables 93 and 94 and
Figs 36, 37, and 38) (C, S). The studies relating PTH levels to kidney function date
back to the 1960s, with sample sizes ranging from 6 to over 200 subjects with kidney
disease. Each of the 23 studies on this topic reviewed for this guideline consistently
demonstrated the expected relationship of increasing serum PTH levels with decreasing
levels of kidney function. Further details of these studies are presented in Table 93.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 167
168 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Because of the variety of assays used to measure PTH and methods used to estimate
level of kidney function, no attempt was made to combine data from different studies.
However, it is evident and currently accepted that the intact PTH test provides the most
consistently reliable measure of PTH levels.
There were four separate studies that examined the threshold creatinine clearance
or GFR levels at which PTH levels begin to rise; these threshold levels ranged from 70
mL/min to 40 mL/min.
In addition, analyses of data from a single study
demonstrate an inverse correlation between level of GFR and PTH (Figs 36 and 37) and
an increasing prevalence of abnormally elevated PTH levels with decreasing GFR (Fig
Fig 36. Scatterplot of iPTH versus GFR. These data are based on the results of 446
patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal Cohort study of patients with
chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to nephrologists between 1994 and
1997. No patient was receiving erythropoiten therapy at the time of enrollment, and
no patient had an AV fistula. Intact molecule PTH assay is reported in pica moles per
liter, and GFR is calculated using the modified MDRD formula (using age, race, gender,
and serum creatinine). Adapted and reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 169
Fig 37. iPTH percentiles by GFR. These data are based on the results of 446 patients
enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal Cohort study of patients with chronic
kidney disease. All patients were referred to nephrologists between 1994 and 1997.
No patient was receiving erythropoiten therapy at the time of enrollment, and no patient
had an AV fistula. Intact molecule PTH assay is reported in pica moles per liter, and
GFR is calculated using the modified MDRD formula (using age, race, gender, and serum
creatinine). Data are presented as median iPTH and 5th and 95th percentiles. Adapted
and reprinted with permission.
Fig 38. Prevalence of high iPTH by GFR category. These data are based on the results
of 446 patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal Cohort study of patients
with chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to nephrologists between 1994
and 1997. No patient was receiving erythropoietin therapy at the time of enrollment,
and no patient had an AV fistula. Intact molecule PTH assay is reported in pico moles
per liter, and GFR is calculated using the modified MDRD formula (using age, race,
gender, and serum creatinine). Adapted and reprinted with permission.
170 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
38). Therefore, the preponderance of data support that serum PTH levels are increased
in patients with decreased GFR.
Consistent with these observations, fractional excretion of phosphorous is higher at
lower GFRs (Table 94).
Serum calcium levels are frequently, but not consistently, abnormal with de-
creased GFR (Table 95 and Figs 39 and 40) (C, S). The studies relating serum total
or ionized calcium levels to kidney function date back to the 1960s, with sample sizes
ranging from 15 to over 125 subjects with kidney disease. The studies were conflicting
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 171
Fig 39. Serum calcium levels (adjusted for albumin) versus GFR. Median and 5th and
95th percentiles of serum calcium, adjusted for serum albumin, among adult participants
age 20 years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60
years using a polynomial quantile regression. The estimated GFR for each individual
data point is shown with a plus near the abscissa. 95% confidence intervals at selected
levels of estimated GFR are demarcated with triangles, squares, and circles.
Fig 40. Prevalence of hypocalcemia (adjusted for albumin) versus GFR. These data are
based on the results of 446 patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal
Cohort study of patients with chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to ne-
phrologists between 1994 and 1997. No patient was receiving erythropoietin therapy
at the time of enrollment, and no patient had an AV fistula. GFR is calculated using the
modified MDRD formula. Hypocalcemia was defined as serum calcium levels (adjusted
for albumin) of 8.5 mg/dL. Adapted and reprinted with permission.
172 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
in that about one third (7/20) did not demonstrate the expected relationship between
serum calcium levels and kidney function, that is, they did not show lower serum calcium
levels among patients with worse kidney function. The remaining studies (13/20) showed
that serum calcium levels were lower with lower levels of kidney function.
These data do not consistently show that there is a decrease in calcium levels with
declining kidney function. This was not as expected based on the ‘‘known’’ pathophysiol-
ogy of bone mineral metabolism. The studies showing conflicting results are of similar
methodological quality and sample size. In summary, there is not a clear relationship of
the level of serum calcium to the level of kidney function over a wide range of kidney
function in the reviewed studies.
Similarly, analysis of data from NHANES III does not demonstrate a convincing relation-
ship between serum calcium levels (adjusted for albumin) and level of GFR, although
few patients had GFR below 30 ml/min/1.73 m
(Fig 39).
However, analyses of data from a single study with a large number of individuals with
decreased GFR
demonstrate lower serum calcium levels and higher prevalence of
lower serum calcium levels among individuals with lower GFR, in particular below a
GFR of 30 mL/min/1.73 m
(Fig 40).
The combination of the available information regarding pathophysiology of bone
disease in chronic kidney disease and the available evidence reviewed herein would
suggest that serum calcium levels are affected by the level of kidney function, though
abnormalities in serum calcium levels may not become evident until GFR is 30 mL/
min/1.73 m
Serum phosphorus levels are elevated in patients with decreased GFR (Table
96 and Figs 41, 42, and 43) (C, S). There were 21 studies relating serum phosphorus
levels to kidney function reviewed for this guideline. The sample sizes ranged from 15
to over 250 subjects with kidney disease. Fifteen studies showed the expected association
of higher serum phosphorus levels with lower kidney function. The remaining 6 studies
did not show an association of kidney function with serum phosphorus levels, although
one did find a trend for increasing phosphorus levels when creatinine clearance was
below 50 mL/min.
There were four studies that provided sufficient information to
determine a threshold level of kidney function at which phosphorus levels start to rise.
The apparent threshold GFR ranged from 20 to 50 mL/min/1.73 m
In addition, analyses of data from a single study
and from an analysis of data from
NHANES III, demonstrate an increase in serum phosphorus levels (Fig 41) and an increas-
ing prevalence of abnormally elevated serum phosphorus (Fig 42), with lower GFR.
Concomitantly, NHANES III data showed that calcium-phosphorus product and preva-
lence of elevated calcium phosphorus product were higher in individuals with lower
GFR (Fig 43).
Overall, these data confirm that serum phosphorus level is higher in individuals with
decreased kidney function and suggest that serum phosphorus levels become abnormal
in some patients at GFR below approximately 60 mL/min/1.73 m
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 173
174 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 41. Serum phosphorus levels versus GFR (NHANES III). Median and 5th and 95th
percentiles of serum phosphorus among adult participants age 20 years and older in
NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years using a polynomial
quantile regression. The estimated GFR for each individual data point is shown with a
plus near the abscissa. 95% confidence intervals at selected levels of estimated GFR are
demarcated with triangles, squares, and circles.
Fig 42. Prevalence of low calcium and high phosphate by GFR category. These data
are based on the results of 446 patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre Longitudinal
Cohort study of patients with chronic kidney disease. All patients were referred to ne-
phrologists between 1994 and 1997. No patient was receiving erythropoiten therapy
at the time of enrollment, and no patient had an AV fistula. Intact molecule PTH assay
is reported in picomoles per liter, and GFR is calculated using the modified MDRD formula
(using age, race, gender, and serum creatinine). Low calcium levels are defined as levels
8.5 mg/dL, adjusted for albumin, and high phosphate levels are defined as 4.5 mg/
dL. Adapted and reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 175
Fig 43. Calcium-phosphorus product percentiles by GFR (NHANES III). Median and 5th
and 95th percentiles of serum calcium-phosphorus product, adjusted for serum albumin,
among adult participants age 20 years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values
are adjusted to age 60 years using a polynomial quantile regression. The estimated
GFR for each individual data point is shown with a plus near the abscissa. 95% confidence
intervals at selected levels of estimated GFR are demarcated with triangles, squares,
and circles.
Vitamin D
levels are decreased among patients with decreased GFR (Table
97) (C). There were 14 studies relating vitamin D
(calcitriol) levels to kidney function
reviewed for this guideline, with sample sizes ranging from 39 to over 200 subjects with
kidney disease. Thirteen of the 14 studies evaluated 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels, three
of these also evaluated 24,25 dihydroxyvitamin D (2 studies) and/or 25 hydroxyvitamin D
levels (3 studies), and one study evaluated only 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels. Each of the
13 studies noted that 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels were lower with decreased kidney
function. The two studies evaluating 24,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels noted lower levels
with lower kidney function. The four studies evaluating 25 hydroxyvitamin D levels
showed conflicting results.
These data confirm that 1,25 dihydroxyvitamin D levels are lower in patients with
decreased kidney function. There is limited information to suggest that 24,25 dihydrox-
yvitamin D levels are lower in patients with decreased kidney function. The studies do
not provide data on the association between level of kidney function and 25 hydroxyvita-
min D levels.
Bone histology is abnormal in the majority of patients with kidney failure
(Table 98) (C). Six articles that related bone biopsy findings to level of kidney function
among patients with chronic kidney disease not yet on dialysis were reviewed. The
sample sizes ranged from 20 to 176 individuals. The levels of kidney function ranged
from nearly normal (creatinine clearance of 117 mL/min) to the initiation of dialysis.
Among patients with kidney failure immediately prior to initiation of dialysis, 98% to
100% had abnormal bone histology, with the majority of the biopsies showing either
176 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
osteitis fibrosa or adynamic bone disease
(data not shown). The studies evaluating
patients with varying levels of kidney function demonstrated: (1) a direct relationship
between bone mineralization and kidney function
; (2) an inverse relationship be-
tween kidney function and bone osteoid/resorption
; or (3) a higher prevalence of
abnormalities on bone biopsy (osteomalacia, resorption, osteoid) among patients with
reduced kidney function.
In two studies of patients with varying levels of
kidney function not yet receiving treatment with vitamin D agents, one
with 76, the
with 176 subjects, 75% to 85% had significant abnormalities on bone biopsy.
The majority had osteitis fibrosa, with or without osteomalacia.
There were 4 studies of bone densitometry reviewed for this topic, which demon-
strated that bone mineralization is reduced with decreased kidney function. One study
presented the results as a higher prevalence of reduced bone mineral content with
decreased levels of kidney function. Other studies noted a reduced bone mineral content
among patients with decreased kidney function compared to controls. This is insufficient
evidence to make firm statements regarding the relationship between bone density and
level of kidney function.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 177
These guidelines are limited by the inability to provide a definitive quantitative or semi-
quantitative assessment of the relationship between level of kidney function and marker
of bone disease. This is in part due to the lack of comparability of many of the studies
given the diversity of the laboratory assays or tests for the particular abnormality. This
was particularly true for PTH and vitamin D
(calcitriol) levels, but also applies to bone
densitometry. Similarly, the interpretation of bone biopsies and radiographic tests likely
has a range of error, in this case related to inter-observer variability.
In addition, as with most of the Guidelines in Part 6, the results are difficult to compare
as they use different measures for kidney function: measured GFR or creatinine clearance,
estimation equations for GFR or creatinine clearance, or simply serum creatinine.
178 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Lastly, many of the studies involved only few patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73
. This leads to the extrapolation of the results from other studies to such patients
with variable levels of confidence for the various markers.
The data reviewed here suggest that abnormalities of bone/mineral metabolism begin
to occur early in kidney disease; thus, the implications are that:
Indices of bone/mineral metabolism should be measured when there is indication
of any level of kidney dysfunctionPTH, phosphorus and ionized calcium levels
are the most commonly used biomarkers.
Biomarkers of bone/mineral metabolism should be followed longitudinally in indi-
vidual patients as it is expected that abnormalities may develop or become more
severe as kidney function deteriorates.
There are currently no convincing data to suggest that there is benefit to routinely
obtaining bone biopsies or bone densitometry. Bone biopsy may be indicatedif
there is symptomatic disease or if ‘‘aggressive’’ interventions such as parathyroidec-
tomy or desferoxamine therapy are being contemplated.
The applications suggested above are based on review of the available literature pre-
sented herein and on opinion. The suggestion to follow the biomarkers over time is
based on the hypothesis that a change in some of these biomarkers may occur even
when there is no change in GFR. In fact, changes in the biomarkers may providean
earlier indication of worsening kidney function.
Treatment recommendations are beyond the scope of this guideline, and willbe
addressed elsewhere (see K/DOQI Bone Metabolism and Disease in CKD Guidelines).
Medicare at present does not cover payment for PTH levels for screening for hyperpara-
thyroidism among patients with chronic kidney disease, unless they have a diagnosis
specific to hyperparathyroidism.
Calcium and ionized calcium tests are also not cov-
ered for the evaluation of patients with chronic kidney disease, while phosphate and
alkaline phosphate tests are covered.
Clearly, since the evidence shows that there may be elevation in the PTH level in
the setting of normal phosphorus and calcium levels, and high PTH levels are deleterious
to bone and non-osseous tissue, policies regarding testing and reimbursement need to
be reassessed.
Much of the available information regarding abnormalities of mineral metabolism is de-
rived from studies of patients with kidney failure or severely decreased kidney function.
Clearly, more information is needed on the abnormalities of bone mineral metabolism
among patients with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease. Moreover, research on
outcomes related to abnormal mineral metabolism or bone disease is lacking in both
patients with mildly, as well as severely decreased kidney function. In addition to bone
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 179
complications, there is increasing evidence relating abnormal calcium-phosphorus me-
tabolism and hyperparathyroidism to vascular calcification and cardiovascular complica-
The relationship between levels of the available markers, and levels of kidney function,
should be more accurately characterized. In addition, the relationship between such
levels and kidney function should be separately studied among patients with additional
risks of bone complications, that is, patients treated for prolonged periods with cortico-
steroids and transplant recipients.
Research should also focus on the impact of interventions on levels of available mark-
ers and outcomes, specifically of interest would be comparing patients cared for by
nephrologists with those not under the care of nephrologists, patients treated for some
specified period of time for hyperparathyroidism compared to those not treated, and
patients treated with corticosteroids compared to those never treated with such drugs.
Neuropathy develops during the course of chronic kidney disease and may become
Patients with chronic kidney disease should be periodically assessed for central
and peripheral neurologic involvement by eliciting symptoms and signs during
routine office visits or exams.
Specialized laboratory testing for neuropathy in patients with chronic kidney dis-
ease is indicated only in the presence of symptoms.
Neuropathy is a common complication of patients with kidney failure.
may be manifested as encephalopathy, peripheral polyneuropathy, autonomic dysfunc-
tion, sleep disorders, and, less commonly, peripheral mononeuropathy. Occurrence of
neuropathy is related to the level of kidney function, but not the type of kidney disease.
However, there are certain causes of chronic kidney disease that also affect the central
and/or peripheral nervous system. These are amyloidosis, diabetes, systemic lupus erythe-
matosus, polyarteritis nodosa, and hepatic failure.
In addition, there are congenital
disorders that affect both the kidneys and nervous system, such as Von Hippel Lindau
disease, Wilson’s disease, and Fabry’s disease.
The pathophysiology of uremic neuropathy is not well understood. Levels of urea,
creatinine, PTH, ‘‘middle molecules,’’ and others have been correlated with reduction
of nerve conduction velocity (NCV) and peripheral manifestations of neuropathy.
In advanced stages there is evidence of histopathological damage with axonal degenera-
tion and secondary demyelination of peripheral nerves.
Markers of Neuropathy
Uremic neuropathy may affect the central, peripheral, or autonomic nervous systems.
Early uremic encephalopathy may present with fatigue, impaired memory, or concentra-
180 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
tion. With more advanced uremia delirium, visual hallucinations, disorientation, convul-
sions, and coma may develop.
Generally, uremic polyneuropathy is a symmetrical,
mixed sensory and motor polyneuropathy, with distal nerves more severely affected.
Patients may complain of pruritus, burning, muscle irritability, cramps, or weak-
Autonomic function abnormalities include impaired heart rate and blood
pressure variability in response to respiratory cycle, postural change, and valsalva.
Signs on examination include muscle atrophy, loss of deep tendon reflexes, poor
attention span, impaired abstract thinking, abnormal or absent reflexes (in particular
ankle jerk), and impaired sensation (vibratory, light touch pressure, and pain).
Later signs include meningismus, myoclonus, and asterixis.
(EEG) has generalized slowing, and bilateral spike and wave complexes have been de-
scribed in up to 14% of patients, even in the absence of evident clinical seizure activity.
EEG measures of sleep also are disturbed in dialysis patients.
CT scan or MRI is not
helpful, though there may be cerebral atrophy.
The most sensitive test for
detection of asymptomatic peripheral neuropathy is slowed sensory NCV; although
motor NCV is slowed, there is a wide intra-individual day-to-day variation, and these
findings occur with more advanced kidney dysfunction.
Strength of Evidence
Neuropathy develops during the course of chronic kidney disease (R). Neu-
ropathy is present in up to 65% of patients at the initiation of dialysis
; thus, it must
begin to develop during an earlier phase of kidney disease. Symptoms of peripheral
neuropathy generally do not present unless the GFR is under 12 to 20 mL/min, or uremia
has been present for at least 6 months.
Encephalopathy may become evident with
less prolonged impairment of kidney function and can be seen with acute decline in
GFR, although the correlation of central nervous system manifestations with level of
kidney function is poor.
Autonomic neuropathy is present in 20% to 80% of patients
with diabetic nephropathy,
in 66% of patients with severely impaired kidney func-
tion (creatinine clearance 8 mL/min), and in 50% of patients on dialysis.
Objective findings of peripheral neuropathy as evaluated by NCV studies are present
in 15% to 85% of individuals with decreased GFR.
Sensory NCV is decreased in
over 90% of patients, whereas motor NCV is decreased in only 40%.
Among patients
on dialysis, objective evidence of neuropathy is present in 50% to 100%,
and the
prevalence appears to increase with duration of dialysis.
Objective evidence of central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction is not uniformly
evident. EEG has been described to be minimally abnormal in a ‘‘small percentage’’ of
or as slowed in most patients,
with the degree of slowing more pronounced
with more advanced dysfunction. EEG findings have been reported to improve after
initiation of dialysis or with transplant.
Tests of cognitive function were abnormal in
all patients and were more impaired with increasing creatinine. Transplant and dialysis
patients had somewhat better, but not normal, scores.
Treatment with dialysis improves the more severe symptoms and findings of CNS
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 181
involvement and improves the symptoms of polyneuropathy; however, NCV remains
abnormal in up to 60% to 80%.
The symptoms and findings of peripheral neuropathy
are dramatically improved by transplantation.
Neuropathy is associated with worse outcomes in chronic kidney disease
(R). No articles were found that specifically related the presence of neuropathy to other
outcomes among patients with chronic kidney disease. However, it is self-evident that
impaired cognition and sleep, dysesthesias, and impaired autonomic function would at
least lead to reduced quality of life and inability to function normally. If the neuropathy
leads to skin ulcers, then certainly this would result in objective morbidity and potentially
mortality. Advanced encephalopathy may result in seizures, coma, and death.
Objective findings of neuropathy can be detected before symptoms arise (C,
R). Several of the articles reviewed note that the majority of patients who have abnormali-
ties in tests of nervous system function are asymptomatic.
However, abnormali-
ties are more profound among patients with symptoms.
Onset and severity of neuropathy is associated with the level of GFR; there
is insufficient evidence to define a specific threshold level of GFR that is associ-
ated with an increased prevalence or severity of neuropathy (C). The articles
reviewed varied greatly in the levels of kidney function assessed, as well as in the measure
of kidney function used, as some used only serum creatinine levels and other used GFR
or creatinine clearance. Most studies demonstrated a relationship between kidney func-
tion and the particular marker of neuropathy. However, several studies only compared
the particular marker with the normal or reference standard for the test or compared
grouped data on patients with kidney disease with controls or patients on dialysis/trans-
plant without providing data at various levels of kidney function. Summaries of the studies
reviewed are presented in Tables 99 and 100.
182 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) is slower in patients with decreased GFR
(Table 99) (C). There were 6 studies relating NCV to level of kidney function. The
studies had sample sizes ranging from 40 to 210 subjects, with 29 to 72 patients with
decreased kidney function not yet on dialysis. All but one
of the studies showed that
NCV was decreased below normal levels among patients with decreased kidney function.
In three of the studies, the correlation between kidney function level and NCV was
significant; in the other two correlation was suggested but lacked statistical significance.
A threshold level of kidney function for abnormal motor NCV was only mentioned or
deducible from three studies. Below a GFR of 8 to 13
or serum creatinine above
7 to 8 mg/dL,
50% or more patients with decreased kidney function had abnormal
NCV. The threshold level at which 50% or more of patients have abnormal sensory NCV
velocity was evaluated in only two studies and noted to be approximately 8 to 20 mL/
These data generally confirm that NCV is decreased among patients with decreased
kidney function. The reviewed studies do suggest a correlation between level of GFR
and NCV, but they do not offer sufficient information to convincingly demonstrate a
threshold level of GFR at which NCV becomes abnormal.
Memory and cognition are impaired in patients with decreased GFR (Table
100) (C). Only one study was found that evaluated memory and cognition among pa-
tients with decreased kidney function prior to the availability of erythropoietin.
this study of 177 subjects, of whom 72 had decreased kidney function not yet on dialysis,
several cognitive functions were assessed, including sustained attention, selective atten-
tion, speed of decision-making, short-term memory, and mental manipulation of symbols.
Each of these test measures was significantly lower among patients with decreased kidney
function, correlated with level of dysfunction, and was improved to varying degrees
among patients on dialysis and to a greater degree among patients with a kidney trans-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 183
Autonomic function is impaired in patients with decreased GFR (Table 101)
(C). Only three studies were found that objectively evaluated autonomic function among
patients with kidney disease. These studies had between 42 and 123 subjects and be-
tween 21 and 67 patients with decreased kidney function not yet on dialysis. Each of
these studies noted that autonomic function was impaired in more than 50% of patients
with chronic kidney disease; however, only one of them found an association between
level of kidney function and measures of autonomic nerve function.
The results of these studies cannot be extrapolated with confidence to the general
population of patients with chronic kidney disease, as two were limited to patients with
and thus confounded by the neuropathy ascribable to diabetes, and the
third only had patients with very decreased kidney function (GFR 8 mL/min) or on
Symptoms of neuropathy, including sleep disturbances, are increased in pa-
tients with decreased GFR (C). Symptoms or clinical signs of peripheral neuropathy
were evaluated or mentioned in four of the six studies of peripheral neuropathy reviewed
for this guideline.
The method of ascertaining the presence of symptoms or
clinical findings was mentioned in only one of these studies
as a ‘‘detailed neurological
examination was carried out to find. . . evidence of clinically manifest neuropathy.’’ The
prevalence of symptoms or clinical findings ranged from 0% to 52%. Individuals with
clinical symptoms had a greater reduction in NCV as compared to those without such
symptoms in 2 studies,
whereas there was no significant correlation between NCV
and symptoms in one of the studies.
None of the studies commented on the correlation
between symptoms and level of kidney function; however, from a single studyitwas
estimated that patients with symptoms had a lower mean level of kidney function (GFR
6 mL/min) than patients without symptoms (GFR 16 mL/min).
184 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
The reviewed studies do not offer sufficient information to convincingly delineate a
progressive increase in prevalence of symptoms with decreasing GFR.
Several of the reviewed articles included patients who had started dialysis or received
a kidney transplant; information on these patients was used for background information
and comparison. More articles than were reviewed were found with the literature search,
but were not exhaustively reviewed as preliminary review suggested the lack of or inabil-
ity to extract the necessary information. This may have led to the omission of some
articles that may have provided further information.
These guidelines are limited by the inability to provide a definitive quantitative or
semi-quantitative assessment of the relationship between level of kidney function and
markers of neuropathy. This is in part due to the dearth of studies, the use of different
measures of kidney function, the limited presentation of methods, and the failure to
present adequate correlation data. In particular, there was extremely limited information
on cognitive function and symptoms of neuropathy.
Lastly, many of the studies involved only a limited number of patients with mildly
to moderately decreased kidney function, and two of the studies were limited to diabetics,
confounding the results with the presence of diabetic neuropathy.
The data reviewed here suggest that symptoms of neuropathy begin to occur at very
low levels of GFR. The inconclusive evidence presented herein has the implications that:
Indices of neuropathy are not useful to monitor progression of chronic kidney
Symptoms or indices of neuropathy are evidence of kidney failure, and may be
useful to determine need to initiate dialysis.
There are currently no convincing data to suggest that there is benefit to obtaining
nerve conduction studies or nerve biopsies in asymptomatic patients.
The applications suggested above are based on review of the available literature pre-
sented herein and opinion based on others’ reviews of the problem. Treatment and
assessment recommendations are beyond the scope of this guideline.
The only implementation issue arising from this guideline is to provide education regard-
ing the prevalence of neuropathy, and the need to elicit symptoms and signs of this
condition during routine office visits.
Much of the available information regarding neuropathy is derived from studies of pa-
tients with kidney failure. More information on neuropathy among patients with chronic
kidney disease with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease may provide other means
to follow progression of chronic kidney disease. In addition, if neuropathy were to be
more carefully described and noted to have a high prevalence in earlier stages of chronic
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 185
kidney disease and a relationship to kidney function, treatments to delay its progression
could be considered.
The relationship between subjective and objective measures of neuropathy, and levels
of kidney function, should be more accurately characterized. In addition, the relationship
between neuropathy and kidney function should be separately studied among patients
with additional risks of neuropathy, such as diabetics and patients with amyloidosis.
Impairments in domains of functioning and well-being develop during the course of
chronic kidney disease and are associated with adverse outcomes. Impaired functioning
and well-being may be related to sociodemographic factors, conditions causing chronic
kidney disease, complications of kidney disease, or possibly directly due to reduced
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should undergo regular assessment for
impairment of functioning and well-being:
To establish a baseline and monitor changes in functioning and well-being over
To assess the effect of interventions on functioning and well-being.
When there is no cure for a chronic illness, an essential healthcare goal must be to
maximize quality of life. The purpose of this guideline is to identify stages and complica-
tions of kidney disease that place adult patients at greater risk for reduced quality of life.
This guideline is not intended to cover all the quality of life concerns that apply to
children and adolescents, nor is it intended to recommend interventions to improve
quality of life in any age group. For the purpose of this guideline, concepts that embody
pertinent components of quality of life will be referred to as ‘‘functioning and well-
being.’’ Recent studies show that the functioning and well-being of individuals with
chronic kidney disease is related to such factors as: late referral and inadequate pre-
dialysis care
; symptoms; effects of illness on physical, psychological, and social func-
tioning; and satisfaction with health and care.
Complications of chronic kidney disease,
such as anemia, malnutrition, bone disease, neuropathy, and comorbid conditions, such
as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, can negatively affect functioning and well-being.
To improve functioning and well-being, patients must be referred sooner and complica-
tions and comorbid conditions must be managed appropriately.
This guideline describes the association between the level of kidney function and
domains of functioning and well-being in patients with chronic kidney disease. One must
analyze the full continuum of stages of chronic kidney disease to understand the risks
for compromised functioning and well-being. Armed with this knowledge, clinicians can
more quickly identify stages of chronic kidney disease at which deficits are likely to
186 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
occur and develop strategies to treat higher risk patients and ameliorate or eliminate
deficits before they become severe or irreversible.
Health status outcomes experts recommend defining ‘‘quality of life’’ to include variables
that health professionals can identify, quantify, and modify: (1) health status (signs and
symptoms, lab values, death); (2) functional status (physical, mental, social, and role
functioning), and (3) well-being (energy/fatigue, pain, health perceptions, and satisfac-
Self-report is preferable to staff report since outcomes are dependent on the
lived experience and expectations of the individual patient.
Difficulties in measuring this poorly understood concept have led researchers in the
articles reviewed to study several variables using different methods and instruments
(Table 102). Use of different instruments has impeded comparing findings, interpreting
results, and drawing conclusions.
Strength of Evidence
Indices of functioning and well-being are impaired in chronic kidney disease
(R). Dialysis patients report significantly more bodily pain, lower vitality, poorer general
health, greater physical, mental, and social dysfunction, and greater limitations in their
ability to work and participate in activities due to their health and emotions than the
US reference norm. At least 25% are depressed.
Dialysis patients’ exercise capacity is
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 187
significantly worse than that of healthy controls.
Kidney failure negatively affects sense
of control and health outlook in those on dialysis.
About 39% of those who worked
full or part-time 6 months before dialysis do not continue working when they start
Elderly people on dialysis engage in few previously enjoyed activities outside
their homes and many leave home only for dialysis because of weakness.
Impairment in indices of functioning and well-being are associated with
worse outcomes in chronic kidney disease (R). Impaired functioning and well-
being in dialysis patients is linked to increased risk of death and hospitalization while
improvement in scores has been associated with better outcomes. Patients with SF-36
Physical Component Summary (PCS) scores 34.6 had a 2.03 relative risk of dying and
a 1.67 relative risk of being hospitalized. Each 5-point improvement in PCS scores was
associated with 10% longer survival and 6% fewer hospital days. On the SF-36, a Mental
Health scale score 52 and a Mental Component Summary (MCS) score 42 indicate
depression. Each 5-point improvement in the MCS score is associated with 2% fewer
hospital days.
Impairment in functioning and well-being are associated with sociodemo-
graphic characteristics (R). Low income and low education were associated with
greater impairments in functioning and well-being in patients with chronic kidney dis-
Impairment in functioning and well-being may be due to conditions that
cause chronic kidney disease (such as diabetes or hypertension) or complica-
tions of decreased GFR (such as anemia, malnutrition, bone disease, or neurop-
athy) (R). Hypertension, diabetes with angina, prior cardiac infarction,
bone fractures,
and malnutrition
have been shown to impair functioning and well-
being in those with no known kidney disease. Among veterans with diabetes, neuropathy
and kidney disease have been associated with the greatest decrease in functioning and
Anemia has been linked to poor functioning and well-being in patients with severely
decreased GFR and dialysis patients, and improving anemia with erythropoietin has been
linked to improvement in functioning and well-being.
Indices of functioning and well-being are related to the level of GFR; below
a GFR of approximately 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, there is a higher prevalence of
impairments in indices of functioning and well-being (S, C). Data from cross-sec-
tional studies and baseline data from longitudinal studies were reviewed to assess the
relationship between level of kidney function and level of functioning and well-being.
Populations studied include those with decreased kidney function, including those with
functioning transplants, and dialysis patients when compared with healthy subjects or
kidney transplant recipients. While much of the data on functioning and well-being
related to outcomes have been obtained in dialysis patients, there is convincing evidence
that abnormalities in functioning and well-being begin earlier in chronic kidney disease
and may well be related to declining GFR.
188 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Symptoms (Table 103 and Fig 44). Reduced kidney function is associated with
increasing symptoms such as tiring easily, weakness, low energy, cramps, bruising, bad
tasting mouth, hiccoughs, and poor odor perception. This is true in patients with native
kidney disease and those with kidney transplants. Diabetic dialysis and transplant patients
are more likely to report poor health than dialysis or transplant patients who do not
have diabetes.
Physical Functioning (Table 104 and Figs 45 and 46). Decreased GFR in
NHANES III subjects is associated with impaired walking and lifting ability. In transplant
recipients, reduced kidney function is also associated with poorer physical function
scores. In one study of patients with decreased GFR, impairment in physical function
was not significantly related to the level of kidney function, but physical impairment
was 8 times worse than in the general population. Dialysis patients report greater physical
dysfunction than transplant recipients and diabetic dialysis and transplant patients are
more likely to report physical dysfunction than those patients who do not have diabetes.
Depression (Table 105). Reduced kidney function is associated with poorer psycho-
social functioning, higher anxiety, higher distress, decreased sense of well-being, higher
depression, and negative health perception. Depressed patients are more likely to report
poor life satisfaction, irrespective of kidney function. Dialysis patients report significantly
lower ‘‘happiness with personal life’’ and lower psychosocial functioning than transplant
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 189
Fig 44. Kidney function (GFR) and odds of having symptoms affecting quality of life
and well-being in the MDRD Study, controlled for age, gender, race, kidney diagnosis,
education, income, and smoking status. Reprinted with permission.
190 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 45. Adjusted prevalence of physical inability to walk by GFR category (NHANES
III). Predicted prevalence of physical inability to walk one-quarter mile among adult
participants age 20 years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted
to age 60 years using a polynomial regression. 95% confidence intervals are shown at
selected levels of estimated GFR.
Fig 46. Adjusted prevalence of physical inability to lift by GFR category (NHANES III).
Predicted prevalence of physical inability to lift 10 pounds among adult participants age
20 years and older in NHANES III, 1988 to 1994. Values are adjusted to age 60 years
using a polynomial regression. 95% confidence intervals are shown at selected levels
of estimated GFR.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 191
recipients. In elderly Mexican Americans, kidney disease has been found to be predictive
of depressive symptoms.
Employment and Usual Activities (Table 106). Reduced kidney function is associ-
ated with lower employment. In those with chronic kidney disease and GFR 50, the
presence of physical dysfunction is significantly related to unemployment, but the associ-
ation to kidney function is not significant since physical dysfunction is not uniformly
present. Full-time employment is higher for those with decreased GFR (mean serum
creatinine 5.4 mg/dL, 69%) compared with those with kidney failure (mean serum creati-
nine 13.7 mg/dL, 12%). More dialysis patients report their health limits work and other
activities than those with functioning transplants. Dialysis and transplant patients with
diabetes are more likely to report difficulty working than dialysis and transplant patients
without diabetes.
Social Functioning (Table 107). Reduced kidney function is associated with re-
duced social activity, social functioning, and social interaction. Dialysis patients report
fewer neighborhood acquaintances, social contacts, and worse social well-being than
healthy individuals while transplant recipients report higher social function and social
192 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 193
interaction than those on dialysis. Diabetics on dialysis or with transplants are more
likely to report problems with social interaction than nondiabetic patients. Level of per-
ceived social support in chronic kidney disease is not associated with the level of kidney
Most study samples were not randomly selected. Medication usage was not reported
even if medications (eg, anti-depressants) could affect outcomes. Seven of 12 studies did
not provide full information on patient demographics. Three studies reported differences
between groups of very unequal sizes and one reported percentages but did not report
whether observed differences were statistically significant.
Historically, there has been no ‘‘gold standard’’ definition for quality of life or function-
ing and well-being. Researchers have studied multiple variables using standardized and
non-standardized instruments. Thus, results are not comparable to one another.
lack of instrument comparability, findings appear to be conflicting. Many studies have
examined the relationships between functioning and well-being and treatment modalities
after the onset of kidney failure. Few studies of persons with decreased GFR have exam-
ined the relationship between level of GFR and functioning and well-being. Three of the
studies of individuals with decreased GFR had such severely restrictive inclusion criteria
for level of kidney function that functioning and well-being deficits were already present.
Of the 12 studies reported, 3 reported no measure of kidney function and 2 reported
only serum creatinine, a less reliable measure of kidney function than GFR or creatinine
clearance. Most of the studies reported only mean values for kidney function. Only the
MDRD Study and NHANES III examined functioning and well-being at a wide range of
levels of kidney function. Precise statements about how early deficits in domains of
functioning and well-being occur as kidney function deteriorates require this essential
data. Finally, since anemia has been shown to limit functioning and well-being, inadequate
anemia management in studies conducted prior to the widespread use of erythropoietin
could have affected outcomes. Therefore, recent functioning and well-being outcomes
may not be comparable to outcomes reported in studies prior to 1989 even if the same
instruments were used.
The conferees at the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Workshop ‘‘Assessing Health and Quality
of Life Outcomes in Dialysis’’ recommended that ESRD providers:
Assess functioning and well-being in kidney disease using standardized survey in-
struments that are valid, reliable, responsive to changes, easily interpretable, and
easy to use, such as the Dartmouth COOP Charts, the Duke Health Profile/Duke
Severity of Illness (DUKE/DUSOI), Medical Outcomes Study 36-Item Short Form
(SF-36), or the Kidney Disease Quality of Life (KDQOL).
Assess patient functioning and well-being early in chronic kidney disease to estab-
lish a baseline, to maintain or improve health status, and to manage the disease
194 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
continuum by linking clinical and health outcomes with functional status out-
Data reported in the reviewed studies suggest that decreased kidney function affects
patients’ functioning and well-being through several dimensions. Deficits in functioning
are reported by patients even at early stages of chronic kidney disease, and persist even
after transplantation. The implications of these findings are:
Clinicians should assess functional status and well-being as soon as possible after
referral in order to obtain baseline data and enable early intervention to improve
functioning and well-being.
Clinicians should regularly reassess functioning and well-being to ascertain the
patient’s current status and the effectiveness of interventions to improve function-
ing and well-being. Reassessment is needed when a patient reports increased fre-
quency or severity of symptoms, has a new complication of kidney disease, has
an access for dialysis placed, starts dialysis, changes modality, or participates in
a clinical or rehabilitation intervention (eg, counseling, peer support, education,
physical therapy or independent exercise, or vocational rehabilitation).
These recommendations are based on the opinions expressed by the authors of most
of the studies reviewed for this guideline, as well as those of recognized experts in
functioning and health status outcomes measurement who attended the IOM Workshop.
Researchers may use any of a wide array of instruments to measure functioning and well-
being throughout the course of chronic kidney disease. However, clinicians want to
know what instrument to use, when to use it, and who should administer, score, and
analyze the data. In general, it is practical for clinicians to use only a few instruments
and to gain experience with them. Based on the literature reviewed for this guideline,
it appears that any clinician treating patients with decreased GFR can administer the
Dartmouth COOP Charts, DUKE Health Profiles, Kidney Disease Quality of Life, or SF-
36 that have been used with dialysis and transplant patients (Table 108). In the clinical
setting ease of use is essential. These surveys are recommended because each has an
instructional manual and patients can complete them independently or with limited
assistance. To assess specific limitations in functioning and well-being, clinicians can
supplement these general instruments with more specific instruments including perfor-
mance-based tests of physical functioning.
Research in dialysis patients has shown that functioning and well-being pre-treatment
may predict post-treatment outcomes. Therefore, large-scale longitudinal studies are
needed to evaluate the relationship between GFR and all domains of functional status
and well-being throughout the course of progression of kidney disease. More research
should be undertaken using the recommended standardized instruments and their out-
comes compared. Whenever specific medications could affect outcomes, usage should
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 6. Association 195
be assessed. Because conditions such as anemia, bone disease, cardiovascular, disease,
and diabetes can affect functioning and well-being, researchers need to study whether
appropriate management of these conditions improves functioning and well-being. Fi-
nally, researchers need to examine the effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions in
earlier stages of chronic kidney disease. Doing so could provide further scientific evi-
dence for the relationship of kidney function and treatment on patients’ risk of dysfunc-
tion, hospitalization, and death and increase understanding of what interventions im-
prove functioning and well-being and reduce the burden of chronic kidney disease on
the patient, his or her family, and society.
196 Part 6. Association National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
7. S
The major outcomes of chronic kidney disease are loss of kidney function, leading to
complications and kidney failure, and development of cardiovascular disease. The goals
of Part 7 are to define risk factors for progression of chronic kidney disease and to
determine whether chronic kidney disease is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
Because of the well-known association of cardiovascular disease and diabetes, the Work
Group considered patients with chronic kidney disease due to diabetes separately from
patients with chronic kidney disease due to other causes. As described in Appendix 1,
Table 153, the Work Group searched primarily for longitudinal studies that related risk
factors to loss of kidney function (Guideline 13) and that related proteinuria and de-
creased GFR to cardiovascular disease (Guidelines 14 and 15). It was beyond the scope
of the Work Group to undertake a systematic review of studies of treatment. However,
existing guidelines and recommendations were reviewed, as were selected studies, to
provide further evidence of efficacy of treatment.
The level of kidney function tends to decline progressively over time in most patients
with chronic kidney diseases.
The rate of GFR decline should be assessed in patients with chronic kidney disease
Predict the interval until the onset of kidney failure;
Assess the effect of interventions to slow the GFR decline.
Among patients with chronic kidney disease, the rate of GFR decline should be
estimated by:
Computing the GFR decline from past and ongoing measurements of serum
Ascertaining risk factors for faster versus slower GFR decline, including type
(diagnosis) of kidney disease, nonmodifiable and modifiable factors.
Interventions to slow the progression of kidney disease should be considered in
all patients with chronic kidney disease.
Interventions that have been proven to be effective include:
(1) Strict glucose control in diabetes;
(2) Strict blood pressure control;
(3) Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition or angiotensin-2 receptor
Interventions that have been studied, but the results are inconclusive, include:
(1) Dietary protein restriction;
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 197
(2) Lipid-lowering therapy;
(3) Partial correction of anemia.
Attempts should be made to prevent and correct acute decline in GFR. Frequent
causes of acute decline in GFR include:
Volume depletion;
Intravenous radiographic contrast;
Selected antimicrobial agents (for example, aminoglycosides and amphotericin
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents, including cyclo-oxygenase type 2 inhibi-
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers;
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus;
Obstruction of the urinary tract.
Measurements of serum creatinine for estimation of GFR should be obtained at
least yearly in patients with chronic kidney disease, and more often in patients
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Fast GFR decline in the past (4 mL/min/1.73 m
per year);
Risk factors for faster progression;
Ongoing treatment to slow progression;
Exposure to risk factors for acute GFR decline.
Kidney function progressively declines in most patients with chronic kidney disease after
sufficient damage has occurred to lower the glomerular filtration rate (GFR).
progressive decline has been attributed to a variety of mechanisms, including failure to
resolve the initial injury and onset of self-perpetuating injury, ultimately leading to the
typical pathologic features of the ‘‘end-stage’’ kidney and kidney failure. Although the
factors responsible for progression of kidney disease are not known in each case, a
variety of factors have been associated with more rapid progression and some therapies
have been proven to slow the progression of disease.
The intent of this guideline is to examine the literature to determine factors associated
with more rapid loss of kidney function in chronic kidney disease. Evidence primarily
from longitudinal studies was used to formulate this guideline. Although some authors
have performed a meta-analysis of studies, a quantitative data synthesis was not performed
for this Guideline.
Definitions of Outcome Measures
Progression of kidney disease is defined as either (1) decline in the level of kidney
function, estimated by measuring GFR, creatinine clearance or serum creatinine, in a
patient who has been followed longitudinally with reliable (and comparable) assays of
kidney function, or (2) onset of kidney failure, defined by initiation of kidney replacement
198 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
therapy, either for symptoms or complications of decreased kidney function. Kidney
replacement therapy includes hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis or kidney transplantation.
For consideration of therapy for diabetic kidney disease, development and worsening
of proteinuria was also included in the definition of progression of kidney disease.
Strength of Evidence
The natural history of most chronic kidney diseases is that GFR declines
progressively over time (Fig 47) (R). Data from the MDRD Study during an average
2-year follow-up show that the average rate of decline in GFR was approximately 4 mL/
min/year and was not related to the baseline level of GFR. Approximately 85% of patients
had GFR decline during follow-up. The remaining patients experienced improvement
or stabilization of GFR.
Other studies have shown that certain types of kidney disease may undergo complete
remission in a substantial number of patients. For example, up to 35% of patients with
idiopathic membranous nephropathy
and up to 30% of patients with primary focal
segmental glomerulosclerosis
may undergo remission of disease.
Fig 47. GFR slopes in the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study. The best linear
unbiased estimates of GFR slope over 3 years in Study A or overall slope in Study B
are shown as a function of baseline GFR. The lower, middle and upper lines represent
the 10th, 50th (median), and 90th percentiles of the distribution of GFR slopes, respec-
tively. The GFR slope estimates are not related to baseline GFR, but the variability in
slope estimates is higher at higher levels of baseline GFR. Reprinted with permission.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 199
The rate of GFR decline is often relatively constant over time in an individual
patient; however, the rate of GFR decline is highly variable among patients,
ranging from slowly progressive over decades, to rapidly progressive over
months (Table 109 and Fig 48) (R, C). Many studies have demonstrated that the rate
of decline in the reciprocal of serum creatinine concentration (1/S
) appears constant
200 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 48. Composite plot of reciprocal serum creatinine versus time in six patients with
chronic kidney disease. Units of reciprocal serum creatinine concentration are dL/mg.
Vertical axis has uniform divisions of 0.1 dL/mg. Final value for each patient is shown.
Abbreviations: PN, pyelonephritis; MCD, medullary cystic disease; GN, glomerulonephri-
tis. Reprinted with permission.
over time.
One of the earliest such studies is shown in Fig 48. Because of the
reciprocal relationship between serum creatinine and GFR, it has been assumed that the
constant rate of decline in 1/S
would reflect a constant decline in GFR. Indeed, studies
have shown that the GFR decline does appear relatively constant over time, although
other studies have shown that other continuous relationships (such as the logarithm)
or non-continuous (spline) relationships may fit the data better in some cases.
The studies reviewed for this guideline show a wide range in the rate of GFR decline
among studies, as well as among individual patients (Table 109). The mean rate of decline
in GFR varied widely, from no decline to over 12 mL/min/1.73 m
per year.
The standard deviations of GFR declines, expressed as a percent of the mean GFR decline,
also vary widely, from approximately 25% to 150%.
The rate of decline in GFR can be used to estimate the interval until the onset
of kidney failure (Table 110) (R). In principle, if the rate of GFR decline is constant
over time, then the interval until the onset of kidney failure could be estimated from
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 201
the current level of GFR and the rate of decline in GFR. An estimate of the time until
kidney failure would be useful to facilitate planning for kidney replacement therapy, or
may even suggest that concerns about kidney failure may be unwarranted if life expec-
tancy is short. Table 110 shows the number of years until GFR declines to 15 mL/min/
1.73 m
, calculated from the current level of GFR and the estimated rate of decline of
GFR. For patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
, the interval until kidney failure is
approximately 10 years or less if the rate of decline is 4 mL/min/1.73 m
per year.
This rate of decline can be considered ‘‘fast.’’
Although it is difficult to predict the rate of decline in GFR, either of the
following two general approaches, or a combination of the two, is recom-
Approach 1: Compute the GFR decline from past and ongoing measurements
of serum creatinine; the GFR decline in the past provides a rough estimate of
the expected GFR decline in the future (R). In principle, the GFR decline could be
computed simply from the slope of the regression line relating estimated GFR versus time.
However, there are a number of limitations to estimation of the slope and extrapolation of
the rate of decline to predict the time to development of kidney failure. These limitations
are related principally to whether the rate of decline is truly constant and the precision
of the estimate of the rate of decline.
First, most of the studies that demonstrated a constant rate of decline in kidney
function were retrospective, including only patients who had already progressed to kid-
ney failure. The fraction of patients with decreased GFR in whom the subsequent decline
in kidney function is constant is unknown.
Second, even among patients in whom the rate appears constant, the rate may change
over time. In a pooled analysis of four studies of 77 patients with an apparently constant
rate of decline in the reciprocal of the serum creatinine concentration, 32% to 51% of
patients had a significant change in the slope
(Fig 49). The changes in slope were
judged to be spontaneous, since they did not necessarily occur at the time of changes
202 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 49. Plot of reciprocal of plasma creatinine (1/P
) in a patient. (A) Solid line is
single best fit regression line. (B) Solid lines are two best fit regression lines (spline) with
an intersection (breakpoint) at 26 months (vertical dashed line). Diagonal dashed lines
are extrapolations of the regression lines to earlier and later times. (C) Calculation of
prediction error. Solid lines are two best fit regression lines. The diagonal dashed line
is an extrapolation of the first regression line to the time when the final value for 1/P
(0.132 dL/mg) was obtained. The interval predicted from the first regression line was
30 months (left vertical dashed line). The actual interval was 40 months (right vertical
dashed line). The prediction error (difference between the actual and predicted intervals)
was 10 months (25% of the actual interval). Reprinted with permission.
in therapy. In that study, the second slope was less steep in 61% of cases and more steep
in 39% of cases. The magnitude of the changes in slope was relatively large in comparison
to the first slope (mean of 130% of the value of the first slope). Consequently, the mean
error in the interval until reaching the final serum creatinine was also relatively large,
27% of the predicted interval (Fig 49).
Similar changes in slope of GFR decline have sometimes been observed in clinical
trials, where they have been attributed to the effect of the interventions (for example,
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 203
Fig 50. Comparison of GFR decline between diet groups in the Modification of Diet in
Renal Disease Study. Estimated mean (SEM) GFR decline from baseline (B) to selected
follow-up times (F) in Study A are shown. From baseline to 4 months of follow-up, mean
GFR decline was 1.6 mL/min faster in the low protein diet group (P 0.004). From 4
months to the end of follow-up, mean GFR decline was 1.1 mL/min/month (28%) slower
in the usual protein diet group (P 0.009). From baseline to 3 years of follow-up, the
projected mean GFR decline was 1.2 mL/min (10%) less in the low protein diet group
(P 0.30). Adapted from Klahr et al
and reprinted with permission.
low protein diet, strict blood pressure control, ACE inhibition). Figure 50 shows data
from MDRD Study A. GFR decline was faster in the first four months after randomization
to a low protein diet and a slower decline thereafter compared to patients randomized
to a usual protein diet.
The authors hypothesized that the greater decline soon after
the intervention was related to a hypothesized beneficial effect of the intervention: an
initial decrease in single nephron GFR, followed by a subsequent slowing in the rate of
decline in the number of nephrons.
Third, even if the rate of decline is constant, the precision of the estimate of the
slope depends on a number of variables, including the true rate of decline, the number
of measurements of kidney function, measurement error, biological variability, and the
duration of follow-up. At least three previous measures of kidney function are necessary
(more are better) to permit a precise estimate of the slope, especially if the rate of decline
is slow.
Approach 2: Ascertain factors associated with a ‘‘fast’’ or ‘‘slow’’ GFR decline;
these factors include type (diagnosis) of kidney disease, nonmodifiable and
modifiable factors (R). For this review, longitudinal studies were compiled to relate
the rate of decline in kidney function with the potential associated factors. Observational
studies and interventional trials were included. The effect of interventions on the rate
of progression is summarized in a later section. The articles reviewed were published
between 1984 and 2000. The studies varied in the levels of kidney function assessed,
204 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
sample sizes, and methodological quality. Duration of follow-up is a key component of
studies of prognosis. Duration of follow-up between 1 and 3 years or less than 1 year
is noted in the tables.
The rate of GFR decline is related to the type of kidney disease; diabetic
kidney disease, glomerular diseases, polycystic kidney disease, and kidney dis-
ease in transplant recipients are associated with a faster GFR decline than
hypertensive kidney disease and tubulointerstitial kidney diseases (Tables 109
and 111) (C, R).
Few studies specifically related rate of GFR decline to type of kidney disease (Table
111). The MDRD Study was the largest, with a sample size of 826, while the other two
studies had between 138 and 223 subjects. These studies reported somewhat conflicting
results. In the MDRD Study
and the study by Massy,
polycystic kidney disease was
associated with a faster rate of progression, whereas in the study by Hannedouche,
polycystic kidney disease was associated with a slower rate of progression. Massy and
Hannedouche both reported that glomerular disease was associated with a faster rate of
progression than tubulointerstitial nephropathy. However, these two studies showed a
conflicting result regarding the rate of progression associated with hypertensive kidney
disease. These studies either excluded diabetics, or had a very small proportion of patients
with diabetes in the study sample.
Additional information regarding different rates of GFR decline depending on underly-
ing cause of kidney disease was extracted from studies of isolated causes of kidney disease
or from studies which provided rates of progression for individual causes of kidney
disease. Table 111 shows the reported or estimated rates of GFR decline that were
described for different causes of kidney disease.
The data presented in Table 111 are not easily compared; the study methods varied
(retrospective or prospective, observational, or interventional), different measures of
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 205
kidney function were used, and the effect of interventions or other potential confounders
cannot be determined. Nonetheless, the crude data suggest a trend for more rapid pro-
gression among patients with diabetes, especially those patients with proteinuria or
decreased GFR, compared with other causes of kidney disease. There was a wide range
of rates of decline among patients with nondiabetic kidney disease. Data on rates of GFR
decline among kidney transplant recipients could not be found. However, the Work
Group concluded that GFR decline is faster than in many other causes of chronic kidney
disease given that graft survival rates are approximately 75% at 5 years for living donors
and 60% at 5 years for cadaveric donors
or an approximate half-life until graft failure
for kidney transplants of approximately 12 and 7, respectively. Loss of kidney function
for transplant recipients is influenced by episodes of rejection, use of immunosuppressive
agents, patient gender and size, and quality of the donor kidney, among other factors.
The rate of GFR decline is related to some nonmodifiable patient characteris-
tics, irrespective of the type of kidney disease; African-American race, lower
baseline level of kidney function, male gender, and older age are associated
with a faster GFR decline (C).
Race (Table 112). Six studies addressed the association of race with the rate of
GFR decline in either univariate or multivariate analyses. Half reported a faster rate of
progression among blacks; however, only one study reported a significant association
between black race and faster rates of progression in multivariate analysis.
Level of Kidney Function (Table 113). Twenty-one studies addressed the associa-
tion of low baseline level of kidney function with the rate of GFR decline in either
univariate or multivariate analyses. The majority of the studies reported a faster rate of
progression among individuals with lower baseline kidney function, but about one third
reported no association. No studies reported a slower rate of progression.
206 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 207
Gender (Table 114). Eighteen studies addressed the impact of gender on the rate
of GFR decline in either univariate or multivariate analyses. The data report either a faster
rate of progression or no association with male gender, and a single study reported a
faster rate of progression among females. The evidence is not conclusive, but suggests
a faster rate of progression among men.
Age (Table 115). Twenty-one studies reported the association of age with the rate
of GFR decline in either univariate or multivariate analyses. These data generally support
either an association of older age with faster rates of GFR decline or no association,
except among diabetics, where younger age at diagnosis of diabetes is associated with
208 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 209
210 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
a faster rate of GFR decline. Coupled with the fact that the elderly start from a lower
baseline GFR, older individuals with chronic kidney disease deserve special attention
and closer follow-up.
The rate of GFR decline is also related to modifiable patient characteristics,
irrespective of the type of kidney disease. Higher level of proteinuria, lower
serum albumin concentration, higher blood pressure level, poor glycemic con-
trol, and smoking are associated with a faster GFR decline. The associations
of dyslipidemia and anemia with faster GFR decline are inconclusive (C).
Proteinuria (Table 116). Twenty-four studies addressed the association of protein-
uria with the rate of GFR decline in univariate and/or multivariate analyses and showed
conflicting results. Although these data do not unanimously show that proteinuria is
associated with faster rate of GFR decline when controlling for other factors, the studies
with larger sample sizes and higher methodological quality and applicability do support
the association.
Low Serum Albumin (Table 117). Eight studies addressed the association of low
baseline serum albumin with rate of GFR decline in either univariate or multivariate
analyses. The association of low serum albumin with faster rate of GFR decline was more
consistently noted in studies of diabetic patients. No studies reported a slower rate of
GFR decline associated with low serum albumin.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 211
Blood Pressure (Table 118). Twenty-six studies related blood pressure levels to
the rate of GFR decline in univariate and/or multivariate analyses. The studies differed
in that they assessed systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, or mean arterial
pressuretwo of these or all of these. Most studies reporting multivariate analyses
showed a significant association between elevated blood pressure, based on any measures
of blood pressure, and faster rate of GFR decline. There were only 7 studies that reported
no significant association between elevated blood pressure measures and faster rate of
GFR decline in multivariate analysis. These data, though not unanimous, confirm that
elevated blood pressure is associated with faster rate of GFR decline when controlling
for other factors.
Glycemic Control in Diabetes (Table 119). Thirteen studies addressed the impact
of poor glycemic control on the rate of GFR decline in univariate and/or multivariate
analyses. There were 6 studies that reported in multivariate analyses a significant associa-
tion between poor glycemic control, either an elevated fasting blood sugar and/or
levels and faster rate of GFR decline; in one of these the association was noted
only among patients on antihypertensive agents. A similar number of studies showed
no significant association between poor glycemic control and faster rate of GFR decline in
212 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
multivariate analyses. Although these data do not unanimously show that poor glycemic
control is associated with faster rate of GFR decline when controlling for other factors,
the studies with larger sample sizes and higher methodological quality and applicability
do support the association.
Smoking (Table 120). Ten studies reported the association of smoking on the rate
of GFR decline in univariate and/or multivariate analyses. The reviewed studies reported
conflicting results. However, the large sample sizes and adequate methodological quality
and applicability of the studies supporting the association of smoking with faster rate
of GFR decline provide reasonable evidence that there may be a deleterious effect of
smoking on rate of progression.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 213
Dyslipidemia (Table 121). Fifteen studies addressed the association of dyslipidemia
with the rate of GFR decline in univariate and/or multivariate analyses. The studies evalu-
ated one or more of the following factors: high levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides,
or low density lipoprotein, and low levels of high density lipoprotein. The impact of
dyslipidemia reported herein is based on whether any one of these factors was associated
with a faster rate of progression. There were 7 studies that reported in multivariate
analyses a significant association between dyslipidemia and faster rate of progression.
There were 7 studies that reported no significant association between dyslipidemia and
214 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
faster rate of progression in multivariate analyses. The data are not sufficient to conclude
that dyslipidemia is associated with a faster rate of progression.
Anemia (Table 122). Seven studies were found that related the rate of GFR decline
to anemia or hematocrit/hemoglobin level. However, most of these studies compared
rates of progression before or after treatment with erythropoietin and/or iron, or treated
versus untreated, and all performed only univariate analyses. There was only one study
that also compared rate of GFR decline between untreated anemic (hematocrit 30%)
and non-anemic patients (hematocrit 30%) with chronic kidney disease. In keeping
with the rest of this section the guideline, only this one study was considered for inclusion
in an evidence table (Table 122). Of the seven studies, three, including Kuriyama, re-
ported an increased rate of progression among patients with lower hematocrit levels;
the remaining studies reported no association. The data are not sufficient to conclude
that anemia is associated with a faster rate of progression. Partial correction of anemia
is discussed in a later section.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 215
Interventions may slow rate of GFR decline in chronic kidney disease in
some circumstances (R). It was beyond the scope of this Work Group to perform a
systematic review of the literature on interventions to lower the rate of GFR decline.
Thus, the goal of this section was to review published guidelines and position statements
by reputable national organizations addressing widely accepted interventions. In addi-
tion, meta-analyses of randomized trials or data from selected large randomized trials
were used to formulate this guideline. Details of the sources of information are presented
in each of the following sections.
Strict glycemic control in diabetes slows the development and progression
of chronic kidney disease (R). The American Diabetes Association (ADA) has set
forth a Position Statement with guidelines for the care of patients with diabetes mellitus
with specific attention to the complication of kidney disease,
based on the
results of the Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT)
and extensive review
of other published research. Given the rigorous review of the numerous studies by the
ADA, its most recently updated Position Statement/Clinical Practice Recommendations
(2001) were reviewed for this section.
The goals for intensive glycemic control for the prevention of complications of diabe-
tes, including nephropathy, as presented in the ADA guidelines, are summarized below.
The reader should refer to the guideline, available on the internet for comprehensive
information (
216 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Among patients with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM), 80% who have
sustained microalbuminuria develop overt nephropathy in 10 to 15 years, and among
these, kidney failure develops in 50%. The DCCT, a prospective study comparing conven-
tional with intensive treatment of 1,441 patients with IDDM followed for a mean of
6.5 years, firmly established the benefit of intensive glycemic control in reducing the
occurrence of subclinical and overt nephropathy among patients with IDDM.
trial demonstrated that the occurrence of nephropathy or its progression is reduced by
40% to 60%, depending on whether the outcome was microalbuminuria (40%), albumin-
uria (54%), or overt nephropathy (60%). The difference was observed with a mean HgbA
of 7.2% in the intensively treated versus 9% in the conventionally treated patients.
The role of strict glycemic control in slowing the progression of diabetic kidney
disease is less certain. A subgroup of patients within the DCCT with microalbuminuria
at baseline (n 73) showed a trend toward a beneficial effect.
Another study of 70
patients did not reveal a benefit.
Both of these studies may have been too small to
detect a beneficial effect.
Among patients with non-insulin dependent DM (NIDDM), 20% to 40% of patients
with microalbuminuria develop overt nephropathy, and among these, kidney failure
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 217
218 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
develops in 20%. Three randomized trials of strict glycemic control in type 2 diabetes
also demonstrate a beneficial effect of strict glycemic control on the development and
progression of diabetic kidney disease.
The United Kingdom Prospective Diabetes Study (UKPDS 33) compared strict gly-
cemic control to standard therapy in diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes.
study employed a complex factorial design including diet, sulfonylureas, metformin, and
insulin to achieve target fasting blood glucose values of 110 versus 270 mg/dL. Fasting
blood glucose values rose over time in both groups; the mean HgbA
was 11% lower in
the intervention group. The intervention group had a 25% reduction in ‘‘microvascular’’
events, a combined endpoint that included both retinal and kidney disease. The data
suggested a lower prevalence of microalbuminuria in the intervention group and a re-
duced incidence of declining kidney function.
The Kumamoto study compared intensive insulin therapy to standard therapy in 110
non-obese patients with type 2 diabetes, using a protocol similar to the DCCT.
achieved HgbA
levels were 7.1 versus 9.4% in the intervention and control groups,
respectively. The results showed a lower incidence of the development and progression
of microalbuminuria.
The Steno Type 2 Study compared an intensive multifactor intervention to standard
therapy in 160 patients with type 2 diabetes and microalbuminuria.
The intervention
included not only intensive insulin therapy, but also strict blood pressure control, ACE
inhibition, dietary fat restriction, exercise, lipid-lowering drugs, anti-oxidants, and aspirin
(in patients with coronary heart disease). There was 73% reduction in the incidence of
clinical proteinuria in the intervention group. However, the relative importance of strict
glycemic control and any of the other factors cannot be determined from this study.
The most recently updated Clinical Practice Recommendations (2001)
of the ADA
regarding intensive glycemic control recommend the following treatment goals for pa-
tients with diabetes (Table 123).
‘‘The desired outcome of glycemic control in type 1 diabetes is to lower HgbA
any equivalent measure of chronic glycemia) so as to achieve maximum prevention of
complications with due regard for patient safety. To achieve these goals with intensive
management, the following may be necessary:
Frequent self-monitoring of blood glucose (at least three or four times a day);
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 219
Medical nutrition therapy;
Education in self-management and problem solving;
Possible hospitalization for initiation of therapy.
‘‘In situations where resource are unavailable or insufficient, referral to a diabetes
care team for consultation and/or comanagement is recommended.’’
Type 2 diabetes is addressed separately in the ADA guidelines:
‘‘Daily self monitoring of blood glucose is especially important for patients treated
with insulin or sulfonylureas to monitor for and prevent asymptomatic hypoglycemia.
The optimal frequency of self monitoring of blood glucose for patients with type 2
diabetes is not known, but it should be sufficient to facilitate reaching glucose goals.
The role of self-monitoring of blood glucose in stable diet-treated patients with type
2 diabetes is not known.
‘‘Type 2 diabetes treatment methods should emphasize diabetes managementas
a multiple risk factor approach including medical nutrition therapy, exercise, weight
reduction when indicated, and use of oral glucose-lowering agents and/or insulin,
with careful attention given to cardiovascular risk factors, including hypertension,
smoking, dyslipidemia, and family history. Whether treated with insulin or oral glu-
cose-lowering agents, or a combination, goals remain those outlined in the table.’’
Strict blood pressure control slows the progression of chronic kidney dis-
ease (R). The Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection,
Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI),
the most recently updated
ADA Clinical Practice Recommendations (2001),
the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascu-
lar Disease in Chronic Renal Disease,
and a report from the NKF Hypertension and
Diabetes Executive Committees Working Group
were reviewed for this section. This
220 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
section will discuss primarily the target blood pressure level for patients with chronic
kidney disease, with only brief reference to the role of specific antihypertensive agents.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors and angiotensin-2 receptor blockers are
discussed in the next section.
Recommendations for the general population are based on a large body of evidence
from observational studies and clinical trials relating blood pressure levels to mortality
and cardiovascular disease. There is general agreement that risk stratification should be
used in deciding which patients with high blood pressure should be treated and how
(Table 124). The recommended goal of antihypertensive therapy for pa-
tients at low or moderate risk for complications is to maintain systolic and diastolic blood
pressure less than 140 and 90 mm Hg, respectively.
These definitions and goals do
not differ according to age (among adults), gender, or race. Target blood pressure is
lower in younger patients and related to age, weight and height.
Patients at greatest
risk for complications or who already have evidence of cardiovascular disease are consid-
ered for the earliest and more aggressive treatment.
In the general population, the recommended antihypertensive agents are diuretics
and beta-adrenergic blockers, because their efficacy in reducing cardiovascular mortality
and morbidity has been proven in clinical trials. Recent studies show equal efficacy of
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE-inhibitors) and calcium channel blockers
in the general population.
In addition, alternative target blood pressure and medica-
tions may be preferred in those subgroups of patients with comorbid conditions. These
subgroups include, among others, patients with chronic kidney disease, diabetes, and
cardiovascular disease.
The knowledge base for chronic kidney disease is substantially smaller. Large-scale
epidemiological studies of cardiovascular disease have included few patients with chronic
kidney disease, and most clinical trials of antihypertensive agents to prevent cardiovascu-
lar disease have excluded patients with decreased kidney function. Some of the important
randomized trials on the target level of blood pressure in patients with chronic kidney
disease due to diabetes and other diseases are summarized below. The Work Group did
not find randomized trials on target blood pressure levels in kidney transplant recipients.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 221
Diabetic kidney disease. The benefit of blood pressure control to levels of approxi-
mately 140/90 mm Hg in retarding the decline in GFR in patients with type 1 diabetes
was shown years ago.
The UKPDS has recently shown that better blood pressure
control is also associated with decreased development of microalbuminuria in type 2
There have been no large-scale studies comparing even lower levels of target
blood pressure (‘‘strict blood pressure control’’) on the progression of diabetic kidney
disease. However, a subgroup analysis of the Hypertension Optimal Trial (HOT) showed
that patients with diabetes who were randomized to lower levels of blood pressure
(diastolic blood pressure of 90 versus 85 versus 80 mm Hg) had lower mortality
and fewer cardiovascular disease events than patients with higher blood pressure lev-
Thus, it seems reasonable to recommend even lower target blood pressure levels
for patients with diabetic kidney disease.
Nondiabetic kidney diseases. The MDRD Study is the largest completed random-
ized trial on strict blood pressure on the rate of GFR decline in nondiabetic kidney
disease. A total of 840 patients were randomized either to usual target blood pressure
(mean arterial pressure 107 mm Hg, equivalent to blood pressure 140/90 mm Hg)
versus a lower-than-usual target blood press (mean arterial pressure 92 mm Hg, equiva-
lent to blood pressure 125/75 mm Hg). The mean separation between randomized
groups was 4 to 5 mm Hg. Patients with higher levels of proteinuria at baseline had a
greater beneficial effect of the low blood pressure goal. The investigators recommended
a lower target blood pressure for patients with urine protein excretion less than approxi-
mately 1.0 g/d. At the time of preparation of these guidelines, the African American
Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK) is nearing completion, and additional
information on the benefit of strict blood pressure control in nondiabetic kidney disease
is expected in the near future.
Based largely on extrapolation from recommendations for the general population and
limited observational studies and clinical trials in patients with chronic kidney disease,
the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease recommended target blood pressure levels
and strategies for treatment for patients with chronic kidney disease (Table 125). The
222 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Task Force recommendations were meant to serve as a guide to clinicians until more
definitive recommendations are available.
A K/DOQI Work Group has now been established to develop guidelines for the
management of high blood pressure in patients with chronic kidney disease not requiring
dialysis. The goals of the Work Group are to determine the recommended blood pressure
targets, nonpharmacologic therapy, and antihypertensive drug classes for various causes
of kidney disease (including diabetes), with additional recommendations for subgroups
of patients based on level of kidney function, level of proteinuria, and, if available, age,
gender, and race, for prevention of progression of kidney disease, atherosclerotic cardio-
vascular disease, and heart failure (including LVH).
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin receptor antago-
nists slow the progression of chronic kidney disease (R). For this Guideline, the
Sixth Report of the Joint National Committee on Prevention, Detection, Evaluation and
Treatment of High Blood Pressure (JNC-VI),
the most recently updated ADA Clinical
Practice Recommendations (2001),
and results of a meta-analysis and selected random-
ized clinical trials were reviewed. This section presents an overview of the main points
of these guidelines and studies. In addition, preliminary results of clinical trials with
angiotensin receptor antagonists are briefly discussed. Full detail of the recommendations
of the ADA and JNC-VI is beyond the scope of this work, and the reader is referred to
these sources for complete guidelines (ADA guidelines on diabetic kidney disease are
available on the internet at
In addition to lowering systemic blood pressure, ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin re-
ceptor antagonists also lower glomerular capillary blood pressure and protein filtration,
which may contribute to their beneficial effect in slowing progression.
They may
also have a beneficial effect in reducing angiotensin II mediated cell proliferation and
Diabetic kidney disease. The ADA recommends the use of ACE-inhibitors for dia-
betic patients with any evidence of kidney disease (microalbuminuria or greater degree
of proteinuria), regardless of the presence of hypertension, in the absence of contraindi-
cations or complications:
‘‘Many studies have shown that in hypertensive patients with type 1 diabetes, ACE-
inhibitors can reduce the level of albuminuria and can reduce the rate of progression
of renal disease to a greater degree than other antihypertensive agents that lower
blood pressure by an equal amount. Other studies have shown that there is a benefit
in reducing the progression of micro albuminuria in normotensive patients with type
1 diabetes and normotensive and hypertensive patients with type 2 diabetes.
‘‘ACE-inhibitors may exacerbate hyperkalemia in patients with advanced renal
insufficiency and/or hyporeninemic hypoaldosteronism. In older patients with bilat-
eral renal artery stenosis and in patients with advanced renal disease even without
renal artery stenosis, ACE-inhibitors may cause a rapid decline in renal function.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 223
Cough may also occur. This class of agents is contraindicated in pregnancy and there-
fore should be used with caution in women of childbearing potential.
‘‘Because of the high proportion of patients who progress from microalbuminuria
to overt nephropathy and subsequently to ESRD, use of ACE-inhibitors is recommended
for all type 1 patients with microalbuminuria (30299 mg/24hr), even if normoten-
sive. However, because of the more variable rate of progression from microalbumin-
uria to overt nephropathy and ESRD in patients with type 2 diabetes, the use of ACE-
inhibitors in normotensive type 2 diabetic patients is less well substantiated. Should
such a patient show progression of albuminuria or develop hypertension, then ACE-
inhibitors would clearly be indicated. The effect of ACE-inhibitors appears to be a class
effect, so choice of agent may depend of cost and adherence issues.’’
Two randomized trials comparing the impact of angiotensin receptor blockers with
conventional antihypertensive treatment on the progression of diabetic kidney disease
have recently been completed: Irbesartan in Diabetic Nephropathy (IDNT)
and Reduc-
tion of Endpoints in Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetes Mellitus with the Angiotensin II
Antagonist Losartan (RENAAL).
Both studies showed a beneficial effect of the angioten-
sin-receptor antagonists. Comparison with ACE-inhibitors is not available to date.
It is important to note that ACE-inhibitors have been found to have beneficial effects
on total mortality and cardiovascular disease in diabetic patients without chronic kidney
Although most patients in these studies were hypertensive, the beneficial
effect of ACE-inhibitor therapy appeared to be independent of its blood pressure lowering
effect. Thus, patients with diabetes and hypertension or chronic kidney disease benefit
from ACE-inhibitors. If blood pressure remains elevated after initiation of an ACE-inhibi-
tor, other antihypertensive agents should be prescribed to achieve target blood pressure.
Nondiabetic kidney disease. The JNC-VI recommends ACE inhibitors as the drug of
choice for treating hypertension among some types of patients with nondiabetic kidney
‘‘The most important action to slow progressive renal disease is to lower blood
pressure to goal. All classes of antihypertensive drugs are effective, and, in most cases,
multiple antihypertensive drugs may be needed. Impressive results have been achieved
with ACE-inhibitors. . . in patients with proteinuria greater than 1 gram per 24 hours,
and in patients with renal insufficiency. Consequently, patients with hypertension
who have renal insufficiency should receive, unless contraindicated, an ACE-inhibitor
(in most cases, along with a diuretic) to control hypertension and to slow progressive
renal failure. In patients with creatinine level of 265.2
mol/L (3 mg/dL) or greater,
ACE-inhibitors should be used with caution.
‘‘An initial transient decrease in GFR may occur during the first 3 months of treat-
ment as blood pressure is lowered. If patients are euvolemic and creatinine rises
mol/L (1 mg/dL) above baseline levels, creatinine and potassium should be
remeasured after several days; if they remain persistently elevated, consideration
should be given to the diagnosis of renal artery stenosis and ACE-inhibitors and angio-
224 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
tensin II receptor blockers discontinued because these drugs can markedly reduce
renal perfusion in patients with bilateral renal artery stenosis or renal artery stenosis
to a solitary kidney.’’
These recommendations are based on a number of randomized trials published over
the past decade, which have been summarized recently in a meta-analysis of patient level
In that analysis, data on 1860 nondiabetic patients included in 11 randomized
clinical trials of various ACE-inhibitors were pooled. The results showed better blood
pressure control, lower urine protein excretion and an approximately 30% reduction in
the risk of development of kidney failure and the combined endpoint of doubling of
baseline serum creatinine or kidney failure in the ACE-inhibitor group. The beneficial
effects of ACE-inhibitors to slow progression appeared to be independent of their effects
on blood pressure and proteinuria. The results also showed an incrementally greater
beneficial effect with greater degrees of proteinuria 0.5 g/d. The benefit to patients
with proteinuria 0.5 g/d was inconclusive. A recent report from the African American
Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK) documents a beneficial effect of the
ACE-inhibitor ramipril compared to the dihydropyridine calcium channel blocker amlodi-
pine on the GFR decline in African Americans with nephrosclerosis and decreased
The beneficial effect was more pronounced in patients with proteinuria 300
mg/24 hr.
The available evidence suggests a benefit to using ACE-inhibitors to treat hypertension
among proteinuric patients with nondiabetic kidney disease. The benefit may extend to
patients without proteinuria but this is not established. The use of ACE-inhibitors must
always be done with the consideration that it may have a detrimental effect on GFR in
patients with renovascular disease or renal artery stenosis. Furthermore, in kidney trans-
plant recipients, ACE-inhibitors may exacerbate hyperkalemia caused by cyclosporine or
tacrolimus. Thus, treatment of patients with chronic kidney disease with ACE-inhibitors
requires knowledge of the expected benefits and risks of therapy and careful attention
to blood pressure, kidney function, serum electrolytes, and possible drug interactions.
The HOPE Study also demonstrated a beneficial effect of the ACE-inhibitor ramipril
on total mortality and cardiovascular disease in nondiabetic patients without chronic
kidney disease, but with a history of cardiovascular disease and one cardiovascular disease
risk factor (including hypertension).
The beneficial effect of the ACE-inhibitor ap-
peared to be independent of its blood pressure lowering effect. Thus, non-diabetic pa-
tients with chronic kidney disease (especially if they have proteinuria) or cardiovascular
disease benefit from ACE-inhibitors. If blood pressure remains elevated after initiation
of an ACE-inhibitor, other antihypertensive agents should be prescribed to achieve the
target blood pressure.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against routine prescrip-
tion of dietary protein restriction for the purpose of slowing the progression
of chronic kidney disease; individual decision-making is recommended, after
discussion of risks and benefits (R). The MDRD Study was designed to determine
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 225
the impact of protein restriction on rate of GFR decline, however the results of this
study were inconclusive.
Study A compared a low protein diet (0.58 g/kg/d) to a usual
protein diet (1.3 g/kg/d) among patients with moderately decreased GFR (25to55mL/
min/1.73 m
). As described earlier (Fig 50), there was an initial faster GFR decline in
the low-protein diet group, followed by a slower GFR decline thereafter, but no significant
benefit over a 3-year interval. Study B compared a very low protein diet (0.28 g/kg/d)
supplemented with a mixture of essential ketoacids and amino acids (0.28 g/kg/d) to a
low protein diet (0.58 g/kg/d) in patients with severely decreased GFR (13 to 24 mL/
min/1.73 m
). There was no apparent benefit of the very low protein diet. There have
been several secondary analyses of the data, which provide further information on the
effectiveness of these interventions.
Specifically, comparisons of the distributions of
GFR slopes between randomized groups in Study A were consistent with a beneficial
effect of the low protein diet group. Analyses of the impact of achieved protein intake
in Study B revealed a 49% reduction in risk of kidney failure or death for every 0.2 g/
kg lower achieved total protein intake. In another report, it was noted that a specific
ketoacid supplement with a very low protein diet may be more beneficial than the
supplement with essential amino acids used in the MDRD study.
A meta-analysis of five
randomized trials of 1,413 patients, including MDRD Study A, showed a 30% reduction in
kidney failure or death in patients randomized to the low protein diet group.
A meta-
analysis of randomized and uncontrolled trials and observational studies suggested that
dietary protein restriction reduced the rate of decline of GFR by only 0.53 mL/min per
Patients in these studies did not reportedly develop hypoalbuminemia or other
signs of malnutrition. However, they received intensive nutritional monitoring and coun-
seling. It is thus unclear whether such severely restricted protein diets can be safely
prescribed or even maintained in the absence of frequent dietitian involvement.
The Work Group concluded that there was insufficient information to recommend
for or against a low protein diet (0.6 g/kg/d) for patients with chronic kidney disease.
The lack of firm evidence regarding its impact, and the logistic and financial difficulties
of providing intensive nutritional intervention, preclude recommendation of a low pro-
tein diet in all patients with chronic kidney disease. Individual decision-making is recom-
mended, after discussion of risks and benefits. This is in agreement with the K/DOQI
Clinical Practice Guidelines on Nutrition in Chronic Renal Failure,
which recommends
consideration of a low protein diet (0.6 g/kg/d) for patients with GFR in the range of
CKD Stage 4 and 5. Whether or not the decision is made to pursue a low protein diet,
the Work Group re inforces the importance of maintaining a good nutritional status
with advancing chronic kidney disease, which generally would involve evaluation and
monitoring by a dietician, and refers the reader to Guideline 9.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend lipid-lowering therapy for the
purpose of slowing the progression of chronic kidney disease (R). Some of
observational studies have reported that various dyslipidemias are associated with de-
creased kidney function in the general population and in patients with chronic kidney
226 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
However, it is impossible to determine from these studies whether
dyslipidemias cause reduced kidney function, result from reduced kidney function, or
whether other conditions such as proteinuria cause both reduced kidney function and
dyslipidemias. Each of these explanations is plausible, and only randomized, controlled
trials can adequately test the hypothesis that dyslipidemias cause a decline in kidney
Unfortunately, there are no large, adequately powered, randomized, controlled trials
testing the hypothesis that treatment of dyslipidemia preserves kidney function. How-
ever, there have been several small studies
and a meta-analysis of these studies.
This meta-analysis included prospective, controlled trials published before July 1, 1999.
Three trials published only in abstract form were included,
but one of these
studies has subsequently been published in a peer-reviewed journal.
All patients were
followed for at least 3 months, but in only 5 studies were patients followed for at least
1 year. Statins were used in 10 studies, gemfibrozil in 1 study, and probocol in 1 study.
Altogether, 362 patients with chronic kidney disease were included in the meta-analysis.
The results suggested that the rate of decline in GFR was significantly less in patients
treated with a lipid-lowering agent compared to placebo.
No significant heterogeneity
in treatment effect was detected between the studies. However, the quality of the studies
was generally low, and their small sample sizes and relatively short duration of follow-
up make it difficult to conclude that lipid-lowering therapies reduce the rate of decline
in GFR in chronic kidney disease. Clearly, adequately powered, randomized controlled
trials are needed to determine the role of lipid-lowering therapy in retarding the rate of
decline in kidney function in patients with chronic kidney disease. The evaluation and
management of dyslipidemia in patients with chronic kidney disease has been addressed
by the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Renal Disease andisre-
viewed briefly in Guideline 15. The management of dyslipidemia in patients with kidney
failure is the subject of an ongoing K/DOQI Work Group.
There is insufficient evidence to recommend for or against partial correction
of anemia with recombinant human erythropoietin and or/iron for the purpose
of slowing the rate of decline of GFR (R). There have been several studies evaluating
the use of erythropoietin and/or iron among patients with chronic kidney disease prior
to initiation of dialysis, with the intention of demonstrating effectiveness in improving
anemia and lack of harm in terms of increasing the rate of decline of kidney function.
Most patients enrolled in these studies had severely reduced kidney function. These
studies have shown either no overall difference in the rate of decline of kidney function
in treated compared to untreated groups
or compared to pre-treatment rates
of decline,
or a slight benefit in terms of a slower rate of decline of GFR in the treated
and prolongation of time to ESRD
, or reduced proportion of patients
who experienced doubling of baseline serum creatinine in the treated versus untreated
Each of these studies, as well as a study comparing intravenous with oral
iron and erythropoietin for the treatment of anemia in chronic kidney disease,
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 227
concluded that normalization of hemoglobin or hematocrit had essentially no effect on
the rate of decline of kidney function. In one study comparing intravenous iron with or
without erythropoietin in patients with less severe reduction in kidney function (mean
serum creatinine of 2.8 mg/dL), the authors concluded that ‘‘treatment of anemia was
associated with a slowing of the rate of progression of renal failure’’ based on the fact
that the GFR decline pre-treatment was faster than post-treatment in long term follow-
However, this study excluded patients who progressed to dialysis during the initial
study period.
In summary, the reviewed studies were generally designed to demonstrate no differ-
ence/no harm of treatment of anemia, primarily among patients with severely reduced
kidney function. The available evidence that partial correction of anemia with erythropoi-
etin (and iron) results in improvement in the rate of decline of GFR is therefore inconclu-
sive. Further studies specifically addressing the effects of anemia and its treatment on
rate of GFR decline are necessary to clarify this issue. The evaluation and management
of anemia should be undertaken as described in Guideline 8, and as previously detailed
in the K/DOQI Clinical Practice Guidelines on Anemia of Chronic Kidney Disease.
GFR decline may be irregular. Acute decline in GFR may be superimposed
on chronic kidney disease. Risk factors for acute decline in GFR include (R):
Volume depletion;
Intravenous radiographic contrast;
Selected antimicrobial agents (for example, aminoglycosides and ampho-
tericin B);
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (NSAIDs), including cyclo-oxy-
genase type 2 (COX 2) inhibitors;
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor
Cyclosporine and tacrolimus;
Obstruction of the urinary tract.
Selected review articles were used to formulate this section.
Reduced blood flow to the kidney, toxic insult, obstruction, inflammation, or infection
can result in acute deterioration of kidney function. Reduced blood flow to the kidney
and intrinsic damage to the kidney because of a nephrotoxic or ischemic insult are the
most common causes of acute deterioration of GFR.
Volume depletion accounts for the majority of community acquired cases of acute
reduction in the blood flow to the kidney and a resultant reduction in GFR. The most
common precipitants of volume depletion are vomiting, diarrhea, poor fluid intake, fever,
and diuretic use. Heart failure can effectively result in a reduction of blood flow to the
kidney due to reduced cardiac output, in the face of apparent volume overload. The risk
of developing acute deterioration of kidney function due to volume depletion is highest
in the elderly, as they may already have compromised blood flow to the kidneys due to
atherosclerotic disease.
228 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Common toxic insults encountered in clinical practice are radiocontrast dye, amino-
glycoside antibiotics, and NSAIDs. In particular, these are likely to result in acute decline
in GFR if there is an additional insult such as sepsis, volume depletion, heart failure, or
treatment with ACE inhibitors. Toxins can cause kidney failure via a number of mecha-
nisms including (not an exhaustive list): (1) alteration of kidney blood flow (NSAIDs, ACE
inhibitors, cyclosporine, radiocontrast agents), (2) direct tubular injury (aminoglycosides,
radiocontrast, amphotericin B), (3) intratubular obstruction (acyclovir, sulfonamides),
(4) allergic interstitial nephritis (NSAIDs, penicillins, cephalosporins, sulfonamides). The
avoidance of potential nephrotoxins, such as intravenous radiographic contrast, certain
antibiotics, and NSAIDs must be based on an individualized assessment of the risks of
acute decline in GFR versus the therapeutic benefits of treatment. For example, in a
patient with debilitating arthritis, avoidance of NSAID use should be considered in light
of the benefits of reducing pain and immobility; in a patient with coronary artery disease,
the avoidance of intravenous radiocontrast should be weighed against the potential bene-
fits of an angioplasty procedure.
Finally, obstruction can cause an acute decline in GFR if there is bilateral ureteral
obstruction, unilateral ureteral obstruction in a person with a single functioning kidney,
or obstruction at the level of the bladder. The most common causes of obstruction are
prostatic hypertrophy, cancer of the prostate or cervix, or retroperitoneal disorders. In
addition, kidney stones, blood, fungal infection, and bladder malignancy may result in
obstruction. Unlike with toxic insults, acute decline in GFR due to obstruction is com-
monly seen in the outpatient setting.
In summary, there are numerous situations that may cause an acute deterioration in
the GFR that are potentially avoidable. The clinician should become familiar with the
most common causes, in order to prevent avoidable worsening of the course of chronic
kidney disease.
The formulation of this guideline was limited by a number of factors. Most notably, with
many of the studies the results were difficult to compare as they use different measures
for kidney function: measured GFR or creatinine clearance, estimation equations for GFR
or creatinine clearance, or simply serum creatinine. Further limiting the comparability
of the results across the studies is the wide variation in the selection of analytic techniques
and presentation of data.
A major limitation of this guideline is its failure to provide a semi-quantitative assess-
ment of the relationships between the factors assessed and the outcomes of rate of
progression or risk for kidney failure. This review of these studies does not provide a
conclusive answer to the causes underlying the more rapid rate of progression or in-
creased risk for kidney failure.
It is important to follow each individual’s rate of progression, as there is a wide variation
among individuals and disease types and in the response to interventions.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 229
There is a broad range of factors that are associated with more rapid decline in kidney
function, some of which are amenable to interventions.
Certain patient groups, defined by either type of kidney disease, clinical, gender,
racial, or age characteristics, are at greater risk for progression of kidney diseasethis
denotes the need to increase awareness among patients and providers about proper care
and the need to institute interventions to attempt to slow progression.
Patients with certain causes of kidney disease, and certain modifiable and nonmodifiable
characteristics, may be at increased risk for faster rates of GFR decline. There is increasing
evidence that certain interventions can slow the decline in GFR and prevent the develop-
ment of kidney failure in both diabetic and nondiabetic patients.
It is thus critical to educate patients and providers regarding the risk factors and to
facilitate providing aggressive interventions where indicated. This may require changing
the policies of care providers and payers regarding frequency of follow-up and payment
for medications.
It is evident that there is a large amount of data in studies of varying size and quality
regarding the impact of underlying conditions, patient characteristics, and interventions.
However, there are certain factors whose impact has not been conclusively determined,
such as dietary protein intake, hyperlipidemia, and anemia and their treatment. Protein-
uria as a risk factor deserves special consideration. Antihypertensive agents, especially
ACE-inhibitors and angiotensin-receptor blockers, reduce proteinuria and slow the pro-
gression of kidney disease. However, the role of proteinuria per se has not been ade-
quately studied. There is a need to develop alternative therapies to reduce urine protein.
Many of the conclusions regarding the impact of factors unrelated to intervention,
such as age, gender, race, and cause of kidney disease, come from ‘‘small’’ interventional
trials. Similarly, in the case of the impact of blood pressure control, conclusions largely
come from the observations that patients with lower blood pressures have improved
outcomes. In the case of cause of kidney disease, the conclusion that certain causes are
associated with faster rates of progression come from the comparison of studies of single
causes, using diverse methods to measure or estimate GFR. A noninterventional prospec-
tive cohort study including sufficient numbers of patients with all causes of kidney dis-
ease, undergoing similar testing for level of kidney function, would be ideal to evaluate
the impact of cause of kidney disease on the rate of decline in GFR. Alternatively, a
sufficiently large prospective interventional trial could achieve a similar goal.
The risk of cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and other diabetic complications is
higher in patients with diabetic kidney disease than in diabetic patients without kidney
230 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of diabetic complications in pa-
tients with chronic kidney disease should follow published guidelines and position
Guidelines regarding angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-re-
ceptor blockers and strict blood pressure control are particularly important since
these agents may prevent or delay some of the adverse outcomes of both kidney
and cardiovascular disease.
Application of published guidelines to diabetic patients with chronic kidney disease
should take into account their ‘‘higher-risk’’ status for diabetic complications.
The onset of diabetes is characterized by metabolic and hemodynamic disturbances that
increase vascular permeability, raise systemic blood pressure, and alter the regulation
of intracapillary pressure. In the kidney, these changes may lead to increased trafficking
of plasma proteins across the glomerular membrane and to the appearance of protein
in the urine. The presence of urinary protein not only heralds the onset of diabetic
kidney disease, but it may contribute to the glomerular and tubulointerstitial damage
that ultimately leads to diabetic glomerulosclerosis.
The strong relationship between
proteinuria and a constellation of other diabetic complications supports the view that
elevated urinary protein excretion reflects a generalized vascular disturbance that affects
many organs, including the eyes, heart, and nervous system.
This guideline describes the association of cardiovascular (macrovascular), retinal
(microvascular), and other (principally neuropathic) complications of diabetes with lev-
els of albumin/protein in the urine. It highlights the strong relationship between progres-
sive diabetic kidney disease and the development of other diabetic complications and
emphasizes the importance of monitoring and treating diabetic chronic kidney disease
patients for these other complications.
Microalbuminuria refers to levels of urinary albumin excretion below those detected by
standard dipstick methods and macroalbuminuria refers to higher levels of urinary albu-
min excretion. Microalbuminuria is present when the albumin excretion rate is 30 to
300 mg/24 hours (20 to 200
g/min) or the albumin-to-creatinine ratio is 30 to 300 mg/
Proteinuria generally refers to a positive dipstick test for protein or to a daily output
of protein above a certain cut point, typically 500 mg/d. Thus, macroalbuminuria and
proteinuria may be relatively equivalent measures of urinary protein excretion (see Guide-
line 5). Nevertheless, differences in methods of measurement and the lack of standardized
definitions or terminology often make comparisons between studies difficult.
Definitions of Diabetic Complications Other Than Chronic Kidney
Cardiovascular disease. Cardiovascular disease is not a specific complication of
diabetes per se, since it occurs frequently in nondiabetic individuals. Diabetes and an
array of metabolic disorders associated with it, however, increase the risk of cardiovascu-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 231
lar disease in diabetic patients and may accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. For
the purposes of this guideline, cardiovascular disease refers to coronary heart disease,
cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, congestive heart failure, and left
ventricular hypertrophy. The American Diabetes Association provides clinical practice
recommendations for screening and treatment of cardiovascular disease in diabetes
which are available on the Internet (
The variety of measures of cardiovascular disease used in different studies may limit
the interpretability of the findings reviewed for this guideline, although the nearly uni-
formly positive association suggests this may not be an important limitation. On the
other hand, cardiovascular disease itself may increase the level of urinary albumin/pro-
tein. Thus, the extent to which chronic diabetic glomerulosclerosis is an independent
risk factor for the development of cardiovascular disease may be difficult to determine
with certainty, especially in congestive heart failure, without demonstrating diabetic
kidney damage at the tissue level.
Retinopathy. The earliest change of diabetic retinopathy that can be seen with the
ophthalmoscope is the retinal microaneurysm. Other changes found in nonproliferative
retinopathy include retinal hemorrhages, hard exudates, cotton-wool spots, intraretinal
microvascular abnormalities (IRMA), and venous abnormalities. Growth of abnormal
blood vessels and fibrous tissue that extends from the retinal surface or optic nerve
characterizes the proliferative stage of diabetic retinopathy. With experience, these
changes can be identified readily by direct ophthalmoscopy, preferably through dilated
pupils. Stereoscopic fundus photographs, however, produce a more reliable and reprodu-
cible assessment of diabetic retinopathy. The Airlie House Classification scheme, or a
modification of this scheme, is commonly used to classify the level of retinopathy in
epidemiological studies; the more severely involved eye is used for classification. The
American Diabetes Association provides clinical practice recommendations for screening
and treatment of diabetic retinopathy.
Neither the diagnosis nor classification of retinopathy was uniform in the studies
reviewed for this guideline. Some studies performed retinal photographs (from 2 to 7
fields, depending on the study) and others relied on ophthalmoscopic examinations
through dilated pupils. Moreover, retinopathy was graded by the Airlie House Classifica-
tion scheme (or a modification of this scheme) in some studies and by less precisely
defined clinical criteria in others. Beyond methodological issues, the absence of retinopa-
thy in some subjects with elevated albuminuria/proteinuria may reflect the presence of
nondiabetic kidney disease, particularly in older type 2 diabetic patients. These factors
undoubtedly contributed, at least in part, to the reported variability of the association
between retinopathy and albuminuria/proteinuria.
Neuropathy. Diabetic neuropathy is perhaps one of the most difficult complications
of diabetes to measure. Although 60% to 70% of people with either type of diabetes are
affected, many investigators in the past used non-standardized methods for measuring
neuropathy. The lack of standardized nomenclature and criteria for diabetic neuropathy
232 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
undoubtedly diminished the quality of the data available for review. Accordingly, studies
examining the relationship between the level of urinary albumin/protein and diabetic
neuropathy often yielded confusing and conflicting results.
In 1988, a joint conference of the American Diabetes Association and the American
Academy of Neurology adopted standardized nomenclature and criteria for the diagnosis
of neuropathy in diabetes.
The classification was divided into subclinical and clinical
neuropathy (Table 126). Subclinical neuropathy is defined as an abnormal electrodiagnos-
tic test, quantitative sensory threshold, or autonomic function test in the absence of
clinical signs and symptoms. Clinical neuropathy is defined as an abnormal test associated
with clinical signs and/or symptoms. The American Diabetes Association provides clinical
practice recommendations for screening and treatment of diabetic neuropathy.
Strength of Evidence
Given the numerous studies and general agreement on the relationship between protein-
uria and complications of diabetes other than chronic kidney disease, review articles
were used as the primary source of information for this guideline. Since reviews often
reported the associations qualitatively, individual studies were included to provide quanti-
tative estimates of the association. Reference was also made to individual studies of non-
Caucasian patients, since many reviews reported only results from studies in Caucasians.
Given the low rate or absence of type 1 diabetes in many non-Caucasians, the impact
of ethnicity on the relationship between proteinuria and other diabetic complications
was examined only in those with type 2 diabetes. Selection of individual studies for
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 233
this guideline was not subject to the systematic review process used in other K/DOQI
guidelines and is intended to be illustrative rather than comprehensive.
Cardiovascular disease is related to the level of proteinuria or albuminuria
in diabetic kidney disease (Table 127 and Figs 51 and 52) (R, C). Increased cardio-
vascular mortality was linked with elevated urinary albumin excretion in type 2 diabetes
in 1984
and with type 1 diabetes in 1987.
This association was confirmed subse-
Fig 51. Cardiovascular mortality with diabetes. Relative cardiovascular mortality in
type 1 (left panel) and type 2 (right panel) diabetes according to the level of urinary
protein excretion in the WHO Multinational Study of Vascular Disease in Diabetes.
Death rate ratios were adjusted for age, duration of diabetes, systolic blood pressure,
serum cholesterol concentration, and smoking history by Poisson regression.
234 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 52. Microalbuminuria and cardiovascular morbidity with type 2 diabetes. Crude
association of microalbuminuria and cardiovascular morbidity or mortality in type 2
diabetes. The results are presented with (total) and without (subtotal) the study that
included subjects with clinical proteinuria. Adapted and reprinted with permission.
quently in many studies and described in numerous review articles,
and it is re-
ported in diverse racial/ethnic groups (Table 127).
The association between diabetic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease is gener-
ally considered stronger in type 2 than in type 1 diabetes at all levels of albuminuria/
proteinuria, due in large part to the older age of the type 2 diabetic patients. In the
WHO Multinational Study of Vascular Disease in Diabetes,
however, similar cardiovas-
cular death rates were reported in the 1,188 patients with type 1 and the 3,234 patients
with type 2 diabetes from ten centers worldwide (Fig 51). These results may be influ-
enced by the racial/ethnic mix of the sample cohort, since some populations included
in the cohort with high rates of type 2 diabetes, such as the Pima Indians, have lower
rates of cardiovascular disease than Caucasians with type 2 diabetes.
A meta-analysis of 11 cohort studies involving 2,138 patients with type 2 diabetes
provides compelling evidence that even modest elevations of urinary albumin excretion
are associated with increased cardiovascular risk. In this review, patients with microalbu-
minuria had an overall crude odds ratio for cardiovascular morbidity and mortality of
2.0 (95% confidence interval, 1.4 to 2.7) compared to those with normal urinary albumin
excretion (Fig 52).
Retinopathy is related to the level of proteinuria or albuminuria in diabetic
kidney disease (Table 128) (R, C). Review articles evaluated for this guideline in-
cluded patients from clinic and population-based studies of type 1 and type 2 diabe-
These articles reflect the widely recognized positive association
between the level of albuminuria/proteinuria and retinopathy in both types of diabetes.
Discordance between these two diabetic complications, however, occurs fre-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 235
particularly in type 2 diabetes, because of the coexistence of nondiabetic
kidney disease. Nevertheless, the incidence of proliferative retinopathy increases dramati-
cally with the development of elevated urinary albumin/protein excretion.
A greater
frequency of retinopathy with higher levels of urinary albumin/protein excretion is also
reported in various racial/ethnic groups (Table 128), and the relationship may be stronger
in some groups than in others.
Other diabetic complications (for example, neuropathy) may be related to
the level of proteinuria or albuminuria in diabetic kidney disease (R). Less is
known about the strength of the association between urinary albumin/protein excretion
and neuropathy than about the other complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes. The
review articles evaluated for this guideline comment briefly that some studies found a
relationship whereas others did not.
Much of the confusion is undoubtedly attribut-
able to non-standardized definitions of diabetic neuropathy. In 1988, consensus was
achieved on a standardized classification scheme (vide supra), but there are still few
reviews available that comment on the relationship between albuminuria/proteinuria
and diabetic neuropathy by these criteria.
A large number of published guidelines and position statements are avail-
able to guide the practitioner in the prevention, detection, evaluation and treat-
ment of diabetic complications (Table 129). Guidelines regarding angiotensin-
converting-enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin-receptor blockers and strict blood
pressure control are particularly important since these agents may prevent or
delay some of the adverse outcomes of both kidney and cardiovascular disease
Data in the elderly and in racial/ethnic groups other than non-Hispanic whites are sparse,
particularly in review articles, making the findings reported in this guideline difficult to
extrapolate with confidence to the elderly and to different populations around the world.
Moreover, after the development of kidney failure, much of the available data do not
differentiate type 1 from type 2 diabetes.
Studies in both type 1
and type 2
diabetes indicate that nearly all of the excess
mortality associated with diabetes is found in those with elevated urinary albumin/protein
236 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
excretion. Much of the excess mortality, particularly in type 2 diabetes, is attributable
to cardiovascular disease rather than kidney failure, indicating the importance of identify-
ing and treating the other complications of diabetes in these patients and the importance
of close monitoring of proteinuria and kidney function to identify those at increased
risk. The evidence reviewed to date suggests that the appearance of elevated albuminuria/
proteinuria is associated with a higher risk of the non-kidney complications of diabetes
even as patients progress towards chronic kidney disease. The association between albu-
minuria/proteinuria and cardiovascular disease, diabetic retinopathy, and diabetic neu-
ropathy described in this guideline supports the recommendation that patients with
diabetic nephropathy be carefully examined for the presence of other diabetic complica-
tions and that proper care for these complications be initiated. This recommendation is
based on opinion derived from a review of the available evidence.
Implementation of coordinated patient management to address the diversity of potential
complications is one of the greatest challenges of diabetes care. Recommendations re-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 237
garding management of diet, exercise, glycemia, blood pressure, lipids, neuropathy, reti-
nopathy, and cardiovascular disease must all be considered in addition to those for kidney
disease. Although the challenges for health care providers are formidable, they may seem
overwhelming to those with diabetes. One of the objectives of the National Diabetes
Education Program, a Program managed jointly by the National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is
to promote an integrated patient-centered approach to diabetes care with the goal of
reducing the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes and its complications
Much of the understanding about the relationships between diabetic nephropathy and
cardiovascular disease, retinopathy, and neuropathy comes from studies in Caucasians.
Yet the epidemic of diabetes affects many racial/ethnic groups worldwide. Since race/
ethnicity may influence not only the risk of diabetes, but the severity and type of diabetic
complications that develop, further characterization of the impact of diabetes in different
populations is needed. Further characterization of these relationships in the elderly is also
needed. Moreover, the extent to which aggressive treatment of diabetic complications
modulates the progression of kidney disease needs to be examined, since recent studies
suggest that improvements in the treatment of cardiovascular disease in patients with
type 2 diabetes have contributed to an increase in diabetic kidney failure.
Patients with chronic kidney disease, irrespective of diagnosis, are at increased risk
of cardiovascular disease (CVD), including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascular dis-
ease, peripheral vascular disease, and heart failure. Both ‘‘traditional’’ and ‘‘chronic
kidney disease related (nontraditional)’’ CVD risk factors may contribute to this increased
All patients with chronic kidney disease should be considered in the ‘‘highest risk’’
group for cardiovascular disease, irrespective of levels of traditional CVD risk
All patients with chronic kidney disease should undergo assessment of CVD risk
factors, including:
Measurement of ‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors in all patients;
Individual decision-making regarding measurement of selected ‘‘CKD-related’’
CVD risk factors in some patients.
Recommendations for CVD risk factor reduction should take into account the ‘‘high-
est-risk’’ status of patients with chronic kidney disease.
Similar to the general population, cardiovascular disease accounts for 40% to 50% of all
deaths in the end-stage renal disease (ESRD) population, and CVD mortality rates in ESRD
238 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
patients are approximately 15 times higher than the general population.
The burden
of cardiovascular disease is evident upon the initiation of replacement therapy. Forty
percent of patients starting dialysis already have evidence of coronary heart disease
and only 15% are considered to have normal left ventricular structure and func-
tion by echocardiographic criteria.
Clearly, many manifestations of cardiovascular dis-
ease arise before the onset of kidney failure and the need for dialysis or transplantation.
Previously the National Kidney Foundation convened a Task Force to evaluate the
epidemic of cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease.
in this report was the high mortality from cardiovascular disease in patients with kidney
failure. The purpose of this guideline is to focus on the CVD risk associated with chronic
kidney disease (excluding patients treated by dialysis). Guideline 14 addresses the risk of
cardiovascular disease in patients with diabetic kidney disease. Therefore, this guideline
focuses on the risk of cardiovascular disease in patients with nondiabetic kidney disease,
and specifically to address the question whether chronic kidney disease is a risk factor
for the development of cardiovascular disease. Guidelines for the evaluation and manage-
ment of specific CVD risk factors in this population are currently being developed by
other K/DOQI Work Groups.
For the purposes of this guideline, ‘‘cardiovascular disease’’ refers to coronary heart
disease, cerebrovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, and congestive heart failure.
Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) was not always included, even though it is associated
with chronic kidney disease and is a risk factor for clinical cardiovascular events. ‘‘Tradi-
tional’’ risk factors are those variables defined in the general population through prospec-
tive cohort studies such as the Framingham Heart Study (Table 130). ‘‘Chronic kidney
disease (CKD)-related’’ risk factors include the hemodynamic and metabolic abnormali-
ties associated with chronic kidney disease and complications of decreased kidney func-
tion. Some authors have subdivided CKD-related risk factors in those factors altered by
the ‘‘uremic’’ state (for example, hypertension, dyslipidemia, homocysteine) and factors
that are characteristic of the ‘‘uremic’’ state (for example, anemia, malnutrition, oxidative
stress, and hyperparathyroidism).
Strength of Evidence
Where possible, data from the NKF Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic
Renal Disease
has been used as the source of information for this guideline. Given the
breadth of the topic and the extensive summary by the NKF Task Force, the current
Work Group did not feel it was necessary to duplicate their effort. In addition to the
Task Force summary, other recent review articles, where necessary, were used as a
source of information for the following rationale statements. To determine the association
of albuminuria and decreased GFR with incident cardiovascular disease, evidence tables
were compiled after a systematic review of original articles.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 239
Nondiabetic patients with chronic kidney disease have an increased preva-
lence of cardiovascular disease compared to the general population (R). High-
lighted in the NKF Task Force Report was the high prevalence of cardiovascular disease
in dialysis patients.
Data from the USRDS in 1997 show a 40% prevalence of either
coronary artery disease or congestive heart failure in patients starting dialysis.
few studies have examined the prevalence of cardiovascular disease in a representative
sample of patients with earlier stages of chronic kidney disease. In a report from the
Framingham Heart Study, the prevalence of various manifestations of cardiovascular dis-
ease were examined in participants with elevated serum creatinine (serum creatinine
1.5 to 3.0 mg/dL and 1.4 to 3.0 mg/dL in men and women, respectively). In men, CVD
prevalence was 17.9% and in women, CVD prevalence was 20.4%. This contrasts with
the CVD prevalence reported in the same study in men (13.9%) and women (9.3%) with
normal serum creatinine levels.
In another cross-sectional analysis, the prevalence of
LVH by echocardiography was 27%, 31%, and 45% in patients with a creatinine clearance
greater than 50, 25 to 50, and less than 25, respectively.
This high prevalence of LVH
contrasts with a prevalence of less than 20% in Framingham Heart Study participants.
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in nondiabetic patients
with chronic kidney disease (R). Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death
in patients with chronic kidney disease, regardless of stage of kidney disease. Approxi-
mately 40% of all deaths in the United States are secondary to cardiovascular disease.
240 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Studies involving patients with kidney disease are not dissimilar. In an ancillary analysis
of the Hypertension Detection and Follow-up Program (HDFP) involving nearly 11,000
individuals, 58% of deaths in participants with baseline serum creatinine 1.7 mg/dL
were secondary to cardiovascular causes.
In the British Regional Heart Study compris-
ing 7690 men followed for more than 14 years, greater than 50% of all deaths in subjects
within the upper decile of baseline serum creatinine were secondary to cardiovascular
Although the HDFP and British Regional Heart Study analyses did not stratify
by diabetes status, only a minority of subjects was known to be diabetic (16% within
the HDFP study and 2.0% within the British Regional Heart Study).
Cardiovascular disease mortality is more likely than development of kidney
failure in nondiabetic patients with chronic kidney disease (R). Most patients
with chronic kidney disease do not develop kidney failure. The prevalence of chronic
kidney disease by stage is shown in Table 4. The estimated prevalence of Stage 3 CKD
is 30 times greater than the prevalence of kidney failure (Stage 5 CKD). Although no
prospective data on a cohort with Stage 3 CKD is available, indirectly it is evident that
most of these individuals do not proceed to kidney failure, but likely die before the onset
of kidney failure. From the discussion above, the cause of death is likely cardiovascular
in origin. Further supportive data is available from the HDFP and Framingham analyses.
In the HDFP trial, only 19% of deaths were attributable to kidney failure versus 58% from
cardiovascular causes.
In the Framingham study, 198 deaths occurred in subjects with
elevated serum creatinine values.
Only 10 of these deaths occurred when patients
had already developed ESRD (unpublished data).
Nondiabetic patients with chronic kidney disease have an increased preva-
lence of ‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors compared to the general population (R).
Prevalence of risk factors with decreased GFR. Many patients with chronic kidney
disease have a higher prevalence of traditional CVD risk factors compared to the general
population. Data from NHANES III (Table 26) clearly illustrate the inverse association
between older age and reduced GFR. Using the same dataset, the prevalence of diabetes
and hypertension in subjects with elevated serum creatinine levels (1.6 mg/dL in men
and 1.4 mg/dL in women) in this database was recently reported. In this cross-sectional
study, 19% of subjects with elevated serum creatinine were known to have diabetes
mellitus, and 70% had high blood pressure. In contrast, the prevalence of diabetes mellitus
and hypertension in the entire NHANES III sample was 4.8% and 22.8%, respectively.
A more extensive discussion on the association of hypertension with GFR is found under
Guideline 7. Compared to the general population, the percent prevalence of lipoprotein
abnormalities in patients with chronic kidney disease is also increased (Table 131). The
prevalence of tobacco use in patients with chronic kidney disease does not appear to
be markedly different from the prevalence in the general population.
Prevalence of risk factors with proteinuria. Proteinuria is a strong independent
predictor of GFR decline in patients with and without diabetes mellitus.
Therefore, it
is not surprising that many of the same CVD risk factors associated with decreased GFR
are also associated with increased urinary protein excretion. Proteinuria increases with
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 241
age and the duration and severity of hypertension.
In patients with essential hyperten-
sion, the combined presence of proteinuria and dyslipidemia is frequent, and greater
levels of urinary protein correlate significantly with greater serum levels of total choles-
terol, triglycerides, and lipoprotein(a). Proteinuria is also inversely correlated with HDL
cholesterol levels.
The positive correlation between proteinuria and blood pressure,
total serum cholesterol, and triglycerides, and the inverse correlation with HDL choles-
terol, have also been reported in a recent analysis of data from the MDRD Study.
These associations remained present even after adjustment for the presence of diabetes.
242 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Evidence for abnormalities of the coagulation system with increased fibrinogen, increased
von Willebrand factor, and reduced plasminogen activator inhibitor have also been de-
scribed in patients with elevated levels of urinary protein.
Nondiabetic patients with chronic kidney disease have a high prevalence
of ‘‘chronic kidney disease-related’’ CVD risk factors (R). Numerous hemody-
namic and metabolic factors associated with chronic kidney disease have been implicated
as potential CVD risk factors (Table 130). The prevalence of many of these factors in-
creases as GFR declines. The inverse association between anemia and GFR is reviewed
in Guideline 8. The increased prevalence of abnormalities in PTH, and calcium and
phosphate metabolism, are reviewed in Guideline 10. The reader is also referred to
reviews which discuss factors such as homocysteine, inflammatory markers, thrombo-
genic factors, and oxidative stress in more detail.
Chronic kidney disease is a risk factor for subsequent cardiovascular dis-
ease in individuals without diabetes (C).
Decreased GFR is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in individuals
without diabetes (Tables 132 and 133 and Fig 53) (C). Reduced GFR identifies
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 243
Fig 53. GFR and relative risk for death. Wannamethee
: risk is for S
1.5 mg/dL
versus S
1.3 mg/dL. Upper limit for S
was not defined. Culleton
: risk is for S
1.5 mg/dL and 1.4 mg/dL versus 1.5 and 1.4 in men and women respectively.
Upper limit for S
was 3.0 mg/dL for both men and women. Mann
: risk is for S
1.4 mg/dL versus 1.4 mg/dL. Upper limit for S
was 2.3 mg/dL. Endpoint on this
figure refers to the composite endpoint of cardiovascular death, MI, or stroke. Ruilope
risk is for S
1.5 mg/dL versus 1.5 mg/dL. Upper limit for S
was 3.0 mg/dL.
: risk is for S
1.5 mg/dL versus S
0.9 mg/dL. Upper limit of S
was not
defined. Hemmelgarn
: risk is for S
2.3 mg/dL versus 2.3 mg/dL. Damsgaard
(1990), Friedman
(1991), Matts
(1993), Shulman
(1989), Beattie
and Schillaci
(2001): data not provided to present risk with confidence intervals.
individuals at greater risk for CVD events, including coronary heart disease, cerebrovascu-
lar disease and peripheral vascular disease, and death. The results of these studies are not
entirely consistent. Some of this variability may be explained on differences in baseline
demographics, severity of kidney disease, and the overall cardiovascular risk of the study
sample. There is insufficient evidence to support an association with incident congestive
heart failure, possibly because the number of congestive heart failure events is low.
Proteinuria is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease in individuals with-
out diabetes (Tables 134, 135, and 136 and Figs 54, 55, and 56) (C). Likewise,
proteinuria is also a risk factor for CVD events, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality.
Again, the results for all studies are not completely consistent but the weight of evidence
is very supportive.
The identification of chronic kidney disease as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease
does not prove causation. A temporal relation with chronic kidney disease and incident
cardiovascular disease has been identified in many of these studies, but other criteria
for causation are lacking, including consistency and biologic plausibility. Furthermore,
although a dose-response relationship with proteinuria and cardiovascular disease may
exist, such a relationship with reduced GFR has not been shown conclusively. An alterna-
tive hypothesis is that chronic kidney disease is a marker for the burden of exposure to
244 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 245
Fig 54. Proteinuria and relative risk for cardiovascular disease. Where possible, results
presented are from multivariable analyses. Agewall
, Ljungman
: Unadjusted re-
sults shown. Data not available to calculate age or multivariable adjusted risk.
246 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Fig 55. Proteinuria and relative risk for CVD death. Where possible, results presented
are from multivariable analyses. Agewall
: unadjusted results shown. Data not avail-
able to calculate age or multivariable adjusted risk. Jager
, Kannel
, Culleton
some diabetics included, but results shown are adjusted for diabetes. Grimm
: (a)
proteinuria positive once; (b) proteinuria positive more than once over 6 years of follow-
Fig 56. Proteinuria and relative risk for death. Where possible, results presented are
from multivariable analyses. Damsgaard
: 4/216 subjects excreted more than 200
g/min of albumin. Agewall
: unadjusted results shown. Data not available to calcu-
late age or multivariable adjusted risk. Jager
, Kannel
, Culleton
: some diabetics
included, but results shown are adjusted for diabetes. Grimm
: (a) proteinuria positive
once; (b) proteinuria positive more than once over 6 years of follow-up. Miettinen
Results not shown. Proteinuria predicted mortality but data was not provided to calculate
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 247
‘‘traditional’’ CVD risk factors. The relative contribution from ‘‘kidney disease-related’’
risk factors in this population remains uncertain.
Risk factor reduction is likely to be effective in reducing morbidity and mor-
tality due to cardiovascular disease in patients with chronic kidney disease
(O). Few patients with chronic kidney disease have been included in clinical trials with
‘‘hard’’ cardiovascular endpoints. In the absence of this high level evidence, extrapolation
of evidence from clinical trial results in the general population to patients with chronic
kidney disease is necessary. Several lines of reasoning support this process. First, ‘‘tradi-
tional’’ CVD risk factors can be modified in patients with chronic kidney disease. Clearly,
antihypertensive agents are effective in lowering blood pressure. Lipid parameters can
be improved with dietary and pharmacologic therapy. Smoking cessation programs
should be no less effective in patients with chronic kidney disease than in the general
Second, adverse effects of risk factor reduction do not appear substantially greater
in patients with chronic kidney disease than in the general population.
Third, the life span of most patients with chronic kidney disease often exceeds the
duration of treatment required for beneficial effects. In the general population, the benefi-
cial effect of risk factor reduction on morbidity and mortality begins to appear within
1 to 3 years or less in high risk groups. For example, survival curves for high risk patients
randomized to lipid lowering therapy frequently diverge from placebo treated patients
within 6 months of the start of treatment. The life-span of most patients with chronic
kidney disease exceeds 1 to 3 years.
Treatment recommendations are beyond the scope of this guideline. The reader is
referred to the NKF Task Force Report
for a summary of treatment recommendations
for traditional CVD risk factors in chronic kidney disease, and to forthcoming K/DOQI
guidelines on CKD-related CVD risk factors.
The variety of measures used to assess kidney function has placed a significant limitation
on this current review. This is particularly true for the assessment of CVD risk associated
with reduced GFR. As a marker for GFR, serum creatinine was used in most studies. The
limitations with serum creatinine measurements have been described previously. Few
studies provided data on creatinine clearance, and no prospective studies provided a
more accurate measure of GFR than serum creatinine. As a result, it was not possible
to quantify the prevalence of cardiovascular disease or CVD risk factors by stage of kidney
disease. Furthermore, the risk for future CVD events could not be defined by stage of
kidney disease. A similar problem was found during the assessment of CVD risk associated
with albuminuria. Older studies used dipsticks on random urines. Some dipsticks mea-
sured total protein, while others measured albumin excretion. More recent studies have
quantified albumin excretion with more standardized techniques. The variability in urine
protein measurement makes comparisons between studies difficult.
In addition, few studies provided analyses stratified by diabetes status. In contrast to
248 Part 7. Stratification National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
the literature on CVD risk in diabetic kidney disease, few generalizable studies have been
published on CVD risk specifically in nondiabetic individuals with chronic kidney disease.
To our advantage, many of the studies reviewed included less than 10% diabetic patients.
The Work Group agreed to extrapolate results from these mixed samples, limiting assess-
ments to qualitative statements.
‘‘Traditional’’ CVD risk factors appear to be shared risk factors for both chronic kidney
disease and cardiovascular disease and therefore are in high prevalence in chronic kidney
disease. Therefore, it is essential to develop interdisciplinary programs for detection and
treatment of traditional risk factors, emphasizing the inter-relationships among diabetes,
cardiovascular disease, and kidney disease.
Physician, allied health, and patient education initiatives are necessary to ensure that
patients with chronic kidney disease are recognized to be at high risk for future CVD
events, irrespective of diagnosis. Coordinated patient management systems will be neces-
sary to appropriately recognize and manage CVD risk factors in this patient population.
A large prospective multi-ethnic cohort study involving patients with Stage 3 and 4
chronic kidney disease is necessary to further examine the impact of ‘‘traditional’’ and
‘‘kidney disease-related’’ risk factors on incident cardiovascular disease. Emphasis should
be placed on the recognition of potentially modifiable risk factors. Such a study could
also determine the time course of cardiovascular disease in the chronic kidney disease
A predictive clinical tool, using kidney disease stage and diagnosis, risk factors, and/
or other variables, should be developed to better predict risk in patients with chronic
kidney disease.
Standards for the measurement of kidney function and albuminuria in observational
and controlled trials should be established.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 7. Stratification 249
8. R
Clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) are ‘‘systematically developed statements based on
current professional knowledge to assist practitioner and patient decisions about appro-
priate health care for specific clinical circumstances.’’ As such, guidelines define best
clinical practices based on available evidence. Their translation into clinical practice for
use in specific clinical circumstances is what makes guidelines relevant.
Passive dissemination of guidelines has proven to be of limited clinical utility. Nonad-
herence to best clinical practices, as articulated in CPGs, has been routinely observed.
The translation of CPGs into clinical practice requires the development of a multi-compo-
nent long-term implementation plan. A central component of such a plan is the linkage
of selected guidelines to continuous quality improvement (CQI) programs to improve
outcomes within a given local health care delivery system.
CQI efforts require measurement tools, both to quantify the current process of care
and to monitor the success of changing practice patterns on clinical outcomes. Clinical
performance measures (CPMs) are such tools. The rationale for CPMs, the essential steps
in their development, and the attributes of well-designed CPMs have been de-
The first step in the development of CPMs is the prioritization of CPGs, in collabora-
tion with the Work Group that developed the guidelines. Following are guideline state-
ments recommended by the CKD Work Group for potential use in CQI and CPM and
examples of CPM that could be developed from them (Table 137). A special subcommit-
tee of the Advisory Board, chaired by Alan S. Kliger, MD, is assessing feasibility and
exploring opportunities for developing these recommendations for future use as CPMs.
Guideline 2
Preparation for kidney replacement therapy (dialysis and transplantation), as well as
vascular access care, should be initiated when the estimated GFR declines to 30 mL/
min/1.73 m
Guideline 3
Individuals at increased risk for chronic kidney disease should be tested at the time of
a health evaluations to determine if they have chronic kidney disease. These include
individuals with:
Autoimmune diseases;
Systemic infections;
Exposure to drugs or procedures associated with acute decline in kidney function;
Recovery from acute kidney failure;
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 8. Recommendations for Measures 251
Age 60 years;
Family history of kidney disease;
Reduced kidney mass (includes kidney donors and transplant recipients).
Measurements should include:
Serum creatinine for estimation of GFR;
252 Part 8. Recommendations for Measures National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Assessment of proteinuria;
Urinary sediment or urine dipstick for red blood cells and white blood cells.
Guideline 4
Estimated GFR should be the parameter used to evaluate the level of kidney function.
Guideline 5
The ratio of protein or albumin to creatinine in spot urine samples should be monitored
in all patients with chronic kidney disease.
Guideline 7
Blood pressure should be monitored in all patients with chronic kidney disease.
High blood pressure should be evaluated and treated according to established guide-
lines, such as JNC-VI and ADA.
Guidelines 812
Patients with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
should be evaluated and treated for complica-
tions of decreased GFR. This includes measurement of:
Anemia (hemoglobin);
Nutritional status (dietary energy and protein intake, weight, serum albumin, serum
total cholesterol);
Bone disease (parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphorus);
Functioning and well-being (questionnaires).
Guideline 13
Estimated GFR should be monitored yearly in patients with chronic kidney disease, and
more frequently in patients with:
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Fast GFR decline in the past (4 mL/min/1.73 m
Risk factors for faster progression
Ongoing treatment to slow progression
Exposure to risk factors for acute GFR decline.
Guideline 14
Individuals with diabetic kidney disease are at higher risk of diabetic complications,
including retinopathy, cardiovascular disease, and neuropathy.
They should be evaluated and managed according to established guidelines.
Guideline 15
Individuals with chronic kidney disease are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
They should be considered in the ‘‘highest risk group’’ for evaluation and management
according to established guidelines.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 8. Recommendations for Measures 253
9. A
The work group expanded on selected clinical topics that were not included in the scope
of the review of evidence, but which nonetheless are relevant to the implementation of
a clinical action plan for patients with chronic kidney disease. The clinical approach
outlined below is based on guidelines contained within this report; the reader is cau-
tioned that many of the recommendations in this section have not been adequately
studied and therefore represent the opinion of members of the Work Group.
Assessment of Risk
All individuals should be evaluated during health encounters to determine whether they
are at increased risk of having or of developing chronic kidney disease. Guideline 3
lists risk factors for susceptibility to and initiation of chronic kidney disease (‘‘CKD
risk factors’’). Ascertainment of risk factors through assessment of sociodemographic
characteristics, review of past medical history and family history, and measurement of
blood pressure would enable the clinician to determine whether a patient is at increased
risk. Patients who are found to be at increased risk should be evaluated further.
Clinical Evaluation of Patients at Increased Risk
Clinical evaluation of patients at increased risk of chronic kidney disease includes assess-
ment of markers of kidney damage, estimated GFR, and blood pressure (Table 138).
Unfortunately, these markers do not detect all types of chronic kidney damage. Thus,
it may be difficult to detect the onset of some types of chronic kidney disease until GFR
is decreased, for example, hypertensive nephrosclerosis and noninflammatory tubuloint-
erstitial diseases.
Testing for Proteinuria
The algorithms recommended by NKF PARADE distinguish between individuals at in-
creased for chronic kidney disease versus asymptomatic, healthy individuals. These algo-
rithms have been modified by the Work Group with input from members of the PARADE
Work Group (Fig 57). The algorithm for adults and children at increased risk (right side)
begins with testing of a random ‘‘spot’’ urine sample with an albumin-specific dipstick.
Alternatively, testing could begin with a spot urine sample for albumin-to-creatine ratio.
The algorithm for asymptomatic healthy individuals (left side) does not require testing
specifically for albumin. This algorithim is useful for children without diabetes, in whom
universal screening is recommended. Universal screening is not currently recommended
for adults.
Clinical Presentation
Table 139 shows the relationship between stages of chronic kidney disease and clinical
presentations. During the stage ‘‘At Increased Risk’’ and Stage 1 (Kidney Damage), spe-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 9. Approach 255
Fig 57. Evaluation of proteinuria in patients not known to have kidney disease. Modi-
fied from NKF PARADE. NKF PARADE does not use gender-specific definitions for abnor-
mal albumin-to-creatinine ratio. Modified with permission.
256 Part 9. Approach National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
cific diseases are associated with specific risk factors and are manifested by specific
clinical presentations, although markers for each diagnosis have not been discovered.
During Stages 2 through 4 (Decreased GFR) and Stage 5 (Kidney Failure), different dis-
eases may have similar clinical presentations, although markers of kidney damage may
persist and provide clues to diagnosis.
Simplified Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease
Diseases of the kidney are classified according to etiology and pathology. A simplified
classification is given in Table 140.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 9. Approach 257
Definitive diagnosis often requires a biopsy of the kidney, which is associated with
a risk, albeit usually small, of serious complications. Therefore, kidney biopsy is usually
reserved for selected patients in whom a definitive diagnosis can be made only by biopsy
and in whom a definitive diagnosis would result in a change in either treatment or
prognosis. In most patients, diagnosis is assigned based on recognition of well-defined
clinical presentations and causal factors based on clinical evaluation.
Clinical Evaluation
Chronic kidney disease is usually silent. Therefore, clinical assessment relies heavily on
laboratory evaluation and diagnostic imaging. Nonetheless, a careful history will often
reveal clues to the correct diagnosis (Table 141). Blood pressure measurement is essen-
tial, but other elements of the physical examination are usually not helpful, except to
assess comorbid conditions and complications of decreased GFR. A number of drugs
can be associated with chronic kidney damage, so a thorough review of the medication
list (including prescribed medications, over-the-counter medications, ‘‘nontraditional’’
medications, vitamins and supplements, herbs, and drugs of abuse) is vital. Moreover,
medications will require adjustment in dosage or discontinuation based on the level of
258 Part 9. Approach National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Laboratory Evaluation
Laboratory evaluation in all patients with chronic kidney disease should be performed
(Table 142).
Guideline 6 provides a guide to interpretation of proteinuria and urine sediment
abnormalities and findings on imaging studies as markers of kidney damage and a defini-
tion of clinical presentations.
Based on these measurements, the clinician can usually define the clinical presenta-
tion, thereby narrowing the differential diagnosis and guiding further diagnostic evalua-
tion, decisions about kidney biopsy, and, often, decisions about treatment and prognosis
with no need for kidney biopsy.
Relationships Among Type and Stage of Kidney Disease and
Clinical Presentations
Tables 143, 144, and 145 show the relationships between stage of kidney disease and
clinical features for diabetic kidney disease, nondiabetic kidney diseases, and diseases
in the kidney transplant.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 9. Approach 259
Utility of Proteinuria in Diagnosis, Prognosis, and Treatment
Proteinuria is a key finding in the differential diagnosis of chronic kidney disease. Protein-
uria is a marker of damage in diabetic kidney disease (Table 143), in glomerular diseases
occurring in the native kidney (Table 144), and in transplant glomerular disease and
recurrent glomerular disease in the transplant (Table 145). In these diseases, the magni-
tude of proteinuria is usually 1,000 mg/g (except in early diabetic kidney disease), and
may approach nephrotic range (spot urine protein-to-creatinine ratio 3,000 mg/g). On
the other hand, proteinuria is usually mild or absent in vascular diseases, tubulointerstitial
diseases, and cystic diseases in the native kidney and in rejection and drug toxicity due
to cyclosporine or tacrolimus in the transplant.
Proteinuria is also a key prognostic finding. It is well-known that nephrotic range
proteinuria is associated with a wide range of complications, including hypoalbumi-
nemia, edema, hyperlipidemia, and hypercoagulable state; faster progression of kidney
disease; and premature cardiovascular disease. However, it is now known that elevated
urine protein excretion below the nephrotic range is also associated with faster progres-
sion of kidney disease and development of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, the
reduction in proteinuria is correlated with a subsequent slower loss of kidney function.
Finally, proteinuria is also a guide to therapy. The benefit of antihypertensive therapy,
especially with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, to slow the progression of
kidney disease is greater in patients with higher levels of proteinuria compared to patients
with lower levels of proteinuria.
260 Part 9. Approach National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
In summary, proteinuria is not only a marker of kidney damage, it is also a guide to
the differential diagnosis, prognosis, and therapy of chronic kidney disease.
Guideline 13 reviews estimating decline in GFR and treatments to slow the GFR decline
in adults. In general, GFR should be estimated from serum creatinine at least yearly in
patients with chronic kidney disease and more often in patients with:
GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Fast GFR decline in the past (4 mL/min per year)
Risk factors for faster progression
Ongoing treatment to slow progression
Exposure to risk factors for acute GFR decline.
Treatments to slow the progression of chronic kidney disease in adults in are shown
in Table 146.
Guideline 15 concludes that patients with chronic kidney disease have a high risk of
adverse outcomes of cardiovascular disease and should be considered in the ‘‘highest-
risk group’’ for cardiovascular disease risk reduction. However, few patients with chronic
kidney disease have been included in population-based epidemiologic studies of cardio-
vascular disease or long-term randomized clinical trials. The NKF Task Force on Cardiovas-
cular Disease in Chronic Renal Disease recommended risk factor reduction for ‘‘tradi-
tional’’ risk factors based largely on extrapolation from the general population and
evidence of safety and efficacy of interventions on risk factor levels in chronic kidney
disease. It was the opinion of the CVD Task Force and the CKD Work Group that extrapo-
lation from the general population to patients with chronic kidney disease is most appro-
priate for patients with higher levels of GFR (Stages 1 through 4) and less (but possibly
still) appropriate for patients with kidney failure (Stage 5). A partial list of ‘‘traditional’’
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 9. Approach 261
cardiovascular disease risk factors and risk factor reduction strategies that are potentially
safe and effective for patients with chronic kidney disease is shown in Table 147.
1.73 m
Guidelines 7 through 12 show the associations between level of GFR and complications
of chronic kidney disease in adults. Many complications begin to occur at GFR 60 mL/
min/ 1.73 m
. Table 148 lists additional clinical evaluations (in addition to the ones listed
in Tables 105 and 142) that should be performed in adults with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73
Guideline 1 defines a decrease in GFR of 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73 m
as chronic kidney
disease only if accompanied by a marker of kidney damage. GFR declines with age in
normal individuals; therefore, it can be difficult to distinguish age-related decrease in
GFR from chronic kidney disease in the elderly. Other causes of chronically decreased
GFR in normal individuals without chronic kidney disease include a habitually low protein
intake and unilateral nephrectomy.
Data from NHANES III suggest that almost 75% of individuals 70 years old may have
262 Part 9. Approach National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
GFR 90 mL/min/1.73 m
, and almost 25% may have GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
. The
fraction of elderly individuals with decreased GFR who truly have chronic kidney disease
has not been systematically studied. Moreover, the health outcomes of decreased GFR
in the elderly, with or without chronic kidney disease, are also not known.
Clinical evaluation of elderly individuals with GFR of 60 to 89 mL/min/1.73m
include an assessment for chronic kidney disease (Table 149).
Additional items for clinical evaluation of individuals with GFR 60 mL/min/1.73 m
are listed in Table 148.
It is the opinion of the members of the Work Group that clinical interventions for
the elderly with chronic kidney disease should be based on diagnosis (as described
above), severity of kidney function impairment, and stratification of risk for progression
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 9. Approach 263
of kidney disease and cardiovascular disease. There is a spectrum of risk for adverse
Patients with mild decreased GFR, low risk for progressive decline in GFR, and low
risk for cardiovascular disease have a good prognosis and may require only adjustment
of the dosage of drugs that are excreted by the kidney, monitoring of blood pressure,
avoidance of drugs and pro!-!cedures with risk for acute kidney failure, and life-style
modifications to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Consultation with a nephrolo-
gist may be necessary to establish the diagnosis and treatment of the type of kidney
disease. Kidney function should be monitored at least yearly.
Patients with moderately or severely decreased GFR or risk factors for faster decline
in GFR or cardiovascular disease have a worse prognosis. In addition to the interventions
mentioned above, they require assessment for complications of decreased GFR and di-
etary and pharmacologic therapy directed at slowing the progression of kidney disease
and ameliorating cardiovascular risk factor levels. Consultation and/or co-management
with a kidney disease care team is advisable during Stage 3, and referral to a nephrologist
in Stage 4 is recommended. Kidney function may need to be monitored four times per
year or more. A multidisciplinary team approach may be necessary to implement and
coordinate care.
264 Part 9. Approach National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
10. A
The overall aim of the project was to develop a classification of the stages of chronic
kidney disease, irrespective of the underlying cause of the kidney disease, and a clinical
action plan for the evaluation and treatment of chronic kidney disease. This classification
could then be transformed to an ‘‘evidence model’’ for future development of additional
practice guidelines regarding specific diagnostic evaluations and therapeutic interven-
tions (Executive Summary).
The Work Group sought to develop an ‘‘evidence base’’ for the classification and
clinical action plan, derived from a systematic summary of the available scientific litera-
ture on: the evaluation of laboratory measurements for the clinical assessment of kidney
disease; association of the level of kidney function with complications of chronic kidney
disease; and stratification of the risk for loss of kidney function and development of
cardiovascular disease.
Two products were developed from this process: a set of clinical practice guidelines
regarding the classification and action plan, which are contained in this report; and an
evidence report, which consists of the summary of the literature. Portions of the evidence
report are contained in this report. The entire evidence report is on file with the National
Kidney Foundation.
Development of the guideline and evidence report required many concurrent steps:
Form the Work Group and Evidence Review Team that would be responsible for
different aspects of the process;
Hold meetings to discuss process, methods, and results;
Develop and refine topics;
Define population of interest;
Create draft guideline statements and rationales;
Create draft summary tables;
Create data extraction forms;
Create and standardize quality assessment metrics;
Develop literature search strategies;
Perform literature searches;
Screen abstracts and retrieve full articles;
Review literature by primary and secondary reviewers;
Extract data and perform critical appraisal of the literature;
Tabulate data from articles into summaries and create summary graphics;
Write guideline statements and rationales based on literature.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 265
The Co-Chairs of the K/DOQI Advisory Board selected the Work Group Chair and Director
of the Evidence Review Team, who then assembled groups to be responsible for the
development of the guidelines and the evidence report, respectively. These groups col-
laborated closely throughout the project.
The Work Group consisted of ‘‘domain experts,’’ including individuals with expertise
in nephrology, epidemiology, laboratory medicine, nutrition, social work, pathology,
gerontology, and family medicine. In addition, the Work Group had liaison members
from the National Institute of Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases and from the
National Institute on Aging. Midway through the project, at the request of the K/DOQI
Advisory Board, the Work Group expanded the target population to include children
and invited additional members with expertise in pediatric nephrology. The first task of
the Work Group members was to define the overall topic and goals, including specifying
the target condition, target population, and target audience. They then further developed
and refined each topic, literature search strategy, and data extraction form (described
below). The Work Group members were the principal reviewers of the literature, and
from these detailed reviews they summarized the available evidence and took the primary
roles of writing the guidelines and rationale statements.
The Evidence Review Team consisted of nephrologists (one senior nephrologist and
three nephrology fellows) and methodologists from New England Medical Center with
expertise in systematic review of the medical literature. They were responsible for coordi-
nating the project, including coordinating meetings, refinement of goals and topics,
creation of the format of the evidence report, development of literature search strategies,
initial review and assessment of literature, and coordination of all partners. The Evidence
Review Team also coordinated the methodological and analytic process of the report,
coordinated the meetings, and defined and standardized the methodology of performing
literature searches, of data extraction, and of summarizing the evidence in the report.
They performed literature searches, retrieved and screened abstracts and articles, created
forms to extract relevant data from articles, and tabulated results. Throughout the project,
and especially at meetings, the Evidence Review Team led discussions on systematic
review, literature searches, data extraction, assessment of quality of articles, and summary
reporting. In addition, a member of the Evidence Review Team (BCA) at Johns Hopkins
Medical Institutions assisted Dr. Coresh in analysis of NHANES III data.
The goals of the Work Group spanned a diverse group of topics, which would have
been too large for a comprehensive review of the literature. Based on their expertise,
members of the Work Group focused on the specific questions listed in Table 8 and
employed a selective review of evidence: a summary of reviews for established concepts
(review of textbooks, reviews, guidelines, and selected original articles familiar to them
as domain experts) and a review of primary articles and data for new concepts.
266 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
The Work Group and Evidence Review Team developed (a) draft guideline statements;
(b) draft rationale statements that summarized the expected pertinent evidence; (c) mock
summary tables containing the expected evidence; and (d) data extraction forms request-
ing the data elements to be retrieved from the primary articles to complete the tables.
The development process included creation of initial mock-ups by the Work Group
Chair and Evidence Review Team followed by iterative refinement by the Work Group
members. The refinement process began prior to literature retrieval and continued
through the start of reviewing individual articles. The refinement occurred by e-mail,
telephone, and in-person communication regularly with local experts and with all experts
during in-person meetings of the Evidence Review Team and Work Group members.
Data extraction forms were designed to capture information on various aspects of the
primary articles. Forms for all topics included study setting and demographics, eligibility
criteria, causes of kidney disease, numbers of subjects, study design, study funding
source, population category (see below), study quality (based on criteria appropriate
for each study design, see below), appropriate selection and definition of measures,
results, and sections for comments and assessment of biases.
The various steps involved in development of the guideline statements, rationale
statements, tables, and data extraction forms were piloted on one of the topics (bone
disease) with a Work Group member at New England Medical Center. The ‘‘in-person’’
pilot experience allowed more efficient development and refinement of subsequent
forms with Work Group members located at other institutions. It also provided experi-
ence in the steps necessary for training junior members of the Evidence Review Team
to develop forms and to efficiently extract relevant information from primary articles.
Training of the Work Group members to extract data from primary articles subsequently
occurred by e-mail as well as at meetings.
Throughout the process of refinement of topics, the types of study design that would
be relevant and appropriate to answer the questions posed in Table 8 were carefully
Classification of Stages
Defining the stages of severity was an iterative process, based on expertise of the Work
Group members and synthesis of evidence developed during the systematic review. After
defining the stages of severity, it was necessary to estimate the prevalence of each stage
(albuminuria or proteinuria as a marker of kidney damage, decreased GFR, kidney failure)
in the general population. The ideal study design to assess prevalence would be a cross-
sectional study of population representative of the general population. Criteria for evalua-
tion of cross-sectional studies to assess prevalence are listed in Table 150. Data from
NHANES III were fortunately available for some of these analyses. The methods for analy-
sis of data from NHANES III are described in Appendix 2. In addition, articles from studies
of community screening were included. For these studies, the relevant result is the
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 267
estimate of prevalence, expressed as a percent, with the absolute number of individuals
derived by extrapolation to the US population, where possible.
Evaluation of Laboratory Tests
Evidence was required to assess the performance of diagnostic tests (prediction equations
for GFR, spot urine samples for protein-to-creatinine and albumin-to-creatinine ratios,
and new urinary markers of kidney damage) for the evaluation of severity of chronic
kidney disease. The ideal study design for diagnostic test evaluation would be a cross-
sectional study of a representative sample of patients who are tested using the ‘‘gold’’
268 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
(criterion) standard as well as the newer test. Criteria for evaluation of studies of diagnos-
tic tests are listed in Table 151.
For these studies, the relevant result is the measure
of performance (bias and precision) of the new test.
Association of Level of GFR With Complications
The appropriate study to assess the association of level of GFR with complications would
be a cross-sectional study of a representative sample of patients with chronic kidney
disease in whom the level of kidney function is related to the presence or absence or
severity of a complication. In addition, baseline data from a longitudinal study would be
appropriate. Principles of cross-sectional studies to assess associations are described in
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 269
Table 152. For some complications, data from NHANES III were available. However, the
NHANES III database includes relatively few patients with severely decreased GFR (15
to 29 mL/min/1.73 m
); therefore, it was also desirable to use cross-sectional studies,
baseline data from longitudinal studies, and case series of patients with decreased GFR.
Data from baseline assessments of patients enrolled in the Canadian Multicentre cohort
study of patients with chronic kidney disease were used for Figures 28, 29, 36, 37, 38,
40, and 42.
Data from all 446 patients enrolled from 1994 to 1997 were available.
Studies that provided data for various levels of kidney function were preferred; how-
270 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
ever, if data were sparse, studies that provided only the mean level of kidney function
were included. Members of the Work Group provided individual patient data that were
used for some analyses.
Stratification of Risk (Prognosis)
The appropriate study to assess the relationship of risk factors to loss of kidney function
and development of cardiovascular disease would be a longitudinal study of a representa-
tive sample of patients with chronic kidney disease with prospective assessment of fac-
tors at baseline and outcomes during follow-up. Because it can be difficult to determine
the onset of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease, prospective cohort stud-
ies were preferred to case-control studies or retrospective studies. Clinical trials were
included, with the understanding that the selection criteria for the clinical trial may
have lead to a non-representative cohort. Criteria for evaluating studies of prognosis are
described in Table 153.
Of particular importance is multivariable analysis to control
for confounding by factors other than the variables of interest (for example, confounding
by age in studies of factors related to cardiovascular disease events). Because of the well-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 271
known association between diabetes and cardiovascular disease, diabetic and nondiabetic
patients were considered separately. The association between diabetic kidney disease
and other diabetic complications was evaluated using reviews of cross-sectional studies
and selected primary articles of cohort studies. The association between nondiabetic
kidney disease and cardiovascular disease was evaluated using several strategies: reviews
and selected primary articles of incidence rates of cardiovascular disease in patients
with nondiabetic kidney disease; reviews and selected primary articles of cross-sectional
studies of the prevalence of risk factor levels in patients with nondiabetic kidney disease;
and a systematic search for cohort studies of the relationship between albuminuria or
proteinuria and decreased GFR with subsequent cardiovascular disease events in nondia-
betic individuals.
The Work Group and Evidence Review Team decided in advance that a systematic pro-
cess would be followed to obtain information on topics that relied on primary articles. In
general, only full journal articles of original data were included. Review articles, editorials,
letters, or abstracts were not included (except as noted). Though reports of formal studies
were preferred, case series were also included. No systematic process was followed to
obtain textbooks and review articles.
Studies for the literature review were identified primarily through Medline searches
of English language literature conducted between February and June 2000. These
searches were supplemented by relevant articles known to the domain experts and
The Medline literature searches were conducted to identify clinical studies published
from 1966 through the search dates. Separate search strategies were developed for each
topic. Development of the search strategies was an iterative process that included input
from all members of the Work Group. Search strategies were designed to yield approxi-
mately 1,000 to 2,000 titles each. The text words or MeSH headings for all topics included
kidney or kidney diseases or kidney function tests. The searches were limited to studies
on humans and published in English and focused on either adults or children, as relevant.
In general, studies that focused on hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis were excluded.
The Medline search strategies are included in the Evidence Report.
Medline search results were screened by clinicians on the Evidence Review Team.
Potential papers for retrieval were identified from printed abstracts and titles, based on
study population, relevance to topic, and article type. In general, studies with fewer
than 10 subjects were not included (except as noted). After retrieval, each paper was
screened to verify relevance and appropriateness for review, based primarily on study
design and ascertainment of necessary variables. Some articles were relevant to two or
more topics. A goal was set of approximately 30 articles per topic. In many cases, the
goal was exceeded. Domain experts made the final decision for inclusion or exclusion
of articles. All articles included were abstracted and contained in the evidence tables.
272 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Table 154 details the literature search and review for each topic. Overall, 18,153 abstracts
were screened, 1,110 articles were reviewed, and results were extracted from 367 arti-
Two types of evidence tables were prepared. Detailed tables contain data from each
field of the components of the data extraction forms. These tables are contained in the
evidence report but are not included in the manuscript. Summary tables describe the
strength of evidence according to four dimensions: study size, applicability depending
on the type of study subjects, results, and methodological quality (see table on the next
page, Example of Format for Evidence Tables). Within each table, studies are ordered
first by methodological quality (best to worst), then by applicability (most to least), and
then by study size (largest to smallest).
Study Size
The study (sample) size is used as a measure of the weight of the evidence. In general,
large studies provide more precise estimates of prevalence and associations. In addition,
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 273
large studies are more likely to be generalizable; however, large size alone does not
guarantee applicability. A study that enrolled a large number of selected patients may
be less generalizable than several smaller studies that included a broad spectrum of
patient populations.
Applicability (also known as generalizability or external validity) addresses the issue of
whether the study population is sufficiently broad so that the results can be generalized
to the population of interest at large. The study population is typically defined by the
inclusion and exclusion criteria. The target population was defined to include patients
with chronic kidney disease and those at increased risk of chronic kidney disease, except
where noted. A designation for applicability was assigned to each article, according to
a three-level scale. In making this assessment, sociodemographic characteristics were
considered, as were the stated causes of chronic kidney disease and prior treatments.
If a study is considered to be not fully generalizable, reasons for lack of applicability are
reported in the detailed tables on file at the NKF.
GFR Range
For all studies, the range of GFR (or creatinine clearance [C
]) is represented graphically
when available. The mean or median GFR is represented by a vertical line, with a horizon-
tal bar approximating the 95% coverage interval. Studies without a vertical or horizontal
line did not provide data on the mean/median or range, respectively. When data were
available, the range was calculated as: Range mean GFR 1.96 (standard deviation).
When sufficient data were not available, the range was estimated from the full range
of GFR levels reported, from the median GFR, or from available graphs. For studies that
reported creatinine clearance instead of GFR, the mean and range of creatinine clearance
274 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
were used to estimate GFR. For studies that reported neither GFR nor creatinine clear-
ance, the mean level of serum creatinine (standard deviation and/or range) is listed
as text (eg, S
3.4 0.3 mg/dL).
In principle, the study design determined the type of results obtained. For studies of
prevalence, the result is the percent of individuals with the condition of interest. For
diagnostic test evaluation, the result is the strength of association between the new
measurement method and the criterion standard. In addition to evaluating the size of
correlations and regression coefficients, bias and precision of GFR estimate equations
were also considered. For studies of the association between the level of GFR and compli-
cations, the result is direction and strength of the association. In addition to examining
continuous relationships (correlations and regressions), the prevalence of complications
for levels of GFR corresponding to stages of chronic kidney disease were estimated. For
studies of prognosis, the result is the factor and the direction and strength of the associa-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 275
tion between the risk factor and outcome. Associations were represented according to
the following symbols:
The specific meaning of the symbols is included as a footnote for each table.
For studies that provided only single point estimates (such as the mean value) of
complications, those values are presented instead of data on association with level of
GFR. Studies that reported strength of association of an outcome with GFR are listed
and ranked separately from those that simply reported mean levels, with shading used
to visually distinguish them.
Methodological quality (or internal validity) refers to the design, conduct, and reporting
of the clinical study. Because studies with a variety of types of design were evaluated,
a three-level classification of study quality was devised:
276 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Work Group members had wide latitude in summarizing reviews and selected original
articles for topics that were determined, a priori, not to require a systemic review of
the literature. The use of published or derived tables and figures was encouraged to
simplify the presentation.
This document contains 15 guidelines. The format for each guideline is outlined in Table
155. Each guideline contains one or more specific ‘‘guideline statements,’’ which are
presented as ‘‘bullets’’ that represent recommendations to the target audience. Each
guideline contains background information, which is generally sufficient to interpret the
guideline. A discussion of the broad concepts that frame the guidelines is provided in
the preceding section of this report. The rationale for each guideline contains definitions
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 277
and classifications of markers of disease (if appropriate) followed by a series of specific
‘‘rationale statements,’’ each supported by evidence. The guideline concludes with a
discussion of limitations of the evidence review and a brief discussion of clinical applica-
tions, implementation issues and research recommendations regarding the topic.
Strength of Evidence
Each rationale statement has been graded according the level of evidence on which it
is based (see the table, Grading Rationale Statements).
While the literature searches were intended to be comprehensive, they were not exhaus-
tive. Medline was the only database searched, and searches were limited to English
language publications. Hand searches of journals were not performed, and review articles
and textbook chapters were not systematically searched. In addition, search strategies
were generally restricted to yield a maximum of about 2,000 titles each. This approach
required the exclusion of some topics from searches. However, important studies known
to the domain experts that were missed by the literature search were included in the
review. In addition, essential studies identified during the review process were also
Exhaustive literature searches were hampered by limitations in available time and
resources that were judged appropriate for the task. The search strategies required to
capture every article that may have had data on each of the questions frequently yielded
upwards of 10,000 articles. The difficulty of finding all potentially relevant studies was
compounded by the fact that in many studies, the information of interest for this report
was a secondary finding for the original studies.
Due to the wide variety of methods of analysis, units of measurements, definitions
of chronic kidney disease, and methods of reporting in the original studies, it was often
very difficult to standardize the findings for this report.
278 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
The Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III) data offer
the first opportunity to study the prevalence and number of people with chronic kidney
disease in a nationally representative sample of the United States. An initial analysis from
NHANES III showed that the prevalence of elevated serum creatinine was higher among
non-Hispanic blacks than non-Hispanic whites and among older compared to younger
The present analysis was undertaken to describe the distribution of esti-
mated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) in the US population. Estimated GFR was calculated
using an equation based on each participant’s creatinine, age, sex, and race. The associa-
tions of estimated GFR with age, high blood pressure, anemia, and other metabolic and
functional abnormalities are also examined to display the range of abnormalities associ-
ated with decreased kidney function. The prevalence of microalbuminuria and protein-
uria by age, sex, race, and diabetes are tabulated to show the frequency with which
these abnormalities are present in the population.
The NHANES III survey, conducted during 1988 to1994 by the National Center for Health
Statistics (NCHS) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, provides cross-
sectional, nationally representative data on the health and nutritional status of the civilian,
non-institutionalized US population.
Non-Hispanic blacks, Mexican-Americans, as
well as the elderly and children were deliberately oversampled in this survey. This
oversampling makes it possible to obtain reliable estimates of the distribution of creati-
nine in the two largest minority groups of the civilian, non-institutionalized US population
as well in a broad range of age groups. Standardized questionnaires were administered
in the home, followed by a detailed physical examination at a Mobile Examination Center.
Serum Creatinine
Serum was collected at the Mobile Examination Center and creatinine measurements
were performed by the modified kinetic Jaffe reaction
using a Hitachi 737 analyzer
(Boehringer Mannheim Corp, Indianapolis, IN) and reported using conventional units
(1 mg/dL 88.4
mol/L). The coefficient of variation for creatinine determination
ranged from 0.2% to 1.4% during the 6 years of study. Data on physiologic variation in
creatinine were obtained in a sample of 1,921 participants who had a repeat creatinine
measurement. The percent difference between the two creatinine measurements, a mean
of 17 days apart, had a mean of 0.2% and standard deviation of 9.7%.
Estimation of GFR
Estimation of GFR using an equation requires that the calibration of the serum creatinine
assay be the same as that in the laboratory where the equation was developed. In NHANES
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 279
III, serum creatinine was measured in the White Sands Laboratory, where quality control
data shows stable calibration over time. The mean serum creatinine for 20 to 39-year-
old participants without hypertension or diabetes was 1.14 mg/dL for men and 0.91 mg/
dL for women. College of American Pathologists Survey data, released with permission
of both laboratories, show that creatinine values in the White Sands laboratory measured
during 1992 to 1995 using the Hitachi 737 instrument averaged 0.2 to 0.3 mg/dL higher
than values in the Cleveland Clinic measured using the Beckman Astra and Synchron
instruments. The latter values were similar to the overall mean of all laboratories for
creatinine. These lower values were also close to a gold standard HPLC assay for creati-
nine in a small validation study.
This concern lead to a direct comparison of the two
laboratories using frozen samples from 212 Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
Study participants and 342 Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
(NHANES III) participants which were assayed for serum creatinine a second time in
each of the study laboratories during the year 2000.
The GFR estimates in this report
are based on creatinine values which were recalibrated using these results. This correc-
tion resulted in an estimated median GFR value of 119 mL/min/1.73 m
at age 20 years
(5th and 95th percentiles of 88 and 180 mL/min/1.73 m
). These values are a little lower
than published data on normal GFR among young adults. Whether the equations for
estimating GFR require further refinement in the normal GFR range is uncertain, but the
associations observed support the utility of this estimated GFR. Individuals with very
low creatinine values had an estimated GFR that was higher than physiologically plausi-
ble. These NHANES participants were assigned a GFR value of 200 mL/min/1.73m
an upper limit to avoid undue influence (0.5% of men, 2.3% of women, 0.7% of non-
pregnant women). Pregnant women accounted for approximately half of the women
with an estimated GFR200 mL/min/1.73 m
. Statistics focused on percentiles of the
distribution to further decrease the influence of such outliers.
A random spot urine sample was obtained from each participant aged 6 years and older,
using a clear catch technique and sterile containers. Urine samples were placed on dry
ice and shipped overnight to a central laboratory where they were stored at 20C.
Urinary albumin concentration was measured by solid-phase fluorescent immunoas-
Urine albumin was not measured in specimens which contained blood or which
tested positive for hemoglobin using qualitative test strips (Multistix). Urine creatinine
concentration was measured by the modified kinetic rate Jaffe method using a Beckman
Synchron AS/ASTRA analyzer. The inter-assay coefficients of variation for low (1.0 mg/
L) and medium (15 mg/L) urine albumin quality control standards were 16% and 10%,
respectively. The urinary albumin to urinary creatinine ratio is reported in mg/g. Sex
specific cutoffs were used to define microalbuminuria and albuminuria in a single spot
Our estimates reflect the prevalence of albuminuria based on a single untimed urine
specimen and include individuals with persistent albuminuria and individuals with inter-
280 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
mittent albuminuria. Repeat measurements were obtained in a subset of 1,241 NHANES
III participants within 2 months of the initial examination. Agreement between the initial
and repeat tests classified as normal, micro, and macro albuminuria was 91.2% (kappa
0.59). Microalbuminuria persisted in the second visit in 57% and macroalbuminuria was
present in another 4% of the 110 participants with microalbuminuria on the first exam.
The variation in persistence by age group and sex was: 45% at 20 to 39 (n 22), 59%
at 40 to 59 (n 32), 70% at 60 to 79 (n 43), and 44% at 80 years (n 9), 65%
among men (n 48), and 52% among women (n 62). Among 1,099 individuals without
microalbuminuria at the first visit 5% (n 56) had microalbuminuria or albuminuria on
the second visit.
A 22 analyte biochemistry panel, including serum creatinine, was performed with a
Hitachi Model 737 multi-channel analyzer (Boehringer Mannheim Diagnostics, Indianapo-
lis, IN).
Blood Pressure
Blood pressure measurements were obtained three times during the home interview and
another three times during the examination and averaged. Individuals were classified as
hypertensive if they had a mean blood pressure 140 mm Hg systolic, or 90 mm Hg
diastolic, or reported being currently prescribed medication for hypertension treat-
Diabetes was defined by history as well as blood glucose values. The primary analysis
stratified individuals based on a history of diagnosed diabetes mellitus since this informa-
tion was available for nearly all individuals and could be used by physicians for risk
stratification. Ancillary analyses examined the impact of using the American Diabetes
Association (ADA) criteria
for diabetes mellitus in the subset of individuals who fasted
at least 8 hours.
Dietary History
Dietary history was collected using a food frequency questionnaire.
The complex survey design of NHANES III incorporates differential probabilities of selec-
tion. To derive national estimates, sampling weights are used to adjust for non-coverage
and non-response. All prevalence estimates were weighted to represent the civilian, non-
institutionalized US population and to account for over sampling and non-response to
the household interview and the physical examination.
All data analyses were con-
ducted using STATA svy commands for analyzing complex survey design data with 49
strata and 98 primary sampling units.
A total of 16,589 participants out of 20,050
(82.7%) examined had both blood pressure and serum creatinine data were used as the
starting sample for all analyses. The missing data rate was higher in older individuals
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 281
(individuals missing data were 4 years older), among men than women (17.9% versus
16.7%), and lower among Mexican-Americans and other ethnic groups (14%) than among
non-Hispanic whites (19%) and non-Hispanic blacks (18%). These differences were pri-
marily due to missing phlebotomy data. To minimize bias the combined Mobile Examina-
tion Center and home exam weights were divided by the proportion of participants
missing creatinine data in each of the design age, sex, and race ethnicity strata. This
corrects differences in missing data across sampling strata but assumes that data are
missing randomly within strata. Missing data rates for other covariates among these indi-
viduals varied from 0% for serum albumin to 4.3% for urinary albumin. Survey weights
were not further adjusted for missing data in these variables.
Estimated GFR was calculated using the abbreviated MDRD Study equation using the
corrected serum creatinine (S
, mg/dL) as follows:
Estimated GFR (mL/min/1.73 m
) 186 (S
(0.742 if female) (1.21 if African American)
This equation is also equivalent to:
Estimated GFR (mL/min/1.73 m
) exp(5.228 1.154 ln(S
) 0.203
ln(Age) (0.299 if female) (0.192 if African American)
Estimated GFR was analyzed both as a continuous measure and divided into ranges
as described in the guidelines summary of stages of chronic kidney disease.
Continuous Analysis
Continuous analysis of estimated GFR used quantile regression to avoid undue influence
of outliers.
The medians, as well as 95th and 5th percentiles of each covariates (for
example, percentiles of blood hemoglobin), were regressed on estimated GFR to show
how the middle and top and bottom ends of the covariate distribution varied across the
range of GFR. The shape of the association of each covariate with median estimated GFR
was modeled using a fifth order polynomial to allow for deviation from a linear associa-
tion. The regression was further adjusted for age to avoid confounding by age since
older individuals have a much lower GFR than younger individuals and older age is
also associated with abnormalities in many other covariates. To allow for non-linear
associations with age, age adjustment used a fifth order polynomial. The regression was
then used to predict values across the range of GFR while fixing age to 60 years. Regres-
sions were weighted using the sampling weights but quantile regression did not allow
for explicit incorporation of survey strata into calculation of standard errors. The results
are presented in graphical format as regression along with 95% confidence intervals for
selected points in the age-adjusted regression. Regressions include all of the relevant
data but the graphs are displayed for estimated GFRs between 15 and 150 mL/min/1.73
where the results are most meaningful.
Categorical Analysis
Categorical analysis of estimated GFR divided estimated GFR into four categories accord-
ing to the proposed stages of chronic kidney disease (90, 60 to 89, 30 to 59, and 30
282 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
to 15 mL/min/1.73 m
). The prevalence of abnormality in each category was calculated
for two cutoff values. For example, with blood hemoglobin as the covariate, the cutoffs
were 11 g/dL and 13 g/dL. This shows the prevalence of more and less severe abnor-
malities. Prevalence estimates were age adjusted using logistic regression to avoid con-
founding by age. Logistic regressions incorporating sample weights and the complex
survey design were fit separately for each outcome (for example serum albumin 3.4
g/dL coded as 0/1) with a fifth order polynomial in GFR to fit non-linear associations.
The model adjusted for age by including a fifth order polynomial in age. The regression
was then used to predict the prevalence for a 60-year-old person with all other covariates
unchanged. Bar graphs show this age adjusted prevalence and 95% confidence intervals
by estimated GFR.
GFR Estimation in the Canadian Multicentre Cohort
This calculation was made using the abbreviated MDRD formula similarly to methods in
NHANES III. Some of the figures label this estimate as ‘‘mL/min,’’ although it should
more correctly be labeled ‘‘mL/min/1.73 m
Many of the studies reviewed were small. Since estimates of accuracy from smaller studies
can be unreliable, studies presented have at least 100 adults or 50 children. A smaller
sample size was permitted for pediatric studies because large pediatric studies are rare.
Several large validation studies evaluating the newly developed MDRD Study equation
were conducted recently and were only available in abstract form.
In order to
capture these valuable data, the authors were contacted and asked to analyze their data
and provide estimates of accuracy for this review.
Review of the literature showed great heterogeneity in how the performance of predic-
tion equations was assessed. The mean difference between the actual measured GFR
(gold standard) and the estimated GFR based on an equation provides a valid measure
of bias. The median difference provides a measure that is valid and less susceptible to
influence by outliers. The standard deviation of the difference between the measured
and estimated GFR should be reported as a measure of precision. The difference from
the gold standard can also be expressed as a relative difference, eg, percent difference
from the measured GFR. This has the advantage of allowing for the decreased absolute
precision in estimating higher values of GFR. Clinically this is relevant, as there is less
concern about the difference between 100 and 130 mL/min/1.73 m
than between 30
and 60 mL/min/1.73 m
Most studies had a plot of the predicted versus measured GFR, which provided for
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 283
a common basis for comparison. A magnified copy of the graph was used to estimate
the proportion of GFR estimates within 30% and 50% of the measured GFR by counting
the number of points outside of these limits. The average percent bias for the study was
estimated as well. In most studies this had to be done by comparing the percent difference
between the average estimated and measured GFR since average percent bias at the
individual level was rarely available.
Correlation coefficients are frequently cited in the literature on prediction equations.
However, they are inadequate for measuring the validity of a method in estimating GFR
for two reasons. Although correlation coefficients (r) measure the association between
prediction equation and measured GFR, the correlation coefficient is highly dependent
on the distribution of GFRs in the study population selected. Even poor estimates can
discriminate between a GFR of 20 and 120 very reliably. Second, correlation measures
ignore bias and measure relative rather than absolute agreement. For example, in the
MDRD Study the Cockroft-Gault equation had a similar correlation to GFR as the MDRD
Study equation but overestimated GFR by 19%.
Analogous studies in children show
similar limitations in assessing the utility of a prediction equation by virtue of its correla-
tion coefficient.
The correlation between inulin clearance and estimated GFR by the
Schwartz formula was 0.905, while in the same study, the standard deviationofthe
difference between the reference value (C
) on the predicted value was 28.6%, indicating
limited precision.
Regression equations are another commonly used measure of prediction equations.
Regression equations relating an estimate of GFR and the measured GFR provide an
estimate of systematic bias, in the relationship between the two variables, as well as the
correlation and residual root mean error, measures of precision. However, such regres-
sion analyses have two drawbacks. First, ordinary least square regression does not allow
for measurement error in the X-variable. As a result, the regression equation provides a
prediction equation conditional of the X-value rather than an unbiased estimate of the
relationship. For example, a regression of one GFR measure on a second GFR measure,
using the same technique on another day, would have a slope that is substantially lower
than 1.0 and an intercept greater than zero. The importance of measurement error in
the X-values depends on the correlation, which in turn depends on the study population.
Second, regression equations cannot be pooled across different studies. Finally, evalua-
tion of the accuracy of any equation for estimating GFR must be made in an independent
group from the group in which the equation itself was derived.
No peer-reviewed publications validating the MDRD Study equation were available. An
analysis of 1,775 GFR measurements in participants of the African-American Study of
Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK) indicates that the equation performs similarly
in this study population.
Accuracy was also similar among 321 kidney transplant recipi-
284 Part 10. Appendices National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Thus, the abbreviated MDRD Study equation provides a rigorously developed
equation for estimating GFR, which may allow for improved prediction of GFR.
A direct comparison of the abbreviated MDRD Study equation with other equations
developed in the same study that include other variables (serum urea nitrogen, serum
albumin, and 24-hour creatinine clearance) shows only a marginal improvement in the
prediction. The median percent difference from GFR was 12.1% versus 11.3% for a 6
variable equation, which includes serum urea nitrogen and albumin. Exclusion of these
analytes decreases the cost of testing, the susceptibility to bias in calibration of these
other analytes, and bias due to alteration of these analyses by diseases other than kidney
disease. This abbreviated equation also predicted GFR better than 24-hour creatinine
clearance, even after bias correction of the creatinine clearance. While the equation
performed well in the AASK study where a substantial number of GFR values in the
normal range were included, the equation was developed in a sample with few individuals
with a GFR greater than 90 mL/min/1.73 m
The daily urea clearance (U
and creatinine clearance (U
be calculated from the concentrations of urea and creatinine and the volume (converted
to mL/min) of the 24-hour urine collection. The weekly Kt/V
is equal to the daily
urea clearance multiplied by seven (Kt) divided by the estimated total body water (V).
Total body water can be estimated in adults by the Watson formula
or the Mellits-
Cheek method for children using measured weight and height.
If daily protein intake
is relatively constant and the patient is in a steady state, then urinary nitrogen excretion
is roughly equal to nitrogen intake. Therefore, using the urea nitrogen concentration in
the 24-hour urine, protein intake can be estimated from
Urinary nitrogen excretion Urine urea nitrogen nonurea nitrogen
Nonurea nitrogen excretion is relatively constant at 30 mg/kg per day. Each gram of
nitrogen is derived from 6.25 grams of protein. Therefore:
Estimated protein intake (g/d) 6.25
(Urine urea nitrogen (g/d) 30 mg/kg/d Weight (kg)
For example, a 50-kg woman with a 24-hour urine urea nitrogen excretion of 7 g has
an estimated protein intake 6.25 (7 1.5) 53.1 g.
These parameters are useful in evaluating the patient’s nutritional status, need for
dialysis, and prescription of dialysis dose and modality.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 10. Appendices 285
11. W
THE FOLLOWING are brief sketches that describe the professional training and experi-
ence, particularly as they relate to the K/DOQI CKD Clinical Practice Guidelines, as well
as principal academic affiliations of the work group members. All work group members
completed a disclosure statement certifying that any potential conflict of interest would
not influence their judgment or actions concerning the K/DOQI.
Kline Bolton, MD, FACP, is Professor of Medicine at University of Virginia in Char-
lottesville, where he is Chief of the Division of Nephrology and Director of the Nephrol-
ogy Clinical Research Center, Kidney Center and Renal Operations. He has received
special honors from organizations ranging from the American Society for Clinical Investi-
gation to the International Society of Nephrology. He has published many articles in
journals ranging from American Journal of Kidney Diseases and Kidney International
to Immunologic Renal Diseases, and contributed to numerous text books, including
the Textbook of the Autoimmune Diseases and the Textbook of Nephrology.Heis
Chairman of the Renal Physicians Association Work Group on Appropriate Preparation
of Patients for Renal Replacement Therapy. His research interests are in refining the
epitope(s) involved in causing Goodpasture’s syndrome, treating glomerulonephritis,
and disease management of CKD and ESRD.
Josef Coresh, MD, PhD (Work Group Co-Chair), is Associate Professor of Epidemiol-
ogy, Medicine and Biostatistics at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health,
Baltimore. He currently serves on the National Analgesic Nephropathy Advisory Commit-
tee and is conducting research focussing on cardiovascular and kidney disease in the
Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study and the CHOICE Study cohort of kidney
failure patients as well as NHANES data. He has been active in the following organizations:
the International Society of Nephrology, the American Society of Nephrology, the Ameri-
can Heart Association, the American Statistical Association, the Delta Omega Honor Soci-
ety in Public Health (Alpha Chapter), the International Genetic Epidemiology Society,
the American Society of Human Genetics, and the Society for Epidemiological Research.
Dr Coresh directs a cardiovascular epidemiology training grant, and is an American Heart
Association Established Investigator.
Bruce Culleton, MD, FRCPC, is Clinical Assistant Professor of Nephrology at the
University of Calgary Foothills Medical Center, Alberta, Canada. He has been active in the
following organizations: the American Society of Nephrology, the International Society of
Nephrology, the Kidney Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Hypertension Society, and
the Canadian Renal Disease Alliance. In addition to serving on the Medical Advisory
Board for Amgen Canada, Dr Culleton is a member of the Canadian Hypertension Society
subgroup on the pharmacologic management of hypertension. Recently, he completed
a Research Fellowship at the Framingham Heart Study where he pursued his interest in
cardiovascular epidemiology in patients with kidney disease. He has also published sev-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 11. Work Group Members 287
eral journal articles, abstracts, and book chapters in the area of cardiovascular disease
in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Kathy Schiro Harvey, MS, RD, CSR, is Chief Renal Dietitian at Puget Sound Kidney
Centers in Everett, Washington. She is past Chair of the Renal Practice Group of the
American Dietetic Association, and Renal Dietitian at Providence St. Peter Kidney Centers,
Olympia, Washington, and at Northwest Kidney Centers, Seattle, Washington. As Board
Certified Specialist in Renal Nutrition, she focuses on the areas of pre-ESRD, hemodialysis,
and peritoneal dialysis. She currently serves on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Renal
Nutrition and is on the Dietitian Advisory Board of Genzyme Therapeutics. Ms Schiro
Harvey was the recipient of the Outstanding Service Award of the American Dietetic
Talat Alp Ikizler, MD, is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Vanderbilt University
Medical Center, and Medical Director of the Vanderbilt University Outpatient Dialysis
Unit, Nashville, Tennessee. He is a member of several societies including the American
Society of Nephrology and the International Society of Nutrition and Metabolism in Renal
Disease. His ongoing research projects are focused on nutrition and metabolism in
chronic kidney failure patients, effects of initiation of dialysis on nutritional parameters,
clinical aspects of acute kidney failure, inflammation in end-stage kidney disease patients,
and vascular access in chronic hemodialysis patients. He has published over 30 papers
and 5 book chapters and presented multiple abstracts. Dr Ikizler is the recipient of several
grant (federal and pharmaceutical) awards and is a member of the Medical Review Board
Network 8 Inc. and second vice president of the National Kidney Foundation of Middle
Cynda Ann Johnson, MD, MBA, is professor and head of the Department of Family
Medicine at the University of Iowa. She received her bachelor’s degree in German (with
honors) and Biology and Phi Beta Kappa at Stanford University and her MD degree from
UCLA in 1977. She returned for residency training at the University of Kansas, followed
by a part-time teaching fellowship at UNC. She continued on the faculty at KU for the
next 19 years. She joined the Family Medicine faculty at the University of Iowa in October
1999 as department head. She is chair of the Board of Directors for University of Iowa
Community Medical Services and a member of the Iowa Academy of Family Physicians
Board of Directors. Dr Johnson recently completed a 5-year term on the American Board
of Family Practice, and was President of the Board in 19992000. She currently serves on
the Executive Committee of the American Board of Medical Specialties and is a member of
the ABMS-ACGME Joint Initiative on Resident Evaluation. In addition, Dr Johnson serves
as the family medicine representative on a number of other boards addressing subspe-
cialty issues. Dr Johnson was a member of the Jacobs Institute of Women’s Health Expert
Panel on Menopause Counseling, which subsequently published Guidelines for Counsel-
ing Women on the Management of Menopause in 2000. She and her husband, Bruce
Johnson, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine at the University of Iowa, are co-authors
of Women’s Health Care Handbook, 2nd edition. Dr Johnson serves on multiple editorial
boards and also is a reviewer for granting agencies. She is the physician representative
288 Part 11. Work Group Members National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
on the Lutheran Church’s national Task Force on Health and Ethical Challenges in Health
Annamaria Kausz, MD, MS, is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Tufts University
School of Medicine, Boston. She completed her Fellowship in Nephrology and in Pediatric
Nephrology at the University of Washington Children’s Hospital and Medical Center,
Seattle, and received her Masters Degree in Epidemiology at the University of Washington
School of Public Health. She received a K08 grant to conduct research in the area of
chronic kidney disease. Dr Kausz is a past recipient of the American Society of Transplant
Physicians Young Investigator Award. She serves on the Medical Advisory Board of Amgen
Paul L. Kimmel, MD, is Professor of Medicine at George Washington University
Medical Center, Washington, DC, and Director of the Diabetic Nephropathy and HIV
Programs at the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National
Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland. He has served on the Editorial Board of several
nephrology journals and has published over 250 papers, including abstracts and book
chapters. He has been a member of several professional organizations, scientific societies,
and academic committees. His commitment to community health led him to Chair the
NKF’s National Capital Chapter’s Professional Advisory Board and be a Member of its
Board of Directors. He is past Director of dialysis centers in Pennsylvania and Washington,
DC. Dr Kimmel is the recipient of a Medal for Excellence in Research from George
Washington University Medical Center and is listed in Who’s Who in Science and Engi-
neering. He has received several grants from the National Kidney Foundation and National
Institutes of Health.
John Kusek, PhD, is the Clinical Trials Program Director for the Division of Kidney,
Urologic and Hematologic Diseases of the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive
and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health. His interests are in the epidemiology
of chronic renal insufficiency and clinical trials to prevent progression of chronic renal
disease and in improving survival of hemodialysis patients. He has been involved with
a number of clinical trials including the Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD)
Study, the African American Study of Kidney Disease and Hypertension (AASK), the
Hemodialysis (HEMO) Study, the Dialysis Access (DAC) Consortium, and the Folic Acid
for Vascular Outcome Reduction in Transplantation (FAVORIT) Trial. He is also co-project
director for a newly initiated prospective cohort study of chronic renal insufficiency.
Areas of particular interest include recruitment, adherence, and quality of life for nephrol-
ogy clinical trials.
Andrew S. Levey, MD (Work Group Chair), is Dr Gerald J. and Dorothy R. Friedman
Professor of Medicine at Tufts University School of Medicine and Chief of the William
B. Schwartz, MD Division of Nephrology at New England Medical Center, Boston. His
research is mainly in the areas of epidemiology of chronic kidney disease and cardiovascu-
lar disease in chronic kidney disease, clinical trials to slow the progression of chronic
kidney disease, clinical assessment of kidney function, and assessment and improvement
of outcomes in dialysis and transplantation. Dr Levey is currently Program Director for
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 11. Work Group Members 289
an NIDDK-funded clinical research training program, ‘‘Clinical Trials, Epidemiology and
Outcomes Research in Nephrology.’’ He is past Chair of the Clinical Science Committee
of the American Society of Nephrology. He is past Chair of the National Kidney Founda-
tion’s Task Force on Cardiovascular Disease in Chronic Renal Disease and will Chair a
forthcoming Work Group on Management of High Blood Pressure in Chronic Kidney
Disease. Dr Levey is the recipient of the National Kidney Foundation’s President Award
of 1998.
Adeera Levin, MD, FRCPC, is Clinical Associate Professor of Nephrology at the
University of British Columbia, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, Canada. She is currently
the Director of Clinical Research and Education for Nephrology and the Post Graduate
Fellowship Director. She is the President of the Canadian Society of Nephrology
(20002002) and has served on the Executive of the CSN for the last 4 years. Dr Levin
has been a member of the Scientific Review committee for the Kidney Foundation of
Canada and served as the Chair of the Medical Advisory Committee for Kidney Foundation
of Canada. She is the Director of the BC Provincial Agency, an organization working
with the government to enhance the care of patients with kidney disease. Her area of
interest and publications include early kidney disease, comorbidity, anemia, and other
nontraditional risk factors for cardiovascular disease. She is the principal investigator on
a number of multicenter Canadian studies and has developed a group of investigators
known as the Canadian Renal Disease Alliance Group. She is active in the following
organizations: the American Society of Nephrology, the International Society of Nephrol-
ogy, and the Kidney Foundation of Canada, as well as locally in the University of British
Columbia, Research Advisory Committee at St. Paul’s Hospital. She is the recipient of
the UBC Martin Hoffman Award for Excellence in Research and the Dean Whitlaw award
for Outstanding Grand Rounds. She is the Chief Medical Editor for an educational publica-
tion aimed at increasing awareness of kidney disease, entitled PROFILES. She is currently
on the editorial board of Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation and for the American
Journal of Kidney Disease (2001) and reviews articles for Peritoneal Dialysis Interna-
tional, Kidney International, Journal of American Society of Nephrology, and Cana-
dian Family Practice. Also, she serves on the Medical Advisory Board for Amgen Canada,
Amgen USA, Janssen Cilag International, Ortho Biotech Inc, Canada, and Roche Interna-
tional. She has received grants from the Kidney Foundation of Canada to study comorbidi-
ties associated with chronic kidney disease and, more recently, to study the variability
in the care delivered across Canada to patients with CKD. She has also received grants
from BC Health Research Foundation, BC Transplant Foundation, Janssen Cilag interna-
tional, Ortho Biotech, Amgen, and Genzyme Inc.
Kenneth Lloyd Minaker, MD, FRCP(C), CSC(GM), UE, is Associate Professor of
Medicine at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and Chief for the Geriatric Medicine Unit
at Massachusetts General Hospital. He directs MGH Senior Health, is Co-Director of the
Program for Lifelong Health Maintenance at Harvard University Health Services, is Senior
Editor of Intelihealth, Harvard Health Publications, and is Gerontology Editor, the Harvard
Health Letter. He has served as Board Member of the American Geriatric Society, as Editor
290 Part 11. Work Group Members National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
of the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences, and as Director of Grecc Brockton/West
Roxbury VAMC. His research interests are in the area of physiology of aging, glucose/
insulin physiology, and sarcopenia. He is Principal Investigator of a Program Project on
the biomedical aspects of aging. He is listed in Who’s Who in America and Best Doctors
in America. He has received research funds from Accor Inc. for health promotion research
and from BioNebraska Inc. for his work on GHRH and GLP-1.
Robert Nelson, MD, PhD, is Staff Clinician at the National Institute of Diabetes and
Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Arizona. He has served as Scientific Reviewer of several
nephrology journals and has over 90 publications. He is a member of the American
Society of Nephrology and the American Diabetes Association. He has lectured all over
the world and consulted for the NKF Consensus Conference on Proteinuria Albuminuria
Risk Assessment Detection Elimination (PARADE), Nashville. Dr Nelson’s research in
diabetic nephropathy has been sponsored by the National Institute of Diabetes and Diges-
tive and Kidney Diseases and by the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research. He is
the recipient of the L.S. Goerke Memorial Award from UCLA School of Public Health.
Helmut Rennke, MD, is Director of the Renal Pathology Laboratory at Brigham and
Women’s Hospital and a professor of Pathology at Harvard Medical School, Boston, and
the Harvard-MIT Division of Health Sciences and Technology at Massachusetts Institute
of Technology. His research areas currently focus on areas of renal pathology, including
key clinical and morphologic aspects of fibrillary glomerulopathy and collapsing glomeru-
lopathy. He is a noted regional, national, and international lecturer on renal research
and renal pathology, and he is a recipient of the Annual Irving M. London Teaching
Award, among others. He is widely published in journals including the Journal of Cell
Biology as well as the American Journal of Physiology, Journal of the American Society
of Nephrology, Journal of Clinical Investigation, Endocrinology, and Kidney Interna-
Michael Steffes, MD, PhD, is Professor in Laboratory Medicine and Pathology at
the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, and Clinical Pathologist at Fairview University
Medical Center, Minneapolis. His research areas include diabetes mellitus, diabetic ne-
phropathy, and cardiovascular disease. He participates from the base of the central labora-
tory for several clinical trials and studies. He has reported receiving several grants to
conduct research on diabetes, its complications, and macrovascular disease.
Beth Witten, MSW, ACSW, LSCSW, is a kidney disease rehabilitation consultant
with Witten and Associates, LLC. She serves as patient education coordinator for the
Missouri Kidney Program Center for Renal Education and staffs the Life Options Rehabili-
tation Resource Center. Ms Witten has published over 20 papers, co-authored a chapter
on kidney disease in the Encyclopedia of Disability and Rehabilitation, and made numer-
ous presentations on rehabilitation topics. She served as president of the National Kidney
Foundation’s Council of Nephrology Social Workers and on several affiliate and national
NKF committees. She has consulted on projects for the Health Care Financing Administra-
tion, the Rehabilitation Services Administration, and the Social Security Administration.
A past member of the Missouri Kidney Program Advisory Council, Life Options Rehabilita-
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 11. Work Group Members 291
tion Advisory Council, and the Network 12 Medical Review Board, Ms Witten is the
recipient of the National Kidney Foundation’s Distinguished Service Award and the Coun-
cil of Nephrology Social Workers’ Special Recognition.
Susan Furth, MD, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University
School of Medicine, Baltimore. She completed her PhD in Clinical Investigation from
Johns Hopkins University School of Hygiene and Public Health. Dr Furth has served as
a reviewer for several journals and published over 25 peer-review manuscripts and invited
reviews, numerous abstracts, and book chapters. She has received extensive research
support from several organizations for her investigations in pediatric nephrology. She
is a member of the Clinical Affairs Committee of the American Society of Pediatric Ne-
phrology Clinical Science Committee and a symposium speaker at the Congress of the
International Society for Pediatric Nephrology Association. She has conducted seminars
and lectures, and been interviewed for Reuters Health News On-Line. Dr Furth is the
recipient of the Young Investigator Award and the Johns Hopkins Comprehensive Trans-
plant Center Clinical Research Award.
Ronald J. Hogg, MD (Pediatric Work Group Chair), is Director of Pediatric Nephrol-
ogy at North Texas Hospital for Children at Medical City and Director of the Southwest
Pediatric Nephrology Study Group, Texas. He is current President of the National Kidney
Foundation of North Texas Medical Advisory Board and member of the National Kidney
Foundation K/DOQI Advisory Board. Dr Hogg has published over 94 original papers,
book chapters, and invited reviews on children with chronic kidney failure. He is a
member of the Nephrology Section of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the Interna-
tional Society of Nephrology, and the American Society of Nephrology. He is past Chief
of the Department of Pediatrics at Baylor University Medical Center, past Director of
Renal Micropuncture Laboratory at the University of Texas Health Center at Dallas, and
past Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Texas Southwestern
Medical School. Dr Hogg has reported receiving research grants from Astra Zeneca,
Merck, Novartis, Parke-Davis, and Pfizer.
Kevin V. Lemley, MD, PhD, is Assistant Professor of Pediatrics at Stanford University
Medical Center and Attending Nephrologist at Lucile S. Packard Children’s Hospital,
California. He completed his Research Fellowship at the University of Heidelberg, Ger-
many, and his Clinical Fellowship at Stanford University. His research interests are in
the area of the progression of glomerular disease, glomerular pathology, and mechanisms
of proteinuria. He has been an active reviewer for several journals and has published
over 30 peer-reviewed articles. Dr Lemley served on the National Kidney Foundation’s
PARADE (Proteinuria, Albuminuria, Risk, Assessment, Detection, and Elimination) Initia-
tive Committee and consults for Fibrogen, Inc. He has been a Fellow of the Alexander
von Humboldt Foundation and is a member of the International Society of Nephrology,
the American Society of Nephrology, the American Society of Pediatric Nephrology, the
International Pediatric Nephology Association, and the Society for Pediatric Research.
292 Part 11. Work Group Members National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Ronald J. Portman, MD, is Professor of Pediatrics and Director of the Division of
Pediatric Nephrology and Hypertension at the University of Texas-Houston Medical
School. He completed his Fellowship in Pediatric Nephrology at Washington University
School of Medicine and St. Louis Children’s Hospital. Dr Portman has been an active
Journal Reviewer and has published over 100 papers. He is founding member and officer
of the American Association of Medical Chronobiology and Chronotherapeutics. He is
the Chairman of the Executive Committee of the International Pediatric Hypertension
Association and is an ASH Clinical Hypertension Specialist. He is a member of the Ameri-
can Society of Nephrology, the Southwest Pediatric Nephrology Study Group, the Ameri-
can Society of Pediatric Nephrology, and the International Pediatric Nephrology Associa-
tion. His community service has led him to Co-Direct Pediatric Dialysis Camp and be a
member of the Medical Advisory Board of the National Kidney Foundation of Southeast
Texas and of the Medical Review Board of ESRD Network 14 of Texas. He reports research
grants from AstraZenica, Pfizer, and Novartis.
George John Schwartz, MD, is Chief of Pediatric Nephrology and Associate Chair
for Academic Affairs at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry. He
has reviewed dozens of abstracts and manuscripts for many nephrology and physiology
journals and is on the editorial boards of Seminars in Nephrology and The American
Journal of Physiology and Renal Physiology. Dr Schwartz has published over 170 pa-
pers, including articles, books, abstracts, and letters in nephrology. He is a member of
the American Society for Clinical Investigation, American Society of Pediatric Nephrol-
ogy, the International Pediatric Nephrology Association, the Society for Pediatric Re-
search, and the American Society of Nephrology. He has received the AMA Physician’s
Recognition Award and has been recognized as a Specialist in Clinical Hypertension by
the American Society of Hypertension.
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 11. Work Group Members 293
12. A
The work group thanks the National Kidney Foundation for support and guidance during
this project. James Smith, Nadine Ferguson, Donna Fingerhut, and Kerry Willis, PhD,
were instrumental in coordinating the project. The K/DOQI Chairs and Advisory Board
provided constructive criticism that helped shape the project. The K/DOQI Support
Group provided practical advice to facilitate implementation. Stefan Armstrong, consult-
ant editor, provided invaluable assistance in preparing the report.
The Work Group is indebted to the Evidence Review Team, who worked tirelessly
to assemble the evidence and creatively to synthesize the information.
The Work Group appreciates the careful review of the draft guidelines and suggestions
for improvement by external reviewers. Each comment was carefully considered and,
whenever possible, suggestions for change were incorporated into the final report. As
a result, the CKD guidelines are the product of the Work Group, the Evidence Review
Team, the NKF, and all those who contributed their effort to make the Guidelines better.
The following individuals provided written review of the draft guidelines: Hernan
Aguirre, MD; Suhail Ahmad, MD; Pedro Aljama, MD; Jane Allen, FNPC; Sanford D. Altman,
MD; Theresa M. Ambrose, PhD; Lawrence J. Appel, MD; Yoshinori Araki; Teri Arthur,
MSW, CSW, LSW; Carolyn L. Atkins, RN, BS, CCTC; John Au; George R. Bailie, PharmD,
PhD; George L. Bakris, MD; Vinod K. Bansal, MD; William Barrie, MD; Ruth Barry, RN;
Bruce Becker, MD; Stengel Benedide, MD, PhD; Jeffrey S. Berns, MD; Richard K. Bernstein,
MD, FACE, FACN, CWS; Charles W. Bishop, PhD; Roland C. Blantz, MD; Wendy T. Blouin,
RN, BSN, CNN; Kline Bolton, MD, FACP; Ju
rgen Bommer, MD; Peggy Borum, PhD; James
Brandes, MD; Delia Bravo, BSN, RN; Emmanuel Bravo, MD; Deborah I. Brommage, MS,
RD, CSR; Eileen Brophy; Joanne Brown, BSN, RN, CNN, CPHQ; Wendy W. Brown, MD;
Juan P. Bosch, MD; Sally Burrows-Hudson, MS, RN; Jerrilynn D. Burrowes, MS, RD, CDN;
Carrie Butler; Bernard Canaud, MD; Claudia Campieri, MD; Anthony W. Cappa relli, MD;
Fernando Carrera, MD; Judy Castagnola, RN, MSN; Gloria Chaigret, RN, CNN; Alice Chan,
RD, CSR, LD; James C. M. Chan, MD; Alfred K. Cheung, MD; Michael P. Cinquegroni,
MD; Nathaniel Clark, MS, RD, MD; Eric Cohen, MD; Aldo Colombi, MD; Ann D. Compton,
MSN, RNC; Michael Conrad, MD; Rev. Ken Crossman; Gerry Curry, RN, BSN, CNN; Jeffrey
A. Cutler, MD; Leslie Debaun, RN, MSN; James A. Delmez, MD; Mary Denno, MSN, RN,
CNN; Maria DeVita, MD; Claudia Douglas, MA, CNN, APNC; Earl Dunnigan, MD, FACP;
Catherine Dupre, MD; Kathy Edwards, RN; Sharon Ehlers, MA, RN, CNN, CCTC; Sameiro
Faaria, MD; Mark D. Faber, MD; Steven Fishbane, MD; Michael J. Flanigan, MD; Edward
Foote, PharmD; Harold A. Franch, MD; Blanca Ramos Frendo, MD; Eugene Freund, MD,
MSPH; Tony Fuccello, MD, PhD; Wendy Funk Schrag, LMSW, ACSW; Suzanne Gagne,
RN, CNN; Scott Garland; Richard S. Goldman, MD; Diane Goodwin, DCI; Frank A. Gotch,
MD; John Graham, IV; Jane H. Greene, RD, CSR, LDN; Tomas L. Griebling, MD; Cheryl
Grimes, PGDE, DPSN, RGN, ENB; Neil J. Groombridge, RN; Robert A. Gutman, MD;
William E. Haley, MD; Morris Hamilton, MD; Tamara Harris, MD, MS; Georg Hasche, MD;
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 12. Acknowledgements 295
Carol M. Headley, RN, MSN; Lee A. Hebert, MD; Mary Jane Helenek, RPN, MS, MBA;
Richard N. Hellman; Mary Henderson, RN; Sue High, RN, CNN; Karen Hill, RN, BSN;
Lelia Holthus, RN, BS; Walter H. Ho
rl, MD; Thomas H. Hostetter, MD; Susanna S. Itty,
RN, CNN; Bunea Jivanescu; Rosie Jones, RN; Kamyar Kalantar-Zadeh, MD, MPH; Mandip
S. Kang, MD; Lynette Kartechner, RN; Bertram L. Kasiske, MD; Douglas Keith, MD; Carol
A. Keller, MPA; Gwen A. Kendall, RD,LD; Rita-An Kiely, ACSW, CICSW; Michael J. Klag,
MD, MPH; Janice Knouff, RN; Raymond Krediet, MD; Eduardo Lacson, Jr, MD; Craig B.
Langman, MD; Sandra Lathrop, RD, CDN; Janez Lavre, MD; Claude Lenfant, MD; Jen Jar
Lin, MD, PhD; Stan M. Lindenfield, MD; Francesco Locatelli, MD; Kathy Lueker, RN, CNN;
Iain Macdougall, MD; Denise Mafra; Lionel U. Mailloux, MD, FACP; Donna Mapes, DNSc,
MS; Gary R. Matzke; Hanna W. Mawad, MD, FACP; Linda M. McCann, RD, LD, CSR; Sally
McCulloch, MSN, RN, CNN; Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH; Patrick McGary, MD; Patrick
Mc Kenna, MD; Maureen McKinley, MSW, LCSW, CNSW; Kim Meehl, CNN; C. Kenneth
Mehr ling; Ira Meisels, MD; D. Mendelssohn, MD, FRCPC; Judy Mennig, RN, CNN; Mau-
reen A. Michael, RN; Edgar R. Miller, III, MD, PhD; William E. Mitch, MD; Steve Montoya,
Jr, MD; Gabriel Morduchowicz, MD; Bruce Z. Morgenstern, MD; Donna Mullen, RN, MSN,
ARNP; Joseph V. Nally, Jr, MD; Jean M. Nardini, RN, MSN; Andrew S. Narva, MD; Pauline
Nelson, RD; Ellen Newman, RN, CNN; Sheila Nulf; Paul M. Palevsky, MD; ThakorG.
Patel, MD; Glenda M. Payne, RN; Tammy B. Pennington, MS, LDN, RD; Robert A. Phillips,
MD, PhD, FACC; Delores J. Phipps, RN, CNN; Jean Pirozzi, BS, RN, CNN; Linda Plush,
MSN, CNN, CNS/FNP; Geraldine Podgorski, BSN, RN, CNN; K.S. Prabhakar, MD; Debra
Punch, RN, BS; Gopal K. Rangan, MD; Susan M. Reams, RD, CSR, LD; Carl Redding, MSW;
Doris Redding; Sally I. Rice, LCSW, DCSW; Edward J. Roccella, MD; Noreen K. Rogers;
Michele Root, CNS; Jerome Rossert, MD, PhD; Harry Rubenstein, MD; Mark P. Rutkowski,
MD; Dori Schatell, MS; Seth Schulman, MD; Mary Ann Sevick, RN, PhD; Gaurang Shah,
MD; Robert Shay, MD; Donald J. Sherrard, MD; James Shinaberger, MD; Jeffrey I. Silberz-
weig; Donald Silverberg MD, FRCP; Erik Skullerud; Donna Smolen, RN, BSM; Ann Snyder-
Manson, MSW, CSW, BA; Edward Sondik, PhD; Leslie A. Spry, MD; Susan Stark; Theodore
I. Steinman, MD; Pam Stephens, RN; D.G. Struggle, MD; Arlene Sukolsky; Timothy J.
Swenson, AND, RN, CNN; Judy H. Taylor, MPH, BSN, RN, CNN; Brendan P. Teehan, MD;
Carol A. Tindira, RN, MS, CNN; Vicente E. Torres, MD; Walter Tozzi, MSRPN, MBA;
Ambrose Y. Tsang, MD; Shoji Tsujimoto, MD, DMCA; Jonah Ukiwe, MD; Abi Umra; Yoshie
Uyeda, RD; Fernando Valderra
bano, MD; L.J. Vleming, MD, PhD; Susan Vogel, MHA, RN,
CNN; Mary Ann Webb; Burkhard Weimer, MD; Debra Wellman, RN; Nanette Wenger,
MD; David C. Wheeler, MD, MRCP; Joseph D. White; Bjo
rn Wikstro
m, MD; D. Winearls;
Marion Winkler, MS, RD, LDN, CNSD; Nancy M. Wise, RD, MS; Sun Yang, MD; Mujdat
Yenicesu, MD; Jeff Zavitz; Carmine Zoccali, MD; and Anthony W. Zydlewski, MD.
Organizations that took part in the review process include: AASK; American Associa-
tion of Kidney Patients; American College of PhysiciansAmerican Society of Internal
Medicine; American Diabetes Association; American Nephrology Nurses Association;
American Regent Laboratories, Inc; American Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition;
American Society of Nephrology; Amgen Inc; Association for the Advancement of Medical
296 Part 12. Acknowledgements National Kidney Foundation K/DOQI
Instrumentation; AstraZeneca; Bone Care International; CNNT Executive Committee
(NKF); CNSW Executive Committee (NKF); DaVita Dialysis Center; ESRD Network #3;
ESRD Network #4; ESRD Network #6; ESRD Network of Florida, Inc, #7; ESRD Network
#9/10; ESRD Network #11; Gambro Healthcare; Indian Health Service; Kaiser Perma-
nente; Minority Outreach Committee (NKF); National Center for Health Statistics; Na-
tional Heart, Lung, Blood Institute; National Institute for Health and Medical Research;
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disorders; National Kidney Foun-
dation Singapore; Ortho Biotech, Inc; Renal Care Group; Renal Physicians Association;
Roche Diagnostics Corporation; Satellite Dialysis Centers, Inc; Scribner Kidney Center;
Sigma-Tau Pharamaceuticals; Total Renal Care, Inc.
Participation in the review does not necessarily constitute endorsement of the content
of the report by the individuals or the organization or institution they represent.
The National Kidney Foundation, as well as the Work Group, recognize the support
of Amgen. The National Kidney Foundation is proud to partner with Amgen on this
important initiative.
As Chair of the Work Group, I personally wish to thank the other members of the
Work Group who volunteered their time, effort, wisdom, and humor to this project.
Their willingness to think about the ‘‘big picture’’ while steadfastly adhering to accuracy
about ‘‘small details’’ is responsible for the breadth and depth of these guidelines. I have
learned a great deal from them. I would like to give special thanks to the following
individuals: Josef Coresh, MD, PhD, Vice-Chair of the Work Group, for his expert analysis
of the NHANES III database and wise counsel about the definition and classification of
chronic kidney disease; Ronald J. Hogg, MD, Chair of the Pediatric Work Group, who
insisted that we enlarge our viewpoint to include the problems of children; Adeera Levin,
MD, who volunteered analysis of individual patient data from her study and coordinated
presentations by the Work Group representatives; Ethan Balk, MD, MPH, who tirelessly
worked with each member of the Work Group to develop forms, review articles, and
synthesize data into tables; Ronald D. Perrone, MD, my close colleague of many years,
who provided advice on the scope of the evidence review and supervised the nephrology
fellows on the Evidence Review Team; and Joseph Lau, MD, whose creativity, practical
approach, and humor helped us to overcome all obstacles. Finally, I would like to thank
Garabed Eknoyan, MD, whose vision, leadership, and commitment guided me throughout
the process.
Andrew S. Levey, MD
K/DOQI National Kidney Foundation Part 12. Acknowledgements 297
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