Grades 3–5
Reading Language Arts
Informational Writing Rubric
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
Fall 2022
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
Fall 2022
Texas STAAR Informational Writing RubricGrades 3-5
Score Point
Organization and Development of Ideas
Central idea is clear and fully developed
The central idea is clearly identifiable. The focus is consistent throughout,
creating a response that is unified and easy to follow.
Organization is effective
A purposeful structure that includes an effective introduction and conclusion is
evident. The organizational structure is appropriate and effectively supports
the development of the central idea. The sentences, paragraphs, or ideas are
logically connected in purposeful and highly effective ways.
Evidence is specific, well chosen, and relevant
The response includes relevant text-based evidence that is clearly explained
and consistently supports and develops the central idea. For pairs in grades 3-
5, evidence is drawn from at least one text. The response reflects a thorough
understanding of the writing purpose.
Expression of ideas is clear and effective
The writer’s word choice is specific, purposeful, and enhances the response.
Almost all sentences and phrases are effectively crafted to convey the writer’s
ideas and contribute to the overall quality of the response and the clarity of
the message.
Central idea is present and partially developed
A central idea is presented, but it may not be clearly identifiable because it is
not fully developed. The focus may not always be consistent and may not
always be easy to follow.
Organization is limited
A purposeful structure that includes an introduction and conclusion is present.
An organizational structure may not be consistent and may not always support
the logical development of the central idea. Sentence-to-sentence connections
and clarity may be lacking.
Evidence is limited and may include some irrelevant information
The response may include text-based evidence to support the central idea, but
it may be insufficiently explained, and/or some evidence may be irrelevant to
the central idea. For pairs, evidence is drawn from at least one of the texts.
The response reflects partial understanding of the writing purpose.
Expression of ideas is basic
The writer’s word choice may be general and imprecise and at times may not
convey the writer’s ideas clearly. Sentences and phrases are at times
ineffective and may interfere with the writer’s intended meaning and weaken
the message.
Central idea is evident but not developed
A central idea is present but not developed appropriately in response to the
writing task.
Organization is minimal and/or weak
An introduction or conclusion may be present. An organizational structure that
supports logical development is not always evident or is not appropriate to the
Evidence is insufficient and/or mostly irrelevant
Little text-based evidence is presented to support the central idea, or the
evidence presented is mostly extraneous and/or repetitious. Explanation of
any evidence presented is insufficient and may be only vaguely related to the
writing task. The response reflects a limited understanding of the writing
Expression of ideas is ineffective
The writer’s word choice is vague or limited and may impede the quality and
clarity of the essay. Sentences and phrases are often ineffective, interfere with
the writer’s intended meaning, and impact the strength and clarity of the
A central idea may be evident.
The response lacks an introduction and conclusion. An organizational structure
is not evident.
Evidence is not provided or is irrelevant.
The response reflects a lack of understanding of the writing purpose.
The expression of ideas is unclear and/or incoherent.
Please note that if a response receives a score point 0 in the Development and
Organization of Ideas trait, the response will also earn 0 points in the Conventions
Score Point
Student writing demonstrates consistent command of grade-level-appropriate
conventions, including correct:
sentence construction
The response has few errors, but those errors do not impact the clarity of the writing.
Student writing demonstrates inconsistent command
conventions, including limited use of correct:
sentence construction
of grade-level-appropriate
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
Fall 2022 3
The response has several errors, but the reader can understand the writer’s thoughts.
Student writing demonstrates little to no command of grade-level-appropriate
conventions, including infrequent use of or no evidence of correct:
sentence construction
The response has many errors, and these errors impact the clarity of the writing and
the reader’s understanding of the writing.
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
Fall 2022 4