Accident Risk Factors Include
Work Travel
Home Slips / Falls Fire / Burn
School Poison Sports
Series 6
Injuries and Death
can occur in the Home, on the Job
and to your Children
The bad news is accidents are expensive,
totaling more than $793.8 billion in the United States.
people are surprised that their largest expenses during accidents are often not their medical expenses — it’s the
indirect costs their health insurance doesn’t cover.
Doctor Bills
Hospital Charges
Medical Expenses
Two Types of Costs:
While your expenses go up your income and savings often go down, forcing you to rely on:
Savings and Investments Selling Assets Retirement Funds College Funds
*All facts and statistics taken from The National Safety Council, Injury Facts 2015
Lost Income and Savings
Living Expenses
Insurance Limitations
Travel for Best Treatment
In-Home Care
Child Care
Pays benets directly to you,
you decide how to spend them
This policys benets are
never reduced
Guaranteed renewable for life —
only you can cancel
Pays in addition to any other
insurance you own
Premiums don’t increase
with age or due to claims
Policy has no cap on amount of
benets you receive or the number
of claims you can have
$ 457.9 billion
$ 335.9 billion
Series 6
While your expenses go up your income and savings often go down, forcing you to rely on:
Savings and Investments Selling Assets Retirement Funds College Funds
$50 $100
Emergency Treatment Benet (payable only 3 times per calendar year per person)
For emergency treatment within 14 days after a covered accident, charges up to
Payable if treatment is received in an Emergency Room, or one of the following:
X-ray, digital motion x-ray, needle aspiration, laceration or puncture wound repair, administration of
prescription medicine, tetanus shot, antivenom therapy, treatment for poisoning, repair of damaged tooth,
removal of a foreign object from eye, casts, splints, braces, crutches or 2nd or 3rd degree burn treatment
$200 $400
$50 $100
Signicant Diagnostic Scan Benet (maximum per covered accident)
For the following, received in a doctor’s oce or hospital within 30 days after an accident:
MRI, Ultrasound, CT/CAT Scan (Computerized Tomography), EEG (Electroencephalogram)
$200 $400
$100 $200
Hospitalization Benet (Up to 180 days per covered accident)
For each day of inpatient hospitalization
$400 $800
$400 $800
Hospitalization Plus Benet (Payable once per calendar year, per covered person, per accident)
Upon inpatient hospitalization
$1,600 $3,200
$50 $100
Observation Room Benet (Not payable any day the Hospitalization Benet is paid)
For each day you are charged for one or more hours in an observation room
$200 $400
Ambulance Benet (For transportation to a hospital within 48 hours after a covered accident)
Ground Ambulance
Air Ambulance
Fracture Benet (Complete list of fractures and benets amounts are shown in the policy)
For fractures treated by a physician within 30 days after a covered accident
Thigh fracture
Upper Arm fracture
Wrist / Ankle fracture
(If more than one bone is fractured, amount paid is for the fracture with the highest benet amount.
Chip fractures pay 10%. Stress fractures pay 20%)
Dislocation Benet (Complete list of dislocations and benets amounts are shown in the policy)
For diagnosis and treatment by a physician within 90 days after a covered accident
Hip dislocation (with anesthesia)
Shoulder dislocation (with anesthesia)
(Subsequent dislocations of the same joint will not be covered. If 2 or more joints are dislocated in the same
accident, we will only pay for the joint involved with the highest benet amount)
$200 $400
Surgery Benet
For surgery by a physician within one year of the covered accident
(Treatment must be received within 90 days of the accident and benet is limited to the following surgeries:
torn, severed, or ruptured tendons or ligaments; ruptured disc; and torn cartilage)
$800 $1,600
$25 $50
Physical Therapy Benet (Maximum 12 days per covered accident)
For each day, within 90 days after a covered accident or discharge date, whichever is later
$100 $200
$50 $100
Concussion Benet (Not payable when the Coma Benet is paid for the same covered accident)
For a concussion diagnosed by a physician within 7 days after a covered accident
$200 $400
$500 $1,000
Coma Benet (Payable for loss of consciousness for 24 hours or more)
For a coma diagnosed by a physician within 7 days after a covered accident
$2,000 $4,000
Dismemberment Benet (This benet is reduced by any Fracture Benet paid for the same accident)
Pays if an accident causes the dismemberment of a hand, foot or eye within one year
(If you later die from the same accident, Accidental Death Benet is reduced by amount paid for this benet.)
$5,000 $10,000
Accidental Death Benet
Pays if you are injured in an accident and the injury causes you to die within 90 days after the
accident (This benet is reduced by any Fracture or Dismemberment benets paid for the same accident)
$20,000 $40,000
$25 $50
Family Lodging Benet (For Single Parent, Couple and Family policies only)
For each day, up to 60 days, while a covered person is hospitalized due to an accident, up to
$100 $200
Family Education Benet (For Single Parent and Family policies only)
Pays when the Accidental Death Benet is paid for the policyowner or covered
spouse for surviving childrens tuition at an accredited institution of post-
secondary education. Not payable for any child after that child attains age 25.
(Up to $4,000, $2,000, $1,000 or $500 per calendar year, for up to 5 children)
up to
up to
up to
up to
PREMIUMS PAID $25,000 $25,000 $25,000
LESS CLAIMS PAID - 0 - - 5,000 - 65,000
RETURN $25,000 $20,000 - 0 -
Three examples of what can happen...
Return of Premium Benet
We RETURN YOUR PREMIUMS, less any claims paid, after
twenty ve years!
If all covered adults pass away for any reason before 25 years,
we will RETURN YOUR PREMIUM, less any claims paid!
Safe Living Benet*
This benet begins on the Return of Premium Maturity date and will be paid at the end of each new completed policy year, less
any claims paid from that year.
* up to $320 for Elite - $160 for Preferred - $80 for Standard - $40 for Base
Family Heritage Life Insurance Company of America
P.O. Box 470608
Cleveland, Ohio 44147
(440) 922-5222 phone / (440) 922-5223 fax
Series 6
We will not pay benets for an accidental injury or death contributed to, caused by, or resulting from:
Your participating in war or any act of war, declared or not. Your committing or attempting to commit suicide, regardless of mental capacity. Your injuring or attempting to
injure yourself or a covered spouse or child intentionally, regardless of mental capacity. Your having any disease or bodily/mental illness or degenerative condition. We also
will not pay benets for any related medical/surgical treatment or diagnostic procedures for such illness. Your riding in or driving any motor-driven vehicle in an organized
race, stunt show or speed test, or while testing any vehicle on any race course or speedway. Your operating, learning to operate, serving as a crew member on, or jumping
from any aircraft, including those which are not motor-driven. Your participating or attempting to participate in a felony or working at an illegal job. Your participating in
professional or semi-professional sports. Your participating for money in a rodeo event.
The benets described in this brochure are contained in policy series A10POL-SC. This brochure is not an insurance contract. The policy explains in detail the rights and
obligations of both Family Heritage and the insured. It is important to read your policy carefully.
Limitations and Exclusions
Accidental Deaths
An accidental-injury-related
death occurs once every 4
Accidents are the leading
cause of death for all
Americans between the ages
of 1 and 44.
Accidents are the number 1
killer of children in the United
Causes include:
Motor vehicle Poisoning
Suocation Fire / Burns
Drowning Falls
Accidental Injuries
On average, this year there
will be 4,370 disabling
injuries every hour.
Nearly 3 out of 4 accidental
injuries occur outside of
Issue Age 65 & Under
Issue Age 66 to 80
Survivor Benet
If all covered adults pass away for any reason while the policy is in force, we immediately RETURN YOUR PREMIUM*, less any
claims paid!
* up to $32,000 for Elite - $16,000 for Preferred - $8,000 for Standard - $4,000 for Base
Safe Living Benet**
This benet begins on the eective date and will be paid at the end of each new completed policy year, less any claims paid from
that year.
** up to $320 for Elite - $160 for Preferred - $80 for Standard - $40 for Base