BHW Management
Information System Solution
BHW Program Portal
Site Points of Contact User Guide
Last Revised: April, 2024
Table of Contents
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 7
What is a Site Point of Contact? ................................................................................................................ 7
What is a Site? ........................................................................................................................................... 7
What is the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact? .................................................................. 7
Registration and Log In ................................................................................................................................. 8
Creating an Account .................................................................................................................................. 8
Logging In .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Forgot Your Password ............................................................................................................................... 9
First-Time Log In ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Home Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................ 11
My Sites Table ......................................................................................................................................... 12
Activities Table | Viewing and Completing ............................................................................................. 14
Requests Table | Viewing and Completing ............................................................................................. 15
Portal Messages .......................................................................................................................................... 17
Viewing Your Portal Messages ................................................................................................................ 17
Search For Candidates ................................................................................................................................. 18
Opportunities .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Creating Job and Training Opportunities ................................................................................................ 20
Managing Job and Training Opportunities .............................................................................................. 20
Sites ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
My Sites Table ......................................................................................................................................... 23
Create New Site ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Viewing the Site Dashboard .................................................................................................................... 27
Create Site Profile Wizard ....................................................................................................................... 28
Managing Your Site Profile ...................................................................................................................... 30
Viewing the Clinician Roster.................................................................................................................... 31
Site Visits ................................................................................................................................................. 31
Managing Site Points of Contact ............................................................................................................. 36
NHSC Site Applications and Recertifications ............................................................................................... 41
NHSC Site Applications ............................................................................................................................ 41
Site Application Process for Auto-Approved Site Types ......................................................................... 43
Site Application and Recertification Process for All Other Site Types .................................................... 56
What to Expect Next ............................................................................................................................... 79
Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Verification Request ......................................................................................... 82
Nurse Corps Site Type ............................................................................................................................. 82
Confirm Site Details ................................................................................................................................. 83
Check For Existing Sites ........................................................................................................................... 84
Identify POCs ........................................................................................................................................... 86
Review HPSAs .......................................................................................................................................... 87
Upload Documents .................................................................................................................................. 88
Review and Submit .................................................................................................................................. 89
What to Expect Next ............................................................................................................................... 90
STAR Program Eligibility and Activation ...................................................................................................... 92
Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility and Activation ................................................................................ 96
Account Management ............................................................................................................................... 100
Updating Personal Information ............................................................................................................. 100
Updating Account Settings .................................................................................................................... 101
Log Out .................................................................................................................................................. 102
Appendix ................................................................................................................................................... 103
Appendix A: Site POC Roles and Responsibilities .................................................................................. 103
Appendix B: BHW Program Point of Contact Requirements ................................................................ 107
Appendix C: Activity Types .................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 1 Creating an Account ........................................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2 Sign in .............................................................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3 - Account Profile ............................................................................................................................ 10
Figure 4 - Site POC Portal Home Page ......................................................................................................... 11
Figure 5 My Sites table ................................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 6 Site Dashboard .............................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 7 Activities table ............................................................................................................................... 15
Figure 8 Requests table ............................................................................................................................... 16
Figure 9 Messages ....................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 10 Candidate search ......................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 11 Create an Opportunity ................................................................................................................ 20
Figure 12 Manage Opportunities ................................................................................................................ 21
Figure 13 Candidates ................................................................................................................................... 21
Figure 14 View Opportunity ........................................................................................................................ 22
Figure 15 My Sites table .............................................................................................................................. 23
Figure 16 Create New Site Left Nav location .............................................................................................. 24
Figure 17 Create New Site - Address ........................................................................................................... 25
Figure 18 Create New Site - additional site information ............................................................................. 26
Figure 19 Create New Site - similar sites found .......................................................................................... 27
Figure 20 Site Dashboard ............................................................................................................................ 28
Figure 21 - Create Connector Profile ........................................................................................................... 29
Figure 22 Manage Site Profile ..................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 23 Clinician Roster ............................................................................................................................ 31
Figure 24- Site Dashboard Site Visits .......................................................................................................... 33
Figure 25- Site Dashboard Pending Site Visit .............................................................................................. 34
Figure 26 - Site Visits Issues Identified ........................................................................................................ 35
Figure 27- Site Visits Issues Identified Upload Documents ......................................................................... 35
Figure 28 - Site Visit Issues Identified Resubmit ......................................................................................... 36
Figure 29 Manage Site Points of Contact .................................................................................................... 37
Figure 30 Managing a POC .......................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 31 Remove a POC ............................................................................................................................. 40
Figure 32 NHSC Site Application -- My Sites ............................................................................................... 43
Figure 33 NHSC Site Application -- Start ..................................................................................................... 44
Figure 34 NHSC Site Application Type of Site ........................................................................................... 45
Figure 35 NHSC Site App/Recert Confirm address and location .............................................................. 46
Figure 36 NHSC Site App/Recert Similar sites found ................................................................................ 47
Figure 37 NHSC Site App/Recert Existing site selected ............................................................................ 48
Figure 38 NHSC Site App/Recert Services Provided ................................................................................. 49
Figure 39 NHSC Site App/Recert – Telehealth ............................................................................................ 50
Figure 40 NHSC Site App/Recert Identify POCs ........................................................................................ 51
Figure 41 NHSC Site App/Recert – HPSAs ................................................................................................... 52
Figure 42 NHSC Site App/Recert Upload Documents .............................................................................. 53
Figure 43 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part one ...................................................................... 54
Figure 44 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part two...................................................................... 54
Figure 45 NHSC Site App/Recert Successful submission .......................................................................... 55
Figure 46 NHSC Site App/Recert -- My Sites ............................................................................................... 56
Figure 47 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Dashboard Start ............................................................................ 57
Figure 48 NHSC Site Application Type of Site ........................................................................................... 58
Figure 49 NHSC Site App/Recert Eligibility questions .............................................................................. 58
Figure 50 NHSC Site App/Recert Not eligible message ............................................................................ 59
Figure 51 NHSC Site App/Recert Confirm address and location .............................................................. 60
Figure 52 NHSC Site App/Recert Similar sites found ................................................................................ 61
Figure 53 NHSC Site App/Recert Existing site selected ............................................................................ 62
Figure 54 NHSC Site App/Recert Services Provided ................................................................................. 63
Figure 55 NHSC Site App/Recert Staffing part one .................................................................................. 64
Figure 56 NHSC Site App/Recert Staffing part two .................................................................................. 65
Figure 57 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section one ............................................................. 66
Figure 58 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section two ............................................................. 67
Figure 59 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health sections three and four .......................................... 67
Figure 60 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health affiliate entry .......................................................... 68
Figure 61 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section five ............................................................. 69
Figure 62 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part one ....................................................... 69
Figure 63 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part two ....................................................... 70
Figure 64 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part three .................................................... 70
Figure 65 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part four ...................................................... 71
Figure 66 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part five ....................................................... 71
Figure 67 NHSC Site App/Recert – Telehealth ............................................................................................ 72
Figure 68 NHSC Site App/Recert Identify POCs ........................................................................................ 74
Figure 69 NHSC Site App/Recert – HPSAs ................................................................................................... 75
Figure 70 NHSC Site App/Recert Upload Documents .............................................................................. 76
Figure 71 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part one ...................................................................... 77
Figure 72 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part two...................................................................... 77
Figure 73 NHSC Site App/Recert Successful submission .......................................................................... 78
Figure 74 NHSC Site App/Recert -- Resubmit .............................................................................................. 80
Figure 75 NHSC Site App/Recert - View Communications .......................................................................... 81
Figure 76 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility CSF Type ........................................................................................ 82
Figure 77 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Confirm site details ....................................................................... 83
Figure 78 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Similar sites table .......................................................................... 84
Figure 79 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Potential duplicate site ................................................................. 85
Figure 80 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Identify POCs ................................................................................. 86
Figure 81 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Review HPSAs ................................................................................ 87
Figure 82 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Upload documents ........................................................................ 88
Figure 83 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Submit ........................................................................................... 89
Figure 84 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Successful submission ................................................................... 89
Figure 85 NC Eligibility Verification Request View Communications ....................................................... 91
Figure 86 STAR Information on the Site Profile .......................................................................................... 92
Figure 87 STAR Information for Inactive Sites ............................................................................................ 92
Figure 88 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria for Not Eligible Sites ................................................................ 93
Figure 89 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria for Eligible Sites ....................................................................... 93
Figure 90 STAR Activate Status Button ....................................................................................................... 94
Figure 91 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria Modal ...................................................................................... 94
Figure 92 STAR Program Eligibility Telehealth Questions ........................................................................... 95
Figure 93 Successful STAR Activation .......................................................................................................... 95
Figure 94 Pediatric Specialty Information on the Site Profile ..................................................................... 96
Figure 95 Pediatric Specialty Information for Inactive Sites ....................................................................... 96
Figure 96 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria for Not Eligible Sites .......................................... 97
Figure 97 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria for Eligible Sites ................................................. 97
Figure 98 Pediatric Specialty Activate Status Button .................................................................................. 98
Figure 99 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria Modal ................................................................. 98
Figure 100 Successful Pediatric Specialty Activation .................................................................................. 99
Figure 101 Account Profile ........................................................................................................................ 101
Figure 102 Logout button.......................................................................................................................... 102
What is a Site Point of Contact?
A site point of contact (POC) is a person who serves as the coordinator or focal point of information
concerning the Bureau of Health Workforce (BHW) programs and activities at an organization. The
organization typically has employees interested in or actively participating in one or more BHW
programs. The BHW utilizes POCs in cases where information is time-sensitive and accuracy is
A single organization may have multiple POCs depending on the programs the organization is involved in
and the role of the identified POCs. Specifically, the BHW is interested in POCs who:
Own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their organization and/or understand and have
the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating procedures.
Manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or absences of employees
within their organization.
Hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization
What is a Site?
A “site” is a specific location at which an employee fulfills a service obligation for a BHW program. An
organization may consist of one or more sites and a POC can be registered as a POC for one or more
sites within the same organization.
What is the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact?
The BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact facilitates the completion of important BHW program
activities and serves as the method by which the BHW contacts POCs in cases where information is
time- sensitive and accuracy is important. More information about these programs is available by
visiting the BHW website.
The following programs are currently supported by the Program Portal:
National Health Service Corps
Nurse Corps
Registration and Log In
The BHW requires that all site POCs create a BHW Program Portal account. Creating and activating an
account allows a POC to perform self-service tasks for their site and helps to support their employees
fulfilling BHW program service obligations. A POC can access the Program Portal here.
This section of
the user guide will highlight how to create and log into your Program Portal account.
Creating an Account
To create a program portal account, you must first receive an invitation to join a site’s network by an
administrative Site POC. Once you have received and confirmed the invitation, navigate to the portal
home page and complete the required fields below.
Figure 1 Creating an Account
Logging In
Once an account for the Program Portal has been created and activated, you can log into the portal
from the Site Points of Contact sign in page.
Enter the email address and password you used when creating your account. If you forget your
password, you can reset it by selecting the F
Figure 2 Sign in
Failed Log In Attempts
If the email and password combination is incorrect, the system will display a warning message. After
three (3) unsuccessful login attempts your account will be locked and cannot be accessed until the
password is reset using the F
Forgot Your Password
If you forget your account password or would like to reset it, select the FORGOT YOUR PASSWORD link. You
will be required to enter your email address and an answer to your security question in the fields
provided to reset your password.
First-Time Log In
If you are logging into the portal for the first time, you will be taken directly to the Account Profile page
(See: Updating Personal Information
section) in order to verify that your account details are correct.
After you have verified the information found in your account, please select the Rules of Behavior
checkbox, then select Save
Figure 3 - Account Profile
Home Dashboard
As a Site POC you are responsible for completing various site & clinician related activities. Some of these
responsibilities include managing your sites operating procedures, validating employment status,
confirming work schedules, and even hiring/recruiting new employees.
The POC Program Portal home page will help to facilitate each of these Site POC responsibilities. Use
left-hand menu to navigate to the sub-pages of the POC Portal. The sections below will break down each
of the POC Portal pages in detail.
Figure 4 - Site POC Portal Home Page
My Sites Table
One of the primary functions of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact is to allow you, as a
POC, to view information about your site network and the various programs your site supports. This
section outlines the functionality allowing you to view your site information.
Featured at the top of the Site POC Portal landing page, the My Sites table displays a listing of all the
sites for which you are identified as a Site POC. Selecting View All Sites will open an expanded view of
the sites listed within your network.
The Connections Column is a new addition to the table that highlights the number of HWC Users who
have connected to a site listed in your network.
Figure 5 My Sites table
The table displays the following information about each of your sites:
Site Name: The name of the site recorded by the BHW
Address: The physical address of the site recorded by the BHW
Active Affiliation: Displays the BHW programs for which the respective site actively supports
Alerts: Displays the urgent actions required of the site
o Adding Points of Contact to a site
o Managing expiring job opportunity positions
o Recertifying a site’s program affiliation
o Updating your incomplete site profile
Why Don’t I See My Sites?
The My Sites table only displays sites where you have been confirmed as a POC. You are not
automatically added as a POC for any site based on your account information alone. There are three
ways that you can be added to a site:
1. You are added as a POC by the BHW
2. You are added as a POC by another POC at the site. The POC can use their Program Portal
account to add you as a POC for the site. Reference the
Managing Site Points of Contact - Adding
a POC section of this guide for more information.
3. You submit a site application. If you submit an application for a new site, you will automatically
be added as a POC for that site. (Note: This applies to NHSC affiliated sites only)
Viewing Your Sites
To view additional information about a specific site or perform self-service activities, select the site’s
name from the My Sites table. You will be redirected to the respective site’s dashboard which displays a
summary of information pertaining to the site and provides access to various levels of self-service
functions such as:
Managing your Site Profile
Creating Job Opportunities
Viewing your Clinician Roster
Managing Site Points of Contact
Viewing & Completing Activities, Requests, and Site Visits
Submitting Program Portal Inquiries
For more in depth information pertaining to the self-service actions above, please visit the Sites
Figure 6 Site Dashboard
Activities Table | Viewing and Completing
As a Site POC you will periodically be asked to perform tasks to help verify that your site and the
clinicians serving in BHW programs are within compliance of each program’s regulations. The activities
that are listed within this table include: Employment Verification Forms (EVFs), In Service Verifications
(ISVs), Suspension & Site Status Change requests, and Site Visits.
Activities that become available for completion will appear within the Activities section of the Site POC
portal. This section is divided into two tables:
1. Open Activities: This table displays tasks that are pending completion. This list is a combination
of all the tasks from all of your sites
2. Completed Activities: This table displays tasks that were recently completed by a Site POC. To
view a complete list of tasks, select the “View all Activities” link below the table.
a Note: After completing an activity, it may take up to 5 minutes for the updated status to
be reflected in the table.
Figure 7 Activities table
The Activities table contains the following information about your activities:
Activity Type: The type of activity that is pending completion or already completed
Site Name: The name of the site the activity is for
Activity Description: A short description about the activity to help differentiate activities of the
same type
Status: The status of the activity which varies by activity type
Due Date: The date the activity needs to be completed by (Note: Not all activities have due
Requests Table | Viewing and Completing
Another primary function of the Program Portal for Site Points of Contact is that it allows you, as a Site
POC, to perform and monitor site specific requests. The types of Portal Requests that are listed within
this table include portal inquiries, NHSC site applications and recertifications, and Nurse Corps site
eligibility verification requests for your site.
The options available depend on the job responsibilities identified as part of your Program Portal Profile.
For more information on POC roles and responsibilities, reference
Appendix A: Site POC Roles and
Responsibilities of this guide. To edit, you can access the Request options by selecting the site name in
the My Sites list, and choosing from the options located on the site dashboard screen.
Note: After submitting a new request, it may take up to 5 minutes for the updated status to be reflected
in the table.
Figure 8 Requests table
The Requests table contains the following information about your activities:
Request ID: The ID tracking number of the request
Request Type: The type of request that is pending completion or already completed
Site Name: The name of the site the request is for
Status: The status of the request which varies by activity type
Last Updated: The last time that the request was changed
Portal Messages
Portal messages are the primary means by which the BHW will communicate with Site Points of Contact.
Messages may be about changes to your site, upcoming dates of importance, task notifications, or
application updates.
Messages are delivered through the portal under the Messages tab. A generic email notifying you of a
new message is also sent to your work email address.
When a new message is received on the portal, you will be notified by a red counter that will appear
next to the Messages tab in the left-navigation menu.
Figure 9 Messages
Viewing Your Portal Messages
To view your Portal messages, select the MESSAGES link located in the left-navigation menu. This will
open the Messages page which displays the entire history of your messages in a paginated list. The
newest messages are on the top of the list, and unread messages are marked with a symbol. To read a
message, select the name of the message to view it.
Search For Candidates
One of the primary recruitment tools available to Site POCs is the Candidate Search functionality. This
allows verified Site POCs to search a database of potential candidates to fill job vacancies at their site. A
few of the key features are highlighted below:
1. Basic & Advanced Search Tool: Users are able to customize their search criteria in order to
locate specific clinicians that are capable of filling job vacancies at their site.
2. Program Affiliated User Profiles: The Health Workforce Connector
allows users to create
personalized profiles that are publicly searchable by Site POCs. These profiles contain
information on a health clinician’s experience, education, and other relevant information that
highlights their competencies.
3. Site Recruitment Tool: Site POCs at medical facilities are able to search for users across the
database of clinician profiles in order to fill an open position at their respective site.
Figure 10 Candidate search
One of the primary benefits of the Site POC Portal is that it allows Site POCs to create and manage job
opportunities at a site that you are affiliated with.
The ability to create and manage job opportunities depends on the roles and responsibilities identified
as part of your Program Portal Profile. For more information on POC roles and responsibilities, reference
Appendix A: Site POC Roles and Responsibilities
of this user guide.
Creating Job and Training Opportunities
To create or advertise a new job or training position, select the CREATE NEW OPPORTUNITY button on the
left-hand menu. When editing or creating a job or training position, you will be required to provide
supporting information about the opportunity such as the position description, location, work schedule,
qualifications, salary, benefits, and relevant dates.
The posting start and expiration dates will determine the timeframe when the position will be visible on
the Health Workforce Connector
Figure 11 Create an Opportunity
Managing Job and Training Opportunities
Select the Manage Opportunities tab to view, edit, close, or repost job openings for the site. Job
openings for a site will be posted publicly on the Health Workforce Connector
. Only POCs who indicate
that they hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization can manage current job opportunities
at their site.
The Manage Opportunities table displays a history of all positions posted for the site. This includes the
entire list of open positions that are currently being advertised by the site. Additionally, the table also
shows a list of all expiring, expired, and closed job opportunities at your site.
Site POCs are also able to view a comprehensive list of job seekers or students who have expressed
interest in an advertised position on the Health Workforce Connector
. Selecting the link under the
Candidates column and then an applicant’s name within the pop-up will redirect the user to the
respective user profile containing their personal information and qualifications.
To sort the job opportunities by status or location, simply use the filter tool located at the top of the
Figure 12 Manage Opportunities
Figure 13 Candidates
Edit an Opportunity
To edit a job opportunity, select the ID of the position and then click EDIT button. You will be redirected
to the Edit Opportunity screen where you can modify the job opportunity details such as the:
opportunity type, work schedule, discipline, specialty, work location, job description, posting start date,
expiration date, hire date, qualifications, salary range, and any additional benefits. Select save to
confirm your changes.
Repost an Opportunity
To repost a job opportunity, select the ID of the position and then select the REPOST button. You will be
redirected to the Create New Opportunity page with the fields prepopulated with the job details you
wish to repost. Feel free to make any additional modifications before selecting save
Close and Opportunity
To close an open opportunity, select the ID of the position, and then select the CLOSE button. Please
provide a reason for closing the position when prompted, and select the save button to successfully
close the position. The position will be closed immediately and will no longer appear on the Health
Workforce Connector.
Figure 14 View Opportunity
One of the primary functions of the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact is to allow you, as a
POC, to view information about your site and the various programs your site supports. This section
outlines the functionality allowing you to view your site information.
My Sites Table
Featured at the top of the Site POC Program Portal landing page, the My Sites table displays a listing of
all the sites for which you are identified as a Site POC. Selecting V
IEW ALL SITES will open a larger view of
the sites within your network.
Figure 15 My Sites table
The My Sites table displays the following information about each of your sites:
Site Name: The name of the site recorded by the BHW
Address: The physical address of the site recorded by the BHW
Active Affiliation: Displays the BHW programs for which the respective site actively supports
NHSC Expiration Date: Displays the date of NHSC Expiration if applicable.
Alerts: Displays the urgent actions required of the site
o Adding Points of Contact to the site profile
o Managing expiring job positions
o Recertifying a site’s program affiliation
Create New Site
To see and manage additional sites, they must first be created in the BHW Program Portal. Below are
the steps to create a new site:
1. Click on C
REATE NEW SITE in the left-navigation menu
o This option is only available to Site POCs with the Administrator role.
Figure 16 Create New Site Left Nav location
2. Enter basic information about the site
a Enter the physical address of the site
Address Line 1 must be the street address of the site, such as “101 Main St”).
Address Line 2 may include a suite, floor, office, or other additional information.
The physical address of the site will assist in identifying eligible HPSAs for that
Figure 17 Create New Site - Address
b Enter a Mailing Address if it is different than the site’s physical address, such as a PO
c Enter contact information.
d Provide any unique identifiers that applicable.
These will assist in identifying eligible HPSAs.
Figure 18 Create New Site - additional site information
e Click CONTINUE once the necessary information has been provided.
3. Confirm the accuracy of the information you provided.
Go back to the Location Details page to correct any errors.
If the map pin location is not correct, you have an opportunity to explain why when
seeking site participation in a program.
4. Review the list of similar sites to ensure that you are not creating a duplicate site record.
Similar sites may be geographically nearby, may have a similar site name in the same
state, or may share the same site identifier (such as BPHC ID).
If your site is listed, select it in the table to learn more about becoming affiliated with
that site, rather than creating a new one.
If you site is not listed, select Site Is Not Listed in the table and click CONTINUE.
Figure 19 Create New Site - similar sites found
5. Add any additional POCs that should be affiliated with the new site.
Only existing Site POC can be added during this step. To invite a new Site POC, first
create the new site and then use the Manage Site POCs interface to add a new POC.
6. Click Create Site when done. You will be directed to the Site Dashboard of the new site.
Viewing the Site Dashboard
To view additional information about a specific site or perform self-service activities, select the site’s
name from the My Sites table. You will be redirected to the respective site’s dashboard which displays a
summary of information pertaining to the site and also provides access to various levels of self-service
functions such as:
Managing your Site Profile
Creating Job Opportunities
Viewing your Clinician Roster
Managing Site Points of Contact
Completing Activities, Requests, and Site Visits
Submitting Program Portal Inquiries
Figure 20 Site Dashboard
Create Site Profile Wizard
If you have not already created a site profile for your site, there will be a CREATE SITE PROFILE button
located at the top of the site dashboard. Select this button to begin the creation process, and follow the
step-by-step creation wizard to complete the process. After you have created your site profile, your site
will be searchable within the Health Workforce Connector
Figure 21 - Create Connector Profile
Managing Your Site Profile
Your site profile displays comprehensive information pertaining to your site such as specific site details,
headlines & descriptions, contact information, social media links, site images and more. Your site profile
information is also publicly available to users who search for jobs and sites on the
Health Workforce
Connector. In order to update your site’s profile information, select the MANAGE SITE PROFILE button
located at the top of the site dashboard.
Figure 22 Manage Site Profile
The various components of your site profile are outlined below:
Site Headline and Description: Brief headline, description, and key highlights in relation to your
Site Details: Hours of Operation, Facility Size, Number of Patients Served, Languages Spoken,
Services Provided
Site Contact Information: Site Phone Number, Email Address, Website, Fax Number, DUNS
Training Opportunities: Specify the types of training opportunities offered at the site. This
content acts as a permanent placeholder for sites to advertise their training offerings, and will
benefit both students & Grantee POCs alike.
Additional Benefits and Services: Specify the additional benefits and/or services that your site
Site Brochure: Attach a personalized marketing brochure to promote additional site information
Social Media and Relevant Links: Include links to LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or other
Site Images: Include multiple site images to display alongside your site’s profile on the HWC
Note: After creating or updating a section of the site profile, it may take up to 12 hours for the system to
reflect your changes.
Viewing the Clinician Roster
Select the VIEW CLINICIAN ROSTER to view a list of all BHW clinicians who are currently fulfilling a service
obligation at your site. Clinicians who are not part of a BHW program will not be shown.
Figure 23 Clinician Roster
The clinician roster lists the following information about each clinician in service at your site:
Work Schedule (i.e., Full-Time or Part-Time)
Start Date
Obligation End Date the date by which their program service obligation will be fulfilled
Note: If your site does not currently have any clinicians in service, a message display stating that the site
has no clinicians in service
Site Visits
The SITE VISITS link to view pending and past site visits for the site.
Figure 24- Site Dashboard Site Visits
Issues Identified Flow
When a site visit has issues identified, analyst will send to Site POC for updates.
Site Administrator can click NHSC Routine hyperlink under pending site visits (in Site Dashboard) to open
edit version.
Any other POCs can open to view.
Figure 25- Site Dashboard Pending Site Visit
Figure 26 - Site Visits Issues Identified
Site POC can view information entered by Analyst and upload documents.
Figure 27- Site Visits Issues Identified Upload Documents
Site POC is required to respond to Issues Identified in Site Agreement tab.
Then, navigate to resubmit tab to send back to analyst.
Figure 28 - Site Visit Issues Identified Resubmit
If no action taken, task is sent back to analyst in 30 days.
Promotional site visits can be conducted for any site while NHSC Routine site visits apply only to NHSC
approved sites and are conducted on a regular basis to ensure compliance with NHSC rules and
regulation. For more information about visits, please see the NHSC Site Reference Guide
Managing Site Points of Contact
Select the MANAGE SITE POCS tab to edit, add, or remove points of contact from your site. Selecting the
tab will take you to a page that displays a holistic table of all the points of contact associated with your
site’s network, as well as, their active roles, site affiliation, program affiliation, contact information, and
portal account status.
Figure 29 Manage Site Points of Contact
The point of contact table displays the following information about the site’s points of contact:
Name of the Site POC
o More information on POC roles and responsibilities can be found in
Appendix A: Site
POC Roles and Responsibilities. These roles refer to the types of POCs the BHW is
interested in at each site
Site Affiliation
Program Affiliation
Email Address
Account Status
o ActiveAn active POC has created, activated and logged into their account within the
last 12 months
o InactiveAn inactive POC has created an account, but has not activated it or logged in
o IdleAn idle POC has created and activated an account, but has not logged in 12 or
more months
o No AccountA POC with “No Account” has never created a Program Portal account
Last Login Date
Editing a POC | Account Information
Select the POC’s name from the Site POC list to edit their account profile information. Modify any of the
information displayed on the page and select the ‘Save’ button to successfully update the POC. Please
note you cannot edit the work email of another POC, as this would modify their account settings and
affect their ability to log into the portal.
Editing a POC | Roles and Responsibilities
To change the associated roles and responsibilities that are affiliated with a POC listed in the Manage
Site POCs table, simply select the link in the roles column located next to the POC you wish to modify.
Selecting the link will open a Roles pop-up window that allows you to multi-select various roles to tie to
your point of contact. More information on POC roles and responsibilities can be found in
Appendix A:
Site POC Roles and Responsibilities.
Editing a POC | Program Affiliation
To change the program affiliation(s) that are tied to a respective POC listed in the Manage Site POCs
table, simply select the link in the program affiliation column located next to the POC you wish to
modify. Selecting the link will open a Program Affiliation pop-up window that allows you to multi-select
from the available programs (e.g., NHSC, Nurse Corps) that you can tie to a POCs portal account.
Figure 30 Managing a POC
Note: POCs may not be tied to STAR LRP via Program Affiliation at this time.
Adding a POC
There are 2 methods available to adding a POC to your site’s network. The first method is to add the
POC through the Site POC database if he/she already has an existing portal account. If the POC does not
have a portal account, the other method is to invite him/her to register for an account and join the
portal. Each method is outlined below.
Adding a POC from the Database
The first method is adding a POC from the database if he/she is already in the system (i.e., they have an
existing program portal account). To search for and add a POC from the database, please follow the
steps provided:
1. Select the S
EARCH DATABASE button located at the bottom of the Manage Site POCs table
2. Provide information in at least one of the following fields:
o POC First Name
o POC Last Name
o POC Primary Email
3. If you find the POC you are searching for, simply select the A
4. Complete the informational fields and S
AVE your changes
5. The new POC will now be listed in the Manage Site POCs table
Inviting a New POC to Join the Program Portal
The final method of adding a POC is to manually invite the new POC to join your site’s network. To
initiate the invitation process, please follow the steps provided:
1. Select the A
DD NEW POC button located at the bottom of the Manage Site POCs table
2. Complete the POCs information in the field provided in the Add New POC pop-up window
o First & Last Name
o Email Address
o Site Affiliation(s)
o Program Affiliation(s)
o Role(s)
3. Select S
4. An email invitation will be sent to the invitee, and he/she will have 7 days to join the portal
before the invitation expires. Once he/she has received the invitation and completed the
registration process, the new POC will be listed in the Manage Site POCs table
Removing a POC
To remove a POC from a site’s network, you will first need to remove all of the sites that he/she is
directly affiliated with. To do this, simply select the link under the site affiliation column with respect to
the POC that you wish to remove. Selecting the link will prompt a ‘Site Affiliation’ pop-up which displays
a full list of site(s) that the POC is directly associated with. To completely remove the POC from the site,
please follow the steps provided:
1. Manually delete each of the sites listed on the right-hand column
2. Once you have removed each of the sites listed, select S
3. You will be prompted with by a pop-up window, select R
4. Now you have officially removed the POC completely from the site, and he/she will no longer
reappear on the Manage Site POCs table.
Figure 31 Remove a POC
NHSC Site Applications and Recertifications
NHSC Site Applications
If you are interested in your site being an approved NHSC site, submit an NHSC Site Application. Visit the
NHSC website
for more information about becoming an NHSC approved site. Please be aware that the
NHSC Site Application operates on an annual cycle and may not currently be open. Please check the
NHSC website for the most accurate cycle dates.
Before you begin the online application, carefully review the NHSC Site Reference Guide
, and the NHSC
Site Agreement (appendix A of the NHSC Site Reference Guide) to ensure your site meets all eligibility
and program requirements. Sites must meet all requirements listed in the NHSC Site Agreement at the
time of application and must continue to meet the requirements in order to maintain status as an NHSC-
approved site.
If you are applying on behalf of multiple clinical service site locations, each site location must submit a
separate application and independently meet the same eligibility criteria to be approved by the NHSC
and to be eligible for obligated clinicians to receive service credit for time spent at that clinical service
site location. Please note that approval of a main/administrative site does not indicate approval for
affiliated satellite sites in the same network.
If you have questions about the general application process or program requirements, contact your
State Primary Care Office
. For technical issues in completing the application contact the NHSC Call
Center at 1-800-221-9393 or Contact the Division of Regional Operations (DRO) State Lead.
Auto-Approved Site Types
Certain types of sites are categorized as “auto-approved” and have a streamlined process to become
NHSC approved. Refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide
for additional information about site types.
Eligible auto-approved NHSC sites may submit an application to the NHSC at any point in the year and
are not required to submit an application during the NHSC Site Application cycles, nor are they required
to submit a Recertification Application every three years.
NHSC Site Applications Outside of the Cycle
In special circumstances, the Division of Regional Operations can enable the NHSC Site Application when
the cycle is not open, specifically for sites that are not auto-approved. To request authorization to
complete an off-cycle Site Application, contact the Division of Regional Operations (DRO) State Lead
NHSC Recertifications
For most sites, an approved NHSC Site Application or Recertification is good for three years from the
date of its approval. At the end of three years, your site’s approval with NSHC will expire and your site
will no longer be able to support NHSC programs. To prevent this from happening, submit a NHSC Site
Recertification prior to your site’s expiration.
Only POCs who have indicated that they own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their
organization and have the ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating
procedures can submit a site application or recertification.
Site Application Process for Auto-Approved Site Types
Navigating to the Site Dashboard to start
NHSC Site Applications are submitted through the Site POC portal.
Once the Site POC is logged in, navigate to the My Sites tab and select the site for which you are
Figure 32 NHSC Site Application -- My Sites
The Site Dashboard banner will show the NHSC program information and a “Start a NHSC Site
Application” button will populate. Click the button to start the application.
Figure 33 NHSC Site Application -- Start
Instructions and Check NHSC Eligibility
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
The first pages of the NHSC Site Application are the instructions and pre-screening page. Please read all
the instructions prior to continuing with the site application. When you are ready to proceed, select the
Type of Site you are applying for from the dropdown provided. Based on your selection, you may be
asked to select a site Subtype as well. Please select the closest match to the site for which you are
applying. Certain site types may need to provide additional information.
Auto-approved site types can begin a Site Application regardless of the Site Application period.
Figure 34 NHSC Site Application Type of Site
If your site is eligible to continue, you will be presented with the Confirm Site Details page of the
application. Note: Eligibility to complete an application does not equate to NHSC approval.
Confirm Site Details
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
Review the site’s current address(es), contact information, and unique identifiers to ensure accuracy.
After ensuring that the site’s physical address is correct, review the location of the map pin in the map
inset. If the pin location is correct for your site, select Yes. If it does not accurately reflect your site’s
physical location, select No and provide an explanation with details about where your site is physically
located, including the correct Latitude and Longitude if available.
To make changes, please click on the E
DIT icon in the top right corner and make the necessary changes.
Once complete please select S
Note: If the site is co-located in a building with other clinics, please ensure there is a suite or floor
number to specify the location of the site.
Figure 35 NHSC Site App/Recert Confirm address and location
Check For Existing Sites
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
After confirming the site information, the system needs to ensure that the applying site is not a
duplicate of a site that already exists in the BHW Management Information System Solution. The name,
address, and certain unique identifiers provided will be run through the database to determine any
exact or similar matches.
Review the list of sites to ensure you are not applying using a duplicate site.
Figure 36 NHSC Site App/Recert Similar sites found
Click on the site name to view the site’s profile on the Health Workforce Connector. Select a site’s row in
the table for information about how to become affiliated with the site.
Figure 37 NHSC Site App/Recert Existing site selected
If one of the sites in the list is your site, consider which site record should be used to apply to NHSC. If
not, select Site Is Not Listed and then S
Services and Staffing
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
Figure 38 NHSC Site App/Recert Services Provided
Continue by selecting S
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
Please specify whether your site provides telehealth services at your site. Continue by selecting S
Figure 39 NHSC Site App/Recert Telehealth
Identify POCs
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
The Current Points of Contact displays the Site POCs currently affiliated with the site. Any issues with
the current POCs at your site can be addressed using the Manage POCs page, including the assignment
of roles or invitation of new POCs.
The Proposed Points of Contact, if any are added, will have a request to become affiliated with the site
sent only if the Site Application is approved.
The Additional Information text box can be used to pose questions or make requests to the NHSC
program reviewer.
Note: You may only edit information for a site point of contact after they have confirmed their
association with your site.
Continue by selecting S
Figure 40 NHSC Site App/Recert Identify POCs
Review HPSAs
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide
for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
The Identified HPSAs table displays the HPSA designations that matched based on the site's location and
geocoded address and/or based on any unique identifier(s) (e.g., BCHMIS, CCN, ASUFAC) provided in the
site details section of the application.
You may optionally Recommend Additional HPSAs if you believe that the site is eligible for any HPSAs
that are not identified above. To add a HPSA suggestion:
1. Use the HPSA Find Tool
to location HPSAs for your site
2. Enter or copy the HPSA ID into the field provided
3. Select the A
DD button to add the HPSA suggestion.
If you have questions about HPSAs, please contact your State Primary Care Office. Continue by selecting
Figure 41 NHSC Site App/Recert HPSAs
Upload Documents
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
Sites that are auto-approved do not have any documentation requirements.
Documents can be added by drag-and-dropping them onto the designated area of the screen or by
clicking the S
ELECT OR DROP FILE HERE button and selecting the file from your computer.
Documents that have been uploaded can be removed only until the Site Application is submitted
Maximum file size: 5MB
Acceptable file types or extensions: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf,
tif, txt, xls, xlsx
Continue by selecting S
Figure 42 NHSC Site App/Recert Upload Documents
Review and Submit
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for additional guidance
on eligibility and required documentation.
The final step in the NSHC Site Application process asks you to review the NHSC Site Agreement in full.
Please read through the agreement and select the boxes certifying the information in the application is
correct and that you represent your site.
To complete the application, sign the application by entering your password in the space provided and
select the S
UBMIT button.
Figure 43 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part one
Figure 44 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part two
Upon submission, you will be returned to the Site Dashboard with a confirmation banner. The
submitted Site Application information can be found by clicking V
Figure 45 NHSC Site App/Recert Successful submission
Site Application and Recertification Process for All Other Site Types
Navigating to the Site Dashboard to start
NHSC Site Applications/Recertifications are submitted through the Site POC portal.
Once the Site POC is logged in, navigate to the My Sites tab and select the site for which you are
Figure 46 NHSC Site App/Recert -- My Sites
The Site Dashboard banner will show the NHSC program information and a “Start a NHSC Site
Application/Recertification” button will populate. Click the button to start the application.
Figure 47 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Dashboard Start
Instructions and Check NHSC Eligibility
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
The first pages of the NHSC Site Application and Recertification are the instructions and pre-screening
page. Please read all the instructions prior to continuing with the site application. When you are ready
to proceed, select the Type of Site you are applying for from the dropdown provided. Based on your
selection, you may be asked to select a site Subtype as well. Please select the closest match to the site
for which you are applying. Certain site types may need to provide additional information.
As part of a Recertification, the Site Type and related information for the site will be pre-selected and
can be updated.
Most sites must apply during the NHSC Site Application or Recertification cycle. See the NHSC website
for information about the annual cycles. If the annual cycle is open, you will be presented with a list of
NHSC Site Eligibility Questions. These seven “yes or no” questions will help to determine if your site’s
operating policies and procedures are in line with NHSC requirements. Please answer each of the
questions honestly for you site.
Figure 48 NHSC Site Application Type of Site
Figure 49 NHSC Site App/Recert Eligibility questions
If your site is deemed ineligible, a message will display informing your site ineligibility for the NHSC, and
you will not be able to continue with the application.
Figure 50 NHSC Site App/Recert Not eligible message
If your site is eligible to continue, you will be presented with the Confirm Site Details page of the
application. Note: Eligibility to complete an application does not equate to NHSC approval.
Confirm Site Details
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Review the site’s current address(es), contact information, and unique identifiers to ensure accuracy.
After ensuring that the site’s physical address is correct, review the location of the map pin in the map
inset. If the pin location is correct for your site, select Yes. If it does not accurately reflect your site’s
physical location, select No and provide an explanation with details about where your site is physically
located, including the correct Latitude and Longitude if available.
To make changes, please click on the E
DIT icon in the top right corner and make the necessary changes.
Once complete please select S
Note: If the site is co-located in a building with other clinics, please ensure there is a suite or floor
number to specify the location of the site.
Figure 51 NHSC Site App/Recert Confirm address and location
Check For Existing Sites
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Note: The NHSC Site Recertification does not include a check for existing sites.
After confirming the site information, the system needs to ensure that the applying site is not a
duplicate of a site that already exists in the BHW Management Information System Solution. The name,
address, and certain unique identifiers provided will be run through the database to determine any
exact or similar matches.
Review the list of sites to ensure you are not applying using a duplicate site.
Figure 52 NHSC Site App/Recert Similar sites found
Click on the site name to view the site’s profile on the Health Workforce Connector. Select a site’s row in
the table for information about how to become affiliated with the site.
Figure 53 NHSC Site App/Recert Existing site selected
If one of the sites in the list is your site, consider which site record should be used to apply to NHSC. If
not, select Site Is Not Listed and then S
Services and Staffing
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
All sites must identify the set of Services Provided at the site. As part of a Recertification, the Services
currently approved at the site will be pre-selected and can be updated.
Selecting Primary Mental/Behavioral Health Care services may require additional data and/or
documentation to confirm the site’s eligibility.
Figure 54 NHSC Site App/Recert Services Provided
Figure 55 NHSC Site App/Recert Staffing part one
Figure 56 NHSC Site App/Recert Staffing part two
Continue by selecting SAVE AND CONTINUE. You may continue without completing all of the data entry,
but will not be able to submit the Site Application or Recertification until all Data Table information is
Behavioral Health
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Information about the Primary Mental/Behavioral Health Care services at the sites is necessary for
NHSC to confirm the eligibility of those services at the site. Failure to complete the section thoroughly
may lead to NHSC approving the site for other services, but not these.
Continue by selecting S
Figure 57 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section one
Figure 58 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section two
Figure 59 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health sections three and four
Figure 60 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health affiliate entry
Documents can be added by drag-and-dropping them onto the designated area of the screen or by
clicking the S
ELECT OR DROP FILE HERE button and selecting the file from your computer.
Documents that have been uploaded can be removed only until the Site Application is submitted
Maximum file size: 5MB
Acceptable file types or extensions: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf,
tif, txt, xls, xlsx
Figure 61 NHSC Site App/Recert Behavioral Health section five
Payments and Insurance
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Figure 62 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part one
Figure 63 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part two
Figure 64 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part three
Figure 65 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part four
Documents can be added by drag-and-dropping them onto the designated area of the screen or by
clicking the S
ELECT OR DROP FILE HERE button and selecting the file from your computer.
Documents that have been uploaded can be removed only until the Site Application is submitted
Maximum file size: 5MB
Acceptable file types or extensions: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf,
tif, txt, xls, xlsx
Figure 66 NHSC Site App/Recert Payments and Insurance part five
Continue by selecting SAVE AND CONTINUE. You may continue without completing all of the data entry,
but will not be able to submit the Site Application or Recertification until all Data Table information is
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Please specify whether your site provides telehealth services at your site. Continue by selecting S
Figure 67 NHSC Site App/Recert Telehealth
Identify POCs
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
The Current Points of Contact displays the Site POCs currently affiliated with the site. Any issues with
the current POCs at your site can be addressed using the Manage POCs page, including the assignment
of roles or invitation of new POCs.
The Proposed Points of Contact, if any are added, will have a request to become affiliated with the site
sent only if the Site Application is approved.
The Additional Information text box can be used to pose questions or make requests to the NHSC
program reviewer.
Note: You may only edit information for a site point of contact after they have confirmed their
association with your site.
Continue by selecting S
Figure 68 NHSC Site App/Recert Identify POCs
Review HPSAs
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
The Identified HPSAs table displays the HPSA designations that matched based on the site's location and
geocoded address and/or based on any unique identifier(s) (e.g., BCHMIS, CCN, ASUFAC) provided in the
site details section of the application.
You may optionally Recommend Additional HPSAs if you believe that the site is eligible for any HPSAs
that are not identified above. To add a HPSA suggestion:
4. Use the HPSA Find Tool
to location HPSAs for your site
5. Enter or copy the HPSA ID into the field provided
6. Select the A
DD button to add the HPSA suggestion.
If you have questions about HPSAs, please contact your State Primary Care Office. Continue by selecting
Figure 69 NHSC Site App/Recert HPSAs
Upload Documents
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
Site must provide all of the required supporting documentation.
A single upload may satisfy one or more document types, but documentation may be easier to compile
and review if separated into different files for each document purpose.
Documents can be added by drag-and-dropping them onto the designated area of the screen or by
clicking the S
ELECT OR DROP FILE HERE button and selecting the file from your computer.
Documents that have been uploaded can be removed only until the Site Application is submitted
Maximum file size: 5MB
Acceptable file types or extensions: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf,
tif, txt, xls, xlsx
Continue by selecting S
Figure 70 NHSC Site App/Recert Upload Documents
Review and Submit
For all steps in the NHSC Site Application and Recertification, refer to the NHSC Site Reference Guide for
additional guidance on eligibility and required documentation.
The final step in the NSHC Site Application and Recertification process asks you to review the NHSC Site
Agreement in full. Please read through the agreement and select the boxes certifying the information in
the application is correct and that you represent your site.
To complete the application, sign the application by entering your password in the space provided and
select the S
UBMIT button.
Figure 71 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part one
Figure 72 NHSC Site App/Recert Site Agreement part two
Upon submission, you will be returned to the Site Dashboard with a confirmation banner. The
submitted Site Application information can be found by clicking V
Figure 73 NHSC Site App/Recert Successful submission
What to Expect Next
After your application is submitted, both your State Primary Care Office and the NHSC will review your
application to determine your eligibility. The complete review process generally takes one to two
months to complete. You will be notified through the Program Portal when a decision on your
application is reached.
State PCO Review
The appropriate State Primary Care Office has an opportunity to review the NHSC Site Application and
provide a recommendation as to whether or not the NHSC Site Application should be approved
NHSC Review
NHSC Regional Operations staff will review the site information, selections, and documentation in order
to make a determination on NHSC eligibility of the site for each of the Services Provided selected.
Resubmitting the NHSC Site Application
If NHSC staff need additional information, they may return the Site Application to the Site POCs for
revision and resubmission.
Site POCs will receive a portal message notifying them of this event.
A View Communications page will provide any notes from the NHSC staff members.
All Site Application data can be updated as needed.
The Site Application must be submitted again to continue the review process.
If a NHSC Site Application/Recertification has been returned to your site, follow these steps to re-
1- Log in to the Site POC portal
2- Click My Sites
3- Select the site that needs to re-submit (name shows as hyperlink)
4- Click the “Continue NHSC Site Application/Recertification” button
Figure 74 NHSC Site App/Recert -- Resubmit
Note: The link to the application that shows under Requests is a view only report and cannot be
Pending Site Visit
If NHSC staff determine that a Site Visit must be performed before a decision can be made, the Site
Application will be marking as Pending Site Visit. NHSC staff will reach out to Site POCs to schedule an in-
person or virtual visit.
Site POCs will receive a portal message notifying them of this event.
The Site Application cannot be revised while the Site Visit is pending.
After the Site Visit, NHSC staff will complete their assessment of eligibility and make a
determination on the Site Application.
View Communications Page
The View Communications Page will provide any notes from the NHSC staff members and any additional
questions they may have. Site POCs can post and respond to messages on this page regardless of
whether the application was assigned back to them or not, as long as the application has not reached a
final decision. Posting or responding to the messages on this page will not resubmit the application.
Figure 75 NHSC Site App/Recert - View Communications
Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Verification Request
To be considered an eligible Critical Shortage Facility (CSF), a site must be a health care facility located
in, designated as, or serving a primary medical care or mental health, Health Professional Shortage Area
(HPSA) and must fall into one of the eligible health care facility types listed in the
Nurse Corps LRP
Application and Program Guidance. Refer to this guidance to answer any questions about Nurse Corps
site eligibility and participation.
Upon receipt of an eligibility verification request, the Nurse Corps will review and verify your submitted
information. Be advised, if the program needs further information, someone may reach out to you
through this eligibility request.
Nurse Corps Site Type
Select the CSF Type that best describes the site. Refer to the Nurse Corps LRP Application and Program
Guidance for CSF Type definitions. Select the Profit Status of the site.
Continue by selecting S
Figure 76 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility CSF Type
Confirm Site Details
Review the site’s current address(es), contact information, and unique identifiers to ensure accuracy.
After ensuring that the site’s physical address is correct, review the location of the map pin in the map
inset. If the pin location is correct for your site, select Yes. If it does not accurately reflect your site’s
physical location, select No and provide an explanation with details about where your site is physically
located, including the correct Latitude and Longitude if available.
To make changes, please click on the E
DIT icon in the top right corner and make the necessary changes.
Once complete please select S
Note: If the site is co-located in a building with other clinics, please ensure there is a suite or floor
number to specify the location of the site.
Figure 77 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Confirm site details
Check For Existing Sites
After confirming the site information, the system needs to ensure that the applying site is not a
duplicate of a site that already exists in the BHW Management Information System Solution. The name,
address, and certain unique identifiers provided will be run through the database to determine any
exact or similar matches.
Review the list of sites to ensure you are not applying using a duplicate site.
Figure 78 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Similar sites table
Click on the site name to view the site’s profile on the Health Workforce Connector. Select a site’s row in
the table for information about how to become affiliated with the site.
Figure 79 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Potential duplicate site
If one of the sites in the list is your site, consider which site record should be used to participate in Nurse
Corps. If not, select Site Is Not Listed and then S
Identify POCs
The Current Points of Contact displays the Site POCs currently affiliated with the site.
The Proposed Points of Contact, if any are added, will have a request to become affiliated with the site
sent only if the Site Application is approved.
Note: You may only edit information for a site point of contact after they have confirmed their
association with your site.
Continue by selecting S
Figure 80 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Identify POCs
Review HPSAs
The Identified HPSAs table displays the HPSA designations that matched based on the site's location and
geocoded address and/or based on any unique identifier(s) (e.g., BCHMIS, CCN, ASUFAC) provided in the
site details section of the application.
You may optionally Recommend Additional HPSAs if you believe that the site is eligible for any HPSAs
that are not identified above. To add a HPSA suggestion:
7. Use the HPSA Find Tool
to location HPSAs for your site
8. Enter or copy the HPSA ID into the field provided
9. Select the A
DD button to add the HPSA suggestion.
If you have questions about HPSAs, please contact your State Primary Care Office. Continue by selecting
Figure 81 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Review HPSAs
Upload Documents
No documents are required to continue, though you can upload additional documentation that may
help in the review of your facility
Documents can be added by drag-and-dropping them onto the designated area of the screen or by
clicking the S
ELECT OR DROP FILE HERE button and selecting the file from your computer.
Documents that have been uploaded can be removed only until the request is submitted
Maximum file size: 5MB
Acceptable file types or extensions: bmp, doc, docx, gif, jpeg, jpg, msg, pdf, png, ppt, pptx, rtf,
tif, txt, xls, xlsx
Continue by selecting S
Figure 82 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Upload documents
Review and Submit
To submit the request for Nurse Corps consideration, select the boxes to certify that the information
provided is correct and that you represent your site. Then sign by entering your password in the space
provided and select the S
UBMIT button.
Figure 83 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Submit
Upon submission, you will be returned to the Site Dashboard with a confirmation banner. The
submitted information can be found by clicking V
Figure 84 Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Successful submission
What to Expect Next
After your request is submitted, the Nurse Corps will review your site information to determine your
eligibility. You will be notified through the Program Portal when a decision on your application is
Resubmitting the Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Verification
If Nurse Corps staff need additional information, they may return the request to the Site POCs for
revision and resubmission.
Site POCs will receive a portal message notifying them of this event.
A View Communications page will provide any notes from the NHSC staff members.
All site data can be updated as needed.
The request must be submitted again to continue the review process.
View Communications Page
The View Communications Page will provide any notes from the Nurse Corps staff members and any
additional questions they may have. Site POCs can post and respond to messages on this page
regardless of whether the application was assigned back to them or not, as long as the application has
not reached a final decision. Posting or responding to the messages on this page will not resubmit the
Figure 85 NC Eligibility Verification Request View Communications
STAR Program Eligibility and Activation
The STAR section of the Site Profile displays the site’s current status for STAR along with its eligibility
information and Site Type. To be eligible for the STAR program, a site must either have a mental health
HPSA or located in an area for which the Overdose Mortality Rate (OMR) is above the national average.
Figure 86 STAR Information on the Site Profile
When the STAR Site cycle is closed, sites that are not currently active will be able to view more
information regarding its eligibility through the “View Eligibility Criteria” button.
Figure 87 STAR Information for Inactive Sites
Sites that are not eligible for STAR participation will be presented with a detailed list of the eligibility
criteria with site-specific information.
Figure 88 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria for Not Eligible Sites
Sites that are eligible for STAR participation will have the same “View Eligibility Criteria” button when
the STAR Site cycle is closed. In addition to the detailed list of the eligibility criteria with site-specific
information, they will be presented with details regarding the STAR Site Enrollment Period.
Figure 89 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria for Eligible Sites
If the cycle is open and the site is eligible, the “Activate Status” button will be displayed instead of the
“View Eligibility Criteria” button.
Figure 90 STAR Activate Status Button
To activate, select the Type of Site for STAR and the Site Subtype, if applicable.
Figure 91 STAR Program Eligibility Criteria Modal
Figure 92 STAR Program Eligibility Telehealth Questions
Once the required fields are populated, click on the “Activate” button. Upon this submission, the site
will automatically be activated for STAR and this will be reflected on the Site Dashboard.
Figure 93 Successful STAR Activation
Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility and Activation
The Pediatric Specialty section of the Site Profile displays the site’s current status for Pediatric Specialty
along with its eligibility information and Site Type. To be eligible for the Pediatric Specialty program, a
site must be in HPSA and/or Medically Underserved Area (MUA), and or serve a Medically Underserved
Population (MUP).
Figure 94 Pediatric Specialty Information on the Site Profile
When the Pediatric Specialty Site cycle is closed, sites that are not currently active will be able to view
more information regarding its eligibility through the “View Eligibility Criteria” button.
Figure 95 Pediatric Specialty Information for Inactive Sites
Sites that are not eligible for Pediatric Specialty participation will be presented with a detailed list of the
eligibility criteria with site-specific information.
Figure 96 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria for Not Eligible Sites
Sites that are eligible for Pediatric Specialty participation will have the same “View Eligibility Criteria”
button when the Pediatric Specialty Site cycle is closed. In addition to the detailed list of the eligibility
criteria with site-specific information, they will be presented with details regarding the Pediatric
Specialty Site Enrollment Period.
Figure 97 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria for Eligible Sites
If the cycle is open and the site is eligible, the “Activate Status” button will be displayed instead of the
“View Eligibility Criteria” button.
Figure 98 Pediatric Specialty Activate Status Button
To activate, select the Type of Site for Pediatric Specialty and the Site Subtype, if applicable.
Figure 99 Pediatric Specialty Program Eligibility Criteria Modal
Once the required fields are populated, click on the “Activate” button. Upon this submission, the site
will automatically be activated for Pediatric Specialty, and this will be reflected on the Site Dashboard
Figure 100 Successful Pediatric Specialty Activation
Account Management
Once logged in to the BHW Program Portal for Site Points of Contact, you can make changes to your
account and Program Portal Profile information as needed. This section of the user guide demonstrates
how to keep your account and contact information up to date.
Updating Personal Information
Your Program Portal account profile contains your contact information and your job responsibilities.
Once you have created and activated your account, you can update your account profile at any time. It
is important to keep your profile information up to date, as this is the information the BHW will use to
contact you about any important and time-sensitive information.
To access and update your Account Profile information, select the A
CCOUNT PROFILE link on the left-hand
navigation menu.
The following information can be updated and edited as part of your Account Profile:
Job Category
Specific Job Title
Primary Work Phone Number
Secondary Phone Number
Work Fax Number
Company Name
Work Address
Figure 101 Account Profile
Updating Account Settings
Updating your account settings allows you to edit your email address, password and security question.
To access your account settings, select the Account Settings tab on the left-hand navigation menu.
Change Email Address
To change the email address used to log into your account, complete the following steps:
1. On the account settings page, under the Change Email Address section enter and confirm your
new email address and enter your current password
2. Select the C
HANGE EMAIL ADDRESS button to confirm your changes
3. The new email address can now be used to access your account
Change Password
To change the password used to log into your account, complete the following steps:
1. On the account settings page, under the Change Password section enter and confirm your new
password; and enter your current password
2. Select the C
HANGE PASSWORD button to confirm your changes
3. The new password can now be used to access your account
Change Security Questions
To change the security question and answer used to unlock or reset your account, complete the
following steps:
1. On the account settings page, under the Change Security Question section select a new
security question and answer then enter your current password
2. Select the C
HANGE SECURITY QUESTION button to confirm your changes
3. The new security information will now be used to unlock or reset your account
Log Out
If you wish to end your session and log out of your Site POC Program Portal account, simply select the
OG OUT button located under the top-right corner dropdown menu.
Figure 102 Logout button
Appendix A: Site POC Roles and Responsibilities
The BHW is interested in POCs who perform the following duties at their sites:
Own, oversee, or manage a significant portion of their organization and have the ability to
answer questions about organization policies and operating procedures.
Manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules and/or absences of employees
within their organization.
Hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization.
The duties that you perform at your site will determine the roles and permissions granted for you on the
portal. A single POC can have multiple roles at a site and different roles at different sites. In addition to
roles, each POC will also be associated with one or more BHW programs. The roles are the same
regardless of program affiliation. For more information regarding role-based access in the portal, please
refer to the role and responsibilities matrix on the next page.
If you indicate that you own, oversee or manage a significant portion of their organization and have the
ability to answer questions about organization policies and operating procedures then you will be
granted the administrator role. You will be responsible for ensuring your site’s eligibility with NHSC
programs, submitting applications and recertifications and answering any questions about your site’s
policies and procedures. The specific roles and responsibilities can be found below:
Registration / Login / Forgot Password
View Home Page
View Activities Page
View Requests Page
View My Messages Page
Search for Candidates
Sites | My Sites
Sites | Manage Site POCs
Sites | NHSC Site Application
Sites | Nurse Corps Site Eligibility Verification
Account | Account Profile
Account | Account Settings Change Email
Account | Account Settings Change Password
Account | Account Settings Change Security Question
My Sites | Site Dashboard
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Create New Opportunity
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Manage Opportunities
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Create Site Profile
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Manage Site Profile
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Site Recertification
My Sites | Site Dashboard | View Clinician Roster
Manage Site POCs | Update Roles (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Site Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Program Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Roles (others)
Manage Site POCs | Update Site Affiliations (others)
Manage Site POCs | Update Program Affiliations (others)
Manage Site POCs | Edit POC (others)
Manage Site POCs | Add New POC via Email Invitation
Manage Site POCs | Search Database for Portal Users
Manage Site POCs | Assign Existing Portal User as a Site POC
Manage Site POCs | Resend Invite
Manage Site POCs | Delete Invite
View Site Visits Details (Site Dashboard)
View Requests Details (Home Page, Requests Page, Site Dashboard)
View Activities Details (Home Page Activities Page, Site Dashboard)
Complete Activity | Suspension Employment Review
Complete Activity | Suspensions Confirmation
Complete Activity | Site Status Change Request Confirmation Reviews (SSCR)
Personnel Verifier
If you indicate that you manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or absences
of employees within their organization you are granted the personnel verifier role. You will be
responsible for verifying participant’s employment status, work schedules and days away from the site
by completing employment and in-service verifications. The specific roles and responsibilities can be
found below:
Registration / Login / Forgot Password
View Home Page
View Activities Page
View Requests Page
View My Messages Page
Search for Candidates
Sites | My Sites
Sites | Manage Site POCs
Sites | Create New Site
Account | Account Profile
Account | Account Settings Change Email
Account | Account Settings Change Password
Account | Account Settings Change Security Question
My Sites | Site Dashboard
My Sites | Site Dashboard | View Clinician Roster
Manage Site POCs | Update Roles (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Site Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Program Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Add New POC via Email Invitation
Manage Site POCs | Search Database for Portal Users
Manage Site POCs | Assign Existing Portal User as a Site POC
Manage Site POCs | Resend Invite
Manage Site POCs | Delete Invite
View Site Visits Details (Site Dashboard)
View Requests Details (Home Page, Requests Page, Site Dashboard)
View Activities Details (Home Page Activities Page, Site Dashboard)
Complete Activity | Employment Verification (EV)
Complete Activity | In Service Verification (ISV)
Complete Activity | Suspension Employment Review
Complete Activity | Suspensions Confirmation
Complete Activity | Site Status Change Request Confirmation Reviews (SSCR)
If you indicate that you hire and/or recruit new employees for the organization, you will be granted the
recruiter role. You will be responsible for maintaining open positions and the site’s profile for the Health
Workforce Connector. The specific roles and responsibilities can be found below:
Registration / Login / Forgot Password
View Home Page
View Activities Page
View Requests Page
View My Messages Page
Search for Candidates
Opportunities | Create New Opportunity
Opportunities | Manage Opportunities
Sites | My Sites
Sites | Manage Site POCs
Account | Account Profile
Account | Account Settings Change Email
Account | Account Settings Change Password
Account | Account Settings Change Security Question
My Sites | Site Dashboard
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Create New Opportunity
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Manage Opportunities
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Create Site Profile
My Sites | Site Dashboard | Manage Site Profile
My Sites | Site Dashboard | View Clinician Roster
Manage Site POCs | Update Roles (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Site Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Update Program Affiliations (self)
Manage Site POCs | Add New POC via Email Invitation
Manage Site POCs | Search Database for Portal Users
Manage Site POCs | Assign Existing Portal User as a Site POC
Manage Site POCs | Resend Invite
Manage Site POCs | Delete Invite
Appendix B: BHW Program Point of Contact Requirements
Each BHW program has its own requirements on the number and types of POCs that are needed to fully
support the participants at their sites. Currently the Program Portal for Site Points of Contact supports
the following programs:
National Health Service Corps
Nurse Corps
Appendix C: Activity Types
Employment Verification Forms (EVF)
When a clinician applies to become part of a BHW program, transfers to a new location or changes work
hours, an Employment Verification form is required. The BHW utilizes online forms only to verify
POCs who indicated that they manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules, and/or
absences of employees within their organization serve as the primary POCs for the completion of
employment verification forms. POCs who serve managers and/or site administrators serve as a backup
if needed.
To complete an employment verification form, select the activity from the activity list and complete the
following steps:
1. Review the instructions, site information and the participant information.
2. Answer the questions about the participant’s current (or future, pending) employment and
license to practice
a You may indicate that the participant does not currently have a license to practice due
to the pending completion of a residency or other similar program. This is only available
if the participant’s discipline and specialty allow are eligible for a residency program.
b If you indicate that the participant does not work at your site or does not have (or will
not have) a license to practice, the verification activity will be completed when you
attempt to continue.
3. Complete the employment information for the participant.
4. Complete any additional verification questions for the participant.
5. Provide any additional credentialing information for the participant.
6. Indicate whether you performed a National Practitioner Databank search for this participant,
and if so, what the results were.
After providing all of the above information, select the C
ONTINUE button to proceed to the next page.
Review all the verification information entered, confirm the verification request and sign the online
form by entering you r password. Select the S
UBMIT button to submit the form to the BHW.
Selecting the C
ANCEL button will cancel the request and no progress will be saved.
In-Service Verifications (ISV)
For every six months of a clinician’s service, the BHW requires that the clinician report of the number of
days absent from the site to determine if the participant is in compliance. The BHW utilizes only online
forms to perform this verification.
Only POCs who indicated that they manage and can confirm employment status, work schedules and/or
absences of employees within their organization can complete employment verification forms.
The BHW relies on the Site POCs to verify that the number of days absent reported by the participant is
accurate. To complete an in-service verification, select the task from the list, and perform the following
1. Review the participant information
2. Review the number of days missed reported by the participant.
3. Indicate whether the number of days missed is accurate.
a If the participant’s report is incorrect, please provide an explanation for the participant.
4. Sign the form by entering your password.
5. Select the “submit” button to submit the form to the BHW.
If you indicate that the number of days missed is not correct, the participant will receive a task to
update their report.
Site Visit Pending Responses
When a site visit is performed and issues are identified for correction at the site, an activity is sent to the
site to collect information on the actions taken to correct the issues. To complete the site visit response
activity, select the activity from the list and perform the following steps:
1. Review the site visit summary and the site visit issues.
2. Provide a detailed response on the actions taken to correct the issues identified.
3. Upload any supporting documents as required to verify the corrective actions taken.
a Select the B
ROWSE button and select the file from your computer.
b Enter a document description.
c Select the U
PLOAD button.
4. Select the S
UBMIT RESPONSE button to send your response back to the BHW.