Tide and Current Glossary
Silver Spring, MD
January 2000
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
National Ocean Service
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
Tide and Current Glossary
Norman Mineta, Secretary
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
D. James Baker, Administrator
National Ocean Service
Margaret Davidson, Assistant Administrator
Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services
David M. Kennedy, Acting Director
Preface to 1999 Edition
The publication is a revision of the 1989 edition. This edition has been a group effort by
Steacy D. Hicks, Richard L. Sillcox, C. Reid Nichols, Brenda Via, and Evette C. McCray. It was
subsequently revised by Chris Zervas. Final formatting, layout, and printing has been under the
authority of Brenda Via.
The author wishes to thank the following for their contributions: C. Reid Nichols (numerous
entries), Richard L. Sillcox, Jack E. Fancher, Dr. Robert G. Williams, Thomas J. Kendrick, Douglas
M. Martin, David B. Zilkoski, Richard Edwing, Michael Szabados, Steven Lyles, James Hubbard,
Michael Gibson, Steven Gill, William Stoney, Dr. Ledolph Baer, and Dr. Bruce B. Parker. Special
thanks is given to Dr. Kurt Hess for his numerous technical corrections and suggestions.
Printing History of Tide and Current Glossary
Special Publication No. 228, Coast and Geodetic Survey, by Paul Schureman, 1941.
Special Publication No. 228, Coast and Geodetic Survey, by Paul Schureman revised by
E. C. McKay and F. J. Haight, 1949.
Special Publication No. 228, Coast and Geodetic Survey, by Paul Schureman, reprinted with
corrections, 1963.
National Ocean Survey, by Paul Schureman, revised by Steacy D. Hicks, 1975.
National Ocean Service, by Steacy D. Hicks, 1984.
National Ocean Service, by Steacy D. Hicks, 1989.
National Ocean Service, by Steacy D. Hicks, 1999.
For further information on tides, sea level, tidal datums, record certifications,
and related publications, contact:
NOAA, National Ocean Service
CO-OPS, Products and Services N/OPS3
Attn: User Services
1305 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20190-3281
Phone: (301)713-2877 Ext. 176
Fax: (301)713-4437
For further information on Great Lakes water levels, datums, and
related publications, contact:
NOAA, National Ocean Service
CO-OPS, Requirements and Development N/OPS1
Attn: Great Lakes
1305 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
Phone: (301)713-2902 Ext. 184
Fax: (301)713-4435
For further information on currents, tide and tidal current predictions,
and related publications, contact:
NOAA, National Ocean Service
CO-OPS, Products and Services N/OPS3
Attn: Tidal Predictions
1305 East-West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910-3281
Phone: (301)713-2815 Ext. 119
Fax: (301)713-4500
Tide and Current Glossary
absolute mean sea level changeAn eustatic change
in mean sea level relative to a conventional terrestrial
coordinate system with the origin at the center of mass of
the Earth.
accepted valuesTidal datums and Greenwich high
and low water intervals obtained through primary de-
termination or comparison of simultaneous observations
with a control tide station in order to derive the equivalent
value that would be obtained with a 19-year series.
acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP)A cur-
rent measuring instrument employing the transmission of
high frequency acoustic signals in the water. The current is
determined by a Doppler shift in the backscatter echo from
plankton, suspended sediment, and bubbles, all assumed to
be moving with the mean speed of the water. Time gating
circuitry is employed which uses differences in acoustic
travel time to divide the water column into range intervals,
called bins. The bin determinations allow development of a
profile of current speed and direction over most of the water
column. The ADCP can be deployed from a moving vessel,
tow, buoy, or bottom platform. In the latter configuration,
it is nonobtrusive in the water column and thus can be
deployed in shipping channels.
ADR gaugeAnalog to Digital Recording water level
gauge. A float or pressure-actuated water level gauge that
records heights at regular time intervals in digital format.
age of diurnal inequalityThe time interval between
the maximum semimonthly north or south declination of the
Moon and the maximum effect of declination upon range of
tide or speed of the tidal current. The age may be computed
from the harmonic constants by the formula:
age of diurnal inequality = 0.911(5 ° – O °) hours.
age of MoonThe time elapsed since the preceding
new Moon
age of parallax inequalityThe time interval between
perigee of the Moon and the maximum effect of parallax
upon range of tide or speed of the tidal current. This age
may be computed from the harmonic constants by the
age of parallax inequality = 1.837(M ° – N °) hours.
age of phase inequalityThe time interval between
new or full Moon and the maximum effect of these phases
upon range of tide or speed of the tidal current. This age
may be computed from the harmonic constants by the
age of phase inequality = 0.984(S ° – M °) hours.
age of tideSame as age of phase inequality.
aggerSame as double tide.
Agulhas CurrentAn Indian Ocean current setting
southwestward along the southeast coast of Africa.
air acoustic ranging sensorA pulsed, acoustic
ranging device using the air column in a tube as the acoustic
sound path. The fundamental measurement is the time it
takes for the acoustic signal to travel from a transmitter to
the water surface and then back to the receiver. The distance
from a reference point to the water surface is derived from
the travel time. A calibration point is set at a fixed distance
from the acoustic transducer and is used to correct the mea-
sured distance using the calibrated sound velocity in the
tube. Air temperature sensors are located in the protective
well for the purpose of verifying uniformity of temperature
for measurements taken by the air acoustic ranging sensor.
Alaska CurrentA North Pacific Ocean current
setting counterclockwise along the coasts of Canada and
Alaska in the Gulf of Alaska.
Alaskan StreamA North Pacific Ocean current
setting westward along the south side of the Aleutian
Islands. It is an extension of the Alaska Current.
amphidromic pointA point of zero amplitude of the
observed or a constituent tide.
amphidromic regionAn area surrounding an am-
phidromic point from which the radiating cotidal lines
progress through all hours of the tidal cycle.
amplitude (H)One-half the range of a constituent
tide. By analogy, it may be applied also to the maximum
speed of a constituent current.
analogA continuous measurement or a continuous
graphic display of data. See ADR gauge and marigram.
analysis, harmonicSee harmonic analysis.
analyzer, harmonicSee harmonic analyzer.
angular velocity of the Earth's rotation (S)Time
rate of change of angular displacement relative to the fixed
stars. It is equal to 0.729,211 x 10 radian/second.
annual inequalitySeasonal variation in water level
or current, more or less periodic, due chiefly to me-
teorological causes.
anomalisticPertaining to the periodic return of the
Moon to its perigee or the Earth to its perihelion. The
anomalistic month is the average period of the revolution of
the Moon around the Earth with respect to lunar perigee,
and is approximately 27.554,550 days in length. The
anomalistic year is the average period of the revolution of
the Earth around the Sun with respect to perihelion, and is
approximately 365.259,6 days in length.
anomalyAs applied to astronomy, the anomaly is the
angle made at any time by the radius vector of a planet or
moon with its line of apsides, the angle being reckoned from
perihelion or perigee in the direction of the body's motion.
It is called the true anomaly when referred to the actual
position of the body, and mean anomaly when referred to a
fictitious body moving with a uniform angular velocity
equal to the average velocity of the real body and passing
perihelion or perigee at the same time.
Antarctic Circumpolar CurrentThe largest
permanent current in the world, setting eastward around the
Antarctic Continent south of Cape Horn, Cape of Good
Hope, Tasmania, and New Zealand. Through Drake
Passage, it transports approximately 200 x 10 m /s. Same
as West Wind Drift.
anticyclonic ringA meander breaking off from the
main oceanic current and spinning in a clockwise direction
in the northern hemisphere (counter-clockwise in southern).
Antilles CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting northwestward along the northeast coasts of the
Bahama Islands.
aphelionThe point in the orbit of the Earth (or other
planet, etc.) farthest from the Sun.
apogean tides or tidal currentsTides of decreased
range or currents of decreased speed occurring monthly as
the result of the Moon being in apogee. The apogean range
(An) of the tide is the average range occurring at the time of
apogean tides and is most conveniently computed from the
harmonic constants. It is smaller than the mean range, where
the type of tide is either semidiurnal or mixed, and is of no
practical significance where the type of tide is
predominantly diurnal.
apogee—The point in the orbit of the Moon or a
man-made satellite farthest from the Earth. The point in the
orbit of a satellite farthest from its companion body.
apparent secular trend—The nonperiodic tendency
of sea level to rise, fall, or remain stationary with time.
Technically, it is frequently defined as the slope of a least-
squares line of regression through a relatively long series of
yearly mean sea-level values. The word "apparent" is used
since it is often not possible to know whether a trend is truly
nonperiodic or merely a segment of a very long oscillation
(relative to the length of the series).
apparent timeTime based upon the true position of
the Sun as distinguished from mean time, which is measured
by a fictitious Sun moving at a uniform rate. Apparent time
is that shown by the sundial, and its noon is the time when
the Sun crosses the meridian. The difference between
apparent time and mean time is known as the equation of
time. Although quite common many years ago, apparent
time is seldom used now.
apsidesThe points in the orbit of a planet or moon
which are the nearest and farthest from the center of
attraction. In the Earth's orbit these are called perihelion and
aphelion, and in the Moon's orbit, perigee and apogee. The
line passing through the apsides of an orbit is called the line
of apsides.
argumentSee equilibrium argument.
astres fictifsFictitious celestial bodies which are
assumed to move in the celestial equator at uniform rates
corresponding to the speeds of the several harmonic
constituents of the tide producing force. Each astre fictif
crosses the meridian at a time corresponding to the
maximum of the constituent that it represents.
astronomical daySee astronomical time.
astronomical tideSame as tide.
astronomical timeTime formerly used in
astronomical calculations in which the day began at noon
rather than midnight. The astronomical day commenced at
noon of the civil day of the same date. The hours of the day
were numbered consecutively from zero (noon) to 23 (11
a.m. of the following morning). Up to the close of the year
1924, astronomical time was in general use in nautical
almanacs. Beginning with the year 1925, the American
Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac and similar publications
of other countries abandoned the old astronomical time and
adopted Greenwich civil (mean) time for the data given in
their tables.
augmenting factorA factor, used in connection with
the harmonic analysis of tides or tidal currents by stencils,
to allow for the fact that the tabulated hourly heights or
speeds used in the summation for any constituent, other than
S, do not in general occur on the exact constituent hours to
which they are assigned, but may differ from the same by as
much as a half hour.
automatic tide (water level) gaugeAn instrument
that automatically registers the rise and fall of the water
level. In some instruments, the registration is accomplished
by recording the heights at regular time intervals in digital
format; in others, by a continuous graph of height against
azimuthAzimuth of a body is the arc of the horizon
intercepted between the north or south point and the foot of
the vertical circle passing through the body. It is reckoned
in degrees from either the north or south point clockwise
entirely around the horizon. Azimuth of a current is the
direction toward which it is flowing, and is usually reckoned
from the north point.
baroclinicThe condition and type of motion when
isobaric surfaces of a fluid are not parallel with isopycnal
barotropicThe condition and type of motion when
isobaric surfaces of a fluid are parallel with isopycnal
barycenterThe common center of mass of the Sun-
Earth System or the Moon-Earth System. The distance from
the center of the Sun to the Sun-Earth barycenter is about
280 miles. The distance from the center of the Earth to the
Moon-Earth barycenter is about 2,895 miles.
bench mark (BM)A fixed physical object or mark
used as reference for a horizontal or vertical datum. A tidal
bench mark is one near a tide station to which the tide staff
and tidal datums are referred. A primary bench mark is the
principal mark of a group of tidal bench marks to which the
tide staff and tidal datums are referred. The standard tidal
bench mark of the National Ocean Service is a brass,
bronze, or aluminum alloy disk 3-½ inches in diameter
containing the inscription NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE
together with other individual identifying information. A
geodetic bench mark identifies a surveyed point in the
National Spatial Reference System. Bench mark disks of
either type may, on occasion, serve simultaneously to
reference both tidal and geodetic datums. Numerous bench
marks of predecessor organizations to NOS, or parts of
other organizations absorbed into NOS, still bear the
inscriptions: U.S. COAST & GEODETIC SURVEY,
Benguela CurrentA South Atlantic Ocean current
setting northward along the southwest coast of Africa.
boreSame as tidal bore.
Brazil CurrentA South Atlantic Ocean current
setting southwestward along the central coast of South
bubbler tide (water level) gaugeSame as gas
purged pressure gauge.
California CurrentA North Pacific Ocean current
setting southeastward along the west coast of the United
States and Baja California.
Callippic cycleA period of four Metonic cycles
equal to 76 Julian years, or 27,759 days. Devised by
Callippus, a Greek astronomer, about 350 B.C., as a
suggested improvement on the Metonic cycle for a period
in which new and full Moon would recur on the same day of
the year. Taking the length of the synodical month as
29.530,588 days, there are 940 lunations in the Callippic
cycle, with about 0.25 day remaining.
Canary CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting southward off the west coast of Portugal and along
the northwest coast of Africa.
celestial sphereAn imaginary sphere of infinite
radius concentric with the Earth on which all celestial
bodies except the Earth are imagined to be projected.
centibarThe unit of pressure equal to 1 metric ton
(1000 kilograms) per meter per second per second. See
chart datumThe datum to which soundings on a
chart are referred. It is usually taken to correspond to a
low-water elevation, and its depression below mean sea
level is represented by the symbol Z;. Since 1980, chart
datum has been implemented to mean lower low water for
all marine waters of the United States, its territories,
Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Trust Territory of the
Pacific Islands. See datum and National Tidal Datum
Convention of 1980.
CharybdisSame as Galofaro.
chlorinity (Cl)The total amount in grams of
chlorine, bromine, and iodine contained in one kilogram of
seawater, assuming the bromine and iodine to be replaced
by chlorine. The number giving the chlorinity in grams per
kilogram of a seawater sample is identical with the number
giving the mass in grams of atomic weight silver just
necessary to precipitate the halogens in 0.328,523,3
kilogram of the seawater sample.
S(‰) = 1.806,55 x Cl(‰)
where S() is the salinity in parts per thousand. See
civil dayA mean solar day commencing at midnight.
civil timeTime in which the day begins at midnight
as distinguished from the former astronomical time in which
the day began at noon.
classificationSee type of tide.
Coast and Geodetic SurveyA former name of the
National Ocean Service. The organization was known as:
Survey of the Coast from its founding in 1807 to 1836,
Coast Survey from 1836 to 1878, Coast and Geodetic
Survey from 1878 to 1970, and National Ocean Survey
from 1970 to 1982. In 1982 it was named National Ocean
Service. From 1965 to 1970, the Coast and Geodetic Survey
was a component of the Environmental Science Services
Administration (ESSA). The National Ocean Survey was a
component of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA). NOAA became the successor to
ESSA in 1970. The National Ocean Service is a component
of NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce.
coast lineThe low water datum line for purposes of
the Submerged Lands Act (Public Law 31). See shoreline.
coastal boundaryThe mean high water line
(MHWL) or mean higher high water line (MHHWL) when
tidal lines are used as the coastal boundary. Also, lines used
as boundaries inland of and measured from (or points
thereon) the MHWL or MHHWL. See marine boundary.
coastal zone (legal definition for coastal zone man-
agement)The term coastal zone means the coastal waters
(including the lands therein and thereunder) and the
adjacent shorelands (including the waters therein and
thereunder), strongly influenced by each and in proximity to
the shorelines of the several coastal states, and includes
islands, transitional and intertidal areas, salt marshes,
wetlands, and beaches. The zone extends, in Great Lakes
waters, to the international boundary between the United
States and Canada and in other areas seaward to the outer
limit of the United States territorial sea. The zone extends
inland from the shorelines only to the extent necessary to
control shorelands, the uses of which have a direct and
significant impact on the coastal waters. Excluded from the
coastal zone are lands the use of which is by law subject
solely to the discretion of or which is held in trust by the
Federal Government, its officers, or agents.
coastline—Same as shoreline. See coast line.
cocurrent lineA line on a map or chart passing
through places having the same current hour.
comparison of simultaneous observationsA reduc-
tion process in which a short series of tide or tidal current
observations at any place is compared with simultaneous
observations at a control station where tidal or tidal current
constants have previously been determined from a long
series of observations. The observations are typically high
and low tides and monthly means. For tides, it is usually
used to adjust constants from a subordinate station to the
equivalent value that would be obtained from a l9-year
series. See first reduction, standard method, modified-range
ratio method, and direct method.
compass directionDirection as indicated by compass
without any correction for compass error. The direction
indicated by a compass may differ by a considerable amount
from true or magnetic direction.
compass errorThe angular difference between a
compass direction and the corresponding true direction. The
compass error combines the effects of deviation and
component(1) Same as constituent. (2) That part of
a tidal current velocity which, by resolution into orthogonal
vectors, is found to flow in a specified direction.
compound tideA harmonic tidal (or tidal current)
constituent with a speed equal to the sum or difference of
the speeds of two or more elementary constituents. The
presence of compound tides is usually attributed to shallow
water conditions.
constants, currentSee current constants.
constants, harmonicSee harmonic constants.
constants, tidalSee tidal constants.
constituentOne of the harmonic elements in a
mathematical expression for the tide-producing force and in
corresponding formulas for the tide or tidal current. Each
constituent represents a periodic change or variation in the
relative positions of the Earth, Moon, and Sun. A single
constituent is usually written in the form y = A cos (at + "),
in which y is a function of time as expressed by the symbol
t and is reckoned from a specific origin. The coefficient A
is called the amplitude of the constituent and is a measure
of its relative importance. The angle (at + ") changes
uniformly and its value at any time is called the phase of the
constituent. The speed of the constituent is the rate of
change in its phase and is represented by the symbol a in the
formula. The quantity " is the phase of the constituent at the
initial instant from which the time is reckoned. The period
of the constituent is the time required for the phase to
change through 360° and is the cycle of the astronomical
condition represented by the constituent.
constituent dayThe time of the rotation of the Earth
with respect to a fictitious celestial body representing one of
the periodic elements in the tidal forces. It approximates in
length the lunar or solar day and corresponds to the period
of a diurnal constituent or twice the period of a semidiurnal
constituent. The term is not applicable to the long-period
constituent hourOne twenty-fourth part of a con-
stituent day.
control current stationA current station at which
continuous velocity observations have been made over a
minimum period of 29 days. Its purpose is to provide data
for computing accepted values of the harmonic and
nonharmonic constants essential to tidal current predictions
and circulatory studies. The data series from this station
serves as the control for the reduction of relatively short
series from subordinate current stations through the method
of comparison of simultaneous observations. See current
station and subordinate current station (1).
control stationSee primary control tide station,
secondary control tide station, and control current station.
corange lineA line passing through places of equal
tidal range.
Coriolis forceA fictional force in the hydrodynamic
equations of motion that takes into account the effect of the
Earth's rotation on moving objects (including air and water)
when viewed with reference to a coordinate system attached
to the rotating Earth. The horizontal component is directed
90° to the right (when looking in the direction of motion) in
the Northern Hemisphere and 90° to the left in the Southern.
The horizontal component is zero at the Equator; also, when
the object is at rest relative to the Earth. The Coriolis
acceleration = 2vS sin ø: where v is the speed of the object,
S is the angular velocity of the Earth, and ø is the latitude.
Named for Gaspard Gustave de Coriolis who published his
formulation in 1835.
corrected currentA relatively short series of current
observations from a subordinate station to which a factor is
applied to adjust the current to a more representative value
based on a relatively long series from a nearby control
station. See current and total current.
cotidal hourThe average interval between the
Moon's transit over the meridian of Greenwich and the time
of the following high water at any place. This interval may
be expressed either in solar or lunar time. When expressed
in solar time, it is the same as the Greenwich high water
interval. When expressed in lunar time, it is equal to the
Greenwich high water interval multiplied by the factor
cotidal lineA line on a chart or map passing through
places having the same tidal hour.
countercurrentA current usually setting in a direc-
tion opposite to that of a main current. See Equatorial
crestThe highest point in a propagating wave. See
high water and tidal wave.
currentGenerally, a horizontal movement of water.
Currents may be classified as tidal and nontidal. Tidal
currents are caused by gravitational interactions between the
Sun, Moon, and Earth and are part of the same general
movement of the sea that is manifested in the vertical rise
and fall, called tide. Tidal currents are periodic with a net
velocity of zero over the particular tidal cycle. See tidal
wave. Nontidal currents include the permanent currents in
the general circulatory systems of the sea as well as
temporary currents arising from more pronounced
meteorological variability. Current, however, is also the
British equivalent of our nontidal current. See total current.
current constantsTidal current relations that remain
practically constant for any particular locality. Current
constants are classified as harmonic and nonharmonic. The
harmonic constants consist of the amplitudes and epochs of
the harmonic constituents, and the nonharmonic constants
include the velocities and intervals derived directly from the
current observations.
current curveA graphic representation of the flow
of the current. In the reversing type of tidal current, the
curve is referred to rectangular coordinates with time
represented by the abscissa and the speed of the current by
the ordinate, the flood speeds being considered as positive
and the ebb speeds as negative. In general, the current curve
for a reversing tidal current approximates a cosine curve.
current diagramA graphic table published in the
Tidal Current Tables showing the speeds of the flood and
ebb currents and the times of slacks and strengths over a
considerable stretch of the channel of a tidal waterway, the
times being referred to tide or tidal current phases at some
reference station.
current differenceDifference between the time of
slack water (or minimum current) or strength of current in
any locality and the time of the corresponding phase of the
tidal current at a reference station for which predictions are
given in the Tidal Current Tables.
current directionSame as set.
current ellipseA graphic representation of a rotary
current in which the velocity of the current at different hours
of the tidal cycle is represented by radius vectors and
vectoral angles. A line joining the extremities of the radius
vectors will form a curve roughly approximating an ellipse.
The cycle is completed in one-half tidal day or in a whole
tidal day, according to whether the tidal current is of the
semidiurnal or the diurnal type. A current of the mixed type
will give a curve of two unequal loops each tidal day.
current hourThe mean interval between the transit
of the Moon over the meridian of Greenwich and the time
of strength of flood, modified by the times of slack water
(or minimum current) and strength of ebb. In computing the
mean current hour, an average is obtained of the intervals
for the following phases: flood strength, slack (or minimum)
before flood increased by 3.10 hours (one-fourth of tidal
cycle), slack (or minimum) after flood decreased by 3.10
hours, and ebb strength increased or decreased by 6.21
hours (one-half of tidal cycle). Before taking the average,
the four phases are made comparable by the addition or
rejection of such multiples of 12.42 hours as may be
necessary. The current hour is usually expressed in solar
time, but if lunar time is desired, the solar hour should be
multiplied by the factor 0.966.
current lineA graduated line attached to a current
pole formerly used in measuring the velocity of the current.
The line was marked in such a manner that the speed of the
current, expressed in knots and tenths, was indicated
directly by the length of line carried out by the current pole
in a specified interval of time. When marked for a
60-second run, the principal divisions for whole knots were
spaced at 101.33 feet and the subdivisions for tenths of
knots were spaced at 10.13 feet. The current line was also
known as a log line.
current meterAn instrument for measuring the
speed and direction or just the speed of a current. The
measurements are Eulerian when the meter is fixed or
moored at a specific location. Current meters can be
mechanical, electric, electromagnetic, acoustic, or any
combination thereof.
current poleA pole used in observing the velocity of
the current. The pole formerly used by the Coast and
Geodetic Survey was about 3 inches in diameter and 15 feet
long, and was weighted at one end to float upright with the
top about 1 foot out of water. Shorter poles were used when
necessary for shallow water. In use, the pole was attached
to the current line but separated from the graduated portion
by an ungraded section of approximately 100 feet, known as
the stray line. As the pole was carried out from an observing
vessel by the current, the amount of line passing from the
vessel during a specific time interval indicated the speed of
the current. The set was obtained from a relative bearing
from the vessel to the pole. The bearing was then related to
the ship's compass and converted to true. See pelorus.
current stationThe geographic location at which
current observations are conducted. Also, the facilities used
to make current observations. These may include a buoy,
ground tackle, current meters, recording mechanism, and
radio transmitter. See control current station and
subordinate current station (1).
cyclonic ringA meander breaking off from the main
oceanic current and spinning in a counter-clockwise
direction in the northern hemisphere (clockwise in
data collection platform (DCP)A microprocessor-
based system that collects data from sensors, processes the
data, stores the data in random access memory (RAM), and
provides communication links for the retrieval or
transmission of the data.
datum (vertical)For marine applications, a base
elevation used as a reference from which to reckon heights
or depths. It is called a tidal datum when defined in terms of
a certain phase of the tide. Tidal datums are local datums
and should not be extended into areas which have differing
hydrographic characteristics without substantiating
measurements. In order that they may be recovered when
needed, such datums are referenced to fixed points known
as bench marks. See chart datum.
datum of tabulationA permanent base elevation at
a tide station to which all water level measurements are
referred. The datum is unique to each station and is
established at a lower elevation than the water is ever
expected to reach. It is referenced to the primary bench
mark at the station and is held constant regardless of
changes to the water level gauge or tide staff. The datum of
tabulation is most often at the zero of the first tide staff
Davidson CurrentA North Pacific Ocean counter-
current setting northward between the California Current
and the coasts of California, Oregon, and Washington
during the winter months.
dayThe period of rotation of the Earth. There are
several kinds of days depending on whether the Sun, Moon,
or other object or location is used as the reference for the
rotation. See constituent day, lunar day, sidereal day, and
solar day.
daylight saving timeA time used during the summer
months, in some localities, in which clocks are advanced 1
hour from the usual standard time.
decibarThe practical unit for pressure in the ocean,
equal to 10 centibars, and is the approximate pressure
produced by each meter of overlying water
declinationAngular distance north or south of the
celestial equator, taken as positive when north of the
equator and negative when south. The Sun passes through
its declinational cycle once a year, reaching its maximum
north declination of approximately 23-½° about June 21 and
its maximum south declination of approximately 23-½°
about December 21. The Moon has an average declinational
cycle of 27-½ days which is called a tropical month. Tides
or tidal currents occurring near the times of maximum north
or south declination of the Moon are called tropic tides or
tropic currents, and those occurring when the Moon is over
the Equator are called equatorial tides or equatorial
currents. The maximum declination reached by the Moon in
successive months depends upon the longitude of the
Moon's node, and varies from 28-½° when the longitude of
the ascending node is 0°, to 18-½° when the longitude of the
node is 180° . The node cycle, or time required for the node
to complete a circuit of 360° of longitude, is approximately
18.6 years. See epoch (2).
declinational inequalitySame as diurnal inequality.
declinational reductionA processing of observed
high and low waters or flood and ebb tidal currents to obtain
quantities depending upon changes in the declination of the
Moon; such as tropic ranges or speeds, height or speed
inequalities, and tropic intervals.
density, in situ (D )—Mass per unit volume. The
reciprocal of specific volume. In oceanography, the density
of sea water, when expressed in gm/cm , is numerically
equivalent to specific gravity and is a function of salinity,
temperature, and pressure. See specific volume anomaly,
thermosteric anomaly, sigma-t, and sigma-zero.
deviation (of compass)The deflection of the needle
of a magnetic compass due to masses of magnetic metal
within a ship on which the compass is located. This
deflection varies with different headings of the ship. The
deviation is called easterly and marked plus if the deflection
is to the right of magnetic north, and is called westerly and
marked minus if it is to the left of magnetic north. A
deviation table is a tabular arrangement showing the amount
of deviation for different headings of the ship. Each
compass requires a separate deviation table.
digital tide (water level) gaugeSee automatic tide
(water level) gauge.
direct methodA tidal datum computation method.
Datums are determined directly by comparison with an
appropriate control, for the available part of the tidal cycle.
It is usually used only when a full range of tidal values are
not available. For example: Direct Mean High Water, when
low waters are not recorded.
direction of currentSame as set.
direction of windDirection from which the wind is
diurnalHaving a period or cycle of approximately
one tidal day. Thus, the tide is said to be diurnal when only
one high water and one low water occur during a tidal day,
and the tidal current is said to be diurnal when there is a
single flood and a single ebb period of a reversing current
in the tidal day. A rotary current is diurnal if it changes its
direction through all points of the compass once each tidal
day. A diurnal constituent is one which has a single period
in the constituent day. The symbol for such a constituent is
the subscript 1. See stationary wave theory and type of tide.
diurnal inequalityThe difference in height of the
two high waters or of the two low waters of each tidal day;
also, the difference in speed between the two flood tidal
currents or the two ebb currents of each tidal day. The
difference changes with the declination of the Moon and, to
a lesser extent, with the declination of the Sun. In general,
the inequality tends to increase with increasing declination,
either north or south, and to diminish as the Moon
approaches the Equator. Mean diurnal high water inequality
(DHQ) is one-half the average difference between the two
high waters of each tidal day observed over the National
Tidal Datum Epoch. It is obtained by subtracting the mean
of all the high waters from the mean of the higher high
waters. Mean diurnal low water inequality (DLQ) is
one-half the average difference between the two low waters
of each tidal day observed over the National Tidal Datum
Epoch. It is obtained by subtracting the mean of the lower
low waters from the mean of all the low waters. Tropic high
water inequality (HWQ) is the average difference between
the two high waters of each tidal day at the times of tropic
tides. Tropic low water inequality (LWQ) is the average
difference between the two low waters of each tidal day at
the times of tropic tides. Mean and tropic inequalities, as
defined above, are applicable only when the type of tide is
either semidiurnal or mixed. Diurnal inequality is
sometimes called declinational inequality.
diurnal rangeSame as great diurnal range.
diurnal tide levelA tidal datum midway between
mean higher high water and mean lower low water.
double ebbAn ebb tidal current having two maxima
of speed separated by a smaller ebb speed.
double floodA flood tidal current having two
maxima of speed separated by a smaller flood speed.
double tideA double-headed tide, that is, a high
water consisting of two maxima of nearly the same height
separated by a relatively small depression, or a low water
consisting of two minima separated by a relatively small
elevation. Sometimes called an agger. See gulder.
drift (of current)The speed of the current.
drift currentSame as wind drift.
duration of flood and duration of ebbDuration of
flood is the interval of time in which a tidal current is
flooding, and duration of ebb is the interval in which it is
ebbing, these intervals being reckoned from the middle of
the intervening slack waters or minimum currents. Together
they cover, on an average, a period of 12.42 hours for a
semidiurnal tidal current or a period of 24.84 hours for a
diurnal current. In a normal semidiurnal tidal current, the
duration of flood and duration of ebb each will be
approximately equal to 6.21 hours, but the times may be
modified greatly by the presence of nontidal flow. In a river
the duration of ebb is usually longer than the duration of
flood because of fresh water discharge, especially during
spring months when snow and ice melt are predominant
duration of rise and duration of fallDuration of
rise is the interval from low water to high water, and
duration of fall is the interval from high water to low water.
Together they cover, on an average, a period of 12.42 hours
for a semidiurnal tide or a period of 24.84 hours for a
diurnal tide. In a normal semidiurnal tide, duration of rise
and duration of fall each will be approximately equal to
6.21 hours, but in shallow waters and in rivers there is a
tendency for a decrease in duration of rise and a
corresponding increase in duration of fall.
dynamic decimeterSee geopotential as preferred
dynamic depth (height)See geopotential difference
as preferred term.
dynamic depth (height) anomalySee geopotential
anomaly as preferred term.
dynamic meter (D)—The former practical unit for
geopotential difference (dynamic depth), equal to 10
geopotentials (dynamic decimeters). See geopotential
(dynamic depth) anomaly.
dynamic topographySee geopotential topography
as preferred term.
eagre (eager)—Same as tidal bore.
earth tidePeriodic movement of the Earth's crust
caused by gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon,
and Earth.
East Africa Coast CurrentSame as Somali Current.
East Australian CurrentA South Pacific Ocean
current setting southward along the east coast of Australia.
East Greenland CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean
current setting southward and then southwestward along the
east coast of Greenland.
ebb axisAverage set of the current at ebb strength.
ebb current (ebb)The movement of a tidal current
away from shore or down a tidal river or estuary. In the
mixed type of reversing tidal current, the terms greater ebb
and lesser ebb are applied respectively to ebb tidal currents
of greater and lesser speed each day. The terms maximum
ebb and minimum ebb are applied to the maximum and
minimum speeds of a current running continuously ebb, the
speed alternately increasing and decreasing without coming
to a slack or reversing. The expression maximum ebb is also
applicable to any ebb current at the time of greatest speed.
See ebb strength.
ebb intervalThe interval between the transit of the
Moon over the meridian of a place and the time of the
following ebb strength.
ebb strength (strength of ebb)Phase of the ebb tidal
current at the time of maximum speed. Also, the speed at
this time. See strength of current.
eccentricity of orbitRatio of the distance from the
center to the focus of an elliptical orbit to the length of the
semimajor axis. The eccentricity of orbit = %1 - (B / A) :
where A and B are respectively the semimajor and
semiminor axes of the orbit.
eclipticThe intersection of the plane of the Earth's
orbit with the celestial sphere.
eddyA quasi-circular movement of water whose area
is relatively small in comparison to the current with which
it is associated.
edge wavesWaves moving between zones of high
and low breakers along the shoreline. Edge waves
contribute to changes in water level along the shoreface
which helps to control the spacing of rip currents. See
longshore current and rip current.
Ekman spiralA logarithmic spiral (when projected
on a horizontal plane) formed by the heads of current
velocity vectors at increasing depths. The current vectors
become progressively smaller with depth. They spiral to the
right (looking in the direction of flow) in the Northern
Hemisphere and to the left in the Southern with increasing
depth. Theoretically, in deep water, the surface current
vector sets 45° and the total mass transport sets 90° from
the direction toward which the wind is blowing. Flow
opposite to the surface current occurs at the so-called "depth
of frictional resistance". The phenomenon occurs in wind
drift currents in which only the Coriolis and frictional forces
are significant. Named for Vagn Walfrid Ekman who,
assuming a constant eddy viscosity, steady wind stress, and
unlimited water depth and extent, derived the effect in 1905.
electric tape gaugeA gauge consisting of a
graduated Monel metal tape on a metal reel (with
supporting frame), voltmeter, and battery. Heights can be
measured directly by unreeling the tape into its stilling well.
When contact is made with the water's surface, the circuit is
completed and the voltmeter needle moves. At that moment
the length of tape is read against an index mark, the mark
having a known elevation relative to the bench marks.
eliminationOne of the final processes in the
harmonic analysis of tides in which preliminary values for
the harmonic constants of a number of constituents are
cleared of the residual effects of each other.
epoch(1) Also known as phase lag. Angular
retardation of the maximum of a constituent of the observed
tide (or tidal current) behind the corresponding maximum
of the same constituent of the theoretical equilibrium tide.
It may also be defined as the phase difference between a
tidal constituent and its equilibrium argument. As referred
to the local equilibrium argument, its symbol is 6. When
referred to the corresponding Greenwich equilibrium
argument, it is called the Greenwich epoch and is
represented by G. A Greenwich epoch that has been
modified to adjust to a particular time meridian for
convenience in the prediction of tides is represented by g or
by 6N. The relations between these epochs may be expressed
by the following formula:
G = 6 + pL
g = 6N = G – aS / 15
in which L is the longitude of the place and S is the
longitude of the time meridian, these being taken as positive
for west longitude and negative for east longitude; p is the
number of constituent periods in the constituent day and is
equal to 0 for all long-period constituents, 1 for diurnal
constituents, 2 for semidiurnal constituents, and so forth;
and a is the hourly speed of the constituent, all angular
measurements being expressed in degrees. (2) As used in
tidal datum determination, it is a 19-year cycle over which
tidal height observations are meaned in order to establish
the various datums. As there are periodic and apparent
secular trends in sea level, a specific 19-year cycle (the
National Tidal Datum Epoch) is selected so that all tidal
datum determinations throughout the United States, its
territories, Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and Trust
Territory of the Pacific Islands, will have a common
reference. See National Tidal Datum Epoch.
equation of time Difference between mean and
apparent time. From the beginning of the year until near the
middle of April, mean time is ahead of apparent time, the
difference reaching a maximum of about 15 minutes near
the middle of February. From the middle of April to the
middle of June, mean time is behind apparent time but the
difference is less than 5 minutes. From the middle of June
to the first part of September, mean time is again ahead of
apparent time with maximum difference less than 7 minutes.
From the first of September until the later part of December,
mean time is again behind apparent time, the difference
reaching a maximum of nearly 17 minutes in the early part
of November. The equation of time for each day in the year
is given in the American Ephemeris and Nautical Almanac.
Equatorial CountercurrentA current setting
eastward between the North and South Equatorial Currents
of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian (in northern winter)
Oceans. In the Atlantic and Pacific, its axis lies about
latitude 7° north and in the Indian, about 7° south.
equatorial tidal currentsTidal currents occurring
semimonthly as a result of the Moon being over the
Equator. At these times the tendency of the Moon to
produce a diurnal inequality in the tidal current is at a
equatorial tidesTides occurring semimonthly as a
result of the Moon being over the Equator. At these times
the tendency of the Moon to produce a diurnal inequality in
the tide is at a minimum.
Equatorial UndercurrentA subsurface current set-
ting eastward along the Equator in the Pacific, Atlantic, and
Indian Oceans. In the Pacific, its core of maximum velocity
lies at a depth of about 100 meters within the South
Equatorial Current.
equilibrium argumentThe theoretical phase of a
constituent of the equilibrium tide. It is usually represented
by the expression (V + u), in which V is a uniformly
changing angular quantity involving multiples of the hour
angle of the mean Sun, the mean longitudes of the Moon
and Sun, and the mean longitude of lunar or solar perigee;
and u is a slowly changing angle depending upon the
longitude of the Moon's node. When pertaining to an initial
instant of time, such as the beginning of a series of
observations, it is expressed by (V + u).
equilibrium theoryA model under which it is as-
sumed that the waters covering the face of the Earth
instantly respond to the tide-producing forces of the Moon
and Sun to form a surface of equilibrium under the action of
these forces. The model disregards friction, inertia, and the
irregular distribution of the land masses of the Earth. The
theoretical tide formed under these conditions is known as
the equilibrium tide.
equilibrium tide—Hypothetical tide due to the tide
producing forces under the equilibrium theory. Also known
as gravitational tide.
equinoctialThe celestial equator.
equinoctial tides—Tides occurring near the times of
the equinoxes.
equinoxesThe two points in the celestial sphere
where the celestial equator intersects the ecliptic; also, the
times when the Sun crosses the equator at these points. The
vernal equinox is the point where the Sun crosses the
Equator from south to north and it occurs about March 21.
Celestial longitude is reckoned eastward from the vernal
equinox. The autumnal equinox is the point where the Sun
crosses the Equator from north to south and it occurs about
September 23.
equipotential surfaceSame as geopotential surface.
establishment of the portAlso known as high water,
full and change (HWF&C). Average high water interval on
days of the new and full Moon. This interval is also
sometimes called the common or vulgar establishment to
distinguish it from the corrected establishment, the latter
being the mean of all the high water intervals. The latter is
usually 10 to 15 minutes less than the common
estuaryAn embayment of the coast in which fresh
river water entering at its head mixes with the relatively
saline ocean water. When tidal action is the dominant
mixing agent it is usually termed a tidal estuary. Also, the
lower reaches and mouth of a river emptying directly into
the sea where tidal mixing takes place. The latter is
sometimes called a river estuary.
Eulerian measurementObservation of a current
with a device fixed relative to the flow.
eustatic sea level rateThe worldwide change of sea
level elevation with time. The changes are due to such
causes as glacial melting or formation, thermal expansion or
contraction of sea water, etc.
evectionA perturbation of the Moon depending upon
the alternate increase and decrease of the eccentricity of its
orbit, which is always a maximum when the Sun is passing
the Moon's line of apsides and a minimum when the Sun is
at right angles to it. The principal constituents in the tide
22 1
resulting from the evectional inequality are < , 8 , and D .
extreme high waterThe highest elevation reached
by the sea as recorded by a water level gauge during a given
period. The National Ocean Service routinely documents
monthly and yearly extreme high waters for its control
extreme low waterThe lowest elevation reached by
the sea as recorded by a water level gauge during a given
period. The National Ocean Service routinely documents
monthly and yearly extreme low water for its control
Falkland CurrentA South Atlantic Ocean current
setting northeastward along the east coast of Argentina.
first reductionA method of determining high and
low water heights, time intervals, and ranges from an
arithmetic mean without adjustment to a long-term series
through comparison of simultaneous observations.
float wellA stilling well in which the float of a
float-actuated water level gauge operates. See stilling well.
flood axisThe average set of the tidal current at
strength of flood.
flood current (flood)The movement of a tidal cur-
rent toward the shore or up a tidal river or estuary. In the
mixed type of reversing current, the terms greater flood and
lesser flood are applied respectively to the two flood
currents of greater and lesser speed of each day. The
expression maximum flood is applicable to any flood
current at the time of greatest speed. See flood strength.
flood intervalThe interval between the transit of the
Moon over the meridian of a place and the time of the
following flood strength.
flood strength (strength of flood)Phase of the flood
tidal current at the time of maximum speed. Also, the speed
at this time. See strength of current.
Florida CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting northward along the south-east coast of the United
States. A segment of the Gulf Stream System, the Florida
Current extends from the Straits of Florida to the region off
Cape Hatteras.
flowThe British equivalent of the United States total
current. Flow is the combination of tidal stream and current.
flushing timeThe time required to remove or reduce
(to a permissible concentration) any dissolved or suspended
contaminant in an estuary or harbor.
forced waveA wave generated and maintained by a
continuous force.
fortnightThe time elasped between the new and full
moons. Half a synodical month or 14.765,294 days. See
synodical month.
Fourier seriesA series proposed by the French
mathematician Fourier about the year 1807. The series
involves the sines and cosines of whole multiples of a
varying angle and is usually written in the following form:
B 12 3 1 2
y =A + A sin x + A sin 2x + A sin 3x + ... B cos x + B
cos 2x + B cos 3x + ...
By taking a sufficient number of terms the series may be
assumed to represent any periodic function of x.
free waveA wave that continues to exist after the
generating force has ceased to act. See gravity wave.
gageSee tide (water level) gauge.
GalofaroA whirlpool in the Strait of Messina; at one
time called Charybdis.
gas purged pressure gaugeA type of water level
gauge in which gas, usually nitrogen, is emitted from a
submerged orifice at a constant rate. Fluctuations in
hydrostatic pressure due to changes in water level modify
the recorded emission rate. Same as bubbler tide (water
level) gauge.
gaugeSee tide (water level) gauge.
geodetic datumSee National Geodetic Vertical
Datum of 1929 (NGVD 1929) and North American Vertical
Datum of 1988 (NAVD 1988).
geopotentialThe unit of geopotential difference,
equal to the gravity potential of 1 meter squared per second
squared, m / s , or 1 joule per kilogram, J / kg.
geopotential anomaly ()D)The excess in geopoten-
tial difference over the standard geopotential difference [at
a standard specific volume at 35 parts per thousand (‰) and
0 degrees C] between isobaric surfaces. See geopotential
and geopotential topography.
)D = I *dp
where p is the pressure and *, the specific volume anomaly.
P and P are the pressures at the two surfaces.
geopotential differenceThe work per unit mass
gained or required in moving a unit mass vertically from
one geopotential surface to another. See geopotential,
geopotential anomaly, and geopotential topography.
geopotential (equipotential) surfaceA surface that
is everywhere normal to the acceleration of gravity.
geopotential topographyThe topography of an
equiscalar (usually isobaric) surface in terms of geopotential
difference. As depicted on maps, isopleths are formed by
the intersection of the isobaric surface with a series of
geopotential surfaces. Thus, the field of isopleths represents
variations in the geopotential anomaly of the isobaric
surface above a chosen reference isobaric surface (such as
a level of no motion).
geostrophic flowA solution of the relative hydro-
dynamic equations of motion in which it is assumed that the
horizontal component of the Coriolis force is balanced by
the horizontal component of the pressure gradient force.
gradient flowA solution of the relative hydrody-
namic equations of motion in which only the horizontal
Coriolis, pressure gradient, and centrifugal forces are
gravitational tideSame as equilibrium tide.
gravity waveA wave for which the restoring force is
great diurnal range (Gt)The difference in height
between mean higher high water and mean lower low water.
The expression may also be used in its contracted form,
diurnal range.
great tropic range (Gc)—The difference in height
between tropic higher high water and tropic lower low
water. The expression may also be used in its contracted
form, tropic range.
Greenwich argument—Equilibrium argument com-
puted for the meridian of Greenwich.
Greenwich epochSee epoch (1).
Greenwich intervalAn interval referred to the
transit of the Moon over the meridian of Greenwich, as
distinguished from the local interval which is referred to the
Moon's transit over the local meridian. The relation in hours
between Greenwich and local intervals may be expressed by
the formula:
Greenwich interval = local interval + 0.069L
where L is the west longitude of the local meridian in
degrees. For east longitude, L is to be considered negative.
Gregorian calendarThe modern calendar in which
every year divisible by 4 (excepting century years) and
every century year divisible by 400 are bissextile (or leap)
years with 366 days. All other years are common years with
365 days. The average length of this year is, therefore,
365.242,5 days which agrees very closely with the length of
the tropical year (the period of changes in seasons). The
Gregorian calendar was introduced by Pope Gregory in
1582, and immediately adopted by the Catholic countries in
place of the Julian calendar previously in use. In making the
change it was ordered that the day following October 4,
1582, of the Julian calendar be designated October 15,
1582, of the Gregorian calendar; the 10 days being dropped
in order that the vernal equinox would fall on March 21.
The Gregorian calendar was not adopted by England until
1752, but is now in general use throughout the world.
Guiana CurrentAn Atlantic Ocean current setting
northwestward along the north-east coast of South America.
Guinea CurrentAn Atlantic Ocean current setting
eastward along the west central coast of Africa. A
continuation of the Equatorial Counter Current of the
Atlantic Ocean.
gulder—Local name given to the double low water
occurring on the south coast of England. See double tide.
Gulf Coast Low Water Datum (GCLWD)A tidal
datum. Used as chart datum from November 14, 1977, to
November 27, 1980, for the coastal waters of the Gulf coast
of the United States. GCLWD is defined as mean lower low
water when the type of tide is mixed and mean low water
(now mean lower low water) when the type of tide is
diurnal. See National Tidal Datum Convention of 1980.
Gulf Coast Low Water Datum lineThe line on a
chart or map which represents the intersection of the land
with the water surface at the elevation of Gulf Coast Low
Water Datum.
Gulf StreamA North Atlantic Ocean current setting
northeastward off the east coast of the United States. A
segment of the Gulf Stream System, the Gulf Stream
extends from the region off Cape Hatteras to an area
southeast of the Grand Banks at about latitude 40° north,
longitude 50° west. It continues the flow of the Florida
Current to the North Atlantic Current.
Gulf Stream SystemThe continuous current system
composed of the Florida Current, Gulf Stream, and North
Atlantic Current.
hRate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
longitude of the Sun.
h = 0.041,068,64° per solar hour.
half-tide levelSame as mean tide level.
haloclineA layer in which the salinity changes
significantly (relative to the layers above and below) with
harmonic analysisThe mathematical process by
which the observed tide or tidal current at any place is
separated into basic harmonic constituents.
harmonic analyzerA machine designed for the res-
olution of a periodic curve into its harmonic constituents.
Now performed by electronic digital computer.
harmonic constantsThe amplitudes and epochs of
the harmonic constituents of the tide or tidal current at any
harmonic constituentSee constituent.
harmonic functionIn its simplest form, a quantity
that varies as the cosine of an angle that increases
uniformly with time. It may be expressed by the formula:
y = A cos at
in which y is a function of time (t), A is a constant
coefficient, and a is the rate of change in the angle at.
harmonic predictionMethod of predicting tides and
tidal currents by combining the harmonic constituents into
a single tide curve. The work is usually performed by
electronic digital computer.
harmonic reductionSame as harmonic analysis.
harmonic tide planeSame as Indian spring low
headThe difference in water level at either end of a
strait, channel, inlet, etc.
head of tideThe inland or upstream limit of water
affected by the tide. For practical application in the
tabulation for computation of tidal datums, head of tide is
the inland or upstream point where the mean range becomes
less than 0.2 foot. Tidal datums (except for mean water
level) are not computed beyond head of tide.
high tideSame as high water.
high water (HW)The maximum height reached by
a rising tide. The high water is due to the periodic tidal
forces and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions. For tidal datum computational
purposes, the maximum height is not considered a high
water unless it contains a tidal high water.
high water, full and change (HWF&C)Same as
establishment of the port.
high water inequalitySee diurnal inequality.
high water interval (HWI)See lunitidal interval.
high water lineThe intersection of the land with the
water surface at an elevation of high water.
high water markA line or mark left upon tide flats,
beach, or along shore objects indicating the elevation of the
intrusion of high water. The mark may be a line of oil or
scum on along shore objects, or a more or less continuous
deposit of fine shell or debris on the foreshore or berm.
This mark is physical evidence of the general height
reached by wave run up at recent high waters. It should not
be confused with the mean high water line or mean higher
high water line.
higher high water (HHW)The highest of the high
waters (or single high water) of any specified tidal day due
to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun.
higher low water (HLW)The highest of the low
waters of any specified tidal day due to the declinational
effects of the Moon and Sun.
Humboldt CurrentSame as Peru Current.
hydraulic currentA current in a channel caused by
a difference in the surface elevation at the two ends. Such a
current may be expected in a strait connecting two bodies of
water in which the tides differ in time or range. The current
in the East River, New York, connecting Long Island Sound
and New York Harbor, is an example.
hydrographic datumA datum used for referencing
depths of water and the heights of predicted tides or water
level observations. Same as chart datum. See datum.
incremental shaft encoderA component of a water
level gauge for converting length to a shaft angle on a
rotating disk. The position of the rotating disk is determined
by single or dual optical or magnetic sensors to provide an
electrical output. No electro-mechanical components or
gears are used, so extremely low torque is required to move
the float wheel, wire, and float mechanism.
Indian spring low waterA datum originated by
Professor G. H. Darwin when investigating the tides of
India. It is an elevation depressed below mean sea level by
an amount equal to the sum of the amplitudes of he
22 1 1
harmonic constituents M , S , K , and O .
Indian tide planeSame as Indian spring low water.
inequalityA systematic departure from the mean
value of a tidal quantity. See diurnal inequality, parallax
inequality, and phase inequality.
inertial flowA solution of the relative hydrodynamic
equations of motion in which only the horizontal component
of the Coriolis and centrifugal forces are balanced. This
anticyclonic flow results from a sudden application and
release of a driving force which then allows the system to
continue on under its own momentum without further
interference. The period of rotation is 2B / 2S sin ø, where
S = 0.729,211 x 10 radians s and ø = latitude.
-4 -1
internal tideA tidal wave propagating along a sharp
density discontinuity, such as a thermocline, or in an area of
gradually changing (vertically) density.
International Great Lakes Datum (1985) [IGLD
1985]Mean water level at Rimouski/Pointe-au-Pere,
Quebec, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence over the period 1970
through 1988, from which geopotential elevations
(geopotential differences) throughout the Great Lakes
region are measured. The term is often used to mean the
entire system of geopotential elevations rather than just the
referenced water level. See low water datum (1).
International Hydrographic Organization (formerly
Bureau)An institution consisting of representatives of a
number of nations organized for the purpose of coordinating
the hydrographic work of the participating governments. It
had its origin in the International Hydrographic Conference
in London in 1919. It has permanent headquarters in the
Principality of Monaco and is supported by funds provided
by the member nations. Its principal publications include
the Hydrographic Review and special publications on
technical subjects.
intertidal zone(technical definition) The zone be-
tween the mean higher high water and mean lower low
water lines.
intervalSee lunitidal interval and lunicurrent inter-
inverse barometer effectThe inverse response of
sea level to changes in atmospheric pressure. A static
reduction of 1.005 mb in atmospheric pressure will cause
a stationary rise of 1 cm in sea level.
Irminger CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting westward off the south-west coast of Iceland.
isanostereAn isopleth of either specific volume
anomaly or thermosteric anomaly.
isobarAn isopleth of pressure.
isobaric surfaceA surface of constant or uniform
isohalineAn isopleth of salinity. Constant or uni-
form in salinity.
isoplethA line of constant or uniform value of a
given quantity. See isanostere, isobar, isohaline, isopycnic,
and isotherm.
isopycnicAn isopleth of density. Constant or uni-
form in density.
isothermAn isopleth of temperature.
J Smaller lunar elliptic diurnal constituent. This
constituent, with M , modulates the amplitudes of the
declinational K , for the effect of the Moon's elliptical orbit.
Speed = T + s + h - p = 15.585,443,3° per solar hour.
Japan CurrentSame as Kuroshio.
Julian calendarA calendar introduced by Julius
Caesar in the year 45 B.C., and slightly modified by
Augustus a few years later. This calendar provided that the
common year should consist of 365 days and that every
fourth year, now known as a bissextile or leap year, should
contain 366 days, making the average length of the year
365.25 days. It differs from the modern or Gregorian
calendar in having every fourth year a leap year, while in
the modern calendar century years not divisible by 400 are
common years. See Gregorian calendar.
Julian dateTechnique for the identification of suc-
cessive days of the year when monthly notation is not
desired. This is especially applicable in computer data
processing and acquisition where indexing is necessary.
K Lunisolar diurnal constituent. This constituent,
with O , expresses the effect of the Moon's declination.
They account for diurnal inequality and, at extremes,
diurnal tides. W ith P , it expresses the effect of the Sun's
Speed = T + h = 15.041,068,6° per solar hour.
K Lunisolar semi diurnal constituent. This con-
stituent modulates the amplitude and frequency of M and
S for the declinational effect of the Moon and Sun,
Speed = 2T + 2h = 30.082,137,3° per solar hour.
kappa (6)—Name of Greek letter used as the symbol
for a constituent phase lag or epoch when referred to the
local equilibrium argument and frequently taken to mean the
same as local epoch. See epoch (1).
kappa prime (6t)— Name of Greek letter (with prime
mark) used as the symbol for a constituent phase lag or
epoch when the Greenwich equilibrium argument (G) has
been modified to a particular time meridian. Same as g. See
kappa (6) and epoch (1).
knotA speed unit of 1 international nautical mile
(1,852.0 meters or 6,076.115,49 international feet) per hour.
Kuroshio"Black Stream" in Japanese. A North
Pacific Ocean current setting northeastward off the east
coast of Taiwan and Japan from Taiwan to about latitude
35° north.
Kuroshio ExtensionA North Pacific Ocean current
setting eastward from about longitude 145° east to about
160° east. It continues the flow of the Kuroshio to the North
Pacific Current.
Kuroshio SystemThe current system composed of
the Kuroshio, Tsushima Current, Kuroshio Extension, and
North Pacific Current.
L Smaller lunar elliptic semi diurnal constituent.
This constituent, with N , modulates the amplitude and
frequency of M for the effect of variation in the Moon's
orbital speed due to its elliptical orbit.
Speed = 2T – s + 2h – p = 29.528,478,9° per solar hour.
Labrador CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting southeastward along the east coasts of Baffin Island,
Labrador, and Newfoundland.
lagging of tide—The periodic retardation in the time
of occurrence of high and low water due to changes in the
relative positions of the Moon and Sun.
Lagrangian measurementObservation of a current
with a device moving with the current.
lambda (8 )Smaller lunar evectional constituent.
22 2
This constituent, with < , : , and (S ), modulates the
amplitude and frequency of M for the effects of variation
in solar attraction of the Moon. This attraction results in a
slight pear-shaped lunar ellipse and a difference in lunar
orbital speed between motion toward and away from the
Sun. Although (S ) has the same speed as S , its amplitude
is extremely small.
Speed = 2T – s + p = 29.455,625,3° per solar hour.
latitudeThe angular distance between a terrestrial
position and the equator measured northward or southward
from the equator along a meridian of longitude.
leap yearA calendar year containing 366 days.
According to the present Gregorian calendar, all years with
the date-number divisible by 4 are leap years, except
century years. The latter are leap years when the
date-number is divisible by 400.
level of no motionA level (or layer) at which it is
assumed that an isobaric surface coincides with a
geopotential surface. A level (or layer) at which there is no
horizontal pressure gradient force.
level surfaceSee geopotential surface as preferred
littoral currentA current in the littoral zone such as
a long shore or rip current.
littoral zoneIn coastal engineering, the area from
the shoreline to just beyond the breaker zone. In biological
oceanography, it is that part of the benthic division
extending from the high water line out to a depth of about
200 meters. The littoral system is divided into a eulittoral
and sublittoral zone, separated at a depth of about 50
meters. Also, frequently used interchangeably with
intertidal zone.
local epochSee kappa (6) and epoch (1).
local timeTime in which noon is defined by the
transit of the Sun over the local meridian as distinguished
from standard time which is based upon the transit of the
Sun over a standard meridian. Local time may be either
mean or apparent, according to whether reference is to the
mean or actual Sun. Local time was in general use in the
United States until 1883, when standard time was adopted.
The use of local time in other parts of the world has also
been practically abandoned in favor of the more convenient
standard time.
log lineA graduated line used to measure the speed
of a vessel through the water or to measure the velocity of
the current from a vessel at anchor. See current line.
long period constituentA tidal or tidal current
constituent with a period that is independent of the rotation
of the Earth but which depends upon the orbital movement
of the Moon or the Earth. The principal lunar long period
constituents have periods approximating a month and half
a month, and the principal solar long period constituents
have periods approximating a year and half a year.
long period waves (long waves)Forced or free
waves whose lengths are much longer than the water depth.
See tidal wave and tsunami.
longitudeAngular distance along a great circle of
reference reckoned from an accepted origin to the
projection of any point on that circle. Longitude on the
Earth's surface is measured on the Equator east and west of
the meridian of Greenwich and may be expressed either in
degrees or in hours, the hour being taken as the equivalent
of 15° of longitude. Celestial longitude is measured in the
ecliptic eastward from the vernal equinox. The mean
longitude of a celestial body moving in an orbit is the
longitude that would be attained by a point moving
uniformly in the circle of reference at the same average
angular velocity as that of the body, with the initial position
of the point so taken that its longitude would be the same as
that of the body at a certain specified position in its orbit.
With a common initial point, the mean longitude of a body
will be the same in whatever circle it may be reckoned.
longshore currentA current paralleling the shore
largely within the surf zone. It is caused by the excess water
brought to the zone by the small net mass transport of wind
waves. Long shore currents feed into rip currents. See
progressive wave.
loop of stationary waveThat portion of the os-
cillating area where the vertical movement is greatest.
Loop CurrentA current setting clockwise in the
Gulf of Mexico. It enters through the Yucatan Channel from
the Caribbean Sea and leaves through the Straits of Florida.
low tideSame as low water.
low water (LW)The minimum height reached by a
falling tide. The low water is due to the periodic tidal forces
and the effects of meteorological, hydrologic, and/or
oceanographic conditions. For tidal datum computational
purposes, the minimum height is not considered a low water
unless it contains a tidal low water.
low water datum (LWD)(1) The geopotential
elevation (geopotential difference) for each of the Great
Lakes and Lake St. Clair and the corresponding sloping
surfaces of the St. Marys, St. Clair, Detroit, Niagara, and St.
Lawrence Rivers to which are referred the depths shown on
the navigational charts and the authorized depths for
navigation improvement projects. Elevations of these planes
are referred to IGLD 1985 and are Lake Superior—183.2
meters, Lakes Michigan and Huron—176.0 meters, Lake St.
Clair—174.4 meters, Lake Erie—173.5 meters, and Lake
Ontario—74.2 meters. (2) An approximation of mean low
water that has been adopted as a standard reference for a
limited area and is retained for an indefinite period
regardless of the fact that it may differ slightly from a better
determination of mean low water from a subsequent series
of observations. Used primarily for river and harbor
engineering purposes. Boston low water datum is an
low water equinoctial springsLow water springs
near the times of the equinoxes. Expressed in terms of the
harmonic constants, it is an elevation depressed below mean
sea level by an amount equal to the sum of the amplitudes
22 2
of the constituents M , S , and K .
low water inequalitySee diurnal inequality.
low water interval (LWI)See lunitidal interval.
low water lineThe intersection of the land with the
water surface at an elevation of low water.
lower high water (LHW)The lowest of the high
waters of any specified tidal day due to the declinational
effects of the Moon and Sun.
lower low water (LLW)—The lowest of the low
waters (or single low water) of any specified tidal day due
to the declinational effects of the Moon and Sun.
lower low water datum (LLWD)An approximation
of mean lower low water that has been adopted as a
standard reference for a limited area and is retained for an
indefinite period regardless of the fact that it may differ
slightly from a better determination of mean lower low
water from a subsequent series of observations. Used
primarily for river and harbor engineering purposes.
Columbia River lower low water datum is an example.
lowest astronomical tideAs defined by the
International Hydrographic Organization, the lowest tide
level that can be predicted to occur under average
meteorological conditions and under any combination of
astronomical conditions.
lunar cycleAn ambiguous expression which has
been applied to various cycles associated with the Moon's
motion. See Callippic cycle, Metonic cycle, node cycle, and
synodical month.
lunar dayThe time of the rotation of the Earth with
respect to the Moon, or the interval between two successive
upper transits of the Moon over the meridian of a place.
The mean lunar day is approximately 24.84 solar hours in
length, or 1.035 times as great as the mean solar day.
lunar intervalThe difference in time between the
transit of the Moon over the meridian of Greenwich and a
local meridian. The average value of this interval,
expressed in hours, is 0.069 L, where L is the local
longitude in degrees, positive for west longitude and
negative for east. The lunar interval equals the difference
between the local and Greenwich interval of a tide or
current phase.
lunar monthSame as synodical month.
lunar nodesThe points where the plane of the
Moon's orbit intersects the ecliptic. The point where the
Moon crosses in going from south to north is called the
ascending node and the point where the crossing is from
north to south is called the descending node. References are
usually made to the ascending node which, for brevity, may
be called the node.
lunar tideThat part of the tide on the Earth due
solely to the Moon as distinguished from that part due to
the Sun.
lunar timeTime based upon the rotation of the Earth
relative to the Moon. See lunar day.
lunation—Same as synodical month.
lunicurrent intervalThe interval between the
Moon's transit (upper or lower) over the local or Greenwich
meridian and a specified phase of the tidal current
following the transit. Examples are strength of flood
interval and strength of ebb interval, which may be
abbreviated to flood interval and ebb interval, respectively.
The interval is described as local or Greenwich according
to whether the reference is to the Moon's transit over the
local or Greenwich meridian. When not otherwise specified,
the reference is assumed to be local. For a and b markings,
see lunitidal interval.
lunisolar tides—Harmonic tidal constituents K , and
K , which are derived partly from the development of the
lunar tide and partly from the solar tide, the constituent
speeds being the same in both cases. Also, the lunisolar
synodic fortnightly constituent MSf.
lunitidal intervalThe interval between the Moon's
transit (upper or lower) over the local or Greenwich
meridian and the following high or low water. The average
of all high water intervals for all phases of the Moon is
known as mean high water lunitidal interval and is
abbreviated to high water interval (HWI). Similarly, mean
low water lunitidal interval is abbreviated to low water
interval (LWI). The interval is described as local or
Greenwich according to whether the reference is to the
transit over the local or Greenwich meridian. When not
otherwise specified, the reference is assumed to be local.
When there is considerable diurnal inequality in the tide,
separate intervals may be obtained for the higher high
waters, lower high waters, higher low waters, and lower low
waters. These are designated respectively as higher high
water interval (HHWI), lower high water interval (LHWI),
higher low water interval (HLWI), and lower low water
interval (LLWI). In such cases, and also when the tide is
diurnal, it is necessary to distinguish between the upper and
lower transit of the Moon with reference to its declination.
Intervals referred to the Moon's upper transit at the time of
its north declination or the lower transit at the time of south
declination are marked a. Intervals referred to the Moon's
lower transit at the time of its north declination or to the
upper transit at the time of south declination are marked b.
M Smaller lunar elliptic diurnal constituent. This
constituent, with J , modulates the amplitude of the
declinational K , for the effect of the Moon's elliptical orbit.
A slightly slower constituent, designated (M ), with Q ,
modulates the amplitude and frequency of the declinational
O , for the same effect.
Speed = T – s + h + p = 14.496,693,9° per solar hour.
M Principal lunar semidiurnal constituent. This
constituent represents the rotation of the Earth with respect
to the Moon.
Speed = 2T – 2s + 2h = 28.984,104,2° per solar hour.
M Lunar terdiurnal constituent. A shallow water
compound constituent. See shallow water constituent.
Speed = 3T – 3s + 3h = 43.476,156,3° per solar hour.
M, M, MShallow water overtides of the principal
lunar constituent. See shallow water constituent.
Speed of M = 2M = 4T – 4s + 4h = 57.968,208,4° per
solar hour.
Speed of M = 3M = 6T – 6s + 6h = 86.952,312,7° per
solar hour.
Speed of M = 4M = 8T 8s + 8h = 115.936,416,9° per
solar hour.
MaelstromFamous whirlpool off the coast of Nor-
way in the Lofoten Islands between Moskenesoy and
magnetic azimuthAzimuth reckoned from the
magnetic north or magnetic south. See magnetic direction.
magnetic declinationSame as variation.
magnetic directionDirection as indicated by a
magnetic compass after correction for deviation but without
correction for variation.
marigram—A graphic record of the rise and fall of
water level. The record is in the form of a curve in which
time is generally represented on the abscissa and the height
of the water level on the ordinate. See tide curve.
marine boundaryThe mean lower low water line
(MLLWL) when used as a boundary. Also, lines used as
boundaries seaward of and measured from (or points
thereon) the MLLWL. See coastal boundary.
mascaret—French for tidal bore.
mean current hour—Same as current hour.
mean diurnal tide level (MDTL)—A tidal datum.
The arithmetic mean of mean higher high water and mean
lower low water.
mean high water (MHW)A tidal datum. The aver-
age of all the high water heights observed over the National
Tidal Datum Epoch. For stations with shorter series,
comparison of simultaneous observations with a control
tide station is made in order to derive the equivalent datum
of the National Tidal Datum Epoch.
mean high water line (MHWL)The line on a chart
or map which represents the intersection of the land with
the water surface at the elevation of mean high water. See
mean higher high water (MHHW)A tidal datum.
The average of the higher high water height of each tidal
day observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. For
stations with shorter series, comparison of simultaneous
observations with a control tide station is made in order to
derive the equivalent datum of the National Tidal Datum
mean higher high water line (MHHWL)The line
on a chart or map which represents the intersection of the
land with the water surface at the elevation of mean higher
high water.
mean low water (MLW)A tidal datum. The aver-
age of all the low water heights observed over the National
Tidal Datum Epoch. For stations with shorter series,
comparison of simultaneous observations with a control
tide station is made in order to derive the equivalent datum
of the National Tidal Datum Epoch.
mean low water line (MLWL)The line on a chart
or map which represents the intersection of the land with
the water surface at the elevation of mean low water.
mean low water springs (MLWS)A tidal datum.
Frequently abbreviated spring low water. The arithmetic
mean of the low water heights occurring at the time of
spring tides observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch.
It is usually derived by taking an elevation depressed below
the half-tide level by an amount equal to one-half the spring
range of tide, necessary corrections being applied to reduce
the result to a mean value. This datum is used, to a
considerable extent, for hydrographic work outside of the
United States and is the level of reference for the Pacific
approaches to the Panama Canal.
mean lower low water (MLLW)A tidal datum. The
average of the lower low water height of each tidal day
observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. For stations
with shorter series, comparison of simultaneous
observations with a control tide station is made in order to
derive the equivalent datum of the National Tidal Datum
mean lower low water line (MLLWL)The line on
a chart or map which represents the intersection of the land
with the water surface at the elevation of mean lower low
mean range of tide (Mn)The difference in height
between mean high water and mean low water.
mean riseThe height of mean high water above the
elevation of chart datum.
mean rise interval (MRI)The average interval be-
tween the transit of the Moon and the middle of the period
of the rise of the tide. It may be computed by adding half
the duration of rise to the mean low water interval,
subtracting the semidiurnal tidal period of 12.42 hours when
greater than this amount. The mean rise interval may be
either local or Greenwich according to whether it is referred
to the local or Greenwich transit.
mean river levelA tidal datum. The average height
of the surface of a tidal river at any point for all stages of
the tide observed over the National Tidal Datum Epoch. It
is usually determined from hourly height readings. In rivers
subject to occasional freshets, the river level may undergo
wide variations and, for practical purposes, certain months
of the year may be excluded in the determination of the tidal
datum. For charting purposes, tidal datums for rivers are
usually based on observations during selected periods when
the river is at or near a low water stage.
mean sea level (MSL)A tidal datum. The arithmetic
mean of hourly heights observed over the National Tidal
Datum Epoch. Shorter series are specified in the name; e.g.,
monthly mean sea level and yearly mean sea level.
mean sunA fictitious sun which is assumed to move
in the celestial equator at a uniform speed corresponding to
the average angular speed of the real Sun in the ecliptic, the
mean sun being alternately in advance and behind the real
Sun. It is used as a reference for reckoning mean time, noon
of mean local time corresponding to the time of the transit
of the mean sun over the local meridian. See equation of
time and mean time.
mean tide level (MTL)A tidal datum. The
arithmetic mean of mean high water and mean low water.
Same as half-tide level.
mean timeTime based upon the hour angle of the
mean sun as distinguished from apparent time which is
based upon the position of the real Sun. The difference
between apparent and mean time is known as the equation
of time.
mean water level (MWL)A datum. The mean
surface elevation as determined by averaging the heights of
the water at equal intervals of time, usually hourly. Mean
water level is used in areas of little or no range in tide.
mean water level line (MWLL)The line on a chart
or map which represents the intersection of the land with
the water surface at the elevation of mean water level.
meteorological tidesTidal constituents having their
origin in the daily or seasonal variations in weather
conditions which may occur with some degree of pe-
riodicity. The principal meteorological constituents rec-
ognized in the tides are Sa, Ssa, and S . See storm surge.
Metonic cycleA period of almost 19 years or 235
lunations. Devised by Meton, an Athenian astronomer who
lived in the fifth century B.C., for the purpose of obtaining
a period in which new and full Moon would recur on the
same day of the year. Taking the Julian year of 365.25 days
and the synodical month as 29.530,588 days, we have the
l9-year period of 6,939.75 days as compared with the 235
lunations of 6,939.69 days, a difference of only 0.06 day.
MfLunar fortnightly constituent. This constituent
expresses the effect of departure from a sinusoidal
declinational motion.
Speed = 2s = 1.098,033,1° per solar hour.
midextreme tideAn elevation midway between ex-
treme high water and extreme low water occurring in any
mixed (current)Type of tidal current characterized
by a conspicuous diurnal inequality in the greater and lesser
flood strengths and/or greater and lesser ebb strengths. See
flood current and ebb current.
mixed (tide)Type of tide characterized by a con-
spicuous diurnal inequality in the higher high and lower
high waters and/or higher low and lower low waters. See
type of tide.
MmLunar monthly constituent. This constituent
expresses the effect of irregularities in the Moon's rate of
change of distance and speed in orbit.
Speed = s – p = 0.544,374,7° per solar hour.
modified epochSee kappa prime (6t) and epoch (1).
modified-range ratio methodA tidal datum
computation method. Generally used for the East Coast,
Gulf Coast, and Caribbean Island stations. Values needed
are mean tide level (MTL), mean diurnal tide level (DTL),
mean range of tide (MN), and great diurnal range (GT) as
determined by comparison with an appropriate control.
From those, the following are computed:
MLW = MTL - (0.5*MN)
MLLW = DTL - (0.5*GT)
Monsoon Current (Southwest Monsoon Cur-
rent)An Indian Ocean current setting in a generally
eastward to southeastward direction off India and Ceylon.
It replaces the North Equatorial Current, reversed by wind
stress of the south-west monsoons, in August and
monthThe period of the revolution of the Moon
around the Earth. The month is designated as siderial,
tropical, anomalistic, nodical, or synodical according to
whether the revolution is relative to a fixed star, vernal
equinox, perigee, ascending node, or Sun. The calendar
month is a rough approximation to the synodical month.
MSfLunisolar synodic fortnightly constituent.
Speed = 2s – 2h = 1.015,895,8° per solar hour.
mu (: )Variational constituent. See lambda.
Speed = 2T – 4s + 4h = 27.968,208,4° per solar hour.
multiple tide staffA succession of tide staffs on a
sloping shore so placed that the vertical graduations on the
several staffs will form a continuous scale referred to the
same datum.
NRate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
longitude of the Moon's node.
N = – 0.002,206,41° per solar hour.
N Larger lunar elliptic semi diurnal constituent. See
Speed = 2T – 3s + 2h + p = 28.439,729,5° per solar hour.
2N Lunar elliptic semi diurnal second-order con-
Speed = 2T – 4s + 2h + 2p = 27.895,354,8° per solar hour.
National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 [NGVD
1929]A fixed reference adopted as a standard geodetic
datum for elevations determined by leveling. The datum
was derived for surveys from a general adjustment of the
first-order leveling nets of both the United States and
Canada. In the adjustment, mean sea level was held fixed as
observed at 21 tide stations in the United States and 5 in
Canada. The year indicates the time of the general
adjustment. A synonym for Sea-level Datum of 1929. The
geodetic datum is fixed and does not take into account the
changing stands of sea level. Because there are many
variables affecting sea level, and because the geodetic
datum represents a best fit over a broad area, the
relationship between the geodetic datum and local mean sea
level is not consistent from one location to another in either
time or space. For this reason, the National Geodetic
Vertical Datum should not be confused with mean sea level.
See North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD
National Spatial Reference System (NSRS)—A
consistent national coordinate system that defines latitude,
longitude, height, scale, gravity, and orientation throughout
the nation, and how these values change with time. The
NSRS is developed and maintained by the National
Geodetic Survey using advanced geodetic,
photogrammetric, and remote sensing techniques.
National Tidal Datum Convention of 1980Effec-
tive November 28, 1980, the Convention: (1) establishes
one uniform, continuous tidal datum system for all marine
waters of the United States, its territories, Commonwealth
of Puerto Rico, and Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands,
for the first time in history; (2) provides a tidal datum
system independent of computations based on type of tide;
(3) lowers chart datum from mean low water to mean lower
low water along the Atlantic coast of the United States; (4)
updates the National Tidal Datum Epoch from 1941
through 1959, to 1960 through 1978; (5) changes the name
Gulf Coast Low Water Datum to mean lower low water; (6)
introduces the tidal datum of mean higher high water in
areas of predominantly diurnal tides; and (7) lowers mean
high water in areas of predominantly diurnal tides. See
chart datum.
National Tidal Datum EpochThe specific l9-year
period adopted by the National Ocean Service as the
official time segment over which tide observations are
taken and reduced to obtain mean values (e.g., mean lower
low water, etc.) for tidal datums. It is necessary for
standardization because of periodic and apparent secular
trends in sea level. The present National Tidal Datum
Epoch is 1960 through 1978. It is reviewed annually for
possible revision and must be actively considered for
revision every 25 years.
National Water Level Observation Network
(NWLON)The network of tide and water level stations
operated by the National Ocean Service along the marine
and Great Lakes coasts and islands of the United States.
The NWLON is composed of the primary and sec-
ondary control tide stations of the National Ocean Service.
This Network provides the basic tidal datums for coastal
and marine boundaries and for chart datum of the United
States. Tide observations at a secondary control tide station
or tertiary tide station are reduced to equivalent l9-year
tidal datums through comparison of simultaneous
observations with a primary control tide station. In addition
to hydrography, nautical charting, and delineation of
coastal and marine boundaries, the Network is used for
coastal processes and tectonic studies, tsunami and storm
surge warnings, and climate monitoring.
The National Water Level Observation Network also
includes stations operated throughout the Great Lakes
Basin. The network supports regulation, navigation and
charting, river and harbor improvement, power generation,
various scientific activities, and the adjustment for vertical
movement of the Earth's crust in the Great Lakes Basin.
neap rangeSee neap tides.
neap tides or tidal currentsTides of decreased
range or tidal currents of decreased speed occurring
semimonthly as the result of the Moon being in quadrature.
The neap range (Np) of the tide is the average range
occurring at the time of neap tides and is most conveniently
computed from the harmonic constants. It is smaller than the
mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or
mixed and is of no practical significance where the type of
tide is predominantly diurnal. The average height of the
high waters of the neap tide is called neap high water or
high water neaps (MHWN) and the average height of the
corresponding low waters is called neap low water or low
water neaps (MLWN).
Next Generation Water Level Measurement System
(NGWLM S)A fully integrated system encompassing new
technology sensors and recording equipment, multiple data
transmission options, and an integrated data processing,
analysis, and dissemination subsystem.
nodal lineA line in an oscillating body of water
along which there is a minimum or zero rise and fall of the
nodal pointThe zero tide point in an amphidromic
nodeSee lunar nodes.
node cyclePeriod of approximately 18.61 Julian
years required for the regression of the Moon's nodes to
complete a circuit of 360° of longitude. It is accompanied
by a corresponding cycle of changing inclination of the
Moon's orbit relative to the plane of the Earth's Equator,
with resulting inequalities in the rise and fall of the tide and
speed of the tidal current.
node factor (f)A factor depending upon the lon-
gitude of the Moon's node which, when applied to the mean
coefficient of a tidal constituent, will adapt the same to a
particular year for which predictions are to be made.
nodical monthAverage period of the revolution of
the Moon around the Earth with respect to the Moon's
ascending node. It is approximately 27.212,220 days in
nonharmonic constantsTidal constants such as
lunitidal intervals, ranges, and inequalities which may be
derived directly from high and low water observations
without regard to the harmonic constituents of the tide. Also
applicable to tidal currents.
nontidal currentSee current.
normal tideA nontechnical term synonymous with
tide; i.e., the rise and fall of the ocean due to the
gravitational interactions of the Sun, Moon, and Earth
alone. Use of this term is discouraged.
North American Vertical Datum of 1988 [NAVD
1988]—A fixed reference for elevations determined by
geodetic leveling. The datum was derived from a general
adjustment of the first-order terrestrial leveling nets of the
United States, Canada, and Mexico. In the adjustment, only
the height of the primary tidal bench mark, referenced to the
International Great Lakes Datum of 1985 (IGLD 1985)
local mean sea level height value, at Father Point,
Rimouski, Quebec, Canada was held fixed, thus providing
minimum constraint. NAVD 1988 and IGLD 1985 are not
identical. However, NAVD 1988 bench mark values are
given in Helmert orthometric height units while IGLD 1985
values are in dynamic heights. See International Great
Lakes Datum of 1985, National Geodetic Vertical Datum
of 1929, and geopotential difference.
North Atlantic Current—A North Atlantic Ocean
current setting northeastward from southeast of the Grand
Banks at about latitude 40° north, longitude 50° west, to the
British Isles. A segment of the Gulf Stream System, the
North Atlantic Current continues the flow of the Gulf
Stream to the Norwegian and Canary Currents.
North Cape CurrentAn Arctic Ocean current set-
ting eastward off the north coast of Scandinavia in the
Barrents Sea.
North Equatorial CurrentA current setting west-
ward in the North Atlantic and North Pacific Oceans and in
the Indian Ocean from about October to July. It occurs
immediately north of the Equatorial Counter Current.
North Pacific CurrentA North Pacific Ocean cur-
rent setting eastward from about 160° east to somewhat
beyond about 150° west. It continues the flow of the
Kuroshio Extension, sending branches to the south.
Norwegian CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean current
setting northeastward off the coast of Norway.
nu (< )Larger lunar evectional constituent. See
Speed = 2T – 3s + 4h – p = 28.512,583,1° per solar hour.
OLunar diurnal constituent. See K .
Speed = T 2s + h = 13.943,035,6° per solar hour.
obliquity factorA factor in an expression for a
constituent tide (or tidal current) involving the angle of the
inclination of the Moon's orbit to the plane of the Earth's
obliquity of the eclipticThe angle which the ecliptic
makes with the plane of the Earth's Equator. Its value is
approximately 23.45°.
obliquity of the Moon's orbitThe angle which the
Moon's orbit makes with the plane of the Earth's Equator.
Its value varies from 18.3° to 28.6°, depending upon the
longitude of the Moon's ascending node; the smaller value
corresponding to a longitude of 180° and the larger one, to
a longitude of 0°.
oceanographyOceanography is the science of all
aspects of the oceans, in spite of its etymology. The term,
oceanography, implies the interrelationships of the various
marine sciences of which it is composed. This connotation
has arisen through the historical development of marine
research in which it has been found that a true
understanding of the oceans is best achieved through
investigations based on the realization that water, its
organic and inorganic contents, motions, and boundaries
are mutually related and interdependent.
OO Lunar diurnal, second-order, constituent.
Speed = T + 2s + h = 16.139,101,7° per solar hour.
ordinaryWith respect to tides, the use of this
nontechnical word has, for the most part, been determined
to be synonymous with mean. Thus, ordinary high (low)
water is the equivalent of mean high (low) water. The use of
ordinary in tidal terms is discouraged.
orificeSee stilling well and protective well.
overfallsBreaking waves caused by the meeting of
currents or by waves moving against the current. See rip.
overtideA harmonic tidal (or tidal current) con-
stituent with a speed that is an exact multiple of the speed of
one of the fundamental constituents derived from the
development of the tide-producing force. The presence of
overtides is usually attributed to shallow water conditions.
The overtides usually considered in tidal work are the
harmonics of the principal lunar and solar semidiurnal
constituents M and S , and are designated by the symbols
M , M , M , S , S , etc. The magnitudes of these harmonics
relative to those of the fundamental constituents are usually
greater in the tidal current than in the tide.
OyashioA current setting southwestward along the
Siberian, Kamchatka, and Kuril Islands coasts in the Bering
Sea and North Pacific Ocean.
pRate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
longitude of lunar perigee.
p = 0.004,641,83° per solar hour.
p Rate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
longitude of solar perigee.
p = 0.000,001,96° per solar hour.
PSolar diurnal constituent. See K .
Speed = T – h = 14.958,931,4° per solar hour.
parallaxIn tidal work, the term refers to horizontal
parallax, which is the angle formed at the center of a
celestial body between a line to the center of the Earth and
a line tangent to the Earth's surface. Since the sine of a small
angle is approximately equal to the angle itself in radians,
it is usually taken in tidal work simply as the ratio of the
mean radius of the Earth to the distance of the tide-produc-
ing body. Since the parallax is a function of the distance of
a celestial body, the term is applied to tidal inequalities
arising from the changing distance of the tide-producing
parallax inequalityThe variation in the range of tide
or in the speed of a tidal current due to changes in the
distance of the Moon from the Earth. The range of tide and
speed of the current tend alternately to increase and
decrease as the Moon approaches its perigee and apogee,
respectively, the complete cycle being the anomalistic
month. There is a similar but relatively unimportant
inequality due to the Sun, the cycle being the anomalistic
year. The parallax has little direct effect upon the lunitidal
intervals but tends to modify the phase effect. When the
Moon is in perigee, the priming and lagging of the tide due
to the phase is diminished and when in apogee the priming
and lagging is increased.
parallax reductionA processing of observed high
and low waters to obtain quantities depending upon
changes in the distance of the Moon, such as perigean and
apogean ranges.
parallel plate intakeIntake of a stilling or protective
well with two parallel plates attached below. The plates are
typically three times the diameter of the well and are spaced
three inches apart. The plates are used to minimize
current-induced draw-down (Bernoulli effect) error in water
level measurements.
pelorusAn instrument formerly used on a vessel in
connection with a current line and current pole to obtain the
set of the current. In its simplest form, it was a disk about
8 inches in diameter and graduated clockwise for every
or 10° . It was mounted rigidly on the vessel, usually with
the 0° mark forward and the diameter through this mark
parallel with the keel. Bearings were then related to the
vessel's compass and converted to true.
perigean tides or tidal currentsTides of increased
range or tidal currents of increased speed occurring
monthly as the result of the Moon being in perigee. The
perigean range (Pn) of tide is the average range occurring
at the time of perigean tides and is most conveniently
computed from the harmonic constants. It is larger than the
mean range where the type of tide is either semidiurnal or
mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of
tide is predominantly diurnal.
perigeeThe point in the orbit of the Moon or a
man-made satellite nearest to the Earth. The point in the
orbit of a satellite nearest to its companion body.
perihelionThe point in the orbit of the Earth (or
other planet, etc.) nearest to the Sun.
periodInterval required for the completion of a
recurring event, such as the revolution of a celestial body or
the time between two consecutive like phases of the tide or
tidal current. A period may be expressed in angular
measure as 360°. The word also is used to express any
specified duration of time.
permanent currentA current that runs continuously
and is independent of tides and other temporary causes.
Permanent currents include the general surface circulation
of the oceans.
Peru CurrentA South Pacific Ocean current setting
northward along the west coast of South America. It has
sometimes been called the Humboldt Current because an
early record of its temperature was taken by the German
scientist Alexander von Humboldt in 1802. It has also been
called the Peruvian or Chilean Current. The name Corriente
de Peru was adopted by a resolution of the Ibero-American
Oceanographic Conference at its Madrid-Malaga meeting
in April 1935.
phase(1) Any recurring aspect of a periodic phe-
nomenon, such as new Moon, high water, flood strength,
etc. (2) A particular instant of a periodic function expressed
in angular measure and reckoned from the time of its
maximum value, the entire period of the function being
360°. The maximum and minimum of a harmonic
constituent have phase values of 0° and 180°, respectively.
phase inequalityVariations in the tides or tidal
currents due to changes in the phase of the Moon. At the
times of new and full Moon the tide-producing forces of the
Moon and Sun act in conjunction, causing the range of tide
and speed of the tidal current to be greater than the average,
the tides at these times being known as spring tides. At the
times of the quadratures of the Moon these forces are
opposed to each other, causing neap tides with diminished
range and current speed.
phase lagSame as epoch (1).
phase reductionA processing of observed high and
low waters to obtain quantities depending upon the phase of
the Moon, such as the spring and neap ranges of tide. At a
former time this process was known as second reduction.
Also applicable to tidal currents.
pororocaBrazilian for tidal bore.
PORTSPhysical Oceanographic R eal Time System.
A national system of current, water level, and other
oceanographical and meteorological sensors telemetering
data in real-time to central locations for storage, processing,
and dissemination. Available to pilots, mariners, the U.S.
Coast Guard, and other marine interests in voice or digital
form. First introduced in Tampa Bay.
potential, tide-producingTendency for particles on
the Earth to change their positions as a result of the
gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon, and
Earth. Although gravitational attraction varies inversely as
the square of the distance of the tide producing body, the
resulting potential varies inversely as the cube of the
predicting machineSee tide predicting machine.
pressure gaugeA water level gauge that is operated
by the change in pressure at the bottom of a body of water
due to the rise and fall of the water level. See gas purged
pressure gauge.
pressure gradient force, horizontalThe horizontal
component of the product of the specific volume and the
rate of decrease in pressure with distance.
pressure sensorA pressure transducer sensing de-
vice for water level measurement. A relative transducer is
vented to the atmosphere and pressure readings are made
relative to atmospheric pressure. An absolute transducer
measures the pressure at its location. The readings are then
corrected for barometric pressure taken at the surface.
primary control tide stationA tide station at which
continuous observations have been made over a minimum
of 19 years. Its purpose is to provide data for computing
accepted values of the harmonic and nonharmonic constants
essential to tide predictions and to the determination of tidal
datums for charting and for coastal and marine boundaries.
The data series from this station serves as a primary control
for the reduction of relatively short series from subordinate
tide stations through the method of comparison of
simultaneous observations and for monitoring long-period
sea level trends and variations. See tide station, secondary
control tide station, tertiary tide station, and subordinate
tide station (1).
primary tidal bench markSee bench mark.
prime meridianThe meridian of longitude which
passes through the original site of the Royal Observatory in
Greenwich, England and used as the origin of longitude.
Also known as the Greenwich Meridian.
priming of tide—The periodic acceleration in the time
of occurrence of high and low waters due to changes in the
relative positions of the Sun and Moon.
progressive waveA wave that advances in distance
along the sea surface or at some intermediate depth.
Although the wave form itself travels significant distances,
the water particles that make up the wave merely describe
circular (in relatively deep water) or elliptical (in relatively
shallow water) orbits. With high, steep, wind waves, a
small overlap in the orbital motion becomes significant.
This overlapping gives rise to a small net mass transport.
See long shore current and rip current. Progressive waves
can be internal, traveling along a sharp density
discontinuity, such as the thermocline, or in a layer of
gradually changing density (vertically).
protective wellA vertical pipe with a relatively large
opening (intake) in the bottom. It is used with the air
acoustic ranging sensor and electronic processing (filtering)
technique to minimize the nonlinear characteristics of the
stilling well. Its purpose is also to shield the sensing
element from physical damage and harsh environment.
Unlike a stilling well, damping of high frequency waves is
not a critical requirement. See stilling well.
pycnoclineA layer in which the density increases
significantly (relative to the layers above and below) with
Q Larger lunar elliptic diurnal constituent. See M .
Speed = T – 3s + h + p = 13.398,660,9° per solar hour.
2Q Lunar elliptic diurnal, second order, constituent.
Speed = T 4s + h + 2p = 12.854,286,2° per solar hour.
quadrature of MoonPosition of the Moon when its
longitude differs by 90° from the longitude of the Sun. The
corresponding phases are known as first quarter and last
R Smaller solar elliptic constituent. This constituent,
with T , modulates the amplitude and frequency of S for
the effect of variation in the Earth's orbital speed due to its
elliptical orbit.
Speed = 2T + h – p = 30.041,066,7° per solar hour.
raceA very rapid current through a comparatively
narrow channel.
radiational tidePeriodic variations in sea level
primarily related to meteorological changes such as the
semidaily (solar) cycle in barometric pressure, daily (solar)
land and sea breezes, and seasonal (annual) changes in
temperature. Other changes in sea level due to
meteorological changes that are random in phase are not
considered radiational tides.
range of tideThe difference in height between
consecutive high and low waters. The mean range is the
difference in height between mean high water and mean low
water. The great diurnal range or diurnal range is the
difference in height between mean higher high water and
mean lower low water. For other ranges see spring, neap,
perigean, apogean, and tropic tides; and tropic ranges.
real-timePertains to a data collecting system that
monitors an on-going process and disseminates measured
values before they are expected to have changed
rectilinear currentSame as reversing current.
red tide (water)The term applied to toxic algal
blooms caused by several genera of dinoflagellates
(Gymnodinium and Gonyaulax) which turn the sea red and
are frequently associated with a deterioration in water
quality. The color occurs as a result of the reaction of a red
pigment, peridinin, to light during photosynthesis. These
toxic algal blooms pose a serious threat to marine life and
are potentially harmful to humans. The term has no
connection with astronomic tides. However, its association
with the word "tide" is from popular observations of its
movements with tidal currents in estuarine waters.
reduction factor (F)Reciprocal of node factor (f).
reduction of tides or tidal currentsA processing of
observed tide or tidal current data to obtain mean values for
tidal or tidal current constants.
reference stationA tide or current station for which
independent daily predictions are given in the "Tide Tables"
and "Tidal Current Tables," and from which corresponding
predictions are obtained for subordinate stations by means
of differences and ratios. See subordinate tide station (2)
and subordinate current station (2).
relative mean sea level changeA local change in
mean sea level relative to a network of bench marks
established in the most stable and permanent material
available (bedrock, if possible) on the land adjacent to the
tide station location. A change in relative mean sea level
may be composed of both an absolute mean sea level
change component and a vertical land movement change
residual currentThe observed current minus the
astronomical tidal current.
response analysisFor any linear system, an input
function X (t) and an output function X (t) can be related
according to the formula:
X (t) = I X (t – J)W(J)dJ + noise(t)
where W(J) is the impulse response of the system and its
Fourier transform:
Z(f) = I W (J)e = R(f)e
4 -2BifJ iN(f)
is the system's admittance (coherent output/input) at
frequency f. In practice, the integrals are replaced by
summations; X , W, and Z are generally complex. The
discrete set of W values are termed response weights; X (t)
is ordinarily an observed tidal time series and X (t) the tide
potential or the tide at some nearby place. A future
prediction can be prepared by applying the weights to an
appropriate X (t) series. In general:
* Z * = R(f) and Tan(Z) = N(f)
measure the relative magnification and phase lead of the
station at frequency f.
reversing currentA tidal current which flows al-
ternately in approximately opposite directions with a slack
water at each reversal of direction. Currents of this type
usually occur in rivers and straits where the direction of
flow is more or less restricted to certain channels. When the
movement is towards the shore or up a stream, the current
is said to be flooding, and when in the opposite direction,
it is said to be ebbing. The combined flood and ebb
movement (including the slack water) covers, on an
average, 12.42 hours for a semidiurnal current. If
unaffected by a nontidal flow, the flood and ebb
movements will each last about 6 hours, but when
combined with such a flow, the durations of flood and ebb
may be quite different. During the flow in each direction
the speed of the current will vary from zero at the time of
slack water to a maximum about midway between the
reversing fallsA name applied to falls which flow
alternately in opposite directions in a narrow channel in the
St. John River above the city of St. John, New Brunswick,
Canada, the phenomenon being due to the large range of
tide and a constriction in the river. The direction of flow is
upstream or downstream according to whether it is high or
low water on the outside, the falls disappearing at the
half-tide level.
rho (D )—Larger lunar evectional diurnal constituent.
Speed = T 3s + 3h – p = 13.471,514,5° per solar hour.
ripAgitation of water caused by the meeting of
currents or by a rapid current setting over an irregular
bottom. Termed tide rip when a tidal current is involved.
See overfalls.
rip currentA narrow intense current setting seaward
through the surf zone. It removes the excess water brought
to the zone by the small net mass transport of waves. It is
fed by longshore currents. Rip currents usually occur at
points, groins, jetties, etc., of irregular beaches, and at
regular intervals along straight, uninterrupted beaches.
river currentThe gravity-induced seaward flow of
fresh water originating from the drainage basin of a river.
In the fresh water portion of the river below head of tide,
the river current is alternately increased and decreased by
the effect of the tidal current. After entering a tidal estuary,
river current is the depth-averaged mean flow through any
cross-section. See head of tide and estuary.
river estuarySee estuary.
rotary currentA tidal current that flows continually
with the direction of flow changing through all points of the
compass during the tidal period. Rotary currents are usually
found offshore where the direction of flow is not restricted
by any barriers. The tendency for the rotation in direction
has its origin in the Coriolis force and, unless modified by
local conditions, the change is clockwise in the Northern
Hemisphere and counterclockwise in the Southern. The
speed of the current usually varies throughout the tidal
cycle, passing through the two maxima in approximately
opposite directions and the two minima with the direction
of the current at approximately 90° from the directions of
the maxima.
sRate of change (as of January 1, 1900) in mean
longitude of Moon.
s = 0.549,016,53° per solar hour.
S Solar diurnal constituent.
Speed = T = 15.000,000,0° per solar hour.
S Principal solar semidiurnal constituent. This
constituent represents the rotation of the Earth with respect
to the Sun.
Speed = 2T = 30.000,000,0° per solar hour.
S, SShallow water overtides of the principal solar
Speed of S = 2S = 4T = 60.000,000,0° per solar hour.
Speed of S = 3S = 6T = 90.000,000,0° per solar hour.
SaSolar annual constituent. This constituent, with
Ssa, accounts for the nonuniform changes in the Sun's
declination and distance. In actuality, they mostly reflect
yearly meteorological variations influencing sea level.
Speed = h = 0.041,068,64° per solar hour.
SsaSolar semiannual constituent. See Sa.
Speed = 2h = 0.082,137,3° per solar hour.
salinity (S)The total amount of solid material in
grams contained in 1 kilogram of sea water when all the
carbonate has been converted to oxide, the bromine and
iodine replaced by chlorine, and all organic matter
completely oxidized. The following is approximate.
S(‰) = 1.806,55 x Cl (‰)
Where Cl(‰) is chlorinity in parts per thousand. See
Sargasso SeaThe west central region of the sub-
tropical gyre of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is bounded by
the North Atlantic, Canary, North Equatorial, and Antilles
Currents, and the Gulf Stream. It is characterized by the
absence of any well-marked currents and by large quantities
of drifting Sargassum, or gulfweed.
Saros—A period of 223 synodic months corresponding
approximately to 19 eclipse years or 18.03 Julian years, and
is a cycle in which solar and lunar eclipses repeat
themselves under approximately the same conditions.
sea level datum (SLD)An obsolete term. See Na-
tional Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 and mean sea level.
second reductionSame as phase reduction.
secondary control tide stationA tide station at
which continuous observations have been made over a
minimum period of 1 year but less than 19 years. The series
is reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations
from a primary control tide station. This station provides
for a 365-day harmonic analysis including the seasonal
fluctuation of sea level. See tide station, primary control
tide station, tertiary tide station, and subordinate tide
station (1).
secular trendSee apparent secular trend as preferred
seicheA stationary wave usually caused by strong
winds and/or changes in barometric pressure. It is found in
lakes, semi-enclosed bodies of water, and in areas of the
open ocean. The period of a seiche in an enclosed
rectangular body of water is usually represented by the
Period (T) = 2L / %gd
in which L is the length, d the average depth of the body of
water, and g the acceleration of gravity. See standing wave.
seismic sea waveSame as tsunami.
semidiurnalHaving a period or cycle of approxi-
mately one-half of a tidal day. The predominant type of tide
throughout the world is semidiurnal, with two high waters
and two low waters each tidal day. The tidal current is said
to be semidiurnal when there are two flood and two ebb
periods each day. A semidiurnal constituent has two
maxima and two minima each constituent day, and its
symbol is the subscript 2. See type of tide.
sequence of currentThe order of occurrence of the
four tidal current strengths of a day, with special reference
as to whether the greater flood immediately precedes or
follows the greater ebb.
sequence of tideThe order in which the four tides of
a day occur, with special reference as to whether the higher
high water immediately precedes or follows the lower low
set (of current)The direction towards which the
current flows.
shallow water constituentA short-period harmonic
term introduced into the formula of tidal (or tidal current)
constituents to account for the change in the form of a tide
wave resulting from shallow water conditions. Shallow
water constituents include the overtides and compound
shallow water waveA wave is classified as a shal-
low water wave whenever the ratio of the depth (the
vertical distance of the still water level from the bottom) to
the wave length (the horizontal distance between crests) is
less than 0.04. Such waves propagate according to the
C = %gd
where C is the wave speed, g the acceleration of gravity,
and d the depth. Tidal waves are shallow water waves.
shearA quasi-horizontal layer moving at a different
velocity relative to the layer directly below and/or above.
shoreline (coastline)The intersection of the land
with the water surface. The shoreline shown on charts
represents the line of contact between the land and a
selected water elevation. In areas affected by tidal
fluctuations, this line of contact is the mean high water line.
In confined coastal waters of diminished tidal influence, the
mean water level line may be used. See coast line.
sidereal dayThe time of the rotation of the Earth
with respect to the vernal equinox. It equals approximately
0.997,27 of a mean solar day. Because of the precession of
the equinoxes, the sidereal day thus defined is slightly less
than the period of rotation with respect to the fixed stars,
but the difference is less than a hundredth part of a second.
sidereal monthAverage period of the revolution of
the Moon around the Earth with respect to a fixed star,
equal to 27.321,661 mean solar days.
sidereal timeThis is usually defined by astronomers
as the hour angle of the vernal equinox. The sidereal day is
the interval between two successive upper transits of the
vernal equinox. It is to be noted that when applied to the
month and year the word sidereal has reference to motion
with respect to the fixed stars, while the word tropical is
used for motion with respect to the vernal equinox. Because
of the precession of the equinox there is a slight difference.
sidereal yearAverage period of the revolution of the
Earth around the Sun with respect to a fixed star. Its length
is approximately 365.256,4 mean solar days.
sigma-t (F )—An expression of density as a function of
temperature and salinity (at atmospheric pressure) in a
convenient numerical form. See density.
t s,t,p
F = (D – 1)1,000
sigma-zero (F )—An expression of density as a func-
tion of salinity (at atmospheric pressure and 0°C) in a
convenient numerical form. See density.
o s,t,o
F = (D – 1)1,000
slack; ebb begins (slack before ebb)The slack wa-
ter immediately preceding the ebb current.
slack; flood begins (slack before flood)The slack
water immediately preceding the flood current.
slack water (slack)The state of a tidal current when
its speed is near zero, especially the moment when a
reversing current changes direction and its speed is zero.
The term also is applied to the entire period of low speed
near the time of turning of the current when it is too weak to
be of any practical importance in navigation. The relation of
the time of slack water to the tidal phases varies in different
localities. For a perfect standing tidal wave, slack water
occurs at the time of high and of low water, while for a
perfect progressive tidal wave, slack water occurs midway
between high and low water. See slack; ebb begins and
slack; flood begins.
small diurnal range (Sl)Difference in height be-
tween mean lower high water and mean higher low water.
small tropic range (Sc)Difference in height be-
tween tropic lower high water and tropic higher low water.
solar dayThe period of the rotation of the Earth
with respect to the Sun. The mean solar day is the time of
the rotation with respect to the mean Sun. The solar day
commencing at midnight is called a civil or calendar day,
but if the day is reckoned from noon it is known as an
astronomical day because of its former use in astronomical
solar tide(1) The part of the tide that is due to the
tide-producing force of the Sun. (2) The observed tide in
areas where the solar tide is dominant. This condition
provides for phase repetition at about the same time each
solar day.
solar timeTime measured by the hour angle of the
Sun. It is called apparent time when referred to the actual
Sun and mean time when referred to the mean Sun. It is
also classified as local, standard, or Greenwich according
to whether it is reckoned from the local, standard, or
Greenwich meridian.
solitary waveA wave of translation consisting of a
single crest rising above the undisturbed water level
without any accompanying trough. The rate of advance of
a solitary wave depends upon the depth of the water and is
usually expressed by the formula:
C = %g(d + h)
in which C = rate of advance, g = acceleration of gravity, d
= depth of water, and h = height of wave, the depth and
height being measured from the undisturbed water level.
solsticesThe two points in the ecliptic where the Sun
reaches its maximum and minimum declinations; also the
times when the Sun reaches these points. The maximum
north declination occurs on or near June 21, marking the
beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere and the
beginning of winter in the Southern. The maximum south
declination occurs on or near December 22, marking the
beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere and the
beginning of summer in the Southern.
solstitial tidesTides occurring near the times of the
solstices. The tropic range may be expected to be especially
large at these times.
Somali (East Africa Coast) CurrentAn Indian
Ocean current setting southwestward along the coast of
Somalia. The current reverses and sets to the northeast
during the Southwest Monsoon.
South Equatorial CurrentA current setting west-
ward along and south of the Equator in the Atlantic and
Pacific Oceans, and south of the Equator in the Indian
Ocean. It occurs immediately south of the Equatorial
Counter Current.
Southwest Monsoon CurrentSame as Monsoon
species of constituentA classification depending
upon the period of a constituent. The principal species are
semidiurnal, diurnal, and long-period.
specific volume anomaly, or steric anomaly
(*)The excess in specific volume over the standard
specific volume at 35 ‰, 0°C, and the given pressure. See
thermosteric anomaly and specific volume.
s,t,p 35,o,p
*=" "
specific volume, in situ (" )— Volume per unit
mass. The reciprocal of density (specific gravity). The
specific volume of sea water as a function of salinity,
temperature, and pressure. See specific volume anomaly and
thermosteric anomaly.
speed (of constituent)The rate of change in the
phase of a constituent, usually expressed in degrees per
hour. The speed is equal to 360° divided by the constituent
period expressed in hours.
speed (of current)The magnitude of velocity. Rate
at which the current flows. Usually expressed in knots or
centimeters per second.
Spitsbergen Atlantic CurrentA current setting
northwestward off the southwest coast of Spitsbergen in the
Greenland Sea.
spring high waterSame as mean high water springs
(MHWS). See spring tides.
spring low waterSame as mean low water springs
(MLWS). See spring tides and mean low water springs.
spring range (Sg)See spring tides.
spring tides or tidal currentsTides of increased
range or tidal currents of increased speed occurring
semimonthly as the result of the Moon being new or full.
The spring range (Sg) of tide is the average range occurring
at the time of spring tides and is most conveniently
computed from the harmonic constants. It is larger than the
mean range where the type of tide is either semi diurnal or
mixed, and is of no practical significance where the type of
tide is predominantly diurnal. The average height of the
high waters of the spring tides is called spring high water or
mean high water springs (MHWS) and the average height of
the corresponding low waters is called spring low water or
mean low water springs (MLWS).
stand of tide—Sometimes called a platform tide. An
interval at high or low water when there is no sensible
change in the height of the tide. The water level is stationary
at high and low water for only an instant, but the change in
level near these times is so slow that it is not usually
perceptible. In general, the duration of the apparent stand
will depend upon the range of tide, being longer for a small
range than for a large range, but where there is a tendency
for a double tide the stand may last for several hours even
with a large range of tide.
standard methodA tidal datum computation
method. Generally used for the West Coast and Pacific
Island stations. Values needed are mean tide level (MTL),
mean range of tide (MN), great diurnal range (GT), and
mean diurnal high and low water inequalities (DHQ and
DLQ) as determined by comparison with an appropriate
control. From those, the following are computed:
MLW = MTL - (0.5*MN)
standard timeA kind of time based upon the transit
of the Sun over a certain specified meridian, called the time
meridian, and adopted for use over a considerable area.
With a few exceptions, standard time is based upon some
meridian which differs by a multiple of 15° from the
meridian of Greenwich. The United States first adopted
standard time in 1883 on the initiative of the American
Railway Association, and at noon on November 18 of that
year the telegraphic time signals from the Naval
Observatory at Washington were changed to this system.
standing (stationary) waveA wave that oscillates
without progressing. One-half of such a wave may be
illustrated by the oscillation of the water in a pan that has
been tilted. Near the axis, which is called the node or nodal
line, there is no vertical rise and fall of the water. The ends
of the wave are called loops and at these places the vertical
rise and fall is at a maximum. The current is maximum near
the node and minimum at the loops. The period of a
stationary wave depends upon the length and depth of the
body of water and, for a simple rectangular basin, may be
expressed by the formula:
T = 2L / %gd
in which T is the period of wave, L the length of the basin,
d the depth of water, and g the acceleration of gravity. A
stationary wave may be resolved into two progressive
waves of equal amplitude and equal speeds moving in
opposite directions.
station datumSee datum of tabulation.
stationary wave theoryAn assumption that the ba-
sic tidal movement in the open ocean consists of a system
of stationary wave oscillations, any progressive wave
movement being of secondary importance except as the tide
advances into tributary waters. The continental masses
divide the sea into irregular basins, which, although not
completely enclosed, are capable of sustaining oscillations
which are more or less independent. The tide-producing
force consists principally of two parts, a semidiurnal force
with a period of approximately half a day and a diurnal
force with a period of approximately a whole day. Insofar
as the free period of oscillation of any part of the ocean, as
determined by its dimensions and depth, is in accord with
the semidiurnal or diurnal tide-producing forces, there will
be built up corresponding oscillations of considerable
amplitude which will be manifested in the rise and fall of
the tide. The diurnal oscillations, superimposed upon the
semidiurnal oscillations, cause the inequalities in the
heights of the two high and the two low waters of each day.
Although the tidal movement as a whole is somewhat
complicated by the overlapping of oscillating areas, the
theory is consistent with observational data.
stencilsPerforated sheets formerly used with the
tabulated hourly heights of the tide or speeds of the tidal
current for the purpose of distributing and grouping them
into constituent hours preliminary to summing for harmonic
analysis. See Coast and Geodetic Survey Special
Publication No. 98, Manual of Harmonic Analysis and
Prediction of Tides. This analysis is now performed on
electronic digital computers.
steric anomalySame as specific volume anomaly.
stilling wellA vertical pipe with a relatively small
opening (intake) in the bottom. It is used in a gauge
installation to dampen short period surface waves while
freely admitting the tide, other long period waves, and sea
level variations; which can then be measured by a water
level gauge sensor inside. See float well and protective well.
storm surgeThe local change in the elevation of the
ocean along a shore due to a storm. The storm surge is
measured by subtracting the astronomic tidal elevation from
the total elevation. It typically has a duration of a few hours.
Since wind generated waves ride on top of the storm surge
(and are not included in the definition), the total
instantaneous elevation may greatly exceed the predicted
storm surge plus astronomic tide. It is potentially
catastrophic, especially on low lying coasts with gently
sloping offshore topography. See storm tide.
storm tideAs used by the National Weather Service,
NOAA, the sum of the storm surge and astronomic tide. See
storm surge.
stray lineUngraduated portion of line connected
with the current pole formerly used in taking current
observations. The stray line was usually about 100 feet long
and permitted the pole to acquire the velocity of the current
at some distance from the disturbed waters in the immediate
vicinity of the observing vessel, before the current velocity
was read from the graduated portion of the current line.
strength of currentPhase of tidal current in which
the speed is a maximum; also the speed at this time.
Beginning with slack before flood in the period of a
reversing tidal current (or minimum before flood in a rotary
current), the speed gradually increases to flood strength and
then diminishes to slack before ebb (or minimum before ebb
in a rotary current), after which the current turns in
direction, the speed increases to ebb strength and then
diminishes to slack before flood, completing the cycle. If it
is assumed that the speed throughout the cycle varies as the
ordinates of a cosine curve, it can be shown that the average
speed for an entire flood or ebb period is equal to 2/B or
0.636,6 of the speed of the corresponding strength of
strength of ebbSame as ebb strength.
strength of floodSame as flood strength.
submerged landsLands covered by water at any
stage of the tide. See tidelands.
subordinate current station(1) A current station
from which a relatively short series of observations is
reduced by comparison with simultaneous observations
from a control current station. See current station, control
current station, and reference station. (2) A station listed in
the Tidal Current Tables for which predictions are to be
obtained by means of differences and ratios applied to the
full predictions at a reference station. See reference station.
subordinate tide station(1) A tide station from
which a relatively short series of observations is reduced by
comparison with simultaneous observations from a tide
station with a relatively long series of observations. See tide
station, primary control tide station, secondary control tide
station, and tertiary tide station. (2) A station listed in the
Tide Tables from which predictions are to be obtained by
means of differences and ratios applied to the full
predictions at a reference station. See reference station.
summer timeBritish name for daylight saving time.
synodical monthThe average period of the revolu-
tion of the Moon around the Earth with respect to the Sun,
or the average interval between corresponding phases of the
Moon. The synodical month is approximately 29.530,588
days in length.
syzygyWith respect to tides, whenever the Moon is
lined up with the Earth and Sun in a straight Sun-Moon-
Earth or Sun-Earth-Moon configuration. At these times the
range of tide is greater than average. See spring tides or
tidal currents.
TRate of change of hour angle of mean Sun at place
of observation.
T = 15° per mean solar hour.
T Larger solar elliptic constituent. See R .
Speed = 2T h + p = 29.958,933,3° per solar hour.
tape gaugeSee electric tape gauge.
telemetryThe capability of transmitting or retrieving
data over long distance communication links, such as
satellite, VHF radio, or telephone.
terdiurnalHaving three periods in a constituent day.
The symbol of a terdiurnal constituent is the subscript 3.
tertiary tide stationA tide station at which con-
tinuous observations have been made over a minimum
period of 30 days but less than 1 year. The series is reduced
by comparison with simultaneous observations from a
secondary control tide station. This station provides for a
29-day harmonic analysis. See tide station, primary control
tide station, secondary control tide station, and subordinate
tide station (1).
thermoclineA layer in which the temperature de-
creases significantly (relative to the layers above and
below) with depth. The principal ones are designated
diurnal, seasonal, and main thermocline.
T s,t
thermosteric anomaly(* , )', or ) )The specific
volume anomaly (steric anomaly) that would be attained if
the water were changed isothermally to a standard pressure
of one atmosphere. The specific volume anomaly with
pressure terms omitted. See isanostere.
tidal bench markSee bench mark.
tidal bench mark descriptionA published, concise
description of the location, stamped number or designation,
date established, and elevation (referred to a tidal datum) of
a specific bench mark.
tidal bench mark state index map—A state map
which indicates the locations for which tidal datums and
tidal bench mark descriptions are available.
tidal boreA tidal wave that propagates up a rela-
tively shallow and sloping estuary or river with a steep wave
front. The leading edge presents an abrupt rise in level,
frequently with continuous breaking and often immediately
followed by several large undulations. An uncommon
phenomenon, the tidal bore is usually associated with very
large ranges in tide as well as wedge shaped and rapidly
shoaling entrances. Also called eagre, eager (for Tsientan,
China bore), mascaret (French), pororoca (Brazilian), and
tidal characteristicsPrincipally, those features re-
lating to the time, range, and type of tide.
tidal constantsTidal relations that remain practically
constant for any particular locality. Tidal constants are
classified as harmonic and nonharmonic. The harmonic
constants consist of the amplitudes and epochs of the
harmonic constituents, and the nonharmonic constants
include the ranges and intervals derived directly from the
high and low water observations.
tidal constituentSee constituent.
tidal currentA horizontal movement of the water
caused by gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon,
and Earth. The horizontal component of the particulate
motion of a tidal wave. Part of the same general movement
of the sea that is manifested in the vertical rise and fall
called tide. The United States equivalent of the British tidal
stream. See tidal wave, tide, and current.
Tidal Current Chart DiagramsA series of monthly
diagrams to be used with the Tidal Current Charts. Each
diagram contains lines that indicate the specific tidal current
chart to use for a given date and time, and the speed factor
to apply to that chart.
Tidal Current ChartsCharts on which tidal current
data are depicted. Tidal Current Charts for a number of
important waterways are published by the National Ocean
Service. Each consists of a set of charts giving the speed
and direction of the current for each hour or equal interval
of the tidal cycle, thus presenting a comprehensive view of
the tidal current movement.
tidal current constantsSee current constants.
tidal current stationSee current station.
Tidal Current TablesTables which give daily pre-
dictions of the times and velocities of the tidal currents.
These predictions are usually supplemented by current
differences and constants through which predictions can be
obtained for numerous other locations.
tidal datumSee datum.
tidal daySame as lunar day.
tidal differenceDifference in time or height between
a high or low water at a subordinate station and a reference
station for which predictions are given in the Tide Tables.
The difference, when applied according to sign to the
prediction at the reference station, gives the corresponding
time or height for the subordinate station.
tidal epochSee National Tidal Datum Epoch and
tidal estuarySee estuary.
tidal streamBritish equivalent of United States tidal
tidal waveA shallow water wave caused by the
gravitational interactions between the Sun, Moon, and
Earth. Essentially, high water is the crest of a tidal wave
and low water, the trough. Tidal current is the horizontal
component of the particulate motion, while tide is
manifested by the vertical component. The observed tide
and tidal current can be considered the result of the
combination of several tidal waves, each of which may vary
from nearly pure progressive to nearly pure standing and
with differing periods, heights, phase relationships, and
tidal zoningThe practice of dividing a hydrographic
survey area into discrete zones or sections, each one
possessing similar tidal characteristics. One set of tide
reducers is assigned to each zone. Tide reducers are used to
adjust the soundings in that zone to chart datum (MLLW).
Tidal zoning is necessary in order to correct for differing
water level heights occurring throughout the survey area at
any given time. Each zone of the survey area is
geographically delineated such that the differences in time
and range do not exceed certain limits, generally 0.2 hours
and 0.2 feet respectively; however, these limits are subject
to change depending upon type of survey, location, and
tidal characteristics. The tide reducers are derived from the
water levels recorded at an appropriate tide station, usually
nearby. Tide reducers are used to correct the soundings
throughout the hydrographic survey area to a common,
uniform, uninterrupted chart datum. See tide reducers.
tideThe periodic rise and fall of a body of water
resulting from gravitational interactions between Sun,
Moon, and Earth. The vertical component of the particulate
motion of a tidal wave. Although the accompanying
horizontal movement of the water is part of the same
phenomenon, it is preferable to designate this motion as
tidal current. See tidal wave.
tide curveA graphic representation of the rise and
fall of the tide in which time is usually represented by the
abscissa and height by the ordinate. For a semidiurnal tide
with little diurnal inequality, the graphic representation
approximates a cosine curve. See marigram.
tide datum—See datum.
tide (water level) gauge—An instrument for
measuring the rise and fall of the tide (water level). See
ADR gauge, automatic tide gauge, Next Generation Water
Level Measurement System, gas purged pressure gauge,
electric tape gauge, pressure gauge, and tide staff.
tide predicting machineA mechanical analog
machine especially designed to handle the great quantity of
constituent summations required in the harmonic method.
William Ferrel's Maxima and Minima Tide Predictor
(described in Manual of Tides, U.S. Coast and Geodetic
Survey, Appendix 10, Report for 1883) was the first such
machine used in the United States. Summing only 19
constituents, but giving direct readings of the predicted
times and heights of the high and low waters, the Ferrel
machine was used for the predictions of 1885 through 1914.
A second machine, developed by Rollin A. Harris and E. G.
Fischer and summing 37 constituents, was used for the
predictions of 1912 through 1965 (described in Manual of
Harmonic Analysis and Prediction of Tides by Paul
Schureman, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Special
Publication No. 98, 1958). Predictions are now prepared
using an electronic digital computer.
tide-producing forceThat part of the gravitational
attraction of the Moon and Sun which is effective in
producing the tides on the Earth. The force varies
approximately as the mass of the attracting body and
inversely as the cube of its distance. The tide-producing
force exerted by the Sun is a little less than one-half as great
as that of the Moon. A mathematical development of the
vertical and horizontal components of the tide-producing
forces of the Moon and Sun will be found in Coast and
Geodetic Survey Special Publication No. 98.
tide reducersHeight corrections for reducing
soundings to chart datum (MLLW). A tide reducer
represents the height of the water level at a given place and
time relative to chart datum. Tide reducers are obtained
from one or more tide stations within or nearby the survey
area. Often, due to differing tidal characteristics over the
survey area, the tide reducers obtained directly from a tide
station must be corrected to adjust for time and range of tide
differences in the various zones of the hydrographic survey
area. See tidal zoning.
tide ripSee rip.
tide staffA water level gauge consisting of a vertical
graduated staff from which the height of the water level can
be read directly. It is called a fixed staff when secured in
place so that it cannot be easily removed. A portable staff is
one that is designed for removal from the water when not in
use. For such a staff a fixed support is provided. The
support has a metal stop secured to it so that the staff will
always have the same elevation when installed for use. See
electric tape gauge.
tide (water level) stationThe geographic location at
which tidal observations are conducted. Also, the facilities
used to make tidal observations. These may include a tide
house, tide (water level) gauge, tide staff, and tidal bench
marks. See primary control tide station, secondary control
tide station, tertiary tide station, and subordinate tide station
Tide TablesTables which give daily predictions of
the times and heights of high and low waters. These
predictions are usually supplemented by tidal differences
and constants through which predictions can be obtained
for numerous other locations.
tide waveSee tidal wave.
tidelandsThe zone between the mean high water and
mean low water lines. It is identical with intertidal zone
(technical definition) when the type of tide is semidiurnal
or diurnal.
tidewaterWater activated by the tide generating
forces and/or water affected by the resulting tide, especially
in coastal and estuarine areas. Also, a general term often
applied to the land and water of estuarine areas formed by
postglacial drowning of coastal plain rivers.
tidewayA channel through which a tidal current
timeTime is measured by the rotation of the Earth
with respect to some point in the celestial sphere and may
be designated as sidereal, solar, or lunar, according to
whether the measurement is taken in reference to the vernal
equinox, the Sun, or the Moon. Solar time may be apparent
or mean, according to whether the reference is to the actual
Sun or the mean Sun. Mean solar time may be local or
standard, according to whether it is based upon the transit
of the Sun over the local meridian or a selected meridian
adopted as a standard over a considerable area. Greenwich
time is standard time based upon the meridian of
Greenwich. In civil time the day commences at midnight,
while in astronomical time, as used prior to 1925, the
beginning of the day was reckoned from noon of the civil
day of the same date. The name universal time is now
applied to Greenwich mean civil time.
time meridianA meridian used as a reference for
total currentThe combination of the tidal and non-
tidal current. The United States equivalent of the British
flow. See current.
tractive forceThe horizontal component of a tide-
producing force vector (directed parallel with level surfaces
at that geographic location).
transitThe passage of a celestial body over a
specified meridian. The passage is designated as upper
transit or lower transit according to whether it is over that
part of the meridian lying above or below the polar axis.
tropic currentsTidal currents occurring semi-
monthly when the effect of the Moon's maximum
declination is greatest. At these times the tendency of the
Moon to produce a diurnal inequality in the current is at a
tropic inequalitiesTropic high water inequality
(HWQ) is the average difference between the two high
waters of the day at the times of tropic tides. Tropic low
water inequality (LWQ) is the average difference between
the two low waters of the day at the times of tropic tides.
These terms are applicable only when the type of tide is
semidiurnal or mixed. See tropic tides.
tropic intervalsTropic higher high water interval
(TcHHWI) is the lunitidal interval pertaining to the higher
high waters at the time of the tropic tides. Tropic lower low
water interval (TcLLWI) is the lunitidal interval pertaining
to the lower low waters at the time of the tropic tides.
Tropic intervals are marked a when reference is made to the
upper transit of the Moon at its north declination or to the
lower transit at the time of south declination, and are
marked b when the reference is to the lower transit at the
north declination or to the upper transit at the south
declination. See tropic tides.
tropic rangesThe great tropic range (Gc), or tropic
range, is the difference in height between tropic higher high
water and tropic lower low water. The small tropic range
(Sc) is the difference in height between tropic lower high
water and tropic higher low water. The mean tropic range
(Mc) is the mean between the great tropic and the small
tropic range. Tropic ranges are most conveniently computed
from the harmonic constants. See tropic tides.
tropic speedThe greater flood or greater ebb speed
at the time of tropic currents.
tropic tidesTides occurring semimonthly when the
effect of the Moon's maximum declination is greatest. At
these times there is a tendency for an increase in the diurnal
range. The tidal datums pertaining to the tropic tides are
designated as tropic higher high water (TcHHW), tropic
lower high water (TcLHW), tropic higher low water
(TcHLW), and tropic lower low water (TcLLW).
tropical monthThe average period of the revolution
of the Moon around the Earth with respect to the vernal
equinox. Its length is approximately 27.321,582 days.
tropical yearThe average period of the revolution of
the Earth around the Sun with respect to the vernal equinox.
Its length is approximately 365.242,2 days. The tropical
year determines the cycle of changes in the seasons, and is
the unit to which the calendar year is adjusted through the
occasional introduction of the extra day on leap years.
troughThe lowest point in a propagating wave. See
low water and tidal wave.
true directionDirection relative to true north (0°)
which is the direction of the north geographic pole. See
compass direction and magnetic direction.
tsunamiA shallow water progressive wave, poten-
tially catastrophic, caused by an underwater earthquake or
Tsushima CurrentA North Pacific Ocean current
setting northeastward in the East China Sea (in summer) and
Sea of Japan. A segment of the Kuroshio System.
type of tideA classification based on characteristic
forms of a tide curve. Qualitatively, when the two high
waters and two low waters of each tidal day are
approximately equal in height, the tide is said to be
semidiurnal; when there is a relatively large diurnal
inequality in the high or low waters or both, it is said to be
mixed; and when there is only one high water and one low
water in each tidal day, it is said to be diurnal.
Quantitatively (after Dietrich), where the amplitude ratio of
11 22
K + O to M + S is less than 0.25, the tide is classified as
semidiurnal; where the ratio is from 0.25 to 1.5, the tide is
mixed, mainly semidiurnal; where the ratio is from 1.5 to
3.0, the tide is mixed, mainly diurnal; and where greater
than 3.0, diurnal.
universal time (UT)—Same as Greenwich mean time
(GMT). See time, kinds.
uplands Land above the mean high water line
(shoreline) and subject to private ownership, as distin-
guished from tidelands, the ownership of which is prima
facie in the state but also subject to divestment under state
statutes. See tidelands.
upwellingAn upward flow of subsurface water due
to such causes as surface divergence, offshore wind, and
wind drift transport away from shore.
V + uSee equilibrium argument.
vanishing tideIn a predominantly mixed tide with a
very large diurnal inequality, the lower high water and
higher low water become indistinct (or vanish) at times of
extreme declinations.
variation (of compass)Difference between true
north as determined by the Earth's axis of rotation and
magnetic north as determined by the Earth's magnetism.
Variation is designated as east or positive when the
magnetic needle is deflected to the east of true north and as
west or negative when the deflection is to the west of true
north. The variation changes with time. Also called
magnetic declination.
variational inequalityAn inequality in the Moon's
motion due mainly to the tangential component of the Sun's
velocity (of current)Speed and set of the current.
vernal equinoxSee equinoxes.
vulgar establishmentSame as establishment of the
water level gaugeSee tide gauge.
water level stationSee tide station.
wave heightThe vertical distance between crest and
trough. See range of tide.
West Australian CurrentAn Indian Ocean current
setting northward along the west coast of Australia.
West Greenland CurrentA North Atlantic Ocean
current setting northward along the west coast of
West Wind DriftSame as Antarctic Circumpolar
wind driftAn ocean current in which only the
Coriolis and frictional forces are significant. The wind drift
embodies an Ekman spiral.
Z Symbol recommended by the International Hy-
drographic Organization to represent the elevation of mean
sea level above chart datum.