The name of the Corporation shall be the Federal Deposit
Insurance Corporation (hereinafter called the “Corporation”).
The principal office of the Corporation shall be in the
City of Washington, District of Columbia. The Corporation may
have additional offices at such other places as the Board of
Directors may from time to time determine.
There is impressed below the official seal of the
Corporation, which is hereby adopted for its use.
Section 1. Number and Qualification. The number of
Directors of the Corporation shall be five, three of whom shall
be citizens of the United States appointed by the President of
the United States by and with the advice and consent of the
United States Senate (hereinafter individually called
“Appointive Director”), one of whom shall be the Comptroller of
the Currency (hereinafter called the “Comptroller”), and one of
whom shall be the Director of the Consumer Financial Protection
Bureau (hereinafter called the “CFPB Director”). In the event
of a vacancy in the office of the Comptroller or the office of
the CFPB Director, and pending the appointment of his or her
successor, or during the absence or disability of the
Comptroller or the CFPB Director, the Acting Comptroller or the
Acting CFPB Director, as the case may be, shall be a member of
the Board of Directors in the place and stead of the Comptroller
or the CFPB Director. Not more than three of the members of the
Board of Directors shall be members of the same political party.
Section 2. Terms of Office.--(a) General Provisions for
Appointive Directors. The term of office of each Appointive
Director shall be six years, commencing with the date of
issuance by the President of his or her commission. Each
Appointive Director, however, may continue to serve after the
expiration of his or her term until a successor has been
appointed and qualified. Any Appointive Director appointed to
fill a vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for
which his or her predecessor was appointed shall serve only for
the remainder of the predecessor’s term.
(b) Ex Officio Members. The Comptroller or the Acting
Comptroller in the place and stead of the Comptroller and the
CFPB Director or the Acting CFPB Director in the place and stead
of the CFPB Director shall each hold office as a member of the
Board of Directors during his or her tenure as Comptroller or
Acting Comptroller and CFPB Director or Acting CFPB Director, as
the case may be.
Section 3. Chairperson. The Chairperson shall be
designated by the President, by and with the advice and consent
of the Senate, to serve as Chairperson of the Board of Directors
of the Corporation for a term of five years. In the event of a
vacancy in the position of the Chairperson or during his or her
absence or disability, the Vice Chairperson shall act as
Chairperson. In the event of vacancies in the positions of
Chairperson and Vice Chairperson, or in their absence or
disability, the Appointive Director who is neither the
Chairperson nor the Vice Chairperson shall act as Chairperson.
Section 4. Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson shall
be designated by the President, by and with the advice and
consent of the Senate, to serve as Vice Chairperson of the Board
of Directors.
Section 5. Powers of the Board of Directors. The
management of the Corporation shall be vested in the Board of
Directors, which shall have all powers specifically granted by
the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act and other
laws of the United States and such incidental powers as shall be
necessary to carry out the powers so granted. Within the
limitations of the law, the Board of Directors may delegate any
of its specific or incidental powers to any standing or special
committee of the Corporation or to any officer or agent of the
Corporation upon such terms and conditions as it shall
prescribe, except the power to amend these Bylaws or to adopt
new bylaws. In addition, the Board of Directors may provide for
emergency succession and delegation of emergency authority to
ensure the Corporation’s ability to continue essential functions
in the event a sudden and usually unforeseen situation poses an
immediate threat to life, causes serious damage to property, or
adversely affects a Corporate mission and renders the Board
temporarily unable to perform its normal management function.
Section 6. Meetings of the Board of Directors.--(a)
Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board of Directors
shall be held at such times as the Chairperson shall direct,
after reasonable notice is given to each member of the Board of
Directors by the Executive Secretary in such manner as the
Chairperson shall direct. Such meetings shall consider such
item(s) of business that the Chairperson shall direct, or such
item(s) that another member of the Board of Directors may
request not later than ten days prior to the date of such
meeting to facilitate compliance with the Government in the
Sunshine Act.
(b) Special Meetings. Special meetings of the Board of
Directors may be called by the Chairperson or, upon the written
request of any two members of the Board of Directors, by the
Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary will give
reasonable notice of any such special meeting to all members of
the Board of Directors who can be contacted after a reasonable
effort and in sufficient time to permit their attendance or
participation. Such meetings shall consider such item(s) of
business that the Chairperson shall direct, or such item(s) that
another member of the Board of Directors may request not later
than ten days prior to the date of such meeting to facilitate
compliance with the Government in the Sunshine Act.
(c) Place of Meetings. The Board of Directors shall hold
its meetings at the principal office of the Corporation in the
city of Washington, District of Columbia, unless otherwise
determined by the Chairperson, in consultation with the members
of the Board of Directors.
(d) Quorum. A majority of the members of the Board of
Directors in office shall constitute a quorum for the
transaction of business. In the event there are only three
members in office, those members shall constitute a quorum. In
the event there are only two members in office, those members
shall constitute a quorum. In the event there is only one
member in office, that member shall constitute a quorum. Present
and nonvoting members of the Board of Directors shall be counted
for the purpose of determining whether there is a quorum for the
transaction of business. The vote of the majority of the
members present and voting at a meeting at which a quorum is
present shall be the act of the Board of Directors. If there is
a quorum present at a meeting and only one of the members of the
Board of Directors present is voting, then the vote of that
member shall be the act of the Board of Directors.
(e) Presiding Officer. The Chairperson shall preside at
all meetings of the Board of Directors except that, in the
absence of the Chairperson or in the event of his or her
inability to attend or participate in meetings, the Vice
Chairperson shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.
In the event of vacancies in the positions of Chairperson and
Vice Chairperson, or in their absence or in the event of their
inability to attend or participate in meetings, the Appointive
Director who is neither the Chairperson nor the Vice Chairperson
shall preside at meetings of the Board of Directors.
(f) Use of Conference Call Communications Equipment. Any
meeting of the Board of Directors may be conducted through the
use of conference-call telephone or similar communications
equipment, by means of which all persons participating in any
such meeting can simultaneously speak to and hear each other.
Any member of the Board of Directors who participates in a
meeting conducted through the use of such equipment shall be
deemed present for all purposes. Actions taken by the Board of
Directors at meetings conducted through the use of such
equipment, including the vote of each member with respect to
each item of business, shall be recorded in the minutes of the
proceedings of the Board of Directors.
(g) Transaction of Business Without a Meeting. The Board
of Directors may transact business through circulation of
written items, by the Executive Secretary, to all members of the
Board of Directors who can be contacted after a reasonable
effort and in sufficient time to permit action where a majority
of the members participate, in writing, in the disposition of
each item of business. The Executive Secretary shall circulate
such item(s) of business upon the request of the Chairperson, or
a member of the Board, and shall record the disposition of any
such item(s), including the vote of each member with respect to
each item of business, in the minutes of the proceedings of the
Board of Directors. The vote of the majority of the members
voting in the notational vote on each item of business shall be
the act of the Board of Directors with regard to such item of
business, provided a majority of members of the Board of
Directors then in office deliver votes or indications of
abstention on such item. Notwithstanding the foregoing, any one
member of the Board of Directors may provide written notice to
the Executive Secretary of his or her request to transact said
business at a meeting of the Board of Directors, and such
business shall be considered at the next regular meeting unless
a special meeting is requested.
Section 1. Standing or Special Committees. The Board of
Directors may from time to time establish such standing or
special committees as it shall see fit. Any such committee so
established shall perform such duties and exercise such powers
as may be directed or delegated by the Board of Directors from
time to time. Any such standing or special committee shall
periodically report its actions to the Board of Directors at
such times as the Board of Directors shall determine.
Section 2. Meetings. Any committee established by the
Board of Directors may meet at stated times or at such times as
the chairperson of the committee or the Chairperson shall direct
through notice given by the Executive Secretary to all members
of the committee who can be contacted after a reasonable effort
and in sufficient time to permit their attendance.
Section 3. Quorum. A majority of the members of a
committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of
business and in every case the affirmative vote of a majority of
all of the members present at a duly convened meeting of a
committee shall be necessary for any action to be taken by the
Section 4. Transaction of Business Without a Meeting. A
committee may transact business by the circulation of written
items to all members of the committee who can be contacted after
a reasonable effort and in sufficient time to permit action
where a majority of the members participate either by written
vote or by telephone vote in the disposition of each item of
Section 1. Titles. The officers of the Corporation shall
be the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Deputy to the
Chairperson and Chief of Staff, the Deputy to the Chairperson
and Chief Operating Officer, the Deputy to the Chairperson and
Chief Financial Officer, the Deputy to the Chairperson for
External Affairs, the Deputy to the Chairperson for Policy, the
Deputy to the Chairperson for Financial Stability, the Chief
Information Officer, the General Counsel, the Director of the
Division of Risk Management Supervision, the Director of the
Division of Insurance and Research, the Director of the Division
of Resolutions and Receiverships, the Director of the Division
of Depositor and Consumer Protection, the Director of the
Division of Complex Institution Supervision and Resolution, the
Ombudsman, the Director of the Office of Minority and Women
Inclusion, the Director of the Division of Administration, the
Director of the Division of Finance, the Executive Secretary,
the Director of the Office of Professional Conduct, the Director
of the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, the Inspector
General, and such additional officers as the Board of Directors
may from time to time determine.
Section 2. Appointment, Tenure, Compensation, and Duties.
The Chairperson and the Vice Chairperson shall be appointed and
shall hold office as prescribed by Article IV of these Bylaws.
The Inspector General shall be appointed and shall hold office
pursuant to the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended. All
other officers shall be appointed by the Board of Directors,
upon the recommendation of the Chairperson, and shall hold their
respective offices for such terms as the Board of Directors
shall determine. The compensation of such officers (except the
compensation of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, and the
Inspector General, each of whose compensation is determined by
reference to Federal statutes) shall be determined by the
Chairperson. In addition to the powers and duties hereinafter
specifically enumerated in this Article VI of these Bylaws, the
officers of the Corporation shall have such powers and shall
perform such duties as the Chairperson or the Board of Directors
may from time to time prescribe, and shall provide advice,
counsel, and assistance to the Chairperson and to the members of
the Board of Directors on matters within the officers’
individual responsibilities.
Section 3. Holding More than One Office. More than one
office may be held by the same person, except that the same
person shall not hold any two or more of the following offices:
Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Deputy to the Chairperson and
Chief Operating Officer, General Counsel, Inspector General,
Director of the Office of Professional Conduct, the Director of
the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, and Ombudsman. In
no case shall the same person act on the same matter in two
official capacities or sign any document in two capacities where
the signatures of two officers are required by law or otherwise.
Section 4. Specific Powers and Duties of Officers.--(a)
Chairperson. Within the limitations of the Federal Deposit
Insurance Act and other laws of the United States, the
Chairperson shall manage and direct the daily executive and
administrative functions and operations of the Corporation and
shall otherwise have the general powers and duties usually
vested in the office of the chief executive officer of a
corporation. He or she shall also be responsible for providing
oversight over the direction and operations of each of the
Corporation’s various divisions and offices but may from time to
time, as appropriate and in accordance with applicable law,
designate other officers of the Corporation to be responsible
for providing such oversight with respect to one or more
divisions or offices of the Corporation.
(b) Vice Chairperson. The Vice Chairperson, in addition
to acting as Acting Chairperson in the event of a vacancy in the
position of Chairperson or during the absence or disability of
the Chairperson, shall perform such additional duties as the
Board of Directors shall from time to time prescribe.
(c) Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief of Staff. The
Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief of Staff will participate
with the Chairperson in the management and direction of the
daily executive and administrative functions and operations of
the Corporation, and will coordinate with the other Deputies to
the Chairperson, the Corporation’s division and office
directors, and other Corporation staff to ensure consistency of
Corporation operations, strategic plans, initiatives, and
communications with the priorities of the Chairperson and
directives of the Board. The Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief
of Staff may oversee or coordinate special projects for the
(d) Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Operating
Officer. The Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Operating
Officer shall provide advice and assistance to the Board of
Directors and the officers and employees of the Corporation on
matters pertaining to the Corporation’s administrative and
resource management activities, including management of human
resources, diversity and inclusion, acquisition of goods,
services, and systems necessary to support operations, regional
resource coordination, and corporate-wide learning and employee
(e) Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Financial
Officer. The Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Financial
Officer shall be the chief financial, accounting, budget, and
corporate planning officer of the Corporation. The Deputy to
the Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer shall implement
programs consistent with the Chief Financial Officers Act of
1990, including establishing and maintaining sound financial
management systems, accounting systems, corporate budgeting
procedures, and cash management and insurance assessment
systems. The Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Financial
Officer shall oversee the Corporation’s Enterprise Risk
Management and Internal Control Programs and ensure conformance
with requirements of the Government Performance Results Act.
The Deputy to the Chairperson and Chief Financial Officer
shall oversee and coordinate the work of the Division of
Finance and ensure that the Corporation’s financial statements
and reports are accurate and timely; and the payment of
assessments by insured depository institutions are in accordance
with the provisions of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
(f) Deputy to the Chairperson for External Affairs. The
Deputy to the Chairperson for External Affairs shall be
responsible for advising the Board of Directors and the officers
of the Corporation, and for developing strategies, regarding all
aspects of the Corporation’s external outreach. The Deputy to
the Chairperson for External Affairs shall also be responsible
for effectively communicating the mission and goals of the
Corporation to the public.
(g) Deputy to the Chairperson for Policy. The Deputy to
the Chairperson for Policy will be responsible for advising the
Chairperson and senior executive managers on regulatory and
policy matters related to the Corporation’s activities. The
Deputy to the Chairperson for Policy will also coordinate and
oversee regulatory and policy initiatives with the divisions and
other corporate offices, Federal regulators, and other entities.
(h) Deputy to the Chairperson for Financial Stability.
The Deputy to the Chairperson for Financial Stability shall be
the chief adviser to the Chairperson, other members of the
Board, and senior executive managers on strategic matters
relating to the Corporation’s role in ensuring financial
stability, including administering the deposit insurance system,
resolving failing financial institutions, and conducting
research and analysis relating to financial stability. The
Deputy to the Chairperson for Financial Stability will further
the Corporation’s international efforts by engaging with foreign
authorities, both bilaterally and multilaterally, on these
matters. In this role, the Deputy to the Chairperson for
Financial Stability will coordinate, as appropriate, the work of
the Division of Resolutions and Receiverships, the Division of
Insurance and Research, and the Division of Complex Institution
Supervision and Resolution.
(i) Chief Information Officer. The Chief Information
Officer shall be the chief adviser to the Chairperson, other
members of the Board, and senior executive managers on all
strategic issues relating to information technology pertaining
to the Corporation, including planning, development, and
security, and shall fill the role of Chief Information Officer
consistent with various federal statutes. The Chief Information
Officer shall, among other things: have broad responsibility for
information technology governance, investments, program
management, information security and privacy; maintain a broad,
strategic orientation focused on enterprise issues and concerns;
be responsible for overseeing and reporting on the effectiveness
of the Corporation’s information technology governance,
security, and privacy programs and complying with appropriate
information security standards; and ensure that information
technology governance and security management processes are
integrated with the Corporation’s strategic planning.
(j) General Counsel. The General Counsel shall be the
chief legal officer of the Corporation and legal adviser to the
Board of Directors and the officers of the Corporation; render
all legal services necessary to enable the Board of Directors
and the Corporation’s various organizational units to discharge
their respective duties and responsibilities; and otherwise have
the powers and perform the duties usually vested in the general
counsel of a corporation.
(k) Director of the Division of Risk Management
Supervision. The Director of the Division of Risk Management
Supervision shall generally oversee the supervision and
examination of safety and soundness for insured depository
institutions that the Corporation has the authority to examine
or supervise; determine trends in the operation of insured
depository institutions and bring adverse trends to the
attention of the Chairperson, Deputies to the Chairperson, and
the Corporation’s other division and office directors; review
and process applications from insured depository institutions
that require the Corporation’s consent or nonobjection; and
initiate administrative enforcement proceedings relating to
safety and soundness matters against insured depository
institutions and institution affiliated parties.
(l) Director of the Division of Insurance and Research.
The Director of the Division of Insurance and Research shall be
responsible for maintaining the adequacy of the Deposit
Insurance Fund and an effective and fair risk-based premium
system; identifying and assessing existing and emerging risks to
the Deposit Insurance Fund and to insured depository
institutions; conducting research that is important to the
Corporation’s role as deposit insurer, bank supervisor, and
resolution authority; conducting analysis for Corporation
rulemaking; collecting, managing, and publishing regulatory and
other data for the Corporation’s statistical publications; and
coordinating the Corporation’s enterprise-wide international
(m) Director of the Division of Resolutions and
Receiverships. The Director of the Division of Resolutions and
Receiverships shall exercise general supervision and control
over the performance of the Corporation’s functions with respect
to resolving failing insured depository institutions and
managing failed insured depository institution receiverships.
(n) Director of the Division of Depositor and Consumer
Protection. The Director of the Division of Depositor and
Consumer Protection shall supervise the Corporation’s
examination, supervision, and enforcement programs for promoting
compliance with consumer protection, fair lending, community
reinvestment, and other related laws. The Director shall also
supervise the Corporation’s efforts to promote economic
inclusion and participation in the banking system; conduct
consumer financial research and analyses, including the unbanked
and underbanked survey; develop educational resources and
publications for the general public, depositors, consumers, and
insured institutions; manage the Corporation’s consumer and
consumer affairs program; and manage consumer and depositor
inquiries and complaints.
(o) Director of the Division of Complex Institution
Supervision and Resolution. The Director of the Division of
Complex Institution Supervision and Resolution shall oversee the
supervision and resolution preparedness and execution for large
complex financial institutions for which the Corporation is not
the primary federal regulator; identify, monitor and mitigate
risks posed by large complex financial Institutions; review
plans submitted by these firms for resolution under the
Bankruptcy Code; and ensure the readiness of the Corporation to
conduct orderly resolutions of these firms, if necessary.
(p) Ombudsman. The Ombudsman shall act as a liaison
between the Corporation and any affected person with respect to
any problem such party may have in dealing with the Corporation
resulting from the Corporation’s regulatory, resolution,
receivership, or asset disposition activities; and ensure that
safeguards exist to encourage complainants to come forward while
preserving their confidentiality.
(q) Director of the Office of Minority and Women
Inclusion. The Director of the Office of Minority and Women
Inclusion shall be responsible for all matters of the
Corporation relating to diversity in management, employment, and
business activities. In particular, the Director shall develop
standards for (1) equal employment opportunity and the racial,
ethnic, and gender diversity of the workforce and senior
management of the Corporation; (2) increased participation of
minority-owned and women-owned businesses in the Corporation’s
programs and contracts, including standards for coordinating
technical assistance to such businesses; and (3) assessing the
diversity policies and practices of entities regulated by the
Corporation. The Director of the Office of Minority and Women
Inclusion shall also advise the Chairperson on the impact of the
Corporation’s policies and regulations on minority-owned and
women-owned businesses. The Director shall develop and
implement standards and procedures to ensure, to the maximum
extent possible, the fair inclusion and utilization of
minorities, women, and minority-owned and women-owned businesses
in all business and activities of the Corporation at all levels,
including in procurement, insurance, and all types of contracts.
Additionally, the Director of the Office of Minority and Women
Inclusion shall coordinate with the Chairperson or designee
regarding the design and implementation of any remedies
resulting from violations of statutes, regulations, or executive
orders pertaining to civil rights.
(r) Director of the Division of Administration. The
Director of the Division of Administration shall provide advice
and assistance to the Board of Directors and the officers and
employees of the Corporation on personnel management programs
and policies, and on employee development and employee benefit
programs. The Director shall also manage, supervise, and direct
the provision of a variety of administrative services to support
the business activities of the Corporation. The services shall
include the design, construction, operation, management, and
furnishing of Corporation facilities, and space acquisition. The
Director shall also direct, supervise, and perform contracting
and supply functions including the procurement of goods,
services, and systems necessary to support the operations of the
Corporation in both its corporate and receivership capacities.
(s) Director of the Division of Finance. The Director of
the Division of Finance shall integrate budget execution and
accounting functions in order to monitor the financial execution
of the Corporation’s budget in relation to actual expenditures
and submit to the Board of Directors and the Chairperson of the
Board of Directors timely performance reports thereon; receive,
deposit, disburse, manage, safely keep, and account for all
funds of the Corporation, including those funds payable to it in
connection with its functions assigned to the Director of the
Division of Resolutions and Receiverships; maintain all
accounting records of the Corporation; prepare financial
statements and reports therefrom; and administer regulations for
the Corporation governing the payment of assessments by insured
depository institutions in accordance with the provisions of the
Federal Deposit Insurance Act.
(t) Executive Secretary. The Executive Secretary shall be
responsible for performing the duties of the secretary of the
Board of Directors of the Corporation, such as giving proper
notice of all meetings of the Board of Directors, circulating
written items, attending such meetings and act as clerk thereof,
and recording all votes cast at such meetings and the minutes of
the proceedings of the Board of Directors in records to be kept
for that purpose; performing like duties for any standing or
special committee established by the Board of Directors at the
request of the committee; having custody of and safely keeping
the official records of the Board of Directors and of any
standing or special committee established by the Board of
Directors at the request of the committee; and having custody of
and safely keep the Seal of the Corporation, causing the Seal to
be affixed to any instrument requiring it, and causing any such
instrument to be attested.
(u) Director of the Office of Professional Conduct. The
Director of the Office of Professional Conduct, in addition to
directing the affairs of the Office of Professional Conduct and
developing an organizational plan for the operation of the
Office of Professional Conduct for approval by the Board of
Directors, will manage a comprehensive program to intake,
investigate, report, and decide discipline, and represent the
FDIC in any challenges to that discipline regarding complaints
of harassment, other interpersonal misconduct, and retaliation
for reporting harassment or other interpersonal misconduct. The
Director of the Office of Professional Conduct will also serve
as a strategic adviser to the Chairperson, the Board of
Directors, and Division and Office leadership in centrally
managing a professional conduct program across the FDIC and
ensuring that sound and consistent professional conduct
principles are used in executive decision-making. The Director
of the Office of Professional Conduct will be responsible for
defining processes to intake, investigate, report, and correct
professional conduct; developing and updating professional
conduct policies and guidelines; and providing comprehensive
professional conduct reporting throughout the FDIC. The Director
of the Office of Professional Conduct will work with the
Divisions and Offices to promote an effective and efficient
professional conduct program.
(v) Director of the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity.
The Director of the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity, in
addition to directing the affairs of the Office of Equal
Employment Opportunity and developing an organizational plan for
the operation of the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity for
approval by the Board of Directors, will manage a comprehensive
program to intake, investigate, make determinations, and report
about complaints of discrimination under the laws enforced by
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Director of
the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity will also serve as a
strategic adviser to the Chairperson, the Board of Directors,
and Division and Office leadership in centrally managing an
anti-discrimination program across the FDIC and ensuring that
sound and consistent professional conduct principles are used in
executive decision-making. The Director of the Office of Equal
Employment Opportunity will be responsible for defining
processes to intake, investigate, make determinations, and
report discrimination; developing and updating professional
conduct policies and guidelines; and providing comprehensive
reporting on discrimination throughout the FDIC. The Director of
the Office of Equal Employment Opportunity will work with the
Divisions and Offices to promote an effective and efficient
anti-discrimination program.
(w) Inspector General. The Inspector General is appointed
by the President and is under the general supervision of the
Chairperson. The Inspector General shall exercise the
authorities and perform the duties set forth in the Inspector
General Act of 1978, as amended, including, but not limited to,
leading and managing an independent and objective unit to
conduct and supervise audits and investigations relating to
programs and operations of the Corporation; recommending
policies for activities designed to promote economy and
efficiency in the administration of, and to prevent and detect
fraud and abuse in, Corporation programs and operations; and
keeping the Chairperson, Board, and Congress fully and currently
informed about problems and deficiencies relating to the
administration of Corporation programs and operations and the
necessity for and progress of corrective action.
Section 1. Deposit of Funds. All uninvested funds of the
Corporation, except those which the needs of the Corporation
require to be deposited in other depositaries, shall be
deposited with the Treasurer of the United States in accounts
subject to withdrawal only upon the signature of the Chairperson
or such persons as he or she may from time to time duly
authorize by written designation.
Section 2. Checking Accounts in Banks. Subject to
applicable provisions of law, the Chairperson or such other
persons as he or she may from time to time duly authorize by
written designation shall establish such checking accounts in
Federal Reserve banks and in insured banks as may from time to
time be necessary. No other bank account shall be established
on behalf of the Corporation without the prior approval of the
Chairperson. All Corporation accounts with bank depositories
shall be subject to check and withdrawal only upon the signature
of the Chairperson or such persons as he or she may from time to
time duly authorize by written designation.
These Bylaws may be amended or a new bylaw adopted at any
meeting of the Board of Directors by a majority vote, provided
that a copy of any such amendment or new bylaw shall have been
delivered to each member of the Board of Directors at least
seven days prior to such meeting. If a vote to amend the Bylaws
or to adopt a new bylaw is unanimous, no prior notice of such
amendment or new bylaw need have been given.