The IRAC method is a framework for organizing your answer to a business law essay
question. The basic structure is: Issue, Rule, Analysis, and Conclusion. Using this simple
framework for structuring your answer will ensure that you have written a complete answer.
Issue Begin your answer by stating the issue presented by the essay question.
Sometimes the question will provide the issue for you. If not, then ask: What is
the legal question that, when answered, determines the result of the case? The
issue should be stated in the form of a question in a specific, rather than general
form: “Is there an agency relationship if there was no compensation paid?”
would be an acceptable issue. “Will the plaintiff win?” would not be acceptable.
Note that the issue may be case specific, mentioning the parties’ names and
specific facts of the case. Example: “Did Jones have an agency relationship with
XYZ Corp. due to his acting on behalf of XYZ and following its instructions?”
The issue can encompass all cases which present a similar question. Example:
“Is an agency created whenever there is an employment relationship?” Most
cases present one issue. If there is more than one issue to address, then you must
write a separate IRAC analysis for each issue.
Rule The rule describes which law or test applies to the issue. The rule should be
stated as a general principal, and not a conclusion to the particular case being
briefed. Example: “An agency relationship is created when there is an
agreement that the agent will act for the benefit of the principal at the principal’s
direction or control regardless of whether compensation is paid” would be an
acceptable rule. “The plaintiff was the defendant’s agent” would not be an
acceptable rule. Do not use parties’ names or specific facts from the case. Hint:
Frequently, the rule will be the definition of the principle of law applicable in the
case. Example: An agent may not use or disclose confidential information
acquired through the agency absent an agreement to the contrary.
Analysis The analysis is the most important, and the longest, part of your answer. It
involves applying the Rule to the facts of the problem or question. You should
use the facts to explain how the rule leads to the conclusion. Discuss both sides
of the case when possible. Important: Do not merely state a conclusion without
also stating reasons for it. A conclusion without reasons or explanation means
that you have not used the rule and the facts to analyze the issue. Hint: The rule
can be used as a guide in your discussion. Example: Suppose the issue is
whether A is an independent contractor. Using the facts of the case, explain
whether or not they fit into the definition of what is an independent contractor:
“In this case, A was told by the foreman what to wear, how to operate the
machine, and when to report to work each day, giving her little control over the
job.” If the rule is a test with multiple factors, then you must analyze each factor
by pointing out how the facts do (or do not) fulfill each factor.
Conclusion The conclusion is your answer to the Issue. State the result of your analysis.
Examples: “Smith is liable for negligence” or Therefore, no valid contract was
formed between X and Y.” If there are multiple issues, there must be multiple
conclusions as well.
Caroline was employed as a receptionist for ABC Corporation. Her desk was located
at the entrance of the corporate office and her duties were to greet customers, answer
telephone calls, sort mail, and respond to general requests for information about ABC. One
day, while all of the managers of ABC were out of the office, a representative of XYZ
Insurance Co. stopped by to solicit ABC as a new client. He told Caroline that he wanted to
find out whether ABC might be interested in canceling its present employee health insurance
plan and adopting a plan provided by XYZ. Although Caroline explained that none of the
ABC managers were in the office, the XYZ representative nevertheless described his
company’s health insurance plan in detail. When Caroline reacted by stating that XYZ’s
plan sounded better than the current ABC plan, the XYZ representative immediately
produced a contract for Caroline to sign. Reluctantly, Caroline signed the contract accepting
the offer to adopt XYZ’s insurance plan. If XYZ seeks to enforce the contract against ABC,
is ABC bound to the contract?
Whether the insurance contract is binding on ABC Corp.
depends on whether A had actual or apparent authority to
enter into it. Actual authority is the agent’s power or
responsibility expressly or impliedly communicated by the
principal to the agent. Express actual authority includes the
instructions and directions from the principal, while implied
actual authority is the agent’s ability to do whatever is
reasonable to assume that the principal wanted the agent to
do to carry out his or her express actual authority. Here,
Caroline’s express authority was to answer phones, direct
messages, collect and sort the daily mail, greet visitors, and
schedule appointments for the company managers. Her
implied authority was to do anything reasonably related to
performing those duties. She was not given any express
authority to sign contracts, and signing contracts was not
related to or implied in her duties as a receptionist.
Therefore, Caroline had no actual authority to bind ABC to
the contract.
Apparent authority arises when the principal’s conduct, past
dealings, or communications cause a third party to
reasonably believe that the agent is authorized to act or do
something. In this case, ABC did not communicate to XYZ
that Caroline had authority to enter into an insurance
contract, and no facts suggest that ABC and XYZ had done
business in the past. The nature and typical responsibilities
of Caroline’s position as a receptionist does not make it
reasonable for the XYZ representative to conclude that she
was empowered to select and approve health insurance
plans for ABC’s employees. Thus, Caroline had no
apparent authority to authorize the contract. Because
Caroline did not have either actual or apparent authority to
sign the contract, it is not binding on ABC Corp.
First, the main issues to be
addressed are stated.
Next, the applicable rules of law
or legal tests to be used in
analyzing the issue are explained.
The rule of law or legal test is
applied to the facts. Note that the
facts are not merely repeated;
rather, they are linked to elements
of the rule or test as evidence to
explain and justify the ultimate
conclusion that there is no actual
Conclusion as to the first issue.
The general rule of law to be
applied in analyzing the next
issue is stated.
The rule is applied to the facts.
Note that the facts mentioned are
those that relate to the definition
of apparent authority.
Conclusion for the second issue.
An overall conclusion is reached
as to the issue of liability.