Eighty-ninth meeting
Geneva, 1 February 2017
Item 9
Informal Document No. 2017/6
ECE Knowledge management strategy and action plan
-For information-
UNECE Knowledge Management Strategy
The creation, collection, and dissemination of knowledge is fundamental to the work of
UNECE and considered among its foremost assets. To succeed in the implementation of its
mandate to “ promote sustainable development and regional cooperation and integration
through (a) policy dialogue; (b) normative work; and (c) technical cooperation”
, knowledge
management is critical, both within the Organization and externally, among staff and in an
active exchange with member States and other partners.
Since the establishment of the Commission, many useful practices have been developed to
generate, document and share knowledge created in UNECE and preserve it as the institutional
memory of the Organization. Thus far, however, these practices have not been compiled into a
coherent framework and the utilization of knowledge to inform decision-making and
programme planning is uneven. In 2016, the Office of Internal Oversight therefore made the
recommendation that “the UNECE secretariat should develop and operationalize a knowledge
management strategy that addresses how institutional knowledge and expertise will be
captured, stored, shared and integrated into its work programme and activities.”
UNECE’s efforts to strengthen its knowledge management practices is also aligned to the spirit
of the 2005 UNECE reform that emphasized the importance of continued effective and efficient
use of UNECE limited budgetary and human resources and, inter alia, efforts to harmonize
procedure and practices and improve communication, coordination and cooperation across the
divisions and subprogrammes.
In formulating its knowledge management strategy, UNECE has drawn on good practices from
the UN system and beyond. The preparation of the strategy was undertaken in parallel to a
review of Knowledge Management in the United Nations System, initiated by the Joint
Inspection Unit in 2016
. To the JIU review, UNECE provided input on its own practices, and,
from it, it took valuable guidance, especially regarding the approaches taken in the UN system
that the JIU report compiled. To learn from relevant expertise available in the UN system,
UNECE also joined the Geneva-based Focal Point group on Knowledge Management that
meets periodically in the UN Agencies Swiss Knowledge Management Forum. Further, this
strategy built on targeted desk research on international good practices on Knowledge
Management and on a wealth of inputs from UNECE staff, who expressed a strong
commitment to knowledge management and readily shared their experiences and aspirations.
The United Nations system does not currently have a common definition of knowledge
management. For the purpose of this strategy, the definition proposed by the Joint Inspection
Unit is used to provide a common point of reference:
Knowledge management can be defined as the systematic processes, or range
of practices, used by organizations to identify, capture, store, create, update,
A/69/6 (Prog. 17), para 17.3.
OIOS/IED, Evaluation of the Office of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (ECE) (Assignment No. IED-
16-003), p. 23
UNECE Knowledge Management survey, administered in November 2016.
represent, and distribute knowledge for use, awareness and learning across the
Knowledge management is understood as a cyclical process that takes place in an enabling
environment comprised of organizational leadership, ICT tools, organizational culture and
strategic direction (see Figure 1).
The objective of the UNECE Knowledge Management Strategy is to make effective use of the
knowledge available across the Organization. This includes
(i) collection and retention of knowledge as institutional memory, including to counter
its potential loss due to staff mobility and attrition;
(ii) timely and open access to knowledge to enable high performance, efficient work
processes, and cross-sectoral/cross-divisional synergies;
(iii) systematic exchange of knowledge to inform decision-making processes in support
of the objectives outlined in the Strategic Framework.
UNECE’s Knowledge Management Strategy builds on a number of principles drawn from
good practice:
1. Core organizational value and joint responsibility of all staff
In UNECE, knowledge management is recognized as a core value that is an integral part of the
organizational culture. Knowledge management is a joint responsibility of all staff and
management – everybody contributes to the collection and sharing of knowledge in their area
of responsibility according to defined roles (see Annex I).
JIU/REP/2007/6, para 21.
2. Focused on people with technology as enabler
Knowledge management will be organized around people rather than documents. It will foster
regular interaction to identify, document and share knowledge and facilitate joint learning
across organizational lines. Knowledge management will be supported by ITC tools that will
ensure more systematic knowledge gathering and sharing, enable collaborative working, and
provide easy access to knowledge repositories.
3. Covering different types of knowledge – explicit and tacit
Knowledge management will cover the whole breadth of knowledge that is available in
UNECE in its different forms. It will capture and codify explicit organizational knowledge (e.g.
technical know-how and procedural guidance) that can be shared in knowledge repositories,
while also providing interactive formats to bring to bear tacit knowledge (e.g. accumulated
experience and personal competence of individuals) that does not readily lend itself to being
captured in written records.
4. Applying multiple approaches and tools
Knowledge management will be organized in a multi-pronged (rather than a one-size-fits-all)
approach to cover the diverse types of knowledge of UNECE and to respond to the specific
needs of different audiences. To underpin a variety of processes, ranging from routine
transactions to complex analytical work that requires expert know how, interpretation and
judgement, UNECE will develop/maintain a set of Knowledge Management tools, such as
guidance templates, knowledge repositories and collaboration platforms.
5. Needs-based, context-specific and evidence-based
Knowledge will be captured to respond to specific business needs with a concrete usage and
audience in mind. It will be documented in a context-specific and evidence-based way that
indicates how and by whom such knowledge was gathered.
6. Continuous, iterative process
Knowledge management will be undertaken as an ongoing and iterative process that allows
UNECE to continuously learn from its experience. Good knowledge management practices
will be embedded in all activities. Accordingly, knowledge management practices/products
should routinely be included as deliverables in effective project management. Validation and
review mechanisms will be established to ensure the relevance of knowledge and periodically
reconfirm its continued usefulness over time.
7. Linked to performance management framework
To encourage active contribution to knowledge management across UNECE and recognize
good practices, a knowledge management goal will be included in the performance appraisal
of all staff. All managers are encouraged to explore ways to recognize and reward effective
knowledge managers and support learning activities that promulgate good knowledge
management practices.
8. KM priorities defined in annual action plans
Knowledge management will respond to identified needs, concrete challenges and potential
risks identified for UNECE. Annual action plans will define priorities for knowledge
management activities to deepen the uptake of good practices, broaden the content available in
knowledge repositories, and increase the usage of interactive knowledge sharing platforms.
* * *
Annex 1: Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Secretary
Provide leadership to shape a learning and knowledge-based organization
Set strategic direction for knowledge management
Foster organizational culture that recognizes knowledge management as a core
Create an enabling environment for effective knowledge management
Identify needs and define priorities for annual knowledge management action plan
Designate knowledge managers in their area of responsibility (e.g. Chiefs of
Divisions/Sections/Units, Secretaries to subsidiary bodies, etc.) and ensure timely
capture of key knowledge
Provide guidance and oversight to validate knowledge and ensure its periodic
Integrate knowledge management in e-Performance document
Actively engage in knowledge capture and sharing across the organization
Office of the Executive Secretary
Serve as organization-wide focal point for Knowledge Management and
periodically convene Knowledge Management Focal Point Group
Monitor implementation of annual Knowledge Management Action Plan
Identify, set up and maintain ICT tools to enable Knowledge Management
ProposedAction UNECEfocalpoint Timeline
1. Clarificationoftheorganizationallearningprocesses
2. DevelopmentofKMtoolbox
OES+FPs 6/2017
3. Developmentofguidanceonroutinetransactions
OES+FPs 3/2017
4. Performancemanagement:
5. TrainingopportunitiesandinductiontoUNECEKnowledgeManagement
OESwithHR/UNOG 8/2017
6. Compilationofavailableknowledgeinexistingknowledgerepositories
OES+FPs/allDivisions Ongoing
7. Selectionandintroductionofcontentmanagementtool
8. Needsassessmentandestablishment/maintenanceofCommunitiesofPractice
OES+FPs 4/2017
9. BrownBagSeries/occasionalmeetingstoshareknowledge
10. CommunicationStrategyforKnowledgeManagement OES(lead)