Application form (Part A)
Example, not to be completed
Example, not to be completed
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Structure of the Proposal
The proposal contains two parts:
Part A of the proposal is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information entered by the participants
through the submission system in the Funding & Tenders Portal. The participants can update the information in the
submission system at any time before final submission.
Part B of the proposal is the narrative part that includes three sections that each correspond to an evaluation criterion. Part
B needs to be uploaded as a PDF document following the templates downloaded by the applicants in the submission system
for the specific call or topic. The templates for a specific call may slightly differ from the example provided in this document.
The electronic submission system is an online wizard that guides you step-by-step through the preparation of your proposal.
The submission process consists of 6 steps:
- Step 1: Logging in the Portal
- Step 2: Select the call, topic and type of action in the Portal
- Step 3: Create a draft proposal: Title, acronym, summary, main organisation and contact details
- Step 4: Manage your parties and contact details: add your partner organisations and contact details.
- Step 5: Edit and complete web forms for proposal part A and upload proposal part B
- Step 6: Submit the proposal
Instructions and footnotes in green will not appear in the text generated by the IT system.
For options [in square brackets]: the option that applies will be automatically shown in the IT system (Part A) or
included in the template of Part B offered by the IT system or you must select the appropriate value from a
predefined list.
For fields in [grey in square brackets] (even if they are part of an option as specified in the previous item): enter
the appropriate data in the IT system.
Data in coloured fields will be prefilled by the IT tool.
Initial version
Formatting and alignment
Added definitions for role of participants
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
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Please check our wiki for help on navigating the form.
Horizon Europe
Application forms (Part A)
Type of action:
Type of Model Grant Agreement:
Proposal number:
Proposal acronym:
Table of contents
General information
Ethics and security
Other questions
The forms must be filled in for each proposal using the templates available in the Submission System. Some data fields in the forms are
pre-filled based on the previous steps in the Submission wizard.
Application Forms
Example, not to be completed
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1 General information
Section 1 provides basic data on the proposal. It can be filled in by contacts of the coordinator. Other participants may view this section only. Read-only
parts are marked in blue.
Proposal title
Note that for technical reasons, the following characters are not accepted in the Proposal Title and will be removed: < > " &
Duration in
Fixed keyword
Fixed keyword
Free keywords
The abstract should provide the reader with a clear understanding of the objectives of the proposal, how they will be achieved, and their relevance to
the Work Programme. This summary will be used as the short description of the proposal in the evaluation process and in communications to the
programme management committees and other interested parties. It must therefore be short and precise and should not contain confidential
information. Use plain typed text, avoiding formulas and other special characters. If the proposal is written in a language other than English, please
include an English version of this abstract in the Part B (technical description) of the proposal.
Has this proposal (or a very similar one) been submitted in the past 2 years in response to a call
for proposals under any EU programme, including the current call? A `similar' proposal or contract is one
that differs from the current one in minor ways, and in which some of the present consortium members are involved.
Please give the proposal reference or contract number
Type of action
Type of Model Grant Agreement
Acronym is mandatory
Max 200 characters (with spaces). Must be understandable for non-specialists in your field.
Estimated duration of the project in full months.
Enter any words you think give extra detail of the scope of your proposal (max 200 characters
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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These declarations can be filled in by any coordinator contact(s). All declarations are mandatory.
1) We declare to have the explicit consent of all applicants on their participation and on the content
this proposal.
2) We confirm that the information contained in this proposal is correct and complete and that none of
the project activities have started before the proposal was submitted (unless explicitly authorised
in the call conditions).
3) We declare:
to be fully compliant with the eligibility criteria set out in the call
not to be subject to any exclusion grounds under the EU Financial Regulation 2018/1046
to have the financial and operational capacity to carry out the proposed project.
4) We acknowledge that all communication will be made through the Funding & Tenders Portal
electronic exchange system and that access and use of this system is subject to the Funding &
Tenders Portal Terms & Conditions.
5) We have read, understood and accepted the Funding & Tenders Portal Terms & Conditions and
Privacy Statement that set out the conditions of use of the Portal and the scope, purposes, retention
periods, etc. for the processing of personal data of all data subjects whose data we communicate for
the purpose of the application, evaluation, award and subsequent management of our grant, prizes
and contracts (including financial transactions and audits).
6) We declare that the proposal complies with ethical principles (including the highest standards of
research integrity as set out in the ALLEA European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, as well
as applicable international and national law, including the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the
European Union and the European Convention on Human Rights and its Supplementary Protocols.
Appropriate procedures, policies and structures are in place to foster responsible research practices,
to prevent questionable research practices and research misconduct, and to handle allegations of
breaches of the principles and standards in the Code of Conduct.
7) We declare that the proposal has an exclusive focus on civil applications (activities intended to be
used in military application or aiming to serve military purposes cannot be funded). If the project
involves dual-use items in the sense of Regulation 2021/821, or other items for which authorisation is
required, we confirm that we will comply with the applicable regulatory framework (e.g. obtain
export/import licences before these items are used).
8) We confirm that the activities proposed do not
aim at human cloning for reproductive purposes;
intend to modify the genetic heritage of human beings which could make such changes
heritable (with the exception of research relating to cancer treatment of the gonads,
which may be financed), or
intend to create human embryos solely for the purpose of research or for the purpose
of stem cell procurement, including by means of somatic cell nuclear transfer.
lead to the destruction of human embryos (for example, for obtaining stem cells)
These activities are excluded from funding.
9) We confirm that for activities carried out outside the Union, the same activities would have
been allowed in at least one EU Member State
10) [Additional option for LUMP SUM Grants: For Lump Sum Grants with a detailed budget table: We
understand and accept that the EU lump sum grants must be reliable proxies for the actual costs of a
project and confirm that the detailed budget for the proposal has been established in accordance with
our usual cost accounting practices and in compliance with the basic eligibility conditions for EU
actual cost grants (see AGA ― Annotated Grant Agreement, art 6) and exclude costs that are
ineligible under the Programme. Purchases and subcontracting costs must be done taking into
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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The coordinator is only responsible for the information relating to their own organisation. Each applicant remains responsible for the
information declared for their organisation. If the proposal is retained for EU funding, they will all be required to sign a declaration of
False statements or incorrect information may lead to administrative sanctions under the EU Financial Regulation.
account best value for money and must be free of conflict of interest. ]
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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2 Participants
List of participating organisations
Coordinator contacts have the rights to:
add, delete, edit and re-order partners in the consortium
add, delete, edit and re-order contact points for those organisations
edit all sections of the administrative forms
upload, delete, view and download Part B and Annexes (when required for the call)
submit the proposal
Participant contacts may:
view all the information in this screen, but not edit it
edit only the section for their organisation in the administrative forms (including budget)
view the entire administrative forms
view/download the Part B and other Annexes
You can manage the list of organisations and access rights of persons at Step 4 of the submission process. You may identify and give access to as
many contact persons of the selected organisations as you wish. The identification is based upon the e-mail address of the person. When you add a
contact person, you will be prompted to supply the contact details: name, e-mail, phone.
Person in charge of the proposal (main contact person): Each organisation needs to have one main contact person identified; the main contact person
will have to fill in full contact details in the administrative form. The 'Main Contact Person' for the coordinating organisation (Participant no. 1) will become
the primary contact person for the Services. Other contact persons may also be identified and may receive read-only or full access rights. Contact
persons with full access rights of the coordinator (Participant no. 1) will be called 'Coordinator contacts' in the Funding & Tenders Portal, while for the
other participants 'Participant Contacts'; contact persons with read-only rights will be called 'Team Members'. Other contact persons are listed with basic
details in the administrative form.
Access rights: The main contact person and contact persons of the coordinator with full access rights have the same level of rights: they can manage the
list of participants and contacts, edit any part of the administrative part of the proposal and upload any attachments (eg. Part B - technical description),
and submit the proposal. Contact persons with read-only rights can only view/download the information. Participant contacts with full access rights can
only edit their section of the administrative form and view all proposal data.
Access rights can be revoked by the Coordinating Organisation contacts. The person who created the proposal cannot be deleted.
Invitation: All contacts will receive an e-mail and a notification to the Portal about the invitation to the proposal upon saving the data at Step 4 of the
submission process.
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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Organisation data
The section shows the administrative data of the participating organisation as registered and/or validated in the central registry of organisations of the
European Commission, linked to the given PIC number. Data in blue is read-only, modification is not possible in the proposal forms. For more information
on how to modify this information, please visit the online manual on the participant register.
PIC Legal name
Short name
Address of the organisation
Specific legal statuses
Read more about legal statuses.
Public .................................................................... unknown Legal person .................................................
Non-profit .............................................................. unknown
International organisation ....................................... unknown
International organisation of European interest ...... unknown
Secondary or Higher education establishment ....... unknown
Research organisation ........................................... unknown
SME status
The enterprise data of the organisation is taken from the Participant Register. Changes to the self-declared or self-assessed SME data can be
performed by the self-registrant or by the LEAR (Legal Entity Appointed Representative) in the Participant Register.
SME self declared status ....................................... unknown
SME self-assessment ............................................ unknown
SME validation sme ............................................... unknown
Based on the above details of the Participant Registry the organisation is not an SME (small- and medium-sized enterprise) for the call.
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
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Departments carrying out the proposed work
The information serves mainly statistical purposes. For determining the eligibility of the proposal, the official address of the organisation is taken into
Department 1
Department name
not applicable
Same as organisation address
Please enter street name and number
Links with other participants
Please indicate if there are dependencies with other participants of the proposal.
Two participants (legal entities) are dependent on each other where there is a controlling relationship between them:
* A legal entity is under the same direct or indirect control as another legal entity;or
* A legal entity directly or indirectly controls another legal entity;or
* A legal entity is directly or indirectly controlled by another legal entity.Control:
Legal entity A controls legal entity B if:
* A, directly or indirectly, holds more than 50% of the nominal value of the issued share capital or a majority of the voting rights of the
shareholders or associates of B, or
* A, directly or indirectly, holds in fact or in law the decision-making powers in B.
The following relationships between legal entities shall not in themselves be deemed to constitute controlling relationships:
(a) the same public investment corporation, institutional investor or venture-capital company has a direct or indirect holding of more than 50 %
of the nominal value of the issued share capital or a majority of voting rights of the shareholders or associates;
(b) the legal entities concerned are owned or supervised by the same public body.
Type of link
[Same group]
[Is controlled by]
Select one participant from the list of participants
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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Main contact person
This will be the person the EU services will contact concerning this proposal (e.g. for additional information, invitation to hearings, sending of evaluation
results, convocation to start grant preparation). The data in blue is read-only. Details (name, first name and e-mail) of Main Contact persons should be
edited in step Participants of the submission wizard.
Non binary
First name
Last name
Position in org.
Please indicate the position of the person
Same as organisation
Same as organisation address
Post code
Phone 1
Phone 2
Other contact persons
First name
Last name
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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Researchers involved in the proposal
Include only the researchers involved in the proposal, (see below definition of researcher). You do not need to include in the table the identity of other persons involved in the proposal who are not researchers.
Researchers are professionals engaged in the conception or creation of new knowledge. They conduct research and improve or develop concepts, theories, models, techniques instrumentation, software or
operational methods. (Frascati Manual 2015)
Include also person in charge of the proposal if a researcher.
First Name
Last Name
Career stage
Role of
researcher (in
the project)
Type of
[Category A Top
grade researcher]
[Category B Senior
[Category C
[Category D First
stage researcher]
[Team member]
[Other -
Career stages as defined in Frascati 2015 manual:
Category A Top grade researcher: the single highest grade/post at which research is normally conducted. Example: Full professoror ‘Director of research’.
Category B Senior researcher: Researchers working in positions not as senior as top position but more senior than newly qualified doctoral graduates (IsCED level 8). Examples:
associate professor or senior researcher or ‘principal investigator’.
Category C Recognised researcher: the first grade/post into which a newly qualified doctoral graduate would normally be recruited. Examples: assistant professor, ‘investigator’ or
post-doctoral fellow.
Category D First stage researcher: Either doctoral students at the IsCED level 8 who are engaged as researchers, or researchers working in posts that do not normally require a
doctorate degree. Examples: PhD students or junior researchers (without a PhD).
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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Role of participating organisation in the project
Applicants may select more than one option.
Project management
Click if your organisation will do project management activities (i.e.
assigning the tasks, reporting and interface with the EC). These tasks
are normally carried out by the coordinator, but other participants can
also contribute.
Communication, dissemination and engagement
Click if your organisation will be in charge of communication,
dissemination and engagement. This can be centralised by one
partner or split across the partners.
Provision of research and technology infrastructure
Click if your organisation is providing a research facility or research
Co-definition of research and market needs
Click if your organisation will be involved in the co-defining the
research and market needs. Usually it is a company that intends to
later use the research results, or a NGO that will use the solution. This
will help the project further tailor its results to respond to specific
needs of the end user.
Civil society representative
Click if your organisation belongs to civil society (NGO, association,
organisation, consumer group, community group, charity, etc.).
Policy maker or regulator, incl. standardisation body
Click if your organisation is a policy maker (local, regional, national,
European level), regulator or a standardisation body.
Research performer
Click if your organisation is in charge of performing the research
during the project.
Technology developer
Click if your organisation is in charge of developing the technology
during or after the project.
Testing/validation of approaches and ideas
Click if your organisation is in charge of testing/validating the
approach and ideas.
Prototyping and demonstration
Click if your organisation is in charge of developing the prototypes and
performing demonstrations.
IPR management incl. technology transfer
Click if your organisation is in charge of IPR management including
technology transfer at the end of the grant.
Public procurer of results
Click if your organisation (public authority, hospital, university, local
government, etc) will be using the results afterwards.
Private buyer of results
Click if your organisation (from the private sector) will be using the
results afterwards.
Finance provider (public or private)
Click if your organisation will be providing the financing for the
exploitation during or after the end of the project.
Education and training
Click if your organisation is in charge of educating and training
Contributions from the social sciences or/and the
Click if your organisation is in charge of contributing to the social
sciences or/and the humanities dimension to the research projec.t
Specify (50 character limit):
List of up to 5 publications, widely-used datasets, software, goods, services, or any other achievements
relevant to the call content.
Type of achievement
Short description
Key elements of the achievement, including a short qualitative assessment of its impact
and (where available) its digital object identifier (DOI) or other type of persistent
identifier (PID).
Publications, in particular journal articles, are expected to be open access. Datasets are
expected to be FAIR and ‘as open as possible, as closed as necessary.
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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[Other achievement]
List of up to 5 most relevant previous projects or activities, connected to the subject of this proposal
Name of Project or
Short description
Description of any significant infrastructure and/or any major items of technical equipment, relevant to
the proposed work
Name of
infrastructure or
Short description
Gender equality plan
Having a gender equality plan is an eligibility criterion for Public bodies, Higher education establishments and Research
organisations from Member States and Associated Countries. Be aware that if the proposal is selected, having a Gender
Equality Plan will be necessary before the grant agreement signature (applicable on calls with deadlines in 2022 and beyond).
Does the organisation have a Gender Equality Plan (GEP) covering the elements listed below?
Minimum process-related requirements (building blocks) for a GEP
Publication: formal document published on the institutions website and signed by the top
Dedicated resources: commitment of human resources and gender expertise to implement it.
Data collection and monitoring: sex/gender disaggregated data on personnel (and students
for establishments concerned) and annual reporting based on indicators.
Training: Awareness raising/trainings on gender equality and unconscious gender biases for
staff and decision-makers.
Content-wise, recommended areas to be covered and addressed via concrete measures and
targets are:
o work-life balance and organisational culture;
o gender balance in leadership and decision-making;
o gender equality in recruitment and career progression;
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the
Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
Proposal ID XXXXXXXXX Acronym XXXXXXX Participant short name: XXXX
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o integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content;
o measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment.
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This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
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3 Budget for the proposal
Possible ‘Other cost categories’ for Horizon Europe
Estimated expenditure
Estimated income
Requested EU contribution
Other sources of
(q) + (r)
Estimated eligible costs
EU contribution to eligible costs
by the
ng costs/€
C. Purchase costs
D. Other cost
E. Indirect
(e) = 25% *
[(a1) + (c1)
+ (c2) + (c3)
+ (d7)]
(h) = (a1) +
(b) + (c1) +
(c2) + (c3) +
(d) + (e)
n to
(l) = (U) * (h)
n to
d grant
(m) (n)
[specific cost
category] /€
Participant 1
Participant 2
Participant 3
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
Application Forms
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Estimated project expenditure
Estimated eligible costs
D. Other cost categories
Participant name
support to
third parties
D.2 Internally
goods and
(Unit costs -
al access to
(Unit costs)
(d3) ]
[D.4 Virtual
access to
(Unit costs)
(d4) ]
(d5) ]
[D.6 Euratom
Cofund staff
(Unit costs)
(d6) ]
[D.7 ERC
(d7) ]
[D.8 ERC
ng, FSTP
and internally
goods and
(d8) ]
Participant 1
Participant 2
Affiliated Entity
Participant 3
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by
the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
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4 Ethics and Security
Ethics issues table
This table should be completed as an essential part of your proposal. Please go through the table and indicate which elements concern your
proposal by answering Yes or No. If you answer Yes to any of the questions,
indicate in the adjacent box at which page in your full proposal further information relating to that ethics issue can be found, and
provide additional information on that ethics issue in the Ethics Self-Assessment section.
For more information on each of the ethics issues and how to address them, including detailed legal references, see the guidelines How to
Complete your Ethics Self-Assessment.
Does this activity involve Human Embryonic Stem Cells (hESCs)?
Will they be directly derived from embryos within this project?
Are they previously established cells lines?
Are the cell lines registered in the European registry for human embryonic stem
cell lines?
Does this activity involve the use of human embryos?
Will the activity lead to their destruction?
Does this activity involve human participants?
Are they volunteers for nonmedical studies (e.g. social or human sciences
Are they healthy volunteers for medical studies?
Are they patients for medical studies?
Are they potentially vulnerable individuals or groups?
Are they children/minors?
Are they other persons unable to give informed consent?
Does this activity involve interventions (physical also including imaging technology, behavioural
treatments, etc.) on the study participants?
Does it involve invasive techniques?
Does it involve collection of biological samples?
Example, not to be completed
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Does this activity involve conducting a clinical study as defined by the Clinical Trial
Regulation (EU 536/2014)? (using pharmaceuticals, biologicals, radiopharmaceuticals, or
advanced therapy medicinal products)
Is it a clinical trial?
Is it a low-intervention clinical trial?
3. HUMAN CELLS / TISSUES (not covered by section 1)
Does this activity involve the use of human cells or tissues?
Are they human embryonic or foetal cells or tissues?
Are they available commercially?
Are they obtained within this project?
Are they obtained from another project, laboratory or institution?
Are they obtained from biobank?
Does this activity involve processing of personal data?
Does it involve the processing of special categories of personal data (e.g.: sexual
lifestyle, ethnicity, genetic, biometric and health data, political opinion, religious or
Does it involve processing of genetic, biometric or health data?
Does it involve profiling, systematic monitoring of individuals, or processing of
large scale of special categories of data or intrusive methods of data processing
(such as, surveillance, geolocation tracking etc.)?
Does this activity involve further processing of previously collected personal data (including use of
preexisting data sets or sources, merging existing data sets)?
Is it planned to export personal data from the EU to non-EU countries?
Specify the type of personal data and countries involved:
Is it planned to import personal data from non-EU countries into the EU or from a non-EU country to
another non-EU country?
Specify the type of personal data and countries involved
Example, not to be completed
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Does this activity involve the processing of personal data related to criminal convictions or offences?
Does this activity involve animals?
Are they vertebrates?
Are they non-human primates (NHP)?
Are they genetically modified?
Are they cloned farm animals?
Are they endangered species?
Will some of the activities be carried out in non-EU countries?
Specify the countries:
In case non-EU countries are involved, do the activities undertaken in
these countries raise
potential ethics issues?
Specify the countries:
Is it planned to use local resources (e.g. animal and/or human tissue samples, genetic material,
live animals, human remains, materials of historical value, endangered fauna or flora samples,
Is it planned to import any material (other than data) from non-EU countries into the EU or from
a non-EU country to another non-EU country? For data imports, see section 4.
Specify material and countries involved:
Is it planned to export any material (other than data) from the EU to non-EU countries? For data
exports, see section 4.
Specify material and countries involved:
Does this activity involves low and/or lower-middle income countries? (if yes, detail the benefit-
sharing actions planned in the self-assessment)
Could the situation in the country put the individuals taking part in the activity at risk?
Example, not to be completed
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Does this activity involve the use of substances or processes that may cause harm to the
environment, to animals or plants (during the implementation of the activity or further to the use
of the results, as a possible impact)?
Does this activity deal with endangered fauna and/or flora / protected areas?
Does this activity involve the use of substances or processes that may cause harm to humans,
including those performing the activity (during the implementation of the activity or further to the
use of the results, as a possible impact)?
Does this activity involve the development, deployment and/or use of Artificial Intelligence
based systems? (if yes, detail in the self-assessment whether that could raise ethical concerns
related to human rights and values and detail how this will be addressed).
Are there any other ethics issues that should be taken into consideration?
Please specify: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)
I confirm that I have taken into account all ethics issues above and that, if any ethics issues
apply, I will complete the ethics self-assessment as described in the guidelines How to
Complete your Ethics Self-Assessment.
Example, not to be completed
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Application Forms
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If you have entered any issues in the ethics issue table, you must perform an ethics self-assessment in accordance with the
guidelines "How to Complete your Ethics Self-Assessment" and complete the table below.
Ethical dimension of the objectives, methodology and likely impact
Explain in detail the identified issues in relation to:
objectives of the activities (e.g. study of vulnerable populations, etc.)
methodology (e.g. clinical trials, involvement of children, protection of personal data, etc.)
the potential impact of the activities (e.g. environmental damage, stigmatisation of particular
social groups, political or financial adverse consequences, misuse, etc.)
Compliance with ethical principles and relevant legislations
Describe how the issue(s) identified in the ethics issues table above will be addressed in order
to adhere to the ethical principles and what will be done to ensure that the activities are
compliant with the E U / national legal and ethical requirements of the country or countries
where the tasks are to be carried out. It is reminded that for activities performed in a non-EU
countries, they should also be allowed in at least one EU Member State.
Example, not to be completed
This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by
the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
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Security issues table
Please go through the table and indicate which elements concern your proposal by answering YES or NO.
If you answer YES to any of the questions:
- indicate in the adjacent box at which page in your full proposal further information relating to that security issue can be found, and
- provide additional information on this security issue in the Security self-assessment section below.
For more information on potential security issues and how to address them, see the guidance How to handle security-sensitive projects and the
programme-specific guidelines Classification of information in Horizon Europe projects.
1. EU classified information (EUCI)
Does this activity involve information and/or materials requiring protection against unauthorised
disclosure (EUCI)?
Is the activity going to use classified information as background
Is the activity going to generate EU classified foreground
information as results?
Does this activity involve participants from non-EU countries which need to have access to
Do the non-EU countries concerned have a security of information agreement with
the EU?
Does this activity have the potential for misuse of results?
Does the activity provide knowledge, materials and technologies that could be
channelled into crime and/or terrorism?
Could the activity result in the development of chemical, biological, radiological or
nuclear (CBRN) weapons and the means for their delivery?
Does this activity involve information and/or materials subject to national security restrictions?
If yes, please specify: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)
According to the Commission Decision (EU, Euratom) 2015/444 of 13 March 2015 on the security rules for protecting
EU classified information, “European Union classified information (EUCI) means any information or material
designated by an EU security classification, the unauthorised disclosure of which could cause varying degrees of
prejudice to the interests of the European Union or of one or more of the Member States”.
Classified background information is information that is already classified by a country and/or international
organisation and/or the EU and is going to be used by the project. In this case, the project must have in advance the
authorisation from the originator of the classified information, which is the entity (EU institution, EU Member State,
third state or international organisation) under whose authority the classified information has been generated.
EU classified foreground information is information (documents/deliverables/materials) planned to be generated by
the project and that needs to be protected from unauthorised disclosure. The originator of the EUCI generated by the
project is the European Commission.
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This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by
the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
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Are there any other security issues that should be taken into consideration?
If yes, please specify: (Maximum number of characters allowed: 1000)
If you have answered YES for one or more of the questions indicated above, describe the measures you intend to take to solve/avoid them. For more
information, see the guidelines Classification of information in Horizon Europe projects, Classification of information in Digital Europe projects,
Classification of information in EDF projects.
Please specify (Maximum number of characters allowed: 5000)
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This proposal version was submitted by [Name, FAMILY NAME] on [dd/mm/yyyy HH:mm:ss] Brussels Local Time. Issued by
the Funding and Tenders Portal Submission Service.
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5 Other questions
Two-stage calls
The full stage-2 proposal must be consistent with the short outline proposal submitted to the stage 1 in particular with respect to the
proposal characteristics addressing the concepts of excellence and impact.
Are there substantial differences compared to the stage-1 proposal?
Questions showed only in answer is Yes:
Please list the substantial differences, and indicate the reasons
List the substantial differences and indicate the reasons
List the substantial differences and indicate the reasons
List the substantial differences and indicate the reasons
[Calls with clinical trials: Essential information to be provided for proposals including
clinical trials / studies / investigations
Clinical study means, for the purpose of this document, any systematic prospective or retrospective collection and analysis of health
data obtained from individual patients or healthy persons in order to address scientific questions related to the understanding,
prevention, diagnosis, monitoring or treatment of a disease, mental illness, or physical condition. It includes but it is not limited to
clinical studies as defined by Regulation 536/2014 (on medicinal products), clinical investigation and clinical evaluation as defined by
Regulation 2017/745 (on medical devices), performance study and performance evaluation as defined by Regulation 2017/746 (on in
vitro diagnostic medical devices.
Are clinical studies / trials / investigations included in the work plan of this project?
Please upload the dedicated annex Essential information for clinical studies / trials / investigations (a Word template is provided under
download templates in the up-load section for Part B and Annexes).
This document should include the relevant information of each clinical study / trial / investigation included in the work plan of this
Please give a short title, an acronym or a unique identifier to each clinical study / trial / investigation,
to be used as a reference / identifier in the other parts of the proposal
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Project proposal Technical description (Part B)
Example, not to be completed
Horizon Europe Programme
Standard Application Form (HE RIA and IA)
Project proposal Technical description (Part B)
Version 3.4
04 April 2024
Example, not to be completed
Structure of the Proposal
The proposal contains two parts:
Part A of the proposal is generated by the IT system. It is based on the information entered by the participants
through the submission system in the Funding & Tenders Portal. The participants can update the information in the
submission system at any time before final submission.
Part B of the proposal is the narrative part that includes three sections that each correspond to an evaluation criterion. Part
B needs to be uploaded as a PDF document following the templates downloaded by the applicants in the submission system
for the specific call or topic. The templates for a specific call may slightly differ from the example provided in this document.
The electronic submission system is an online wizard that guides you step-by-step through the preparation of your proposal.
The submission process consists of 6 steps:
- Step 1: Logging in the Portal
- Step 2: Select the call, topic and type of action in the Portal
- Step 3: Create a draft proposal: Title, acronym, summary, main organisation and contact details
- Step 4: Manage your parties and contact details: add your partner organisations and contact details.
- Step 5: Edit and complete web forms for proposal part A and upload proposal part B
- Step 6: Submit the proposal
1.0 10.03.2021 Initial version
1.1 19.04.2021 Formatting and alignment
Clarification of the indicative number of pages in section 2.2 is for sections 2.2
and 2.3
Added the name of the award criterion in section 3
1.2 25.05.2021 Addition of a table in section 3.1 about in-kind contributions
2.0 21.01.2022 Changes in tables on section 3 avoiding duplication of information
Reorder of points in ‘Impact’ section
3.0 11.07.2022 Consolidation, formatting and layout changes. Tags added
3.1 08.09.2022 Added instructions on Artificial intelligence
3.2 14.11.2022 Added page limit for topics using lump sum funding
3.3 27.09.2023 Guidance on the use of AI for the preparation of the proposal
3.4 04.04.2024 Additional information on how to describe the activities per work package
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Part B - Page 3 of 23
Proposal template Part B: technical description
(for full proposals: single stage submission procedure and 2
stage of a two-stage submission procedure)
This template is to be used in a single-st
age submission procedure or at the 2
stage of a two-stage submission
The structure of this template must be followed when preparing your proposal. It has been designed to ensure that
the important aspects of your planned work are presented in a way that will enable the experts to make an effective
assessment against the evaluation criteria. Sections 1, 2 and 3 each correspond to an evaluation criterion.
Please be aware that proposals will be evaluated as they were submitted, rather than on their potential if certain
changes were to be made. This means that only proposals that successfully address all the required aspects will
have a chance of being funded. There will be no possibility for significant changes to content, budget and
consortium composition during grant preparation.
Page limit: The title, list of participants and sections 1, 2 and 3, together, should not be longer than 45 pages.
For topics using lump sum funding, the limit is 50 pages. All tables, figures, references and any other element
pertaining to these sections must be included as an integral part of these sections and are thus counted against this
page limit. The number of pages included in each section of this template is only indicative.
The page limit will be applied automatically. At the end of this document you can see the structure of the
actual proposal that you need to submit, please remove all instruction pages that are watermarked.
If you attempt to upload a proposal longer than the specified limit before the deadline, you will receive an
automatic warning and will be advised to shorten and re-upload the proposal. After the deadline, excess pages (in
over-long proposals/applications) will be automatically made invisible, and will not be taken into consideration by
the experts. The proposal is a self-contained document. Experts will be instructed to ignore hyperlinks to
information that is specifically designed to expand the proposal, thus circumventing the page limit.
Please, do not consider the page limit as a target! It is in your interest to keep your text as concise as possible, since
experts rarely view unnecessarily long proposals in a positive light.
The following formatting conditions apply.
The reference font for the body text of proposals is Times New Roman (Windows platforms), Times/Times New
Roman (Apple platforms) or Nimbus Roman No. 9 L (Linux distributions).
The use of a different font for the body text is not advised and is subject to the cumulative conditions that the font
is legible and that its use does not significantly shorten the representation of the proposal in number of pages
compared to using the reference font (for example with a view to bypass the page limit).
The minimum font size allowed is 11 points. Standard character spacing and a minimum of single line spacing is to
be used. This applies to the body text, including text in tables.
Text elements other than the body text, such as headers, foot/end notes, captions, formula's, may deviate, but must
be legible.
The page size is A4, and all margins (top, bottom, left, right) should be at least 15 mm (not including any footers or
This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for our internal processing of information, mostly
for statistical gathering. In that light, please do not move, delete, re-order, alter tags in any way, as they might
create problems in our internal processing tools. Tags do not affect or influence the outcome of your application.
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Critical risk
A critical risk is a plausible event or issue that could have a high adverse impact on the ability of
the project to achieve its objectives.
Level of likelihood to occur (Low/medium/high): The likelihood is the estimated probability that
the risk will materialise even after taking account of the mitigating measures put in place.
Level of severity (Low/medium/high): The relative seriousness of the risk and the significance of its
A report that is sent to the Commission or Agency providing information to ensure effective
monitoring of the project. There are different types of deliverables (e.g. a report
on specific
activities or results, data management plans, ethics or security requirements).
Wider long term effects on society (including the environment), the economy and science, enabled
by the outcomes of R&I investments (long term). It refers to the specific contribution of the project
to the work programme expected impacts described in the destination. Impacts generally occur
some time after the end of the project.
Example: The deployment of the advanced forecasting system enables each airport to increase
maximum passenger capacity by 15% and passenger average throughput by 10%, leading to a 28%
reduction in infrastructure expansion costs.
Control points in the project that help to chart progress. Milestones may correspond to the
achievement of a key result, allowing the next phase of the work to begin. They may also be
needed at intermediary points so that, if problems have arisen, corrective measures can be taken.
A milestone may be a critical decision point in the project where, for example, the consortium
must decide which of several technologies to adopt for further development. The achievement of
a milestone should be verifiable.
The goals of the work performed within the project, in terms of its research and innovation
content. This will be translated into the project’s results. These may range from tackling specific
research questions, demonstrating the feasibility of an innovation, sharing knowledge among
stakeholders on specific issues. The nature of the objectives will depend on the type of action, and
the scope of the topic.
The expected effects, over the medium term, of projects supported under a given topic. The
results of a project should contribute to these outcomes, fostered in particular by the
dissemination and exploitation measures. This may include the uptake, diffusion, deployment,
and/or use of the project’s results by direct target groups. Outcomes generally occur during or
shortly after the end of the project.
Example: 9 European airports adopt the advanced forecasting system demonstrated during the
Pathway to
Logical steps towards the achievement of the expected impacts of the project over time, in
particular beyond the duration of a project. A pathway begins with the projects’ results, to their
dissemination, exploitation and communication, contributing to th
e expected outcomes in the
work programme topic, and ultimately to the wider scientific, economic and societal impacts of
the work programme destination.
Results generated by the action to which access can be given in the form of scientific publications,
data or other engineered outcomes and processes such as software, algorithms, protocols and
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electronic notebooks.
What is generated during the project implementation. This may include, for example, know-how,
innovative solutions, algorithms, proof of feasibility,
new business models, policy
recommendations, guidelines, prototypes, demonstrators, databases and datasets, trained
researchers, new infrastructures, networks, etc. Most project results (inventions, scientific works,
etc.) are ‘Intellectual Property’, which may, if appropriate, be protected by formal ‘Intellectual
Property Rights’.
Example: Successful large-
scale demonstrator: trial with 3 airports of an advanced forecasting
system for proactive airport passenger flow management.
See Work Programme General Annexes B
Guidance on the use of generative AI tools for the preparation of the proposal
When considering the use of generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools for the preparation of the proposal, it is
imperative to exercise caution and careful consideration. The AI-
generated content should be thoroughly
reviewed and validated by the applicants to ensure its appropriateness and accuracy, as well as its compliance
with intellectual property regulations. Applicants are fully responsible for the content of the proposal (even those
parts produced by the AI tool) and must be transparent in disclosing which AI tools were used and how they were
Specifically, applicants are required to:
Verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by the AI
tool and correct any errors or inconsistencies.
Provide a list of sources used to generate content and citations, including those generated by the AI tool.
Double-check citations to ensure they are accurate and properly referenced.
Be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the AI tool may have reproduced substantial text from
other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarizing someone else’s work.
Acknowledge the limitations of the AI tool in the proposal preparation, including the potential for bias,
errors, and gaps in knowledge.
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Fill in the title of your proposal below.
The consortium members are listed in part A of the proposal (application forms). A summary list should also be
provided in the table below.
[This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for processing.] #@APP-FORM-HERIAIA@#
List of participants [e.g. 1 page]
Participant No. * Participant organisation name Country
1 (Coordinator)
* Please use the same participant numbering and name as that used in the administrative proposal forms.
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1. Excellence #@REL-EVA-RE@#
The following aspects will be taken into account only to the extent that the proposed work is within the
scope of the work programme topic.
1.1 Objectives and ambition
#@PRJ-OBJ-PO@# [e.g. 4 pages]
Briefly describe the objectives of your proposed work. Why are they pertinent to the work programme
topic? Are they measurable and verifiable? Are they realistically achievable?
Describe how your project goes beyond the state-of-the-art, and the extent the proposed work is
ambitious. Indicate any exceptional ground-breaking R&I, novel concepts and approaches, new products,
services or business and organisational models. Where relevant, illustrate the advance by referring to
products and services already available on the market. Refer to any patent or publication search carried
Describe where the proposed work is positioned in terms of R&I maturity (i.e. where it is situated in the
spectrum from ‘idea to application’, or from ‘lab to market’). Where applicable, provide an indication of
the Technology Readiness Level, if possible distinguishing the start and by the end of the project.
Please bear in mind that advances beyond the state of the art must be interpreted in the light of
the positioning of the project. Expectations will not be the same for RIAs at lower TRL, compared
with Innovation Actions at high TRLs.
1.2 M
ethodology #@CON-MET-CM@# #@COM-PLE-CP@# [e.g. 14 pages]
Describe and explain the overall methodology, including the concepts, models and assumptions that
underpin your work. Explain how this will enable you to deliver your project’s objectives. Refer to any
important challenges you may have identified in the chosen methodology and how you intend to
overcome them. [e.g. 10 pages]
This section should be presented as a narrative. The detailed tasks and work packages are
described below under ‘Implementation’.
Where relevant, include how the project methodology complies with the ‘do no significant harm’
principle as per Article 17 of Regulation (EU) No 2020/852 on the establishment of a framework to
facilitate sustainable investment (i.e. the so-called 'EU Taxonomy Regulation'). This means that the
methodology is designed in a way it is not significantly harming any of the six environmental
objectives of the EU Taxonomy Regulation.
If you plan to use, develop and/or deploy artificial intelligence (AI) based systems and/or
techniques you must demonstrate their technical robustness. AI-based systems or techniques
should be, or be developed to become:
Excellence – aspects to be taken into account.
Clarity and pertinence of the project’s objectives, and the extent to which the proposed
work is ambitious, and goes beyond the state of the art.
Soundness of the proposed methodology, including the underlying concepts, models,
assumptions, interdisciplinary approaches, appropriate consideration of the gender
dimension in research and innovation content, and the quality of open science practices,
including sharing and management of research outputs and engagement of citizens, civil
society and end users where appropriate.
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technically robust, accurate and reproducible, and able to deal with and inform about
possible failures, inaccuracies and errors, proportionate to the assessed risk they pose
socially robust, in that they duly consider the context and environment in which they
reliable and function as intended, minimizing unintentional and unexpected harm,
preventing unacceptable harm and safeguarding the physical and mental integrity of
able to provide a suitable explanation of their decision-making processes, whenever they
can have a significant impact on people’s lives.
Describe any national or international research and innovation activities whose results will feed into the
project, and how that link will be established. [e.g. 1 page]
xplain how expertise and methods from different disciplines will be brought together and integrated in
pursuit of your objectives. If you consider that an inter-disciplinary approach is unnecessary in the context
of the proposed work, please provide a justification. [e.g. 1/2 page]
For topics where the work programme indicates the need for the integration of social sciences and
humanities, show the role of these disciplines in the project or provide a justification if you consider that
these disciplines are not relevant to your proposed project. [e.g. 1/2 page]
Describe how the gender dimension (i.e. sex and/or gender analysis) is taken into account in the project’s
research and innovation content [e.g. 1 page]. If you do not consider such a gender dimension to be
relevant in your project, please provide a justification.
Note: This section is mandatory except for topics which have been identified in the work
programme as not requiring the integration of the gender dimension into R&I content.
Remember that that this question relates to the content of the planned research and innovation
activities, and not to gender balance in the teams in charge of carrying out the project.
Sex and gender analysis refers to biological characteristics and social/cultural factors respectively.
For guidance on methods of sex / gender analysis and the issues to be taken into account, please
refer to
Describe how appropriate open science practices are implemented as an integral part of the proposed
methodology. Show how the choice of practices and their implementation are adapted to the nature of
your work, in a way that will increase the chances of the project delivering on its objectives [e.g. 1 page].
If you believe that none of these practices are appropriate for your project, please provide a justification
Open science is an approach based on open cooperative work and systematic sharing of
knowledge and tools as early and widely as possible in the process. Open science practices include
early and open sharing of research (for example through preregistration, registered reports, pre-
prints, or crowd-sourcing); research output management; measures to ensure reproducibility of
research outputs; providing open access to research outputs (such as publications, data, software,
models, algorithms, and workflows); participation in open peer-review; and involving all relevant
knowledge actors including citizens, civil society and end users in the co-creation of R&I agendas
and contents (such as citizen science).
Please note that this question does not refer to outreach actions that may be planned as part of
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communication, dissemination and exploitation activities. These aspects should instead be
described below under ‘Impact’.
search data management and management of other research outputs: Applicants
generating/collecting data and/or other research outputs (except for publications) during the project
must provide maximum 1 page on how the data/ research outputs will be managed in line with the FAIR
principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), addressing the following (the description
should be specific to your project): [1 page]
Types of data/research outputs (e.g. experimental, observational, images, text, numerical) and their
estimated size; if applicable, combination with, and provenance of, existing data.
Findability of data/research outputs: Types of persistent and unique identifiers (e.g. digital object
identifiers) and trusted repositories that will be used.
Accessibility of data/research outputs: IPR considerations and timeline for open access (if open
access not provided, explain why); provisions for access to restricted data for verification purposes.
Interoperability of data/research outputs: Standards, formats and vocabularies for data and
Reusability of data/research outputs: Licenses for data sharing and re-use (e.g. Creative Commons,
Open Data Commons); availability of tools/software/models for data generation and
validation/interpretation /re-use.
Curation and storage/preservation costs; person/team responsible for data management and
quality assurance.
Proposals selected for funding under Horizon Europe will need to develop a detailed data
management plan (DMP) for making their data/research outputs findable, accessible,
interoperable and reusable (FAIR) as a deliverable by month 6 and revised towards the end of a
project’s lifetime.
For guidance on open science practices and research data management, please refer to the
relevant section of the HE Programme Guide o
n the Funding & Tenders Portal.
2. Impact
Impact aspects to be taken into account.
Credibility of the pathways to achieve the expected outcomes and impacts specified in
the work programme, and the likely scale and significance of the contributions due to
the project.
Suitability and quality of the measures to maximise expected outcomes and impacts, as
set out in the dissemination and exploitation plan, including communication activities.
The results of your project should make a contribution to the expected outcomes set out for the work programme
topic over the medium term, and to the wider expected impacts set out in the ‘destination’ over the longer term.
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In this section you should show how your project could contribute to the outcomes and impacts described in the
work programme, the likely scale and significance of this contribution, and the measures to maximise these
2.1 Project’s pathways towards impact [e.g. 4 pages]
Provide a narrative explaining how the project’s results are expected to make a difference in terms of
impact, beyond the immediate scope and duration of the project. The narrative should include the
components below, tailored to your project.
(a) Describe the unique contribution your project results would make towards (1) the outcomes specified
in this topic, and (2) the wider impacts, in the longer term, specified in the respective destinations in
the work programme.
Be specific, referring to the effects of your project, and not R&I in general in this field.
State the target groups that would benefit. Even if target groups are mentioned in general terms
in the work programme, you should be specific here, breaking target groups into particular
interest groups or segments of society relevant to this project.
The outcomes and impacts of your project may:
Scientific, e.g. contributing to specific scientific advances, across and within disciplines,
creating new knowledge, reinforcing scientific equipment and instruments, computing
systems (i.e. research infrastructures);
Economic/technological, e.g. bringing new products, services, business processes to the
market, increasing efficiency, decreasing costs, increasing profits, contributing to
standards’ setting, etc.
Societal , e.g. decreasing CO
emissions, decreasing avoidable mortality, improving policies
and decision making, raising consumer awareness.
Only include such outcomes and impacts where your project would make a significant and direct
contribution. Avoid describing very tenuous links to wider impacts. However, include any potential
negative environmental outcome or impact of the project including when expected results are
brought at scale (such as at commercial level). Where relevant, explain how the potential harm
can be managed.
(b) Give an indication of the scale and significance of the project’s contribution to the expected
outcomes and impacts, should the project be successful. Provide quantified estimates where possible
and meaningful.
Scale’ refers to how widespread the outcomes and impacts are likely to be. For example, in terms
of the size of the target group, or the proportion of that group, that should benefit over time;
‘Significance’ refers to the importance, or value, of those benefits. For example, number of
additional healthy life years; efficiency savings in energy supply.
Explain your baselines, benchmarks and assumptions used for those estimates. Wherever possible,
quantify your estimation of the effects that you expect from your project. Explain assumptions that
you make, referring for example to any relevant studies or statistics. Where appropriate, try to use
only one methodology for calculating your estimates: not different methodologies for each
partner, region or country (the extrapolation should preferably be prepared by one partner).
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Your estimate must relate to this project only - the effect of other initiatives should not be taken
into account.
(c) Describe any requirements and potential barriers - arising from factors beyond the scope and
duration of the project - that may determine whether the desired outcomes and impacts are
achieved. These may include, for example, other R&I work within and beyond Horizon Europe;
regulatory environment; targeted markets; user behaviour. Indicate if these factors might evolve over
time. Describe any mitigating measures you propose, within or beyond your project, that could be
needed should your assumptions prove to be wrong, or to address identified barriers.
Note that this does not include the critical risks inherent to the management of the project itself ,
which should be described below under ‘Implementation’.
2.2 Measures to maximise impact - Dissemination, exploitation and communication
[e.g. 5 pages, including section 2.3]
Describe the planned measures to maximise the impact of your project by providing a first version of your
plan for the dissemination and exploitation including communication activities’. Describe the
dissemination, exploitation and communication measures that are planned, and the target group(s)
addressed (e.g. scientific community, end users, financial actors, public at large).
Please remember that this plan is an admissibility condition, unless the work programme topic
explicitly states otherwise. In case your proposal is selected for funding, a more detailed ‘plan for
dissemination and exploitation including communication activities’ will need to be provided as a
mandatory project deliverable within 6 months after signature date. This plan shall be periodically
updated in alignment with the project’s progress.
measures should promote the project throughout the full lifespan of the project.
The aim is to inform and reach out to society and show the activities performed, and the use and
the benefits the project will have for citizens. Activities must be strategically planned, with clear
objectives, start at the outset and continue through the lifetime of the project. The description of
the communication activities needs to state the main messages as well as the tools and channels
that will be used to reach out to each of the chosen target groups.
All measures should be proportionate to the scale of the project, and should contain concrete
actions to be implemented both during and after the end of the project, e.g. standardisation
activities. Your plan should give due consideration to the possible follow-up of your project, once it
is finished. In the justification, explain why each measure chosen is best suited to reach the target
group addressed. Where relevant, and for innovation actions, in particular, describe the measures
for a plausible path to commercialise the innovations.
If exploitation is expected primarily in non-associated third countries, justify by explaining how
that exploitation is still in the Union’s interest.
Describe possible feedback to policy measures generated by the project that will contribute to
designing, monitoring, reviewing and rectifying (if necessary) existing policy and programmatic
measures or shaping and supporting the implementation of new policy initiatives and decisions.
Outline your strategy for the management of intellectual property, foreseen protection measures, such as
patents, design rights, copyright, trade secrets, etc., and how these would be used to support
For further guidance on communicating EU research and innovation for project participants, please refer to the Online Manual on the Funding & Tenders
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If your project is selected, you will need an appropriate consortium agreement to manage
(amongst other things) the ownership and access to key knowledge (IPR, research data etc.).
Where relevant, these will allow you, collectively and individually, to pursue market opportunities
arising from the project.
If your project is selected, you must indicate the owner(s) of the results (results ownership list) in
the final periodic report.
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2.3 Summary
Provide a summary of this section by presenting in the canvas below the key elements of your project impact pathway and of the measures to maximise its
What are the specific needs that
triggered this project?
Example 1
Most airports use process flow-oriented
models based on static mathematical
values limiting the optimal management
of passenger flow and hampering the
accurate use of the available resources
to the actual demand of passengers.
Example 2
Electronic components need to get
smaller and lighter to match the
expectations of the end-users. At the
same time there is a problem of sourcing
of raw materials that has an
environmental impact.
What dissemination, exploitation and communication measures will you
apply to the results?
Example 1
Exploitation: Patenting the algorithmic model.
Dissemination towards the scientific community and airports: Scientific
publication with the results of the large-scale demonstration.
Communication towards citizens: An event in a shopping mall to show how
the outcomes of the action are relevant to our everyday lives.
Example 2
Exploitation of the new product: Patenting the new product;
Licencing to major electronic companies.
Dissemination towards the scientific community and industry:
Participating at conferences; Developing a platform of material
compositions for industry; Participation at EC project portfolios to
disseminate the results as part of a group and maximise the visibility vis-
vis companies.
What do you expect to generate by the
end of the project?
Example 1
Successful large-scale demonstrator:
Trial with 3 airports of an advanced
forecasting system for proactive airport
passenger flow management.
Algorithmic model:
Novel algorithmic model for proactive
airport passenger flow management.
Example 2
Publication of a scientific discovery on
transparent electronics.
New product: More sustainable
electronic circuits.
Three PhD students trained.
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Who will use or further up-take the results
of the project? Who will benefit from the
results of the project?
Example 1
9 European airports:
Schiphol, Brussels airport, etc.
The European Union aviation safety
Air passengers (indirect).
Example 2
End-users: consumers of electronic
Major electronic companies: Samsung,
Apple, etc.
Scientific community (field of transparent
What are the expected wider scientific, economic and
societal effects of the project contributing to the expected
impacts outlined in the respective destination in the work
Example 1
Scientific: New breakthrough scientific discovery on
passenger forecast modelling.
Economic: Increased airport efficiency
Size: 15% increase of maximum passenger capacity in
European airports, leading to a 28% reduction in
infrastructure expansion costs.
Example 2
Scientific: New breakthrough scientific discovery on
transparent electronics.
Economic/Technological: A new market for touch
enabled electronic devices.
Societal: Lower climate impact of electronics
manufacturing (including through material sourcing and
waste management).
What change do you expect to see after successful
dissemination and exploitation of project results to the
target group(s)?
Example 1
Up-take by airports: 9 European airports adopt the
advanced forecasting system demonstrated during the
Example 2
High use of the scientific discovery published (measured
with the relative rate of citation index of project
A major electronic company (Samsung or Apple)
exploits/uses the new product in their manufacturing.
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3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation #@QUA-LIT-QL@# #@WRK-PLA-WP@#
Quality and efficiency of the implementationaspects to be taken into account
Quality and effectiveness of the work plan, assessment of risks, and appropriateness of the
effort assigned to work packages, and the resources overall
Capacity and role of each participant, and extent to which the consortium as a whole brings
together the necessary expertise.
3.1 Work plan and resources [e.g. 14 pages (19 pages for topics using lump sum funding) including tables]
Please provide the following:
brief presentation of the overall structure of the work plan;
timing of the different work packages and their components (Gantt chart or similar);
graphical presentation of the components showing how they inter-relate (Pert chart or similar).
detailed work description, i.e.:
o a list of work packages (table 3.1a);
o a description of each work package (table 3.1b);
o a list of deliverables (table 3.1c);
Give full details. Base your account on the logical structure of the project and the stages in
which it is to be carried out. Each work package should be a substantial part of the work
plan, and the number of work packages should be proportionate to the scale and
complexity of the project.
Structure each work package by breaking it down into tasks. If tasks are not appropriate,
work packages can be organised according to other criteria (e.g., according to the type of
work or thematically). For each task or element of the work package, describe all activities
to be carried out and quantify them (e.g., number of protocols, tests, measurements,
combinations, study subjects, conferences, publications, etc.). Provide enough detail to
clarify who will do this work and why it is needed for the project, (e.g., the level of
qualification and number of person-months for personnel, as well as the requested
equipment, consumables, meetings, etc.), to justify the proposed resources and so that
progress can be monitored, including by the Commission.
Resources assigned to work packages should be in line with their objectives and
deliverables. You are advised to include a distinct work package on ‘project management’,
and to give due visibility in the work plan to ‘data management’ ‘dissemination and
exploitation’ and ‘communication activities’, either with distinct tasks or distinct work
You will be required to update the ‘plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results
including communication activities, and a ‘data management plan’, (this does not apply
to topics where a plan was not required.) This should include a record of activities related
to dissemination and exploitation that have been undertaken and those still planned.
Please make sure the information in this section matches the costs as stated in the budget
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table in section 3 of the application forms, and the number of person months, shown in
the detailed work package descriptions.
a list of milestones (table 3.1d);
a list of critical risks, relating to project implementation, that the stated project's objectives may not be
achieved. Detail any risk mitigation measures. You will be able to update the list of critical risks and
mitigation measures as the project progresses (table 3.1e);
a table showing number of person months required (table 3.1f);
a table showing description and justification of subcontracting costs for each participant (table 3.1g);
a table showing justifications for ‘purchase costs’ (table 3.1h) for participants where those costs exceed
15% of the personnel costs (according to the budget table in proposal part A);
if applicable, a table showing justifications for ‘other costs categories’ (table 3.1i);
if applicable, a table showing in-kind contributions from third parties (table 3.1j)
3.2 Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole
#@CON-SOR-CS@# #@PRJ-MGT-PM@# [e.g. 3 pages]
The individual participants of the consortium are described in a separate section under Part A. There is no need
to repeat that information here.
Describe the consortium. How does it match the project’s objectives, and bring together the necessary
disciplinary and inter-disciplinary knowledge? Show how this includes expertise in social sciences and
humanities, open science practices, and gender aspects of R&I, as appropriate. Include in the description
affiliated entities and associated partners, if any.
Show how the partners will have access to critical infrastructure needed to carry out the project activities.
Describe how the members complement one another (and cover the value chain, where appropriate)
In what way does each of them contribute to the project? Show that each has a valid role, and adequate
resources in the project to fulfil that role.
If applicable, describe the industrial/commercial involvement in the project to ensure exploitation of the
results and explain why this is consistent with and will help to achieve the specific measures which are
proposed for exploitation of the results of the project (see section 2.2).
Other countries and international organisations: If one or more of the participants requesting EU funding
is based in a country or is an international organisation that is not automatically eligible for such funding
(entities from Member States of the EU, from Associated Countries and from one of the countries in the
exhaustive list included in the Work Programme General Annexes B are automatically eligible for EU
funding), explain why the participation of the entity in question is essential to successfully carry out the
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Tables for section 3.1
Use plain text for the tables in section 3.1. If the proposal is invited to start Grant Agreement preparation, these
tables will have to be encoded in the grant management IT tool, where no graphics or special formats are
Table 3.1a: List of work packages
Short Name
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Table 3.1b: Work package description
For each work package:
Work package number
Work package title
Participants involved in each WP and their efforts are shown in table 3.1f. Lead participant and starting and end
date of each WP are shown in table 3.1a.)
Description of work (where appropriate, broken down into tasks), lead partner and role of participants. For
each task, quantify the amount of work. Provide enough detail to justify the resources requested and clarify
why the work is needed and who will do it. Deliverables linked to each WP are listed in table 3.1c (no need
to repeat the information here).
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Table 3.1c: List of Deliverables
Only include deliverables that you consider essential for effective project monitoring.
Short description
name of
Deliverable numbers in order of delivery dates. Please use the numbering convention <WP number>.<number of
deliverable within that WP>.
For example, deliverable 4.2 would be the second deliverable from work package 4.
Use one of the following codes:
R: Document, report (excluding the periodic and final reports)
DEM: Demonstrator, pilot, prototype, plan designs
DEC: Websites, patents filing, press & media actions, videos, etc.
DATA: Data sets, microdata, etc.
DMP: Data management plan
ETHICS: Deliverables related to ethics issues.
SECURITY: Deliverables related to security issues
OTHER: Software, technical diagram, algorithms, models, etc.
Dissemination level:
Use one of the following codes:
Public, fully open, e.g. web (Deliverables flagged as public will be automatically published in CORDIS
project’s page)
SEN Sensitive, limited under the conditions of the Grant Agreement
Classified R-UE/EU-R EU RESTRICTED under the Commission Decision No2015/444
Classified C-UE/EU-C EU CONFIDENTIAL under the Commission Decision No2015/444
Classified S-UE/EU-S – EU SECRET under the Commission Decision No2015/444
Delivery date
Measured in months from the project start date (month 1)
You must include a data management plan (DMP) and a ‘plan for dissemination and exploitation including communication
activities as distinct deliverables within the first 6 months of the project. The DMP will evolve during the lifetime of the
project in order to present the status of the project's reflections on data management. A template for such a plan is
available in the Online Manual
n the Funding & Tenders Portal.
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Table 3.1d: List of milestones
Related work
Due date (in month)
Means of verification
Due date
Measured in months from the project start date (month 1)
Means of verification
Show how you will confirm that the milestone has been attained. Refer to indicators if appropriate. For example:
a laboratory prototype that is ‘up and running’; software released and validated by a user group; field survey
complete and data quality validated.
Table 3.1e: Critical risks for implementation
Description of risk (indicate level of (i)
likelihood, and (ii) severity:
Work package(s)
Proposed risk-mitigation measures
Definition critical risk:
A critical risk is a plausible event or issue that could have a high adverse impact on the ability of the project to
achieve its objectives.
Level of likelihood to occur: Low/medium/high
The likelihood is the estimated probability that the risk will materialise even after taking account of the
mitigating measures put in place.
Level of severity: Low/medium/high
The relative seriousness of the risk and the significance of its effect.
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Table 3.1f: Summary of staff effort
Please indicate the number of person/months over the whole duration of the planned work, for each work
package, for each participant. Identify the work-package leader for each WP by showing the relevant person-
month figure in bold.
Total Person-
Months per Participant
Number/Short Name
Participant Number/
Short Name
Participant Number/
Short Name
Total Person Months
Table 3.1g: Subcontracting costs’ items
For each participant describe and justify the tasks to be subcontracted (please note that core tasks of the project
should not be sub-contracted).
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Description of tasks and justification
Table 3.1h: Purchase costs’ items (travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works and services)
Please complete the table below for each participant if the purchase costs (i.e. the sum of the costs for ’travel and
subsistence’, ‘equipment’, and ‘other goods, works and services’) exceeds 15% of the personnel costs for that
participant (according to the budget table in proposal part A). The record must list cost items in order of costs and
starting with the largest cost item, up to the level that the remaining costs are below 15% of personnel costs.
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Travel and subsistence
Other goods, works and
Remaining purchase
costs (<15% of pers.
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Table 3.1i: Other costs categories’ items (e.g. internally invoiced goods and services)
Please complete the table below for each participant that would like to declare costs under other costs categories
(e.g. internally invoiced goods and services), irrespective of the percentage of personnel costs.
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Internally invoiced
goods and services
Table 3.1j: ‘In-kind contributions’ provided by third parties
Please complete the table below for each participant that will make use of in-kind contributions (non-financial
resources made available free of charge by third parties). In kind contributions provided by third parties free of
charge are declared by the participants as eligible direct costs in the corresponding cost category (e.g. personnel
costs or purchase costs for equipment).
Participant Number/Short Name
Third party name
Cost (€)
Select between
Seconded personnel
Travel and subsistence
Other goods, works and
Internally invoiced
goods and services
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Some calls may ask to upload annexes to proposal part B. The annexes must be uploaded as separate documents
in the submission system. The most common annexes to be uploaded in Horizon Europe are (standard templates
are published in the Funding & Tenders portal):
CLINICAL TRIALS: Annex with information on clinical trials
FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO THIRD PARTIES: Annex with information on financial support to third parties.
CALLS FLAGGED AS SECURITY SENSITIVE: Annex with information on security aspects.
ETHICS: ethics self-assessment should be included in proposal part A. However, in calls where several
serious ethics issues are expected, the character limited in this section of proposal part A may not be
sufficient for participants to give all necessary information. In those cases, participants may include
additional information in an annex to proposal part B.
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Proposal template Part B: technical description
[This document is tagged. Do not delete the tags; they are needed for processing.] #@APP-FORM-HERIAIA@#
List of participants
Participant No. * Participant organisation name Country
1 (Coordinator)
1. Excellence
1.1 Objectives and ambition
Insert here text for your proposal
1.2 Methodology
Insert here text for your proposal
2. Impact #@IMP-ACT-IA@#
2.1 Project’s pathways towards impact
Insert here text for your proposal
2.2 Measures to maximise impact - Dissemination, exploitation and communication
Insert here text for your proposal
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2.3 Summary
What are the specific needs that
triggered this project?
Insert here text for your proposal
What do you expect to generate by the
end of the project?
Insert here text for your proposal
What dissemination, exploitation and communication measures will you
apply to the results?
Insert here text for your proposal
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Who will use or further up-take the results
of the project? Who will benefit from the
results of the project?
Insert here text for your proposal
What change do you expect to see after successful
dissemination and exploitation of project results to the
target group(s)?
Insert here text for your proposal
What are the expected wider scientific, economic and
societal effects of the project contributing to the expected
impacts outlined in the respective destination in the work
Insert here text for your proposal
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3. Quality and efficiency of the implementation #@QUA-LIT-QL@# #@WRK-PLA-WP@#
3.1 Work plan and resources
Insert here text for your proposal
3.2 Capacity of participants and consortium as a whole
Insert here text for your proposal
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Tables for section 3.1
Table 3.1a: List of work packages
Short Name
Table 3.1b: Work package description
For each work package:
Work package number
Work package title
Description of work
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Table 3.1c: List of Deliverables
Short description
name of
Table 3.1d: List of milestones
Related work
Due date (in month)
Means of verification
Table 3.1e: Critical risks for implementation
Description of risk (indicate level of
(i) likelihood, and (ii) severity:
Work package(s)
Proposed risk-mitigation measures
Table 3.1f: Summary of staff effort
Total Person-
Months per Participant
Number/Short Name
Participant Number/
Short Name
Participant Number/
Short Name
Total Person Months
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Table 3.1g: ‘Subcontracting costs’ items
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Description of tasks and justification
Table 3.1h: Purchase costs’ items (travel and subsistence, equipment and other goods, works and
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Travel and
Other goods, works
and services
Remaining purchase
costs (<15% of pers.
Table 3.1i: ‘Other costs categories’ items (e.g. internally invoiced goods and services)
Participant Number/Short Name
Cost (€)
Internally invoiced
goods and services
Table 3.1j: In-kind contributions’ provided by third parties
Participant Number/Short Name
Third party name
Cost (€)
Select between
Seconded personnel
Travel and subsistence
Other goods, works and
Internally invoiced
goods and services
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