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The Evolution of Correctional Program Assessment
in the Age of Evidence-Based Practices
Stephanie A. Duriez, Carrie Sullivan, Edward J. Latessa & Lori Brusman
To cite this article: Stephanie A. Duriez, Carrie Sullivan, Edward J. Latessa & Lori Brusman
Lovins (2017): The Evolution of Correctional Program Assessment in the Age of Evidence-Based
Practices, Corrections, DOI: 10.1080/23774657.2017.1343104
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The Evolution of Correctional Program Assessment in the Age
of Evidence-Based Practices
Stephanie A. Duriez
, Carrie Sullivan
, Edward J. Latessa
and Lori Brusman Lovins
School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA;
University of Houston Downtown,
Houston, Texas, USA
As evidence-based practices becomes an increasingly popular term, it
is crucial that correctional programs are assessed to ensure that
research is being translated and implemented with delity. Too
often the corrections eld is quick to treat dierent interventions as
a panacea, without truly understanding how the program does or
does not meet the literature on eective practices. Data is provided
based on decades of assessment using the Correctional Program
Assessment Inventory and the Evidence-Based Correctional Program
Checklist. Findings suggest program adherence to eective practices
has shown some improvement, but still has a way to go, particularly
in the area of treatment characteristics and quality assurance.
Correctional program
evaluation; evidence-based
practices; principles of
eective intervention;
Risk Need Responsivity
In 2015 the Pew Charitable Trusts and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur
Foundation released a joint brief on the increasing trend of state legislatures enacting
laws requiring the use of evidence-based programs and practices. The PewMacArthur
partnership led to the review of more than 100 state laws put in place between 2004 and
2014, many of which were geared toward criminal justice programs. The brief outlines
how policy makers and legislatures have been under increasing pressure to get the biggest
bang for their buck, when it comes to the ecacy and accountability of tax funded
programming (Pew Charitable Trust, 2015). In 2011, as many states were adopting
evidence-based policies and practices (Mears, Cochran, Greenman, Bhati, & Greenwald,
2011: Welsh, Rocque, & Greenwood, 2014) the federal government launched the website The website was created as a resource for agencies and policy makers
to ensure that they had access to examples of what works in the criminal justice system,
including correctional programs that have been implemented in a variety of correctional
settings and varying correctional populations.
The website, initially launched with 150 justice-related programs (Department of
Justice, 2011) and now includes more than 1,000 programs, containing 69 corrections and
reentry programs and 22 corrections practices. The website provides practitioners and
policy makers with a rating of each program: eective, promising, or no eects to inform
decision makers on what the evidence has indicated about a particular program. The
website has been especially helpful to practitioners because most federal grants related to
the criminal justice system now require proven methods in reducing recidivism for
CONTACT Stephanie A. Duriez [email protected] School of Criminal Justice, University of Cincinnati,
Teachers Dyer Complex 560 O, PO Box 210389, Cincinnati, OH 45221 USA.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis
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funding. Having funding tied to use of evidence-based or promising practices does limit
correctional quackery and the temptation to run programs based on the way weve always
done it. Programs can no longer overlook the research on what works in reducing
recidivism (Casey, Warren, & Elek, 2011; Latessa, Cullen, & Gendreau, 2002; Petersilia,
2004; Quay, 1977).
Understanding what makes a program eective and implementing those components
are key to ensuring that the quality of correctional interventions keeps improving, leading
to improved oender lives, reduced recidivism, and increased public safety. The key
elements to a program, or the elements that drive recidivism reduction, are known as
the black box of correctional programs (Latessa, 2004). By understanding the black
box, researchers are better able to provide a blueprint for eective interventions.
Understanding key program components has the added benet of being able to support
program implementation in other locations. For example, though some program models
or oender rehabilitation strategies are developed with the best of intentions the eld has a
history of treating interventions as a panacea prior to fully understanding the components
that lead to their eectiveness (Duriez, Cullen, & Manchak, 2014; Finckenauer, 1982). We
have seen this in the past when interventions have gained great popularity and been touted
as a cure for all that ails oenders. Whether it be boot camps, juvenile drug courts, Scared
Straight, or more recently, Honest Opportunity Probation with Enforcement (HOPE),
these programs have had signicant investment and been expanded to multiple locations
all over the country only to nd that, overall, they had little to no eect on recidivism or,
worse, resulted in oenders recidivating at a higher rate than no treatment comparison
groups (Duriez et al., 2014; Lattimore et al., 2016; Lipsey & Wilson, 1998 ; MacKenzie,
2006; MacKenzie, Wilson, & Kider, 2001; Petersilia, 2004; Petrosino, Turpin-Petrosino, &
Buehler, 2003; Sullivan, Blair, Latessa, & Sullivan, 2014). Programs have not always
undergone such strict scrutiny to ensure that they are eective at reducing recidivism.
In fact, program evaluation has evolved signicantly over the years to assist the eld with
program development and implementation.
The early years of program evaluation
Early program evaluations took one of two forms. First, the basic program audit. A
program audit, normally performed by a governing or state agency, determined whether
a program met the minimum specic requirements for continued funding (Latessa &
Holsinger, 1998). The second type of evaluation was based on a quantitative examination
or outcome measures (e.g., rearrest, reincarceration, new conviction, relapse, etc.). These
limited methods of program evaluation had far-reaching consequences. One such con-
sequence was the well-known Martinson (1974) survey of 231 correctional program
evaluations whereby Martinson declared that, save for a few isolated programs, oender
treatment programs were not eective at reducing recidivism (Cullen, 2013; Martinson,
1974; Smith, Gendreau, & Swartz, 2009).
Martinsons(1974) pronouncement had far-r eaching con sequences, with the left and
right embracing the view that treatment does not work, and rehabilitation is ineective
(Cullen, 2013; Cullen & Gilbert, 2013;Phelps, 2011;Smith et al., 20 09 ). Valuable
lessons wer e learned from Martinsons critique of correctional treatment. Researchers
became painfully aware of what happens when restricting program evaluation to an
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outcome measure, usually operationalized as a type of recidivism. Additionally, by
reducing evaluations to a single outcome measure, researchers and practitioners are
left without understanding what inside the black box seems to be driving a recidivism
reduction(Latessa&Holsinger, 1998; Lowenkamp, M akarios, Latessa, Lemke, & Smith,
2010). In 1977, Quay noted that a program should not be evaluated solely on the basis
of design and outcome measures, but must also include some measures of program
integrity. Program integ rity,orprogram delity, refers ge nerally to a program that is
created, implemented, and conducted according to a theory and design, whatever that
may be (Andrews & Dowden, 20 05;Nesovic, 2003;Quay, 1977;Yeaton & Sechrest,
Quays essential program components
Quay (1977) outlined components in four domains that should be present for a correc-
tional program to successfully reduce recidivism among program participants. First, he
discusses treatment characteristics and empirical bases. Elements in these areas should
capture and measure the treatment being provided, evaluate how a treatment is concep-
tualized based on the theory used during the design stage, evaluate whether the treatment
is based in sound theory and prior research, and evaluate if the treatment was piloted in a
smaller setting before being released to the whole group.
The second domain, service delivery, should include indicators to assess whether the
program is achieving what it is meant to. This area would assess treatment-related
elements such as the duration and intensity of the services. Quay (1977) emphasizes
that the third domain, personnel, is especially important because the success rate for
treatment techniques are dependent upon those that are delivering the services. Concepts
such as the degree of expertise of program personnel, the amount of training provided to
sta, and the thoroughness of sta supervision were deemed by Quay to be vital to
program performance.
The fourth and nal domain, responsivity, should at minimum evaluate how sta are
matched with treatment services they provide as well as clients on their caseload and/or
treatment group. The work of Quay (1977) outlined here led to a movement in correc-
tional treatment to understand the black box of treatment and outline strategies for
eective practices.
The what works movement
The what works movement has been growing over the last 25 years, much to the
satisfaction of those that never lost faith in the ecacy of correctional treatment post-
Martinson (Cullen, 2013; Taxman, 2012). The movement was a call by researchers, mainly
outside the eld of corrections and outside the United States, to not give up on correc-
tional treatment and to let science guide decision making (Cullen & Gendreau, 2001 ).
Chief among the researchers advocating for continued correctional treatment were a
group of Canadian psychologists who developed a set of guidelines for researchers and
practitioners, known as the principles of eective interventions (Cullen, 2013; Latessa &
Holsinger, 1998). In numerous studies and across dierent correctional settings, programs
that adhere to these guidelines have been shown to produce meaningful reductions in
Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries], [Carrie Sullivan] at 05:44 12 October 2017
recidivism (Andrews & Dowden, 2005; Andrews et al., 1990; Dowden & Andrews, 1999;
Landenberger & Lipsey, 2005; Latessa et al., 2002; Lipsey, 2009; Lipsey & Cullen, 2007;
Petersilia, 2004; Taxman, 2012; Welsh et al., 2014).
The principles of eective
The principles of eective intervention, as outlined by Gendreau (1996), include eight
principles of eective interventions: (1) assess actuarial risk/needs, (2) enhance intrinsic
motivation, (3) target intervention, (4) skill train with directed practice, (5) increase positive
reinforcement, (6) engage ongoing support in natural communities, (7) measure relevant
processes/practices, and (8) provide measurement feedback. Many of these principles are
reective of, or build on what Quay (1977) advocated for almost 40 years previously.
Rested within Gendreaus(1996) broader guidelines are three specic principles that
have been shown to be eective at reducing recidivism if they are followed by correctional
treatment programs. These are known as risk, needs, and responsivity principles, or the
Risk Need Responsivity (RNR) model. First, the risk principle asserts the need for
oenders to be assessed using a validated risk assessment (Andrews & Bonta, 2010;
Smith et al., 2009), so that programs can target those at a higher risk to recidivate
(Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2005a; Smith et al., 2009). Just as it is imperative to ensure
programs are providing oenders who are higher risk with an adequate dosage of treat-
ment, it is equally important to safeguard against overdosing oenders who are low risk
with interventions. By placing oenders who are low risk in more intensive services, a
program increases the likelihood of association with oenders who are higher risk and
may also disrupt the positive and protective factors (e.g., employment, family, school, etc.)
in the life of an oender who is low risk (Andrews & Bonta, 2006; Latessa, Brusman-
Lovins, & Smith, 2010; Lovins, Lowenkamp, & Latessa, 2009; Lowenkamp & Latessa,
2005a; Sperber, Latessa, & Makarios, 2013a).
It is important to oer a qualier for the assertion above regarding the concept of
dosage. The research into dosage is still in its infancy. Preliminary research has shown
support for the risk, in that oenders who are higher risk were found to require a
considerably higher dosage of treatment, and providing too much to oenders who are
lower risk results in increased failure rates. The early research suggests that 0 to 99 hours
of treatment targeting criminogenic needs is sucient and associated with reduced
recidivism among oenders who are low risk; 100 to 199 hours for oenders who are
moderate risk; 200+ hours for those oenders assessed as a high risk to recidivate; and
nally, 300+ hours may be needed for oenders that have been assessed to be at a high risk
to recidivate and have multiple need areas to address in treatment (Bourgon & Armstrong,
2005). Research is ongoing to ne tune these guidelines around the appropriate level of
service (see Carter & Sankovitz, 2014; Lipsey, Landenberger, & Wilson, 2007; Sperber,
Latessa, & Makarios, 2013b). In a recent study of the impact of prison programming on
postrelease recidivism, there is preliminary evidence to show that it is not just the amount,
or the type, but the combination of services that can also play a role in reducing recidivism
among oenders (Latessa, Lugo, Pompoco, Sullivan, & Wooldredge, 2015). Hence, the
discussion of dosage should not be thought of as simply the number of hours of treatment
an oender
receives, but also whats being targeted, the model being used, and the quality
of the interventions, discussed in further detail below.
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Second, the need principle requires the targeting of dynamic risk factors, or crimino-
genic needs of oenders. These criminogenic needs, most eectively identied through a
risk/needs assessment, include antisocial attitudes, values, and beliefs; antisocial peer
associations; antisocial personality patterns; history of antisocial behavior; family and
marital factors; low levels of educational, vocational, or personal achievement; lack of
involvement in prosocial leisure activities; and substance abuse (Andrews & Bonta, 2010;
Latessa & Reitler, 2015). These criminogenic needs are those most strongly correlated with
recidivism, thereby the needs that should be targeted by correctional programs to decrease
likelihood of reo ending. The need principle also emphasizes that needs should be
reassessed during and after treatment to monitor behavioral changes and/or to make
adjustments to treatment targets (Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Smith et al., 2009).
The third and nal principle, the responsivity principle, can be broken down into two
components. The rst, general responsivity, asserts that cognitive, behavioral, and social
learning theories have shown to be the most eective at achieving behavioral change and
therefore should be the model that drives correctional interventions (Andrews & Bonta,
2010; Gendreau, Cullen, & Bonta, 1994; Landenberger & Lipsey, 2005; Lipsey & Wilson,
1993; Nesovic, 2003; Smith et al., 2009). The second component, specic responsivity,
recommends that oenders are matched with appropriate sta and interventions based on
their individual traits or barriers. For example, an oender who is highly anxious may not
perform well with sta that have a confrontational demeanor and/or may not do well in a
group environment (Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Smith et al., 2009). The RNR model is
widely supported in recidivism reduction research (e.g., Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Andrews,
Bonta, & Hoge, 1990; Cullen, 2013 ; Dowden & Andrews, 1999; Latessa & Lovins, 2010;
Lipsey, 1989; Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2005a, 2005b; Lowenkamp, Latessa, & Holsinger,
2006; Polaschek, 2012) and has created the foundation and shaped the evolution of
program evaluation over the last 20 years.
In a meta-analysis testing the elements of program integrity among 273 treatment
programs, Andrews and Dowden ( 2005) identied a number of important program
integrity indicators from previous research: a programs model is based o a theory of
criminal behavior; program sta
are selected for their skills as well as their support for
change; program sta are given proper training in the program model as well as
the interventions employed by the program; program sta are provided clinical super-
vision; the program provides training material and manuals for each intervention; a
process is in place in which sta are assessed on the quality and delity of their service
delivery; the program is set up to provide an appropriate amount of dosage to oenders;
an assessment of the length of time a program has been in operation; and nally whether
the program has employed the services of an evaluator to assist with design, delivery, or
supervision. Many of these indicators are congruent with what Quay (1977) advocated for
and what Canadian researchers have popularized through the eective practices in correc-
tional intervention and the RNR principles.
The evolution of evaluation
The use of meta-analytic reviews that took place in the 1980s and 1990s played a
monumental role in the development of knowledge regarding what does and does not
work in corrections. This type of literature review could take into account methodological
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issues that studies faced, any potential moderating variables that could have a ected the
outcome, and control for them (Nesovic, 2003). The resulting statistic, the eect size,
allows for direct comparison of dierent studies, and therefore dierent types of correc-
tional treatments (Nesovic, 2003). Gendreau and Andrews (1989), capitalizing on the
increased use of meta-analytic reviews introduced the Correctional Program Evaluation
Inventory (CPEI) in 1990, renamed the Correctional Program Assessment Inventory
(CPAI) in 1996, answering the call of earlier researchers like Quay (1977) for a more
comprehensive measurement of program delity (Nesovic, 2003).
The CPAI was the rst attempt to create an empirically sound psychometric instrument
that would include a sample of indicators, or items, that assess the eectiveness of
correctional programs (Blair, Sullivan, Lux, Thielo, & Gormsen, 2014; Latessa &
Holsinger, 1998; Nesovic, 2003; Sullivan et al., 2014). A dening feature of the CPAI is
that it was never meant to be a static tool. Rather, it was meant to be uid, allowing for
updates and modications to reect the current knowledge and best practices in correc-
tional treatment (Nesovic, 2003). As the CPAI developed over the years, a number of
dierent subcomponents were added and/or rened. Nonetheless, key sections of the tool
have remained stable, including organizational culture, program implementation/main-
tenance, management sta/characteristics, client risk/need practices, program character-
istics, interagency communication, and evaluation (Andrews, 2006; Nesovic, 2003). Each
section of the CPAI has a dierent number of items (in the CPAI-2000 this range was
between six and 22 items), all designed to operationalize the concepts introduced by Quay
(1977) and the principles of eective intervention dened above. In the CPAI, the number
of items was representative of the sections weight on the overall score, with each item
scoring a 1 or 0. The overall program score produced a percentage that would place the
program into one of four categories: very satisfactory (70% to 100%), satisfactory (60% to
69%), needs improvement (50% to 59%), or unsatisfactory (less than 50%). This allows
programs to determine their level of adherence to eective practices relative to other
correctional programs; moreover, the CPAI provides the program with thorough report of
how the program is and is not meeting the evidence of what works in reducing recidivism
(Matthews, Hubbard, & Latessa, 2001).
The CPAI ran into a number of unexpected obstacles when rst being used particularly
that programs failed to adhere to many practices on the CPAI that had been found to be
important for correctional programs (Nesovic, 2003). In time, correctional programs were
meeting more of the indicators, possibly a sign of the emphasis of research-informed
programming. As the years went on and the
what works research
continued to develop,
the CPAI grew in the number of items assessed, starting with a total of 66 items and
currently having more than 130 indicators on the assessment (Gendreau & Andrews, 1989,
In the late 1990s researchers at the University of Cincinnati (UC) saw an opportunity to
test the items on the CPAI with dierent populations of oenders in the State of Ohio.
Initially, a study of 28 juvenile justice programs showed that 11 of the programs met less
than 50% of the items on the CPAI, and only three programs met 70% of the items on the
tool (Latessa, Jones, Fulton, Stichman, & Moon, 1999; Nesovic, 2003). In a second study
using the CPAI, nine secured and nonsecured residential juvenile oender programs were
evaluated. Researchers found that the greater the program score the lower the recidivism
rate of residents. Although these results were encouraging the small sample size (N =9)
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and the short follow-up period (3 and 6 months) did warrant further investigation into the
use of the tool before its widespread adoption (Latessa, Holsinger, et al., 1999; Nesovic,
2003; Sullivan et al., 2014).
To further test these results, Holsinger (1999), using the same nine facilities, tested the
link between overall CPAI score and a number of dierent recidivism measures (e.g., any
new court contact, new adjudication, return to a facility, etc.). Using logistic regression to
predict recidivism measures, Holsinger found signicant negative relationships with
nearly all of the outcome measures. Specically, Holsinger found that programs with the
lowest CPAI scores had the highest recidivism rates, despite how recidivism was
Recognizing the potential of the CPAI to help identify eective programs, researchers
from UC saw an opportunity to complete a number of large-scale studies looking at
program indicators and the validity of evaluation tools in identifying programs that meet
eective practices and reduce recidivism. To accomplish this researchers used a modied
version of the CPAI.
The rst of these opportunities came in 2002 when the Ohio
Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections contracted with UCCI to study the states
half-way houses (HWH) and Community-Based Correctional Facilities (CBCF). This
opportunity allowed researchers to assess the correctional programming at 15 CBCFs
and 37 HWHs, serving more than 7,000 oenders. Data on nearly 6,000 additional
oenders who had not resided in a CBCF or HWH was used as a comparison sample.
Researchers found that recidivism was reduced among oenders who were higher risk but
increased among oenders who were low risk exposed to the more intensive services
oered at HWHs and CBCFs. Additionally, those oenders that completed the programs
at their respective residential placement had more favorable outcomes than those that did
not. This highlights the importance of adherence to RNR, as well as considering termina-
tion status when measuring a programseectiveness (Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2002).
The second UC study parsed out data from the project described above, which used a
survey tool that contained many of the CPAI items to assess program quality. The sample
included all oenders that spent at least 30 days in a jail or a prison diversion program
funded through Ohios Community Corrections Act during scal year 1999. In total, there
were more than 6,000 oenders included in the treatment sample. The nal sample of
programs, 91 in total, represented a myriad of dierent types of programs: day reporting,
domestic violence, intensive supervision probation, work release, substance abuse treat-
ment, and residential placement. The domains included on this new survey were signi-
cantly related to program eectiveness. For example, programs that scored 60% or higher
on the survey were associated with a predicted reduction in recidivism of 24%
(Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2005a).
The third and nal UC study evaluated the ecacy of select measures from the CPAI as
well as additional programmatic measures researchers wished to test. This study evaluated
the Ohio Reasoned and Equitable Community and Local Alternative to the Incarceration
of Minors (RECLAIM) initiative. The sample comprised youth terminated in scal year
2002 from RECLAIM funded programs, Community Correctional Facilities, Department
of Youth Services (DYS) institutions, or youth discharged from parole/aftercare. In total,
more than 14, 000 youth and 72 programs were included in the analyses. There were two
important ndings related to program evaluation from this study. First, the average risk
level of youth and the score of the program on the modied evaluation tool were
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signicant predictors of the recidivism rate of a program. Second, when the average risk
level of youth is controlled, the program score is still a signicant predictor of the
recidivism rate of the program (Lowenkamp & Latessa, 2005b).
In combination, the item-level analyses that were completed across the dierent studies
converged to conrm the predictive capability of a number of items included in the CPAI,
as well as a number of new items. Additionally, the studies showed that a number of items
included in the CPAI were not highly predictive of recidivism (e.g., a previous evaluation
appearing in a peer-reviewed journal, the utilization of an advisory board, and program-
matic changes in the last 2 years; Lowenkamp, 2004). These studies led to the development
of a new tool to evaluate program integrity, the next generation of program evaluation
tools, called the Evidence-Based Correctional Program Checklist (CPC).
The Evidence-Based Correctional Program Checklist
The CPC was created in 2005 after the conclusion of the three state-wide outcome studies
above, by researchers at the University of Cincinnati Corrections Institute (UCCI.
The development of the tool included retaining items from the CPAI that were correlated
with reductions in recidivism. Further, items that did not appear on the CPAI but were
found to be correlated with program success were included in the CPC, whereas items not
correlated with recidivism were excluded from the new instrument. For example, an item
found on the original CPAI assessed whether a program had an advisory board. The
studies completed by UC, however, did not nd a correlation between the existence of a
program advisory board and reductions in recidivism. Finally, select items found to be
strongly correlated with recidivism, such as targeting oenders who were higher risk, were
weighted so as to emphasize the importance of these program elements (Lowenkamp &
Latessa, 2002 , 2005a, 2005b).
The CPCs comprises ve domains (compared to the CPAIs six domains) and splits the
domains into two basic areas. The rst area, capacity, measures the degree to which a program
has the ability to oer evidence-based interventions. The domains in this area are program
leadership and development, sta characteristics, and quality assurance. The second area of
the CPC, content, assesses the extent to which a program adheres to the RNR principles, and
consists of an oender assessment and a treatment characteristics domain.
The original CPC had 77 indicators, or items, worth a total of 83 points. Updated in
2015, the number of indicators was reduced to 73, worth a total of 79 points. The change
in items was based on patterned items being combined, as well as two new items being
added to the instrument. Although most items on the CPC are scored 1 or 0, the weighted
items are scored as 2 or 3. Finally, much like the CPAI, a programs score places the
program in one of four categories
; very high adherence to evidence-based practices (EBP)
(65% to 100%), high adherence to EBP (55% to 64%), moderate adherence to EBP (46% to
54%), or low adherence to EBP (45% or less). The change in scoring categories is one of
the most notable changes from the CPAI to the CPC. Based on the work completed to
date using the CPAI and the CPC, it is evident that only a small number of programs meet
the requirements to be categorized as a top scoring category. However, programs can
make small number of program practice changes in the dierent domains to improve their
scoring, especially in the oender assessment and treatment characteristics domains where
there are weighted items.
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The utility of using a program evaluation tool like the CPAI, or the more concise CPC,
is that it provides a program with a detailed report of the programs status in respect to
adhering to EBPs and the report serves as a blueprint for program improvement. The
report documents for a program the areas where it is and is not adhering to EBP. Further,
the report provides an explanation of the areas that need improvement as well as program
specic recommendations that they are low cost and realistic.
The CPC, what works, and recidivism
The development and use of the CPAI and CPC has been described. In 2010, researchers
UC set out to further examine program characteristics associated with reductions in
recidivism. Researchers developed program-level data collection instruments which used
items from the CPC, the CPAI-2000 as well as additional, theoretically relevant items to
evaluate the association between the presence of those items in a program and reduced
recidivism among program participants. Researchers used data from 64 CBCFs and HWH,
with more than 12,000 people included in the analysis.
To determine program eectiveness, the average recidivism rate for the treatment
(program participants) and matched comparison groups was examined. The result was
an eect size that could be used to compare programs that had identied program
characteristics and those that did not. Finally, correlations were used to examine the
strength of the relationship between the presence of characteristics and program eect
size, or the reduction in recidivism.
Researchers found that a large number of items were signicantly correlated with
reductions in recidivism.
Under the area of program leadership and development, for
example, having a qualied program director, stable funding, and completing a literature
review was associated with positive outcomes. The cumulative eect of meeting multiple
items in this area resulted in an overall correlation of .41, evidencing a modest relationship
with recidivism (Latessa et al., 2010). The same process was used to identify eective
program characteristics on the remaining areas of the CPC (i.e., sta characteristics,
oender assessment, treatment characteristics, and quality assurance). Although this
2010 study found a weaker relationship between the overall CPC score and outcomes
than the prior UC studies, the researchers hypothesize that the reduction in the strength of
the correlation between items in the CPC and recidivism can be attributed at least in part
to the reduction in the variation of the data due to programs ability to adapt to the
evaluation tool (Latessa et al., 2010).
Further evidence of the eectiveness of program evaluations came from a forthcoming
study of a parole board in a highly populated jurisdiction on the East Coast. Using the
CPC, researchers evaluated programs providing services to recent parolees living in semi-
custodial residential treatment centers. There were 2,615 oenders that received residen-
tial placement between 2009 and 2011. The parolees that were place in this type of
residential treatment center were overall at a higher risk to recidivate according to the
Level of Service inventory Revised (LSI-R) (Andrews & Bonta, 1995). Overall, research-
ers found that after an 18-month follow-up period those oenders that were in programs
that scored highest on the CPC had lower rates of rearrest and reconviction. Although the
parolees who received services through residential placement had lower rates of recidivism
across the board when compared to the control group participants, who were returned
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directly to the community, programs assessed to be more adherent to EBPs using the CPC,
saw even higher reductions in recidivism (Ostermann & Hyatt, 2017).
The CPC in action and further support for program evaluation
Since 2005, when the CPC was developed, the general CPC tool has been adapted to assess
types of programs that have their own subset of research within the broader
context of correctional treatment programs. These adaptations include assessments for
Community Supervision Agencies (CPC-CSA), general correctional treatment groups
(CPC-GA), and Drug Court programs (CPC-DC). There were several motivating factors
that led to dierent versions of the tool being created. First, there has been an increase in
the popularity of dierent types of correctional programs. For example, there has been a
signicant increase in the use of drug courts across the country over the last 10 years
(Blair et al., 2014). Second, as oenders are diverted from jails and prisons and placed on
community supervision in greater numbers, the role of probation and parole ocers and
the services provided by their oces has expanded (Petersilia, 2004). Development of
specialty tools allowed assessors to evaluate the nuances of the specic areas. For example,
the group assessment incorporates a more detailed evaluation of core correctional prac-
tices, the drug court evaluation incorporates the role of the judge and community
providers in the program, and the community supervision tool includes items that assess
ocer brokerage responsibilities and response to violations. Hence, based on studies
conducted by UCCI and other researchers, it is clear that some correctional interventions
have important features that may not be captured in the original CPC (Blair et al., 2014).
Within the last 10 years, UCCI has trained governmental sta in agencies across the
country and internationally, resulting in nearly 40 agencies being trained in the CPC (or
its variations). UCCI in conjunction with these trained agencies have assessed more than
700 treatment programs, community supervision agencies, treatment groups, and drug
The CPC has been used in 32 states; many of them started using the tool because policy
makers and legislatures were requiring that correctional programs be based on the
evidence of what works in reducing recidivism. For example, in 2005, Oregons legislature
passed Senate Bill 267, stipulating that 25% of state funding by the end of the year be
allocated to programs that could show they were evidence-based (OConnor, Sawyer, &
Duncan, 2008 ). This percentage was to increase to 50% by 2007 and 75% by 2009. To
ensure that programs were meeting this requirement, the Oregon Department of
Corrections requested a number of sta members be trained in the CPC, and 47 programs
across the state were assessed using the CPC to establish a baseline of CPC scores for
future benchmarking. Six of the lowest performing programs were reassessed after 2 years,
allowing time for the program to implement changes based on the results of the rst CPC
(OConnor et al., 2008).
Initially the state found that their correctional programs were scoring above the
national average in overall score and in three of ve domains (leadership and develop-
ment, sta characteristics, and treatment characteristics). The six programs that were
reassessed scored above average in overall score and across all ve domains, once program
adjustments were made (OConnor et al., 2008). The way in which Oregon utilized the
CPC, as a mechanism to help programs improve, is exactly how it was intended to be
used, and how many other agencies and programs are using the evaluation tool across the
Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries], [Carrie Sullivan] at 05:44 12 October 2017
country (e.g., Kansas, Minnesota, Maryland, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Ohio, Texas, West
Virginia, and Wisconsin), and now in Singapore as well.
Twenty years of program evaluation
One of the benets of using an assessment tool like the CPAI or CPC is that dierent
components of a program can be evaluated and quantied as either meeting EBPs or not.
This allows programs to not only have a clear sense of where they can make improve-
ments, but also gives researchers the ability to track trends and progress in the eld of
correctional programming. Given the scope of the assessment that we have conducted to
date, using the CPAI and the CPC, we can estimate averages for the dierent domains,
areas, and overall scores for programs assessed. Figure 1 presents a comparison of the
averages of 631 programs assessed using the CPAI between 1995 and 2005 to the 499
programs assessed using the CPC between 2005 and 2016. This presentation of the
averages over the course of the last two decades indicates that, overall, there have been
some very positive changes in corrections.
In the program leadership and development domain (the program implementation
domain of the CPAI),
we have seen the average hold steady at approximately 72%. The
program leadership and development domain consistently receives the highest scores. It is
encouraging that over the last 20 years, program leadership and development practices
have been consistent with the research on eective practices. The two most common
indicators that programs fail to meet in this domain is (1) whether there is evidence that a
comprehensive literature review was conducted during program development and at
regular intervals to keep up with the research on eective correctional practices, and (2)
whether the new initiatives have a structured pilot period in order to make adjustments
before widespread application.
The sta characteristics domain has shown an average increase of nearly 7% from
59.3% to 66%, pushing the mean of sta characteristics for all programs into the very high
adherence to EBP category. The indicators within this domain that have proven to be
challenging are around the training and clinical supervision that sta receive. Research
Program Staff Quality Capacity Offender Treatment Content Overall
Leadership & Characteristics Assurance Assessment Characteristics
Figure 1. A comparison of national average scores: Correctional Program Assessment Inventory versus
Correctional Program Checklist.
Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries], [Carrie Sullivan] at 05:44 12 October 2017
shows that sta are critical to improved outcomes (Barnoski, 2002, 2004; Makarios,
Lovins, Latessa, & Smith, 2016). When an EBP is implemented with delity, in turn
reducing the rate of recidivism of participants, the idea that correctional programs can be
a tool to improve public safety is promoted (Duwe & Clark, 2015).
The average for the oender assessment category (client pre-service assessment on the
CPAI), improved by 4% from 50% to 54.4%. When looking at the assessments that have
been completed over the last 20 years, many programs fail to institute standardized instru-
ments to assess the risk, need, and responsivity needs of oenders. Most often, programs do
not assess for specic responsivity factors of their clientele, despite its importance in guiding
correctional programming (Andrews & Bonta, 2010; Sperber et al., 2013a).
The treatment characteristics domain (program characteristics in the CPAI) is the
largest and most heavily weighted domain. This domain examines a range of program-
matic practices, such as the model used, the needs targeted, how the program responds to
participant behaviors, and the use of social learning and behavioral mechanisms to change
behavior. The CPAI national average was 36.2% indicating that the vast majority of
programs assessed were not meeting the guidelines prescribed by research. Although the
average has increased in the last 10 years (40.1%), the results using the CPC are not much
better. Consistent application of need and responsivity principles is clearly a challenge for
correctional programs.
Finally, the quality assurance domain (evaluation domain in the CPAI) was consistently
the weakest of the ve domains. This domain had an average score of 31.9% under the
CPAI and dropped to just 30% in the last 10 years with the use of the CPC. Quality
assurance involves following up on strategies that have been implemented to ensure
continued delity to the program model; programs have historically struggled with
ensuring that adequate quality checks are in place in programs.
Tracking the progress of the eld is important to ensure that programs are moving
toward adhering to what works in reducing recidivism. An additional benet of using
program evaluation tools like the CPC and CPAI is the ability to assess the degree to
which dierent correctional settings are meeting the programmatic needs of oenders. In
Table 1, the national average of the dierent domains and areas of the CPC are displayed,
alongside the averages of three dierent types of correctional treatment settings: HWH,
institutions, and outpatient treatment programs. Although the average score varies for
each type of correctional setting, some trends are apparent. The highest scoring domain
Table 1. The average Correctional Program Checklist scores of the half-way houses, institutions, and
outpatient treatment centers.
Average House Institutional Outpatient Most Common Scoring
Score (n = 24) (n = 97) (n = 136) Category
Program leadership & 71.7 69.1 69.7 76.4 Very high adherence to EBP
Sta characteristics 66.1 59.1 60.7 73.3 Very high adherence to EBP
Quality assurance 30.1 22.2 35.9 23.7 Low adherence to EBP
Capacity 58.9 53.6 57.6 61.9 High adherence to EBP
Oender assessment 54.7 43.0 62.4 47.6 Moderate adherence to EBP
Treatment characteristics 40.5 31.0 40.3 45.6 Low adherence to EBP
Content 44.8 35.6 47.3 46.2 Low adherence to EBP
Overall 50.5 42.8 51.4 52.4 Moderate adherence to EBP
EBP = evidence-based practice.
Downloaded by [University of Cincinnati Libraries], [Carrie Sullivan] at 05:44 12 October 2017
for each program type is program leadership/development and sta characteristics,
whereas the lowest average domain is quality assurance. This result is consistent with
the overall CPC results. Some dierences between program types were also noted.
Institutional programs score higher in quality assurance and oender assessment, than
either HWH or outpatient programs. The average score in sta characteristics was
approximately 13 percentage points higher for outpatient programs relative to institu-
tional or residential options. HWH programs consistently scored lower than either
institutional or outpatient programs, particularly in the program content area.
Figure 2 presents the distribution of programs assessed under each scoring category.
Unfortunately, most of the programs assessed fall under the low adherence category of
the CPC (36%). Although this suggests that there is clearly work to be done in enhancing
program adherence to EBPs, nearly 40% of programs did fall in the high or very high
adherence to EBP category. Given that the CPC and CPAI rate a program against what an
ideal correctional program would look like, classication in the upper two categories
represents programs that are clearly knowledgeable and conscientious about implement-
ing eective correctional programming. Moreover, research suggests that programs clas-
sied into these scoring categories have a greater impact on recidivism reduction.
Limitations and conclusions
With most states adopting policies requiring EBP, the need for program evaluation
and program integrity is crucial to ensuring that programs are not operatin g from a
foundation of false promises. EBPs dictate that research on eective correctional
strategies drive programmatic decisions. Instruments like the CPAI and CPC assist
programs in measuring the degr ee to which they are adhering to eective practices. It
is in the best interest of our eld that we are oeri ng high-quality programs to secure
adequate funding and to help oenders suc cessfully reenter society (Duwe & Clark,
Low Adherence to EBP Moderate Adherence to High Adherence to EBP Very High Adherence to
rams Assessed usin
the CPC
Figure 2. Distribution of programs among the four scoring categories of the Correctional Program
Checklist (CPC).
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When reviewing the results of the last 20 years of program evaluation it is important to
keep in mind that the dierences that while the CPAI and CPC are very similar, changes
in the trends of program scores across time may in part be attributable to dierences in
the tools. This is important because the CPAI is used for all of the earlier studies, and the
CPC for the more recent.
Although some of the data presented suggests there is much work to be done, we do
not want to paint a bleak picture of where we are. There are many agencies that are
getting it right. For example, in Pennsylvania there is a collaborative eort among
agencies within the state to measure the impact tha t programs who serve juvenile
justice involved clients are having on recidivism (EPISCenter, n.d.). Likewise, Ohios
Department of Youth Services and Department of Rehabilitation and Corrections
(adult system) have invested signicant resources into redesigning their community
based programs to better conform to EBP and incentivizing use of eective interven-
tions in t he community. As correctional agencies continue to strive toward o ering
EBP, it is important that funding sources and correctional programs explore the black
box of correctional treatmen t. This means no longer relying solely on the results of a
traditional audit, which histori cally provides l ittle informa tion about program prac tices
designed to change oender behavior, but rather t ha t they use a comprehensive
assessment of how programs are meeting the research on what works in reducing
1. For additional information regarding the principles of eective intervention, see National
Institute of Corrections (n.d.).
2. The sta and program director interviews were not detailed enough and/or complete enough to
include all indicators from the CPAI in the analysis.
3. These were also updated in 2015. Formerly, the categories were highly eective, eective, needs
improvement, and ineective.
4. In the Latessa, Brusman-Lovins, and Smith (2010) study examining the relationship between
items on the CPC and reductions in recidivism, items that were not found to be positively
correlated with recidivism were removed from the analysis.
5. The remaining 41 programs were not reassessed by the state prior to the publication of this
6. It should be noted that the indicators that make up the dierent domains of the CPC and CPAI
do not match item for item.
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