I’Anson Bros Ltd Ltd Environmental Management System
EMS SP04 Training
Version No:
Issued By:
Operations Manager
Issue Date:
20th February 2022
Page 1 of 2
This document describes the procedure for the identification of training needs and effective training of all persons
working on or behalf of I’Anson Bros Ltd whose work may create an actual or potential significant impact on the
All procedures, documentation etc. referred to within this procedure are held in the Environmental System
Folder on the computer system.
Environmental Training Needs Analysis Matrix (ETNA)
General Environmental Awareness Powerpoint Presentation
Training Records held locally
I’Anson Bros Ltd requires that all persons working on or behalf of the organisation, whose work may create an
actual or potential significant impact upon the environment, receive appropriate training. I’Anson Bros Ltd shall
ensure that personnel performing tasks which can cause an actual or potential significant environmental impact
are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training and/or experience. A competency evaluation of all
persons working for or on behalf of I’Anson Bros Ltd and therefore requiring training will be highlighted through
completing a training needs analysis.
The EMS Team has carried out a training needs analysis to identify training needs and completed a Company
Environmental Training Needs Analysis Matrix. This will be reviewed and updated on an annual basis as part of
the Management Review. Updates to the matrix may arise from incidents, environmental improvement
programmes, personnel changes and requirements for refresher training.
The Site EMS Team will review and update their local Training Needs Analysis Matrix on an annual basis.
Updates to the matrix may arise from updates to the Company Environmental Training Needs Analysis Matrix or
local incidents, environmental improvement programmes, personnel changes and/or requirements for refresher
All personnel will receive general environmental awareness training using the General Environmental
Awareness Powerpoint presentation. The training package will communicate the following:
The importance of conforming with the environmental policy and procedures and to the requirements of the
The significant environmental aspects of their work activities and the environmental benefits of improved
personal performance.
Roles and responsibilities in achieving conformance with the environmental policy and procedures and with
the requirements of the EMS, including emergency preparedness and response requirements.
Potential consequences of departure from specified operating procedures.
An understanding of the regulatory requirements associated with each site’s IPPC permit and how they
affect their work and responsibilities.
I’Anson Bros Ltd Ltd Environmental Management System
EMS SP04 Training
Version No:
Issued By:
Operations Manager
Issue Date:
20th February 2022
Page 2 of 2
It is the responsibility of the EMS Team to ensure all personnel receive the general environmental awareness
Where the training needs analysis identifies further training is required in order for employees to be competent
in their roles with regard to the EMS, this will be undertaken. It is the responsibility of the Production Manager to
ensure all training that is identified is carried out.
All training records of the environmental training are kept in the relevant training files.