March 12, 2021
The Honorable Nancy Skinner
Chair, Joint Legislative Budget Committee
1020 N Street, Room 553
Sacramento, California 95814
Dear Senator Skinner:
Pursuant to Section 66015.10 of the Education Code, enclosed is the University of
California’s annual report to the Legislature on the Entry Level Writing Requirement
If you have any questions regarding this report, Associate Vice President David Alcocer
would be pleased to speak with you. David can be reached by telephone at (510) 987-
9113, or by e-mail at
Michael V. Drake, MD
cc: Senate Budget and Fiscal Review
The Honorable John Laird, Chair
Senate Budget and Fiscal Review Subcommittee #1
(Attn: Ms. Anita Lee)
(Attn: Ms. Jean-Marie McKinney)
The Honorable Kevin McCarty, Chair
Assembly Budget Subcommittee #2
(Attn: Mr. Mark Martin)
(Attn: Ms. Carolyn Nealon)
Mr. Hans Hemann, Joint Legislative Budget Committee
Ms. Erika Contreras, Secretary of the Senate
Ms. Amy Leach, Office of the Chief Clerk of the Assembly
Ms. Sue Parker, Office of the Chief Clerk of the Assembly
Mr. Jeff Bell, Department of Finance
Mr. Chris Ferguson, Department of Finance
Page 2
Ms. Rebecca Kirk, Department of Finance
Mr. Gabriel Petek, Legislative Analyst Office
Ms. Jennifer Pacella, Legislative Analyst Office
Mr. Jason Constantouros, Legislative Analyst Office
Provost and Executive Vice President Michael Brown
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer Nathan Brostorm
Vice President and Vice Provost Yvette Gullatt
Associate Vice Provost Elizabeth Halimah
Senior Vice President Claire Holmes
Associate Vice President David Alcocer
Associate Vice President and Director Kieran Flaherty
Office of the President
March 2021
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Legislative Report Page 1
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR)
Fall 2020
The following report is forwarded in compliance with Section 66015.10 of the Education Code, which states:
(a) The University of California is requested to annually notify the governing board of each
high school of both of the following:
1. The number of graduates who enrolled in the university in the previous year and the
number of graduates who were required to take the entry level writing requirement.
2. The comparable numbers of all California high school graduates who enrolled in the
(b) The University of California is requested to provide an annual summary of the information
specified in subdivision (a) to the Department of Finance and the Joint Legislative Budget
This document is the annual report responding to this legislative request.
The University of California (UC) Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) is a reading and writing
proficiency requirement that is intended to assure that entering freshman students have the writing skills
necessary to succeed in lower-division university-level courses. UC students must be able to understand and to
respond adequately to written material typical of reading assignments in freshman courses, and this ability must
be demonstrated in student writing that communicates effectively to university faculty.
The Academic Senate’s University Committee on Preparatory Education oversees the ELWR. This requirement
may be satisfied by successfully completing a course or program of study in English composition during the
first year of enrollment at UC. In addition, prior to enrollment at the University of California, a student may
satisfy the ELWR by attaining a score approved by the Committee on one of the following examinations:
1. the University of California Analytical Writing Placement Exam (AWPE);
2. the SAT, Evidence-Based Reading and Writing;
3. the ACT, English Language Arts;
4. the Advanced Placement English Language and Composition Examination;
5. the Advanced Placement English Literature and Composition Examination;
6. the International Baccalaureate Higher or Standard Level English A: Literature Examination; or
7. the International Baccalaureate Higher or Standard Level English A: Language and Literature
An additional option for completing the writing requirement prior to enrolling at the University is the successful
completion of a transferable college-level course in English composition of three semester or four quarter units.
Office of the President
March 2021
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Legislative Report Page 2
Each spring, the University offers its Analytical Writing Placement Examination (AWPE) to incoming
California freshmen who have not satisfied the ELWR by that date. The AWPE defines a basic level of
proficiency in reading and writing for incoming students and sets a baseline of expectations that extends across
all UC campuses. As the University Committee on Preparatory Education has observed in the past, “it is very
important to have a single University of California standard that clearly communicates to students, parents,
teachers, and schools the academic reading and writing abilities expected of entering freshmen.”
The COVID-19 pandemic forced the cancellation of the in-person administration of the AWPE in 2020. While
an online administration of the AWPE was subsequently offered in late June, four campuses (Davis, Irvine,
Santa Barbara, and Santa Cruz) developed and offered alternative testing and placement options. Students were
allowed to fulfill the ELWR prior to enrollment with these local alternatives or with the online AWPE. The
Table 1 data for 2020 show decreases in the number and proportion of students who fulfilled the ELWR, which
likely reflects these unusual circumstances.
This report summarizes the outcomes of the ELWR for freshmen who entered the University for the fall 2020
term and provides fall 2019 data as a point of comparison. (See Table 1 and Table 2.)
Information to Schools
Each year, the University notifies California high school principals and county and district superintendents that
comprehensive ELWR performance results are available on the UC Information Center website
( These results may be useful to guide high school
curriculum development that could improve the academic preparation of students. The 2020 ELWR
performance results will be posted by April 2021.
The AWPE website ( contains an example of a previously
administered examination, the scoring guide, and annotated sample student essays with reader comments
exemplifying each scoring level. These resources are intended to help clarify the ELWR standard of
Entry Level Writing Requirement Data on Entering Freshmen
The attached tables display ELWR data for fall 2019 and 2020 entering freshmen from California public and
private high schools.
The University of California admitted more California freshmen for fall 2020 (180,661 compared to 151,601 in
2019), and 1,679 more California freshmen enrolled (38,499) compared to fall 2019 (36,820). This increase in
enrollment is not reflected in the number of entering freshmen that met the ELWR requirement (26,254, or 68.2
percent) compared to fall 2019 (26,745, or 72.6 percent), although the impact of the pandemic on students’ lives
and campus processes in 2020 is likely reflected in these outcomes. Of the 38,499 fall 2020 freshmen who
entered the University, 26,254 met the ELWR prior to their enrollment. The number who fulfilled the ELWR
includes students who successfully passed the AWPE (2,029, or 5.3 percent of enrolled students), as well as
students who met the requirement through other means – 62.9 percent of entrants (24,220).
Fewer enrolled students, proportionally and in number, took the AWPE in 2020; 21.4 percent took the 2020
exam (8,254 out of 38,499 enrollees) compared to 29.9 percent of the 2019 cohort (11,012 out of 36,820
Office of the President
March 2021
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Legislative Report Page 3
enrollees). The AWPE pass rate was also lower for fall 2020 at 24.6 percent (2,029 out of 8,254 examinees)
from 31.9 percent the previous year (3,515 out of 11,012 examinees). The proportion of students who met the
ELWR through other means prior to enrolling dropped slightly to 62.9 percent in 2020 from 63.1 percent in
2019, even though the number increased by 994 (24,220 in 2020 from 23,226 in 2019). The number of students
required to meet the ELWR during their first year of enrollment at the University in 2020 was higher: 12,245
(31.8 percent) in 2020, compared to 10,075 (27.4 percent) in 2019.
The percentage of students who fulfilled the ELWR prior to enrolling differs by UC eligibility status. For fall
2020, the completion rate for regularly admitted enrollees was 68.4 percent (26,200 students), while the
completion rate for students admitted by exception was 28.4 percent (54 students). The ELWR completion rate
of 68.4 percent for regularly admitted enrollees was lower than the 2019 rate of 73.0 percent. The rate increased
for students admitted by exception compared to the prior year’s rate of 27.6 percent (76 students).
The percentage of all fall 2020 students who fulfilled the ELWR prior to enrolling varies by campus. In 2020,
this ranged from a high of 90.6 percent at Los Angeles to 30.2 percent at Merced.
The following tables display information regarding the fulfillment of the ELWR for new entering freshmen
from California high schools for fall 2020 and fall 2019. (As discussed above, the COVID-19 pandemic caused
disruption to the ELWR process for fall 2020.)
Office of the President
March 2021
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Legislative Report Page 4
Table 1
Table 1: Fulfillment of Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) for New Freshmen from California High Schools, Fall 2020
Campus Admitted* Enrolled
n % n % n % n %
Berkeley 10,110 4,547 3,929 86.4 742 249 5.5 3,680 80.9 618 13.6
Davis 22,237 4,912 3,096 63.0 358 68 1.4 3,028 61.6 1,816 37.0
Irvine 17,210 4,710 1,885 40.0 208 60 1.3 1,825 38.7 2,825 60.0
Los Angeles 9,119 4,756 4,318 90.8 688 230 4.8 4,088 86.0 438 9.2
Merced 20,753 1,908 580 30.4 1,104 108 5.7 472 24.7 1,328 69.6
Riverside 28,494 4,696 2,717 57.9 2,107 414 8.8 2,303 49.0 1,979 42.1
San Diego 22,123 4,875 4,141 84.9 1,045 380 7.8 3,761 77.1 734 15.1
Santa Barbara 22,571 4,009 3,295 82.2 882 266 6.6 3,029 75.6 714 17.8
Santa Cruz 27,182 3,896 2,239 57.5 1,064 249 6.4 1,990 51.1 1,657 42.5
Total 179,799 38,309 26,200 68.4 8,198 2,024 5.3 24,176 63.1 12,109 31.6
Berkeley 7 7 3 42.9 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 4 57.1
Davis 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Irvine 17 16 2 12.5 2 0 0.0 2 12.5 14 87.5
Los Angeles 19 17 5 29.4 9 1 5.9 4 23.5 12 70.6
Merced 202 32 5 15.6 17 1 3.1 4 12.5 27 84.4
Riverside 206 44 13 29.5 7 0 0.0 13 29.5 31 70.5
San Diego 22 3 2 66.7 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 33.3
Santa Barbara 19 8 3 37.5 4 2 25.0 1 12.5 5 62.5
Santa Cruz 370 63 21 33.3 17 1 1.6 20 31.7 42 66.7
Total 862 190 54 28.4 56 5 2.6 44 23.2 136 71.6
Berkeley 10,117 4,554 3,932 86.3 742 249 5.5 3,680 80.8 622 13.7
Davis 22,237 4,912 3,096 63.0 358 68 1.4 3,028 61.6 1,816 37.0
Irvine 17,227 4,726 1,887 39.9 210 60 1.3 1,827 38.7 2,839 60.1
Los Angeles 9,138 4,773 4,323 90.6 697 231 4.8 4,092 85.7 450 9.4
Merced 20,955 1,940 585 30.2 1,121 109 5.6 476 24.5 1,355 69.8
Riverside 28,700 4,740 2,730 57.6 2,114 414 8.7 2,316 48.9 2,010 42.4
San Diego 22,145 4,878 4,143 84.9 1,045 380 7.8 3,761 77.1 735 15.1
Santa Barbara 22,590 4,017 3,298 82.1 886 268 6.7 3,030 75.4 719 17.9
Santa Cruz 27,552 3,959 2,260 57.1 1,081 250 6.3 2,010 50.8 1,699 42.9
Total 180,661 38,499 26,254 68.2 8,254 2,029 5.3 24,220 62.9 12,245 31.8
Source: University of California Office of the President, Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs.
*Admission counts are duplicated. Except for the admission counts, data are for new enrolled freshmen.
Met Requirement
Passed AWPE Exam
Met Requirement
Through Other Means
Did Not Meet
Office of the President
March 2021
Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) Legislative Report Page 5
Table 2
Contact Information:
University of California
Office of the President
1111 Franklin Street
Oakland, CA 94607
Table 2: Fulfillment of Entry-Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) for New Freshmen from California High Schools, Fall 2019
Campus Admitted*
% n
% n %
86.9 653 251 5.4 3,755 81.4 606 13.1
Davis 19,966 4,940 3,444 69.7 1,632 508 10.3 2,936 59.4 1,496 30.3
Irvine 14,560 4,810 3,342 69.5 1,852 590 12.3 2,752 57.2 1,468 30.5
Los Angeles 8,242 4,349 3,952 90.9 605 249 5.7 3,703 85.1 397 9.1
Merced 17,223 2,069 682 33.0 1,346 236 11.4 446 21.6 1,387 67.0
Riverside 24,576 4,583 2,786 60.8 2,038 631 13.8 2,155 47.0 1,797 39.2
San Diego 17,957 4,420 3,360 76.0 998 360 8.1 3,000 67.9 1,060 24.0
Santa Barbara 18,022 3,701 2,970 80.2 829 305 8.2 2,665 72.0 731 19.8
Santa Cruz 20,159 3,061 2,127 69.5 963 376 12.3 1,751 57.2 934 30.5
Total 149,965 36,545 26,669 73.0 10,916 3,506 9.6 23,163 63.4 9,876 27.0
Berkeley 4 4 4 100.0 0 0 0.0 0 0.0 0 0.0
Davis 11 11 4 36.4 4 1 9.1 3 27.3 7 63.6
Irvine 889 22 8 36.4 9 1 4.5 7 31.8 14 63.6
Los Angeles 77 76 16 21.1 26 2 2.6 14 18.4 60 78.9
Merced 147 27 6 22.2 10 0 0.0 6 22.2 21 77.8
Riverside 125 39 9 23.1 16 2 5.1 7 17.9 30 76.9
San Diego 9 2 1 50.0 2 1 50.0 0 0.0 1 50.0
Santa Barbara 16 12 1 8.3 4 0 0.0 1 8.3 11 91.7
Santa Cruz 358 82 27 32.9 25 2 2.4 25 30.5 55 67.1
Total 1,636 275 76 27.6 96 9 3.3 63 22.9 199 72.4
Berkeley 9,264 4,616 4,010 86.9 653 251 5.4 3,755 81.3 606 13.1
Davis 19,977 4,951 3,448 69.6 1,636 509 10.3 2,939 59.4 1,503 30.4
Irvine 15,449 4,832 3,350 69.3 1,861 591 12.2 2,759 57.1 1,482 30.7
Los Angeles 8,319 4,425 3,968 89.7 631 251 5.7 3,717 84.0 457 10.3
Merced 17,370 2,096 688 32.8 1,356 236 11.3 452 21.6 1,408 67.2
Riverside 24,701 4,622 2,795 60.5 2,054 633 13.7 2,162 46.8 1,827 39.5
San Diego 17,966 4,422 3,361 76.0 1,000 361 8.2 3,000 67.8 1,061 24.0
Santa Barbara 18,038 3,713 2,971 80.0 833 305 8.2 2,666 71.8 742 20.0
Santa Cruz 20,517 3,143 2,154 68.5 988 378 12.0 1,776 56.5 989 31.5
Total 151,601 36,820 26,745 72.6 11,012 3,515 9.5 23,226 63.1 10,075 27.4
Source: University of California Office of the President, Graduate, Undergraduate and Equity Affairs.
*Admission counts are duplicated. Except for the admission counts, data are for new enrolled freshmen.
Met Requirement
Passed AWPE Exam
Met Requirement
Through Other Means
Did Not Meet