GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019, Online: ISSN 2320-9186
Ameer Hamza, Wiqar Ullah, Muhammad Hasnain.
Graduate student, Civil Engineering Department, INU Peshawar, Pakistan, PH: 03449180575. Email:[email protected].
Co-Supervisor, Civil Engineering Department, INU Peshawar, Pakistan, PH: 03128181476.
Supervisor, Civil Engineering Department, INU Peshawar, Pakistan, PH: 03169553356.
Research, Performance, Mix Design, Construction, Industry.
This research is about the Performance evaluation and beneficial process in construction industry, these provides annual
feedback to staff members about job effectiveness and career guidance. Appraisal is an important instrument in the
manpower management, if it is performed correctly and logically, it can conduct the organizations to their goal and the
personnel will achieve their interests. In this paper we study the effects of performance appraisal result s on the
employees in construction industry. For studying the research 395 samples was selected by chance. The data collection
instrument was a 37-quastion questionnaire including 35 closed questions measured by Likert's scales. sign tests were
used to analyze the data. The total results, Performance Evaluation were average and high. The effects of result s’ annual
Performance Evaluation on the job motivation were high. On the basis of the findings this research and those analyses,
Performance Evaluation is major factor on motivation. For this reason, its need to attention's managers and personnel.
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019
Performance appraisal has occupied the attention of researchers in human resource management,
organizational behaviour, and industrial/organizational psychology for many years. A review of the hundreds of
articles written on the subject revealed significant concern for the reasons behind ineffective performance
appraisal. Many articles emphasized management style and offered suggestions about how to appraise staff
(Gail Spence, 2007). Performance appraisal is the process of obtaining, analyzing and recording information
about the relative worth of an employee. The focus of the performance appraisal is measuring and improving the
actual performance of the employee and also the future potential of the employee. Performance appraisal and
evaluation is identified as the identification, Measurement and management of human performance in
organizations and provides individuals with useful feedback and coaches them to higher levels of Performance
(Gomez-Mejia, 2007). The studies use the terms “performance evaluation” and “performance appraisal”
interchangeably, stating performance appraisals are a systematic way of evaluating the standard of a worker’s
performance (Grote, 2002).According to Dickinson (1993) Performance appraisals are an important part of
organizational life because they can serve a number of functions/purposes, including solving performance
problems, setting goals, administering rewards and discipline, and dismissal (Dickinson and Ilgen, 1993). It is a
powerful tool to calibrate, refine and reward the performance of the employee. It helps to analyze his
achievements and evaluate his contribution towards the achievements of the overall organizational goals. By
focusing the attention on performance, performance appraisal goes to the heart of personnel management and
reflects the management’s interest in the progress of the employees. The Performance appraisal program is
based on the evaluation of two components at the end of each year: the competencies and levels identified for
the position and the key objectives established between each manager and their staff members for the period
covered by an appraisal cycle.
Performance appraisal has different objectives for management and for the employees. Employees are
interested in having an assessment of their work from the viewpoint of personal development, work satisfaction
and involvement in the organization. Management assesses the performance of employees to maintain
organizational control and disburse rewards and punishments to further organizational goals. Effective appraisals are
believed to motivate nurses to improve their practice (Longenecker, 1998), provide job
satisfaction, and improve staff morale (MacKenzie, 1995). Thus, a spirit of mutuality is essential in an effective
performance appraisal system.
Performance appraisal is a management tool which is helpful in motivating and effectively utilizing human
resources. Assessment of human potential is difficult, no matter how well designed and appropriates the
performance planning and appraisal system is. Performance appraisals are an important part of organizational
life because they can serve a number of functions/purposes, including solving performance problems, setting
goals, administering rewards and discipline, and dismissal (Dickinson and Ilgen, 1993). Therefore the
performance appraisal system should:
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019
·be correlated with the organizational mission, philosophies and value system;
Cover assessment of performance as well as potential for development;
Take care of organizational as well as individual needs; and
help in creating a clean environment
Linking rewards with achievements,
Generating information for the growth of the employee as well as of the organization and Suggesting
appropriate person-task matching and career plans.
Feedback is an important component of performance appraisal. While positive feedback is easily accepted,
negative feedback often meets with resistance unless it is objective, based on a credible source and given in a
skillful manner (DeVoe and Iyengar, 2004). The act of motivation the employees are in the heart of the
organizations. Success in every organization depends upon the personnel motivation conducted by their
directors. According to Herzberg (1990), there are many factors (job) identification, the essence of job,
responsibility, advancement and improvement (Herzberg, 1990). In addition, there are other factors, such as: the
administration quality and its policy in an organization or company, the supervision quality, the (niutual)
relations between personnel, terms of reference, pays and status, security and performance appraisal (Najafi,
2010). Identifying the proficient employees and presenting them rewards (bonus) as a sign of motivation, in
order to improve their performance are among the essential factors in performance appraisal (Stephen P
Robbins, 1998).KavussiShal (1999) believes that the appraisal system is a good instrument to improve the
quality and quantity of the manpower's performance. Nowadays, performance appraisal is considered as an
important aspect in human resources management and a part of the control process in administration
(KavussiShal, 1999). Planning the appraisal process is an important subject in the government's official system
which is annually conducted in the governmental organizations, spending a large amount of time and
expenditures to reach the objectives like: manpower development, including improvements, promotions and
assignments in managerial positions, persuasion and punishment, salary increase, personnel's performance
feedback and determining their educational needs (Najafi, 2010). In spite of the permanent efforts in planning
more effective system for performance appraisal, there is convincing evidence of the authorities’ dissatisfaction
of the appraisal methods. The main reason for such dissatisfaction is the complexity of the process, leading to an
incapability of planning an exhaustive appraisal system. The appraisal systems are usually involved with the
following problems: the lack of adequate support by managers, impracticability, the appraiser's failure in
conducting a right and fair appraisal, and the lack of accordance with realities.Many of the problems, with
which, the employees of the state organizations concern are the direct result of the manager's incapability in the
appraisal process. Solving many job problems in various fields, such as: job assignment, promotion, transfer,
dismissal, training and salaries mainly upon the inefficiencies in the appraisal system (Zavvarzadeh, 1997).
According to Mirsepassi (1998) the present appraisal system is a window-dressing and may not lead to expected
results. It wastes the manager's time as a mere formality. He believes that despite of the reasonability and
scientific importance appraisal, it has usually failed in various organizations (particularly the state ones) as a
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019
result of complete indifference and has been criticized by personnel and even by manager (Mirsepassi, 1999).
Many managers filling out the appraisal forms emphasize the employees' seniority. In this way, they put an end
to the spirit of the creativity, perseverance and sincerity of the junior employees. The preset writer has observed
several times that the excellent grades are periodic, so that the unit supervisor gives grade with the question
"whose turn is this year?", before she/he fills up the forms. In addition, the HR department (personnel
department) changes the appraisal grades in such a way that the high grades will be allocated to the approved
persons. Nonetheless, even if an employee obtains a high grade, this will be no benefit to him/her according to
the minimum entitlement. Answering the question "Is performance appraisal necessary?" some of the managers
state as follows: "We usually tell the HR not to grade the employees such a way that they would be deprived of
group upgrading and we sign the graded forms. Or we tell them to divide the final grade between the appraisal
factors, so that the employee can obtain the expected grade" (Najafi , 2010).
As we said above this study aims to investigate the effect of the performance appraisal results on the job
motivation of Hamedan's health centers.
This study was an applied and descriptive analytical study that it was implemented in 2008-2009. (From
March 20, 2008 to March 19, 2009). The research population were the official personnel of Hamadan’s health
centers staff.Data were collected via the 37-quastion questionnaire including 35 closed questions measured by
Likert's scales and two open ones. The reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was calculated by "Cronbach's
Alpha" and estimated about 0.85. This is a large number which indicates a high reliability.After providing the
proper questionnaire, 395 questionnaires were sent to employees who were employed in the official personal of
Hamedan's health centers.
Data Analysis:
After gathering the questionnaires, the necessary data were obtained from them. Various statistical tools
were used in order to analyze the data, in the following fields:
1.Descriptive statistics: including the frequency tables, and the calculation of the central indices and distribution
2.Inferential statistics: in testing the research questions, the harmony between the answers was calculated using
a T- test in order to indicate whether there is an agreement between the respondents. This test was used to
compare the frequencies and percentages too. In addition, T-Student, ANOVA,Kolmogrov- Smironv and sign
tests were used.
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019
a. Analyzing the data shows that the appraisal is some high medium according to the respondents.
This indicates that the performance appraisal results have some effect on increasing the
motivation level. Sorush (2000) expresses different point in this field. The research outcome
shows that the performance appraisal results have a little effect on increasing the motivation
level. Various factors can increase the personnel's motivation which itself results in the
employee’s improvement and more organization efficiency, including: the observance of justice
and fairness in appraisal, practicing the realistic (and not mental) appraisal, the managers
complete control over the appraisal process, the appropriateness of the educational needs,
providing timely feed-back and participation of the appraised in the appraisal.
b. According to Sorush (2000), performance appraisal has a little effect on job motivation. The
present research shows that the appraisal results have so much influence on the personnel job
improvement. Abedi (2004) has reached the conclusion that according to 95 percent of the
respondents, the present appraisal process has had a very little effect on their success and
promotion. Analyzing the percent data also shows that about 78% of the respondents believe
that the current appraisal process has a medium or strong
c. effect on identifying the creative and talented employees.
d. According to Abedi, a majority of the respondents (about 87%) consider performance appraisal
as a weak process. It is obvious that the manpower as an important and valuable resource has
the capacity of creation, innovation, reasoning, thinking and managing in the field of the other
organizational resources in order to make use of all executive potentials of human resources and
reach the strategic organizational objectives. Javadein (2001) believes that identifying the
meritorious personnel is one of the primary goals of the performance
e. A majority of the respondents believe that the present appraisal has a strong effect on the
personnel reinforcement and activity programming so; it can be considered as an effective
process in this field. Abedi have come to the conclusion that more than 65 present of the
respondents believe that the appraisal process has a poor effect on the need announcement and
educational programs.
GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019
All praise due to ALLAH alone and most merciful and the most compassionate, who created men and women and
taught, them manners. He best owned us Holy Quran, which is guidance for their believers, and Peace be upon him
Holy Prophet “Mohammad” most perfect and the best among us and of even born on the surface of earth, who
lightness the hearts of believers in their lives.
I would like to acknowledge the assistance of the following people: -
Engr. Muhammad Hasnain, INU University, for guidance, encouragement, understanding and supervision
of the research without him none of the finding would have been possible.
Engr. Wiqar Ullah for their support to Co-Supervise me.
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GSJ: Volume 7, Issue 8, August 2019
ISSN 2320-9186
GSJ© 2019