ICH M8 Expert Working Group
Specification for Submission Formats for eCTD
June 5, 2018
10 December 2015
Initial Step 4 document.
10 November 2016
Revisions based on M8 Review and the following
change requests: 00020, 00030 and 00050.
05 June 2018
Revisions incorporating the updates to the ICH M2 Expert
Working Group
Specification for PDF Formatted
in Regulatory Submissions.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 2
2. PDF......................................................................................................................................... 2
2.1 Restrictions .................................................................................................................... 2
2.2 Version ........................................................................................................................... 2
2.3 File Size .......................................................................................................................... 2
2.4 Fonts ............................................................................................................................... 2
2.4.1 Font Size ..................................................................................................................... 3
2.4.2 Use of Colour Fonts .................................................................................................... 3
2.5 Page Orientation ........................................................................................................... 4
2.6 Page Size and Margins.................................................................................................. 4
2.7 Headers and Footers ..................................................................................................... 4
2.8 Source of Electronic Document ................................................................................... 4
2.9 Recommendations for Creating PDF Documents and Images ................................. 4
2.10 Image Compression to Reduce File Size ..................................................................... 5
2.11 Image Colour Matching ............................................................................................... 5
2.12 ICC Profiles ................................................................................................................... 5
2.13 Document Navigation (Hypertext Linking, Bookmarks and TOCs) ....................... 5
2.14 Page Numbering ............................................................................................................ 6
2.15 Initial View Settings ...................................................................................................... 6
2.16 Optimisation .................................................................................................................. 6
2.17 Security .......................................................................................................................... 6
2.18 Use of Acrobat Plug-ins ................................................................................................ 7
3. XML Files ............................................................................................................................... 7
4. SVG Files................................................................................................................................ 7
5. Study Dataset Files................................................................................................................. 8
This specification describes the way files should be constructed for inclusion in the eCTD.
This section includes file formats that are commonly used in electronic submissions. Other
formats can be used according to guidance published in each region.
The content in this document should be used in conjunction with the regional
specification documents for additional information.
2. PDF
Portable Document Format (PDF) is a published format compliant to the International
Organization for Standardization (ISO) standard ISO 32000-1:2008. It is not necessary to use a
product from Adobe or from any specific company to produce PDF documents. PDF is accepted
as a standard for documents defined in this specification. The following recommendations
support the creation of PDF files that regulatory authorities can review effectively, and is based
on the ICH M2 Expert Working Group Specification for PDF Formatted Documents in
Regulatory Submissions document.
Restrictions 2.1
In order to be usable, PDF files must not contain JavaScript, dynamic content (e.g., audio, video
or special effects), attachments or 3D content. You should not include PDF annotations in
Version 2.2
Currently recommended versions of PDF are listed on the ICH website
for details). Submitted PDF files should be readable
by Adobe Reader or Acrobat (versions 8 or higher) and should not require additional software
or plug-ins to be read and navigated. If plug-ins are used during the creation of a PDF
document, prior to submitting the document, you should ensure that a plug-in is not required to
open, view or navigate the file.
File Size 2.3
The size of a PDF file should not exceed 500MB. Larger files should be split into
smaller components.
Fonts 2.4
PDF viewing software automatically substitutes a font to display text if the font used to
create the text is not provided with the PDF or is unavailable on the viewer’s computer. Font
substitution can affect a document’s appearance and structure, and, in some cases, the view
of the document contents may be affected. The following should be followed when creating
PDF files:
Embed all fonts used in the PDF
Use only OpenType or TrueType fonts
Avoid using customised fonts
Font embedding does not always solve the problems that occur when a viewer tries to copy and
paste text from a PDF document into another software format. The fonts listed in Table 1 are
Table 1 Preferred Fonts
Font type
Font Name
Times New Roman
Times New Roman Italic
Times New Roman Bold
Times New Roman Bold Italic
Sans Serif
Arial Italic
Arial Bold
Arial Bold Italic
Non Proportional
Courier New
Courier New Italic
Courier New Bold
Courier New Bold Italic
Zapf Dingbats
MS Mincho
MS Gothic
2.4.1 Font Size
You should use font sizes ranging from 9 to 12 points. Times New Roman, 12-point font, the
font used for this document, is adequate in size for narrative text and should be used. When
choosing a font size for tables, a balance should be sought between providing sufficient
information on a single page to facilitate data comparisons for the viewer while maintaining a
font size that remains legible. Generally, Times New Roman font sizes 9-10 or an equivalent
size of other recommended fonts are considered acceptable in tables and smaller font sizes
should be avoided. Ten-point fonts are recommended for footnotes. MS Mincho, 10.5-point
font should be used for narrative text whenever possible in Japan. Font sizes of 8pt and larger
can be used in figures and tables.
2.4.2 Use of Colour Fonts
The use of a black font colour is recommended. Blue can be used for hypertext links. Light
colours can be difficult to read on a monitor as well as when printed, and should be avoided.
The use of background shading can be difficult to read and should be avoided.
Page Orientation 2.5
Pages should be properly oriented so that all portrait pages are presented in portrait and
all landscape pages are presented in landscape. To achieve this, the page orientation of
landscape pages should be set to landscape prior to saving the PDF document in final form.
Page Size and Margins 2.6
The print area for pages should fit on both a sheet of A4 (210 x 297 mm) and Letter (8.5” x 11”)
paper. A sufficient margin of at least 2.5 cm on the binding edge (i.e., the left side of each page
for portrait and top of the page for landscape) should be provided to avoid obscuring information
when documents are printed and bound. The remaining margins should be a minimum of 1.0 cm.
Header and footer information and page numbers should not appear in margins.
Headers and Footers 2.7
The M4 Granularity document specifies that all pages of a document should include a
unique header or footer that briefly identifies its subject matter. With the eCTD, there is a
significant amount of metadata available to the reviewer to allow easy identification of the
document but it is still appropriate to have a unique identifier on each page (header or
footer) of the document (e.g., when the document is printed or multiple documents are
viewed on screen at the same time). The unique identifier does not necessarily have to
contain the CTD section identifier or other metadata. It should be sufficient to identify the
general subject matter of the document (e.g., study identifier, batch number).
Source of Electronic Document 2.8
You should avoid image-based PDF files whenever possible. PDF documents produced by
scanning paper documents usually have poorer image resolution than PDF documents
produced from electronic source documents such as word processing files. Scanned
documents are generally more difficult to read and do not allow the viewer to search or copy
and paste text for editing in other documents. If scanned files must be submitted, they should
be made text searchable where possible. If optical character recognition software is used, you
should verify that imaged text is converted completely and accurately.
Recommendations for Creating PDF Documents and Images 2.9
You should use the dpi settings in Table 2 for scanning documents. Scanned documents scanned
at a resolution of 300 dots per inch (dpi) ensure that the pages of the document are legible both
on the computer screen and when printed and, at the same time, minimises the file size. After
scanning, you should avoid resampling to a lower resolution. A captured image should not be
subjected to non-uniform scaling (i.e., sizing). See the Table 2 for resolutions recommended for
various image types.
Table 2 - Scanning Resolutions
300 dpi (black ink)
300 dpi
600 dpi (8-bit Gray scale)
600 dpi (24-bit RGB)
600 dpi (8-bit grayscale depth)
300 dpi
Image Compression to Reduce File Size 2.10
You should compress colour or grayscale images using JPEG 2000 and use JBIG2 for
monochrome images. Image compression is a method for reducing file size. Some methods of
compression can result in loss of data and can introduce compression artefacts that affect the
reviewability of the information. Both compression methods have lossless options.
Image Colour Matching 2.11
Because colour varies from monitor to monitor, it is difficult to ensure that the reviewer will
see exactly the same colour as in the original image. To avoid this discrepancy, you should use
ICC profiles for colour matching (The International Color Consortium (ICC)
ICC Profiles 2.12
This standard format is used to characterize the colour properties from input devices (cameras,
scanners), viewing devices (monitors) and finally output devices (colour printers, print
ICC profiles are defined by the International Color Consortium. There is also an ISO standard
(ISO 15076). ICC profiles are used in PDF for defining ICC-based colours and as output intents
Document Navigation (Hypertext Linking, Bookmarks and TOCs) 2.13
Hypertext links and bookmarks improve navigation through PDF documents. Hypertext links
can be designated by rectangles using thin lines or by blue text as appropriate. Bookmarks
are expected even if there is no table of contents (TOC) in the document. A hypertext
linked TOC and bookmarks should be included in documents 5 pages or longer. Literature
References are the exception to these recommendations as the files may be protected and
cannot be modified.
In general, for documents with a table of contents, bookmarks for each item listed in the table
of contents should be provided. Bookmarks should include all tables, figures, publications,
other references, and appendices even if these items are not in the table of contents. These
bookmarks are essential for the efficient navigation through documents. The use of no more
than 4 levels in the hierarchy is recommended, but additional levels could be created if such
bookmarks contribute to efficient navigation.
Hypertext links throughout the document to support related sections, references,
appendices, tables, or figures that are not located on the same page are helpful and
improve navigation efficiency.
Relative paths should be used when creating hypertext links across documents to minimize
the loss of hyperlink functionality when folders are moved between disk drives. Absolute links
that reference specific drives and root directories will no longer work once the submission is
loaded onto the receiving party’s computers.
When creating bookmarks and hyperlinks, the magnification setting Inherit Zoom should be
used so that the destination page displays at the same magnification level that the reviewer is
using for the rest of the document.
The bookmarks should be collapsed when document is opened so that all bookmarks are at
the first level. Also, see Section 2.15 for Initial View Settings.
Page Numbering 2.14
It is easier to navigate through an electronic document if the page numbers for the document
and the PDF file are the same. To accomplish this, the first page of the document should be
numbered page 1, and all subsequent pages (including appendices and attachments) should be
numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. Roman numerals should not be used to number
pages (e.g., title pages, tables of contents) and pages should not be left unnumbered (e.g., title
page.) Numbering in this manner keeps the PDF viewer page in synchrony with the internal
document page numbers.
The two exceptions to these recommendations are:
When a document is split because of its size (Refer to Section 2.3 File Size); the
second or subsequent file should be numbered consecutively to that of the first or
preceding file, and
Literature References as the files may be protected and cannot be modified.
Initial View Settings 2.15
The initial view of the PDF files should be set as Bookmarks and Page. If there are no
bookmarks, the initial view as Page only should be set. The Magnification and Page
Layout should be set as default.
Optimisation 2.16
To ensure that PDF files can be accessed efficiently, you should optimise PDF files for fast web
Security 2.17
No security settings or password protection for PDF files should be included. Security
fields should be set to allow printing, changes to the document, selecting text and graphics, and
adding or changing notes and form fields. The exception to this rule includes regulatory forms
with pre- existing security and literature references that need to be copyright protected. At a
minimum the receiver should be able to easily open and view the content.
Use of Acrobat Plug-ins 2.18
It is appropriate to use plug-ins to assist in the creation of a submission. However, the review
of the submission should not call for the use of any plug-ins in addition to those provided
with Adobe Acrobat because regulatory authorities will not necessarily have access to the
additional plug-in functionality.
A working group at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) developed the Extensible
Markup Language (XML). It is a nonproprietary language developed to improve on previous
markup languages including Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML) and Hypertext
Markup Language (HTML).
XML is currently used for some content of the eCTD. The applicant should contact the
applicant's own regional regulatory authority, understanding that other regulatory authorities
may not accept these XML files.
Additional information about the XML standard can be found at the W3C Web
Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a language for describing two-dimensional graphics in
XML. SVG allows for three types of graphic objects: vector graphic shapes (e.g., paths
consisting of straight lines and curves), images, and text. Graphical objects can be grouped,
styled, transformed and composited into previously rendered objects. Text can be in any
XML namespace suitable to the application, which enhances searchability and accessibility
of the SVG graphics. The feature set includes nested transformations, clipping paths, alpha
masks, filter effects, template objects, and extensibility.
SVG drawings can be dynamic and interactive. The Document Object Model (DOM) for
SVG, which includes the full XML DOM, allows for straightforward and efficient vector
graphics animation via scripting. A rich set of event handlers such as onmouseover and
onclick can be assigned to any SVG graphical object. Because of its compatibility and
leveraging of other Web standards, features like scripting can be done on SVG elements and
other XML elements from different namespaces simultaneously within the same Web page.
SVG files must not contain JavaScript.
The specific use of SVG in a submission should be discussed with the regulatory authority.
Additional information about the SVG specification can be found at the W3C Web site.
Specific regions include study datasets and may have different rules regarding the
following topics:
Allowable file formats
Dataset file sizes
Dataset filenames and allowable characters