10 Customer Service
Email Templates
Every Agent Needs
Working in the customer service industry
comes with plenty of unique opportunities, as
well as its fair share of challenges. As front-line
agents, your team becomes the face of your
brand to customers. You get to hear stories of
how customers are using your services or why
they purchase your company’s products, and help
brighten their day by solving their issues.
But, that comes with the territory of understanding that not every
customer interaction will start o on a positive note. As agents,
it’s your teams job to dive deep into each and every customer
concern to solve their issues, and help keep their perception of your
brand positive.
Set your agents up for success to navigate through tough customer
email complaints with our customer service email templates. These
templates can be fully customized to meet the needs of each unique
customer interaction and make a great starting point for responding
with care and empathy.
Lets jump in!
1. The Customer is Having Problems
with Your Website
Every business today has an online presence, and most have a website where potential
customers can come to learn about their products or services, make purchases, and - most
importantly - interact with their Customer Support team. But sometimes, bugs happen. Maybe a
page on your site is broken or the customer cant find what they are looking for. Use the template
below to address a customer issue with your website.
Dear [First name],
Thank you for reaching out to let us know that the URL for our subscription
page is causing you issues. I’ve escalated the issue to our web development
team, who have prioritized getting this page issue resolved.
In the meantime, I’ve laid out our subscription model below for your
[Insert content]
Let me know if you’re interested in adjusting your subscription tier, and I
would be happy to make that change for you.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
2. The Customer Has a Question
about Company Policies
If your company operates in the retail space, you undoubtedly have a policy in place regarding
returns and exchanges, refunds, and replacements of items that arrive in poor condition. If
these policies are buried in a small link on your site, customers may have a hard time finding the
information theyre looking for. When someone reaches out to clarify company policy, send them
the template below.
Dear [First name],
Thank you for reaching out regarding our return & exchange policy here at
[company name]. I would be happy to walk you through it!
For returns, we oer full refunds if an item is returned within a [#]-day
window. After that window, we can oer partial refunds on a case-by-case
basis. For exchanges, once the exchange transaction has processed, you will
receive a return label and will have [#] days to return the item to us. After we
have received the exchange, we will process and ship your new item at no
additional cost to you.
To review these policies in more detail, you can view our full return &
exchange policy here: [link].
If you have any specific questions about our policies, please let me know. I
would be happy to provide even more information.
Thank you again for reaching out to [company name].
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
3. The Customer’s Order
Didnt Arrive on Time
Customers put their faith in promised delivery dates, and assume brands are savvy enough to 1)
accurately predict tracking, and 2) update customers about anticipated delays. If an order isn’t
fulfilled in a timely manner, it can spark a very angry response.
The agent’s first order of business: track the customer’s package. If its marked as delivered, ask
the customer to confirm the address. Maybe the package was left in a dierent location than
they’re used to, or was marked as “delivered” but left on the truck - it happens. If the package is
still in transit, try something like this.
Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry your order hasn’t arrived. I know how frustrating this must be. We
try to anticipate any issues that may arrive during transit, and I understand
that we’ve failed to meet your expectations with this purchase.
I’ve tracked the package via [carrier], and it’s currently listed as “[status].” If
you’d like to check on its progress, heres the link you can use: [link]
Please contact me directly if your order hasn’t arrived within [time frame]. In
the meantime, I will do everything I can to locate your package.
Once again, [First name], I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
4. The Customer Wants
to Resolve a Billing Issue
Most products and services today give customers the flexibility to update things like payment
information on their own. But some deeper billing concerns, like billing dates, additional fees,
and recurring expenses require getting in touch with your team. When someone reaches out
about a billing issue, guide them through your companys methodology and ensure they have a
full understanding of the billing process.
Dear [First name],
Thank you for reaching out about the recurring billing statement you received
in your inbox this morning. I’ve looked into your account, and confirm that
you have selected that you would like to stay subscribed for a monthly
membership with [company name].
You can find this setting on the first page of your Account Information,
linked here: [link]. This setting is automatically turned on after completing
a purchase with us, and must be manually un-checked to ensure you don’t
receive monthly charges.
At this time, I’ve gone ahead and issued a refund to your account in the
amount of $[#]. You should be receiving the funds back in the next 3-5
business days.
I’m sorry for any issue this may have caused, [first name]. Please let me know
if I can be of assistance in any other way.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
5. The Customer Received
a Damaged Product
Imagine: youre anxiously awaiting your latest purchase, and spend your days by the window
waiting for the delivery truck to show up. Then, finally, it arrives. You can barely contain your
excitement as you open the box... only to find that the item is damaged. This scenario is all too
common, particularly when it comes to selling and shipping more delicate items. As a customer,
you would immediately reach out to support to find out what they can do for you. The template
below gives your agents an empathetic and helpful response, no matter what you sell.
Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry your order arrived in damaged condition. I know how
upsetting this must be, especially when it was an item you were looking
forward to receiving.
I’ve gone ahead and requested a replacement be shipped out to you within
the next business day, and the new item should arrive within 3 days via
[carrier] (tracking number [#]). If you’d like to track the package, here’s the
link you can use: [link].
I’ll follow up with you on [day of the week] to make sure you received the
correct items. If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to contact
me directly.
We do have one small favor to ask. Could you please return the damaged
items within the next [#] days? There should be an adhesive prepaid return
label inside the box with the new shipment. If not, just (click this link), print
the form, and attach it to the box. You can drop the box o at any [carrier]
location (click here to find the one nearest you).
Once again, [First name], I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
6. The Customer Received
the Wrong Item(s)
Now imagine opening that same package you so eagerly awaited and not finding the right item
inside. Not only is finding the wrong item irritating, to say the least, but it also creates more
work for the customer. A great email response to these customer complaints addresses both
pain points. You can take the same template we mentioned above, with tweaks to make it fit for
the situation.
Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry we mixed up your order. I know a mistake like this can be very
upsetting, especially when it was an item you were looking forward to
I’ve double checked your original order, and the correct items should arrive
by the end of the week via [carrier] (tracking number [#]). If youd like to track
the package, here’s the link you can use: [link].
I’ll follow up with you on Friday to make sure you received the correct items.
If you have any questions in the meantime, feel free to contact
me directly.
We do have one small favor to ask. Could you please return the unwanted
items within the next [#] days? There should be an adhesive prepaid return
label inside the box. If not, just click this link, print the form, and attach it to
the box. You can drop the box o at any [carrier] location (click here to find
the one nearest you).
Once again, [First name], I sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
7. The Customer Had a Negative
Experience on the Phone or via Chat
With various channels for contacting customer service teams, email can sometimes be the
last resort. For those customers who feel like they’ve exhausted other options, or who had
particularly negative experiences with your team via other channels, an angry email can often
find its way into your support inbox. In situations like this, use the following template to recognize
the concerns of your customer.
Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry that our support did not live up to your expectations when you
reached out to us. It’s never our intention to leave questions unanswered or
issues unresolved, and I apologize that you’ve had a negative experience with
our team.
I would love to make this right for you. I can see based on your previous
support tickets that you’re still having issues updating your billing address
under your account settings. I’ve gone ahead and updated this for you -
at your convenience, please look into your account and confirm that the
address is updated for you as well.
To make up for the negative experience you had with us, I’ve included here
a discount code for [#]% o your next purchase with us: [code]. While I know
this can’t make up for the poor interaction, I hope that you will give us the
opportunity to make things right by you.
I apologize again for any inconvenience, and look forward to your response.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
8. The Customer Found a Bug
or Other Issue in Your Product
This one is for our more technical support folks. When you work on the CX team for a software
or technology company, its more likely that your incoming requests will be focused on technical
issues or bugs. When a case like this happens, make sure youre taking the time to thoughtfully
talk your customer through potential solutions and provide them with any documentation
they could need. The template below is a great place to start and customize based on the
individual needs.
Dear [First name],
I’m sorry to hear that you ran into an issue with our product. Thank you for
bringing it to our attention - we’d be happy to get this resolved for you as
quickly as possible.
I’ve taken a look into the issue, and can provide you with some
recommendations for next steps. Please see the list below for how to
[Insert detailed description of process here]
I’m also including a link to our Knowledge Base, which is a great resource for
other issues related to this feature that could potentially arise: [link].
I apologize again for any frustration this may have caused. If you’re still
having trouble, please let me know and we can dive into your account.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
9. The Customer Wants You
to Make an Exception for Them
We’ve all been there - you need to return an item for a refund or exchange, and it sits beside your
front door collecting dust. When you finally remember to drop it o, you find out that you missed
the allotted return window. As an agent, you have to be prepared for how to make things right by
the customer, while still upholding necessary company policies. Heres a customer service email
template for how to deal with customers asking to get around company policy.
Dear [First name],
I’m so sorry to hear that there were issues that prevented you from meeting
the return window for [name of item].
Unfortunately, our policy here at [company name] indicates that all returns
and exchanges must be made within a 30-day window after your item has
been received. For more insight, you can read our full return & exchange
policy on our website here: [link].
While we can no longer accept the item/issue a product exchange, I can
oer you a partial credit in the amount of $[#]. Please let me know if you
would like to have this credit issued to your account.
Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. Please
let me know how else I can help.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
10. The Customer Has Feedback
about Your Company
Feedback is the breakfast of champions. And when you’re running a business, you open the door
to feedback from your customers and prospects on each aspect of your brand. Whether positive
or negative, it’s important to be open to feedback from your customers and for your agents to
have a plan in place for how to streamline that feedback to the teams it impacts.
Dear [First name],
Thank you so much for reaching out with your feedback. Here at [company
name], we really value the input of our customers.
We want to make sure that your voice is heard and that your feedback is
taken seriously. I will be sure to pass along your comments to the appropriate
team. If you would like me to follow up with a response from the team, I
would be happy to do so - just let me know.
If you have any other comments or concerns, feel free to reach back out at
any time.
[Agent first name]
[Email/direct phone]
Never struggle to draft another email again. Learn how Stella
Connect’s holistic QA, coaching, and customer feedback platform
sets Customer Service agents up for success.
Stella Connect by Medallia is the customer feedback and quality management platform built
specifically for customer experience teams. Our intuitive platform makes it easy to harness agent-
level customer feedback and deliver high impact coaching and QA programs, driving agent
engagement and customer satisfaction.
Why Templates Are So Valuable
for Customer Service Teams
There’s no ‘one size fits all’ response to every potential customer inquiry.
Sometimes customer questions will throw your agents for a loop, needing them to think on their
feet to come up with a resolution. Other times, your agent may need to tackle a particularly testy
customer or sensitive issue, and will need to be extra thoughtful and empathetic in their reply.
Whatever the case may be, we hope these templates will provide you and your agents with a
solid foundation for creating thoughtful, empathetic, and helpful email responses.