Design Content|Prepare Library|Sequence|Analyze Data
Improvements in next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology
have greatly increased sequencing speed and data output, resulting
in the massive sample throughput of current sequencing platforms.
Ten years ago, the Genome Analyzer was capable of generating up
to 1 Gb of sequence data per run. Today, the NovaSeq
System, built on the same core technology, is capable of generating
up to 2 Tb of data in two days, which represents a > 2000× increase in
A key to utilizing this increased capacity is multiplexing, which adds
unique sequences, called indexes, to each DNA fragment during
library preparation. This allows large numbers of libraries to be pooled
and sequenced simultaneously during a single sequencing run.
Gains in throughput from multiplexing come with an added layer of
complexity, as sequencing reads from pooled libraries need to be
identified and sorted computationally in a process called
demultiplexing before final data analysis (Figure 1).
Index misassignment between multiplexed libraries is a known issue
that has impacted NGS technologies from the time sample
multiplexing was developed.
This white paper describes the
mechanisms by which index hopping may occur, how Illumina
measures index hopping, and best practices for mitigating the impact
of index hopping on sequencing data quality.
Mechanisms of index misassignment
Molecular recombination of indexes, ie, "index hopping"
The development of exclusion amplification (ExAmp) chemistry and
patterned flow cell technology was a significant advance in
NGStechnology that resulted in increased data output, reduced
costs, and faster run times. This has enabled a broad range of
applications including the $1000 Genome.
However, this clustering
method used with patterned flow cells has been observed to result
Effects of Index Misassignment on Multiplexing
and Downstream Analysis
Learn why it happens and best practices to reduce the impact of index hopping.
Figure1: Overview of multiplexing and index hopping—Multiplexing enables pooling and sequencing of multiple libraries simultaneously during a single sequencing run
through addition of unique index sequences to each DNA fragment during library preparation. Sequencing reads are sorted to their respective samples during
demultiplexing, allowing for proper alignment. Index hopping causes incorrect assignment of sequencing reads and may lead to misalignment of reads or incorrect
assumptions in downstream analysis.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Design Content|Prepare Library|Sequence|Analyze Data
in higher levels of index misassignment than traditional bridge
Index hopping is a specific cause of index
misassignment that can result in incorrect assignment of libraries from
the expected index to a different index in the pool, leading to
misalignment and inaccurate sequencing results (Figure 1). Index
hopping is the primary mechanism responsible for the observed
increase in index misassignment in patterned flow cells.
Contamination from free adapters/primers
After adapters are ligated to nucleic acid fragments, the products are
cleaned up to remove any free, unligated adapters. Libraries can be
cleaned up by a bead-based or gel purification step to remove free
adapters or primers. Failure to remove free adapters or primers can
lead to contamination of prepared libraries and may result in index
hopping and misassignment. To demonstrate this possibility,
adapters not present in a prepared library pool were spiked in at
varying levels from 0–35% molar concentration relative to DNAinput.
Levels of index hopping increased in a linear fashion in correlation
with increasing levels of adapter spike-in (Figure 2). These results
highlight the importance of making sure that prepared libraries are
clean before proceeding with a sequencing run.
Figure2: Index hopping from free adapters—Percent index hopping is plotted
against levels of adapter spike-in. There is a positive, linear correlation between
both total index hopping (purple line) and index hopping from spike-in (green line)
and levels of added free adapter.
Measuring index hopping
Library pooling experiments enable quantification of the level of index
hopping. By using unique pairs of i5 and i7 index adapters, uniquely
dual-indexed libraries are pooled, sequenced, and demultiplexed
following a dual-indexed workflow. The percent index representation
across all possible adapter combinations measures the level of index
hopping at invalid combinations (Figure 3). For example, a value of
0.17% would correlate to ~1 index-hopping event per 600 correctly
indexed pairs.
Figure3: Contamination matrix for unique indexes—The percent index
representation across all possible adapter combinations measures the level of
index hopping. Overlap at valid and invalid combinations are shaded in green and
red, respectively. Invalid index combinations are not preferentially impacted by
index hopping.
Impact of index hopping
The method of library preparation has been shown to contribute to
levels of index hopping. In general, methods that only include ligation,
such as the TruSeq
DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Kit, generate
libraries with higher levels of index hopping than methods that
incorporate a subsequent PCR amplification step, such as the
TruSeq Nano DNALibrary Prep Kit (Figure 4). Libraries clustered on
nonpatterned flow cells with traditional bridge amplification typically
have lower rates of index hopping (1%) compared to libraries run on
patterned flow cells using ExAmp cluster generation (2%). For
example, analysis of a TruSeq PCR-Free library after cluster
generation and sequencing shows lower levels of index hopping on a
nonpatterned flow cell compared to a patterned flow cell (Figure 4).
Figure4: Differences in rates of index hopping—Levels of index hopping are higher
with patterned versus nonpatterned flow cells, regardless of library prep method.
Library prep methods with a PCR amplification step (eg, TruSeq Nano) show lower
levels of index hopping compared to methods that include ligation only (eg, TruSeq
DNA PCR-Free).
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Design Content|Prepare Library|Sequence|Analyze Data
Effect of index hopping on RNAsequencing experiments
To demonstrate the impact of typical levels of index hopping on RNA
sequencing (RNA-Seq) of samples with very highly expressed
markers, stranded mRNA libraries were prepared from total RNA
samples from two different human tissues. The tissues were chosen
such that one was highly enriched for expression of tissue-specific
markers (liver), and the other had a more distributed expression profile
not dominated by specific transcripts (brain).
Libraries were prepared using the TruSeq Stranded mRNA Library
Prep Kit following standard protocol. Samples were indexed with a
unique index set, so that index hopping could be independently
determined. Samples were sequenced either as pooled mixes of liver
and brain or separate tissue pools, ie, liver pooled with liver or brain
pooled with brain, in lanes as a 6 plex on the HiSeq
4000 System.
Sequencing data was demultiplexed and analyzed in BaseSpace
Sequence Hub using the RNAExpress App and the standard analysis
pipeline. The percent index hopping was measured at 0.3–0.5% for
the lanes analyzed. Fragments per kilobase million (FPKM) gene
expression plots show detection of very highly expressed liver marker
genes such as albumin (120,000–950,000 counts in liver) in the
mixed tissue lane reads that are absent in the separately sequenced
pooled brain reads as a consequence of index hopping (Figure 5, top
panel). These liver markers observed in the pooled brain sample are at
~ 0.13% of the level observed in the liver sample. FPKM gene
expression plots of replicates of the brain libraries sequenced in the
presence of the liver tissue demonstrate the background noise is
equivalent in replicates and not pulled out as differentially expressed
(Figure 5, bottom panel). These results indicate that, to minimize the
effect of index hopping, best practice is to pool similar samples
together, so that dominant, very highly expressed transcripts will not
lead to increased levels of index hopping. Storage of prepared
libraries outside of recommended conditions (Table 1) has been
demonstrated to increase rates of index hopping. Store individual
libraries at –20° C; avoid storage at C. Once pooled, sequence
libraries as soon as possible or store at 20° C to mitigate index
Best practices to reduce index hopping
In order to mitigate the effects of index hopping, specific
recommendations dependent on the sequencing system, the library
preparation workflow, and the application have been identified.
These general guidelines and recommendations for reducing the
impact of index hopping are provided (Table 1). Storage of prepared
libraries outside of these recommended conditions has been
demonstrated to increase rates of index hopping. Store individual
libraries at –20° C; avoid storage at C. Once pooled, sequence
libraries as soon as possible or store at 20° C for up to one week to
mitigate index hopping.
Commercial solutions to reduce index hopping
Illumina offers both unique dual indexes and an enzymatic solution to
minimize the effect of index hopping. The unique dual indexes
eliminate hopped reads from downstream analysis, as unexpected
combinations are assigned as undetermined and removed from the
data. Ninety-six unique dual indexes are available for both TruSeq
DNA and RNA workflows.
Free adapters in a library contribute to increased levels of index
hopping by hybridizing and acting as a primer to produce index hopped
strands (Figure 2). In addition to unique dual indexes, an enzymatic
solution is available that reduces the level of free adapters in libraries.
The Free Adapter Blocking Reagent blocks the 3ʹ end of the free
adapters, and prevents extension. This post-library prep treatment
reduces the rate of index hopping.
Figure5: Impact of index hopping on RNA-Seq analysisFPKM expression plots
compare replicate samples of total RNA libraries of liver and brain tissue when
sequenced separately or in a 6-plex pool on the HiSeq 4000 System. Detection of
very highly expressed liver marker genes in pooled brain (red box) indicates
occurrence of index hopping. The lower plot shows the negligible impact on
replicate expression profiling of the mixed lane replicates. The coefficient of
determination (R
) for each plot is shown.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Design Content|Prepare Library|Sequence|Analyze Data
Table1: Best practices for reducing index hopping
Mitigation/Recommendation Benefit/Outcome
Prepare dual indexed libraries with unique
Converts index hopped reads to
Sequence one 30× human genome per
Avoids pooling and index hopping
Remove adapters (cleanup, spin columns,
Reduces levels of index hopping
Store prepared libraries at recommended
temperature of –20° C
Reduces levels of index hopping
Pool similar RNA-Seq samples together
Reduces contamination between
high and low-expressors
a. Available on all HiSeq Systems including the HiSeq X series of systems.
b. Only available on the HiSeq X series of sequencing systems.
c. See TruSeq Sample Preparation Best Practices and Troubleshooting Guide.
Multiplexing represents both a major advance and a necessity in
NGStechnology, which enables significant increases in sample
throughput. However, with multiplexing, the potential for index
hopping is present regardless of the library prep method or
sequencing system used. Index hopping may result in assignment of
sequencing reads to the wrong index during demultiplexing, leading
to misalignment and a potential negative impact on data quality.
Evaluation of index hopping has shown that, for most applications,
the impact on downstream analysis will be minimal. With the release
of the IDT for Illumina Unique Dual Indexes and the Illumina Free
Adapter Blocking Reagent, researchers have the tools to reduce the
level of index hopping in their experiments and the ability to exclude
residual index hopped reads from their downstream analyses.
Ordering information
Product Catalog No.
IDT for Illumina-TruSeq DNA UD Indexes
(24 indexes, 96 samples)
IDT for Illumina-TruSeq RNA UD Indexes
(24 indexes, 96 samples)
IDT for Illumina-TruSeq DNA UD Indexes
(96 indexes, 96 samples)
IDT for Illumina-TruSeq RNA UD Indexes
(96 indexes, 96 samples)
Illumina Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (12 reactions) 20024144
Illumina Free Adapter Blocking Reagent (48 reactions) 20024145
1. Illumina. An Introduction to Next-Generation Sequencing Technology. 2016.
Accessed April 2017.
2. Kircher M, Sawyer S, Meyer M. Double indexing overcomes inaccuracies in
multiplex sequencing on the Illumina platform.
Nucleic Acids Res
3. Illumina. HiSeq X Series of Sequencing Systems. 2016. Accessed April 2017.
4. Illumina. Illumina Sequencing Technology. 2010. Accessed April 2017.
Illumina, Inc. 1.800.809.4566 toll-free (US) +1.858.202.4566 tel
© 2018 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved. All trademarks are the property of Illumina, Inc. or their respective owners. For specific trademark information,
see Pub.No.770-2017-004-DQB 5746
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.