Zarling, Amie 1
Human Development & Family Studies [email protected]
Iowa State University Office: 1358 Palmer
Ames, IA 50011 515-294-5083
Associate 2020-Present Iowa State University
Professor Human Development and Family Studies
Assistant 2014-Present Iowa State University
Professor Human Development and Family Studies
Postdoctoral 2013-14 The University of Iowa
Fellowship Clinical Psychology
Ph.D. 2013 The University of Iowa
Clinical Psychology
Clinical 2011-12 Duke University Medical Center
Internship Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Track
M.A. 2008 The University of Iowa
Clinical Psychology
B.S. 2005 Iowa State University
Prevention and treatment of family violence (e.g., physical, psychological, and sexual aggression)
Developing and testing evidence-based interventions to improve relationships and family health for
hard-to-reach or underserved populations
(2021) Outstanding Public Official/Employee for service to the State of Iowa Department of Corrections
(2020) Iowa State University Early Achievement in Research Award
(2018) Iowa State University College of Human Science’s Early Achievement in Research Award
(2016) National Criminal Justice Association Outstanding Criminal Justice Program Award (for ACTV)
(2010) Ballard Seashore Dissertation Year Fellowship ($25,000)
(2010) The University of Iowa Graduate Incentive Fellowship ($1000)
(2009) Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Women’s Student Research Award ($100)
(2008) Second Place Student Poster Award, Iowa Psychological Association Conference ($100)
Zarling, Amie 2
PEER-REVIEWED JOURNAL ARTICLES (* denotes graduate student advisee)
Zarling, A., & *Scheffert, R. (in press). Implementation of ACT in correctional and forensic settings.
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science.
Zarling, A., *Scheffert, R. & Russell, D. (in press). Predictors of retention and recidivism of justice-
involved women in a community-based gender responsive CBT program. Criminal Justice and Behavior.
Biglan, A., Elfner, K., Garbacz, A., Komro, K., Prinz, R., Weist, M., Wilson, D., & Zarling, A. (2020). A
strategic plan for strengthening America’s families: A brief from the Coalition of Behavioral Science
Organizations. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 23(2), 153-175.
Zarling, A., Bannon, S. *Berta, M., & Russell, D. (2020). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for
individuals convicted of domestic violence: 5 year follow up and time to reoffense. Psychology of
Violence, 10, 667-675.
*Berta, M., & Zarling, A. (2019). A preliminary examination of an acceptance and commitment therapy-
based program for incarcerated domestic violence offenders. Violence and Victims, 34(2), 213-228.
Zarling, A., Bannon, S., & *Berta, M. (2019). Evaluation of acceptance and commitment therapy for
domestic violence offenders. Psychology of Violence, 9(3), 257.
Zarling, A. (2018). Reply to Lessons in Program Evaluation: The ACTV Batterer Program Study and Its
Claims.” Violence Against Women, 25(4). Article first published online: August 2018.
Zarling, A., & *Berta, M. (2017). An ACT approach to working with partner-violent individuals. Partner
Abuse, 8, 89-109.
Zarling, A., Lawrence, E., & Marchman, J. (2015). A randomized controlled trial of Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy for aggressive behavior. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 83, 199-
Brock, R. L., Barry, R. A., Lawrence, E., Rolffs, J., Cerretani, J., & Zarling, A. (2015). Online
administration of questionnaires assessing psychological, physical, and sexual aggression: Establishing
psychometric equivalence. Psychology of Violence, 5, 294.
Zarling, A., Taber, S., Murray, A., Knutson, J.F., Lawrence, E., Valles, N., DeGarmo, D.S., & Bank, L.
(2013). Internalizing and externalizing symptoms in young children exposed to intimate partner violence:
Examining intervening processes. Journal of Family Psychology, 27, 945-955.
Lawrence, E., Orengo, R., Langer, A., & Brock, R.L. (2012). Consequences of psychological and
physical abuse for victims: Review and critique of the literature. Special Series: Partner Abuse State of
Knowledge. Partner Abuse, 3, 406-428.
Lawrence, E., Brock, R.L., Barry, R.A., Langer, A., Bunde, M., Ro, E., et al., (2011). Development of an
interview for assessing relationship quality: Preliminary support for reliability, convergent and divergent
validity, and incremental utility. Psychological Assessment. 23, 44-63.
Zarling, Amie 3
Black, D. W., Forbush, K. T., Langer, A., Graeber, M. A., Shaw, M., Hovick, L., Meyer, V. J., Moser, D.
J., Bayless, J., Watson, D. (2009). The neuropsychology of Borderline Personality Disorder: The
predictive variance of neuropsychogical tests versus selected personality trait dimensions. Personality
and Mental Health, 3, 128-141.
Lawrence, E., Yoon, J., Langer, A., & Ro, E. (2009). Is psychological aggression as detrimental as physical
aggression? The independent effects of psychological aggression on depression and anxiety symptoms.
Violence & Victims, 24, 20-35.
Langer, A., Lawrence, E., & Barry, R. (2008). Using a vulnerability-stress-adaptation framework to
predict physical aggression trajectories in newlywed marriage. Journal of Consulting and Clinical
Psychology, 76, 756768.
Barry, R., Lawrence, E., & Langer, A. (2008). Conceptualization and assessment of disengagement in
romantic relationships. Personal Relationships, 15, 297-315.
Amie Zarling (PI), Dan Russell (co-PI), Carolyn Cutrona. (2021-2022). Online Intervention for Social
Connectness for Older Adults. United Healthcare Services. $112,834.
Amie Zarling (PI), Dan Russell (co-PI), Carl Weems (co-PI) (2020-2024). A randomized controlled trial
of ACTV versus T4C for community reentry: Differential efficacy and mechanisms of change. U.S.
Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice. $641,386.
Jel Lee (PI), Amie Zarling (co-PI), Brenda Allen (co-PI) (2019-2024). Acceptance and Commitment
Therapy for custodial grandchildren and custodial grandparents. U.S. Department of Agriculture,
National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Children, Youth and Families At-Risk Sustainable
Community Projects (CYFAR). $640,000.
Amie Zarling (PI). (2019-2020). ACTV for prisons: Implementation and sustainability. Department of
Justice Byrne-Justice Assistance Grant Program (JAG). $167,188.
Amie Zarling (PI), Dan Russell (co-PI), Carl Weems (co-PI) (2017-2021). A randomized controlled trial
of the Duluth Model and ACTV for domestic violence. U.S. Department of Justice, Office on Violence
Against Women, Research and Evaluation Program. $391,400.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention & Control, part of
University of Iowa Injury Prevention and Research Center grant to Corrine Peek-Asa (PI) (2012-2017).
$4,001,667 total award. Subcontract awarded to ISU, Amie Zarling, Evaluation of the ACTV Approach to
reducing intimate partner violence among court-mandated IDAP participants. (2015-2017). $60,923.
Amie Zarling (PI). Evaluation of the ACTV Approach to reducing intimate partner violence among
court-mandated domestic violence offenders (2015-2017). Funded by Iowa State University, College of
Human Sciences, Untenured Faculty Seed Grant. $10,000.
Amie Zarling (PI). Interpersonally-focused treatment for borderline personality disorder. (2010-2013).
National Institute of Mental Health, Ruth L. Kirschstein Predoctoral Individual National Research Service
Award (F31). $72,000.
Zarling, Amie 4
Zarling, A. & *Taylor, A.B. (2017). Third wave therapies and the treatment of violence and aggression. In P.
Sturmey (Ed.), Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression. John Wiley & Sons Publisher.
Zarling, A., Orengo-Aguayo, R., & Lawrence, E. (2015). Coercion in committed relationships and effective
interventions. Dishion, T. & Snyder, J. (Eds.), Oxford Handbook of Coercive Dynamics in Close Relationships:
Implications for Development, Psychopathology and Intervention Science. (p. 215-230). New York, NY: Oxford
University Press.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (2010). Emotion regulation and experiential avoidance in intimate partner violence. F.
Columbus (Ed.), Advances in Psychology Research, Volume 70. NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (2010). Toward an integrated, empirically supported theory of intimate partner
violence. K. Osterman (Ed.), Indirect and Direct Aggression (pp. 357-374). Peter Lang Printing House.
Lawrence, E., Barry, R.A., Langer, A., & Brock, R.L. (2009). Assessment of marital satisfaction. H. Reis & S.
Sprecher (Eds.), Encyclopedia of human relationships (pp. 1028-1030). CA: Sage.
Lawrence, E., Brock, R.L., Barry, R.A., Langer, A., & Bunde, M. (2009). Assessing relationship quality:
Development of an interview and implications for couple assessment and intervention. In E. Cuyler & M. Ackhart
(Eds.), Psychology of Relationships. NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Zarling, A. (2019). Achieving Change Through Values-Based Behavior for Prisons (ACTV-P). Program for
institutionalized offenders. Treatment manual for the State of Iowa Department of Corrections.
Zarling, A. (2019). Achieving Change Through Values-Based Behavior (ACTV) HR. Program for high risk
offenders. Treatment manual for the State of Iowa Department of Corrections.
Zarling, A., Lawrence, E., & Orengo, R. (2017). Achieving Change Through Values-Based Behavior (ACTV).
Program for domestic violence offenders. Treatment manual for the State of Iowa Department of Corrections.
Second Edition.
Langer, A. (2010). Skills Training for Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation: Treatment Manual. Available
from the author at the Department of Psychology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.
Langer, A. (2010). Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. The Iowa Psychologist, Winter Issue, 12-13.
Zarling, A. (November 2019). Applying ACT to target intimate partner violence in a group of court-mandated
women. Symposium presented at the 53
Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Convention,
Atlanta, GA.
Zarling, A. (November 2019). A randomized trial of the Duluth Model and Achieving Change Through Value-
based Behavior for domestic violence. Presented at the 75
annual meeting of the American Society of
Criminology, San Francisco, CA.
Bannon, S.M. & Zarling, A. (October 2018). Emotion Regulation Deficits in Perpetrators of Intimate Partner
Violence. In Cantos [Chair] Intimate Partner Violence Interventions: One Size Does Not Fit All. Invited
Symposium, International Conference of Clinical Psychology, Granada, Spain.
Zarling, Amie 5
Bannon, S.M., & Zarling, A. (July 2018). A Novel ACT-based Intervention Outperforms TAU for Court-Mandated
IPV Treatment, But Not for High Risk Offenders. In Cantos [Chair] Assessment Strategies for Intimate Partner
Violence Interventions. Talk presented at the annual International Family Violence and Child Victimization
Conference, Portsmouth, New Hampshire.
Zarling, A., & Bannon, S. (November 2017). A Process Evaluation of a Novel ACT-based Batterers Intervention
Program: What Mechanisms Lead to Changes in Aggressive Behaviors? Symposium at the 51
Annual Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Convention, San Diego, CA.
*Taylor, A. B., Zarling, A. (November 2016). Identity development and intimate partner violence among LGBQ
college students. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Society for the Scientific Study of
Sexuality, Phoenix, Arizona.
*Berta, M. & Zarling, A. (November 2016). ACTV Effectiveness for IPV by Anxiety-Depression and Psychopathy.
Poster presented at the annual National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Zarling, A. (October 2016). CBT in Probation: Diverse Perspectives on Interviews with Three Justice-Involved
Clients. Clinical roundtable at the 50
Annual ABCT Convention, New York, NY.
*Taylor, A. B., Zarling, A., & Neppl, T. K. (June 2016). Intimate partner violence among LGBQ college students.
Poster session presented at the International Academy of Sex Research, Malmö, Sweden.
*Berta, M. & Zarling, A. (June 2016). Experiential Avoidance and Change in Behavioral Control in Response to
ACTV. Poster presented at the annual Association for Contextual Behavioral Science, Seattle, WA.
Bannon, S., Zarling, A., & Orengo-Aguayo, R. (November 2015). Preliminary Evaluation of an Acceptance and
Commitment Therapy Based Program for Domestic Violence Offenders. Presented at the 49
Annual Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies National Conference Poster Session, Chicago, IL.
Zarling, A. (April 2015). ACT for Domestic Violence: Recidivism Rates Across the State of Iowa. Symposium
presented at the Iowa Psychological Association Conference, Pella, IA.
Zarling, A., Lawrence, E., & Bannon, S. (November 2014). Does ACT Significantly Reduce Psychological,
Physical, and Sexual Violence More Than Traditional Approaches? Symposium presented at the 48
ABCT Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Zarling, A. (April 2013). A Randomized Controlled Trial of ACT for Aggressive Behavior. Department of
Psychology Clinical Rounds, University of Iowa.
Langer, A., Lawrence, E., & Marchman, J. (November 2010). Expanding the treatment of behavioral problems:
New applications of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Symposium presented at the 44
Annual Association
for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (November 2010). The role of emotional skill deficits in intimate partner violence.
Poster presented at the 44
ABCT Convention, San Francisco, CA.
Langer, A. (November 2010). Treatment for Aggression and Interpersonal Problems: Preliminary Results of Skills
Training within an ACT Framework. Department of Psychology Clinical Rounds, University of Iowa.
Langer, A. (September 2010). Second Opinion Child Custody Evaluation. Department of Psychology Clinical
Rounds, University of Iowa.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (November 2009). An examination of the antecedents and consequences of intimate
partner violence. Poster presented at the 43
ABCT Convention, New York, NY.
Zarling, Amie 6
Langer, A. (October 2009). Student Disability Services Evaluations. Department of Psychology Clinical Rounds,
University of Iowa.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (November 2008). Explaining the link between victimization and psychopathology:
The role of experiential avoidance. Symposium presented at the 42
Annual ABCT Convention, Orlando, FL.
Langer, A. (March 2008). Systems Training for Emotional Predictability and Problem-Solving (STEPPS) for
Borderline Personality Disorder. Department of Psychology Clinical Rounds, University of Iowa.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (November 2007). Time-varying covariates of physical aggression in newlywed
marriage. Poster presented at the 41
Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Convention, Philadelphia, PA.
Langer, A., & Lawrence, E. (April 2007). Predicting the developmental course of newlywed marriage. Poster
presented at the Iowa Psychological Association Conference, Amana, IA.
Langer, A.., & Lawrence, E. (November, 2006). Risk factors predicting the trajectories of physical aggression in
marriage. Poster presented at the 40
Annual Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Convention, Chicago, IL.
Iowa State University Spring 2020-Present
Evidence-Based Practices in Human Services (HD FS 387X)
Role: Instructor
Iowa State University 2015 & 2017 & 2019 & 2021
Program Evaluation (HD FS 585)
Role: Instructor
Iowa State University Spring 2016-Spring 2018
Program Evaluation and Proposal Writing (HD FS 449)
Role: Instructor
Iowa State University Fall 2014
Child Development & Health (HD FS 223X)
Role: Instructor
State of Iowa Department of Corrections August 2009 Present
Batterer’s Education Program
Role: Supervisor/Trainer
Train and supervise Batterers Education Program facilitators across the state of Iowa as they are conducting group
sessions for domestic violence offenders. Lead monthly 2-day training workshops on empirically-supported
principles focusing on reducing aggressive behavior via skill development in various domains.
The University of Iowa, Seashore Psychology Clinic May 2008 September 2009
Role: Clinic Teaching Assistant
Supervisor: James Marchman, Ph.D.
Supervised first and second-year graduate students conducting mental retardation, disability, and general
psychological evaluations. Assisted in preparation of psychological reports and conducted live and one-on-one
supervision of assessment and therapy cases.
Zarling, Amie 7
The University of Iowa Center for Marital and Family Studies May 2006 June 2009
Role: Supervisor/Trainer
Supervisor: Erika Lawrence, Ph.D.
Trained and supervised undergraduate research assistants and more junior graduate students in basic clinical skills
and administering structure interviews (e.g., SCID, CIPVI, and RQI).
The University of Iowa Department of Psychology Fall 2009 Summer 2010
Abnormal Psychology (031:163)
Role: Instructor
Supervisor: Michael O’Hara, Ph.D.
The University of Iowa Department of Psychology Fall 2008 Spring 2009
Introduction to Clinical Psychology (031:013)
Role: Teaching Assistant
Supervisor: Perry Howell, Psy.D.
The University of Iowa Department of Psychology Fall 2005 Spring 2006
Elementary Psychology (031:001)
Role: Teaching Assistant
Supervisors: Michael O’Hara, Ph.D. & Scott Robinson, Ph.D.
The Association of Domestic Violence Intervention Providers (ADVIP)
Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT)
Association for Contextual Behavioral Science (ACBS)
Iowa Psychological Association (IPA)
Society for Child & Family Policy and Practice (Division 37 of American Psychological Association)
Society for Couple and Family Psychology (Division 43 of American Psychological Association)
Ad Hoc Reviewer:
Violence and Victims
Psychology of Violence
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships
Professional Psychology: Research and Practice
Evidence-Based Practice in Child & Adolescent Mental Health
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology
Editorial Board:
Partner Abuse
Associate Editor:
Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
Departmental Service
2015-Present Curriculum Committee
2014-2015 Research Seminar Committee
2014-2015 Family Health Minor Committee
Zarling, Amie 8
Public Service
2010-Present Iowa Domestic Assault Program Steering Committee
2017-2018 Iowa’s Elder Abuse Coordinated Community Response Team
2016-2017 Polk County Youth Violence Prevention Steering Committee
Zarling, Amie 9
2020 Can You Cure a Domestic Abuser?” by Matthew Wolfe, The Atlantic. Retrieved from:
2018 “A Road to Ending Mass Incarceration?” by Richard Blaustein, Los Angeles Review of Books.
Retrieved from:!
2017 “Iowa Tries A New Domestic Violence Intervention: Mindfulness” by Sarah Boden, National
Public Radio. Retrieved from:
2017 “UI rehab course for domestic abusers receives research grant” by Kayli Reese, The Daily Iowan.
Retrieved from:
2017 “ISU study: new type of intervention successful in domestic violence cases” by Sarah Boden, Iowa
Public Radio. Retrieved from:
2017 “ISU domestic assault rehab study sees positive results” Grayson Schmidt, Ames Tribune.
Retrieved from:
2017 “New intervention program reduces domestic violence recidivism rates, Iowa State study finds” by
Angie Hunt, Iowa State University. Retrieved from:
2015 “Targeting violence: Classes help abusers change behavior” by Jessie Hellmann, The Gazette.
Retrieved from:
2014 Iowa treatment program shows promise in curbing abuse” by Mike Kilen, Des Moines Register.
Retrieved from:
2014 “Stopping domestic violence: New program works with offenders” by Vanessa Franklin, Iowa
State Daily. Retrieved from:
2014 Perpetrators Are People Too: Why our national conversation is wrong and what to do about it” by
Dr. Steve Hayes. Psychology Today Blog. Retrieved from:
2013 The Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative in Iowa” by Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative
Retrieved from:
2013 “Iowa’s Cutting-Edge Approach to Corrections: A Progress Report on Putting Results First to Use”
a case study from the Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative. Retrieved from: