Dr. Biswaroop Roy Chowdhury
Edition: November 2018
Priyanka Agarwal
Graphics & Layout:
Shankar Singh Koranga
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Dedicated to my angel daughter Ivy,
loving wife Neerja
caring parents
Shri Bikash Roy Chowdhury
Shrimati Lila Roy Chowdhury.
1. What Is High Cholesterol! .........................................................7
2. Consensus .................................................................................9
3. Conspiracy ..............................................................................23
4. Cure .........................................................................................35
5. Conclusion ...............................................................................54
If you already know it, then it will be easy for you to understand!
However, if you are unaware about it, then it will be even easier!
As all that you know - is all wrong! Yes considerably wrong!
For your deep understanding, I have divided this topic into three
Consensus……………….The Argument!
Conspiracy………………The Strategem!
Cure………………….........The Revival!
As I begin with the topic, in the meantime, you think over on two
major questions!
1. Is Heart disease an infectious disease! Yes/No
2. Is High Cholesterol the causes of heart disease! Yes/No
Q.1) Heart Disease is an infectious disease
Q.2) High Cholesterol causes heart disease
What all be your answers to these questions, I am sure that they
will certainly change by the end of your reading of this book!
Here to begin, let me introduce a short story of an egg!
Eggs as we all know when kept at 99
F, 50%-60% humidity and
proper environment; give rise to a new life. However, have you ever
thought that, “what is the factor that creates a new life?”
cholesterol; actually it’s the high level cholesterol!
However, if this cholesterol is lowered in an egg then no life can
exist; therefore, it goes without saying that how essential cholesterol
Cholesterol is Life
Not only for the birth of a bird from an egg but even for us - humans!
Hence, for life to exist along with other molecules and chemicals;
cholesterol is most crucial!
As we begin with this chapter, it is important to understand the
various aspects of the cholesterol theory - from its discovery as a
vital body molecule; to be a threat and disease causing agent, from
the invention of statins - cholesterol lowering drug, to this becoming
have been many phases of the cholesterol hypothesis.
When we say cholesterol to be a vital organic molecule, what does
it signify? Even in pregnancy, it is very essential for the females to
have high cholesterol to conceive and maintain a life within them!
Therefore, it is cautionary for females not to intake any cholesterol
lowering drugs during pregnancy.
For your knowledge, all the cholesterol lowering drugs have
been categorized as “X-drugs,” as given by the FDA, Food and Drug
Administration. These are prohibited for females, as they may interfere
with pregnancy and affect the development of fetus or incorporate
Statins are category ‘X’ drugs
The FDA being referred here is Food and Drug Administration,
United States. It’s not the FDA-India as they are mere followers of the
FDA-United States.
Here, the most widely prescribed cholesterol lowering drug is
cholesterol lowering drug though under different brand names.
Astonishingly, the affects of cholesterol lowering drugs is no
different on males; as it greatly increases the chances of in-fertility
in men as well. These drugs increase the risk of Erectile Dysfunction
by 51% in males, as given in the Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and
Therapeutics, 1996. The chances of sperm abnormality rise by 11% in
males, as given in the Reproductive Biology and Endocrinology, 2014.
Statins increase the risk of Erectile
Dysfunction by 51 %
Journal of Clinical Pharmacy and
Therapeutics’ 1996 April 21
Statins increase sperm abnormality
by 11 %
Reproductive Biology and
Endocrinology 2014 July 2012
11 times increased
risk of a breast cancer
To sum up, as cholesterol is life and when being lowered, then it
females. Even small consumption of this drug for some time can cause
in-fertility, fetus deformities along with still births.
Adding to this, lowering of cholesterol has also been found to be
associated with increased risk of breast cancer by 11 times in women,
reported under Care Trial and published in the New England Journal
of Medicine, 1996.
New England Journal of Medicine1996
Statins may cause Diabetes,
Muscle Damage and Memory loss
FDA Warning 2012
Also, it is crucial to mention that all the research work or trials
being referred here are well established and approved by the FDA.
These have a huge share in the management and regulation of the
cholesterol lowering drugs.
every conclusion brings up contradictions! However, to get away with
contradictions and arguments, I have only referred to those trials and
research studies that are particularly approved by the FDA.
            
research studies and journals being referred by me. In a way, you can
    
and spread the knowledge among others. As, it’s common for doctors
and understanding, you can become more convincing!
Here, sharing another evidence against the adverse affects of
cholesterol lowering drugs. The FDA in 2012 issued a warning against
the cholesterol lowering drugs, as they found ‘Statins’ to induce
Diabetes, Muscle Damage and Memory Loss.
To understand the real meaning of may cause or ‘induce’, it
becomes important to understand the medical language and its
hidden implications. As, when they say the drug may cause certain
side-effects, but, whether it will in your case or will not - is in itself
an alarming question! Try to understand this trap, as it will surely
adversely affect you, because in medical language using the word
Appallingly, all the above side-effects or so diseases caused by
cholesterol lowering drugs are life-threatening! However, if we talk
about memory loss in particular, then it has its own attributes, as our
brain is more than 50% of cholesterol! Not only this, the brain itself
forms the cholesterol that it requires and to avoid wasting and sharing
of this cholesterol formed by the brain into the body; there functions a
Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB)
Astonishingly, though the brain is only 1% to 2% of total body
weight, but its cholesterol utilization is 25% of that of the entire body.
To conclude, as you intake cholesterol lowering drugs; it affects
the functioning of brain and leads to anxiety, memory loss and
restlessness. It’s important to mention that this is no hypothesis or
have acknowledged that the brain mainly functions on cholesterol.
Now, this raises a question that if all the above evidences are
apparently contradicting, then why are the cholesterol lowering
drugs being widely prescribed by the medical associates!
The answer or plain reality rests in the Medical Culture. Yes, you
read it right; it’s not Medical Science that we depend upon, but the
Medical Culture - a custom surrounding us. Like, 2×2 = 4. It is 4 in
France, same in Germany or take any other country; this symmetry or
system is called as Medical Science.
On the other hand, Medical Culture is a custom or tradition that
varies from country to country and followed differently; like in India
we follow Hindu Culture. These customs do not go after or depend
on logics; as they themselves create logics or conventions. So, it’s not
Medical Science, it’s simply a Medical Culture!
It’s not Medical Science
It’s a Medical Culture
For example, say if a person goes to a doctor with a condition of
fatigue, so, here in India the doctor will suggest a blood sugar test. For
the same condition in the US, a doctor will check the blood pressure,
while in Germany the doctor will suspect a heart disease and conduct
        
will chance upon cancer diagnosis and refer an oncologist, while a
French practitioner will ask the patient to rest for a week and enjoy
red wine!
Under medical practice, all the above approaches are correct and
will relieve that person from his fatigue condition. However precisely,
this is not Medical Science but Medical Culture! Again, culture doesn’t
lay a concrete pedestal; it requires no science, no logic, and no
convention as a foundation. So, it is a mere name - Medical Science;
whereas, in reality it’s Medical Culture!
In a recent development I was fortunate to get associated with
Dr. Smile from Smile Limited, Japan. Smile Limited is a big venture in
my mind, which was as in India the death rate from heart attacks is
the highest in the world, while the situation is just the opposite in
Japan with lowest deaths from heart attacks. I asked over Dr. Smile for
his opinion over such a variation.
His simple yet logical answer will leave you thinking! Much politely
he replied that, in Japan to have a heart attack is perceived as you had
a weak heart on the other hand to a have a brain stroke is perceived
as you had a stronger sharper brain!
         
mention the cause or ailment behind the death of the deceased.
Even the World Health Organization, WHO refers to the death
it heart disease or brain strokes or any other ailment, WHO has no
other means but to deduce their conclusions on the basis of available
Because in case of Japan, where heart attacks are listed lower than
brain strokes, even though both heart attacks and brain strokes are
caused by blockage of arteries, then how is it possible to have lowest
heart attack rate and highest brain stroke rate in the same country?
In support of the above contradiction, a German Scientist proved
behind the death is 50% inaccurate, i.e., a general examination of the
deceased cannot provide the real reasons behind the death. Only an
autopsy can reveal the actual cause of death, which at an average is
performed in 1 of 100 individuals in Japan. Whereas, it will be useless
to comment over India with even limited number of Coroner’s (the
person who performs the autopsy).
About 1/2 of those whose cause of death
was listed as ‘Myocardial Infarction’ in death
certicate; died of something else.
Journal of American Medical Association-1979
Therefore, the estimations for diseased-death rates in a country on
This helps me to conclude again that, this is not Medical Science,
 
customs, traditions, rituals and laid beliefs!
Moving ahead to our prime topic, the basis of High Cholesterol!
Now, this started in between 1940s to 1950s, when the death rate
from heart attacks was higher. A renowned nutritionist and scientist
named Ancel Keys, was given the responsibility by the US government
          
granted for the research was huge as approximately as 20,000 million
This took the scientist many years of hard work to collect data
in support of his research. Finally in 1975, he presented his work
through a graph plot of 7 major countries; this was referred as
7-Countries Study and reported that, “The population with lowest
dependency on fats and cholesterol had lowest death probability by
heart attack.” In simple language, death rate is lower if the cholesterol
is lower. Conversely, the population with high dependency on fats and
cholesterol had higher death probability by heart attack!
high cholesterol or fat meant more diseases and low cholesterol or fat
meant less diseases!
Let’s assume the above report to be meaningful and begin with a
new research. Let our research co-relate the number of deaths and
the color of hair of the deceased people. For this study, we will try
      
maximum number of deaths had grey hair, then we shall conclude
that grey hair cause death.
Subsequently, on the basis of our research and conclusion, we
further present and recommend Black Dye to the masses, so as to
retain black hair and reduce the chances of death!
Try to understand that, it is obvious that most deaths will have
grey hair, hence they can be co-related. However, correlation cannot
be the true cause; though may be a parallel cause but not the actual
Likewise, it’s possible that the cholesterol is higher along with
some heart disease like an aged person gets grey hair and possibly
it will not decrease his age, so, how correlation is the cause!
may not be the cause
Understand, medical science is based on assumptions, as for them,
high cholesterol means high death rate, while low cholesterol means
lower death rate, so, to lower the death rate lowering the cholesterol
is a suitable goal.
Therefore, only on the basis of some odd correlation; all the
cholesterol lowering drugs were approved. Subsequently, these drugs
entered the market and were publicized among masses, keeping an
account on observations and outcomes.
Like in our assumed theory, we marketed black dye, open for
public use and observe its effects on death rate. The period of
observation will be approximately 10 years, as followed in research
studies. On the basis of the response throughout these years, we shall
certain the required amendments. In the meantime, people, who are
our resources for the experiment will keep on using black dye or
‘cholesterol lowering drugs’ and the positive or no-effect or in some
cases even negative effects will continue. This is, what is Medical
Science, though I call it as Medical Culture!
The trials for cholesterol lowering drugs were carried out in many
countries that too for several years. The prime motto was to observe
the difference between two groups. One of them was drug-dependent,
while the other being drug-independent.
The major trials considered by the FDA were - LIPID 1998,
WOSCOPS 1995, CARE 1996, Plac-1 & Plac-2 in 1995, Regress 1995,
and KAPS 1995.
Thereafter, the meta-analysis of the data published in the New
England Journal of Medicine 1998 concluded that, “Only one heart
attack was prevented of every 172 individuals on cholesterol lowering
drug-Statin for one long year.
1)LIPID 1998
2) WOSCOPS 1995
3) CARE 1996
4) Plac -1 1995
5) Plac -2 1995
6) Regress 1995
7) KAPS 1995
New England Journal of Medicine 1998
Meta analysis of
172 people taking Statin for
1 year will prevent
only 1 heart attack
However, each drug-dependent individual had his own share of
losses through the drug side-effects. In fact, at an average every drug-
dependent individual will suffer from minimum two side-effects of
the drug like bronchitis, anxiety, sleep-disorder, chest pain, cough,
recurrent viral infections among other ailments. These symptoms
further burden the health of the drug-dependent person and are left
untreated by the doctors.
Chest pain
Weight gain
Musculoskeletal Pain
Muscle cramp
Sleep disturbance
Pins and needles
Tract Infection
Upper Respiratory
Tract Infections
Blurred Vision
Viral infection
75% of the patients hospitalized for
heart attack had LDL Cholesterol
less than 130mg/dl.
American Heart Journal -2009
136905 patients
Study by UCLA
Besides, how can we certain that the one heart attack saved among
        
lowering drug or for some other unevaluated reason. This in itself is a
big question that goes without any answer or any research!
However, as we move further, there is yet another research that
The University of California and Los Angeles cumulated the data
of heart attack deaths in 500 hospitals for approximately 20 years.
The data included 1,36,905 heart attack deaths. Interestingly, they
reported that of all the deaths, 75% patients had their cholesterol
levels much below than the normal range. So, why the high cholesterol
association with heart attacks theory of Ancel Keys did not have any
between high cholesterol and death rate by heart attack came into
But, later on with more effective studies it was evident that heart
attack had no correlation with high cholesterol levels!
by a Deutsch Researcher, who reported the 7-Country Study to be in
reality a 22-Country Study.
As you can see from the actual graph, there were 22 countries
plotted for the analysis, wherein, Japan had the lowest heart attack
death rate and lowest cholesterol levels, while USA had highest death
rate and highest cholesterol levels. Whereas, in-between there were
other countries at different positions plotted in the graph. See graph
To a great extent, Ancel Keys tried so hard to present a correlation
between high cholesterol levels and high death rate by heart attack
that he only included those 7 countries that gave a linear plot on the
graph and purposely ignored the remaining 15 countries as if they
          
point that high is the cholesterol; higher be the death rate by heart
However, if a researcher had the choice and option to choose 7
other countries than those taken by Ancel Keys, then astonishingly, the
graph plots just the opposite case, giving high cholesterol lowers the
death rate by heart attack; this renders the research to be misleading
and completely unreliable. Any research outcome must not support
the researcher’s or scientist’s perception or convenience; they require
I am sure that by the above reference, you must be able to understand
the basis that lay the high cholesterol menace! Unfortunately, by the
time Ancel Keys actual research came into the limelight; the clutches
the introduction and regulation of cholesterol lowering drugs, next,
we move on to the “Conspiracy” that surrounds the big question
that, “Why even after so many compelling and undeniable evidences
against the dangers of cholesterol lowering drugs, still they are widely
prescribed and marketed by the medical agents!”
What was the reason surrounding such a support for this segment
of drug and medical industry!
         
Diagnosis and Drugs.
Q1.) Why cholesterol lowering drugs are
prescribed even more heavily ?
Diagnosis Drugs
Going back into the history of cholesterol diagnostic parameters,
given by the Harrison Principle of International Medicine Edition VIII,
1977. The Harrison Principle of International Medicine is considered
as the Bible of International Medicine which stated that, “Medical
intervention may only be required when cholesterol levels exceeded
However, before 1988, in the European and US countries, there
continued a dilemma with different thresholds for cholesterol levels
(250mg/dl to 350mg/dl). In the year 1988, a 16 members committee
named as Adult Treatment Panel 1 (ATP-1) was put forward by the
US, to evaluate and decide the diagnostic parameters for cholesterol
applicable to the entire population of the world. Subsequently,
240mg/dl was declared as the upper limit for cholesterol universally.
But, what is 240mg/dl of cholesterol level?
Let’s assume my body has 5 liters of blood and my weight is 70
body’s blood. If I take out 1 drop of blood from 1 bottle and check the
cholesterol level, and if it comes out to be 200mg/dl, this means that
1 liter of my blood contains 2gms of cholesterol; the total cholesterol!
By the way how much is 2gms, 1 potato chip is 1gm, 2 potato chips
is 2gms. So, if you get your cholesterol reading to be 200mg/dl, then
this means that 1 liter of your blood has 2gms of cholesterol; the total
I hope that’s clear, so, moving ahead, with 240mg/dl cholesterol
limit, ATP-1 came up with another diagnostic parameter which was
LDL, low density lipoprotein.
However, what do you understand by LDL, is it bad cholesterol or
good cholesterol?
This is taken as bad cholesterol, as you all will agree!
there are no variations like bad or good cholesterol. Let me explain
this using an analogy of a person named Mr. Sharma, he is simply Mr.
Sharma; not good Mr. Sharma or bad Mr. Sharma.
late and looks very worn out and untidy; then we consider him as
bad Mr. Sharma. While the same Mr. Sharma, when travels in a car to
suit; then he becomes good Mr. Sharma.
Try to understand, this is entirely situational, the mode of transport
and choice of clothing that he opts for makes him good Mr. Sharma or
bad Mr. Sharma.
Similarly, the cholesterol formed by the body is the basic or the
total cholesterol, but the mode of transport utilized by it to travel
through the body makes it good or bad cholesterol. As, if it uses an
auto to travel then it becomes the bad cholesterol, while if takes a car
then it becomes good cholesterol.
The logic behind this theory is that, there isn’t any good or bad
cholesterol, it’s only the total cholesterol formed by the body. While
mode of transport is involved, however, it itself is controversial and
thereafter tagging it to be good or bad is irrelevant.
If my subject, be it Mr. Sharma or the cholesterol travels by an
auto, then it is even better as there will be less pollution, no parking
problems and less investment. So, it depends on my perception of
Coming back to the introduction of LDL by ATP-1, with the
introduction of LDL and 240mg/dl of cholesterol limit; 20% of
world’s population was now drug dependent in both the developed
and developing countries (from 10% earlier).
Whereas in 1993, the Adult Treatment Panel 2 (ATP-2) apart from
LDL and 240mg/dl of cholesterol limit, added the third diagnostic
parameter termed as HDL or High Density Lipoprotein.
With total 3 diagnostic parameters given by ATP-1 and ATP-2,
now the population dependent on cholesterol lowering drug or in the
danger zone increased from 20% to 37%.
Time Line Total
% increase of Statin
Harrison Principle
of International
Medicine- 8th
Edition, 1977
Before 1988 250 - 350 10 %
ATP-1—1988 240+ LDL 20%
 240+LDL +
 240 +LDL
+HDL +
48 %
This meant that each parameter affected double the population,
especially above 40 years of age.
Yet again in 2001, ATP-3 introduced the fourth parameter, the
triglycerides, and this along with LDL, HDL and the total acceptable
cholesterol raised the population within the danger zone to be almost
48% of the total world’s population.
Consequently, almost half or 50% of the total population especially
above 40 years age of both the developed and developing countries
were now high cholesterol patients.
This can be understood as, once my patient and now a diabetes
educator, Mr. Vijay Yadav is a cricketer, a wicketkeeper, so, I challenged
him to wicket me out.
With every ball, I kept on decreasing the height of the wickets and
lastly removed the wicket itself; do you think this way had he ever
been able to wicket me out, the answer is clear NO!
This was my scheme of action to avoid getting wicket out; the ATP
cholesterol theory has the same plot.
As the present guidelines for cholesterol management recommend
any and every person above 40 years of age to be medicated by
cholesterol lowering drug, ruling out any requirement for examination
for the LDL, HDL, triglycerides or total cholesterol levels.
This is the present criteria!
So, if you are 40 years above, then you can’t be healthy and are
labeled as diseased to be medicated by cholesterol lowering drugs for
the rest of your life. This means that the wicket has been removed and
there is no way to stump out!
Alas, the US based Adult Treatment Panel 1, 2 and 3 concentrated
more on wealth than health of people, as you will further acknowledge.
worldwide. After the establishment of ATP-3 model in 2001 and in the
year 2002, Fortune 500 reported striking records. It showed that the
the rest of the total 490 companies in records.
Fortune Top 500 (2002)
Top 10
Top other 490
ATP-3 Impact
     
companies building them stronger with big money!
The featured 10 drug companies were mostly US based, the origin
Bristol Myers Squibb, Pharmacia, Abbot Laboratories, Wyeth, Eli Lilly,
Top 10
Johnson & Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb
Abbot Laboratories
Eli Lilly
Amgen USA
ATP-3 Impact
        
companies in 2002.
Diabetes, Hypertension and Blood thinner medications are consumed
by the Indians alone! Therefore, India’s loss is the gain of top 10
pharmaceutical companies.
Johnson & Johnson
Bristol Myers Squibb
Abbot Laboratories
Eli Lilly
Amgen USA
ATP-3 Impact
60% of
CVD Drugs
by Indians
WHO -2011
      
constituted the ATP-3 association.
Of the total, 17 members were in connections with these 10 huge
fortune drug companies. They were either posted as Scientists,
Directors, Consultants or at other major designations. They being
the agents and employees to the big name pharma companies also
         
mostly worked for the business development of pharma companies,
therefore, how can we rely on their guidelines and blindly follow the
ATP-3 model.
ATP -3 Panel Member prole
Member Companies
Scott Grundy 
Laboratories, Bristol Myers Squibb
Luther Clark Abbott Laboratories, Bristol Myers Squibb,
Margo Denke Merck, Schering-Plough
Wm. James
Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, Schering-Plough,
Patrick Mc
Myers Squibb
James Mc
Neil Stone 
Diane Becker 
Linda Van Horn Roche
Hollis Bryan
Steven Haffner 
David Orloff 
Abbott Laboratories, Eli Lilly
1976 - Endo invented Statin (ML-236B)
1977- Endo Partnered with Goldstein and
Brown to develop Statin
1980 - Brown & Goldstein publish paper that
Statin causes Cancer
After the release of their research paper on “Statin causes Cancer”,
the cholesterol theory faced a set-back throughout the world,
Besides, we become the biggest sufferers of being dependent on
these medications and drugs for several years. By this, not only our
health but the nation as well suffers huge losses! Undoubtedly, these
diagnostic guidelines and protocols are extremely disappointing.
Moving on to the drug discovery part, as to how the cholesterol
lowering drug was introduced to the world!
The chief cholesterol lowering drug - Statin was invented by the
scientist Endo in 1976. Before 1976, the cholesterol lowering drug was
available in powder form; therefore its use was a little inconvenient.
In 1977, to further develop the medicine, scientist Endo partnered
with two other scientists naming Goldstein and Brown. However, the
partnership was soon over and surprisingly in 1980s, the same two
scientists, Goldstein and Brown reported that “Statin causes Cancer.
Member Companies
J. Sanford
Bristol Myers Squibb, Merck, Johnson &
1985 : Brown & Goldstein receive Nobel Prize
for Statin related research but no
mention of cancer.
1987 : Brown represents Merck in FDA to get
approval of Statin.
alongside; the Medical Industry had their mouths shut on promotions
of Statins.
Nevertheless, it was the same time when the masses were
deviated from the cholesterol theory to the introduction of heart by-
pass surgery. During that time, heart by-pass surgery emerged as a
fashion in the developed countries. This new medical technology was
introduced as the only means to cure heart-diseases and patients
were further burdened and drawn towards it in confusion and fear.
With high treatment cost, this therapy was suitable for the moneyed
and helped the Medical Industry to make good money from the by-
pass surgeries.
Further on, in the year 1985, Goldstein and Brown were awarded
with a Nobel Prize for ‘Statins, a Cholesterol Lowering Drug.
‘Statins to cause Cancer’, were awarded with a Nobel Prize for their
efforts and achievements in the development of the cholesterol
lowering drug- Statin!
But, what about the research of 1980s for Statin’s to show cancer
causing characteristics, for what reasons the research and evidences
were ignored and left out. Moreover, after 2 years in 1987, Merck
Pharmaceuticals along with scientist Brown could get approval from
FDA to manufacture Statins as cholesterol lowering drug.
So, the biggest question of all times is that, “If the inventor himself
denied the use of the drug for his own treatment, then why are you
taking it?”
Yes, question yourself, why are you taking it!
It is certainly worth throwing out, as no one in this whole world
requires cholesterol lowering drugs.
With all the awareness of where this Statin originated or belonged
to whom and what are its considerable affects; you can well understand
that it’s not at all needed!
While we’re on the subject, there is a place in China where sun rays
cannot reach and there is hardly any plantation. Some of the plants that
survive adverse climate are eaten up by the insects or small animals
of that place. But, there is one such small plant called as the ‘Red Rice
plant’ which has special defensive abilities, as they defend themselves
          
interesting, as to how some plants have such unique defense ability.
The same features captured US Army’s interest to be utilized for war
and defense purposes.
2004: Endo himself did not use Statin to
reduce his high cholesterol
Wall street Journal-2006
         
himself was found with a high cholesterol medical condition and
surprisingly, he refused to use Statins for his own treatment, this was
published in Wall Street Journal 2006.
When talking of war, you must know that Hitler was famous for
his concentration camps. In his camps, mustard gas spray was used to
decrease the immunity of people residing there, so as to deteriorate
their health and thinking powers. This made the people almost
lifeless, as their immunity and brain powers went to zero.
You will be surprised to know that the same transformed mustard
gas is used in chemotherapy. Yes, this is no imagination or illusion
because; if you don’t believe my words, then refer to the medical
journals, where you will get all the reports and evidences supporting
the same.
Anyhow, at least now you can entitle Hitler to be real the inventor
of chemotherapy (mockingly)!
out whether its poison can be used against prisoners and warriors,
the US Army began to research, and the results were alarming! As, the
dosages to humans will lead to slow death, infertility, memory loss,
cancer, an endless list of life-threatening diseases.
This is the same Statin taken by all of you!
Still, will you believe in Medical Science, while in reality it is
Medical Culture!
          
superstitions, that are morally destructive than constructive.
one segment of people, not for the mankind. Moreover, we being mere
followers are the plain victims, who are misguided with relation to
logics, theories and most importantly fear!
Even in India, it’s a crime to support that, “Diabetes or High
Cholesterol (you may need to lower cholesterol if it is >300mg/dl)
or Hypertension can be cured without medications and medical
Yes, it’s a harsh reality! If you try to go against it and reveal its real
picture, then this well rooted system can send you behind the bars.
Even they tried to detain me thrice! Moreover, some of our diabetes
educators have even been arrested and released. Alongside, I come
across many legal notices against my work to threaten and suppress
me and my mission, because, as you challenge the medical industry
try to oppose you and thrash you!
Even in the history of our culture, whenever a reform or a
superstition was challenged by a group of people like us, then they
initiate the change, be it you or me!
Often I see people rejecting my seminar passes only by reading
‘Cure without Medicines.’ According to them, this is impossible. Sadly,
they have been trained to depend on medications from long and
perhaps have become comfortable within this trap. As we as humans
are more emotional than intellectual, and are comfortable with the
common customs and trends being constantly followed!
However, let me remind you that our medical industry’s model is
similar to our customs and religion. So, ironically, we follow a Medical
Religion, which is certainly no good for any of us!
Therefore, we must accept the reality and try to free ourselves
from the clutches of this conspired medical religion. To begin so, the
important question is, “What shall be done to lead a disease-free life?”
To start with ‘Cure’, let’s understand some fundamental concepts
with a new approach for better understanding.
At this point, it’s clear that our prime aim is to prevent heart
diseases as well as, look for the complete cure. Therefore, in this
           
        
seem to be completely contradictory to what you have been taught,
learnt or told about. However, you may come up with arguments
propagate in this direction. Apart from that, I am all open for your
questions and any discussion.
Women’s health around the world has always been a matter of
concern. The British Medical Journal 2007 proclaimed as the most
authentic journal reported that, “There is no impact of cholesterol
on death rate by heart disease in women.” This study was the meta-
analysis of 19 different research work that involved 1,24,814 women
and concluded that, “There is no connection between cholesterol and
heart disease on women’s health.
Meta-analysis of 19 study
(124814 women) cholesterol had no
impact on heart disease or death
British Medical Journal –2007, May 12
For instance, there is no connection between shoe size and heart
disease. But, if we say that those with a smaller shoe size won’t suffer
heart disease and those with bigger size will have heart complications
and thereafter, insanely invent a novel shoe to forcefully reduce the
shoe size!
Like our shoe sizes are variable and have no connection with heart
disease, similarly, there exists no connection between cholesterol and
heart disease in women.
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute established by the US
Government is in sync with the same theory and after analyzing 80,000
women reported that, “There was no impact of cholesterol levels on
women need not worry or concern about their cholesterol levels, and
I am sure that, “50% of women patients will become non-patients by
mere acknowledging these studies!”
Study on 80,000 women
No impact on women
Circulation 1992
The above theory is no different for men; as similar studies
have stated that, “Even at above 50 years of age, there is no impact
of cholesterol levels on heart functions.” There is indeed a slight
reference with regards to high cholesterol and heart disease in men
below 50 years of age, however, that doesn’t indicate that lowering
         
men below 50 years of age, to reduce the cholesterol levels through
medical intervention is proven to be even more harmful. It causes the
same effect as we dye/color our hair black and assume that we are
getting younger.
     
Evacetrapib Accelerate trial 2016, along with many other trials
lower the cholesterol readings but not the associated diseases.
Cholesterol lowering drugs trial
1st 1978 Clobrate British Heart Journal
Last 2016 Evacetrapib ACCELERATE
As to lower the readings (the number value) and expect it to reduce
the possibility of associated diseases and risk factors are two different
Like, there is a Biofeedback Tester for Happiness that shows
the current state of mind of an individual. When tested in-between
        
them in digital readable form. High readings denoted depressed state
Now, a tube or cream is introduced for the depressed people with
high readings, with a conception that, when applied before the test
it will change the depressed state to happy state with low readings.
Thereafter, depressed people start using it, applying it in-between
state to happy state (high readings to low readings). What an
invention, a blessing by science!
But, you may never know the reality or trick that surrounds the
introduction, application and effects of the above said cream.
When the miracle cream is applied before taking the test, it acts
as a barrier and minimizes the transfer of electrical signals from the
body to the tester. Thereby, the device shows lower readings owning to
happy state of mind. While your state remains the same, but readings
business of the cream and will use the cream forever, assuming it to
be the reason for his happiness.
This is a clear case of playing with the psychology of patients and
is termed as a business of fear, or disease mongering.
Disease mongering is not uncommon and started in the year 1985
         
into small bottles as mouth cleaner.
Initially the plan did not work but for the next 5 years, he promoted
the disease called ‘Halitosis’ which is ‘bad breath’ and simultaneously
his product gained recognition. The product is still in the market by
the name of ‘Listerine’ and many of you must be regular users of it.
Unfortunately, in disease mongering, a disease is being created and
     
Moreover, it’s further promoted by spreading fear among people for
that particular disease.
High Cholesterol is also a disease mongering case!
As explained earlier, among males below 50 years of age, high
cholesterol may indicate slight risk of heart disease, but to reduce
this cholesterol with statins to reduce the risk of heart disease is a
Yes, this is a false belief!
Nonetheless, they want you to keep on taking statins, so the
But, what is the way out?
How to protect the heart otherwise!
A protection to an extent that within a week’s time, you will be
forced to throw away your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood
thinners pills!
Step 1 : Throw away the ‘Statins’.
With Step 1, you have to throw away and get rid of Statins
completely; you don’t need them.
Step -1
Throw the STATIN
         
statins, how statins actually work inside the body.
When we breathe in oxygen and throw out carbon dioxide, this
, in presence of sunlight and water is utilized by the plants to get
glucose. Glucose is the major nutrition. In our body, as we consume a
plant food in form of fruits or vegetables, this glucose gives rise to a
series of chemical reactions within the cell leading to the formation
of many crucial metabolites. One of this important metabolite is
When on statins, the drug acts by blocking the metabolic pathway
at such a point that apart from cholesterol, many important reactants
and products are not synthesized.
One of the very crucial metabolite is CoQ10, which works as a
spark plug for the heart, without which the heart function is impaired
and gets weakened.
Another is tRNA, lack of this metabolite leads to development of
cancer in the body.
Yet another is the signaling protein, which is essential for
appropriate working of the entire signaling system to function as per
the stimuli.
To further explain, when you feel hungry and take an apple in your
hand, the brain starts sending signals to the organs for food digestion.
In case of pancreas, it is signaled to produce insulin, but if the
signaling protein’s production is less, thereby the complete signaling
system will be weak and in case of pancreas, it may not secrete the
required amount of insulin, only leading to high sugar in the blood,
which is then diabetes!
Such is the importance of each and every metabolite through every
metabolic pathway.
To understand better, take an example of a red rose with many
leaves and thorns. Is it possible to only cut the thorns, keeping the
leaves safe? Practically Not!
As hard as you try, you will end up cutting the entire stem!
Similarly, in order to cut or block the cholesterol, many other
crucial derivatives also get blocked from the pathway.
And the scissor here is the cholesterol lowering drug, Statin.
Sadly, we are never told about these concepts, that by taking
2. And, the entire pathway will be affected losing its vital metabolites
for body processes.
          
action mechanism. As it acts upon the HMG CoA substrate and not
just the body’s cholesterol!
It may shock you that in children whose bodies do not synthesize
this chain suffer from a rare disease known as Hutchinson-Gilford
Progeria Syndrome (HGPS), which leads to premature aging in
children as much as eight times faster than normal with a shorter
lifespan (remember the movie ‘Paa. Thus, it can be foreseen that this
critical pathway will have same aging affects on us as well.
Coming back to heart and cholesterol, so, why do we get heart
According to medical science, it is due to the deposition of
cholesterol in the arteries causing blockages.
Now, assume that a building gets demolished in front of you;
and all you can see now is the bricks as debris. However, bricks are
the building blocks of the building and cannot be suspected as the
cause behind the pull down of the building. Same is with cholesterol,
because if high cholesterol leads to heart disease; then people with
low cholesterol should never have a heart condition, which is totally
the opposite case, as low cholesterol people have more heart diseases.
So, how is only cholesterol suspected for artery blockages?
Other way, it is also questionable that why aren’t the veins
getting blockages but only arteries do, though both have cholesterol
circulating through the blood.
For your understanding, arteries carry blood from the heart to
other organs of the body and veins carry blood back to the heart from
the body’s other organs.
But again, what actually causes heart diseases?
What causes
heart disease?
This brings me to share with you 3 major clues to understand the
heart disease concept well:-
 First, Circulation 2006, concluded to have found 50 different
bacterial species at the site of heart blockages.
50 different bacterial
species are found in blockages
Circulation 2006
 Second, the American Journal of Cardiology 2002 stated that,
the temperature of blockages is higher than normal body’s
(arteries) temperature. This is a case when we have elevated
body temperatures during an infection; this is the body’s defense
mechanism against the foreign invaders or to counter the
The Temperature of
blockage is higher
1/3 of the Heart Attack patients had
infectious disease immediately
before heart attack
American Journal of Cardiology 2002
New England Journal of medicines 2004
 Thirdly, the New England Journal of Medicine 2004 concluded
that, 1/3rd of heart attack patients had some infectious disease
before the heart attack.
More or less, the above 3 declarations have enough answers to
explain the causes behind heart diseases.
However, these evidences were not available before the year
2000, it was only after this year that the medical science could get the
supporting data.
To understand the factors that contribute and prevent the heart
their conclusions.
Our bloodstream along with other constituents also circulates
germs that keep on attacking the endothelial layer of the blood vessels.
Endothelial is the inner most layer of the blood vessels and keeps in
constant contact with the blood and its constituents, even cholesterol.
The strength of this endothelial wall depends on optimal
production of Nitric Oxide (NO) in the body as it is one of the most
vital molecules with key roles especially in cardiovascular health.
But, if NO production remains low in the body then it leads to
weakening of the endothelial wall which is termed as Endothelial
Low Nitric Oxide (NO)
Endothelium Dysfunction
The China Study 2005
Attack by germs
on inner wall of Arteries
Alongside, in our body, the blood pressure in arteries is 100 times
more than the blood pressure in veins. In other words, the pressure
inside the walls of the arteries is 100 times higher than the pressure
air pressure inside, then equal pressure will be exerted on the inner
walls of the balloon.
So, the condition is:-
1. Pressure is high
2. Endothelial layer has weakened
This leads to increased chances and effects of germ attack in the
blood vessels. In such a case, germs keep on attacking, accelerating
the rate of damage which leads to formation of wound at the damaged
Attack by Germs on weak
arteries/inner wall inammation
At the site of the wound, a rescuer or a protective agent accumulates
to heal and mend the damaged site - this agent is Cholesterol!
The role of cholesterol is to always protect the heart and not to
cause any damage to the heart.
But then how do we get blockages!!
1. Constant germ attack
2. Accelerated damage at the site
3. The rescuer cholesterol accumulates to heal the site, but if
this goes on for a long period of time; then it becomes a blockage!!
This simple attack and rescue mechanism going on in the arteries
leads to blockages, giving way to heart disease or heart attack.
To sum up, it is attack by germs on weak arteries causing inner
itself is not a disease; it is simply a repair and rescue mechanism of
the body.
Cholesterol enters
the artery walls
By now you must have understood that all these events of germ
with one major cause i.e. the weakening of the endothelial wall.
But, what causes endothelial wall to weaken? The weakening of
endothelial wall is due to low nitric oxide production in the body. So,
whenever the nitric oxide production is low, but the blood pressure in
the formation of wound at the particular site.
Now, we know the real cause behind the heart diseases and
blockages, which is not cholesterol but a condition lead by different
the cholesterol lowering drug - Statin.
So, what’s the solution?
It is simply “Nitric Oxide” (NO)
What is the solution?
NO Production
By only increasing the nitric oxide production; all the factors can
be balanced. With this, I want to give you a miracle formula - “Formula
to cure Heart Disease.” This will equip you to enhance nitric oxide
production in the body to protect your heart.
Formula to
Cure Heart Disease
Increased production
of NO
Step 1:- As was given earlier to throw away the “Statins.
This is because along with other damaging effects, statins also
restrict nitric oxide production. Many a times, patients have this
concern, “Can I continue with statins and start over the diet!”
It is crucial to stop statins, as they interfere with nitric oxide
production, thereby putting you back to point zero!
Step 2- Increase the production of Nitric Oxide.
But, how to do this, simply by making food the major source of
 Start with Fruit Breakfast
Quantity: Weight ×10gms of fruit breakfast till 12 noon.
For example, a 70kgs person must consume 70×10gms = 700gms
of any 3-4 variety of fruits that are readily available in the market.
Formula to cure Heart Disease
Breakfast :
weight in kg X10=___gms
of fruits in breakfast
Also, there is no restriction on choice of fruit; seasonal fruits are
taste. There are no restrictions for diabetic patients as well; they may
enjoy mangoes and sugarcane juice without any fear because this fruit
breakfast will not raise the blood glucose levels rather will normalize
it without any adverse effects. Many of our diabetic educators were
previously diabetic and now are completely cured and eat and enjoy
great well-being. During our diabetes reversal tours, participants
follow the same diet instructions and gradually results are apparent;
giving them a diabetes free life!
The fruits can be taken in small quantities throughout (you
may start anytime after waking up) till 12 noon. Only the weight is
important, so measure the consumable quantity after peeling or
removing seed(s) if any - this should be your weight into 10 grams.
For instance, my work involves extensive travelling and staying out,
so, to manage the diet routine, I religiously carry a dozen of bananas
in my bag and mostly look for fruits and vegetables easily available in
that country or place. The point is that, this diet can be followed with
any work routine, anywhere, anyplace.
However, make sure your breakfast contains ‘no’ chapatti, curd,
vegetables, bread, tea or any other eatable; it must only comprise of
complete fruit indulgence.
 For Lunch & Dinner, you have to get ready with 2-plates.
Plate 1:          
carrot, peas, tomatoes, cucumber, capsicum, bell peppers etc.; you may
create a list of your own. It may also include par-boiled vegetables like
    
leafy vegetables like spinach, coriander or lettuce.
Quantity: Weight ×5gms = Plate 1
Formula to cure Heart Disease
Plate -1
weight in kg x 5= __gms of vegetables
Plate 2: This is the ‘my wish plate’ as you may add anything of
or even junk food as a treat.
Quantity: No limit!!
Instructions: First to consume entire Plate 1; then as per the
appetite go for the Plate 2.
Note: Plate 1 is indispensable and cannot be avoided, you have to
consume Plate 1 completely; thereafter you can indulge in Plate 2.
             
completely avoidable and must be dropped if not required.
One may think that after consuming high quantity of raw
vegetables, there will hardly be any urge to eat Plate 2. Bingo!! This
is the only idea behind, that there remains no requirement or hunger
for Plate 2.
post that, your body will start to crave more and more of this kind of
diet; because the diet is more water so it makes you feel light and eat
more often.
Your weight especially belly fat or rigid body fat will reduce
drastically during the course of this diet. For those with balanced
health may start over with a little less quantity, say if by weight you
require 350gms, then you may begin with 300gms of raw intake in
lunch and dinner exclusively.
However, by any chance, Plate 2 cannot be taken before Plate 1. By
this your outcomes will be no better rather can be worse!
Only after consumption of Plate 1, Plate 2 can be started; this
system is the same for lunch and dinner.
Step 3 : Stop consuming cholesterol food.
You have to get away from food that provides cholesterol to the
between food with cholesterol and food without cholesterol.
Step -3
Stop Consuming
Food with Cholesterol
Animal Food
Milk products
Lower Cholesterol
It is to understand that among plants and animals, only animals
can form cholesterol, whereas, plants and their products are devoid
of cholesterol. Therefore, by following the construction of nature to
get rid of cholesterol food; one must stop consuming animal food and
We have been brought up with the belief that cow’s milk is healthy,
it’s correct; it is healthy; but for the calf, for you it’s a source of
cholesterol and needs to be eliminated from the diet.
Try to understand, humans are the only animals that intake milk
throughout their lives and for that depend on other animal’s milk.
None of the other animal uses other animal’s milk neither do they
require throughout their lives.
So, spare yourself from depending on other animal’s milk; rather
milk consumption is not required at all, it is only essential for the new
born to be on mother’s milk for 2 years.
Nature has directed us this way, so we depend on mother’s feed
for nutrition for initial years. That’s all. To depend on milk for life
throughout as core nutritional intake is just a fake perception/build-
up/myth. Hence, with step 3, you have to get yourself completely rid
of any kind of animal product, milk and its products as well.
Once you start to apply step 3; automatically, your cholesterol will
get balanced.
You can now stop rather throw away your cholesterol lowering
pills. If in case, your family or doctor discourages you from stopping
the pills, ask them one simple question!
Ask them, of who takes the responsibility of your health, whether
it’s your family or your doctor?
Ask them if I continue the pill, then who assures me safe health or
in other case if I discontinue with the pills, then who will stand for my
In both the cases, neither your doctor nor your family is responsible
for your health and well being.
         
heart attack even after being on cholesterol lowering pills. Who is
responsible or will take charge for this, a doctor will never!
A doctor simply prescribes a pill, knowing the side effects all well.
He will not discuss or encourage you to take the track of healthy eating
and good lifestyle because it is convenient to write a prescription note
letting an individual to be dependent on medicine for the rest of his
life, than to take charge!
the natural cure or discourage the use of pills.
Your health is your responsibility, no doctor, no pill will guarantee
you a good safe health, be on a pill or not!
Whereas, this diet treatment gives you complete guarantee; it keeps
you away from the lethal effects of drug along with drug side-effects.
The best cure is within, as you connect more with the truths of nature
and life-style; you will lead your life and health more responsibly.
Take the responsibility now, understand, comprehend and bring
the change for your good-self.
given solutions.
To make your belief more concrete, here are some more examples.
A major research, the OSLO Study of 1975 conducted for several
years and published in Acta Medica Scandinavica reported that, “In a
population, healthy cholesterol levels can be maintained by complete
elimination of animal food from the diet.
Interestingly, the study also reported that, “In a population with
healthy cholesterol levels, the death rate by heart attack remains
unaffected.” This meant that body’s cholesterol level had no association
with the death rate by heart attack, thereby showing no correlation.
OSL0 -1 Study
Year - 1975
Acta Medica Scandinavica
On the same grounds, the OSLO Study 2 of 2006, published in
The Journal of Norwegian Medical Association reported that, “In
a population, both the cholesterol level and the death rate by heart
attack can be lowered by complete elimination of oil and animal food
especially milk from the diet.
OSL0 - 2 Study
Lyon Diet Heart Study
Year - 2006
The Journal of Norwegian Medical
214284 Men
160012 Women
Time :1995 - 2005
Place: Lyon, France
Archives of Internal Medicine
This point is crucial, as for the protection of heart and balancing
the cholesterol; oil intake must be lowered.
Because, Less Oil = Reduced chances of Heart Disease.
The plant-based diet therapy given in Step 1, 2 and 3 is in line
with the OSLO Study, where till 12 noon with fruits, the oil intake is
zero, while lunch and dinner comprise majority of raw vegetables
minimizing the oil consumption through Plate 2.
The importance of diet therapy has been illustrated by many
major research studies, of them the recent and well recognized is the
Lyon Diet Heart Study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.
This trial was conducted from 1995 to 2005 with 2,14,284 men and
1,60,012 women subjects in Lyon, France.
following results were obtained:
23% reduction in death…
21% reduction in cancer
24% reduction in heart disease
Therefore, you can now easily relate to the strength of the diet
This plant-based diet is highly impactful and comes with a warning
for drastic improvements. A timeline of expected outcomes once you
start over with the diet therapy are briefed as under:
24hrs to 72hrs Diabetes
3 days to 1 week High Blood Pressure, High
Cholesterol, Intestinal disorder
1 month Obesity, Heart Diseases
2 month Thyroid Disease
6 month Cancer, Asthma, Arthritis
8 month Skin Disorder, Kidney
dysfunction, Liver disorder
you will be forced to stop the blood sugar medicines and insulin if
In 3 days to one week, high cholesterol, high blood pressure will
normalize along with relieving intestinal disorders. You will be forced
to discontinue your medicines otherwise it will lead to conditions
like extreme low blood pressure. As, with the plant-based diet, the
patients are compelled to give away their medicines to avoid low
sugar and/or low blood pressure, which are even more fatal.
         
heart ailments. A feeling of strength in heart and body makes a
person walk, jog, climb stairs, control breathing and exercise without
fear. Obesity, the most prevalent medical condition becomes history
in one month of the diet therapy; patients also experience a sense
of balance in the body with motivated and peaceful mind, leading to
faster recovery.
normal thyroid levels, thereafter, you can cut down or stop away with
your thyroid medicines completely.
and major allergies of several years settle down, giving a new life to
These six months can get cancer patients a new life, as even
advanced stage cancer surrenders with the effect of plant-based
diet treatment. Within the same time frame, arthritis and associated
discomforts subside.
        
observed with skin disorders, kidney dysfunction and liver disorders.
The above results are not imaginary, but, have been experienced
by our Diabetes Educators’, who are well trained and have good
experience with plant-based diet therapy and diseases. Their
experiences with their patients have been presented in the book
‘Diabetes Educators’ Success Stories, wherein, you can learn the real
experiences of our Diabetes Educators’ on diseases and cure with their
patients. Nevertheless, the book also contains feedback of patients
with prescription details on disease(s), their history, symptoms and
present conditions along with their personal details which you may
           
their diseases moved towards healing. This unique collection of real
stories through the patients and diabetes educators’ will remove all
your dilemmas and will certainly give you a kick start on plant-based
diet treatment.
These patients suffered from cancer, heart diseases, thyroid, blood
pressure, cholesterol, asthma and allergies, obesity and majorly
diabetes. Why majorly diabetes, because with diabetes itself other
conditions like obesity, thyroid, high cholesterol, blood pressure and
organ dysfunction are commonly associated, therefore, the body
experiences a combination of disturbances.
diet and with a hope that now you must be ready for a new beginning
towards healthy being, here it becomes important to understand that
as to how far any medical invention is necessary.
Are medicines really required or do they really help?
To this, 4 major trials are referred and listed, these are - Diabetes
Prevention Program - DPP for Pre-diabetes in 2002, Accord for
diabetes in 2008, ALLHAT for blood pressure in 2002 and IDEAL for
kidney in 2010.
Year Trial Disease
2002 DPP Prediabetes
2008 ACCORD Diabetes
2002 ALLHAT B.P.
2010 IDEAL Kidney
The ACCORD trial had 10,000 participants and was funded by
governments of US, Canada and U.K. The trial clearly reported that,
“High blood sugar is bad, but to keep it low with medicines is worst.
Also, much stress was given to the importance of symptomatic
diagnosis to decide on the requirement of medical intervention.
Exemplifying, one of my diabetic patients Mr. S. K. Gupta drove to
my clinic and back in his car with a sugar as high as 586! Commonly,
this range of sugar will show many dangerous symptoms but he felt
or issues with 300 to 400 levels of sugar in routine without any
medicines and leads as normal life like me and you.
Similarly, the IDEAL trial is one of its kind and the only trial that
considers dialysis as a secondary treatment for kidney patients without
any symptomatic discomfort. Generally with increased creatinine
and decreased eGFR values, the kidney patients are prescribed to be
on regular dialysis. However, according to IDEAL research it is not
primarily necessary to prescribe dialysis even if the creatinine, uric
acids, potassium and eGFR are undesirable, until the patient reports
any symptomatic distress. Symptomatic discomforts like excessive
fatigue, breathlessness, painfulness, dizziness, digestion issues or any
minor/major disturbance of body and mind.
Even the ALLHAT trial sponsored by the government of US
reported that, “High blood pressure with symptoms must only
be considered for medical intervention.” Reason being, it is not
uncommon that individuals with blood pressure as high as 160/100
mmHg experience no symptomatic discomfort; rather feel completely
comfortable as normal. Therefore, their body does not require blood
pressure pills as they will create no difference but only lower down
the readings (number value) on the recorder. That individual may
remain healthy throughout his life with high readings; on the other
hand, his condition may even deteriorate if unnecessarily medicated
without any considerable symptoms. This is rather more dangerous.
This is to understand that to completely rely on modern technology
based diagnosis is a grievous situation. Instead look for the warning
signs that the body gives away, or symptomatic discomforts involved,
as only these can be considered as the real indicating factors.
Metaphorically speaking, these days’ Google maps are commonly
used to locate and reach out to places conveniently. If you want to
reach Taj Mahal, then you can take help of Google map to give you
directions. Now suppose you have reached Taj Mahal but Google map
directs you to travel another 2.5 kms to reach Taj Mahal, then whom
will you trust - you, your eyes or senses as you can see the Taj Mahal
in front of you or the Google map who wants you to travel another 2.5
kms and assume that place to be Taj Mahal. Obviously, you must believe
in what you see, you must rely on your senses, not on technology; as
too much dependency on technology leads to over-diagnosis.
Alas, the Medical industry does not want you to do so, rather
directs instead deviates you from reality! Our medical industry has
learnt to link disease with test reports. Once you have undesirable
readings, then they search for disease to be linked and render you a
patient to be dependent on medicines for lifelong.
To conclude, diagnosis is a trap laid by the modern medicine to
convert a healthy individual into a permanent customer leading to the
worst misery of the modern human, which often ends with the loss of
life and wealth.
You don’t need medication,
You just need education”
From Common Cold to Cancer
Headache to Heart Attack
Your Personal Healthcare System