U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
National Institute of Justice
Jeremy Travis, Director
Impacts of the 1994 Assault
Weapons Ban: 1994–96
by Jeffrey A. Roth and Christopher S. Koper
March 1999
zines. The legislation required the Attor-
ney General to deliver to Congress within
30 months an evaluation of the effects of
the ban. To meet this requirement, the
National Institute of Justice (NIJ) funded
research from October 1995 to December
1996 to evaluate the impact of Subtitle A.
This Research in Brief summarizes the
results of that evaluation.
A number of factors—including the fact
that the banned weapons and magazines
were rarely used to commit murders in
this country, the limited availability of
data on the weapons, other components of
the Crime Control Act of 1994, and State
and local initiatives implemented at the
same time—posed challenges in discern-
ing the effects of the ban. The ban ap-
pears to have had clear short-term effects
on the gun market, some of which were
unintended consequences: production of
the banned weapons increased before the
law took effect, and prices fell afterward.
This suggests that the weapons became
more available generally, but they must
have become less accessible to criminals
because there was at least a short-term
decrease in criminal use of the banned
Debated in a politically charged environ-
ment, the Public Safety and Recreational
Firearms Use Protection Act, as its title
On January 17, 1989, Patrick Edward
Purdy, armed with an AKS rifle—a
semiautomatic variant of the military
AK–47—returned to his childhood
elementary school in Stockton, California,
and opened fire, killing 5 children and
wounding 30 others. Purdy, a drifter,
squeezed off more than 100 rounds in
1 minute before turning the weapon on
During the 1980s and early 1990s, this
tragedy and other similar acts of seem-
ingly senseless violence, coupled with
escalating turf and drug wars waged by
urban gangs, sparked a national debate
over whether legislation was needed to
end, or at least restrict, the market for im-
ported and domestic “assault weapons.”
Beginning in 1989, a few States enacted
their own assault weapons bans, but it
was not until 1994 that a Federal law was
On September 13, 1994, Title XI of the
Federal Violent Crime Control and Law
Enforcement Act of 1994—known as the
Crime Control Act of 1994—took effect.
Subtitle A (the Public Safety and Recre-
ational Firearms Use Protection Act) of
the act banned the manufacture, transfer,
and possession of certain semiautomatic
firearms designated as assault weapons
and “large capacity” ammunition maga-
Issues and Findings
Discussed in this Brief: This study
examines the short-term impact
(1994–96) of the assault weapons
ban on gun markets and gun-
related violence as contained in
Title XI of the Federal Violent Crime
Control and Law Enforcement Act
of 1994. Title XI prohibits the
manufacture, sale, and possession
of specific makes and models of
military-style semiautomatic fire-
arms and other semiautomatics
with multiple military-style features
(detachable magazines, flash sup-
pressors, folding rifle stocks, and
threaded barrels for attaching
silencers) and outlaws most large
capacity magazines (ammunition-
feeding devices) capable of holding
more than 10 rounds of ammuni-
tion. Weapons and magazines
manufactured prior to September
13, 1994, are exempt from the ban.
Key issues: Although the weapons
banned by this legislation were used
only rarely in gun crimes before
the ban, supporters felt that these
weapons posed a threat to public
safety because they are capable of
firing many shots rapidly. They
argued that these characteristics
enhance offenders’ ability to kill and
wound more persons and to inflict
multiple wounds on each victim, so
that a decrease in their use would
reduce the fatality rate of gun
The ban’s impact on lethal gun
violence is unclear because the
short period since the enabling
legislation’s passage created
methodological difficulties for
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
suggests, attempted to balance two
competing policy goals. The first was to
respond to several mass shooting inci-
dents committed with military-style and
other semiautomatics equipped with
magazines holding large amounts of am-
munition. The second consideration was to
limit the impact of the ban on recreational
gun use by law-abiding owners, dealers,
and manufacturers. The ban specifically
prohibited only nine narrow categories of
pistols, rifles, and shotguns (see exhibit 1).
It also banned “features test” weapons, that
is, semiautomatics with multiple features
(e.g., detachable magazines, flash suppres-
sors, folding rifle stocks, and threaded bar-
rels for attaching silencers) that appeared
useful in military and criminal applications
but that were deemed unnecessary in
shooting sports (see exhibit 2). The law also
banned revolving cylinder shotguns (large
capacity shotguns) and “large capacity
magazines,” defined as ammunition-
feeding devices designed to hold more
than 10 rounds, far more than a hunter or
competitive shooter might reasonably need
(see exhibit 3).
Various provisions of the ban limited
its potential effects on criminal use. As
shown in exhibit 1, about half the banned
makes and models were rifles, which are
hard to conceal for criminal use. Imports
of the five foreign rifle categories on this
list had been banned in 1989. Further,
the banned guns are used in only a small
fraction of gun crimes; even before the
ban, most of them rarely turned up in
law enforcement agencies’ requests to the
Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms
(BATF) to trace the sales histories of guns
recovered in criminal investigations.
As a matter of equity, the law exempted
“grandfathered” guns and magazines
manufactured before the ban took effect.
While it also banned “exact” or duplicate
copies of the prohibited makes and mod-
els, the emphasis was on “exact.” Short-
ening a gun’s barrel by a few millimeters
researchers. The National Institute
of Justice is funding a followup
study by the authors that is ex-
pected to be released in 2000. It
will assess the longer term impacts
of the ban and the effects of the
other firearms provisions of Title XI.
The long-term impacts of the ban
could differ substantially from the
short-term impacts.
Key findings: The authors, using
a variety of national and local data
sources, examined market trends—
prices, production, and thefts—for
the banned weapons and close
substitutes before estimating
potential ban effects and their
The research shows that the
ban triggered speculative price in-
creases and ramped-up production
of the banned firearms prior to the
law’s implementation, followed by
a substantial postban drop in prices
to levels of previous years.
Criminal use of the banned guns
declined, at least temporarily, after
the law went into effect, which
suggests that the legal stock of
preban assault weapons was, at
least for the short term, largely in
the hands of collectors and dealers.
Evidence suggests that the ban
may have contributed to a reduc-
tion in the gun murder rate and
murders of police officers by crimi-
nals armed with assault weapons.
The ban has failed to reduce the
average number of victims per
gun murder incident or multiple
gunshot wound victims.
Target audience: Congressional
representatives and staff; State and
local legislators; Federal, State, and
local law enforcement officials;
criminal justice practitioners and
researchers; advocacy groups; State
and local government officials.
Issues and Findings
or “sporterizing” a rifle by removing
its pistol grip and replacing it with a
thumbhole in the stock, for example,
was sufficient to transform a banned
weapon into a legal substitute. On April
5, 1998, President Clinton signed an
Executive order banning the imports of
58 foreign-made substitutes.
Gun bans and gun crime
Evidence is mixed about the effectiveness
of previous gun bans. Federal restrictions
enacted in 1934 on the ownership of fully
automatic weapons (machine guns) ap-
pear to have been quite successful based
on the rarity with which such guns are
used in crime.
Washington, D.C.’s re-
strictive handgun licensing system, which
went into effect in 1976, produced a drop
in gun fatalities that lasted for several
years after its enactment.
Yet, State and
local bans on handguns have been found
to be ineffective in other research.
The inconsistency of previous findings
may reflect, in part, the interplay of sev-
eral effects that a ban may have on gun
markets. To reduce criminal use of guns
and the tragic consequences of such use,
a ban must make the existing stockpile
of guns less accessible to criminals (see
exhibit 4) by, for example, raising their
purchase prices.
However, the anticipa-
tion of higher prices may encourage gun
manufacturers to boost production just
before the ban takes effect in the hope of
generating large profits from the soon-to-
be collectors’ items. Immediately after the
ban, criminals may find it difficult to pur-
chase banned weapons if they remain in
dealers’ and speculators’ storage facili-
ties. Over the long term, however, the
stockpiled weapons might begin flowing
into criminals’ hands, through straw pur-
chases, thefts, or “off-the-books” sales
that dealers or speculators falsely report
to insurance companies and government
officials as thefts.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
* Imports were halted in 1994 under the Federal embargo on the importation of firearms from China.
** Imports banned by Federal Executive order, April 1998.
*** Street Sweeper.
Source for firearm descriptions: Blue Book of Gun Values, 17
ed., by S.P. Fjestad, 1996.
Exhibit 1. Description of firearms banned in Title XI
Name of Description 1993 Blue Preban 1993 BATF Examples of
firearm Book price Federal legal trace request legal substitutes
status status count
Avtomat Chinese, Russian, other foreign, and $550 (plus Imports 87 Norinco NHM*
Kalashnikov domestic: 0.223 or 7.62x39mm caliber, 10–15% for banned in 90/91
(AK) semiautomatic Kalashnikov rifle, 5-, 10-, folding stock 1989
or 30-shot magazine, may be supplied models)
with bayonet.
Uzi, Galil Israeli: 9mm, 0.41, or 0.45 caliber $550–$1,050 Imports 281 Uzi; Uzi Sporter**
semiautomatic carbine, minicarbine, or (Uzi) banned in 12 Galil
pistol. Magazine capacity of 16, 20, or 25, $875–$1,150 1989
depending on model and type (10 or (Galil)
20 on pistols).
Beretta Italian: 0.222 or 0.223 caliber, semiauto- $1,050 Imports 1
AR–70 matic paramilitary design rifle, 5-, 8-, banned in
or 30-shot magazine. 1989
Colt AR–15 Domestic: Primarily 0.223 caliber $825–$1,325 Legal (civilian 581 Colt; Colt Sporter,
paramilitary rifle or carbine, 5-shot version of 99 other Match H–Bar,
magazine, often comes with two 5-shot military M–16) manufacturers Target; Olympic
detachable magazines. Exact copies by PCR Models.
DPMS, Eagle, Olympic, and others.
FN/FAL, Belgian design: 0.308 Winchester caliber, $1,100–$2,500 Imports 9 L1A1 Sporter**
FN/LAR, FNC semiautomatic rifle or 0.223 Remington banned in (FN, Century)
combat carbine with 30-shot magazine. 1989
Rifle comes with flash hider, 4-position
fire selector on automatic models.
Manufacturing discontinued in 1988.
SWD M–10 Domestic: 9mm paramilitary semiauto- $215 Legal 878 Cobray PM–11,
M–11, matic pistol, fires from closed bolt, PM–12; Kimel
M–11/9, 32-shot magazine. Also available in fully AP–9, Mini AP–9
M–12 automatic variation.
Steyr AUG Austrian: 0.223 Remington/5.56mm caliber, $2,500 Imports banned 4
semiautomatic paramilitary design rifle. in 1989
TEC–9 Domestic: 9mm semiautomatic paramilitary $145–$295 Legal 1202 Intratec; TEC–AB
TEC DC–9, design pistol, 10- or 32-shot magazine; 175 Exact
TEC–22 0.22 LR semiautomatic paramilitary copies
design pistol, 30-shot magazine.
Revolving Domestic: 12 gauge, 12-shot rotary $525*** Legal 64 SWD Street
Cylinder magazine, paramilitary configuration, Sweepers
Shotguns double action.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
The timing and magnitudes of these
market effects cannot be known in ad-
vance. Therefore, the study examined
market trends—prices, production,
and thefts—for the banned weapons
and close substitutes before estimating
potential ban effects on their use and
the consequences of that use.
Market effects
Primary market prices of the banned
guns and magazines rose by upwards
of 50 percent during 1993 and 1994,
while the ban was being debated in
Congress. Gun distributors, dealers,
and collectors speculated that the
banned weapons would become expen-
sive collectors’ items. However, prices
fell sharply after the ban was imple-
mented. Exhibit 4 shows price trends
for a number of firearms. Prices for
banned AR–15 rifles, exact copies,
and legal substitutes at least doubled
in the year preceding the ban, fell to
near 1992 levels once the ban took
effect, and remained at those levels
at least through mid-1996. Similarly,
prices of banned SWD semiautomatic
pistols rose by about 47␣ percent during
the year preceding the ban but fell by
about 20␣ percent the following year.
For comparison, exhibit 4 shows that
the prices of unbanned Davis and
Lorcin semiautomatic pistols (among
the crime guns police seize most fre-
quently) remained virtually constant
over the entire period.
Fueled by the preban speculative price
boom, production of assault weapons
surged in the months leading up to the
ban. Data limitations preclude precise
and comprehensive counts. However,
estimates based on BATF gun produc-
tion data suggest that the annual pro-
duction of five categories of assault
weapons—AR–15s, models by Intratec,
SWD, AA Arms, and Calico—and legal
substitutes rose by more than 120
1. Semiautomatic rifles having the ability to accept a detachable ammunition magazine
and at least two of the following traits:
A folding or telescoping stock.
A pistol grip that protrudes beneath the firing action.
A bayonet mount.
A flash hider or a threaded barrel designed to accommodate one.
A grenade launcher.
2. Semiautomatic pistols having the ability to accept a detachable ammunition magazine
and at least two of the following traits:
An ammunition magazine attaching outside the pistol grip.
A threaded barrel capable of accepting a barrel extender, flash hider, forward
handgrip, or silencer.
A heat shroud attached to or encircling the barrel (this permits the shooter to
hold the firearm with the nontrigger hand without being burned).
A weight of more than 50 ounces unloaded.
A semiautomatic version of a fully automatic firearm.
3. Semiautomatic shotguns having at least two of the following traits:
A folding or telescoping stock.
A pistol grip that protrudes beneath the firing action.
A fixed magazine capacity of more than five rounds.
Ability to accept a detachable ammunition magazine.
Note: A semiautomatic firearm discharges one shot for each pull of the trigger. After being fired,
a semiautomatic cocks itself for refiring and loads a new round (i.e., bullet) automatically.
Flash Suppressor
Barrel Mount
High Capacity
Detachable Magazine
Pistol Grip
Folding Stock
Exhibit 2. Features test of the assault weapons ban
Exhibit provided courtesy of Handgun Control, Inc.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
percent, from an estimated average of
91,000 guns annually between 1989
and 1993 to about 204,000 in 1994—
more than 1 year’s extra supply (see
exhibit 5). In contrast, production of
unbanned Lorcin and Davis pistols fell
by about 35␣ percent, from an average of
283,000 annually between 1989 and
1993 to 184,000 in 1994.
These trends suggest that the preban
price and production increases re-
flected speculation that grandfathered
weapons and magazines in the banned
categories would become profitable
collectors’ items after the ban took
effect. Instead, assault weapons prices
fell sharply within months after the
ban was in place, apparently under the
combined weight of preban overpro-
duction of grandfathered guns and the
introduction of new legal substitute
guns at that time.
These findings resemble what hap-
pened in 1989, when imports of sev-
eral models of assault rifles surged
prior to the implementation of a Fed-
eral ban.
Shortly thereafter, while
California debated its own ban, crimi-
nal use of assault weapons declined,
suggesting that higher prices and
speculative stockpiling made the guns
less accessible to criminal users.
It was plausible that the price and pro-
duction trends related to the 1994 ban
would be followed by an increase in re-
ported thefts of assault weapons, for at
least two reasons. First, if short-term
price increases in primary markets tem-
porarily kept assault weapons from en-
tering illegal sales channels, criminals
might be tempted to steal them instead.
In addition, dealers and collectors
who paid high speculative prices for
grandfathered assault weapons around
the time of the ban, but then watched as
their investment depreciated after the
ban took effect, might be inclined to
sell the guns to ineligible purchasers
and then falsely report them as stolen to
insurance companies and regulatory
By the spring of 1996, however, there
had been no such increase. Instead,
thefts of assault weapons declined
about 14 percent as a fraction of all
thefts of semiautomatics.
Therefore, it
appears that, at least in the short term,
the grandfathered assault weapons re-
mained largely in dealers’ and collec-
tors’ inventories instead of leaking into
the secondary markets through which
criminals tend to obtain guns.
Criminal use of assault
Because crime guns tend to be newly
purchased guns,
it was hypothesized
that speculative price increases would
tend to channel the flow of banned
Exhibit 3. Logic model for Public Safety and Recreational Firearms Use
Protection Act impact study
Title XI:
Subtitle A
Primary &
• Price
• Production
• Thefts
Use in Crime
• Total
• Violent
Consequences of
Criminal Use
• Gun murders
• Victims per event
• Wounds per victim
• Law enforcement
officers killed
Exhibit 4. Comparison of price trends for banned and unbanned weapons
Data were collected from display ads in randomly selected issues of the nationally distributed periodical
Shotgun News. Price indices are adjusted for the mix of products and distributors advertised during
each time period. SWD, Davis, and Lorcin handgun data are reported semiannually.
Jan–June ’92
July–Dec ’92
Jan–June ’93
SWD handguns (B)
July–Dec ’93
Jan–June ’94
July–Dec ’94
Jan–June ’95
July–Dec ’95
Davis, Lorcin Semiauto handgun
AR–15-type rifle
Percentage of price at ban
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
weapons from criminal purchasers to
law-abiding speculators, thereby poten-
tially decreasing their use in criminal
activities. (See “Study Design and
Method.”) However, the potential de-
crease in criminal uses of the banned
weapons might be offset by the produc-
tion increase and the postban fall in
prices. To estimate the net effect on
criminal use, the researchers measured
criminal use of assault weapons using
data on gun trace requests submitted by
law enforcement agencies to BATF,
whose tracing data provide the only
available national sample of the types
of guns used in crime.
These data are
limited because police agencies do not
submit a trace request on every gun they
confiscate. Many agencies submit very
few requests to BATF, particularly in
States that maintain gun sales databases
(such as California). Therefore, tracing
data are a biased sample of guns recov-
ered by police. Prior studies suggest that
assault weapons are more likely to be
submitted for tracing than are other
confiscated firearms.
As shown in exhibit 6, law enforce-
ment agency requests for BATF as-
sault weapons traces in the 1993–95
period declined 20 percent in the first
calendar year after the ban took effect,
dropping from 4,077 in 1994 to 3,268
in 1995. Some of this decrease may
reflect an overall decrease in gun
crimes; total trace requests dropped
11␣ percent from 1994 to 1995, and
gun murders declined 10␣ percent over
the same period. Nevertheless, these
trends suggest a 9- to 10-percent addi-
tional decrease (labeled with a triangle
in exhibit 6) due to substitution of
other guns for the banned assault
weapons in 1995 gun crimes.
In contrast, assault weapons trace re-
quests from States with their own assault
weapons bans declined by only an esti-
mated 6 to 8 percent in 1995—further
evidence that the national trends reflect
effects of the Federal ban. There were
fewer assault weapons traces in 1995
than in 1993 (3,748), suggesting that the
national decrease was not the result of a
surge of assault weapons tracing around
the effective date of the ban.
These national findings were sup-
ported by analyses of trends in assault
weapons recovered in crimes in St.
Louis and Boston, two cities that did
not have preexisting State assault
weapons bans in place. Although
Exhibit 5. Production trends estimates for banned assault weapons and
comparison guns*
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Firearm type 1994 1989–93 Ratio “Excess”
production average [(1)/(2)] production
production [(1)–(2)]
AR–15 group 66,042 38,511 1.714 27,531
Intratec 9mm, 22 102,682 33,578 3.058 69,104
SWD family (all) and MAC (all) 14,380 10,508 1.368 3,872
AA Arms 17,280 6,561 2.633 10,719
Calico 9mm, 22 3,194 1,979 1.613 1,215
Lorcin and Davis 184,139 282,603 0.652
Assault weapon total** 203,578 91,137 2.233 112,441
* Estimates are based on figures provided by gun manufacturers to BATF and compiled and
disseminated annually by the Violence Policy Center.
** Assault weapon total excludes Lorcin/Davis group.
Exhibit 6. Relative changes in total and assault weapons traces
Assault weapons traces
Total gun traces
Gun murders
1994 1995
Percentage of 1994 level
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
assault weapons recoveries were rare
in those cities both before and after
the ban, they declined 29 and 24
percent, respectively, as a share of all
gun recoveries during late 1995 and
into 1996. Because these cities’ trends
reflect all guns recovered in crime,
they are not subject to the potential
biases of trace request data.
ubtitle A of Title XI banned the
manufacture, transfer, and possession
of assault weapons and large capacity
magazines. Researchers hypothesized
that the ban would:
Produce direct effects in the primary
markets for these weapons.
Reduce, through related indirect
effects in the secondary markets, the use
of these weapons in criminal activities.
Reduce the consequences of criminal
gun use as measured by gun homicides
and, especially, incidents of multiple vic-
tims, multiple wounds, and killings of law
enforcement officers.
Because the measures of available data
on these effects varied widely, the re-
search team decided to conduct several
small studies with different error sources
and integrate the findings. The strategy
was to test whether the assault weapons
and magazine bans interrupted these
trends over time. Researchers employed
various types of time series and multiple
regression analyses, simple before-and-
after comparisons, and graphical displays.
The analysis of market impacts included:
Pricing trends in the primary markets
for banned semiautomatic weapons,
comparable legal firearms, and large ca-
pacity magazines using 1992–96 national
distributors’ price lists.
measured nationally from Supplementary
Homicide Reports.
Descriptive analysis of the use of
assault weapons in mass murders in the
United States from 1992 to 1996.
Comparison of data gathered between
1992 and 1996 from medical examiners,
one hospital emergency department, and
one police department in selected cities
regarding the number of wounds per
gunshot victim.
Analysis of 1992–96 data of law
enforcement officers killed in action with
assault weapons.
For comparison purposes, researchers
examined trends of types of guns and
magazines that were affected differently
by the ban. Few available databases re-
late the consequences of assault weapon
use to the make and model of the
weapon, so most of the analyses of con-
sequences are based on treatment and
comparison jurisdictions defined by the
legal environments in which the incident
occurred. For instance, California, Con-
necticut, Hawaii, and New Jersey had
banned assault weapons before 1994.
Although interstate traffickers can cir-
cumvent State bans, researchers hypoth-
esized that the existence of these
State-level bans reduced the impact of
the Federal ban in those respective
Comparison of gun production data
through 1994, the latest available year.
Comparison and time series analyses
of “leakage” of guns to illegal markets as
measured by guns reported stolen to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation/National
Crime Information Center between 1992
and 1996.
The analysis of assault weapon use
Analysis of requests for BATF traces of
assault weapons (1992–96) recovered in
crime investigations, both in absolute
terms and as a percentage of all requests.
Preban and postban comparisons and
analyses of gun counts recovered in crime
investigations by selected local law en-
forcement agencies.
The analyses of the consequences of us-
ing assault weapons and semiautomatics
with large capacity magazines in criminal
activities included:
Examination of State time series data
on gun murders with controls for the po-
tential influence of legal, demographic,
and economic variables of criminological
Comparisons and time series analyses
of trends between 1980 and 1995 in
victims per gun homicide incidents as
Study design and method
Consequences of assault
weapons use
A central argument for special regula-
tion of assault weapons and large ca-
pacity magazines is that they facilitate
the rapid firing of high numbers of
shots, which allows offenders to inflict
more wounds on more persons in a
short period of time, thereby increasing
the expected number of injuries and
deaths per criminal use. The study ex-
amined trends in the following conse-
quences of gun use: gun murders,
victims per gun homicide incident,
wounds per gunshot victim, and, to a
lesser extent, gun murders of police.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
the power of the statistical analyses to
detect worthwhile ban effects that may
have occurred. Given the limited use
of the banned guns and magazines in
gun crimes, even the maximum theo-
retically achievable preventive effect
of the ban on outcomes such as the
gun murder rate is almost certainly
too small to detect statistically be-
cause the congressionally mandated
timeframe for the study effectively
limited postban data collection to, at
most, 24 months (and only 1 calendar
year for annual data series).
Nevertheless, to estimate the first-year
ban effect on gun murders, the analysis
compared actual 1995 State gun
murder rates with the rates that would
have been expected in the absence of
the assault weapons ban. Data from
1980 to 1995 of 42 States with ad-
equate annual murder statistics (as
reported to the Federal Bureau of In-
vestigation) were used to project 1995
gun murder rates adjusted for ongoing
trends and demographic and economic
changes. Tests were run to determine
whether the deviation from the projec-
tion could be explained by various
policy interventions other than the
assault weapons ban.
Exhibit 7 displays the steps in that
analysis. Overall, 1995 gun murder
rates were 9 percent lower than the
Gun murders declined
10.3 percent in States without preex-
isting assault weapons bans, but they
remained unchanged in States with
their own bans. After adjusting the
projection for possible effects of State
bans on juvenile handgun possession
and a similar Federal ban that took
effect simultaneously with the assault
weapons ban, the study found that
1995 gun murder rates were 10.9 per-
cent below the projected level. Finally,
statistical controls were added for
42 usable
4 States
38 States
2 States
2 States
1 State
2 States
15 States
22 States
Drop California and New York
16 States
22 States
Yes No
Yes No
Exhibit 7. Estimated 1994–95 ban effects on total gun murder rate
* Statistically significant at 10-percent level.
There were several reasons to expect,
at best, a modest ban effect on crimi-
nal gun injuries and deaths. First,
studies before the ban generally found
that between less than 1 and 8 percent
of gun crimes involved assault weap-
ons, depending on the specific defini-
tion and data source used.
limited evidence suggests that semiau-
tomatics equipped with large capacity
magazines are used in 20 to 25 per-
cent of these gun crimes, it is not clear
how often large capacity magazines
actually turn a gun attack into a gun
Second, offenders could
replace the banned guns with legal
substitutes or other unbanned semiau-
tomatic weapons to commit their
crimes. Third, the schedule for this
study set out in the legislation limited
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
postban drops in California and New
York to avoid confounding possible
effects of the assault weapons ban,
California’s “three strikes” law, and
New York City’s “quality of life” polic-
ing. Still, 1995 murder rates in the 15
remaining States with juvenile hand-
gun possession bans but no assault
weapons ban were 6.7 percent below
the projection—a difference that
could not be explained in terms of
murder trends, demographic and eco-
nomic changes, the Federal juvenile
handgun possession ban, or the
California and New York initiatives.
Random, year-to-year fluctuations
could not be ruled out as an explana-
tion of the 6.7-percent drop. With only
1 year of postban data available and
only 15 States meeting the screening
criteria for the final estimate, the model
lacks the statistical power to detect a
preventive effect of even 20 percent un-
der conventional standards of statistical
Although it is highly im-
probable that the assault weapons ban
produced an effect this large, the ban
could have reduced murders by an
amount that would escape statistical
However, other analyses using a variety of
national and local data sources found no
clear ban effects on certain types of mur-
ders that were thought to be more closely
associated with the rapid-fire features of
assault weapons and other semiautomat-
ics equipped with large capacity maga-
zines. The ban did not produce declines
in the average number of victims per inci-
dent of gun murder or gun murder victims
with multiple wounds.
Murders of police by offenders armed
with assault weapons declined from an
estimated 16 percent of gun murders of
police in 1994 and early 1995 to 0 per-
cent in the latter half of 1995 and early
1996. However, such incidents are suf-
ficiently rare that the available data do
not permit a reliable assessment of
whether this contributed to a general
reduction in gun murders of police.
Implications and research
It appears that the assault weapons ban
had clear short-term effects on the gun
market, some of which were unintended
consequences: production of the
banned weapons increased before the
law took effect and prices fell after-
ward. These effects suggest that the
weapons became more available gener-
ally, but they must have become less
accessible to criminals because there
was at least a short-term decrease in
criminal use of the banned weapons.
Evidently, the excess stock of grand-
fathered assault weapons manufactured
prior to the ban is, at least for now,
largely in the hands of dealers and col-
lectors. The ban’s short-term impact on
gun violence has been uncertain, due
perhaps to the continuing availability of
grandfathered assault weapons, close
substitute guns and large capacity
magazines, and the relative rarity with
which the banned weapons were used
in gun violence even before the ban.
To provide a more current and detailed
understanding of the assault weapons
ban and gun markets generally, we
recommend a variety of further steps:
Update the impact analysis. This
study was conducted with data col-
lected within 24 months of the ban’s
passage; a number of the analyses
were conducted with only 1 calen-
dar year of postban data. This lim-
ited timeframe weakens the ability
of statistical tests␣ to discern im-
pacts that may be meaningful from
a policy perspective. Also, because
the ban’s effects on gun markets
and gun violence are still unfolding,
the long-term consequences may
differ substantially from the short-
term consequences reported here.
(A followup study of longer term
impacts of the ban and the effects
of other provisions of Title XI is
underway and is expected to be
released in 2000.)
Develop new gun market data
sources and improve existing
ones. For example, NIJ and BATF
should consider cooperating to
establish and maintain time series
data on primary and secondary mar-
ket prices and production of assault
weapons, legal substitutes, other
guns commonly used in crime, and
the respective large and small ca-
pacity magazines. Like similar sta-
tistical series currently maintained
for illegal drugs, such a price and
production series would be a valu-
able instrument for monitoring
effects of policy changes and other
influences on markets for weapons
that are commonly used in crime.
Examine potential substitution
effects. A key remaining question
is whether offenders who preferred
the banned assault weapons have
switched to the new legal substitute
models or to other legal guns, such
as semiautomatic handguns that
accept large capacity magazines.
Study criminal use of large
capacity magazines. The lack of
knowledge about trends in the crimi-
nal use of large capacity magazines
is especially salient for three rea-
sons. The large capacity magazine is
perhaps the most functionally impor-
tant distinguishing feature of assault
weapons. The magazine ban also
affected more gun models and gun
crimes than did the bans on desig-
nated firearms. Finally, recent
anecdotal evidence suggests that
new and remanufactured preban,
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
high-capacity magazines are begin-
ning to reappear in the market for
use with legal semiautomatic pistols.
Improve the recording of
magazines recovered with crime
guns. To better understand the role
large capacity magazines play in gun
crimes, BATF and State and local
law enforcement agencies should
encourage efforts to record the
magazines with which confiscated
firearms are equipped—information
that frequently goes unrecorded un-
der current practice. Further studies
are needed on trends in the criminal
use of guns equipped with large
capacity magazines.
Conduct indepth, incident-
based research on the situ-
ational dynamics of fatal and
nonfatal gun assaults. Despite
the rhetoric that characterizes fire-
arms policy debates, there are still
questions regarding the impacts
that weaponry, actor, and situ-
ational characteristics have on the
outcomes of gun attacks. Therefore,
research is needed to gain a greater
understanding of the roles of
banned and other weapons in inten-
tional deaths and injuries. In what
percentage of gun attacks, for in-
stance, does the ability to fire more
than 10 rounds without reloading
influence the number of gunshot
wound victims or determine the dif-
ference between a fatal and nonfatal
attack? The study yielded some
weak evidence that victims killed
by guns having large capacity
magazines (including assault weap-
ons) tend to suffer more bullet
wounds than victims killed with
other firearms and that mass mur-
ders with assault weapons tend to
involve more victims than those
with other firearms. However,
research results were based on
simple comparisons; much more
comprehensive research that takes
into account important characteris-
tics of the actors and situations
should be pursued. Future research
on the dynamics of criminal
shootings, including various mea-
sures of the number of shots fired,
wounds inflicted, and victims killed
or wounded, would improve esti-
mates of the potential effects of the
assault weapons and magazine ban,
while yielding useful information on
violent gun crime generally.
Future directions
Gun control policies, and especially
gun bans, are highly controversial
crime control measures, and the debates
tend to be dominated by anecdotes and
emotion rather than empirical findings.
In the course of this study, the research-
ers attempted to develop a logical
framework for evaluating gun policies,
one that considers the workings of gun
markets and the variety of outcomes
such policies may have. The findings
suggest that the relatively modest gun
control measures that are politically
feasible in this country may affect gun
markets in ways that at least temporarily
reduce criminals’ access to the regu-
lated guns, with little impact on law-
abiding gun owners.
The public safety benefits of the 1994
ban have not yet been demonstrated.
This suggests that existing regulations
should be complemented by further tests
of enforcement tactics that focus on the
tiny minorities of gun dealers and owners
who are linked to gun violence. These in-
clude strategic targeting of problem gun
crackdowns on “hot spots” for
gun crime,
and strategic crackdowns on
perpetrators of gun violence,
by comprehensive efforts to involve com-
munities in maintaining the safety that
these tactics achieve.
These techniques
are still being refined, and none will ever
stop all gun violence. However, with dis-
passionate analyses of their effects and a
willingness to modify tactics in response
to evidence, these approaches may well
prove more immediately effective, and
certainly less controversial, than
regulatory approaches alone.
1. Kleck, Gary, Point Blank: Guns and
Violence in America, New York: Aldine De
Gruyter, 1991.
2. Loftin, Colin, David McDowall, Brian
Wiersema, and Talbert J. Cottey, “Effects of
Restrictive Licensing of Handguns on Homicide
and Suicide in the District of Columbia,” New
England Journal of Medicine, 325: 1625–1630.
3. Kleck, Point Blank: Guns and Violence in
4. The ban exempted assault weapons manu-
factured before the effective date of the law.
Because significant deterioration or loss of
those guns occurs only over decades, any im-
mediate ban effects would have to reflect scar-
city of assault weapons to criminal purchasers,
rather than a dwindling of the stockpile.
5. A number of researchers and journalists
have commented on the weak state of Federal
firearms licensees (FFLs) regulation, particu-
larly before 1994 when Title XI strengthened
the screening process for obtaining and renew-
ing licenses. Empirical evidence suggests that
a small minority of gun dealers supply many of
the guns used by criminals. Analysis of Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms tracing data
by Glenn Pierce and his colleagues in 1995
showed that while 92 percent of FFLs had no
confiscated guns traced back to them, 0.4 per-
cent of the dealers were linked to nearly 50
percent of the traced weapons. Although some
of this concentration could simply reflect the
proximity of some large law-abiding dealers to
high-crime areas, evidence suggests that illegal
practices by some dealers contribute to this
concentration. See Wachtel, Julius, “Sources of
Crime Guns in Los Angeles, California,” Polic-
ing: An International Journal of Police Strate-
gies and Management, 21(2) (1998): 220–239;
Larson, Erik, Lethal Passage: The Story of a
Gun, New York: Vintage Books, 1995; Pierce,
Glenn L., LeBaron Briggs, and David A.
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
Carlson, The Identification of Patterns in Fire-
arms Trafficking: Implications for Focused
Enforcement Strategy, Washington, D.C.: U.S.
Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco and Firearms, 1995; and Violence
Policy Center, More Gun Dealers Than Gas Sta-
tions: A Study of Federally Licensed Firearms
Dealers in America, Washington, D.C.:
Violence Policy Center, 1992.
6. Like assault weapons prices, large capacity
magazine prices generally doubled in the year
preceding the ban. However, trends diverged
after the ban, depending on the gun for which
the magazine was made. See Chapter 4 in Roth,
Jeffrey A., and Christopher S. Koper, Impact
Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recre-
ational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994,
Washington, D.C.: The Urban Institute, 1997.
7. American Medical Association Council on
Scientific Affairs, “Assault Weapons as a
Public Health Hazard in the United States,”
Journal of the American Medical Association,
267 (1992): 3067–3070.
8. Mathews, J., “Unholstering the Gun Ban,”
The Washington Post, December 31, 1989.
9. Cook, Philip J., and James A. Leitzel,
“ ‘Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy’: An Economic
Analysis of the Attack on Gun Control,” Law
and Contemporary Problems, 59 (1996):
10. Since enactment of the Gun Control Act of
1968, FFLs are required to retain records of all
gun sales and a running log of their gun acqui-
sitions and dispositions. Federal law has
various regulations governing sales by FFLs,
including the requirement that FFLs have po-
tential gun purchasers sign statements that they
are not legally ineligible to purchase firearms.
The 1993 Brady Act further requires FFLs to
obtain photo identification of potential handgun
purchasers, notify the chief local law enforce-
ment officer of each application for a handgun
purchase, and wait 5 business days before com-
pleting the sale, during which time the chief
law enforcement officer may check the
applicant’s eligibility.
FFLs who sell guns without following these re-
quirements may, if inspected by BATF, try to
cover up their illegal sales by claiming that the
guns were lost or stolen. To help prevent such
practices, Subtitle C of Title XI requires FFLs
to report all stolen and lost firearms to BATF
and local authorities within 48 hours.
Gun transfers made by nonlicensed citizens do
not require such recordkeeping. In some in-
stances, however, gun owners who knowingly
transfer guns to ineligible purchasers may
choose to falsely report the guns as stolen to
prevent themselves from being linked to any
crimes committed with the guns.
11. This finding is a revision of results reported
in Chapter 4 of Roth and Koper, Impact Evalu-
ation of the Public Safety and Recreational
Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994.
12. Zimring, Franklin E., “Street Crime and New
Guns: Some Implications for Firearms Control,”
Journal of Criminal Justice, 4 (1976): 95–107.
13. A gun trace usually tracks a gun to its
first point of sale by a licensed dealer. Upon
request, BATF traces guns suspected of being
used in crime as a service to Federal, State, and
local law enforcement agencies.
14. For additional discussions of the limits of
tracing data, see Chapter 5 in Roth and Koper,
Impact Evaluation of the Public Safety and Rec-
reational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994;
Zawitz, Marianne W., Guns Used in Crime,
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Justice,
Bureau of Justice Statistics, 1995; and Kleck,
Gary, Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their
Control, New York: Aldine De Gruyter, 1997.
15. Percentage decreases in assault weapon
traces related to violent and drug crimes were
similar to or greater than those for total assault
weapons, although these categories were quite
small in number. Separate analyses were con-
ducted for all assault weapons and for a select
group of domestically produced assault weap-
ons that were still in production when the ban
went into effect. Both analyses showed the same
drop in overall trace requests. See Chapter 5 in
Roth and Koper, Impact Evaluation of the Pub-
lic Safety and Recreational Firearms Use
Protection Act of 1994.
16. In general, our analysis of assault weapons
use did not include legal substitute versions of
the banned weapons. However, lack of preci-
sion in the data sources could have resulted
in some of these weapons being counted as
postban traces or recoveries of assault weapons.
17. For example, see Beck, Allen, Darrell
Gilliard, Lawrence Greenfeld, Caroline Harlow,
Thomas Hester, Louis Jankowski, Tracy Snell,
James Stephan, and Danielle Morton, Survey of
State Prison Inmates, 1991, Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice
Statistics, 1993; Hargarten, Stephen W., Trudy
A. Karlson, Mallory O’Brien, Jerry Hancock,
and Edward Quebbeman, “Characteristics of
Firearms Involved in Fatalities,” Journal of the
American Medical Association, 275 (1996):
42–45; Hutson, H. Range, Deirdre Anglin, and
Michael J. Pratts, Jr., “Adolescents and Chil-
dren Injured or Killed in Drive-by Shootings
in Los Angeles,” The New England Journal of
Medicine, 330 (1994): 324–327; Kleck, Gary,
Targeting Guns: Firearms and Their Control,
New York: Aldine De Gruyter 1997; Cox News-
papers, Firepower: Assault Weapons in America,
Washington, D.C.: Cox Newspapers, 1989;
McGonigal, Michael D., John Cole, C. William
Schwab, Donald R. Kauder, Michael F.
Rotondo, and Peter B. Angood, “Urban Firearm
Deaths: A Five-Year Perspective,” The Journal
of Trauma, 35 (1993): 532–536; New York
State Division of Criminal Justice Services,
Assault Weapons and Homicide in New York
City, Albany, New York: New York State Divi-
sion of Criminal Justice Services, 1994; Zawitz,
Marianne W., Guns Used in Crime; also see
review in Koper, Christopher S., Gun Lethality
and Homicide: Gun Types Used by Criminals
and the Lethality of Gun Violence in Kansas
City, Missouri, 1985–1993, Ann Arbor,
Michigan: University Microfilms, Inc., 1995.
18. See Chapter 6 in Roth and Koper, Impact
Evaluation of the Public Safety and Recre-
ational Firearms Use Protection Act of 1994;
and New York State Division of Criminal Jus-
tice Services, Assault Weapons and Homicide in
New York City.
19. In addition to the variables discussed in the
text, the models included an indicator variable
for each State, a polynomial time trend for the
national gun homicide trend, and annual State-
level controls for per capita income, employ-
ment rates, and age structure of the population.
20. By conventional standards, we mean statis-
tical power of 0.8 to detect a change, with 0.05
probability of a Type I error.
21. Pierce et al., The Identification of Patterns
in Firearms Trafficking: Implications for
Focused Enforcement Strategy.
22. Sherman, Lawrence W., James W. Shaw,
and Dennis P. Rogan, The Kansas City Gun Ex-
periment, Research in Brief, Washington, D.C.:
U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute
of Justice, 1995, NCJ 150855
Findings and conclusions of the research
reported here are those of the authors and do
not necessarily reflect the official position or
policies of the U.S. Department of Justice.
NCJ 173405
This and other NIJ publications can be found at and downloaded from the
NIJ Web site (http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/nij).
Jeffrey A. Roth, Ph.D., is a principal research associate at the State Policy
Center of The Urban Institute, and Christopher S. Koper, Ph.D., is a research
associate at the State Policy Center of The Urban Institute. The views ex-
pressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Urban In-
stitute, its trustees, or its funders. The research for this study was supported by
NIJ grant 95–IJ–CX–0111.
The National Institute of Justice is a
component of the Office of Justice
Programs, which also includes the Bureau
of Justice Assistance, the Bureau of Justice
Statistics, the Office of Juvenile Justice and
Delinquency Prevention, and the Office for
Victims of Crime.
U.S. Department of Justice
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
Washington, DC 20531
Official Business
Penalty for Private Use $300
R e s e a r c h i n B r i e f
23. Kennedy, David, Anne M. Piehl, and
Anthony A. Braga, “Youth Violence in Boston:
Gun Markets, Serious Youth Offenders, and
a Use-Reduction Strategy,” Law and
Contemporary Problems, 59 (1996): 147–196.
24. Kelling, G.L., M.R. Hochberg, S.K.
Costello, A.M. Rocheleau, D.P. Rosenbaum,
J.A. Roth, and W.G. Skogan, The Bureau of
Justice Assistance Comprehensive Communities
Program: A Preliminary Report, Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Botec Analysis (forthcoming).