Planned Parenthood is one of the nations leading
providers of high-quality, aordable health care for
women, men and young people, and the nations
largest provider of sex education. For nearly a
century, millions of women and men have turned to
Planned Parenthood for vital health care services,
sex education, and sexuality information. Today,
the work of Planned Parenthood is carried forward
by 38,000 sta members and volunteers. In 2012
(the latest year for which we have gures),
Planned Parenthood provided nearly 4.7 million
people worldwide with the means to make
responsible choices about their sexual and
reproductive health. (Planned Parenthood
Federation of America [PPFA
] is a founding
member of International Planned Parenthood
Federation, [IPPF] whose aliates serve tens of
millions more.)
Health Care Services
The core of Planned Parenthood aliate medical
service is prevention including STD testing and
treatment, contraception, and accompanying health
care, education, and information. In 2012, we provided
nearly 11 million medical services for nearly three
million people, and helped to prevent approximately
515,000 unintended pregnancies. Seventy-nine
percent of our clients have incomes at or below
150 percent of the federal poverty level. As of
December 2013, our more than 700 health centers are
operated by 68 aliates, which have a presence in all
50 states and the District of Columbia (PPFA, 2013a;
PPFA, 2013b; PPFA, internal documents).
Sexuality Education
In 2012, 743 aliate sta and volunteer educators
provided educational programs to more than one
million people of all ages and in a variety of settings
— from preschools to universities, from prisons and
social service programs to religious institutions and
civic organizations. Programs focused on more than
28 dierent content areas, such as AIDS/HIV and
contraception/family planning — including abstinence,
family life education, parent-child communication,
puberty education, safer sex, sexual orientation/
homophobia, sexuality education, sexually transmitted
infections, teenage pregnancy, and womens health
(PPFA, 2013a).
In addition to the education programs, numerous
training programs were provided to 43,000
professionals who work with children, teens, and
young adults. Those trained included teachers,
addiction counselors, group home sta, nurses,
physicians, prison sta, rehabilitation counselors,
religious leaders, and social workers (PPFA, 2012a).
Information Services
Providing information to help people make responsible
choices has been our mission since 1916. PPFA
websites receive visits at a rate of approximately
52 million a year. In 2012, PPFA also produced and
distributed 900,000 consumer health pamphlets
(PPFA, internal documents).
Through Planned Parenthood Online (PPOL), the
Planned Parenthood Action Network advocates for
new policies at the federal and state levels that will
advance comprehensive reproductive health care
and responsible decision making. In all, seven million
activists, supporters, and donors are kept abreast of the
latest policies and proposals aecting family planning
and have an easy way to contact members of Congress
via e-mail, fax, or postal mail (PPFA, internal documents).
International Activities
Planned Parenthood works around the world to increase
access to sexual and reproductive health information
and services. We provide health care and education
through local partners and advocate for sound U.S.
foreign policies that aect sexual and reproductive
health and rights globally. Our innovative international
programs build partnerships within and across regions
to share ideas, expertise, and experiences in linking
health services and education with advocacy.
In 2012, PPFA-supported partners served more than
725,000 individuals in 10 developing countries with
reproductive health care and education. In addition, we
worked to raise awareness of international reproductive
health and rights issues and mobilize support for
responsible U.S. laws and policies. We created brieng
sheets, talking points, and a wide variety of other
advocacy materials, posted them online, and distributed
them to Planned Parenthood aliates and activists.
STI/STD Testing & Treatment
STI Tests, Women and Men 3,728,111
Genital Warts (HPV) Treatments 42,933
HIV Tests, Women and Men 697,680
Other Treatments 584
Reversible Contraception Patients, Women** 2,129,855
Emergency Contraception Kits 1,590,133
Female Sterilization Procedures 821
Vasectomy Patients 3,749
Cancer Screening and Prevention
Pap Tests 492,365
HPV Vaccinations 38,535
Breast Exams/ Breast Care 549,804
Colposcopy Procedures*** 37,683
LOOP/LEEP Procedures*** 2,273
Cryotherapy Procedures*** 920
Other Women’s Health Services
Pregnancy Tests 1,148,249
Prenatal Services 19,506
1,167,75 5
Abortion Services
Abortion Procedures 327,166
Other Services
Family Practice Services, Women and Men**** 41,359
Adoption Referrals to Other Agencies 2,197
Urinary Tract Infections Treatments 52,947
Other Procedures, Women and Men***** 26,805
TOTAL SERVICES****** 10,933,675
See footnotes on next page
PPFA — Planned Parenthood Federation of America. (2013a). 2012 Annual Affiliate Service Census Executive Summary.
New York: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc. (An internal report).
_____. (2013b). 2011-2012 Annual Report. New York: Planned Parenthood Federation of America, Inc.
Media Contact — 212-261-4433
Last updated January 2014
© 2013 Planned Parenthood
Federation of America, Inc. All rights reserved. Planned Parenthood
, and the logo of “nested Ps” are registered service marks of PPFA.
Testing & Treatment
Cancer Screening
and Prevention
Other Womens
Health Services
Abortion Services
Other Services
* Patient care provided by Planned Parenthood aliate health
centers from 10/01/11 - 09/30/12
** Reversible contraceptive methods, women (percentage) chosen by
Planned Parenthood patients receiving contraceptive services, 2012
Oral 37.9
Other/Unknown 20.9
Non-prescription Barrier 17.6
Progestin-only Injectables 10.1
Combined Hormone Ring 5.8
IUD 4.4
Combined Hormone Patch 2.1
Contraceptive Implant 1.1
(rounded to nearest tenth percent) (PPFA, 2012)
*** A colposcopy examination aids in the diagnosis and treatment of
abnormal growth cells in the cervix. LOOP/LEEP and cryotherapy
are treatments for abnormal growths.
**** Family Practice Services: Some aliate health centers
oer comprehensive family practice services, which may include
treatment of acute and chronic disease, minor oce procedures,
evaluations for referral to specialists, authorization for hospital
care, health assessments, and well-person/well-child preventive
maintenance. Other aliate health centers provide limited
family practice services, which may include assessment and
management of uncomplicated conditions related to the skin (e.g.,
acne, contact dermatitis, tinea corporis, etc.); the gastrointestinal
system (e.g., diarrhea, gastroenteritis, irritable bowel syndrome,
etc.); ear, eye, nose, throat, and respiratory system (e.g.,
bronchitis, conjunctivitis, sinusitis, etc.); medication management
of previously evaluated controlled hypertension; and medication
management of previously evaluated hypothyroidism.
***** Some examples in this category include WIC services (a federally
funded nutrition program for low-income women, infants, and
children up to the age of ve), pediatric care, and immunizations,
including hepatitis vaccinations.
****** A service is a discrete clinical interaction, such as the
administration of a physical exam or STI test or the provision of a
birth control method. In 2012, Planned Parenthood health centers
saw approximately three million patients, who collectively received
nearly 11 million services during nearly ve million clinical visits.