Document Checklist IML Migration Skills Assessment Application
Date created: September 2023 Page 1 of 10
Document Checklist
IML Migration Skills Assessment Application
Please read this document carefully and ensure that you have all the
necessary documents ready to lodge a decision-ready application. Any
deviation from the supporting document requirements or structure outlined
below may result in significant processing delays for your Migration Skills
Preparing Documents to Upload Online 2
Before Starting Your Application 2
Document Checklist 2
Additional Document Requirement for Country-Specific Education 8
People’s Republic of China (PRC) 8
Europe 8
Nigeria 8
Pakistan 8
Lebanon 9
Additional Document Requirement for Country-Specific Employment 9
China Employment Experience 9
Iran Employment Experience 9
Sri Lanka Employment Experience 9
Pakistan Employment Experience 10
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Preparing Documents to Upload Online
1. Consolidate all pages into one PDF document for each qualification and each
employment position. (If you have held multiple positions within the same
organisation, please prepare evidence separately for each position.)
2. High quality colour scans of original documents (at least 300 DPI)
3. Documents not in English must be accompanied by an accredited English translation.
Have you carefully read and understood the assessment criteria for the occupation
you are applying to be assessed in?
Have you carefully read above Preparing Documents to Upload Online requirement?
If you are not a senior-level manager, please refer to the Australian Government's list
of eligible skilled occupations
for a comprehensive guide to ANZSCO position codes
and relevant assessing authorities.
0.0 Agent Authorisation Form
Applicants are required to use this form to appoint or terminate their appointment
with a registered migration agent.
1.0 Identification Documents
Applicants MUST provide:
Current passport bio page (high quality colour scan)
Your current Australian visa grant notification if currently residing in Australia
As well as two of the following documents:
Birth Certificate
Driver's License
Social Security Card
National ID
Student Identity Card
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Marriage Certificate
*Note: Please ensure that at least two identification documents provided contain a
photo of you. If there are variations of your name or you have had a name change,
ensure you attach documentation verifying the change i.e. marriage certificate,
statutory declaration, deed poll documentation.
2.0 Qualifications
Clear colour scan of your Award Certificate and the Academic Transcript.
Award Certificate is the official document confirming the completion of an award course of study.
Academic Transcript is the official record from the institution outlining the course/ units of study, the
durations of study and final grades.
1. Please upload one PDF file per qualification. If you have multiple
qualifications, please upload a separate PDF file for each one.
2. You might need to provide additional documents if your qualification(s)
was/were obtained from certain countries. Please refer to our Additional
Document Requirement for Country-Specific Education for more
3.0 Employment Evidence
The following key employment documents must be included for each employment
position that you are submitting for assessment:
Statements of Employment (Employment reference)
Organisational Charts
Detailed Position Description of your role
Brief position descriptions for your direct reports/subordinates
Consolidate all pages into one PDF document for each employment position. If you
have held multiple positions within the same organisation, please prepare evidence
separately for each position.
All supporting documentation MUST match the information provided on the online
application form. This includes, but is not limited to, position titles, organisation
names, and the number of your direct reports and subordinates. Any discrepancies
between the online application form and the supporting documents provided may
lead to the application being delayed or declined.
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* Explanatory Notes:
1. A Statement of Employment is a written statement issued by your
employer, confirming your employment on an official letterhead. The official
letterhead should include the organisation’s full address details, telephone,
email and website addresses. The letter must be signed by your direct
manager, the HR manager or the company’s CEO. The statement of
employment must include the following:
a. The company letterhead
b. Your full name
c. The working hours per week
d. Start and finish dates of employment
e. Your official position title held at the organisation
f. The salary earned
g. Description of your main duties
h. Position title and contact details of signatoryphone number, official
work email address and signature of the person writing the statement
of employment
2. An Organisation Chart for each employment position must be signed by
your direct manager, the HR manager, or the company's CEO. The chart
should show both upward and downward reporting lines, including:
The Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director
Your own position
All other positions reporting to the Chief Executive Officer or
Managing Director
All positions reporting to you
All positions reporting to your direct subordinate managers.
Position title and contact details of signatory phone number, official
work email address and signature of the person confirming the
organisation chart
3. Referees:
Referees should be people who are not related to you. Your referees should
be your manager for your current or most recent employment. If you are the
most senior person in your organisation, a business associate would be
appropriate. Please provide the referees' official company email addresses.
IML reserves the right to contact referees when deemed necessary.
4. For applicants who are unable to obtain a statement of employment and/or
an Organisational Chart from their employer, they may submit a Statutory
Declaration or Affidavit written by a third-party work colleague at the
same or above managerial level as the applicant. The following
requirements must be met:
a. The Statutory Declaration or Affidavit must describe the declarant's
working relationship with the applicant and include information that
would otherwise be covered in a Statement of Employment.
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b. The declarant must also provide their contact details and evidence of
their employment, such as an employment certificate or a statement
of service, or a leaving certificate if they are no longer working at the
same company.
5. For applicants who are at the most senior level of the organisation (i.e., the
CEO or MD), the following requirements apply:
a. Your Statement of Employment and Organisational Chart can be
signed off by the Head of Human Resources.
b. You must provide audited financial reports or an equivalent
document that demonstrates the revenue and staffing levels of your
organisation for the last three years.
6. For applicants who are Small Business Owners (defined as an actively
trading business with 019 employees):
Your application is not as likely to be assessed positively without managerial
experience prior to your own business. The scale and complexity of your
business will also influence the assessment.
7. You may need to provide additional documents if you are claiming
employment occurred in certain countries. For more information, please
refer to our Additional Document Requirement for Country-Specific
4.0 Resume/Curriculum Vitae
A current resume/curriculum vitae that shows your work history for the past ten
years. This does not replace the required employment evidence.
5.0 Other documents (other evidence of your employment)
You may include additional evidence of your employment to support your skill
assessment application, such as:
Employment-linked pension or provident fund records
Official government documents that cite your employer's name and your
periods of employment, such as work permits/visas or contracts registered
with or issued by the Ministry of Labour
Other company-issued documents, such as Contracts of Employment,
Letters of Appointment or Promotion, and Relieving Letters
Photos of the office entrance and your business cards
Bank statements that show salary payments or payslips
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6.0 IML Management Competency Framework Written Response
The applicant must demonstrate management and leadership experience by
referring to the IML Management Competency Framework on the next page and
selecting one competence from each of the three areas:
1. Manage self
2. Manage and lead others
3. Manage and lead the business.
Applicants are encouraged to use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, and
Result) to provide a specific example from their professional experience that
demonstrates the competencies selected. The written response for each
competency should be 500 words or less and should focus on:
The specific situation or task that required the use of the competencies
The actions taken by the applicant to manage and lead in the situation
The results achieved as a result of those actions
Reflection on what the applicant learned from the experience
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Additional Document Requirement for Country-Specific Education
If you have obtained your academic qualifications from any of the countries listed below, you
must provide additional documents as per the requirement below. Failure to provide these
documents may cause delays in the assessment of your skill assessment application.
People’s Republic of China (PRC)
To verify higher education degrees (e.g. Bachelor's, Master's, and Doctoral degrees) awarded
by institutions in the People's Republic of China, applicants must provide an Online
Verification Report of Higher Education Qualification Certificate (育部学籍在线验证报告)
issued by CSSD (Center for Student Services and Development/学信网
) in both Chinese and
English. Along with the verification report, applicants must also provide an academic
transcript with an accompanying English translation of their qualifications.
If you have achieved qualifications awarded from institutions in Europe, you must include
Diploma Supplements
as part of your supporting documents in addition to your award
certificate and transcript. Diploma Supplements are issued by educational institutions from
European countries that participate in the Bologna Process.
A verified copy of the award certificate and full academic transcript must be sent in a sealed
envelope from the awarding body directly to IML.
Via mail: Migration Skills Assessment
Institute of Managers and Leaders
GPO Box 2229
Brisbane QLD 4000, Australia
An attested HEC (Higher Education Commission Pakistan) copy of the award certificate and
full academic transcript must be provided. If the HEC sends you the attested document
directly, you can scan and upload high quality colour copies of the HEC attested educational
documents (front and back side) when applying with IML online. IML can only accept
documents that carry a HEC stamp and signature.
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Please supply evidence of approval by the Equivalence Committee of the Ministry of
Education and Higher Education this evidence confirming equivalency to a qualification
awarded by a Lebanese university.
Additional Document Requirement for Country-Specific Employment
If you have employment experience from the following countries, please note that additional
documents must be included as part of your supporting documents. These documents will
assist our integrity checks in verifying the employment claims made in your application.
China Employment Experience
If you have worked or are currently working for a Chinese company, please note that a Social
Security Record (社会保险参保证) is a mandatory document that must be provided for each
employment listed in your application. This document can be obtained from China's social
security platform, (国家社会保险公共服务平台
), or from your local government
website. The Social Security Record must be accompanied by an English translation.
Iran Employment Experience
If you have worked or are currently working in Iran, please note that a Notice of
Establishment ( ﯽﮭﮔآ ﺖﺒﺛ ﺖﮐﺮﺷ ) and Social Security Record ( ﮫﻘﺑﺎﺳ ﮫﻤﯿﺑ ﻦﯿﻣﺎﺗ ﯽﻋﺎﻤﺘﺟا )
are mandatory documents that must be provided for each employment listed in your
application. These documents must be accompanied by an English translation.
Sri Lanka Employment Experience
If you have worked or are currently working for a Sri Lankan company, please provide at least
one employment-linked pension fund or provident fund record that cites your name and
employer. Depending on your employer, this document could be one of the following:
Employees Provident Fund (EPF) contribution history
Employees Trust Fund (ETF) contribution history
Private Provident or Pension Fund / Company Provident Fund contribution history
Government Pension Fund / Public Service Provident Fund contribution history
University Provident Fund contribution history
Contribution History issued by an equivalent department or organisation
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If you are unable to provide any of the above documents, you must provide an explanation
and substitute them with an official government document that shows your employer's
name and your periods of employment. Such as: Tax records, work permits/visas or official
contract documents issued by the Ministry of Labour etc.
Note: Documents not in English must be accompanied by an accredited English translation.
You are encouraged to confirm with us whether the document(s) you intend to supply are
acceptable prior to having them translated.
Pakistan Employment Experience
If you have worked or are currently working for a Pakistan company, please provide at least
one employment-linked pension fund or provident fund record that cites your name and
employer. Depending on your employer, this document could be one of the following:
Government Pension Scheme contribution history
Provident Fund contribution history
Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) contribution history
Private / State employer-sponsored group health insurance contribution history
Voluntary Pension Schemes (VPS) contribution history
If you are unable to provide any of the above documents, you must provide an explanation
and substitute them with an official government document that shows your employer's
name and your periods of employment. Such as: the Federal Board of Revenue tax return
(MUST include the Personal Info Page that cites your name and your employer), work
permits/visas or official contract documents issued by the Ministry of Labour etc.
Note: Documents not in English must be accompanied by an accredited English translation.
You are encouraged to confirm with us whether the document(s) you intend to supply are
acceptable prior to having them translated.