Recreation and Wellness Services
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, CA 94542
510.885.4749 | 510.885.7098 (fax) | [email protected]
Intramural Table Tennis Rules and Regulations
These Intramural Table Tennis rules are based on the general rules of table tennis with modifications deemed
necessary by conditions of intramural competition.
All rules listed here are in conjunction with the
Intramural Sports Participant Handbook
. The Intramural Sports
Participant Handbook outlines additional rules and policies not found in this rules supplement.
1. Equipment
1.1. Each table will be equipped with two paddles. Players may use their own paddles.
1.2. Balls will be provided by Intramural Sports. No other ball may be used.
1.3. The ping pong ball will be 40mm in size and the table will be 2.7m long, 1.525m wide and .767m high
1.4. The net shall be suspended by a cord attached at each end to an upright post 15.25cm high, the outside
limits of the post being outside the sideline. The top of the net shall be 15.25 cm above the playing
surface and the bottom of the net shall be as close as possible to the playing surface and the ends as
close as possible to the supporting posts.
2. The Match
2.1. A match will consist of best 2 of 3 to 21 points with the exception that no match may exceed 25
minutes. Therefore, if the 25 minute time limit is reached, the opponent leading at this point in the
match will be named the winner.
2.2. Each game will be to 21 points
2.2.1. A game must be won by at least a two point margin.
2.2.2. A point is scored after each ball is put into play. Except on a let play (see definition below)
2.2.3. The edges of the table are considered to be legal surfaces, but the sides are deemed out of
3. The Game
3.1. Each player serves 5 points in a row and then switch. However, if a score of 20-20 is reached in any
game, then the serve alternates at the end of every rally.
3.2. After a player reaches 21 points the players switch sides of the table. If a 3
match is played players
will switch sides after 11 pts.
3.3. At the start of each game the player who did not serve the previous game becomes the server.
3.4. Only legal serves shall begin a rally. In order for a serve to be deemed legal the ball must rest on an
open palm. Then it must be tossed up at least 6 inches and struck so the ball first bounces on the server's
side and then the opponent's side.
3.5. The rally shall be a let if during the service of the ball, in passing over or around the net, touches the
net, provided the serve is otherwise legal. All lets will result in a repeat of the play and no points will be
3.6. A point will be given on all other plays including: an incorrect serve, failure to return a serve, if a
player strikes the ball twice in succession, if a player moves the playing surface or net assembly, if a
player’s free hand comes in contact with the playing surface and at the end of every rally.
Recreation and Wellness Services
25800 Carlos Bee Blvd, Hayward, CA 94542
510.885.4749 | 510.885.7098 (fax) | [email protected]
4. The Order of Serving, Receiving and Ends
4.1. The right to choose the initial order of serving, receiving and ends shall be determined by a best of 1
rock-paper-scissors and the winner may choose to serve or to receive first or to start at a particular end.
4.2. When one player has chosen to serve or to receive first or to start on a particular end, the other player or
pair shall have the other choice.
5. Doubles Modifications
5.1. The pair having the right to serve the first two serves in any game shall decide which partner shall do
so. The opposing pair shall then decide which shall be the first receiver.
5.2. Each server shall serve for two points as in singles. At the end of each two points, the one who was
receiving becomes the server, and the partner of the previous server becomes the receiver. This
sequence shall continue until the end of the game or the score of 10 all. At 10 all, the sequence of
serving and receiving shall continue uninterrupted except that each player shall serve only one point in
turn and the serve will alternate after each point in turn and the serve will alternate after each point until
a pair is ahead by two points.
5.3. The server shall first make a good service, the receiver shall then make a good return, and the partner of
the server shall then make a good return. The partner of the receiver shall then make a good return, the
server shall then make a good return and thereafter each player alternately in that sequence shall make a
good return.
6. Cancellations, Delays, and Defaults
6.1. For various reasons such as facility issues, inadequate light, or inclement weather, injuries intramural
sports games may be canceled, delayed, or end in a default.
6.2. If time and space allows, canceled games will be rescheduled.
6.3. Games canceled during play will be rescheduled if the game has not yet reached an “official” game.
6.4. Games cancelled after the game is declared “official” will end with the score remaining final and no
reschedule will be made.
6.4.1. The standards leading to the declaration of an “official” game are outlined in the rules of each
6.5. A default is a game that is not played as a result of one of the teams not being able to field the minimum
number of participants required to start the game. The game is recorded as a loss but is not considered a
6.5.1. Teams that default will receive a sportsmanship score of five.
Reviewed Summer 2018