Employer Q&A
Questions and
answers about the
Here are answers to some questions you may have
about a SIMPLE IRA Plan. Schwab investment
professionals may be able to provide additional
information you may need to help you understand
how a SIMPLE IRA Plan can benet you and your
company. We suggest that you also consult with
your tax advisor before establishing your company
retirement plan.
How do I determine if I’m eligible to establish a
Any employer, self-employed person, sole proprietor,
partnership, or corporation with up to but not exceeding
100 eligible employees may set up this retirement plan.
However, you can’t establish a SIMPLE IRA Plan if you already
maintain an employer-sponsored retirement plan, such as a
401(k), Keogh, SEP-IRA, Money Purchase Pension, or Prot-
Sharing plan, and you made a contribution to that plan for the
same tax year. You also can’t use a SIMPLE IRA Plan if your
employees received an increase in their accrued benets under
a dened benet pension plan. If you do have another plan, you
should review your situation with your legal or tax advisor rst.
Must I include all employees?
No. If you wish, you can exclude employees who are covered by a
collective bargaining agreement, employees acquired in a merger
or similar business transaction, or nonresident aliens with no
U.S. income.
Which employees are eligible?
An employee is eligible to participate in your SIMPLE IRA Plan if
he or she received $5,000 or more in compensation from you in
any previous two years and if you reasonably expect that the
employee will receive at least $5,000 in the current year. You can
set a lower minimum compensation amount if you want to allow
more employees to participate. Please note that Schwab does
not accept SIMPLE IRA accounts for employees under age 18.
Are all of my eligible employees required to
No. Participation is voluntary, and you may have a SIMPLE IRA
Plan regardless of how many employees actually participate.
Can I get a tax credit for my costs to set up
my plan?
Yes. An eligible employer establishing a new SIMPLE IRA may
receive a tax credit for costs to establish, administer or educate
employees about retirement planning. You can claim a credit of
up to $500 for each of the plan’s rst three years.
Are there fees for the SIMPLE IRA?
There are no fees to establish a Schwab SIMPLE IRA Plan or to
maintain the accounts for you and your employees.
Please see the most current Charles Schwab Pricing Guide,
including any amendments to the Guide, for details about our
standard commission rates and other fees and charges that may
affect the accounts for you and your employees.
Must my employees open their SIMPLE IRA
accounts at Schwab?
No. They can open their SIMPLE IRA account at any nancial
institution that is willing to accept a Schwab SIMPLE IRA Plan
account. But having an account at Schwab gives your employees
access to the service, investment choices and convenience for
which we’re known. Once youve made contributions to their
SIMPLE IRAs, employees own and control their accounts.
What are the salary deferral contribution limits for
The chart below shows salary deferral contribution limits.
Salary Deferral Contribution Limit
for Tax Year 2020
Salary deferral
contribution limit for
those under age 50
Salary deferral
contribution limit for
those age 50 and over
As an employer, what amount must I contribute
each year to my employees’ SIMPLE IRA accounts?
Each calendar year you’re required to select one of the following
contribution methods for your SIMPLE IRA Plan:
You contribute To SIMPLE IRAs of
eligible employees
who make
of all eligible
whether or not
they contribute.
match, up to 3%*
of the employee’s
2% of
Your contribution
Up to $13,500 for
each contributing
employee for
2020. Additional
salary deferrals
for those age 50
and over are
not eligible for
$5,700 for each
eligible employee.
Matching Contributions. With this option, you match the
contribution of each participant on a dollar-for-dollar basis up to
3% of compensation. This amount can’t exceed the salary deferral
contribution limit for that year (see the chart at left). Remember
that with this method you contribute only to the SIMPLE IRA
accounts of those eligible participants who make salary deferral
contributions. For no more than two years out of ve you may
match a smaller percentage, but not less than 1% of
A hypothetical example of how matching contributions are
calculated for a company with four eligible participants is
illustrated in the table on the following page.
Nonelective Contributions. If you select this option, you’ll
contribute 2% of each eligible employee’s salary up to a
maximum contribution of $5,700,
whether or not employees
make contributions themselves.
In addition, each of your eligible employees can contribute up to
100% of compensation or the salary deferral contribution limit
(see the table on this page), whichever is less, to his or her
SIMPLE IRA before federal taxes.
A hypothetical example of how nonelective contributions are
calculated for a company with four eligible participants is
illustrated in the table on the following page.
How do SIMPLE IRA contributions affect personal taxes?
SIMPLE IRA contributions aren’t subject to federal income taxes
until you withdraw funds. However, they are subject to applicable
Social Security and Medicare (Federal Insurance Contribution
Act, or FICA; or Self-Employed Contributions Act, or SECA) and
unemployment insurance (Federal Unemployment Tax Act, or
FUTA) taxes. Participation in a SIMPLE IRA Plan doesn’t reduce
Social Security benets. Employer contributions are not subject
to FICA or FUTA but may be subject to SECA.
Matching Contributions
Match %
Business Owner $100,000 7% ($7,000) 3% 3% ($3,000) The employer matches up to
3% of the employee’s salary.
Employee 1 $50,000 1.5% ($750) 3% 1.5% ($750) Since the employee chooses to
contribute 1.5%, the employer
matches only that percentage,
not the 3% maximum.
Employee 2 $25,000 5% ($1,250) 3% 3% ($750) The employer matches up to
3% of the employee’s salary.
Employee 3 $25,000 0% 3% 0% Since the employee makes no
contribution, there is nothing
for the employer to match.
Nonelective Contributions
Business Owner $100,000 7% ($7,000) 2% ($2,000) The employer must contribute
2% of the employee’s salary.
Employee 1 $50,000 1.5% ($750) 2% ($1,000) The employer must contribute
2% of the employee’s salary.
Employee 2 $25,000 5% ($1,250) 2% ($500) The employer must contribute
2% of the employee’s salary.
Employee 3 $25,000 0% 2% ($500) The employer must contribute
2% of the employee’s salary.
As a business owner, how do I calculate my own
contributions if I’m self-employed?
Use your net earned income to calculate your contributions for
the year. That’s the income you earn from personal services to or
on behalf of your business, minus your deductions (excluding any
contributions to your account). You may contribute up to the
annual salary deferral contribution limit (see the chart on page 4)
or 100% of your net earned income, whichever is less.
When are SIMPLE IRA contributions vested?
All SIMPLE IRA contributions, both employer and employee, are
immediately 100% vested.
May employees make changes to their salary
deferral contribution amount during the year?
Yes. Employees can stop contributions at any time, provided they
give advance notice to you. If you wish (though it’s not required),
you can establish a policy on the Participant Notice and
Summary Description that permits your eligible employees to
change the amount of their contributions during the year.
Employees who wish to change or stop their contribution
amounts should give your company’s Plan Administrator a new
completed, signed and dated Elective Deferral Agreement.
Contributions (Continued)
How do I notify my employees about the employer
contribution method I intend to use?
Annually, and no later than 60 days before the new plan year, you
must communicate the method you intend to use during the next
plan year by giving your employees a completed Participant
Notice and Summary Description.
When must I deposit employee salary deferral and
employer contributions?
You need to coordinate with your payroll department to make
sure that the deposits are made as soon as the employees’ salary
deferrals can be separated from the general assets of the
business. IRS rules require that you make the salary deferral
contributions no later than 30 days following the month in which
you withheld the deferrals from an employee’s salary.
However, you may make your employer annual matching or
nonelective contributions anytime up to your business income
tax ling deadline, including extensions.
How do I submit salary deferral contributions?
You can make salary deferral contributions by Direct Deposit
(ACH), by Schwab MoneyLink
, or by mailing a check.
Direct Deposit (ACH)
Contributions are initiated at your banking nancial institution.
Contact your bank to authorize the bank to deposit the salary
deferrals directly into each employee’s SIMPLE IRA account,
not into your group plan (SIMPLE IRA Master account).
You do not need to send Schwab a Contribution Transmittal
Form when using this method.
If your bank allows electronic funds transfers, you’ll need to
provide the bank with the following information:
Institution’s Name: JPMorgan Chase/Account of Charles
Address: 211 Main Street, San Francisco, CA 94105
Phone: 1-800-435-4000
Direct Deposit Routing Transit Number: 071000013
Account Number: 593853800XXXXXXXX
(where “XXXXXXXX represents the employees eight-digit
Schwab SIMPLE IRA account number)
Account Type: Checking
Employee/Account Holder Name
Note: Only salary deferral contributions can be made using the
Direct Deposit method. All employer contributions must be made
by MoneyLink or check.
You initiate the MoneyLink service through Schwab by completing
and returning a Contribution Transmittal Form. The form
authorizes Schwab to transfer funds from your bank and lets
Schwab know the amount that should go into each employee’s
SIMPLE IRA account.
Note: You must complete a Schwab MoneyLink Electronic Funds
Transfer Form to establish the MoneyLink service for your
SIMPLE IRA Master account.
Simply mail us a check along with a completed Contribution
Transmittal Form detailing how to allocate the contributions
you’re sending.
Can employees who contribute to a SIMPLE IRA
also contribute to personal IRAs?
Yes, you and your employees can each contribute up to the
lesser of $6,000 ($7,000 if you’re age 50 or older)
or 100% of
your compensation to your personal IRAs. However, you can’t
put SIMPLE IRA contributions in a personal IRA. A separate
SIMPLE IRA account must be established. Also, since the
SIMPLE IRA Plan is considered an employer-sponsored
retirement plan, depending on income and tax ling status, some
or all of your personal IRA contributions may not be deductible.
Investment Choices
What investment choices are available for my
Schwab offers investment choices to help each participant tailor
a portfolio that’s right for them. Participants may select from a
full range of investments and services—including mutual funds,
stocks, xed income securities, bonds, options, and investment
advisory products—all in one convenient place.
What are investment advisory products?
Schwab’s investment advisory products are a suite of fee-based
investment service offerings that will provide your eligible plan
participants with ongoing support and discretionary portfolio
management. As the plan sponsor you decide whether or not to
offer investment advisory products under your plan. There is
no cost to you as the plan sponsor for making these products
available to participants in your plan. The fees will apply to only
those eligible participants who decide to enroll in these products.
How do I make investment advisory products
available for my plan?
You dont need to do anything to make investment advisory
products available under your plan. However, if you decide
not to offer investment advisory products as an investment
choice under your plan, you must complete and sign an
Investment Advisory Products Opt-Out Form and return it
to Schwab.
You can change your decision at any time by notifying us
in writing.
When can funds be withdrawn from a SIMPLE IRA?
While SIMPLE IRA contributions are meant for retirement,
participants may withdraw funds (take distributions) at any
time by completing and submitting a Schwab IRA Distribution
Request Form. The distributed amount will be subject to
ordinary income tax. And, if under age 5, it may also be
subject to a 10% federal tax penalty (a gure which increases
to 25% if the withdrawal occurs within two years from the date
an employee began participating in the plan). State tax penalties
may also apply.
Administration and Rules
When can I establish a SIMPLE IRA Plan?
You can establish a plan any time between January 1 and
October 1, but you must operate the plan on a calendar-year
basis, even if your business tax year is a different 12-month
When must I notify my employees about yearly
contribution determinations (often referred to as
the “Open Enrollment Period”)?
Employees must be allowed 60 days before the next year begins
to determine how much of their compensation they wish to
defer into the plan during that year. Since their decision depends
in part on the employer’s contribution for the coming year,
that information must be provided to employees on or before
November 1.
See the table on the following page to review the steps you, as
the employer, must take each year to comply with the rules for
As the employer, must I le any documents with the
IRS when I set up a SIMPLE IRA Plan?
Generally, there’s nothing you have to le with the IRS. However,
you may want to consult with your tax advisor about your
individual situation.
Administration and Rules (Continued)
Am I required to send out reports to my employees
about their SIMPLE IRAs?
You must submit a Form W-2 annually to the IRS and to each
employee, showing the employee’s taxable income as reduced
by his or her contributions.
Will Schwab send out any reports to me or my
Schwab will send account statements at least quarterly to
each account holder. Schwab will also send you, the employer,
an annual notication about open enrollment.
How do I obtain additional forms and documents
necessary for the ongoing administration of
my plan?
We provide all of the forms to meet your ongoing plan
administration needs online at Schwab.com. You can either
complete the forms online before printing or you can print
them and complete them by hand. Regulatory documents,
such as the SIMPLE IRA Basic Plan Document, can also be
accessed online.
Time Frame Objective
Before November 1 Select one of the contribution methods for your SIMPLE IRA Plan (see pages 46 for more
On or before November 1 1. Complete a Participant Notice and Summary Description. Select your yearly contribution method
in Section 2, Part C.
2. Photocopy the completed Participant Notice and Summary Description and distribute a copy to
each eligible employee along with a copy of the Elective Deferral Agreement. Eligible employees
include both those who are already contributing (or eligible to contribute) and those who are
newly eligible for the coming year.
Before January 1 1. Collect employees’ Elective Deferral Agreements for the coming year.
2. Arrange for withholding under the agreements, to begin with the rst pay period in January.
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