Office for Victims of Crime
Advocating for the Fair
Treatment of Crime Victims
evidence is playing a larger role
than ever before in criminal
cases throughout the country,
both to convict the guilty and to exonerate those
wrongly accused or convicted. This increased
role places greater importance on the ability
of victim service providers to understand the
potential significance of DNA evidence in their
clients’ cases.
What Is DNA?
DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the building block for
the human body; virtually every cell contains DNA. The
DNA in people’s blood is the same as the DNA in their
saliva, skin tissue, hair, and bone. Importantly, DNA
does not change throughout a person’s life.
The Value of DNA Evidence
DNA is a powerful investigative tool because, with the
exception of identical twins, no two people have the same
DNA. Therefore, DNA evidence collected from a crime
scene can be linked to a suspect or can eliminate a
suspect from suspicion. During a sexual assault, for
example, biological evidence such as hair, skin cells,
semen, or blood can be left on the victim’s body or other
parts of the crime scene. Properly collected DNA can be
compared with known samples to place a suspect at the
scene of the crime. In addition, if no suspect exists, a
DNA profile from crime scene evidence can be entered
into the FBI’s Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) to
identify a suspect anywhere in the United States or to
link serial crimes to each other.
The effective use of DNA as evidence may also require
the collection and analysis of elimination samples to
determine the exact source of the DNA. Elimination
samples may be taken from anyone who had lawful
access to the crime scene and may have left biological
material. When investigating a rape case, for example,
it may be necessary to obtain an elimination sample from
everyone who had consensual intercourse with the victim
within 72 hours of the alleged assault to account for all
of the DNA found on the victim or at the crime scene.
Comparing DNA profiles from the evidence with elimi-
nation samples may help clarify the results.
Evidence Collection
Victim service providers, crime scene technicians, nurse
examiners, and other medical personnel should be aware
of important issues involved in identifying, collecting,
transporting, and storing DNA evidence. If DNA evidence
is not initially identified at the crime scene or on the
victim, it may not be collected, or it may become contam-
inated or degraded.
To assist in collection, victims of sexual assault should
not change clothes, shower, or wash any part of their
body after the assault. Such evidence as semen, saliva,
and skin cells may be found on clothing or bedding,
under fingernails, or in the vaginal, anal, or mouth
Evidence on or inside a victim’s body should be collected
by a physician or sexual assault nurse examiner. A
medical examination should be conducted immediately
after the assault to treat any injuries, test for sexually
transmitted diseases, and collect forensic evidence, such
as fingernail scrapings and hair. Typically, the vaginal
cavity, mouth, anus, or other parts of the body that may
have come into contact with the assailant are examined.
The examiner should also take a reference sample of
blood or saliva from the victim to serve as a control
standard. Reference samples of the victim’s head and
pubic hair may also be collected if hair analysis is
required. A control standard is used to compare known
DNA from the victim with that of other DNA evidence
found at the crime scene to determine possible
Given the sensitive nature of DNA evidence, victim
service providers should always contact crime laboratory
personnel or evidence technicians when procedural
collection questions arise.
Contamination and
Preservation Issues
DNA evidence can become contaminated when DNA from
another source gets mixed with DNA relevant to the case.
For this reason, investigators and laboratory personnel
should always wear disposable gloves, use clean instru-
ments, and avoid touching other objects, including their
own body, when handling evidence.
Environmental factors, such as heat and humidity, can
also accelerate the degradation of DNA. For example, wet
or moist evidence that is packaged in plastic will provide
a growth environment for bacteria that can destroy DNA
Therefore, biological evidence should be thoroughly air
dried, packaged in paper, and properly labeled. Handled
in this manner, DNA can be stored for years without risk
of extensive degradation, even at room temperature. For
long-term storage issues, contact the local crime
DNA Testing
The most common form of DNA analysis is called
polymerase chain reaction (PCR). PCR has allowed
investigators to successfully analyze evidence samples
of limited quality and quantity. The PCR process makes
millions of copies of very small amounts of DNA. This
enables the laboratory to generate a DNA profile, which
can be compared with the DNA profile from a suspect. A
statistic is then generated to reflect how often one would
expect to find this particular DNA profile in the general
Interpreting DNA Test Results
Three types of results can occur in DNA testing:
inclusion, exclusion, and inconclusive. It is important
that victim service providers understand the meaning of
these terms and be able to explain their implications.
Inclusion. When the DNA profile of a victim or suspect
is consistent with the DNA profile from the crime scene
evidence, the individual is “included” as the possible
source of that evidence. However, the strength of inclu-
sion depends upon the number of loci (locations on the
DNA strand) examined and how common or rare the
resulting DNA profile is in the general population.
Exclusion. When the DNA profile from a victim or
suspect is inconsistent with the DNA profile generated
from the crime scene evidence, the individual is “exclud-
ed” as the donor of the evidence. However, exclusion
does not imply innocence. In a rape case, for example,
a perpetrator wearing a condom could be excluded as a
suspect because no semen was found at the crime scene,
but evidence found elsewhere at the crime scene may
include that same person as a suspect.
Inconclusive. Inconclusive results indicate that DNA
testing could neither include nor exclude an individual
as the source of biological evidence. Inconclusive results
can occur for many reasons: for example, the quality or
quantity of DNA may be insufficient to produce inter-
pretable results, or the evidentiary sample may contain
a mixture of DNA from several individuals (e.g., a sample
taken from a victim of a gang rape).
As with all DNA testing results, additional testing may be
needed and findings should be interpreted in the context
of other evidence in the case.
DNA Evidence in Unsolved and
Postconviction Cases
Advanced DNA technology, such as PCR, makes it
possible to obtain conclusive results in cases in which
previous testing might have been inconclusive. This can
result in the identification of suspects in previously
unsolvable cases or the exoneration of those wrongfully
convicted. It is important to realize that while testing or
retesting may exonerate an individual, exclusionary
results may not necessarily prove actual innocence.
Prosecutors, defense counsel, the court, and law
enforcement should confer on the need for testing
on a case-by-case basis.
Using CODIS To Solve Crime
CODIS uses two indexes to generate investigative leads
in crimes that contain biological evidence. The forensic
index contains DNA profiles from biological evidence left
at crime scenes, and the offender index contains DNA
profiles of individuals convicted of violent crime. Each
State in the Nation has a DNA database law that defines
which convicted offenders must have their profiles
entered into CODIS; some States even require that DNA
profiles from all felons be entered into the database.
CODIS enables Federal, State, and local forensic crime
laboratories to work together—between jurisdictions and
across State lines—to solve crimes.
Identifying DNA Evidence
Since only a few cells are needed for a useful
DNA sample, the list below identifies some areas
at the crime scene or on the victim that may
contain valuable DNA evidence. Remember,
even though a stain cannot be seen, there may
be enough cells for DNA typing. Furthermore,
DNA does more than just identify the source of
the sample; it can place a known individual at a
crime scene, in a home, or in a room where the
suspect claimed not to have been. The more
victim service providers know about properly
identifying, collecting, and preserving DNA
evidence, the more powerful a tool it becomes.
Possible Location
of DNA Evidence Source of DNA
Bite mark or area licked Saliva
Fingernail scrapings Blood or skin cells
Inside or outside surface Semen or skin cells
of used condom
Blankets, sheets, pillows, Semen, sweat, hair,
or other bed linens or saliva
Clothing, including under- Hair, semen, blood,
garments worn during
or sweat
after the assault
Hat, bandanna, or mask Sweat, skin cells, hair,
or saliva
Tissue, washcloth, or Saliva, semen, hair, skin
similar item cells, or blood
Cigarette butt; toothpick; or Saliva
rim of bottle, can, or glass
Dental floss Semen, skin cells,
or saliva
Tape or ligature Skin cells, saliva, or hair
Suggested Resources
Agencies and organizations
American Prosecutors Research Institute
99 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 510
Alexandria, VA 22314
Federal Bureau of Investigation
J. Edgar Hoover Building
935 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington, DC 20535
National Center for Victims of Crime
2111 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 300
Arlington, VA 22201
National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence
Office of Justice Programs
National Institute of Justice
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Seventh Floor
Washington, DC 20531
National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS)
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849–6000
Office for Victims of Crime
U.S. Department of Justice
810 Seventh Street N.W.
Washington, DC 20531
Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center
P.O. Box 6000
Rockville, MD 20849–6000
Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network
635B Pennsylvania Avenue S.E.
Washington, DC 20003
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (S.A.N.E.)-Sexual Assault
Response Team (S.A.R.T.)
Speaking Out About Rape Inc. (S.O.A.R.)
69 East Pine Street
Orlando, FL 32801
Connors, Edward, Thomas Lundregan, Neal Miller, and Tom McEwen.
Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science: Case Studies in the Use
of DNA Evidence To Establish Innocence After Trial.
Research Report.
NCJ 161258. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National
Institute of Justice, 1996.
Hammond, Holly A., and C. Thomas Caskey.
Automated DNA Typing:
Method of the Future?
Research Preview. NCJ 184373. Washington,
DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 1997.
Handbook of Forensic Services: Evidence Examinations.
DC: U.S. Department of Justice, FBI, 1999.
Inman, Keith, and Norah Rudin.
An Introduction to Forensic DNA
Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press Inc., 1997.
Ledray, Linda E.
Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (S.A.N.E.)
Development and Operation Guide.
NCJ 170609. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice, Office for Victims of Crime, 1999.
McKenna, Judith A., Joe S. Cecil, and Pamela Coukos, Jr. “A Reference
Guide on Forensic DNA Evidence.” In
Reference Manual on Scientific
Washington, DC: Federal Judicial Center, 1994.
National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence.
DNA Testing: Recommendations for Handling Requests.
NCJ 177626.
Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of
Justice, 1999.
National Commission on the Future of DNA Evidence.
What Every
Law Enforcement Officer Should Know About DNA Evidence.
000614. Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Justice, National
Institute of Justice, 1999.
National Research Council.
DNA Technology in Forensic Science.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1992.
National Research Council.
The Evaluation of Forensic DNA Evidence.
Washington, DC: National Academy Press, 1996.
Weedn, Victor Walter, and John W. Hicks.
The Unrealized Potential
of DNA Testing. Research in Action.
NCJ 170596. Washington, DC:
U.S. Department of Justice, National Institute of Justice, 1998.
BC 000657