Staff Services Analyst
Written Transfer Examination
Study Guide & Sample Test Questions
Thank you for your interest in the Staff Services Analyst (SSA) classification. This guide is
designed to familiarize and assist you with preparing for the SSA transfer exam. The test
contains 75 multiple-choice items in three content sections: 1) Quantitative Analysis, 2) Data
Analysis and Interpretation, and 3) Workload Management / Project Management. The
sample questions provided in this guide are intended to give you an idea of the kinds of
questions you will encounter in the written test. However, it is important to note that actual
test questions may vary in format and content.
To prepare for the Staff Services Analyst (SSA) written transfer exam, you should study
contents assessed in each section of the test. You will be provided a calculator for this test.
On the test day, it is strongly recommended that you arrive 15 minutes prior to the test’s
starting time, and make sure you are well rested. Also, remember to bring your test notice
and a picture ID, or you may not be admitted into the test.
The SSA transfer exam has a 3 hour time limit, so it is important that you work quickly, but
not so fast as to become careless. Always read all the possible choices before selecting your
answer. If you do not know the answer to a problem, it is usually best to skip it and move on
to the others. Your score will be based on the number of correct responses. In you are
unsure of the answer to a problem, eliminate the answers you believe are wrong, and mark
the choice that is your best response. Above all, budget your time, pace yourself, and avoid
getting bogged down on any single question.
Quantitative Analysis - This section of the test measures your skills in the area of algebra,
geometry, and statistical problem solving.
Data Analysis and Interpretation – This section of the test is designed to assess your skill in
reading, interpreting, and applying written information. You will be asked to interpret and
apply data and information contained in a variety of written materials, including written
passages, tables, charts and graphs.
Workload Management / Project Management – This section of the test is designed to assess
your ability to effectively handle a variety of situations related to the planning, and organizing
of projects and work assignments which you will encounter as an SSA.
You may find answers to the sample questions beginning on page 9.
Quantitative analysis includes questions in the areas of algebra, geometry, and statistical
problem solving in a variety of problem formats and situations. You will be provided a
calculator for this test. The following are samples of the types of problems you may find in
the SSA examination. However, actual problems will vary in format and content.
Tips to remember in solving mathematical problems:
Read the problem entirely to get a feel for the whole problem
List information and variables you identify
Attach unit of measurement to the variables (gallons, miles, inches, etc)
Define what answer you need, as well as the unit of measurement
Work in an organized manner to help you think clearly
Draw and label all graphs and pictures clearly
Note or explain each step of your process; this will help you track variables and
remember their meanings
Look for the "key" words in the question that indicate a certain mathematical
Instructions: Read the information provided and perform the calculations necessary to
determine the correct answer.
Algebra is a branch of mathematics concerning the study of structure, relation, and
1. Quick Call charges 18¢ per minute for long-distance calls. Econo Phone totals your
phone usage each month and rounds the number of minutes up to the nearest 15
minutes. It then charges $7.90 per hour of phone usage, dividing this charge into 15-
minute segments if you used less than a full hour. If your office makes 5 hours 3
minutes worth of calls this month using the company with lower price, how much will
these calls cost?
a. $39.50
b. $41.48
c. $41.87
d. $54.54
Geometry is a part of mathematics with questions of size, shape, relative position of
figures, and with properties of space.
2. The total length of fencing needed to enclose a rectangular area 46 feet by 34 feet is
a. 26 yards 1 foot
b. 26 2/3 yard
c. 52 yards 2 feet
d. 53 1/3 yards
Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to the collection, analysis, interpretation
or explanation, and presentation of data.
3. The clerk who worked in Department A earned the following salaries: $15,105 the first
year, $15,750 the second year and $16,440 the third year. Another clerk who worked in
Department B for three years earned $15,825 a year for 2 years and $16,086 the third
year. The DIFFERENCE between the average salaries received by both clerks over a
three-year period is
a. $147
b. $153
c. $261
d. $423
This section of the test is designed to assess your skill in reading, interpreting, and applying
written information. You will be asked to interpret and apply data and information contained
in a variety of written materials, including written passages, tables, charts and graphs. The
following are samples of the types of problems you may find in the SSA examination.
However, actual problems will vary in format and content.
Instructions: Use the following table to answer questions 4 and 5:
Tables are used to represent relationships between data.
# of
(cost per
(cost per
(flat cost) (flat cost)
$27.00 $9.75 $925.00
$24.75 $9.75 $425.00
$24.00 $9.75 $450.00
$25.50 $9.75 $875.00
$26.25 $9.75 $850.00
4. If five employees resigned from the Southwest Region, how much would its new total cost
for the Customer Service Training be?
a. $2,631.00
b. $2,674.00
c. $2,713.00
d. $2,732.00
5. If the training facility cost increased by 25% for the Southeast and Northwest Regions,
which of the following regions would cost the MOST to conduct the Customer Service
a. Northeast
b. Southeast
c. Northwest
d. Southwest
Instructions: Use the following graph to answer question 6:
Graphs illustrate comparisons and trends in statistical information. The most commonly
used graphs are bar graphs, line graphs, and circle graphs.
Bar Graphs are used to compare various quantities. Each bar may represent a single
quantity or may be divided to represent several quantities.
Municipal Expenditures, Per Capita
Education and
& Civilian
Utilities &
under 50- 100- 200- 300- 500- 1,000
50 99 199 299 499 999 and over
City Population (Thousands)
6. Using the chart above, what is the approximate municipal expenditure per capita in cities
having populations of 200,000 to 299,000?
a. $ 125
b. $ 175
c. $ 200
d. $ 300
Instructions: Use the following graph to answer question 7:
Circle Graphs are used to show the relationship of various parts of a quantity to each
other and to the whole quantity. Percents are often used in circle graphs with the 360
degree circle representing 100%. Each part of the circle graph is called a sector.
Federal Budget
National Defense
Health, Education, Social
International Affairs
State Grants
$300.4 Billion
7. The circle graph above shows the federal budget of $300.4 billion. Based on this
information, what portion of the budget was not spent?
a. 5%
b. 7%
c. 10%
d. 12%
Instructions: Read the information provided in the following passage and answer the
question that follows.
8. From time to time the State makes surplus property available for sale to the public. This
property consists of State property; unclaimed or abandoned personal property and
valuables, except those confiscated in conjunction with drug enforcement activities; and
unclaimed stolen property. The surplus property is disposed of through sale bids,
auctions and donations.
According to the passage,
a. the State’s personal property brings in the largest sales.
b. items that are not claimed by their owner will be sold to the public.
c. the State holds regularly scheduled sales of property to the public.
d. property obtained by drug enforcement activities is sold through the bid process.
This section of the test is designed to assess your ability to effectively handle a variety of
situations related to the planning and organizing of projects and work assignments which you
will encounter as an SSA.
Instructions: Read the information provided in the passage and answer the question
that follows.
9. The State Personnel Board (SPB) has issued a new policy requiring all candidates who
transfer into the Staff Services Analyst classification to pass a written transfer exam. You
have been asked to coordinate the testing in your department. What action should you
take first?
a. read the SPB guidelines outlined in the policy
b. schedule the training rooms and staff for testing
c. organize a workgroup to assist with testing arrangements
d. prepare a bulletin announcing testing
Answer Sheet
1. The correct answer is B. The operation is to determine the company with the lower
price then calculate the total cost for the month.
Econo Phone = $7.90 per hour (Minutes are rounded to the nearest 15 minutes
Quick Call = $0.18 per minute
Quick Call
Step 1: Convert 5 hours and 3 minutes to total minutes.
The formula is: number of hours(minutes in an hour)+extra minutes
5(60) + 3 = 303
Step 2: Determine the monthly cost.
The formula is: total minutes(per minute charge)
.18(303) = $54.54
Econo Phone
Step 1: Determine the charge for 3 minutes.
The formula is: (hourly rate ÷ 4) + (number of hours x hourly rate) then
round to the nearest tenth.
Step 2: (7.90 ÷ 4) + (7.90 x 5)
Step 3: 1.975 + 39.50 = 41.475
Step 4: Round 41.475 to the nearest tenth ($41.48)
Choose the lowest price.
2. The correct answer is D. The operation is to determine the perimeter in yards.
The formula is: 2(length + width)/feet in a yard
Step 1: 2(46 + 34)
Step 2: 2(80) = 160
Step 3: 160/3 = 53.333
Step 4: Express in fraction (53 1/3)
3. The correct answer is A.
The operation is to determine the average salary for each
clerk, then calculate the difference between the salaries.
Step 1: Determine average salary of clerk in Department A.
The formula is (sum of yearly salaries)/number of years
($15,105 + $15,750 + $16,440)/3 = $15,765
Step 2: Determine the average salary of clerk in Department B.
The formula is (sum of yearly salaries)/number of years
($15,825 + $15,825 + $16,086)/3 = $15,912
Step 3: Determine the difference in average salaries. $15,912 - $15,756 = $147
4. The correct answer is D.
Step 1: In the Cost for Customer Service Training by Region Table, locate the row for
the Southwest Region.
Step 2: Subtract 5 employees who resigned from the original 42 employees in the
Southwest Region (42-5=37).
Step 3: Multiply the new number of employees for the region by the Salary cost (37 x
$26.25 = $971.25).
Step 4: Multiply the new number of employees for the region by the cost for Training
Materials (37 x $9.75 = $360.75).
Step 5: Add the products from the previous two calculations
($971.25 + $360.75 = $1,332.00).
Step 6: Add this product to the costs for the Training facility and Trainer’s Fee
($1,332.00 + $850.00 + $550.00 = $2,732.00).
5. The correct answer is C.
Step 1: In the Cost for Customer Service Training by Region Table, locate the row for
the Southeast and Northwest Regions.
Step 2: Multiply the facility costs for each region by the decimal equivalent of 25% to
calculate the increased cost for the training facilities.
Southeast ($425.00 x .25 = $106.25)
Northwest ($875.00 x .25 = $218.75)
Step 3: Add the two products from the previous calculations to the regions original
facility costs to calculate the new facility costs.
Southeast ($106.25 + $425.00 = $531.25)
Northwest ($218.75 + $875.00 = $1,093.75)
Step 4: With the new facility costs for the Southeast and Northwest Regions, calculate
the cost for training by region by performing the following steps:
a. multiply the number of employees for the region by the Salary cost
b. multiply the number of employees for the region by the cost for Training
c. add the products from the previous two calculations
d. add this product to the costs for the Training Facility and Trainer’s Fee
Step 5: The following are the Total Costs by Region:
Region Salary
Northeast $999.00 $360.75 $925.00 $550.00
Southeast $1,311.75 $516.75 $531.25 $550.00
Central $1,320.00 $536.25 $450.00 $550.00
Northwest $1,020.00 $390.00 $1093.75 $550.00
Southwest $1,102.5 $409.50 $850.00 $550.00
Step 6: From the provided choices, identify the region that will cost the most for
Customer Service Training (Northwest).
6. The correct answer is B. The middle bar of the seven shown represents cities that
have populations from 200,000 to 299,000. This bar reaches three fourth the way
between 100 and 200. Therefore, the per capita is approximately $175.
7. The correct answer is B.
There must be a total of 100% in a circle graph. The sum of
the other sectors in this scenario is: 17% + 29% + 37% + 10% = 93%
Therefore the difference between what was budgeted and what was spent is: 100% -
93% = 7%.
8. The correct answer is B. The passage provides two clues to indicate that unclaimed
items are sold to the public. First, it states that surplus property is “available for sale to
the public.” Second, it states that the surplus property includes unclaimed property.
9. The correct answer is A. You must be aware of the guidelines outlined in the policy to
ensure that the plans made conform to the policy.