The Impact of High-Speed
Broadband for Communities
A Report by Regeneris Consulting for Openreach
December 2017
1. Executive Summary 4
2. Introduction 6
The Openreach Commercial Rollout 6
Broadband Delivery UK
(BDUK) Partnerships 6
The Openreach Community Fibre
Partnership Scheme 7
Bridging the Digital Divide 8
3. Strengthening Community Economies 10
4. Assessing the Impact of
Fibre for Communities 11
Business Impacts 11
1) Increased Productivity 12
2) Innovating and Opening New Markets 13
3) Enabling New Business Creation 14
4) Flexible Working 15
5. The Economic Impact for Residents 17
Gauging the Personal Benefits
to Community Residents 17
The Effect on House Prices and Wealth 18
6. Social Benefits 20
The Social Value of Digital Inclusion 20
Healthcare Benefits 22
Education Benefits 23
7. Environmental Impacts 25
8. Summary of Overall Benefits 27
Appendix A 29
Community Fibre Partnerships:
Fibre Technologies
Appendix B 30
Estimating CFP Business Impacts
Regeneris Consulting is an independent economics
consultancy that provides research-based advice to major
corporates, developers, national government bodies and
local government. Regeneris specialises in preparing
robust assessments of economic impact, focusing on the
impact of new technology, physical developments, policy
changes, investment programmes and corporate economic
footprint. Regeneris work across the UK from their offices
in London and Manchester. See: for
further information.
1. Executive Summary
With national coverage of superfast broadband on
track to hit 95% by the end of 2017, the UK is an
increasingly digitally connected society
Openreach, the fixed digital infrastructure
business which is part of the BT Group, has played
a pivotal role, through its commercial investment
programme and by investing in the public/private
Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK) partnerships which
delivered superfast broadband in areas that
were not covered by any private sector plans.
The challenges of delivering fibre infrastructure to
isolated communities that still do not have access
to high-speed broadband remain considerable.
Openreach is deploying an expanding variety of
technologies, techniques and co-investment
models to address this.
This report looks at the benefits of the Openreach
oach to connecting communities that remain
on the wrong side of the digital divide. It also
provides an assessment of the business,
residential, social and environmental impacts
associated with Openreach’s Community Fibre
Partnerships (CFP) programme, drawing on the
latest evidence about how fibre broadband has
affected the communities that Openreach has
connected to date. We assess impacts generated
gh ten channels:
1) business productivity: generated by firms
and employees when they take-up fibre
broadband and exploit a new generation of
business production and process applications
2) business innovation and access to new
markets: created by businesses able to
develop and promote new and richer products
and services online and across wider
geographical markets and leading to turnover
and economic growth
new business start-ups: created when
entrepreneurs capitalise on fibre broadband
to operate new business models at lower cost
and more flexibly than established businesses
4) flexible working: enabled through gigabit
cloud, file transfer and communications/
conferencing applications and delivering
additional productivity improvements
5) private benefits to households: accrued
through increases in house price an
d housing
6) resident use value: estimated by monetising
the value residents attach to enhanced
7) social value: focussing on the benefits to
older residents of reduced isolation, increased
community engagement, confidence and
financial and time savings associated with
access to online services
8) access to employment: enabled when
residents gain access to wider job
opportunities online and ben
efit from
employment and increased salaries
9) healthcare impacts: generated as advances
in connected health technologies deliver cost
savings on hospital admissions
10) reduced carbon emission: resulting from a
shift from physical to digital product and
increased flexible and tele-working from cloud
and video/audio technologies.
1. Premises able to access and order 24mbps+, made available by private and public sector investments.
Table 1 summarises our headline estimates of the
impact that will be generated from Openreach’s
Community Fibre Partnerships and demonstrates
the breadth and scale of those impacts for
communities across the UK.
In total we estimate that the economic and
social impacts generated by Openreach’s
Community Fibre Partnerships will be just over
£XX billion over 15 years
Table 1: Community Fibre Partnership Impact Assessment:
Headline Economic & Social Impacts Over 15 Years
Business Impacts
Productivity £xxm
Innovating & Opening New Markets £xxm
New Business Creation £xxm
Flexible Working Benefits £xxm
Total Business Impacts £xxm
Economic Benefits for Residents*
Increased Housing Wealth £xxm
Resident Use Value £xxm
Social Benefits*
Social Value: 75+ year old residents only £xxm
Access to Employment: through online job search £xxm
Healthcare technology £xxm
Total Social Benefits £xxm
Source: Regeneris Consulting. * Caution should be taken in summing impact values. No total economic benefit for
residents is provided; there is likely to be some cross-over between resident welfare benefits and increased housing wealth.
Some of the economic benefits to residents may also be accounted for within social benefits.
2. This excludes resident user benefits, to avoid double counting impacts associated with increased housing wealth.
2. Introduction
Over the last seven years, a sustained period of
investment with the support of government, local
authorities and communities has enabled
Openreach to extend its fibre infrastructure to
many areas including remote and rural
communities, business parks and industrial
estates, as well as new-build residential
developments. Coverage of superfast broadband
across the UK is above 94% at the time
of writing
and it is on track to hit the government’s target
for 95% by the end of 2017
The disruptive nature of technology has impacted
on many aspects of home and working life. The
UK has become an increasingly digitally
connected society, dependent on future-proof
digital infrastructure to underpin its continued
evolution. A new hierarchy of international
competitiveness has emerged based on digital
connectivity and innovation competencies. The
government’s 2017 Digital Strategy reflects this
with a commitment to embed technology into all
elements of the economy.
This report explores the benefits of Openreach’s
continued and extensive investment in fibre
broadband for communities across the UK. It
then examines the impacts generated specifically
by Openreach’s investment through its
Community F
ibre P
artnerships (CFP) programme,
drawing on compelling evidence showing the
impacts of fibre broadband. Throughout the
report, we highlight a series of testimonials
offering local insight into the tangible benefits of
fibre broadband. The findings set out a
compelling case for continued investment in
high-speed broadband infrastructure and for the
UK to continue building its digital capabilities.
The Openreach Commercial Rollout
The Openreach Commercial Rollout
extending fibre to remaining communities
extending gigabit capable fibre to the premise
(FTTP or ‘full fibre’) technology to 2 million
premises and 100mbps+ capable Gfast
broadband to 10 million by the end of 2020
developing a business case to build a large-
scale FTTP network across the UK
helping the government deliver a universal
broadband service to give every home in Britain
access to a minimum of 10Mbps by 2020
Broadband Delivery UK (BDUK)
The majority of £1.58 billion of public investment
in fibre networks by July 2017
, has flowed
through the government’s Superfast Broadband
Programme, delivered by BDUK in conjunction
with BT, devolved and local authorities and the
European Union. With significant investment
from BT, this has al
lowed the UK to make
considerable progress in achieving its target of
connecting 95% of premises to superfast
broadband by 2017. It is also making a valuable
contribution to an evolving ultrafast broadband
agenda, through the deployment of full fibre
technologies in locations across the UK.
By the third quarter of 2017, the BDUK
programme has enabled superfast broadband
access to over 4.6 million propertie
. The rollout
will continue to push into more challenging
locations, often rural, but also in areas of
concentrated commercial activity and new
residential and business developments.
4. including through debt funding, enabled by the government’s £40 billion UK Guarantees Scheme for infrastructure.
5. Openreach is currently undertaking a consultation to explore the means to delivering major full fibre investment. See www.btplchere
6. Introduced in the 2017 Digital Economy Act.
7. This figure includes BDUK phase 1 and 2 (Superfast Extension Programme) contracts only. Information made available by BDUK here
. This report assumes expenditure
doesn’t include any phase 3 investment commitments.
8. This information is published by the UK government at quarterly intervals. Q3 data is available here
“With our high-speed fibre connection, we’re
now able to operate a site-to-site Virtual
Private Network (VPN) service between our
clinics which has improved security and
privacy when sharing data. The better
connectivity also allows us to operate an
internet based phone service between our
clinics, saving us money.”
Chris Matthews, Founder and Chief Executive
Officer, Silverlink Clinics
The Openreach Community Fibre
Partnership Scheme
Community Fibre Partnerships (CFP) augment
Openreach’s commercial and BDUK rollout. To
date, more than 400 contracts have been signed
to bring fibre broadband to communities via
fibre-to-the-premises (FTTP) and fibre-to-the-
cabinet (FTTC) technologies.
The CFP scheme reflects Openreach’s desire to
‘never say no’ to working together with individual
communities to find a suitab
le and affordable
fibre broadband option. W
e set out the key
benefits of the CFP approach below. These are
framed around the Openreach network, its
inherent qualities and deployed technologies.
“We were delighted when Openreach got in
touch and told us that the installation would
be Fibre-to-the-Premise broadband – meaning
Cotwalton would receive future-proofed
download speeds of up to 330Mbps. That’s
to the best in the whole country which is
astonishing for a tiny village like ours!”
Brian Scott, resident of Cotwalton, Staffordshire
An Open Wholesale Network
The Openreach network is intrinsic to BT’s fibre
rollout, including commercial, government co-
funded (BDUK) and CFP deployments. With an
open access platform at its core and the wealth of
experience which Openreach brings to large-scale
CFP projects are afforded a solution which
allows communities to reap the rewards of fibre.
T was a real saviour. They offered a
continual presence, understanding of
community fibre and how to jointly fund a
Sam Schofield, Local Broadband Campaigner,
Kings Cliffe, Northamptonshire
Crucially, this means that CFPs also benefit from
the following Openreach network qualities:
Choice of Internet Service Providers
CFPs also benefit from Openreach’s wholesale
platform in that it provides equivalent access to a
wide range of residential and commercially-
focused Internet Service Providers (ISPs). This
ensures that CFP communities can access:
a choice of Communication Providers (CPs)
a variety of services from competing CPs,
resulting in lower prices
a robust and resilient network, managed to the
hest regulated standards, ensuring
consistent quality, performance and reliability.
9. CP choice is a hallmark of FTTC fibre networks, with a range of products available from a wide range of providers.
A Flexible Solution
The CFP approach offers flexibility around:
partnership models allowing for engagement
with local bodies to jointly contribute
funding approaches with an emphasis on gap
, leveraging investment from resident
and business cash contributions and external
funding sources such as vouchers and grants
solutions exploring all possible network
configurations and deliver best value t
o the
sustainable solutions, serving communities in
perpetuity and removing the risk of long-term
ownership and management Ï network assets
“I would highly recommend using Openreach
to provision a community as this removes
much of the risk and liability of owning
infrastructure and keeps an open market for
Jon Wohlters, Resident and Community Broadband
Campaigner from Coleorton, Leicestershire
Openreach also offers a grant to CFPs to reduce
the cost of fibre for communities where the new
infrastructure serves the local school or similar
Ofsted equivalent organisation. Rural areas have
often been left out of national voucher schemes
for enhanced broadband. Moreover, the costs of
connecting in these areas often exceeds the
voucher limit on offer. In these instances,
Openreach will contri
bute up to £30,000, capped
at 75% of the cost of the ‘gap’ fund for the
community to find. As of November 2017, 50
grants have been awarded at a total value of over
Expertise and Delivery Experience
Openreach has a wealth of experience and
expertise in delivering fibre broadband to millions
of homes and businesses across the UK. This
includes working in some of the most challenging
locations and w
ithin multi-agency partnerships, to
develop solutions and connect communities to
high-speed fibre.
After three years' campaigning including the
last year planning with Openreach, the benefits
to the local community, who dug deep in their
pockets to fund this, are already clear, and
there's no doubt that making fibre broadband
available will encourage some businesses to
stay, who might have otherwise reloc
Senior managers at BT were instrumental in
introducing us to the Community Fibre
Partnership programme, which appeared to be
our only way forward.
Paul Severs, chairman, Bussage & Chalford
Broadband Action Group, Gloucestershire
Dedicated teams in Openreach act as the conduit
for community engagement, providing:
expertise in planning, network design and cost
efficient network construction
accommodating local sensitivities to bring a
sustainable approach to installations
robust and highly-regulated network
management processes and systems to ensure
long-term viability of the new fibre broadband.
10. The funding ‘gap’ represents the value of funding required that will not be covered by Openreach’s commercial investment.
Bridging the Digital Divide
In 2016, the average broadband speed in rural
areas was 12Mbps compared to 40Mbps in urban
and although the UK’s fibre broadband
footprint has expanded, there are considerable
challenges associated with delivering fibre to
The costs of fibre roll-out can outweigh likely
revenue streams in harder to reach and more
sparsely populated areas, so innovative technic
and funding solutions are required as a result.
Openreach is working with communities across
the UK to address the nation’s connectivity
challenge and B
T has offered to play a leading
role under a voluntary offer to government to
deliver universal broadband at minimum speeds
of 10Mbps to around 99% of the country by the
end of 2020. The government is currently
considering this offer alongside the option
introducing a Universal Service Obligation (USO)
which would give every home and business in the
UK the legal right to request a high-speed
connection, with a universal minimum speed of
10Mbps. The ambition would be to deliver this by
the mid-2020s.
Under the B
T offer, which would be legally
binding and largely delivered by Openreach,
many premises would be expected to receive
substantially faster speed
s than 10Mbps, with
many also expected to receive connections more
quickly than could be delivered under a
regulatory approach.
This will ensure the UK continues to push the
boundaries of technology for the benefits of its
citizens, businesses and environment.
11. Ofcom, 2017 ‘UK Home Broadband Performance’.
12. See for example Rural England (2016). ‘State of Rural Services’
13. See English Indices of Multiple Deprivation, 2015.
3. Strengthening Community Economies
Delivering fibre broadband to communities
strengthens local economies by supporting local
businesses to grow and attracting and retaining a
local workforce. Slow connectivity can act as a
barrier for economic growth in rural communities,
ly for Small and Medium-sized
Enterprises (SMEs)
. Access to fast, reliable
broadband is fundamental to running a business
efficiently and working patterns and business
practices are increasingly dictated by effective
broadband connectivity and the demands of
Smaller communities across the UK face
challenges associated with supporting an ageing
population and with retaining younger people and
those of working age. In rural areas 21% of the
population are 65+, compared to 15% in urban
areas. Those aged 20 to 44 represent 27% of the
population compared to 36% in urban areas.
Fibre broadband contributes towards
communities retaining and attracting the younger
people that are crucial to maintaining a
sustainable workforce and local economy, by
young people to access education resources
d courses remotely
people to start businesses from home and
access education from home in rural areas
greater access to public services, a key
component of rural deprivation
These outcomes align with other elements
associated with the social and environmental
impacts described in chapters 6 and 7 of this
Figure 3.1 Urban & Rural Population in Great Britain by Age (% of total population)
0 to 19
20 to 44
45 to 64
Source: England, Wales and Scotland Census Data
Through the remainder of this report we examine
the economic, social and environmental benefits
that arise by delivering fibre broadband to
communities across the UK.
“Faster broadband speeds have made even the
simplest things more efficient. Ordering stock
online for the gallery and gift shop takes a
fraction of the time and we’ve been able to
create a fantastic website and use social media
to promote th
e business and attract new
customers. And we can both be doing different
things online at the same time rather than
having to take it in turns.”
Jane, Co-Owner, Gallery 45, Northumberland
We also provide estimates of the impacts
resulting from Openreach investment through
Community Fibre Partnerships. We evaluate the
scale of impact by drawing on published research
and accepted methodologies. The findings
conservative estimates in the context of rapid
technological change and an evolving research
base that is probing further into the
transformative impacts of fibre connectivity.
“Upgrading the broadband capabilities of the
Castle Quarter will have a tangible impact on
businesses in the area, enabling them to
operate the way you would expect from a
business in the capital city, thereby helping
f retain businesses and, indeed, attract
new ones.”
Adrian Field, Executive Director, Cardiff Business
Improvement District
NOTE: These impacts refer to the CFP investment
only. They are nonetheless indicative of the
impact associated with the wider Openreach
investment in communities which, through its
commercial fibre roll-out and BDUK partnerships,
will stretch beyond this. Case study quotes in the
owing sections include business insights taken
from communities outside the CFP deployment to
provide a rich account of community experiences.
Business Impacts
The core economic impacts associated with fibre
for communities will be created by businesses
adopting and exploiting fibre to deliver economic
“Broadband is essential to our business. Our
whole business model relies on it. We had a
week wit
hout broadband once and we had to
de-camp to a local restaurant to use their wi-fi.
We just can’t function without it.”
Andy Hibbs, Director at Craft ICT, Norfolk.
It is possible to quantify the business impacts
associated with fibre in communities across four
primary channels:
1) Increased productivity
2) Innovation and opening markets
3) Business start-ups
4) Flexible working practices.
4. Assessing the Impact of Fibre
for Communities
“We can now investigate, diagnose and
resolve many faults in factory machinery
remotely, and as soon as they occur, without
having to send engineers to site. Our orders,
invoices, accounts and stock control system
are always available, so our people aren’t
wasting their time waiting for information or
systems they need to do their jobs. People are
less frustrated at work, and that helps us be a
more harmon
ious and productive team.”
Chris Jones, MD, Corgi Socks, Carmarthenshire
1) Increased Productivity
To compete in national and global markets,
businesses need to be able to deliver efficiently
and effectively. Fibre will drive productivity in
community level economies, among employees
and by enabling a new generation of business
production and process applications.
“There are four people in the office her
e and
each of them loses about half an hour a day
due to slow broadband speeds. I've calculated
the cost savings to my business will be £6,000
per year with superfast, as we'll be able to
work more efficiently.”
Anthony Pilkington, MD BookCheck Ltd, Chalford,
Recent efforts to assess the productivity effects
associated with enhanced broadband connectivity
converge on a 0.3% uplift where a d
oubling in
speed is achieved. This is applied in the
Department for Community and Local
Government (DCLG)’s 2017 assessment of the
economic impacts associated with the Universal
Service Obligation as well as in the 2013
Evaluation of the BDUK National Broadband
Programme. This draws on 2012 research by
Chalmers, which found a doubling of speed is
associated with a 0.3 percentage point increase in
Gross Dome
stic Product (GDP) growth in OECD
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Productivity
We assume that on average, businesses taking up
fibre broadband for the first time in CFP
communities can generate productivity
improvements in line with the 2017 DCMS
assessment. We also assume that those impacts
vary by sector and size. A 2008 European
Commission study estimated broadband
y impacts for a range of industry
manufacturing and construction: 0.14%
increase in GVA per firm per annum
knowledge intensive
: 0.58% per annum
other services: 0.32% per annum (efficiency
benefits only).
This approach allows us to apply impacts to
individual businesses and to be tailored to the
locations supported through the CFP scheme.
14. Rohman, Ibrahim Kholilul, and Erik Bohlin. (2012). ‘Does Broadband Speed Really Matter for Driving Economic Growth? Investigating OECD Countries.
15. Micus Management (2008). ‘The Impact of Broadband on Growth and Productivity’. European Commission, DG Information Society and Media.
16. These are the information and communication (Standard Industrial Classification J), financial (SIC K) and professional, scientific and technical (SIC M) sectors.
“We’re already finding that ultrafast
broadband is giving our business a major
boost. Everything we do online now works so
much more quickly and efficiently. Our remote
and rural location helps to give the beers that
we produce their purity and character, the
downside has always been that we have lagged
behind in terms of connectivity.
“Ultrafast will be a vital part of the future
development of the busin
ess whether we are
communicating online with our customers and
suppliers or using the technology to work more
efficiently. It has already strengthened our
infrastructure as we continue to expand the
business which includes greater use of
e-commerce and a recent redesign of our
Patrick McCaig, Managing Director of Otter Brewery,
Applying productivity uplifts for a doubling in
speed represents a conservative approach, given
the marked increases in speed delivered through
CFP, which provides 100Mbps broadband and
above to communities that are often still receiving
less than 2Mbps.
Our assessment suggests that over a 15-year
period, £XX million in GVA could be
generated within communities benefitting
from CFP investment due to productivity
improvements alone
2) Innovating and Opening New Markets
Through enhanced upload and download speeds,
businesses will be able to develop and promote
new and richer products and services online and
across wider geographical markets. They will be
stimulated by greater exposure to innovation,
information and an international online
community and marketplace.
“Since we connected to superfast broadband,
our ecommerce business has really taken off,
doubling in tw
o years. Corgi is now a significant
exporter, with new major distributors in Korea,
China, Japan and Australia.
Chris Jones, Managing Director of Corgi Socks,
Fibre-enabled innovation is driven by rapid
technological change and therefore can be
difficult to forecast. Examples of the tools and
applications that business can exploit through
fibre, now and in future, include:
next generatio
n digital design and prototyping
additive manufacturing (3D printing)
next generation HD video conferencing
user generated products and services and online
point of sale (PoS) software
smart sensor technology, e.g. in monitoring and
making automatic adjustments in production
and supply-chain management
“Video conferencing is now seamless which
allows us to keep in touch with our staff and
customers arou
nd the world much more easily.
It’s reduced our travel costs and therefore
enabled us to offer a more cost-effective
service to our customers.”
Andy Hibbs, Director at Craft ICT, Norfolk
17. Appendix A contains the detailed assumptions applied to all business impacts,
covering our approach to fibre adoption, technology change, disaggregation of
impacts by business sector and size and discounting and multiplier effects over
our 15-year assessment period.
A Note on Terminology: We refer to fibre
broadband throughout the impact assessment. All estimates of impact for the
CFP programme assume a step change in connectivity from basic broadband
(below 24Mbps) to superfast (24Mbps) broadband. Many homes and businesses
are accessing fibre through CFP speeds well in excess of 24Mbps, and some less,
dependent on
the technology deployed. Overall, our assumption is a
conservative one.
This increase in innovation sets the scene for a
new ecosystem which will evolve through the
application of digital technologies, the use of
smart data and internet enabled devices
“Fibre broadband has provided a platform for
us to generate revenue through internet-
driven services, and it gives us confidence to
examine future revenues. We saw the
potential to generate new revenues through
en services, so long as we had
reliable access to sufficient bandwidth.”
Iain Brown, MD, Sandy Balls Holiday Village,
New Forest
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Innovation and Opening
New Markets
We estimate businesses will, on average, replicate
the productivity gains described above, by
innovating, extending market share and entering
into new markets.
This would see £XX million in GVA
for CFP community economies over
15 years.
3) Enabling New Business Creation
Over a quarter of UK businesses (486,000) are in
the countryside and more people start businesses
in rural areas than in major towns. A 2015 study
by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural
Affairs (Defra) found that increasing numbers of
people are relocating to the countryside from
towns, and many of those doing so
are starting
. The availability of fibre broadband
stands to accelerate this trend.
Fibre broadband acts as a stimulus for new
business creation and entrepreneurship. Through
access to fibre infrastructure, communities and
individuals benefit from increased opportunities
to trade online, access global markets remotely
and operate businesses from home, including
rural locations.
Specifically, bus
inesses in communities gaining
access to fibre for the first time will enjoy an
increase in the power of cloud computing and be
able to conduct more of their operations and
collaborative working online. This enables new
business models and new ways of working, and
offers a greater ability to reach new markets and
retain staff through flexible working. It also
reduces the costs associated with starting and
running a business, e.g. through lower premises
“You can’t just ‘pop down the road’ to see
global customers, but you can meet, see,
share documents and talk with them online
whenever you need. Export is now the fastest-
expanding part of our business, and there’s no
doubt that our superfast communications are
making this growth both possible and
Laurence Harris, Owner, Daioni organic dairy farm,
18. Find out more from EEF (2016). ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution: A Primer for Manufacturers’.
19 Murphy Salisbury, 2015 ‘Rural start-ups to rival urban businesses due to superfast broadband’.
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: New Business Creation
We have estimated the number of business start-
ups that could arise if barriers to entry, including
costs, were reduced in certain sectors.
Assumptions have been informed by a study
which estimates that business creation could rise
by up to 1.7% per annum due to increased cloud
computing power
It is estimated that CFP investment will
create £XX million in GVA for the UK
economy over 15 years, as a result of
business creation.
4) Flexible Working
Research shows that flexible working practices,
including working from home and at remote
locations, are 21% higher among firms who are
utilising fibre broadband versus basic
, and that employee productivity rises
significantly as a result
Businesses in fibre connected communities will be
able to begin using a wide range of digital human
resource (HR), communications and other
business process applications. These will enable
more employers and employees to communicate
and work efficiently and flexibly, leading to the
following benefits:
reduced overheads associated with business
lower business and commuter travel costs and
carbon emissions
healthier work-life balance,
which in turn has
been proven to improve employee motivation
and retention
reduced barriers to work for carers, single
parents and disabled people
increased employer access to a wider labour
pool when recruiting.
“I have the opportunity to work with Royal
British Legion Industries, helping veterans and
their families. The work involves a great deal of
travelling but when I get fibre I will be able to
do th
at work online, without leaving my
Margaret Saunders an Occupational Psychologist
from Moy in Scotland
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Flexible Working
We assume that productivity will be 20% higher
for employees working flexibly versus purely
office-based employees. This is deliberately
conservative and is five percentage points lower
than suggested by the research, allowing for
lling off in the increase in worker flexibility and
productivity gains over time.
Through an increase in the adoption of
flexible working practices, CFP could create
an estimated £XX million in GVA, over a
15-year period.
20. Etro, F (2009). ‘The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe’.
21. Strategic Networks Group (2013). Data refers to a survey of 16,000 firms in the US.
22. R
ockbridge Associates Inc. (2005/6). “The National Technology Readiness Survey”. estimates that employees working flexibly are 25% more productive than other
employees. 20% has been applied in estimating impacts allowing for some levelling off in the increase in worker flexibility and productivity gains over time.
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Summary of Business Impacts
The business and employment benefits,
attributed to CFP projects over a 15-year period,
are summarised in Table 4.2 below.
In total, the benefits to communities
connected to fibre by the CFP scheme sum
to £XX million over our 15-year assessment
The impacts associated with Openreach’s national
rollout of fibre broadband techn
ologies, through
commercial and BDUK partnerships, would be
considerably greater, reflecting the scale of
delivery to millions of new businesses and homes.
Table 4.2: Community Fibre Partnership Impact Assessment:
Summary of Business Benefits (15-year Period)
Productivity Benefits £xxm
Innovating & Opening New Markets Benefits £xxm
New Business Creation Benefits £xxm
Flexible Working Benefits £xxm
Total Benefits £xxm
Source: Regeneris Consulting. Figures may not sum due to rounding.
In this section, we explore the economic benefits
that will accrue to community residents, using an
assessment of ‘willingness to pay’, and through
evidence on the effects of broadband connectivity
on house prices and wealth.
Gauging the Personal Benefits to
Community Residents
Assessing people’s willingness to pay for a
product or service is a widely used approach in
economic impact analysis and recommen
under HM Treasury’s guidance
. By looking at
the amount residents are willing to pay for a fibre
broadband subscription versus older copper-
based connection, we get an indication of the
value they place on fibre and, by proxy, a
monetary value of the personal benefits. The
approach assumes that benefits cannot be less
than the additional cost, otherwise consumers
would not make the purchase.
This app
roach is taken in three studies, by the
Fibre to the Home (FTTH) Council, WIK-Consult
and Plum Consulting, suggesting residents
willingness to pay for an upgrade to fibre
broadband at a minimum of 5 euros (£4.40
) per
month, or £53 annually
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Resident Use Value
We apply the evidence set out above to evaluate
the personal economic benefit to residents who
ave upgraded to fibre as part of the CFP scheme.
Assuming take-up of fibre broadband among
households rises to 35% within five years,
this suggests a total economic benefit of £XX
million over our 15-year assessment period.
In addition to the installation and rental costs
associated with accessing fibre broadband, it is
evident from the considerable time and money
that many CFP community groups have
ted that residents value fibre connectivity
“Life-changing sounds a bit over the top but it
really has transformed how we live and work at
home. Broadband is an essential utility now.
It’s something people look for in a new
property. Now, I can get on the company’s
VPN instantly and work online, the kids can
get on with their homework and we can all
stream movies and download music – all at the
me time.”
Andy Godward, Local Broadband Campaigner,
Eshott, Northumberland
The majority of CFP communities have mobilised
and established formal groups to campaign and
ultimately co-funded a fibre broadband solution,
in partnership with Openreach. In doing so,
communities have made significant monetary
contributions to bridge the commercial funding
gap, which has prevented fibre broadband from
being deploy
ed in more challenging and harder-
to-reach areas.
23. HM Treasury (2013). ‘The Green Book: Appraisal and Evaluation in Central Government.’
24. Applying the exchange rate from on 10.07.17.
25. DotEcon and the FTTH Council Europe (2012), ‘Regulatory policy and the roll-out of fibre-to-the-home networks’; WIK-Consult (2012), ‘Re-thinking the Digital Agenda for
Europe (DAE): A richer choice of technologies’; Plum Consulting (2011). ‘Copper Pricing and the Fibre T
ransition’. NOTE: This does not reflect current or future prices for
BT fibre broadband. Rather it is a finding based on research from across Europe of the additional price residents have been willing to pay for fibre versus older copper
5. The Economic Impact for Residents
The financial and opportunity costs
incurred by
both residential and business communities alike,
are difficult to measure but testament to the
value placed on bringing fibre broadband to their
The Effect on House Prices and Wealth
Research undertaken by leading price comparison
sites highlights the importance placed on
broadband connectivity when purchasing a new
a GoCompare survey of 2,000 ho
use buyers
found that 43% prioritised a good, reliable
broadband connection strong enough to stream
TV and films
a survey by Rightmove, of over 3,000 users,
found that information on broadband
connectivity was ranked as a more important
feature when searching for property than
transport links and nearby schools. The
property search site now includes a tool for
users to check connectivity at any address
Housing markets where only basic broadband is
available appear to have suffered. Savills
conducted a survey which found that nearly 70%
of respondents reported that slow broadband was
a constraint on letting properties in rural
Analysis of the relationship between broadband
and house prices undertaken by the Spatial
Economic Research Centre (SERC) showed that,
on average, house prices rose
by 2.8% where dial-
up internet was replaced by first generation ADSL
broadband connections
. The survey undertaken
by Rightmove (see above) suggested slow
broadband could reduce the value of a home by
up to 20% .
“Reaching a solution through the Community
Fibre Partnership was certainly worth it for our
community as it is really helping to protect the
housing market from any depreciation
associated with
poor broadband speeds.
Jon Wohlters, Resident and Community Broadband
Campaigner from Coleorton, Leicestershire
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Housing Wealth
The estimated average house price in CFP
communities is £326,000
. Applying the 2.8%
rise in prices estimated by SERC suggests house
prices would rise by £9,100, on average, where a
doubling in speed is achieved. This is likely t
o be
an underestimate; CFP case studies show that in
many locations speeds will rise from basic (2Mbps
or less) to superfast (30Mbps or above).
Summing these house value uplifts across
the residential properties set to benefit
from CFP, gains in housing wealth total
£XX million
26. The cost to residents of foregoing leisure time and time in which they could potentially be earning income.
27. After a good neighbourhood (66%), low crime rate (59%), proximity to shops (51%) and a good GP or dentist (44%).
July 2017.
August 2016.
29. Savills (2015). ‘Estate Benchmarking Survey’.
30. SERC (2014). ‘Speed 2.0: Evaluation Access to Universal Digital Highways’.
31. Rightmove, August 2016.
32. Based on district level average house price data from CLG and Registers of Scotland, 2017.
33. This is a one-off benefit and so, unlike other benefits assessed in this report, we do not count over 15 years.
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Summary of Economic Benefits
for Residents
The private economic benefits for residents,
attributed to existing and planned Community
Fibre Partnerships, are summarised below.
As for the results in previous sections, the impacts
associated with national Openreach rollout of
fibre broadband technologies, through
commercial and BDUK partnerships, would be
iderably greater, reflecting the scale of
delivery to millions of new businesses and homes.
Table 5.1: Community Fibre Partnership Impact Assessment:
Summary of Resident Benefits (15-year Period)
The Effect on House Prices and Wealth £xxm
Resident Use Value £xxm
Source: Regeneris Consulting. Caution should be taken in summing impact values. No total economic benefit for residents
is provided; there is likely to be some cross-over between resident welfare benefits and increased housing wealth.
The Social Value of Digital Inclusion
In St Breward, Cornwall, a village without fibre
broadband, just 27% of the population currently
use email and 15% use social networking. Yet,
59% of those surveyed believe that the internet is
intrinsic to community cohesion, making people
feel more socially connected and involved
This is supported by PriceWaterhouseCoopers
(PwC), which examined how digital and social
exclusion are interrelated and appear to be
mutually reinforcing. Of those surveyed, 81% of
those aged over 55 reported that being online
makes them feel a greater part of modern society
and as a result, less lonely
“We believe that fibre broadband promotes
social inclusion by improving access to health,
education and commercial services and
supports sustainable employment by
encouraging flexible
approaches to working
from home and the growth of small
businesses. It will encourage some businesses
to stay, who might have otherwise relocated.”
Paul Severs, chairman of the Bussage & Chalfont
Broadband Action Group, Gloucestershire
BT has published a study on the value of digital
, drawing on:
interviews with people that previously had low
levels of digital literacy but who recently started
to use the internet at least once a week
tried and tested methods for assessing Social
Return on Investment (SROI) – most notably,
individuals stated and revealed preferences for
engaging in certain online activities
previous research into the value attached to a
number of online activities and benefits.
The study revealed that the social benefits of
getting online are worth £1,064 a year to
someone u
sing the internet for the first time
This value comes from a combination of benefits,
financial savings associated with online
enhanced and wider employment opportunities
through online job searches
reduced feelings of isolation and improved
A range of further evidence exists to support
some of the specific benefits listed under
Table 6.1:
Reduced Isolation and Communit
Engagement: research undertaken by HACT
across a wide range of indicators suggests a
social value associated with internet access of
£2,413 per user, higher than estimated under
BT’s SROI research
Access to Employment Through Online Job
Search: research by PwC found that the
potential economic impact of getting everyone
in the UK online would create a £500m
economic benefit, derived from shorter periods
of worklessness
34. Varley, 2015 ‘Sustainable Digital Neighbourhoods: A Study of the Social and Spatial Effects of Technological Transition in a Rural Village’.
35. Cabinet Office, 2014 ‘Government Digital Inclusion Strategy’.
36. BT. ‘Digital Inclusion: The Social Return on Investment’.
37. The detail evidence and method applied is set out in BT’s Valuing Digital Inclusion report –
38. HACT Social Value Bank and Value Calculator
39. Core Cities, 2015 ‘Speed Up Broadband’.
6. Social Benefits
Access to Online Public Services: as
government services become increasingly
digitised, digital exclusion will become an even
greater problem for those who cannot access
fibre broadband. This is just one more factor
highlighting the crucial importance of fibre
broadband to areas left on the wrong side of the
digital divide.
The UK is leading the way in delivering public
services online:
The UK Government
runs an estimated 89% of
public services online.
In 2015/16, the government made £339 million
of operational savings through digital
The UK was ranked No. 1 in the 2016 UN E-
government Survey, based on delivery of basic
economic and social services, education,
health, labour and employment and finance,
and assessed on:
the adequacy of telecommunication
the ability of hum
an resources to promote and
use ICT
the availability of online services and content.
40. Cabinet Office, Government announces efficiency savings for 2015/16, 2017. Page 4.
Table 6.1: Monetised Social Value Attached to New Internet Users
Based on Interviews with Digitally Excluded Individuals
Outcome Value Likelihood Source Total
Confidence £707 34% Magnitude in change in confidence £240
Reduced Isolation £1,055 24% % more active in their community £253
& socialising online
Time Saving £785 37% % using government services online £290
Hobbies & £77 57% % reporting engagement in £44
Reduced Boredom online hobbies
Financial Savings £560 31% % shopping online £173
Online Job Search £1,325 4.7% % of workforce that are job seekers £274
Total £1,064
Source BT. ‘Digital Inclusion: The Social Return on Investment’. Note: some of the social benefits listed here may be
accounted for in the willingness to pay assessment provided in Section 4. To avoid double counting, caution should be
taken in combining values from the two assessments.
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Social Value
To produce a conservative estimate of economic
value relevant to CFP communities, we apply
these benefits in Table 6.1 to people aged 75 and
over, excluding the value associated with online
job search
. We apply the value associated with
online job search to the estimated number that
are currently unemployed in CFP communities
There were an estimated 7,500 people aged 75
and above resident in CFP communities at the
time of the 2011 Census. Although many others
are likely to benefit, it is this age group that are
most likely to not have engaged in significant
online activity previously, and which stand to
benefit from increased confidence and reduced
Assuming 35% of those aged over 75 adopt
fibre broadband, £XX million in social val
will be generated as a result of CFP, over a
15-year period.
Applying the value associated with online
job search from the BT research to
unemployed residents in CFP locations, and
assuming 35% adoption of fibre, suggests a
total benefit of £XX million, over a 15-year
Healthcare Benefits
Fibre broadband is assisting the healthcare sector
to develop and deploy transformative
technologies and improve
access to healthcare.
This is having a multi-faceted impact on medical
and health-based industries and patients, as new
forms of outreach, remote diagnosis and patient
monitoring become increasingly commonplace
and deliverable.
Investment in E-Health Services
The government is investing £4.2 billion in NHS
England over the next five years in areas such as
electronic patient records, apps and wearable
ces, telehealth and assistive technologies.
Fibre broadband is also set to change the systems
through which patient’s access healthcare, with
NHS England investing an additional £45 million
over the next five years, as part of the General
Practice Forward View, to stimulate the use of
online consultations.
It is estimated that 10% of patients in every
general practice will book appointments and order
eat prescriptions online by March 2018. This
digitisation of healthcare services stands to play a
vital role in rural areas, where 52% of inhabitants
live within walking distance of a doctor’s surgery
(compared to 62% in urban areas)
Improved Health Outcomes
The development of new applications in the field
of healthcare has been facilitated by high speed
connectivity. It is also borne out of the need
respond to an ageing population and the growing
number of people with long term conditions
(LTCs), such as chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD), heart failure and diabetes.
41. Applying population by age at district level from the 2011 Census.
42. Drawing on the latest Annual Population Survey, 2016/17.
43. Townsent, Sathiaseelan and Fairhurts (2013) ‘Enhanced broadband access as a solution to the social and economic problems of the rural digital divide’. Local Economy:
The Journal of the L
ocal Economy Policy Unit.
NHS England spends 70% of its budget on the 15
million people nationally who have one or more of
these conditions. As the population ages, these
numbers are expected to grow by 23% over the
next 20 years
. The current approach to the
delivery of care to people with LTCs is
unsustainable in terms of cost and quality of care.
The advances being made in the field of
telehealth offer the possibility of subst
reducing the number of hospital admissions and
the unit cost of contact between patient and
Telehealth technology is significantly improving
health outcomes. The Nuffield Trust ran a whole-
system telehealth demonstrator trial for 3,100
patients diagnosed with COPD, heart failure or
diabetes. It found that telehealth services
delivered a 45% reduction in mortality, reduced
emergency ad
missions by 20%, led to 14% fewer
elective admissions and 14% fewer bed days
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Healthcare Benefits
The Nuffield trial found that overall costs of
hospital care were £1,888 lower among telehealth
users with COPD, heart disease or diabetes, than
for control patients.
Applying Clinical Commission Group (CCG) data
from Public Health England and regional data
om the British Heart Foundation we estimate
that 9,400 individuals are diagnosed with COPD,
heart failure or diabetes in areas benefitting (or
set to benefit) from CFP fibre broadband
Applying the costs savings over our 15-year
assessment period and assuming 35%
take-up of whole service telehealth,
suggests potential costs savings to hospitals
of £XX million across CFP communities
Education Benefits
Higher Education
Fibre broadband is an increasing necessity for
schools and pupils, to keep pace with changes in
the way education is delivered. UK schools
currently spend £900 million annually on
education technology.
There are close links between educational
attainment and fibre internet access. Pupils who
grow up in rural communities could be at a
disadvantage compared to their urban dwelling
eers, as they may be less able to access online
learning resources and carry out research-based
“The internet plays an important role in our
school today, from students researching
projects to developing new computing skills
which are vital for their working lives ahead.
We are looking forward to seeing the benefits
of the new high-speed link to our students and
staff when it goes live next ye
Paul Gardner, Teacher at Dunedin School, Edinburgh
44. 2020 Health (2010) - Healthcare without walls – A Framework for Delivering Telehealth at Scale.
45. Nuffield Trust (2012). ‘’The Impact of Telehealth on the use of Hospital Care and Mortality’.
46. This provides broad indication of the scale of cost savings that could be brought about but should be treated with caution. The Nuffield study concluded that there was a
need for further investigation to evidence causality. Moreover, these savings cannot be attributed solely to fibre broadband alo
ne. They will also be dependent on further
investment to ensure the widespread deployment and take-up of telehealth technologies and services.
47. Turner, 2017 ‘Poor Broadband puts children’s education at risk in rural areas’. The Telegraph, 17th January 2017.
The increasing use of fibre-enabled educational
tools and applications extends past primary and
secondary education in to higher education and
adult learning:
A recent study of over 7,000 higher education
students found that c. 70% thought digital
technology improved their learning when used
effectively by teaching staff
Cambridgeshire County Council's Adult
Learning and Skills team runs computer an
internet classes in some of the county's most
remote towns and villages
, to develop a range
of computer literacy skills and promote digital
“This new technology will provide a leap in
digital services that will benefit every single
member of the school community, pupils,
parents, staff and visitors.”
Rob Connolly, Head Teacher at Ditcham Park School,
The evidence outlined here suggests higher
educational attainment, enhanced skills and
greater employability among those that can
access e-learning applications and services.
Inevitably this will benefit local businesses in their
search for job-ready and skilled employees, result
in higher value employment and wages, and
facilitate economic growth within communities.
“Superfast broadband is proving to have many
benefits for family life
: We can access the
fullest high-quality media, which means my
young children can take advantage of a raft of
educational resources.”
Jon Wohlters, Resident and Community Broadband
Campaigner from Coleorton, Leicestershire
As yet, there is no clear evidence of the strength
of the relationship between online learning and
higher value employment or economic growth.
We have not sought to quantify these effec
ts here
but the signs are that they add significantly to the
ways in which fibre broadband is strengthening
local economies.
48. The Joint Information Systems Committee (Jisc) 2016 Student Digital Experience Tracker 2016: results from the pilot project. Page 22, para 15.
49. Online Centres Network, 2015 ‘Rural Centres: Cambridgeshire Adult Learning and Skills’.
On top of economic and social benefits, fibre
broadband reduces business and commuter travel
and energy use, resulting in CO
abatement. It
does so through a range of mechanisms:
Dematerialisation: in recent years fibre
broadband has fuelled a shift in production and
consumption of news, books, music and films to
digital platforms. This reduces the need to
manufacture, publish, print and ship a range of
sical products and results in reduced carbon
E-commerce: fibre provides a more seamless
online shopping experience and drives
increased e-commerce, both business to
consumer (B2C) and business to business (B2B).
E-commerce reduces the need for commercial,
retail and wholesale floorspace and associated
energy requirements.
Video conferencing: fibre has made video
conferencing services an effec
tive and
accessible option for most businesses. Roll-out
to businesses not yet receiving fibre will allow
them to take part in video meetings and avoid
business travel.
Cloud computing: enabling widespread and
seamless use of online file sharing and business
process applications (e.g. CRM and HR
systems). This supports a rise in home/remote
working (and so a decrease in business and
commuter travel) and re
duces the need for
physical IT equipment and associated
production and energy use.
Telecommuting: everyday use of cloud and
video conferencing and the more general rise of
online communications and commerce has
opened the opportunity for many to work and
do business remotely and from home. This
reduces commuter travel and congestion.
The distance travelled to shop, work and attend
face-to-face meetings is
greater for residents in
more isolated areas. The power of fibre-enabled
telecommuting, e-commerce and
videoconferencing to reduce these journeys will
be greater than in urban areas.
“We have been able to cut costs and address
our environmental responsibilities by reducing
the amount of paper we use. We print fewer
catalogues, and we present our promotions,
letters, invoices and statements online to
rs wherever we can.”
Chris Jones, Managing Director of Corgi Socks,
Community Fibre Partnerships Impact
Assessment: Carbon Abatement
The Carbon Trust worked with Openreach to
assess carbon abatement from a breadth of
broadband enabled applications. The resulting
method paper sets out the evidence and approach
taken to assess carbon abatement across a
number of areas.
Using the Carbon Trust
assessment, we have
applied CO
reductions per user per annum for
de-materialisation, e-commerce, telecommuting
and video conferencing. These are applied to
households and businesses covered by
Community Fibre Partnerships to provide an
estimate of total carbon savings over our 15 year
impact assessment period.
7. Environmental Impacts
Our estimates of environmental benefits are likely
to be conservative. We apply average carbon
reductions per user from UK-wide data, but (as
stated above) the effect of broadband on carbon
abatement is likely to be especially pronounced in
the often rural communities covered by CFPs.
Over a 15 year period, carbon abatement
resulting from de-materialisation,
e-commerce, telecommuting and video
ng will total 24,300 tonnes
of CO
Annually, this is equivalent to the carbon
emissions produced by more than 3,000
drivers, or 5% of all drivers in CFP
50. Based on: average kilometres driven per driver from the 2016 National Travel Survey; average CO2 emissions produced by cars, per kilometre from DfT Vehicle Statistics;
the proportion of those aged 17+ with a full driver’s license from the DVLA.
Table 7.1: Community Fibre Partnerships Impact Assessment: Carbon Emissions
Reductions Impacts, Applying Carbon Trust Methodology
Carbon Trust CO
Unit of CFP CO
Abatement CO
Reduction Per Measurement Units/Users Over Per Annum, Over 15 Years
Unit, pa (kg) (tonnes)* (tonnes)**
De-materialisation 31 Residential 42,300 460 5,600
E-commerce 83 Business 3,700 110 1,300
Flexible/ 950 Telecommuters 800 270 3,300
Home Working
Video Conferencing 28 Number of 2,200 1,150*** 14,100
conference calls
Total 9,000 1,980 24,300
Source: Regeneris Consulting; Carbon Trust (2016). ‘BT’s 3:1 Carbon Abatement Methodology’.
*based on 35% fibre adoption. **based on fibre adoption rising to 35% over five years. *** based on an average of one call
per fibre adopting business per week.
This report has explored the diversity of benefits
delivered through the Openreach investment in
fibre, in areas that remain without the high-speed
fibre broadband that is now available to the vast
majority of people across the rest of the UK.
Significant benefits will arise from:
delivering on the ground and financial support
to groups looking to bring fibre to their
community where commercial investmen
t has
not materialised
the added resilience afforded to community
economies by tackling challenges associated
with a lack of business investment, an ageing
population and retaining a local workforce
the economic value residents’ place on fibre
broadband and increases in house prices
derived from its availability
greater community engagement and well-being
and reduced isolation
access to an emerging set
of healthcare and
educational technologies and services
reductions on carbon emissions and pollutants.
We have also estimated the scale of benefits that
will arise as a result of Openreach’s commitment
to extend fibre to over 60,000 premises
communities across the UK through its
Community Fibre Partnerships programme. Over
a 15 year period we estimate that CFP will lead to
the following benefits:
nesses in CFP communities to date stand to
generate £XX million for local economies across
the UK
residents in CFP communities to date will
benefit from around £XX million in economic
value, mainly through increased housing values
the monetised value of social, educational and
health benefits will total around £XX million
An estimated 24,300 tonnes of carbon
emissions that would have otherwise entered
e atmosphere, will be saved as a result of CFP.
In total we estimate that the economic and
social impacts generated by Openreach’s
Community Fibre Partnerships will be just
over £XX billion over 15 years
These impacts provide an indication of the larger
scale benefits that will be achieved through
Openreach’s wider investments in fibre for
communities. The findings overall set out a
compelling case for
continued investment in fibre
broadband networks, and in locations that lag the
rest of the UK on broadband capability in
51. As of December 2017. More premises will have been contracted subsequently.
52. This excludes resident user benefits, to avoid double counting impacts associated with increased housing wealth.
8. Summary of Overall Benefits
Table 8.1: Community Fibre Partnership Impact Assessment:
Headline Impacts Over 15 Years
Business Impacts
Productivity £xxm
Innovating & Opening New Markets £xxm
New Business Creation £xxm
Flexible Working Benefits £xxm
Total Business Impacts £xxm
Economic Benefits for Residents*
Resident Use Value £xxm
Increased Housing Wealth £xxm
Social Benefits*
Social Value: 75+ year old residents only £xxm
Access to Employment: through online job search £xxm
Healthcare technology £xxm
Total Social Benefits £xxm
Source: Regeneris Consulting. *Caution should be taken in summing impact values. No total economic benefit for
residents is provided; there is likely to be some cross-over between resident welfare benefits and increased housing wealth.
Some of the economic benefits to residents may also be accounted for within social benefits.
Community Fibre Partnerships:
Fibre Technologies
CFP deployments adhere to the same standards of
construction and installation as those associated
with nationwide rollouts. Fibre components within
the local network may rely on elements of the
existing copper infrastructure or be overlaid by
end-to-end fibre.
Openreach has a selection of fibre solutions at its
disposal to achieve superfast and ultrafast
tcomes. These are outlined below and are at
various stages of maturity, with some
technologies expected to become increasingly
important in future deployments.
Appendix A
Table A.1: Openreach Fibre Broadband Technologies
Technology Summary Speed
Fibre to the Cabinet • Fibre-copper hybrid solution Superfast
(FTTC) • Most widely-deployed technology across the UK
• Reliant on existing infrastructure
• Subject to incremental performance uplifts
Fibre to the Premise • Pure fibre solution Ultrafast
(FTTP) • Increasing component of Openreach network
• Suitable in rural and urban settings
• Highest specification Openreach technology
FTTP on Demand • Offered in conjunction with FTTC Ultrafast
• Subject to different ordering process and
additional installation fees
G.Fast • Currently under trial Ultrafast
• Operates in conjunction with FTTC to offer
increased performance
• Widespread deployment anticipated
Source: Openreach
At present, CFP rollouts have mainly used FTTC
(90%), with FTTP deployed in remaining locations
(10%). The evolution of Openreach’s technical
mix and pending the results of ongoing field trials,
means this balance is likely to change in the
future. It is anticipated that FTTP will become an
increasingly prominent solution, while new build
development si
tes will also see full fibre installed
as the preferred technology of choice.
Estimating CFP Business Impacts
To produce estimates of economic growth
(through Gross Value Added, or GVA), and
employment, a baseline GVA and employment
position has been formed for the locations that
stand to benefit from the CFP deployment. This
draws on the following data:
forecast CFP premise coverage: provided by BT
(over 60,000)
estimates of the business : premise ratio at local
authority level: u
sing DCLG data on residential
dwellings, business premise data
and ONS Business Counts (enterprise data)
GVA per business, based on:
ONS Regional GVA data by sector
employee data from the ONS Business
Register and Employment Survey (BRES)
average employees per micro, small, medium
and large business, by sector, from the
Annual Business Inquiry (ABI).
We have applied a 20% dampening factor
iness:premise ratio for communities that lie
outside of cities and larger towns. This reflects the
lower proportion of business premises situated in
smaller towns and villages versus more densely
populated areas within any given local authority
Modelling Assumptions
All impacts have applied the following:
a 15-year assessment period consistent with
European telecommunication infrastructure
t guidance
a 3.5% discount rate consistent with HM
Treasury’s Green Book
a combined multiplier effect of 1.25. Each of
the six channels of impact that have been
assessed are multiplied by this figure to account
for the knock-on benefits generated due to
increased employee/resident spending power
(induced multiplier effects) and increased supply
chain purchasing by businesses (indirect
multiplier effects
We assume that adoption of broadband amongst
businesses rises to 35%, although take-up is
assumed to be higher from knowledge-based
businesses, lower among other manufacturing
firms and lower still within other service sectors. It
is also assumed that larger businesses adopt at a
faster rate. This is a conservative assumption that
draws on Openreach adoption rates to date.
Time Dependency
Our m
odelling of productivity and innovation
impacts has assumed the following build-up
broadband services enabled: one year after the
start of network build
35% adoption rate reached: after five years
productivity benefits achieved: one year after
novation benefits realised: four years after
53. HM Treasury Green Book Appraisal Guide. Indirect multiplier effects have not been factored into the assessment of private household benefits.
54. HM Treasury Green Book Appraisal Guide. Only induced impacts applied in the assessment of private household benefits.
Appendix B
Sector Analysis
We have applied the following sector definitions
for knowledge intensive and other service sectors
from the Standard Industrial Classifications (SIC):
knowledge based: information &
communication (J), financial & insurance (K)
and professional, scientific & technical (M)
other services: transport & storage (H) and
administrative and support service activities.
Wholesale and reta
il (G) and other service
activities (S) have been excluded from the
assessment as the benefits from broadband are
currently less clear.
Technological Change
The benefit to businesses of high speed
broadband will increase over time, as new and
improved applications will emerge in reaction to
the enhanced capabilities offered by fibre
broadband. As businesses make use of these
applications they will be able
to generate new
Based on available research, it is difficult to
predict the exact scale of these effects and project
the associated benefits in the future. To account
for this, we have applied a conservative
assumption that technological change will lead to
a 2.5% uplift on all productivity and innovation
impacts in the short term (after 5 years), a 5%
uplift in the medium term (after 10 years) a
nd a
7.5% uplift in the long term (after 15 years).
New Business Creation
A peak increased growth rate of 1.5% is applied
to knowledge based sectors, whilst a 1.2% growth
rate is applied across other manufacturing and
construction and other services sectors, as a result
of fibre broadband connectivity. This compares to
estimates produced by Etro (2009) suggesting
growth in business creation of up to 1.7%
It is assumed that the annual business growth rate
builds up to a peak rate in year 5, then persists in
years 6 to 8 before decreasing by 10% per year
thereafter. Survival rates are applied across two
broad sectors (knowledge based firms and ‘other
) based on National Statistics business
counts data.
It is assumed that 99% of start-ups established in
year one are micro businesses (0-10 employees)
and by year 15, business sizes have grown to
reflect the national average
. Average employee
numbers for each area are applied across micro,
small and medium sizes and large businesses for
each sector drawing on the 2008 Annual Business
Economic impact estimates have been generated
by applying GVA per worker figures across
knowledge based industries, manufacturing and
and other services. The proportion of
GVA created by new businesses attributed to CFP
fibre rollout is programmed to fall to zero over a
five-year period, with the first employees within
start-up businesses being counted for one year.
55. Applies estimated SME business creation across the UK of 34,843, 1.7% of the total number of SMEs at the time according to National Statistics Business Counts, 2009.
Etro, F (2009). ‘The Economic Impact of Cloud Computing on Business Creation, Employment and Output in Europe’.
56. The knowledge based sector covers information & communication, financial & insurance and professional, scientific & technical activities. Other services cover transport &
storage and administrative & support service activities.
57. This projected level of business growth means that 95% will still be micro firms after a 15-year period.
Flexible Working Impacts
Rates of flexible working are programmed to
increase at roughly the same rate that has been
achieved through the move from basic (<2Mbps)
to superfast broadband. This assumes increases
will occur at the following rates:
3% per annum in the financial and professional
services sector (the sectors most likely to utilise
these technologies)
1% per annum in all other sectors
Baseline G
VA estimates have been generated by
applying GVA per worker figures across
knowledge based industries, manufacturing and
construction and other services.