Robots in public spaces: implications for policy design
Michael Mintrom , Shanti Sumartojo , Dana Kuli
c , Leimin Tian ,
Pamela Carreno-Medrano and Aimee Allen
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Rapid advances in digital technologies have allowed robots to
become more autonomous and efficacious than ever before.
Future developments in robotics hold the potential to transform
human robot interactions. We can expect to see robots perform-
ing a variety of functions in public spaces. Possibilities exist for
robots to greatly improve the quality of our lives and to contrib-
ute positively to the safety, creative potential, and atmosphere of
public spaces. But as this trend develops, the risk emerges of
robots transforming public spaces and social interactions in
undesirable ways. By reviewing previous public policy approaches
to harnessing and regulating disruptive technology, we consider
how public policy could simultaneously enhance opportunities
created by the presence of robots in public spaces and reduce
the risks of undesirable outcomes. We summarize key insights
into a policy design checklist to guide policies on robots in public
spaces. These insights cover (1) safety, (2) privacy and ethics, (3)
productivity, (4) esthetics, (5) co-creation, (6) equitable access, and
(7) systemic innovation.
Received 13 July 2020
Accepted 15 March 2021
Robots; co-production;
disruptive technology;
humanrobot interactions;
policy design;
technology regulation
Over a century of science fiction writing has given us images of robots, some positive,
some negative. Comics, movies, videos and computer games have made those images
more vivid. Asked to describe or draw a robot, many people could immediately
respond with scenarios inspired by these fictional portrayals (Horstmann and Kr
2019). Meanwhile, rapid advances in artificial intelligence and automation technology
have seen actual robots appearing and performing specific functions in public spaces.
Today, they can be spotted in supermarkets, malls, airports, hospitals, parks, and on
streets and sidewalks. Their activities include cleaning, delivering food or parcels, or
providing security or public information. Yet, for now, little is known about how
robots shape our experience of public space as they interact with people and move
through these environments. Moreover, little effort has gone into the development of
public policy anticipating the ways that citizens will increasingly come to interact with
robots. In this paper, we consider how public policy could simultaneously enhance
CONTACT Michael Mintrom [email protected]
! 2021 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (
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2022, VOL. 5, NO. 2, 123139
opportunities created by the presence of robots in public spaces and reduce the risks of
undesirable outcomes. We summarize key insights into a policy design checklist to
guide refinement of policy concerning robots in public spaces. These insights cover
safety, privacy and ethics, productivity, esthetics, co-creation, equity of access, and sys-
temic innovation.
In the years ahead, robots will become more visible and commonplace, as robotics
and allied technologies continue to advance, and as industries devise more applications
for them. Consider two examples. First, delivery robots are becoming more common.
Starship Technologies, headquartered in San Francisco, has created delivery robots
used primarily to take fast food orders from restaurants to customers, meeting them by
their homes or offices or wherever they intend to eat. The electric-powered robots
resemble small storage lockers on wheels. They ride on sidewalks at the same speed as
adults typically walk. Starship Technologies has targeted university campuses as places
where most of these robots have been deployed to date. As of February 2021, Starships
were operating in the United States, the United Kingdom, Finland and Estonia, and
more than one million meal deliveries had occurred. Nuro, based in Mountain View,
California has developed the R-2, another delivery robot. Unlike the Starship, the Nuro
R-2 travels as a self-driving electric vehicle on roads at the speed of regular traffic. It
too can deliver meals, but its capabilities extend to transporting anything from gro-
ceries to dry cleaning. Nuro seeks to have household errands become a thing of
the past.
Second, robots are being used for surveillance and security purposes. These uses
have grown during the COVID-19 global pandemic. Spot is a robot that runs on four
legs and has the appearance of a dog. Designed to operate in unstructured environ-
ments inaccessible to other robots, Spot has been made commercially by Boston
Dynamics since 2019. During 2020, the Singapore government deployed Spot in parks
across the city to ensure that walkers, runners, and other park visitors were practicing
social distancing. Using remote navigation and equipped with a camera and prere-
corded message, Spot barks a warning whenever it comes across someone who is
not complying with safe distancing rules. The Singapore government has also deployed
a fleet of drones to observe parks from above and measure how many visitors are at
each location. The data are then aggregated to a website that locals can use to deter-
mine in real time which parks currently have the lowest number of visitors. In another
surveillance and security application, robots developed by Cobalt Robotics in San
Mateo, California have been used to replace humans in security activities during
COVID-19. The Cobalt robots conduct temperature screening, identify that people are
wearing masks, and monitor for social distancing. In Melbourne, Australia, these
robots have been deployed in COVID-19 quarantine hotels to check that guests are not
opening their doors or leaving their rooms. If the robots detect any breaches or anoma-
lies, they send an alert to authorized officers, including police, who can enforce
the rules.
Well-designed, anticipatory public policy can do much to ensure that society
reaps the greatest benefits from new technology while reducing possible harms
(Cairney and St Denny 2020;G
ur et al. 2018). Such policymaking can prove critical
in shaping the trajectory of technology adoption (Aydin 2019; Boucher 2016). Looking
ahead, while many opportunities will emerge for helpful humanrobot interactions,
productivity enhancements, and creative problem solving, risks also exist. If robots in
the wild are not carefully managed, unfortunate events could occur (Selma,
Michalowski, and Simmons 2006). In turn, these could have the broader spillover effect
of undermining public trust in their use. Poor public management of robots could
serve to undermine their broader utilization and, hence, limit how robots could posi-
tively contribute to the quality of our lives (Belanche et al. 2014; Hubbard, 2014; Li,
Hess, and Valacich 2008).
Before turning to our discussion of robots in public spaces, it is useful to briefly
review the definition of robots and humanrobot interactions. Doing so assists in
explaining why the presence of robots in public spaces is a significant development,
one that deserves more attention by public policy researchers and practitioners. At the
most basic level, robots are machines that exhibit intelligence and autonomy. They can
be left alone to complete specified tasks or a program of activities. Contemporary
advances in artificial intelligence and robotics are leading to the creation of robots that
are increasingly exhibiting higher levels of intelligence and autonomy than their prede-
cessors. High functioning robots can learn and adapt to their environments. The multi-
disciplinary field of HumanRobot Interaction (HRI) is driving the development of
robots that engage in complicated interpretative tasks, including understanding speech,
recognizing facial features, and inferring the emotional state of humans they are inter-
acting with (Beer, Fisk, and Rogers 2014; Young et al. 2011). Contributors to this field
seek to combine the skills of both humans and robots to improve performance in a
wide variety of tasks. These fall into the category of HumanRobot Collaboration,
where efforts are underway to advance knowledge of what interactions and collabora-
tions are feasible and how they can be refined to generate even more complex engage-
ments (Gervasi, Mastrogiacomo, and Franceschini 2020).
1. Robots in public spaces
The increasing sophistication of robots and their capabilities to engage in a socially
intelligent manner with humans hold significant implications for public spaces and
how we use them. Del Casino et al. (2020) argue that robots are increasingly becoming
woven into, and thus helping to create, our complex, continuously evolving, and con-
tingent socio-spatial realities (p.611). As these changes occur, they will impact on how
we use public spaces. The introduction of robots in public spaces and the likely expan-
sion of their activities and numbers will have implications for public safety and for
human productive capabilities within those spaces. In addition, the presence of robots
will change the look and feel of those spaces, the complex set of conditions that estab-
lish the atmospheres within them (Edensor and Sumartojo 2015; Sumartojo, Edensor,
and Pink 2019), and by extension how people make sense of and value those
shared spaces.
Public spaces can be thought of as anywhere that groups of people who may or may
not know each other can freely assemble, move about, and interact. Understood in this
way, many legally private spaces can be seen as functionally public. We might call
them quasi-public. Shopping malls, airports, pubs and restaurants are typically
privately-owned, yet people can exercise a high degree of discretion concerning who
they meet with and what they do within those spaces. In contrast, most outdoor public
spaces like streets and parks are publicly owned and subject to governance by councils
or other legislative bodies. However, there are also gardens, parks, and some beach
areas that are quasi-public in nature. As applications for robots grow and people accord
increasing value to their contributions to everyday life, all who govern public and
quasi-public spaces will need to give more consideration to how laws and regulations
can appropriately guide the activities of robots. Questions of public safety will be para-
mount. Yet how robots alter the atmosphere of public spaces must also be carefully
considered. Governors cannot fully control atmospheres, but in allowing robots into
public spaces they can specify the allowable features and functions of those robots, how
many will be allowed to operate in the space, and the hours of operation. This is simi-
lar to how urban planning regulations, for example, co-constitute the atmospheres of
public spaces by determining standards for traffic, lighting, construction materials or
footpath widths. Laws and regulations of this kind related to robots could serve to sup-
port efforts to ensure public safety. Beyond this, they could have implications both
positive and negative for advancing productivity.
Among scholars of governance, public management, and public policy, explorations
of the growing capabilities of robots and their social implications have
received limited attention to date. Dickinson et al. (2018) explored the use of robots in
the delivery of care services. They noted that considerable training would be vital, both
for staff working in care services and for patients who could receive some services via
the work of robots. These researchers recognized that limitations in how people per-
ceive and work with robots could limit the effectiveness of the technology. They also
noted the importance of establishing appropriate regulatory regimes, noting that
actions on the part of governments could both support and inhibit the greater use of
robots in the delivery of care services. Similar points have been made by Si Ying
and Taeihagh (2020) in their study of the adoption of robots in long-term care
in Singapore. Many of the issues raised concerning robots and care services could be
generalized as we think about the introduction of robots into public spaces
more broadly.
2. Key public policy issues
Robots have the potential to contribute greatly to the quality of human life, as we have
seen during the COVID-19 pandemic, as robots have been increasingly used for deliv-
ery and cleaning services, as well as telehealth and other health-care specific applica-
tions. Their growing prevalence in public spaces could propel many changes. While
some people might welcome those changes, others might find them deeply confronting.
When people experience changes in their environments and desire to collectively nego-
tiate effective ways to manage such change, they turn to their governments for guid-
ance and support. Policy researchers and practitioners can add much to the ensuing
discussions and aid in the identification of positive ways forward. That advice can be
useful for indicating both policy actions that could be helpful and those that could be
unhelpful. Here, we review previous public policy approaches to harnessing and
regulating disruptive technology. We focus the review around three matters: trust,
planning, and socio-technical transitions. These matters take us from the micro-level,
where the focus is on interactions between individuals and robots, through to the
macro-level, where the focus is on how to capture value for society as a whole from the
greater presence of robots in public spaces. Throughout, we note how public policy
could simultaneously enhance opportunities created by the presence of robots in public
spaces and reduce the risks of undesirable outcomes.
2.1. Trust
A prerequisite for human acceptance and use of new technology is that the technology
is viewed by people as trustworthy (Hancock et al. 2011). Transparency concerning the
nature of the technology and its capabilities and limitations is essential to allowing trust
to develop (Wortham and Theodorou 2017). In the case of robots, the key constituents
of trust are perception of safety, perception of competence, and perception of integrity
in the use of information. These constituents parallel those people apply when
working with professional service providers. For example, when choosing a medical
specialist to perform a procedure or treat an illness, individuals will seek someone who
they feel safe with, who they judge to be highly capable to address the presenting con-
dition, and who will maintain patient-doctor confidentiality. These key constituents of
trust present a high bar for the acceptance of robots in the public space. People must
trust that the presence of robots will not cause them any physical harm. This suggests
the need for robots and those responsible for their operation to pass threshold tests of
safety (Kuli
c and Croft 2007; Lindblom and Wei 2018). This is equivalent to the typical
government regulation of cars and their drivers. Cars are usually required to be regu-
larly tested for their roadworthiness. Those who drive cars that lack a current
certificate of safety can face fines. And drivers, too, must hold licenses, which are sub-
ject to regular renewal rules. Renewal can often require the passing of tests. These
may focus on knowledge of road rules or practical operating skills. More recently, the
operation of drones has been subjected to similar kinds of rule-making (Boucher
2016). For robots to be trusted in public spaces, it is likely that new regulations will
need to be developed relating to the safety of the robots themselves and the compe-
tency of those seeking to release them in public spaces. Publication of ISO 13482, a
safety standard for personal care robots, has led the way here. Until it was promul-
gated, only general safety standards for machines were available and the lack of a speci-
alized safety standard with detailed requirements resulted in uncertainty and a
relatively high residual risk for manufacturers (Jacobs and Singh Virk 2014). A compli-
cating factor here is that as robots become more autonomous, the relationships
between the operator and the robot becomes more indirect. This raises challenges for
those making public policy around the operation of robots in public spaces (Hubbard
2014; Hancock 2019).
Beyond being judged as safe, robots in public spaces must also be judged as compe-
tent (Jensen et al. 2018; Park, Jenkins, and Jiang 2008). Even if they are deemed safe,
public trust in robots will rapidly erode if the robots do not perform their specified
tasks at expected levels of quality (Dzindolet et al. 2003). For example, people will not
trust robots designed to deliver meals if they find a robot has delivered a different meal
than was ordered, or if the meal arrives cold, incomplete or not at all. But reputation
also matters. Even if people have not had a bad experience with a robot, they will soon
judge them untrustworthy if they hear stories of other people who have had unfortu-
nate robot experiences. The competency of robots will be dependent on both the capa-
bilities they have, the effectiveness of robot operators in programming them and their
abilities to cope with the unpredictable nature of public space. Given this, the gover-
nors of specific public spaces might choose to test task competency before allowing
robots to operate there. Operating licenses could be restrictive, so that robots would be
licensed to perform certain tasks but not others.
To perform effectively, robots frequently access information from datasets. For
example, how they get from place to place can be dependent, in part, on their ability to
engage with global positioning systems, just as smart phones give directions to humans.
The ability of robots to continuously collect information through cameras, micro-
phones, and other sensors means that they are both dependent on datasets and
actively contributing to the continuous expansion of those datasets. Through such cap-
ability, robots can potentially acquire and maintain expert ability to recognize
people and remember key details about them. This raises major privacy concerns
(Xu et al. 2014). When a robot is making a delivery, there are multiple other ways that
it could be acquiring information about the humans around it and not just those that
it interacts with directly. To the extent that robots are viewed as agents of big broth-
er, trust in them will erode. Major public policy issues arise concerning how
much information robots collect and share with remote databases. Without being
addressed, these concerns could severely limit the acceptance of robots in pub-
lic spaces.
2.2. Planning
Public policies are often devised to address challenges arising from human behavior in
public spaces. It has long been recognized that problems arise when spaces are shared
and demarcation of property rights is deemed expensive (Olson 1965). The tragedy of
the commons arises when shared spaces become congested or overused (Hardin 1968).
These considerations are relevant to the use of robots in public spaces. At a minimum,
there is the possibility that the presence and actions of robots in public spaces will
prove inconvenient or unpleasant to people. That situation is equivalent to the creation
of a negative externality, where consensual transactions between specific parties have
spillover effects that are not accounted for in the original transaction. Air pollution
and industrial noise are common examples of negative externalities. Societies deal with
them through planning procedures and the creation of rules and regulations about
actions that can be taken in specific spaces. Often, externalities become most apparent
with population increases. Actions taken when few others are around might be deemed
acceptable in those circumstances. The same actions, when many people are engaging
in them, serve to create negative externalities and calls are made for government regu-
lation. All of this suggests that planning is vital to ensure that robots in public spaces
contribute to the quality of life of as many people as possible in those spaces and that
negative consequences for people in those same spaces are minimized. Most import-
antly, it is clear that the rules to be established will differ depending on the nature of
the public space, what types of robots are in such spaces, how many there are, and
what kinds of things they are doing (like security patrols or surface disinfection, which
are both about public safety but look and feel very different). In the public manage-
ment literature, a fair amount has been written about the creation of public value
(Moore 1995, 2013). Here, governors (who establish the authorizing environment)
assess proposals for procedural changes and also make decisions about whether public
resources should be devoted to support specific proposals. That perspective could use-
fully inform future explorations of how to effectively govern the use of robots in pub-
lic spaces.
2.3. Socio-technological transitions
Over the past two decades, a literature has emerged to explore the processes through
which norms and practices associated with new technologies introduced in experimen-
tal or niche settings (Rip and Ren
e 1998) become adopted more widely
(Berkhout, Adrian, and Andy 2004). These processes have come to be referred to as
socio-technological transitions. Much of the contemporary literature is concerned
with transitions associated with promoting more sustainable development and mitigat-
ing against climate change (Geels and Kemp 2007). However, the concept of socio-
technical transition is well-suited to considering how the growing prevalence of robots
in public spaces might lead to broad acceptance and application of robots
throughout society. Beyond the trust and planning issues already discussed, robots in
the public space open other issues. There is the issue of value capture. If the introduc-
tion of robots in public spaces leads to many positive contributions to the quality of
human life, then there would be value for society in as many people as possible being
able to enjoy those benefits. Relatedly, there is the issue of unfair distribution of bene-
fits. For example, with the growing use of food delivery robots, a concern is raised
that people who can afford to use the service benefit substantially, while those who
cannot afford the service both fail to benefit from it and also have their ability to
use public space degraded. That is because the food delivery robots take up significant
sidewalk space and make walking on sidewalks less attractive. As we know from litera-
ture on the digital divide, both lack of access to technology and lack of skills in using
technology contribute to major differences across society in who benefits from advan-
ces in information technology (Van Deursen and Van Dijk 2011). Moreover, the spe-
cific tasks that robots perform may be valued very differently for different members of
the public. An example here is the brief deployment in 2017 of a robot in San
Francisco to monitor spaces where homeless people were living. The robot ended up
wrapped in a tarp and smeared in barbeque sauce, which effectively ended its patrols
(Holley 2017).
Table 1 summarizes the key issues that we have introduced here concerning robots
in public spaces. Potentially, a role exists for governments in supporting the deploy-
ment of robots being used in the public space. That role can be executed in a number
of ways, ranging from ensuring that everyone knows of the benefits of robots to
subsidization of the introduction of robots in specific public spaces. Room also
exists for the development of various policy mixes to drive innovation processes
(Kern, Rogge, and Howlett 2019). The greater use of robots in public spaces also
opens possibilities for innovations in how people and robots interact. While a growing
literature has explored the relationship between provision of government services and
the agency of service clients (Alford 2014), much scope remains for exploring how peo-
ple work with robots and discovering the benefits that can flow from those
3. A policy design checklist
Having reviewed key issues raised by the growing presence of robots in public spaces,
we here collate emerging insights into a policy checklist. The checklist contains key
questions relating to seven topics: (1) ensuring safety, (2) addressing privacy and eth-
ical concerns, (3) advancing productivity, (4) attending to esthetics, (5) encouraging
co-creation, (6) promoting equitable access, and (7) facilitating systemic innovation.
The checklist and key questions have been uniquely developed for this discussion.
However, the matters covered map onto classic goals of public policy analysis
which include defending people and property, promoting human flourishing, promot-
ing efficiency, and promoting social equity (Mintrom 2019). Ethical concerns have also
long been a primary concern in policy analysis (Mintrom 2012). Questions of
esthetics have been less commonly discussed by policy scholars, although they have
certainly been apparent in discussions of urban design (Jacobs 1961 ; Kunstler 1994;
Sumartojo, Edensor, and Pink 2019). Questions of co-design and co-creation have
received more attention by public policy and public management researchers in recent
years (Alford 2014 , Mintrom and Luetjens 2016; Osborne, Radnor, and Strokosch
2016). While the questions in the checklist are nonexhaustive, they reflect established
discussions among policy researchers and practitioners concerning matters to address
in policy design.
Table 2 summarizes the policy design checklist. The following discussion
elaborates on how the seven questions in the Checklist might be addressed. For each
question in the checklist, we briefly review why it matters, what the ideal outcome
Table 1. Robots in public spaces key issues.
Issue Explanation
1 Safety Robots can create safety risks to the public due to both physical design features and
how operators design and control their functionality.
2 Privacy and Ethics Robots can raise privacy concerns because they collect large amounts of unique information
during their interactions with people and the environment and can contribute that
information to existing datasets for potentially many subsequent, unrelated uses.
3 Productivity Robots might enhance productivity in specific activities but hinder or obstruct
other activities.
4 Esthetics Robots might detract from the esthetics of a public space, making that space less
convenient for citizens, more crowded, and unattractive.
5 Co-Creation Robot designers could develop robots without considering whether or not their presence
and actions are broadly acceptable to the communities where they will be deployed.
6 Equitable Access Greater use of robots in public spaces could produce benefits only enjoyed by affluent
individuals and communities while imposing unwelcome challenges for poorer ones.
7 System Innovation If the operations of robots in public spaces are poorly handled, their potential to
enhance the quality of human life could be limited.
would be, and starting points for policy design. Consideration is also given to points of
connection across these topics. Given the foregoing review, we are confident that
efforts by policymakers to systematically answer the questions on this checklist will
contribute strongly to the development of effective policy governing robots in pub-
lic spaces.
Question 1: How Can We Ensure Safety? The operation of robots in public spaces
raises safety concerns that must be addressed from the outset. Safety matters relating to
a single robot increase as multiple robots enter a public space. The first concern must
be with human safety, to ensure that people are not placed at risk of injury due to the
operation of robots around them. Additional concerns relate to the safety of other
objects and property. Further, the safety of robots themselves also matters. To the
extent that robots are at risk of damage through accidents, the efficiency gains prom-
ised by their introduction could quickly erode. The ideal outcome is for robots to be
functioning in public spaces in ways that do not pose risks to the people and things
around them. When people perceive robots as safe, they are more likely to trust them
and, hence, come to treat them as normal parts of the environment. The creation of
rules for the safe operation of robots will be crucial for ensuring safety, just as the
many rules concerning the operation of automobiles have been essential to them
Table 2. Robots in public spaces a policy design checklist.
Checklist Questions
Policy Responses Explanation
1 How Can We
Ensure Safety?
Regulation, Monitoring,
and Enforcement
Regulation and monitoring could reduce safety risks to
the public through prescribing specific features of
robots and requiring operators hold licenses.
2 How Can We Address
Privacy and
Ethics Concerns?
Regulation, Monitoring,
and Enforcement
Privacy and ethics concerns could be addressed
through specification of appropriate uses of what
can be done with the information robots collect
and monitoring to reduce the risk that privacy
breaches go undetected.
3 How Can We
Regulations and
of Incentives
Regulations could ensure that robots only operate in
public when they are deemed to enhance
productivity. Incentives could be provided to
encourage robot designers to ensure robots
enhance productivity and do not hinder
other activities.
4 How Should We
Attend to Esthetics?
Monitoring and
Monitoring could ensure robots contribute to the
esthetics of public spaces. Mechanisms for co-design
could increase the likelihood that ideas and
concerns of citizens are incorporated into the
calibration of robots for specific public spaces.
5 How Can We
Provision of Incentives Incentives could be provided, including prizes, to
encourage robot designers to work with citizens in
developing robots for use in public spaces.
6 How can we promote
equitable access?
and Subsidies
Deployment of robots could be monitored to assess
who benefits most from their use in public spaces.
Provision of subsidies could increase the likelihood
that the benefits of robots would be enjoyed by all
members of society.
7 How Can We
Systemic Innovation?
Monitoring and Funding Government monitoring could include environment
scans to assess how new and promising
developments could be broadly introduced. Funds
could be used to support system innovation, in the
same way that funds have frequently been allocated
to aspects of Research and Development.
becoming part of everyday life in many places. Policy design for the safe operation of
robots could be usefully informed by review of the regulations that have facilitated
introduction and increasing use of other mobile technologies, such as automobiles,
motorbikes, scooters, and drones. Consideration must also be given to management of
congestion. While this is unlikely to be an immediate concern, the increasing presence
of robots in public spaces could lead to congestion, which could be managed through
clear demarcation of operating spaces, equivalent to the introduction of highways dedi-
cated to specific vehicles and the creation of bicycle lanes.
Question 2: How Can We Address Privacy and Ethical Concerns? Public space is com-
plex and inherently political because of the various power structures and inequalities
implicit and reflected in it. Any new technologies enter into an already contested realm
and provoke new forms of discussion and debate. Like all other technologies, robots
have biases in their design and implementation. It is not hard to imagine robots being
coupled with facial recognition software that is racially discriminatory, for example.
Already, robots have tangled with homeless people who should also have rights within
public spaces. Here we connect to bigger literatures on urban public space on the one
hand and ethical and responsible approaches to the development and application of
technologies on the other. Recently, concerns have been raised about the use of drones
and robots to conduct security patrols (Aydin 2019; Boucher 2016). An ethics first
and people-focused approach involves taking technological possibilities to be just that
possibilities (Pink 2020; Pink and Lanzeni 2018). Anthropological research shows
that people do not use technologies as engineers and designers imagined they should.
There will always be unintended consequences. The challenge is to ensure that, as far
as possible, those consequences are positive. Our lives are not governed by technologies
created for us, but by how the possibilities they offer fit with our everyday needs and
priorities. To work effectively and ethically in public spaces, the affordances of robots
and their applications must remain flexible. Public policies must create opportunities
for people in specific localities to engage, learn and create their shared sense of mean-
ing regarding the activities of robots in public spaces.
Question 3: How Can We Advance Productivity? While the novelty of robots might
lead some to view them as large toys primarily of entertainment value, their introduction
is motivated by the drive for efficiency. Among the attractive features of robots, high on
the list are their ability to work without getting bored or tired, and their ability to per-
form tasks that might be dangerous or injurious to human workers (see Maeda 2019).
Robots have potential to perform many tasks previously performed by humans. As well
as reducing risks to human workers associated with specific tasks, robots can often per-
form those tasks more effectively than humans. Their extensive use in factories confirms
this. Consequently, increased use of robots in public spaces represents a major opportun-
ity for advancing productivity. The extent to which robots advance productivity will be
influenced by the safety considerations already noted and, relatedly, by how receptive
people are to having robots operating around them. Two contrasting scenarios emerge.
In one, robots could operate in public spaces when humans are not present. This would
avoid various humanrobot interactions and would avoid problems arising from human
fears or dislikes for robots. But many opportunities to advance productivity would be
lost. A more attractive scenario would involve robots sharing public spaces with humans,
both going about their activities in ways that combine independent routines with explicit
human interactions. The ideal outcome would be humanrobot interactions that are
encouraged to advance productivity gains. Such gains will arise from continuous explor-
ation of how robots can enhance the quality of human experiences in public spaces.
Policy design needs to ensure regulation of robots in public spaces for safety reasons
and also to protect valued human rights, such as privacy and freedom of association.
At the same time, policy designers should avoid making regulations that lock in cur-
rent technology, and that unnecessarily inhibit opportunities for robots to advance
productivity. Evidence from the literature on environmental regulation suggests long-
term productivity growth is most likely to occur when regulations stipulate valued out-
comes and encourage measurement of progress toward those outcomes rather than
when regulations focus on the specifications of the technology intended to meet those
outcomes (Bardach and Kagan 1982; Schultze 2010). The stipulation of valued out-
comes creates incentives for on-going improvements in the design and deployment of
robots in public spaces.
Question 4: How Should We Attend to Esthetics? Like any change in the structures
and details of public spaces, the introduction of new technology into public spaces can
potentially enhance or erode the overall quality of our experiences within them. Often
with the management of public spaces, controversy arises when changes are made.
Some people like them. Others loathe them (Kunstler 1994). We can expect contro-
versy of this sort will accompany the increasing deployment of robots in public spaces.
Related to the productivity discussion above, some might be in favor of the deployment
of cleaning robots, for their potential to improve the cleanliness and appearance of
public spaces. On the other hand, others might be opposed to such a change because
they fear the resulting increased surveillance and potentially the loss of human jobs.
While esthetics will be part of the debate, it is not the only reason for the resistance to
change. However, much needless controversy can be avoided through the creation of
processes where issues of esthetics are openly debated among those who govern public
spaces. Who gets to contribute to those debates will depend crucially on ownership of
the spaces being discussed.
Many public spaces are legally private spaces, in the sense that the properties in
which the public assemble or move about are privately owned and managed. Shopping
malls, airports, pubs and restaurants are common examples. But most outdoor public
spaces like streets and parks are publicly owned and subject to governance by councils
or other legislative bodies. All who govern public spaces need to consider how the pres-
ence of robots will alter the atmospheres of those spaces. Governors cannot fully con-
trol atmospheres, but in allowing robots into public spaces they can specify the
allowable features and functions of those robots, how many will be allowed to operate
in the space, and the hours of operation. Regulations of this kind could serve to sup-
port efforts to ensure safety. They could also have implications for advancing product-
ivity and supporting social justice. A key design concern should be to balance esthetics
of robots in a public space with the preservation or development of a specific
atmosphere. Recognition must be given to the possibility that strict regulation around
esthetics could have implications for advancing productivity. But there need not be a
tradeoff here. Indeed, the possibility arises for esthetic considerations to promote
improvements in overall robot design or to make them specific to the environments in
which they are deployed. For example, people are much more likely to be tolerant of
robots and open to engaging with them if they are considered to be a positive public
presence and contribute to the enjoyment and safety of shared public spaces.
Question 5: How Can We Encourage Co-creation? Many products and services in soci-
ety are co-produced. People play crucial roles in determining the quality of the experi-
ences they have with particular products and services. For example, personal fitness is
co-produced. The quality of a set of fitness equipment will make little difference if a
person does not make time to use it. Likewise, the services of a personal trainer
will contribute to a persons fitness only if that person shows up for training sessions
and engages in appropriate follow-up activities. Co-creation happens when the con-
sumer plays a central role in designing the experience. With respect to personal
fitness, co-creation occurs when a personal trainer and a customer discuss and
decide the features of the exercise session they will conduct together. Digital technolo-
gies, including robots, introduce new opportunities for co-creation between
people and service providers. Continuing our fitness example, robots have been
deployed to assist people with their rehabilitation from accidents. They are able to
monitor how an individual is responding to a specific activity and then make appropri-
ate adjustments, such as raising or lowering the level of effort required to complete
the activity.
With the increasing deployment of robots in public spaces, there is much to be
gained from robotics engineers continually assessing, devising, and exploring human-
robot interactions in the specific spatial contexts of their use with the purpose of
encouraging new opportunities for co-creation. At heart, this requires people to
become sufficiently comfortable interacting with robots that they identify helpful varia-
tions on the actions that robots can perform, or even propose completely new actions.
The astounding development of so many creative applications for smart phones offers
clues of the massive opportunities in store as robots become more common in public
spaces. For policy designers, the challenge is to ensure that robots are suitably regulated
so that people value their interactions with them sufficiently to suggest ways to enhance
future interactions. Beyond setting broader parameters, policy designers could contrib-
ute to the otherwise organic process by which co-creation will evolve. For example,
policy designers should look for ways to encourage co-creation with individuals and
groups that could otherwise be marginalized in public spaces, but who have a stake in
its safety and amenability. Supporting such processes could contribute to better out-
comes for all people interacting with robots in public spaces. A related point is that co-
creation must account for the particular settings in which people will engage with or
encounter robots. An outcome that suits one community or public space may not be
appropriate for another, and genuine co-creation processes must speak to the specific
conditions and concerns of individuals and groups involved. This suggests that applica-
tions of robots that work effectively for specific locations, spaces, populations,
languages, needs, and so on, are more ethical and necessary, which means that policy
should be flexible enough to allow localized discussions of how robots will be deployed
and the affordances they display. This possibility of localization is consistent with the
unfinished nature of robot applications like the popular Pepper, a robot that is
intended to be completed by users through novel programming. The scope for genuine
co-creation is broad, but it will need to be carefully managed.
Question 6: How can we promote equitable access? Given the resources needed to
effectively introduce and maintain robots in public spaces, it is reasonable to anticipate
that innovations along these lines will happen first in more prosperous locations. The
concern here is that the social benefits to be derived from robots in public spaces will
be realized mainly by affluent individuals and groups, along with a few others who
gain access to their semi-exclusive realms. A classic function of public policy is to
address inequalities in society. In this regard, policy design efforts regarding robots in
public spaces have much to offer. Policy designers could monitor cutting edge develop-
ments in these emerging uses of robots and explore ways that the introduction of
robots performing similar roles in disadvantaged communities could be funded or sub-
sidized. Just as governments at many jurisdictional levels have long had agencies
devoted to policymaking on transportation issues, there could be merit in governments
establishing a unit or division specifically devoted to public robotics that treats it as
similarly entangled with many other policy areas.
Question 7: How Can We Facilitate Systemic Innovation? There is a risk that the ben-
efits of introducing robots in the public space will not be fully realized, as businesses,
governments, and citizens become satisfied with limited gains. Governments can pro-
mote systemic innovation. Much scope exists for monitoring, learning, and the
sharing of best practice knowledge. As with the encouragement of co-creation, it is
reasonable to expect that improvements in practice over time will be driven mainly
by the actions of business people and various players in the robotics industry,
although these actors must account for public concerns. Here, the facilitative role of
government is vital and should be encouraged. It can do much to ensure a range of
voices will be heard and new insights will emerge through discussions among people
and groups who might not otherwise take the time to listen to and learn from
each other.
4. Conclusion
Rapid advances in digital technologies have allowed robots to become more autono-
mous and efficacious than ever before. We can expect to see robots performing an
increasing variety of functions in public spaces, with future developments in robotics
holding the potential to transform human robot interactions, and to shape how people
engage with each other and with technology more generally. Possibilities exist for
robots to greatly improve the quality of our lives and to contribute positively to the
safety, creative potential, and inclusive atmospheres of public spaces. But as this trend
develops, the risk emerges of robots transforming public spaces and social interactions
in undesirable ways. There are vital roles here for government, although discussion of
the public policy implications of advances in robotics has so far been limited. We seek
to encourage considerably more exploration by policy scholars and policy practitioners
of how policy design can promote good outcomes with respect to the increasing pres-
ence of robots in our lives.
In this paper, we have reviewed previous public policy approaches to harnessing and
regulating disruptive technology. In so doing, we considered how public policy might
simultaneously enhance opportunities created by the presence of robots in public
spaces and reduce the risks of undesirable outcomes. We then presented a policy
design checklist to guide policies on robots in public spaces, covering safety, privacy
and ethics, productivity, esthetics, co-creation, equitable access, and systemic innov-
ation. Looking to the future, many possibilities exist for broad, societal benefits to
occur from the growing prevalence of robots in public spaces. It is incumbent on
the governors of public and quasi-public spaces to devise regulatory regimes that
are flexible and fit for purpose, while not inhibiting innovations that are necessary
to match the pace of continuous advances in human robot interactions. The
policy design checklist presented here is intended to aid the development of policy
approaches that promote ethical outcomes and value capture for as many people
as possible.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
This work was supported by the Monash University Interdisciplinary Research
Support Program.
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