Examples of online ice-breaking activities
1. Example/Idea: Please Introduce Yourself! In my online course, in my ice-breaking
activity i use a video of my daughter introducing me from her perspective, as well as
slides to do deeper more contextualized introductions including, experiences relevant to
the course, prior knowledge, expectations, etc.. I do this to begin to create and build a
sense of Class Community, Instructor Presence, & Social Presence.
Tool: VoiceThread, YouTube, & PowerPoint. https://voicethread.com/share/5678630/
2. Idea: A simple introductory online discussion. To make this engaging and interactive, it
should be modeled by the instructor and ask for more than your name and a little about
Examples: 2 truths and a lie. Expectations for the course. Prior knowledge and
experiences in the discipline. Have students interview each other and then write up what
they learn.
Tool: simple threaded discussion.
3. Idea: A simple low-stakes quiz/self-assessment on Course Information and Syllabus
details to make sure students read the information at the start of the course.
Tool: simple quiz.
Variation: Have Students annotate the syllabus and co-create expectations, rubrics, etc.
4. Idea: A simple low-stakes assignment to demonstrate students’ abilities, access, create,
use tools, resources. Examples: Submit a word document in a particular format. Post to
twitter with a specific hashtag. Access and submit something to a third-party service or
Tool: Depends. Could be an attachment to a discussion post, assessment,
5. Idea: One of my favorite ice breakers is share the story of your name. It works well with
people who know each other well, as well as those who don’t. And also frequently leads
to learning about learners' context and background. Questions around what is your
favorite meal to cook also works well as an ‘easy’ topic to discuss that may lead to
learning about learners' context and background.
6. Idea: “What Would You Hold” - students take a photo of an object in their hands - one
that they will keep with them forever and explain its importance to them. From
7. Idea: I ask students to share via text or video, "if given a single hour of "free" or "choice"
time, how would you spend it?" The responses are often related to self-care,
de-stressing, connecting with others, etc. I can then use some of these later on to
connect individually with Ss
8. Idea: Another one I like is Windows or Doors. Students post a picture of a window or
door - where is it? What does it represent? What’s on the other side? Students share
everything from the window in their bedroom, doors to museums or famous places,
doors to their homes back home…
9. Idea: encouraging learners to share their #socialmedia profiles often creates additional
layers of socialization/interaction for community
10. Idea: For online classes where students might be from all over the globe, it can be fun to
have folks check in on a map. Another fun one I’ve heard about recently is asking
students to introduce themselves by sharing one boring fact. Takes the pressure off and
can be fun! https://twitter.com/shannonriggs/status/1176708290962755584
11. Idea: This is what was built into my course. discussion board - Introduce yourself, you
program. Post 3-5 pictures or images that best describe you. They can be pictures you
have already taken or images from other sources. Describe how the pictures represent
who you are.https://twitter.com/lkoster/status/1176832668299866112
12. Idea: One of the online icebreaker activities I have found success in is including a
question asking for 2-3 fun facts in my introductory student survey. I compile these fun
facts and create a Kahoot game for my online class to play synchronously or
13. Idea: Generally ice breakers come early in the course. Ice breaker discussions are a
plus. Tell us why you are taking the class (subject), or what you expect to learn in the
class (subject), or how this class (subject) will empower you to achieve your learning
goals. https://twitter.com/philosophypaul/status/1177155895295430656
14. Idea: In discussion forum getting people to introduce themselves, what/why they are
studying, and their favourite movie. And then follow up on answers to get small
conversations going. Creates a nice online atmosphere.
15. Idea: I have my students make a brief Adobe Spark video about themselves and share it
in a Slack channel. Does double duty,
16. Idea: Values affirmation activity ...as a way for students to introduce themselves.
Example: Adapted from https://t.co/aSwyS7xmaM?amp=1
17. Examples:
a. Share a picture of your favorite place to study. Why is this where you do your
best work? Here is mine:
b. Share a clip from a movie that you love and explain why you love it. Here is
c. Share three (3) nouns and two (2) verbs that best represent who you are as a
person. Explain why each noun and verb you selected represents who you are.
Your explanations do not need to be lengthy. Bonus Tip: Turn the responses
into a Word Cloud
18. Idea: I think @padlet is a great tool for ice breakers. Ask students to post an image of
their study space, review a favorite local restaurant, a music track they like. Ok it’s not
academic but it raises awareness of each other helping build
19. Idea: Flipgrid introductions and a fun silly fact about yourself.
20. Example: I share a google map with my students and ask them to add their own layer
with markers for where they are (literally) and where they hope to go (metaphorically) via
the course https://digitalstorytelling.community.uaf.edu/mark-the-map/
21. Idea: I've asked students to scroll through their phone and share an image of something
that brings them joy :) I've seen their families, friends, travels, gardens, and
22. Idea: I use a "view from my window" prompt and ask students to share a view from their
main study area. They are asked to describe it (not actual location), to reflect on why it is
or isn't a good study area, and to describe what they'd do to change it if they
23. Idea: having people share enjoyable moments they have had on social media opens up
a lot of discussion.https://twitter.com/mrkampmann/status/1176726057451491328
24. Idea: I like to use padlet for people to post something light hearted but related to the
course to introduce themselves and share something about more personal
25. Idea: My new favorite is” what is the kind of thing a Teacher has ever done for you?” , I
also use the old favorites… You’re on an island what two books do you take and why or,
would you rather fly or have x-ray vision and why.
26. Example: https://padlet.com/k_lindsay/sparks
27. Idea: Using Padlet embedded in Canvas, students post an image that represents them &
then write a Haiku describing their identity as a learner. Then they reply to 3 peers
28. Idea: "Post a picture that is relevant/meaningful for you and why" Some students do not
like posting pictures of
29. Idea: I have an oldie but goodie - the 6 word autobiography (@NPR had a story about
this years ago and I think a book was published too). It was a written post. I have found
over time letting students write it as subject line then post a video about it takes creative
pressure off.https://twitter.com/shannonhwhite/status/1177762157171281920
30. Idea: Where do you see yourself in five
31. Idea: One of my professors had us do a flipgrid video. One of the questions was to know
if we were a cat person or dog.
32. Idea: -self video intros -single slide intro (only name for text; rest are pictures) -post a
meme in a discussion on how you’re feeling this sem.
33. Idea: Highly recommend @Flipgrid if the course is asynchronous for intros and
opportunities to participate using videos which helps build a feeling of
34. Idea: I do video and/or text introductions on the discussion board, then ask students to
post an image & fun fact to the visual roster: google doc in landscape mode with 0”
margins, & a table grid with places for them to enter info. Quickly put a name with a face
throughout semester.https://twitter.com/annefensie/status/1176841754084921344
35. Idea: I had a friend make a YouTube video related to the course content but also full of
questionable assertions and asked my students to discuss it - no marks. Almost
everyone chimed in and course participation for the first “real” discussion topic was
36. Idea: What super power you’d want. I saw someone do "least interesting thing about
37. Idea: Padlet wall for selfies or favorite activity/item.
38. Idea: I’ve used 6 pictures about me, an emoji autobiography. I’ve also asked them to
share their name stories or numbers about me. I always include several options (usually
3) so everyone has an entry point and feels comfortable with one of the
39. Idea: My first experience as an online student was a discussion board entitled 'My Top
3', people talked about books, films, sports, countries to visit, vegetables to grow ...
generated loads of discussion & connections
40. Example: Create an online avatar and share it https://avatarmaker.com
41. Idea: When I taught Educational Technology, I had students create Vokis. They could
design any Voki avatar they liked but they had to record their own voices to go with
42. Idea: I give my students an online map and tell them to plot the following: 1) where you
are living now, 2) your favorite place you have visited, and 3) your bucket list location.
Really starts a conversation. When we meet people, we either talk about geography or
the weather.https://twitter.com/RSchultzGeoTech/status/1176872148968923138
43. Idea: I do something similar but mine have to make a “life map” of 5 favorite places they
have been and 5 they want to go. It’s a good conversation starter. And they can do it as
a “drag and drop” map in ArcGIS Online (http://tinyurl.com/dragdropmap) can share my
directions and grading rubric too.
44. Idea: After 19 yrs & many approaches, I found the 2 truths and a lie works for true
engagement the 1st week. I have them post a bio & then their list. I have them guess for
the first week & then give them the prompt when to disclose the lie for extra credit. I start
it w/my bio & list.https://twitter.com/dreilley/status/1177281635047231489
45. Example:
46. Idea: I ask students to “Create a Word Cloud with words that describe yourself.” It’s easy
to learn and fun to
47. Idea: I use a good old fashioned intro DB, but the prompt asks them also to share their
experience/knowledge of the class topic(s) and their hopes/fears about the course. Then
I ask them to respond to those hopes/fears. Seems to quickly build
48. Idea: Something as simple as a joke. On the first conference I tend to say something on
the like "This first online conference it's just an occasion for me to scare you before we
actually start!" Many will get it is a joke, laugh and break the tension. also, and I do this
depending on group/situation, I try to tell them something non-academic about me, I
teach to practitioners, and this helps to connect
49. Idea: For the introductions discussion I have my students create a free account with
Storyboard That and create a 3-pane strip to accompany their
50. Idea: Using a discussion forum, I ask students to introduce themselves by using a gif
that represents them. I also ask “if you could be any candy bar, what would you be and
why”. The responses are