Student Name: _____________________________________ Grade: ________ Date: _________________
Name of District Personnel Completing Form: ____________________________ Position: ______________
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2023
Background and Instructions
Prior to reviewing the participation requirements for the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR®)
Alternate 2, the admission, review, and dismissal (ARD) committee must understand all assessment options, including the
characteristics of each assessment and the potential implications of each assessment choice. STAAR Alternate 2 is a
statewide assessment that may only be considered for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. A student
with the most significant cognitive disability is a student who exhibits significant intellectual and adaptive behavior deficits
in their ability to plan, comprehend, and reason, and also who indicates adaptive behavior deficits that limit his or her
ability to apply social and practical skills (e.g., personal care, social problem-solving skills, dressing, eating, using money)
across all life domains. The student requires extensive, direct, individualized instruction and needs substantial supports that
are neither temporary nor specific to a particular content area.
If STAAR Alternate 2 is being considered, the ARD committee must review these participation requirements against the
supporting documentation within the individualized education program (IEP), such as in the present levels of academic
achievement and functional performance (PLAAFP), to determine eligibility. If it is determined that the student meets the
participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2, this form and supporting IEP documentation may serve as the required
IEP statement under 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) 89.1055(b) and must be available for review during cyclical and
targeted monitoring.
1. The student meets eligibility for special education and related services due to a specific learning disability (SLD).
If Yes is marked, stop here. The student does not meet the eligibility criteria as a student with a significant cognitive
disability per 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §300.8(c)(10)(ii): An SLD “does not include learning problems
that are primarily the result of visual, hearing, or motor disabilities, of intellectual disability, of emotional
disturbance, or of environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage.
2. The student meets eligibility for special education and related services due to a speech impairment (SI), which is the
ONLY disability designation.
If Yes is marked, stop here. The student does not meet the eligibility criteria as a student with a significant cognitive
disability per 34 CFR §300.8(c)(11): An SI “means a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired
articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment that adversely affects a child’s educational
Review the criteria in each row below regarding the student’s access to enrolled grade-level curriculum and adaptive behavior
skills and check the box that is most applicable to the student. One box must be checked in each of the eight rows. If after
reviewing all available data the committee is struggling to decide between Column 1 and Column 2, presume competence and
select the criteria in Column 1.
The student’s IEP documents the following:
Academic goals aligned to enrolled grade-level Texas
Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) with
accommodations or modifications in some or all
content areas
Academic goals aligned to prerequisite skills
significantly below enrolled grade-level TEKS in ALL
content areas
Routinely participates in traditional methods of
assessment (e.g., multiple-choice, short answer, essay)
with or without individualized support (e.g.,
modifications, accommodations, assistive technologies)
Routinely participates in alternate or non-traditional
methods of assessment (e.g., isolating information;
tactile support; pointing to, reaching for, or touching an
answer choice; formulating a response using a choice
Student Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2023
Needs that impact access and progress in several or all
academic areas
Significant needs that impact access and progress in ALL
academic areas, which affect the student’s ability to
function independently
Functional goals (e.g., study skills, self-advocacy,
behavior) to support access to the enrolled grade-level
TEKS that may be implemented in one or more settings
Functional goals (e.g., personal care and hygiene,
communication, social skills) implemented across ALL
settings to support access to the enrolled grade-level
TEKS with the need for ongoing adult assistance (e.g.,
prompting, cueing, physical assist) for student progress
The need for some additional support (e.g., scaffolding,
general reminders, practice) to function safely in daily
life and to participate in academic instruction across
some or all settings
The need for ongoing, individualized, specialized
supports (e.g., voice output devices, tactile support,
symbol or picture text support, repeated prompting and
cueing, isolating information to present one at a time,
adult assistance) to function safely in daily life and to
participate in academic instruction across ALL settings
Initiates, performs, and completes self-care routines
(e.g., feeding, dressing, toileting, personal hygiene) with
no or minimal adult assistance (e.g., verbal reminders,
visual schedule)
Requires ongoing adult assistance (e.g., prompting,
cueing, physical assist) to initiate, perform, and
complete self-care routines (e.g., feeding, dressing,
toileting, personal hygiene)
NOTE: The student’s requirement of adult assistance is
NOT due to a physical disability alone but rather to the
student’s significant cognitive disability.
Follows age-appropriate directions, daily routines, and
schedules with some specialized support (e.g.,
accommodations, assistive technologies)
Requires ongoing, individualized, specialized supports
(e.g., modifications, task analysis, direct instruction,
assistive technologies, first/then charts, tactile
schedules, social narratives) and ongoing adult
assistance (e.g., prompting, cueing, physical assist) to
follow directions, daily routines, and schedules
Independently uses alternate response modes (e.g.,
augmentative and alternative communication [AAC]) to
participate in academic and social conversations at an
age-appropriate level
Independently uses traditional response modes (e.g.,
verbal, sign language, written) to participate in on-topic
academic and social conversations at an age-
appropriate level with minimal adult assistance
In the process of developing a functional and consistent
mode of communication (e.g., currently non-verbal,
uses very limited non-symbolic communication)
Uses traditional response modes (e.g., verbal, sign
language, written) but may be inconsistent when
expressing wants and needs AND requires
individualized supports to participate in on-topic
academic and social exchanges at an age-appropriate
3. Does the student have the MOST significant cognitive disability?
YesAll criteria marked are in Column 2
NoOne or more criteria is marked in Column 1
If No is marked, stop here. The student does not meet the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 and
must take STAAR.
All assurances must be reviewed and marked for the student to participate in STAAR Alternate 2.
The ARD committee confirms that the decision to administer STAAR Alternate 2 was NOT based on a student’s disability
category, educational environment, instructional setting, demographic information (i.e., sex, ethnicity, race, at-risk,
homelessness, immigrant, emergent bilingual, migrant, economically disadvantaged), need for STAAR accommodations,
below-grade-level reading skills, excessive or extended absences, anticipated disruptive behavior or emotional distress, or
expected poor performance on STAAR and its impact on accountability calculations.
Student Name: _____________________________________ Date: _________________________
Texas Education Agency
Student Assessment Division
August 2023
Under 34 CFR §300.320(a)(2)(ii), all students who take STAAR Alternate 2 must have two short-term objectives or
benchmarks for EVERY annual goal in the student’s IEP. (Refer to question 1.16 in Question and Answer Document: IEP
Measurable Annual Goals.)
If the ARD committee determines that the student meets the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2, the
committee understands that instructional and assessment decisions may impact a student’s graduation plan in high school as
described in 19 TAC §89.1070.
Under 34 CFR §300.320(a)(6) and 19 TAC §89.1055, if the ARD committee determines that the student will take STAAR
Alternate 2, the student’s IEP must provide a statement of why the student cannot participate in the general assessment,
STAAR, and why the alternate assessment is appropriate for the student. Additionally, if the ARD committee determines that
the student is eligible to take STAAR Alternate 2 with individually appropriate and allowable accommodations, the student’s
IEP must provide a statement of why the accommodations are necessary to measure the academic achievement of the
student on the alternate assessment.
Document rationale below per 34 CFR §300.320(a)(6) and 19 TAC §89.1055.
4. Is the answer to question 3 Yes,and have all assurances been marked?
Yes, the student meets the participation requirement for STAAR Alternate 2.
No, the student does not meet the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 and must take STAAR.
Complete the information below only for the grade level or courses in which the student is enrolled during the applicable school
year. A student who meets the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 must take the alternate assessment for all
applicable grades/subjects or courses. Note that STAAR Alternate 2 is administered once each school year, and retest opportunities
are not available.
A student in grade 3–8 who meets the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 should be assessed only in the grade and
subjects in which they are enrolled and should NOT be assessed above grade level. Mark the student’s enrolled grade during the
applicable school year, indicating which STAAR Alternate 2 assessments the student will take.
Grade 3 mathematics and RLA
Grade 5 mathematics, RLA, and
Grade 7 mathematics and RLA
Grade 4 mathematics and RLA
Grade 6 mathematics and RLA
Grade 8 mathematics, RLA, science,
and social studies
A student in high school who meets the participation requirements for STAAR Alternate 2 and is enrolled in a course that has a
Public Education Information Management System (PEIMS) course number indicating that the coursework is accessed through
prerequisite skills should take the corresponding end-of-course (EOC) assessment. Mark the alternate high school courses with
associated PEIMS course numbers in which the student is enrolled during the applicable school year, indicating which STAAR
Alternate 2 EOC assessments the student will take.
Algebra I Alternate 03100507
English I Alternate 03220107
English II Alternate 03220207
Biology Alternate 03010207
U.S. History Alternate 03340107