Peru State College
Proposal to Add Bachelor of Science and Bachelor of Arts
in Creative Marketing (Subject Major)
1. Descriptive Information
A. Name of Institution: Peru State College
B. Name of Program: Creative Marketing
C. Degrees/credentials to be awarded graduates of the program:
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts: Creative Marketing (Subject Major)
D. Other programs offered in this field by the institution:
BS/BA Business Administration with the following options: Computer Management
Information Systems, Management & Leadership, Marketing
BS/BA ART with the following options: Fine Art, Graphic Design
BAS: Management
Minors: Computer Management Information Systems, Management, Marketing, ART 2-
D Emphasis, ART 3-D Emphasis, ART Graphic Design, JOUR Journalism
E. CIP code: 52.1401 Marketing/Marketing Management, General.
F. Administrative units for the program: School of Professional Studies
G. Proposed delivery site(s) and type(s) of delivery, if applicable: On campus (with Business
courses also offered online)
H. Proposed date (term/year) the program will be initiated: Fall 2024
I. Description of Program:
Upon completing a degree in Creative Marketing, students will be able to utilize the knowledge
acquired in social media theory, marketing, consumer marketing research, graphic design and
written communication skill that allows for the creation of innovative marketing solutions as
part of an organizational marketing strategy.
Students in Bachelor of Science (BS) or Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Creative Marketing will be able
1. Understand, explain and utlize social media theory for organizational advancement.
2. Develop strong communication and presentation skills to effectively pitch and sell
marketing content ideas and strategies to clients and stakeholders.
3. Analyze and interpret consumer data and behavior to develop effective marketing
4. Design and create engaging content, including visual graphics, videos, and written
content, that align with brand values and resonate with target audiences.
5. Use analytics tools to measure the success of marketing campaigns and adjust strategies
6. Understand the legal and ethical considerations of marketing and advertising, including
privacy laws, intellectual property rights, and government regulations.
7. Demonstrate an understanding of digital trends and emerging technologies that affect
the marketing landscape, such as A.I., blockchain, and virtual reality.
8. Demonstrate critical thinking, problem-solving, and creativity in developing innovative
marketing solutions for both profit and not-for-profit organizations.
9. Develop an understanding of business principles and the role of traditional and digital
marketing in driving business growth and revenue.
Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts: Creative Marketing (36 Credit hours)
Required Courses (27 Credit Hours)
Art 101 Drawing 1
Art 120 2-D Design Foundation
Art 220 Introduction to Graphic Design
JOUR 232 Social Media Theory & Practice
JOUR 234 Beginning Journalism
BUS 328 Principles of Marketing
BUS 329 Integrated Marketing Communications
BUS 355 E-Marketing
CMIS 410 Web Page Development and Programming
Elective Courses select TWO (6 Credit Hours)
BUS 260 Entrepreneurship
BUS 347 Consumer Behavior
BUS 348 Retail Management & Merchandising
BUS 350 Professional Selling
Capstone Course - select ONE (3 Credit Hours)
ART 333 Design Studio
ART 350 Studio Activities
ART 400 Senior Exhibition/Portfolio
BUS 441 Internship
BUS 491 Strategic Marketing Management
JOUR 401 Practicum
TOTAL: 36 Credit Hours
Students must also complete a minor or a second major; recommended minors include Graphic
Design, Art, English, Journalism, or CMIS.
Required Course Descriptions (No courses are new)
ART 101 Drawing I (3 credits)
A study of basic drawing techniques using a variety of drawing media.
ART 120 2-D Design Foundation (3 credits)
This computer-based course is a study of two-dimensional design and color theory through the
use of the elements and principles of design.
ART 220 Introduction to Graphic Design (3 credits)
This course provides exposure to graphic design history, concepts, and processes. Special focus
is placed on the use of industry-standard software, building on the computer and design skills
introduced in 2-D Design Foundation.
JOUR 232 Social Media Theory & Practice (3 credits)
This class provides an overview of and introduction to current social media networks, and the
theories used to analyze those networks and how they are used. This class also emphasizes
media literacy as an integral tool in the critical understanding and analysis of social media
JOUR 234 Beginning Journalism (3 credits)
The fundamental principles of gathering and writing news: practice in reporting campus news;
and work on the Peru State Times, the college newspaper. This course fulfills General Studies
requirements for ENG 201, Advanced Composition.
BUS 328 Principles of Marketing (3 credits)
Students learn the buying, selling, transporting, and storing functions involved in marketing,
with an introduction to retailing, wholesaling, and marketing management.
BUS 329 Integrated Marketing Communications (3 credits)
Students examine the elements of integrated marketing communications, including advertising,
direct marketing, social media, personal branding, personal selling, sales promotion, and public
relations/publicity, focusing on the blending of the elements into a total enterprise marketing
communications program.
BUS 355 E-Marketing (3 credits)
Overview of different types of internet business, internet marketing, global e-commerce,
consumer issues, business-to-business internet marketing, online selling strategies, legal and
ethical issues. Today's social media like YouTube, Facebook, Blogs, and Twitter are the new
customer-centric methods to reach and collaborate with customers in building relationships,
and in marketing ideas using digital media. The course explores new media, online selling
strategies, Web Analytics and Internet-based business marketing techniques.
CMIS 410 Web Page Development & Programming (3 credits)
This course introduces concepts of systems management from a business viewpoint and an
information systems viewpoint. Students utilize graphical tools including flowcharts to examine
business and information systems processes. Fundamental programming concepts are
introduced, including algorithms, data types, control structures, and Boolean logic. An overview
of project management, including critical path and dependencies, is introduced.
Elective Course Descriptions (no courses are new)
BUS 260 Entrepreneurship (3 credits)
This course is designed for individuals interested in starting a small business. The areas covered
include writing a small business plan, researching markets, raising money, analyzing accounting
records, and using information technology.
BUS 347 Consumer Behavior (3 credits)
This course presents the principles of consumer behavior in the areas of motivation, perception,
learning, attitude change, information processing, lifestyle, demographics, social class, reference
groups, opinion leaders and diffusion, family and culture, and shopping environments.
BUS 348 Retail Management & Merchandising (3 credits)
This course presents the principles of retailing, including strategies, merchandise management,
store operations, evaluation and control, financial strategies, human resources management,
buying and selling, information systems, promotions, and inventory control.
BUS 350 Professional Selling (3 credits)
Students focus on the skills and techniques used in selling and persuasion. The course helps
students learn to sell products and ideas through a study of proven techniques used by
successful salespeople.
Capstone Course Descriptions (no courses are new)
ART 333 Design Studio (3 credit hours)
In this course, art majors or minors gain professional experience, under the art direction of a
faculty member, by designing print and digital collateral for campus clients, non-profit
organizations, and/or local/regional businesses. Projects are developed entirely in-house from
research to concept to execution, including client presentations and production for print and
ART 350 Studio Activities (3-12 credit hours)
An integrated course consisting of students working in various art mediums. Students will be
allowed to work in the field of their choosing: painting, sculpture, etc. This course may be
repeated for a total of twelve (12) hours.
ART 400 Senior Exhibition/Portfolio (0 credit hours)
Art majors will mount an exhibition of their artwork and develop a slide portfolio. Senior
Exhibition/Portfolio is the capstone course for the student creative experience in art at Peru
State College.
BUS 441 Internship (1-12 credit hours)
The internship course is a supervised on - or off-campus working and learning experience, which
earns academic credit. Internships give students opportunities to apply and extend the
theoretical knowledge acquired in the classroom to practical experiences while allowing them
opportunities to view and evaluate careers to which their major may lead. Ideal internships
establish positive contacts with prospective employers and are keys to building professional
networks for students. Internships have been found to encourage personal growth and
increased confidence in students. They can add meaning to academic study, aid in developing
"going to work skills," and create a laboratory for skill development and knowledge relevant to
employers and graduate programs.
BUS 491 Strategic Marketing Management (3 credit hours)
An advanced study of the roles and responsibilities of marketing managers in researching,
developing, analyzing, and implementing market planning strategies as well as managing the
marketing function. The course encompasses an extensive range of activities and concepts and
is based on the systems approach to marketing. The modern dynamic marketplace is affected by
globalization and technological changes reinforce the importance of thoroughly assessing a
firm's internal and external environments as a foundation for strategic and operating initiatives.
A strategic marketing simulation will enhance student engagement and critical thinking skills.
JOUR 401 Journalism Practicum (1 credit hour)
Practicum students will be involved in the production of the college newspaper and/or College
yearbook. Credit not to exceed one (1) credit hour each semester. May be repeated for up to six
(6) hours credit.
2. Centrality to Role and Mission
The mission of Peru State College is to provide students of all backgrounds access to engaging
educational experiences to strengthen and enrich communities, Nebraska, and the world. The
proposed BS/BA degree program will enhance our students' training and experiential learning in
their pursuit of positions within their respective career fields. This program aims to provide the
necessary education for individuals to enter the workforce and become productive, so it is
consistent with the College's mission, the NSCS mission, and CCPE State Plan.
3. Evidence of Need and Demand
Need for the program:
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS, 2022), there will be a significant surge in job
opportunities for advertising, promotions, and marketing managers, with an expected rise of 10%
from 2021 to 2031. These positions will witness an average of 35,300 openings each year for the
next decade. The need for replacements due to retirement or a shift to another profession will drive
most of these job openings.
Bureau of Labor Statistics (2022), U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook,
Advertising, Promotions, and Marketing Managers,
Examples of job fields include:
· Advertising and Promotion
· Marketing and sales
· Public Relations
· Fundraising
· Social Media
· Graphic Design
· Art Directors
· Interior and Commercial Design
· Media and Communication
Demand for the Program:
Given the expected job surge in this area and growing interest in creative marketing, we anticipate
that prospective and incoming students will find this interdisciplinary approach enticing. According
to Indeed, there are 744 open positions in creative marketing in Nebraska. These include roles such
as creative marketers, brand influencers, marketing directors, creative directors, and content
specialists. Many of these positions offer flexible work arrangements such as work-from-home or
hybrid options, which can help achieve better work-life balance, especially for Gen Z and Gen Alpha.
During a conversation with a Marketing major who switched to Business Finance, he mentioned his
lack of interest in product selling or small business, which are the main focuses of our current
Marketing major. Instead, he was more interested in graphic design, AI, and social media as a brand
ambassador or influencer. These skills are now emphasized in the proposed Creative Marketing
Major, which takes an interdisciplinary approach.
4. Adequacy of Resources
Faculty and Staff Resources:
Courses required for this program are already being offered, and there is capacity to accommodate
more students in those courses. Current faculty have qualifications to teach these courses, and the
College can hire qualified adjuncts as needed. It is estimated that the College will be able to recruit
five (5) new students to the College annually as well as two (2) current students who will add this
subject major to their primary subject major selection annually, totaling thirty-five (35) students
who will enroll in this subject major over the course of five years.
Physical Facilities:
There is no known need for physical facilities upgrades or improvements for this program.
Instructional Equipment and Informational Resources:
No additional instructional equipment is needed; however, flat fees are associated with two of the
ART courses to cover needed student (ART 101: $65.50 Flat Fee + $15.00 Lab Fee; ART 120: $30.00
Flat Fee). The library has sufficient resources.
Budget Projections for the first five years of the program:
The estimated gross revenue for the program is attributed to the additional tuition and fees
generated by NEW students solely, as current students adding this subject major would have
completed other coursework in order to complete degree requirements. However, since two ART
courses have established fees, those revenues have been computed on both NEW and CURRENT
students who will be taking these courses as part of the major requirements.
Peru State anticipates a gross revenue of $200,255 across the program’s first five years. With each
NEW student completing thirty (30) credit hours of undergraduate coursework per year, at an
undergraduate tuition rate of $192 per credit hour, student fees $69.85 per credit hour, the annual
revenue per student is $7855.50, for a total of $39277.50 per year. The tuition and fee revenue for
the first five years is estimated at $196,387.50.
Revenues also include the established ART fees of $110.50 per student, which is multiplied by both
NEW and CURRENT students, for a total of $773.50 per year, and $3,867.50 over the five year span.
No other revenues are expected.
There are no additional instructional costs for this program, as all courses required for this new
subject major are already being offered, and there are available seats in all courses to allow for
seven (7) additional students per year. Therefore, program expenses are solely attributed to
student fees (ART 101 $65.50 Flat Fee + $15.00 Lab Fee and ART 120 $30.00 Flat Fee) for $110.50
per student. The flat fee is to replenish art supplies used during the course, and the lab fee
purchases a required art kit that the students keep at the conclusion of the course. The fees are
$110.50 per student for an estimated total of $773.50 annually for seven (7) students and $3,867.50
across the program's first five years.
Based upon these estimated revenues and expenses, Peru State anticipates a total net revenue of
$196,387.50 across the first five years of the Creative Marketing program.
5. Avoidance of Unnecessary Duplication
Existing undergraduate degrees with a marketing focus across the State include:
Chadron State College:
BA: Comprehensive Major in Business Administration: Option Marketing
Marketing Minor
BS: Education with an Endorsement in Business, Marketing, and Information
Technology Education (6-12)
BS: Education with an Endorsement in Business, Marketing, and Information
Technology Education (5-19)
Graduate Certificate: Digital Marketing
University of Nebraska Kearney:
BS: Comprehensive Major in Business Administration: Marketing Emphasis
Marketing Minor
University of Nebraska Lincoln:
BS: Comprehensive Major in Business Administration: Marketing
Marketing Minor
Certificates: Strategic Marketing, Marketing Analytics, Sales Excellence, Advertising,
Fashion Merchandising, & Textile Design
University of Nebraska Omaha:
Endorsement: Business, Marketing, Information Technology
Marketing Minor
Wayne State College:
BA/BS: Comprehensive Major in Business Administration: Marketing Concentration
However, the Creative Marketing Subject Major utilizes skill sets from Art, Graphic Design,
Journalism, and Marketing. This interdisciplinary approach is currently not offered within the
University System or State College System.
6. Consistency with the Comprehensive Statewide Plan for Postsecondary Education
Adding a BS/BA degree program in Creative Marketing (subject major) at Peru State College is
consistent with the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education's Comprehensive
Statewide Plan for Postsecondary Education and helps the state advance three major goals: meeting
the educational needs of students, meeting the needs of the state, and meeting the needs through
exemplary institutions.
This program is designed to provide students with a well-rounded education in various areas of
marketing. It aims to create a skilled workforce that can meet the growing marketing industry's
demands, evidenced by the estimated surge of marketing positions and interest. By enrolling in this
program, students can expect to gain the knowledge and skills necessary to succeed in marketing
and fill the demand for qualified professionals. Additionally, the program offers unique features
such as hands-on experience, industry connections, and specialized courses, giving students a
competitive edge in the job market. Finally, adding the BS/BA in Creative Marketing as a subject
major will help Peru State College fulfill its role.
Offering a program currently unavailable at public institutions in the state is an excellent way to
expand access for students who fall within the College's mission. Through this program, students will
receive specialized instruction and hands-on experience, enabling them to stand out in the job
market and excel in the field of marketing. It will also provide students with a solid foundation for
pursuing the MSOM Strategic Leadership and Communication focus area at Peru State.