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Mapping the global value and distribution of coral reef tourism
Mark Spalding
, Lauretta Burke
, Spencer A. Wood
, Joscelyne Ashpole
, James Hutchison
Philine zu Ermgassen
Global Ocean Team, The Nature Conservancy, Department of Physical, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Siena, Pian dei Mantellini, 44, 53100 Siena, Italy
World Resources Institute, 10 G Street NE Suite 800, Washington, DC 20002, USA
School of Environmental and Forest Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
Natural Capital Project, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, UK
School of GeoSciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
Coral reef
Tourism and recreation
Environmental economics
Ecosystem services
Social media
Global coral reef related tourism is one of the most signicant examples of nature-based tourism from a single
ecosystem. Coral reefs attract foreign and domestic visitors and generate revenues, including foreign exchange
earnings, in over 100 countries and territories. Understanding the full value of coral reefs to tourism, and the
spatial distribution of these values, provides an important incentive for sustainable reef management. In the
current work, global data from multiple sources, including social media and crowd-sourced datasets, were used
to estimate and map two distinct components of reef value. The rst component is local reef-adjacent value, an
overarching term used to capture a range of indirect benets from coral reefs, including provision of sandy
beaches, sheltered water, food, and attractive views. The second component is on-reef value, directly
associated with in-water activities such diving and snorkelling. Tourism values were estimated as a proportion of
the total visits and spending by coastal tourists within 30 km of reefs (excluding urban areas). Reef-adjacent
values were set as a xed proportion of 10% of this expenditure. On-reef values were based on the relative
abundance of dive-shops and underwater photos in dierent countries and territories. Maps of value assigned to
specic coral reef locations show considerable spatial variability across distances of just a few kilometres. Some
30% of the world's reefs are of value in the tourism sector, with a total value estimated at nearly US$36 billion,
or over 9% of all coastal tourism value in the world's coral reef countries.
1. Introduction
Coral reef related tourism is an important and still fast-growing
industry, providing employment and income to over 100 jurisdictions
world-wide, and often generating much-needed foreign earnings [16].
Coastal tourism in the vicinity of coral reefs is not always benign:
negative impacts can include degradation and loss of marine life
through activities such as diving and snorkelling [79], as well as
indirect impacts arising from poorly planned coastal development,
including dredging, building on intertidal spaces, and increases in
pollution and solid waste [1012]. Despite these risks, tourism may be a
less signicant threat than shing, land-based run-o or coral bleaching
[13], and may even help to reduce some threats, notably over-shing,
by oering nancial or social incentives for sustainable management
[1417]. Many visitors to coral reefs already have heightened environ-
mental awareness [18] and reef visitation can both help to fund [19]
and to encourage [20] coral reef conservation.
Much of the focus on the value and impacts of coral reef tourism has
focused on the direct use of coral reefs for in-water activities. The
indirect value of coral reefs in driving coastal tourism remains less well
quantied, but is also important. Studies have shown the considerable
importance of clear water and beach characteristics such as ne sand in
inuencing tourist preferences [2123]. There is also a sizeable
literature on the multiple ecosystem functions provided by coral reefs
which may support tourism benets, including the generation of ne
sand beaches [24], the maintenance and building of islands [25,26],
protection from wave erosion and storm damage [27], and the
production of seafood [28]. Coral reef imagery also plays an important
Received 31 January 2017; Received in revised form 8 May 2017; Accepted 8 May 2017
Corresponding author.
Present address: Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, The Lodge, Sandy, Bedfordshire, SG19 2DL, UK.
Present address: Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Monkstone House, City Road, Peterborough, PE1 1JY, UK.
Present address: School of GeoSciences, Grant Institute, The Kings Buildings, James Hutton Road, EH9 3FE, UK.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Spalding).
Marine Policy 82 (2017) 104–113
0308-597X/ © 2017 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
role in marketing [29], while the perception of reef proximity, even for
non-reef users, may be an important draw [23,30]. Finally, the health
benets associated with proximity to nature and to marine environ-
ments more generally are now increasingly realised [31,32], and are
also likely to be played out in coral reef settings.
Given the broad array of economic and social benets that coral
reefs provide, there are growing attempts to build more sustainable
approaches to reef-related tourism [3337]. In large part, however,
such eorts remain the target of individual operators, a few small island
nations or some operators in the diving sector. The wider call for
corporate social responsibility (CSR) has been slow to inuence the
tourism sector in general, with biodiversity conservation remaining low
on the agenda even among those corporations who are engaging in CSR
more broadly [38]. Against this background, a clear, quantied and
reliable understanding of the value of coral reefs for tourism in specic
settings could help, by raising awareness and highlighting opportunities
for strengthening coral reef conservation, both in the public sphere and
in the tourism sector.
Previous eorts to quantify the value and to describe the spatial
distribution of reef-related tourism at large scales have been limited.
Without mapping, de Groot et al. [39] generated a mean value for coral
reef recreation of US$96,302 ha
. This gure was derived from
29 studies, with a median value of US$1562 ha
, but ranging
from zero to almost US$1.5 million ha
. The large mean value
from this study was used in preference to the median value in a direct
benet transfer approach to all coral reefs, generating a global estimate
of value of US$2.7 trillion per year, or 2.2% of all global ecosystem
service values [derived from supplementary materials in 40],agure
that seems impossibly high given the spatially restricted nature of coral
reef tourism. Elsewhere, Brander et al. [1] had already drawn attention
to the challenges of such extrapolation: with data from 100 separate
reef recreation studies, they conducted out-of-sample value transfer
tests and estimated average transfer errors of 186%, a gure they
deemed unlikely to be acceptable in most policy-making scenarios (pg
Given the challenges of developing value transfer approaches,
alongside the acknowledged benets of developing an understanding
not only of global values but of the spatial distribution of such value,
this work presents a novel approach to accurately quantify global reef
values and to distribute these values to specic reefs at local scales. The
Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the methods employed to lter and spatially distribute components of national tourism statistics to coral reefs. Numbered stages are set out in
detailed text description. Photo User Days (PUDs) give a measure of the intensity of photography in specied locations, they are more fully explained below.
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work draws on a variety of data-sources including national-level visitor
and expenditure statistics, together with locally accurate data from
industry, social media and crowd-sourced datasets to support the
spatial modelling of value distribution.
2. Framework and methods
In this work, coral reef related tourism is dened as the combined
tourism and recreation activities that can be attributed to the presence
of coral reefs. The value of such tourism is explored here using metrics
of monetary value and tourist trip equivalents (a term used to account
for the fact that many of the statistics are built up from fractions of total
arrivals, acknowledging that reefs are only part of most destination
choices). Two components of coral reef tourism are distinguished: on-
reef or in situ values are derived from direct non-extractive reef uses
including diving, snorkelling and glass-bottom boat tours [41]; reef-
adjacent or ex situ values are not derived from in-water activities, but
are indirectly linked to the presence of nearby reefs. The latter may
include the role of reefs in generating clear calm waters and beach sand,
outstanding views, fresh seafood and even their widespread use in
advertising, all of which help to draw people to coral reef regions.
Recreational shing may represent an important additional value which
we were unable to incorporate into our model, in large part due to the
highly variable nature of reef dependency: much recreational shing in
coral reef countries targets non-reef sh in oshore waters.
Tourism was examined in the over 100 jurisdictions (countries and
territories) around the world which have coral reefs. Statistics on travel
and tourism to each jurisdiction were used as initial inputs. Big data
from commercial, crowd-sourced, and social-media platforms were then
used to make predictions of tourism expenditure and visitation to non-
urban areas that could reasonably be linked to coral reefs. Paired,
independent datasets were used to strengthen the robustness of the
model, and the outputs were cross-referenced to existing studies.
Finally, these tourism values were linked back and assigned to the
reefs that were considered to be generating these values. Fig. 1 gives a
schematic of this work, while details of the datasets and the methodo-
logical process are described below.
1. Jurisdictional-level tourism. Expenditure statistics were largely
taken from the World Travel and Tourism Council [42] and
represent spending for tourist and business trips, including travel
and accommodation. Jurisdictions were largely countries and
territories, although, due to the strong geographical dierences,
the US states of Hawaii and Florida were considered as distinct
jurisdictions. Arrivals, largely derived from the UN World Travel
Organisation (UNTWO) [43], include recorded overnight stays by
international, cruise ship, and domestic visitors; they do not
incorporate length of stay. The decision to include all travel in this
initial step was driven by a desire to ensure a more complete and
consistent dataset. Non-relevant travel was ltered out as outlined
in the subsequent steps (below). Gaps in these data were lled from
other international or national, sources (see Appendix A). Where
possible, data were gathered for all years from 2008 to 2012. Local
currency data were converted to historic US dollar values for 30
June of the relevant year. These values were then converted to 2013
values using the Consumer Price Index (CPI) price deator (data.
2. Distribution of national tourism. In order to develop an estimate
of the geographic distribution of national tourism and expenditures,
two independent data sources were used: the distribution of hotel
rooms, and the distribution and frequency of geo-located photo-
graphs from the popular image-sharing website Flickr. Hotel rooms
give an approximate measure of overnight visitor intensity. The
Global Accommodation Reference Database (GARD), a commercial
database, was generously made available (
for the coral reef nations of the world. This provided location
and size (number of rooms) data for 125,498 hotels in coral reef
jurisdictions. Publicly sourced photographs from Flickr include large
quantities of geo-located photographs world-wide an estimated
4050 million have been uploaded to annually
since 2010. The geographic distribution of photos gives an indica-
tion of human activity and particularly leisure-based activities, and
the spread and density of such photos have already been developed
as a metric to quantify tourist activity [44]. Following the same
approach as that work, a consistent spatial metric of the intensity of
photography was utilised. Known as photo-user-days (PUD), these
represent the total number of days, across all users, that at least one
photograph was taken in a given area [44]. Average annual PUD per
~1 km gridded cell was computed for all coral reef nations and
territories, including oshore waters, for the years 20052012.
Wood et al. [44] and subsequent authors [45,46] have recognised
possibilities of biases in the spatial distribution of Flickr images,
based on who is uploading photographs and the numbers of
photographs being taken of dierent recreational activities. With
the hotels layer the present authors were not aware of any biases,
however reporting may be better for some locations than others.
Both layers were independently derived, but on comparison they
tracked one another relatively well (N=103 coastal states with
hotels and PUDs, Pearson's r =0.899, p < 0.001). Using each layer,
a weighted distribution map was generated, showing the national
tourism values assigned to locations based on the numbers of PUDs
and, independently at this step, hotel rooms for each country or
3. Coastal non-urban tourism near reefs. It was then necessary to
lter out the tourism values that were unlikely to be reef-related
from the national totals. Using weighted distribution maps described
above, values were removed from three broad geographic extents: a)
Non-coastal areas, dened as any areas beyond 2 km landwards and
seawards of the coastline, b) Urban areas, dened as towns and
cities of greater than 10,000 people [47], and c) Non-reef areas,
dened as areas over 30 km from reefs that are unlikely to be
benetting in any substantial way from the presence of reefs [48].
The inuence of business travel, deliberately included in the initial
input statistics (1, above), is likely to be considerably reduced in this
stage, as a large proportion will be urban and non-coastal. For the
remainder, it was considered likely that business travel to coastal
resorts near coral reefs will in part be driven by the attraction that
reefs provide, and therefore that it was important to include such
The resulting two maps of coastal non-urban PUD and hotel-rooms
were then aggregated into a single statistic for coastal non-urban
tourism within 30 km of a coral reef (hereafter termed reef-coast
tourism) for each country. While the correspondence between PUDs
and hotel rooms was reassuring, it was felt that both layers, in
dierent places, showed varying levels of completeness, and further
that by combining both sources of information any unseen biases, or
more local eects, could be reduced. To achieve this, the two layers
were combined with a weighting of 2:1 towards the use of PUDs,
which gave a more detailed spatial portrayal of visitor use than hotel
rooms. This layer showed that 44% of coastal tourism in coral reef
jurisdictions occurs within 30 km of reefs. If the distance was
reduced to 10 km, that
only dropped to 36%, suggesting that
most tourism is in fact much closer to coral reefs than 30 km. Clearly
not all tourism in this zone is attributable to coral reefs (see
following steps), but this initial step provided a clear starting point
for understanding the proportion of coastal tourism potentially
attributable to coral reefs.
4. Reef-adjacent values. Many tourists do not take part in on-reef
activities such as diving, snorkelling and boat-trips, but coral reefs
may still play a critical role in attracting them to particular
locations. While such reef-adjacent benets are widely agreed to
be key drivers of tourism in many locations, the authors were
M. Spalding et al.
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unaware of any existing models which would enable the prediction
of such values across multiple jurisdictions. Many existing reef
valuation studies look only at on-reef values (reef visitation, diver
numbers, etc.), while others provide total values for reef regions,
with the implicit assumption that all tourism can somehow be
related to the presence of the reef. Given that the on-reef values
were disaggregated separately (below), the approach taken here for
these reef-adjacent values was to assign a simple estimate of 10% of
the value of all reef-coast tourism to coral reefs. This is likely to be
conservative: some other studies have assigned higher values, but
these could also be more easily disputed. For example, Sarkis et al.
[4] suggest that visiting the beach was a prime motivation for some
16% of visitors in Bermuda, while arguing that the beaches
themselves are formed by the reefs and thus entirely coral reef
5. On-reef tourism values. Some of the highest tourism values from
individual reefs are linked to direct, in-water uses, notably scuba
diving, snorkelling and boat tours. The magnitude of on-reef tourism
is inuenced by a suite of natural, social and economic factors
including biodiversity and reef health, ease of access to reefs,
available infrastructure, history, and culture. Existing eorts to
quantify on-reef tourism cover few jurisdictions and there is little
consistency in methods. A novel approach was therefore devised to
quantify the relative importance of on-reef tourism as a proportion
of total reef-coast tourism, with help from existing studies to help
calibrate these eorts (see Appendix A). This approach used two
proxy measures: abundance of dive shops relative to hotel rooms
and abundance of underwater photographs relative to all photo-
graphs shared on Flickr. For the rst metric, data on the locations of
more than 4000 dive shops world-wide were obtained from a crowd-
sourced database, generously provided by
These were used to generate statistics on the number of dive shops
per 1000 hotel rooms within the reef-coast region of each country.
For the second metric, the collection of geo-located photographs
shared on Flickr (see Method 2 above) were used to obtain a subset
of images that were tagged with a keyword related to underwater
recreation. Multiple search terms in eight languages were used to
maximise the reach of this subset (see Appendix A). In total, the
search identied over 14,500 PUDs according to the underwater
images within 30 km of a coral reef. The ratio of underwater PUDs
to total PUDs were then generated in the reef-coast regions of each
These two ratios gave independent estimates of national on-reef use
intensity. Ignoring values where either dataset held zero data there
was a signicant positive correlation between the rank-orders of
jurisdictions developed from each dataset (n=89 jurisdictions with
both datasets, Pearson's r =0.632, p < 0.001).
While the authors felt the overall approach was strong, they were
also aware of gaps or weaknesses in some of these datasets. For
example, there were four jurisdictions where the (limited) dive
tourism was not represented by any dive shops. Given these
concerns it was felt appropriate to use both datasets, alongside
some further expert intervention. Both datasets were scaled between
1 and 100 to produce relative measures. These numbers were then
compared against each other and against several external sources
(see Appendix A). Overall, underwater PUDS were the more
spatially detailed and sensitive of the two datasets, and were also
likely to represent the full range of in-water activities, including
snorkelling and glass-bottom boat tourism alongside diving. Thus, a
single on-reef use intensity statistic was generated, weighted 2:1 in
favour of underwater PUDs over the dive shop metric. Where the
two on-reef tourism metrics were well correlated, and where there
was no evidence for errors (86 of the 102 jurisdictions with tourism)
this single weighted number was used, capped at 70%, as the
preferred metric for the proportion of remaining reef-coast tourism
which could be assigned to on-reef value.
For the remaining 16 territories known to have reef tourism, but
with limited data or showing disagreement among the underwater
PUD and dive-shop metrics, an equivalent number was generated
through the following process (see Appendix A for further details).
Where data were missing or very limited from either one of the two
metrics (i.e. there were few or no underwater PUDs or dive shops), a
new score was developed that was weighted towards the other
metric, or used that metric alone (three territories). Where data
were considered poor and were clearly divergent from a recent and
comparable literature source, the numbers were replaced with that
alternative (four territories). Where there was evidence, based on
expert-knowledge and/or available references, that both metrics
were under- or over-reporting, scores were altered to the best
approximation of the authors (nine territories).
Finally, the remaining 90% of reef-coast tourism (excluding the 10%
assigned to reef-adjacent values) for each jurisdiction was multi-
plied by the estimate for on-reef tourism estimates described above
(ranging from 0% to 70%) to give an estimate of on-reef value for
each jurisdiction.
6. Value attribution to reefs. The nal stage of this work was to
separately assign the reef-adjacent and the on-reef values to the
reefs that are likely to be generating those values. To ascribe reef-
adjacent tourism expenditures, the national dollar and tourist trip
equivalent values were distributed separately following PUD den-
sities and hotel rooms within 30 km of a coral reef. The two layers
were then combined with a 2:1 weighting as above, and the values
from this combined layer were then attributed to nearby reefs (up to
30 km distant), using a series of steps (see Appendix A) with a
weighting to assign the greatest proportion of these values to the
nearest reefs (within 5 km).
For on-reef values two layers were employed to assign reef use-
intensity: underwater PUDs, as described above, and a global dataset of
dive-sites provided from The dive-sites dataset is a
crowd-sourced dataset, and required some cleaning to remove duplicate
sites (based on identical geographic locations). The nal layer held
8938 sites for the coral reef jurisdictions used in this study.
Both dive sites and underwater PUDs were buered to a circle of
5 km radius to allow for the possible alignment errors between these
and the coral reef layer. Similar numbers of dive sites and underwater
PUDs were found in coral reef regions and so the two were simply
combined (unweighted) to develop a map of in situ use intensity, and
this map was intersected with the global coral reef map, giving every
500 m reef cell a measure of use-intensity.
The national on-reef tourism values were then distributed based on
this use-intensity map. This was irrespective of distance from hotels or
proximity to cities as it was felt that the underwater PUDs and dive-sites
were reliable metrics and were further enabling the model to account
for the highly variable distances that are travelled in dierent jurisdic-
tions, as well as to capture those reefs supporting multi-day livea-
board reef tourism.
Reef-adjacent and on-reef tourism values were summed to arrive at
a nal estimate and map of tourism value on coral reefs.
Summary statistics were generated from the various stages of this
work, enabling us to give an indication of the value of coastal tourism,
coastal tourism near reefs, and nally reef value, both combined and
separately for the two components. The maps were also used to
generate a better understanding of the patterns and to overlay national
and territorial boundaries in order to derive politically relevant
summary statistics.
3. Results
Of the 117 jurisdictions in this study, 102 registered at least some
tourism value (the remainder including many uninhabited territories as
well as jurisdictions with ongoing conicts, see Appendix A). The global
M. Spalding et al.
Marine Policy 82 (2017) 104–113
Fig. 2. Economic value of coral reefs for tourism (A). This gure summarises the combined dollar values of expenditures for on-reef and reef-adjacent tourism. Reefs without assigned tourism value are grey; all other reefs present values binned into
quintiles. Lower panels show Kenya and Tanzania (B), South-central Indonesia (C), and Northern Caribbean, with part of Florida, Cuba and the Bahamas (D). (Further maps can be seen in Appendix A and online at
M. Spalding et al.
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spread of these values is presented in Fig. 2, while summary statistics
are presented in Table 1.
Reef tourism is calculated to be worth some US$35.8 billion dollars
globally every year, representing the total of within-country expendi-
ture by international and domestic visitors that the authors believe can
be assigned to the presence of coral reefs. This is about 1.51% of all
visitor spending (a number which includes domestic and international
visitor spending, including local travel and accommodation) in coral
reef jurisdictions. Visitor numbers equate to some 70 million tourist trip
equivalents, or 1.24% of all visitors to coral reef jurisdictions, where
visits include only overnight and multiple night stays by international,
cruise-ship, and domestic visitors (but do not account for the length of
stay). These are likely to be conservative estimates, but it should also be
noted that tourism is a very large industry in several of the countries in
the study (such as USA, Brazil, China and Australia), with coral reefs
being only a minor component. Across the world's coral reef jurisdic-
tions some 40% of coastal, non-urban tourist arrivals and 43% of
expenditures were made within 30 km of coral reefs. Well over 20% of
these values are attributed directly to the presence of coral reefs
(Table 1).
Global statistics hide the considerable variability in the value of
coral reef tourism captured in this work, as shown in the global map
(Fig. 2). In dollar terms 70.4% of reefs are recorded as having zero
tourism value, with the remainder reaching values of millions of
international dollars per square kilometre per year. This high varia-
bility, already noted by previous authors [1,39], is an important
feature: the mean value of all cells with any tourism value is US
$482,428 km
, while the median value is only US
$48,000 km
. The top 1% of cells are recording values greater
than US$7,248,000 km
and their combined value makes up
some 33% of the global total values. Such high value reefs are
nonetheless broadly distributed over 70% of jurisdictions with reef
tourism have at least some of their reef estate generating values greater
than $1,000,000 km
. National summaries (Tables 2, 3 and
Appendix A) capture a portion of this variety, however, even within
nations there is large variation from reef to reef (Fig. 2).
While the models and data enable many di erent approaches for
exploration (see also, national level
summaries provide valuable information at a policy-relevant scale.
Tables 2, 3 give the ndings for the 10 jurisdictions with the highest
levels of tourism expenditure and tourist trip equivalents, presenting
both the combined values and the separated values for reef-adjacent
and on-reef contributions to these values. The dominant position of
Egypt in these statistics was likely correct at the time of the input data,
but this value has most likely since fallen sharply due to changes in
tourism caused by geopolitics and regional instability. It is interesting
to draw attention to the signicant variance in the contribution of on-
reef versus reef-adjacent tourism.
From the national-scale summary data provided in Appendix A it is
possible to investigate the relative importance of coral reef tourism,
both as a proportion of all tourism, or indeed as a proportion of GDP.
Such numbers show the particular importance of reef tourism in small
island jurisdictions. In each of the Maldives, Palau, Bonaire, the Turks
and Caicos Islands, and the British Virgin Islands, coral reefs support
over one third of all tourism value and 10% or more of the entire GDP.
Although a quantitative evaluation of accuracy has not been made,
the spatial distribution and relative importance of tourism appears to
match well with both expert opinion and other datasets. For example,
Fig. 3 shows the current map alongside the map of day visits plotted by
the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority. Setting aside the higher
resolution of the current map, the approximate locations of reef use
correspond well with on-reef use data derived in the present work.
Given the dierences in units it not possible to directly compare
numbers, but total visitor numbers also suggest a broad agreement:
the current work estimates a total of 1.45 million trip equivalents for
on-reef tourism the Great Barrier Reef. This number lies between the
estimates, based on industry reporting, of 1.1 million people visiting
coral sites [49] and the estimate of 1.8 million visits to the Great
Barrier Reef Marine Park in 2013 [50]. Separately, our maps also show
a close visual correlation with a variety of on-reef uses that were
mapped at very high resolution using aerial surveys for the Ningaloo
reef system in Australia [51], further increasing our condence in the
reliability of our method.
In comparing the geographic distribution of on-reef values with
reef-adjacent values it is noteworthy that on-reef use is more spatially
restricted, recording values from only about 15% of the world's coral
reefs. Given that on-reef tourism counts for a little over half of the total
estimated economic values this clearly represents a much higher value
per unit area for many reefs (average US$512,650 km
, median
US$128,000 km
). There are very few places where on-reef
tourism occurs with no reef-adjacent values these largely represent
remote reefs being visited by liveaboard dive vessels such as the reefs of
the Coral Sea and parts of Eastern Indonesia. Reef-adjacent tourism is
more widespread, covering 26% of the world's reefs, with typically
Table 1
Total values associated with the various steps of the methods chain.
Spending (US$
Proportion of total Proportion of
Tourist trip equivalents
Proportion of total Proportion of
Total for all coral reef nations 2,371,967 100% 5,650,099 100%
Coastal non-urban tourism 378,737 16.0% 100% 814,406 14.4% 100%
Coastal non-urban within
30 km of coral reefs
163,213 6.9% 43.1% 323,707 5.7% 39.7%
Reef-adjacent tourism 16,321 0.7% 4.3% 32,371 0.6% 4.0%
On-reef tourism 19,459 0.8% 5.1% 37,524 0.7% 4.6%
Total adjacent and on-reef
35,780 1.5% 9.4% 69,895 1.2% 8.6%
Table 2
Estimated expenditures by tourists within the ten jurisdictions with the highest total
values. Note that due to the strong geographical dierences, the US states of Hawaii and
Florida have been treated independently.
of tourism
which is
US$ per
of reef-
assigned as
US$ per
US$ per
Egypt 44% 947.5 53% 4519.8 5467.3
Indonesia 29% 1106.2 20% 1991.2 3097.5
Mexico 27% 1657.4 9% 1342.5 2999.9
Thailand 34% 1331.6 9% 1078.6 2410.2
Australia 24% 473.1 40% 1703.0 2176.1
China 13% 1348.1 2% 88.1 1435.1
Philippines 30% 451.2 23% 934.0 1385.1
USA (Hawaii) 58% 680.1 9% 550.8 1230.9
Japan 10% 542.6 13% 634.9 1177.5
USA (Florida) 11% 850.6 4% 306.2 1156.8
M. Spalding et al.
Marine Policy 82 (2017) 104–113
lower values (average US$250,612 km
, median US
$20,000 km
). It is worth noting that some of the locations
identied as solely important for reef-adjacent benets may not be
generating on-reef tourism, either because they are degraded, or
because they are naturally occurring in turbulent or turbid waters
and do not oer accessible, attractive features to divers and snorkelers.
These might include many Persian Gulf reefs, and those o the
mainland coasts of India and China. In most places, however, on-reef
and reef-adjacent values are broadly co-located, with dierences
expressed in dierent levels of value and more subtle dierence in
spatial extent, as shown in Fig. 4.
4. Discussion and conclusions
The current work quanties, for the rst time, both the global value
of coral reefs for tourism and recreation, and the spatial variability of
Table 3
Estimates of visitation by tourists within the ten jurisdictions with the highest total values. Note that the numbers are tourist trip equivalents represent numbers of trips that could be
directly assigned to the presence of reefs, allowing for proportional inclusion of arrival statistics where the reef was only a part of the reason for the visit. Total numbers visiting or
otherwise beneting from the coral reefs would be much higher.
Proportion of visitors that
are coastal, non-urban
Reef-adjacent tourism value
(1000 visitor trip equivalents)
Proportion of reef-coast
tourism assigned as on-
On-reef tourism value (1000
visitor trip equivalents)
Total tourism value (1000
visitor trip equivalents)
Indonesia 29% 6722.3 20% 12,100.1 18,822.4
Philippines 30% 3406.5 23% 7051.4 10,457.9
China 13% 8462.6 2% 1523.3 9985.9
Egypt 44% 818.7 53% 3905.4 4719.0
USA (Florida) 11% 2377.8 4% 856.0 3233.8
Mexico 27% 1544.7 9% 1251.2 2795.9
Malaysia 19% 780.7 20% 1405.2 2185.9
Australia 24% 408.2 40% 1469.4 1877.5
Japan 10% 840.5 13% 983.4 1823.9
Cayman Islands 99% 175.7 55% 869.8 1045.6
Fig. 3. Coral reef tourism in the Great Barrier Reef. Left: day visits to the Marine Park the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority estimates over 80% of tourism takes place in only 7%
of the region [50, p112]. Right: on-reef tourism from the current work for the same areas. The maps, derived from independent sources, appear to be well correlated with both the location
and the intensity of use.
M. Spalding et al.
Marine Policy 82 (2017) 104–113
this value. The estimated US$35.8 billion generated annually by coral
reefs is probably conservative, but nonetheless an important sum. The
spatial distribution of this value is highly variable: seventy percent of
the world's coral reefs have no value in the current model, but even
among the remainder the range is considerable, from just a few
thousands of dollars up to several millions of dollars per square
kilometre of reef per year. The summary values from this work (mean
US$482,428 km
, median US$48,000 km
) are far lower
than those of de Groot et al. [39] (US$9,630,200 km
and US
$156,200 km
), a dierence that likely reects both the con-
servative nature of the current model and the likelihood that any
numbers generated from a synthesis of eld studies like de Groot would
be biased towards higher value sites. The authors believe the current
work to provide a more accurate estimate.
In terms of visitor numbers, the estimated global total presented
here some 70 million tourist trip equivalents can be most
appropriately equated to visits that would not have been made to these
places without the presence of reefs. The actual numbers of persons
visiting reefs, or receiving some indirect benets from them, would be
far higher.
While visitor numbers and dollar values are broadly aligned, they
do not follow identical patterns (Tables 2, 3, and Appendix A). By using
both dollar and visitor numbers it is possible to explore the relative
importance of tourism in dierent locations. Such approaches can be
further helped by contextualising the numbers while reef dependent
tourism makes up 60% of total tourism revenues in the Maldives and
43% of GDP, the values for Australia are only 2.4% of all tourism and
less than 0.2% of GDP (See Appendix A). Within jurisdictions the maps
identify areas where coral reef tourism is particularly valuable such
values need to be seen and utilised, particularly where there may be
pressures on coral reefs, competing uses, risks or trade-os associated
with other activities.
Tourism is highly aggregated in space. Visitation is likely driven by
transport and infrastructure and perhaps reinforced through the selec-
tion of sites by reputation and previous use, and these undoubtedly help
to explain the concentration of tourism benets to only 30% of reefs,
and indeed the even narrower concentration of on-reef tourism to only
15% of reefs. Given this concentration, one perhaps more surprising
observation is that the reefs generating more than US$1 million km
per year (less than 3% of all reefs) are widely distributed across 71
jurisdictions, and across all continents and oceans.
While the actual numbers and maps are important, the current work
also highlights a new and important approach to the mapping of
tourism value. The use of big data from multiple sources including
traditionally generated maps alongside social media and crowd-sourced
datasets, oers a remarkably rich new frontier in terms of mapping and
understanding previously unmappable natural processes and human
interactions. While publicly-generated geospatial information could be
further tested, and rened, the wise use of such data already oers a
means to generate real eld observations by non-experts at scales
sucient to capture real-world activities or phenomena in a manner
that is currently unthinkable with expert-observation alone.
These approaches could be modied and improved in several ways
by future studies. The current work deliberately downscaled PUD data
to a 1 km grid in order to achieve more manageable processing times.
While the model could be re-run with these same layers at ner
resolutions, it is equally important to point out that the same process
could be undertaken at smaller scales and with other input layers, such
as national and sub-national level information on visitor numbers and
spending, hotels, dive centres and dive-sites. Also, in the present work,
a number of assumptions were made using expert judgement, including
the 2 km coastal boundary, the 30 km distance for reef-related tourism,
and the 10% reef-adjacent value. The authors believe that this approach
is conservative, but other users could update and repeat this work with
improved, or indeed more spatially nuanced parameterisation.
The existence of vast areas of coral reefs with zero value for tourism
needs to be viewed in a broader context. Such reefs are clearly not
value-less. They have values, both monetary and non-monetary, for
sheries, coastal protection, genetic diversity, and more [52,53]. Coral
reefs everywhere have myriad non-use or existence values associated
with their biodiversity, cultural, spiritual and inspirational worth
[54,55]. Indeed, such values may be highest on less heavily used reefs.
In addition, the current maps do not consider option or future use
values for reef tourism, although managers and governments may still
be interested to use these ndings to help to inform them on potential
tourism values of reefs in other areas.
Fig. 4. Relative economic value of coral reefs for tourism in Raja Ampat, Indonesia, separated into reef-adjacent values (left) and on-reef values (right). The lack of local infrastructure
and hotels probably explains the low values of the former, while the methods used here of linking value directly to dive-sites and underwater photographs ensures that the values of reefs
that are distant from built tourist infrastructure are still recorded in the model for on-reef values.
M. Spalding et al.
Marine Policy 82 (2017) 104–113
It is further important to note that coral reef tourism is rarely
environmentally neutral. As mentioned in the introduction, it has been
held responsible for the deterioration of many reefs, but such impacts
are not inevitable. Well-managed tourism can be highly sustainable,
and may represent a preferred option for safeguarding biodiversity in
places where local communities need income and employment from
their reefs and want to balance multiple competing objectives [35].
Nature-dependent and nature-based tourism and recreation are of
considerable social, cultural and economic importance, far beyond the
example of coral reefs. Other ecosystems attract visitors for activities
such as birdwatching, boating, recreational shing, whale-watching,
and more. Other studies have begun to explore some of these activities
at dierent scales [5661]. Beyond these nature-based activities, there
is still a paucity of research around the value of ex-situ, ecosystem-
adjacent, benets such as views, water quality enhancement, food
supply and so forth. Work is also limited on the value-ows away from
critical ecosystems: this work maps the source of benets (the reefs),
however understanding the geographic ow of such value is also
critically important [62]. While many benets may remain in local
communities, coral reefs and other ecosystems also contribute to wider
tourism and tax revenues within individual jurisdictions. Reef tourism,
in particular, is highly international, and benets extend to remote
beneciaries via international hotel chains, airlines, tour operators and
even the manufacturers of products from dive equipment to souvenirs.
Such ows of benets away from the locations where the coral reefs
occur can be a source of concern to the host nations. At the same time,
raising awareness of such values to reef-remote communities, for
example in the countries of northern Europe or the USA, could increase
the imperative for supporting coral reef conservation even among
nations that do not have coral reefs.
The broad distribution of very high value reefs shown in this study
should be used to highlight the widespread and critical importance of
these ecosystems to the tourism industry, and further should be used by
the same industry to ensure their facilities and activities do not have
any negative impact on reefs. In a growing array of cases, industry
players are already making advances towards reducing impacts and
contributing to reef conservation [17,63,64], but the same players, and
others, should further use this improved understanding to demand
policy and management interventions, including protected areas and
environmental improvements such as controls over land-based sources
of pollution, to ensure continued or improved reef health.
While the approaches presented here could be improved and
adapted for use in dierent settings, they already represent a powerful
resource with which to support such changes. Coral reef dependent
tourism goes beyond the well-known suite of in-water activities, and the
combined values of reef tourism are signicant to industry players,
local communities and governments. Armed with improved informa-
tion, it is hoped that sustainable management of coral reefs will become
a higher priority in processes ranging from the management of
individual resorts to the representation of coral reef dependent tourism
in the rapid growth of marine spatial planning.
The authors would like to thank Dave Fisher of the Natural Capital
Marine team in Seattle for help in the data processing. They would like
to thank Delta-Check for providing us with the Global Accommodation
Reference Database; and Diveboard for providing their database on
dive-sites and dive-shops. The World Travel and Tourism Council
provided valuable feedback on the use of their database. Kate
Longley-Wood of The Nature Conservancy provided further valuable
support on the mapping. Funding: This work was supported by the
Cambridge Conservation Initative; the Lyda Hill Foundation; and the
Moore Foundation.
Appendix A. Supporting information
Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at
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