WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs:
Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
Herman Cesar and Chiew Kieok Chong
In most tropical countries, coral reef ecosystems provide coastal populations with a
number of goods and services. However, a variety of anthropogenic practices threatens
reef health and therefore jeopardizes the benets owing from these goods and
services. These threats range from local pollution, sedimentation, destructive shing
practices and coral mining, to global issues such as coral bleaching.
By “getting some of the numbers on the table, economic valuation can help shed light
on the importance of the goods and services and show the costs of inaction in the face
of threats. Creating markets for sustainable resource use can highlight the value of
these goods and services to local populations.
This paper gives an overview of economic valuation (total economic value, cost benet
analysis) and the techniques supporting it (contingent valuation, travel cost, effect on
production, etc.) as they are applied to coral reef ecosystems.
The paper also highlights some of the socioeconomic issues of reef degradation and
conservation and shows the importance of economic issues involved in stakeholder
analysis. Stakeholder analysis helps to show who gains and who loses from threats to
the coral reef and from conservation measures. Together with economic valuation, it
thereby helps to determine what drives unsustainable practices and how such practices
can best be mediated given the local social situation.
Three case study examples are explored. The rst examines the total economic value of
a specic area, namely Jamaica, and the costs and benets of this area when coastal
management is introduced. The second demonstrates cost benet and stakeholder
analysis of a threat to coral reefs. The third estimates the economic costs of climate
change (coral bleaching, erosion, etc.).
The paper concludes with an up-to-date summary of economic valuation studies on
coral reefs.
Coral reefs form a unique ecosystem, richer in
biodiversity than any other ecosystem in the
world. Reefs are productive, shallow water, marine
ecosystems that are based on rigid lime skeletons;
themselves formed through successive growth,
deposition and consolidation of the remains of
reef-building corals and coralline algae. The basic
units of reef growth are the coral polyps and the
associated symbiotic algae that live in the coral
tissues. This symbiotic relationship is the key
factor explaining both the productivity of reefs
and the rather strict environmental requirements
of corals.
Coral reefs have important ecosystem functions
that provide crucial goods and services to
hundreds of millions of people. These goods and
services often form an important source of
income for local populations (through shing,
mariculture, etc.), and sustenance to those living
at subsistence levels. They are also a tourist
attraction, contributing to local income and
foreign exchange. In addition, they form a unique
natural ecosystem, with important biodiversity
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WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
value as well as scientic and educational values.
In addition, coral reefs form a natural protection
against wave erosion.
Currently, however, coral reefs are rapidly being
depleted in many locations around the world as a
result of, amongst other things, destructive shing
practices (poison shing, blast shing, muro-ami,
etc.), coral mining, marine pollution, sedimenta-
tion and coral bleaching. Often, these destructive
impacts are the result of externalities the people
who cause the damage benet from unsustainable
economic activities, but the costs are borne by
others who depend in some way or other on coral
reefs. Economists argue that this is often due to
the absence of a well-functioning market for
environmental goods and services. Hodgson and
Dixon (1988) describe an externality situation in
which logging causes sedimentation that results
in reef degradation (affecting tourism) and shery
losses. For the logging company, these tourism
and shery losses are not part of their prot
calculation. In the absence of government policy
and/or public outcry, logging would continue
even if the external costs to society were much
higher than the net prots of the logging industry,
as was the case in the example of Hodgson and
This example indicates two things. First, it shows
the importance of a stakeholder analysis of who
is gaining and who is losing from a situation and
the potential for a possible intervention; and,
second, it shows the importance of obtaining
economic values for the various reef goods and
services, e.g. a shery value and a coastal
protection value. Some of these goods and
services involve concrete marketable products,
such as shellsh, for which the value can be
determined based on the demand, supply, price
and costs. Other services depend on the possible
future uses of yet unknown biodiversity on reefs
for which, sometimes, markets can be created.
The values of all these goods and services together
form the total economic value (TEV) of reef
ecosystems (e.g. Spurgeon 1992). This TEV can be
calculated for a specic area or for other uses (e.g.
preservation area, tourism area, multiple use area,
etc.). Economic valuation can also be used to
calculate the economic losses due to destruction
of reef functions, as in blast shing (Pet-Soede et
al. 1999), coral mining (Berg et al. 1998) or
bleaching (Westmacott et al. 2000c). The three
case studies in this paper discuss each of these
points. These case studies are briey summarized
Case study 1 The TEV of the
Portland Bight area (Jamaica) and
a cost benefit analysis (CBA) of
establishing a marine protected
area (MPA)
Establishing a marine protected area (MPA) is a
costly affair and a government needs to be well
informed about the pros and cons of an
additional MPA (McClanahan 1999). Evaluating
the costs and benets of establishing and running
an MPA is a crucial step for an economist involved
in MPAs. The net benets of establishing a park
are dened as the net increase in the value of the
ecosystem due to the establishment and
management of the park minus the costs of
managing the park. Pendleton (1995, p.119)
states: “Past valuations of tropical marine parks
inaccurately measure their economic value
because they value the resource protected and not
the protection provided”. For the Portland Bight
Protected Area (Jamaica), a combined marine
and terrestrial multiple use area, the cost-benet
analysis (CBA) of establishing the protected area
was carried out as part of attempts to obtain
international donor money to run the protected
Case study 2 Benefit cost and
stakeholder analysis of coral
mining in Lombok (Indonesia)
Coral mining for lime production is a source of
income and subsistence in many developing
countries. The associated damage to the reef is,
however, signicant, both in physical and
monetary terms. The economic benets from reef
destruction are often used to justify continuation
of this damage. Accordingly, it is important to
quantify the costs associated with coral reef
degradation if a balanced assessment of the
benets and costs of various practices is to be
made. To do this, a CBA is carried out where the
net benets of coral mining to the people causing
the damage are compared with the net societal
costs plus the enforcement costs of eliminating
coral mining in a specic location. In this case
study the CBA relates to Lombok, Indonesia.
Case study 3 Economic losses due
to coral bleaching in the Indian
Climate change may, in the long run, be the most
important threat to coral reefs. The massive 1998
coral bleaching event was only one of recent hints
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Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
of what may happen in the future. Bleaching can
have severe impacts on both sheries and tourism.
In the longer run, if the balance between reef
growth and bio-erosion shifts as a result of coral
die-off, it can also lead to reduced levels of coastal
protection. For this threat, a cost-benet frame-
work is not appropriate at the local level as there
are no local gains from bleaching. Hence, the
focus is on the economic costs of reef destruction
This paper combines a background on the
valuation and socioeconomics of coral reefs with
these three case studies. The goods and services of
coral reefs are described in Section 2. The basic
concepts of economic valuation and their
techniques are discussed in Sections 3 and 4,
respectively. Section 5 focuses on the socio-
economics of coral reefs, which is discussed with
specic reference to stakeholder analysis. The
next three sections (6-8) describe case studies on
the TEV and the costs and benets of marine
parks, the CBA and stakeholder analysis of a
threat, and an estimation of the economic costs
of climate change (coral bleaching, erosion, etc.).
The paper concludes with a discussion of the
issues raised. The Annex brings together the most
well-known valuation studies on coral reefs.
Goods and services of reefs
Ecosystems provide a great many functions, goods
and services. The terms “functions”, “goods” and
“services” have, in this context, slightly different
meanings, although many authors use these
terms interchangeably in the environmental
economics literature. Costanza et al. (1997)
dene functions, services and goods in the
following way: “Ecosystem functions refer
variously to the habitat, biological or system
properties or processes of ecosystems. Ecosystem
goods (such as food) and services (such as waste
assimilation) represent the benets human
populations derive, directly or indirectly, from
ecosystem services”. For example, a forest on steep
slopes provides the function of water retention
and an associated service of water supply. Upland
deforestation leads to dry season water shortages
in the lowlands and deterioration in the eco-
system service of water supply.
Moberg and Folke (1999) systematically
presented the most important goods and services
of coral reef ecosystems (see Table 1). The authors
categorized goods as renewable resources (sh,
seaweed, etc.) and materials obtained from the
mining of reefs (sand, coral, etc.). The services of
coral reefs are categorized into: (i) physical
This section is an abbreviated version of Cesar (2000).
Goods Ecological services
Mining of reefs Physical
Biotic services
Biotic services
Social and
cultural services
Sea food
Coral blocks,
for building
of habitats
Raw materials
and medicines
Raw materials
for lime and
Build up of
of biodiversity
and a genetic
“mobile links
Support of
Other raw
materials (e.g.
Mineral oil and
growth of
and seagrass
Regulation of
processes and
Export of
etc., to pelagic
food webs
Aesthetic value
and artistic
Curios and
Generation of
coral sand
of resilience
Sustaining the
livelihood of
Live sh and
coral collected
for the
Support of
religious and
spiritual values
Table 1. Goods and ecological services of coral reef ecosystems identified in Moberg and Folke (1999)
Source: Adapted from Moberg and Folke (1999).
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
structure services, such as coastal protection; (ii)
biotic services, both within ecosystems (e.g.
habitat maintenance) and between ecosystems
(e.g. biological support through mobile links,
such as sh that move from mangroves in their
juvenile stages to coral reefs in their adult life);
(iii) biogeochemical services, such as nitrogen
xation; (iv) information services (e.g. climate
record); and (v) social and cultural services, such
as aesthetic values, recreation and gaming. Note
that this categorization differs slightly from that
of Costanza et al. (1997).
Economic valuation of coral reefs
The economic value of a reef ecosystem is often
dened as the total value of its instruments, that
is, the goods and ecological services that it
provides. We, therefore, need to know what these
major goods and services of reef ecosystems are,
as well as how they interact with other ecosystems.
Next, these goods and services need to be
quantied and evaluated in dollar terms. For
goods sold in the market place, this is simply
achieved by looking at their market price, but for
ecological services, this is not possible. Instead,
complex valuation techniques are used to
determine the economic value of these services.
Note that, in principle, markets could be
established for each of the goods and ecological
services where no markets currently exist,
although this might be very costly and
The value of all the compatible goods and services
combined gives the TEV for an ecosystem.
of the goods and services of coral reefs presented
in Table 1 above generate economic value. For
example, shery resources can be harvested and
sold, and the coastal marine area enables sea
transportation that creates prots. Similarly,
preservation and ecotourism create value. The
mapping between the goods and services on the
one hand and their values on the other hand is
straightforward, as is shown in Figure 1.
As indicated in Figure 1, there are six categories of
values. These are (i) direct use value; (ii) indirect
use value; (iii) option value; (iv) quasi-option
value; (v) bequest value; and (vi) existence value.
Direct use values come from both extractive uses
(sheries, pharmaceuticals, etc.) and from non-
This section is an abbreviated version of Cesar (2000).
The neo-classical foundations of economic value and its relationship with willingness to pay and consumer surplus are not discussed here (however,
see Pearce and Turner (1990) for a general discussion and Barton (1994) and Pendleton (1995) for a specic discussion on the neo-classical economic
value of coral reefs).
extractive uses. Indirect use values are, for
example, the biological support provided in the
form of nutrients and sh habitat and coastline
protection. The concept of option value can be
seen as the current value of potential future direct
and indirect uses of the coral reef ecosystem. An
example is the potential of deriving a cure for
cancer from biological substances found on reefs.
Bio-prospecting is a way of deriving money from
this option value. The quasi-option value is
related to the option value and captures the fact
that avoiding irreversible destruction of a
potential future use gives value today. The bequest
value is related to preserving the natural heritage
for generations to come where the value today is
derived from knowing that the coral reef
ecosystem exists and can be used by future
generations. The large donations that are given to
environmental non-government organizations
(NGOs) in wills are an example of the importance
of the bequest concept. The existence value
reects the idea that an ecosystem has value to
humans irrespective of whether or not it is used.
In the Annex, examples of the different values in
the literature are presented.
One purpose of obtaining the TEV of coral reefs
and using CBA is to get some numbers on the
table for policy discussions. For instance, a
government might consider proclaiming a specic
bay an MPA. The management costs of running
MPAs are signicant and the government may
want to know in economic terms whether the
management costs are justied. Or a government
might get complaints from NGOs about certain
unsustainable coastal activities; these activities
constitute a threat but, at the same time, they
generate quite some cash, and so the government
needs to be convinced that it is worthwhile to
curb the threat. Indeed, powerful economic forces
are often driving destructive patterns of coral reef
use, rendering short-term economic prots,
sometimes very large, to selected individuals.
Coral reef protection is presumed to conict with
economic development, and to require a sacrice
of economic growth. However, this perception
stems mainly from a failure to recognize the
magnitude of costs to the present and future
economy resulting from reef degradation. To
illustrate this point, Table 2 shows estimates of
the benets to individuals and losses to society
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Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
from each square kilometer of coral reef
destruction, and thus provides a basis for an
economic rationale for preventative or remedial
efforts. For coastal protection and tourism losses,
there are both “high” and a “low” scenario
estimates (shown as extremes of a range),
depending on the types of coastal construction
and tourism potential. “High” cost scenarios are
indicative of sites with high tourism potential
and high coastal protection value. The opposite
holds for “low” cost scenarios.
Valuation techniques
A host of valuation techniques have been
developed in recent decades. Standard techniques
in micro-economics and welfare economics rely
on market information to estimate value.
However, most of the time, the externalities
inherent in environmental issues prevent these
techniques from being used. For an elaboration
of this issue for non-economists, see Dixon
(1998). Specically for tropical coastal ecosystems,
Barton (1994) gives a detailed overview of 15
This section is an abbreviated version of Cesar (2000).
Figure 1. Total economic value and attributes of economic values for coral reefs
Source: Barton (1994).
Total Economic Value
Use Values Non- Use Value
Direct use value Indirect use value Option value Quasi-option value Bequest value Existence value
Outputs / services
that can be consumed
Functional benets
enjoyed indirectly
Future direct and
indirect use
Expected new
information from
avoiding irreversible
losses of:
Value of leaving use
and non-use values to
future generations
Value from
of continued
existence, based
on e.g. moral
• capture sheries
• mariculture
• aquarium trade
• pharmaceutical
Biological support
• sea birds
• turtles
• sheries
• other ecosystems
• species
• habitats
• biodiversity
• species
• habitats
• ‘way of life’
connected to
traditional uses
• threatened reef
• endangered
• charismatic
• aesthetic
• tourism/recreation
• research/education
• aesthetic
Physical protection
• other coastal
• coastline
• navigation
Global life-support:
• carbon store
Net return to
Net losses to society
............ ..Function
Total net
Tourism Others
Total net losses
Poison shing 33 40 0 3-436 n.q. 43-476
Blast shing 15 86 9-193 3-482 n.q. 98-761
Coral mining 121 94 12-260 3-482 > 67.0 176-903
from logging
98 81
Over-shing 39 109 _
n.q. 109
Table 2. Total net benefits and losses due to threats to coral reefs in Indonesia
(Net present value; 10% discount rate; 25 year time-span; in US$’000; per km
Source: Adapted from Cesar et al. (1997) n.q. = not quantied
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Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
different valuation techniques. Spurgeon (1992)
gives an interesting summary of this topic with
many actual numbers. Table 3 gives a listing of
the most common techniques used for valuing
the goods and services of coral reef ecosystems.
Three general categories are distinguished. The
rst includes generally applicable techniques that
use the market directly to obtain information
about the value of the affected goods and services
or of direct expenditures. The second includes a
number of potentially applicable techniques,
which use the market indirectly to obtain
information about values and expenditures. The
third general category involves survey-based
methods that use hypothetical markets and
Valuation techniques enable us to estimate in
money terms the direct and indirect use value, as
well as the option, quasi-option, bequest and
existence values. Specically discussed here are
ve methods, which are also used in many of the
chapters that follow. These techniques are: (i)
Effect on Production (EoP); Replacement Costs
(RC); Damage Costs (DC); Travel Costs (TC); and
the Contingent Valuation Method (CVM). These
techniques correspond to the various types of
values, as shown in Table 3. For details on other
techniques, see Barton (1994). Note that both TC
and CVM have many shortcomings, including
problems of designing, implementing and
interpreting questionnaires. However, in the cases
where they are used, they are typically the only
techniques available, as Table 3 shows.
Effect on Production (EoP): This technique, also
referred to as the “change in productivity”
method, uses the difference in output (pro-
duction) as the basis for valuing reef services. The
technique mainly applies here to sheries and
tourism (producer surplus) and estimates the
difference in value of productive output before
and after the impact of a threat or a management
intervention. Coral bleaching may, for instance,
lead to fewer dive tourists and, therefore, lower
tourism revenues. Hence, the change in net prot
(i.e. effect on production) can be calculated, and
this can be used as a proxy for the loss in tourism
value. For sheries, the technique is used to
calculate the loss in the sheries value from a
specic threat, such as coral mining, or the gain
in the sheries value from a management
intervention, such as the introduction of a marine
reserve. The main challenge is the calculation of
the changes in productivity in physical terms
between the “with” and “without” scenario.
An examples of the EoP method is provided in
Alcala and Russ (1990), who report on a decline
of US$54 000 in the total yield of reef shes off
Sumilon Island (Philippines) after the breakdown
of protective management. McAllister (1998)
gives estimates of reef productivity for reefs in
excellent condition (18 mt/km
/yr), in good
condition (13 mt/km
/yr) and in fair condition
(8 mt/km
/yr). Based on changes in condition
over time and estimates of net prots associated
with these yields, McAllister estimates the
sheries loss in the Philippines at US$80 million
per year.
Replacement Costs (RC): The replacement cost
approach is used to value the ecosystem service of
coastal protection. Data on investments to
control coastal erosion are used as a proxy for the
coastal protection service of a healthy coral reef.
The cost of replacing the coral reef with protective
Type of Value Valuation Method
Direct Use Values
tourism (consumer surplus)
tourism (producer surplus)
Travel Cost (TC)
Effect on Production (EoP)
Effect on Production (EoP)
Indirect Use Values
coastal protection
Replacement Costs (RC); Damage Costs (DC)
Non-use values
Option Values
Quasi-option Values
Bequest Values
Existence Values
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM)
Table 3. Correspondence between the types of value and the valuation methods
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Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
constructions, such as revetments and underwater
wave breakers, is used.
A study quoted in Spurgeon (1992) indicates that
on Tarawa Atoll in Kiribati, coastal defences
costing US$90 720 had to be built to prevent
coastal erosion. Berg et al. (1998) give a detailed
analysis of the replacement costs following years
of coral mining in Sri Lanka. The average cost
varies between US$246 000 and US$836 000/km
of protected coastline. Cesar (1996) quotes a case
in Bali, Indonesia, where coastal protection
expenditures of US$1 million were spent over
several years for 500 m of coastline protection.
Finally, Riopelle (1995) cites information on a
hotel in West Lombok which has spent US$880
000 over a seven-year period to restore their
beach stretch of around 250 m, allegedly
damaged by past coral mining.
Damage Costs (DC): In the absence of coastal
protection, the monetary damage to property and
infrastructure from surge and storms can be
enormous. Hence, the damage cost approach uses
the value of the expected loss of the “stock at risk”
as a straightforward proxy for the value of the
coastal protection service.
Berg et al. (1998) use the cost of land loss as a
proxy for the annual cost of coastal erosion due
to coral mining in Sri Lanka. Depending on land
price and use, these costs are between US$160
and US$172 000/km of reef per year. Cesar
(1996) uses a combination of the value of
agricultural land and the costs of coastal
infrastructure and houses to arrive at a range of
US$90 up to US$110 000/km of reef per year for
the value of coastal protection afforded by the
Travel Costs (TC): This approach is often used to
estimate the welfare associated with the
recreational use of a national park. With this
technique, the travel time or travel costs are used
as an indicator of the total entry fee” and,
therefore, a person’s willingness to pay to visit a
park. The further away people live from the park,
the higher the costs are to visit it. Because of the
variation in these costs among visitors, the
demand for different prices can be determined, a
“demand curve” for the park can be constructed,
and the associated consumers’ surplus can be
determined. This surplus represents an estimate
of the value of the environmental good in
question (e.g. the National Park).
Pendleton (1995) provided an example of TC. He
used this method to estimate the value of the
Bonaire Marine Park. To obtain the welfare
estimate, Pendleton divides the number of
visitors from each state/country by the population
of the corresponding origin. This visitation rate is
then regressed upon travel costs, giving the
demand curve for reef-oriented vacations to
Bonaire (visitation rate = [0.0725 – 0.0000373] x
travel costs). Based on this estimated demand
curve, on the travel costs from each region and on
an assumption of 20 000 annual visits to the
marine park, the total consumer surplus of
visitors to the Bonaire Marine Park is approxi-
mately US$19.2 million annually. Another
example is a TC study reported in Hundloe et al.
(1987), which attributes a value of AU$144
million per year for tourists visiting the Great
Barrier Reef.
Contingent Valuation Method (CVM): Where
people’s preferences are not revealed by markets,
CVM uses direct questions about willingness to
pay (and/or willingness to accept as compen-
sation) to estimate consumers’ preferences. It
basically asks people what they are willing to pay
for a benet, or what they are willing to accept by
way of compensation to tolerate a loss. This
process of obtaining information may be carried
out either through a direct questionnaire/survey
or by experimental techniques in which subjects
respond to different stimuli in “laboratory”
conditions. CVM seeks to obtain the respondent’s
personal valuations of increases or decreases in
the quantity of some goods, contingent upon a
hypothetical market. Spash (2000) gave an
example of CVM from a survey in Montego Bay
(Jamaica) and Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) to
investigate the consumer surplus, or individual
utility, of coral reef improvement. The survey
instrument was designed to capture the “non-use”
benets of marine biodiversity, for both local
residents and for visitors. The question to
respondents dealt with their willingness to pay
(WTP) for more coral cover in the park. Expected
WTP for coral reef improvement was US$3.24 per
person in a sample of 1 058 respondents for
Montego Bay. For Curaçao, the number was
US$2.08 per person. But this value was heavily
dependent on whether or not respondents
believed that marine systems possessed inherent
rights, and that humans had inherent duties to
protect marine systems.
There are a number of biases associated with
CVM that are important to note. These biases
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Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
have given CVM a bad name in the eyes of some.
Careful use of CVM is therefore necessary. Barton
(1994) summarizes the following biases, describ-
ed in the literature:
Hypothetical bias: This refers to the potential
error inherent in the process that is not an
actual situation. Respondents may not take the
interview seriously enough to give bids
reecting their true preferences.
Strategic bias: People may answer strategically
if they feel that their reply will inuence real
events, i.e. if they feel that their willingness-to-
pay bid may entail actual payment, their values
will be lower than otherwise.
Information bias: The way in which the
hypothetical situation is described can have a
powerful effect on the reply, and involve several
aspects. Design bias refers to how the questions
are structured. Instrument bias will result if the
respondent reacts (positively or negatively) to
the hypothetical instrument or vehicle of
payment that is suggested (e.g. entry fee).
Starting-point bias refers to the observation
that the starting bid may affect the nal
outcome in a converging bidding process.
An important issue in economic valuation of
natural resources is the concept of benet transfer.
It is often quite costly to carry out studies to
determine the precise TEV of coral reefs in each
location, e.g. a specic marine park. However, it is
sometimes possible to use a meta-analysis of
studies carried out in other, comparable, areas.
For example, if an extensive study has been
carried out for the sheries and tourism potential
in one marine reserve in the Philippines, then it is
not unlikely that these values can form a proxy
for another marine reserve elsewhere in the
Philippines. This practice of transferring monetary
values is referred to as “benet transfer”.
The TEV gives the economic value of an area at a
certain moment. Often, we would like instead to
know the costs and benets of coral reef
protection. In such situations, the costs of
government interventions need to be compared
with the net benets of such interventions.
Economists tend to use extended cost benet
analysis (extended CBA) to evaluate the
interventions. For a background to extended CBA,
see Belli et al. (2001).
Review of literature
The literature related to the economic valuation
of coral reefs shows that past research has focused
very much on direct use values of coral reefs and,
to a lesser extent, on indirect use and non-use
values. Research on the TEV of coral reefs is
limited. It is not surprising that most of the past
studies focused on use values of coral reefs as
these are the easiest to measure and also are
probably of most interest to stakeholders, in
particular, policy decision-makers.
The literature review indicates that most of the
studies on direct use values of coral reefs focus on
the values generated from sh production,
recreation or tourism, and research and education.
Most of these studies used the productivity
change (EoP) method to estimate the use value
(in terms of revenue) generated. The other
method that is commonly used to estimate the
use values of coral reefs generated from
recreational or tourism activities is the TC
method. The third method being used to estimate
the use value generated from coral reef ecosystems
is CBA.
The productivity change (EoP) method is also
used to estimate indirect use values provided by
coral reefs, e.g. their coastal protection value.
Most studies using EoP estimate the net present
value (NPV) of the stock at risk (e.g. infrastructure)
linked to a loss in coastal protection. This net
present value is used as an approximation of the
coastal protection value of the reef. The other
method commonly used to estimate indirect use
values generated from coral reef ecosystems is the
RC method. For example, Cesar (1996) used RC
to estimate that the reef’s loss of protective
capability is linked linearly to its protective
In contrast, Ruitenbeek and Cartier (1999)
estimated the value of Montego Bay coral reef
using a model incorporating drug values, local
bio-prospecting costs, institutional costs, dis-
covery success rates for marine extracts, and a
hypothetical bio-prospecting program for the
area using National Cancer Institute sampling
protocols. De Groot (1992) used shadow pricing
to estimate the cost of biodiversity maintenance
for the Galapagos National Park.
Of all the valuation techniques developed to
estimate the non-use value of coral reefs, the CVM
is the most commonly used. De Groot (1992)
also used sales of books and lms to estimate the
cultural/artistic inspirational use value of coral
reefs. In the same study, he also considered the
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level of donations to estimate the spiritual use
value of Galapagos National Park in Ecuador.
De Groot (1992) also provided an estimate of the
TEV based on the total annual monetary returns
from direct and indirect use of Galapagos
National Park. In the same study, benet transfer
was used to estimate the annual value of the reefs
based on the similarities between the Dutch
Wadden Sea and Galapagos estuarine areas, with
the assumption that 10 per cent of shery in
Galapagos depend on the nursery function
provided by inlets and mangrove lagoons.
Socioeconomics of coral reefs
Economic analysis of coral reefs goes considerably
beyond pure monetary valuation (Cesar, 2000). It
includes consideration of at least the following
four issues:
The extent of poverty and income
deterioration due to coral reef degradation;
The degree to which local populations rely
on reef sheries for subsistence purposes;
The existence (or otherwise) of other
income generating activities in reef areas;
Stakeholder analysis of which social group
wins and which loses from various threats
and management actions.
In this paper the focus is on stakeholder analysis
and other income generating activities. To
illustrate the stakeholder analysis, Table 4 shows
the private benets that accrue to the various
groups of stakeholders involved in causing threats
to the coral reefs of Indonesia as well as to each of
the persons/families/boats/companies involved.
The aggregated numbers (last column of Table 4)
correspond with the total benets presented in
Table 2 (second column).
Interestingly, at US$0.121 million, net benets
per square kilometer to stakeholder groups are
highest for coral mining. Yet, private benets per
stakeholder (person/boat/company/etc.) are
highest to those involved in poison shing and
logging-induced sedimentation, ranging from
US$2 million per company in the case of logging
to over US$0.4 million per boat in the case of
poison shing. Side-payments are also particularly
high, very roughly estimated at some US$0.3 to
1.5 million for some receivers. At the other
extreme, coral mining is a rather marginal activity
for the mining families involved (for a discussion,
see Cesar et al. 1997).
Case study one: Total economic
value of a coastal area (Jamaica’s
Portland Bight)
Introduction and study area
On 2 April (Earth Day) 1999, the Jamaican
government declared its largest environmental
conservation area, the Portland Bight Protected
Area (PBPA). The PBPA is situated along Jamaica’s
southern coast, just west of Kingston (Jamaica’s
capital). Its marine region runs due south into the
Caribbean Sea along the 200-meter depth contour.
The area has a number of valuable ecological
resources, including coral reefs, wetland systems,
dry limestone forests, and a number of
endangered species. Some of these resources are
currently under threat of over-shing, dynamite
shing, pollutants (such as industrial waste, oil
and sewage), charcoal burning, wood cutting and
marijuana cultivation. The PBPA is classied as a
Fishers Miners, Loggers Others (payments) Total per km
Poison shing 29
(468.6 per boat)
(23.4 per diver)
- 4
(317-1 585 per person)
Blast shing 15 (7.3 per sher) - ? 15
Mining - 67
(1.4 per mining family)
(18-54 per person)
due to logging
- 98
(1 990 per logging family)
? 98
Over-shing 39 (0.2 per sher) - - 39
Table 4. Net benefits to stakeholder groups: (NPV at 10% discount rate over 25 years in US$’000; per km
. Benefits per stakeholder in
Source: Adapted from Cesar (1996) and Cesar et al. (1997).
The column “Others” presents the payments to third persons, sometimes referred to as “political rents.
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“multi-use conservation area”, combining private
and public lands and activities such as agriculture
and industry alongside residential and wilderness
areas. The goal of the Portland Bight Management
Plan is to ensure the sustainable use of natural
resources and the conservation of threatened
species and ecosystems, while at the same time
meeting the needs of the current generation in
terms of physical and social infrastructure,
services, and income generation (CCAM, 1999).
The PBPA covers 520 km
of land (which includes
82 km
of wetlands and 210 km
of forests), and a
marine area of 1 356 km
. The land area of the
PBPA is 4.7 per cent of Jamaica’s total land mass,
an area larger than the entire island of Barbados.
Coral cays and reefs occur sporadically throughout
the marine area of Portland Bight, notably at the
edge of the island shelf. Mangrove wetlands
predominate along much of the coastline.
Shoreward, benthic regions of the Bight are
dominated by mudats. The Bight functions as
habitat for a number of marine organisms,
including the endangered West Indian Manatee
(Trichecus manatus). The PBPA also contains four
prominent examples of tropical dry limestone
forest, containing a unique evergreen forest as
well as cactus scrubs. The approximately 60 km
Hellshire Hills area is the largest remaining
pristine dry limestone forest in Central America
and the Caribbean. The Hills are home to the last
of the remaining Jamaican Iguana (Cyclura collei),
which is an endangered species endemic to the
Resources, services and functions
The various ecosystems in the PBPA support a
host of different resources, services and functions
(RSFs). The most important ones are discussed
Direct uses: These include sheries, harvesting
pelagic and demersal sh that feed along the
coral reefs and the rest of the island shelf of
Portland Bight. The shing grounds of South
Jamaica cover an area of almost 2 586 km
Lobster, shrimp and conch stocks, although
severely depleted, are an economically valuable
resource. A second direct use is forestry; products
from the limestone woods of the PBPA satisfy
local demand for timber products such as fuel
wood and charcoal. Mangrove wood is also
valued as a source of poles for fences, stakes,
scaffolds, and yamsticks, and is used in housing
construction. In addition, the mangroves and dry
limestone forests provide a host of non-timber
products, such as honey, orchids and medicinal
Indirect uses: The tourism and recreation sector
is a fundamental component of the Jamaican
economy, in 1997 attracting 1.8 million visitors
and over US$1.3 billion. In comparison with the
north coast, tourism along Jamaica’s south coast
is very undeveloped. The Portland Bight region,
like the rest of Jamaica, appeals to tourists
interested in relaxation, touring, swimming and
sunbathing, and enjoying natural surroundings
(Halcrow 1998). Other indirect uses relate to the
PBPAs navigation function. Two major ports
located within the Bight are major alumina
storage and shipping complexes and are also used
for the export of goods and the import of oil,
grain, etc. The wetlands allow for natural waste
treatment, sediment retention and coastal
protection. The latter is important to prevent
coastal erosion. The mangrove and limestone
forests x carbon dioxide, a process referred to as
carbon sequestration. This is increasingly
recognized as an important ecosystem service
whereby mangroves offset CO
emissions, thus
helping to slow down the greenhouse effect
(Sathirathai 1998).
Non-uses: Some ecosystem functions are remote
and not accounted for as either direct or indirect
use. The many unique ecosystems contained
within the PBPA make an important contribution
to the biological diversity of the island, and
provide habitat or nesting areas for endangered
species, several of which are endemic to Jamaica.
This non-use function is related to use-functions.
Tourists come to enjoy the biodiversity and
culture, but the idea of “non-use value” is the
intrinsic existence of these functions independent
of human use.
The PBPA management plan and its
associated costs
The management plan for the Portland Bight
Protected Area (PBPA) prepared by the (CCAM)
Caribbean Coastal Area Management was
published in May 1999 and approved by the
Natural Resources Conservation Authority
(NRCA). The plan delineates the boundaries,
denes the management objectives, and outlines
specic management plans for almost every
natural resource in the PBPA. The management
plan describes the 28 different zones, and
explains the plans for community environmental
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education, enforcement and tourism development
within the PBPA. It contains a preliminary
assessment of the resources needed to manage
the PBPA, as well as suggestions as to how the
PBPA might be sustainably nanced. CCAM
intends to take a co-management approach,
promoting the management of the resources in
the project area as a joint effort of the stakeholders,
including the government. In the model being
pursued, co-management takes place through
resource management councils, made up of
representatives of the stakeholders in the resource
including government agencies, resource users,
the private sector and NGOs.
Operational expenses of the PBPA will be nanced
from government subvention, user fees, income
from a trust fund and prots from tourism
activities and merchandizing. Grant funds will
play a large part in nancing the necessary capital
expenditures. The recurrent costs of the PBPA
Management Plan are estimated at US$1.496
million per year, while the capital investments are
estimated at US$2.422 million. The capital
budget consists of many items (computers, GPS
equipment, vehicles) that are typically written off
in a ve-year period. Using this ve-year write-off
period, the combined recurrent and capital costs
of managing the PBPA are roughly US$19.2
million over 25 years in net present value terms
(10 per cent discount rate). This information is
used in the following comparison of the costs
and benets of the PBPA.
Economic valuation
Each of the resources, services and functions
(RSFs) for the three categories of ecosystems
(marine; wetland; terrestrial) has an economic
value. The main problem with the valuation of
these RSFs is that their measurement in monetary
terms is time-consuming, and in some cases
impossible. Table 5 suggests a very rough rst
guesstimate of the most relevant values for the
ß Direct economic value à ß Indirect economic value à ß Non-use à
Services &
Recreation (Game, etc.)
Forestry (non-timber)
Forestry (charcoal, etc.)
Fishery (habitat; catch)
Carbon xation
Coastal protection
Sediment retention
Waste treatment
Cultural heritage
Marine 1356 xxx - - xxx xx xxx xx xx xxx - xxx x
Seagrass ? xxx - - - - - xx xx x - xxx -
Coral reefs ? xxx - - xx xx - x x xx - xx -
Islets 1 - - - xxx - - - - xxx - - xx
Rest of the shelf ? x - - x xx xxx x x x - - -
Wetlands 82 xx x x xx xx - xxx xxx xx xx xxx -
Mangroves 55 xxx x x xx xx - xxx xxx xxx xx xxx -
Tidal marsh 12 xx - - x - - xxx xxx x - x -
Saline pools 15 x - - x - - x x x - x -
Terrestrial 438 - x x xxx xx - x xx x x xxx xx
Forest 210 - x x xxx xx - x xx x x xxx x
Shrubs, etc. 20 - x x x - - - - x x - -
Agriculture 168 - - - - - - - - - - x
40 - - - - - - - - - - xx
Total 1876 xxx x x xxx x xxx x xx xxx x xxx xx
* The higher the guesstimated value of the function, the larger the number of stars (x) – from 0 to 3 stars. The circles around a set of stars indicate that
the specic value for a function/resource can only be calculated for a set of ecosystems combined. The circles in the Total” row indicate the functions
and resources for which a monetary valuation is given in the text.
Table 5. Categories of ecosystems in PBPA and their perceived economic values*
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various ecosystems in the PBPA. This is achieved
by giving every value for each of the ecosystems a
number of stars (0, 1, 2, or 3) depending on the
likely contribution of the ecosystem to the RSFs.
Not only is measurement of RSFs difcult, but
also certain values can only be calculated for a set
of ecosystems combined. In Table 5, this is
indicated by a circle around a set of ecosystems.
For instance, it is very hard to discuss the sheries
for mangroves, reefs, sea-grass and tidal marshes
separately given the complex interrelationships
between these ecosystems. For the tourism and
recreation function, a somewhat similar situation
exists; most tourists are interested in a package of
cultural and natural experiences, rather than in
individual elements of the package.
Fisheries: The total yield of the Portland Bight
shery in 1997 was 1 088.4 t. This corresponds to
0.8 mt/km
/yr. Haughton (1988) suggested that
the maximum sustainable yield (MSY) for the
south Jamaican shery is 2.2 t/km
(Cesar et al.
2000). Given the relatively low capital intensity,
this is close to the maximum economic yield
(MEY). At low levels of capital, MEY and MSY are
close, while at high levels of capital, the MEY can
be much smaller than the MSY. The discrepancy
between actual yields and the MEY (or MSY)
shows the enormous level of over-shing. Given
the open access nature of Jamaican coastal
sheries, it is assumed that current yields equal
the open access equilibrium (OAE), where all
economic rents are squeezed out of the market.
Espeut and Grant (1990) show reasonable prot
margins for south-shelf shers of 50 per cent (pot
shers) and 54 per cent (net shers). With
growing piracy, sh pot stealing and over-shing,
we assume that prots have declined to zero over
the last decade. This shows that the actual
economic value added has been squeezed out of
the sheries over the last 10 years. Cesar et al.
(2000) estimated that MSY prots are US$5000/
/yr or US$6.78 million for the PBPA at an
average sh price of US$2.8/kg. In the OAE, the
shery value would be zero.
Forestry: In the mangrove and limestone forests,
trees are cut for construction material, fuel wood
and charcoal production. Though some level of
mangrove thinning is sustainable if regulated
properly, wood extraction in the dry limestone
forests is unsustainable due to the absence of
Data are scarce given the illegality of this activity (see Cesar et al. 2000).
This is a very different picture from areas along Jamaicas northern coast. For example, Gustavson (1998) calculated tourism values for Montego Bay
had a net present value associated with the hundreds of thousands of tourists ranging from US$210 million to US$630 million.
Costanza et al. (1997) give an annual value for coastal ecosystems of US$0.82/km
and for forests of US$0.66/km
. This would give a weighted average
of roughly US$0.75/km
for the relevant parts of the PBPA.
topsoil. In the Hellshire Hills, some 60 people are
involved in charcoal production
, creating a total
gross value per year of US$100 000. Harvesting of
non-timber products takes place at such a small-
scale that, here, the value of these non-timber
resources is put at zero.
Tourism and recreation: With the exception of
Hellshire Bay, a popular beach day-trip destina-
tion for local Kingston residents, the number of
tourists currently visiting the PBPA is very small.
Eco-tourism development possibilities in the
PBPA are suggested in Halcrow (1998). The extent
to which tourism develops depends on expansion
of facilities, marketing, and on reduction of
possible violence and tourism harassment
(Halcrow 1998). Two scenarios are identied in
this case study. In the rst, these constraints are
not adequately dealt with, while, in the second,
gradual and sustainable expansion of eco-tourism
is realized. In the latter scenario, the value of
tourism and recreation is taken to be US$0.75/
/yr based on benet transfers (Costanza et al.
of US$4.7 million for the whole PBPA
(assuming that one third of the area is of interest
to tourists). In the former scenario, we assume
(tentatively) that tourism prots are one tenth of
this amount (US$470 000), the same as in the
future “without PBPA case. We further assume
that, currently, the value added from tourism is
Carbon xation: Growing forests can sequester
carbon. The net growth of dry limestone forests is
very limited and net carbon xation is assumed to
be zero. Mangroves have a much larger potential.
Sathirathai (1998) estimates a value of US$8 200/
/yr based on US$5.67 per tonne of carbon
and a primary productivity for mangroves in
Thailand’s Kanjanadit district of 1 510 t of carbon/
/yr. Using this value as a benet transfer, the
55 km
of mangroves in Portland Bight have an
annual value of US$45 million. It is assumed that
the net area of mangroves remains stable in the
PBPA, but that it would decline by 1 per cent
annually in the absence of good management.
Coastal protection: Mangroves and other
wetlands as well as coral reefs contribute to
coastal protection, as such ecosystems are able to
dissipate wave energy. In recent years, mangrove
destruction has resulted in damage to the coastal
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at US$52.6 million in present value terms (at a 10
per cent discount rate) in the optimistic tourism
scenario and US$40.8 million in the pessimistic
tourism case. Hence, the US$19.2 million costs
over the next 25 years (see above) are well justied
on economic grounds.
Case study two: Costs and benefits
of coral mining in Lombok,
One of the key threats to coral reefs is the
extraction of corals for lime production and
construction materials. This is carried out in
many areas around the world, including East
Africa (Dulvy et al. 1995; Andersson and Ngazy
1995), South Asia (Brown and Dunne 1988;
Rajasuriya et al. 1995; Berg et al. 1998), Southeast
Asia (Cesar et al. 1997) and in the Pacic (Salvat
1987). Extraction of corals has a detrimental
effect on the reef ecosystem. For instance, a study
carried out by Dulvy et al. (1995) in Tanzania
showed that live coral cover in mined areas was
one third of that in the unmined sites. In addition
road going into the Portland Ridge. For the
Portland Bight, Cesar et al. (2000) estimated that
the total coastal protection value was around
US$3.55 million in NPV terms or nearly US$400
000 per year (with 10 per cent discount rate). It is
assumed, following Pet-Soede et al. (1999), that a
1 per cent loss in coastal ecosystems leads to a 1
per cent loss in the coastal protection function,
and this in turn leads to a loss of 1 per cent of the
value of the coastline. With a 1 per cent decline in
mangrove stands in the absence of park
management (but no decline with park
management), the benets of the PBPA in terms
of coastal protection are US$4 000 per year.
Biodiversity: To estimate biodiversity in a
developing country, Ruitenbeek (1992) suggests
taking the value of foreign support likely to be
available to protect the biodiverse resource
through NGOs, through the Global Environment
Fund and other means. A recent study for
Indonesia has shown that two marine parks were
able to capitalize on their global value of
biological diversity, by obtaining an average of
US$10 000/km
/year (Cesar et al. 2000). In the
PBPA, the areas of most interest in terms of
biodiversity are the Hellshire Hills, the Portland
Ridge, the wetlands, and the rest of the strip along
the coast. These areas, totalling about 200 km
could be eligible for global grant funding of
around US$10 000/km
/year, or a total annual
cash revenue of US$ 2 million.
Total benets of PBPA: The values of the
ecosystems’ services can be combined to calculate
the total benets of the PBPA (Pendleton 1995).
To do so, the difference in value between a “with
PBPA scenario and a “without PBPA scenario
needs to be calculated. However, as discussed, the
aggregation of economic values would still need
to take into account the compatibility of the
different functions for a specic use (Spurgeon
1992; Barton 1994). Of all the services discussed
above, the only one not compatible with
sustainable use is charcoal. Therefore, in the
“with PBPA” scenario, charcoal production will
stop. It is assumed that the changes are complete
in 25 years, so that sheries will be back at its
maximum sustainable yield in 2025.
Comparison of costs and benets: Table 6 pulls
together all the values of the ecosystem. The total
(incremental) benets of the PBPA are estimated
Table 6. Values for ecosystem services in the Portland Bight (US$’000)
“With PBPA
(in NPV)
Year 2000 2025 2000 2025
Fisheries 0 0 0 6 780 18 928
Forestry 100 100 0 0 -916
(high) 0 470 0 4 700 11 809
(low) 0 470 0 470 0
xation* 0 0 450 450 4 122
protection* 0 0 40 40 366
Biodiversity 0 0 2 000 2 000 18 322
tourism) 100 570 2 490 13 970 52 631
Total (low
tourism) 100 570 2 490 9 740 40 822
*These are calculated in net terms. This means that the “with” scenario
gives the net gains relative to the without” scenario.
This section is based on Cesar (1996) and Ohman and Cesar (2000).
Note that the numbers in this column are not equal to the difference in the numbers of the previous two columns; they are the net present value of
the accumulated difference over the 25-year period.
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to these direct effects, loss of land and increased
sedimentation have also been reported (e.g.
Salvat 1987; Dulvy et al. 1995). If corals are
collected from a reef, recovery appears to be slow.
Dulvy et al. (1995) stated that recovery of the
reefs to the pre-disturbance live coral cover could
take up to 50 years.
Although coral extraction is destructive, it is a
source of income and subsistence for many
people in the developing world. Yet, by adversely
affecting the foundation of the reef, coral mining
is likely to result in longer term costs to society. In
this case study we analyze the cost and benets of
coral mining in Lombok, Indonesia. In a nancial
analysis we describe the mining business and
estimate its net prots. In the economic analysis,
we also consider the societal costs of coral mining
in terms of associated losses to reef functions,
specically shery, tourism and coastal protection
functions. The case study shows that the societal
costs far outweigh the private gains accruing to a
handful of individuals, even though these
individuals themselves have a clear interest to
continue, partly because of a lack of other income-
generating activities in the area.
Financial analysis: The coral mining
Lombok is an island situated in the south central
Indonesian archipelago between Bali and
Sumbawa. Its population of 2.4 million people
depends to a large extent on the island’s coastal
resources. Tourism is an important industry that
is growing rapidly. Other activities include shing
and mangrove forestry (Subani and Wahyono
1987; Cesar 1996). Coral mining for lime
production is a small-scale, but widespread,
industry around the island, with recently 500 to 1
000 families involved in the business. A case
study by Cesar (1996) described a small area in
West Lombok where 60 families have practised
mining on a 2 km long stretch of reef over a 10-
year period. The corals were collected, burnt and
sold as lime.
A crucial input for the mining process is locally
harvested fuel wood. The study found that each
family used roughly 20 m
of fuel wood taken
from a secondary forest. Another interesting
expense in the production of lime for each family
was the side-payments for “protection”, as coral
mining is illegal in Indonesia. This is important
to consider in the nancial analysis as it is a real
cost to the business. Finally, there were no labor
costs, as coral mining in Lombok is a family
business; fathers and sons do the mining and the
women break up the corals and are involved in
the burning and sieving processes.
Economic analysis: Societal costs of
coral mining
Extraction of corals for lime production affects
many essential reef functions. Here, three such
functions are discussed: sheries, tourism and
coastal protection. These three were selected as
they were considered to be quite important and
relatively easy to quantify. The sum of the
quantiable damage can be interpreted as a lower-
boundary of the total mining losses. As a result of
mining activities the functions of coral reefs will
decrease gradually. Figure 2 gives the assumed
paths over time, as elaborated in Cesar (1996).
Fringing coral reefs act as natural wave breakers
and protect against coastal erosion. In the
Lombok study it was assumed that coastal
protection would start breaking down after ve
years of mining. Tourism on the other hand,
would be affected immediately. As divers are
sensitive to the aesthetic appearance, other diving
destinations would become relatively more
popular. Therefore, it was assumed that after two
years, tourism would have vanished. It was further
suggested that no substantial recovery of the
corals would take place within the time frame of
the analysis. For sheries, it was assumed that reef
sheries would disappear and be replaced by a
less valuable pelagic shery.
For the economic valuation of the losses of these
functions, the case study presents two scenarios,
one in which there is limited tourism potential
and little coastal construction (the “low” scenario)
and one in which there is high tourism potential
and considerable coastal infrastructure (the
“high” scenario). All costs are calculated in NPV
terms for a 30-year time horizon. The NPV
expresses the discounted sum of annual costs
over the 30 years. The net loss of the shery
function was valued at US$74 900 in both
scenarios. For the “low” scenario, the loss of the
tourism function was estimated at US$2 900 and
that of the coastal protection function at US$12
000. In the “high” scenario, loss of tourism is
estimated at US$481 900 and erosion costs are
estimated at US$260 000 (see Figure 3 and
Table 7).
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
Figure 2. Destruction of coral reefs over time in the Lombok case study
“Low” scenario (US$’000) “High” scenario (US$’000)
Costs Benets Costs Benets
Direct costs Direct benets Direct costs Direct benets
Labor 0 Sales of lime 302 Labor 0 Sales of lime 302
Wood 67 Wood 67
Side-payments 54 Side-payments 54
Other costs 13 Other costs 13
Side-payments 54 Side-payments 54
Indirect costs Indirect benets Indirect costs Indirect benets
Coastal erosion 12 Coastal erosion 260
Increase in wood prices 67 Increase in wood prices 67
Other functions n/a Other functions n/a
Opportunity costs Opportunity costs
Foregone tourism 3 Foregone tourism 482
Net shery loss 75 Net shery loss 75
Labor costs 101 Labor costs 101
Total costs 392 Total benets 356 Total costs 1 119 Total benets 356
Costs to miners 235 Benets to miners 302 Costs to miners 235 Benets to miners 302
Net present value (economic) -33 Net present value (economic) -762
Net present value (nancial) 67 Net present value (nancial) 67
Table 7. Costs and benefits of coral mining per square kilometer in NPV terms
Figure 3. Costs and benefits of coral mining in a “high” scenario case
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
Table 7 also shows that there are three additional
items in the economic analysis. First, when
calculating mining prots in the nancial analysis,
labor costs were set to zero because only family
labor was involved. For the economic analysis,
however, these costs need to be imputed in some
way, as the mining family could have been
employed elsewhere (“opportunity costs”). These
costs were estimated at US$101 000 in NPV terms.
Secondly, the true costs of fuelwood were
assumed to be larger than the price paid by the
families, because of the unsustainable way in
which the logging was carried out. The economic
costs were assumed to be double the price paid.
Thirdly, the side payment paid by the mining
family for protection is a true cost to that family.
However, from an economic point of view, it is
merely a transfer of resources from one group in
society (the miner) to another (the protector), so
these costs were not incorporated.
Combining the net prots from mining with the
societal costs, Table 7 shows that the economic
cost imposed on society by mining is US$36 000/
for a “low” value scenario (costs are US$392
000 in NPV terms and benets are US$356 000).
For the “high” scenario, the contrast between
costs and benets is even more pronounced:
US$1 119 million versus US$0.356 million. This
means that the NPV of mining is US$-763 000 in
the “high” scenario. For both scenarios, therefore,
coral mining constitutes a signicant, long-term
loss to society.
Case study three: The economic
cost of coral bleaching in the
Indian Ocean
The 1998 massive worldwide episode of coral
bleaching and subsequent damage to coral reefs
is likely to result in serious socioeconomic
impacts. With 135 persons per km
, the Indian
Ocean region is the most densely populated
coastal region in the world (WRI 1998). The
majority of the population is poor and the
dependence on sheries for income and animal
protein intake is high. Over-shing is already a
major threat and coral bleaching could worsen
this. In other areas, coastal tourism and diving are
the main income-generating activities; in the
Maldives 45 per cent of the GNP stems directly or
indirectly from tourism revenues. Furthermore,
the land area around the Indian Ocean is prone
to seasonal cyclones; coral reefs form natural
barriers to protect the coastline from erosion. In
Sri Lanka, severe coastline erosion has already
occurred in areas where the reef substrate has
been heavily mined. Countermeasures to prevent
further erosion are already costing the Sri Lankan
government around US$30 million (Berg et al.
This case study aims to provide a plausible range
of expected damage estimates in monetary terms.
It is based on studies carried out under the “Coral
Reef Degradation in the Indian Ocean” program
(CORDIO). Specically, this case study
summarizes the tourism and sheries studies
carried out in 1999-2000 under this umbrella
program in the Maldives, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and
Kenya. The data are generalized to arrive at an
overall estimate for the Indian Ocean. Monetary
values do not express the true losses to coastal
populations dependent on reefs and to others
enjoying these ecosystems. Yet, these values can
hint at the extent of the problem. And this can
assist in raising awareness of the bleaching
Uncertainty and scenarios
The uncertainty surrounding many of the
relationships between coral bleaching and coral
mortality on the one hand and ecosystem services
on the other is enormous. In addition to that, the
recovery rate of reef areas after widespread
mortality is difcult to predict. In order to
consider possible future outcomes, two scenarios
are explored. In the rst, damage to the reef is not
too bad and recovery is relatively quick; in the
second, damage is great and there is very slow or
no recovery, with the result that long-term
impacts are severe. These two scenarios were
postulated in Wilkinson et al. (1999) and further
specied as described below.
The optimistic first scenario
A slight decrease in tourism-generated income
and employment, as some divers stay home or
go elsewhere, and few tourists alter their
Some change in the sh species composition.
(Initially, sh productivity increases with
larger numbers of herbivores; catch reductions
for ornamental sh, etc.).
No major change in the coastal protection
function, as bio-erosion of dead reefs and
coral growth of new recruits even each other
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
The pessimistic second scenario
Major direct losses in tourism income and
employment, especially when charismatic
marine fauna disappear as a result of bleaching
and resulting mortality.
Fish productivity drops considerably as the
reef structure disintegrates, resulting in less
protein in the diet, particularly for coastal
The reef ceases to function as a protective
barrier, resulting in increased coastal erosion.
Valuation of economic damage
Given the mainly long-term impacts of coral
bleaching and the only limited time that has
elapsed since the bleaching episode of 1998, it is
very difcult to translate the current results from
the CORDIO socioeconomic studies into a long-
term valuation estimate. With this caveat,
estimates of the cost of coral bleaching on
tourism, sheries and other reef services are
Tourism: Financial and economic costs for the
Maldives and Sri Lanka in 1998-99 are shown in
Table 8. Financial costs are actual costs to the
economy from tourism losses. The economic
costs express the welfare loss to all concerned
individuals transpose in the world due to coral
bleaching in a specic country. This expresses a
global value but not a gure from which a
national government can directly benet. The
description for these two countries and the costs
for 1998-99 closely matches those derived in the
“optimistic scenario”. Although the long-term
impacts are uncertain, it is assumed that they will
follow the optimistic scenario. It is assumed that,
after the second year, tourism growth rates return
to normal, and hence the losses are the
accumulated losses over time due to a two-year
dip in growth rates. Estimates of total coastal
tourism around the Indian Ocean could not be
obtained, but, based on general data in
Westmacott et al. (2000c) and on guesstimates by
the author, it is assumed that relevant affected
tourism in the Indian Ocean is approximately
three times the losses in the Maldives plus ten
times the losses in Sri Lanka. This gives a total
tourism loss of US$389 million for the whole
Indian Ocean in present value terms over a 20-
year time horizon and with a 10 per cent discount
For the pessimistic scenario, if we assume long-
lasting impacts, the data from Kenya and Tanzania
seem to be relatively close to the scenario
description. These estimates come from a
hypothetical willingness-to-pay (WTP) study,
where tourists were surveyed in relation to a
severe bleaching and associated mortality event.
The nancial cost of coral bleaching in Zanzibar
in 1998-99 was estimated at a mid-point of
US$3.8 million. In Mombasa, this was calculated
at a mid-point of US$16.7 million. The total
economic cost
of the coral bleaching in Zanzibar
was estimated at a mid-point of US$6.2 million
and for Mombasa US$29.2 million. To arrive at
an estimate for the rest of the Indian Ocean, the
Zanzibar and Mombasa estimates were extra-
polated based on available information.
Fisheries: The sheries losses are even more
uncertain than those of tourism. In a recent case
study by McClanahan and Pet-Soede (see
Westmacott et al. 2000a), no signicant impacts
of coral bleaching in Kenya were found. This
follows quite closely the optimistic scenario
described above. If we assume that in the future
this observation will remain, there are zero
nancial losses in sheries. The case of a
pessimistic scenario is problematic as no hard
shery data are available on which to estimate the
losses. On this issue, we follow Wilkinson et al.
(1999) by assuming that the bleaching and
Financial costs
Economic costs
1998-99 NPV 1998-99 NPV
Maldives 3.0 14.8 19.0 93.6
Sri Lanka 0.2 1.0 2.2 10.8
Rest of
the Indian Ocean 11.0 54.4 79.0 389.0
Table 8. Optimistic scenario: Financial and economic costs for the
Maldives, Sri Lanka, and the rest of the Indian Ocean for 1998-99
and net present value (NPV) over 20 years
Here, we take total economic costs as the sum of the nancial and economic costs as presented in Westmacott et al. 2000b.
Financial costs
Economic costs
1998-99 NPV 1998-99 NPV
Zanzibar 3.8 32.6 6.2 52.6
Mombasa 16.7 1 41.9 29.2 248.6
Rest of
the Indian Ocean
205.0 1 744.9 354.0 3 011.4
Table 9. Pessimistic scenario: Financial and economic costs for
Zanzibar, Mombasa and the rest of the Indian Ocean for 1998 and
net present value (NPV) over 20 years
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
mortality witnessed in the Indian Ocean leads to
a loss of 25 per cent of reef-related sheries from
year 5 until year 20. In the rst ve years, this
percentage grows linearly from 0 per cent to 25
per cent. Following Costanza et al. (1997), the
value of shery production is assumed to be
Other reef services: Other services provided by
reefs include coastal protection, research, etc. For
coastal protection, we assume a value of US$174/
ha/yr (Wilkinson et al. 1999). Other reef services
are valued at US$97/ha/yr, based on Costanza et
al. (1997). The calculations for coastal protection
were based on the assumption that, in the Indian
Ocean, around 25 per cent of reef areas protect
medium to high value infrastructure and 75 per
cent protect low value infrastructure. It was also
assumed that around 50 per cent of the reef areas
have high tourism potential and 50 per cent have
low tourism potential. For this calculation, the
present value data of Cesar (1996) were
annualized. In the pessimistic scenario, bleaching
in the Indian Ocean is assumed to lead to a
decline in reef services of 50 per cent, starting
from year 5, with a lineal growth from 0 per cent
to 50 per cent in the rst 5 years. These percentage
losses in services are multiplied by the annual
value of the services, and summed across the
services to give total annual losses per hectare per
year. This number is multiplied by the 36 100 km
of reefs in the Indian Ocean. Finally, the net
present value over a 20-year period is taken, using
a 10 per cent discount rate.
Summary: Table 10 summarizes the information
above. In the pessimistic scenario, total damages
over a 20-year time period are valued at over
US$8 billion, and arise primarily from coastal
erosion (US$2.2 billion), tourism loss (US$3.3
billion), and shery loss (US$1.4 billion). In the
optimistic scenario described above, the losses
are still considerable, but are of the order of
magnitude less than the damage in the pessimistic
scenario, and stem mainly from a US$0.5 billion
loss of tourism revenue.
Why do economists want to value something as
invaluable as coral reefs? The answer could well
be, “because coral reefs are so beautiful that we
want to make sure that our grandchildren can
enjoy them as well.”
Yet, there are many coastal populations who are
unaware of the goods and services that coral reef
ecosystems provide and who do not appreciate
the complex linkages of the natural world.
Creation or transformation of markets for
environmental goods might help overcome these
problems. Markets could also assist in cases
where people use coral reefs unsustainably and
even destructively, and where politicians with
short-term views fail to provide funds for coral
reef management, even though the long-term
costs of inaction are typically much higher than
the funds needed initially.
One important challenge in economic valuation
studies is to identify to whom the benets (real or
virtual) accrue. In TC studies, some of the costs
are paid and accrue to local or foreign business
operators. Most costs are, however, virtual. They
describe, for example, a potential willingness-to-
pay for a specic improvement in reef quality in a
national park. In the case of CVM, all values are
virtual in the sense that there are no actual cash
transactions involved.
A second important challenge is the fact that
valuing all the benets of coral reefs is often
frustrating, and sometimes nearly impossible.
The good news is, however, that not all benets
have to be valued. Assume it can be shown that
net benets to blast shers is lower than societal
losses from the loss of sustainable shing income
and tourism revenues combined. In that case, no
complicated techniques are needed and no major
data collection on the value of bio-prospecting,
biotic services and physical structure services are
required; two services that can be measured in
monetary terms sufce to show the costs of
When valuing reef-destructive activities such as
coral mining, the type of valuation presented
above provides information that is useful for
designing reef management plans. Comparing
Coral reef ecosystem services
Food production (e.g. sheries) 0 1 361
Tourism and recreation 494 3 313
Disturbance regulation
(coastal protection)
0 2 152
Other services 114 1 200
Total 608 8 026
Table 10. Estimates of the overall economic valuation of the
socioeconomic impacts of the 1998 coral bleaching event in the
Indian Ocean (Net present value in US$M over a 20-year time horizon
with a 10% discount rate)
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
mining prots with the associated societal costs
can signicantly raise awareness of the long-term
detrimental impacts of coral mining. Furthermore,
an understanding of the nancial returns to coral
miners will increase the appreciation of the
driving forces behind each miner’s behavior and
so improve the design of management plans.
As has been shown in this paper, economic
valuation can be used to raise the awareness of all
those involved in the use and management of
coral reefs, with the result that the beauty of the
coral reefs may be enjoyed forever.
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WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
2000c. Coral bleaching in the Indian Ocean:
Socioeconomic assessment of effects. In H. Cesar.
2000. Collected essays on the economics of coral
reefs. CORDIO, Sweden.
Wilkinson, C.R., O. Linden, H. Cesar, G. Hodgson, J. Rubens
and A.E. Strong. 1999. Ecological and socioeconomic
impacts of 1998 coral mortality in the Indian Ocean:
An ENSO impact and a warning of future change?
Ambio 28(2):196-199.
World Resources Institute (WRI). 1998. World resources
1998-1999. UNEP, UNDP and the World Bank, Oxford
University Press, Oxford, U.K.
Wright, M.G. 1994. An Economic Analysis of Coral Reef
Protection in Negril, Jamaica.Williams College,
Williamstown, Massachusetts. Thesis.
Yeo, B.H. 2004. The recreational benets of coral reefs:
A case study of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Kedah,
Malaysia. In these proceedings.
Study Direct
cost ratio
1 Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica; Marcondes (1981)
2 Virgin Islands National Park, St. Johns; Posner et al. (1981)
3 Great Barrier Reef; Carter et al. (1987)
4 Great Barrier Reef ‘Region’; Hundloe et al. (1987)
5 Bacuit Bay, Philippines; Hodgson and Dixon (1988)
6 Philippines; McAllister (1988)
7 Galapagos National Park, Ecuador; Edwards (1991)
8 Philippines Coral Reefs; McAllister (1991)
9 Galapagos National Park; de Groot (1992)
10 John Pennekamp/Key Largo; Leeworthy (1991)
11 Panama Coral Reefs; Spurgeon (1992)
12 Valdez Oil Spill, Alaska; Hausman et al. (1992)
13 Valdez Oil Spill; Carson et al. (1992)
14 Bonaire Marine Park; Dixon et al. (1993)
15 Taka Bone Rate Coral Reef Atoll, Indonesia; Sawyer (1992)
16 Bonaire Marine Park; Pendleton (1995)
17 Coral Reefs at Negril, Jamaica; Wright (1994)
18 Indonesia Coral Reefs; Cesar (1996)
19 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Spash et al. (1998)
20 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Gustavson (1998)
21 Great Barrier Reef; Driml (1999)
22 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Ruitenbeek and Cartier (1999)
23. Eastbourne, English Channel; King (1995)
24 John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park & adjoining Key Largo
National Marine Sanctuary; Mattson and DeFoor (1985)
25. Pulau Payar Marine Park, Malaysia: Non-Use Value;
Ayob et al. (2001)
26. Recreational coral bleaching and the demand for coral reefs:
A case study; Ngazy et al. (2004)
27. An economic analysis of coral reefs in the Andaman Sea of
Thailand; Seenprachawong (2004)
28. Valuation of recreational benets: An application of the travel
cost model to the Bolinao coral reefs in the Philippines; Ahmed, et al.
29. Analysis of the recreational value of the coral-surrounded Hon
Mun Islands in Vietnam; Pham and Tran (2004)
30. Recreational benets of coral reefs: A case study of Pulau Payar
Marine Park, Kedah, Malaysia; Yeo (2004)
Annex I: Economic values for marine systems – a compilation from the literature
Summary table
Reproduced from Cesar (2000), Pearce and Moran (1994), Cartier and Ruitenbeek (1999) and other articles.
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
1 Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica; Marcondes
Direct use:
A form of TC appraisal of the recreational value of
the Cahuita National Park, Costa Rica. Consumer
surplus estimates were derived from observed
wage equivalent travel time net of transport costs
multiplied by visitor population. The resulting
benet-cost ratio demonstrated that the park is
economically benecial.
Benet/opportunity cost ratio:
Cahuita National Park ratio 9.54. (A
conventionally assessed ratio rather than one
based on opportunity cost.)
2 Virgin Islands National Park, St. Johns; Posner
et al. (1981)
Direct use:
Conventional benet-cost analysis of the Virgin
Islands National Park, St. Johns, identied
signicant direct and indirect benets associated
with the park, particularly tourist expenditure
and the positive effect on land values in proximity
to the designated area. Little information is
available on the environmental effects of
alternative land uses or the extent of visitors’
consumer surplus. Total benet (1980)
approximated US$8 295/ha over about 2 820 ha
of National Park on St Johns.
Benet/opportunity cost ratio:
Ratio of total (direct and indirect) benets to total
cost 11.5 (A conventionally assessed ratio rather
than one based on opportunity cost.)
3 Great Barrier Reef; Carter et al (1987)
Direct use:
Estimating the socioeconomic effect of the Crown
of Thorns starsh on the Great Barrier Reef. This
TC study provided estimates of consumer surplus
of AU$117.5 million/year for Australian visitors
and AU$26.7 million/year for international
visitors. The study showed that tourism to the reef
is valued (in NPV terms) over and above current
expenditure levels by more than AU$1billion.
4 Great Barrier Reef ‘Region’; Hundloe et al.
Direct use:
A TC study of the Great Barrier Reef estimated
AU$144 million/year consumer surplus for
domestic tourists and international tourists,
based on travel cost expenditure by visitors to the
‘Reef Region’.
The same study estimated consumer surplus from
visits to coral sites and the ‘Reef Region’ of the
Great Barrier Reef at AU$106 million/year, based
on TC to coral sites by domestic and international
tourists, and includes all attributes of the ‘Reef
A CVM study on the Great Barrier Reef also
provides an estimate of AU$6 million/year
consumer surplus, or over AU$8/adult visitor
WTP to see coral sites in their present (1986-87)
condition; based on a survey of visitors to reef
sites only, thereby excluding all other attributes of
the Great Barrier Reef ‘Reef Region’.
Based on a 1986 mail survey of Australian citizens
older than 15 years, the CVM study estimated
AU$45 million/year consumer surplus or AU$4/
visit WTP to ensure that Great Barrier Reef is
maintained in its current state. Estimate excludes
respondents who had visited the Reef.
5 Bacuit Bay, Philippines; Hodgson and Dixon
Direct use:
Using (EoP) productive change method, the
study at Bacuit Bay, Philippines, concluded that
the PV gross revenue for recreation and tourism
of the location is US$6 280 with logging, versus
US$13 334 with logging ban. Computation was
based on mean hotel capacity, occupancy, and
daily rates; and an assumed 10 per cent annual
decline in tourism revenue due to degradation of
seawater quality from sedimentation.
The study also estimated the PV gross revenue for
sheries to be US$9 108 with logging versus
US$17 248 with logging ban, based on assumed
constant returns to scale of natural systems; and
on regression analysis of sediment loading, coral
cover and species, and sh biomass
CBA study evaluates management options: (i)
continuation of logging as usual; (ii) logging ban
in Bacuit Bay drainage basin.
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
6 Philippines; McAllister (1988)
Direct use:
Using productivity change, the study estimated
US$80 million/year of loss in sh production in
Philippines caused by dynamiting, muro-ami,
and poisoning of coral reefs; based on estimates
of current and potential production. Production
levels were calculated for varying levels of reef
Productivity Change was also used to estimate
the aquarium trade in the Philippines. Global
aquarium trade attributable to the Philippine
Coral Reefs (US$10 million in 1988) could be
increased by 50 per cent with sustainable
production practices. The price of Philippine
aquarium species is discounted internationally
due to method of capture.
7 Galapagos National Park, Ecuador; Edwards
Direct use:
Using Hedonic Demand Analysis, based on a non-
linear regression using cost, duration, and
itinerary data from travel brochures, as well as
cost and duration survey data, this study
estimated vacation value of Galapagos National
Park, Ecuador at US$312/day/person in 1986.
8 Philippines Coral Reefs; McAllister (1991)
Indirect use:
A Replacement Cost study of coastal protection
afforded by the Philippines coral reefs. The study
estimated US$22 billion, based on construction
costs of concrete tetrapod breakwaters to replace
22 000 km
of reef protection. As reported by
Spurgeon (1992).
9 Galapagos National Park; de Groot (1992)
Direct use:
Using productivity change method on Galapagos
National Park, de Groot estimated US$0.40/ha/yr
(permitted) ornamental product sales; US$0.70/
ha/yr local sh and crustacean harvest; and
US$5.20 /ha/yr construction materials as having
productive use value within the “production
function” category of environmental functions.
The study also estimated US$45/ha/yr for
recreational value for the total protected area,
based on maximum carrying capacity of 40 000
visitors/year, and average expenditure per visit of
US$1 300.
US$2.73/ha/yr was estimated for education and
research of marine areas, based on research
expenditures, and expenditures on eld courses,
fellowships, training courses, education facilities
and materials.
Indirect use:
A Replacement Cost study for organic waste
treatment at Galapagos National Park estimated
US$58/ha/yr based on the costs of articial
purication technology (applies to marine area
Shadow Price was used to estimate the cost for
biodiversity maintenance. Estimate of US$4.9/
ha/yr, equal to 10 per cent of the market value of
any activity reliant on biodiversity maintenance.
Classied as a conservation value of the Galapagos
National Park, in the category of ‘regulation
The same study also estimated US$0.55/ha/year
for nature protection; based on the park budget
and the idea that money invested in conservation
management should be seen as productive capital
because of the environmental functions and
socioeconomic benets provided by conservation
of Galapagos National Park.
Based on sales of books and lms, de Groot
estimates US$0.20/ha/yr for cultural/artistic
inspirational use; based on donation, de Groot
estimates US$0.52/ha/yr for spiritual use for
Galapagos National Park.
An option value of US$120/ha/yr was also
estimated, which is equal to the total value of all
the park’s conservation and productive use values
combined. Conservation values include inter alia
habitat/refugia value and recreation, while
productive uses include food, construction
materials, etc.
Total economic value:
Total annual monetary returns from direct and
indirect use of Galapagos National Park
approximate US$120/ha/yr. In present value
terms this represents US$2 400/ha (at 5 per cent
discount rate) or almost US$2.8 billion for the
entire study area.
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
Benet/opportunity cost ratio:
Benet Transfer was used by de Groot on
Galapagos National Park: US$7/ha/yr was
estimated based on the similarities of the Dutch
Wadden Sea and Galapagos estuarine areas. It was
assumed that 10 per cent of shery in Galapagos
depends on the nursery function provided by
inlets and mangrove lagoons.
10 John Pennekamp/Key Largo; Leeworthy
Total economic value:
TCM estimates a consumer surplus for recreation
and tourism of US$285 to US$426/person/day,
based on a survey of some 350 park users in 1990
at John Pennekamp/Key Largo, Florida. Nine
models were estimated, nal range was taken
from the two models which best tted the data.
The inclusion of an ‘opportunity cost of time’
variable was found to increase signicantly
consumer surplus estimates.
11 Panama Coral Reefs; Spurgeon (1992)
Direct use:
Based on a percentage of the Smithsonian
Research Institute’s budget for work in Panama,
the education and research value of Panama coral
reefs is estimated at US$2.5 million in 1991. One-
sixth of the 1991 US$15 million budget is
considered attributable to coral reefs in Panama.
On the other hand, the education and research
value of the Belize coral reefs value was estimated
at US$150 000/year, based on annual
expenditures by UK Coral Cay Conservation to
maintain 25 researchers on reefs in Belize.
12 Valdez Oil Spill, Alaska; Hausman et al.
Direct use:
A Recreation Demand study estimated the value
of recreation use losses caused by the Valdez oil
spill in Alaska at US$3.8 million (1989).
13 Valdez Oil Spill; Carson et al. (1992)
A CVM study of oil spill by the Exxon Valdez
estimated median per household WTP of US$31
as a one-off amount to prevent future oil spills.
Aggregating over affected households derives an
estimate of US$2.8 billion as the total lost passive-
use values as a result of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.
14 Bonaire Marine Park; Dixon et al. (1993)
Total economic value:
A CVM study on recreation and tourism at the
Bonaire Marine Park reports a mean annual WTP
estimate of US$27.4 for diving. At visitation rates
of 18 700 divers (1992) paying US$10/diver/year
fee, estimated consumer surplus is US$325 000.
Using productivity change, gross tourist revenue
estimated at US$23.2 million (1991). The study
also estimated the revenues and costs of dive
tourism, and the carrying capacity of dive sites
(4 000–6 000/site/year, for a total of 190 000–200
15 Taka Bone Rate Coral Reef Atoll, Indonesia;
Sawyer (1992)
Direct use:
A productivity change study on Taka Bone Rate
Coral Reef Atoll in Indonesia estimates PV gross
revenues (in billion Rp): -2 to 103 without
management vs 47 to 777 with management;
based on shing activity surveys; and sensitivity
analyses wherein sh catch declines are 0-15 per
cent and the discount rates are 5 to 15 per cent.
CBA study evaluates management options: (i) no
management; (ii) establishment of marine park
with regulated shing.
16 Bonaire Marine Park; Pendleton (1995)
Total economic value:
Economic valuation for dive at Bonaire Marine
Park, using productivity change method, net
tourism revenue estimated to be US$7.9 to 8.8
million (1991); based on ownership and prot
TCM study yields consumer surplus of US$19.2
Park NPV study based on 20 year period
discounted at 10 per cent estimates local benets
at US$74.21 million and consumer surplus as
US$1 79.7 million.
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
17 Coral Reefs at Negril, Jamaica; Wright
Total economic value:
Based on CVM survey data and 162 000 visitors/
year on Negril, Jamaica, the study elicits WTP of
US$31/person/year for a consumer surplus of
US$5 million/year to maintain coral reef in
current condition; and US$49/person/year for a
surplus of US$8 million/year to restore reefs to
excellent” condition.
TCM was also used to estimate a demand curve
for vacations; the coral reef consumer surplus was
netted out of vacation consumer surplus to
examine the resultant shift in demand and
reduction in tourist volume if reef quality should
18 Indonesia Coral Reefs; Cesar (1996)
Direct use:
Using productivity change method on Indonesian
coral reefs, NPV of sheries loss/sq km estimated
at: US$40 000 (poison shing); US$86 000 (blast
shing); US$94 000 (coral mining); US$81 000
(sedimentation); and US$109 000 (over-shing);
based on assumptions about the reef and shery
impacts of these practices. The study uses CBA to
compare the private and social net benets of a
sustainably managed reef shery, with those of a
shery subjected to detrimental shing practices,
coral mining, or sedimentation.
The same method was used to estimate the NPV
of tourism loss/km
of reef in Indonesia. It was
found to be: US$3 000 to US$436 000 (from
poison shing); US$3 000 to US$482 000 (blast
shing and coral mining); and US$192 000
(sedimentation) based on assumptions regarding
the rate of reef degradation associated with each
practice. CBAs for each activity (inc. reef-
destroying activity) estimate the value of tourism
loss. For each activity, reef degradation causes a
decrease in potential tourism revenue. All rates of
change are based on assumptions.
Indirect use:
Using productivity change method, NPV of
coastal protection/km
of reef was estimated at
US$9 000 to US$193 000 (blast shing); US$12
000 to US$260 000 (coral mining); based on
replacement costs, the rate of reef destruction by
each activity, and the rate of decline in the reef’s
ability to protect. CBAs for each reef-destroying
activity include the cost of protective function
losses. For each activity, reef destruction reduces
the protective capability of the reef. The reef’s loss
of protective capability is linked linearly to its
protective value.
19 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Spash et al.
Using CVM on Montego Bay coral reefs, with
survey design specically targeted to dealing with
lexicographic preferences through probing of
zero bids and analysis of zero bids using Tobit
estimation. Expected WTP for non-use value of
tourists ranged from US$1.17 to US$2.98 for 25
per cent coral reef improvement; for locals range
was US$1.66 to US$4.26. Upper values were for
respondents perceiving strong moral duties and
rights; lower were for no such duties/rights. Based
on population characteristics, non-use NPV of
Montego Bay reefs estimated to be US$19.6
A similar CVM survey with similar design as
Montego Bay study was conducted at Curacao
coral reefs. Expected WTP for non-use value of
tourists ranged from US$0.26 to US$5.82, for
locals, range was US$0.19 to US$4.05. Based on
population characteristics, non-use NPV of
Curacao reefs estimated to be US$4.5 million.
20 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Gustavson (1998)
Direct use:
Using productivity change method, NPV of
US$1.31 million was estimated for artisanal
sheries at Montego Bay Coral Reefs (1996);
including trap, net, handline and spear-shing by
local shers. Cost of inputs is deducted from
gross values to arrive at net values. Base case
assumes shadow price of labour of 75 per cent
market rate; 100 per cent market valuation leads
to negative NPVs for shing.
Recreational NPV of coral reefs at Montego Bay
was estimated at US$315 million (1996) in the
study. Calculation included tourist-related accom-
modation, food and beverage, entertainment,
transportation, retail and miscellaneous services.
Cost of service provision is deducted from gross
values to arrive at net values.
Indirect use:
Using productivity change method, the NPV of
coastal production at Montego Bay coral reefs
was estimated at US$65 million (1996); based on
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Economic Valuation and Socioeconomics of Coral Reefs: Methodological Issues and Three Case Studies
value of land at risk or vulnerable to coastal
erosion along foreshore. Author notes this is
upper value and is dependent on erosion
incidence assumptions in absence of reef, which
are highly speculative.
21 Great Barrier Reef; Driml (1999)
Direct use:
Using productivity change method, gross
revenues of sheries on Great Barrier Reef is
estimated at AU$143 million (1996), based on
1995/6 catch data for major commercial species,
and a survey of current sh prices. Study updates
Driml (1994), estimates presented in Driml
(1997) and Driml et al. (1997).
The study also estimated the gross recreational
value for the Great Barrier Reef at AU$769 million
(1996) using productivity change method. This
includes AU$647 million for commercial tourism
and AU$123 million for recreational shing and
boating; based on volume and price data for
hotel stays and reef trips, and survey data for
private recreational boat use. This study also
updates Driml (1994).
22 Montego Bay Coral Reefs; Ruitenbeek and
Cartier (1999)
Indirect use:
Value of Montego Bay coral reef based on model
incorporating drug values, local bio-prospecting
costs, institutional costs, discovery success rates
for marine extracts, and a hypothetical bio-
prospecting program for the area using National
Cancer Institute sampling protocols. Model
highlights role of revenue-sharing arrangements
and ecosystem yield in deriving total benets and
marginal benets. Average net social value of
species in base case is estimated to be US$7 775.
Based on base case sampling program, total social
NPV of Montego Bay reef area is US$70.09
million. First differential of the benet function
yields US$225 000/% or US$530 000/ha coral
23. Eastbourne, English Channel; King (1995)
Direct use:
Using CVM, based on 179 randomly selected
individuals, with 167 responses, the mean WTP
for recreational beach use and reduction in the
frequency of oil spill were estimated at £1.78 and
£1.41 respectively. 80 per cent of the zero WTP
were protest votes. The aggregated annual
recreational use value of the beach was estimated
at £4.5 million. It was estimated as a product of
mean WTP and the total number of beach days
(2.6 million based on the Eastbourne Tourism
Survey conducted in 1990). King considers this as
the lower bound of the value as non-use and
option values are not included in the calculation.
24 John Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park &
adjoining Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary;
Mattson and DeFoor (1985)
Direct use:
Using TC, the study estimated revenue for the
beach use from recreational diving, sightseeing
and snorkelling at US$47.6 million for 1984-
1985, or US$85 per square metre for John
Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park and adjoining
Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary.
Number of visitors was estimated from the
visitors going through the park gate (644 628
people) and those going into the water (467 370
people) from 1 July 1984 to 30 June 1985. About
64 per cent of the total estimated water visitors go
to the reef in dive boats. Travel costs include
expenses on transportation, meals, lodging, dive
trip costs, air tank lls and a portion of diving
gear costs.
25. Pulau Payar Marine Park, Malaysia: Non-
Use Value; Ayob et al. (2001)
Using CVM (referendum) method, the study
aims to elicit the WTP from non-users of Pulau
Payar Marine Park for non-use values. The WTP
for non-use values computed averaged RM31.02
(US$8.16) and dropped to RM30.14 (US$7.93)
with revision. Respondents agreed to contribute
to the fund for bequest value (52 per cent),
existence value (22 per cent) and option value
(17 per cent).
26. Recreational coral bleaching and the
demand for coral reefs: A case study; Ngazy et al.
Direct use/Total economic value:
Based on a CVM questionnaire survey with 157
divers, the study elicited an average WTP of
US$84.7 extra per person per year to dive in more
pristine reef sites. Based on the WTP, the authors
estimated the economic loss due to bleaching
ranged between US$1.6 and US$4.8 million
WorldFish Center | Economic Valuation and Policy Priorities for Sustainable Management of Coral Reefs
Estimating the Value of Coral Reef Management Options
depending on whether 25 per cent or 75 per cent
of visitors to Zanzibar dived. The nancial
revenue from diving ranged between US$2.5 and
US$7.4 million on the same assumption.
27. An economic analysis of coral reefs in the
Andaman Sea of Thailand; Seenprachawong
Direct use:
Using TCM, the study estimated the annual
benet from the recreational services of Phi Phi at
US$205.41 million. That is, the value of Phi Phi is
about US$6 243 per ha per year.
Total economic value:
CVM was used to estimate utility values associated
with coral reef biodiversity at Phi Phi. The mean
willingness to pay (WTP) per visit was estimated
at US$7.17 for domestic visitors and at US$7.15
for international visitors. The total value of Phi
Phi’s coral reefs was estimated to be US$147 000
a year for domestic visitors and US$1.24 million
a year for international visitors. The CVM study
also estimated the total value (use and non-use)
of the reefs to be US$497.38 million a year,
averaging US$15 118 per ha per year.
28. Valuation of recreational benets: An
application of the travel cost model to the
Bolinao coral reefs in the Philippines; Ahmed,
et al. (2003)
Direct use:
Using TCM, the study estimated an average
consumer surplus of US$223 per person,
equivalent to US$1.3 million based on the crude
estimate of 5 845 visitors to the reef at Bolinao in
the peak season during March to May in 2000.
29. Analysis of the recreational value of the
coral-surrounded Hon Mun Islands in Vietnam;
Pham and Tran (2003)
Direct use:
Using the zonal TCM, the study estimated the
recreational value of the coral-surrounded Hon
Mun Islands to be US$17.9 million a year. The
annual recreational value estimated for the
islands using the individual TCM was
approximately US$8.7 million.
CVM was used to elicit WTP to a MPA trust fund,
with total WTP from domestic tourists estimated
at US$241 239 and WTP from foreign tourists
estimated at US$175 450.
30. Recreational benets of coral reefs: A case
study of Pulau Payar Marine Park, Kedah,
Malaysia; Yeo (2003)
Direct use:
91 per cent of visitors interviewed were willing to
pay an entrance fee to Pulau Payar Marine Park,
estimated at an average WTP of slightly more
than US$4. Using CVM, the annual recreational
value was estimated to be US$390 000.