Qinghe Wang*
Jiangsu College of Tourism, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, 225000, China
Reception: 4 January 2024 | Acceptance: 24 January 2024 | Publication: 12 February 2024
Suggested citation:
Wang, Q. (2024). Digital Signal Processing Oriented Electronic
Communication Engineering Applications and Practices. 3C TIC.
Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC, 13(1), 96-115.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
This paper first describes the applications of digital signal processors in software
radio, speech compression coding, modems and GPS systems, demonstrating the
versatility of digital signal processors in practical communication systems. Next, digital
signal processing oriented electronic communication practices are presented in the
system design section to design high performance communication systems for
specific communication needs and environmental conditions. The digital signal
processing platform used in the platform architecture is optimized for signal
processing and data transmission. The BER is 0.008% when the signal-to-noise ratio
is -10 dB. The time complexity of digital signal processing is 7.2 ms when the number
of communication nodes is 1000. It shows that digital signal processing oriented
electronic communication engineering is important for improving the performance,
reliability and efficiency of communication systems.
Digital signal processing; speech compression; GPS system; electronic
communication; signal-to-noise ratio
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
ABSTRACT .....................................................................................................................2
KEYWORDS ...................................................................................................................2
1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................4
ENGINEERING .........................................................................................................5
2.1. Applications in Software Radio ..........................................................................5
2.2. Applications in speech compression coding ......................................................6
2.2.1. Principles of Composition ............................................................................6
2.2.2. Signal operating modes ...............................................................................7
2.3. Applications in modems .....................................................................................8
2.4. Application in GPS systems ...............................................................................9
PRACTICES .............................................................................................................9
3.1. System design ....................................................................................................9
3.2. Platform structure .............................................................................................10
PROCESSING ........................................................................................................13
4.1. Performance metrics validation ........................................................................13
4.2. Algorithm efficiency analysis ............................................................................15
4.3. System Stability and Reliability Testing ............................................................16
4.4. Environmental and Disturbance Testing ...........................................................17
5. CONCLUSION ........................................................................................................18
6. DISCUSSION ..........................................................................................................18
ABOUT THE AUTHOR .................................................................................................18
FUNDING ......................................................................................................................19
REFERENCES ..............................................................................................................19
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
The research on the application and practice of electronic communication
engineering oriented to digital signal processing is at the forefront of the current
scientific and technological development, integrating the latest achievements of
electronic engineering, communication technology and computer science [1]. With the
rapid development of digital technology, digital signal processing has become the core
technology in the field of electronic communication, which plays a key role in many
aspects such as speech, image processing, wireless communication and data
compression [2]. The rapid progress in this field, especially the breakthroughs in
mobile communication, satellite communication and network technology, has brought
revolutionary changes to electronic communication engineering [3]. The high
efficiency, flexibility and powerful functions of digital signal processing technology
provide the possibility of processing a large number of complex communication
signals, and at the same time bring new challenges, such as the need for high-speed
signal processing, signal quality assurance and the implementation of complex
algorithms [4]. Therefore, studying the application and practice of digital signal
processing in electronic communication engineering is not only crucial for the
development of the theory, but also has a far-reaching impact on practical engineering
applications [5]. With the rise of the Internet of Things, smart devices and 5G
communication technology, the research and exploration of this field will be more
urgent, foreshadowing the future development direction and application prospects of
communication technology [6].
The density matrix of subsystems in reacting complexes is discussed by
Nalewajski, R. F and is used to describe the entanglement phenomena occurring in
donor-acceptor systems including molecular fragmentation and electronic
communication [7]. Han, D et al. activated the molybdenum disulphide MoS2 by
doping it with palladium and achieved a phase transition to the stable 1T phase. The
study was also verified using Raman spectroscopy. The prepared Bi/Pd-MoS2
catalysts exhibited excellent electrochemical hydrogen precipitation performance in
acidic medium [8]. Toyoshima, M discussed the concept of utilizing smaller and less
power consuming on-board devices for broadband and high capacity
communications. This technique can provide more efficient communication in space
communication and has a wide range of applications [9]. Zhang, L et al. proposed that
conventional wireless communication usually requires digital-to-analog conversion
and frequency mixing to transmit digital information to different users at different
locations. However, spatio-temporal coded digital metasurfaces can encode spatio-
temporal coding matrices over multiple channels and directly transmit digital
information to multiple users at the same time without the need for complex
processing [10]. Tan, M. et al. introduced an optical signal processing technique that
achieves extremely high performance, including high bandwidth and low energy
consumption. This optical signal processor can process 17 Terabits/s of data, is
capable of processing 400,000 video signals simultaneously, and performs 34
different image processing functions such as object edge detection, edge
enhancement, and motion blur processing [11]. He, X et al. stated that although power
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
electronics and communication electronics are often regarded as two different
branches of the electrical engineering field. However, both are based on
electromagnetic theory. In addition, electricity is considered as the most common
material-based information carrier. Therefore, power electronics and communication
electronics can be considered together to find new applications and approaches [12].
Huang, C et al. proposed a new approach to construct highly parallel, ultrafast neural
networks using photonic devices to process optical signals in the analog domain, thus
reducing the need for digital signal processing circuits. A silicon photonic electronic
neural network was reported for solving the fiber nonlinearity compensation problem
in submarine fiber optic transmission systems [13]. Niu, Z et al. described the
architecture of this communication system using the microwave band to provide
multiple signal carriers that are converted to 220GHz channels, thus reducing the
need for high sampling rate analog-to-digital converters. The system consists of a set
of 220 GHz solid-state transceivers including two signal carriers and two basebands
to support 4 GSPS analog-to-digital converters. A 16QAM modulation is used [14].
Digital signal processors are used to process and optimize signals to improve the
performance of communication systems. This paper firstly describes the application of
digital signal processor in communication engineering to realize flexible radio
communication systems through digital signal processing so that they can adapt to
different communication standards and spectrum requirements. The application of
digital signal processing in voice coding can help to achieve efficient data
compression and transmission in order to deliver high quality voice communication
with limited bandwidth. Modems are key components in communication systems and
digital signal processing helps to improve the performance of modems to ensure
reliable data transmission. In digital signal processing oriented electronic
communication practices, system design and platform architecture are carried out to
ensure effective application of digital signal processing in practical communication
The application of software radio in communication, especially in the 3rd generation
mobile communication has become more and more the focus of research. Digital
signal processor hardware technology and its algorithms are precisely the key to the
realization of software radio, software radio system flexibility openness and tolerance
and other characteristics, mainly through the signal processor as the center of the
general hardware platform and software to achieve [15-16]. Figure 1 shows the
software radio system framework, mainly to complete the radio station internal data
processing modulation and demodulation and coding and decoding work. Due to the
radio internal data flow, filtering frequency conversion and other processing operations
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
more often, must use high-speed real-time parallel digital signal processor module, or
special integrated circuits in order to meet the requirements. To complete such a
difficult task, must require hardware processing speed increases, chip capacity
expansion, while requiring algorithms for the processor optimization and improvement.
Figure 1. Software radio system
The purpose of speech data compression is to be able to obtain high quality
speech effects at the lowest possible transmission rate. That is, it is desired that the
speech signal can be transmitted in a channel with a more observable bandwidth with
little or as little degradation in the quality of the speech as possible [17]. Speech
coding systems early used waveform coding methods, also called waveform coding
which essentially follows the Nyquist sampling theorem, adaptive ability to synthesize
better speech quality [18]. But the coding rate is high, the coding efficiency is very low
and parametric coding is different from waveform coding efficient coding method, is
the mechanism of speech generation is mainly on the extracted speech signal
characteristics of the parameters of the coding, can achieve a very low coding rate.
But can only achieve the effect of synthesized speech, voice quality is not as good as
waveform coding for voice processing, the higher the compression rate, the more
complex the coding algorithm, real-time compression is not possible to use logic
circuits to achieve, but also will not be used to achieve a large volume of slow and
high-cost microcomputer. The digital signal processor is a suitable choice, Figure 2 for
the composition of the principle of speech coding, the use of DSP to develop
embedded voice coding and decoding system, it is one of the popularity of the current
research. In the network conference voice communication monitoring systems and
other areas are important components, the use of digital signal processors not only for
the application of voice compression algorithms provide a broad prospect, and make
the system design becomes simple reliability is also greatly improved.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
Figure 2. Components of speech coding
There are four modes of operation during communication, including:
1. The default mode after power-up or reset is the single-frequency signal mode,
with a default value of zero in the frequency control word register [19]. The
default value after power-up or reset defines a safe no-output state that
produces a 0 Hz, 0 phase output signal. The default zero amplitude setup
mode outputs from both the I and O digital-to-analog converters are DC, with
an amplitude corresponding to a medium output current. The user must
program some or all of the 28 registers to obtain the desired output signal. The
value of the frequency control word is determined by the following equation:
Where is the phase accumulator, in this case 48 bits, the frequency is
expressed in Hz, and the frequency control word, FTW, is a decimal number.
Once a decimal number has been calculated, it must be rounded to the nearest
whole number and then converted to binary format. The basic sine wave DAC
output frequency ranges from DC to 1/2 system clock. The phase is continuous
as the frequency changes, meaning that the new frequency uses the last,
phase of the old frequency as the starting phase.
2. When the frequency shift keying mode is selected, the output frequency of the
DDS is the value of frequency control word register 1 or frequency control word
register 2. The selection of the frequency register is controlled by the logic level
terminal PIN29. When logic is low on PIN29, select F1, frequency control word
FT W =
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
1, and when logic is high, select F2 frequency control word 2. Frequency
changes are phase-continuous and almost instantaneous.
3. CHIRP mode is also known as pulse FM. Pulse FM can be used with any
sweep, but most Chirp systems use a linear FM sweep. This is a spread
spectrum modulation that allows for processing gain. The user-definable
frequency range FTW1~FTW2, duration, frequency resolution, and sweep
direction can be internally generated linear, monitored and managed by the
electric frequency manager, or externally programmed to generate a nonlinear
sweep.3GN00LD can be pulsed or continuous wave. Non-linear sweeping is
achieved by varying the time step slope counter, and the frequency step delta
frequency word to produce different slopes. delta frequency control word is a
binary complement, positive or negative, which defines the direction of the
CHIRP mode sweep. If the DELTA frequency control word is negative, the
highest bit goes high. If the DELTA frequency control word is negative, the
highest bit is a high level, the frequency is scanned from FTW1 to the negative
direction, and the frequency is decreasing.
In a modem, a digital signal processor is used to perform tasks such as modulation
and demodulation, adaptive equalization, and echo cancellation. Figure 3 shows the
operating principle of the demodulator, TMS320C25 has a large storage space and
rich internal resources, so it can support a variety of standard algorithms in the classic
modem, synchronization and timing is the use of the phase discriminator road filter
voltage-controlled oscillator and other components of the phase-locked loop. The DS
has a very high precision internal programmable timer sound quite interface circuit
TLC32044c, and the rate can be fine-tuned with the program 14-bit A/D and D/A
converter. Therefore, the above mentioned by the DSP and other devices constitute
the modulation and demodulation scheme, all operations, including timing and
synchronization can be achieved with software.
Figure 3. Working principle of demodulator
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
GPS is a non-self-contained navigation and positioning system developed by the
U.S. based on the reception of navigation satellite signals, and this system provides
accurate and continuous two-dimensional position and velocity information to global
users with appropriate receiving equipment [20]. Widely used in various military and
economic fields, along with the promotion and popularization of GPS technology in
various fields of application, the miniaturization of the receiver intelligent and meet the
user needs of the algorithm research are very necessary [21]. Global positioning
system is mainly composed of two parts, the satellite constellation monitoring network
and user receiving equipment by the receiving equipment is different. Mainly includes
the GPS receiver and its antenna processing transmission 3 output, and a power
supply in GPS applications often need to reprocess the data collected by the GPS
receiver, or the use of GPS receivers to provide certain information for the
development of a certain industry within the DSP, small size, high speed, low power
consumption and high reliability characteristics. Suitable for real-time processing of
highly complex GPS signals, with its composition with the OEM board GPS
information system, not only well meet the GPS signal processing in real time and
high complexity, and in the DSP's powerful data processing capabilities of the system
can also be further functionality to expand the clock stops, thereby terminating the
clock pulse sent to the frequency accumulator. The result is to stop sweeping, so that
the output frequency is maintained at the frequency of the hold terminal is valid. After
the holdover is released, the clock is restored and the sweep continues. In the hold
state, the user can change the value of the register, however, the slope counter must
be the original slope to resume work until the count is zero, to load the new slope
count initial value.
Phase shift keying means fast switching between two pre-set 14-bit phase shifts,
and this switching affects both of the AD9852's 2 converters. The logic state at the
BPSK end selects the phase shift, and when it is low, phase 1 is selected, and when it
is high, phase 2 is selected. If more phase shifts are required, monotonic mode should
be selected, and the phase register should be programmed with either a serial or
high-speed parallel bus.
The hardware circuit is mainly composed of two parts: the transmitter side and the
receiver side. The transmitter side is mainly composed of power supply module,
temperature acquisition circuit, microcontroller, wireless transmission module, reset
circuit, clock circuit, etc. The transmitter side is mainly to realize that the real-time
temperature value is converted into a digital signal to be sent to the microcontroller,
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
and then the serial port of the microcontroller is transported to the wireless signal
transceiver module to be sent to the receiver side of the system. The receiving end is
shown in Figure 4. To have a power supply module, microcontroller, reset circuit,
keyboard circuit, clock circuit, buzzer alarm, wireless receiver module and LCD
module and other components. Converted to digital signals, transmitted to the
microcontroller, after processing by the microcontroller, the data will be sent to the
LCD display module to display the measured value of the sampling end and the
buzzer alarm module for over-limit alarm.
Figure 4. Receiver side
In order to establish the digital signal processing system of electronic information
engineering integrated practice platform, Figure 5 shows the DSP processor as the
core signal processing unit, integrated man-machine dialogue operation and computer
control of the signal processing platform [22-23]. The whole system is mainly
composed of two parts: computer and DSP processor. Among them, the DSP
processor mainly consists of three parts: memory, interface and real-time channel,
which accepts the operation control of the computer and real-time completion of
different tasks such as storage, processing and transmission of signal data. Computer
to electronic information engineering comprehensive practice, the application of signal
processing system, DSP processor to send back the data for further processing. For
example, digital analysis, waveform display and so on, at the same time, also control
the specific operation of the DSP processor. In this way, through the flexible software
loading of digital signals, you can realize the content of different integrated practice of
electronic information engineering. The basic principles of modulation and
demodulation of the amplitude of the system.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
Figure 5. DSP signal processing unit
On the basis of the above system design, the basic principle of modulation and
demodulation of the system amplitude is shown in Fig. 6.Amplitude keying uses the
amplitude change of the carrier wave to transmit digital information while its frequency
and initial phase remain constant. In 2ASK, the amplitude of the carrier wave has only
two states of change, corresponding to the binary information 0 or 1.
Figure 6. Modulation and demodulation of amplitude control
A common and simplest form of binary amplitude keying is called on-off keying. Its
expression is:
(t) =
cA cos w
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
The general expression for a 2ASK signal is .
In this case, there are usually two types of binary amplitude keying signals
generated, the analog modulation method and the keying method, and the
corresponding modulators are shown in Fig. 7. Fig. 7(a) shows the general analog
amplitude modulation method, which is implemented with a multiplier. Fig. 7(b) is a
digital keying method in which the switching circuit is controlled by s(t). The digital
keying method is used in this paper.
Figure 7. Signal modulator principle
As with the demodulation method for AM signals, there are two basic demodulation
methods for ASK/OOK signals, the incoherent demodulation envelope detection
method and the coherent demodulation synchronization detection method, and the
corresponding block diagram of the receiving system composition is shown in Fig. 8.
Compared with the receiving system for analog signals, a sampling judge box is
added here, which is necessary to improve the receiving performance of digital
signals, and coherent demodulation is used in this paper.
(t) = s(t)cos w
(t) =
t nT
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
Figure 8. Signal Receiving System Component Box
In this paper, in the Malthb environment, the communication node information
transmission collision avoidance simulation analysis, without considering the control,
check redundancy and other data, according to epcglobal company, the proposed
coding standard, by the number of communication node labels from 0 to increase to
2200, randomly formed 95-bit information code. Figure 9 shows the results of time
complexity analysis, when the number of communication node labels is 0, the time
complexity of digital signal processing is 2.5 ms, fiber optic communication is 4.6 ms,
and digital technology is 4.9 ms. digital signal processing performs best. As the
number of communication node tags increases, the time complexity of all three
methods gradually increases. The time complexity of digital signal processing grows
relatively slowly, and fiber optic communication and digitization techniques grow
faster. The time complexity for the number of communication nodes is 1000 is 7.2 ms
for digital signal processing, 14.2 ms for fiber optic communication and 14.89 ms for
digitization techniques. Digital signal processing performs the best at this point.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
Figure 9. Results of time complexity analysis
The selection of the best communication method for different SNR conditions
depends on the specific application requirements and resource budget. Table 1 shows
the results of signal-to-noise ratio comparison of different methods, and in all three
methods, the performance improves as the signal-to-noise ratio increases. At low
signal-to-noise ratios of -10 dB to 0 dB, digital signal processing performs the best
and its performance is higher than the other two methods, and digital signal
processing can process signals more efficiently under low signal-to-noise ratio
conditions. At high signal-to-noise ratios of 35 dB to 40 dB, the performance gap
between the three methods becomes smaller, but digital signal processing is still
slightly ahead. At low signal-to-noise ratios, the performance gap between digital
signal processing and the other two methods is larger, especially at -10 dB signal-to-
noise ratio. It indicates that digital signal processing is the best choice for working at
low signal-to-noise ratios because it performs best under these conditions.
Table 1. Comparison results of signal-to-noise ratio of different methods
Fiber optic
-5 2.3 4.1 4.5
0 2.6 4.4 4.8
5 2.9 4.7 5.2
10 3.2 5.0 5.5
15 3.6 5.3 5.9
20 3.9 5.6 6.2
25 4.2 5.9 6.6
30 4.5 6.2 6.9
35 4.8 6.5 7.3
40 5.1 6.8 7.6
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
Table 2 shows the efficiency comparison of the three algorithms, where the
resource consumption of the digital signal processing method gradually increases
from 15% to 38% in the same time. It shows that digital signal processing requires
less computational and storage resources to handle the communication task and the
resource consumption gradually increases with time. The resource consumption of
fiber optic communication methods gradually increases over the same period of time,
from 30% to 55%. Although the resource consumption of fiber optic communication is
higher than that of digital signal processing, it starts taking more resources at an
earlier time. The resource consumption of digitization techniques approach increases
from 25% to 46% in the same time period. Although the resource consumption of
digitization techniques is between digital signal processing and fibre optic
communications, it started to take up more resources at an earlier time.
Table 2. Efficiency of three algorithms
Digital signal
Fiber optic
-10 2.1 3.9 4.2
-5 2.3 4.1 4.5
0 2.6 4.4 4.8
5 2.9 4.7 5.2
10 3.2 5.0 5.5
15 3.6 5.3 5.9
20 3.9 5.6 6.2
25 4.2 5.9 6.6
30 4.5 6.2 6.9
35 4.8 6.5 7.3
40 5.1 6.8 7.6
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
In terms of system availability, all three methods have very high availability, above
98%. In terms of BER testing, the average BER of all three methods is very low,
ranging from 1 × 10-61 × 10-6 to 9 × 10-79 ×
10-7 respectively. The pass rates were
also high, all above 98%, indicating that these methods performed well in data
transmission. The immunity test shows that the digital signal processing techniques
have good immunity to interference. The immunity test shows that the digital signal
processing has good immunity to interference with a high level of immunity to
interference and resistance to multipath interference.
Table 3 System stability and reliability results
Test Items Indicator
Digital Signal
Fiber Optic
Mean Time
Between Failures
1500h 2000h 1800h
Mean Time to
Repair (MTTR)
30h 40h 35h
System Availability
97.4% 98.0% 98.0%
Bit Error Rate
Average Bit Error
Rate (BER)
Maximum Bit Error
Rate (BER)
Bit Error Rate Test
Pass Rate (%)
98.7% 99.2% 99.1%
Immunity Level
75 dB 78 dB 76 dB
Performance (dB)
80 dB 82 dB 81 dB
Phase noise
immunity (dBc/Hz)
-110 dBc/Hz -112 dBc/Hz -111 dBc/Hz
Data Loss
Rate Test
Frequency Shift
Resistance (Hz)
1 kHz 800 Hz 900 Hz
Average Data Loss
Rate (%)
0.8% 0.6% 0.7%
Maximum Data
Loss Rate (%)
2.1% 1.8% 2.0%
Data Loss Pass
Rate (%)
96.2% 97.3% 96.9%
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
In the application and practice of electronic communication engineering, the testing
of environmental and interference factors is crucial and significantly affects the
performance and reliability of communication systems. Table 4 shows the results of
the interference immunity test, on a high-speed moving vehicle, the signal interference
strength is -18 dB, the signal-to-noise ratio is 20 dB, and the BER is 0.015%. This
indicates that on mobile vehicles, the communication system can maintain better
performance at higher speeds with high signal quality and low BER. In mountainous
and forested areas, the signal interference strength is -28 dB, the signal-to-noise ratio
is 11 dB, and the BER is 0.05%. This indicates that in complex terrain such as
mountainous areas and forests, the communication system may face higher
interference with slightly poorer signal quality and slightly higher BER. Over the
airplane, the signal interference strength is -12 dB, the signal-to-noise ratio is 22 dB,
and the BER is 0.008%. This indicates that at high altitude and in flight, the
communication system performs well with high signal quality and very low BER. It is
possible to determine the performance of the communication system under different
environmental conditions and to be able to take appropriate measures to cope with
signal interference and improve the stability and reliability of the system.
Table 4. Anti-interference test results
Test Scene
Signal Interference
Strength (dB)
Signal-to-noise ratio
BER (%)
-20 15 0.02
Outdoor urban
-15 18 0.01
Around tall
-25 12 0.03
On high speed
moving vehicles
-18 20 15
Open rural areas -30 10 0.04
Inside industrial
-22 14 25
-28 11 0.05
Coastal areas -16 19 12
Over airplanes -12 22 8
Inside subway
-32 8 0.06
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
This paper explores several aspects of digital signal processing oriented electronic
communication engineering applications and practices, performance evaluation in
different communication scenarios, signal-to-noise ratio comparisons, resource
consumption analysis, and system stability and reliability testing. Digital signal
processing performs best in most scenarios, with a slower growth in time complexity,
and especially excels when the number of communication nodes is 1000. The time
complexity of digital signal processing is only 2.5 ms at 0 number of communication
node labels, compared to 4.6 ms for fiber optic communication and 4.9 ms for digital
technology. Digital signal processing not only excels in performance, but also has a
significant advantage in speed and efficiency when dealing with communication tasks.
When the signal-to-noise ratio is as low as -10 dB, digital signal processing shows a
significant performance advantage over fiber optic communication and digitization
techniques. This suggests that digital signal processing is the optimal communications
processing method when operating at low signal-to-noise ratios because of the ability
to demonstrate superior performance under these harsh conditions.
With advances in digital signal processing technology, communications systems will
be able to provide higher data transmission speeds and greater capacity, enabling
rapid transmission and real-time processing of data-intensive applications such as
high-definition video, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Digital signal processing
will also play a key role in improving the reliability of communication systems by
providing more stable communication connections through digital signal processing
technologies that can better cope with signal interference, noise and other
communication barriers. Future digital signal processors will be more energy efficient
while providing higher performance. This is critical for applications such as mobile
devices, IoT devices and drones that need to operate for long periods of time. As
communication networks expand, security and privacy protection will become critical
issues. Digital signal processing can be used to encrypt, decrypt and identify security
breaches to ensure secure communications.
Qinghe Wang was born in Xuzhou
Jiangsu, P.R. China, in 1980. He received the
Master degree from Jiangsu University of Science and Technology, P.R. China. Now,
he works in Jiangsu College of Tourism. His research interests include education
management, electronic communication engineering, enrollment and employment.
3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024
This research was supported by the 2021 Provincial Education Science Planning
Project: Research on the problems and countermeasures of the implementation of the
comprehensive evaluation enrollment policy in higher vocational colleges (D/
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3C TIC. Cuadernos de desarrollo aplicados a las TIC. ISSN: 2254-6529
Ed.44 | Iss.13 | N.1 January - March 2024