Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
Introduction to Digital Microwave Radio Technology
1. Introduction to DMR
Point-to-point digital microwave radio (DMR), as the name implies, is a digital transmission
technology that provides a wireless radio link operating at microwave frequencies between two
points. A terminal at one end of the link communicates exclusively with a complementary terminal
at the other end of the link. Each terminal is fitted to a parabolic dish antenna and communication
is by line-of-sight beams between the dishes.
DMR is very flexible and does not depend on other elements such as satellite, cable, or optical
fibre). Communication distances can be as short as a few meters (eg across the street between
buildings in the city) or very long (up to 80km) in the country. To achieve line-of-sight, antennas
and at least a portion of the terminal are typically mounted on rooftops, on hills or on towers. Links
can also be daisy-chained to avoid major obstructions or to cover virtually endless communications
DMR links can be used to carry a wide variety of traffic. In the telecommunications industry, they
are used to carry data, voice, fax while in the broadcast industry they carry video and audio signals.
In the wireless data communications market, DMR links carry Ethernet traffic between Local Area
Network (LAN) sites. Other applications include security, telemetry, monitor and control and many
other applications requiring transport of digitised information.
Radio spectrum usage and data transmission standards are subject to regulatory frameworks
throughout the world, in the interests of efficient spectrum usage and interoperability. The
European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) incorporates International
Telecommunications Union (ITU) recommendations into the European regulatory framework, and
these are followed in much of the rest of the world. The Federal Communications Commission
(FCC) oversees radio spectrum usage in the US, where American National Standards Institute
(ANSI) data standards are typically used.
For telecommunications, the traffic usually carried by DMR is structured in a hierarchy of data rates
and formats known collectively as Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy (PDH) according to standards
set by the ITU and ANSI.
The microwave operating frequencies and the structure of the actual frequencies and bandwidths
used are standardised by the ITU and FCC into operating bands. The frequency chosen for a
particular link will depend upon many factors including the region (higher frequencies are
attenuated by rain and cannot be used in tropical environments) and the service (there are more
frequency allocations available at higher frequencies and they are used in areas of higher traffic
density, such as cities).
The products offered by Codan have operating frequencies ranging from 7GHz to 38GHz with data
interfaces allowing flexible combinations of PDH data streams and Ethernet traffic. The maximum
aggregate data rate that can be carried is 52Mbs, depending on the data standards and spectrum
licencing arrangements in the country of use.
A substantial driver for the development of the DMR industry in recent times has been deregulation
of the telecommunications industry in many countries. Today, fixed and mobile network operators
and even private users can establish their own networks throughout the world, with the right to
provide the transmission infrastructure independently of the dominant carriers. DMR allows private
voice and data networks and cellular networks to be established very quickly, efficiently and at
substantially lower cost than cable systems.
As more countries deregulate their telecommunications infrastructure, as communications services
are extended to more regions of the world, and as the demand for ever higher data rate capacities
expands, the market for communications by digital microwave radio is expected to expand rapidly.
Let us now focus on the applications of digital microwave radio and its main users, while also trying
to explain the reasons for an explosive growth in demand for such products.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
What is DMR used for?
1.1. Cellular Applications
The greatest growth area for the use of digital microwave radio is currently associated with the
emergence of new cellular mobile operators as part of a liberalized telecommunications
environment. It is normal for newly licensed operators to be granted the rights to self-provide the
transmission infrastructure.
It is also the trend that the terms of such competitive licenses commit the operators to challenging
operational obligations, i.e. to provide service throughout a certain percentage of the country within
an ambitious time frame. Furthermore, operators need to provide service at the earliest opportunity
to realize revenues in line with their business plans.
Faced with this scenario, mobile operators are very conscious of the advantages of digital
microwave radio. The speed of installation and flexibility to upgrade in line with network
requirements has meant that almost all mobile operators who are independent from the PTT
organizations and have the right to self-provide have chosen digital microwave radio as the
interconnect solution for base stations.
Figure 1 – GSM Application
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
1.2. PTT fixed network applications
Newly licensed competitive operators are not the only users of microwave radio, and a number of
factors are leading to a growing demand from incumbent fixed network operators. With the growing
liberalization in telecommunications, PTT’s are now finding themselves operating in a more
competitive environment. As a result, users are being offered greater quality of service and learning
that they can demand more from service operators. Time scale for provision of service is a major
differentiator for a PTT operator wishing to offer competitive services.
Because of the flexibility of microwave radio and the ease and speed of installation, these products
are increasingly finding their way into PTT access or back-haul networks. Elsewhere, in many
developing markets, operators who wish to provide international telephone and data services to
customers are utilizing microwave direct from exchanges to the customer premises in order to
bypass local networks that are often inadequate.
Utilizing microwave radio as an access medium direct to a customer's premises has been common
for a number of years. However, a number of factors are leading to an increase in this application.
New operators are being licensed who, unlike the entrenched PTT’s, do not have established cable
networks but do have a need to connect customers quickly. Likewise, microwave radio is
commonly used within these networks in back-haul applications, i.e. connecting from a strategic
distribution point within the network (such as a business park) back into the switched network.
Figure 2 illustrates a few of these applications.
Figure 2 – PTT Fixed Network
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
1.3. Private network applications
In certain parts of the world, utility and government organizations have long had discretionary rights
to build their own networks, and have historically been users of microwave radio. With growing
liberalization, many other private users are recognizing the benefits of digital microwave radio. The
applications in this arena are quite varied, ranging from the users who wish to interconnect a
network of PBXs in multiple locations throughout a region, to the smaller users who simply wish to
interconnect two LANs in two different buildings within a single site.
Figure 3 – City Administration Private Network
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
2. Benefits to Fixed Wire, GSM, CDMA, WLL and PTT operators
The above network applications have mentioned many reasons why a network operator, given the
right to self-provide transmission infrastructure, should choose microwave radio as opposed to
utilizing leased lines or implementing their own cable based systems. In summary, the advantages
of microwave radio systems are as follows.
Economical compared to fibre or leased lines - Significant whole-life cost savings can be
achieved by building self-provided networks as opposed to leasing services from the local PTT
Ownership - A self-provided transmission network remains under the control and ownership
of the end user, which removes a dependency upon the incumbent PTT (often a competitor)
and provides operational benefits
Flexibility - Modern microwave radio architecture has been designed to provide a high degree
of flexibility in terms of distance and traffic capacity, enabling links to be designed to precisely
fit operator requirements and local conditions. Link capacities can also be field upgraded to
cater to a network's growing traffic requirements as subscriber numbers increase
Reliability - Self-provided networks can be planned to provide a higher quality of service than
often guaranteed by the PTT. Radio based solutions can be engineered to provide availability
at least equivalent to cable based systems when viewed over many years, during which it is
possible that a cable will be dug up or severed several times.
Right of way not required - Laying cable requires time-consuming and potentially costly
rights of way to cross third-party property. Microwave radio avoids this problem by utilizing the
air that is a free resource.
Speed of Installation - A microwave link can, in the majority of circumstances, be installed
and commissioned in a much shorter period of time than cable based alternatives, because a
microwave link does not require the same degree of civil works associated with laying cables
Ability for re-deployment - Microwave radio links can be easily removed and re-deployed to
another geographical area, without leaving valuable assets in the ground
Availability - Microwave radio is commercially available and can be supplied in extremely
short time scales
Gives a competitive edge - Finally, microwave radio gives a new operator the ability to
minimize time to market, hence maximizing revenue.
Microwave radio provides a clear, cost-effective and feasible solution against leased lines or self-
provided cable-based alternatives.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
3. Microwave radio configurations
Microwave radio systems can be found in various configuration types, including:
Indoor rack mounted. In this configuration, the radio terminal consists of an indoor-mounted
baseband shelf and RF transceiver, with a parabolic antenna connected to the indoor
equipment via wave-guide.
This configuration provides the advantages of:
Lightening protection – no electronic equipment on the tower
Ease of maintenance – no need to climb the tower
The main disadvantage is that you need to use expensive waveguide to connect the RF
equipment to the antenna. These configurations are often deployed in extremely cold areas
where ice forming on the tower prevents maintenance access. Installations in corrosive
atmosphere situations like certain mining sites where outdoor mounted equipment may be
damaged by the highly acidic emissions also use indoor mounted equipment.
Split mount. In this configuration, the radio terminal consists of an indoor-mounted baseband
shelf, an outdoor-mounted RF transceiver, and a parabolic antenna. The indoor unit provides
the interfaces to other equipment, and is separated from the RF transceiver via standard
coaxial cable by typically up to 300 meters.
This is by far the most common type of configuration for PDH microwave link installations.
The main advantage of this type of configuration is the ease and cost of the installation
through the use of a single coaxial cable to connect the indoor and outdoor equipment.
The RF transceiver, when mounted outdoors, can be mounted directly behind the parabolic
antenna, or the RF unit can be mounted remotely from the antenna. Systems are available in either
non-protected (1+0) or protected (1+1) configurations.
A protected terminal provides full duplication of active elements in a terminal (i.e. both the RF
transceiver and the baseband components), in a "hot standby" mode to protect the user against
equipment failure. Automatic switching to the standby system during periods of equipment failure
allow the operator to deliver the required service to their customers without any down time.
Space diversity (2 antenna) is a variation on the hot standby configuration that provide protection
against reflections from the ground and other similar propagation anomalies. The theory behind this
type of configuration is that when the microwave path causes a problem with one antenna,
statistically speaking, the other one is able to operate without being affected by the problem. The
advanced space diversity switching algorithm used in the Codan 8800 series optomises link
performance under difficult conditions by selecting the best path on a frame-by-frame basis.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
4. Equipment considerations
When selecting appropriate radio equipment for deployment within a Telecommunication Network,
the following characteristics/ specifications are among those that should be considered:
Radio performance - A modern radio design will incorporate one or more facilities to counter
the adverse effects of the radio wave propagation through the atmosphere, generally seen as
fading, or reduction, of the received signal. Fading countermeasures include interference
rejection capability, forward error correction (FEC), and Automatic Transmit Power Control
(ATPC) and space diversity arrangements.
All these features are supported by the Codan 8800 series. Additionally, the Codan 8800
uses Continuous Phase Modulation (CPM), which is inherently robust in the presence of
propagation impairments.
High spectral efficiency - An efficient modulation scheme to minimize channel bandwidth is a
great benefit when planning the radio network, and is some times a prerequisite of the
regulatory authority.
The Codan 8800 series uses 4-state CPM, which provides the spectral efficiency required
in most countries.
High system gain - This is a function of the radio output power and received signal threshold.
The Codan 8800 series compares favourably with most competing products.
Low background BER - This is a measure of the performance (bit error rate) of the radio
equipment in the absence of interference induced by propagation anomalies, and should
ideally be less than 10
The Codan 8800 is specified as to perform with a Background BER of 10
High environmental specification - Essential for reliable operation in harsh environments
when equipment is located externally. Equipment must have a minimum operational
temperature range of –30
C to +55
C for outdoor equipment. Other important factors are
ingress protection against water and dust or sand, and corrosion resistance.
The Codan 8800 is specified from –33
C to +55
Equipment reliability and maintainability - Important in ensuring a low life-cycle cost is the
ability of the equipment to operate for long periods without failure (high mean time between
failures, or MTBF). Equally, when failures occur they must be easily and rapidly repaired (low
mean time to repair, or MTTR). This will be facilitated by spares commonality across a range of
capacities and frequency ranges. An operator must also determine which links require
protection, based upon the criticality of each link and the existence of alternative traffic routing
in the case of failure.
The Codan 8800 series MTBF is expected to be in excess of 30 years. The mean time to
repair a Codan 8800 series link by a trained field service engineer is less than 1 hour.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
5. Network design process
To reach the stage where a microwave radio link can be deployed and brought into service, several
steps must be successfully completed, often in an iterative process, leading to a final link design.
These steps are briefly:
Determine design objectives, that is:
- Availability target for network
- Availability target for radio path
- Required capacity (current and future)
- Maintainability, i.e. protected or non- protected
Determine and produce network design. A network design is required to establish all of the
nodes within the network that require transmission links between them. This can then be
developed to become the main reference document for network planning and implementation
Determine local frequency availability and regulatory restrictions.
Select and survey sites
Establish existence of line-of-sight
Detailed network design - frequency planning.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
5.1. Network Topologies
Figure 4, Figure 5 and Figure 6 depict three common configurations that are adopted for the
transmission system of a GSM Network.
5.1.1. Star network
A star network topology will contain one or more hub sites at strategic locations that serve spurs or
chains of subordinate sites from the centralized hub. A star network can be multilayered in that
some of the nodes in a spur may be hub sites for further subordinate spurs.
Figure 4 – Star Network
Star networks have one major disadvantage in that outages on a single transmission link may
affect many sites and have a significant effect on overall network availability. This can be reduced
or alleviated by protecting some or all of the links with Hot Standby installations.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
5.1.2. Ring network
Ring structures can be successfully achieved in PDH networks if the necessary routing and
grooming intelligence exists at all appropriate equipment that is connected to the DMR links in the
The capacity of all of the links in a ring has to be sufficient to support all sites in the loop, so that
some links have increased capacity over the equivalent star structure.
Figure 5 – Ring Network
The advantage provided by this topology is that the rings can be used to provide path diversity and
integrity to the network, and can remove the need for duplication (i.e. protection) of single links.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
6. Regulatory Considerations
Frequency spectrum is a valuable resource and is generally subject to appropriate planning and
management to prevent misuse and interference between the many and varied applications.
National administrations will allocate some or all these bands for fixed microwave radio use in line
with local requirements. Before network planning commences, an operator must determine
available frequency bands and channel plans specific to that country. Often, and preferably, an
operator may be able to obtain a number of frequency allocations as a block for nation wide use
thus enabling him to perform his own network planning in advance without risk of interference from
other users.
Most regulatory authorities also operate a local link length policy, where the length of a particular
path will determine what frequency bands are available for the operator to choose from. Typically,
the shorter the path the higher the frequency required.
The local requirement for equipment type approval will also vary from country to country, ranging
from a simple paperwork exercise to a full product test program to local standards. Type approval
is generally the responsibility of the radio supplier, but an operator should ensure that all
requirements are satisfied before links are deployed.
Other limitations imposed by authorities can also have an impact upon microwave radio
deployment - for example, tower height restrictions or limitations upon antenna size. These factors
can restrict effective radio lengths at the planning stage and should be ascertained in advance of
the detailed link design stage.
6.1. Site selection and survey
Selection of a suitable microwave radio site must encompass a number of issues. There are
economical and engineering benefits to be gained by maximizing the sharing of infrastructure and
sites between the various types of elements in the network, particularly regarding expensive civil
infrastructure such as towers and equipment housings. It is becoming more common for competing
operators to share the expensive and common portion of site construction like towers, shelters and
mains power connection.
The location of good microwave sight, particularly in relation to hub sites, will be relatively high
points to provide the maximum line of site availability. This information should be fed back into the
network plan as it can affect both routing and path planning.
Attention should be given to future growth requirements in all areas, especially if the site is likely to
develop into a future hub. It is always wise to inform the landowner of any potential future growth to
prevent problems at a later date.
Attention should be paid to any local authority planning restrictions and approvals for structures or
antenna installations planned. Such restrictions could be found to eliminate a site at a very late
stage of the process and cause much wasted effort.
An operator should aim to perform only one site survey to minimize costs. Equipment installation
requirements must be confirmed considering amongst other things, power, accommodation, and
environmental conditions. The ease of service access for maintenance personnel, particularly
tower mounted equipment can have significant impact on costs and repair time. Required loading
needs to be calculated if new tower installations are proposed, and these must take into account
the antenna wind and ice loading.
New terminals being added to an existing tower require calculations that ensure incremental
loading can be accommodated. Cable and/or waveguide routing should be checked, including
length and securing.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
6.2. Frequency bands
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) ITU-R organization defines a number of specific
frequency bands that are allocated to fixed services - i.e. for microwave point-to-point links. Table
1 shows the ITU-R bands covered the Codan 8800 series, and outlines the usage for digital
telecommunications purposes.
Table 1: Common Fixed Microwave Link Frequency Bands
Band GHz Range GHz Distances* Comments
7/8 7.1-8.5 50 km Med. to High capacity
10.5 10.5-10.68 45 km
Low capacity, efficient
13 12.75-13.25 40 km Low to medium capacity
15 14.4-15.35 40 km Low to medium capacity
18 17.7-19.7 25 km Low to medium capacity
23 21.2-23.6 14 km Low to medium capacity
38 37-39.5 8 km Low to medium capacity
* Depending on antenna size, terrain, and rainfall, distances shown are typically the
maximum for the given frequency.
Different frequency bands are subject to differing propagation criteria, which results in attenuation
in the link received signal. As a general rule, the higher the frequency band, the shorter the usable
distance of the link.
In the extreme case, use of frequency bands above 20 GHz in tropical areas will limit path length to
just a few kilometres.
Frequency management organizations will also make most effective use of frequency spectrum by
imposing a link length policy; i.e. shorter links will be licensed only in the higher frequency bands
and vice-versa.
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
6.3. Confirmation of line of sight
A clear transmission path must exist between the two link nodes of any microwave radio link.
Furthermore, as the radio wave disperses as it moves away from the source, there must exist
additional clearance over any obstructions to prevent attenuation of the transmitted signal. This
additional clearance, known as the Fresnel zone, differs for the frequency band of the radio path,
where higher frequency translates into a smaller clearance requirement.
See Figure 7 below.
Figure 7 – Line of Sight
Line of sight between two sites can be confirmed by either map-based studies or direct visual
survey. In either event, the surveyor must allow for future obstructions that may impinge the radio
path. These can be due to various causes, such as new buildings, tree growth, cranes, etc.
6.4. Frequency planning
Frequency planning is the coordination of link frequencies to minimize any interference between
links within the network and those operated by other users. In some instances, the local regulatory
authority undertakes frequency planning. However, if a block allocation has been obtained, then
planning will be the responsibility of the operator. Several factors must be considered that will affect
the calculations of interference that will determine the optimum channel frequency for each radio
There are a number of equipment performance parameters that become relevant when considering
interference within a microwave network. These include:
Path availability target considerations, since higher availabilities will require higher levels of
protection from interference and hence increase planning difficulties. The level of availability
must be considered in conjunction with the network plan and the physical position of the link.
Availability targets can be relaxed for the lower capacity outer links where short outages may
not cause disruption to subscriber services, due to overlapping coverage from adjacent cells, or
the availability of diverse routing
Radiated transmit power (EIRP)
Link operating frequencies
The channel plan
The Carrier to Interference (C/l) performance of the equipment which determines how well the
radio equipment can discriminate the wanted signal in the presence of interference
Antenna characteristics, such as radiation pattern envelope (RPE), gain and front-to- back
Digital Microwave Radio
Codan 8800 series
7. Summary
There are numerous economic and operational benefits in utilizing digital microwave radio in a
transmission network. Radio presents an attractive alternative to both PTT-provided leased lines or
self-provided cable based systems, and major operational advantages accrue from the fact that,
being a wireless technology, microwave radio can be installed, commissioned and re-deployed
easily and quickly.
For a new telecommunications operator in an existing or emerging competitive environment, these
advantages can provide the crucial edge for success, and enable the operator to establish an
operational network in a matter of months, thereby providing early revenue for re- investment and
return to shareholders and other investors.
Many operators are now recognizing these benefits, and we are seeing significant growth in
demand emerging, specifically from newly licensed cellular operators, as well as competitively
licensed fixed network operators and even the incumbent PTT’s who have to operate in the new
competitive environment.
PDH digital microwave radio's place as a key network element is well established and has a bright