Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of
Industry-Specific Terminology
Ainur T. Bayekeyeva
, Saule Zh. Tazhibayeva
, Aigul A. Shaheen
, Zhainagul S.
, Gulnar Beysenkyzy Mamayeva
Industry-specific translation is one of the rapidly developing
and highly demanded sectors in Kazakhstan. This paper
discusses the theoretical and methodological issues of
compiling a controlled multilingual vocabulary or thesaurus
for the purposes of industry-specific translation. The
proposed multilingual thesaurus addresses the gap of existing
online dictionaries with the lack of ability to translate directly
from English into Kazakh, and provides relevant equivalents
for mining and metal terms in three languages: Kazakh,
English, and Russian. The study is interdisciplinary and
combines methods of linguistic analysis, machine learning,
ontological and corpus-based studies that allow an exhaustive
analysis, generalization, comparison, systematization,
classification, and formalization of the mining industry
terminology through a multilingual parallel corpus based on
the Zthez international technical platform. The controlled
multilingual thesaurus is designed to promote intercultural
communication of professionals and translators in the mining
industry. Besides it enables the foundation to be built for a
Kazakh language corpus, unifying and systematizing Kazakh
industry-specific terms in a multilingual way.
© 2022 IJSCL. All rights reserved.
PhD Candidate, Email: (Corresponding Author)
Tel: +77-477825011
Professor, Email: [email protected]u
Associate Professor, Email:
Associate Professor, Email:
Associate Professor, Email: gulnar.[email protected]
L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Republic of Kazakhestan
Received December 2021
Received in Revised form February 2022
Accepted February 2022
Available online March 2022
Controlled vocabulary
Interoperable thesaurus
Industry-specific translation
Multilingual thesaurus
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
1. Introduction
There has been an increased interest in issues
related to intercultural communication within
specific professions (Bloschchynskyi et al.,
2021). Industry-specific translation (IST)
serves as a cross-subject science between
theory and practice in translation for industry-
specific terminology, especially due to the
impact of the ongoing global pandemic on the
world’s economy and other related industries,
including translation services. State bodies and
ministries, educational establishments, and
schools and universities have turned home to
offices, so the need for online resources has
significantly increased. At the same time, IST
is one of the most difficult and laborious
translation services that requires translators’
high qualifications and knowledge of a certain
subject area. A technical translator needs to be
extremely aware of high language acquisition
and academic writing skills and have a good
sense of both the Source Language (SL) and
Target Language (TL); the core requirements
rely especially on gaining depth in the
knowledge and skills of technical thinking and
The innovative technologies applied in
translation studies implementing the objectives
of the State Programme Digital Kazakhstan
are forcing Kazakhstan’s translators, linguists,
Turkologists, and industry-specific terminologists
to make a new quantum leap. In the
digitalization period, it is important to create a
new generation of dictionaries that meet
modern topical challenges. One of these
dictionaries is a controlled multilingual
vocabulary or thesaurus on subject areas jointly
developed by linguists and experts in
technology information corresponding to the
subject fields. Industry-specific terms in the
Kazakh language are urgently needed to fix,
regulate, and identify semantic equivalents in
Russian and English. Thesauri in various
subject areas are necessary for quick
information retrieval with the accurate semantic
translation of industry-specific terms not only
for translators but also for all interested experts.
The mining industry has received a new
development impetus since Kazakhstan gained
independence. Many metallurgical plants and
complexes started applying modern advanced
technologies for exploration, geology,
production, and processing. The terminological
base of mining and metal terms has been
enriched with new terms related to
technological processes, while the original
Turkic Kazakh terms have become less used. At
the same time, the mining and metallurgical
industry, as well as the professions associated
with them, occupies a special place in the Atlas
of New Professions and Competencies of
Kazakhstan. The Terminological Committee of
Kazakhstan carries out activities to arrange new
terms in all sectors and industries, publishing
hardcopy Kazakh-Russian terminological
dictionaries. However, industry-specific terms
are not always correctly interpreted by linguists
and translated into Kazakh or Russian.
Moreover, the translation of terms is often not
accurate, with a variety of synonyms that make
it difficult for the translator to understand and
choose only the one semantically correct
Therefore, one of the important objectives of
this research is to systematize new international
terms and document language material related
to the Turkic lexical layer in a modern
interoperable platform. In this regard, the study
of Kazakh mining and metal terms is of
particular relevance. Mining terminology was
first adopted and developed by Satpayev in
1957. However, since then, the terminological
base has not been regularly and systematically
updated. Modern Kazakh mining and metal
terms have been enriched by international terms
that do not reflect their semantic content.
Satpavev´s approach to compiling Kazakh
terms is artificial and leads to a functional
limitation of their use in practice. Now, we have
to be ready for modern challenges and create
terminological dictionaries based on the
semantic concepts in various knowledge fields,
one of them being the mining industry.
Translating technical texts for industries is now
one of the most popular types of translation
services in Kazakhstan. This type of translation
has a number of features. First of all, it requires
not only the knowledge of industry-specific
terms applied in a certain subject area, e.g., the
mining and metallurgical industry, but also of
related areas such as geology, enrichment,
beneficiation, refinement, and so forth. Besides,
the technical translator must focus on mining
and metal terms in a general way and offer
clear, exact details in exploration, development,
enrichment and beneficiation, equipment and
A. T. Bayekeyeva et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 2022 ISSN 2329-2210
technology, and other issues of the mining
The role of the Kazakh language in science and
technology texts remains in the shade since
Russian is the dominant language for IST. In
addition, modern controlled interoperable
thesauri are usually monolingual, so the lack of
English-Kazakh and Kazakh-English dictionaries
in subject areas is a serious problem for
professionals and translators. Thus, when
searching in online dictionaries, the absence of
trilingual options, i.e., English-Russian-Kazakh
creates difficulties, not only for professionals
and translators but for all Automated
Information System (henceforth AIS) users in
related industries. Many trilingual industry-
specific dictionaries are available only in hard
copy, and in the current pandemic situation, all
AIS users should be given an equal opportunity
to access these dictionaries regardless of their
location. Therefore, there is an urgent need to
create a systematized controlled multilingual
and interoperable thesaurus to promote
communication and interaction between
professionals, translators, and AIS users in
industry-specific areas and to offer them a way
to freely use special terminology, provide
adequate translation in specific subject areas,
and find the necessary data related to a
particular industry-specific term without
having to search several dictionaries for the
relevant information and accurate terminology
in order to avoid misunderstanding and
Rapidly growing economic cooperation in
Kazakhstan makes it necessary to enrich the
terminological base with various new terms
denoting technology and equipment. Direct
English-Kazakh translation occurs very rarely.
For this reason, creating a new generation of
dictionaries will enhance opportunities for
Kazakhstan’s translation services and
strengthen the status of this language as a state
The purpose of this investigation is to explore
the terminology of the mining industry and
compile a controlled Kazakh-English-Russian
multilingual thesaurus related to this subject
area. The analysis of issues related to thesauri is
a new interdisciplinary study at the intersection
of translation studies, computational linguistics,
Turkology, terminology, and information
technology. This interdisciplinary and cross-
subject research has the following objectives:
to study the ways of forming Kazakh mining
and metal terms;
to identify and document the common
Turkic layer of vocabulary in Kazakh
mining terminology;
to systematize new international terms that
are actively enriching the terminological
base of Kazakh industry-specific terms; and
to identify semantic equivalents in
translating special terms into English and
This paper considers more than 10,000 Kazakh
mining and metal terms provided by the
Terminological Committee of Kazakhstan. The
proposed multilingual thesaurus is shown to
provide relevant equivalents of three languages
in one data scheme: Kazakh, Russian, and
English. The paper demonstrates the use of the
controlled multilingual thesaurus in the Digital
Library (DL) that enables the user to search for
a faithful translation of industry-specific terms.
This also lays the groundwork for the future
development of the Kazakh-language corpus
and for the unification and systematization of
industry-specific Kazakh terms in a
multilingual way.
2. Theoretical Framework
2.1. Industry-Specific Translation
Translation of scientific and technical literature
differs greatly in translation methods from
those of literary works. A literary translator
may be perceived as a portrait painter who
aspires to portray rather than show a
photographic similarity (Bayekeyeva et al.,
2020). Scientific and technical translators’
quality work depends mainly on the vocabulary
(terminology), which tends to be univocal and
have ready-made equivalents, and on the use of
language style to transfer image accuracy
(Franco, 2004). It can be said that fiction
translation is associated with the field of art,
while technical translation refers to the field of
IST starts from developing a special
terminological base, which is why a thesaurus
in the DL is compiled to solve the industry term
systematization. Bayekeyeva et al. (2020)
define the DL as a system for managing
structured cataloged collections that provides a
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
comprehensive search of dissimilar digital
resources (p. 1870). In this sense, the major
purpose of compiling a thesaurus is directly
related to information support in scientific
research and translation activities; it also has to
do with the formation and development of its
own IST electronic resources through the
interoperable management of publications and
bibliographies. Bayekeyeva et al. (2020)
discuss the theoretical and methodological
issues of compiling a multilingual thesaurus for
conducting IST in the mining industry. They
describe the facts which translators deal with
for providing adequate translation when facing
industry-specific terms in real texts.
2.2. Diachronic Analysis of Traditional
Dictionaries of Industry-specific Terms
Practical, empirical preconditions for the
systematization of industry terms began in the
1920s, and this is evidenced by the
systematization and publication of various
industry terms in dictionaries directly related to
the development of scientific and technological
progress in Europe; for instance, see Fay (1920).
Terminology, which involves the study and
compilation of terms belonging to specific
fields, has attracted the attention of many
Kazakh scholars such as Kaidarov (1993),
Baitursynuly (2009), and Aitbayuly (2013).
The theoretical and practical aspects of forming
industry-specific terms have been investigated
by domestic terminologists, among them
Abdіrasіlov (1999), Isakova (2000), Kaliuly
(2008), Beisenova (2011, 2014), and
Kurmanbayuly (2014), as well as foreign
linguists Lotte (1961), Reformatsky (1961),
Cabrė (1998), Leichik (2009), and
Superanskaya (2012). All these researchers in
terminology noted the need to arrange industry-
specific terms and made attempts to compile
traditional dictionaries.
The development of terminology is an
independent scientific field that studies the
basis of branch translation in linguistics terms
and dates back to the 1930s (Cabre, 1998). Due
to the rapid development of industrialization,
industry-specific terms began to form in the
Kazakh and Russian languages. Before the
emergence of multilingual dictionaries of
Kazakh industry-specific terms, the first
dictionaries were compiled in short versions or
glossaries by Omarov (1923) in Physics subject
words, and Karatyshkanov (1927) in Subject
terms; they were published in Orenburg,
Moscow, and Kyzylorda. In this sense, bilingual
dictionaries of Russian/Kazakh industry-
specific terms began publishing Russian-
Kazakh military words (1926), Dictionary of
names (1931), Terminological dictionary (1931),
and Terms of the Kazakh language (1935).
More than 150 terminological dictionaries were
published in Kazakhstan from 1940 to 1990.
Between 1991 and 2003, more than 100
dictionaries were compiled and published, such
as Explanatory dictionary of the Kazakh language
published 19741986, Phraseological dictionary
of the Kazakh language (1977), Russian-
Kazakh dictionary of terminology (Ámіrbaev et
al., 1959), Dictionary of the Kazakh language
(1999), and the Dictionary of Turkic languages
(Oztopcu et al., 1996).
In the second half of the 20th century, from
1959 to 1995, other Russian-Kazakh
terminological dictionaries were developed
relating to various subject fields different from
the mining industry, such as geology
(Mashanov et al., 1960), mechanism and
machinery (Joldasbekov & Ábdіrahmanov,
1968; Serıkbaev et al., 1974), chemical terms
(Bіrіmjanov & Omarov, 1974), agricultural
mechanization (Myńbaev et al., 1983), water
engineering terms (Ábdіrahmanov & Manabaev,
1991), hydrogeology and engineering geology
(Sydyqov & Qabıev, 1993), and theoretical
mechanics (Joldasbekov & Saǵıtov, 1994).
Furthermore, during this time, there also were
Russian-Kazakh dictionaries for the mining
industry, specifically on metallurgy
(Ábdіrahmanov & Býketov, 1959) and physics
(Bakaev et al., 1962; Mashanov et al., 1959). In
the 2000s, a 31-volume series of 155.000 words
of Russian-Kazakh and Kazakh-Russian
industry-specific terminological dictionaries
were published and approved by the
Terminological Committee (Kurmanbaiuly &
Sapina, 2004). There were also dictionaries and
thesauri related to architecture and construction
(Qulmanov, 2009), information systems
(Ilyasova, 2010), ship construction (Koyanbayev
& Sabirova, 2013), polygraphic terms
(Medeubekuly et al., 2013), legal terms
(Omashuly, 2013), post terms and phrases
(Toksanbay, 2013), veterinary terms
(Djanabekov & Djanabekova, 2013), oil and
gas terminology (Makhambet, 2015), and mass
media and telecommunication terms (Tursyn,
A. T. Bayekeyeva et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 2022 ISSN 2329-2210
2015). However, in spite of the recent
development in the mining industry, no new
dictionaries of mining and metal terms have
been published for almost two decades.
2.3. Kazakh-language Corpus and Thesaurus
In recent years, the Kazakh language has
become an object of major concern to linguists.
Several scholars have attempted to make up a
corpus of the Kazakh language that would be of
great significance in natural language
processing tasks, including information
retrieval and machine translation. One of the
first attempts to compile a Kazakh corpus was
made in 2013; it contained more than 135
million words belonging to five different
stylistic genres (Makhambetov et al., 2013).
Rakhimova and Zhumanov (2017) created a
multilingual parallel corpus of general words in
the Kazakh, Russian, and English languages
using the Bitextor application and demonstrated
how dictionaries could be enriched with new
words without special linguistic knowledge.
Numerous researchers have contributed to the
informatization of natural language processing
of the Kazakh language. Thus, Altenbek and
Sun (2010) applied N-gram model methods and
rule-based methods to extract noun phrases
from Kazakh-language texts. Bekbulatov and
Kartbayev (2014) focused on the internal
morphological structure of Kazakh sentences
and statistically demonstrated the impact of
morphological preprocessing on the quality of
Kazakh-English machine translation. Tukeyev
and Karibayeva (2020) constructed a system of
Kazakh word endings for effective morphological
segmentation. Automated processing tools and
algorithms were developed for the KazNLP
platform to deal with texts in the Kazakh
language (Yessenbayev et al., 2020).
Despite the rapid development of translation
theory, mining and metal terminology have not
been given due attention. The uniqueness of the
Kazakh language in rubrics of online industry-
specific terminology is manifested in the fact
that the original Kazakh terms of the mining
industry constitute a rich lexical layer for
providing the names of metals and minerals.
New, borrowed international terms normally
indicate the names of equipment and
technologies. In English and Russian, instead of
industry-specific terms, as a rule, abbreviated
forms of nomenclature of chemical elements
are frequently used, e.g., Au, Ag, Cu, Fe, Zn,
etc. When translating scientific and technical
documents, such as industry-specific texts in
Kazakh, Russian, and English, written
documentation with certain additional features
is needed. This study suggests using a controlled
vocabulary or thesaurus for translation purposes.
A thesaurus is a comprehensive online
dictionary of industry-specific terms, compiled
in an interoperable system with links, which
includes several types of dictionaries such as a
glossary, bilingual dictionary, multilingual
dictionary, synonymic dictionary, and
terminological dictionary. It is one of the major
tools in translation theory and practice,
particularly in compiling various dictionaries
and glossaries for specific fields and purposes,
which require the participation of a wide range
of professionals in linguistics, information
technology, related branches of science and
technology, and so forth. The compilation of
monolingual thesauri of special terminology
has been considered by a number of researchers
in various scientific areas. Aleshinskaya and
Albatsha (2020) focused on methodological
issues and suggested a cognitive model of
compiling a monolingual terminological
thesaurus in computer science. Heiradi et al.
(2020) compiled a corpus of academic words
belonging to the pharmacy domain. Niyazbek
and Talp (2019) contributed to the construction
of a Kazakh terminology recognition platform
in information technologies through a conditional
random field and manual modification. Aitim et
al. (2020) developed a complex methodology
for generating a completely automatic
thesaurus of Kazakh-language specialized
vocabulary that would increase the
effectiveness of natural language processing.
A controlled dictionary is an interoperable
dictionary that meets professional requirements
for information retrieval and machine
translation. The issues of creating a controlled
thesaurus of the Kazakh language have been
studied by domestic and foreign scholars in
various aspects. Kazakh-English parallel
models and constructions have been studied and
adopted for machine translation. For example,
Kartbayev (2015) attempted to improve random
Kazakh-English parallel corpora in terms of
phrase tables by reducing the word alignment
error rate. In methods of extending machine
translation resources, Rakhimova and
Zhumanov (2017) demonstrate how transfer
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
rules can be automatically learned from a
parallel corpus. Two parallel Kazakh-English
corpora KAZNU and WMT19 were explored in
terms of solving the problem of unknown words
for neural machine translation (Turganbayeva
and Tukeyev, 2020). Akhmed-Zaki et al. (2021)
developed several preprocessing tools to
generate word forms and handle morphological
The problems of creating bilingual and
multilingual thesauri have been investigated by
a number of researchers such as Ahmad and
Gillam (2005), Mansurova et al. (2017), and
Niyazbek and Talp (2019). They focused on
designing and developing a media-corpus for
the Kazakh language and for recognition
systems. Moreover, grammatical, syntactical,
and lexicological issues have been studied from
the perspectives of the parsing model of Kazakh
sentence structure (Sharipbay et al., 2019;
Yerimbetova, 2016) and Kazakh morphology
(Yelibayeva et al., 2019). Creating a controlled
multilingual thesaurus, including Turkic
languages, has been considered for ontology in
information technology (Fedotov et al., 2016;
Sambetbayeva et al., 2016). Thesauri in modern
applied sciences such as WordNet, EuroWordNet,
or Wiktionary linguistic resources describe the
relationship between lexical meanings of
natural language as a hierarchical system of
synonymic groups, i.e., synsets (Tussupov et
al., 2016).
The review of all this scientific literature
inherent to the research topic of this paper
reveals that a comprehensive study of mining
and metal terms in multisystem languages has
not been previously conducted, and as the
evidence suggests, it is extremely necessary. So
far, multilingual online thesauri researches of
mining industry-specific terms have been
developed neither in Kazakhstan nor abroad. In
this respect, it is of the utmost significance to
compile a controlled multilingual Kazakh-
Russian-English thesaurus for the mining
industry that would be of practical value in
3. Methodology
3.1. Materials
To ensure industry-specific terms in mining and
metal from Kazakh, Russian, and English, it
was decided to use the universal Integrated
Distributed Information System (IRIS) to
compile the thesaurus developed by the
Institute of Computer Technology and Science
of the Siberian branch of the Russian Academy
of Sciences in 1998 (Fedotov et al., 2016).
3.2. Procedure
This section describes all the steps used to
identify, systematize, and compare mining
terms for the controlled thesaurus.
The first step is the material selection drawn
from a sample of Kazakh terms belonging to the
mining industry. More than 10,000 units were
selected from bilingual and multilingual Kazakh
industry-specific dictionaries (
The equivalent translation term is based on data
from multilingual industry-specific dictionaries
(Qudaibergenov, 2009) and English-speaking
countries (Fay, 1920; Hornby, 1995; Encyclopedia
Britannica, 1998), as well as online resources
such as Sozdik ( and
Termincom (
The second step is parsing the website and
compiling and saving information easily
(Khairova et al., 2019) in the analysis of digital
sources for terminological and industry-
specific dictionaries. The most actively used
sites for Kazakh translation are Multitran
(, Sozdik (https://, and Termincom (http://termincom.
kz/termins). This study shows the challenges
that Kazakh translators face when translating
mining industry terms to Russian and English.
The third step is related to the analysis of the
collected data using the Zthes data scheme. This
is a family of specifications that enables the
representation of thesauri and facilitates
interoperability for applications dealing with
thesauri ( This tool also
enables the creation of a thesaurus for the
mining industry that unifies and systematizes
industry-specific Kazakh terms in conformity
with the requirements of modern interoperable
thesauri. Thus, the interoperability is shown as
an easily integrated way to communicate in the
other language that really helps describe and
provide Russian and English equivalents, as
well as classify the terms into relevant topics
using related rubrics and associated relations in
a hierarchical order.
3.2. Compiling an Industry-Specific Thesaurus
The research is mainly based on linguistic
analysis methods that enable the creation of an
A. T. Bayekeyeva et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 2022 ISSN 2329-2210
exhaustive analysis, generalization, comparison,
systematization, classification, and formalization
of mining industry terms. This method was used
to (a) systematize the mining and metal terms
of the Kazakh language, (b) identify features in
forming Kazakh mining terminology, and (c)
perform a comparative analysis with similar
terms in English and Russian. Formalizing and
locating are implicit in the translation process
when adapting the borrowed terms to Kazakh.
To create a controlled thesaurus, supportive
methods of machine translation were used, such
as automatic rubricating, object, and relation,
creating ontologies of the subject area. To
guarantee reliable results, other supportive
methods such as statistics and documentation
were applied. In this way, there is an integration
of methods that combine interdisciplinary and
cross-subject research relations.
Furthermore, to analyze and systematize
mining industry terms, a multilingual parallel
corpus for Kazakh-Russian-English is used.
The terms are taken from Kazakh and translated
into Russian and English, respectively. A
parallel corpus is particularly important in
studying language, and translation features
since it provides precision and accuracy in the
equivalent analyzed lexicon through machine
translation (Khairova et al., 2019).
Some previous research has approached the
ontological and computational study of
bilingual and multilingual thesauri for the
mining industry and other related fields,
focusing on particular linguistic aspects.
Ontological studies establish a clear and
decisive relationship between concepts and
categories of the studied subject area. For the
mining industry field, ontology is a set of
concepts and statements about their
classification, relations between them, and the
hierarchy on the general-part and part-
whole relations (Bayekeyeva et al., 2020).
During this research, it was extremely
necessary to consider the conceptual
methodology aspects in a systemic way and
manifest them as a unity of whole-part,
external-internal, static-dynamic, cause-
effect, and communication process, among
Computational studies also offer a great
contribution to the development of the present
research, especially with the use of its tools that
provide proven accuracy in the results and also
facilitate the organization and development of
the research process. Accordingly,
Kuandykova et al. (2014) constructed an
English-Kazakh parallel corpus at the School of
Mechanics and Mathematics and created a
statistical machine translation system to present
problems and solutions to legal texts. In the
same way, Myrzakhmetov and Makazhanov
(2016) present an initial experiment on Russian
to Kazakh phrase-based statistical machine
translation (SMT) through a parallel corpus
based on morphological processing techniques.
They state that machine translation from
Russian to Kazakh poses certain challenges of
both linguistic and technical nature (p. 153).
These researches help the present paper as a
baseline to support the study of a controlled
vocabulary in DL: terminology, translation, and
thesaurus for Kazakh-Russian-English
languages in the mining industry field.
4. Results
4.1. Digital Sources for Terminological and
Industry-Specific Dictionaries
Due to the rapid development of computer
technology, professionals in the field of IST
have used a variety of electronic dictionaries,
including ABBYY Lingvo, DICT, FreeDict,
Free On-line Dictionary of Computing,
WordNet, Multilex, etc. Among the electronic
dictionaries most actively used by Kazakh
translators are Multitran (https://www., Sozdik (,
and Termincom (
However, when searching for the necessary
terms, Kazakh translators come across
multifaceted issues connected with using
trilingual contexts.
A serious problem is the lack of direct Kazakh-
English online dictionaries and a Kazakh-
language corpus for industry-specific contexts.
Existing electronic databases such as Sozdik,
Multitran, and Termincom do not always meet
the requirements for a quick search of
information. Translators particularly use
Kazakh-Russian dictionaries for Kazakh-
Russian bilingual texts (see figures 1 and 2).
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
Figure 1
Web Page of Kazakh-Russian Sozdik Online Dictionary
A. T. Bayekeyeva et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 2022 ISSN 2329-2210
Figure 2
Web Page of Kazakh-Russian Terminological Dictionary by Terminological Committee
Translators have to use Russian-English
dictionaries for Russian-English bilingual texts
(see Figure 3). So, in order to translate the texts
from Kazakh into English, translators utilize
two different dictionaries because of the
absence of trilingual dictionaries.
Figure 3
Web Page of Russian-English Online Dictionary
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
In order to face the Kazakh translatorsreality
and to give an opportune answer to the
problems mentioned above, this study presents
a clever and convenient solution that consists of
creating a new generation of multilingual
Kazakh-Russian-English dictionaries. In this
regard, it is necessary to immediately study,
systematize, and give a scientific description of
industry-specific terms in the Kazakh language.
The Zthez international technical platform,
tested by the Institute of Computational
Technologies SB RAS, has been chosen for the
compilation of a thesaurus of industry-specific
terms in DL (
admin/adm.phtml). The members of the
research group represent in Kazakhstan the
traditions of the linguistic science school and
the IT technology and science school of the
Siberian branch of the Russian Academy of
Science (see Figure 4).
Figure 4
Web Page of the Thesaurus of Industry-specific Terms in Digital Library
Developing a thesaurus contributes to the
creation of an online database of industry-
specific terms of the Kazakh language, with the
most accurate semantic equivalents, synonyms,
associate ranges, and other empirical material
for the further enrichment of the Kazakh
language corpus with texts, metadata, and
translations of materials into English and
Russian. The main advantage of this
multilingual thesaurus is in its interoperable
characteristics, so this thesaurus can be easily
integrated into international databases such as
the UNESCO, NISO, and LOGOS thesauri,
compiled in accordance with the international
standards (see National Information Standards
Organization, 2003, 2005; IFLA, 2009).
4.2. Controlled Multilingual Thesaurus of
Mining Terms
Industry-specific terms should provide a clear
and accurate reference to real objects and
phenomena, establishing an unequivocal
understanding of the transmitted information by
professionals. Therefore, a special requirement
is imposed on these types of words. While
considering the terms, it is necessary to bear in
mind that, first of all, the term has the exact
meaning in each field of study, i.e., it has a
strictly defined meaning, which can be revealed
by a logical definition, establishing the place of
the designated concept by the term in the
conceptual systems of a certain industry,
science, or technology.
Gradually, the content of technical knowledge
of the source language (SL) begins to penetrate
the signs of the target language (TL) and enrich
its vocabulary. In any language, the word or
phrase is already inseparable from its meaning,
and here the content of technical knowledge
becomes an element of the language in a certain
field, in this case, the mining industry. The
technical knowledge which has found its
expression in a word, in a term of SL, passes
into a qualitatively new stage, joining the
A. T. Bayekeyeva et al./ International Journal of Society, Culture & Language, 10(1), 2022 ISSN 2329-2210
semantic structure of TL, becoming a
component of the terminological system of the
given language.
Based on the foregoing, it can be concluded that
industry-specific terms evolved over a long
time and have now formed a strict
terminological system. Within this system,
certain forms of term building have been
created, the degree of productivity of which
makes it possible to determine the dynamics of
growth of terms and further means of their
development. In connection with the progress
of industry, science, and technology, where
new concepts are constantly being opened, it is
necessary to use more and more new terms in
the English, Kazakh, and Russian languages.
Term building takes place both at the expense
of the resources of the English language itself
and by borrowing from other languages. This
process allows language development and
makes the terminology international, which
allows scientists and professionals to
understand each other better.
The ongoing research focuses on compiling an
interoperable, controlled multilingual thesaurus
for translation and terminology, and makes a
contribution to the Kazakh language corpus of
industry-specific terms. As a result of this
study, major rubrics have been created for about
10,000 Kazakh terms related to the mining and
metal industry. The terms in the proposed
thesaurus are listed as a result of the analysis of
more than 5,000 documents developed in
Kazakhstan’s mining projects (Tau Ken
Samruk, its subsidiaries Tau-Ken Altyn, Tau-
Ken Temir, Shalkiya Zinc, Silicon Mining,
Masalsky GOK, Altyntau Kokshetau, Alaigyr,
Spassk, etc.). All the terms of Mining and
Metallurgy are grouped into the following
rubrics: Mining and Metals, Minerals,
Exploration, Production, Equipment and
The proposed multilingual thesaurus provides
relevant equivalents for three languages in one
data scheme: Kazakh, Russian, and English. As
a major translator’s tool, the controlled
multilingual thesaurus is a collection of
information (corpus, arch) encompassing with
maximum fullness the concept, definitions, and
terms of a special field of knowledge or
industry, with examples in real contexts, i.e.,
their use in texts. It is a particular type of special
vocabulary in which semantic relations
(synonyms, antonyms, paronyms, hyponyms,
hyperonyms, and so forth) between lexical units
are indicated.
The controlled multilingual thesaurus in the DL
designed for IST comprises at least three
a list of structured and systematized terms,
placed on the DL platform;
the relations stated between the terms,
indicated by their hierarchical relative
position (e.g., metal broader term; iron
concentrate narrower term, iron content
and Fe-content synonym, etc.);
a set of rules on how to use the thesaurus in
the DL.
Thus, in order to form the interoperable
Information Retrieval Thesaurus for IST, it is
strictly recommended to provide the following
basic criteria of compiling a controlled
a set of thesaurus descriptors should be
sufficient to describe an arbitrary domain
document, particularly for the subject area
of industries or study fields; and
the number of descriptors should not be too
large; they should contain the necessary
information for the subject area only.
Most professional guides, dictionaries, and
glossaries designed for IST are normally
systematized in alphabetical order and usually
have multiple synonyms for industry-specific
terms. In contrast, the controlled multilingual
thesaurus makes it possible to reveal the
meaning of a special term with the help of
descriptions and other concept group
correlations and to relate broader and narrower
5. Concluding Remarks
This information technology era offers great
opportunities to develop, enhance, and solve
communication issues between frontiers. This
technology is applied in various fields of human
knowledge, particularly in those related to
linguistic communication, and technical
translation in the industry area is one of them.
Machine translation systems used by translators
of any nationality and culture expand, open, and
feed the communication process for all social
sectors. In this regard, this paper considers the
translation issues faced by Kazakh translators
when dealing with the special terminology of
Developing an Online Kazakh-English-Russian Thesaurus of Industry-Specific Terminology
mining industry fields to be translated into
Russian and English. According to the study
results, it is concluded that these issues are
mainly related to the lack of a multilingual
thesaurus that allow a suitable translation
simultaneously in the three languages,
keeping the same semantic structure, meaning,
and function, to maintain a clear and truthful
translation process.
To make life easier in the Kazakh translation
business, it is, therefore, necessary to develop
an industry-based thesaurus or multilingual
thesaurus for a specific field of study. The
mining industry is a rapidly developing industry
whose terminology needs careful systematization
to allow quick translation from English into
Kazakh and vice versa. The creation of a
controlled-vocabulary Kazakh-English-
Russian thesaurus answers the main question of
this research: Kazakh translation issues not
having a multilingual tool to provide accurately
translated equivalents in Russian and English.
The thesaurus based on the Zthes data scheme
is a uniquely created, interoperable thesaurus
that provides equivalents for industry-specific
terms in Kazakh, English, and Russian,
respectively. Unlike other multilingual
dictionaries, the controlled multilingual
thesaurus enables the revelation of the meaning
of a term with the help of descriptions,
correlations with other concepts and their
groups, and related broader and narrower terms.
The novelty of this study is based on the prompt
and proper solution offered for translation
issues that not only helps the Kazakh scholarly
community but also others. Results have shown
the benefits of creating and using a multilingual
thesaurus to give adequate answers to specific
problems when applying certain search criteria.
These benefits are to (a) establish semantic
relations in lexical units to deal properly with
the vocabulary in the required languages, (b)
structure and systematize the terms to relate
them in the three languages in an interoperable
relation, and (c) hierarchize the term positions.
Therefore, the study of industry-specific terms
and multilingual thesauri is a promising area of
modern linguistics that unites translation,
terminology, and computational linguistics in
an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, this
study may help to improve, develop, and create
further research in multilingual parallel
corpora, computational linguistics, and
morphological and ontological studies as well.
The controlled thesaurus of industry-specific
terms described in the present study can serve
as a model for compiling similar multilingual
dictionaries for other sectors and industries in
Kazakhstan and other countries. Furthermore, it
can be used to enrich the knowledge base for
intelligence systems, as well as build the
foundation for a Kazakh language corpus,
unifying and systematizing Kazakh industry-
specific terms in a multilingual way. Due to its
interoperability, the presented multilingual
thesaurus can easily be integrated into
international databases such as UNESCO,
This work was written within the framework of
the joint projects for a PhD thesis and a
multilingual digital thesaurus at L.
N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University and
Novosibirsk State University (the
Governmental grant for 201720) with the
support of Goethe University Frankfurt.
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