From Design
Thinking to
Systems Change
How to invest in
innovation for social
by Rowan Conway,
Je Masters and Jake
July 2017
From Design Thinking to System Change July 2017
Executive summary 3
Marrying design and systems thinking 5
Thinking like a system 11
Acting like an entrepreneur 18
SBRI as a catalyst for human centred innovation 20
Conclusions 25
Bibliography 27
The RSA in
partnership with
About the authors
Rowan Conway is the Director of Innovation and Development at the
RSA. She ensures that the RSA is undertaking rigorous, profile raising and
influential research and innovation projects. She has previously worked
as a business journalist and editor and in community involvement and
participation for London 2012.
Je Masters is an associate at the RSA. He was previously a Tresury
ocial, a policy advisor to Chuka Umunna MP and secretary to the cross-
party Commission on 2020 Public Services based at the RSA. He holds a
Master of Public Policy degree from the Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University.
Jake Thorold is a research assistant at the RSA focusing on a range of
topics from Universal Basic Income to government innovation. He worked
previously for Clinton Global Initiative in New York.
About the RSA
The RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures
and Commerce) believes that everyone should have the freedom and
power to turn their ideas into reality – we call this the Power to Create.
Through our ideas, research and 27,000-strong Fellowship, we seek to
realise a society where creative power is distributed, where concentrations
of power are confronted, and where creative values are nurtured. The RSA
Action and Research Centre combines practical experimentation with
rigorous research to achieve these goals.
The RSA is grateful to have received the support of Innovate UK for
this work. Innovate UK is the UK’s innovation agency. They work with
people, companies and partner organisations to drive and find and drive
the science and technology innovations that will grow the UK economy.
Since 2007 they have helped more than 7,600 organisations with projects
estimated to add more than £11.5 billion to the UK economy and create
55,000 extra new jobs.
The authors would also like to thank the following: the attendees of the
roundtable seminar on SBRI held at the RSA in March 2017; the SBRI
commissioners and participants who generously gave their time for inter-
views; at Innovate UK, Kevin Baughan and Stephen Browning; at the RSA,
Kenny McCarthy, Amanda Kanojia, Anthony Painter, Tony Greenham
and Matthew Taylor; and finally Nic Hinton, Professor Stephen Roper,
Professor John Rigby and Mary Stevens for their invaluable help.
From Design Thinking to System Change 3
Executive summary
Achieving change in a world ever more defined by complexity is dicult.
We face an array of complex ‘wicked’ problems, from an ageing popula-
tion to climate change to intergenerational cycles of poverty. It can often
seem that these challenges are insurmountable and that we lack the ability
to make meaningful change.
To find opportunity in challenge will require reimagining the ways that
we currently think about innovation and design. The narrative around
a ‘fourth industrial revolution’ risks narrowing the focus of innovation
to technology which would locate innovation-led growth solely in the
outputs of universities and research institutes, or technology clusters like
Cambridge’s Silicon Fen. While these are a vital piece of the UK’s innova-
tion jigsaw, they are not the whole picture. Enterprises large and small
across sectors and regions need to also be part of the innovation mix.
The UK has long been at the forefront of design, a rich heritage that
permeates a diverse range of sectors. Design thinking methodologies
are deployed in service, policy and governance design across sectors, not
merely product design. Harnessing the power of this creative capacity will
be crucial to generating the innovative solutions required to tackle press-
ing social challenges.
But design thinking alone will not be enough. The core insight of this
paper is that solving our most complex problems will require augmenting
design thinking with a systems thinking approach as the basis for action.
While design thinking has proved itself to be successful in the realm
of creating new products and services, the challenge is how to support
innovations to enter and actively shape the complex systems that surround
wicked social challenges.
Great design doesn’t always generate impact. As we show in this
report, innovations attempting to scale and create systemic change often
hit barriers to change, sending them catapulting back to square one. We
call this the ‘system immune response’. The particular barriers will dier
dependent on context, but might be cultural, regulatory, personality-
driven or otherwise. This report argues that innovations for the public
good are susceptible to the system immune response because there is a
deficit of systems thinking in design methodologies.
This report introduces a new RSA model of ‘think like a system, act
like an entrepreneur’ as a way of marrying design and systems thinking.
At its most simple, this is a method of developing a deep understanding of
the system being targeted for impact and then identifying the most prom-
ising opportunities to change based on that analysis – the entrepreneurial
part. By appreciating factors like power dynamics, competing incentives
and cultural norms, innovators can prepare themselves for barriers to
change, and find the entrepreneurial routes around them to successfully
aect system change.
From Design Thinking to System Change4
This report takes the Small Business Research Initiative (SBRI), a two-
phase pre-procurement innovation programme that aims to match social
challenges with new ideas, as its primary case study. It suggests augment-
ing the excellent design thinking deployed through SBRI with a think
like a system, act like an entrepreneur lens in order to drive better social
outcomes from SBRI-originating innovations. Programmes like SBRI have
great potential to drive change and address pressing challenges, but must
be guided by a more developed understanding of how change happens.
The stakes are too high to not raise our game when it comes to
social innovation. Wicked problems can be overcome but will require
sophisticated theories of change able to account for the complexity and
unpredictability of modern life. We oer think like a system, act like an
entrepreneur as a contribution to this eort.
This report is based on the following research:
Desk based review of relevant literature;
A series of structured interviews with participants in SBRI
competitions; and
An expert round table that brought together policymakers, com-
missioners, procurement experts and entrepreneurs to consider
and develop initial findings.
From Design Thinking to System Change 5
Marrying design and
systems thinking
We sit on the cusp of a fourth industrial revolution, with automation,
robotics, machine learning and biotechnology promising to transform
transport, medicine, social care, communication and more, and extend
human capabilities in remarkable ways. But these new industrial advances
also threaten to disrupt the labour market and create profound instability
and public anxiety. For this industrial revolution to be “empowering and
human-centred, rather than divisive and dehumanizing”
as Founder of
the World Economic Forum Professor Klaus Schwab hopes, we must think
deeply about the social challenges we face, while innovating in new ways
to meet the human needs of the future.
This might suggest a need for a human-centred industrial strategy,
one that takes tackling the real problems faced by ordinary people as a
core metric of success rather than solely economic growth. This strategy
should be enabled by a combination of design methodologies and systems
thinking, working together to unleash the empowering potential of inno-
vation. At the RSA we argue for the need to adopt a process of ‘thinking
like a system and acting like an entrepreneur’ if the country is to meet this
The design economy
In recent years there has been a surge in the use of design methods to
stimulate innovation. Public and private agencies have opened up chal-
lenge prizes and competitions that have stimulated markets, and the UK
Government has promoted a range of design-led innovation processes.
Innovate UK is ambitious about the potential of design to stimulate
innovation and accelerate economic growth through “the wider take-up
of impactful design across industry sectors and challenge areas.” Its 2015
Design in Innovation strategy
states: “Our aim is for UK businesses to in-
novate better, grow faster and achieve greater commercial success through
the eective use of excellent early-stage design.”
The UK is a world leader in design. According to the Design Council’s
, design activity generated £71.7bn in gross
value add (GVA) in 2013. There is now an opportunity for UK plc to use
1. Schwab, K. (2006) The Fourth Industrial Revolution. Portfolio Penguin: London.
2. Innovate UK (2015) Design in innovation: Strategy 2015 – 2019. Available at: https://
3. Design Council (2015) The DesignEconomy: The value of design to the UK. Available at:
report%20web%20Final%20-%20140217%20Yea%201.pdf. 
From Design Thinking to System Change6
design methodologies in early stage innovation to deliver improved social,
economic and environmental impacts. Designers can reframe social
and environmental issues like healthcare or climate change as creative
opportunities. As Innovate UK says: “Identifying and tackling the ‘right’
problems: working with designers to utilise their problem solving skills on
broader challenges can help businesses and organisations identify genuine
economic, social and environmental viable opportunities, rather than
concentrate on ‘solutions looking for a problem’”.
Designers are increasingly alert to the innovation potential of social
challenges. In a 2017 RSA lecture
, Jeremy Myerson, founder of the Helen
Hamlyn Centre at the Royal College of Art, urged designers and entre-
preneurs to respond to the challenge of an ageing population. As well as
providing for a social good, Myerson identified the potential dividend
that an ageing population provides for designers, with new retail markets
emerging for products like the ‘grankini’ – an all-in-one high tech under-
garment that supports mobility for the elderly.
But where a clear commercial market doesn’t exist, government agen-
cies and charitable organisations can also create demand, by procuring
innovations directly to support social change or improvements in public
services. An example of this is the Small Business Research Initiative, a
vehicle through which government agencies can run competitions predi-
cated on particular problems that need solving.
Deploying design thinking
In Democratising Innovation
, Eric von Hippel argues that we have moved
into a ‘user-centred’ as opposed to ‘manufacturer-centric’ era of innova-
tion. As Jeanne Liedtka said in the 2015 Batten Briefing on Innovation and
: “The most secure source of new ideas that have true competitive
advantage, and hence, higher margins, is customers’ unarticulated needs.”
Businesses are now routinely generating innovation using human centred
methods. These processes employ user research, experimentation, proto-
typing, and iteration and foster innovations that meet a particular human
need rather than being purely product-driven. These methods have been
used to inform design innovations in everything from airline flatbeds at
British Airways
to breathable sportswear at Nike
Design-led innovation has demonstrated a clear dividend in consumer-
facing industries, and design thinking is no longer the preserve of product
developers. The process also generates service solutions, new concepts
and governance models, and it is being used to envisage new business
strategies and services across sectors, including the public sector. An
4. Innovate UK (2016) Design in Innovation: Early Stage Interventions. Available at: https://
5. Myerson, J. (2017) Social Challenge – Design Dividend. RSA Event. Available at: https://
6. Von Hippel, E. (2005) Democratizing Innovation. The MIT Press: Boston, USA. Available
7. Glinska, M (2014) Innovation and Growth: Understanding the Power of Design
Thinking. Batten Institute. Available at:
8. Tangerine. Club World: British Airways. Webpage. Available at:
9. Brownlee, J. (2013) Nike’s 5 Lessons on Innovation by Design. Co-design (webpage).
Available at:
From Design Thinking to System Change 7
insurgency of open innovation labs and innovation districts in citieshave
emerged, such asSitrain Finland,MindLabin Denmark,18Fin the US,
andPolicy Labin the UK to test the methods on public policy. Challenge
prizes and grant funds have been earmarked to stimulate design thinking
and Innovate UK is currently investing up to £2m in early-stage, human
centred designprojects with its Design Foundations Fund. Social impact
investment funds are also seeking to drive innovation for public good
further, prominent recent examples being Big Society Capital Fund and
the Cabinet Oce’s Funds for Social Impact Bonds.
The potential for design thinking in public sector innovation is substantial
and varied. In their review of studies on innovation in the public sector,
De Vries et al
show the range of innovation types that can be stimulated:
Process innovations, including the creation of new organisa-
tional forms and working methods; or the creation or use of new
technologies to improve services;
Product or service innovations, the creation of new public
services or products;
10. De Vries, HA., Bekkers, VJJM., and Tummers, LG.. (2014) Innovation in the Public
Sector: A Systematic Review and Future Research Agenda. Public Administration. Vol. 94, No.
1. 146-166.
Design thinking is by definition exploratory: solutions are developed, proto-
typed and tested using iterative, ‘safe-fail’ experiments to gain rapid feedback.
The double diamond method developed by the Design Council is a widely
recognised way to deploy design thinking. As Figure 1 illustrates, it is a method
that helps to uncover a problem by using a collaborative and iterative approach,
and then reengaging in divergent and iterative thinking to arrive at a solution.
The process does not commit at the outset to the form of an end solution but
rather generates ideas that could ultimately become physical or digital prod-
ucts, services or processes.
Figure 1: The Design Council Double Diamond
From Design Thinking to System Change8
Governance innovations, the development of new governance
forms and processes to address specific social problems; and
Conceptual innovations, such as new concepts, frames of
reference or paradigms to change the understanding of problems
and/or their solutions.
From design thinking to systems thinking
Excellent design has proved to be a catalyst for business innovation and
and it is important that the UK builds on its leading design capa-
bilities to drive innovation further. However, the nature of that innovation
is also important. According to Clayton Christensen there is a rising
focus on ‘eciency innovations’
– where innovation leads to process
improvements that save costs – and there is insucient investment in the
‘empowering’ market-creating innovations that lead to new technology or
service breakthroughs that progress society.
Catalysing empowering innovation for social and environmental
benefit requires a systemic view. To ensure the UK industrial strategy
transforms performance, we need more fully to understand the systemic
barriers to scaling empowering innovation and then act more creatively
and adaptively when we spot opportunities to circumvent these barriers
or take a dierent path. To transform markets and orientate investment
toward empowering innovation, innovators will need to build on human
centred design methods and augment them with systems thinking.
The think like a system, act like an entrepreneur approach follows a
design thinking logic akin to the double diamond. The first diamond is
about discovery of the problem and understanding systemic conditions:
the value chain, the institutional or societal context in which it sits, and
the power dynamics at play – using dierent frames of analysis including
cultural theory and complexity analysis. The second diamond is about
understanding how to act opportunistically like an entrepreneur to
achieve change.
While design thinking alone provides a compelling process for idea
development, it fails to recognise that without due consideration of
systemic complexity and power dynamics, even the best ideas can lie on
the shelf unused, and thus without impact. The design-led approach
provides strong insights on users but remains two-dimensional; think like
a system, act like an entrepreneur provides a third dimension: systemic
understanding and impact.
11. Design Council (2015) The Design Economy. Available at: http://www.designcouncil.
12. Christensen, CM., Bartman, T., and van Bever, D. (2016) The Hard Truth About
Business Model Innovation. MIT Sloan
13. Christensen, CM., and van Bever, D. (2014) ‘The Capitalist’s Dilemma’. Harvard
Business Review. June 2014.
From Design Thinking to System Change 9
Figure 2: Think like a system, act like an entrepreneur
Problems of design-led innovation diffusion
The spread of human centred design thinking is proving eective at
developing new ideas
, the policy challenge is now to shepherd these ideas
towards a market – whether consumer, government or otherwise – helping
them scale and make a wider social and economic impact. Innovation is
about impact, whether shown through market success or, in the case of
many social innovations, by the change that results. Social innovators
should be constantly looking to supplement market making activities –
of which SBRI is a prime example – with other interventions aimed at
preparing the system to support the innovation. For example, in order for
a service innovation to flourish, you may need to push for a complemen-
tary governance innovation, such as altering procurement frameworks or
regulatory rules. The problem with many models of innovation is that
they are premised upon linear assumptions of scaling.
Everett Rogers’ seminal 1962 model on the diusion of innovations
provides the axiomatic example of the limited thinking embraced by
too many in the design and innovation sphere.
Roger’s adoption curve
follows a linear pathway from slow diusion, through rapid growth, to
saturation, then slowdown. Implicit faith in Roger’s curve can still be
readily identified in the “engineering mindset” that sees the innovation
chain as a linear path that begins with university research and develop-
ment, followed by venture capital funding of startups, leading to wider
commercialisation and dissemination.
14. Innovate UK (2015) Design in innovation strategy 2015 – 2019. Available at: https://
15. Rogers, EM.(1962).Diusion of innovations(1st ed.). New York: Free Press of
From Design Thinking to System Change10
Figure 3: Everett Rogers’ adoption curve
Where this model of innovation diusion sees growth as planned
and relatively predictable, the reality is that the diusion of innovations
addressing complex social challenges is far from predictable. Probability
analysis and prediction becomes ever more dicult for systems mired in
complexity such as healthcare and education.
Since Christopher Freeman’s 1987 study of innovation in Japan
, the
academic understanding of thinking systemically has been well estab-
lished. The work of Mowery and Rosenberg
had already established
that neither technology ‘push’ nor the ‘pull’ of demand were sucient:
both together were crucial. But even more important were the linkages
between supply and demand, which increased the circulation of informa-
tion within the system. Freeman developed this thinking with the concept
of a ‘national system of innovation’ - a set of complementary institutions
which increase both the rate at which new knowledge is generated and
with which it is diused. This, in turn, has been extended to include other
systems - sectoral, technological, as well as socio-technological. And just
as markets can fail, systems can be subject to the same tendencies.
The challenge has remained in shifting these insights into the design
and practice of policy. But this rich academic seam is precisely attuned to
the messy realities of the innovation challenges of today. Warren Weaver’s
contests that social problems are “disorganized complexity”,
that means the number of variables and interrelationships in a system
can rarely be captured in probability statistics. With the rise of the social
web, big data, globalisation, societal fragmentation, rapid urbanisation
and movement, and values shifts, complexity has become the norm. As
the Gartner hype cycle
shows, the pattern of diusion is today harder to
predict and innovations can take decades to scale. We must develop a new
account of diusion and scale that accounts for impact both at a social
and economic level. This requires the ability to “think like a system”.
16. Freeman, C. (1987) Technology Policy and Economic Performance: Lessons from Japan.
Pinter Publishers, London.
17. Mowery, DC. and Rosenberg, N. (1979) The influence of market demand upon
innovation: a critical review of some recent empirical studies. Research Policy 8, pp102-153
18. Weaver, W. (1948) Science and Complexity. American Scientist (36:536). Available at:
19. Gartner. (2016) ‘Gartner’s 2016 Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies Identifies Three
Key Trends That Organizations Must Track to Gain Competitive Advantage’. Available at:
From Design Thinking to System Change 11
Thinking like a system
“Systems thinking is a context for seeing wholes. It is a framework for
seeing interrelationships rather than things, for seeing patterns of change
rather than static snapshots.”
Peter Senge
Looking through a systems lens can be overwhelming. It can feel that
complex systems are intractable and doomed to stasis. But as systems
theorist Donella Meadows
said, systems thinking requires seeing all
situations as dynamic, with latent momentum that can create change.
As she observes: “Dynamic systems studies usually are not designed to
predict what will happen. Rather, they’re designed to explore what would
happen, if a number of driving factors unfold in a range of dierent
Systems encompass many actors, competing incentives and hidden
nuances. It is a mistake to assume that just because human centred design
processes create innovations that meet human needs, that their diusion
into a system will follow a linear route that mirrors that of consumer
markets. This is particularly the case with major and complex public
sector markets, such as the NHS. Figure 4 illustrates this a ‘linear fal-
lacy’ – one that oversimplifies the journey from design of an innovation to
scaling and diusion.
20. Senge, PM. (1990) The Fifth Discipline: The Art & Practice of a Learning Organisation.
London: Random House.
21. Meadows, DH. (2010) Thinking in systems: a primer. Earthscan.
From Design Thinking to System Change12
Figure 4: The linear fallacy
As the next illustration (Figure 5) shows, in reality what happens all
too often is that the route from innovation to scaling, and thereby systems
change, is fraught with obstacles. This list is not exhaustive and not all
obstacles will be present in every case. The point is that scaling is usually
far from a linear inevitability and the development of a product or service
innovation may be just the beginning of a process of generating impact.
Figure 5: Innovation hits barrier to change
From Design Thinking to System Change 13
Rather than achieving impact an innovation gets mired in “reasons
why not”. Perhaps competing incentives leave an innovation unrealised, or
strict regulatory frameworks, fear or cultural opposition create barriers
or headwinds. Perhaps the wider context isn’t ready for the innovation
because it requires complementary changes in other areas or, as is often
the case in government, there are strict procurement strategies in place
that prevent new products or ideas from accessing a market. The com-
plexity of institutions may prevent the replication of innovations at scale
in public service environments (for example, a human centred process
innovation that has delivered exceptional impact in reducing aggression
in patients within one hospital environment, may fail to scale to other
hospitals because of competing rules and incentives). Donella Meadows
describes this response as “systemic policy resistance”:
“Policy resistance comes from the bounded rationalities of the actors in
a system, each with his or her (or “its” in the case of an institution) own
goals. Each actor monitors the state of the system with regard to some
important variable - income or prices or housing or drugs or investment -
and compares that state with his, her, or its goal. If there is a discrepancy,
each actor does something to correct the situation. Usually the greater the
discrepancy between the goal and the actual situation, the more emphatic
the action will be…Such resistance to change arises when goals of subsys-
tems are dierent from and inconsistent with each other.”
As Figure 6 shows, when innovations designed to address social chal-
lenges hit barriers to change, they can ‘bounce’ o the system sending the
innovation back to square one. We call this the system immune response.
Figure 6: The system immune response
22. Ibid.
From Design Thinking to System Change14
This immune response sees the promising innovation rejected in the
same way that the body would resist a pathogen. The current system
releases antibodies (barriers to change) to neutralise the pathogen (the
innovation). To proactively counter this immune response, innovators
should not just focus on user needs (although this is key to developing
eective solutions), they must also comprehensively map the system which
they hope to change, employing a range of techniques to appreciate the
complex dynamics at play. This is what is referred to by ‘systems-centred
: design that actively considers and the particular dynamics of
existing systems and looks to innovate in ways that are relevant to them
or, more ambitiously, actively influences them.
Dierent kinds of problems require dierent methods of systems anal-
ysis. Horst Rittel coined the phrase “tame and wicked problems”.
In this
framing, tame problems are those that have a rational and linear pathway
to a solution, the problem is relatively easy to define explicitly and can be
understood by a variety of people. In contrast, wicked problems are hard
to define and whose nature remain ambiguous and elusive. As John Kao
: “Such wicked problems often involve a large number of diverse
stakeholders who do not see the problem or indeed much of anything else
in the same way. They might be separated by disciplinary boundaries,
by values, or by their role within a system, ie government versus private
sector. Another characteristic of wicked problems is that one does not
necessarily know they have been solved, except in hindsight.”
Thinking like a system means taking a holistic view: viewing the
problem as made up of a set of interacting components that continuously
produce feedback. It also means accepting this situation as dynamic, with
the relationships between elements in the system as important in under-
standing how the system will behave as the component parts. The starting
point to understanding these dynamics is to identify the dimensions of the
There are lots of ways to organise problems and there are many tools
that can be used to understand particularly important systems dynamics.
In the think like a system, act like an entrepreneur model of change the
wider systems view must understand the following:
The type of problem;
The problem situation; and
The power dynamics in play.
23. Ritter, FE. et al (2014) Foundations for Designing User-Centered Systems: What System
Designers Need to Know about People. Springer: London.
24. Rittel, HWJ. & Webber, MM. (1973) Dilemmas in a General Theory of Planning.
Policy Sciences (4). pp. 155-169. Available at:
25. Kao, J. (2009) What is Large Scale Innovation? Available at:
From Design Thinking to System Change 15
Understanding problems
Warren Weaver
mused in 1948 that: “science has, to date, succeeded
in solving a bewildering number of relatively easy problems, whereas
the hard problems, and the ones which perhaps promise most for mans
future, lie ahead”. Social challenges often present hard problems – com-
plex and systemic. Knowledge Management theorist Dave Snowden
a sense-making framework he calls Cynefin to make distinctions between
problems that sit in ordered systems and unstructured systems. In this
framework a default state of ‘disorder’ is the starting point for those
trying to make sense of a system. Problems sit in one of four domains –
two ordered and two not:
Table 1: Cynefin Sense-Making Framework
Careful deliberation is required to ensure a full understanding of the
domain in which a given problem lies. By identifying the type of system
and problem that they are dealing with, innovators can better understand
the correct kinds of responses to arrive at a solution. While we suggest
a less drastic split, there is much wisdom in Einsteins assertion that ‘if
I had an hour to solve aproblemI’d spend 55 minutes thinking about
theproblem and five minutes thinking about solutions.’
26. Weaver, W. (1948) Op Cit.
27. Snowden, DJ. and Boone, ME. (2007) ‘A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making’.
Harvard Business Review. November 2007.
Ordered systems Unordered systems
Simple problems
In this problem situation there are fairly
straightforward relationships between
cause and effect, and there is a right
answer if it can be found. The approach to
take is the tried and tested – follow best
Complex problems
Where the relationships between cause and
effect are not obvious. To make progress in
solving or managing the problem expertise
will help, combined with experimentation.
Snowden calls for ‘safe fail’ experiments,
generating rapid feedback to enable adjust-
ment. Experiments that succeed should be
amplified; experiments that fail should be
Complicated problems
Here there are still relationships between
cause and effect, but they are much harder
to understand. There are solutions to the
problem, but there might be more than one.
Technical expertise is required, following
good practice.
Chaotic problems
Here there is an absence of cause and effect.
Immediate action might be needed to stabilise
the situation. If immediate action is not needed
to stabilise the situation, this domain may
be ripe for successful experimentation and
From Design Thinking to System Change16
Understanding problem situations
The situation in which the problem is located is a further analysis that
thinking systemically will require. Leadership theorist Ronald Heifetz
distinguishes between technical problems – where the solution is bounded
and finite, and just needs to be correctly applied to the problem – and
adaptive problems – where learning is required and the solution must be
co-created by service and service-user. In understanding how to apply this
distinction Heifetz describes three problem situations:
In Type I situations the problem is clearly defined, the solution
to that problem is known, and the challenge lies in matching and
applying the solution to the problem.
In Type II situations, the problem is clear, but the solution is
unclear. To solve the problem, some kind of learning is required.
This may be the development of a new technical ‘fix’ to solve the
problem, or it may require adaptive work, involving all parties to
the problem in a shared journey towards the solution. No party
can ‘solve’ the problem alone.
In Type III situations, both the problem and the solution are un-
clear and require learning to understand and resolve. Technical
fixes are not available. Adaptive work is required.
Heifetz goes beyond other thinkers (see, for example, Mackenzie
et al
) in focusing not just on the problem situation, but on the extent
to which learning is required and the how far the solution needs to be
co-created by all actors involved.
Thinking systemically about problems requires that at a certain point
the boundaries of a problem are set. Without boundaries, a systems
mindset is at risk of analysis paralysis – where systems maps create overly
complicated analyses of problems, which produce so much data it is
impossible to act. Here, Donella Meadows calls for flexibility, she says:
“The right boundary for thinking about a problem rarely coincides with
the boundary of an academic discipline, or with a political boundary
Ideally, we would have the mental flexibility to find the appropriate
boundary for thinking about each new problem.”
Understanding power dynamics
Flexibility is also important in understanding the power dynamics at play
within a system. Cultural theory is a useful systematic methodology for
understanding power dynamics and motivations within social systems.
By using it to understand the politics and culture around a problem, it
can help to identify blockages and enablers of change. When applied to
a problem, cultural theory can help in understanding how far a proposed
solution will resonate with the dynamics of an existing system – and
28. Heifetz, RA. (1994) Leadership Without Easy Answers. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The
Belknap Press of Harvard University Press.
29. Mackenzie, A., Pidd, M., Rooksby, J., Sommerville, I., Warren, I., and Westcombe, M.
(2006) Wisdom, decision support and paradigms of decision making. European Journal of
Operational Research 170. 156-171.
30. Meadows, DH. (2010) Op Cit.
31. Hood, C. (1998).The Art of the State: Culture, Rhetoric and Public
Management.Oxford University Press, Oxford.
From Design Thinking to System Change 17
therefore be eective – or run counter to them, and risk rejection by the
system. Cultural theory divides a social system into four domains: hierar-
chical, solidaristic, individualistic and fatalistic:
Table 2: Cultural Theory Domains
Power dynamics revealed by a cultural theory analysis can help to sug-
gest the types of intervention that will have the highest chances of success
in any given system. For example in a highly hierarchical setting, such as a
factory with entrenched chains of command, it is likely that interventions
that seek to drive change by drawing upon solidaristic motivations will
fail due to the regimented nature of the system. Taking a wider system
view that understands cultural norms and patterns of behaviour as well
as the interplay between actors in a system sheds new light on ways to
address complex challenges. Using cultural theory can help to match the
correct type of intervention to the problem based upon the dynamics of
the system.
By going beyond user research and undertaking the thinking like a
system part of the process, innovators develop a depth of understanding
of the broader ecosystem they are looking to enter. Systems thinking un-
veils the frictions that inhibit change, the veto points and countervailing
forces that combine to create this system immune response. A product of
this kind of this process may be that certain interventions are jettisoned
because the possibilities for change are revealed to be highly limited. In
their place may be new ideas and problems previously unconsidered, yet
seemingly with a feasible route to achieving impact. The next phase of the
process is to act entrepreneurially.
Domain Explanation
Hierarchical Refers to hierarchical forces such as authority, strategy and regulation; the top-down
laws, institutions and levers that government and institutions have at their disposal to
compel people to act in certain ways.
Solidaristic Emphasises belonging, values and the ideas of justice and fairness as important
motivations for citizens.
Individualist Speaks to the power of self-interest (enlightened or otherwise) to drive change and
Fatalistic Sees social problems as intractable and efforts at change unlikely to deliver intended
outcomes, or irrelevant. Can exist in any of the above systems.
From Design Thinking to System Change18
Acting like an
A common critique of systems thinking is that in its quest to understand
complexity it gets stuck in analysis. To progress to practical action,
innovators must use systems analysis as a platform for action as opposed
to paralysis. Here they must mimic the habits of entrepreneurs, looking
to spot hungry markets, understand available funding and the “social
that will lead to their innovation gaining the greatest traction.
Opportunism is key.
Having clearly defined the problem through a systems mapping
process, innovators can identify routes to change, testing innovations in
live small-scale environments or through scenario modelling in real time.
In these experiments actors continuously seek feedback and iterate their
prototypes to assess if they are helping or hindering change.
Acting entrepreneurially isn’t just about spotting the best oppor-
tunities for change. It is also about maximising the possibility for an
innovation to navigate through barriers to change and make an impact at
scale. This requires a hacker mentality. Hacking the system means finding
the counterpoints to the barriers to change and creating ways to circum-
vent them.
This might mean engaging with key stakeholders with powers of veto
to convince them of the shared benefits of allowing a new product or
service to pass through. Or being willing to iterate to make an innovation
fit strict policy parameters. Alternatively savvy innovators may need to in-
volve certain actors in the process, or generate social movements or media
campaigns to elevate the legitimacy of the need for the innovation and
therefore influence changes in policy. The particular actions will depend
on context, but the entrepreneurial actor is defined more than anything
by an attitude that constantly asks ‘what can I do now to create a better
possibility of success further down the line?’ In a fashion similar to the
approach taken by market innovators to create demand, socially-oriented
innovators should plough every furrow to generate adoption and social
32. Burbidge, I. (2017) Altered States. RSA Journal (1).
From Design Thinking to System Change 19
Figure 7: Finding ways around the system
The system immune response diagram above illustrates how acting
entrepreneurially can cut through barriers to change, by seeking out
circumventing hacks. This is about being agile and responsive both when
challenges present themselves and opportunities open up. It means being
able and willing to iterate both product and strategy in response to
circumstance. While the appropriate actions will be context-dependent,
the central point is that linear, non-adaptive thinking won’t do. If a
proposed change sparks a media backlash, hiding your head in the sand.
won’t suce. Rather, innovators should use the tools at their disposal to
navigate the situation. Innovators are rarely powerless against barriers,
but will likely have to outthink them.
When entrepreneurs take risks, they recognise the possibility of failure.
But these downside risks are balanced against the large upside possibil-
ities of success. It may be harder to lose it all within the public sector,
but there is also little financial incentive to take the kinds of risks that
innovation sometimes requires. Those within the public sector who take
risks are the change makers – the ‘intrapreneurial’ talent that government
want to attract. New guidance for eective behaviour for senior leaders
includes “seek[ing] out opportunities for innovation and hav[ing] the
courage to take risks and make step changes in how things are done.”
It is also in line with the openness to experimentation embraced with the
Government’s 2017 Transformation Strategy.
33. Civil Service Human Resources (2015) Civil Service Competency Framework, 2012-
2017, 2015 Update. Available at:
34. Cabinet Oce and Government Digital Service (2017) Government Transformation
Strategy: government beyond 2020. Available at:
From Design Thinking to System Change20
SBRI as a catalyst
for human centred
So, where are the hackers who will experiment with the think like a
system, act like an entrepreneur methodology? As a market-creating
method, the Small Business Research Initiative, a pre-commercial pro-
curement programme, could be a key tool in testing the model toward
stimulating a human centred industrial strategy. As a demand-led policy,
SBRI aims to address one of the main challenges for early stage technolo-
gies – finding that crucial first customer. But, the challenge for SBRI is not
just to generate solutions to public problems; it is to generate solutions
that have impact at a sucient scale.
For public agencies, there can be two distinct reasons for running an
SBRI competition: First, to secure a process improvement – improving the
internal performance of a government department or public service they
have responsibility for; or second, to meet a broader policy objective – like
reducing carbon consumption, for example, by changing market oerings
or the behaviours of consumers. SBRI is a programme that does well at
producing new innovative technologies, yet these new products sometimes
struggle to aect the intended market and achieve the desired impact.
This makes it an ideal case study for considering how a dierent approach
could be more successful. The SBRI process is illustrated in Figure 8.
In its current guise the programme has been running since 2009,
following a major overhaul of the previous iteration begun in 2001. More
than 70 public agencies have used it, and currently about £75m a year is
spent through the SBRI. There have been notable success stories, perhaps
the most celebrated being PolyPhotonix development of a non-invasive
treatment for degenerative sight-threatening conditions caused by age and
diabetes – with a device that looks like a sleep mask. It is estimated this
will save the NHS around £1bn a year for treatment of diabetic retinopa-
thy and other eye conditions.
Within this research project we engaged with a number of SBRI
commissioners and competition participants. We encountered examples
of ideas that produced results in one context, but which did not find a
wider market. In one case a process solution made a 26 percent saving
of nurse time on a paediatric ward, but could not achieve wider success
because it could not find a way around regulatory obstacles. This is an
example of where a user-centred design leads to an appropriate solution
in one context, but too much complexity prevents it from diusing to a
wider market.
Innovate UK, (2015) Op Cit.
From Design Thinking to System Change 21
Our research here is not systematic so should be considered as obser-
vational rather than definitive. We sought to question how to optimise the
SBRI model, enabling innovators to think systemically and understand
‘barriers to change’.
Figure 8: SBRI competition process
Problems aren’t the same as markets
Through stakeholder interviews and a roundtable with SBRI commission-
ers and entrepreneurs, we found a range of issues arising from SBRI, but
a core finding was that despite the fact that it can produce high calibre,
design-led innovations, some solutions had problems getting to a wider
market or having an impact beyond their SBRI commission. A conclu-
sion we draw from this is that problems are not the same as markets.
Competition commissioners are often not the same as the end buyers of
the solution and the social challenges or the public service problems that
stimulated the brief in the first place do not necessarily equate to clear
market opportunities. As one commissioner stated: “The problem is at
the back end – how do we get the ideas into the market-place?”
SBRI competitions create ‘competition demand’ for solutions to public
problems. But providing the elusive first customer does not provide a
guarantee that there will be a second or third customer. Competition
demand is not the same as market demand. In one case studied, the
(public sector) market demand was extremely low and largely met
through the competition, even though the public value of the innovation
was very significant. In other cases, where the competition is to address
a policy problem, challenges might remain in translating a real social or
environmental problem into actual market demand.
From Design Thinking to System Change22
“We’ve just received an order for a batch of 100…That will flood the UK
SBRI competition winner
Think like a system for SBRI
There is an opportunity to deploy systems thinking to optimise the
SBRI process. Firstly, at the front end there is the need to define a map
of the long term market and/or estimate the societal impact. Adding
this to the SBRI commissioning process would expose the technological,
institutional or other complementarities that might be required to make it
successful, the veto points or players who could block it, or other obsta-
cles along the route.
By observing SBRI through a systemic lens, we see the potential of
system thinking to the selection of challenges. Much of the unfulfilled
potential that our research identified stems from the fact that competition
commissioners do not routinely undertake a rigorous systems analysis
before they decide on the problem to convert into an SBRI challenge. To
counteract this we advocate for the creation of a ‘missing first diamond’ –
a think like a system phase for competition commissioners.
Figure 9: The missing first diamond
From Design Thinking to System Change 23
This is important for three reasons: First, how a problem is defined
aects the range of possible solutions that might be considered. The
framing of the competition might imply the direction of the solution,
perhaps excluding better alternatives. When a problem is considered using
a range of methodologies and from multiple perspectives – including user
perspectives – this can open up new ways of understanding the problem
and new approaches to solutions.
Second, understanding the type of problem (for example, technical
or adaptive; simple, complicated or complex) may help to determine
whether it is the kind of problem that is suited to the kinds of solutions
SBRI competitions are good at developing. And, if it is, is a combination
of solutions needed, requiring more than one competition? Alternatively,
is the problem of the type that a bigger ‘mission’ is needed to address it,
involving multiple SBRI competitions in combination with other problem
solving innovation processes too? Would institutional, regulatory or other
changes also be needed to address this type of problem, or other problems
needed to be solved simultaneously?
Thinking like a system here will include problem analysis (for who?
By who/with how? How? As part of what?); understanding stakeholders
and power (including who makes decisions, controls resources – including
those that can be leveraged, holds blocking cards or might not want the
competition to succeed?); considering problems that overlap; and, cru-
cially, thinking hard about why this problem has not been solved already.
Planning for impact
While the entrepreneurial hacks will emerge through the process, the
SBRI commissioner could also set the vision for the long term impact of
the commission, thus setting direction for the acting like an entrepreneur
part of the process. Early scans for market opportunities that are ripe
for exploitation, as well as the hacks of the system that will be needed
to allow for wider adoption of the innovation, will give a sense of the
commercial support and market making that the commissioner may need
to undertake to go beyond competition demand to wider market uptake
and impact, as illustrated in Figure 10.
From Design Thinking to System Change24
Figure 10: A reimagined SBRI
Through our interviews with commissioners it was revealed that the
those providing solutions to SBRI challenges often have little commercial
experience or had not expended enough or even any thought on how to
progress their innovation to be market ready. Innovate UK and commis-
sioners should therefore provide commercial support to competition
participants in the phase 2 period and beyond. Given that the impact of
an SBRI innovation is often entirely dependent on market success this sup-
port shouldn’t be considered as an added extra; it should be a core aspect
of the SBRI programme.
One feature of this support should be to help SBRI competition win-
ners to continue reiterating their product as they look to scale. It may be
the case that barriers to scaling can be worked through by making adjust-
ments – perhaps only minor – to the innovation. Entrepreneurs recognise
that creating the successful product or service will require trying, failing,
making changes and then trying again, often multiple times. The necessity
of this process provides the reason to introduce a phase three to the SBRI
process – as has already been trialled in SBRI Healthcare competitions –
across the full suite of SBRI competitions.
From Design Thinking to System Change 25
Applying a systems lens to the question of how procurement programmes
like SBRI might be optimised for innovation, we can glimpse the greater
impacts that could be achieved. For innovations to scale in complex
environments, we need to have dierent expectations of the patterns of
diusion they will follow. A linear model predicated upon assumptions of
an ‘adoption curve’ remains prevalent but lacks an account of the barri-
ers to change that can render even the best innovations unused. A model
that acknowledges this system immune response exists is more likely to
encourage the types of actions and behaviours that can assist navigation
toward eective action.
Undertaking a thorough systems analysis can reveal the likely barriers
to change to a given innovation, providing the innovator with time and
opportunity to prepare accordingly. A key component of this is expending
eort to properly define the problem to be solved. This requires appreciat-
ing the type of problem, the problem situation and power dynamics at
play. Thinking systemically about how problems are defined is an advance
on traditional design thinking and will test the capacities of designers
and innovators, but inspiring empowering innovation will take more than
just the creative process. Thinking like a system will lead to designing for
Procurement processes guided by systems thinking recognise that the
development of complementarities – from other products, to training
needs, to new guidelines, even to new regulations – may be needed to
shape the most fertile environment for a good idea to have real impact.
Thinking systemically can assist in matching the correct kind of
response to the problem. However there will always be challenges for
innovations negotiating obstacles of dierent missions, power dynam-
ics, cultures, rules, budgets and boundaries. The answer is not to wish
these obstacles away. It is to find a way through. This requires patience,
fortitude, courage and a proactive eye for opportunities. It makes an
entrepreneurial mindset crucial: always focusing on what can be done
now and on identifying the points of leverage that can be manipulated to
create disproportionate change within a system.
Innovatorss must see shaping this wider environment as part of their
responsibility. This could be particularly crucial for programmes like
SBRI. Aside from designing to the specification of the first customer, this
wider ability to reshape the environment into which an idea will emerge
is a true advantage that a public innovation programme has over ideas
developed solely in the private sector. Understanding this market making
power – and thinking strategically about how to use it – lies at the heart
of how to optimise procurement tools like SBRI for innovation.
From Design Thinking to System Change26
Making change happen in a complex world
Operationalising a systems thinking driven approach to procurement will
pose many challenges that need to be tackled: new approaches to support
business and entrepreneurship in design; new ways to unlock the potential
of procurement; the need to understand how to play to regional strengths
and create new place-based institutions that can direct innovation toward
societal needs.
Above all, however, is a need to look beyond the stimulation of creative
ideas to the deeper changes that are needed in institutions, policies and
regulatory frameworks in order to support innovations achieve maximum
social and economic impact. As this report has endeavoured to show, the
broader environment into which an innovation is born matters as much as
the idea itself in determining whether sustainable innovation is achieved.
When thinking about the pursuit of impact, we should care as much
about how we achieve it as about the goals we pursue. Making change in
systems as complex as public health or education may seem insurmount-
able. By applying the think like a system, act like an entrepreneur mindset,
we do not attempt to take on grand societal challenges in their entirety,
instead we look to identify nimble opportunities for change within the
system, seed innovations, test prototypes and support successful eorts to
grow and influence other parts of the wider system. This is where, at its
best, SBRI has the potential to serve the dual goal of both making com-
mercial markets for innovations and delivering social impact at scale.
From Design Thinking to System Change 27
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From Design Thinking to System Change July 2017