University of Southern California
EE544: RF Wireless Systems and Hardware
Department: Electrical & Computer Engineering
Course Number: EE544
Course Title: RF Wireless Systems and Hardware
Credit Units: 3
Semester: Spring 2020
Course Description:
RF systems are central to the wireless revolution that is changing our world. EE544
is a first-year graduate course that is at the subsystem and component level and
covers a lot of territory. It deals with the design and analysis of practical CMOS-
RF circuit-level implementations of functional blocks of RF communications
systems. These include Low-Noise Amplifiers, Power Amplifiers, Mixers, Filters,
Low-Phase Noise Oscillators, Modulators (Analog and Digital) and Demodulators,
PLL-based & Digital Frequency Synthesizers and Digital Baseband Back-ends.
Modeling will be conducted using both passive and active circuits. The course is
heavy on the use of CMOS-based technologies in building these blocks. Essential
to this course as well is of course the characterization of Noise and Distortion
measures, their mitigation techniques and the overall performance analysis of the
transceiver. Different Transceivers architectures (Super-Heterodyne and Direct
Conversion) will be considered. Simulation of Discrete RF circuits will be assigned
using Simulation tools such as Cadence, SpectreRF and HSPICE. Matlab simulation
of the performance of several modulation techniques will also be assigned. A
weekly discussion session is also conducted with emphasis on RF systems testing,
measurements and simulations. Overview of 5G cellular system and 6G Wi-Fi will
also be presented. This course is an ambitious, very challenging, heavily
practical course” unlike other courses that you might have taken in Communications
and/or Signal Processing division here at USC or elsewhere. This course is a
PREREQUISTE to your career in the fascinating world of RF Communications and
Circuit Design.
Prerequisite by Topic:
Students taking this course are expected to have taken the following courses.
EE348: Electronics (Most important is the CMOS, Preferably EE479 or EE448)
EE301: Linear Systems and Signals (Fourier Series & Transform, Sampling, etc..
EE364: Probability and Statistics (Probability Distributions, Noise, PSD, etc…)
EE467/EE475: Communications Systems (Am/FM/Digital)
Familiarity with MATLAB/SPICE is expected
Textbooks & References
RF Microelectronics, 2
edition, B. Razavi, Pearson 2012
Microwave and RF Design, 2
edition, M. Steer, Scitech 2013
The Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits, 2nd edition, Thomas Lee
Pdfs of all of the above texts will be posted.
Course Objectives: Upon completion of EE544, students should be able to
1. Understand the underlying system concepts that utilize RF components.
2. Identify various components used in RF Transceivers, including Mixers,
Oscillators (fixed and tunable), Synthesizers, Amplifiers, Filters, Modulators,
Demodulators, Duplexers, etc..
3. Understand the concepts of power, gain, phase, stability, noise, bias networks
and impedance matching networks as applied to the design of RF amplifiers
4. Design, using CMOS LNA and power amplifiers, mixers, oscillators, etc… both
narrowband and broadband.
5. Understand the techniques and tools used in designing RF receivers including
heterodyne, low IF, Zero IF receivers and SDR
6. Understand and characterize noise sources in RF systems such as thermal noise,
phase noise and other channel impairments and how do they affect the
performance of RF systems.
7. Understand the nonlinear effects in RF components such as the 1-dB
compression; Inter-modulation products, third-order intercepts; etc..
8. Determine the dynamic range of cascaded systems from module specifications
9. Identify design issues and trade-offs involving linearity, noise, power
dissipation, and dynamic range in RF transceiver architectures.
10. Perform Link Budget analysis for Terrestrial and Satellite RF Systems
11. Conduct simulation of functional blocks using simulation tools such as cadence,
ADS, HSPICE, SpectreRF and Matlab.
Topics Covered/Course Outline (Tentative)
1. Introduction and Review
Introduction to RF concepts and applications
The RF electromagnetic spectrum. Wavelength and Frequency
Review of basic passive components
Review of analysis of simple passive circuits in phasor domain
RF electronics concepts. RF versus DC and low frequency signals
Multiple Access Techniques including FDMA. TDMA and CDMA
RF transceiver components. Modulation schemes.
Transceiver Architectures: Super Heterodyne, Homodyne, Low-IF, SDR, etc…
2. Transceiver Architectures
Super Heterodyne Architecture, Configuration, Frequency Planning, Technical
Challenges and Design Considerations
Direct Conversion Architecture, Configuration, Technical Challenges and Design
Low IF-Architecture, Configuration, Technical Challenges and Design
Band-Pass Sampling Architecture
Software-Defined Radios (SDR)
3. Modulation Techniques
Review of Analog Modulation Techniques including AM, FM, SSB, etc...
Digital Modulation Techniques including MPSK, MFSK, QAM & OFDM
Performance measures and design trade-offs.
Power efficiency vs. Bandwidth efficiency
Practical modulation techniques such as GMSK, /4 QPSK, OFDM, etc…
4. Receiver System: Analysis and Design
Receiver Sensitivity. Thermal noise voltage. Autocorrelation function. Power
spectral density. Noise bandwidth.
Noise sources: shot, flicker, burst, etc...
Noise models for electronic devices. Equivalent input noise generators.
Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Minimum Detectable Signal (MDS). Noise figure.
Noise Temperature. Available gain (G) and Noise Figure for cascaded stages.
Adjacent Channel Selectivity and Blocking Characteristics
Receiver Dynamic Range
Low and high frequency distortion analysis using series expansion.
Non-linearity effects on RF system performance. Second and third order IM
components. 1-dB Compression. Third-order Intercept.
5. Transmitter System: Analysis and Design
Transmission Power and Spectrum.
Modulation accuracy, EVM, ISI and Phase Noise
Carrier Leakage
AGC and Power management
Adjacent Channel Power Ratio (ACPR)
Impedance matching networks. Design of matching circuits using lumped
elements. Transmission Lines as impedance matching
6. Antennas and the RF Link
Overview of Antennas, Types
Effective Isotropic Radiated Power, Antenna Aperture Size
RF Link Budget, Multipath and path Losses, Rayleigh Fading
RF Interferences.
7. RF Amplifier design (Both Power and LNA)
Classes of power amplifiers
Review of linear and switching power amplifier design techniques
Gain match and power match, matching circuits for power amplifiers
Conventional high-efficiency amplifiers.
Tunable narrowband and broadband amplifiers.
Multistage amplifiers.
Front-end low noise amplifier design.
Nonlinear effects in RF power amplifiers.
Gain-Bandwidth enhancement techniques and linearization techniques.
8. Frequency Converters: Mixers
Design of active & passive mixers. Switching type mixers. Multiple diodes mixer.
Conversion to an IF range. Zero-IF conversion
Double converters
Conversion loss, nonlinear effects
Characterization of mixer gain, intercept point, noise figure, image rejection,
isolation. Measuring gain compression and inter-modulation distortion.
9. Oscillator Circuits
Relaxation Oscillator circuits. Tuned Oscillators
Hybrid Pi model for CMOS, loop gain analysis; negative resistance analysis
Design stable DC bias circuits for oscillators
Crystal Oscillators
Phase Noise in Oscillators
10. Phase Lock Loops
Voltage controlled Oscillator. Phase Comparator. Loop Filter
Loop linear and non-linear operation. Acquisition and hold-in ranges. Closed loop
response. Effect of noise on the operation of PLL in RF systems
Frequency Synthesizers. Single and multiple crystal synthesizers.
Indirect synthesizers using PLLs
Digital Direct Synthesizers (DDS)
11. Back-end (Time Permitting)
ADC and DAC Circuits (EE536b)