Guidance for Developing Integrated
Water Quality Surveillance and
Response Systems
Ofce of Water (MC 140) EPA 817-B-15-006 October 2015
The Water Security Division of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water has reviewed and
approved this document for publication. This document does not impose legally binding requirements on
any party. The information in this document is intended solely to recommend or suggest and does not
imply any requirements. Neither the U.S. Government nor any of its employees, contractors or their
employees make any warranty, expressed or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for
any third party’s use of any information, product or process discussed in this document, or represents that
its use by such party would not infringe on privately owned rights. Mention of trade names or
commercial products does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use.
Version History: The 2019 version is the second release of the document, originally published in
November 2015. This release includes updated component names (Enhanced Security Monitoring was
changed to Physical Security Monitoring and Consequence Management to Water Contamination
Response), setpoint was changed to threshold, an updated version of Figure 1.1 that reflects the
component name changes and includes the Advanced Metering Infrastructure component, an updated
version of Figure 4-5 that reflects additional methods of receiving customer complaints, an updated
Figure 6-1 that lists the types of discussion-based and operations-based exercises, an updated Glossary,
and updated links to external resources.
Questions concerning this document should be addressed to WQ_S[email protected]
or the following contact:
Steve Allgeier
U.S. EPA Water Security Division
26 West Martin Luther King Drive
Mail Code 140
Cincinnati, OH 45268
(513) 569-7131
The Water Security Division of the Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water would like to recognize
the following individuals and organizations for their assistance, contributions, and review during the
development of this document.
James Alair, New York City Department of Environmental Protection
Manouchehr Boozarpour, San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
Geoffrey Brock, City of Philadelphia
Adam Haas, General Dynamics Information Technology
Darcy Shala, General Dynamics Information Technology
Jeff Swertfeger, Greater Cincinnati Water Works
Table of Contents
IST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................................................... V
LIST OF TABLES .......................................................................................................................................................... VI
ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................................................................................... VII
SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION ......................................................................................................................................... 1
SECTION 2: PROJECT MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................................................... 3
2.1 Project Management Team ................................................................................................................................. 5
2.2 Component Teams .............................................................................................................................................. 6
2.3 Ongoing Project Coordination ............................................................................................................................ 8
SECTION 3: MASTER PLANNING .................................................................................................................................. 9
3.1 Establish Design Goals and Performance Objectives ....................................................................................... 10
3.2 Identify Project Constraints .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.3 Review Preliminary Component Designs ......................................................................................................... 13
3.4 Consolidate and Prioritize Information Management Requirements ................................................................ 13
3.5 Evaluate SRS Design Alternatives and Select One to Implement .................................................................... 13
3.6 Establish a Project Budget and Schedule ......................................................................................................... 14
SECTION 4: INFORMATION MANAGEMENT ............................................................................................................... 17
4.1 Approaches to Information Management ......................................................................................................... 17
4.1.1 Example of a Manual Information Management System .......................................................................... 17
4.1.2 Example of an Automated Information Management System ................................................................... 18
4.1.3 Example of an Automated and Integrated Information Management System ........................................... 20
4.2 Developing Information Management System Requirements .......................................................................... 22
4.2.1 Develop Preliminary Information Flow Diagrams ................................................................................... 23
4.2.2 Define Functional and Technical Information Management Requirements ............................................. 24
4.2.3 Consolidate and Prioritize Information Management System Requirements ........................................... 26
4.2.4 Finalize Requirements .............................................................................................................................. 28
4.3 Selecting an Information Management System ................................................................................................ 29
4.3.1 Assess Existing Source Data Systems with Respect to Requirements ....................................................... 29
4.3.2 Evaluate Implementation Approaches ...................................................................................................... 30
4.3.3 Select the Solution ..................................................................................................................................... 32
4.3.4 Implement the Solution ............................................................................................................................. 33
4.4 IT Master Planning ........................................................................................................................................... 33
4.4.1 Access Privileges and Security ................................................................................................................. 33
4.4.2 System Adaptability................................................................................................................................... 34
4.4.3 External Hosting of Data or Software ...................................................................................................... 34
4.4.4 System Documentation .............................................................................................................................. 35
SECTION 5: ALERT INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES ................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Assess Existing Resources ............................................................................................................................... 37
5.2 Develop Component Alert Investigation Procedures ....................................................................................... 37
5.3 Review Component Alert Investigation Procedures for Consistency ............................................................... 41
SECTION 6: TRAINING AND EXERCISE PROGRAM..................................................................................................... 43
6.1 Overview of an SRS Training and Exercise Program ...................................................................................... 43
6.2 Discussion-based Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 43
6.2.1 Seminars ................................................................................................................................................... 44
6.2.2 Workshops................................................................................................................................................. 44
6.2.3 Tabletop Exercises .................................................................................................................................... 45
6.3 Operations-based Exercises .............................................................................................................................. 46
6.3.1 Drills ......................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.3.2 Functional and Full-scale Exercises ......................................................................................................... 47
6.4 Implementing an SRS Training and Exercise Program .................................................................................... 48
RESOURCES ................................................................................................................................................................. 50
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................................................... 52
LOSSARY ................................................................................................................................................................... 53
APPENDIX A: MASTER PLAN TEMPLATE .................................................................................................................. 61
APPENDIX B: IT OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL TEMPLATE ................................................................ 64
List of Figures
FIGURE 1-1. SURVEILLANCE AND RESPONSE SYSTEM COMPONENTS ............................................................................ 2
FIGURE 3-1. OVERVIEW OF THE MASTER PLANNING PROCESS .................................................................................... 10
FIGURE 3-2. OVERVIEW OF THE PROCESS FOR COMPARING SRS DESIGN ALTERNATIVES ........................................... 14
FIGURE 4-3. EXAMPLE SRS DASHBOARD .................................................................................................................... 21
FIGURE 4-5. EXAMPLE INFORMATION FLOW DIAGRAM FOR CCS ................................................................................ 24
FIGURE 4-6. REQUIREMENTS DEVELOPMENT TOOL NAVIGATION PATHWAYS ............................................................ 25
FIGURE 4-8. REQUIREMENTS DEVELOPMENT TOOL IT DESIGN TEAM WORKING VIEW ............................................ 27
FIGURE 4-9. EXAMPLE OF A CCS PHYSICAL ARCHITECTURE DIAGRAM ...................................................................... 28
FIGURE 5-1. PROCESS FOR DEVELOPING SRS ALERT INVESTIGATION PROCEDURES ................................................... 36
FIGURE 5-2. EXAMPLE OF A SIMPLIFIED ALERT INVESTIGATION PROCESS DIAGRAM.................................................. 38
FIGURE 5-3. EXAMPLE ALERT INVESTIGATION RECORD.............................................................................................. 40
FIGURE 6-1. PROGRESSION OF AN SRS TRAINING AND EXERCISE PROGRAM .............................................................. 48
List of Tables
ABLE 1-1. STAGES OF SRS IMPLEMENTATION ............................................................................................................. 2
TABLE 3-1. EXAMPLES OF SRS DESIGN GOALS ........................................................................................................... 11
TABLE 3-2. EXAMPLES OF SRS PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES ....................................................................................... 12
TABLE 6-1. EXAMPLE SRS SEMINARS ......................................................................................................................... 44
TABLE 6-2. EXAMPLE SRS WORKSHOPS ..................................................................................................................... 45
TABLE 6-3. EXAMPLE SRS TABLETOPS ....................................................................................................................... 46
TABLE 6-4. EXAMPLE SRS DRILLS .............................................................................................................................. 47
AMI Advanced Metering Infrastructure
AWWA American Water Works Association
CCS Customer Complaint Surveillance
DSCRP Distribution System Contamination Response Procedure
EPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
GIS Geographic Information System
HSEEP Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program
ICS Incident Command System
IT Information Technology
LIMS Laboratory Information Management System
NIMS National Incident Management System
OWQM Online Water Quality Monitoring
PHS Public Health Surveillance
PSM Physical Security Monitoring
S&A Sampling and Analysis
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
SRS Water Quality Surveillance and Response System
WCR Water Contamination Response
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 1: Introduction
A Water Quality Surveillance and Response System (SRS) is a framework designed to support
monitoring and management of distribution system water quality. The system consists of one or more
components that enhance a drinking water utility’s capability to quickly detect and respond to water
quality incidents. Early warning and effective response to an emerging water quality incident can prevent
escalation to a more serious problem. Additionally, an SRS provides information that improves a utility’s
understanding of distribution system water quality, including the manner in which system operations
affect water quality.
ure 1-1 shows the components of an SRS grouped into two operational phases, surveillance and
response. The surveillance components are designed to provide timely detection of water quality
incidents in drinking water distribution systems and include: Online Water Quality Monitoring (OWQM),
Physical Security Monitoring (PSM), Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), Customer Complaint
Surveillance (CCS), and Public Health Surveillance (PHS). The response components include Water
Contamination Response (WCR) and Sampling and Analysis (S&A), which support timely response
activities that minimize the consequences of a contamination incident. Additional information about the
surveillance and response components can be found in the
Water Quality Surveillance and Response
System Primer.
Figure 1-1. Surveillance and Response System Components
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Implementation of an SRS follows a logical and systematic sequence of stages as depicted in
Table 1-1.
This same process was used by the project management teams that coordinated design and
implementation of the Water Security Initiative pilots, which resulted in implementation of fully
integrated, multi-component SRSs. Information about these pilots can be found in
Summary of
Implementation Approaches and Lessons Learned from the Water Security Initiative Contamination
Warning System Pilots.
Table 1-1. Stages of SRS Implementation
Implementation Stage Description
Establishing a project management team and a vision statement, defining
design goals and performance objectives, and identifying project constraints
Assessment Conducting an inventory of resources that could be leveraged for the SRS
Design Developing a workplan and specifications for each component
Installation Implementing the design and installing equipment
Preliminary operation Training utility and partner personnel on SRS operations and procedures, and
collecting data to evaluate system performance
Real-time operation Operating the SRS to achieve the design goals, responding to alerts in real
time, evaluating performance, and implementing enhancements
is document is intended for utilities and stakeholders that are planning to implement a multi-
component SRS. It provides guidance on overarching activities necessary to design an integrated SRS
including: project management, master planning, information management, alert investigation procedures,
and training and exercises. Figure 1-2 shows how these activities relate to the stages of SRS
implementation, noting that some activities occur only during certain stages of implementation.
Figure 1-2. Overarching Design Activities and the Stages of SRS Implementation
Project management
Master planning
Information management
Alert investigation procedures
Training and exercises
Stages of SRS Implementation
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
The remaining sections included in this document present guidance on each of the activities listed in
Figure 1-2, as described below:
Section 2: Project Management. This section describes the roles and responsibilities of the
project management team and component teams in designing and implementing a multi-
component SRS.
Section 3: Master Planning. This section discusses the master planning process for an SRS
including development of design goals, performance objectives, and project constraints. It also
provides guidance on the review and consolidation of preliminary component designs and
information management requirements, evaluation of alternative SRS designs, and development
of a budget and schedule.
Section 4: Information Management. This section describes the role of effective information
management in an SRS. It includes various approaches to information management and presents
three example SRS information management systems. The section also describes a process for
defining information management system requirements and provides guidance on using those
requirements to select and implement a solution.
Section 5: Alert Investigation Procedures. This section describes the structure and content of
procedures that guide the investigation of alerts generated by the surveillance components. It also
describes the process for ensuring that alert investigation procedures are consistent across the
components and with other utility operating procedures.
Section 6: Training and Exercise Program. This section describes a systematic process for
developing a comprehensive SRS training and exercise program that includes both discussion-
based exercises (such as seminars, workshops, and tabletop exercises) and operations-based
exercises (such as drills, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises).
Section 7: Resources. This section presents a comprehensive list of documents, tools, and other
resources cited in this document, including a summary and a link to each resource.
Section 8: Glossary. This section presents definitions of terms used in this document, which are
indicated by bold italic font at first use in the body of the document.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 2: Project Management
Design and implementation of an SRS is a cross-divisional effort that requires strong and effective project
management. Project management for an SRS differs from other common utility projects with respect to
the scope of involvement from divisions across a utility. Typical utility projects, such as distribution
system expansion projects or process monitoring equipment
installation, may only require coordination among a few
divisions; however, design and implementation of a multi-
component SRS will involve most utility divisions, including
operations, engineering, water quality, security, information
technology (IT), and customer service. Furthermore, partners
outside of the utility such as public health partners, emergency
response agencies, and state primacy agencies may play a role in
the project as well. To coordinate the efforts of these
participants, a project team should be established prior to
beginning work on the design of an SRS or any of its
components. The project team may include a project
management team and component teams.
The project management team is responsible for overseeing all project activities, tracking the overall
budget, and ensuring system integration. Component teams are composed of utility personnel and
external partners with relevant technical expertise who design and implement specific SRS components
(see Section 2.2 for a matrix of utility and partner positions and the components they may support).
When forming component teams, utilities should consider assigning a component lead with technical
expertise in the component focus area to guide the development of workplans, design specifications, and
information management requirements. While project management and component teams will each have
dedicated responsibilities, close coordination will be required for certain aspects of system design and
implementation such as budget and personnel management, coordination with external partners, and
design of information management and source data systems, as illustrated in Figure 2-1.
Utilities should establish an SRS
project management structure in
line with the scale and complexity
of their planned SRS.
A 1-2 component SRS can be
supported by a single project
management team
A 3 component SRS will
likely require a project
management team and
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 2-1. Areas of Coordination between Project Management and Component Teams
Management Team
Master Plan
Capital Budget
Overall Schedule
Component Workplans
Component Budget
Component Schedule
Use of Outside
Contracting and
with External
Source Data
Availability and
2.1 Project Management Team
For a utility planning to implement a multi-component SRS, the primary purpose of establishing a project
management team is to provide oversight of the overall SRS design and implementation process. It is
critical from the outset of the project that this
team is granted the authority to reach
consensus on issues related to the overall
project budget and schedule and govern the
project accordingly. The utility should select
an experienced project manager with adequate
availability to serve as the Water Quality
Surveillance and Response System Manager
(SRS Manager) and lead the project
management team.
The project management team will need
sufficient administrative support to
successfully design and implement a multi-
component SRS given the scale and
complexity of the project. It may be useful to
leverage administrative support from within
the utility to support meetings, document
control, contracts, and procurements for the SRS.
Project manager with experience in developing
project schedules, budgets, and project controls,
and identifying support personnel
Acts as a project “champion” who believes in the
vision and goals of the SRS
Demonstrates strong leadership and communication
skills to facilitate collaboration across utility divisions
Has the ability to gain buy-in from senior utility
management and the board of directors
Commands the respect and support of the project
management team and the component teams
Inspires utility personnel and partners to move the
project forward
Anticipates potential challenges that may arise
during design and implementation and identifies
creative solutions
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Specific activities and responsibilities of the project management team generally include the following:
Develop a master plan for the SRS that describes the ultimate vision for the system (see Section 3
for more information about master planning)
Establish design goals, performance objectives, and constraints for the SRS
Communicate the goals and objectives of the SRS to utility management, utility personnel,
external partners, and support contractors
Establish guiding principles and templates for the development of preliminary component
designs, component workplans, and alert investigation procedures
Conduct an inventory of existing resources including equipment, source data systems, and
funding that could be utilized for the SRS
Assess personnel resources needed to support the SRS implementation, operation, and
Work with IT personnel to identify information management solutions that facilitate integration
of information across multiple components (see Section 4 for more information about selecting an
information management solution)
Evaluate alternative SRS designs and select one to implement
Review component alert investigation procedures to ensure consistency across components
Incorporate SRS response plans and procedures into the utility’s overall response framework
Plan and provide oversight to SRS training and exercises
Develop a plan for the transition to real-time operation of the SRS
In order for the project to succeed, it is critical that senior utility management takes ownership of the
project and promotes interdivisional collaboration throughout the project lifecycle described in Figure 1-2
and Table 1-1. Moreover, support and buy-in from the utility’s board of directors is essential for the
project to be viewed as a priority and to ensure adequate funding is allocated.
2.2 Component Teams
The primary purpose of establishing component teams is to provide oversight for design and
implementation of each SRS component. A component team consists of utility personnel and external
partners such as public health agencies, emergency response personnel, or support contractors.
Approaches for staffing the component team will vary by utility, but should work within existing
organizational structures and routine job functions to the extent possible. Ideally, the component teams
will include personnel with project management skills and expertise relevant to the area they are
supporting. Table 2-1 presents example utility positions and partners that may play a role on each of the
SRS component teams.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Table 2-1. Utility Positions and External Partners that may form Component Teams
Example Utility Positions and Partners
Water quality manager
System operators
Water quality technicians
Utility security manager
Law enforcement agency representatives (external partner)
System operators
Call center manager
311 call center manager (external partner)
Distribution work supervisor
Water quality supervisor
Customer service representative
Health department director (external partner)
Health department disease investigators (external partner)
Health department emergency response coordinator (external partner)
Poison control center toxicologist (external partner)
Water quality manager
Utility emergency response manager
Utility Incident Command System (ICS) personnel
Drinking water primacy agency representatives (external partner)
Local or state emergency management agency representatives
(external partner)
Law enforcement agency representatives (external partner)
Health department director (external partner)
Laboratory manager
Chemists, microbiologists, and technicians
Field sampling personnel
Fire department HazMat unit (external partner)
Partner laboratory representatives (external partner)
Specific activities and responsibilities of the component teams generally include the following:
Review EPA guidance on the component
Assess existing capabilities and resources that could be leveraged to design and implement the
Develop a preliminary component design that is consistent with the overall design goals and
performance objectives established for the SRS
Identify constraints that might influence the design of the component
Define information management requirements for the component
Develop a workplan, budget, and schedule to be submitted to the project management team for
Finalize component design, including development of detailed plans and equipment
specifications, and identify roles and responsibilities required to support both implementation and
operation of the component
Develop a procedure for investigating component alerts
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Design and implement the component
Collaborate with outside experts that have an instrumental role in designing, implementing, and
testing the component
Maintain relationships with external partners, when applicable
Support and participate in routine training and exercise activities
Component teams have the important task of ensuring that the envisioned capabilities of their component,
as represented in the component designs, are fully realized when the component is implemented and
refined during preliminary operation. Components are more likely to be accepted by the frontline users if
they are designed to support routine utility operations as well as SRS design goals.
2.3 Ongoing Project Coordination
Coordination between the project management team and component teams should be maintained
throughout all stages of SRS implementation shown in Figure 1-2. This ensures that there is a consistent
vision and understanding of goals and objectives among all personnel supporting the SRS. Specific
strategies that the project management team can follow for effective coordination with component teams
Hold meetings with all component teams during the planning process to establish a clear and
consistent vision for the project
Provide routine progress updates for stakeholders
Prioritize activities when necessary due to resource or personnel limitations
uring the preparation, assessment, and design stages of implementation, there is an ongoing need to
ensure complete and accurate documentation of decisions related to the design of the SRS, by both the
project management team and component teams. This includes the high-level vision of the project,
design goals, performance objectives, constraints, information management requirements, and component
equipment specifications. Many of these requirements will be captured in the component designs.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 3: Master Planning
Implementation of an SRS can be a complex, multi-year process. Utilities can approach this process
successfully through the use of master planning, a type of project planning that involves establishing
goals, developing a plan to achieve those goals, and identifying resources, including personnel and
funding, to execute the plan. When applied in the context of an SRS, master planning will allow the
project management team to ensure that the ultimate vision of the SRS is realized even when the project is
implemented in phases over several years. It also provides a framework to ensure that various project
activities are coordinated and implemented in an efficient sequence.
Master planning for an SRS considers the entire project timeline, beginning with preparatory activities
and concluding with operation and maintenance of the fully implemented SRS. Common activities
performed by the project management team during this process are shown on the left side of Figure 3-1
(dark blue shading). Steps on the right side of the diagram (light blue shading) are activities conducted by
the component teams that feed into the master planning process. The process begins with development of
design goals, performance objectives, and project constraints, which are provided to the component teams
to inform the development of preliminary component designs. Both the preliminary component designs
and prioritized information management requirements are used to develop alternative designs for the SRS.
These alternatives are evaluated using a systematic process in order to select the best SRS design for
Master planning for an SRS can be guided by a vision statement that establishes the overarching purpose
of the system and demonstrates its importance to a utility’s mission. A focused vision statement can also
convey the purpose and value of the project to senior management, whose support will be needed to
launch the project, and to utility personnel who will be called upon to support implementation of the
project. Example vision statements for an SRS include:
Build a smart water system which harnesses available data to improve routine utility operations
and enhances preparedness for emergency response.
Improve use, analysis, and application of existing utility data to increase knowledge of water
quality in the distribution system.
Build an integrated monitoring system that spans all utility divisions and which enables
continuous improvement of water quality and customer service.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 3-1. Overview of the Master Planning Process
Establish design goals and
performance objectives
Identify project constraints
Review preliminary
component designs
Consolidate and prioritize information
management requirements
Evaluate alternative SRS designs
and select one to implement
Establish a project
budget and schedule
Develop preliminary
component designs
Define component information
management requirements
Sections 3.1 through 3.6 align with the steps of master planning shown on the left side of Figure 3-1,
which represent project management team activities. Additionally, Appendix A provides a general
template for developing an SRS master plan. Aspects of master planning specific to information
management are covered in Section 4.4.
3.1 Establish Design Goals and Performance Objectives
The first step of SRS master planning involves establishing design goals and performance objectives.
Design goals define the specific benefits that a utility would like to realize through implementation and
operation of an SRS. Several example design goals are described in Table 3-1. While all of these design
goals can be achieved through implementation of a multi-component SRS, it is important for a utility to
precisely define specific design goals that reflect their broader objectives for distribution system
surveillance, operation, and response. Furthermore, not all design goals are equally important, and they
should be prioritized according to a specific utility’s needs. Design goals that are clearly described and
prioritized can also serve as a basis for evaluating alternative SRS designs, as discussed below.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Table 3-1. Examples of SRS Design Goals
Design Goal
Increase level of customer
confidence and service
Provide timely and effective response to customer complaints related to
water quality concerns
Improve water quality in the
distribution system
Provide timely information about water quality changes in the distribution
system to allow for effective treatment or operational changes
Improve ability to detect
common, yet undesirable, water
quality conditions
Provide real-time surveillance of water quality and related datastreams,
which can be used to detect unusual water quality conditions and verify
the underlying cause of common water quality problems, such as low
chlorine residual, nitrification, and taste and odor issues
Detect and respond to
contamination incidents
Provide timely detection of possible contamination incidents and a
framework to guide response activities to minimize public health and
economic consequences
Demonstrate the safety of the
drinking water supply
Demonstrate to the community and regulators that the utility is
collaborating with public health partners to investigate drinking water as a
possible cause of public health incidents, and show that the majority of
public health incidents are not waterborne
Enhance physical security Improve security at water distribution facilities and deter acts of tampering,
theft, and vandalism
Prevent infrastructure damage Identify water quality conditions that could potentially damage
infrastructure and implement corrective action
Strengthen interagency
Work collaboratively with laboratories, public health partners, and
emergency response partners in areas of common interest and to improve
public health protection
Improve incident command
Develop a robust utility incident command structure for response to any
emergency or hazard
The project management team should also establish performance objectives for the SRS to gauge how
well the surveillance and response components, either individually or as a whole, achieve the established
design goals. Once the components are implemented and become operational, the utility will be able to
refine and optimize the components based on routine evaluation of SRS performance against these
performance objectives. While specific performance objectives will need to be established by a utility,
Table 3-2 includes general performance objectives with example metrics that can be customized as
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Table 3-2. Examples of SRS Performance Objectives
Performance Objective Description Example Metric
Incident coverage The type of incidents that can be detected by an
SRS, including those resulting from natural,
accidental, or intentional contamination
Number of water quality
incidents detected
Spatial coverage The area monitored by an SRS % of utility distribution system
Timeliness of detection
and response
The amount of time between the start of a water
quality incident and detection by an SRS component,
and the amount of time between detection and
implementation of response activities to minimize the
consequences of the incident
Time to implement response
activities, such as public
notification, following
identification of credible
contamination (hours)
Operational reliability The likelihood the SRS is available and producing
data of sufficient quality and quantity to reliably
detect water quality incidents
% of time the SRS is available
Alert occurrence The relative frequency of valid and invalid alerts Number of invalid alerts per
Sustainability The degree to which the benefits derived from the
SRS justify the cost to implement and maintain the
List of specific benefits
realized through operation of
the SRS
3.2 Identify Project Constraints
The next step of master planning involves identifying and documenting project constraints, such as:
Project capital budget: the total budget available for significant expenditures associated with
SRS implementation. Examples of such expenditures include security monitoring and
communication equipment, online water quality sensors, construction and installation costs, field
and laboratory testing instrumentation, and software
and hardware for information management.
Annual operating and maintenance budget: the amount of funding available on an annual basis
to operate and maintain the SRS. When evaluating the available budget against the cost to
maintain the system, consideration should be given to all potential cost areas, including
equipment maintenance, alert investigations, training and exercises, annual license fees for
software, product support from vendors, and fees for communications services.
Availability of essential personnel: the time that personnel are available to operate and maintain
the SRS. When evaluating staff availability against project requirements, consideration should be
given to whether existing personnel will be trained to support selected SRS component operations
and maintenance, or if new personnel will be hired to support the SRS.
Policy restrictions: any utility-wide policies that limit or bound the design of the SRS, such as IT
restrictions, city or county building regulations, and contractual requirements. Examples of such
restrictions include policies that limit remote access to utility IT systems, or building codes that
would prohibit the installation of SRS-related monitoring equipment at certain locations in a city
(e.g., prohibition against the installation of equipment in a public right-of-way).
The project management team should review the considerations listed above to identify project
constraints. During the evaluation of alternatives, SRS designs that do not meet project constraints can be
eliminated from consideration, allowing the project management team to focus their efforts on viable
The design goals, performance objectives, and project constraints, described above in Sections 3.1 and
3.2, should be provided to the component teams when they begin to prepare preliminary component
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
designs and define information management requirements. The overall project goals, objectives, and
constraints serve two important functions: (1) define the scope and scale of the project, and (2) ensure that
designs proposed by component teams are feasible and worth further consideration. Once the project
management team has instructed the component teams to develop their preliminary component designs,
there may be a delay of several months before the preliminary component designs are available for review
by the project management team.
3.3 Review Preliminary Component Designs
In this step of master planning, the project management team reviews the preliminary component designs
submitted by each component team, which include the elements shown in the callout box below. Some
component teams may provide several unique design options for review which vary by cost, complexity,
and capability.
Several guidelines for eliminating options from consideration
include preliminary component designs that:
Do not adequately support the established design goals
and performance objectives
Do not adhere to the established constraints
Rely on entities without a demonstrated capability to
support the SRS
Are not feasible to integrate into existing utility
At the end of this step, the project management team should
identify one or two preferred design options for each
component, which can be used to develop alternative designs
for the complete SRS. This information will be used in the
evaluation of alternative SRS designs discussed in Section 3.5.
3.4 Consolidate and Prioritize Information Management Requirements
The project management team should work with the IT design team to consolidate and prioritize
information management requirements provided by the component teams. Reviewing and finalizing the
requirements will allow the IT design team to gain an understanding of the functionality and features that
end-users desire in the SRS information management system. This topic is discussed in further detail in
Section 4.2.
The prioritized list of information management requirements should be used to conduct a preliminary
assessment of potential information management solutions. Once a few viable solutions are identified,
order of magnitude cost estimates should be developed for each. This information will be used in the
evaluation of alternative SRS designs discussed in Section 3.5.
3.5 Evaluate SRS Design Alternatives and Select One to Implement
In this step, the project management team develops SRS design alternatives based on the preliminary
component designs selected for further consideration (see Section 3.3) and preliminary information
management solutions (see Section 3.4). In some cases, a single SRS design may emerge as the obvious
best choice. However, it is more likely that competing designs will emerge. SRS design alternatives may
be developed from various permutations of the following:
Preliminary information flow
Preliminary alert investigation
Personnel (availability and skill set)
Equipment options
Data analysis methods
o Capital
o Annual operations and
o Sequence of activities
o Duration of activities
Key dependencies
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Combining different components. For example, a utility may start with a design that includes
CCS, WCR, and S&A, and develop alternatives by adding PHS, OWQM, and PSM in various
Combining different component designs. For example, OWQM designs using different
numbers of monitoring stations or different sensor suites may be evaluated.
Incorporating different information management solutions. For example, use of a relatively
simple information management system may conserve resources that can be used to implement
additional surveillance capabilities.
If competing SRS designs do emerge, they will need to be evaluated using a systematic and objective
process to help ensure that the best design is selected. The
Framework for Comparing Alternatives
for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems, as illustrated in Figure 3-2, allows for
consideration of both lifecycle costs as well as qualitative evaluation criteria that relate to the capabilities
provided in each alternative.
Figure 3-2. Overview of the Process for Comparing SRS Design Alternatives
Develop Lif ecycle Cost
Estimates f or
Each Alternative
Score Alternatives
With Respect to
Evaluation Criteria
Pref erred Alternative
Perf ormance Objectives
Design Goals
Identif y
Once the preferred SRS design is selected, the project management team should instruct the component
teams to develop final component designs, budgets, and schedules. This information will allow the
project management team to establish the overall project budget and schedule.
3.6 Establish a Project Budget and Schedule
The final step of master planning involves establishing the project budget and schedule for the SRS. The
project management team should integrate the component budgets and schedules provided with the
component designs into the overall budget and schedule. Adjustment to the consolidated component
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
budgets and schedules will likely be necessary due to interdependencies among component
implementation activities and final allocation of the available budget and other resources.
In addition to implementation costs, the project management team needs to account for the funding
required for ongoing operation and maintenance of the SRS. Annual operations and maintenance costs
provided with the preliminary component designs will be a large percentage of the annual expenses for
the SRS. Additionally, there may be ongoing costs for the SRS that are not attributable to any single
component, such as information management (see Section 4.3.3 for cost considerations related to
selecting an information management solution), that should be considered when estimating an annual
operations and maintenance budget for the SRS.
Given the amount of work associated with designing and implementing a complex system that involves
multiple utility departments and external partners, most SRS projects will be phased and involve a project
timeline of several years from initial preparations to the time
when the system is fully operational. Based on this fact, it is
important for the project management team to establish a logical
sequence for significant implementation activities, particularly
those that impact multiple components. Phased implementation
may also eliminate or minimize certain project constraints, such
as budget and personnel limitations. For example, installation of
OWQM stations in phases over several years might allow a
utility to build up to their desired number of monitoring
locations while working within constraints on the annual capital budget available for this type of
equipment. Consideration of these budget and scheduling constraints, along with the flexibility offered
by phased implementation, will help the project management team to develop an overarching
implementation plan that is achievable and efficient.
Adequate time should be built into the schedule to allow the components to pilot new equipment before
making a decision about the final type, configuration, and installation location of equipment. Similarly,
time should be allotted for preliminary operation of the system once all equipment and IT systems are
operational. As noted earlier, the budget and schedule portion of the master plan may require updates to
reflect changes in project status and expenditures as the system is implemented.
Budget constraints are often one of the more significant hurdles to implementation of any project. The
callout box below provides information about potential funding opportunities for SRS implementation.
Utilities will need to access the links provided below to learn more about the specific repayment terms of
the loans described.
Ensure that the schedule and
availability of contractors, vendors,
and external partners is
accommodated when planning for
aspects of the project that require
coordination with outside entities.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Pay-as-you-go: Funding an SRS project through pay-as-you-go involves incorporating the cost of
implementation into the annual budget. This can occur through allocation of existing cash reserves or developing
new sources of revenue measures such as capital improvement fees, increased property taxes, or tapping a
portion of water sales revenue. This funding mechanism works best for a phased SRS implementation, where
pieces of the system are gradually deployed as the capital becomes available.
Bonds/Loans: Funding an SRS project through bonds or loans incurs debt at the beginning of the project, which
is typically paid back over a 10 or 20-year period. The debt may also be serviced through implementation of new
sources of revenue such as capital improvement fees, increased property taxes, or a portion of water sales
revenue. Financing the project using bonds or loans would allow for accelerated design and implementation of
the project, with significant expenditures at the beginning of the project.
Grants/Federal Loans: Funding an SRS project through grants or federal loans involves applying to a
government agency for funds at or below market interest rate loan. The project description should match the
requirements of the agency providing the grant to improve the likelihood of an award. Discuss with the individual
responsible for the grant review what the most important criteria are and other information that they will be
considering during the review. The following organizations are potential sources of grant funding for an SRS
Federal Emergency Management Agency Urban Agency Security Initiative: These funds are usually
available to large metropolitan areas. Applications need to have a strong security focus, which is an
excellent fit for the SRS project. (
Bureau of Reclamation: There are significant grant funding opportunities for systems that reduce the
energy consumption, address climate risks, and support sustainability of water systems. SRS programs
that have implemented protocols and technologies to aid in leak detection would score well for water
and energy efficiency grants. (
Department of Agriculture: Districts that provide water to agricultural customers, along with urban
customers, can apply for grants related to improving water quality and water availability for agricultural
customers. The agricultural portion of water served by the utility should be a meaningful amount (at
least 30 percent of deliveries). (
Drinking Water State Revolving Fund: These federal loans must address a serious risk to public
health, bring the systems into compliance with the Safe Drinking Water Act, consolidate water supplies,
or replace aging infrastructure. Systems that have had primary standard violations that will be reduced
or eliminated through the use of an SRS would score well for this type of grant.
Public-private partnership: Funding an SRS project through public-private partnerships involves working with a
private entity that would benefit from financing some aspect of the SRS project. One simple example would be if
a large water usage customer (e.g., a brewery) provided the site location and all or partial funding to place an
OWQM station in their facility, with the utility maintaining the equipment and managing the data. The value of this
partnership to the brewery would be access to water quality data that can be used to optimize their production
process, while not holding responsibility for the cost of operating and maintaining the OWQM station. The benefit
to the utility would be reduced upfront cost for the OWQM station as well as the ability to place the station in the
distribution system at a non-utility facility. Another potential opportunity is a partnership with hospitals that would
use the water quality data in a program to combat Legionella outbreaks.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 4: Information Management
A principle of SRS design is that concurrent monitoring of multiple datastreams increases the range of
incidents that can be detected as well as the area of the distribution system monitored. However, unless
data from the surveillance components (CCS, PSM, AMI, OWQM and PHS) can be effectively accessed
and used in a timely manner, the benefits of a multi-component SRS cannot be fully realized. Thus,
information management is a fundamental aspect of a successful SRS and encompasses methods and
processes for capturing and storing data for both short- and long-term needs, and providing access to data
in a usable format.
An SRS information management system refers to the combination of source data systems, tools, and
processes that collectively support the SRS. It provides utility personnel with data needed to monitor
real-time system conditions and to efficiently identify, investigate, and respond to water quality incidents
or other undesirable changes in water quality, such as low residual disinfectant, rusty water, or taste and
odor issues. While access to data from all relevant systems is essential, an SRS information management
system does not have to involve complex visualization tools or complete integration of data into one
system. Even simple solutions can yield significant improvements in a utility’s ability to manage and
analyze data.
Section 4.1 describes approaches to information management and presents three example SRS
information management systems. Section 4.2 describes a process for defining information management
system requirements that utilities can employ to facilitate selection of a solution that will meet user needs.
Section 4.3 provides guidance on using these requirements to select and implement a solution. Section
4.4 describes IT master planning for SRS information management systems.
4.1 Approaches to Information Management
An SRS information management system can range from a fairly simple system with no automation to a
sophisticated system with layers representing data from a variety of sources in an integrated, geospatial
display. To illustrate the range of potential solutions, three general approaches to SRS information
management are presented: (1) manual data access and analysis, (2) automation of information
management functions, and (3) integration of information from multiple source data systems and
automation of information management functions. Additionally, hybrid solutions may deploy a mix of
manual and automated analysis approaches with different degrees of information integration.
4.1.1 Example of a Manual Information Management System
Manual systems generally do not integrate data from multiple SRS components or ancillary source data
systems into a single system. Rather, discrete source data systems must be accessed separately. In a
manual system, data visualization and analysis capabilities are not included in a user interface but must
be manually executed by a user, possibly using external tools such as Microsoft Excel. Data will
typically need to be extracted from the source system and then manually loaded into a separate tool for
further manipulation and display. Standardized procedures can be developed to guide execution of
manual processes to perform routine data review and analysis.
Figure 4-1 provides an example of a simple, manual information management system that could support
daily reviews of water quality customer complaints. In this example, the user exports customer complaint
records from a call management system into an Excel workbook with button-activated macros that
provide efficient data visualization through either a summary data table or time-series chart. The
representation of water quality customer complaints allows the user to easily identify a spike in the
number of customer complaints. In the figure, the background image shows a tabular listing of water
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
quality complaints exported from the utility’s call management system. The images in the forefront show
the summary table and time-series chart that would be created when the user clicks the macro buttons.
Figure 4-1. Manual System for Tracking Water Quality Customer Complaints
4.1.2 Example of an Automated Information Management System
An automated information management system automates certain functions within existing or new source
data systems that support the SRS, reducing the time and effort required to use the system. Automation
can occur along a range of functions and systems. Simple examples of automation include code which
automatically extracts data from a source data system at regular intervals, while a further enhancement
could automate data analysis and alert notification functions. The combination of automated data
extraction and analysis provides the capability for near-real time data analysis.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Three information management functions that lend themselves to automation within an SRS information
management system include data analysis and visualization, anomaly detection and alert notification, and
geospatial display of alerts and related data.
Automated systems can significantly decrease the time required to access and analyze data. Other
potential benefits, compared to a manual system, include:
More timely anomaly detection due to continuous monitoring
A more intuitive system that is easier to use and thus requires less training
Fewer data transcription and data analysis errors
More consistent data evaluation due to automated workflows
Reduced effort required to gather information
Figure 4-2 shows screenshots from a system in which
several information management functions have been
automated for the CCS component. The background
image is an example of an alert notification indicating a
high volume of water quality customer complaints. The
image in the forefront is an example plot that shows the
location of the customer calls superimposed on the
distribution system network map, which can be used to
investigate potential spatial clustering of the calls. In
contrast to the example depicted in Figure 4-1, the user is
immediately notified of alerts, which are automatically
generated through real-time data analysis. Also,
investigation of alerts requires far less time and effort by
the user as there is point-and-click functionality for
viewing the data in meaningful formats.
One of the Water Security Initiative pilot
utilities implemented a complex,
automated alerting function that
Different alerts depending on the
Escalation if acknowledgement is
not received within a pre-defined
Notification through multiple
channels, such as text, voice, and
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 4-2. Automated CCS Data Analysis, Alert Notification, and Data Display
4.1.3 Example of an Automated and Integrated Information Management System
A fully automated and integrated information management system aggregates data from multiple utility
source data systems that support the SRS into a centralized system with a single user interface, typically
referred to as a dashboard, and displays the real-time status of multiple SRS components. Many of the
crucial aspects of information management are
automated, including data analysis and
visualization, anomaly detection and alert
notification, and geospatial display of alerts. An
effective dashboard design can provide users with
an overview of system status as well as detailed
information about specific datastreams monitored
through the SRS.
Dashboard Design Guidance
for Water Quality Surveillance and Response
Systems provides additional information about the
potential functionality, requirements, and design
of a dashboard.
Four of the Water Security Initiative pilot utilities
developed SRS dashboards. Functionality that
was implemented and found to be useful included:
Comprehensive view of system status with the
ability to drill down into detailed information
Spatial representation of alerts from all
surveillance components
Overlay of supplemental information, such as
work orders, on a GIS map
Event tracking, including the initial alert
investigation and follow-up activities
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Compared with example systems described in the two previous sections, development of a dashboard can
be a significant undertaking involving substantial upfront capital costs and a considerable amount of
collaboration among the component teams to ensure the single solution addresses the requirements of
each component. However, this integrated display can allow for more effective and efficient distribution
system monitoring and data analysis.
Figure 4-3 shows an example SRS dashboard in which recent CCS alert data, OWQM alert data, and
grab sampling data is displayed geospatially. The telephone receiver icons indicate the location of water
quality complaint calls associated with a CCS alert and the red circle with a water droplet shows the
location of an OWQM station at which an alert has occurred. The triangular symbols indicate grab
sampling locations: red indicates low chlorine values whereas green indicates chlorine values in an
acceptable range.
Figure 4-3. Example SRS Dashboard
A dashboard enables utility personnel to better visualize and understand relationships among the
datastreams. Data that is collected from discrete source data systems (such as in a water quality database
or work management system) can often be viewed simultaneously on a geographic display to rapidly
identify possible correlations, which is important as signals in the data indicative of water quality
anomalies are expected to demonstrate spatial and temporal relationships. In the example SRS dashboard
shown in Figure 4-3, the noticeable geographic clustering of the OWQM alert, CCS calls, and grab
sampling locations with low chlorine values could immediately escalate the urgency of the alert
Another benefit of a dashboard is the efficiency that can be achieved by reducing the amount of time and
effort required to gather relevant information during an alert investigation. In the previous examples, the
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
user may have to log into separate systems or call other departments to acquire information that would be
available through the dashboard.
4.2 Developing Information Management System Requirements
This section describes a process for defining information management system requirements, which is
recommended during development of any information management system, regardless of the level of
complexity. This process ensures that the solution selected by the utility will have the necessary
functionality and features for the intended system use and will be accepted by users. It is highly
recommended that utilities in the process of implementing an
SRS form an IT design team composed of the individuals
responsible for selecting, designing, and implementing the
information management system that will support the SRS.
The IT design team should facilitate the process of defining
requirements, manage IT personnel responsible for building or
procuring the SRS information management system, and
interface with different utility departments or partner
organizations that monitor external datastreams relevant to the
To begin designing the SRS information management system, the IT design team should engage all
stakeholders, including utility personnel and external partners who will use the system, as well as IT
personnel who will be responsible for implementing the system. External partners that play a role in the
implementation of the information management system, such as a city IT department, local public health
department, technology vendors, and communication service providers, should be engaged early. This
builds relationships and buy-in necessary for a successful project and ensures that constraints and
resource limitations are identified in the early stages of the project. This early engagement will also
facilitate the process of defining and understanding one another’s roles and responsibilities for designing,
implementing, and maintaining the SRS information management system as the project moves forward.
Oversight of SRS information management system implementation by a dedicated IT design team
facilitates development of a comprehensive set of information management system requirements,
development of a solution that meets those requirements, and sustained maintenance of the system. Two
types of information management system requirements, which are described below, are defined during
this process.
Functional requirements: define key features and attributes of the system that are visible to the
end user. Examples of functional requirements include the manner in which data can be
accessed, types of tables and plots that can be produced through the user interface, the method by
which component alerts are transmitted to investigators, and the ability to generate custom
reports. Functional requirements will likely evolve throughout the requirements development
process as the IT design team, IT personnel, and component teams collaborate to refine the needs
of end users.
Technical requirements: system attributes and design features that are often not readily apparent
to the end user, but are essential to meeting functional requirements or other design constraints.
Technical requirements include attributes such as system availability, information security and
privacy, back-up and recovery, data storage needs, and communication protocols. These
requirements are generally developed by IT personnel.
There is often a relationship between a functional requirement and a technical requirement. For example,
a functional requirement of the system might be the ability to display 13 months of historical water
quality data. This functional requirement could lead to the development of a technical requirement that
It is important to engage IT
specialists at the beginning of the
requirements development process
and to maintain their involvement
throughout design and
implementation of the SRS
information management system
given that requirements will evolve
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
specifies the precise amount of data storage provided through the system to accommodate 13 months of
data for all water quality monitoring locations.
Figure 4-4 depicts a process utilities can employ to define the requirements for their SRS information
management system. This process is supported by the
Information Management Requirements
Development Tool (hereafter referred to as the Requirements Development Tool). While the process
depicted in Figure 4-4 does not require use of this tool, this document describes how the tool can be used
to implement this process and develop a final set of functional and technical requirements for an SRS
information management system.
Figure 4-4. Process for Developing Information Management System Requirements
Finalize requirements
Consolidate and prioritize
information management system
Define functional and technical
information management system
Develop preliminary
information flow diagrams
4.2.1 Develop Preliminary Information Flow Diagrams
Prior to defining requirements, the component teams should develop preliminary information flow
diagrams which can help personnel to conceptualize and visualize the flow of information for their
component. Specifically, a preliminary information flow diagram should include all relevant source data
systems and show how information flows from these source systems to users. For example, users may
access systems using utility workstations, mobile devices when working in the field, or from a home
computer. All equipment and systems currently used to collect, transmit, process, store, and present data
to the user should be depicted in the preliminary information flow diagram. This includes
communications systems, which are addressed in
Guidance for Designing Communications Systems for
Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems.
he project management team should provide a standard or template for information flow diagrams,
along with a list of existing source data systems relevant to the SRS. Figure 4-5 provides an illustrative
example of a simplified information flow diagram for CCS. The diagram includes symbols commonly
used to depict hardware and personnel who capture, log, or receive data. In this example, customer call
data is entered by a customer service representative into the call management system. Water quality
complaint data from the call management system is filtered and pushed to a workstation that hosts an
anomaly detection system. This data is analyzed in real-time to search for anomalies, which if detected,
generate an alert. Alerts are sent via text message, email, and push notifications on computer
workstations. Additional call data underlying the alert can be accessed by credentialed individuals, such
as the Water Quality Manager, through the CCS interface on a laptop or workstation.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 4-5. Example Information Flow Diagram for CCS
4.2.2 Define Functional and Technical Information Management Requirements
The IT design team should coordinate and guide the requirements development process. Background on
the process should be provided to stakeholders who will be expected to participate in that process,
including utility personnel and external partners. The information provided to this group may include an
overview of the Requirements Development Tool if that tool will be used during the process. The IT
design team should explain the scope of information management for the SRS and describe any
constraints or resource limitations that should be considered as component teams and IT personnel
prepare to define functional and technical requirements
. The requirements development process should
not begin until all component teams have developed at least a preliminary component design, including an
information flow diagram (Section 4.2.1) and alert investigation procedure (Section 5).
Following these preliminary discussions, component teams and designated IT personnel should proceed
to define information management requirements based on preliminary component designs. This is an
important step given that the final requirements will capture the manner in which end users envision
managing, accessing, and analyzing data. An important point to consider when developing the initial set
of information management requirements is that requirements should not be prematurely eliminated even
if they do not conform to established constraints. If a requirement that violates constraints is deemed of
critical importance to the success of the SRS, the project management team may work to remove or
reduce those constraints to satisfy the desired functionality. For example, if the requirement for remote
access to the SRS information management system is determined to be critical to meeting the design goals
and performance objectives of the SRS, but is constrained by IT policies, then the IT design team may
evaluate remote access solutions that are consistent with the utility’s overarching cybersecurity goals.
As noted above, the Requirements Development Tool can be used to define information management
requirements for an SRS. Figure 4-6 demonstrates the navigation pathways within the tool which
includes modules for the component teams to establish functional requirements, IT personnel to establish
technical requirements, and the IT design team to consolidate and prioritize the functional and technical
requirements. The tool guides the component teams and IT personnel through modules which help the
user conceptualize how they intend to use the system and prompts the teams to rate a series of common
requirements relevant to SRS information management.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 4-6. Requirements Development Tool Navigation Pathways
Figure 4-7 provides an example of a user establishing functional requirements for OWQM using the
Requirements Development Tool. In this example, the user has completed data entry in the “Expected
Uses of the System” and “Data to be Managed” modules, and is currently defining requirements in the
“Requirements Rating” module. In this view, the “Requirements Rating” tab is selected with the Data
Access” sub-tab also selected, as noted by the red ovals in the figure. Requirement 32, “The ability to
create custom tables,” is shown in the center of the screenshot in this example. A description of the
requirement appears below the requirement name and the radio buttons shown to the right of the
description are used to rate this requirement. In this example, the requirement has been rated as “Highly
Desired” by the user.
Establish Functional
- Expected Uses of the System
- Data to be Managed
- Requirements Rating
Establish Technical
- System Architecture and
- Requirements Rating
Prioritize and
Finalize Requirements
Consolidate Functional and
Technical Requirements
Information Management
Requirements Development
Tool Home Page
Component Teams
IT Personnel
IT Design Team
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 4-7. Requirements Development ToolOWQM Component Rating Interface
Similar interfaces are used to identify and rate functional requirements for each of the SRS components as
well as technical requirements for the system. Once this step has been completed, the IT design team can
use the Requirements Development Tool to consolidate and prioritize these requirements, establishing a
final, comprehensive list of system requirements. This aspect of the process is described further in the
following section.
4.2.3 Consolidate and Prioritize Information Management System Requirements
In this step, the IT design team consolidates and prioritizes functional and technical information
management requirements. The Requirements Development Tool facilitates this process by allowing the
IT design team to merge requirement ratings across the components into a single, master table. Figure 4-
8 shows this consolidated list of requirements in an interactive tabular view that can be further
manipulated by the IT design team. This step allows the IT design team to:
Identify common and unique requirements across components
Identify requirements that may conflict with utility policies and standards
Identify and define additional requirements, which, while not identified by any of the component
teams, are essential to system functionality
Discuss the feasibility of meeting certain requirements
Eliminate requirements that cannot be included in the final design due to project constraints
Assign a final rating to each of the remaining requirements by adjusting the overall rating value
After the IT design team has consolidated and assessed the requirements defined by the component teams,
they will be prioritized and refined based on discussions between IT personnel and the project
management team. This will include an evaluation of the benefit-cost trade-off associated with
implementation of specific requirements. Some requirements may need to be excluded if the component
teams have identified capabilities that do not comply with utility policies, such as remote access to utility
systems through mobile devices. Other requirements may need to be clarified by adding detail to
precisely describe the requirement. In Figure 4-8, the area highlighted with a red border indicates the
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
fields in the interactive tabular view where the IT design team is able to adjust the final rating value for
the functional and technical requirements.
Figure 4-8. Requirements Development ToolIT Design Team Working View
During the process of consolidating and prioritizing requirements, one or more physical architecture
diagrams may be developed by the IT design team based on the consolidated component requirements
and information flow diagrams. The initial versions of these architecture diagrams may be skeletonized
versions of the final design that depict the physical elements of the system (e.g., source data systems,
servers, databases, and interfaces). Furthermore, these architecture diagrams can support comparison of
alternative designs of the information management system, with respect to criteria such as performance,
cost, and complexity.
Figure 4-9 presents an example physical architecture diagram for the CCS component of an SRS. In this
example, the customer information is available in the call center database servers. These servers exist in
their own security domain, separated by a firewall, and according to this example utility’s IT policies,
cannot be accessed by any system outside of this security domain. Thus, to provide this data to the SRS
information management system, it is pushed from the call center security domain to a secure FTP server
every 15 minutes where the data poller can request it. The data can then be loaded to the operational data
store on a regular interval to synchronize with the new data from the call center application servers.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Figure 4-9. Example of a CCS Physical Architecture Diagram
4.2.4 Finalize Requirements
In this step, the IT design team should document the final set of requirements. The Requirements
Development Tool has a feature that allows users to produce an output file that contains the final list of
functional and technical requirements as selected and rated by the IT design team. This list can then be
used to guide the design or procurement of the SRS information management system. Clear and thorough
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
documentation of requirements is essential to realizing the desired functionality in the delivered system,
and will minimize the amount of re-work and overall cost of the project.
It is important to document the written approval of the final requirements by all stakeholders involved in
the design and implementation of the SRS information management system. Specifically, approval from
external agencies that have responsibility for implementing a portion of the system or which impose
policy restrictions on the system should be obtained and documented prior to implementing the solution.
Once the utility has documented the final requirements, an overall physical architecture diagram can be
developed for the SRS information management system, which will represent the hardware and processes
necessary to manage information from all SRS components that will be integrated into the system. As
there may be common functions required for some of the SRS components, such as the firewalls and FTP
servers shown in Figure 4-9, there may be an integration of these functions in the overall physical
architecture for the SRS information management system.
4.3 Selecting an Information Management System
Figure 4-10 depicts a four-step process for selection and implementation of an information management
solution, and each step is discussed further in Sections 4.3.1 through 4.3.4. The initial step includes an
assessment of existing source data systems and resources with respect to the final information
management requirements. This assessment prepares the utility to determine whether a custom-built
solution or an off-the-shelf solution would better meet the final system requirements, as discussed in
Section 4.3.2. Factors that the utility should consider when evaluating potential solutions are covered in
Section 4.3.3, along with recommendations related to the process of selecting a solution provider (if an
off-the-shelf solution is preferred). Section 4.3.4 provides considerations during implementation of the
Figure 4-10. Process for Selecting and Implementing an Information Management System
Implement the solution
Select the solution
Evaluate implementation approaches
- Custom-built solution
- Off-the-shelf solution
Assess existing data
management systems with
respect to requirements
4.3.1 Assess Existing Source Data Systems with Respect to Requirements
The first step in the selection process should include an assessment of existing source data systems with
respect to the utility’s final set of requirements (see Section 4.2.4). The assessment can be conducted by
the utility’s IT design team in consultation with IT personnel and should take into account whether each
requirement could be achieved using existing systems either “as is” or with some modifications. Utilities
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
that have elected to use the Requirements Development Tool to define requirements can refer to the
component data entered in the “Data to be Managed” module as component teams were prompted to
indicate existing systems that could be leveraged. Examples of existing source data systems that might be
used for SRS information management include:
Call management system. Manages customer calls received by the utility and may include
functionality to classify and direct calls.
Work management system. Contains information related to work activities in the distribution
system, including work orders and work requests.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA). Collects, displays and stores operational
data from treatment plants, pumping facilities, and other monitoring points throughout the
treatment plant and distribution system.
Geographic Information System (GIS). Collects, manages, analyzes, and displays
geographically referenced information.
Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). Contains detailed analytical results
and related information for water samples analyzed in-house or by external laboratories.
Water quality database. Repository for routinely monitored water quality data that may not be
captured in a LIMS or SCADA including results associated with field investigations, such as
those resulting from customer water quality complaints.
External systems (such as PHS systems). Collects and analyzes information relevant to the
SRS, such as health-related data monitoring systems that identify anomalies indicative of unusual
incidence of disease.
Business enterprise systems. Large-scale software application that support business processes,
information flows, reporting, and data analysis. This may include customer billing systems, asset
management systems, and email systems.
Utilities should also conduct an inventory of IT infrastructure, including the internal network (wiring,
switches and Wi-Fi), external data connections (T1, TLS 4G LTE), and secure access (VPN or Citrix
This initial assessment should also evaluate the level of effort required to update existing systems (if
needed) to meet SRS information management requirements, which will depend largely on the
functionality available in the existing system. These requirements should be compared to the utility’s in-
house capabilities, including experience level and availability of IT personnel, which would be needed to
modify existing systems to meet the final set of requirements.
4.3.2 Evaluate Implementation Approaches
This section discusses two general implementation approaches for meeting the SRS information
management system requirements: developing a custom-built solution or implementing an off-the-shelf
solution. A custom-built solution could either be developed by utility IT personnel or a hired contractor,
whereas an off-the-shelf solution would be purchased from a commercial software vendor. The IT design
team can evaluate which of these approaches would best achieve the final system requirements. In some
cases, a hybrid approach using customization of existing systems and procurement of new hardware or
software may be appropriate.
Develop a Custom-built Solution
One option for meeting SRS information management system requirements is to develop a custom-built
solution by leveraging features or functionality of existing systems. Custom-built solutions can be simple
or complex, depending on the utility’s final set of requirements and available resources. One example of
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
a relatively simple custom-built solution is to use existing
functionality in a SCADA system to establish a threshold alert
for OWQM. Utilization of functionality in existing source
data systems can be a low-cost solution to enhancing SRS
A slightly more advanced custom-built solution could involve
implementation of data transfer protocols to send data between
existing systems. For example, establishing a schedule for the
automated transfer of records from a work order system to a
GIS system. A utility with experienced IT personnel may be able to implement a customized solution or,
in the absence of in-house IT expertise, employ contractor support to build and maintain the system.
If there is high priority functionality in the final set of requirements that could not be met by existing
systems, the utility may opt to develop a new custom-built solution, which would likely be a more
complex and potentially significant undertaking in comparison to the example solutions described above.
For example, an SRS dashboard could be built on top of existing source data systems to provide data
access and analysis capabilities for those systems through a common interface.
A custom-built solution can offer significant benefits, including the convenience of onsite IT personnel,
with extensive knowledge of the solution. The utility can build features to meet unique requirements that
may not be available in commercial products. Moreover, a custom-built solution allows the utility to
maintain control of the system design and to modify the system when requirements evolve.
One drawback to this approach is the lack of external support from a vendor for troubleshooting and
system maintenance. Thus, if the developer of the custom-built solution is unavailable (such as through
personnel turnover), routine maintenance and updates may not be addressed and it may require significant
effort for someone new to learn and maintain the system. To avoid the potential for an unsupported
system, the utility should maintain comprehensive documentation of system design and maintenance
procedures and ensure that multiple utility IT personnel (or contractor support personnel) are trained on
these procedures. Additionally, if the solution is built by a contractor, thorough documentation and
training can mitigate the dependency on continued support from the contractor, lowering the overall cost
to maintain the system.
Custom-built solutions should only be considered if skilled personnel are available to do the work and if
utility management is willing to support ongoing maintenance. Without management buy-in,
maintenance of a custom-built solution can be neglected, resulting in deteriorating performance and
decreased attention to the SRS by the users. In the absence of this commitment, an off-the-shelf solution
with vendor support is likely the more sustainable option.
Implement an Off-the-shelf Solution
Another option for implementing an SRS information management system is to procure an off-the-shelf
solution. There are a wide range of commercially available products that provide data management,
access, and visualization functionality for time-series data. For example, Qlik Sense, Microsoft Power
BI, iDashboards, and WISKI are products currently used within the Water Sector to manage and visualize
utility data.
Off-the-shelf solutions are often the more practical option for utilities without the technical personnel to
build their own solutions. Costs for the product, ancillary hardware and software, and vendor support
vary but may be reasonable when compared to the level of effort that would be required to build and
While a number of sophisticated
anomaly detection systems are
available, thresholds can provide
anomaly detection and are simple
and inexpensive to implement.
Thresholds are intuitive and readily
interpreted by trained personnel
(Umberg and Allgeier, 2016).
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
maintain a custom solution. However, even with an off-the shelf solution, some customization by the
solution provider may be necessary to configure the product within the utility’s existing infrastructure.
A major benefit of off-the-shelf solutions is that these products are generally thoroughly tested, reliable,
and regularly updated. New versions are periodically released to address issues such as security
vulnerabilities identified by the solution provider. In addition, experienced support is generally available
and thus the utility does not need to retain a group of experienced IT personnel within its organization.
However, there are drawbacks to this approach, such as the fact that an off-the-shelf solution may not
meet all of the desired functionality. Furthermore, the utility may need support from the solution provider
for simple updates or modifications to the system. The cost and response time of vendor support for
trouble-shooting issues with a product are often dictated by the terms of a service agreement, and
preclude flexibility in the level of support provided. It is also important to operate the solution within
vendor stipulated parameters to avoid violating the product warranty. Moreover, the sustainability of an
off-the-shelf solution will rely extensively on the stability and longevity of the solution provider. Some
of these drawbacks can be mitigated through vendor provided training on advanced functionality of the
solution, which can provide the user with the knowledge necessary to maintain the product and alter the
configuration as necessary.
If it is determined that an off-the-shelf solution is the best approach, the preferred product can be selected
through a competitive process wherein the final requirements can be used to define specifications in the
request for proposals. Prior to developing a request for proposals, utilities should consider performing
market research to identify potential solutions by conducting web searches or leveraging market research
performed by IT advisory companies such as Gartner,
International Data Corporation, or Forrester. This step
will allow the utility to determine if any specifications
beyond the final requirements should be included in the
request for proposals. To evaluate multiple proposals
submitted during a competitive process, the utility should
also consider scheduling a product demonstration session
with each solution provider under consideration, during
which solution providers are requested to demonstrate a
common suite of functions and features using a utility-
provided dataset. This approach facilitates comparison
of all solutions under consideration against the same set
of requirements. The utility should involve relevant
parties in evaluation and selection of the solution,
including the IT design team, project management team,
component teams, and frontline personnel.
4.3.3 Select the Solution
A solution for the SRS information management system can be selected based on the final requirements,
available resources, and the decision to implement a custom-built or off-the-shelf solution. Consideration
of these factors will allow the IT design team, in consultation with the project management team, to
identify one or more potential solutions. A list of items which should be documented and discussed by
the team for each potential solution includes:
Cost and level of effort required to implement and maintain the solution
Specialized skills or knowledge required to implement and maintain the solution
Prospect for reliable technical support over the life of the solution
How well the solution meets final
information management system
Longevity and reputation of solution
provider (request references)
Maturity of solution and extent of product’s
use in the Water Sector
Availability of training on use of solution
(consider whether in-person training is
necessary or if self-guided training aids
will suffice)
Cost structure for the product support
including implementation, maintenance,
and troubleshooting (e.g., fixed price
versus cost per incident)
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Ability of frontline users to understand and utilize the solution
Ability to incorporate new functionality in later phases of development
Additional hardware and software required to implement the solution
Compatibility of solution with existing systems
For a rigorous evaluation of potential solutions, the utility may consider employing the process described
in the Framework for Comparing Alternatives for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
determine which alternative best meets the information management requirements and provides the most
value for the investment. The process described in this document considers both lifecycle costs and
qualitative evaluation factors for ranking the alternatives.
4.3.4 Implement the Solution
Before implementation begins, complete documentation of the final requirements and physical
architecture should be provided to the developer who will be responsible for designing and implementing
the SRS information management system. This could be utility IT personnel, utility contractors, or a
vendor. The utility should anticipate that the implementation process will be iterative as requirements are
further refined and as the functionality of the system is tested. Often, the developer provides the
preliminary system design to users through screen mockups or development versions of the solution to
verify that the requirements are properly translated into system design, and to further refine the desired
functionality of the system. It is important that the IT design team notify the developer of IT protocols,
policies, or standards that must be followed when implementing the solution.
4.4 IT Master Planning
Given that implementation of an information management system for a multi-component SRS can be a
complex, multi-year process, the IT design team can approach this process successfully through the use of
IT master planning to define requirements and implement the solution. IT master planning for an SRS
information management system should parallel the activities conducted during SRS master planning
(Section 3) to ensure that design decisions related to the overall SRS and the selection of an information
management system are closely coordinated between the project management team and the IT design
team. IT master planning will also allow the utility to avoid development of duplicate systems through
consideration of SRS requirements in relation to utility-wide or city-wide IT projects when projecting
funding and resource needs. Some SRS information management
system capabilities may be incorporated during regular lifecycle
upgrades of existing systems, and therefore may involve minimal or
no additional capital costs.
During system design, the IT design team should consider factors
that may have both short-term and long-term implications, such as:
(1) access privileges and security, (2) external hosting of data or
software, (3) system adaptability, and (4) system documentation.
These topics are discussed below.
4.4.1 Access Privileges and Security
Access to information generated by the surveillance components is a key requirement of an SRS
information management system. However, the need for reliable access to information must be balanced
with cybersecurity requirements. When integrating previously disparate source data systems within the
utility, such as through implementation of a dashboard, new cybersecurity vulnerabilities can be
inadvertently introduced. Early in the design phase, and on a continuing basis, the utility should identify
The IT design team should
determine whether any current
source data systems which will
be leveraged for the SRS
information management
system will be phased out or
upgraded prior to
implementing the solution.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
and address cybersecurity vulnerabilities associated with the system architecture, incoming and outgoing
traffic, and access privileges.
Information related to cybersecurity best practices for water systems can be found in the publication titled
Process Control System Security Guidance for the Water Sector
, and the associated Cybersecurity Tool
applies information entered by the user to develop a set of utility-specific cybersecurity recommendations
based on user input. For each recommended control, the tool provides a reference to existing standards,
which offer more detailed information about how to implement the control.
In general, utilities should seek to minimize the number of system users and access points. While it is
important that frontline personnel have access to the SRS information management system in order to
investigate component alerts, these access points could expose sensitive utility data, such as utility
infrastructure details or customer information, to unauthorized personnel.
The utility will also need to determine whether remote access to SRS information management systems is
necessary. Given that an important goal of an SRS is to achieve timely receipt of data to expedite
investigation of water quality anomalies, utilities should consider strategies for investigators to access
information remotely if they receive component alert notifications when away from their workstations.
The amount of information that is available via remote access should be necessary and sufficient to
initiate the investigation. Options for implementing remote access include pushing data from utility
systems onto a web application, or through remote log-in to a data historian with security controls that
prevent access to the primary information management system.
4.4.2 System Adaptability
Given the likelihood that utilities will design and implement components of an SRS in phases as funding
becomes available, the SRS information management system should be able to accommodate incremental
design changes, such as the addition of new datastreams over time, or updates to external systems that
interface with the SRS information management system. Additionally, SRS information management
system implementation plans should reflect the priority placed on each requirement. Functions that are
most important to the operation of the system should be implemented prior to those that have a lower
Furthermore, a robust system that provides users with the
ability to easily adjust key parameters without modifying the
underlying code is recommended. For example, it is likely
that the alert settings in an anomaly detection system (e.g.,
thresholds and data analysis windows) will need to be
modified to keep the system operating at peak performance.
A system that allows these settings to be changed without
manipulating the underlying code will be much easier to
4.4.3 External Hosting of Data or Software
Utilities may consider external hosting of data or software when building their SRS information
management system. Software as a service solutions, such as cloud computing and virtual services, allow
a user to access software applications and data management services over the internet using a local
computer. This option generally requires the user to pay a fixed, recurring subscription fee to a vendor
for the hosted solution. This fee will typically cover product updates, upgrades, and technical support.
Some utilities may elect to rely on hosted systems or servers if they do not have the equipment or
expertise to store and manage the potentially large quantity of data generated through an SRS.
When changes are made to the SRS
information management system, they
should be tracked in a change
management system designed to
document the changes to the system,
collateral changes to other systems,
and system documentation. This
ensures that changes are performed
as required, and their impact on other
parts of the system is understood.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Utilities that are considering hosted solutions should request information from the vendor regarding their
security practices. As noted in Section 4.4.1, security risks increase significantly when the system is
connected to the internet. While this vulnerability is inherent when using a hosted solution, some
vendors put considerable resources into ensuring data security across its customer base – often dedicating
more resources towards maintaining and monitoring information security than a utility could do
internally. Utilities should also request the vendor’s data portability policy, so that if the utility decides to
end the service, historical data and performance can be transferred to a new solution. This is commonly
handled through the use of open standards such as XML or JSON.
4.4.4 System Documentation
During implementation of an SRS information management system, it is important to develop and update
documentation regarding system design, maintenance requirements, and upgrade cycles for all relevant
SRS systems including hardware, software, user interfaces, servers, electronics, web services, and
communications systems. This documentation ensures that personnel involved in maintaining and
updating the system have a resource to consult when resolving system issues, performing routine
maintenance, making system updates, and training new users.
A template for an SRS hardware and software operation and maintenance manual, located in Appendix B,
can be used to document features of the SRS information management system such as maintenance
activities and schedules, operation of system components, troubleshooting suggestions, and details about
software licenses. The utility should also consider preparing documentation for frontline personnel who
utilize the SRS user interfaces, such as a user guide or a list of frequently asked questions.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 5: Alert Investigation Procedures
During routine operation of the SRS, data from the surveillance components is routinely analyzed, and if
an anomaly is detected an alert is generated and investigated according to a thorough and systematic
process. Alert investigation procedures are developed by the component teams early in the design
process, and generally include elements shown in the callout box below.
Alert investigation process. A detailed, step-by-step process for investigating an alert, which begins with
generation of an alert and ends with a determination of whether contamination is possible. The process may
be depicted graphically through an alert investigation process diagram.
Roles and responsibilities. A list of all personnel that have a role during alert investigations along with a
description of their responsibilities.
Alert categories. A list of pre-identified alert causes that can be used to classify alerts at the conclusion of an
Alert investigation tools. Materials developed to assist investigators in fulfilling their responsibilities during
alert investigations. Examples include investigation checklists, alert investigation records, and quick reference
s section describes the recommended process for developing alert investigation procedures, which is
graphically depicted in Figure 5-1. The component teams are responsible for developing their
component alert investigation procedure. Subsequently, the project management team conducts an
overarching review of these procedures to ensure that they are consistent with each other and with
existing processes.
Figure 5-1. Process for Developing SRS Alert Investigation Procedures
Review all Component Alert Investigation
Procedures for Consistency
- Compare investigation processes for consistent
approach and timelines
- Ensure roles align with existing job functions and
are consistent across components
- Ensure consistent categorization of alert types
- Review investigation tools and identify those that
might be leveraged by multiple components
Develop Component Alert
Investigation Procedures
- Alert investigation process
- Roles and responsibilities
- Alert categories
- Investigation tools
Assess Existing Resources
- Leverage existing procedures
- Identify available personnel
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
5.1 Assess Existing Resources
The project management team should direct the component teams to conduct an assessment of available
resources, including procedures and personnel, to initiate development of their alert investigation
Leveraging Existing Procedures
Existing procedures should be reviewed in the context of the
design goals and performance objectives established for the
utility’s SRS. This includes a review of procedures internal to
the utility as well as those of local partners who have a role in
SRS operations. For example, utilities might have established
procedures with local law enforcement agencies to support
investigation of security alerts at unstaffed facilities, which could
be leveraged for PSM. These existing procedures might be
tailored to the SRS by incorporating hazard awareness practices
into the site approach. Building on existing procedures will help to integrate the SRS into routine utility
operations, which will improve the likelihood that SRS practices will be continued into the future.
Other existing procedures which could be leveraged for the SRS may include public health response
plans and utility procedures for responding to and investigating unusual water quality data or analytical
results for distribution system samples. During this review of existing procedures, enhancements or
modifications necessary for SRS operation should be documented to support development of the alert
investigation procedures.
Identify Available Personnel
Identify required skills and personnel who would have a role in routine monitoring and alert investigation
for each of the surveillance components. Alert investigations often require a mix of skills and knowledge,
involving personnel from various utility divisions, including: water quality, operations, engineering, and
customer service. In some cases, personnel from partner organizations, such as public health agencies,
will need to be engaged in the process. Once the necessary skills and personnel have been identified,
assess their availability and the degree to which they can incorporate SRS responsibilities into their
existing job duties.
5.2 Develop Component Alert Investigation Procedures
The component teams will have primary responsibility for developing the alert investigation procedure
for their respective component, including an alert investigation process, a table depicting roles and
responsibilities for personnel with a role in alert investigations, and alert investigation tools. The project
management team should provide guidelines to the component teams, such as templates, tables, and
example checklists. Detailed steps of the investigation and characteristics of what is considered a valid
alert will be determined by the component teams.
Alert Investigation Process
Because each component uses different underlying data and generates different alerts, the detailed
investigation process for each component will be unique. However, all component investigation process
descriptions should follow a consistent approach to the investigation and should generally conclude with
notification of the SRS Manager if contamination is considered possible.
Consider lessons learned from
discovery of and response to real-
world contamination incidents (such
as spills, chemical overfeeds, cross
connections, etc.) as a starting
point to inform development of SRS
alert investigation procedures.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
The alert investigation process will likely include many detailed steps
depicting the source data systems that would be reviewed, the various
utility personnel that an investigator may need to contact during an
investigation, and the information that should be documented in a
checklist or other investigation tool. The project management team
should encourage the component teams to consider the source data
systems described in Section 4.3.1 as potentially relevant data sources
when developing their alert investigation process. Once the
component teams have developed the detailed steps of the process,
they should develop a diagram which represents the steps of the alert
investigation process.
Figure 5-2 provides an example of a generic alert investigation process diagram that could serve as a
guide for developing component alert investigation process diagrams. In this example, the process begins
with the generation of an alert and notification of the individual responsible for initiating and coordinating
the alert investigation. Next, relevant data sources are reviewed to assess potential causes of the alert and
to determine whether contamination can be ruled out. If the alert is considered valid, and a benign cause
for the alert cannot be identified, contamination is considered possible and the SRS Manager is notified.
The timeline bar on the left of the diagram depicts the potential range in time for the overall alert
investigation process which will vary depending on the steps taken during the investigation. Experience
gained from the Cincinnati pilot showed that median time to investigate an invalid alert ranged from 5 to
15 minutes, depending on the component (Allgeier, S.C., et al., 2011).
Figure 5-2. Example of a Simplified Alert Investigation Process Diagram
Information flow diagrams
(Section 4.2.1) should be
developed in parallel with alert
investigation procedures. This
will ensure that the procedures
accurately reflect the data
sources that would be reviewed
and the personnel who would
be involved in the investigation.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Roles and Responsibilities
Each component team should identify personnel that will support component alert investigations and
develop a table summarizing their specific roles and responsibilities. This may include both utility
personnel and partners external to the utility. Table 2-1 provides a list of common utility job roles and the
SRS components they may support, which can be used as a starting point for developing a specific listing
of personnel with alert investigation responsibilities for each surveillance component.
Alert Categories
When developing the alert investigation process, component teams should also develop an alert
categorization schema which identifies common alert causes that can be used to classify alerts as they are
investigated. The following is a list of the most common alert causes observed by the Water Security
Initiative pilot utilities (EPA, 2014). This list could be used as a starting point, but will almost certainly
need to be refined as a utility gains experience in performing their own alert investigations.
Water quality incident. Alerts can occur due to an undesirable change in water quality,
including low residual disinfectant, rusty water, or taste and odor issues. Contamination incidents
due to natural, accidental, or intentional causes are a subset of water quality incidents.
Equipment problems. In some cases, equipment malfunction can generate invalid alerts.
Examples include water quality sensors that are out of calibration and physical security
monitoring equipment with inaccurate sensitivity settings. Equipment malfunction may be
identified remotely if the instrument is reporting impossible measurements, such as negative
concentrations, but in many cases an equipment problem will require an onsite inspection.
Another source of invalid alerts is malfunctioning communications systems or anomaly detection
systems. Alerts due to equipment malfunction can be reduced with improved maintenance of the
associated equipment.
Procedural errors. Alerts can be generated by utility personnel deviating from established
procedures, such as miscoding data, failing to disable an anomaly detection system when
servicing a water quality sensor, or propping open alarmed doors at secure utility locations during
work activities. Alerts resulting from procedural errors can be reduced through training on the
proper procedures.
Background variability. Alerts due to background variability can be minimized but not
eliminated entirely. The data monitored by OWQM, CCS, and PHS are variable under normal
conditions, and this variance can occasionally generate alerts. Alerts due to background
variability can be reduced by altering the parameters of the anomaly detection system, but this
modification carries the risk of reducing the ability of the system to detect true anomalies.
Alert Categorization Tools
While the process diagram and table of roles and responsibilities are useful for development of
component alert investigation procedures, they are generally not used in day-to-day system operation.
This section describes products that are derived from the alert investigation process to assist investigators
in efficiently carrying out alert investigations:
Alert Investigation Record
Quick Reference Guides
Alert investigation checklists are user-specific job aids that help individual personnel to complete the
investigative activities for which they are responsible. Checklists are derived from the alert investigation
process and serve to prompt investigators to check resources, evaluate information, and perform actions
necessary to complete one or more steps of the alert investigation process. While an alert investigation
process is specific to one of the SRS surveillance components, there may be multiple checklists for a
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
single component if more than one person has a role in the alert investigation. The table of roles and
responsibilities should assist the component teams in identifying the specific roles that require a unique
An alert investigation record can be developed by component teams and provides a mechanism for
investigators to record and maintain key data fields from the alert investigation checklists, such as the
alert date, time, location, and cause of the alert. This record can be used to monitor the frequency of
alerts by cause, as established by the predefined alert categories. It can also be used to verify the proper
implementation of alert investigation procedures. Finally, the record can serve as a resource during the
investigation of future alerts.
There are a variety of methods to document alert investigations. Simple solutions include maintaining a
spreadsheet on a shared drive or a log sheet in a central location that investigators can fill out. Figure 5-3
provides a simple example that documents important information for each alert investigation.
Figure 5-3. Example Alert Investigation Record
If a dashboard will be used to support the SRS, electronic alert investigation tracking may be incorporated
into the design. For example, electronic checklists can be developed that automatically enter
investigation records into a database, facilitating further analysis and use of the records. See
Design Guidance for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems for more information.
Quick reference guides contain key information that is concisely summarized in an easily-accessible
form, such as a factsheet, to ensure investigators can quickly and easily access the information they need
during an alert investigation. Examples of quick reference guides that can be useful include:
A list of contact information for all utility personnel and partners who may need to be contacted
during an alert investigation
A reference sheet with screen captures from a component user interface or the SRS dashboard
that reminds the investigator how to access information or where to enter data captured during an
A summary of expected temporal relationships for alerts, for example:
o PSM alerts may occur before contamination occurs
o CCS alerts may occur within a couple of hours of contamination
o OWQM alerts may occur within several hours of contamination
o PHS alerts may occur within several hours for contaminants producing rapid symptom onset
to several days for contaminants producing delayed symptom onset
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
5.3 Review Component Alert Investigation Procedures for
Once the draft component alert investigation procedures are complete, the project management team
should review them for consistency with respect to each other and with respect to the organizational and
operational structure of the utility. This analysis should include a cross-component evaluation of the alert
investigation process, roles and responsibilities, alert categories, and investigation tools.
Alert Investigation Process
The alert investigation processes should be reviewed to verify
that there is a consistent approach used to determine if
contamination is possible. The investigation process for each
component should start with generation of an alert, include a
review of data sources to help identify potential causes of the
alert, and end with a determination of whether contamination is
possible. In addition, the times required to complete various
steps of the alert investigation should be compared across
components, and large differences in the times required to complete similar steps should be reconciled.
Streamlining the alert investigation process will result in more timely investigations.
Notification steps in the process should be reviewed to determine whether the same individual(s) may
receive notifications based on information generated from multiple components. Where this is the case,
the mechanism for notification, as well as the information provided, should be consistent. The
notifications should also be reviewed to determine if the correct personnel are being notified at the right
time across the components.
Roles and Responsibilities
For each identified user, verify that their roles and responsibilities are consistent across all components
and align with routine job functions. This review step can be facilitated by developing a tabular summary
of roles and responsibilities that includes a list of all identified users, the description of their role, and a
listing of their responsibilities for each component in which they have a role.
Alert Categories
The alert categories and descriptions should be consistent across components to ensure that similar types
of alerts are being categorized in a similar manner, and that component teams have a common
understanding of the difference between valid and invalid alerts. This review can ensure that component
teams understand when to escalate an alert to possible contamination.
Alert Investigation Tools
Review of the user-specific checklists, alert investigation record, and quick reference guides developed by
the component teams allows the project management team to identify tools that might support multiple
components. This review also provides an opportunity to ensure consistency in the format and layout of
these tools across the components.
When reviewing the checklists, the project management team should determine if some users would be
involved in alert investigations for more than one component. For example, it is likely that the water
quality supervisor would have a role in OWQM and CCS alert investigations. In such cases, the
checklists should clearly indicate the component name so it is easy for the user to understand which
checklist needs to be completed for a specific component alert. The project management team should
also identify common fields that should be recorded in the alert investigation record for all components.
Ensure component alert investigation
process descriptions strike a good
balance between ease of use and
comprehensiveness. Unnecessarily
complex processes could impede the
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Upon completion of review of the alert investigation procedures, the project management team should
provide final instructions to the component teams as to how to update their procedures. Finally, it is
recommended that the alert investigation procedures be evaluated during preliminary operation through
drills and exercises, and refined based on lessons learned, as discussed in Section 6.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Section 6: Training and Exercise Program
Effective operation of an SRS requires that personnel clearly understand their role in the associated
procedures. This can be achieved through implementation of a comprehensive training and exercise
program. The overall goals of an SRS training and exercise program are to:
Familiarize utility staff and response partners with their roles in SRS operations
Design, test, evaluate, and refine SRS procedures such as alert investigation procedures and the
Distribution System Contamination Response Procedure (DSCRP)
Test and evaluate the ability of utility personnel to implement SRS procedures
Test and evaluate communication and coordination with response partners
Identify opportunities to improve plans and procedures, particularly the time and accuracy with
which procedures are implemented
Ultimately, a training and exercise program improves the
efficacy with which utility personnel perform routine
surveillance and respond to valid SRS alerts. Additionally, an
effective training and exercise program is useful for
integrating SRS procedures with existing utility procedures
and those of external partners. This section provides general
guidance on implementing a training and exercise program for
an SRS.
An interactive software program, the
SRS Exercise
Development Toolbox, is also available for designing,
conducting, and evaluating drills and exercises for an SRS.
6.1 Overview of an SRS Training and Exercise Program
A training and exercise program for an SRS should be based on guidance provided by the Homeland
Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP), which constitutes a national standard for all types of
exercises. The HSEEP is maintained by the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s National
Preparedness Directorate, Department of Homeland Security. The HSEEP is a capabilities and
performance-based exercise program that provides a standardized methodology and terminology for
exercise design, development, conduct, evaluation, and improvement planning. The HSEEP describes
two types of exercises:
Discussion-based exercises include seminars, workshops, and tabletops to develop and teach
new procedures
Operations-based exercises include drills, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises to test
and evaluate the effectiveness of procedures
A comprehensive SRS training and exercise program should include both discussion-based and
operations-based exercises, and each exercise should have defined objectives, participants, duration, and
level of complexity. Additional information concerning discussion-based and operations-based exercises
for an SRS is presented in the following sections.
6.2 Discussion-based Exercises
Discussion-based exercises are typically used as a starting point in a comprehensive training and exercise
program. This type of exercise is often used to familiarize utility personnel and response partners with
Utilities should consider identifying a
training coordinator who is ultimately
responsible for overseeing the utility’s
training program. This includes
planning and designing drills and
exercises, coordinating with response
partners, maintaining evaluation
records, and ensuring that Continuing
Education Units or other training
credits are received.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
SRS procedures and their role in implementing those procedures. Discussion-based exercises for an SRS
should include seminars, workshops, and tabletop exercises as further described below.
6.2.1 Seminars
Seminars are used to familiarize participants with SRS procedures and to learn about the capabilities of
various response partners. Seminars are generally led by a presenter or facilitator in a classroom type-
setting using a lecture-based, question-and-answer format. The duration of SRS seminars can range from
one to six hours depending on the complexity of the topic. Table 6-1 describes some of the specific
seminars that may be conducted as part of an SRS.
Table 6-1. Example SRS Seminars
Seminar Description Participants
Incident Command System (ICS)
and National Incident Management
System (NIMS)
Provide a basic understanding of
ICS procedures and an introduction
to the NIMS. Could include ICS
course 100, 200, and NIMS 700
All personnel who will have a
role in the utility ICS.
SRS Orientation
Provide an overview of the SRS
including both routine surveillance
and response.
All personnel who have a
potential role in the operation
and maintenance of an SRS.
Alert Investigation Procedures for
Surveillance Components
Provide a basic understanding of
the SRS surveillance components
as well as their associated alert
investigation procedures. These
would typically be conducted as
individual seminars for each SRS
surveillance component.
Utility personnel and any
external partners with
responsibilities for routine
monitoring of an SRS
Distribution System Contamination
Response Procedures
Provide a basic understanding of
the processes and procedures
outlined in the Distribution System
Contamination Response
Utility personnel and
response partners who have
a role in water contamination
response activities.
External Partner Engagement Provide a basic understanding of
the process for identifying and
engaging external partners who
have a role in the SRS.
Utility management and
utility personnel who have a
need to interact with external
partners during design or
operation of the SRS.
Site Characterization Orientation Provide a basic understanding of
the site characterization procedures
that support investigative activities
during water contamination
Utility site characterization
team members, laboratory
personnel, HazMat, and local
law enforcement.
6.2.2 Workshops
Workshops are typically used to develop new concepts, procedures, or other products through a group
consensus process. Similar to seminars, workshops are generally led by a presenter or facilitator in a
classroom type-setting, but are designed around participant discussion rather than lectures. Workshops
often use breakout sessions to explore parts of an issue with smaller groups. The overall outcome of the
workshop is the creation of, or modifications to, consensus-based plans or procedures. The duration of
SRS workshops typically range from two to eight hours depending on the complexity of the topic. Table
6-2 describes some of the specific workshops that may be conducted in support of an SRS.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Table 6-2. Example SRS Workshops
Alert Investigation
Discuss and come to a consensus on the alert
investigation procedures for each of the SRS
surveillance components. Separate workshops
should be held for each component.
All personnel who have a role
during investigation of
component alerts including any
relevant external partners.
Distribution System
Response Procedures
Discuss and come to a consensus on procedures and
responsibilities documented in the Distribution
System Contamination Response Procedure.
Separate workshops can be held to address specific
aspects of the plan, including operational responses,
site characterization, public notification, and
remediation and recovery.
All personnel who have a role in
the Distribution System
Contamination Response
Procedure including the
appropriate response partners.
Utility Incident
Command System
Discuss and come to a consensus on the utility ICS.
This includes outlining all roles and responsibilities
within the ICS.
All personnel who have a role in
the utility ICS.
Response Partner
Discuss and come to a consensus on roles and
responsibilities of response partners during
suspected contamination incidents.
Command staff of the utility ICS
and appropriate response
6.2.3 Tabletop Exercises
Tabletop exercises are scenario-based and are designed to test and evaluate SRS procedures with all
participants located in a classroom setting. Tabletop exercises are typically designed to allow participants
to demonstrate proficiency in applying procedures in the
context of a realistic scenario, identifying deficiencies in
existing procedures, and building experience for operating
the SRS.
Tabletop exercises require an experienced facilitator who
can encourage in-depth discussion and help participants to
make decisions through slower-paced problem-solving
rather than the rapid, spontaneous decision-making that
occurs during an actual emergency or an operations-based exercise (as discussed in Section 6.3). The
duration of tabletops typically ranges from two to eight hours depending on the type and complexity of
the scenario used.
Following a tabletop exercise, an after-action report is typically prepared. The after-action report captures
observations made by evaluators during the exercise and provides recommendations for post-exercise
improvements. The after-action report also contains an improvement plan, which identifies specific
corrective actions, assigns them to responsible parties, and establishes target dates for their completion.
Table 6-3 describes some of the specific tabletops that may be conducted in support of an SRS.
Contamination scenarios are
necessary to test and evaluate the
simulated actions taken by exercise
participants. Creating a credible and
realistic scenario is critical to the success
of an exercise. A credible scenario will
keep players engaged and maintain their
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Table 6-3. Example SRS Tabletops
Tabletop Exercise
Component Alert Investigation
Develop scenarios and conduct tabletop
exercises for the SRS surveillance
components. Separate exercises should be
held for each component.
All personnel from the utility and
external partners who have a
role in component alert
investigation procedures.
Distribution System
Contamination Response
Develop scenarios and conduct tabletop
exercises on the process flows and
procedures in the Distribution System
Contamination Response Procedure. This
can range from a large exercise of the entire
plan to smaller exercises for the various
WCR procedures.
All personnel who have a role in
the Distribution System
Contamination Response
Procedure including the
appropriate response partners.
The following case study describes a tabletop exercise conducted at one of the Water Security Initiative
pilot utilities which focused on one aspect of WCR
the threat level determination process.
A tabletop exercise was designed and conducted to assess the threat level determination process in the DSCRP.
Members of the utility’s ICS were presented with a series of contamination scenarios involving different types of
contaminants, each of which unfolded with progressive information disclosure, including component alerts and
associated information (e.g., alert locations, water quality changes, customer complaints, public health findings,
etc.), results from site characterization, and results of laboratory analysis.
At each point where new information was disclosed, the participants were asked to determine if the threat level was
possible, credible, or confirmed. Additionally, they were asked to identify the response activities they would
consider, such as operational changes, notification of public health partners, public notification of use restriction(s),
site characterization and sample collection, and laboratory analysis of collected samples. Exercise participants
noted many benefits, including a more concrete understanding of the types and combinations of alerts that lead the
utility ICS to conclude that contamination is possible, credible, or confirmed.
6.3 Operations-based Exercises
Once utility personnel and response partners have solidified SRS procedures through discussion-based
exercises, the utility can validate the procedures by conducting operations-based exercises. These
exercises should be used to test and evaluate the alert investigation procedures and DSCRP in order to
clarify roles and responsibilities, identify gaps in resources needed to implement procedures, and
ultimately to improve performance. While discussion-based exercises consist of a facilitated conversation
in a classroom-style setting, operations-based exercises involve spontaneous reaction and response by
participants to scenario details in a timeframe closely resembling that which would occur during a real
contamination incident. Overall, operations-based exercises are more complex and detailed than
discussion-based exercises and require more time to develop and conduct. Operations-based exercises for
an SRS should include drills, functional exercises, and full-scale exercises as further described below.
6.3.1 Drills
Drills are used to test a specific operation or function of the SRS through a coordinated and supervised
activity. During an SRS drill, participants gain training and practice on the use of new equipment, such as
site characterization equipment, test new or updated procedures, and prepare for more complex exercises
such as functional and full-scale exercises. The duration of SRS drills typically ranges from one to six
hours depending on the complexity of the procedures evaluated and the scenario used.
While drills are often designed around a single component, they can involve multiple components. For
example, one of the Water Security Initiative pilot utilities combined a CCS and site characterization drill
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
by incorporating an investigation of clustered customer calls with the process for selecting a site for
sampling and field testing. Creating a drill that combines closely related aspects from multiple
components not only provides an opportunity for coordination between components, but can save time
and conserve funding. Table 6-4 provides example SRS drills.
Table 6-4. Example SRS Drills
Component Alert
Investigation Procedure
Test the alert investigation procedures for each
SRS component with participants situated at
their normal workstation or in the field, and
responding to scenario details in real-time.
All personnel from the utility and
external partners who have a role in
component alert investigation
Site Characterization
Field response personnel and partners practice
implementation of site characterization and
sampling procedures/equipment.
All personnel from the utility and
external partners who have a role in
specific site characterization activities.
6.3.2 Functional and Full-scale Exercises
Functional exercises are a single or multi-agency activity designed to test and evaluate multiple
procedures, such as an end-to-end test of the SRS, and provide training for those who would use them in a
real situation using a simulated response. Typically, all participants are gathered in a single room rather
than at their workstations, and no field activities are performed. Unlike a tabletop exercise, a functional
exercise is intended to operate in a pseudo real-time environment and without facilitation. However, an
exercise controller may provide injects, which are scripted events or information, to move the exercise
forward and indicate the result of certain actions taken by participants.
In contrast, a full-scale exercise is a multi-agency activity involving implementation of response activities
as if a real incident had occurred. For an SRS, this would typically involve a full end-to-end test of a
utility’s alert investigation procedures and DSCRP.
Participants respond from their normal workstations,
field activities such as sample collection are performed,
and procedures are implemented in real-time when
practical. Unlike tabletop exercises, where the pace of
the scenario is driven by a facilitator who can slow
down the discussion to ensure the participants improve
their understanding of procedures, the pace of
functional and full-scale exercises is driven by
participants who are responsible for making decisions
in a time-pressured environment.
Given that functional and full-scale exercises for an SRS typically involve end-to-end tests of many
detailed procedures, they require the participation of all designated utility personnel and response partners
identified in the utility’s alert investigation procedures and DSCRP. Due to the complexity of these
exercises and the number of personnel involved, exercise development planning should begin at least six
months prior to the exercise. The actual exercise usually takes place over a one to two day period.
The following case study describes a full-scale exercise conducted at one of the Water Security Initiative
pilot utilities.
It is recommended that a utility conduct a
functional exercise prior to conducting their
first full-scale exercise. This will allow the
utility and response partners to practice their
procedures in a less stressful environment.
In addition, lessons learned from the
functional exercise can prepare participants
for a more involved full-scale exercise.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
A full-scale exercise was designed and conducted to test the SRS investigation and response procedures, and
assess the level of preparedness of the utility and its external partners to respond to possible water contamination.
The exercise was held during a 2-day period and involved approximately 100 participants. The contamination
scenario involved an OWQM alert, customer complaints received via 311 and Twitter, and reports of illness from
public health partners. Once contamination was deemed possible, utility field crews and response partners were
deployed to perform site characterization activities in the field. Later in the scenario, the players received simulated
laboratory analysis results which identified the presence of aldicarb, a toxic pesticide, in finished water reservoir
samples. As the scenario unfolded and the threat level transitioned from possible to credible and finally confirmed
contamination, the response was escalated from the internal utility operations center to the city emergency
operations center. The scenario allowed the utility to test activation of the utility operations center, coordination
with response partners such as HazMat, and implementation of response measures including containment of water
in the distribution system and issuance of public health notifications.
In the weeks following the exercise, the utility addressed areas for improvement by updating their DSCRP with the
specific conditions that would result in activation of response partners, and solidified notification protocols. The
utility also developed a training schedule to practice ICS principles at the operations center and scheduled a
meeting with the public health partners to develop templates for public notifications that could be used during a
contamination incident.
6.4 Implementing an SRS Training and Exercise Program
Figure 6-1 illustrates a systematic, progressive approach to developing an SRS training and exercise
program. It begins with development of procedures and building a broad, sound foundation of SRS
knowledge among utility and response partner personnel through a series of discussion-based exercises.
This is followed by drills of limited scope to build proficiency in specific areas, and finally culminates in
functional and full-scale exercises.
Figure 6-1. Progression of an SRS Training and Exercise Program
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
An SRS training and exercise program will evolve over the course of SRS implementation. The training
and exercise program will tend to be more extensive at first in order to establish and refine procedures, as
well as educate personnel responsible for implementing those procedures. Once the SRS is fully
operational, the training and exercise program may be scaled back to focus on refresher training and
training for new employees.
During the initial phases of SRS implementation, typically during the first two years, the training program
might proceed as follows:
1. Seminars and tabletop exercises to evaluate and refine SRS procedures
2. Functional exercise to provide staff with an opportunity to practice use of multiple SRS
3. Full-scale exercises to apply SRS procedures during a simulated contamination incident
If a utility has decided on a phased implementation
approach and is designing and implementing one
component at a time, the initial set of exercises may be
limited in scope to test the alert investigation procedures for
the first component and potentially bridge over into WCR
procedures. Once more components are implemented, the
utility will be able to design and conduct more complex
exercises to observe multiple component alert investigations
and a more fully developed strategy for WCR.
Once the initial training period has passed and the SRS is in
real-time operation, the utility should conduct annual
training to maintain proficiency in the implementation of SRS procedures. This training should be
coordinated through a multi-year training and exercise plan and integrated into a utility’s existing training
program if one is already in place. The training coordinator, or other personnel designated by the utility
to oversee trainings and exercises, should ensure that SRS documents are updated based on the
improvement plan documented in after-action reports. To learn more, refer to the EPA document,
How to
Develop a Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan.
One of the major dual-use benefits of
conducting exercises is that they can
be used to fulfill state or local training
requirements. For example, Continuing
Education Units or Training Contact
Hours can be applied towards operator
licenses as well as city requirements for
training hours. Similarly, partner
organizations can often receive credit
towards their training requirements.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System Primer
This document provides an overview of SRSs for drinking water distribution systems. It covers
possible applications of an SRS, provides information about the monitoring and surveillance
components, covers common design goals and performance objectives, and includes an overview
of the approach for implementing an SRS. EPA 817-B-15-002, May 2015.
Summary of Implementation Approaches and Lessons Learned from the Water Security Initiative
Contamination Warning System Pilots
This report provides a summary of key findings from five water utilities that participated in a
pilot program to design and demonstrate a sustainable Contamination Warning System capable of
providing timely detection of and response to drinking water contamination incidents in the water
distribution system. Specifically, this document provides a concise overview of implementation
approaches and lessons learned from the pilots that are potentially useful to future SRS
implementers. EPA 817-R-15-002, October 2015.
Master Planning
Framework for Comparing Alternatives for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
This document provides guidance for selecting the most appropriate SRS design for a utility from
a set of viable alternatives. It guides the user through an objective, stepwise analysis for ranking
multiple alternatives and describes, in general terms, the types of information necessary to
perform the comparison of alternatives. EPA 817-B-15-003, June 2015.
Information Management
Dashboard Design Guidance for Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
This document provides information about useful features and functions that can be incorporated
into an SRS dashboard. It also provides guidance on a systematic approach that can be used by
utility managers and IT personnel engaged in the process of designing a dashboard to define
requirements. EPA-817-B-15-007, November 2015.
Information Management Requirements Development Tool
This tool is intended to help users develop requirements for an SRS information management
system, thereby preparing them to select and implement an information management solution.
Specifically, this tool (1) assists SRS component teams with development of component
functional requirements, (2) assists IT personnel with development of technical requirements, and
(3) allows the IT design team to efficiently consolidate and review all requirements. EPA 817-B-
15-004, October 2015.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Guidance for Designing Communications Systems for Water Quality Surveillance and Response
This guidance document describes the approach for evaluating and selecting communications
technologies to support operation of OWQM, PSM, and other SRS components that need to
transmit data. The document provides users with a description of attributes that should be
considered when evaluating communications systems alternatives and a general assessment of
common technologies relative to these attributes. EPA 817-B-16-002, September 2016.
Cybersecurity Guidance & Tool
This website contains links to a guidance document and tool. The guidance document includes a
list of recommended cybersecurity considered to be the most critical for managing the process
control system cybersecurity risk in the water sector. These recommended practices are further
defined by a set of 82 cybersecurity controls that represent the more granular measures necessary
to support implementation of the recommended practices. The cybersecurity tool generates a
prioritized list of recommended controls based on specific characteristics of the utility. The user
provides information about their process control system and the manner in which it is used by
choosing from a number of pre-defined use cases. For each recommended control, specific
references to existing cybersecurity standards are also provided.
Training and Exercise Program
SRS Exercise Development Toolbox
An interactive software application designed to aid drinking water utilities in developing,
conducting, and evaluating discussion-based and operations-based exercises for an SRS. It
guides users through a process to enter the information necessary to develop a drill or exercise
and then generates the required documentation.
How to Develop a Multi-Year Training and Exercise Plan
This document provides information to assist utilities in creating multi-year training and exercise
plans that can lead to increased emergency preparedness. The material included in the document
is based on HSEEP. EPA 816-K-11-003, May 2011.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Allgeier, S.C., Haas, A.J., and Pickard, B.C., 2011. Optimizing Alert Occurrence in the Cincinnati
Contamination Warning System. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 103:10.
EPA, 2014. Water Security Initiative: System Evaluation of the Cincinnati Contamination Warning
System Pilot, EPA 817-R-14-001A.
Umberg, K. and Allgeier, S.C., 2016. Parameter Setpoints: An Effective Solution for Real-time Data
Analysis. Journal of the American Water Works Association, 108:1.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
alert. An indication from an SRS surveillance component that an anomaly has been detected in a
datastream monitored by that component. Alerts may be visual or audible, and may initiate automatic
notifications such as pager, text, or email messages.
alert investigation. The process of investigating the validity and potential causes of an alert generated by
an SRS surveillance component.
alert investigation checklist. A form that lists a sequence of steps to follow when investigating an SRS
alert. This form ensures consistency with an alert investigation procedure and provides documentation of
the investigation of each alert.
alert investigation procedure. A documented process that guides the investigation of an SRS alert. A
typical procedure defines roles and responsibilities for alert investigations, includes an investigation
process diagram, and provides one or more checklists to guide investigators through their role in the
alert investigation record. A repository or database of completed alert investigations that documents the
actions taken, conclusion of the investigation, and likely cause of the alert. An alert investigation record
can be maintained in an electronic or paper format.
anomaly. A deviation from an established baseline in a monitored datastream. Detection of an anomaly
by an SRS surveillance component generates an alert.
anomaly detection system. A data analysis tool designed to detect deviations from an established
baseline. An anomaly detection system may take a variety of forms, ranging from complex computer
algorithms to thresholds.
architecture. The fundamental organization of a system embodied in its components, their relationships
to each other, and to the environment, and the principles guiding its design and evolution. The
architecture of an information management system is conceptualized as three tiers: source data systems,
analytical infrastructure, and presentation.
baseline. Values for a datastream that include the variability observed during typical system conditions.
benefit. An outcome associated with the implementation and operation of an SRS that promotes the
welfare of a utility and the community it serves. Benefits can be derived from a reduction in the
consequences of a contamination incident and from improvements to routine operations.
call management system. Software that manages customer calls received by a utility, which may
include functionality to classify and direct calls.
case-based surveillance. A form of public health surveillance in which frontline healthcare providers
detect potential public health incidents through the cumulative assessment of case details or case volume.
component. One of the primary functional areas of an SRS. There are five surveillance components:
Online Water Quality Monitoring, Physical Security Monitoring, Advanced Metering Infrastructure,
Customer Complaint Surveillance, and Public Health Surveillance. There are two response components:
Water Contamination Response and Sampling and Analysis.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
component team. A designated group of individuals responsible for design and implementation of an
SRS component.
confirmed. Contamination is considered confirmed when the analysis of all available information
provides definitive, or nearly definitive, evidence of the presence of a specific contaminant or
contaminant class in a distribution system. While positive results from laboratory analysis of a sample
collected from a distribution system can be a basis for confirming contamination, a preponderance of
evidence, without the benefit of laboratory results, can lead to this same determination. Confirmed
contamination is the highest/third confidence level presented in the Response Protocol Toolbox.
constraints. Requirements or limitations that may impact the viability of an alternative. The primary
constraints for an SRS project are typically schedule, budget, and policy issues (e.g., zoning restrictions,
IT restrictions, and union prohibitions).
contamination incident. The presence of a contaminant (microorganism, chemical, waste, or sewage) in
a drinking water distribution system that has the potential to cause harm to a utility or the community
served by the utility. Contamination incidents may have natural (e.g., toxins produced by a source water
algal bloom), accidental (e.g., chemicals introduced through an accidental cross-connection), or
intentional (e.g., purposeful injection of a contaminant at a fire hydrant) causes.
contamination scenario. A simulated contamination incident.
continuous monitoring. Uninterrupted collection and analysis of data. Collection and analysis
frequency can range from seconds to hours.
credible. Contamination is considered credible if information collected during the investigation of
possible contamination corroborates a validated indicator of contamination. Credible contamination is the
middle/second confidence level presented in the Response Protocol Toolbox.
Customer Complaint Surveillance (CCS). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. CCS
monitors water quality complaint data in call or work management systems and identifies abnormally
high volumes or spatial clustering of complaints that may be indicative of a contamination incident.
customer service representative (CSR). Personnel at a utility or city contact center who receive
customer information or interact with customers. These personnel often resolve issues related to water
quality, service, or billing.
cybersecurity. Measures implemented to protect an information management system and network from
unauthorized access, damage, or attack. Common examples include password protected computers,
encryption, and use of anti-virus software.
dashboard. A visually-oriented user interface that integrates data from multiple SRS components to
provide a holistic view of distribution system water quality. The integrated display of information in a
dashboard allows for more efficient and effective management of distribution system water quality and
the timely investigation of water quality incidents.
data access. The process of retrieving data from an information management system for review and
data analysis. The process of analyzing data to support routine system operation, rapid identification of
water quality anomalies, and generation of alert notifications.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
data historian. A software application or database that is designed to store large volumes of information.
Data historians are usually separate from the primary information management system.
data management. The process of capturing, processing, and storing data.
datastream. A time series of values for a unique parameter or set of parameters. Examples of SRS
datastreams include, chlorine residual values, water quality complaint counts, and number of emergency
department cases.
design basis threat. The threat against which an asset must be protected and upon which the design of a
protective system is based. It includes the tactics and tools that aggressors will use against the asset.
design goal. The specific benefits to be realized through deployment of an SRS and each of its
components. A fundamental design goal of an SRS is detecting and responding to distribution system
contamination incidents. Additional design goals for an SRS are established by a utility and often include
benefits to routine utility operations.
design sub-element. Features, capabilities, or attributes that comprise a design element. In general, the
information presented in SRS guidance and products is organized by design elements and sub-elements.
diagnostics. Processes used to examine the state of, and locate problems with, equipment, hardware or
Distribution System Contamination Response Procedure (DSCRP). A planned decision-making
framework that establishes roles and responsibilities and guides the investigative and response activities
following a determination that distribution system contamination is possible.
distribution system model. A mathematical representation of a drinking water distribution system,
including pipes, junctions, valves, pumps, tanks, reservoirs, and other appurtenances. These models
predict flow and pressure of water through the system, and, in some cases, water quality.
emergency management agency. Emergency planning committees and emergency management
departments that primarily support response activities and coordinate with other response agencies. These
agencies may operate at the federal, state, or local level.
emergency operations center. A staffed facility that is responsible for carrying out emergency
preparedness and emergency management functions at a strategic level in an emergency situation.
Personnel collect and analyze data, disseminate information to all concerned agencies, and locate needed
external partners. Entities outside the water utility that may be involved in a variety of SRS support
functions, including system design, monitoring, investigating alerts, and responding contamination
incidents. Typical external partners include local law enforcement, HazMat unit, and public health
functional requirement. A type of information management requirement that defines key features and
attributes of an information management system that are visible to the end user. Examples of functional
requirements include the manner in which data is accessed, types of tables and plots that can be produced
through the user interface, the manner in which component alerts are transmitted to investigators, and the
ability to generate custom reports.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
geographic information system (GIS). Hardware and software used to store, manage, and display
geographically referenced information. Typical information layers used by water utilities include utility
infrastructure, hydrants, service lines, streets, and hydraulic zones. A GIS can also be used to display
information generated by an SRS.
hardware. A physical IT assets such as servers or user workstations.
HazMat unit. A specially trained unit of professionals with responsibility for responding to uncontrolled
releases of hazardous materials. In situations where the presence of hazardous materials is suspected or
discovered, HazMat units support implementation of site characterization activities.
historical data. Data that has been generated and stored, including recent data that is readily available in
an information management system as well as older data that has been stored or archived in a historian.
implementation costs. Costs to procure and install equipment, IT components, and other assets
necessary to build an operational system.
Incident Command System (ICS). A standardized, all-hazards emergency operations structure that is
flexible and can be used for incidents of any type, scope, and complexity. ICS is a part of the National
Incident Management System.
information management. The processes involved in the collection, storage, access, and visualization of
information. In the context of an SRS, information includes the raw data generated by SRS surveillance
components, alerts generated by the components, ancillary information used to support data analysis or
alert investigation, details entered during alert investigations, and documentation of WCR activities.
information management system. The combination of hardware, software, tools, and processes that
collectively support an SRS and provides users with information needed to monitor real-time system
conditions. The system allows users to efficiently identify, investigate, and respond to water quality
information technology (IT). Hardware, software, and data networks that store, manage, and process
inject. Information provided to participants verbally or in written format during a discussion-based or
operations-based exercise to simulate an event that will drive the actions taken by the participants.
invalid alert. An alert from an SRS surveillance component that is not due to a water quality incident or
public health incident.
IT design team. Personnel responsible for selecting, designing, and implementing the SRS information
management system.
lifecycle cost. The total cost of a system, component, or asset over its useful life. Lifecycle cost includes
the cost of implementation, operation and maintenance, and renewal.
monitoring location. A specific point in the water distribution system where SRS component data is
collected, such as the location of OWQM sensor hardware or an PSM video surveillance camera.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
monitoring station. A configuration of one or more water quality sensors and associated support
systems, such as plumbing, electric, and communications that is deployed to monitor water quality in real
time at a specific location in a drinking water distribution system.
National Incident Management System (NIMS). A system that provides a consistent nationwide
framework and approach to enable all government, private-sector, and nongovernmental organizations to
work together during domestic incidents. NIMS works within the National Response Framework (NRF),
which serves as a guide to national response to all types of disasters and emergencies that range from the
serious but purely local to large-scale terrorist attacks or catastrophic natural disasters. NIMS provides the
template for the management of incidents, while the NRF provides the structure and mechanisms for
national-level policy for incident management.
Online Water Quality Monitoring (OWQM). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. OWQM
utilizes data collected from monitoring stations that are installed at strategic locations in a utility’s source
water and/or a distribution system. Data from the monitoring stations is transferred to a central location
and analyzed for water quality anomalies.
operational response. A change in the way a distribution system is operated, such as changes in
pumping, storage facility operations, or valve configuration.
operations and maintenance (O&M) costs. Expenses incurred to sustain operation of a system at an
acceptable level of performance. O&M costs are typically reported on an annual basis, and include labor
and other expenditures, such as supplies and purchased services.
performance objectives. Measurable indicators of how well an SRS or its components meet established
design goals.
Physical Security Monitoring (PSM). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. PSM includes the
equipment and procedures used to detect and respond to security breaches at distribution system facilities
that are vulnerable to contamination.
Poison Control Center (PCC). An agency employing toxicologists, medical doctors, and other
professions with pharmacological expertise for the purpose of providing guidance to persons who may
have been exposed to a toxic substance, or to healthcare providers with responsibility for treating exposed
possible. Contamination is considered possible if an indicator of contamination is investigated and
contamination cannot be ruled out. Possible contamination is the lowest/first confidence level presented in
the Response Protocol Toolbox.
primacy agency. The organization responsible for overseeing drinking water utility compliance with
drinking water regulations. In most cases the primacy agency is a state agency such as a state department
of environmental protection, environmental quality, or public health, but in some circumstances U.S. EPA
serves as the primacy agency.
project management team. A designated group of individuals responsible for overseeing all project
activities, tracking the overall budget and schedule, and ensuring system integration.
public health incident. An occurrence of disease, illness, or injury within a population that is a deviation
from the disease baseline in the population.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
public health response plan. A plan that coordinates actions among public health agencies, emergency
management agencies, and other partners to ensure a methodical response to public health incidents.
Public Health Surveillance (PHS). One of the surveillance components of an SRS. PHS involves the
analysis of public health datastreams to identify public health incidents, and the investigation of such
incidents to determine whether they may be due to drinking water contamination.
public notification. Official communication to utility customers regarding the quality and safety of their
drinking water. A public notification may include instructions to customers, such as to not use the water
for any purpose, not use the water for drinking, or boil the water before use.
quick reference guide. Factsheets or other summary briefs that contain key information that is concisely
presented in an easily-accessible format to ensure that investigators can quickly and easily access the
information they need during an alert investigation.
rapid field testing. Testing performed in the field to identify specific contaminants or contaminant
classes in water and to help determine if additional personal protective equipment or safety precautions
are necessary and to focus the investigation.
real-time. A mode of operation in which data describing the current state of a system is available in
sufficient time for analysis and subsequent use to support assessment, control, and decision functions
related to the monitored system.
remote access. The ability of a user to access an information management system from a location other
than the physical location of the hardware that hosts the system.
response activity. An action taken by a utility, public health agency or another response partner to
minimize the consequences of an undesirable water quality incident. Response activities may include
issuing a public notification, changing system operations, flushing the system, or others.
response partners. A subset of external partners that assist a water utility during emergency response
activities such as site characterization, laboratory analysis, public notification, and provision of alternate
water supply.
Sampling and Analysis (S&A). One of the response components of an SRS. S&A is activated during
WCR to help confirm or rule out possible water contamination through field and laboratory analyses of
water samples. In addition to laboratory analyses, S&A includes all the activities associated with site
characterization. S&A continues to be active throughout remediation and recovery if contamination is
site characterization. The process of collecting information from the site of a suspected contamination
incident. Site characterization activities include the visual site hazard assessment, site safety screening,
rapid field testing, sample collection, and sample packaging and shipping.
site safety screening. The process of screening for environmental hazards at the site of a field
investigation to help ensure worker safety. Typical site safety screening includes instrumentation for
monitoring volatile organic compounds or combustible gases and radiation.
software. A program that runs on a computer and performs certain functions.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
solution. The design and configuration of the hardware, software, and other products that will be used to
construct an information management system.
source data system. The application or database that houses and manages the source data used by one or
more of the SRS components, and which forms a tier of the SRS information management system
SRS Manager. A role within an SRS typically filled by a mid- to upper-level manager from a drinking
water utility. Responsibilities of this position include: receiving notification of valid alerts, coordinating
the threat level determination process, integrating information across the different surveillance
components, and activating the DSCRP.
standard operating procedure (SOP). A standardized process for accomplishing a task, operating a
piece of equipment, or running a system.
Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA). A system that collects data from various sensors
at a drinking water treatment plant and locations in a distribution system, and sends this data to a central
information management system.
technical requirement. A type of information management requirement that defines system attributes
and design features that are often not readily apparent to the end user but are essential to meeting
functional requirements or other design constraints. Examples include attributes such as system
availability, information security and privacy, back-up and recovery, data storage needs, and inter-system
integration requirements.
threat level determination process. A systematic process in which all relevant information available
from an SRS is evaluated to determine whether contamination is possible, credible, or confirmed. This is
an iterative process in which the threat level is revised as additional information becomes available. The
conclusions from this process are considered during WCR when making decisions.
threshold. Minimum and/or maximum acceptable values for individual datastreams that are compared
against current or recent data to determine whether conditions are anomalous or atypical of normal
time-series data. A sequence of observation ordered by the time they were generated, generally
collected at a regular interval.
user interface. A visually oriented interface that allows a user to interact with an information
management system. A user interface typically facilitates data access and analysis.
valid alert. Alerts due to water contamination, verified water quality incidents, intrusions at utility
facilities, or public health incidents.
vulnerability. A weakness that can be exploited by an adversary.
Water Contamination Response (WCR). One of the response components of an SRS. This component
encompasses actions taken to plan for and respond to possible drinking water contamination incidents to
minimize the response and recovery timeframe, and ultimately minimize consequences to a utility and the
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
water quality complaints. Complaints received by a utility from a customer indicating that water quality
is not as expected. Traits such as an unusual taste, odor, or appearance can all indicate abnormal water
quality within the distribution system.
water quality incident. An incident that results in an undesirable change in water quality (e.g., low
residual disinfectant, rusty water, taste & odor, etc.). Contamination incidents are a subset of water
quality incidents.
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System (SRS). A system that employs one or more
surveillance components to monitor and manage source water and distribution system water quality in
real time. An SRS utilizes a variety of data analysis techniques to detect water quality anomalies and
generate alerts. Procedures guide the investigation of alerts and the response to validated water quality
incidents that might impact operations, public health, or utility infrastructure.
Water Quality Surveillance and Response System Manager (SRS Manager). A role within an SRS
typically filled by a mid- to upper-level manager from a drinking water utility. Responsibilities of this
position include: receiving notification of valid alerts, coordinating the investigation and response,
integrating information across the different surveillance components, and activating the Distribution
System Contamination Response Plan.
Water Security Initiative (WSI). A program developed by EPA to design, evaluate, and promote
adoption of Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems within the drinking water sector.
work management system. Software used by a utility to schedule and track maintenance, repair or other
operations in the distribution system.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Appendix A: Master Plan Template
Section 1.0: Project Scope
This section should define the project scope for design of the Water Quality Surveillance and Response
System, including a description of the design goals, performance objectives, and constraints. It should
also include a concise yet meaningful vision statement for the SRS.
1.1 Design Goals
List the design goals established for the SRS, which define the specific benefits that a utility would like to
realize through implementation and operation of an SRS.
1.2 Performance Objectives
Describe the performance objectives for the SRS which will be used to gauge how well the surveillance
and response components, either individually or as a whole, achieve the established design goals.
1.3 Constraints
Identify and document project constraints which will bound the design of the system, such as: capital
budget, annual operating and maintenance budget, availability of essential personnel, and policy
Section 2.0: Project Management
This section should document the structure of project management and component teams, and establish
the overarching project budget and schedule.
2.1 Project Management Team
Include a list of utility personnel and partners who will compose the project management team. Note the
roles and responsibilities of each team member.
2.2 Component Teams
Include a list of utility personnel and partners who will compose the component teams. Note the roles
and responsibilities of each team member.
2.3 Project Budget
Define the overall project budget, including a breakout of the budget allocated to each component for
each budget period.
2.4 Project Schedule
Define the overall project schedule, including a breakout of the schedule for each component and noting
interdependencies among project activities.
Section 3.0: Component Designs
This section should include a summary of the design for each component to be implemented as part of the
SRS. The following subsections provide examples of the type of information that might be included to
describe the design of each component.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
3.1 Customer Complaint Surveillance
Information flow diagram
Alert investigation procedure
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
Summary of the approach used to funnel and filter customer water quality complaints
Data management and analysis methods
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
3.2 Online Water Quality Monitoring
Information flow diagram
Alert investigation procedure
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
List of existing and proposed monitoring locations, noting the parameters that will be monitored
at each site
Cumulative summary of the major pieces of equipment needed to implement the component
Data communication, management, and analysis methods
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
3.3 Physical Security Monitoring
Information flow diagram
Alert investigation procedure
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
List of the utility distribution system facilities that will be enhanced under the component, and the
specific enhancements at each
Cumulative summary of the major pieces of equipment needed to implement the component
Data communication, management, and analysis methods
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
3.4 Public Health Surveillance
Information flow diagram
Alert investigation procedure
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
Strategy for improving communication and coordination with public health partners
Summary of the public health datastreams that will be monitored under the component
Data management and analysis methods
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
3.5 Water Contamination Response
Listing and brief description of the procedures and documentation needed to support the
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
List of equipment needed to implement the component
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
3.6 Sampling and Analysis
Summary of the contaminants and contaminant classes that will be covered by the component and
the strategy for developing the field and laboratory analytical capabilities for each
Listing and brief description of the procedures and documentation needed to support the
List of the partners who will need to be engaged to develop the component
List of field and laboratory equipment needed to implement the component
Budget, including capital and annual operations and maintenance costs
Schedule, including the sequence and duration of activities and any key dependencies
Section 4.0: Information Management
This section should include a summary of the requirements and solution for information management
needed to support all components of the SRS.
Listing of the partners that will need to be engaged to implement the information management
Consolidated list of final functional and technical requirements
Summary description of the information management solution, including a physical architecture
Listing of the hardware, software, communication infrastructure, and other systems needed to
implement the SRS information management solution
Section 5.0: Training and Exercise Program
This section should include a general plan for developing and implementing an SRS training and
exercises program.
Strategy for progressive learning in which participants begin with simple activities and progress
though increasingly complex activities
Curriculum of training and exercises that includes both discussion-based and operations-based
Approximate schedule for completing major training and exercise activities
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Appendix B: IT Operation and Maintenance Manual Template
Section 1.0: Introduction
This section should describe the purpose of the manual, note the intended audience and provide an
overview of the information contained within.
Section 2.0: Overview of System Architecture
This section should provide an overview of the SRS information management system. It should include
an overarching physical architecture diagram for the SRS information management system.
Supplemental architecture diagrams can be included as needed.
Section 3.0: Description of Hardware and Software Elements
Provide a detailed description of each hardware and software element used in the SRS information
management system. A tabular summary of the information to document for each IT element, includes:
Name: The name of the IT element.
Purpose: The general purpose served by the IT element in the context of the SRS information
management system architecture.
Summary Description: A summary description of the IT element.
Location: The location of the IT element.
Access: Procedure for accessing the IT element.
Vendor: Contact information for the vendor of the IT element, if applicable.
Warranty: Information about the warranty covering the IT element, if applicable.
License: Information about the license agreement, such as the number of users or installations, if
Specifications: Detailed information about the item, such as hardware specifications, version,
programming language, acceptable formats, and any other relevant specifications.
Section 4.0: Backup and Recovery Plan
This section describes the backup and recovery plan for the SRS information management system,
organized into subsections for each IT element with a distinct approach to backup and recovery. In
general, the following types of information should be documented for each IT element:
Frequency of backups
Location of backups
Recovery and restoration method
Specifications of uninterrupted power supplies
Section 5.0: Maintenance Plan
Describe the maintenance plan for each IT element, as applicable. Maintenance activities could be
summarized in a table that includes:
Name: The name of the IT element.
Guidance for Developing Integrated Water Quality Surveillance and Response Systems
Point of Contact: Contact information for the person responsible for maintaining the hardware or
software element.
Maintenance Activity: Description of the specific maintenance activity and a reference to the
associated procedure, if available. (Note that there may be multiple maintenance activities per IT
Frequency: Schedule for performing the maintenance activity.
Section 6.0: Troubleshooting
This section can be divided into subsections that provide general guidance on troubleshooting each of the
major IT elements of the SRS information management system. Information that could be documented
for each major IT element includes:
Startup and shutdown procedures
Description of any diagnostic tools or features available in the IT element
Common issues and their resolution
Section 7.0: IT Support Distribution List
Include an e-mail distribution list to facilitate communication of updates and notices about SRS
information management system operations and maintenance activities to all relevant IT support