Infor SyteLine Printing Industry User
Release 9.01.x
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Publication Information
Release: Infor SyteLine 9.01.x
Publication Date: November 11, 2020
Document code: csbi_9.01.x_print_ind_pack_user_op_sl_en-us
Contacting Infor..................................................................................................................................4
About the Printing Industry Pack......................................................................................................5
Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched Productions................................................6
Preparing Printing and Packaging Quotations................................................................................7
Print Industry Data Setup...................................................................................................................8
Processing Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions...................................................9
Setting Up Operation Types and Codes.........................................................................................11
Specifying Operation Type Code Times.........................................................................................12
Specifying Operation Type Code Materials....................................................................................13
Setting Up Operation Type Formulas..............................................................................................14
Formula Types Used in Printing Industry Operations...................................................................15
Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula............................................................................16
Working With Quote Templates.......................................................................................................17
Creating a Printing Quote From an Estimate.................................................................................18
Infor SyteLine Printing Industry User Guide | 3
Contacting Infor
If you have questions about Infor products, go to Infor Concierge at and
create a support incident.
The latest documentation is available from or from the Infor Support Portal. To access
documentation on the Infor Support Portal, select Search > Browse Documentation. We recommend
that you check this portal periodically for updated documentation.
If you have comments about Infor documentation, contact
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Contacting Infor
About the Printing Industry Pack
The Printing Industry Pack allows you to estimate the price of a print job based on a variety of factors,
such as weight of the paper, dimensions, number of sections, etc. All relevant factors can be accounted
for when using the Printing Estimating Workbench form to build a routing and bill of material for an
estimate print job.
New printing estimates can be created, existing quotes can be copied, or templates can be used to
produce a print quote price for your customer. If they approve the quoted price, you can create an
estimate print job with operations and materials based on the factors specified on the Printing
Estimating Workbench form. You can create custom formulas which allow you calculate factors such
as paper consumption, material usage, and operation setup and run times. You can tailor the estimate
job as needed for each customer, then, when the estimate job is ready, you can copy it to a job where
it is scheduled for production.
In order to view and use the forms in the Printing Industry Pack, you must purchase and enable the
PP Ind Pack license.
The Printing Industry Pack includes these features:
You can create templates that can be reused with some variations for many different print quotes.
You can create formulas for common printing tasks.
You can use the Printing Estimate Workbench to select a template, specify your cost/price
requirements, and use formulas to calculate an print quote price. You can also copy the structure
and information of a similar, existing quote into the Workbench to create your new quote.
After you create an estimate job for the quotation, you can display the cost roll-up using the formula
calculations. You can then compare this price to the original print quote estimate.
You can analyze material usage and estimate the quantity of materials used for printing, such as
ink and oil, based on the Print Quote Price calculations.
You can quickly calculate the paper consumed by operations on a printing estimate job.
You can determine operation setup time and run time for your resources, based on the Print Quote
requirements. These values are used on the Estimate Job Operations form.
You can process batch productions by creating job material transactions, as well as generate
unposted job transactions.
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About the Printing Industry Pack
Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched
1 Open the Generate Unposted Job Transactions for Batch Productions form.
2 Specify a Batch ID and Transaction Type.
3 Accept the default Date or modify it.
4 Specify the transaction details in the enabled fields.
Note: If the Use Sheet Qty field is selected, specify quantities based on the sheet quantity from
the Batched Production Operations form. If the Use Sheet Qty is not selected, specify quantities
based on the job quantity.
5 Click Generate to create new unposted job transactions. Quantity and time values are split between
the original job operations based on the their proportion of the batch quantity. See the table below
for more details.
6 Review a summary of the transactions on the Unposted Job Transactions Listing tab, or open
the Unposted Job Transactions form to review the details.
7 Post the transactions on the form.
This table shows an example of transaction information that you might specify on this form:
DetailsJob Operation 101Job Operation 100Machine or Labor
Hour Values
24Up Number
(Length * Width) / Up
6040Adjusted Operation Qty
Sum of all Adjusted
Operation Qty
100100Total Transactions
Adjusted Operation Qty
/ Total Transactions
60%40%Portion of Batched
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Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched Productions
Preparing Printing and Packaging Quotations
1 Before you can begin creating quotes for printing and packaging estimates, you must create the
initial data. Click each step for more detail.
a Configure Printing Industry Pack parameters on page 8.
b Specify operation types and codes on page 11.
c Create operation type formulas on page 14.
d (optional) Specify operation type code times and materials on page 12.
e (optional) Create quote templates on page 17.
2 After the data has been prepared, you can create quotes.
a Create an estimate.
b Create a printing quote for the estimate on page 18.
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Preparing Printing and Packaging Quotations
Print Industry Data Setup
1 Open the Printing Industry Parameters form.
2 Specify the default values for the number of manual holding steps and the number of sides to print.
3 On the Standard UMs tab, specify the unit of measures to be used for bulk mass, ream mass,
linear dimension, area, and density.
4 On the Operation Rating Access tab, select up to 20 different operation ratings. For each rating
selected, specify a caption.
5 On the Operation Rating Values tab, specify a value for each operation rating selected on the
Operation Rating Access tab.
6 Save the record and exit the form.
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Print Industry Data Setup
Processing Job Material Transactions for Batched
When you process job material transactions in the Printing Industry Pack, be aware of these situations:
To reverse a transaction, enter another transaction that reverses the first.
If the Warehouse, Location, or Lot fields change, the grid on the Pieces tab automatically refreshes
to retrieve the corresponding records.
When you work with by-product items, specify a negative quantity to move the item back into
inventory. You cannot add an item as a by-product item if it does not exist in a job bill of material.
By-product items cannot be cross referenced.
For unposted job material transactions, see Generating Unposted Job Transactions for Batched
Productions on page 6.
To process job material transactions:
1 Open the Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions form.
2 Specify a Batch ID. This causes the grid to display all materials associated with the batch.
3 Specify a transaction date and time, or accept the default, which corresponds to the date and time
the form was opened.
4 Use the Select All andDeselect All buttons, or the box next to each material, to specify the materials
to process.
5 Specify the Quantity, Unit of Measure, and Location for each selected material.
6 Click Process to immediately post the selected materials to their jobs on the shop floor, reduce
the item quantity on hand, and increase quantity and costs issued to the batch ID. Batch quantities
are split between the original job orders based on the their proportion of the batch quantity.
For example, you might specify this transaction information:
DetailsJob 002Job 001Property
50100Job Qty
42Up Number
5%2%Scrap Factor
(Job Qty * Up Number)
/ (1-Scrap Factor)
$210.52$204.08Adjusted Job Qty
Sum of all Adjusted
Job Qty
$414.60$414.60Batch Qty
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Processing Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions
DetailsJob 002Job 001Property
Adjusted Job Qty /
Batch Qty
51%49%Portion of Batched
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Processing Job Material Transactions for Batched Productions
Setting Up Operation Types and Codes
Operation types describe shop floor tasks used with the printing industry. All types are user-defined,
and may include activities such as printing, binding, coating, laminating, window patching, sheeting,
packing, gluing, die cutting, stamping, or embossing.
To set up types and codes:
1 Open the Operation Types form.
2 Specify a type code and description.
3 On the Constants tab, specify default constants for the selected type.
4 On the Setup Finish and Run Time, Ratings, Costs, and Other tabs, enable, and specify a
caption for as many attributes as needed (from four to twenty possible fields, depending on the
tab). The specifications made here determine what displays on the Operation Type Codes and
Estimate Operations forms.
5 Each operation type has a code which describes specific examples of types, and defines factors
and formulas used to calculate print quote price. To set up these codes:
a On the Operation Types form, specify a type and click Codes to open the Operation Type
Codes form.
b Specify a code, description, and work center for the selected type.
c On the Estimate Workbench tab, enable the attributes that are relevant to the current type
code. When Price Quotation is specified as the Quote Method, the specifications made
here help determine which fields are enabled on the Printing Estimate Workbench form.
d On the Setup Finish and Run Time, Ratings, Costs, and Other tabs, specify values for all
fields that you enabled on the Operation Types form.
e Save the record and close the form.
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Setting Up Operation Types and Codes
Specifying Operation Type Code Times
Although operation type code times are optional, it is recommended that you use them.
To specify times for all items associated with the selected type code:
1 On the Operation Type Codes form, select a type code and click Times.
2 On the Setup and Finish tab, specify amounts for fixed and variable hours, or by using variable
hours per original color or special color.
3 On the Run and Scrap tab, specify the basis for determining the duration of machine and labor
hours for an operation. The run basis is defined using either hours per piece or pieces per hour
for machine and labor schedule drivers. Fixed and variable material scrap factors may be specified
to determine scrap factor values at the job material level.
4 Save the record.
5 Optionally, to specify alternate values for a specific set of records:
a Create a new record.
b On Setup and Finish and Run and Scrap tabs, specify the alternate values.
c Use the Optional Matching Criteria fields to specify when to use the alternate values. For
example, specify an item to use the alternate values for operations that involve only the selected
item. Specify a Tier Sheet Count amount to use the alternate values for operations whose
sheet count equals, or exceeds, the Tier Sheet Count amount.
Note: In the event that several alternate sets of values use the same tier field (for example, Tier
Sheet Count), the system uses the set of values whose tier amount is closest to, without going
over, the actual operation amount.
6 Save the record and close the form.
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Specifying Operation Type Code Times
Specifying Operation Type Code Materials
Although operation type code materials are optional, it is recommended that you use them.
To specify materials for all items associated with the selected type code:
1 On the Operation Type Codes form, select a type code and click Materials.
2 Select an item to associate with the selected type code. You can select both inventory and
non-inventory items.
3 In the Std Consumption Rate field, specify the standard rate of consumption for the selected
material when used with the selected type code.
4 In the Number of Dimensions field, specify the number of dimensions required when calculating
the quantity of material used.
5 Select the Divide by Up field to divide the Material Usage quantity by the Up value, which is
defined on the Estimate Job Orders and Estimate Operations forms. Clear this field to ignore
the Up value when determining the Material Usage quantity.
6 Select the Use for Matching Criteria field to cause the system to consider the selected item when
matching type code times. Clear this field to ignore the selected item when matching type code
7 Save the record and close the form.
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Specifying Operation Type Code Materials
Setting Up Operation Type Formulas
When preparing quotes for printing and packaging jobs, you can create formulas for each combination
of Operation Type and Formula Type on the Operation Type Formula Workbench.
To create a new formula:
1 Open the Operation Type Formula Workbench form.
2 Ensure that a formula does not already exist for the desired Operation Type and Formula Type
If a formula already exists, see Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula on page 16.
3 Create a new record and specify the Operation Type and Formula Type.
For information about each type of formula, see Formula Types Used in Printing Industry Operations
on page 15.
4 Save the record. If a formula already exists for the selected operation and formula types, an error
displays and the record is not saved. The buttons on this form are not enabled until the record is
5 Click Pending Formula Definition to open the Pending Formula Definition form, where you
define the formula.
6 For each sequence in the formula, specify a Formula Term Group and Formula Term.
7 Click OK to return to the Operation Type Formula form. The formula you created now displays
in the Pending Formula field.
Note: The pending formula is a hypothetical formula. Only the committed formula is used to
calculate quotations.
8 If you are satisfied with the formula, and want to begin using it to calculate quotations, click Commit
to copy the pending formula to the Committed Formula field.
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Setting Up Operation Type Formulas
Formula Types Used in Printing Industry Operations
There are six formula types that can be created or maintained on this form. Each type has several term
groups associated with it.
Formula Term GroupsDescriptionFormu-
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Quote Headers,
Quote Lines
This formula type determines the price at
the quote line level that shall be used to roll
up the print quote price on the estimate line.
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Jobs, Job Routes
This formula type determines the operation
price at the job operation level that shall be
used to roll up the print quote price for each
job header that, in turn, is used to assign the
value for print quote price on the estimate
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Jobs, Job Routes
This formula type determines the paper
consumption quantity at the job operation
level that shall be used to roll up the paper
consumption quantity for each job header.
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Jobs, Job Routes
This formula type determines the set up
hours for the job operation.
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Jobs, Job Routes
This formula type determines the finish hours
for the job operation.
Operators, Parameters, Operation Types,
Operation Type Codes, Jobs, Job Routes
This formula type determines the pieces per
hour for the job.
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Formula Types Used in Printing Industry Operations
Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula
While you cannot modify a committed formula, you can copy the formula into the Pending Formula
field, then modify that formula.
1 Open the Operation Type Formula Workbench form.
2 Select a new record that already has a committed formula.
3 Click Retrieve Committed to copy the contents of the Committed Formula field to the Pending
Formula field.
Note: The pending formula is a hypothetical formula. Only the committed formula is used to calculate
4 Click Pending Formula Definition to open the Pending Formula Definition form.
5 Modify the formula sequences, in the formula, specify a Formula Term Group and Formula Term.
6 Click OK to return to the Operation Type Formula form. The formula you modified now displays
in the Pending Formula field.
7 If you are satisfied with the formula, and want to begin using it to calculate quotations, click Commit
to copy the pending formula to the Committed Formula field.
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Modifying an Existing Operation Type Formula
Working With Quote Templates
Quote templates are not required, but allow for the definition of data for common printing industry jobs,
which are used on the Printing Estimate Workbench form.
To set up quote templates, sections, and operations:
1 Open the Quote Templates form.
2 Create a new record.
3 Specify an identifier and a description for the new quote template.
4 Specify the minimum sheet count required to use this template.
5 Save the record.
6 Click Sections to open the Quote Template Sections form.
7 Add a section to the quote template.
8 Specify the section number and description.
9 Specify an item and quantity.
10 Add additional sections as needed.
11 Click Operations to open the Quote Template Operations form.
12 On the General tab, specify the Operation, Operation Type, and Operation Type Code.
13 On the Paper, Color, and Operation Data tabs, specify additional information as needed.
14 Repeat steps 12 and 13 for each section in the template.
15 Save the record and close the form.
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Working With Quote Templates
Creating a Printing Quote From an Estimate
To create a printing quote from an estimate:
1 Open the Printing Estimate Workbench.
2 Specify an estimate number and line. If a quote already exists for the estimate line, then the Quote
Method, Quote Type, and Source fields, as well as the Process button, are disabled. In this case,
skip to step 6.
3 Specify the Quote Method. If you specify Price Quotation, the workbench generates a quote
that determines the price on the estimate line. If you specify BOM Pricing, the workbench
generates an Estimate Job Order record.
4 If the estimate status is Working, specify a Quote Type. Choose from New Quote, Existing
Quote, or Quote Template. If you specify Quote Template or Existing Quote, use the
Source field to specify the template or existing quote. If you specify New Quote, the Source field
remains disabled.
5 Click Process.
6 In the Sections and Operations sections, add sections and operations, or modify existing records,
as needed.
7 Save the form to update the Print Quote Price and Cost Roll fields.
8 Close the form.
9 Open the Estimate Lines form.
10 Specify the appropriate record and view the Printing tab.
11 Specify the fields that the Printing Estimate Workbench did not.
12 Save the record and close the form.
Information entered before saving the quote displays on the Estimate Lines and Estimate Job
Orders forms, where you can update them as needed.
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Creating a Printing Quote From an Estimate