Call for Presentations
AHA, Inc. 2024 International Conference
March 6-9, 2024, Jacksonville, FL
AHA, Inc. is soliciting conference presentations for its 2024 conference.
Conference presentations can cover:
Submission Requirements
Research projects investigating OT, PT, SLP, Mental Health
incorporating hippotherapy and/or the equine environment
Treatment ideas for OT, PT, SLP, MH incorporating
hippotherapy and the equine environment
Therapy equipment, materials, and environment
Skills and techniques for working with horses in a therapy
Selection, training, and management ideas for the therapy
Business topics pertinent to therapists utilizing hippotherapy
Insurance and third party funding issues, hints, tips, and
Issues and potential solutions related to treating specific
impairments or functional limitations using hippotherapy
Other topics that inform physicians and funders about OT,
PT, SLP and Mental Health professionals incorporating
hippotherapy and the equine environment
Theoretical discussions as they relate to OT, PT, SLP and
Mental Health professionals incorporating hippotherapy
and the equine environment
Ideas related to practice management, marketing, start up,
growth for therapy practices incorporating hippotherapy
Proposal Deadline
Individuals interested in presenting at the 2024 AHA, Inc.
International Conference must submit the required
documentation in the noted format found in the Content
Description section to AHA, Inc. by Saturday, September 30,
Proposal Selection Process
Presentations will be selected by a review committee based on
proposed presentation content, the presenter's experience with
making presentations, presentation quality and relevance to the
event theme, and adherence to proposal requirements.
Submitted proposals must adhere to the AHA, Inc. approved
Terminology and AHA, Inc. Best Practice documents when
submitting your abstract. Your signature on the submission
document will denote acceptance of these documents.
Notification Process
If your abstract is accepted you will be notified by Monday,
December 4, 2023 via email.
Speaker Registration
To express appreciation to those who present, you will
receive a complimentary conference registration through
the sponsorship of the AHCB.
Presenter Information:
On a separate cover page, please include presenter/s name,
resume, CV, affiliations, and a brief background. Also a brief
statement about the qualifications of the presenter/s (and
non-presenting co-authors) relative to the proposed topic.
Content Information:
Title of presentation
Presentation abstract (with figures if appropriate) -
Maximum one page, any format.
If research paper, include intro, methods, results,
A brief video clip sample of the proposed presentation
with references on a second page.
Brief statement describing how this presentation adds to
the body of knowledge about hippotherapy and how it will
be beneficial to participants. For example, how it assists
with the care, improvement of the therapy horse and
On a third page a list of prior video presentations as
examples of presentation skills.
Presentation outline (include ideal date and time
requested for effective presentation)
3-5 learning objectives
Describe presentation process (e.g. lecture with
PowerPoint [ppt], workshop, activities, simulation)
Audience level-Beginning, intermediate, or advanced
Your Bio and Curriculum Vita for the past five years
Please submit proposals or questions about conference
to: [email protected] and note AHA, Inc. Abstract
Submission” in the email subject line. Proposals MUST
be submitted by close of business on Saturday,
September 30, 2023.
Other Details:
AHA, Inc. will provide conference materials in an electronic format
prior to the conference. Consider including a detailed presentation
outline and/or copies of Power Point slides. Power Point handouts
should be 3 slides to a page with note taking space to the right of
the slide. If you need assistance with this format, please contact
the AHA, Inc. office in advance of the due date. If your abstract is
accepted, presentation handouts must be submitted to the AHA,
Inc. office in an electronic format by February 1, 2022. If this
deadline is not met it will be the responsibility of the presenter to
supply handouts/presentation materials for the
conference attendees.