Department of Veterans Affairs VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
Veterans Health Administration Transmittal Sheet
Washington, DC 20420 September 24, 2021
1. REASON FOR ISSUE: This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive
establishes VHA policy for the referral to legal service providers or legal referral
services of Veterans in need of legal assistance for issues related to homelessness, risk
of homelessness, or otherwise.
2. SUMMARY OF MAJOR CHANGES: This directive updates VHA responsibilities
related to facilities pursuing partnerships with local legal service providers; providing
office space for such providers, when possible; and staff referrals of Veterans to legal
service providers for assistance with legal matters. Appendix A has been added as a
template Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).
3. RELATED ISSUES: VHA Directive 1501, VHA Homeless Programs, dated October
21, 2016, VHA Directive 1502, Homeless Veteran Contact and Referral Management,
dated June 7, 2017, VHA Directive 1162.06(1), Veterans Justice Programs (VJP), dated
September 27, 2017, VHA Directive 1098, VHA Public-Private Partnerships, dated April
30, 2020, and VA Directive 0008, Developing Public-Private Partnerships with, and
Accepting Gifts to VA from, Non-Governmental Organizations, dated May 29, 2015.
4. RESCISSION: VHA Directive 2011-034, Homeless Veterans Legal Referral Process,
dated September 6, 2011, is rescinded.
5. RESPONSIBLE OFFICE: The VHA Homeless Programs Office (11HPO) is
responsible for the contents of this directive. Questions may be directed to the National
Coordinator, Veterans Justice Outreach at 202-461-5863. Legal questions may be
directed to the Office of General Counsel at 202-461-7175.
6. RECERTIFICATION: This VHA directive is scheduled for recertification on or before
the last working day of September 2026. This VHA directive will continue to serve as
national VHA policy until it is recertified or rescinded.
/s/ Kameron Matthews, MD, JD
Assistant Under Secretary for Health for
Clinical Services
NOTE: All references herein to VA and VHA documents incorporate by reference
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
subsequent VA and VHA documents on the same or similar subject matter.
DISTRIBUTION: Emailed to the VHA Publications Distribution List on September 27,
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
1. PURPOSE ............................................................................................................... 1
2. BACKGROUND ...................................................................................................... 1
3. DEFINITIONS ......................................................................................................... 1
4. POLICY ................................................................................................................... 1
5. RESPONSIBILITIES ............................................................................................... 2
MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING TEMPLATE ............................................A-1
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
This Veterans Health Administration (VHA) directive provides policy for the referral
to legal service providers or legal referral services of Veterans in need of legal
assistance for issues related to homeless, risk of homelessness, or otherwise.
AUTHORITY: 38 U.S.C. § 7301(b); 38 U.S.C. § 2022; 38 U.S.C. § 5906(a).
a. The President and the Secretary of Veterans Affairs have established a goal of
ending homelessness among Veterans. Veteranslack of access to legal representation
for outstanding warrants or fines, as well as for child support and other legal matters,
contributes significantly to their risk of becoming or remaining homeless.
b. In response to these unmet needs, VHA staff refer Veterans to local or national
lists of legal service providers, and VHA facilities provide office space to legal service
providers, including under the Medical-Legal Partnership (MLP) model. This directive
updates existing VHA guidance regarding these practices and applies to all
arrangements in which a VA medical facility provides office space to a legal service
provider, including those following the MLP model.
a. Medical-Legal Partnerships. Medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) are interactive
care collaborations between clinicians and legal service providers, who are generally
co-located in the same facility, and may jointly see individuals in need of services. In VA
facilities, MLPs allow clinicians to deliver holistic care for Veterans, and legal services
providers to address Veterans and former servicemembers’ health-harming legal needs.
b. Legal Assistance Clinics or Legal Clinics. Legal Clinics are clinics in which
legal service providers provide pro bono legal assistance to Veterans and former
servicemembers on a variety of civil legal matters, often on a referral basis from VA
c. Revocable License. A Revocable License agreement is permission to enter upon
and conduct a specific act or series of acts upon the real property of the licensor without
possession or acquiring any estate. Such a license may be revoked by the VA facility
Director at any time with or without cause and shall not exceed five years according to
VA’s policy.
It is VHA policy to pursue and establish MLPs and/or Legal Clinics with local legal
service providers; to provide office space for such providers, when possible; and to
encourage staff to refer Veterans to legal service providers for assistance with legal
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
a. Under Secretary for Health. The Under Secretary for Health, or VHA official
delegated the duties of the Under Secretary for Health, is responsible for ensuring VHA
compliance with this directive.
b. Veterans Integrated Services Network Director. Each Veterans Integrated
Services Network (VISN) Director is responsible for ensuring that all medical facilities
adhere to all responsibilities outlined in this directive.
c. Network Homeless Coordinator. The Network Homeless Coordinator is
responsible for disseminating information, including this directive, to VHA field staff to
encourage the development of on-site legal clinics and MLPs between VA medical
facilities and legal service providers.
d. Veterans Justice Outreach, National Coordinator. The Veterans Justice
Outreach, National Coordinator is responsible for providing or delegating provision of
technical assistance to Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists and other VHA field staff,
as needed, on the development of on-site legal clinics and MLPs between VA medical
facilities and legal service providers.
e. Office of General Counsel. The Office of General Counsel is responsible for
reviewing and concurring on, prior to execution, all Memoranda of Understanding
(MOUs) and revocable licenses and permits affecting or involving real property in which
VA has an interest, or over which VA has control.
f. VA Medical Facility or Readjustment Counseling Service Vet Center Director.
NOTE: VA’s Readjustment Counseling Service (RCS) will be guided by this Directive for
purposes of Vet Centers providing legal referrals or seeking an Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU) to formalize a legal clinic or MLP. The VA medical facility or RCS
Vet Center Director is responsible for:
(1) Providing oversight to ensure that all legal clinics operating on site conform to the
requirements outlined in this directive. The facility and the legal service provider must
also complete an MOU that describes the responsibilities of both the facility and the
provider organization. Such an MOU must include:
(a) A provision requiring compliance with the terms of this directive;
(b) A provision requiring that the legal service provider provide pro bono legal
services only in the VA medical facility (no fees);
(c) A provision requiring that any attorneys staffing the legal clinic shall be active
members in good standing of a state bar, and that any law students and/or attorneys
licensed in other jurisdictions staffing the legal clinic shall be supervised in accordance
with American Bar Association and applicable state bar standards; and
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
(d) A provision stating that there is no inherent conflict of interest in or ethics
prohibition on non-Federal employees of legal service providers hosted in VA facilities
under this directive assisting Veterans with claims for VA benefits. NOTE: Appendix A
contains a template for an acceptable MOU between VA and a legal service provider for
the use of space in a VA medical facility.
(2) Consulting with the Office of General Counsel to ensure that interested and
qualified legal services providers are considered for potential clinic participation and that
a proper due diligence review is conducted on each potential legal services provider,
following the procedure described in VA Directive 0008 and VHA Directive 1098. This
due diligence review should include verifying that a legal services provider has legal
malpractice insurance that is adequate to protect the interests of Veterans and VA. If
more than one legal services provider can offer needed legal services, and if VHA
space allows, more than one legal services provider may provide legal services in a VA
medical facility.
(3) Ensuring facility compliance with applicable policy promulgated by the Office of
Facilities Management when providing space through a Revocable License. The facility
and the provider organization must complete VA Form 10-6211, Revocable License for
Non-Federal Use of Real Property. The disclaimer in section 5.f.(5) of this Directive
must be included in Box 9 of VA Form 10-6211.
(4) Supporting the dissemination of information about legal service providers, in a
manner consistent with this directive, in the form of flyers, emails to VA staff and
community partners, or similar forms, to make Veterans aware of legal resources in
their communities, including legal clinics operating in VA facilities. VHA staff may
communicate, conduct training, and generally collaborate with a legal services provider
to facilitate Veterans’ access to legal services; however, they may not perform tasks
outside of their official duties (such as conducting a legal service provider’s structured
intake interview, or providing legal advice).
(5) Ensuring that staff referrals provide Veterans with a list of legal service providers
rather than referring them directly to a particular provider. Lists of legal service providers
with experience and/or interest in serving Veterans are maintained by the American Bar
Association (Directory of Legal Programs for Military Families (americanbar.org) ) and
the Legal Services Corporation (http://statesidelegal.org/). When provided in writing,
referrals must include the following disclaimer language: NOTE: VA assumes no
responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the organizations whose names
appear on this list. This referral does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation
by VA.
(6) Ensuring that staff developing partnerships with legal service providers have
completed VA training on Public-Private Partnerships, available through the Talent
Management System.
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
This Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is entered into effective as of the date
of the last signature below by and between [Name of VA medical facility] (“VA”) and the
Legal Service Provider Organization ____________("Provider").
1. Purpose and Scope
a. VHA Directive 1510 and VA stakeholders acknowledge that there is an enormous
unmet need for legal services among Veterans.
b. VHA Directive 1510 authorizes VA facilities to provide office space to non-VA
community legal service providers at no cost, in order to increase Veterans' access to
legal assistance.
c. Provider offers free legal assistance to low income individuals and/or provides
clinical training and experience for supervised law students.
d. The parties wish to make legal services available to Veterans or former
servicemembers through a free legal clinic located on the campus of [Name of VA
medical facility].
2. Responsibilities of Provider. Provider shall undertake the following:
a. Legal Clinic. Provider will provide legal services on the ____VA campus at
frequencies and on dates mutually agreed upon by Provider and [Name of VA medical
facility]. The dates of the services may fluctuate, based on the availability and capacity
of the Provider staff, attorneys, and/or law students ("advocates"). If legal services
cannot be provided in a co-located setting at the VA medical facility due to pandemic
health concerns, lack of available space, or other reasons, the Provider may conduct
legal intake and provide legal services to Veterans virtually. Provider shall designate an
attorney and/or legal clinical faculty member to direct the clinic ("Legal Director") The
Legal Director shall be responsible for the following:
(1) Provide free legal services to Veterans or former servicemembers receiving
services at [Name of VA medical facility], which may include but are not limited to:
consultation and assistance with estate planning matters such as advance health-care
directives, durable powers of attorney, and wills, public benefits, including VA benefits,
child support matters, outstanding warrants or fines, eviction/foreclosure, and certain
other housing and consumer matters, and/or matters symptomatic of homelessness
(Legal Services). Where advocates are unable to take a case for representation and/or
where appropriate, individuals may be referred to other legal services providers or to
pro bono attorneys. Provider agrees that no advocates will act as agents under advance
directives, or trustees, attorneys-in-fact, or agents for health care decisions. Provider
understands that it is the desire of [Name of VA medical facility] that they use VA forms
whenever possible. Provider will use the VA Advance Directive form, available at
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
https://www.va.gov/vaforms/medical/pdf/VA%20Form%2010-0137%20FILL.pdf, as
often as appropriate, based on their professional judgment of the needs of the client.
(2) Ensure that all attorneys who will provide Legal Services in the clinic are active
members in good standing of a state bar;
(3) Select, supervise and train advocates who will provide the Legal Services;
(4) Oversee all logistical aspects of the legal clinic, including client intake and
scheduling, maintenance of case files and office hours;
(5) Provide comprehensive supervision of any law students and/or attorneys
licensed in other jurisdictions in accordance with the standards of the American Bar
Association and the State Bar of ______;
(6) Ensure that all advocates comply with the Privacy Act codified at 5 U.S.C. 552a,
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and all other applicable
federal law regarding disclosure of protected information or records about a Veteran.
b. Training [Name of VA medical facility] Staff Members. Provider shall provide
training to [Name of VA medical facility] staff members about the legal clinic, and the
role of [Name of VA medical facility] staff members in identifying possible legal needs of
Veterans receiving services at the VA medical facility.
c. Malpractice Insurance. Provider shall provide malpractice insurance for its staff
and students.
d. Compliance with disclaimer provision in VHA Directive 1510. Provider shall
include the following disclaimer language in any written referrals, materials distributed
publicizing the legal clinic or flyers posted in its designated office space : NOTE: The
Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) assumes no responsibility for the professional
ability or integrity of the organizations whose names appear on this list. This referral
does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by VA."
3. Responsibilities of [Name of VA medical facility]. [Name of VA medical facility] shall
undertake the following:
a. Private Office Space. [Name of VA medical facility] shall provide private office
space at its facility in which advocates can meet with clients in a private setting,
including an electrical outlet, desk, and chairs. If possible, [Name of VA medical facility]
will provide Provider with access to the internet for purposes of assisting potential
clients onsite.
b. Inform Provider of VA Compliance Measures. The [Name of VA medical
facility] staff shall inform Provider staff of VA procedures for ensuring compliance with
protection of information and records about a Veteran under the Privacy Act, HIPAA,
and other applicable federal laws.
September 24, 2021 VHA DIRECTIVE 1510
c. Assist in Publicizing Legal Services. [Name of VA medical facility] shall assist
Provider in publicizing the legal clinic in accordance with the required disclaimer
language in Section 2.d. of this MOU and in section 5.f.(5) of VHA Directive 1510.
4. Claims for VA Benefits. There is no inherent conflict of interest presented by, or
ethics prohibition of, Provider assisting Veterans with claims for VA benefits in space
provided by [Name of VA medical facility]. However, if Provider assists Veterans with
VA benefits claims, the attorney must be properly accredited by the VA in compliance
with 38 C.F.R. § 14.629. Attorneys may apply for VA accreditation by submitting the
appropriate VA Forms available on the OGC Accreditation website.
5. Case acceptance and the level of assistance. Provider has discretion to determine
which cases it can accept at the Legal Clinic. However, the Provider shall not provide
legal assistance in any cause of action or proceeding of any description, type, or nature
in which the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs is an adverse party.
6. No Attorney-Client Relationship between Provider and the [Name of VA medical
facility]. This agreement does not create an attorney-client relationship between
Provider and [Name of VA medical facility].
7. Liability: For the purposes of this MOU, this is a voluntary, collaborative, working
relationship between VA and Provider. The MOU does not imply that any party to the
MOU is jointly liable for either’s obligations. Neither party is responsible for debts,
contractual obligations, or conduct, tortious or otherwise, of the other party. The parties
acknowledge that the liability, if any, of VA for injury or loss of property or death will be
governed exclusively by the Federal Tort Claims Act.
8. Compensation. Provider offers its services to clients without charge. At no point will
Provider request remuneration from [Name of VA medical facility], its staff, or Veterans
who seek legal assistance from Provider. [Name of VA medical facility]is providing use
of its facilities to Provider for the legal clinic without charge.
9. Terms & Termination. The parties to this MOU do not currently propose an end date
for the legal clinics. This MOU is non-binding and may be terminated by either party
upon 30 days written notice. Any such termination will not terminate any ongoing
representation of clients by Provider.
_______________________________ _____________________
Director, [VA medical facility] Date
_______________________________ _____________________
Director, Legal Service Provider Organization Date