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ESL KidStuff Lesson Plan:
Demonstrative pronouns
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Demonstrative pronouns
40 mins - 1 hour
Pointing to specific things using “this / that / these / those
"What is this / that / that over there?”, “What are these / those / those
over there?”
Target Vocab:
various classroom objects
You will need to download:
Demonstrative pronouns structures cards (see end of this lesson plan)
this, that, these, those board game
this, that, these, those 1 worksheet
this, that, these, those 2 worksheet
Reader worksheet
Warm Up & Wrap Up lesson sheet
The Secret Cave
These can be downloaded at https://www.eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-plans.html
You will also need:
objects (such as plastic farm animals) for introducing the demonstrative pronouns (see
point 1)
dice enough for one per group of students (see point 4)
counters enough to give one to each student (see point 4)
whiteboard or blackboard with chalk/markers
Your students will have heard you use demonstrative pronouns in every lesson as part of
your classroom discourse (e.g. What is this?, Can you pass me that ball?”, etc.). In this
lesson, students can practice using these pronouns correctly to point specific things out.
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Demonstrative pronouns
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Lesson Overview:
Warm Up and Maintenance:
1. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
New Learning and Practice:
1. Introduce the demonstrative pronouns
2. Arrange the board with structures
3. Play “All around the classroom”
4. Play the “this, that, these, those board game”
5. Do the “this, that, these, those 1” worksheet
6. Read classroom reader "The Secret Cave"
7. Play “Run and touch the object”
Wrap Up:
1. Set Homework: "this, that, these, those 2" worksheet
2. See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
Lesson Procedure:
Warm Up and Maintenance:
See our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
New Learning and Practice:
1. Introduce the demonstrative pronouns
We’ll need to be well organized when presenting the different demonstrative pronouns to
your class you want to make sure the structures are clearly explained and easy to
understand for your students. If this section of the lesson goes well the other parts will
follow easily and you’ll have a lot of fun.
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Before class, cut out the “Demonstrative pronouns structures cards” at the end of this
lesson plan. Also prepare 9 objects I use 9 plastic animals to make it fun, but anything will
do, e.g. 9 pens, 9 fruit, 9 toy vehicles, etc.
Start the lesson by standing at the front of the class. Tell everyone to stand up and come up
to the front of the class, standing behind you. This will result in a bit of mayhem. Make sure
you make enough space between you and the wall for everyone to fit comfortably in.
You will now have any empty classroom of desks and chairs in front of you. Take out one of
your objects (I’ll use plastic animals - in this case a toy cat) and place it on the desk in front
of you. Point to it and ask the class “What?” and elicit “A cat”.
Next place a cow on a table in the middle of the classroom and again elicit what it is simply
by saying “What?” and pointing.
Finally, place an elephant on the table at the far end of the classroom and elicit what it is.
Now, take out the 3 “What is” cards from your demonstrative pronouns card set and put
each one next to each of the 3 animals. Then go back to the front of the class and show the
three cards for “this?”, “that?”, “that over there?”. Give each card to a student and ask
them to place the cards where they think they belong to complete the questions. You can
give help if necessary, but I usually find that some students in the class will be able to direct
the students correctly.
By this point you should have the cards laid out in the classroom as follows:
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Next take out the “This is a/an”, “That is a/an” and “That over there is a/an” cards and ask
three different students to place them next to the questions on the desks. You should end
up as follows:
Now test students by asking questions and pointing, such as:
Teacher: Miki, what is that? (pointing at the cow)
Student: That is a cow.
Teacher: Good! Freddy, what is this? (pointing at the cat)
Student: This is a cat.
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Put students in pairs and give them a couple of minutes asking and answering the questions
for the animals on the desks.
Now we’ll introduce plurals. Take out two of the same animal (e.g. two dogs) and place
them on the nearest table. Elicit the animals (“What?”, “Dogs.”). Then do the same for the
other two desks (e.g. 2 horses and 2 monkeys) until you have two pairs of animals on each
Take out the three “What are” cards and also the cards “these?”, “those?” and “those over
there”. Ask three students to place the cards on the correct tables.
Finally, ask three more students to place the “These are”, “Those are” and “Those over
there are” cards on the correct desks.
End by modeling some conversations, for example:
Teacher: Andre, what is this? (pointing at the cat)
Student: This is a cat.
Teacher: Good job! Sara, what are those over there? (pointing at the 2 monkeys)
Student: Those over there are monkeys.
Then put students into pairs to practice asking and answering the questions.
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2. Arrange the board with structures
Give students some tape and ask them to stick the demonstrative pronoun cards onto the
board in a logical way, for example:
Then in the space to the right of each sentence ask different students to draw the animals
that were used (e.g. a cat next to “This is a/an”, a cow next to “That is a/an”, etc.).
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3. Play “All around the classroom”
Sit students back down at their desks and put in pairs. Pairs take it in turns to ask questions
and point to things around the classroom, such as:
Student A: What is that over there?
Student B: That is a book.
Student A: No, next to the book.
Student B: Um, that is a pencil case.
Students A: Yes, that’s right!
As the students are speaking, circulate around the
class and help out with vocabulary and structures.
Let the activity run for around 5-10 minutes. Then do a class check by asking different pairs
to stand up and show the class one of their conversations.
4. Play the “this, that, these, those board game”
Before class, print out enough board games for
each group for 2-4 students (if possible, blow it up
to A3 size). Each group will need one dice and a
counter per student. Place students in groups of
2-4 around a table and give out the board games.
As a class, read through the instructions and make
sure everyone is clear of how to play.
As everyone plays the game, circulate around the class checking for correct usage.
5. Do the “this, that, these, those 1” worksheet
Give out the worksheet and have everyone fill in the blanks. Then check answers as a class.
6. Read classroom reader "The Secret Cave"
Before class, download and print out the reader "The Secret
Cave" from our website. As you go through each page,
indicate what the kids in the story are pointing at and ask
your students which demonstrative pronoun should be used
and also what it is they are actually pointing at, for example:
Teacher: (reading from page 3 and 4) "Suddenly, Sue noticed something. “What’s …?
(pause as you wait for someone to say the missing word).
Student: “… this?”
Teacher: Yes, that’s right! (reading) ... "What’s this?, she asked". What do you think it is?
Student: A tail!
Teacher: Let’s check … (reading) … “It looks a bit like a tail”. Yes, well done!
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Continue through the story, getting everyone to say the pronouns and guess what the things
in the cave are.
After reading the story, give out a reader worksheet to each student and have pairs or small
groups fill in the answers. Finally, quickly read through the story again to check the answers.
Alternatively, watch our video version of the reader on our website.
7. Play “Run and touch the object”
Let’s finish with a fun, high-energy game. Get everyone to stand up. The teacher says
things that are in the classroom using the demonstrative pronouns and students must run
and touch those objects. So, for example, if the teacher says, “These are pencils” students
must touch the pencils nearest the teacher, as it is all in relation to the location of the
teacher. Other ideas:
Those are curtains.
This is a dictionary.
That over there is a window.
Those over there are scissors.
These are desks.
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Wrap Up:
1. Assign Homework: "this, that, these, those 2" worksheet.
2. Wrap up the lesson with some ideas from our "Warm Up & Wrap Up" lesson sheet.
All flashcards, worksheets, craft sheets, readers and songs used in this
lesson plan can be downloaded at eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-
More free Lesson Plans are available at eslkidstuff.com/esl-kids-lesson-
Can you suggest any additions to this lesson plan? If you know of any great games, activities,
teaching points, links to other sites or any other ideas that can be added to this lesson plan,
please email us: https://www.eslkidstuff.com/contact.htm
Please report any mistakes at https://www.eslkidstuff.com/contact.htm
This lesson plan was produced by ESL KidStuff (https://www.eslkidstuff.com/contact.htm)
and is covered by copyright.
Demonstrative pronouns structures cards (next page)
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that over
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These are
This is
Those are
That is
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Those over
there are
That over
there is a/an